SECTION TWO Pages 1 to 24 Classified Advertising and Sporting News vol. xxxix. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 28, 1920 NO. I.'t PSiYS' EASY ' (RED 4 - ItffM Is the Easiest and Most Convenient Way of Furnishing a Home We trust any honest person you, your neighbor, your famHy, your relatives, your friends. We do not bother your employer as to your reliability nor your friends as to your standing in the community. Everything that would tend to embarrass you when applying for credit has been eliminated. You can buy anything you need a few pieces or enough to furnish a flat or house completely by paying a little down and the balance of your bill in small monthly installments NO INTEREST charged. We challenge cash stores to undersell us. We buy from makers of unquestionable repute and are given every price advantage that extensive buying and spot cash can command. We mark everything in PLAIN FIGURE PRICE! TAGS on the closest margin system, with consistent business safety. And quality for quality, by actual comparison, our prices are the lowest in the city. 'No matter who has a sale, Gadsby sells for less Cash or Credit. COMBINATION WOOD, COAL AND GAS RANGE A Clan Range W ith Coal or Wood Firebox. "Whfca. Takea the Place of Separate Kitchen Heater. ALL THE FIRE YOU NEED and at a small cost compared to a big fire in a furnace or range. Takes trie nip oM of the morning temperature ana gives you a ary, ncaunj atmospnere. Ton may bake and broil with one flame game time on the Wedgenood Can Hanjre. The same set of burners heat the bake oven (above) and the broiler just beneath it. The Wedgewood Oas Range Is easy to clean; its smooth surface, white and black, can be cleaned with soap and water like you would wash your dishes. NOTICE! "We will take yow old cook stove or range In exchange oa one of these new va eagewooa nanges anil aiiow you an u is worm. A -S ale of Bed Davenports i lilt siil 5 THIS BED DAVENPORT NEEDS NO MATTRESS $49.85 This improved Davenport offers voif attractive appearance, durability and comfort, all for little money. Is radically uim:RK.T FROM ANV UTIIKR automatic davenport at anvwhere near the price. PLKASK'SOTK THAT yor !( .()!' slkki1 0 THK IPHOI.STKKIVf.. To convert into a bed you simply urfold the seat, exposing a comfortable upholstered sprisg which is very similar to a box spring. A folding head rest keeps pillow in place. The construction of this davenport does away with the need for an extra mat tress and the expense of purchasing one. The frame of this desirable Davenport is built of seasoned fiEMIE OAK and linished in either the rich Golden or popular Fumed Brown shade. It in solidly put together and will Rive full value and service for every dollar- it costs. Fitted with easy rolling casters. Upholstering in an excep tionally durable grade of artificial Spanish leather which will not fade.- ROOM-SIZE RUGS ON SALE 9xl2-ft. Heavy Brussels Rugs $32.95 4-6x7-6 Seamless Brussels Rugs $16.95 9xl2-ft. Axminster Rugs go at $47.85 8-3x10-6 Velvet Rugs $39.95 9x10-6 Fine Heavy Fiber Rugs $12.95 9xl2-ft. Heavy Wool and Fiber Rugs now priced $14.75 27-54-inch Axminster Rugs 100 of them to go at $5.75 27-inch Rag Itugs assorted colors, very special, $2.25 And Many Others. All Sizes, Colors, Makes, Etc. See How Substantial This SOLID OAK EXTENSION TABLE Looks It extends six feet and may be furnished either in golden wax or fumed oak. with six Solid Oak Dining Chairs finished to match table.. MO Cfl Special at Gadsbys' this week at : tAiJU TERMS 8.0O CASH, 2.00 WEEKLY. GENUINE TAPESTRY Overstuffed Davenports Only $85. SALE OF BED SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES BEDS UN SALE $ 8.85 $10.55 $12.85 $16.00 $19.25 $25.50 $27.50 $28.50 $29.95 $10.00 Iron Beds now at $12.00 Iron Beds now at $15.00 Iron Beds now at J1S.00 Iron Beds now at J22.00 Iron Beds now at J35.50 Maliogany F I n i shed Wood Bed $39.50 Mahoeany K i n 1 s hed Wood Bed M2.00 Ivory Wood Bed at . . . $42.50 Mahogany F i n i shed Wood Bed i7Sl!liiiii SPRINGS AND MATTRESSES $22.00 Steel Springs now$jgQ $20.00 'steel Springs now J 85 $18.00 Steel Springs now C I C PC at only. 01 J.O J $15.00 Steel Springs nowfflQOC at only tJHUiZd Wood Springs an Cheap an M.r0 $39.00 Cotton Felt Mat- fit ft tress now at OuJiUU $35.00 Floss Mattress "ow JJ QQ $30.00 Felt Mattress now at only $25.00 Felt Mattress now at only $18.00 Cotton Felt Mat- I C flfl tress now at only iJIJiUU : $27.00 $22.50 EXTENSION TABLES ON SALE Tn! jafon and consider what we are offering vou for so little money. This full-size Davenport, upholstered in a good grade genuine tapestry, pleasing colors and designs, three loose cushion seats with spring in the cushions and .snriiiE- bottom construction, also spring upholstered back. Just as comfortable as it looks. Regular $119 value. SPKCIAL fOE fin AT GADSBYS" 03.UU SIRE, WK HAVE OTHERS TO SHOW YOU. LIBRARY TABLES ARE SPECIALLY PRICED The Library Table on sale is similar to cut. Top 24x36. with two inch heavy legs, one large drawer and bookshelf below, fin ished golden oak or pretty brown fumed oak. PRICE $16.50 $65.00 now at $54.00 now at $50.00 now at $48.00 now at $45.00 now at $42. ;o now. at $40.00 now at $35.00 now at $30.00 now at Extension Table Extension Table Extension Table Extension Table Extension Table Extension Table Extension Table Extension Table Extension Table $55.00 $47.50 $44.15 $43.00 $39.85 $36.00 $35.00 $31.00 $27.00 Special Sale Kitchen Cabinet $19.85 Height over all. 57 inches. Plze of table top. 4Sx28 inches. Ca pacity of bin drawers, each, about 45 pounds. Shipping weight about 135 pounds. The top has a spacious cup board, with shelf and two panel doors. Below are two drawers and round-bottom sirgar bin. The base has two removable cutting or kneading boards, directly under the tabic top, which do not show clearly in the picture. The two drawers and two round-bottom bins have nicely finished metal pulls. Fancy turned legs. Tapper cupboard has glass doors. The cabinet is dependa bly built for service and will prove a most welcome addition to anv up-to-date kitchen. Regular $1'7 value. Special at Gadsbys ( I Q QC at only I 3.03 li o I 1 o LIBRARY TBI-KS OAK, Fl MED ASD $54.00 Llorary 'laoie at only $51.00 Library Table at only $47.00 Library Table at only $39.00 Library Table at only $37.00 Library Table at only $35.00 Library Table at only. . . IX fiOI.OEN MA HOli A. NY ."?w. $47.00 .n?I$44.00 .n?w. "$41.00 .n?w. $35.00 $33.00 $31.00 .$26.75 $30.00 Library Table now at only $28.75 Library Table Pow J24 65 $25.00 Library Table now at only $21.00 Library Table now at only $17.50 Library Table now at only $21.85 $18.00 515,00 BUY AT GADSBYS' SALE HERE AVE ILLUSTRATE OXLY OXE OP OTR MAXT PRETTV RED ROOM OUTFITS, and consider it a splendid value. All hardwood, beautiful ivory enamel (finish. Ask the salesman to show you C07 fin this suite it's a pleasure to show nice goods. Price complete. . wO ' U TERMS SS.50 CASH, 2 WEEKLY. DINING CHAIRS ON SALE AT GADSBYS' $12 Dining Chairs now at only. $10 Dining Chairs now at only $9 Dining Chairs now at only $7.50 Dining Chairs now at. . . $6.50 Dining Chairs now at. . . $5.50 Dining Chairs now at. . . $10.00 8.85 8.00. 6.35 5.75 4.75 $5.00 Dining Chairs now at. . . 9 $4.75 Dining Chairs now at. . . " $4.00 Dining Chairs now at ... $3.50 Dining Chairs now at...w $3.00 Dining Chairs now at. Other c h a irs on sale as cheap as.. $ 4.45 4.15 3.60 3.00 2.70 1.50 GADSBYS' REGULAR CREDIT TERMS $ 50 Worth of Furniture $ 5.00 Cash, $1.00 Week $ 75 Worth of Furniture $ 7.50 Cash, $1.50 Week $100 Worth of Furniture $10.00 Cash, $2.00 Week $125 Worth of Furniture $12.50 Cash,. $2.25 Week $150 Worth of Furniture $15.00 Cash, $2.50 Week NO INTEREST CHARGED AT GADSBYS' NO INTEREST CHARGED AT GADSBYS' USE OUR EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT If you have furniture that doesn't suit want something more up to date and better phone us and we'll send a competent man to see it and arrange to take it as part payment on the kind you want the Gadsby kind. We'll make you a liberal al lowance for your goods and we'll sell you new furniture at low prices. The new furniture will be promptly delivered. Exchange goods can be bought at our First and Washington Store. BLY AT GADSBYS' SALE. YOUR HOME EXPRESSES YOU The rooms in which you live express your char acter and taste quite as much as your attire does. Be genuine and buy the furnishings you like, not what someone else tells you you ought to have. And if you think you can't afford as fine furniture as you like, remember Gadsbys' easy terms will help you. WE GADSBY & SONS COR. SECOND AND MORRISON STREETS BEAVERS SHUT OUT CITY CLUB TEAM Los Angeles Nine Gets but Two Bingles. KINGD0N BATS IN THREE I'olon .Makes Nine Strikeout and Boss Walter Wears an Kar-to-Kar Grin. ET ROSCOE FAWCETT. OVTAIUQ. Cal.. March IT. (Spe cial.) In a game featured by th pitching of Harold Tolson. the Port land coast leaguers defeated I tie lxs Angeles Athletic club squad this af ternoon, 4-0. Folson sent the scml pros back to the capital of southern California with only two hits in nine I innings and a record of nine strike outs. Wcscott Kingdon's hRltirg and the I stick work of tieorge Malsel and Iew Blue also featured the workout, i Voting Kingdon at short demonstrat- t ed that he is fast learning to hit by bagging three and -a walk In four trips to the plate. McCredie bril I liant young star knocked In three of Portland's four tallies, so he and Pol son were almost an entire team in themselves. PoInob Makea CmmI. McCredie seemed particularly plensed with Poison's showing, for he realises that his pitching corps needs careful nursing. The big boss ambled back to the Interocean Inn after the game chuckling to himself like a guinea hen that has Just found the gobbler's cache of No. X hard wheat. Mack announced that the ex-Texas league twlrler would do. Poison walked only one Angeleno In the nine innings and trotted out for Inspection a good reijertolre of hooks, fast ones and knuckle balls. The Beavers scored their first two registrations in the fourth inning. Maisel doubled to left and waltzed to third on a wild pitch. Schallcr walked and stole Becond. Barnabe's sacrifice fly scored Malsel. and King don brought Schaller home with a two-base to center. Barnabe played half the game in right field but did not hit safely. Klngdoo'a Work Steady. Another run accrued In the sixth on Maisel's single, an error or two and Klngdon's infield single. In the eighth Cox singled and again King don came through, scoring him by a single over third. Maisel came through with three hits in four trips and itlue with two. The score: R. H. E I,os Angeles. . .0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 Portland 0 0020101 0 4 10 Batteries Tally and Descomb; Pol- son and Koehler. Two Karnes will be played tomor row. The regulars will meet the Stahl & Dean club from bos Angclc in Ontario, and the Yannlgrns will tackle Colton at Colton. Southpaw Schroeder or "Suds" Sutherlands will twirl for the Regs. Kudy Kallio. right-hand pitcher se cured from Pclroit. arrived this morn ing and workr out in uniform before the game. "Kallio suys lie will be ready to take his turn in the box In ten day. He has been working in a shipyard In Portland and did not re port on scheduled time, owing to a salary disagreement. 10:30 A. M. until 1 P. M. when the chowed and proceeded in a body to Washington Park to watch Ihs Cuba skunk the Tigers. I.os Angeles will face Grover Cleveland Alexander for the first four Innings tomorrow. After that some recruit is likely to take up the toll for the Cubs. Wade Klllefer and the old heads on the club apent a great deal of lima thla morning schooling Kddle Burke, the Portland boy. on the fundamen tals of shortntopplnr. It mav be that the Irish kid will get a fling at tha position If Jlmmv McAiilv . V ..... (City) remains a violent holdout and continues to issue all kinds of threats about not playing ball from bis home. Ia Moore. Cal. Although Burke mr get a chance for a timr. It la llkelr that Klllrfer lll obtain lomrnne out of the bg show, for Tex McDonald absolutely will not do ut ihortslnp. Vic Aldridge and Hay Keating hit not yet put in an appcainncc. These two pitchers r expected hourly. BLASTED HOPES TO RULE half io7.f.x m:vi its m,ati.d Pprangrr and Rnrnabe Apparently Only Players Kit for llllll Berth Wllh Portland. II Mil) ,tt'K HITS SKAI, CAMP Yannigans Manage lo Hand Reg- ulnrs Second Defeat. STOCKTON", Cal., March 27. (Spe cial.) The jinx on Seal catchers Is still working. With Sam Agnew Just out of the hospital with his left hand swathed In a bandage and 14 stitches closing the incisions the doctor made in his business arm, young Joe Doolcy. one of the kid catchers, was sent to the hospital this afternoon with the third finger on his right hand broken by a foul tip in practice today. That leaves only Anflnson to catch the games with the Cubs this week. It is possible that Red Baldwin, who belongs to the Seals, but who has not signed, will be sent for to help out In the emergency. And again a young fellow named W'lrtx of Sacrament", who Is to catch for Calgary this year, may be used. Another effort la be ing made to get Hack Spencer Into the fold. The Vannigans again beat the regu lars today, 2-1. Tom Seaton pitched the whole game for the Yannlgana and showed that he is ready. He pitched good ball and struck out eight of the regulars. After Dooley was hurt Fon.eca showed his versatility by taking his place behind the bat. He has nerve enough to tackle anything. OAKS TAKE DOCBLE-HEADER Howard's Men to Tlay Four Games in Two Days. OAKT,A.VD. Cal.. March 27. (Spe cial.) Del Howard's Oaks took a double-header this afternoon on their home grounds. The team started with a brilliant defeat of the All-Armv club that was blanked, 4 to 0, and held to four hits. In the second session they beat the chamber of commerce In a free-hitting session, 9 to 5. Mickey Shader tried to duplicate his feat of beating the Oaks, but was worsted, six hits and errors counting for four Oakland runs. Timely hitting on the part of Oak land assisted in taking the chamber of commerce game. The scores: first game RH.E.I R.H.G. All Army.. 0 4 llOakland... 4 6 2 Batteries Shader and Ogden; Ra gon, Winn and Dorman. Second game RH.E.I R.H.E. C. of Com. E 7 7 Oakland... S 8 t Batteries Dolan and Spellman; R, Arlett and Gearln. Sunday morning Oakland plays Cal gary and in the afternoon Cantain Barlbalow'a Mare Island sailors. AXGELS READY" FOR CCB GAME Eddie Burke Likely to Play Short in First Big Game. 1XJS ANGELES, Cal.. March 27. day to demonstrate their rate of lm- J prpvement. The men were hustled through a stiff workout at tha Ver non ball park, which, lasted from ONTARIO, Cal., March 27 (Sp. elal.) After tomorrow a double bill Manager McCredie of the Portland Coast club will hand rclcatcs to irr oral aspiring youngster. Among those who probalily will be uncon ditionally released are Jarvls. out fielder from I'tah: Fulton, outfielder from Long Peach hlah; Ciiyleor, out fielder from l.os Angele; Hntirrk. In flelder from Mlchlgun: l.lhke. pitcher from Astoria; and 4ietschlne, Inflelder from Pasadena. Sylvester Johnson, a Portland semi pro pitcher, will be carried and turned over to Nick Williams' Moose Jaw club of the Western Canada league. McCredie also has recommended Cuy leer and Lihke to Williams. (let schlne ouht to make good In the Pacific International. Jarvls Is an other who ought to make class R He is a good fielder and can lilt tha ball. Ills main fault Is Indifference. Apparently Portland will get only two utility players from the entlra batch of cadets tried out this spring, Spranger of the Western Canada league, an Inflelder. and Unmade, a Jack of all trades from Ia Angeles. VERXOX CLIB WHITEWASHED C'oat League Team (icl 10 Hits, bill Drop Content. LOS AffOKLKS, Cal.. March 27 (Special.) The Chicago Cuba white washed Vernon here this afternoon. 2 to 0. Vernon made ten hits off Vaughn and Bailey, while Frnmma and l'ell were holding the Urn I na to seven, but could not score. Vrruon committed three arrors. Da Vormer'a In tha second costing a run. Bill Wrlg ley's gumchewers did not pull a "hoot." Frlberg's double scored Max Flack In the first Inning for the visitors. Flack had singled. Walt Prarce sin gled In the second, stole second and scored on Charley Deal's elnule when Al De Vormcr dropped lluirlc Iflgh's throw to the plate. Vernon goes to San Diego tonight Meyers' club there score: Tt. H. K.l R. II. F- Chicago... 2 7 Oi'ernon ftln 2 Batteries Vaughn. Bailey and Kll lefer. O'Karrell; Fromme, fiill and Dc Vormcr. to play "Chief" tomorrow. Tha P.EES GET IIIIUU V TH IHI,I K Cullop Wlrrs I'roin Virginia and Will Report In Condition. BOTES HOT SPRINGS. March 27. (Special.) Ernie Johnson had word today of Pitcher Cullop. who msft bough from the St. Louis Americana hut has been missing all thlr lime. Cullop wired he has been In Virginia, hut that he has hern throw Ing mm and will report In condition. Ho has been ordered direct to Salt Lake. Because of the sickncMi of to of his men Johnson had no practica game. Duke Rellly tartt too strrun ous a campaign and was unable to leave his bed. Elmer Rlcgcr caught cold In his neck and found himself unable to turn his head. Salt Laka goes to Santa Rosa tomorrow for a game. STANFORD TAKES DIAL MEET Southern California Takes Eight Out of 13 FlrMx. but Lom-s. LOS ANGELES. Slarch 27 Tha Stanford varsity track and field tram defeated the CnlverKlty of Southern California here today in a 13-event meet, 61 to G2. The Trojana wera first In eight events but the Car dinals won by virtue of the second and third places taken by their men. Jess Wells of Stanford was the big gest point winner of the meet, taking 11. He won both the high and low hurdlea and was third In the l"n jard dash. Charles Paddock, L S. C, Irtter-allled sprint champion, and Trojan star runner, and Roy ("Swede") M. Evans, also t. H. C, tied for second honors as point win ners, with 10 each. PENNSYLVANIA KEEPS TITLE State College First In Wrelllns Tournament; Cornell Seeond. PHILADELPHIA. March 27. Penn sylvania Stata college retained tha intercollegiate wrestling title today, scoring a total of 21 points In the an nual tournament. Cornell was second mith 14. The University of Pennsyl vania scored 12. while Yale, Princeton and Lehigh scored 10 esch. Columbia failed to score. Gait of Yale won the heavyweight individual championship. Amateur Bllliardist Rclaina Tile. NEW YORK, March 27. J. Howard Shoemaker of the New York Athletlo club successfully defended his till of national amateur champion of pocket billiards today by defeating G. Gardner of New York in the final rnatch of tha tournament. The' scora was l-'l to 69. Shoemaker won acven atraight gamea Carpentier-Levinsky tio Wanted, DETROIT, March J". An offer of 120.000 to Georgea Carpentlrr to meet Battling Levlnsky. a light heavy weight, In a 10-round bout here, was announced today by Max L. Barbour, president of toe Wolverine Athletlu club. Mr. Barbour proposed to stags the match either at Navln field or the state fair grounds. 1