THE SUNDAY OREGOMAX, PORTLAND, MARCH 28, 1920 RKAIj ESTXTE. KEAL KMT ATE. REAL KSTATE. KEAL ESTATE. BEAJL estate. REAL ESTATE. HEA I, ESTATE. For Kale House. For fcale Hnusra. For Sale House. For baleHouse. For hale Hou&rs. For Sole Houses. For Sale Uuuwea. l or Nile llnue. 1 t: '-I 1 -. Y HARRIS HONEYMOON HOMES. PREPARE FOR THE .'VNR nrsti h.vvk Torn m'Mh KKADV FOIl THB LITTLE 1-AOY. V I ; I f A V K M A X V A TT 1 1 A r T fT K YX.KC ES i j V EASY TKR M S TO Sl'IT I'lUSES LMHIEAXnSMAMi YOU Wli.l, KINO THEM JLHT AS ATTRACTIVE AS WE SA1 UK MUKE. COMPLETELY FUR NISH E P This H-room bom p. newly painted on t he ou table, prettily decorated in ti ior everv thing in finest condi non. all built-in, cc; full base ment, furnace. Kara 5c. In splen did district. $immi. A suitable re duction it furniture is not wanted. A COUNTRY HOME-Here Is the daintiest country bum we have had at anything like the price of MO00. " to school and car. 5-room bun gaiow with steeping porch, fully modern: spring water piped to house, gas radiators, fireplace. of an aire, with Its of fruit, chicken rum. A fine view, une-haif, cash. THE CREAM Out of the scores of homes advertised today thre will be 'only one f'r you." If you want The best fnr your family, see this. Seven rooms, wll arrang'-d, every hui It - in convenience : H. W. floors, f. replace; furnace: larg bedrooms, tfpHcious living rooms with cove ceil ing, rorrcr lot, tjt'.x 114; garage; fruit, shruhtiery, flowers. If t his p. ace Interests you the price will surprise you. OARTEN HOME Slightly over one B'-re. with iots ' strawberries: a f:n Iwatinn: -4 rma. and large attic. A e'e;m-cut home. St if. $;.ono. N E A ti uRHdoN CITY Here is xn 11-acre tra't adjoining city lim-i-s: S acres gently tdnpuig and all ul able; acres rouch pa si u re; a laiffe number of bearing fruit trees; prrirs ; ga rden. A five -room house, a ' hed, but not yet plastered ; out build in gs. t3 mile to high scbool. i'rice 11200, wi:h $70o cash. OHEOOM CITY r ARUK- This f as fine an acre as heart could wish for: several bearing fruit trees; lois rT hf; a fine chicken place. The. house ts nct. four rooms and sleep ing pori'h. The price Is oniy $1700, with $500 c.-ith. Phorm Ma'n .it?? and we w!l b gUd to answer any auctions con cerning thte and maku an appoint mrnt to ace ihem. F.AUPTT FTARR IP CO., S27 Chamber of lommcrca. TR-VINOTt N ffOME. fiJ KLI'KITAT S lhKLT, CORNER, 10 romi, enameled and papered; dotjble pMrasi,1 3 toilets, two iire-piaiv-s, all rooms oak floors, car pentcr work flay labor, old ncal. e this before bu ing, it will pa v ou. ipen today; "', $2500 ca.'h. balance J 125 p r 1110. E J. MAI'T.. East oOM or Marshall 1SS0. Frvn nooM cottage. f ;;50 Williams Avenue J2050. Located between Pcech and Ka 1 i 1 n g. this ."- room lmus pro vides the nican-i o avoiding the monthly vi.-iiw .f a tamiJord; five room. and big ball on one floor, a! I strcft ini provements fn and paid; $750 (;ih. balance like rent, t'l'fue open Surd v and evenings. I4S) .T. F. H ILL. 6fG W.Uiums Ave. East 2S. 0.A R. C. PARK $4!50. BRA.YO NEW ANIi .MtihKKN. ."1 rooin. one floor, cement basement, laundry tray., fireplace, hardwood floor.-, nil kinds t huilt-iny. I'utrh kitchen, brrakiat ti.w.k. uiectrn- heater; parage; .UloO; ureer hard rfaced and paid. Tins is niftv, new and modern. ith not a ttiins la-'kinj;. at the price of an old .ouse : terms. Sunday a II Marshall 5!W ; wwkdavs Main 71M57. Mariel.- or Williams. -W Cliamber of "om nierce bu ildir.s. NICE KKI'.'K RUNOALOW. F!e rooms. IfM-afed on SOvloil. with frui: tre.s. fu'l cement basement: Rood pi nin bine : 2 f 1 replace? ; hn if block from car. I'ru-c ;;'(, half afh. This is a fine place. weM north J t."oit. Photo at office. An. If ron, with John Ferguson, vieriinser billR. i'EA I TIFUL 7-room modern bouse, with Oil I cement baeitn nt atul furnace; lia ail built-in e.i'rects. fine tiled firpplarv, Kron.'h donrs. bardwod fioorf. two porehe.t; hou.e mtuared in beautiful tnn f of tree : fine r5den f ial dif-triet, e -tse f? ear; size o' ,t luuxllo. See Mr. J. li. Stroiim, with JOHN E. HOWARD. SIS Cham. oT Com. iuyin;tn I H ST K1CT. "Bunpralow stylr Jicme rf 7 room?, mod ern in every way. saraire. lots of nice fruit trees and KT:iie arbor. Niee lot f ;ii -in z east ; house new ly ni ted ;md in ni'-e siiiMp". Will aeeepl Ssm down from r yvn-:ble party, balance can be ax ranced. A P'od buy for pomeone. PH-"NE Afk for Royal. KtJSE CI TV ROOMS. '1 ''. Owner 9 a t r;i e!in? man ard must se J at once When you it you will .i v u is juf t like wit at you have been Innliinc at for Jf,'M0. Don't overlook, it Look it over. NEILAN ft PARKHILL. jlO T.umt'.-rmens RldR.. .11(1 and Prark. $Ut V A C A XT V AC A N T 2300. WHY TRY TO RENT? 7 -room houM on E. -0th t.. far S. T. fshops. Fmall basement : Rood plumb in; electric Itsl'-t. Pa;, good lot. near i r. This is a tarpain. very easy terms. Stindav Marshall weekdays Main 7'.7. '.Mane:; or Williams. M'O Chamber f Commerce huiWJinsr ' ROSE '1TY PARK. J 1C"U TWO YEARS OLP. Fine rt-room bunalov.-. with fireplaee. 'buffet, bookcases, hiirdwoml floors, dou ble cotiMt m ted. cement basement, ga rage. .".iKliHt lot. block from car. J iHNSON-P' OSON CO.. N W. Hank lildK. Main 37S7. HAWTHORNE. S RC M lil'N'OA LOW. Cement basement, laundry travs, hard iroori floors, tireplace. garage, hard Mirface Mcet, all buiit-in-; price $."i'."0, terms. Ask Keilosrs. A. J. Le FOREST & CO.. .0 H"nry Bldff. Main 2fi0. 6- RO M bunpalow, full cement basement, 1 oritur lot. fruit. berr:es. chicken house; 1'- blocks to car; 5i::o; s.'.oo cah. 4 -room cottage on Peninsula, 7."xl00 corner; ebb-ken house. fruit, paved street; $ I .".. -tno cash INTERSTATE LAND '0.. '-Mg S!.rk Sr. Main T429. $.-.00 WILL HANId.lI od rt-room house, handy to P. P. car shops, rooms are larj;e and light, good pUimbtnR. hard-sur'ace street in and paid. Rarape. Prii-e only $2000. JOHNSi .V-P'nSON CO., Ktri V W. Bank Hid;;. Main 37R7. " FeauTTfui. fast side HUM E Sli.'.uO. 7 rooms and KlecpinR ion h. ideilly To. .it 'd : indi idualuy in interior fin sh wbi"-h cannot be j.ppreoiateu until seen; into of our bt buys: laiire l.-t. HENRY W. t;olDARIV -'1 Stark St. ROSE CITY. fi-room hunfalow, hardwood floors', fireplace. j-leepinR pon h, laundry tray, full basement, all built-ins; $."5u0, terms. Ask Kellogg. A. J. DeFOREST & CO., .T'f Henry BldR. Main L'f.Jm. IANIY buncaiow, fireplace, fur nace, buffet, Tmtch kitchen, sun room, one block to car, near Peninsula Park. Price s:;?oo. SlK.-.n radi, bal. monthly. JOHNSON-Dt)DSoN CO. K,t."i N. W. Bank Rldg. Main 37S7. HOME FOR THE OLD P OLKS$7h Very neat little S-rooni vine-covered cot tap w ith electric Merits, pas. Dutch kitchen, concrete foundation, bat h nod toilet, splenrtid lot. close to ear; $:tuo cash, balance 10 suit. Fred W. Cierman t "o.. 7:t'' Chamber of Commerce. JJ30 FOR QUICK SALE. R - room t ucco bu n tea 1 nw , w i t Ii bath, buf fet. bookcases, firej.lace, basement Dutch kitchen, ,17x100 lot. with carace JOHNSON-D' DSoN CO.. N. W. Hank Pldg. Main 37N7. LOT ."-'txl0. on paved "street, half block from cat lino. J-room modern btinsalow, full cement basement, furnace, garage, lots of fruit, piace for chickens; !3tKo! terms. THOMSON, Henry Buildlnr. EAT HARRISON ?.Si;oO. C-ro-"i modern bouse, f u 1 1 basement. Fox I'uinace; exce'lent condition; a bar rm In. HENRY W. QOOPARD, 14'I StarV St. 7:i4 E. BURNSIDE HftOO. R-room modern house, ha vine 4 bed rooms, fireplace, furnace. laundry trays, lot 4ix Hi ; snap, terms. East 171. PORTLAND HEIOHTS HOM E $5000. Iree, comfortable home on Mont gomery drive, near car line, fcat 671. BIG VALUE REASONABLE TERMS. YOU CAN'T GO WRONG, lltiOO 4 rooms and bath, good cement ba semen t. abundance of fruit trees; 1 block from car; '2Q per month. Montavilla district. J00( 8 rooms, jrood cement basement, paved streets In and paid, H block from car. Union avenue district. f."00 S rooms and full basement, corner lot; Mississippi ave. district. $-70fJ 6 rooms and full basement, cor ner lot, hard surface in and paid. Brooklyn district. J -730 5 rooms and full semi -cement basement, corner lot. close to car. East Glisan street district. $;;000 6 rooms and full semi-cement basement, furnace, hard surface road in and paid. Laurelhurst district. $3100 8 rooms and full semi-cement basement, furnace, corner lot; west Piedmont district. $3500 ."-room bungalow, strictly mod ern exctpt hardwood floors, abotit Io feet from car. Peninsula dis trict. $ ."00 7 rooms and Rood cement base ment, a bout 0x 110 corner lot, several nice fruit trees, paved streets in and paid. East Bum sidc; close in. $4500 5 rooms and floorrrl attic, strict lv modern buncaiow, hardwood f'oors throughout, except kitchen, close to Sandy blvd.. Hose City district. $4."i0nt rooms and s'eepins- porch, strictly modern except hardwood floors, paved streets all in and paid; 1 block from car; Rose City district. $4500 Nearly an acre of ground and neat ;!-room cottaRO and bath. Beaut if ul city view. Mt. Tabor district. $5000 S rooms. 2 b.Tths. full semi -cement basement, ground 50x150. Oraham, near Williams. $f500 6 rooms, music den and sleeping porch, st rjctly modern, nice ga raRe, street improvements all paid, choice location in Laurcl hurst. $7000 a rooms, music den, breakfast room and sewing room, strictly modern throughout, good garag". ; street improvements all in and j paid. In the heart of Piedmont, j $7 5o0 Three houseB nd ground fi."x I runr-ing from one pwived street to another. Clear of incumbrances. This is a wonderful garage fcite. isrooKiyn district. $s(hmj i- our good houses and corner quarter block; close to Montgom ery Ward company, :;d and ii son. $S.ji0 fi room, double sleeping porch ana maids room on .! floor ftrictly modern except hardwood ifoors; beautiful lawn and shrub bery, paved streets in and paid. est side near Uood featnaritan BUYS LIKE THESE ARE FEW. Full In format ion of the above homes can be naa at our office. WATCH OUR ADS WE GET RESULTS. C. A. WARRINER. RITTEU. LOWE & CO.. -0-5-7 Board of Trade Bids. PUT YOCR MONEY WHERE IT BELONGS. If you w ant a good Investment and a, reil home, read this: Wst Litie. near L'lst and 01ian, !( rooms, firepl;ee, furna :e, hardwood floors. Well built, well arranged. A west side home for $.VJ0U on good terms. ALBERTA 6 rooms, corner mt. 1 block from cur. Large rooms, selling for $J50U- $5U0 uowii. WOODSTOCK-3 blks. from car, ' re pi. ice. built-in buffet, 5 rooms in the ritrht r-la-ee. 5;;i0 down, price $ji'no. Jt is a good in vest -.ii.:ic. $:;oo down brys a 3-room house on -15! h ave. S. E. A nice hub borne with soxio ground. 1 block front ea-. S'Jlo.i. i "or a small place you cunnut do better. OTTO fc HARK SON REALTY CO., 413 Chamber cl Conuneice. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. Nearly new. artistic 5-room bungalow, on lull Rx I no lot ; double construe ted throughout with heavy building papet between, built by one of i'ortland's best builders. This bungalow creation will appeal to the most critical borne buvers. Not only the general appearance but the smaiicbt details have been carefully con sidered in the construction of this home. The living rooms are finished in old ivorv with tapestry paper that har monizes; has hardwood lioors fireplace, bookcases, attractive buffet, new Ameri can furnace, Dutch kitchen, bathroom with long mirror and built-ins for linens; 2 n fee, large, light, corner bedrooms; hard-surfaced streets in and paid. Price J5J50; $1'000 cash. You will probably not lind its equal for SOOOO. .1. A. H L B BELL. 107S Hawthorne ave. Tabor 6S92. $r.250 CALIFORNIA-TYPE bungalow. & rooms, beautifully furnished, on 50x100 f oot lot : street improvements in and paid. Fino location. Terms. WOODSTOCK BUNGALOW. Jl'.MiO d rooms. cement basement, ba t h. toilet and electric lights; first payment $500. rest like rent. $'J500 5-room cottage on East Stark st rect. gas and electricity, $500 down, rest like rent. $1000 fi-room house on East Burnside street. $500 cash, balance to suit. SQUARE DEAL REALTY CO., tit 4 Panama Bldg. BUNGALOWS G L( 'RE. TO CHOOSE FROM. PRETTY. MODERN. WELL-BI'ILT BUNGALOW. COZY AND NEW. FOR. SALE ON TERMS BY OWNERS. WE SAVE YOU $ $ $ $ $4100 CP. SELECT YOURS TODAY. MOVE RIGHT IN. QUIT THE RENT PROFITEERS. R. F. POND REALTY CO.. THE IDEAL HOME BUILDERS. HOMES BUILT TO SUIT ON TERMS. SANDY BLVD. TABOR 2o. OFFICE OPEN TODAY. ATTRACTIVE HOME BUNOAIjOW. 5 rooms, double bookcases, fire p. ace. buffet, hardwood floors, full cement basement, furnace, laundry trays, largo attic space, modern plumbing and equip ments, enameled Dutch kitchen; 3 blks. to R. C. car; paed streets. Needs. to be seen to realize its homelike beauty and handy features ; $50U0, wit h SlrnO cash, balance to eui:. See Mr. March ins, INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 174.1. 410 Henry bid-. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS RESIDENCE, larpf, modern, roomy 2-story home, on Mgiuly lot overlooking the lower harbor. Property in first-class condi tion, located on Franklin st., between 3l!d and 33d sts. Place has Just been abated and Is ready for immediate oc cupancy. Price very low. Easy terms to responsible purchaser. For particu lars call on BEN RIESLAND, 404 Piatt bldg.. 117 Park t. NOB HILL" DISTRICT. FINE 100x100 CORNER. Fine 10-room modern house. 100x100 corner, in best part of Nob Hill. Owner is a non-resident, and will sell for about two-thirds of its actual value. This h ou ne has J baths and in every way a desirable home. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. oak St. Broadway 4L"3, $3150 HAWTHORN K BUNG A LOW $3150 BUY NOW; OWN YOUR OWN HOM B. A rooms, one floor; full basement: laundry tray, fireplace, built-ins. good plumbing, reception hall, hard-surfaced street paid; near car. A bargain at the priee. on terms. Sunday. Marshall oOtKl; week davs Main 7t7. Mariels or Wi. liams. fr-'O 'hamberof Commerce bldg 2JD NEAR NORTHKUP $n.9o 7-rootn homj wiUi 3 slr-eping room.1 on 2d floor, an I maid's room; furncce, two fireplaces. Iot 50x10ft. This home is in excellent condition and a fine buy. Gas beater and stove go with place. Sleep ing por.-h. HENRY W. GO DP ARD. 243 Stark Ft. NEAT, attractive 5-room furnished bun galow, fireplace, built-in bookcases. large attic, basement, 50 100 lot, 1 block to car. Price only $2foo. $500 cash, balance S25 per month, including interest. JOHNRON-DODSON CO.. 33 X. W. tRank Bldg. Main 37R7. 3- ROOM house, lot 100x60; cheap, cash or terms. 5S1S S3d st. S. Portland. BIHR-CAREY COMPAXY. Main 74b7. 21U Railway iuxch. Bldg. SUNDAY SPECIALS. 500 MODERN CITY HOMES FOR SALE. The public is invited to come to our show rooms on the second Uoor of the Railway Exchange building, corner of Third and Stark: streets, and inspect the hundreds of photos of homes on display. A gallery crammed full of neatly ar ranged 5x7 photographs of homes. Each district in the city represented and grouped separately. In a very few min utes you can see 40 of Hawthorne's prettiest homes; 45 of the best home bar gain in Alberta, and so on. You will find several homes marked at- ridiculously iow pre-war prices. Kignt real estate salesmen with autos, who know the desirable districts, are at your service FKEE. Ring Main 74S7 now and make an appointment to see several of the best buys in the district you wish to locate in. "You cannot do better elsewhere; you may do worse; Hoxne& of dependable values to suit every purse." SPECIAL SUNN YSIDE OFFERING. $120o A charming bungalow, with ex quisite interior decorations, a borne that draws a second look ot approval from passers-by, neat and trim, with a well-kept lawn and expensive shrubbery. A home anyone would be proud of. Splen did furnace, witu beat register in each ot thu live large rooms and bath. Just the fireplace mat ou have pictured, tuil cement basement and laundry trays; paved streets, of course, and ail paid for. Close to- car and con venient to fchool. The price we were going to say "Is right," but it isn t. $."0oo cold cash wouldn't build this home today, and $1000 additional woul bare ly cover cost ot lot. and all paid up street liens. $750 down and $40 per month gets this home. A Jit tic speed and you can make It yours. HAWTHORNE BUNGALOW, 7 ROOMS. $4000 Do you like corner lots? Some folks just rave about them and wouldn't buy anything else. Well, this is a ,'iOxlOO cnoice corner Jot Jn the heurt of Hawthorne, paved street and special assess ment paid in lull and a dandy garage. House is substantially built, story and a half typical bungalow, with 7 rooms, 4 down and 3 up, 4 bedrooms, art brick lircpiaee, first-class condition in side and out; $1-00 down. W ILL TRADE FOR ACREAGE. b-KOOM HAWTHORNE HOME DE LUX E. $7500 "A little less tnan a paradise, a little more than a home." Sit uated on Glenn avenue, Haw thorne's exclusive residence sec tion a beautiful home, crammed full of every convenience known; 4 rooms and music room down stairs, 4 large bedroms and sleeping porch up; oak floors downs talis, lurnace, ii replace, paved streets, garage. A truly wonderful home; $4.H down, or will trade for from 2 to 5 acres, 5 miles out on hard-sunaced street in good suburban district. ANOTHER HAWTHORNE HOME. $5000 A 5-room bungalow with a dis tinctive character and style, lo cated on 47iti st., near Haw thorne avenue. A double constructed, substantially built borne. Fur nace, tireplace, hardwood floors, just the arrangement of rooms that phases the women ioiks. Paved streets, dandy garage with runway; terms. ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. VACANT. $4500 "-room story and a half bunga low, just otf Sandy boulevard on Tl'd street. Built substantially from the ground up, every built in cononience. Including an un usual bullet: light Dutch kitchen, toilet on lirst floor, bat h. and toilet upstairs; polished oak floors, massive fireplace. This home Is on a 75x100 lot, only built a lew years, and the owner left suddenly last week, instruct ing us to take $IUO0 down, $25 per month with 8 per cent. Sure, it's a sacrifice. Just take a look at the bouse : $5500 wouldn't build it, and just think of the 75x100 lot, with' all the fruit irees and shrubbery. We will ' say it's some sacrifice. DANDY ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. $4500 - A dainty home filled with love liness, only completed a few months, not built by a contract ing company to sell, but built by the owner for a borne. Window seats and leaded glass bookcases, hardwood floors, art brick fire place, large, light, well-arranged kitchen; many reiinements of ex clusive appeal; $700 down takes it. ECONOMY HOME. ROSE CITY. $2'J50 On 70th si., one and a half blocks from Sandy boulevard, this cosv, attractive bungalow, with low, rambling lines, is situated idea II v. Best oliinibing. It bearing fruit trees; fine garden place and chicken house; $700 down. JMH) DOWN: ROSE CITY SPECIAL. $3000 Another dandy Rose Citv bun galow, located on 74th, pear San dy; five light, sunny rooms, and fuii cement basement; a snap. FULTON DISTRICT, SO. PORTLAND. $3200 A pretty almost new 0-room bun galow, all on one floor: 3 light, airy bedrooms, oak floors, fire place; an exceptionally well- built, attractive home; interior finish in oak and white enamel, near car, easy terms. 6-ROOM ALBERTA HOME. $52O0--2-story, double constructed home like new; large built-in but fet handy Dutch kitchen, 3 large bed rooms, full basement, laundry trays, near car, paved street; onlv Jiioo down, balance $25 per month at 6 per cent. 7-ROOM FINE ALBERTA HOME. $4000 Completely furnished; this home; cost $4750 to build 5 years ago j and is elaborate throughout. Beautilul interior color scheme, I beam ceiling, leaded windows, ex- ceuenL rurnace heat, bath and toilet lower floor and toilet up stairs. A sacrifice for cash only. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW, ALMOST NEW. $;;500 This attractive little bungalow radiates neatness and newness. You will fall in love with the rich interior finish, polished oak Hoors that shine, a fireplace con structed of special art brick, in Alberta district, close to school and car. Very easy terms. LARGE 9-ROOM ALBERTA HOME. $2b00 You will admit that the owner meant business when he said quick rale and cut the price sev eral hundred dollars on this home. 5 bedrooms, beautiful light fixtures, triple inlaid panel walls In dining room, many built in effects, best white enamel plumbing. Very easy terms to be had here. UNPARALLELED BARGAIN. $2950 4-room bungalow, on a paved street in Alberta district; hard wood floors, unusual buffet, large floored attic, room for two ad ditional bedrooms, full cement basement ; $N00 down. DANDY MODERN PENINSULA HOME $1700 Here, folks, is a pure winner; 5 room bungalow on Powers street, near St. Johns car. Best modern white enamel plumbing. This home only built two years, in Al condition, good garage, g bear ing fruit trees, strawberries and shrubbery, 50x100 lot; $500 down. ANOTHER PENINSULA BUNGALOW ! $3100 On Jossup street, two blocks from 1 the St. Johns car, is an extra well built 5-room home, best of plumb- j Ing, Ideal arrangement of room I ca.-y to keep spick and span. SOx 100 lot, full basement; terms. CLOSE TO WILLAMETTE RIATi $2100 No greater bargain listed In this paper today. Listen! Rather pe culiar circumstances force a quick settlement on this property At tractive 2-story bungalow. six rooms, like new throughout, best white enamel plumbing, 2 light airy bedrooms with bath and toilet upstairs, excellent yard and many bearing fruit trees, j block from Willamette boulevard st Johns car. $710 down. Can't build for $3500. COME ON You SPECULATORS. READ THIS, SURE. GIFT Of $1000 on this home. Grand S-room bungalow, surrounded by towering pines; 100x100 lot: fur nace, fireplace, built-in effects interior beautifully retimed, large screened-in veranda, on a paved street, garage. Mt. Scott dis trict. Owner leaving for Cali fornia, will sell for $3000, $100 down. Your opportunity if you hurry. MT. SCOTT BUNGALOW. $1800 Dandy 4-room modern bungalow combination living and dining room. 2 bedrooms, 50x100 lot, paved street, abundance of fruit and berries. Only $325 down. Let us show you a real buy. BIHR CAREY COMPANY, Main 74S7. 2U Railway Exchange. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. YOU ARE INVITED to Inspect our bunga low at 3 I'd and Alberta, No. 1007 East 32d st. North. This place will be sold Sunday at $1000 less than cost to build. Upstairs are 2 bedrooms, .tlle bath with shower and gas heater: full lenuth mir ror In door: den with fireplace. Down- , stairs, reception hall with paneled wans. French doors opening into cosy living room where we have best quality Ar kansas oak floors, beautiful fireplace with grate for coal or wood: a fireplace that throws out unusual heat, spacious windows across whole front living room, best quality light fixtures: large dining room with built-in buffet that is simply a gem, leaded cut glass doors with 6-fL mirror; walls paneled to plate rail. The kitchen contains combination por celain sink and tub. walls tiled effect with every conceivable built-in conven ience: basement has large billiard room; furnace in separate room with gravity coal bin; large cool fruit cellar adjoins. The garage is a wonder and adjoins the hous, connected by hall; is heated bv furnace, contains water, sink and all conveniences, built of reinforced con crete with unusual wide roadway lead ing to street. The walls of this house are lined with pyrobar Inside the studding and plas itered right on pyrobar, making it one of the warmest houses in Portland. We have eight excellent fruit trees, all bear ing. The place is practically new. The owner worked for building material com pany and bought all materials at cost prices. , This place will be sold Punday for $3500, with not less than $1000 down. Those who want every conceivable com fort that can be built into a cosy nonui of this size had better investigate early. Alberta car to 30th street. 2 blks. east, 1007 E. 32d street North. . BEAUTIFUL PIEDMONT CLASSY 700l HOME. This beautiful home will have to be sen to be appreciated: 0 rooms. mU5ic den and breakfast room, all nicely ar ranged and in the pink of condition and In a choice location; beautiful hardwood floors throughout on first floor, except kitchen. whi-h haa nice linoleum; fire place, beautiful buffet and bookcase, white enamel Dut;h kitchen and break fast room, all bejroonis are large, light and .iiry. nice bath, finished in white en tmel ; also an additional small room which makes very fine cewing room; toilets up and downstairs, full floored attic, room to finish :i nice rooms there; full cement basement with dandy good furnace; full lot, nice lawn and shrub bcrv, and large garage in keeping with houie. AH street improvements in and paid ; just 2 short blocks to car and the heart of PiedinonL This house is exceptionally well built and of first-class mat-jrial. $4oOO cash will handle, bal ance r-t H per cent, long time if desired. "Vici can cet Quick possession here. This home will surprise you. .Let us show you. C. A. WARRINEP.. HITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board o Trado Bldg. FORECLOSURE SALE. 7-room modern home in the wooded district just north of Ir vington. This place was buiit by a contractor for his own home about 6 years ago. Magnificent large living room 1Sx30 with Im mense fireplace. dining room, kitchen with built-in conveniences, immense sun parlor entire length of house, all closed in with glass. Hardwood floors downstairs. 4 bedrooms on second floor. Lot 100x1 00. House sets in beautiful grove of fir trees. This property if duplicated today would cost approximately $12,000. Have had to take over property to protect my mortgages and will sell at $sooo on terms of $H00 or more down, balance monthly. I am over 80 years of age and must un load mv property. ' This accounts for low price and reasonable terms See mv representative, MR. ATCHISON. 204 Henry Bldg. WCLTNOMAH BUNGALOWS. I have a number of choice new bun galows, with tracts of ground from quar ter to one acre, and bouses from 4 to rooms close to Multnomah station, which we are now offering at a sacrifice, as the present owner is leaving the country. It takes quite a substantial cash payment to bundle one of these properties, but you are getting a fine value and a brand new house. All utilities are in these homes, gas, electricity. Bull Run water, and they all face on improved county boulevard. For particulars call on BEN RIESLAND, 404 Piatt bldg.. 1 L'7 Parle st or telephone for appointment to be shown. Main S0, and we will be pleased to take you out in our machine over the Terwilliger boulevard. $2300 $500 DOWN. BLANDINA NEAR COMMERCIAL. Four rooms, cement foundation, electricity and gas; ull street im provements paid; lot 50x70, close to Jefferson high school. Office open Sunday and evenings. (70 J. F. HILL, 6f6 Williams Ave. East 26S. H A W T H O RN E D 1 ST R ICT. Modern 5-room bungalow and 2 sleep ing porches, has all modern conveniences such as hardwood floors, fireplace.- book cases, nice wide buffet. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, furnace, good garage. This bungalow is located on E. 36th st.. ci0e to Hawthorne ave. Kitchen range included in price of $4050; terms. Bunga lows like this do not remain long on the market. Don't delay, it may be just what you are looking for. J. A. HUB BELL. 107S Hawthorne ave. Tabor R892. MUST BE SOLD THIS WEEK. tSaO MODERN BUNGALOW $ 2 S 5 0 . VACANT NEWLY DECORATED. Six rooms, one floor, fine basement, first-class plumbing, electric lights, gas, nice firepiace. some built-ins. just newly painted and gone owr. inside and out: lot 75x110: some fruit, fine garden spot, near car and H. S. street. This is a bargain and will be sold: house could not be built for price asked: very easy term Sundav call Marshall 5003; week days Main 7007. Mariels Or W illiamt. 8-6 Chamber of Commerce bldg. SMALL PAYMENT DOWN. 6-room house, located 5 blocks from D.nin...!.'. nark : lot 60xM corner; full ha-ement laundry trays, fur Tince fireplace. The rooms are all ex- .ntinaiii- laiee: 4 fruJt trees, bearin lots of roses; price $3150: will consider small payment down ana large mum no pavments. Owner. Phone Wdln. 231 Sunday, or in the evening. $2850 ALBERTA DISTRICT $2S50. Cottage bungalow, 5 rooms and sleep inr nnrrii on Daved street, lot 42lx67b full basement, extra fine fixtures and olumbing, lots of built-ins. This piace was built for a home, but lost through foreclosure of mortgage: $1000 will han dle See J- A. McCARTY. 270 'i; Stark st. Main 1700. Eve., Tabor 5057. $500 SUNN YSIDE COTTAGE $2500. VACANT EASY TERMS. Five rooms and reception hall, one floor, basement, good plumbing, electric light., gas: in good condition; east front: all assessments paid; near car and Laii relhurst park. Sunday Marshall 5003: weekdavs Main 7067. Mariels or Wil liams H20 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 7-ROOM HOUSR. PRICE ONLY $3250. Good 7-room house on paved street and close to 2 catllnrs. Good garage. This is a dandy good buy and a nice nehrhborhood. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. Bioadway 4133. ROS E CITY PARK BU NG A LOW. Classy, strictly modern. 6-room bunga low .located at No. 423 E. 50th st. N. 3 blk" S of Sandy blvd. in excellent condition. DO NOT DISTURB OCCU PA NT. Price $5500. Jf interested call Tabor 407. 6-ROOM bouse, fireplace, rurnae. nice, light rooms, on East 16th st., convenient to Alberta or Irvington car; restricted district, 1 lot 52xlo0: $3500, $1000 cash, balance $40 per month. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. B33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 377. HAWTHORNE. 6-room house In good condition, full basement, fruit trees, bard-surface St., for a quick sale, $3200, terms. Ask Kel logg. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg Main 2690. OWrNER MUST SELL. 4-room shack house, on 50x100 lot, fruit and berries; price $750, $450 cash, $151 monthly. The lot is worth this price. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main S77. FOlt SALE Vancouer. well-built modern 6-room house, large attic, 30x43. all floored, basement, laundry trays, garage, one block to car, 3 blocks to Arnada. 6 block high school. Immediate pos segsicii. Price $3500. Owner. 2014 F st. BEAI'TIFUL new 4-room bungalow at 357 Stafford street, natural wood finish, bath, built-ins. full basement, lot 50x100, fine trees, etc. $3100. $500 cash, balance terms to suit. Turner & Co., 230 Cham ber of Commerce. a. ACRE with nearly new 4-room house, concrete foundation, barn, garage, chick f n house and yard, fenced, for only i"100. $500 cash. See this quick. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 033 N. iW. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. r. m. gate wood & co. house bargains. Rose city park. 8 la rge rooms, very conveniently ar ranged and strictly modern throughout; hardwood floors. furnace. fireplace, built-in buffet, wash trayu. etc. ; double constructed. This home is near the Sandy boulevard and 45th st. Can be seen by appointment only. Price $6200; reasonable terms. LAURELHURST. 7-room strictly modern bungalow type house, hardwood floors, furnace, fire place, nice built-ins. garage, paved sts.. in first-class condition; price $M00, half cash. Modern bungalow, 5 large rooma and sleeping porch, bardwood floors, nice built-ins, full cement basement, piped for furnace, fireplace, lot SOxlOO feet, corner; J.iMK), half cash. Good buy. 5- room plastered cottage, cement base ment, 11 bearing fruit trees, lot 100x120, 4 blocks to car; price $2000, half cash, A real snap. 6- room modern house, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, built-in , bookcases, double construction, corner lot, paved street; price $4000, half cash, balance monthly. This is a good buy. CLOSE-IN HOME. 8 rooms, modern, furnace, fireplace, paved street, on East 12th, near An keny; price $.'IS00, half cash, balance per cent. A snap. 4- room bungalow, about 2 years old, cheap at $1000; $n"0O cash. 1 5- room cottage, at St. Johns, lot 100x 100, fruit and nuts; $2100, $30 cash, $20 per month, 6 per cent. 7 rooms, full 2-story, modern, like new ; furnace, good district, convenient to school, stores, church, car: lot 50x 104 feet; $4.00, good terms. iou can not duplicate this place for the price asked. MONTA VILLA. 4-room. plastered cottage, with bath, lot 100x112 feet, corner. 12 bearing fruit trees. 100 strawberry plants, fin chicken arrangements: price $2400. $700 cash. $20 month, including interest at 6 per cent. . Neat 5-room cottage, modern plumb ing, electricity, gas, etc., lot 60x100, 1 block to MV car, near 53d st. ; price $2".:hi; $10"O cash, balance monthly. Neat 4-room cottage near 53d and Flanders, lot 50x100. for $1500: J5O0 cash. $15 montii. Can have immediate possession. li- M. OATEWOOD & CO. 3 63 'A 4th st A. H. B1RRELL CO -S CHOICE HOME BUYS. WEST SIDE MODERN Willamette bgts.. conveniently located; fi rooms, furnace. fireplace. choice plumbing and electric fixtures, extra good basement : built by owner for a home; alteration of business plans places this on market at $5500; very good terms can be arranged. I R VI NGTON IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. Excellent 7-room house, near 10th on Tillamook: furnace, laundry trays, full concrete basement, gas, nice electric fix tures; a comfortable home on a beau tiful lot for $4500. with some terms. RICHMOND BUNGALOW. 5 rooms, full concrete basement, laun drv travs. fine fireplace, built-in fea tures, choice plumbing and electric fix tures; located on choice corner; all street improvements In and paid for. $3000; INVESTIGATE THIS. ALL FOR $2050. A fine 5-room Kenton cottage: Dutch kitchen, bathroom with choice plumbing, nice basement; on choice corner bard surfaced streets; near car. $300 cash. balance like rent. Tit A. H. BiRRELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bk. Bldg. Marshal 4in. OPEN SUNDAY. THREE NEW LAURELHURST HOMES. $7500 TO $!H)00. Three of the classiest new homes In Portland; priced roo to $1000 less than cost ot duplication: built by the Laiirelhurst company by day labor; they have oak floors, tile fireplace, tile bath, built-in tub and pedestal lavatory; ex pensive electric fixtures; imported wail papers; Austrian window shades; ivory enamel interior finish; garage; very easy terms. OPEN SUNDAY, 2 TO 4 P. M. 1206 E. PINE. LilO Ii. PINE. 1226 E. PINE. LAURELHURST CO.. 270 Stark St. Mr. Koehler. Main 1700. ALBERTA DISTRICT. 6-ROOM BUNGALOW COTTAGE. $2625, half cash: full cement basement, garage, plastered house; 5 fruit trees: 2 blocks from car. Office open Sunday and evenings, (S3) J. F. HILL. 606 Williams Ave. East 268. SNA P 7 ROOMS. FURNACE. PAVED STREET SUNN VS1 U E DISTRICT 4250 The bica-est baigain we nave seen in mn ;iv months. Full basement, latin dry, I uniace. Imrge living room, book ...ji.a built-in sideboard, lnree line neu rooms and sleeping porch. Inlaid linoleum on bath and kitchen, and range go with house. Requires $2100 cash balance $25 monthly without i.n TER EST. Phoue early Monday. Laurel hurst Co., 270 z Stark st. Alain iiu. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BARGAIN. 0 rooms, 2 baths, hillside house with wondeiul location and view, Ruud heater, large lot, all oak Hours, enameled throughout; would cost $15,000 to duplicate house, and Jot. Price $"Jju0 for quick tale. Call East 5031. TOUR OWN TERMS. X -Jl 50 N R. JEFFERSON HIGH $ 29 50. 7-.OOIH. wcil-con.structed house, base xr,u niumoiiitt. electric lights, gas, n street paid, near car and high fcehool. This isn t a mausiun. out it is wurtn the money and ou can buy it on most anv terms. sunuay. u 71MW. Mariels or V il liams, &10 Cnamber of Commerce bldg. I A I'HEI.H URST BARGAIN. A stnctiv modern 6-room house with sleeping porcu, in the very heart oi I -aureihurst. exceptionally large rooms, 3 lignt, airy bedrooms, lull basemen i. beautiiui tireplace, lots ot bun m.v loL .ixlOO. douuie garage. This place can be shown by appointment only. . i I ..i A U 'V .' -'.Ol Silurlf kt. Alain 17ou. Evening, Tabor j0t. i t-i bet hurarain in the city for $2250. terms. A 1 1--story home ot 4 bediuoms upsuurs and puutiy. Kiicncn twitn uunt iiir.), dining, li ins-room dowustairsand maiiv closets; concrete baseuicm t in nil. tirL -class plumbing, f i out and porches, sewer in and paid lor; Hi.tewaik to the house. At Mia and Wasco; 2 lots Kxl5 in Montaviila. Call Tabor 4.1il LAUD'S ADD. HOME. a n attractive, unusually well-built. strictly modern. "2-story, 6-room house with sleeping porcn ana garage, located m I .add ave.. W block to Uawiliorne car, within easy walking distance; built by day labor by present owner several years ago; never ottered for sale bciore ana a real sacrifice at $i0. labor 4Ui. NEW colonial cottage at 701 E. 17th sL N., Ill Irvington; iiviug-ruoiii, utniuy-ruoiu, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, bath, breakfast- room, cement basement, garage, ivory Un,i white interior finish, tile bathroom T le iiiut artistic and complete collage in Jrvingtun. owner and builder will sacrifice if sold at once. On premises from A. M. until 0 P. Al. tcday. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT A-room home, in good condition, bath, toilet, lights and gaj, 5oxlOO lot w ith bearing fruit trees and berries, beautiful shrubbery, ga rage with conicat floor and driveway, street paved and paid. Price $3400, $0io cash, balance like rent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bidg. Main 3787. $750 MODERN BUNGALOW $2750. IN MONTA VILLA WITH GARAGE. 6 rooms, one iloor. cement basement, built-in kitchen, hardwood floor. 2 blocks from car; lot 50x100. Quick pos session. A mighty nice iittle bume on terms. Sunday, Mar. 51103 ; weekdays. Main 79o7. Mariels or Williams. 620 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WEST SIDE 12-ROOM HOUSE. CORNER LOT, 50x106. Only 10 minuted walk from 5th and MorrUou. Belongs to non-resident. .Best buy uu we-jt side at $6000. See Air. Browu. wit h NEJLAN & PARKHILL. 210 Lumbermeiis Bldg. 5th and. Stark. ALAMEDA PARK. 7-room modern home. ifn block to car, an impiuveiucnui in and paid, 2 fireplaces, built-in buffet, hardwood floors, white enamel finish, cement basement, laundry trays and lur nace. Price only $0000. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 3787. NEW LEVI NGTON HOUSE. Best buy in Levington today ; your own terms; S largo rooms, center hail; absolutely modern; double garage. Come out today; open from 2 to 5. Corner 12th and Brazee sts. Tabor 5044 or Tabor 2124. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW STILE HOME, attractive, well built, ivory finish, oak floors, garage. Bargain, $75oo, tajjy term SEE SURE TODAY between 2 and 5. 077 East ISth. near Klickitat. East 304. Main 07S. .--ROO-Vf BUNGALOW JSMltf). A little dream, modern in every w-ay, near car line, on lot Ooxluo: double gd. 'mENKY W. GODDARD, S43 Stark Bu LESS THAN $3500. $2225 3-room celled and papered cot tage on ground 100x200. chicken house 14x36, lots of fruit and berries; $700 cah, $25 monthly. $2250 1 -storv 7-room cottage, with double garage, good lot. at 1W3 East 10th st. N., Alberta; $300 cash, $30 monthly. $2250 At Milwaukle Is a well-built m- storv e-room piasiereu uuur. plenty of natural shade trees; $300 casn, tu monmij. 12300 At 1402 Rodney ave., between here and Vancouver. Is an 8 room plastered house, with lights. bath and toilet- small Darn sun able for garage; $5o0 cash, $25 monthly. fon Verv neat HouhlA Constructed 4 , room cottage, with large finished attic. good fireplace, modern nliimblnz. stAtionarv tubs, at 5. 65th fL $1000 caarh, $35 monthly. 12500 In the Alberta district, at 10S4 East 15th st. N.. corner Sum ner, Is a neat,' well-built bunga low type of cottage; $S50 cash, $25 monthly. $2600 At 3220 51st st. S. E. Is a 7-room plastered house with bath and toilet, full basement, 1 block from car; $1000 cash, 3 years on the balance. $2G0O A miniature chicken ranch, lo cated at 4138 74th st. S. E., lot 4ox22j. neat little 4-room pia plastered cottage, with gas and electric lights, bath and toilet, concrete foundation, fruit ami berries, large chicken house and pens, with water and electric lights in each pen; $500 cash, $20 monthly. $2000 At 509 Deiium ave.. In Woodlawn, is a 7-room plastered house, elec tric lights, gas, plumbing, con crcte foundation, full basement; very neat little home; $1150 cash, $25 mouthly. $3000 Neat little bungalow "of 5 rooms at 75 Ea-st fciHih st. N built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen, full-length mirror, beamed ceilings, built-in ironing board, etc., a very neat little home; $600 cash, $20 mo. $3000 At 718 Union avenue is a 6-room plastered cottage, concrete foun dation, full basement, stationary tubs, lot 27x100; $5n0 cash, $20 monthly. Do not forget that we said "on Union avenue." $3150 S of an acre with R-room cot tage, .-jood barn and chicken house, raspberries, blackberries, loganberries, etc. Here is a small farm in the city; $650 cash, $15 monthly. FRED W GERMAN CO., 732 Chamber of Commerce, STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! CALL MARSHALL 5M63 TODAY. $13O0 WHY TRY TO R EXT 7 $ 1300. 6-room well-built house, cement base ment, chicken house and runs, some fruit and berries; this is really some snap: house could not be built lor $20O0; lot ".Ox 1 110; terms. $100 MONTA VILLA B ARG A I N $ I K00. 6-room 2-story house, good plumbing, electric lights, gas, several fruit trees, ground looxloo, some furniture, consist ing of stoves, beds, linoleum, chairs, etc. Now. if you know the least thing of values you know this is a snap; on easy terms. $3375 KENTON BUNG ALOW $3375. fl-rooni bungalow, one fioor. fine ce ment basement, furnace, laundry travs. fireplace, all kinds of built-ins, in nice condition, lot 50x100, this place is worth the monev: on terms. $3200 MONTA VILLA BUNG ALOW $3200 5 room p. one t loor, fine basement, electric lights, gas. first-class plumbing, built-in kitchen. corner lot 50x100. double gaiage; terms. Sunday, Mar. 5003; week davs. M. 7'J67. MARiEI-S & WILLIAMS. 820 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ALAMEDA SWISS CHALET. An extremely art 1st lu 7-room Swiss chalet, located on choice oversized corner lot in Alameda Park, commanding un obstructed view from every room of en tire city; nothing like it here; immense living room, lots of French doors; while sittlnir nt table in dining room one en joys a magnificent view of city and our "gorgeous sunsets: 2 very large bedrooms and 1 smaller; old ivory finish and hard n.mi.1 floors Ihrotiehout: draperies cost Ing small fortune go with house ; large view ana sleeping porcnes. uouuie b-i-rage; beautiful planted grounds, with fountain. Owner, forced to leave, will sell lor $12,500. Tabor 407. FURNISHED COTTAGE. $ 1 S25 A LB E RTA $ 1 825. Lot 40x100. electricity and gas. good cellar, furniture new and cost over $0i Hj; 2 rooms with frit house in rear; living room 15x15; easy term?. Office open Sundays and evenings. (S4 .1. F. HILL, 606 Williams Ave. East 26S. $4400. 1 '--story S-room home, built by day labor of the best of material, fully dou ble constructed, large living room, dining room, fine but fet, beam ceilings, pan eled, built-in kitchen with smoke hood, also built-in pantry; two bedrooms and lath downstairs, three good rooms, sleep ing porch, toilet and lavatory upstairs; lull cemefU basement, on 50x100 east front lot. Can give easy terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. LA U R E LH V RST B U N G A I -O W . An artistic -room bungalow with ga rage, located on view lot on E. Flanders st., near car and park; a wonderful liv ing room 10x34. French dors to dining room with 5 windows, all-glass breakfast room with French doors to outside; 2 dandy bedrooms with 3 and 4 windows; rich old ivory finish and finest hardwood floors throughout; attic lurge enough for 3 rooms. Owner, going back to farm, will sell for $7500. T-tbor 407. TWO S C N N Y S I D E DISTRICT TWO. For Sale by Owner With Terms. $5000 7 large rooms, very convenient ly arranged and strictly modern through out: full cement basement, lurnace. trays, large concrete garage: furnished or without. $4000 5-room cottage, completely fur nished: full cement basement and travs. place for small garden, rose and berry bushes. Call at 1030 E. Washington at 35th st. LAURELHURST AVE.. 18S. For sale by owner, S-room. beautiful bungalow with nice large living and dining room, large windows, all finished in white, handsome buffet; French doors Dutch kitchen, breakfast nook, book cases, fireplace, hardwood floors, handsome fixtures. 2 bedrooms on first fi,Hr. :t bedrooms upstairs, furnace, full cement bawement. large cement porch, i garage. 1 blocks north of M.-V. car $0000, '$6000 cash. -sTORY 7-room bungalow in Rose City, n Re&umont car, facing the east. All -..-.aot inmrnvements in. living room, din ing room, kitchen, reception hall, three Kff.ironm and bath, fireplace, fir lin- ihod hardwood floors, furnace, cement basement, years old, 5xl0o lot, with trees ana snruooery . iu uuuiu, total price J550O. JOHXSUS-PODSON CO . 633 N. VV. Bunk Bldg. Main 3767. FINE IRVINGTON HOMES. Strlctlv modern and 12-rnom houwu. with garaBP". 100100. beautified corners. $S."iO and Jl.'.OOO. Cait Srhaefer. Broadway 5107. or Main 066. THIS IS A REAL, HOME. Near the Broadway bridge, beautiful and attaui'tive place of 7 rooms with every convenience necessary for comfort, with over three full lots; plenty of fruit and berries: a suburban home in the heart of th city at the attractive low price of $5500. Terms very reasonable. .See owner at 430 Ross St.. or call . 8201. , A I.AM EDA VVKW BUNGALOW. One of the cosiest 6-room bungalows in city. lth garage, located on K.l-ft. lot on brow of hill, enjoying unobstructed view of entire city from every room: fin ished In old ivory with oak floors throughout: tile bath: large plate-glass view windows: built-in refrigerator; at tic large enoueh for three rooms. A rjre buy at JH0O0. Tabor 47. .ROHM MODKR.V HOUSE. RESTRICTED RESIDENCE DISTRICT. Owner moTinj? ims properly could not be reproduced today for $s00. Buy It now for $ti000. Look tt over aud convince yourself. NEll.AN & PARKHILL. CJ9 Lumbermens Bldg., ."ith and Ftark. COSY fi-room bungalow, bullt-ln bookcases. fireplace, gas anu eiciriv-i.y, iuii plump ing 50xlon-foot lot. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 33 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. BY OWNER iood 2-room shack and 4 lots near Kenton school. 1 block west of Interstate; $13ii0; terms. J. W. Haw kins. 143 Martha tt. bEI.LW'OOD Two dandy 4-room plastered cottages on Taeoma avenue, $1l'.i each on easy terms. Turner & Co., 230 Cham ber of Commerce. LARGE PPACR FOR GARDEN. LOTS OF FRUIT TERMS. 3 rooms on $01 10: city wntex, gas and lights available. Price $;.u0. t. Johns line. Four rooms on 100100: water, gai and lights. Price $1000. 2o cash. On 0lh avenue. Mount Scott line. Four rooms on l0xino, at Os wego and close to the siation. Price $1000, $2oO cash. Red car line. Four rooms on 75x100; gas. wa fer, iights, piumblng. Price $1200, $750 cash. Mount Tabor car. b7 th at reet. Five rooms on 5nxinn: water, gas, fmit trees Sel I wood cs r. Taeoma ave. Price $1000, $1000 cash. Four rooms on 50x20. with lots of fruit, fireplace, close to Mount Hood car: east of MontavCla. Price $1275, $500 cash, Montaviila car. Four rooms, on 75x173. nearly ail In bearing fruit: lath and plastered house, lights. g. plumbing, fire place. Prb e $1K50. half cash; garuge. chicken houses, runways, rabbit hutches. This Is right at the earllne: Gregham car; any of these places have fruit 'trees. We have a great many others, any location, on birge lots. John Ferguson, Gerllnger bldg. Main S52U. BIG BARGAIN. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. " Close In. on Vancouver Avenue, walking distance to the west side; has 6 large, airy rooms and good basement; this property has never been on the market before and we consider It one ot our best offer ings; price $.1000. $0"0 cash, of fice open Sundny and evenings. W3 ,T. F. HILL, 606 Williams Ave. East 269. ATTRACTIVE LAURF.LHULST BUY. .:-.,.,, a. pt: a I. HOME-650ft There arj f-w buys like this on the market: ymi will wv so. t looms, music den and sh-ping porch, modern ,,A it. the lert of Jl u re 1 V u rst ; nam wood floorj. built-in bookc; . and buf fet. Dutch ki-hen: nil neuronm snd light, with exceptionally lare . Ins ...m.nt h:ieinnl. Mt?nice full lot. good wri'Cf. paved Mf'ta all in and Mid: reaiil lc U rms. Can be seen by appointment only. C A. WARRINER. TtlTTEit. I.OWF. M- CO . 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 1RV1NGTON BARGAIN. CORNER LOT GARAGE. Fine 2-storv home, well arranged In side, with reception hall, large li nift room, dining room, sun porch, kitchen and butler's paniry downstairs. 3 good sized bedrooms, bath and sleeping porch iuta,ir; full cement basement with fur nace, wash trays, toilet, etc Desirable location; prie. only mmmi. Will sell tur nlture at great sacrifice if desired; rea sonable teims. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. Main fittfl7. $500 DOWN. Modern K-room house on Marguarl! e ave.; on 50xloo rurntr; everything In and prtid': close to Hawthorne ave.; iu.-n.tee. fireplace, hardwood f oors, full cement basement. This is offered for !rs than two-thirds of the value of the place. V or short time only. The property is lenting for $5o per month, and l a good invest ment If vnu nave a not her home. s'ers, wifch John Ferguson, Geilinger bldg. BEST IRVINGTON LOCATION. 630 East 17th N , 7SO00. double garage. 2 baths, rooms, modern and specially attractive; Just be ing linished; open today. MAl'TZ BUILDING CO . East 5031 or Marshall Jn0. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. 0-room bungalow, corner lot. sU Im provement In and paid, good garage, fireplace, hardwood floor, while enam eled Dutch kitchen; a real home $42on, $1500 cah. 7-room modern home, fireplace, hnt waier heating svsieni. b a l d w o o d . throughout on first floor: all improve nients paid, on Stanton street; $475o, l;i llfl INTERSTATE LAND Co. 24t Stark St. Main BE A I tTfI'L 7-room modern bungalow in Piedmont. 50xt no lot. on Cleveland ac. Living room, den, dining room, bedroom, kiti hen and bath on first Moor, 3 bed rooms u ns fairs, hardwood floors, f it o- p!aee, lurnace, eerie m l onem--in, mii -cooling fruit closet tn basement, burglar alarm, built-in bookcases and bulfet. dining room panebd; $535, $2000 initial payment. JOHNSON DODSON CO, 33 N. W. Bank Biug. Main 37K7. $2700--MODERN BUNGALOW $27oO. 0-rooin bungalow, with sleeping porch, summer dining porch screened In. ce ment basemen i, f ui na-e. la and rv tra f. good plumbing, built-in buffet. Panel dining room, lot 40vl0U. chieken house and run, grapes, berries, f h r u bb rv ; ea.-v t 'rrns. Sunday Marshall 5'o;t; weekdav Main 7007. Manel or V illiam. tO Chamber of Coinnierc bldg. KENTON DIST. BUILDERS. ATTENTION. 2 houses with extra lot, offered at a bargain price, on terms; need enlarging; an opportunity to build additional, big demand for smiJ houses. D. D. B.ith rick, 515 Ch. of Coin., or ot ins E. Wirchell st.. in evening. Propertv sdi. Mi- ave.. 2 blocks north of Loinbatd. Phone or call A. C. Miller. 1015 Mw. axe.. Wood la n 37S. 14 750 H A WfH OKN E BUNG A LOW I 1750 VACANT AND A BEAUTY CALL MAR :ii'03 SUNDAY AND LET ME SHOW YOU. I T HAS E VERY. THING LARGE LIVING ROOM. H. W. FLOORS FRENCH DOORS, AND IS A H HO A I N . ON EASY TERMS. WEEK DAYS MAIN 707. MARIELS OR W I L I.MS H20 .CHAM. OF COM. BLDG. if Vol: 'ike to live out short distsne txwtA Kavn the DleASlire of ountrv v.rvitt uiih citv conveniences within ny limits, come out and see this place; modern bungalow. 4 rooms furnirhed, with large sleeping porch. garnge chicken house, fruit, berries. 1 block from hard surface. 4125 t0i b St. S. K. Tabor H2S0. tlKAlTIKll. IHVINC.TON- H".IE 7 large rooms, hardwood floors, sleep, ing porch Dutch kitchen, fireplace, full basement, attic all finished, ewell floor for dancing or billiard room, large lot. newlv tinted and painted: grand place lor I'S.VIU, terms. A-k Krllot:g. A. J. DeKOHEST At Co . S'JO Henry BldeJ Main S!0. NEAR PKNIXSn.A PARK, v.., T.rimm bungalow. hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen. 1 hetlroom down, d op.iaim. -.3 wtu. to car. Price J37.10, 7.v) ch. JOHNSON -L" IDSO.V CO., 633 N. W. Hank BMg. Main 371 MUDKRX f.-ROOM HOISE. J4WMI. Al.l. IN Al CONDITION. You couldn't duplicate today for s.'.olM). see it at once if you are looking for a good bargain: possession at once. NEII.AN PARKHII.I-. L'lf T.umbermena Bldg.. .th and Stark. vi, 11 KAI.K CHEAP Nice 3-room hou.e. ...ii i.u...ment. nice bath room; lot .',0x 101)' 8 iruit trees; paved street.; - shade trees; near to car line; price -.i.: goon terms Come and ee for yourself. Hi, 4 E 11th st. N. Phone W'oodiawn Sfi4l. RFAt'TIKl'I. 7-room house and sleeping porch In Laurelhurrt : rirepiaces. all built-ins, hardwood floors. 1 block from -;irline For particulars, see owner, 17 William ave.. or phone Enst L':.M' MAI. DEN AVE. HOME : Mm 6-rooin l-.ousc with b:t?emcnl In sigttMr location t-oud nelghborluiod ; SLS. paved and paid: eaxv terms. O. ruce. HENRY W. GOI-l'AnD. 'Jl l Htsrk St. t-.s nOW'.V. l.i MONTH. A largo shack. 14x'JL". celled and pa pered lot 4IU100, good woodshed; Al berta district; price :mo. Fred XV. Ger man Co., 73- Chamber of Commerce. 3-ROOM house. 63x133 lot, barn, chicken house, I run e.-o m s'...u home; price low at, $.',oo Ca,h. JllUNSON-DODSoN CO.. 633 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 377. 4-ROOM cottage, furnished, and garage. reasonable lermn. - ir,,.n. si., near 1 nion ave. and Kllllngsworth. Phone 2.-.01. 7:4 CLINTON, COR. E. 22111311011. k-room modern house, corner lot. H. S. street: terms. East 2N7I. S-ROOM house, good location, full cement buseinent. loll Wi llanis ave.; price rea sonable. Inquire al house. "WEST HIDE Two o-room flats, garage, co.n-r r.oxli'O; bilng good Income. AM s-j:,, ciregontan. AM forced to sell my enuity in 3-room house, near Columbia Park, on account oC sickness. Call Columbia "ti. DEKUM JORDAN HOM K BARGAINS. K05E CTY PAR K. OVI.T '$4200. room modern. 2 lorT titi, larr Jiving room and dining room. Dunn kitchen, fireplace. fU cimer-t benieet laundrv tra. $ good lc,t blroon on eennd floor; Mint int. stse at improvements In and paid for. ud U( t.t south of Sandy boulstard. CENTRAL A LB IN A. Foi $IOOO. 2 6- room houses on corner W. 1 b:ek rrom Mtiuusvippi car; both houses in tM or repair; a1! improvements In and paid for; only llooil fof ,Mn on terms. Can rent one hou and maka monthly pa) menu. Tnis Is a bmrsaui. Sec them. WILLAMETTE ADDITION. ovi.T 13 750. 7-room modern If-Fferr hon. lar living room with flrepisce. dining room and iMit.-h kitchen. 4 bedroom wttn arge clothes co-et, ru II liwmrn( ard laundry travs; large grounds. liKUIOU. 'th 14 full bearing fruit tree and berries. Fine place for chickens and garden, only 2 blocks from treft car. I'erm. ALBERTA TMSTR1CT. ONLY 1 1 500. B-roflm boufte, tfn room en rrenM floor; bath, toilet, tight, hot sn.1 coM water, gas. ete.; full bd-entent; lot fiOkl" leef; fine fruit: Improvement all tn and paid; on Jarrett sL $500 cah. tsJajus nke rent, Anv f thcpA ran b sen Punday 4P '"m UP Ur ofr"" between JJ and dfkum .mrtnAV. 323-4 Chamber of Com mere B;Jf.t Fourth and h'tsrk directs. Main 2J.I3. 4-SVonv. g room notice, nearlv new; all ilnuMe conxt met ion and modern tanent dining room and built-in f u t n tt ure ; con crete floor tn bnhcinerit and wsh trv; ptp- leK furnace; lot H 2-3 lot ; a I lev ; graded treei, Milrm k, fruit treci. $5i0; $1500 down; terms. " room. 2-(orle double construction and modern: lot 1ooio:i. al!. barn (or garage, graded street . side alk; $4700; $1500 down; 12 I ru t trees. 5-room hoiine; hard urfse street: sewer; loOxiuo, $20oo, $.,oo down; terms a. r--nt. it-room hour: bard tirrr-( strict; all improvements in: lot ;.m1imi. ii. IIOF.NTRAM'. Wdln tW.V ;;; i, HrfrT St ALBERTA DISTRICT. $:-c,;,n.-ifw;5 k. 32d N. $?. Under the market for omck S-( ion . lot fin lOft ; A room; gir.(gi ; dope- to mr and sehool; i hi- is a bargain ; terms. Olfice open hundnv and e en inns. i7:n .1. V. HILL, 600 Williams Ave. Fat 3'A. ROSE CITY BARGAIN $55O0. Modern g room rvbirne. Iocs led on pH d si reel. i? block ol f Sand v, b the hill: nt-o hght living room wiih fireplace and built-in bookcases, dining room uith butit-ln buffet, Dutch kUch en and reeepiinn ball dow ntair. 3 light, airv bedroom and bath upxialr; lull cement ba-t mrni, fnrtmer. ah ta, fine a grsge. 5 fruit tree and beam iful hhrubherv. Price onlv $55ihi. terms half ca.-h, buiance H per cent mortgage, LUEDDEMANN mMPANT. 113 Chamber of Comntei t. Main 6i7. MAGNIFICENT l,Al ItKl.H! HST HOME ipe of the ino-l hcttltl If III NUI S'J- mhed 0-rnom colonial homes tn city, lo in led on eltobe oerl7.i(J corner look-ir-Z right Into I .s ure I h urt piirk; center hull with colonial ar.h; 1fl:ifl II viiiii room wi: h artistic n re place; co--v den with flrepuce; delirhlful dhit'ig" room looking out on street and Into p.itk. con v en b nl k lichen, totlei nn l la atorv , 4 w ' II ent I l.t ted bd t oom. sleeping pon h ami 2 tile baths on 2d floor, fin-l.-ln d in old Ivorv, fine on k floor, pun porch, celled attl- . garner; nice grounds, built for home; flrt 'iMie offered Prhe fill ooo. U M T Hill KV. Tabor 4nT NEW IRVINGTON PRGA1V (i;pt Ka-t 17th N , 7 Urge i...mi. lib balh, double garage, two llte-plaic-, oak t n t hrous boit I . enameled and papered. Subia 1 la I mi v 'ng ov it co' t tod a v ; I I . -ooo. $ i c.tiOi. $ I o mon t h i ip'-n t"d: v M A I - A Bl II. DING CO East 5o3l or Mart-hall J.sft NICE BRICK BUNGALOW. F.fe nnm. oc:t ted on 1A fWiii lees. fu I -"inent hutment: plu'iildPH ; 2 t-rep h e , h f bio. k from Pr . r $.'.o.iO. half fit," p; Off., e. cci ling' $4. no A lidernoll, - bldg :h John I 'loo -M'lMhllV 111 ,i;U,(i IJ4PO, Tills IS M l:E SdMK III V 7 r,,,,"'. l.ui.Ra.ow tM1". c, merit bae. ment. f,r.t-c.H-. plumbing., ligl-li, Cf.. lot 1o-.':,, , In. kcfi hou.e a' d ar,l. lrr'. rn.-. h trv In ten! v. hen you can bu. thi Itli'd o' a h.,j. on tl'e' i -t t-r"i. " Snn.lav Mar, ,V,H.. we.kclav. Mam 7!'.7 Mailrl. or III lia'ti'. ' ' ( m inter of i'.imni' r. i bl'l g Too - ru Tt "h TTi i- it ta k ks - i:ioo. THIS IS Si, ME HAItHAIN' R-rnom. ilniil.l,' . ..n.tru, led 'loil.e. ful' I, . ment. Dilt-h kit.'in. Iniflil. cnr.d pliimhiim, fine lot. Tin.- 1. t.o rheai.. t.ii.ll hiiu-e. It ilb-talit a1 I'nlil II ' D,r.iii,il ui,. anil price I. onlv IPMliI f.i iUv, Mai. .V.3: Wfrkrtini MuMfl. .ir William.. N.'H ' Manf '' of .'i,m WAI.KIN'i DISTAM-l: 7-rooin tnll .toty home, l-e aled e.m veiilcnt to east end or llrnadway or t.ll roa.i btidne, helnng. tn a ii',n who wl.lies to sell at oo.-e. , Is ev leptionallv low priced. Will make l rnn .cry ease ;r drMted . ,l illNS' Sl IS( IN CO.. Il:t3 N. W'. Hank Kl'lg. Ma'n 77 IV SEI.I.W OI i UNf.V ONE HI.OCK T' " A It . Iv., 7.e,.in modern iioune ir fit,- rnnillliou. Full lot. Iil e lawn IH" pl.-cA. furnir. and buili-llis. Pri. e $:'..",o. fi;,in ci.h. PHI.IA MI.E INVESTMENT rn, ::,., li. ik St. ilriiHilwuv 4KJ'I AI.HKUTA CAI.IEOKNIA ItlMiAI.OW -3i:.rt 6 rooms all on one floor, large living room. 3 bedrooms, bulit-ln Kitchen, fire place, parage, basement, IS blocks to car. 3 to h,,..l. JiillKSi N-TciHSi IN' CO. 633 N W'. Ha-ik Kldg. Main ,,:7 ALA (EDA PA:;' l'l'M;tI,i.W-.ViH Corner lot with unobstru.-t. d view: 6 r nil -lis ntld hnlli on one flimr; large stt'e. all hardwood floors. Free, h doors. .leM glass window., sun parlor,; pur. enn-vr may s 'led shades .'.I'd electric fixtures. HENRY W. C.OI DAr.n. 213 St irk St lunxTliO-FEET of gioiind. frull sod lier rte. house has . mnms, sleeping poreh and den, sntne biil'l-lns. Ilreiiace. full cement basem-nt, flirnacs; blnck from car. price 144. ,0, flli',11 cash, balance monlhl v. jollNSi IN'-D1DS( IN CO. 633 N. W. Hank Hlilg slain 377 iliuill f, Ki'i'M llnl SK. flo.e In. all newlv repslred. double garage, chicken pens, f-ult Irees and .herric-: a snap, price $2sfHl, terms. Ask h0llKA J. DrKOREST C,,. .120 Hnry Rblg. Main JWo fi-K' M htiiiKilow. fireilae, buffet, com- n ete hilt lieu, Ktni i u in ui i r . i u i r-- ent hRM-mnO ! I'rica l:loMi. 1700 cab. haian niorn hlv .HiHNSMN'-iSiiN CO, X. v. Rhuk Hld. Main T7I7. I, SSM K R K H'-stitiT ut " room bnu!, on .1!Mh "t.. bardwod floor. niaj.l.'e ntnni 1 1 1 replace, basement, furnirf, tn furl, a fine. op-to-dHte home In everv rrprft, I'rtc'e $nr.oo Turner A Co., 2-'0 Cham ber of Coitimrc. ROHK CITV M id.rn llttlo bongi'lnw of g rm. flreptn'1. eement nenlnt. fiirnne, 2 piockN from car. good nr.gjihorlioni and a nbc pla.. I'bonc 31K P.2. Auk for ;oyn. t 1 K 3 '"9 aef ei Improx ed 1th H rtn bourie. electric light,, water, chicken vard and buf. 50 fFortefi fruit trt, i block io l"""er rad; I'0mi, f;iH,'o cah. Ji 1NS( iV 1m irK N CO, fir.H N. W. Hank lldg. .Vain 1.77. " " llTiS rTV 1 T V lU'NO A Ut W. 5 rAAinp. ftrei'iaer. furnace, hnrrlwitoil floor, cmettt t'snemrnt. huilt - in p. lot .".OxinA; in.n.eHlsfe ton-eti!on. 420 Cham of Commerce building. Mi il'KRN H-room bniow, Hn Cttv T'srW modem in everv tiv; f.MMio. 420 Cham ber of Com m reo building, r. VoTlI A M' iil-A I STo K $2."00 A-room cottage mid rniMll tor bulM-leg- In fine phapf: fr-iv KaM 27t fl-ltiM1 hlgh--rieed bu"ftlnw, mnunili by appomtniffnt. AM $ Uregonian. 4 lr'7 'V s ' -v- a . v. " . 1. r..'