- - - V THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND. MARCIT 28. 1920 17 r. - "" '"', ' .! .- ' ) ' '.' .1 f T " vv ,,. .4 M v.-'"-I i .- i -- v V;.-i:,f v'i! ::: k - '! ... .', V." - w J v . . 1 v - tOB BALE. Miscellanrou. SVCRT FTAH ON YOUR DOL.L1A-R PROW'N ED IN A SKA OF SORROW THE USL'AL UPIUW'X I'lUCKi. CARPENTERS. CONSItXBR! ALL-STEKh HAMMERS A $.-.. riKCt'I-AK PUMS fel.lCl'TLY Ul'HTKU ATKINS HAM) AM) PANEL. SAWS Jt.V.M) ATKINS PAW ;..Vt ATKINS SAW PANEL. SAW. ATKINS Sjr.it PANEL SAW. ATKINS L,AN;iON MITRK HUM i'-'" CAN'T TELL IT FliOM TiiJS NEW V2.a N. 4," PLOW PLANE 1M..0 NEW (ii'ARAN'TKKI) SHIP AXES ...75 .NEW LIP1'E1 ADZES - NtJTHINX; WKO; WITH THESE ITEMS Bl'T THE PRICE: THAT IS. THEY AUK A LITTLE TOO "H EA P. SMALL M A III J 1 N. QL'I'K TfRNUVtK MAKES UlK I'KICE ItEASUNAliLE, G A KDE.V M ECIIA N ICS. CUX S I D ER ! 6. FKKT .NEW Vi- INCH .... 60 EE El MJW INfH KEK 1 NEW i . IN'H tO FEET NEW RUBBER HOSE. $0.75 Rl BBEK HOSE. CANVAS HOSE. S.r.o CAN VAS HOSE. INCH THIS HOSE IS GUARANTEED. A N Ll 0).siih;hi;d from a stanlpoint of oepen dahle m elc1i a n d1se. V' ALI t y. 'K li..ij.Oil i. HERE IS A LEAL SAVIN;. li i I A .-S HOSE BIBBS. -1 N CI I . POLISHED 1.'M I'LUViUS LAWN SPRINKLERS... -NEW GARDEN" BARIioW OICASS HuoKS SMOOTH WIRE. G A LVAXIZKD FENCING AND BALKED WILE. POUL TRY NETTING IN THE 1 AND ilESH. WE CLT ANY LENGTH, ROOFING. NEW. COMPLETE. WITH WIl.S A- I I'M M 1 " T. 1- PLY 1. -'." S-PLY ( T ! i I ; R Git AD KS A C 'OR D I N'GLi'. LET US FIGURE WITH YOU. some real. buys. PAINTER FALIS. TWO SETS. HUT ROPE O'H'D AS NEW. J'. INTER S HOOKS. THE PAIR. USED CONVEYoR CHAIN. A FOO'1 A CLOSE PRICE ON FuKCE PUMPS. BRAZING TORCH. ITH Hi FEET HOS;-: 3 cr. iSS-CUT SAWS. FI LLY WAR- I; A N T E 1 A N Y SI E. A -t Y LENG 1 H. j : EG I ' LA R PRICE I.W A FOOT. TO Lower oi r auumcvnt stock v e ARE Oi OTLNG THEM AT . ' A Good LINE oK TENTS AND CO V LS. LET US FIGURE WITH YOU. EVERY STAR ON YOUR LKJLLAR T LNKLES HERE. Li;'IN HAD W. Ac fuknjiure CO.. 2-1 FRONT ST. MAIN 107-. LT LESS than whiiita tili a'l J-old. Fort I anti-iir.t i't, i."-c ; Ford brass, k 1' lor LV: L. C. piuys. 1.H-; unLi-iatLl'-r.. ;jo.-; a, : and -l-ii.cii inKh-arad.; blow out j.au n. M .-tij w iml'iicld I'.olh, -"oc; triptt- lilthfd. two-ply Kord Ian be. us, r,c. $1.7." Money-Hack t;ioe pai. he, VtOc ;S1 siz. . Aparne $1 .-izc, :. mnuiiiv Ran-t-way wind-ni.-:d cNaii' t.-, r.-pular l.r.u, nuw n:c; riuvro ft and Bn.-i o iiood c a.nj.. only i ul iouf. Uu iour uiunit r auto Mippiicb now. wo are c.omiir tm.-r-e out; tKa.-iJ. jjiiouid att iIn lor jot'-Iot pri-J- cr. tlit-.-e ittiii.". MoToR EyUIPM ENT CO., 44 N. i Jroadvv a f phouu Bioaavv ay 330J and :;i'7. t REG IN-MADE PHONOGRAPHS. H.ar the ik:w Si nidi vara, made right hen; in Port land ; large- factory, tint guarantee; wonderful tone, beautitul cab in ts. W c carry i oe I uil line ; seu tin; nw mo'tW w- oticr on payments of .!. iiD n. s7.M monthly. Hyatt Talk ing' Machine Co.. 3 .Hi Aidi-r Bl. ONE ni'w oamboo bird cage; fine lcctri motor A. C-. 1 -1 o and 1 - JO ll. f., and a o-aiiti.'ul upright p;aiio; also tht clas si' t-r Stevens Salient six car in city, P.OI iiiimIci; any of these are a snap; leaving . ity. Call 414 Mill Mivel, apt. 0. Don't plnm but come Sunday. oR SAiE 1 fountain, complete; 1 afe, 1 Miiall, I larq- National c;i; h r-glater with pnny k's. Itoll-top d-.k. leath er i hair. platftrtn .scale, tt-ft. floor case, lii:ob-um. number of other fl-or (l!e, Mfu table, ice box. Toledo computing sea leu, wall ca.c, other fixt urs; to be fddtuichiy. 21 Salmon. Main3L K R SALE Reasonable. 1 10-inch frame bioclc. 1 small bicycie, both like new ; 1 driser, o chairs. 1 rocker. I double iron br-d and tojiriiig. 1 iron crib, spring and mattresa. 2 ulup jarw. ohk rocker, oak Lible; no dealer jj need apply. Call Monday. 347 ll. 7th st. N. i'OR SALE Back and front bar, com plete, 1 large. I Miiall ice b.'X, floor tafs, couple lift-top counter cigar cases, ice cream tables and chairs, refrigera tor ca.e. National cash register; num-b-r othr fixtures. Toledo computing ;.nln. Act iuickly. 17." Third st. HIGHEST fii.ide. latest model Eastman No. 1A special autographic kodak: has range finder. Optimo shut ter. Pause h A j .o!o ie a naM Iguia L F, t;.:i U as, a of t erttrier i a.-e. Phone Tabor ."4l'l. i'oR SALE T7 Auto Gtaflex. splendid enndit ion ; has pr.i trait lens : will pell rhap; also '' Grnflex with carrying c:i sr and pack ad a pier ; Tessar F 4.o leris. B Oi tgonian. NEED th m. me; din mend Ltdies . n.-t lii'-ntbs .ill Sunday ".3 4 , must sacrifice pei reel ring, a little v?a '-(;. t o $25n. sacrifice $ 1 75 E. Nth S. NEW gray b;iby buggy, cook stove, $1".; led ric .t in p 5 , hair s w I Icliey. cedn I hest. nil glnxs. tob.ici o jar, shaving mirror, tubb- linens-. Woodlawn ."7, TI NN I Mi tool. 1 foidT. roll. 30-in. ; crimping, turning, beading mach , Makes ;ind dollies, etc. 1 2 1 S E. 3i:d St. N. Wood. L'457. VINE bass drum, cymbols. also LeedV Mia re drum, etc.; nil cost SS5; price 5m; sio flown. $5 month. Hatt Talk ing Machine Co., 35o Aider m. Al I in BART M CA RLE piano, used very little, must he m-.mi io ai-'.irec.a tea. Sacrifice. Main 5J54. NEAKLY now heater with col aii iup'ex crate;.; Kvnor gas hea'.cr AiLh ii.be. Seiiw otd i"s;i:i. LEAUTiKl'L Nile prn georgette mouse, new, $12; a 'o filler choc he t sweater. Hue. Marshall 32!5. DARK-HKOWN striped suit, fixe 30; cost $., will take $3. Worn but verv lit- tie. :h7w 1st si. FoR SALE 1 30-gaI. galvanized rar-k with piping for selling up. 7. 1153 E Yamhill M., cor. 31th. CLASSY s'la fountain, beautiful back bar, s. aie. cash register and & showcases. 1h hi. X. BUTCHER'S showcase, meat ih--, scaks. counters at a bargain. 55 21 t.. cor. Pine. WASTE paper balers; buy on now and make some easv nione ; 4 sizes; price J reasonal le. Ea.-,t 70S'. . BUCKSKIN auto gauntlets, cream colored. ery e!a.-s . 1 Second St. BRASS andirons in f irst-cla3 condition. Woodlawn :H5o. FoUK-HOLK Jewel gas range with oven and broiler; $25. East 3jiV5. CHILD'S white enamel bed for sale. Call Tabor 2731 after 1 P. M. Sunday. LM LL HOSPITAL We repair do: Is and a.l kind.- doll parts. 441 Wash. R SALE Pabcock peal, a setting hen. milk tester. Tabor tiltO. CuAb and wood heatr. good condition: in sinllinie furnace in; lead. Woodlawn 3150. Go l garden manure, delivered. Main 44S.V also for roses. FOR SALE Crseent comb, woodworker's machine, swing saw. Tabor 5M'.. EARLY Kline s-ed potatoes, 4c a lb. Phone Uoodlawn 1703. FOR SALE Three-piece wool hiking suit, .nd sleeping bag. Call Main C334. iR SALE cheap. 4 doz. new feather frfilows, lancy ticking. -P0 3d st. MEDIUM SIZED Moslcr afe for sale. Mam 1 1 tiO. ONE -INCH good galv. pipe. Phone Taboi Jti5. BLACK striped suit, size 31. $17 50. Brown striped suit, size 30, $12.50. 30;Vr 1st st. IN FA NT'S layette, reasonable. W oodlawn 5027. ADDING machine, fine condition, bar galn. 3M Stark st. Broadway 1108. BIKE for sale cheap. 7115 $3d sL Tabor 5131. Call after noon. ONE 16-inch General Electric D. C. for sale at a bargain. Phone, E. 6010. LARGE roll-top oak desk and chair; sell reasonable. b$ Broadway. , COMPLETE set new curtains for Ford roadster. $0.50. W 141, Oreg-onian. GOOD MANURE. EAST 4307. LINOLEUM enough for 2 rooms, $15. 347 East 5oth st. SAKE, cas-h register, barber chair cntap. Main 7553. FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet, almost new; bargain. 115 E. 4'Hh st. Tabor 40iv BABY sulky, high-chair, gas plate, rocker, 14S2 4 E. Stark st., corner 55th st. FOR SALE Economy fruit Jars or crocks. Call Tabor 3776. FOR SALE. MiBcellaneoiu. PIPE. PIPE. PIPE. You can do better with ui on all s!zp of black and galvanized pipe and fUtlnKB, urn we have one of the Iaret aortmnt in the city. W'o aluo have a larsr stock of v&Ivps of all klnda and sizes at reasonable prices. About 3000 feet of 4 and ti-inch standard new black pipe dipped in tar at a second-hand price. About 4000 feet 5 and 0-tnch riveted pipe, will be firpt-rlaps for Irrigation pipe, at & very low price. BELTING. BELTING. BELTING. We have the largest stork In the city of new and slightly used lathr, rubber, sandy and baiata belting, from 2-iuch to 24-Inch, at reduced prices. Also a large lot of remnants from LVfoot and over at all widths at a cleanup price. Our prices on new and used machinery and structural iron are way below the market and are far cheaper than any on the coast. Four Tngersoll-Rund ro?k drills complete at a very low price. BOXING. PULLEYS. GEARS. SHAFTING. ETC. About J.'t tons 1, iM and 14 new shafting at a second-hand price. ROOFING. ROOFING. ROOFING. Torrugated roofing. slightly used. In good condition. Paper roofing with cement and nails in every roll, at the following special prices for this week only: J-ply, . $1. !'; 2-ply. $1.7."t. and .'J-piy. $-..t.". Building paper. $1 per roll. Be " sure, to take advantage of these prices. TENTS. TENTS. TENTS. VERY SPECIAL FOR THIS MONTH ONLY. 9x9, 10-oz. navy tents at 12 each. 1UxI6, 10-oz. army tents at $17 eaeh. !txl.'t tent flies at $7..V each. Do not miss t he opportunity to get your teni needs. Logging blocks of all kinds. Tommy Moore blocks at from 00 up. Wo have just purchased a large assortment of Oolumbia-Skookum & Pacific Logging blocks, also a large stork of chockr hooks and logging equipment. We are in a poM'ion to sell these at a great discount. Blacksmiths Tools A n v i 1 s, blowers, hummers, flatters, etc. Chuin blocks, from one to five tons, at great reduction. One electric dynamo at a very reasonable price. Garden tools of all kinds, all new, at a very low price. CABLE. CABLE. CABLE. We have thousands of feet of S. . 1 and 1 -in. cable, all plow steel. 0-P.i. in good condition, at reasonable prices. STRUCTURAL IRON. I-beam, bar Iron, angle iron, round and channel iron. Several tons of galvanized angle iron from 1 to 0-inch up to -0 feet long. VERY SPECIAL IN USED MACHINERY. Pumps, blowers,' boxings, pulleys, gears, siurting, motors, hoists, air compressors. BOILERS AND TANKS, A 1 CONDITION. FOR RENT. All kinds of concrete mixers and other machinery by day, week or month at reasonable rates. WOODMEN AND MILLMEN, ATTENTION. Cross-cut saws, all new, from 4 to Ju feeL in Jen g Hi, at 7o cents per loot. ) ou must see them to appreciate the big value in these. Be sure to see uh for yarding trucks, lumber dollies and logging jacKa, as we have a lai ge assort ment at greatly reduced prices. ALASKA JUNK CO. Largest on the Coast. No. -iti Front st., Portland, Or. FOR SALE Large orchard-spraying out fit, steel wagon, 1-11. P. Guss engine, a.l compiete and in line shape, not used much ; would cost $5WJ new, wiii throw it away for $jio; have no ue tor it. I Cail at ranch, la blocKs south of Kendall station on G res ham and Estacada car line; Dammeicr. ONE bxl2 VELVET -WILTON RUG. ONE 6x13 ROYAL BRUSSELLS RUG. A BARGAIN. INQUIRE 5 S 1 GLISA N S T. PLUMBING. Plumbing Jobs done quickly and effi ciently at reasonable prices; workman snip guaranteed. MEKKO METAL. WORKS, Phone East 1054. Jtil Russell sL WANTED To buy stamp collection, oud lot i?. anything in stamp, used or uuused, look up your oid letters before lflftd. Bring rtbat ou have to ul North Ititn st. I'lione Broadway 2lu Sundays 10 A. M. to 5 P. M. ; week days after 7 P. M. GENUINE PIANO BARGAIN. Beau tiful golden oak, exceptionally fine ton. genuine Far&ione, with bench to match, just hko new, col i.iO; price only $250; i-'t down, $10 monthly. H alt talking .Machine Co., 6Mt A ldr. SOME folks say diamonds aro high, but one would hardly think so if they would btc-p long enough to compare my prices with regular prices. Miller's Clean ng Moure lor I'lutnomis, iir. Washington st next to Majefctic theater. CIRCUMSTANCES have forced me to sell my beautiful l'atbephoiie, lum-u oak case and 4 beautiful selections, used atout two weeks, a snap at 4130. Phone Tabor !. 10-YK AR-OLD girl's w hue fur. white serge dress and coat, brown fur and nmil. pMir of rubbers, ladies black neck piece and mutt, all nearly iuw and ciu-ap. Call "JJ3 Kaio'o at., room 5. CO Al R 1 N A T I O N w ood and gas W e d g e - uood range, $7U; coal or brUjuette heaicr, $l,i ; bot h praci ically new. 10H E. 15th st. N. i be r t a c ar to 15th, one-half block south. SHOW case. l4x27x4S. $ 12: electric cof fee mill D. O. $55; Millbra.lt trolley lad der, iL feet, on rollers, $10. suitable for shoe dealer. INS 3d st. Main 7525. POTATOES. A quantity of choice American Won der seed potatoes. $5 per 100. Metzger. F. O. B. Mctzger. Or. J. D. Gordon. FOR SALE Cross saddle, double bridle, first -class condition. Broadway llio. room oJ7 before 10 A. Al. Sunday, all day weekdays. WANTED -Paper hangers, painters and kalsomtners to buy my ladders at your o n price. 304 Pine st. Bdwy. 40S. COMBINED folding bed, full size, ward . robe. 4 mirror, 4 deep drawers, and writing desk, $30. E. 3445. bi2 Schuyler. SEWING machine, fine condition, with electric motor, complete, $35. Automatic 315-33. FINE Victor horn machine, wooden horn; co.it $t; price $!5. down, $4 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. 1 SMOKESTACK. So feet; 40 feet No. 10, 4i teet No. 12; spark arrester for same. W. B. Nutting. Tabor 1715. FOR SALE Roebling magnet wire. 2 lbs. 4 oz. in one piece or part at 31 cents an ounce. Call 1252 E. Alder st. Fofi SALE Vaughn drag saw. Sell wood 2530. ST EAM cabinet, physician's scales, Swed ish movement stools. 3o Broadway bldg. KARNAK rug. 0x9, like new, oriental de sign. East 7473. SLIGHTLY used green velvet suit, lined, size 30-3S. $10. Mar. 3063. FOLDING sulky, iron baby bed. nursery chair. Call today. 105S E. 7th st. N. ADDING MACHINE, BLDG. $15. 51S CORBETT FOR SALE Conn tcornet. Colt automatic. 1 A Eastman kodak. H 0ft. Oregonian. LADI ES wearing apparel, samples and sllgh tly used. 450 Plttock block. GEARHART knitting mac line, good ao new., used very little. U. Tabor .1752. A COLUMBIA bicycle for sale. $25 first-clasg condition. Wdln. 0079. MANDY LEE incubator. 140-egg: 2 brood ers, all $10. 566 Gantenbein ave. GENUINE Elks' teeth, beauties. Call 423 Henry bidg. today. S3 LARGE steam table, $20. 287 Burnside st. Hotel Philip. WANTED A 5-foot wicker Chaise, lounge. Call Main 3792. 100 OR 200 shares Johnson Auto Signs) stock. $2.50. Box 224 Vancouver. Wash. HORSESHOE brand clothes wringer. 12x 1 rolls, good as new. East 2300. LARGE steam table; $20. 27 Burnside street. Hotel Philip, 75-FOOT Iron fence. Call Tabor 3163. LATE model stenotye cheap. Tabor 7760, FOR BALE. M. BARDE & SONS, Front and Main Sts., Portland, Or. "The House of a Million Bargains. Ready for Immediate delivery, TWO CARLOADS of WIRE ROPE. 60.000 feet of ITsftx!) blue core plow steel wire rope, 9h new, per foot.. 40c No. 1 quality guy line Suitable for main line. 20,000 feet of , per foot S0e 7.WM) feet of 1, per foot liac 6,oo feet of ls. per foot "c 4,b00 feot of 1", per foot lac LOGGERS' TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT. A complete line, both new and used all at very special savins prices. NEW WIRE ROPE. Prompt delivery from stock of such splendid makes as UPSON WALTON PERFECTION WATER BURY COMPANY, DREADNAUGHT, in 1, 1W, l'A. lis, . 94. V4. . 6x19 PLOW STEEL, ANT LENGTH, SPECIAL! aOc foot. 6000 feet of 1 6x19 PLOW STEEL. LOGGING BLOCKS. New and rebuilt all kinds in stock. Choker sockets. Hooks and swivels. Line swivelR. Lin and butt hooks. Cold shuts. Wedges and sledges! Axes brush hooks. Shovels. Pumps. Steam engines. Boilers. Iloiptii hoisting engines Motors generators. Machine tools. Wood workinc mnohinprv Transmission pulleys, belting." shafting. uoxes. pipn. mark or galvanized, all sizes. new or scono-nann. Relaying rails. Contractors' equipment. we carry the largest stocks of milling nu jogging supplies in the west and We absolutely guarantee every item pur- "um um. jjul us nave your in quiries, or, better, WRITE, WIRE OR PHONE YOUR ORDER AT ONCE. BARDE SONS. Front and Main Sis., Portland, Or. PIPE! PIPE! Galvanized and black, new and second hand pipe from to 12-inch; 2-inch pipe. Lc foot; 3-inch pipe, 30c foot: 4 inch, 40c loot; 5-inch. 7oc loot; 6-inch. l0c foot. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. Any kind of plumbing supplies less 5Ci wholesale price. . PORTLAND PIPE SHOP. 2i!-271 Front St. Main 6325. WATER ST I LLS, made of heavy copper. 1 or 8-gailon capacity; prices $25 and $40. Sent prepaid by express or parcel post the Mine day we receive your order. Ideal for distilling water lor automobile batteries and drinking pur poses. Avoid the "flu" and fevers, lioyer & Co., B-36 Farnam bidg.. Omaha. Neb. 100-POUND sack sugar $15.60; dandy new trunk, $12. 5u; new black handbag. $5 50; new o50 6-day aiarm clock, $4; Foi gor's coffee, 3 pounds for $1; 50 feet new garden hose, $5.50; new wood heat er, $3.5t; No. 74 grocery man's sales books. 2c each; Union Leader smoking tobacco in much ooxes, 75c. 311 Mont gomery st. BUREAU, bedstead, mattress, spring, 3 ruga, marble blab, bicycle, guitar, dining table, chairs.. Will take pair St. An dreasberg roller singers and tools in exchange. 442 E. l'.tth N, city., bet. 1 and 5 P. M. FINE RESIDENCE LOT. See that fine residence lot on K. Yam hill and UOth, 5t'xHt0, all assessments I paid: fine neighborhood: cost about $i:5iH; price 135U. E. B. Alder st. Hyatt, 350 1 RUL'D gas water heater, new, $18; range boiler. $8.50, good condition ; Vulcan side-oven gas range, $3.50 ; Jewel box gas range. $15; good brass bed and springs, $15. Call 7tiJ East Broadway. East 452. ADDING MACHINE WANTED. Desire to exchange new Victrola. Edi son, Stradivora. Brunswick or grafonola. for Burroughs or comptometer. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder st. NEED money, account sickness, will sacri fice my diamond for $"25; over karat, perfect gtm. Phone Main 041. Ask tor Wheian, Sunday forenoon. SINGLE 0-inch condensing lens, $5; Ernst light with projecting lense? and rheo stat. $S; $7 auto tow line, $3. 509 Mar nuerlte. corner Clinton, 3 ROCiMS wired for $12; 5 rooms $20. As uhuhI. meet and beat all ompetition. I originate, others imitate. Wood. ."701. FREE box wood if hauled away. Ameri can Box & Crate Mfg. Co.. 20th and Nicolal. KODAK SEASON. 3 A specia I expensive anastigmat lenp; good shape, bargain. Call Sun. Main 1400. PHONE u& and we will call and give you a price on your electric wiring. Phone Seliw ood 5S. HEMSTITCHING and picoting attachment works Oil all ewig machines; $1.50. J. F. Light, box 127, Birmingham. Ala. 1 BI"C4v RANGE, 4-hole, in per'eet con ri it ion, chea p. Phone Main 05t3, Sun day or evenings after 7 o'clock. SEED potaioes. American W'onaer, $4.50; 5 sack lots and over. Schmid, Route 1, Reaverton. Or. ELECTRICAL supplies of all kinds at cut prices. 1 f you Intend to ao your own work get my quotations. Wood. 3701. ROLL-TOP oak desk for sale or exchange for ot her t urniture. rnone oiarsnuu 5S50. Call Monday. CASH REGISTER, old one. $10; Iron bed $3.50: stair carpet, $5.50; folding' bed. $7. 175 nth st. V E LOT R curtains, rocking chairs, lawn mowers, dishes, etc. Marshall 33i6 eve nings. DOUGH mixer, 2 -barrel Champion. 5-h. p. motor, first-class condition; a bargain. BD 85S, Oregonian. BEAUTIFUL ermine throw. $500 value, any reasonable offer accepted. L 02, Oregonian. FOR SALE Onk table and six oak chairs, $40. 1435 Grand ave North. GET my low prices on wiring that new house of yours. W'ood. 3701. SLTGHTLY used Royal vacuum cleaner. Call Eust 4371. FOR SALE Child's sonable. Call Mar. wicker 5 OS. sulky. EDISON home phonograph and 120 rec ords to exchange for library table or what have you? Phone Tabor 1137. EDISON rotary mimeograph No. 75. good condition. Pre rnone r.asi v.n. SMALT, potatoes for seed. 4e lb.; large potatoes. c per lb. K.ast 4:mi. DIAMOND; big bargain: lovely white atone. S-karat. I1QO. AO S2. Oregonian. LINOLEUM, used Just one month; a bar gain. Tabor 620. FERTILIZER Good manure delivered, east or we?t side. Tabor 2704. ONE Sturgess baby buggy. 1 baby fence. "Koral" make. Marshall 772. GAS RANGE. $40. sell $17. high oven, 175 14th. boiler, worth COUNTER for grocery, steam table for restaurant, showcases. 48 N. 10th at. FOTt SALE 1 set Nelson encyclopedia cheap. Tabor 4JJ9; BEAUTIFUL blue satin drss. size 38 oi 40. Almost new. Tabor 5533. ROLL-TOiP desk, typewriter. Clarence Parker. 542 Williams ave. East Hi-lfi. OFFICE desk for sale. Thone SeHwood 1302. 689 E. Clinton st. , HAND-PAINTED chocolate set. F 154, FOR SALE -Dun tly vacuum sweeper, n early new. $5. Wdln. 82 0. BABY BUGGY for sale. 415 E. Clay st. East 6578. TWO large leatherette rockers. $20 each; 1 heating stove. $10 Main 931. CONCRETE blocks, also gentleman's light gray suit, size 36. Woodlawn 1763. CEMENT WASHTUBS. direct from fac tory. The Duplex, 314 E. Washington. LICENSED electrician will save you money on wiring your house Sellwood 58. HEADLIGHTS, heaters for sale, $8.50. These are new. Sellwood 58 A SET of minks. Wdln. 3634, FOB SALE. Miscellaneous. MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE. 700 cases Lewco water prunes. No. 10 sfse cans, $6.26 a doxen; 400 cases T. B. spinach, also No. 10 cans, $4.25 a dozen; 275 cases of Willapa minced clams. No. 1 size can, 10 ox. net to each can, $1.02 a dozen; 400 cases Del Monte tomato sauce, 6 dozen to each case, 52c a dozen; 177 caes of Banquet Treats, 5-oz. cans, $1.10 a dozen; 36 cases Hamburger steak, H-lb. size, $2.25 a dozen 14 cases of beef and chicken broth, $1.10 a dozen. Goods can be inspected Thursday be tween 10 A. M. and 4 P. M. at 200 Mill st., between Front and First. Outside dealers can send in orders, accompanying draft or check. Terms of this sale are strictly cash. American Jobbing Co., 200 Mill St., bet. First and Front. GENUINE Victrola. slightly used but per- ieci condition; cabinet contains nice as sortment of record inelniilnir Red Seal Cost new $75. Owner says sell for J4u it an casn or ror $J extra wilt arrange terms $1 a week. See this Monday morning at Oregon Eliers Music House, pnonograpn dept., third floor. 137 vvasn ington St.. Delow 0th. THREE pieces of antique tapestry, one a "May Scene" by Lionel Pereanx. size 7x10, price $2750; two panels, "English Hunting Scenes." artist unknown, size 4x10, price $ 1250. These can be in spected by appointment. L 01, Ore- gonian. MUST SELL THIS WEEK. One rt-fooL round cigar case; one 10 foot cigar case; one 6-foot candy case; Na tlonal cash registers, scales, meat si leer, account registers, soda fountain, coffee urn, steam tables. 113 2d st ALMOST new Encyclopedia Britannlca, 11th edition, full leather binding; alo .""tn century dictionary and stand tor all ; complete set would cot over $200 today, and this is hardly used. East 7.7. BEAUTIFUL Kimball, late model, like new. actual value new $400. Owner says sacrifice $1S5 for all cash or liberty Donas, see Oregon Filers Music House, 287 Washington st., below 5thi liii-. AUTOMATIC woodsaw that gives service, does the work of two men; you can guarantee even lengths; it will pay you to iook tnis up. Factory, 2o Union ave, i-nono ivast (. FINE machine, driven by private party oniy enough to break In well; guaran teed to be in first-class condition, for ip.ss than half rssh of same car new rash or terms. Main 4462. MASON quart jars full of fruit; pay for jars ana take both. 272 0th, room Evenings only. GENT'S goM Hamilton watch for sale cheap. AP Hi7. Oregonlan. FOR SALE Al TOMOBILF.S. DODGE TOURING CAR. We have one in good shape; can be bought for $725. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. 430-34 Belmont St. Phone E. 6057. 1 S MAX WE LL TOURING. $ti.-,ft. This Maxwell is the real light depend abl four; has won all the records for big gas mileage and to stand the wear and tea r. Call and see us. Open Sun days, 505 Alder st. RED FRONT USED CAR CO., 191S FORD TOURING car. fine condition lor immediate rale, terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 1.4th and Alder. Broadway :4l. BUICK '18 ROADSTER. This Buick will suit you; has cords and other extras; runs fine, looks better; low price, and take $450 down, balance easy ; take car in trade or bonds. RED FRONT USED CAR CO., 5i5 Alder St. FORD TOURING, $450. This is a late model and looks and runs as new; we will show you; has some extras and wc will take $150 down, balance easy ; free licenses ; come and try it. Open Sundays. 505 Alder st. RED FRONT USED CAR CO.. FORD BUGS. I have 2 more Ford bugs completed and ready to run. 1 am selling $lo() under market price. !0 N. Broadway. Broadway 3247. 1918 OLDS 8 TOURING in the best of mechanical condition; cord tires anu extra; this is an exceptional buy. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO., 525 Alder St. I MUST sell my Chevrolet touring car at once; it has . tires. m'o license, gooa ton. looks fine: motor in perfect con dition. will sacrifice and nrrunge terms. Call Hackstt. Marshall 301b. r-n a vni.v.R nhummv roadster, lust like new : cord tires all arounu ; one e-niii e, PrfcM 14ik0: slliOO cash: balance 10 mos. 1020 license. Owner. l!S8 Chapman st. Main 1 157. liiiii ALLEN' FOUR in fine condition ready to go; $475; a snap; $175 down. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO. B23 Alder St. 6-CYLINDER. 7-passenger Overland, new nsiinr avirn tires irood runnine order. Sell or trade for smaller car. Audi- torium Garage. 300 2d. Main 0352. lilb ELGIN 0. in the pink of condition a map at $05o; s:io0 down. A-l AUTO WORKS tk PAINTING CO., 525 Alder St. MAXWELL. Whoever heard of a lat Maxwell for S4i5? New paint, one-man top and rirst -class mechanically. Bdway 31M 111 b FOR D TOU R 1 X I. good shape all around. $4a0; $12. down. A-l AUTO WORKS PAINTING CO., 525 Alder St. UHS GRANT SIX Good shape and runs fine; only $ ; $2o down. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO.. 525 Alder St. MAVWELL TOURING CAR. Al condition, good tires, complete ex tra equipment: bargain at $b.0. Wood lawn -50. 405 Webster. 1:117 CHEVROLET 4'.fo. in good condition 4 good tires; will sell for $400. Tabor 250S. 2000 E. 40th, 1 block south of revision. 1HIS II UPMOBI LE in excellent condition, guaranteed. $050 ; $300 down. A-l AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO.. 525 Aider St. M X WELL, 1010. like new, $.s... easy term. S"e Tm. N. W. cor. 14th and Couch. Bdwy. 440S. CAR fixed with delivery body for farmer, $275. terms. Ask for Tom. Bdwy. 440S. N". W. cor. 14th and Couch sts. 1915 FORD touring, good tires, engine in good running order; will sell Sunday for $250 cash. 00 N. Broadway. 1010 FO K D touring, in good sh a pe. new top: has foot starter and other extras. Tabor 1017. BUICK SIX. $7 On N. Broadway. Broadway "247. 1!17 FORD, lots of extras. AJ shape, $475, easy terms. Bdwy. 4408; N. W. corner 14th and Couch. 1U10 MODEL FORD auto. In good condi tion, price $325. Oregon Electric train to Tigard and Inquire at feed utore. OWNER offers Studehaker 6, line condi tion. See it and make decent offer. 14 N. 2d st. PRIVATE party will sell 101S Dodge tour ing. In fine shape; new leather top; good tires; $025. Tabor 24S1. 1010 FORD truck, perfect condition, new tires. $750. Warner & Forsyth. 306 2d. Main 6352. 1H18 CHEVROLET touring, mechanicallv A-L paint and top fine condition: 5 good tires; $575. Tabor 2893. 354 E. 37th. 1020 FORD, model K. practically new: run only 10oo miles: $2150 insurance. Audi torium Garage. 300 2d. Main 0352. FOR SALE Light 5-pa.. Overland. 1017 model; pew tires: $550. terms. Pacific Motor Sales Co.. 328 Olisan. Brtway 2100. imri;K touring. $005. cash or terms: 5 good tires, original enamel ; good me chanically. Call Hedderly. EastM18. HUDSON super six. good mechanical con dition: $1200. Call Main 1312. HU8 FORD, in A-l condition; good tires ana some rtraw. -" .'" . DODGE touring. $005. cash or terms: 5 good tires: original enamel. Wdln. 2164 CHEVROLET baby grand, in good condi- t i o n. for $4no; some terms. n.at .m-". BUICK bug. 4-cyI., $125. C. C, 704 Wash ington st.. Vancouver, Wash. PAIGE tt, 5-pass., like new, at a sacrifice; $ 1650 cash. Marshall 2045. FOR SALE 101 Ford, in perfect condi tion mechanically, van joiumDia ji.m. LATE model Dodge, good condition, $850. Owner, Broadway 515". 1917 BUICK roadster, excellent condition; terms to responsible party. Mar. 1465. CADILLAC, 7-pass., fine condition. $J00O. J. D. Kennedy, 329 Salmon. Main 4780. 1919 MAXWELL roadster, first-class con dition. Terms. Call owner. Mar. 34 S6. PANEL BODY for Ford. like new; bargain. L 75. Oregonian. 1919 FORD sedan, looks like new. lots of extras: by owner. $850. B 58.Oregonian. WILL sell my 1010 Chandler cheap and make terms. Marshall 1441-5. FORD touring, self-starter. like new: must sell at once; by owner. L94, Oregonian. FOR "SALE 1917 Maxwell, A-l condition. Call East 73. BUICK roadster, light 6. extras and cord tires; some terms. East 313tL FOR SALE Al'TOMOBILES. THERE'S A REASON why we are able to sell late mod els ao cheap. We bought them In the winter from people that just had to sell. We bought them right. That s the reason. Coma pick out your cr while you can get one at below the mar ket price. Tou have been reading about wonderful performance of the ES SEX. W have one at the right price. There's a surprise for you In the easy riding of the METZ MASTER SIX. A CHANDLER im built to last. We have one at about half the price of a new one. We are lueky. We have a BUICK PIX TOURING and a roadster. You will be lucky if you get one f of those. STUDE BAKER SIX. Here's a real car at a bargain price. OAKLAND SIX. one of those low up-keep light sixes. OVERLAND. MODEL J0. We can recommend thia to anyone as a dandy little car. MAXWELL TOURING. Yes, It Is a 1010. CHEVROLET TOURING, full of pep and power. OPEN SUNDAYS AND EVENINGS. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, Fifteenth and Washington. COME TO THE RED CAP FOR YOUR USED CAR. OUR PLAN OF SELLING IS DIFFERENT. LET US SHOW YOU. RED CAP MOTOR SALES CO.. 400 Stark St., Bet. 10th and 11th. Broadway 11S0. OVERLAND CHUMMY ROADSTER. Tins car la first-class and we will sell it that way; has five wire wheels and new tires and rcfinished dark maroon with cream wheels; just full of class and a car you will ue proud of; low price and we will take $;;ot down, bal ance long easy terms. RED FRONT USED CAR CO., 505 Alder St. DODGES. '15s, '10s, '17s and 'ISs. Look them OTer. MYERS AUTO CO. 1S8 Grand avenue. East 0503. CHEVROLETS CHEVROLETS. We have several of these popular cars; see them. Open uil day Sunday. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COMPANY. 430-34 Belmont St. Phone E. 0057. MODEL 79 Overland delivery car. in good condition. Terms, or will trade for a t ora. FLEMING LOWRY. 1639 Chehalis ave., Chehalis, Wash. 1020 CHANDLER Wire wheels. 5 cord tires. Are you looking for a quality car that is 00 8-10 new at a saving of hundreds of dollars? This is it. Ap pointment Tuesday only. Terms. Main iu', Marshall 2ini. OLDSMORILE. 1010. 8-cvlinder. 7-ims senger; has been driven by owner nearly Oooo miles; it is as good us new, and the best buy for $IK50 in Oregon. Am going cast or would not sell. Phone owner, I a nor 4432. BUK'KS. We have them, MtHt. 17 and IS models all in elegant condition. Come in and look, them over. HAMILTON MOTOR CO. 50 North Broadway. Broadway 3006, THE BEST buy eer offered in Portland nil oodge sedan, 1 250. This car is like new and will give the buyer years oi pieasant use. i erms. t'hone lor ap pointment. Main 4028 or Mar. 2706. LIGHT BUICK touring, run less than lo.ooo miles; new paint job; looks like brand-new car; O K. mechanically; good tires. Price $1100, with terms, 1-3 down. Mr. Argo, Hroadway 3281. 1017 CHEVROLET delivery; new wheels. demountable rims and good tires; cheap ror cash ; would make good bug. Phone Kast 2t4 Defore 0 P. M. 1018 OAKLAND 6 TOURING. In good shape, $800. $250 down. A-i auto works & painting co., 525 Alder St. HOP ONTO THIS. QUICK. 1019 Chevrolet demonstrator, like new; spotlight, mirror, gas mixer, good tires. A bargain. Bdwy. 240. McCord. CHEVROLET touring. 1018. in the best of conanion. itiui. sen. a oargatn, ti00. with terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. OVERLAND touring in A-l condition Good paint; good tires. Will sell at SfSOO and give terms. 30 Grand ave. N., near Burnside. WHO WANTS a Dodge. 1919 model? Lots of extras, speedster body. Spanish leath er upholstery; owner's loss is your gain. Terms. Phone Main 4028. Mar. 2760. OVERLAND, model 00. 5-pass .; a good. dependable car and a safe buy; looks and runs like new; $775. easy terms. Mitchell Argo. Bdwy. 3281. DODGE sedan. 1918. first-class condition; extras. Including seat covers. $1500; some terms. Address 1302 Monroe st., Oregon City, or phone 351 -J. CADILLAC, electric light and starter, new tires; car in excellent condition in every way; $5iKt for quick sale; terms. Cook & Gill Co., Uth and Burnside. 1!IS FORD, Kelsey body, one-man ton. shocks, gas saver, battery, etc.: excel lent shape. A bargain. Bdwy. 240, Mc Cord . OVERLAND, model 90, like new: bumper, spotlight, extra lire; leaving citv; must a orifice ; very easy ter ms. M a I n 7 9: Hi . HAVE a party with brand new Ford tour ing; roadster; chassis with starter. Will take used Ford In trade. Tabor 5003. CADILLAC bug, new top, windshield elec trie lights, overhauled; best offer 'takes !t. i See it at Sandy road garage. 101" MAXWELL A car that is 95, new; a buy that will make you happy Terms. Main 4028. Marshall 270(5. COLE 8. 101S model, new paint, cord tirea, other extraa. Could use a smaller car aa part payment. Broadway HKOH. IF YOU are looking for a snap In a pasEengnr car. run by owner only, apply at 541 Montgomery at. DODGE PELIVERr 75. 33 NORTH PARK ST Iflia MAXWELL that is economiral to op erate: a bargain at $900. Terms. Main 40JR. Marshall 2766. 191S FORD touring, first-class mechanical condition. $423. 101 N.llth, cor. Flan ders. 1018 BUICK 7-pasa.. in No. 1 condition; cord tires. Caah or terme. Eaat 27Ub FAMOUS racing car for aale cheap. Phone Eaat 5432. 1019 ELGIN SIX New paint, mechanically perfect. Columbia S32. fitln FORD, overhauled, demountable rims. $3S5 cash. 170 E. 7 in. East 234. FOR BALK AUTOMOBILES. USED CAR DEPARTMENT of the 0. a WARREN MOTOR CO. 58-60, on 23d st. N. Main 70. Be sure to see the splendid assort ment of conditioned cars which we have on hand at present, as later good cars will be hard to secure. Open Sunday and any evening hj ap pointment. T-psssenger, -cylinder OTdsmoblle, In beautiful condition, with 6 good cord tires, good paint, top, upholstertnf and first-class mechanical condition. IE-passenger light VetU. new paint, a dandy little 6-cy Under car, which is economical, classy and a great little performer, at a bargain, $050. Fbrd, I -ton truck, chassis, thoroughly overhauled and painted, good rubber, worth $750; will take $550. Model Oft C. C. Overland, new paint. 5 nearly new tirs, 5 wire wheels and everything in good shap; a light, dandy little club roadster, $850. R -pa avenger Reo, plndM top, paint, tires and mechanical condition. 8-eylinder Oldsmobile. new paint and splendid condition; a bargain at $S00. 6-cylinder Overland. 191 R, 5-pa;s. ; rtW paint and in swell shape; another good buy, $800. 6-cylInder Saxon, new paint and fine shape, $600. Cadillac. 1014. good condition and a food automobile, $675. 6-cyIlnder Mitchell, a swell 7-pasen-ger, new paint, in splendid shape, $1100. j 1017 Buick. $S00. BAsides these, w have a fin line of I lightly used elie cars in roadsters touring and sedan types, at reasonable prices. Be cure to investigate one of these cars. We carry the finest line of nsed cars in the city. It will pay you to look them over. EVERY CAR WE PELL IS GUARANTEED. USED CAR SALE. TALK OF THE TOWN. OAKLAND "SENSIBLE SIX The only real buy In the light cars. 1019 OAKLANDS from $1100 to $1275 1918 OAKLANDS from 750 to 000 1917 OAKLANDS from 600 to ' 1916 OAKLANDS from 600 to 650 SEE US BEFORE BUYING. t REAL PRICES AND LIBERAL TERMS. WILLAMETTE-OAKLAND CO.. Cor. Broad wav at Flandere St Phone Bdwy. 41S4. THE PLACE TO BUY NEW OR USED CARS. CARS OF THE BETTER KTND. 1919 PATTERSON See this one. CADILLAC A real car. ONE-TON FORD TRUCK. 1919 VEL1E SEDAN 90 per eent new: has w ire wheels ; driven lit tie over oooft miles; eoid by Thursday price $ 1 800. VELIE Five passenger, A-l In every way; a true bargain. 1918 NASH. 6-cyl, a bargain. BUICK LITTLE 4 Just THE car you want. USED CAR PALACE. 61 Union Ave. N. East 7717. REAL BARGAINS In Slightly Used 1019 LEXINGTONS Both Touring and Sport Models. Terms if Desired. FRUNN MOTOR-CAR CO.. 28-.'tO North Broadway. OH. BOYS! A FORD SPEEDSTER, $450 with $150 down. balmiee long cmsv terms that will plejine you; is rcfinlshcO red and has 'io-gallon tank and battery starts easy ; nearly new t Irs. Come up snd look at regular speedster. Op-n Sunda ys. RED FRONT USED CAR CO., 5ih" Alder St. BARGAINS FOR QUICK SALE. 1910 Chevrolet touring I 550 '1017 I'aigo 'd 1916 Republic fli-ton truck 750 1017 Chalmers turiug H.'O 1019 4-pasK. Velic sport model 1250 FACTORY MOTOR CAR CO., 21st and Kearney. BETTER DODGES. An assortment of Dodges that must be seen to be appreciated. MYERS AUTO CO. IRS Grand avenue. East 6563. FORD TOURING CAR, $385. Tn fine shape; new tires and a reat bargain. AUTOMOTIVE PALES COMPANY. 430-34 Belmont St. Phone E. 6u57. IF YOU want a good used car come in and :je H. & M. MOTOR-CAR cd. ;i.VI-5 Burnside St. Phone Bdwy. 4380. MUST BE SOLD. CADILLAC touring car. It is a good one. Will arrange easy terms. See it at 421 Burnside sL Ask for Jones. IF YOU want a good used car come In and see H. & M. MOTOR-CAR CO.. :;.".'i-5 Burnwide St. Phone Bdwy. 4380. 191.1 PTI'DEBAKKR Six w firat--Iaa me chanical conaillon. w ill iruue lur a Ford. KltED HESS, Box 4li, Chehalis. Waah. 1H14 CADILLAC. :-passeiiter. one of the old-time sood cars; line running nu just refinished. A snap at $wo; small uavment down, balance monthly. A-l AL'TO WORKS & PALMING CO.. SlNi Alder st. WIS 7-PASS. Bulck tourina-. Al condition, newly painted, motometfr. all tires in good shape and spare tire. Owner leav ing city. 13r0. Call Sell. 1!I2S Sunday, or Mr. Knox, at Broadway 113U, dur ing the -week. FOR SALE. CADILLAC 8. In perfect mechanical condition; aix new cord tires, Dumper, spoiiiaiii, seal covers, new top and paint. Phono Auto matic .111)-13. BITICK LIGHT 4. 1012 -model, fine mechanical condition, rood body, new rear tires, good front tires. A bargain, 300. Will demon strate. Tabor 73: " OVERLAND, model 90. See this ona at 449 BURNSIDE. 1918 CHEVROLET 4-90. fi-pasenger. aa good as new. All new tires and good spare tire. Only run on city atreeta. $700. Call Sell. 1023 Sunday, or Mr. Knox, at Broadway 1130. during week. BABY Grand Chevrolet touring car In ex cellent mechanical condition; rood tires; for quick sale. $400 cash. Phone Sell wood 200,1, or can be seen Sunday at 923 Woodward ave. 1916 BUICK LIGHT, a anap. Bdwy SUuu, FOR ArTOMOBIl.F. BABT SAXON IN GOOD CONTJITTON. 191 FORD ROADSTER WITH EXTRA DELIVERY BOX, 4 NEW TIREa. 11 BTJICZ ROADSTSn. 1917 BTTTCK DELIVERY WITH PANEL BODY. , 1919 PA BY GRAND CHEVROLET . ROADSTER, 1915 FORD TOURING. JKAT COVERS. NEW TP AND MO TOR IN A-l CONDITION. 19ffl DODGE TOURING. 1920 HATXES 1912 CADILLAC DELIVERY WITH PANEL BODY 4 1919 CHEVROLET TOURING. 1917 BUICK 4. 1919 HUDSON" SPEEDSTER. TTTESP! CAT7S A RF TV A-1 COVDT Tiny AND OAK BE BOUGHT ON TERMS. 4 PORT LA MO GARAGE. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. 5TH AND TAYLOR STS.. MARSHALL 600. LATE MODEL AUTOMOBTLFS. They ran and TonV like rew. We rn im we are from $50 to $tno lower thnn other. e guarantee eery car as we claim it u. 1918 CHEVROLET toorln ..$ 5.10 3917 FORD roadfier, runs perfect. FORD BUG. Just new tire, lomi class 1019 OVERLAND P0. hauled Jort OTpr- A0 600 1918 MAXWELL; Just about new.. 6-PAS9 DODGE, looks and rune like new 750 1918 OLDS 8, $100 Job of painting. 13; BUICK 4 touring, very classy 7T0 OLDS 8. chummy roadster, 90 per 1200 WTLTTS-KNIGHT, overhauled and repainted Several other food bnya. That Old. reliable Arm. CONLETS USED CAR CENTER, oil Burnside at 15th at. Phone Broadway 1424. COMFv TO THTC RED CAP FOR TOUR USED CAR. OUR PLAN OF SELLING IS DIFFERENT. LET US 8TIOW TOU. RED CAP MOTOR SALES CO.. 400 Stark SL. Bet. 10th and Uth, Broadway 1180. GUARANTEED USED CARS. OLDSMOBILE 8. 5 PASS. COLE AERO 8. 1018 MO.KL. OAKLAND SIX. PAN-AMERICAN. 1919. 1019 CHUMMY ROADSTER. PA IG E. 1917 CHALMERS. BROADWAY" lSKD CAR SALESROOM. 128 N Bmadway. LOOK. Owner will sell th br-t ut-d car In Port land a n hK Innd msdlcr of la " model in the b t condition trot" ev.-rv point. Terms to right party t-n this cur at N. E. cor. Hnwhvai' and Flanders. Phono 4184, ask lor Mr. Siover. 17 MAXWELL TOURING. $5o0. This car is really an early 'I; nss demountable wheels and full leather t..p. pUie-gi:. in rear; five first-cia tlr-s; 1P2U license; all ready for summer dm ing wit h nothing to buy ; amve low price with $201 down, bat nee. eay , will take hnnd. &"5 Alder st. RED FRONT USED CAR CO.. CROW-ELKHART TOURING. H.o thin one; cash or trrma; a won dcrful value. AUTOMOTIVE SALES COM PA N'T. 4a-31 llrlmont St. 1'hon. K. BoiT. It' TOU want a food ud car coma In ,and nee H. A M. MOTOR-CAR CO.. ;":.. ittirnnid. St. Phono Udy. A SACKIFIf'B will ba mad. of mi Oak land toiirliiar nr. a''nuut mul Ifavo town. This inr In pi'rfret; tlrra. Irath.r. paint and In. -tor in h,t of .hapr Term, will Ytr cunlil'red. full li'lwy. 41S4. Mr. Stanley. X. K. cor. Ilroadway at Klan dert at. IF TOU want a good used enr coma la and see H. M. MOTOR CAR CO.. lluiriNide SL Phone Udwy. 4:iM. loiM l AX ML. runs as aood as a n one: a snap for aomeone, fit.'.il; $'H0 I'll AUTO WORKS A PAINTING CO., .'Jo Alder SI. MAXWELL touring. 1910. In the not of condition. .Will snerific at and alve ivrms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near llurn side. HIKI MAXWELL roadsler. in fine condi tion, good tires: need money badly; $27.1. Call Mam ll.'7. or IM Chapman at. "Owner. MAXWBLL touring. 1017. in the best of condition. A real buy at $.oo Sonn terms. 30 Grand ave. N.. near Uurnnide. bl'l DEHAKKR BUG In running condition: 30 11 P- engine; $200. Call Woodlawn IM 1. or WiU Holman s I WILL pay cash for Chandler 4-door roadster, if you have one and want all cash. phnneuJiatJcMJI-7. j 1H 7 FORD touring. In aood shape; de mountable rims and :i:l In. tires and other extras. Tabor .1'l"3. STEARNS touring car. in good mechanical condition. auliaMe for delivery or aervlce car Reasonable. .'1"2 Pine t. M MAXWELL. 1919. used privately. Looks like new. A bargain at $11.10 with terms Mo Grand ave. .V. near Burn.lde. IJL'ICK 4: Flandera. $000. 101 N. 11th St., 1010 CHEVROLET, good running order; $27.1 cash. 101 N. llth. cor. Kiander., FOR SALE 1017 Olds . A-l condition"; $1000. 7110 Raleigh at. FORD touring. $21T cash; aea It. t)5 Davis St., west side. FORD roadster with light delivery body; $2.10. 1.1.1 North 17:h it. 101.1 CHALMERS. 6 ryHnder. fin. condi tion, good tirea, cheap. Woodlawn 4047. 1013 PACKARD touring car lor hale cheap, $300. Giva tarwa. Call lid. JonG. for tMi.K ACTOMorm r. CUR PRICTM ARJD LOW til THAN EI6EWHKRaVTOUR TERM WITHIN RKAwOlf. EB TRESS CA1t0 TODAY. LATE MODEL HUPMOBrLEB. Wo havo Bvra if th HrnL pnmirai cars on hand. Tiiv arm ffn'tir throuich our ahop mr any r-r r that may be Tivcarv. Coma tn and IM ui show you how put our ustd Hupa in shape to give you service. rfl! OVTRLAND, four-paaa.. ohummv roadster, Thut car looks llk p : haj una tiro equipment and a iow price. 191 OAKLAND Tnfo cr nee had the brut of care. If It la a light all you ara lookir.e; fur, eee thla one. 1018 GRANT . vry low price, with these terms- :uto cash, balance ten pay o menta of $50 a month. , 4 ISM rm'TtF'RAKFn font. eTn-paw t ngr: firm for ataa; annd ttro; r Ph lined, new rp. m2Q ticns, spare tirw. new storage bauarv: ltt . GET THIS QUICK. ioi1.: Ov.r!n4 rhl: fif f. r i . !! or 11, tit driiwr: motor ov.rhxilmi; t oo.t tin-., .uj-l.r tud i.otrio ilthth ', A rftl tut. a-vt or thb rouxnriNO CAJf iU UNDER tS0& 10J Ortnt, JW1 C11U 114 MAVI.BT AVTO rrx. n.BVEVTn jlvd BunNsnm HOVBST TALTTT5S. NO FR0rBRA0.j . Wa tn.V. our ra imM on-d car can b. m.ila. ixok them im t CxIIIUfl, .rTL. rood mMwwi, ttw ( , Pxim: Ju.i th r.r for a tair l -c.r; rir.t paymrnt ITM r.orl.M . mm mofl-l: Ilk. nwt rir.t piym.nl la a r.aaonabla on: ......: . Col. t, 4-pi.L. f wir, whwla, o)T..tMi. Chandl.r. 1SI9 mKl,I. T p.aa.) flrat payni.nt , Valla , lou mad.), flrat Hrmnl Bulck Bit, mort.l p-B5. new mlbrr. so! Scrtpra-Booih road.I.r. 10 1 modal. CaJlllao, IBIS mod.) Orrrlud . T-paaa. aoma ear and i ny Hio: Ov-rlnnd. morlfl 7s, p..a.( a ood n ton ChaJm.ra six, ara It for only....... v Brlaooa roadtr. 11119 tnod.l. :.n Maxw.ll, 101 mod.! Kxi' Coir. In and rid. In one; par I I i.. H ilown, balama ...y. i ronTI.AND MOTOR CAR COMTANT. lliirn.ld. Klr.aL A.k Xr Jaiira. OVn TWO BEST VAI.tEa. " Wll lourlt.: Ju.i palnl.d, food ' UrMi, ...ii.i.rlul ,..r... -.k:. .' Grunt ik 1'niririK; Iimm of prp anl owcr. a d.ii.l IB';.'-' AITlKTI K f.M.EH rnriVT 'i 4.HI-.U JIoIiiioiiI M. I'huii. li. II..7. v&kd car nuiEns. I I FTnv. you arm tha aa.ortm.nt af Hah'.' era ai MTKIIS Al'TO CO Orana av.nua. Kaat l-ltll-:M of mm. ..rit. to all a Mn.-' w-il. Il hii ( no tfi.phiti. luit If y.ii rail m. J will .rrttni;.. dtr lilin to Ic'l y.Ml h I ahoul It itnil fhow It to )nu 1 you unl in wn ll. II. told nm to Id- win mil It .tx rh.an niul .III ttm m ni.'nia on it. Min N-uniHn. A'ar., 1 ''i. STl'T IK'H; lfl-alv.. 1 mrd llr. 1r kIipoIr, biimrT ano .palugUt,. Vvl iht m'if.1 w ii at on a. 1 : u. iii.KA.sp i.i-: 1 " 6.V0 AicU-r t. Jlina.lirar lk.'.X HKAL AirrOMortlLB. 1!)I1 loir Hup murine, (ha kind that' la .o hai.l to t irnl. .MY UK 8 AUTO CO.. k 1S4 Craii.l. Kt inis maxwki.i, Toi'iuxn at a ral rn. K.mxI lirm antl liif-cliuliAlly O. K. lartua.' 6.11 AI.PKR ST. HKOADWAT mi'.) sim.,!!' M.m. i. VKl.ir.. It.t Iniv In to.u; cr In terf.rt aon-' dition, Rii.trnnt-d. I will aiu'rift-. fort I'.i h It Ht hiUf pi h If .old today, tm.'-'nri-ouer ave. and liunrteli ata. iLaan -L-'- i NKAItl.T new IH'.'O stum. p.. car. wllbi ' wire win, mi., 2 .parq cord tin'., humper.. potliKiit, -tc; will eetl at ficur. you. (an t adord to Iium. hp. lll make Im-J UM-diatu ilHlivLry; tciiu.. 11 lou, tireao-a nlan. FOR PAI.B or trade. Oakland. 6-eyL, food " , conti,lo,i. fife rnt'.er. i'a.1 H-lwy. mJ ' a.'K lor llcanle. 12 . ilroadway. I'll A I. M MM. 4-pa... chnmtn-. tertna. A-l AI TO VViiltKS A I'AI.NTI.Sti CO., fi.'o Aldi.r ht. ali'TOK.S gesi., bearing., wne.ia. aale. We wreck .11 ni.ike. of cars and a.U J their puna at h ilf t rl... David. ii.iU. ' '. t o. lo;,-", North Utll stt.et. t UVEHI.ANU touring In good merlianU a I - . ronditnin. t;od tir... v ill .acrliu. ai .. $1.. ii. and rK" lerin.. 30 Grand ava. N.. t' penrliurnide. ' 'a'?"' T7ol saw mounted on Ford rhain drlv. " U u.. .,(1 lire., fl llor.e power StoVrif .' ngine, cnesp. ..m. uniau..). Then ,ioa .Mon.lMV. j. Big nock L8ED CAR.. Jtlo misrepresentation rie. . . " ' riatiu' ' COVHT MOTOR CAR CO I , CH K K' 'Ll'-f. I1"1, good conolticn. nriV inf.; ir.e - . ouh dss. 214 E. 4.'thst.. rorneralmim. pTiR SALE or what have vou to trade Twin-to-d trsn.i, . o.-.i i,r outing It. I 4ni, Onaohian. J-olt SALE al a discount, a cr.dlt on th. (dn,old." i ". Addres. lor tuitnar par ti. ul.r. A K 0 70. ireaonlan. jp I.-, h'tiHll rosil.ter, with delivery hod I'.l'O lltcim. and .hack shorl,.rs! $.;: IM N. Uth '"r. Flanders. Bl ICK csr. o. K. mechanically, electri. Enulty for shI". only $jO; .Im 3 got. tires :ITi4 loo Madison st. LKA ING TOWN April 1. must sell m hliiitct.sker small tour. In flu. rannln condition. 3'2,1. cash or term. SH Cl.. WE want 1 1 8 i sra. B-Ing (hem lo 44 Burnside. Fords, Dodgia. Cbevrolai. lolS FORI' touring; $100. st. cor. Flanders. '01 N. Ill A NEW 10211 roru lo.'ne, , uargain. ai.l lOlo'V.SHEX. perfect condition; a snap inketi at once, tcrm l g.tlu. FOR HA I. E 1020 Chevrolet 400, uu. 10O, I iregoni.o. IWIK MAXWELL, use new; gooa tir. i,.in. woou.swo ... 191 GRANT SIX muring, innss us. new $.17.1. I" isotin ' i.n'iera LATE 1017 liupmnni.a lor aale, a-p.a. Sellwood in.'- MANKLIV M-lt. Jim n rew - lia via..: or iniormai ion, ni'm.") CAIHI.LAC " lo perfett ah a p., $1 .00. rail . .,t i . 1 1 .li n urn.uw.v v 1 1 a n V. v " i. f. ' - .. .' .-V, " -. a. ,.. .. i'.'