TIIE SUNDAY OltECONIAX. rOUTLAXD, IfAKCIT 2i, 1020 FOR BALK AUTOMOBILES. 0 BALE AUTOMOBILES. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR BALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS, f VOK BALE TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. W A NT E D M ISC E I.I.AN EOl' S. WANTED MISCEI.I.A N'KOIX, Motorcycles,. l-umltiire Wauled. PEE THESE REAL USED CAK BARGAINS. LARGE HL'PMOBl LE, PERFECT CONDITION A SNAP $1000 BP AS P. PAIGE. NEWLY PAINTED, A BEAUTY 1250 6TUDEBAKER ROADSTER. PER FECT MECHANICAL. CONDI TION 525 l:1 FORD. OVERHAULED; GOOD SHAl'S 350 191 A N D E K S O N DEM ON tTRATull, RUN 900 M1L.ES. AT A SAVING OF 300 SEVERAL OTHERS. CALL AND LOOK. EASY TERMS ON ALL. INTERSTATE MOTOR CO.. Ill 13TH ST.. BET. WASHINGTON .JiJ sTAKK Tri. OPJiN SUN DA V, 10 TILL 3. CARS OF THE BETTER KIND. lolls PATTERSON See this one. OVERLAND Five passenger. CADILLAC A real car. ONE-TON FORD TRUCK. 1919 VELIE SEDAN 90 per cent new has wile whcclii. VEI.IE Five passenger. Al In every way; a true bargain. OI.DSMOBILE ;ood paint. top and motor jusi overhauled. JEFFREY Another unusually good buy. BUICK L1TTLJE 4 Just THE car you w am. USED CAR PALACE. 61 Uniou Ave N. JEast 7717 1 LIBERTY SIX UO per cent new.. $1250 1 iteo. 1917 1 l-':ankllli .2 Dodges 2 -liaxweils. 191S. 1 ..laxwell, 1910. . Id Fouls iiug-l liu Autus 7..0 700 650 . .$675 and . . 550 and .".'.250 to ...$1:50 to 100 to 5u.l 1 4I0 1:511 4O0 3ol) 15UU a r'ord truck 1 l.jpperl trtpk 1 live-ion truck. Peerless... LONG i S1LVA. 46:2 Hawthorne Ave LATE model Chalmers touring; new paint and tup; runs and looks lika new ; make us an oiler. HAMILTON MOTOR CO.. 50 N. Broadway. Broadway 3006. 1916 BABY GRAND TOURING. A good buy for the money. Look this over. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., 430-34 Belmont i'none Last 00i 191S CH EVROLET. .Vpassengrr $5511 CONL.EYS LSED CAR LEMtR. CON LEY' & A It BUCKLE. FROPS. 511 BURNSIDE. AT 15TH ST. 1917 DODGE. TPI-: IS IN KF.AL CONDITION AND A CAR TO HE DEPENDED ON. M 1 E its ALIO 1-0 1SS GRAND. EAST 0503. FOIMi COl'PK WIRE WHEELS. FIVE TIRKS N K W . SI 'EE Do M ST E .. FOOT TH POTTLE CUT-oUT. STORAGE HAI TI ,v I ,, DING STEERING WHEEL. llissLER i-HK'K ABSORBERS. s-bA) i l.wi'K : MI ST SELL: $WU. K. K GORE. 4!'.". East loth St. N East 1U3 I .-.vii v t- i.riri.in for sale by owner ...;'.'r overland. flrst-eluss shape .it.. .t in everv other way neier abused in use. tires 111 good cotv- lii-Hr hiiiI other euuipmeni, ... ,.r sii.-.o. $3lu cash, phone Kr. .ad way today or Monday. FOKD EXPRESS. 17 MODEL. This is good car and we will show v..u the best hill climber you ever saw. New body and good tires; low price of X375 with $150 down, balance long. ca.sv terms. fr Ald--r st. UKIl FRONT USED CAR CO. Vol. El. I'O OVERLAND ROADSTER. IN TII'-TOI' SHAPE. Fine- DAN D 1 "llHV'S- MYERS AUTO CO.. ..lx. 1S GRAND AVE. OTEN E EN1NGS. MI ST SELL. 1919 Hupm..nile. i tires, bumper and clo. k ear only run ."." miles; perfert condition: looks like new. $1 :::. or ,:.. Call Bdwy. 1014. Ask for Mr. Larkin. prirK C-K, ONE OF LIGHT FOURS; IN FINE SHAPE. HOOD TIRES. MYERS AUTO CO. 1SS GRAND AVE. OPEN EVENINGS. WHY buv a Ford when you can get a Chevrolet for the same price? More pow er ahd pep. in fine condition, good ap pearance, a regular pet: best olfer. cayh or terms, gets it; no dealers. 501 East 'joth st. Soutlu 1918 7-PASS. TiUICK. FIVE CORP TIRES; $1700 BUY. OUR PRICE $1350. MYERS AUTO CO.. 1SS GRAND AVE. OPEN EVENINGS. DO DOE touring, had best care, new- top, 1H20 license, dandy buy. S7.'.: spot cash. Owner reliable business man. 2L Lum bermen's lililc. Broadway 421 or resi dence Tnbor 5 1 '.9. HOP aboard a trolley car. Find how soft our payments are. MYERS AUTO CO.. 1S8 GRAND AVE. OPEN EVENINGS WONDERFUL OPPORTUNITY. Hudson Super Six speedster, with spe cial lop. painting and trunk rack; equipped with air springs and cord tires; for sale by owner. Call Broadway 29 Monday. VILIsell mv 1918 Maxwell touring car; has Just been completely overhauled, also has new top. upholstering, new paint, two new tires and a 190 luense; will sell on terms to responsible party. 875 E. 6th street North. " "SNAP." ' Chandler 191S; Al condition, good top. good motor, 4 cord tires. I spare tire: terms to responsible party. For quick pile call Clark. Main 22Mi. 11AXWELL roadster and Maxwell touring ear- both are In first-class mechanical condition, and a 1920 license on one. Call Main 2.'.9 or see them at 267 10th st.. near Jefferson IAEKLANO. I.ATEST ELEC. EQUIP MENT SPOT LIGHT, NEW TIRES. NEW PAINT. SEAT COVERS, $025, TERMS. OWNER. 393 OAK 1919 OAKLAND touring; bargain at $2, terms. 1740 Portsmouth ave. D. Johns car. must sell; Call evenings. c. .Marvin, at ftu-nvn speedster, factory built car, fast and sturdy, beautiful lines: price right; terms, pnone sir. r rea iticnaras. Imperial hotel, or Bdwy. 4K4. AI'PERSON' SIX. 7:pas.. run 8Mm miles. fine car for stage or for hire; will dem onstrate. Make a cash offer. Phone Main lo3. Write AN 272. Oregonian. Ol.DSMOBILE In A-1 condition for sale; Model 45. 1919. Call and look It over st the Pacillc Storage CO.. L. 1st and Madison. XEARLV new 1919 Studebaker. light six must sell, need the money. Broadway il'.M or East 4ii. $47.". LATE FORD TOURING. LOOKS LIKE NEW: GOOD TIRES: RIAIS VERY SMOOTH. 424 BELMONT ST. lil'ICK 6 Late model, 1917 engine, tire top, Goodvear cord tires; 630 E. 58th st. X. Tabor 4460. 1919 CHEVROLET TOURING: GOOD TIRES: GOOD RUNNER: LOOKS FINE, $B.-,n. 424 BELMONT FT. 1919 LIGHT Six Studebaker. driven only 3600 miles. Phone Marshall 1710 be fore noon Sunday: after 6 weekdays. FOR SALE by owner. 7 acres, Pnwel val ley road, house, barn, water. 6 miles to to town: no agents. P 92, Oregonian. FOR SALE Didge touring car, looks and acts like new; a bargain at $800 caeri. Phone Marshall 4533. s-ihiI CHEVROLET touring. In good shape, equipped with spot light an4 extra tire; $300 casrL 223 E. 20th. corner Salmon. FOR SAI.E 191S Chevrolet, cash or terms. 420 Belmont. Phone East 1575. A-1 FORD. 1919 roadster. $500 cash. B 1350. 362 N. 23d st. 1919 HUPMOBILE. like new, first-class MAXWELL 5-pass. touring. 1918, fine con shape: a snap Tabor 54S3. dition, bargain; $600. 202 McKay bldg. BARGAINS. THE SAME AS IP IT WAS WINTER. 1916 Hudson Super-Six that has been overhauled and repainted; also guar anteed by us the sumo as a factory guaranteed. $1150. 1917 Hudson Super-Sir. overhauled and repainted; also guaranteed by us the saiiiM as a factory guaranteo on a new auiomouue. 91400. ' I111S Hudson Super-Six. all cnna over overhauled and repainted like new; our guarantee on it the same as a factory's feuoikutco uu a new car. Sliiiu. Hudson limousine, all In first-class conditiun and our guarantee the same as a factory guarantee on a new car. Chalmers Hot Spot, one of the late light six, all in fine condition, $1100. Liberty chummy, condition. all in first-class 1917 Chalmers light eix, a great buy for only. $900. 1916 Hudson light six, first-class con dition; cord tires, new top. $890. 1919 Maxwell, like new. $800. 1918 Maxwell, $650. ' 1917 Maxwell, painted, $475. first-class condition. overhauled and re- C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO., 615-617 Washington St., Portland. BARGAINS IN SLIGHTLY USED CARS. 1919 Nash touring, big discount. 1919 Oakland, touring. $S00. 191 S Dodge. $S25. 1917 Buick four, $750. 191b Ford touring, $4o0. 1920 license free on all of the cars listed above. Our terms so that anyone can handle e -1 1 . MOTOR SALES CO.. 409 Slark ft., bet. Kith and 11th. Broadway 3691. MUST SELL. Look Them Over and Make Offer. 191S HUPP New paint. 1917 DODGE New paint and top. 191:j,OASE Tip-lop shape. 191V CH AI.MEKS A bargain. 1919 PATTERSON Fine shape, cord 1 1 1 e. 1914 OVERLAND Cheap for cash. OAEItLAND chummy roadster. REo 4 touring ear. 1SS TENTH STREET, OFF. LIBRARY. SEE this before buying: 1919 El gin Six: new paint. 5 good tires; at a sacrifice; terms. HAMILTON MOTOR CO.. 50 N. Broadway. Broadway 3600. STAGE CARS. We have some dandies that can be used on the highway and interurban tuns. Can ue bought on easy iiaymems. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., 430-34 Belaioiit b i'iiuuu Last 0057. BUICK LIGHT SIX Cord tires: runs like, a new car; would con sider a Ford or Dodge aa part payment, ou the baiauce terms. Last 2700. COME TO DODGE HEADQUARTERS TO PICK OUT YOLK DODGE. WE HAVE TEN GOOD USED ONES. SOME PRACTICALLY NEW. MYERS AUTO CO.. 1!S GRAND. EAST 6563. CASH OR TERMS. Just bring an honest face. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., 430-34 Beiinont si. Phone East 00o7 MODEL N HUPMOBILE. NEW TIRES, SPOTLIGHT. BUMPER. WINDSHIELD CLEANER. MOTOK.METER, NEW EXTRA-MILE TIRE. MYERS AUTO CO.. 1SS GRAND AVE. OPEN EVENINGS. JUST bring an honest face. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO., 430-34 Belmont St. Phone East 0007. MAXWELL 1918 TOURING. PRIVATE PARTY. OOKD TIKtiS. SCAKfJ wril'.rJL. FINE CONDITION. 713 COUCH BLDG. MAIN 0S76. CHANDLER CHUMMY. FINE CONDI TION. MYERS AUTO CO.. 1SS GRAND AVE. OPEN EVENINGS. JUST bring an honest face. AUTOMOTIVE SALES CO.. 430-34 Belmont at. Phone East 6057 1918 STUDEBAKER FOUR 7-PASS.. IN GOOD MECHANICAL. UO.XUIUO.M 111 TIKES, 4 NEW; WILL TAKE CARPEN TER WORK OR LIGHT . CAK IN TRADE. 424 BELMONT STT FORD TOURING. 1919. White wire wheels, H. & D. shocks, speedometer, Stromberg carbureter, fine tires: will sen lor ju, can oe seen n my flat, 320S lOtn at. pnone Alar. 100. A 1918 OLDtfMOBlLE chummy roadster. with wire wheels and tires, nearly new, can be procured by continuing payments. A small amount of cash down. Tabor S71. 1 HAVE $600 cash which I would like to invest in a Dodge, cither roadster or touring considered ; must be in good con dition and a bargain. ADDRESS BF 651, OREGONIAN. PRACTICALLY new Paige 6 at a greatly reduced price, sacrifice for cash; leaving city; see this one betore buying else where. Marshall 2945. SOME BARGAIN! 1919 Chandler 7-pass.. 7900 mileage, o cord tires, all equipped, $1700. 915 Main au Vancouver, Wash., or phone 373. 1917 BUICK 6 roadster can be had for $500 down. bal. on terms. Phone Broad way 4361. Herman Parrott Co., 471 Morrison Bt. FOR quick sale. 1918 Overland, model 9o. $609; first-class condition. At 39th and Simpson, 6 blocks east of Kennedy school, Woodiawn 6323. LATE model Ford touring, demountable wheels, 2 extra shock absorbers, speed ometer and other extras, $375. 691 Hoyt st. Main $320. 1917 SAXON SIX TOURING; A FINE CAR AND GOOD TIRES: MECHANICALLY GOOD: $700; TERMS GIVEN. 424 BELMONT. WANT CHEVROLET ROADSTER. 1918 or 1919 model, in A-l condition; give lowest cash price. Address R 283, Oregonian. FORD truck for sale, 1919 model, fine condition, covered delivery body. Call owner. Main 6352 or 306 Va 2nd St., near Mill. RENAULT BUG $31)0; new tires, plenty extras, or xurniture equal value. Mar shall 3067. FORD touring car for sale, looks like new and in Al condition. Call at Pacific Stor age, East 1st and Madison. 1916 FORD ROADSTER IN GOOD CON DITION; ln.-o license: price $325; TERMS GIVEN. 424 BELMONT ST. OAKLAND ROADSTER. Light roadster, 6 tires, new point, fine shape. $500. East 7065. 1915 FORD touring Oregon. $225. Joe's Bicycle Repair shop, 209 4th st. Main 8747. AUTOMOBILE EXPENSE EDUCED. The average rent for space in a pub lic garage Is $96 a year. For less than this amount we will deliver and erect a portable garage. MILL-MADE CONSTRUCTION CO.. 802 Title and Trust Building. Tel. Alain 4724. 1919 DoDGE delivery, good as new; run less than '3000 mile.s; new cord tires, $11110. Terms.- Mr. Stewart. East 704. 1910 FORD touring car; good tires, $315 cash. 525 East 40th at. North. AUTO trailer, in fine shape, very cheap. . Main 4435. FOR SALE, Ford bug. Packard body; good condition, $350 cash. Sell. 399. Automobiles Wanted. AUTO WANTED. I want an '18 or 49 five-passenger, six-cylinder car in good condition and will give $100 down and $50 per month or will exchange close-in clear acreage. AB 166, Oregonian. WE WANT cars. Customers on our lists lor all makes of cars and can make that car mean mony to you. PuKTLAND CAR SALES CO. 531 Alder Street Broadway 2798. FOR SALE or trade. 160 acres of land in Oregon. 5 miles from town of 10,000 pop ulation; level; on highway; fenced and partly cleared. $1500 cush, or trade for Chandler, Bulck or Studebaker six, 18 mouel or later, and some cash. AN 274, Oregonian. WE PAY the highest price for used cars. CO.N'LEY'S USED CAR CENTER, 511 Burnside St. Phone Broadway 1424. WANT GOOD SECOND-HAND CAR in exchange lor $-000 equity in corner 'on twit main tra.eeu streets: nne lor ser. vice station or garage; no competition here, but great many car owners neighborhood. P 67, Oregonian. EXCHANO-E 4Hxl00 lot. paved St.. restrict ed district, no liens, block to - car lines, value $1300. for first-class auto or aia monds; no .lunk or imlated values con sidered. Mar. 1523, Sundays and even lugs. to exchange Have a corner lot Farragut and Wabash. 50x100. valued . Jlooo; will exchange for a first-class auto as all or part paymenL Phone Woodiawn 1075. 1 HAVE JS00 cash which I would like to invest in a Dodge, either roadster or touring considered; must be in good con uitlon and a bargain. ADDRESS BF 051, OREGONIAN. ALTO WANTED As part payment on 10-acre ranch, about o acres in pear ing orchard. 2 acres brush. 17 miles from Portland. $2700. Phone Broadway 2S77. WANTED 1917 or later model Ford touring body. Will trade express body or nav cash, if priced right. A. C Johnson, with Pyramid Land Co.. 003-4 Title and Trust bldg-. Main 3232. WANTED LATE MODEL CARS. WE PAY CASH. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE, 127 Lownsdaie St. S. W. Corner. 15th and Washington. WANT large car or busB carry 10 to 14 must be good shape ana stana strict expert examination; have u oaKiana u. good condition and rubber, bai. cash. O 70. OregoniatL WANTED Ford or Chevrolet with self starter and electric lights; must he In first-class condition and a bargain. Give all iniormation and price in iirst answer. BD 8h. Oregonian. 10 ACRES of berry land at Casadera, for late Chevrolet. L. CORBIN. 432 Cham, of Com. Main 25.1 FOR SALE Team of well matched horses, work single or double any place, worth looking at; will trade ror lot or rord. Call J35 Stark St., cor. 2d. WANTED For cash. Dorigo touring, not earlier than 1917; must be bargain.. Call at 0113 91st SL S. E. before noon Sun day. WILL PAY CASH FOR 1919 OR 1920 SIX CYLINDER 5-PASS. CAK, LtLICK PRE FEKRED: GIVE FULL DETAILS. F 70 OREGONIAN. HAVE cash for Ford touring car; must be in good condition and a bargain; all details first letter; no agents. AC 550, Oregonian. WILL pay $175 (or 1914 or 1915 Ford car, good running order essential, tail-end delivery, runabout or five passenger. Call Monday, 510 Belmont St., east side. WANT CHEVROLET ROADSTER. 191 S or 1919 model, in. A-l condition; give lowest cash price. Address R 2o3, l iregonian. 1917 CHALMERS, in fine mechanical con dition, spotlight, bumpers and other ex tras; a good, reliable ear for $900; worth more. Phone Mar. 2513. Ask for Frank. AUTOMOBILE WANTED. Light touring car preferred: a desir able Davis-st. Laurelhurst lot. Phone Monday. Broadway 2931. WANTED Light car. will pay part cash. balance Industrial securities. Smith. 305 Washington rt., Vancouver, Wash. WILL trade my Cleveland motorcycle for good Ford and pay cash ditlerence. Hu bert Eiwert. Sherwood, Or. ASH FOR OLD STORAGE BATTERIES. ADCOX ALTO SCHOOL,, UNION AND WASCO. R1VATE party will pay cash for pri vately owned, late-model Ford tuuring. Tabor 5005. FOUR lots, good view of Coos bay and city of Marshfield, even cxchangA for Ford or Chevrolet. BC 313, Oregonian. WANTED Ford chassis, willing to over haul myself if necessary. Phone Main 20f0 between 10 and 2 Sunday. Apart. 2 WILL trade some good work horses and some fresh cows for a light automobile. hiio Powell valley road. iVANT a bargain. Ford delivery, almosl new. fine mechanical condition: spot caMl terms. 3l lamnil!. Marsnall L'4 1 s. WE ARE in the maiket tor used cars. Drive them In and walk away with the money. Pacific Auto Co.. 623 Alder st. CHEVROLET. Ford. .Dodge, mechanically good: give Alberta lot. clear. Evenings, Tabor (O.ij. FORD touring, 1917 or later; must be in good condition. Yale Cleaners. 271 Sal- ... , LI ' S If' L " aT Clarke Co., Wash. Tabor 94S3. WANT to buy Ford car. pay cash. Call today, laoor 40 to. WANTED Light truck with express body, good condition. Hatfield, 231. Morrison. ONE BUICK bug In first-class shape. Call Banzer. Alain 4o, during week. PURE toned player piano and cash for nuto. K 70, oregonian. WILL TRADE 6 lota near Kenton for good used car. value $1200. Tabor 939. Motorcyeles. MOTORCYCLE for sale. Harley Davidon twin; good condition; price $150. Call Sunday between 10 and 4, 94 N. Bdwy. Mr. Moon. 1919 HENDERSON motorcycle and side car, fully equipped, only run 2200 miles. Cost $010. will sacrifice for $390 or sell car for $65. Phone Sell. 23SO. 670 E. 21st. . 1919 ELECTRIC H.-D. and sidecar, fully equipped. 2 miles east of Kelly Butte on Powell valley road, cor. Gates road, to day. 1916 INDIAN motorcycle, equipped and in fine condition; never used much and will sell cheap for cash. 400 West 26th st Vancouver. FULLY equipped motorcycle and sidecar for sale or trade tor Ford. Call Sunday morning or alter 6 P. M. at 208 East 7th st. South. FOR SALE Iver Johnson bicycle. Morrow brake, Ciaxon. solar light, tool bag. extra tire, carrier, fine condition. 65b Union ave. East 259. EXCELSIOR, 1918. three-speed, complete equipment, fzzo; win taae oicycie. Sen wood 2929. INDIAN motorcycle storage battery like new. siu new inner tube $1.7a. 327 6th St., near Clay. WANTED Henderson motorcycle as part payment on gooa automoDile. call Broadway 15S6. FOR SALE A twin Indian motorcycle. A-i coituaiuu, irto. vou cuuion. 2eu Wood 827. INDIAN motorcycle for sale. 1915 model, $5o; in gooa condition, call '220-87. 1P1S CLEVELAND for sale, cash or terms. c ueai. -s.i-x -tic-i au a. c. FOR MOTORCYCLES AND BICYCLES TRY US. 204-1I06 3D ST. MAIN 6139. 19111 HARLEY-DAVIDSON, $325. Call tOl North lltn street. NEW Presto tank and head light, $10. Phone Wdln. 6323. 716 Alberta st. JOHNSON motor wheel, good condition. .Mar. 5934. Brown apts., apt. B. REMOVAL SALE. ALL USED MOTORCYCLES REDUCED. 1819 ELEC. HENDERSON. A-l con dition $360 1919 ELEC. EXCELSIOR, A-l con dition 293 1918 READING. standard electric tandem . ... 230 1919 CLEVELAND, like new And many more from $30 up. We can save you from 10 per cent to 2u per cent by buying this month. Our new home is under construction now on the corner 4th and Taylor sls. EASY TERMS. STRINE CYCLE CO., INC., Motorcycles. Bicycles. 86 Broadway. a Phone Bdwy. 152. EXCLUSIVE DISTRIBUTERS for HENDERSON, EXCELSIOR, CLEVE LAND MOTORCYCLES. MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES. Call and look over our stock of re built motorcycles, consisting oil HARLEYS HENDERSONS EXCELSIORS These machines have been overhauled and are in lirst-class condition. We will guarantee any machine we sell and teach you bow 10 ride. Prices range from $35 to $350. We have the lnrgest stock of new hi cycles In the city. Many good buys In used bicycles. Prices and terms to suit. DAYTON CYCLE CO., 30 3d St. Broadway 332. 30 3d St. Broadway 332. H A RLE Y-DA VI DSON MOTORCYCLES. Hsre you will find listed FEW OF OUR GUARANTEED USED AND REBUILT MACHINES. 1 1918 Mice. 2 spotlights, runs like new Looks and $300.00 1 1919 ELEC, 1 spotlight. Dream Tan dem Speedometer, guaranteed same a new $375.00 1 1919 EXCELSIOR and Side car. run less than 2UOO miles $425.00 Many more to select from. MOTORCYCLE SUPPLY CO., Third and Taylor. USED motorcycles, from 1913 models up. These machines are overhauled ana guaranteed to be In first-class condition. 19111 INDIAN 2 SIDE CAR $393 191S INDIAN 2 SIDE CAR 350 1917 INDIAN, FULLY EQUIPPED.. 250 10IS INDIAN. FULLY EQUIPPED.. 300 INDIAN MOTOR & BICYCLE CO., 30S Washington St., Vancouver, Wash. OH. BOY'! If you want a good 191S model Cleveland motorcycle, coine 10 oi 22d St. 1 ve got what you want. 191S HARLEY' DAVIDSON motorcycle; electric equipment and side car cheap, 37 North Broadway. Broadway 2270. Auto Tires and Accessories. CLEANING OUR STOCK DOWN-TO ONE LINE. WE WILL SELL WHILE THEY LAST THE TIRES listed below. NO CHARGE ACCOUNT. . NO DELIVERY. Wire Grip P. T. loodyear . . . P. T. Firestone . . . N. S. Revere N. S. ReDUolic A. VY. Goodyear . . Fisk Cords P. T. Goodrich . . . T. Goodvear N. s. Firestone . . . V. S. Chain Tread . . .$23.00 . . . 20.95 . . . 2X.55 . .. 27.15 . .. 30. U0 . .. 3l.ll.-i . .. 40. 1M) . . . 25.95 . . . 27.2o . .. 32.00 . .. 30.411 , . . 33.3.-1 . .. 4i.li5 . .. 47.50 ... 41.30 . . 40.no . . 25.IMI . . 35.00 . . 45.1J0 . . 13.50 . .. 10.S5 . . 25.110 . . 19.50 .. 26.00 . . 27.50 1-14x4 '.i N. S. Ajax 1 ::4x4Vs P. T. Goodyear ... 1 32x4 Rib Cord 1 32x4 N. S. Cord I 35X41 N. S. Republic 1 37x5 N. S. A jax fi 3(K3V Globe Cords 4 32x3 V Globe Cords 0 32x4 Globe Cords :ix:i Ken is t 3l'x3 Va Kents 2 31x4 Kents 6 :'.2.3Vj Kents 6 32x4 Kents , 1133x4 Kents lt 34x4 Kents TRUCK TIRES. 1 "4x2 Vs Firestone , ; 34x4 Firestone 5 36x4 Goodrich .. 28.50 35.00 NO WAJl TAX CHARGE ON ANY TIRE. All First Tires. Out of Town on Approval. THE TYRE SHOP. 41" Burnside st. STANDARD make tractor Ford attach ment; used only as a demonstrator; will do the work of six horses; cost $250, price $150. East 522L Call for Cleaver. GOOD TIRE BUY. Owner enlarging his tire equipment and has four Kelly-Springfield 32x4 non skid tires and tubes for sale. Two al most new. Bargain, See at Multnomah Tire Shop. 102 Broadway North. ONE express body and top; one Maxwell cab as good as new; Drand-new Ford roadster body. Call Sunday after 11 A. M. at the Pacific Storage & Delivery Company. 31J E. Madison. FOR SALE 1 radiator, transmission, hood. frame. Phone r,. 004a evenings Sunday. LF YOU want to save wear on your auto or truck, see jonn i.iemenson. Kin ahd Marshall. Phone Bdwy. i THE FINCH VULCANIZING CO.. 3S9 Stark St.. between 9th and 10th BARGAINS IN USED TIRES AND TUBES. INDIAN motorcycle $35, Ford radiator $7, Ford tenders ana tires caeap. aeuwood 1655. 1917 INDIAN, perfect condition; leaving town; must sen at. once; ei-o casn. .mar shal! 329a. c-i.r sale AMBU electric trouoie snoot er, complete; cneap. v m. cook, route A. box 93. Portland. ONE 34x4. one 33x4, $12 each. Express office, Jefferson at tjnapman sts. NEW auto bed for Chovrolet or Ford, cheap. Main L'l l. FOR SALE Hoover tire carrier, carries 2 tires 32x3 V4. wooqiawn oiei. TWO Goodrich tires, smooth, new, 34x4, $22. r0 ana iie.oo cneap. jacKson. EXIDE battery. 6 volts, 72 ammeters, good Condition, $1-. riioug pmvy. oio. TWO nearly new 36x4 wire grip tires; alSO lUUCS. IWI.e uaoi. ..jy,. Automobiles for Hire. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. OVERLAND. HUDSONS. LOWNSDALE GARAGE, BDWY. 2408. 15TH AND WASH. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. G. N. SMITH, THIRD AND GLISAN STS. A 2629. BROADWAY 2629. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS. New cars, reasonable rates. City Ga rage. 86 loth st. Broadway 840. AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS FOR HIRE. E. I. SULLIVAN'S FASHION GARAGE. Mar. 232. 10TH AND YAMHILL. A 1236. ALTHOF & BENNETT, CARS FOR HIRE WITHOUT DRIVERS, ARMY GARAGE. 3D AND TAYLOR. MAIN 1687. J-PASS. Dodge for hire, touring, calling, shopping, highway. Broadway 3547. 1 .':2x.,', 2 32x4 1 .13x4 1 3 I x4 1 32x4 2 32x4 2 32x4 2 :t::x 4 1 ;mx4 p 1 33x4 1 34x4 USED TRUCKJ COMPLETELY OVERHAULED AND READY TO GO TO WORK. If you are la the market fer a used truck, you can not afford to overlook the following opportunities: 1919 Republic, new, 1-ton $1450 1917 Republic, new, lV4-ton.... $1323 1917 Republic, new, 2-ton $1550 1919 Maxwell, new, 1-ton $950 1918 Maxwell, new, 1-ton $875 And lastly we have a splendid bargain In a 3-ton Packard, $2150. W. C. GARBE. INC. Formerly Oregon Motor Car Co., Broadway at Burnside. TRUCKS. Used trucks taken In on tmde for the Oldsmobile Economy Truck. READY FOR THE ROAD. 1918 REPUBLIC i-ton, $850. 1919 REPUBLIC, special, $1230; near ly new. WHITE DELIVERY, panel body, $450. 3917 DODGE DELIVERY, good. $750. 1917 REO SPEED WAGON. $030. FORD TRUCKS AND DELIVERIES. AT YOUR OWN PRICE. LIBERAL TERMS. USED CAS DEPARTMENT, OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON. Broadway and Couch. ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE. REBUILT PACKARD TRUCKS SOLD ON EASY TIME PAYMENTS. Pactcard. 3-ton. body and hoist. Tackard. 4-ton, body and new hoist Republic. 2-ton. new tires. This is a 1919 model, best buy for the money in town. White, -toit, express body, good rubber. Also a Ford 1-ton. And several others on small down pay ments, balance easy terms. PORTLAND MOTOR CAP. CO., 10th and Burnside Streets. ASK FOR JONES. FREE TRIAL MONEY-MAKING TRUCKS. . Come 4n and choose your trucks. They are all overhauled. Put it to work for ten days. If you are not satisfied bring it back and exchange It or any truck in the nouse. SPECIALS THIS WEEK. 1-ton Republic, covered express body. $S30. . 1-ton worm-drive Ford, express body and cab. $01 o. 2-ton Kepablic, good as new, $1850. 114 -ton Federal, Just overhauled, $950. MANY OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. LOW PRICE3. EASY TERMS. GRAINING A TREECE. 542 Alder st., cor. 17th. Biwy. 1723. FREE TRIAL ON MONEY-MAKING TRUCKS. Come in and choose your trucks. They are all overhauled. Put it to work for ten days. If you are not satisfied bring It back and, exchange it lor any truck in the house. SPECIALS THIS WEEK. -ton Republic, complete with body, top and windshield; guaranteed; $750. lV4-ton Federal, overhauled, 1950. 1-ton Republic, covered express body, $850. 1-ton worm-drive Ford, express body and cab, $675. WANT OTHERS TO SELECT FROM. LOW PRICES KASYTERMS. GRANNING TREECE. 542 Aldar St., cor. 17th. Broadway 1723. 5-TON MACK TRUCK and an all-summer Job. This Is an unusual opportunity. Don't apply unless you mean business. WILL MAKE TERMS. Mr. Osborn. W. H. "WALLING FORD CO.. Bdwy. 2492. 522 Alder St. FORD TRUCKS, We have some very good buys In both worm and chain drive trucks and chassis and truck attachments. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE, 69-71-73-73 Grand Ave., cor. Stark. Open Sundays and Evenings. DODGE DELIVERY. 1917 model, splendid condition m onanlcaly; gooa tiros. $675. This Is a snap. Better hurry. Several other bargains In Republics, G. M. C s and JTord trucks. THE WHITE COMPANY, Parle and Couch Streets. BIO TRUCK SALE. You can save money and get the best terms on used trucks, to 5 tons, by seeing us. WM. L. HUGHSON CO.. 60 N. Broadway at Davis. Bdway 321. Federal Truck Distributors. Authorized Ford dealer since 1903. ALMOST NEW REPUBLIC. Do you want to save money on a lis ten Republic, used very little? 12-Inch giant tires on rear wheels; can't be told from new. WILLIAM L. HUGHSON CO.. 60 N. Broadwav at Davis. Bdwy. 321. FEDERAL TKUCK D1STIKBUTOUS. TRUCKS that are right and prices that are right. Come in and look them er. 1 new 2Vi-ton. 1 used 2-ton. 1 used four-wheel drive. Mr. Osborn. W. If. WALL ING FORD CO.. Bdwy. 2492. 522 Alder St. WANTED Practical logger with donkey equipment, to Join me in legging con tract close to Portland; good timber and good ground. 1 have truck equipment and will do the hauling. AR 515. ore gonian. 2i4-TON truck, first-elass condition. 1919 mooei, win sen -uv tiui.j " . $700; equipped with Prcsuilitu and lli-'O license, equipped with body. 1 iioue e. 4126, room 16, 2S3 '.a Grand ave. Mrs Brewer. PACKARD 2-TON. $1600 Cnaln drive, t rear tipes new, motor like new, extra long frame, suited to lumber or fuel; a bargain at this price. Chessman-Slater Motors Co., 92 North Broadway. Broadway 4233. S'j-TON G. M. C. with stake body, ready lor service. $S73. This is an exielUlonal bargain. THE WHITE COM PAN 1, Park and Couch Streets. 4-TON second-hand United Motor truck for sale. Fully equippeu lor nauuim. first-class condition, only $2750. Call at 26 North 15th St., between Burnside and Couch sts. FOilD truck chassis, lis -ton, ever-ready chain drive, new paint, chains like new, tire filler and new roller bearings In front wheels: 1920 license; $350. 63j Thurman St. FOR SALE New 1 '4. 2 and 3'ti-ioii United Motors trucks. Buy direct 1 rum fuciorv hraneh and save agents com mission For prices aud discouuts call at 26 North lath st. LUMBER CONTRACT. First class job for 2 ',5 -ton with rollers. Can use 3 at once; trueKs lurnisneo small payment down. Call Monday. E, 4916. FORD! FORD! FORD 1919 1-ton truck and body, Al condi tion. bargain if taken al once; terms. Call Tabor 1551. SELL iheaii for cash or trade for Ford touring or roadster, 1918 Ford lli-ton truck, express nouy, top, cic. ; gouu shape. Main 296IL FOR SALE 3-ton White truck, run about f.000 miles: or partner for half Interest In same. K. E. Brltch. room -11 city hall. WANT logger to contract and log six mil lion of good timber: good togging coun try: truck haul 2 miles. All 515. Ore gonian. 5-TOV C. Sr G. truck. Pope-Hartford mo tor, all new tires, in excellent condition everv wav. A snap for $00. Cook & Gill. 11th and Burneide. . FOR A1,E1 Nearly new. two-ton Diamond T truck, will take car in iraae. ruoiw 1HUK.1. A. H. t-ileaerman, aaicut, ui, FOR SALE Transfer business and equity in 1-ton Republic trurK: leaving city, Call t 227 Stark St.. Sunday. l.'OTt SALE BY OWNER 2-ton Rco truck. new engine, perfect connnion, jiuii, some terms. Br nib, oregoniaii STANDARD 3-ton truck: good shape readv tor work: can or terms; price $1000. Tabor 7402. 1 CAN use several Gary trucks for lu-ii her contract, 2V,-ton; $1000 uown. oee Barnes. 71 Broadway. I HAVE a lumber and log hauling con tract coveren ny written contract. rcee Roahen, 12th and Flanders. WHO wants to buy new 3'u-lon Maek truck with gravel dump eouipmeni : un livery A pril 1? AV 517, Oregonian. FOR sale or trade, : a.-ton International trucks. $2O0 each, call 256 Russell St. Phone East 34M. or '.3-TON truck. A-l condition, with log ging contraet near city: work to start at onee. Wdln. 5963. Mr. Hansen FOR SAT.E III good condition. 1918 2-ton Federal truck, new tires, sjovu. cast 4541. 301 Tillamook st. 'j.-TON truck, good condition, with good city Jon. vdlti. 00. FORDSON tractor. Ist-ciasa condition: sell cheap; slightly used, AO no, oregonian. X-TON Republic truck, bougnt last year. Can be seen at 15 Union tie. AUTO REPAIRING. PAIGE si MALSTROM. Auto Painting, Vehicle and Sign Work. 11th and Hoyt. M. & M. GARAGE. DEMAND PEERLESS PISTON RINGS when your car Is overhauled. See your garageman or Motor Equipment Co.. successors to W. H. Banes. 44 N. Broad way. Phone Bdwy. 8308. OPEN NIGHT AND PAY. General auto repairing and used cars. TERMINAL GARAGE. 5'th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 15S6. GARAGES. FOR SALE Concrete garage building in good valley town; best location In town, on Pacific highway. For price and terms address 295 East 37th, at., Portland, Or. No agents. PRIVATE garage for rent, suitable for business house Wltn cars. .1.10 Grant st., cor. 12th. Phone E. 843. GARAGE for sale, large enough for two cars. Call 117., Salmon St., jaonaay. tel ephone Main 1914. NEW 10x18 portable garage, $75. Taylor St. WA X TE M M ISCK I.LAX EO I'B. I WANT USED CLOTHING. We pay from $10 up for men's used suits and overcoats. Call us and you will get the right cash price for your goods. 167 1st St.. near Morrison. Main 73M. 0)sid 'suioo pio 'senhnuTi eauaj NYIONI guns and curios ot an aious. v m. rum, 125 11th St.. Bdwy. 172-L WANTED To buy, good used baDy suikey. Call Tabor 61 j2. JUNK, rags, metals, paper, old clothing. tools, lurniture; goou prices, r.ast 01 11. WANTED 20 H. P. horizontal boiler with firebox preferred, can loiumota Bl.'i. WANTED Child's Iron bed. Phone Wood- lawn 35S1. LONG-RANGE telescope wanted: state price, size, etc. AO i-, oregonian. DRESS suit wanted, size 37. Mar. 1523, Sunday or evenings. WANTE.D Portable blacksmith forge and anvil AN B4I, oregontam WANTED One magneto for single-cylin der gas engine. I2J ibtn. STAMP collection and old stamps. OregonlatL WANTED Mirror 3.6x4.6. Call Bdwy. 1399. USED brooder stove, must be In good con dition. 766 coroett at. WANT 10-inch genuine Oliver chilled plow, wooden beam preierrea. vvoouiawn iiioo. WANTED A tent, 10 by 12 feet. Call Tabor 2667. WANTED 12x14 or 14x10 tent. Mar. 4400, apt. 0l,. WANTED A large truck: will buy or ex change a gold watch. Main 4205. WANTED To buy a few stands bees, fair price. AB 133. Oregonian. WANTED Welding outfit; state kind and price. J. E. Durham, AB 130, Oregonian. WE BUY WAR BONDS. VICTORY, LIBERTY BONDS. New York quotations, March 24, 1920. 1st 2d 3d 4th Kth S'-s 4,l 4, s 4", 4l Market $97.00 $S9.82 $02.4 Jsn.Krt $97 ..'. Interest .91 1.46 .05 1.82 1.24 Total.. $97.91 $91.28 $92.69 $91.78 (98.80 When selling your bonds pee us snd receive the highest prices, basis market value. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE, Licensed by the City of Portland. 405 Spalding Bldg., Fourth Floor, DIAMONDS BOUGHT. I HAVE lon.nno "TO INVEST IN DIAMONDS. I pay full value In cash for any diamonds. Nothing too small or too big. Call and see Mr. Randolph ud get full market value. Also old gold, silver, platinum. Jewelty, precious stones bought fur cash. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. GEORGES RANDOLPH, Diamond bioker. 405 Spalding Bldg., 4th Floor. $12.50 TO $2.1 FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER. THE TAILOR. He pays mure than anyone in the city zor suits, overcoats and allocs. The Madison Cleaners and Tailors. Call Marshall 1229. or 2...1 Madison si, near 3d at. vtiil call anywhere lu the city, day or evening. FURS. FIRS. FUKS. Cleaning and alterations any degcrlp Hon, Usu 1. Franee fur iliursing for summer and live $1011. Reasonable prlcca LA FRANCE FU It M KG. CO.. 103 Vv. l ark., bet. Morrison and YamhilL Main 0529. UP TO $2.1. FOR MEN S SUM'S AND OVERCOATS. We p. iv any price for mens rlothea OREGON CLEANERS AND TAII.oits, 117 2d St., .V W. Cor. Wash. Main 9514. $ ..0 UP TO $-5 GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR, PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE for MEN'S SUITS AND OVERCOATS, BIIOKS ETC. BROADWAY 39.;j. 245 '2 HI KNS1DE. BETWEEN 2D AND 3D. CALL ME BEi ORE A.N 1 BODY ELSE. "Si iM B i ll I Nil N E W ! I" Wbafs the use of wealing out-of-dale clothes when you can turn tbcui Into cash money at till Third st. Highest prices paid tor second-hand clothing. Telephone .Main 320;. We call tor tlieui. NLl'I'ICK We do first-class auto Mild house painting, sign writing, tinting, paper hanging, also clean wall paper and oil paiiiiliiRs. fresco work, decorat ing. 263 Russell st.. or phono Wuod luwn 02119 and East 4SS9. EXCHANGE 4Sx00 lot. paved St.. restrict ed district, no liens. Oioek to 2 car lines, value $1300. tor first-, lass auto or dia monds; no junk or InMalrd values eon sidered. Mar. 1523, Sundaa and even ings. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per set. Don't mat ter if broken; old-timers are inosL val uable. Crowns, bndgework bought. Bring or m.iil, the American Brokerage, 405 Spalding blilg.. 4lli floor, 3d nn.l Wash. WANTED TO BUY. A handsome linen and lace or lace anil embroidery tea cloth; pieaso state si.o aud price; must be a bargain. C 51, iregoniii n. FRESH EGGS WANTED. We pay , a premium lor white hens' eggs; If you can ship a case twice a week write MUTUAL CREAMERY CO. Portland. Or. Oi l; SI'ECI W,TY Is busing men s cast-off clothing; highest cash prices paid, will ca.l. oay or night. PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 3-'.'5. 209 Madison. SHOTGUNS AND RIFLES BOUGHT. SOLI). RENTED AND EXCHANGED. MAIN 4195. TA Bt ill t;7!". 128 FIRST J U N K WAN T E D J U X K . Full value paid for all kinds of rags We buy old clothes, tools and furniture. Highest price paid, tall Main 734. WANTED Encyclopaedia Britautilea. 11th edition; not thin paper. Also New ltil national Encyclopaedia. 2d edition. AB l.i-', oregonian. AN experienced woman wants 130 clo. nles or Dees to run on shares In W 11 latnette valley or near Portland. M. I Sturdevant, Hollliior, Mont. W ANT E L H I F I . t S. SHOTGUNS. Highest cash price paid for your rifle, shotgun and kodaks, llochleld. 85 Ihird st. Main ll.'.M. WOULD like to buy a gus Kadlantrire with andirons; will pay cash. B. E. oFotc, P. O. box 4, city. WANTED Pasture for 50 head of good colswold stieep; will let out on shares. Addrese R. F. D. 8. Hint 130, Salem. Or. WANTED Diamond, slzo between 1 In ti carai, 1 rom private pariy., flato price. O Ml, Oregonian. DIAMOND want'-d: about Ik. or th'Tr-. ntmuts; hy private party, cash. l:F cel. Oregonlun, DIAMOND wanted, suitable for engnge- nicnt ring; pay all cash. AG 802, Ore coiuan. WANTED lo rout or Icnse, a .15 or 40 H. P. traction engine. Inqiilin 11H Norm Olympic st., St. Johns. 11. A. Tlernev. DIAMOND wanted. Pay cash fur good- color stone, about 1-h. or over. Mai. 152'!. Sunday and oieninge. WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR ALL KINDS OF HIKI.KS, SHOTGUNS K C BEN. S BACK MAN. llu 3D ST. WANTED Steamer trunk anil good suit- case or I'Rg: must tie 111 good condition, Call st 232 E. Hl.-t St. North. Good second-hand suit, slxe 34 or 3.1, for elderlv man: stale kind, color and price. AL, 735, oregonian. WE BUY DIAMONDS. OLD GOLD. OLO Jewelry for cash; name your price. Bring or mallv321lt Wash., bet. 6th and Bdwy WANTED Good 2d-hand grindstone wlik frame and crank: must he In good shape and cheap. R 70, oregonian. ENCYCLOPEDIA Brllannlca. 11th ed , In- nia paper, orowu sneep nituiing. line price and phone. R 9.1, Oregonian. bKi'ONH-IUXD w a r d r o he trunk. give AG 798. ore. make, price and condition, gonian. WANTED Will psv cash for second-hand safe; give sl.e Inside, address a7ld phone. AO ,"c,4. Oregonian. W ANT good flat-top desk, fitted for type writer. 44 N. Broadway. A.k ior Banes or Potter. A LARGE ICE CHEST, suitable for dell catessen. about 350 lbs. ice In good shape. A E 11, Oregonian. WANTED A good farm horse, harness, wagon and plow. Apply, stating age and prices. H. Pignoy, 575 Main st. CROCHET and fancy work of all kinds. 125 11th at. WE will buy your old typewriters and pay you casn. Oregon typewriter I 0., P4 5th. SPOT CASH PAID FOR Tool-'. MAIN 4495. TAHoR 079. U'S FIRST HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dia. monds. Dan Marx A Co.. I'S;: Wash. st. HATTER wants second-hand head blocks. Broadway 2047. Furniture Wanted. I WANT YOUR FURNITURE, CARPETS' STOVES. ETC., TO SHIP OUT AND WILL PAY JfOKE THAN OTHER LOCAL DEALERS. A PHONE CALL WILL BRING BI'YER AT ONCE WHO WILL CONVINCE YOU. CALL, MAIN 4773. BE SURE AND LET US FEE your furniture and household goods be. fore you sell. We are In the market for same and will pay highest prices PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE 2QH First St. M,n 772 I WANT used furniture; rash will be paid for stoves and ranges and all kinds of household goods. Call us for tine article or s house full, and a competent, courte ous buyer will call. Marshall 20!:l. crown I - 1 I WANT to purchase two beds without maiiretses. uniiwr, nuenen cnairs, table lawn mower, some dishes and other eMutpmeni. 1010s. cic, usea around house. Tabor 499S. CALL MAIN 8K7H. We pay the highest prices for nied furniture. See us before you sell CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. MAIN 8S7R WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description: have the ready rash. Phone today. Main 4n27 or 160 First sL REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points on household goods. Pacific Cosst For wardlng Co.. 9th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 70.1. WANT used "Howard" heater. In good condition. East 5772. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. WANTED Second-hand, old-style rolled, top desk and chair. AH 133. Oregonian. WANTED Used furniture. Will pay best prices. Main 5"14, WANTED Single steel cot. Main 6334. WILL pay caa lor lurniture. Main il7. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. We want your s4 furniture, nigs, carpets, stoves, and all household goods, and WIU pay the highest cash price. OUR THREE LARGE STORES enable as to dispose f these (nods et once, and therefor e can pay the TOP MARKET PRICES, W slse buy and sell hardware. toes, sporting goods, tents, bl evees, typewriters, addirg me ehlnes, and store and off.es fur niture. When you hare anything to buy. Mil or trade, CALL MAIN SOre. LEVIN HARDWARE m FURXITURE CO. 221-223-223 Front SL MARSHALL S9L GEVURTZ rURNITUKE CO. WR PUT TOI'R HOfPKliril.r) FPU. NITURE FOR SPOT CASH. ALL CAI.l . ATTENDED TO SAVE DAY; IILJIII sf PRICES PAID. WE ARE THE OLD EST. MOST RKLIARIE HOUSE OUR KIND IN PORTLAND. 383 FIRST ST.. THONB MARSHALL 10l. " ALL, MAIN .-.09 IMMEDIATELY WE PA THE 111. .Ill t-T CAf'f mir-i: r:vtn PAir hy anyone in T'B I'lU FOR FURNITURE, v. A It Youit' CALL WILL UrtlNO TUB BU1LR Willi THE money KLINE FI liMTl KE CO . 192 FIRST ST., NEAR TA 1 LOIL MAIN .109. WILT. TAT TItB THOHKS'T TniC FOR USED FI HNITl It E. CALL EAST (.417. ASK Foil MR. OilMA.NDV. IIM.P WTr IV V St.K. WANTED. Hois over 1 for llsht, p!".nl out door wmlt. Salary fvo p, r month. Spier. did chance ror adiaiieement; piesent shoriano caused ,y n,, promotion of several of our hov. to g..od rating 01 fieo positions. Applicants must bate w heels. A1TI.T M tssk'1 :u si pi:i: 1. son WEMI'ilHV IMoN' TEI CO 76 Third Street. WE APE looking for a bright vouir man iioout M y, ,r of age. for' hoi, sa le stoekioom. This Is rir organir.il'on requiring men who can develop with the spirit 01 the oriui..t Ion tu i.,i.to,.l and betterment. Write stilting - Weight. hit v rxpe.-t. .1 et.. AE tin 1, UHEGONIAN. WANTED GnADKR TO HELP T i: I M : HP I 111 ItKR; II l: A 1 1 mV.v: ''ATH M"''' IAc'",NK APPLY 1117 TEO.V BLDfJ. THE MEIER PRANK COMPANY re quire the services f an experienced ilre.ge,,d talesman. Apply Emplot. ment Bureau, Sixth Fioor. lep r A Frank Co. THE MKIETt FRANK Com PANT re gains the services o' HO rxperlei.efd hat salesman. Apple K11111 n.iiifiil Bureau. Sixth Fioor, Meier & 1-iank Co. WANTED Experienced man to clean and polish furniture. Experienced furniture psrker and wet Up man. Must have tools. Apply at ll.i. Isles' Shipping Dept., First Mild Wms!,kIo gift PIONEER I ihi m ex r i n., 14 Want trust epert, slno up: nb-t-arter, 9'l( up; te lllatl. $ I (Ml up. !T,y ft , . Slrin-lur. !.!: ln.lv oplst. sn; .i( maker, rg? .sndl.-is, f ;o llegint. r tor p.e.ltiotis free; p., e Ling's to etn . lover WANTED Male rletks In Portland. 01 P o. ; flu rents per hour to start: good opportunity tor adr.inretn. nt ; examiun lion March 27, appll. atlotis mit l.e Iq early. Applv at on. e at Information window, main postoffli r. WAS'TEIi A man who understands Iril- gation and raising slfali.i tlmt could take active mans getnept of a Luge Irri gated project; parte who could lnve-t $.'iiinio, tiiorii v won d h prut. .ted. $1 K l.ee, 413 Corhelt bldg. WANTEDAT once. Go-get-'em men with anit.liloii to take ronrriirt hauling timber, some money needed: start st onee; make $to to l.'.ll per day. See llsrnea. 71 Hrosdwav SAWYER. VJ50 a month: mill iNril iu.-h, $5 2... H hour: do. k taliy men. $i 75, pl.iner mun, f i: .'.o ci.11,1 MBIA EVPLOVAIICNT AGENCY 21 N Vd. WANTED WooiUnw- men to inv-s.msie thim new automatic wnd.-nw li Is a re-d woo.lsaw; cut 1. '2 or 3 cuts st ene on ls piwrr than the old style K.i'lorv, 2V Union ave A PROPOSITION! or MERIT Are you sulsfied with nir. $.loo or $4,111 per month? Is It sufficient to en.e for you In old sge? If vou want to eatlf more, answer tills. G 73. Oregenlsn. WANTED A young man to hI- in catalog work. Misl know something, about getting up Invent sheet and print. Ing. Must have some experience n this class of work. AR 1, Oregonian. WANTED Stenographer, young man titer will start at moderate aalntv and work himself Info a gne.l Job. Web Foot Lbr, Co., Couch Bldg. GET on the vaudeville stage! Experience unnecessary. Acts written, roaened sni booked. Also stage dunelng taught. Al cotton, vol-'.' itlioll Theater Mdg. ANYONE Interested In uslnr or selling Pressure cookers, see Sunday adv., sec tion 1. page 11. AN experienced punts presser. Apply flun d.iv morning, Mrs, Srhuhenrr, room 1, it 3d St. PHOTO coupon aslesmsn. sslsrv and cewt mission. Peterson Sludlo. 214 Plttorlt block EXPERIENCED printing e.les-nan hi progressive and old-established firm. Salary and commission. F ". fVci- EXPEFMrcxr'EP lanllor foe apartment bouse: single man: rood wages and room furnished. Call Mnln .'(Vi WANTED A hov over IS. with nilllreem exoertence. (o operate exeelsioe niarhlne. United M'r Co. 971 Ssndr Mvd SALESMEN, experienced or Inexperlem eil, K.19 Chamber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Ptsrk. MUSICIAN WANTED ,Trap drumfrer. Amateur preferred, who has set of hells. Main 49S3 afternoons or evenings. WANTEr Bov over 16 In lesrn ttsee; must he ateadv; hov living with folks nrefe-red. G 66 Orernnlsn. HOY for sheet metal shon- experience not neeesstrv. 4IS E. BumsMe sL REAL estate salesman with aute at ft 1 ft-2 Railway Exchange Mdg. WANT man to do 2 boors' porter work evenings for board. 1"!1 6th st. ' BoV-wanted. Call Modern Printing Co., gnu Broadway. PAPER IIANCER Call Sunday A. M. only. 370 61 h st.. room 1. TEAM wanted 10 x-ard piling; steady Jon, 7 1 4 Couch building. ' WANTED Delivery boj Buahnng $V On., en pr st. EX PF.R I FNCED inndsesne gardener; good ' w-agea. Phone Tabor 4061. YOUNG rnsn to learn sheet metal work. Apply 493 Alder. WANTED A good painter for Inxide work. Tabor 74. yyAVTED FNperlenced hsrde-re at, man in retail store. Apply 150 1st st.