V. 21 TOE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, MARCH 21, 1920 - I -.I b4 4 HELP WANTED FEMALE HOUSEKEEPER. Must be healthy and capable taking charge of six-room modern home for couple with K-yar old mn; mother is -rtii alevcing and mu?t be spared re sponsibility of child and home; no wash in c ; best wages; references required. 11& Hazelfern place. Call Tabor 7040 lifter 9. ATT K ACTIVE TRAVELING POSITION. Open April 1 with well-known firm; wilt afford imoinc of $50 per week; generous rornnnBf tons and bonui, with expenses from start: previous experience rot required; applicant mui have high 'hoot education and De at leant 27; give ae, education and experience. J. C. Wine, b-9 Monadnock blUg., San Fran- LUMBERMEN'S EMPLOYMENT AGENCY. 2to Ankeny St.. cor. 2d. Free f m pin vine nt h are advanced. 1 lady waitress, mill hotel. $50. room and board. 2 lady waiirwscs, loir camp out from Seaside, or. ; J !.' month, pay board. O.rnc today, open to 12:30 P. M. 10 STKN't m ; KA PH ERS, city. $75-9125. Steno-dict. op., city; $1"Mp. Lumber .Mi-no.. ii. nd. Or.; $100-1125. Law stenographer, city; 3125. Lumber steno.-bookkeeper, city. $ 125. I. or of ir. od position.-; regiMer here. BUSINE.-S MEN'S CLEARING HoLSE. 447 Morpan HIdg. WANTED Neat. inte".l."nt young woman to do mmt; housework and take part care of two children; considerable lime off. good salary and iie aa one of family. If you mot they requirements ca: sundav before 2 P. M., jor Monday at E. Main St. W ANTED L:i the money i y wicswoman to cail on ass of business and profes- h:r;i men: strictly high class; laut with tart and good personality will make jntn a a they never b;i w it before from the very s; art ; k' v phone n run her for appointment. Al C'regonian. LI' TAI HoNE op ra I 'nderw ood ty plH'.B securing a tr.tiitniK tors. Tho5 whu p'-(rd a course in .re: two experienced who are desirous of as dictaphone opera h ivo rt-rt.ntiy com- typing on atiy stan I ie acceptable. Ad- dam key hn.ird wi drtss M Oregonian. TYPISTS Four operators on either Un derwood or Etiiott -Ft her machines; re cent business ctc'.ee raduK'.es on any a n-iurti k-ybo.t rd a-i' pted ; preferably those with ai least two ears of liiKh hool training. Address V 61, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED miliin'ry makers wanted. Apply at once. Wonder Millinery. WANTED .Machine operators on tents. awnings, o verbis, inai-kinaws, water ' proof gnmienih. etc.. both single and clouDie nerd o machiiit-a; tirst-cia.s waK s can be n.ade. Appiy Iliriih-W cis .Mia 'o.. 2'f Burnside street. iwX 1 ERI KNCKU operators fT power sew ing nirt ehiiit-s on mats, pa n t.s a nd pi ay Suits; also h:II ert-h a few bright girl.-; perieneed hand w-r on f:i(jior -made r'Ki.n, Mt Hood factory, 23 Couch at., corner Second. WHITE THE WfiRDS Ft H A SONG. We write music and guarantee pub lisher's acceptance, Hwbntu poems, pa t::utio, lo o or any suojeui. Cheater Muyiu company, iO) bouill Michigan, suite 204, CIiMHgo. V A NT ED N r wspii p-r reporter, pref era bl v woman, for two or time weeks' work on weekly, present help has the -flu." May develop into steady job. Write irnnu-d i a i "(y, put i m g e peri. tice and salary w a tiled. Th- News, Win lock. Wash. iiA To $.iti WEEKLY in Mare time doing speciai advertising work among the f .i m i I ics of your city; no ex periem e ner.-ssary. Write today for full par lieiUars. American Products Co., ii71 America n bl'ig., ' 'incin nat l, O. VV A NT ED Experienced bookkeeper for voucher svsttin; must us tjp(;writcr. Answer ht own handwriting, :iiiig ex-lierifii'-e. sa.ary expected and references. AM 7UJ. OrKoiiiaii. i oU 3 months M :ddle-aped woman of re liiiemnt lor i;g;it huuse-kceping and companion ivr coiiVaU-scir.s paLietit. No niir.-ing fie(esar-, two in fattiiiy, good wages. Airs. Brooks, Broadway 12tfti. WANTED A woman to act as Jandiady in email apartment house. Inquire for further mturmation, between 10 and o P. M , 141 Low nsdale, si. tuwkKKKF'KhS, $7." ers. $7" to slid; :. keeper, $I0u to bldg. to $J'u; stenograph nosraidirr and hook u. ul N. W. Bank WANTED Eidt-riy woman as houekeepe, one who wants good home more than h:g wages. Call at tk2 U. Sth st. S. on Sunday. RELIABLE party w ho will take care of 4-yeur-o.d x'.rl for rent of 2 ground floor furnished housekeeping rooms. 13 oth North. "YOUNG or middie-aged ladies desiring to earn money lor spare or whole time; light work; give phone. AE W3, uro poni.in. WA N'T ED Experienced stenographer. Ap ply manager Universal Film Exchange, 4o," DaU st., Monday morning, between 1 1 and 11. ToU.N'd woman living at home to take training for hair and scalp work for permanent position; pay while learning. "1 UoroeU b.;g. WHITE photoplays, $300 paid for u;tabie idea.-; experience unnecessary, complete outline tree. Producers' .League, 4 oil St. Louis. WANTED Girl or young Indy for light office work, answering telephone and some typewriting; slute salary expected. J t7. oregonian. WANTED Experienced finishers on cus tom pants; good pay. 4ti Washington bldg. Mam 1(1. .Joe Stoler. 2T WEEK LY, spare time, writing for newspapers, maeazir.es; exp. unnec; de ta:ls true. Press Syndicate. 175 St. Louis. WANTED Two women for outdoor sell ing; $ 10 weekly : fine time now for our work. C 4l, Oregonian. BI LLINO stenographer, wholesale house ; state age. experiences, references and phone. AO 57 :i, Oregonian. W A N T E D S chool girl to take care of child for room, board, small wages. East WANTED An experienced young woman to do cashier, wrapping and other of fice work; reference- required. Moyar, No. 5. Morrison and 1M sts. GiHL wanted for general shop, ofifce-work; state experience and salary. K. 7-, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED single young woman for inside grocery work ; must have lots of P p and h-dp. 733 Pattou road. WA NTED Girl or woman, plain house w ork . man and three children. I'tiuti r-ast ..! st. i. m. car. labor .VMil, STENOGRAPHER, wholesale hou;; stnte a--:e. experience, reiercnces, and phone. A E t'.'.i. Oie joni.iti. WANTED Elderly lady to care for one child, good home and wats. Woodlawn 4:48. Fl ItST-CLASS experienced bookkeeper; give telephone number. AC 443, ore gonian. STENOGRAPHER with some experience; $75 mo. start; stale age and experience. M 14, Oregonian. TWO experienced a la carte waitresses; saiary $4- .; room and meals. Apply Hotel Marion, Palem. Or. SEMI-PROFESSIONAL or good amateur corn list, violinist, pianist or traps. Call Tabor 34 io, steady employment. WA NTED First-class stenographer. Ap ply Northwest Bridge & Iron Co., foot of Sheridan st. WANTED Housekeeper on small ranch; good home for right party. E. J. Conley,' St. Charles hotel. W. 'MAN as kitchen helper; short hours Apply Monday alter U A. M. jul Broad way. Yamhill b.dg. "WANTED Competent jaw stenograpner, phone number. G S5, Oregonian. salary $!-; give references and tele- AC'TIVE girls wanted for steady factory work; good wages. American Can Co., 14th and Front. LADY, not strong, wishes help dally ex cept Sundays, afternoons preferred. 317 Eugene st. YOUNG lady typist to work only half day for a time; later full time. Turner He. Co., 2X0 Chamber of Commerce. WAITRESS. $."0. room and board. Wrfte Mrs. C. C. Geary, Box lu3. Arlington. Or. WANTED A dining-room girl. 1751 Derby st. Phone Woodlawn l'ul5. WANTED An experienced waitress. Mai Jo ry hotel. 171 Lornsdaie st. WANTED Women to work in cafeteria, V24 Broadway. EXPERIENCED girl as soda dispenser Ernst's confectionery. 341 Washington st! WANTED A chambermaid. 1751 Derby at. Phone Wdln. 2U13. WAITRESS wanted. 149 2d t restaurant. Pullman WANTED An experienced chambermaid. Appiy Nortonia hotel. WANTED Girls to sort and tie mags, xlnes and newspapers. Call Bdway 2003. WANTED Pants finisher or helper; room :27 Washington bldg. . SKIRTMAKKR wanted. j Hern, ladies' tailor. 447 Aider. jtXPERTENCED cloak and suit salesladies wsntd. The Famous. Alder, cor. Park. lOLTClTORS WANTED; SA LA R YUAR- HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Three really live women of jrood address, age about 25 to 40, having been successful In or desiring to learn salesmanship; we give free thoroug-h in struction by expert In modern, scien tific salesmanship, to employes, fitting them for greatest success in our line or any other; permanent, excellent pay ana very rapid advancement to those quick in learning salesmanship principles. Ap ply only if unemployed and ready for work same day; should be footloose to travel some this summer. If successful: do not phone nor write; apply personally at only ii:.Mj sharp tomorrow morning to The Western Distributing Co, -20 Henry bldg. LADY BOOKKEEPER wanted for lumber company. Must be experienced In cor poration bookkeeping and preferably lumber company accounting. Country position on main line S. P. Married woman, widow or matured single lady considered. State salary expected, past experience and probability of being a-t-ified with country life. LEON A MILLS LUMBER COMPANY. LEON A, OREOON. WOMEN AND GIRLS WANTED; WORK IS EASY TO LEARN; FINE OPPOR TUNITY FOR ADVANCEMENT WITH ;(OD PAY TO START; STEADY PO SITIONS: APPLY IN PERSON. TAKE ROSE CITY OR MONTAVI LLA CAR TO EAST 10TH ST.. WALK TWO BLOCKS SOUTH. TROY LAUNDRY CO.. EAST 10TH AND PINE. . BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, desirable, j permanent position; please answer in i own handwriting, state qualifications, ( age, experience, salary expected to com mence and references; only one who will stay permanently considered. AC .V7, Oreponian. CALL and lot me show you how you can earn $V a we.k and up In your spare time. Ex-school teachers preferred. We will give you a trial in Portland and vicinity; references. Call Monday, room os Lum-ber Exchange bldg. I WANT a level-headed, refined young woman as mother's helper and house keeper; all home and family privileges; capable taking full charge in my ab sence on trip; permanent position. W Vi, Oregonian. SALESPEOPLE WANTED Experienced mal and female shoe clerk, also several young ladieH to learn shoe selling; fast advancement. Apply "Wright's" new lo cation. 131 Fourth St., Monday after J A. M. YOUNG girl typist, with insurance expe rience preferred; $4A per month to start; if you are quick to learn a steady po sition with advancement; give age, ex perience and phone. AK 64, Oregonian. MIDDLE - AGED experienced chamber maid; no other need apply; wages $17 per week ; call -in person ; phone calls will not be answered. 2tii Salmon, Read hotel. WANTED A mechanical draughtsman; m ust have act ual machine shop expe rience. After Sunday, giving experience and telephone number. AG 809, Orego nian. FAMILY, consisting of gentleman and daughter i student i, desires middle-aged gentlewoman to manage household for rummer months; small modern homo. A L h92, Oregonian. W I DE- A W A K K women between ages of 2-ri anil r0 years who value their services at $'' or more a week, splendid position. Give telephone address. AP ISO, Orego nian. AMBITIOUS. Intelligent woman with soles experience for ed .icational work; splen did opportunity to travel; remuneration hirge. Call East SP!! for appointment. WA N'TED Fiy traveling man's wife, con genial. reliable girl to assist with light housework and care of 1 child; best of wages. Woodlawn 4073. W A NTED Experienced cloak and suit salesla y at once. The leader Cloak Suit House, 'M'd Morrison st., Broadway building. G1KL wanted to attend store, answer phone; some bookkeeping and typewrit ing; state experience and wages wanted. AE !", Oregonian. WANTED experienced saleslady for la dies' popular priced, ready to wear. Ap ply 2HS Morrison st. Graves Apparel Shop. AMBITIOUS mother interested in increas ing family income, for position which doe not require full time; not office work. AK tttt, Oregonian. W A NTED Neat clean woman as house keeper, a good home for the right party. Phone Wdln. 21 or call at iJ Portland Bouievard. W A N 'IT. b Middle-aged lady to do light housekeeping and rent rooms in hotel. Call at St. Marco hotel, 422 & Washing ton st. WoMAN to do light housework and care for children while parents are at work; no washing, good home for right party. 1281 East 13th st. North. $10. R. Ii. : ladies for sewing. $15 week; factory work, :tl cents hour; lady for nursing; elevator girl. Portland Labor Agency. WANTED Young women to join com mercial designing and art class starting Wednesday. McDermott's - school, 40 4th st. WANTED Experienced stenographer; per manent position to right party ; chance for advancement. AH H3, Oregonian. G1KL or woman who understands oil painting; steady employment if adapted. :uh Phoenix bldg. WHITE woman to do housecleaning in exchange for hair work. Main 6542 Monday. , WANTED Janette Martin, who answered AL o7"i. Oregonian. reanswer, giving phone numDer. KLDEKLi lady for housekeeping; one where a home means more than high wages, n on. oregonian. 2 EXPERIENCED girls for cook and chll- d ren' s n u rses ; sisters or friends pre ferred. Call Main 4031. WANTED Middle-aged or elderly woman for housekeeper. Homelike. Call 145 Grand a vet WANTED A competent girl for cooking and down stairs work, $65 a month. R oS, Oregonian. ANYONE Interested in using or selling Pressure Cookers, see Sunday adv., sec tion 1, page II. YoUNG lady for billing in wholesale house; must be quick on machine; state experience and salary, f i4, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER-BOOKKEEPER, $100 month; give age, experience and refer ences. C 08, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER with some experience, $75 month to start; state age and experi ence. iH to. iregonian. BOOKKEEPER Must be rapid and ae curate; show handwriting by addressing application to r ou, oregonian. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED CLOAK AND SUIT SALESLADY. APPLY AT HA HNEKT s, 355 MORRISON. W A NT woman or girl to cook and do housework for 2 adults. Call S16 Love j oy , Monday. EXPERIENCED hemsttfher, also button apprentice. Button & Pleating Shop, 50W Itoyal building. WANTED M id die-aged woman to stay through day with small family. Wood lawn 302a. WANTED Experienced mangle workers; good wages. Yale laundry, 500 East Mor rison st. WANTED Schoolgirl to assist with house work for room and board and some sal ary. Tabor 2386 GOOD home for young girl (n exchange for light housework an care of child. Phone Oak Grove 136 R, COMPETENT abstractor; must be good typist. AP 194, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced chambermaid Ho tel Rowland, 207 H 4th" st. $15 week. WAITRESS wanted. New Liberty restau rant. 24 N. fith st. ONE lady fiunkee In camp; $110 per mo., less board. Butts Oake. 241 Couch. WANTED Experienced bookkeeper. Apply 34S Washington st. The Grand. POSITION open for lady to .keep books in grocery. AH 837. Oregonian. WANTED Girl to assist in dining room. 11th and Stark. WOMAN for housekeeping; state age. BP fl23. Oregon 1 a n. WANTED Experienced button makers. 221 Pitlock blk. WANTED Hand laundress 4 davs In the week. Handy Laundry. 127 N. 16th. LADY to keep books for grocery, morn ings only. AE 643, Oregonian. COOK on boat. $70; cook in camp, $55; cook on ranch, $50; maids out of town, WANTED Elderly lady to help with chil dren; good home and wages. Tabor 1358. WANTED A capable nurse for Institu tional position. M 858. Oregonian. AN experienced Outfitting Co. fitter. Apply Eastern EXPERIENCED egg candlers. Apply Has elwood Co.. Front and Ankeny sts. BOY wanted to learn trade. Kleist A Co. 125 North 5th st. WANTED Painters to contract for new work, housepalnting. 509 McKay bldg. CASHIER for American theater, after 10:30. 1st and Main sts. Apply EXPERIENCED fry cook and experienced pantry girl. Cozy Dairy Lunch. WANTED Good tailo"ess. help on ladies' coats. V. Kaspar. 504 Royal bldg.- I , A DY dishwasher wanted. 404 E. Madison. Want rd Domestics. WANTED Girl for r-neral housework : amaU bourn, ail conveniences. Tabor 258a, HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wftutod Domestic. WANTED Good cook, farnlly of four, two in help; good wages, good home. 702 Mala st, cor. King. Main WANT a permanent housekeeper who can take full charge of my modern home; every convenience; good wage.t. Apply without delay. 289 EAST 6TH ST. NORTH. COMPETENT girl for general housework in ftmali family; wages (76 month. Phone Alain 6654. WANTED GIRTj TO ASSIST WITH COOKING AND GENEKALi HOUSE WOK.K. CALL MAIN 2021. WANTED Women to do housework in kitchens on Sherman county farms; work steady, pay good. If interested state experience. C. C. Calkins, county agri c'ultural agent, Moro, Or. WANTED Capable, middle-aged woman to do general housework and keep chil dren two and three days at a time, if necessary; Mrs. D. E. Stewart, Knappa, Or. GIRL for cooking and downstair work; 'Wednesdays and every other Sunday off; no washing, good wages. Main Jloi. 1100 Westover road. RELIABLE girl to assist general house work and cooking; wages accordingly. Bummer months at Gearaart beach. 5bl Marshall a:., cor. 18th. WANTED Nurse girl to assist with two children and some housework ; experi enced girl kept for general housework also. Mrs. Spenser Biddle, Main 1472. WANTED Experienced person for care of two school children and light upstairs worK in position where 2 other maius are employed. Bdwy 5172. 88 N. 21st st- WANTED Competent girl for general nouseworit; experiencea cook; no iur nace, no washing or ironing. 771 Tilla- moos. st. ast ilvo. WANTED Girl to assist with 1-year-ola oaoy ani a;so with light nouseworK, Tabor 4!9. Take Kose City car. 430 E Ji'in st. .v LADY for general housework; good home by couple employed; no children. Call evenings or Sunday, 111 E. tmh. st. Take jut. labor (tar. GIRL or woman to assist in housework and care of 2-year-old baby; small fam Hy; good wages, pleasant surroundings. i;aii Mrs. smith. East J3. irvtu middle-aged Jdy will give good home for light services. Apply Sun days or any evening. Phone Sell wood WANTED A girl to assist with genera; housework by the 1st of April. Small family, good wages. Main b271. 714 ivovejoy. WANTED Young woman for very light housework, two In family; washing sent out; would consider ono with infant. T K7. oregonian. LADY' or girl for general housework in good Home, where you are accepted as one of family; plain cooking, a children. WANTED A woman or girl who can do the general housework and cook for lamuy or tnree. call East tilTi". WANTED Reliable, neat housekeeper on iarm; no objection to J or 2 small chii dren; month. Y t0, Oregonian. DRESSMAKING in xchange for 1 or 2 hours' housework daily; vicinity E. liOth ana Morrison, t-ast 0.i.i4. 2 EXPERIENCED girls for cook and chil dren's nurses; sisters or friends pre- icrrea. urn Aiain -fUoi. win wantea to assist wun general house work, good home. 39 Iaurelhurst ave, corner Burnside. Tabor 4303. U1RL or woman wanted to assist with general housework ; good home. Apply fit aiwiom bu i . rasx oouv. WOMAN, between the ages of 35 and 40, for general housework; out of town. Phone Woodlawn 138. WANTED An experienced second girl Mrs. K, Giftan. 161 . luth. Broadway EXPERIENCED girl for general house. work; adulu ouly; no washing, iiain to I. w a.n i .u competent maid for general housework. 43tt E. 14th North, East WANTED Experienced girl for cooking aim uuwnaitti i a worn ; no la unary ; J ; per month. Main 43b'3. 10B3 Thurman A COMPETENT maid, must be good cook; no washing; family of three; wages $5o! mar. hi. COUPLE, employed, want dependable housekeeper, good home, $35. Tabor 4uuu, aa.teriiuou. WANTED A girl to assist with house worn; one wno sleeps at home. Call main tuoo. EXPERIENCED girl, who is a Rood cook. no furnace or washing, small family of aauus. can Aiain oo4 mornings. YOLNG girl to help with housework, In nome witn an modern conveniences. Phone East 3179. WANTED--Cook for a family; no other work required. Apply to Airs. Burrell, o-o nawtuorae ave rnone n.asT iii. WANTED Competent girl for cooking and downstairs work. City references. Good wages. Call 49 Eaat 17th st. North. WOMAN for general housework; good wages. Apply 6oO E. Madison. East 7930. WANTEIV Middle-aged lady to assist with housework for board and small wages. Tabor bOS. WANTED A woman to care for conva lescent lady ; no children ; no drudgery Phone Tabor 218. EXPERIENCED girl or woman for general housework; colored preferred. Tabor 653. WANTED Middle-aged lady for light housekeeping in small family. Call Tabor 5628. EXPERIENCED maid for general house work; 4 in family; no aashing. Phone Woodlawn 1505. GIRL wanted for general housework; good home, good wages, no washing. Mam Wi02. 773 Irving at. WANTED Girl for general housework Good wages if competent. Phone East 24 H5. GIRL for general housework, four in fam ily. $W per month. Tabor 3o27 7'5 h 311th st. N. ' GIRL for general housework, small fam ily. Phone Wdln 4124. GIRL for second work; wages $50 r Henry L. Corbett. Main 2527. " GIRL for general housework, two In fam 11 y; colored preferred. East 1697. SINGLE man. 34, wishes lady ho use keener T 67, Oregonian. WANT a girl to assist in care'of two chil dren. 326 Multnomah st. East 649. GIRL for housework, family of 3; good saiary. 7 So Marshall, bet. 23d and 24th. YOUNG girl to assist with work. 555 .Mroaaway, cor. Lincoln, Main 6316. WANTED Reliable woman for 4 to .8 hours housework daily. 966 E. Glisan. WOMAN for plain cooking in private fam ily, nroaaway oiv. YOUNG girl for plain cooking, small fam- ny. o r. 1110 si. 1 rtroaawuy 2134, WANTED Experienced maid for general housework; wages $50. Phone East 5794. FIRST-CLASS cook In family of two; wesi 503 21ST ST.. Portland Heights Wanted a secona gin. rnone .Marshal! 269. GIRL or woman to help with crenera.1 housework. Tabor 7837. GlRLfor general housework. Phone Main GIRL for general housework; good wages. f inup 11 iuvi nuig. cast ooi. GIRL wanted to assist In general house work. iHoor omrw. GIRL to do general housework and cook- mg. a aauits. appiy you Thompson st. WANTED A housekeeper. Tabor 8870. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Experienced stenogra pher, male or female. Apply room 904 Wells-Fargo bidg. WANTETD An experienced bookkeeper with knowledge of typing; male or fe male. Good opportunity. State expe rience and salary expected, F 62, Ore gonian. POSITION open with -large well-known firm. Opportunity for quick promotion College graduate preferred. Not office work. AL.863, Oregonian. WANTED First-class collar and sieeve tailor. 8 hours, $45 per week. AB 129 Oregonian. MEN and women to demonstrate Violet Ray Generators. 155 Broadway. PERSON who owns automobile, part day work only, good pay. 609 Weldler street. MAN and wife- to do Janitor work. Call 414 LUh si. HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. COOK wanted for country hotel; will pay good wages to right party; no floaters. Address Scto Hotel, Scio, Or. EDI CATION AL. BE A DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC. The chiropractic profession offers the most unusual opportunities of any fieid in the world today. Know about its great opportunities before deciding your career, or if you are dissatisfied in your present position in life or its earning ! capacity is not what you would like it j to be, investigate the great opportunl- j ties crrered in tms greatest or all pro fessions CHIROPRACTIC. A most ex ceptional opportunity to study chiro practic and to become a chiropractic physician is offered at this time by our college; both day and night courses. ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND chtropractic physicians needed in the United States today to supply the de nuuida of the millions who have turned, to this great method of healing their ilia INVESTIGATE. Augmented Curriculum, Able Faculty, Clinical Facilities Unexcelled. Far particulars address Dr. Oscar W. El liott, presiden t, PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, Park ind Yamhill. Main 1014. Portland. Or. You cannot learn any part of this pro fession through correspondence, MOHLER'S BARBER COLLEGE. will teach you the trade In weeks, give you a set of tools and some pay while learning; positions secured; schol arships and transfer cards issued; 32 schools in U. S. and Canada, Send for catalogue. 224 Burnside st. POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business College, Portland. Enroll any time. Telegraphy, stenography, banking, bookkeeping, secretarial. Free catalogue. SEVERAL experienced teachers will sign up for coming school year with districts (graded schools), where good salaries are paid for good services. Can give best references. AG 812, Oregonian. OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach you the trade in 8 weeks; scalp ana face massage specialty ; tools free ; positions guaranteeu; pay while learning; tuitioa reduced this te rm. 233 Madison. LINK'S BUSINESS COLLEGE Bookkeep ing, stenography, civil service, secretar ial, special courbes; expert teachers, day aud menu enroll now. cay. iiuoa. ROCKY MOUNT Teachers Agency. Enroll free. Frank K. Welles, ex-assist, state supt.. mgr., w. uank oiag. Alain b2itk PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pays yoo while learning, gives you set of tools free, position secured. 38 N. 2d st. LEARN TELEGRAPHS Railway Tele graph Institute. 434 Railway Exchange bldg. iree uookiet. EAST SIDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Bucket's private school: Individ' ual instruction. 1-- Grand ave. E. 4?. DECKER BUSINESS COLLEGE, . Alisky Bidg., Third and Morrison. A Position for Each Graduate. FRENCH instruction, art and" English; ' private, or class; special terms. Main 44o;. THE -international Correspondence Schools c a n raise your sa lary. ivi tsroaaway. OREGON LAW SCHOOL. Allskjr bldg., Sd and Mur. W. E. Ricnardson, Sec. Main vi FISK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. Mm. 4835. Teaching posi'.ious. tree registration. YaTES-FISHER Teschors' Agency Free registration. Mam tt.4. tiruac way oiag. FRENCH lessons and conversation taught by French lady, awo Eugene s SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED Position as timekeeper and commissary man in logging camp or con st ruction comoanv: -reliable: reference will go anywhere. AC 567, Oregonian. PLA VI NG MILL FOREMAN, with Wide experience, is open for permanent posi tion. Address M. G. Fraley, 32i uucaer ave., Everett, W asn. EXPERIENCED TRAFFIC and purchasing-department man desires position Willi i'ort.aaa lirm, reiereuce. H i0, Oregonian. MAN and wife want apartment, rooming house or small hotel to manage. Man good carpenter; will accept separate positions. Y 73, Oregonian. ELDERLY man wants day or night watch man job, can do janitor work, garden and lawn man. Very reliable and sieauy. B 93. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED machine man with know! edge of electricity, wants position in garage, or shop; reasonable wages, references. AC 553, Oregonian. PARTY with dragsaws wants contract buck wood for donkeys, rick or cordwooa. 11. C. Norrls, Wabash hotel. Front and Madison st. EXPERIENCED salesman, In real estate or wholesale ana retail groceries, age 28, full of pep, good habits, married. Imperial Hotel, room 442. POSITION as apartment house maanger or supt. apts., years of experience; best of references; no time to waste; results count. AG B16, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN, has some experience, wants position in garage or auto repair shop as a helper; does not desire regular wages AG M4, Oregonian. CARPENTER contracts for alterations. store titling, ounuings, large or smaii jobs; save you money. Manning, Sell wood. 2421. SALESMAN would like connection with wholesale house lor present, or eventual opportunity to go on road. AR 619, Oregonian. JANITOR and wife want position In apartmne thouse ;unaerstana oil ana other fuel. Can give reference. Write 248 Harrison st., city. WORK by experienced cross-cut saw-filer; can handle two siaes; satisxaciiun guar anteed. AV 349, Oregonian. HIGH school boy, 16, wants work after 2 o clock daily, all day Saturday. Type writes and has bicycle. Marshall 216. PACKER, stock clerk or shipping clerk wants steady position, experienced; ref erences. AB 137, Oregonian. YOUNG Japanese schoolboy wants position in a private xamiiy. xroaaway oo. 545-77. EXPERIENCED timekeeper, construction or mfg. work, wants permanent position; good references. AN 290, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED plumber wants position; will go out of town u necessary, write AG 821. Oregonian. WANTED Position construction foreman mill, mining piant or oiner large joo on Pacific coast. O 72. Oregonian. LET us figure your painting, paperhang- ing or decorating. estimate cheer fully given, Phone Tabor 9543. E. GARDNER. landscape gardener, lawns leveled, seeded and rolled. Phone East 6296. - WANTED Elderly steady night or day watchman; references: over two years in last place. East 3153. 421 Belmont sL WANTED A place on a farm for boy 14 years to go to .school, work for board. Mra Lena Borland. 147 13th st. N. TREE'S! Pruning, spraying, ftraftin;. Tabor 1723. Phone SITUATION wanted by an experienced bank man, position where ability will bring advancement. N 94. Oregonian. yvoUTJ e Job as helper In garage or plumbing with chance to work up, some experience. Main 5468. WANTED Position as watchman, night or day. best of references. Can call lor appointment. AL 851, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, young man, experienced in office work, desires position. Phone Sellwood 251. EXPERT mechanic will repair your car at your own garage reasonable. Call Tabor 5954. WANTED contracts for 2 new 3-ton Mack trucks with 4-yard dump equip ment. AV 518, Oregonian. A GOOD MAN, BEST OF REFERENCES. WANTS POSITION MORNINGS. N 75. OREGONIAN. ROOMS tinteduj$3.50; painting reasonable. Phone Main 7721. GAS ENGINEER wants tractor Job. 8&4 Fifth or phone Marshall 2239, apt. 109. CITY garden 1 to plow and harrow. Hroauway " win. TRUCKS for hire, to business firms, by the riav or month. Broadway 133. CEMENT finishing or concrete work. Call Wdln. 2766. ask for Blocgett. POSITION wanted venlng. two or threo h.mrs. AP 160, Oregonian. WANTED To do drafting- work evenings. BJ 498. Oregonian. BIDS glyon on any kind I of cement work. call after P. L Tabor 9631. PAINTING, tin tin, roe. prices, good work. Tabor 305L CHINESE! wants night janitor work. AB 142, Oregonian. MAN wants work, night watchman; mw. ried; references. E 91, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED baker wants steady Job. Phone Wdln. 134 or AO 73, Oregonian. HAVB truck, want hauling of any kind- Phone Woodlawn 1901. " PLOWING WDLN. CriTT SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. T5 a urFR of cakes. rnrtrv. brea wtti i 'aiuca. city preierred, C. Am 701 MTU AT IONS WANTED MALE. "EMPLOY EX-SERVICE MEN. PHONE LIBERTY TEMPLE. Main Si:t. Slowly, but surely. Portland la doing her duty. Slowly, but surely, the num ber of unemployed ex-service men is being- whittled down. TaJtiniF i-arA nf iIiaka men Is a patriot ic duty; and Oregon proposes to faith-J fully discharge the duly if it takes all summer. I But let us hope It is not going to take very much longer. Every man. woman nd child in the state can help by think- j irg first of and giving preference to an I ex-service man when in need of help or assistance of any kind, and by askl-ng 1 tnose wno employ help to pnone, write: or call at IJhntv Tmnle. Employers in large .numbers have done their full duty in this respect and are continuing to readjust their payroll to make room for one or more of these worthy men, but all have not yet awak ened, to the fact that it is their patriotic duty and pleasure to first consider an ex-soldier or sailor when in need of an employe, or, where it Is possible, to re vise their payroll and MAKE a place for one or more. The final outcome of this campaign whether It will succeed; whether it can be said of Oregon iwell done." and how long these men with riAtiandttnl famtllo u-1 1 1 liuVA In wait depends upon how soon the men and those employers who have thus far neg- lftdert thA mat tor wnkn un and decide to DO SOMETHING. Most of them are willinz and ready to hi art In at any i reasonable wage that will provide the necessities for their families, providing there is a chance for the future to grow Into the business; and those who are not disposed to take the advice of the com mittee should 'get into li7ie" and be "good soldiers." Most of the employers are likewise properly disposed, but many have been 4too busy" to give the prob lem the attention contemplated. These and others who have not yet given the matter a single thought are the -ones who can clear up this unemployed situ ation overnight almost if they will only look the matter squarely In the face a-nd act upon it in a businesslike way1 for their own best Interests and the inter ests of everyone concerned. The list of classifications represented among the men registered at Liberty Temple, and whose records are under written by the American i-egion, is follows: Electrician 1 Cooks General labor . . . Auto mechanics Dental mechanic . . 5 . .116 .. 7 1 .. 1 ,. 20 . . 1 2 .. 1 Painter Truck drivers Typist Machinists Machinists helper . . Crane-men Firemen Acetylene welders I-oifter Salesmen General merchandise clerks.. Carpenters General office clerks Butcher Plumbers Brakemen Cooks' helpers Auto mechanics' helpers Cement finisher Lineman Bookbinder Civil engineer Drug clerk Mechanical engineer Stationary engineer Blacksmith helper Saw filer Carpenters helpers . MARRIED man wants permanent work on farm; as experience, was raised on ranch; grain, hay or "fruit preferred; have 2 children, so must be in reason able distance of school; stnte salary and conveniences; give full requirements in answering ad. W. Wasmoih, 375 Cable st., Portland, Or. EXPERIENCED HOTEL, CAFETERIA manager, married, would like position as manager hotel, rooming house or cafeteria; no objection to leaving cit y ; can give reference or cash bond. AN 338, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED hotel cafe manager, with good references, wants to manage hotel or cafe or would lease or rent commer cial hotel; wife Is very active in hotel business also. Call or address C. E. Johnson, 434 Morrison, Portland, Or. EXPERIENCED timekeeper, asst. book keeper, typist and commissary man desires employment with logging or lumbering company. Am 26 years of age, married, ex -soldier. N 56, orego nian, or phone Bdwy. 977. YOUNG man wishes position as stock clerk or similar position ; had experience in bookkeeping, stockkeeping, shipping and receiving and some timekeeping; good re! erences. au oui, oregonian MAN In need would appreciate some kind of light work where one hand can be used mostly. Handy with saw, nailing and paint brush. U. 704, Washington st.. Vancouver, wash. SALESMEN. EXPERIENCED, YOUNG M ARRIED M AN. W A N TS CON N EC TION WITH GOOD LEGITIMATE PROPOSITION; SALARY OR COM MISSION. AE 3. OREGONIAN. UPHOLSTERED furniture repaired ot made to order; mattress renovating, 206 11th SL Main 372U. Residence. Main 3733. AN elderly man of good aodress, a care rui ana skillful a river, aesires a pom tion as private chauffeur for an elderly person, v 71, oregonian. YOUNG man of excellent eastern educa tion, some selling experience, wishes po sition where integrity ana anility win oe rewarded by promo tion. East 713. NIGHT or forenoon work by college student: experience with switcn noard firing and janitor work; good references. H. Hagen, Main bitii Monaay. OFFfCE salesman. 1.1 years' experience, prefer manufacturing plant, where all round good ability desired. AH 132, Ore gonian. WANTED Employment. elderly man formerly traveling salesman; know hardware, farm implements and stoves. AO 371, Oregonian YOUNG man with several years' mechani cal experience desires worn in garage, small wages to commence. AB 165, Oregonian. MARRIED couple want work on ranch. Man practical rarmer, woman gooa cook. State particulars in answer. T 96, Ore gonian. YOUNG MAN. 27, WILLING TO VORK AT ANYTHING WHbHb liArtu nuim AND HUSTLE WILL MAKE GOOD. T 70. OREGONIAN. WANTED A POSITION AS GARDENER. PRIVATE PLACE, A B l-.it TO MJltv. ONE COW: HANDY AROUND HOUSE. C 60, OREGONIAN. NOW IS THE TIME to have your paint ing and aaisomining aone; rates rea sonable, work guaranteed. Call 229 5th st. or phone Main 21 57. A. E. Logan. FIRST-CLASS carpenter would like to get in touch with reliable contractor or will do contract work. X 55, Oregonian. LEAKY roofs repaired. chimneys re flashed, reshingllng done. Call mornings, evenings. Marshall 1072. PRACTICAL gardener; pruning and seed ing; preparation or attendance. Mar shall 86. WANTED Permanent lumber haul for new 2ht or 3Vs truck. 5319 33d ave. S. E. Tabor 8237. ' JAPANESE chauffeur or mechanic's helper wants situation at proper place. F 57, Oregonian. WANTED Carpenter and Joiner work; also garages and remodeling; reason able prices. Tabor 29Q5. MAN and wife want management of apartment; references given. Call Broadway 5463, apt. 20. YOUNG man, 25, any kind of work. 8 to 12 A." M. Phone Mr. Burk, Marshall 6089 before 1 P. M. WANTED Position night watchman, city reference. Morgan. Hotel Dayton. Maiu 5120. AUTO truck driver wants job to drive l anvthlng unuer z-ton iruca; memoer oi 1. B. of T. & C. Phone Broadway 1661. GALCIMINING and paintipg; floors re linished : good work ; prices reasonable. Tabor 6$27 FRENCH dinner cook; competent; top wages; city or country. H 86, Orego nian. ELECTRICAL and mechanical repair man wants job In shop, or wiring. AH 125, Oregonian. SALESMAN, experienced, at prerent em ployed, desires a change; either salary or commission. P 58. Oregonian. BOY, 15. wants work on farm, can milk cows. Box 25. Arleta station. 6HINGLERS WHEN TOU NEED A SHINGLER. WOODLAWN 3598. POSITION wanted evenings, two or three hours. M 92, Oregonian. PHONE Woodlawn 1561 for plowing and excavation. - WANTED Hauling contract for 2-ton truck. In or out town. YTabor 6679. MIDDLE-AGED, handy man. janitor or porter ; reierence. ru wy. o room 1 4. MILKER, experienced, wants position; up to 30 cows. V 76, Oregonian. CARPENTER, new and repair work, all kinds. East 639. SH1NGLERS -When you want new work or reshingling done, call Woodlawn 5u6. CARPENTER wants orders for screens. flower PQXes. etc. oroauway e.M.j, HOUSE painting, papering, kalsnmlnlng. Call Sunday or evenings. East 1911. BOY wants work for room and board, and scaooa marsuau -xm , ., SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. GENERAL accountant. highly recom mended office man of wide experience, wishes Tina t; inn as neeretary-treasurer, chief accountant or auditor. Applicant Is familiar with all branches of office wnrtf nrf iini7imr andiiinff. accountrng. efficiency and management; is now In northwest and available for duty on short notice. Av 402, Oregonian. m v nrf wtf want situation on ranch or dairy where room and board are fur ' nished; wife to cook and keep house, man to milk and chore; we uave one little girl years oid and mast oe in reasonable distance. of school; give full requirements in answer to ad. AM 814, Oregonian. - PLUMBING. Plumbing jobs done quickly and effi ciently at reasonable prices; workman ship guaranteed. MERKO METAL WORKS. Phone East 1054. 161 Russell at. POSITION as engineer in hotel or large apartment; have experience with all kinds of fuel; expert with oil burner; willing and industrious. 1 need work. What have you to offer? Married. . AP 138, Oregonian. ' SALESMAN, experienced in clothing and furnishings, window trimming and card writinic. is nnen for nosltlon of some kind; good penman, some office expert ence; references. Call Mr. Hyde, Broad way 3b22. WANTED Position in corporation, pref erably lumber, as office manager or ac countant; seven years as an executive; now employed but wish change; not afraid of work; can furnish best of ret erences. AV 442, Oregoniam WANTED by truck driver with seven ears' experience, position as heavy truck driver. Call Automatic 212S5, be for 8 o'clock and after 4 o'clock. Sunday, any time. DON'T be a business man and a book- ki'i'fior' I l. t nia Ld.m umif rMnl-HM 11 tl tft date and collect vour overdue accounts. I Prices reasonable. ' Wm. Willing, 621 Leo ave. Sell wood 1159. SITUATION by a first-class, all-around mechanic, repair and maintenance, elec trician, amature and motor winder, Biso experience in automobile repairing and shop work. AN 292, Oiegoniaru WANTED by a young man who Is an ex perienced meat cutter, who can manage a shop. Can furnish A-l references. No objection to country. Phone Main S577. care St. Paul hotel. Ask for Mr. Dent. PAINTING, PAPERH ANGLNG AND TINT ING, EXPERIENCED WORKMAN'; MODERATE PRICES; FREE ESTI MATEK. PHONE MAIN 33S3. EXPERIENCED cook for dinner and short order wants position in city or country. B 71, Oregonian. Bookkeepers, btenographers. Office, YOUNG MAN, Christian Science student, would like position as bookkeeper, type writer, cashier or stock keeper In large wliopale hoiuw with chances for ad vancement; have had several years' ex perience in above work. X 58, Orego nian. EXPERIENCED lumber office man, bill ing clerk, timekeeper, payroll man, htenographer, etc. Temporarily em ployed, desires permanent position. Can furnish excellent references. AK 987, Oregonian. CA PA BLK bookkeeper, accountant and general ofJ'ice man at liberty, experi enced in credit and collection work. AG 700, Oregonian. SALESMAN, experienced, young married man, wants connection with good legiti mate proposition; salary or commission, AE 3, Ore&onian. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly experienced, competent to take full charge of any set of hooks; no objection to out of town. F 96, Oregonian. WANTED Position by an experienced accountant, can furnish A-l ret erences, 15 years' office work, would like an in terview, no, oregonian. POSITION of trust by experienced ac tountant: seven years as chief account ant and credit man big department store; references. Al il, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and accountant with 10 years experience wishes position, thor uughly qualified to take full charge. M 56, Oregonian. YOUNG married man. lumber stenographer. comptometer operator, asst. bookkeeper, wishes position in city. AN 320, Ore gonian. AY" A NTED Light office work by middle- aged married man, where honesty and reliability count: can use typewriter. 4tMl5 84th st. S. E. BOOKKEEPER, thoroughly practical, ex tensive experience, good penman ; In or out ot city. AM iii, oregonian. EX PERT stenographer wants out-of-town position, preferably in Washington; min im urn salary j l.o. x t4, oregonian. BOOKKEEPER and accountant thoroughly elf ic lent w isnes position nan a ay. jx Oregonian. BY EXPERIENCED accountant, systems installed, books checKed and balanced. A.N JU4. oregonian. SPECIALTY Tabor 2253. salesman desires position. BoOK KEEPER, lumber experience. Is open tor position. AG 79i, Oregonian. Soldiers and Sailors. EX-SERVICE man. 21 years of ase. mar ried and full of ambition, desires posi tion w :tn w noiesaie nouse or some i liable concern where there Is chance for advancement. B. E, B.. 1120 Maryland ave POSITION as fireman or asslHtant mill wright, in or out of city, willing to go anywhere for right position; married; veteran of the Rainbow (42d) division. AG M5, Oregonian. RETURNED soldier, married, College graduate, expert stenographer and have had experience in office management and as private secretary; familiar with lumber work. O 74, Oregonian. W ANTED, by ex-service man, position as auto or truck driver, stock room or any thing in the automobile line; experi enced. Phone Broadway 4218. WANTED By a young man, position as truck driver, out of town preferred; ex perienced. Sell 3255. V 78, Oregonian. A YOUNG man from overseas wants work. able to drive macnine or trucx; also gooa with horses. V 77, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTEI FEMALE. LESSONS given in grammar-grade studies; backward pupils a specialty. Marshall 981. LADY employed can do correspondence and housework evenings ana leisure time for board and room. AL 827, Oregonian. LADY wants all day work, washing and cleaning, 45c. Call betore 2 p. JA. Wdln. 5067. APT. HOUSE to manage oy man and wife in exchange tor apartment; reier encea. AP 112, Oregonian. GIRL employed during day will give tlmi evenings lor room ana ooara. BD 872, Oregonian. ALL KINDS of lace or scrim curtains carefully done in open air ana sun dried. East S518; WANTED A place to take care of chil dren evenings while mother la away. References. Woodlawn 1611. EXPERIENCED colored woman wants day work Wednesday ana 'inursaay; preler work gn eaat side. Phone East 4685. MARRIED lady, formerly a chemist, de sires whole or part time employ men L AB 140. Oregonian. YOUNG lady will cook for a few men on ranch in eastern Oregon, vv ou, orego nian. LACE, scrim, marquisette curtains hand laundered, ,caiiea xor, aeuverea. feast 6196. . WISH to manage apt. house; am 36 years and dependable; nave naa experience meeting public. AR 524. Oregonian. ki'HOoL airl. age 14. would like to work for room, board, some wages; prefers care of child, au nau oregonian. COLORED girl wishea 2 or 3 hours work. ft Phone 525-28. LADY' wants house cleaning, other work, hour,' day; work guaranteed. Wdln. 6305. RELIABLE woman wants day work, Cail Wdln. 5428. GOOD hand laundress wanis bundle wash ing. Phone Tabor 4275. LAUNDRY done beautifully at Main W132. home. WANT any kind of day work; will corns today. East 378. RESPONSIBLE women will care for chil dren. Wdln. 4576, DAY work don by Mrs. Clara Engle. Call Tabor 4548 or 2174 Eaat Glisan. WANTED Day work by first-ciass laun dress; good references. R 91, Oregonian. I DO men's washing and sewing reason able. 402 4th bl Marshall 6059. WOMAN wishes work where she can take , 3-year-old child. 29fr N. 9th sL EXPERT IRONER WANTS DAY WORK CALL EAST 7732. YOUNG lady desires work in tea room. X 56, Oregonian. YOUNG girl wishes position as an appren tice in millinery shop. M 78, Oregonian. A DEPENDABLE nurse, cares for children j evening. . Marshall 349. YOUNG LADY wishes position as house keeper; good cook. AL 823. Oregonian JtfA-NT OA- wstfftw &ai 8190, MTVATIOX4 WANTED FKMALtt. MIDDLE-AGED woman wishes rare of children in small horn, east side pre ferred ; also will do plain sewing and mending; home more of an object than high wages; references. Phone Seli wood 2261. . REFINED, educated married woman, with years of experience as governess, wishes work during day, caring for older chil dren or making herself useful otherwise. Tabor 2VO0. WANTED A position as managing an apartment or rooming house, will ac cept rooms as part payment, by a re fined ladv. Call between 5 and 7 Sun day evening, 25 N. Park, upstairs, rm. I. A RESPECTABLE middle-aged lady wants housekeeping ffr man; no objec tion to children; no triflers. Please give Information of the conditions of work. BD 870, Oregonian. FAMILY of good standing wno would give a girl, age 13, room and board In ex change fur light services after school. U 70, oregonian. WANTED All kinds small family wash ings to take home; men's and women's silk shirts a specialty. Will rail for and deliver. Phone Broadway 1916- REFINED young lady desires position as companion, willing to assist with light housework; C. S. preferred. AL b-5 Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman would like cook ing on ranch or small crew of men ; ranch preferred. Room 7. Auditorium hotel. WANTED By woman, employed, place close in to work fur board and room, hours to conform to night school. T btv Oregonian. EXPERIENCED French teacher gives les sons; would take care of children pet hour. East 130. INTELLIGENT, motherly, elderly woman would enjoy care of children few hours week days. K 73, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED catertss plana cooks snd serves luncheons and dinners. Est 2534. RELIABLE nursegirl would like the care of small child day times. Call Monday between 9 and 3. Wdln. 6212. WILL iron or sew while caring for chil dren mornings or evenings. oOc hour, R. C. car preferred. X 91, Oregonian! WINDOWS' floors cleaned and waxed, wood work wanhed; estimates furnished. Woodlawn fl4. WOMAN business college student wnntn work after 4 P. M. Temporary or per manent. AE 1, Oregon I u n. WOMAN with 2 children wants work In country as cook for 6 or lo men, or s housekeeper. Addreps Box 52. Sandy. Or WILL work forenoons excepting Sunrta preferably Laurelhurst district. Tabor 1 529. Bookkeepers. Ptienogmptiere. 'Irflca, AfcJST. bookkeeper and expert typist, with 4 years' experience, would be willing to start at reasonable saiary if advanee ment Is assured; can also take some dictation. A. Sing), Main 51 lo. COMPETENT stenographer with S yrs.' experience In law office, 1 year general office work, desires permanent position. Mflln M IV GENERAL insurance stenographer and r bookkeeper, competent to iNiumr entire charge nf office, desires position April I. A-l references. H 93, Oregonian. YOUNG lady desires position in good of fice. Several rears' experience In gen eral office work, typing, filing, checking, etc No dictation. AK 7M. Oregonian. YOUNG lady w tithes position, general of fice work; good penman, can run posting machine; some experience as bookkeeper and typist. AM 7'0. Oregnninn. COMPETENT typist dslres work to do at home; accuracy and neatnens guar anteed ; work called for and delivered. East 8LTV T Y PI ST, absolutely arctirnte and rapid, wants addressing and filling in, own ma chine, will call for and deliver, $3 a thousand. Main 207. HIGH-GRADE secret a ry -stenographer, from New York city, desires permanent position In Portland; best references, AO 326. oregonian. CA LL MAIN 5769 for competent stenog raphers, bookkeepers, typists. Prompt service. Hulnesi( Men's Clearing Houe, 447 Morgan bldg. YOUNG colored girl withes typing; knowl edge of shorthand; saiary no object. Woodlawn 34ho. EX PER IENC E D law stenographer very bent Portland referenceii; salary $100 to begin. AP 120, oregonian. EXTRA bookkeeping by experienced book keeper; automobiles preferred. Marshall 1013. COLLEGE graduate. biiHlneM experience, capable meeting public, wants position. AH 13. Oregonian. LU.MHER bookkeeper with 3 years' ex perience, wants city position; good ref erences. Main o7fl!. STENOGRAPHER with executive desires permanent position. O 7 gonian. Lhllltv . Un- EXPERIENCED double-entry bookkeeper and cashier; best reference. AC 571. Oregonian. COMPETENT stenographer-bookkeeper. II years experience, wan in eltv poaition; exceueni reierences. .iain otnv. EJXPERT stenographer with executive ahil lty wants responsible position. AE 10. uregonimii, HIGH SCHOOL girl wishes position in of Ace as typist or general office work. Phone lapor am.. YoUNi ladv. exp. in switchboard and general otiice work, can give best of references. un i aoor 44.W. YoUNG lady wishes position In office; has had experience in auditing. Phone Men day, Woodlawn 5122. WANTED Position as casnier, typist or general office girl. Cali Sunday before 2 A. M.. Marsnail 04i. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher; best of references. Main 2817. YOUNG lady stenographer desires a pos-1 tion. Phone East 2440. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper desires pool tion. B 73. Oregonian. WANTED Work evenings; office work preferred. C 10, oregonian. STENOGRAPHER would like extra work to do after o f. xi. oeiiwooa ion. Drees maker. NEW 20t h Certury dressmaking school and helpers shop, cutting, fitting, by pat terns or chart: night and day cianes. Dekum bldg., 3d and Washington. Main 622. DRESSMAKING. I have 7 yards Kings blue satin me teor, which i win make up to your sat it taction. In an v style. Including mate rial, for t4A. Call Marshall 1174. HIGH-CLASS dressmaking; street dresses, summer voiles, etc; maaing ox suits loiu neat dresses, sirs. Kony, t.st jjuf. DRESSMAKER will design, cut. and fit preparatory for rinisu. at her nome, 94. CO. Broadway M68, Apt. 82. ENGAGEMENTS by day. up-to-date areas- maker; remodeling; win prepare to uu ish reasonable. Bdwy. 1567. FOR your spring dressmaking and altera tions call Dressmaking Dept., Emporium Dye works. 64tf Morrison st. Bdwy. 42... EXPERIENCED dressmaker, street and evening dresses, coats, etc, Mrs. Patter son. Wdln. 226. SKIRTS tailored, 92.50; dresses. 13 up. Work guaranteed. 1137 V ernon ave.. Alberta. PLAIN sewing done at reasonable rates. 4it0b Wash, st-, apu. 4 and 5. Phone B d w y. 25H4. HIGH -CLASS dressmaker; street dresses, summer voiles, etc; making of suits luto neat dresses. Mra Kelly, East 7307. DRESSMAKER would like plain sewing and make over In families. Marshall 5:199. HATS made at your home with new or old material, classes being formed in millin ery Phone East 936. ARTISTIC and stylish work by an expert on coats, suits and dresses, moderate prices. Phone B. 7933. DRESSMAKING, reasonable. 811 Central bldg. , 10th and Alder. Main 340 8. FOR ail kinds of drapery work and hem stitching call Tabor 5850. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, make-over tailoring, 33 per day. Sell. 3382. DRESSMAKING at her home, 92.50; alter ations. 406 K. 17th st. Sellwood 2265. HEMSTITCHING. 6e and 8c a yard, M. Dalton, room 201 Broadway-Yamhlll bid. THE Cabinet Cleaners and Dyers, 424 Mor- rison sL. near 11th. PLAIN sewing, handwork, neatly done; nurse uniforms. Tabor 4102. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing by clay. Main 5468. DRESSMAKER Designing, beading. Tabor 214. remodeling. PLA I N sewing, reasonable. East 4681. Nantes. WANT partner, trained nurse or doctor, to start child's nursery; should make 9540 to 3600 monthly. I have fine building in splendid locality. N 77, Oregonian. TRAINED nurse wishes engagements; terms reasonable; little housework. Tabor 847 EXPERIENCED nurse, any kind nursing. including caretaking or companion. Mar. 2Ka. FOR s dependable nurse call Marshall .",44. 1 CI1CAL Bursa Laai 7 ill. SITUATION W NTr r .M U K. Nun, NORM A L confinement 'k' hospital est, le. Unit us dius. dreMinirs ami phiclnns rrl' m, for $10 Ofhir (.sum reHntnMb'r t sit I efcuni bldg .. or phone s imd nn I CAPAULK trini-l nun.- Minn .. i o' an Invalid, cnuntiy or my, AL sv, lr soma n FRENCH lal In fit n t ti ii 1 -I of r. r- w ii h perlence mini permanent po GRADUATE nurse want tut U al maternity rs-en. 8el I'll'l 'RT1CAL nursmr. day or night. li in MIDDLK-AGK Nurse, hoMtinl tra.nl ng, antt nursing. Tnhnr O.'JJ llottekeeiMT. WANTED Ilmj-ekceping po-ttlen nn farm or ranch ; would lis l inn tor :, 10 or 15 men; hae ;t ( Ml. Inn, egm H. I.', 14. Pimm- Atmn Kt.ll, M i .. Hpiihti. SunnatK at W he .lnn Annex Apt loth and Snlmoii m. Aii.i Motola at I '. ' West Park, m-ar MorriMin M . , Poitiand. T. Helen He. . f u I'll l-hc , u,.. m rook. MIDDLE- AGED Widow d.trr pmltlnn ss housekeeper for lichchr or mduarr on ranch, city. 1 amii a good hnmr, a here the ervie, of tt gi t (,k m.i.I man ser sr p.rf, H.-. , iriflers f.rd answer. Marshall 3i: ,.t 6v. .orthrup i . Apt. lo WANTED Position si hiMikr-prr hy mi'tdie-Mgeu woman in mmiMii fmliv widowers home or f..r coupie empuiii: mm gon.f ro,k and neat houRekcpper. N 6. iregnhin n. A NEAT, refined caring for a wido ate our or to t Roma n IMIi l.t.lv Won ) like r's prime- when- thre -ii-n. All I.'l. ore- v a a i i.i ry mi, . lie NK tion In geni;nmiri h city; goo.i home m ti'l i eislepriirui.r. A V M 1 1 HLK- A i i ED 'lfl.Tr . I HoilM . in until' i ui(1 ,ikr pon.t hIom t " nr hue a hotiMekreper iti lor'n home, either in city W til, or. or niry. oniati. ' D I option ii noiiM ke. per on ranch. In hotel "r priwit home in of nut of loan. Phone l...i AE l.t7. Ori'KoniHn. EX PER I EM 'ED ouri woman Hh 1- nionihu-oitl hwhy unm ).,.. tl..n housekeeper for widower wi i, ,,e or nmre children, .ts.ix 47t ii m. S. E. CAPABLE woman wants niatiaemnt Sp4T(ment llOMKe; h"!ej r X perl ' nee , aiso switch hoa rd. P o. H. :;hh nly MIDDLK-AGK like o keep 'hritinn wl.lo ChriHtiH n hou; fol -r. 7 alilow would a ini'lihc-rtRti QUIET home wanii .1 i.y let; ti.-.l edt trtuy aa nouske. per or i om old person. W ,;, trcgoniMi pMtllon YOUNG ln.lv hollflekeepe f( Kusl 7 tOO. v. r apslij. LADY with 2 children w il. he for gentlemen. t U hi l. 1 and 21 S N. 9th ft o-k M ., WIDOW i w ants h. ith (Mo g.tir k. po.-amn, i 5 aed 7 n "I home. Alt 16. CAT A RLE. HKrmli w rl., keeping. H(iidHy till. Ali l-.l, otu- A KUKI.IARI. II if ti t ilolli- M'tllitF. llll k EXPERIENCED cook w i h- poMitimi. ton or country, priwie fntMil; mi i er enie; sooil hhk-h A"t 71. Ot .u . . tl ih n EMPLOYMENT coolv I ng s nd do w n kIiT by competent wurtiHti. UK i.ju, ri-Ki-nun. EXPERIENCED position In g. refTetiee. " LADV would like rooking wdere thrr no lady hoss. Phone Wood. awn 4m NTKI Tit Itl.NT. A part menu. TWO or 3 -roottt uri mniia with kitchen ette for home keeping within lo minute' walk from 1 tr.n. wm v and u h i n v I on St.; young m.irrn-d i-otjpi.-. no ihdlfn. Addr-fs tieotk'e a. Minr. R. F. D. No. 1, box H.'.l, Port land, 'r. WA NTED HY A PR I L 1 i 'R I TT aA OR 5-ROOM 1IEATKD UNFlKMMiKD APARTMENT OR FLAT IH .1.1- A RLE COUPLE. MAR. 44K. APT Y h7. oRKGOMAN. :i7. ARK you going aw.v for a month It ItMhle adult want to rent f tit nihe apart merit, f iitt or lningi low, D int. inn district, on or lef,ne April J, n I erem-ea. N 73. rt gonian. BY April 1 3 -room apt in modern loiTk bldg, or 5 mom hutalow. aud M-i,on. by permanent caieiul t"nai.is (h upland and wi'ei. Marnha'l 27.t. Vt A V I ED Two room rirtnhd light liouftckeepin , rio'dei n . wa king illaiaiice, stale Runs. ' 1 cgonian. spt. f-tr WANTED 2 or nished. Weal hiaie terms 1 gonian. 3-room an rt mem, unf ur- ide. w .1 , k nig 1 1 at t it in e. 11U luiation. II ore- WANTED Ro permanent , OiMmice. A' n 1 and kticlie fie(t w a l k 1 n g WANTED liy two w apartment, close in, AP 122. Oregonl.in. r k 1 ii ac adult. tnn best of left ri lici- 4 OR ft -room unfurnished flat. If Mlea, FAMILY of four want a wei)-f urnlfhil 5 or 6-rooni hou hy April I. w ill guarantee to take (he . M of cure, ami Will pay good pnee lor Wklll phtie; aUu lake ieaat If iletired. Tabor 547, fure Iiuun and evemiiga. V ANTED to rent by t wo ad nil m four or five-room house or flat, preferably one with giirage. mini pre.r to take leittie and tan furninh bjl reierence. Main 5.'. 10 REWARD for InforniHtion of a five room modern buniittlow will! t.tiuge tllMt 1 can rent and will ai pt un or ln-fnre April 1. Sunday East U'77; week, Maui 0741. WANTED A four to lx-room liou by reHporiNibln young couple If ou ha v a one which you Hunt w II taken cant of. plear writ". HC 33U, orcKuiimn. W A NT KD at once, .1-ritoiti hoii ( ei;t or shack, furni-h'd or iinturtu bed, wi'h umpln ground lor liiir.lMi. 1 1 w ooj piM-f.-rred. Adilte-s k. I'.Kum blilK W ANTED A or 6 room furnished hou-a eH r owl t A r 1 1 lie ; pcrmM, - reasonable tent. Photi on eudl side, n-'nt teriMiitH Wdtn. 544H. TWO or .I-roorn tot l k, p r( y f urn .shed, with good - si xe gam en simcc, A L 8t.i, Oreguniin. WANTED To rent by rewponilde pailleH, 6 or 6 -room furnished house, close lu. Main 6447. Bl'rtl N ESS man and wifn want furnuhd house for summer or iriimn'ii4, must be reasunitblf. AH 12S. oreKotnan. SIX or 7 -room Iioum by A it i I I, He . sponsible psrty a ith rviervnces; win lease. East 866. HOUSE or lower flat, furn. preferred, Wtitt garden, putt a Me lor kinder gar ten, A L 9o2, oregonian. WANTED TO RENT I or 5-r miii iwr- nichea houhr by rchponpinie party, tail Marshall 13t4. BY APRIL 1 4 or 5-rooin hoime or iowr pr ;t.Vt. cre l-oii a u . flat : 3 adults. MODERN houne. 6 room, bv March 0; no children. Mai n ft't 1 eve n 1 n s s WANTKD Small house or bungalow, tat aide preferred. I allfe tnz. WANTfcJIe Furnished huuie to care for for 4 months tor rent. . ".. 4 oil 5-ROi M modern house, A Iberta or Piedmont district preierreii. isbor 12"0 LEASE 6-room house of which the owner wishes fine care taaen. m-.wooi l'i'ii 4 OR ft-rootn modern bungalow. Main MM WANTKD To rent about an riaht-tootu unfurnished houe. near 2-id sua John" aon. by April 1. Marshall 4imu 6-ROOM modern house wanted bf April 1; will teaae ana give gooa care. Call TaborMHM BY April 1. small modern unrurnfhii bun low ov coupie w 11 noui 1 111 in ran. Marahall B20. Apt. 31 afler 7:30 P. si. UNFl'KNISHKD modern H mom bungalow'. cottage or nai wun innin, vm. vi 11- erencea. Tabor 1H56. WANTED April 1, 6 or 7 -room morisra house. Will tease wr a or jvwie. aM 322J. WANTED TO RENT 5 or 6-room hnuaa on eaat sloe, preny wm nin, mnnern. Writs Mr. Osmond. 95 K 12th st. N. WASTED Unfurnished ctltae nr bunas- low by aauus; guvu care. 1 nuue laoor 9100. FURNISHKD 4 er B-room hunga'nw w:tn aarage, oy nsren n. muuii-m . j, uoi 227. city. 5 OR 6-room modern unfurnished houe; Alhln. iin.-aowy ur inmion preifri rci, -a'l K 7l'7H WA NT KD Small house, bunsnlnw or flat. uniurnlsnen. 10 uiott uiairiii, prefer 9a ra. Main 1164. W ATKlL.Mi wil,..p p.-l lon as ii.u Keeper- Mt k" t M . K T K It I K i ' F.iTTirVfTi ti m h-r 1 17.1 in. DomfMicn, K rld'-rly woman w i-hi ooK hoiH.-kefier Wlh" I f i mi i , Kood w Mgea t 'rcgoniMn EXP. young woiiihii d. -r houework Wlg-M.tl. L t:. 0.KIIIHM ...... - , . ' . ' i .1 'y . ' ' :-vi