THE SUNDAY OKEGOMAiN, rolilXAiNlJ, MAKC1I 7, 1920 CITY NEWS IN BRIEF CTty Editor Main 7VT0. A eo!" Bunilsj Editor Main 7070, A ' S Adrtrtislng; Department. . llain 7i7l, A 0" Superintendent of BMg...Main "07. A SUM ASirSEMKNTS. ORPfTEtm (Broadway at Taylor Vaude ville, Tbta afternoon and tonight. BAKER (Broadway near Morrison) Baker Ptock company In "Nothing1 bat the Truth." Thla afternoon and tonight. AIjCAKAR (Elerenth at Morrison) Alca xar Musical Players in "The Man Who Owns Broadway." Tonight. LYRIC (Fourth at Stark) Musical com edy. "The War Is Over." Three allows daily at 2. 7 and P. at. HIPPODROME (Broadway at Yamhill) Vaudeville and movina; pictures, 2 to 5, US to 11 P. M. tiaturdaye. Sundays and holidays, continuous, 1:15 to 11 P. M. PA.VTAGES (Broadway at Alder) Vaude viile. Three shows dally, 9:0.".. 2:S0, and THRIFT STAMPS. WAR SAVINGS STAMPS On Sale at Business Office, Oretonian. lm 'sour- Alaska Society Meets Tomorrow. The regular monthly meeting: or tne Alaska society will be held tomorrow evening at the clubrooms in Hotel Portland. The annual election will take place. James J. Crossley, former ly district attorney of Fairbanks, Alaska, will give an address relative to conditions in Alaska. The Alaska Glee club will furnish music There will be cards and dancing for those who wish. Refreshments will be served by the social committee. These patherings are informal and former Alaskans or those visiting here are cordially Invited. The clubroom en trance Is on Morrison street. The society has an associate membership consisting of those who are an mediate relative or a real dough." Teouew Gits Kntehtainmbnt. Irinhna Homestead. No. 50.18. Broth erhood of Yeomen, last Wednesday niirht held a business session in the Women of Woodcraft hall. Tenth and Tavlor streets. A number or can dldates were balloted on artd there followed an entertainment which was heartily enjoyed by the members ana visitors present. The lodge will give another of Its popular card parties and dances Wednesday evening, March 10. L.KCTURH AT Y" AXSOCNCBD. Mirift Ahmad Sohrab of Persia will deliver a lecture, entitled "The Seven Valleys, the Progress of the Soul." at the Port land Y. M. C. A. auditorium at 8 o'clock tomorrow night to which the general public is invited. He was former secretary of the Persian lega tion at Washington and treasurer of the Persian-American educational so ciety. He is a follower of Bahai. Portland Lkads Seattle. Portland eame to the front last night in the membership contest between the Port land and Seattle T. M. C. A. boys' work departments and now stands in the lead with 94 new enrollments and Beefsteak, 15c. Sirloin steak, 20c. 70.S0O Doints. while Seattle has new members and 61,550 points. Th contest will come to a close tomor row night. COMMCNITT CLCB TO 5IECT. Th ICeiehliorhood Community club will meet Wednesday evening, March 10, in the Neighborhood house. C. T. Kevser of the bureau of parks and Dla vcrounds will speak on "What Wil Pe Done for Duniway Park" and Walter Jenkins will lead in the com munity sing. - Dr. Lasi-ettb to Speak at Mkx s Resort. Dr. Laslette, pastor of Grace Baptist church, will be the speaker at the Men's Resort service today at P. M. The Men's Resort orchestra, with W. M. Laughton as soloist, has arranged a fine programme. The men will sing their favorite gospel songs. Library Talk Tuesday. Informal talks on organization and manage meiit of the library are being given for the benefit of library patrons in central library. The third in the scries will be Riven Tuesday. March 9. in room P. at 4 P. M. The sub Ject is "The Mystery of Red Tape." Lincoln- Sociktt to Elect. The Abraham Lincoln Memorial society will hold its annual meeting at P. M. Saturday, March in, at 600 Chamber of Commerce building. Elec tion of officers for the ensuing year and other matters of importance will be taken up and discussed Thb Puritan Cafeteria at 2"2j Stark St., cor. 4th, has closed for repairs. Will reopen Tuesday, March 9, under all new management. We will serve a cocktail free to all our patrons on opening day. We will ap predate your patronage. L. J. Mc- Leod, manager. Adv. Rev. W. G. Eliot Jr. will preach at 11 A. M., The Crucifixion, a Lenten sermon, and at 7:45 P. M. "Two Ways of Supporting Preachers: a Contro versy With Two Distinguished Men,' Church of Our Father, Broadway at Yamhill. All seats free and the public Invited. Adv. Forester Carves Tew. Curious articles made from western yew are now on exhibit at the United States forest service offices. They include crlbbage board counters, book ends and paperweights all carved by Charles J. Kraebel, a local forest ex aminer. To Contractors and Bi-ilders. For sale by owner at reasonable price, un improved block 200x200, centrally located, east side, close in, cement sidewalks, hard-surfaced streets, sewers, water, taxes and street assess ments all paid. AG 773, Oregonian. Adv Prestidents' Ci.rB to Meet. The members of the .Presidents' club will meet Wednesday,. March 10, at 12 o'clock at the Washington - street Hazelwood for lunch in the green room. Important matters will be dis cussed. Pyorrhea Caw Be Cured. "Walk in the light of this truth, and 1t will be unto thee even as thou wilt" for "thrice armed is he whose cause is just." C. Smith Long, dentist. 310 Bush &. Lane bldg. Adv. Dr. Boas Speaks Todat. Dr. Ralph Philip Boas, head of the English de partment at Reed college, will speak this afternoon in South Portland branch library on "Present - Day Problems of Jewish Life." Nervw Blocking enables us to thoroughly treat teeth for pyorrhea and perform other needful dental op erations without pain. Drs. Hartley, Ktesendahl & Marshall, 307 Journal bldg. Adv. , Reward J 25 Stolen Auto. Ford touring, Oregon license 39594; engine, 128.1581; cloth grey stripe up holstery. Notify owner. 525 East 49th north. Phone Tabor 3564, Portland. Adv. The Coe. Maternity Home. Open to All Phtsicians. XR, Viola Mat Cob SupkrintendeJct. lita akd Lovejoy. Main 5990. Adv. AotOmobilb Insurance Completb in one company reduces cost. Service to Oregon agents. W. J. Kroder Co., state agt-. Electric bldg. Main 3118. Adv. Plaster Board, beaver board, Cor nell board for walls and ceilings. Tlmms Cress & Co., 1S4 Second St. Adv. Akro Club Meet Tuesday. The Aero club of Oregon will hold a hinch eon for its members on Tuesday noon, March 9, in the Oregon grill. Kkvhekeb Coal, Carbon Coal Cow mine agents. 321 Hawthorn ave. Sast 11.&. Adv. Dr. J. R. Wetherbee returned and resumed practice; 1007 Journal bldgj Adv. Milk Cur at Uia Moore Sanitarium. Adv. . . - Museum to Show Paintings. A spe cial exhibition of paintings will be shown at the Museum of Art for a week only. March 11 to 17, inclusive. These paintings make one of the finest collections ever seen here. They are loaned by their Portland owners, being in many cases recent acquisi tions not before shown. The collec tion includes French impressionistic paintings by some of the most famous exponents of the school, Monet and Pissarro: the well-known American impressionistic painters, Twachtman and Hassam, besides the work of younger and less known artists. The exhibition will be open with the usual free hours on the aternoons of Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Tuesday. It will be open the evening of Wednesday, March 10, when a small fee will be charged and Dr. Rebec of the University of Ore gon and Dr. Torrey of Reed college will give informal talks. East Sidb Makes Petition. Offi cials and members of th Rant Ride 1 Rusiness Men's club have petitioned I the city council to construct a com fort station in the vicinity of East Morrison street and Grand avenue. City Commissioner Pier in charge of the park bureau plans to visit the east side to investigate sites offered' some time this week. In a letter to the council L. M. Lepper, secretary of the East Side Business Men's club, calls attention to the large number of people who trade on the east side and the need of a comfort station near Grand avenue and East Morrison. If funds can be provided. Commissioner Pier said yesterday that the request would be granted. "Abraham Lincoln" Will Bb Read. The Drama league, announces that on Wednesday evening, in room B at the central library, at 8:30 o'clock, C. H. Gray of Reed college will read "Abraham Lincoln," by John Drink- water. This plot, comprising a con nected series of highly dramatic episodes In the life of Lincoln, has greatly Impressed London, where has been successfully produced and has given rise to much interested comment, relative to the English con ception of Lincoln's personality, Fre and open discussion of the play wi be invited at tha conclusion of Mr. Grays reading, Scholarship Terms Announced. Applications for the scholarship loan fund of $200, without interest, offered by the Association of Collegiate Alum nae to girls who are high school graduates, must be sent in by May 1 The applications must be accompanied by the grades of the applicant and by letters of recommendation. A per sonal interview with members of the committee is desirable. Application should be sent to the chairman. Miss Emma M. Greibel, 732 Overton street. Sliced Bacon, 25c. At Frank L. Smith's, 228 Alder street Good bacon by the piece, 20c. Rump roast and oven roast, 15c. Roast veal and breast veal, 15c, Pot roast, 12e. Pork chops, 30c. Boiling beef, 10c. Veal chops, 25c. Smith pig pork roasts, 25c, Pickled and dry salt pork. 20c. Porterhouse steak at Smith's, 25c. Frank L. Smith's is 228 Alder st Adv, Fine Levied for Shoplifting. Mrs, J. B. Meyers was given a fine of $40 in the municipal court yesterday morning on a charge of larceny. She was accused of shoplifting a piece of silk valued at $12 from the Llpman, w olfe & Co. s store. Free Lecture, tonight, subject Elements of Universal Religion," by Mirza Ahmad Sohrab, noted scholar and lecturer of Teheran, Persia, at Theosophical hall, 301 Central bldg. corner 10th and Alder. Violin solo by Elvah Peterson. All are invited. Adv. Missionary Head Speaks Tonight. Mrs. W. A. Montgomery, national president of the Women's Foreign Missionary society of" the Baptist church, will address the young peo ple or the East Side Baptist church at 6:30 o clock this evening Masquerade Ball for the Public. lots of prizes, March 9. W. O. W. hall, 12S 11th, given by Anchor council. No. 4b. S. B. A. Adm. 35c. Adv. For strictly first-class, first-growth, 4-ft. fir cordwood at moderate prices. call Vim. Haight. Tabor 8867. Adv. Florists. Attention! Three green houses for rent. Phone Main 2182. Adv. You Mat Be Next! Rent a safety box; 284 Oak st. Adv. THAT SU!T0F YOURS. Go down to Joy's tomorrow and let Joy take your measure; he's got the size of a few hundred other Portland men. Joy makes suits to your order from fabrics of your own selection. and he gives easy terms, besides. Look for the sign: Joy, the tailor, 104 Fourth street, between Washington and Stark. Adv. The Siamese government has pro- Mblted the exportation of tice and of all rice products for tho next year owing to the partial failure of the rice crop In most of the provinces of the kingdom. 8. H. Green Holmaa Fuel Co, Adv stamps tor easn. Main 153. 50-11 AVEI.L-KXOW3T GERVAIS CIT IZEN PASSES AWAY. I j s - - - B. P. Stevens. GERVAIS. Or., March . (Special.) B. P. Stevens, aged . 93, died of pneumonia at the home of his daughter, Mrs. G. J. Moisan, at Gervais Saturday, February 21. Mr. Stevens was born in Sa lem, Mass.. in 1826. He received his education at Boston at the old 'Hacker school, and when quite young he took to the sea, where a good portion of his early life was spent. In 1849 he landed in California and in 1870 came to Gervais, where he lived the remainder of his life. Besides his widow, survivors are: One son, Sumner Stevens of Gervais; two daughters, Mrs. Q. J. Moisan of Gervais; Mrs. Ira L. Vincent of Wren, Or., and three step daughters, Mrs. Clara Buxton of Portland. Mrs. Ollie Parker of Athena. Or., and Mrs. Laura Dempsy of Seattle, Wash. The funeral was held from the Presbyterian church at Ger vais. Interment was in the Ma sonio cemetery. . il . M m m m 5 m m m m m m m I "J lor m m I THE ADVANTAGES OF A COMPLETE Silver Service are being appreciated more and more every day. The generation of people who locked up their silverware in - cupboards and cabinets has given way to the genera tion which realizes that silverware is made to use, as' . well as to admire. We have always recommended the selection of the complete silver service, particularly for the reason that , certain pieces of the . various patterns might not be available in years to come, when one might desire to complete their services. . Of the patterns that can be secured in complete services in sterling silver through our store are such "heirloom" productions as MARY CHILTON CHATHAM WASHINGTON' FAIRFAX, In high-grade Sheffield Plate the' beautiful Adam period pattern is available in the complete service. This store, recently chosen as the "Hallmark" store , of Portland, toill soon be showing exclusively the Various lines bearing the "Hallmarli" stamp. Jaeger Bros. Jewelers Silversmiths , 131-133 SIXTH STREET Oregonian Building Community Service wants especially to provide social and recreational activities tor Portland's 10.000 or more young people who are without homes and have no social advantages. It deserves your help. Memberships are $1, $10, $25 and $100. Head quarters Northwestern Bank building. Telephone Main 654. Help Make Portland "the City of Friends" m m m m m m j5j m m. m m m m m to n m mm to be Lie VARIOUS BODIES OF STUDEXTS BUSY GETTING READY. Programme Includes Athletics, Vaudeville, Alumni LuncTicon and Historical Pageant on Canip,us. OREGON AGF.ICULTURAL COL LEGE. Corvallis, March fl. (Special.) Committees (or the various activi ties . of Junior week-end have just been announced by the committee in general charge. Roy S. Keene of Salem is chairman and Leo Spitzbart, also of Salem, is chairman of the unior prom. Allen Brandes of Port- and is chairman of the junior vaude- ille committee. Other members of he committee are Sterling Smith of ortland and Lynctte Svonson of As toria. The alumni luncheon is in oliarge of Gladys Kies of Vancouver. Wash., with Virginia Smith of Ontario, Frank Brown of Salem and Ralph Campbell of Amity as her assistants. Charles Russel of Pendleton is chairman of the committee on athletics. Other, members of the committee are Henry Reardon of Corvallis and Charles Chandler of Fresno, Cal. The junior pageant is in the hands of Kenneth Kali of Portland. Frances Castner of Hood River and Merle Briggs of Corvallis. Charles Webber of Portland is look ing after the publicity for the week end with Eric Witt of Portland and Donald Morse of Seattle helping him. A poster contest among the students is being held by this committee to select a number of advertising post ers to distribute over tha state. The junior vaudeville will open the festivities Thursday night. The performance will be repeated Friday ie-ht. Friday morning rrom o ciock until 11 o'clock will be given over to oting by students and faculty. j An alumni luncheon will be given on the campus at noon Friday, with a baseball game between the college nd the University of Oregon in the! fternoon, followed by a track mecf etween the two Institutions. una of war between the freshmen and the sophomores and the burning of the green caps by the "rooks" will a the features of Saturday morning. The second baseball game of the se ries with the university will be played Saturday morning at 10 o clock. The outdoor pageant win do given Saturday afternoon on the campus. It will be put on by the women of the college and will be historical in character and based on tne dook. Oregon.'' by J. B. Horner, neaa oi the history department. Three parts ill be featured Indian istory oi roo-nn Karlv stages ot tne ocme- ment of Oregon, and Oregon, the Pres ent. Fire Destroys Houseboat. CASTLE ROCK, Wash., March 6. (Special.) A houseboat belonging to Elmer Huntington, stationed near the Barnes place out from Kelso, was de stroyed by fire Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Huntington reside in Castle Rock, but were living in their house boat, which Was comfortably fur nished, to be near Mr. Huntington's work. They were away at the time and there is no clew to the origin of the fire. The houseboat, furnish ings and some valuable tools were a total loss. Ho insurance. K "FLU" EPIDEMIC SUBSIDES Stringent Regulations Lifted In Districts Aronnd Baker. BAKER, Or., March 6. (Special.) The influenza epidemic has so far subsided in districts around here that "flu" bans are being lifted.. Haines is the latest town in the county to cast aside the stringient regulations. Dr. H. Reid, city health officer, re ports that no new ca-es have been -reported for several days and has an nounced there is no further necessity for a ban on public gatherings. ENGINEERING SUPPLIES mm. 1 YOU- need accurate and sturdy instruments for efficiency in ' construction. . We carry a complete line of Engineer ing and Architects' Supplies and Art ists' Material. We extend to you a hearty welcome to visit our store whether you make a pur chase or not. Printing Engraving Bookbinding "EVERYTHING FOR THE OFFICE" BBar aaar twv&tnatiiHtA Fifth and Oak Sts. Mar. 6080, Ant. S65-4S I LEOPOLD DESKS f- Ll '''' Ll1 Tj Commerce Safe Deposit Vaults. 91 Third street. Eoth phones. Adv. OSCAR SEAGLE Distinguished American baritone, ensagnl to appear as soloist at concert to be civen in THE AUDITORIUM BY THE MULTNOMAH MALE CHORUS Charles Swenson, Director. THURSDAY EVENING, MARCH 1 1 TICKETS BOc, 75c. 1, $1.50. JiO WAR TAX. Box Office at Sherman, Clay & Co., Opens Tuesday, March 9. The business man of to day realizes that his office equipment re flects the character of his business. Leopold Desks produce the effect de sired. We will take in your old furniture in exchange for new. PACIFIC Stationery & Printing Co. 107 SECOND ST. Complete Office Outfitters fill. F and E Check-writers Sales and Service. Hedman Mfg. Co. C. Goldabronarh. Oregon Distributor Phone Mar. S422. - 415 Railway Exchange Bldg. AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOLS Advanced Electrical for Mechanics New night series just beginning. Aa electrical expert teaches this course. Inquire for special bulletin. Auto and Tractor Complete Modern equipment, expert individual instruction and practical experience. --( " Vulcanizing New and splendid equipment, experienced .instructor. Student receives practical experience during entire time. Ask about oar free scholarship for service men who enlisted ontslde of Orearon, also S. A. T. C. and the state nld for Oregon service men. Write for Catalogne, or Call IMt. ,C, Dept. Education, V.M.C.A. Bids. Be a Stenographer Men stenographers are in con stant demand in big business. New classes are opening In Busi ness English, Letterwriting, Of fice Methods, Shorthand and Typewriting MARCH 8TH Call or write for catalog C. Day and Night Sessions Ask abont our free scholarship for service men who enlisted ontslde of Oregon, also S. A. T. C. and the state aid for Oregon service men. Y. M. C. A. Business School 6th and Taylor Sts. Main 8700 Portland and the North west's finest hostelry. Rates $2 and Up Splendid grill and fa cilities for entertaining private parties. Portland, Oregon Skilled Optical Service ' Si 5..1 . v y Skilled Optical Service in fact, not merely a talking. point, is the kind you get when you come to us for relief from eye strain. Our prescriptions are based upon the find ings of the thorough examination which we make with the finest optical instruments to be obtained. Our method of examination will be a revela tion in thoroughness and attention to details, to those who have been accustomed to usual methods. E. W. WHEELER, Optometrist Wheeler Optical Co. 2d Floor Oregonian Bldg;. 'Y Preparatory School ACCREDITED offers thorough preparation for collcRe under conditions most conducive to rapid progress small classes men teachers personal supervision of study. Academic, Commercial and Technical " Subjects Offered Ask about our free scholarship for service men who enlisted outside of Oregon, also S. A. T. C. and the State aid for Oregon service men. NEW TERM OPEN'S. MARCH 8TII Evening Classes Opening Now Call or address Div. C, Office 416, Y. M. C. A. forthim!, )n gon OE30I D IOE30I WOOSTER'S Dealers in General Merchandise RETAILERS S Mnfg. AGENTS S WHOLESALERS u The une nest u Wnrtrinfr lVTon'a Stnro P a d WUUMiKd PYORRHEA Be snre yon are free from this dreaded disease, which works such ravaces In the month and canses the loss of aonad teeth end often produces disease and death by distributing Its poison to remote parts of the body. If taken In the early sts arcs It cast be successfully treated. Come, In and Investigate. Particular Attention Paid to Plates and Brlde Work. SUCCESSFULLY TREATED EXAMINATION FREE. Honrs : 8:.TO to 5 P. M. Phone M. 203. 33 Years In Portland. WISE DENTAL CO. 211 FAILING BLDK. THIRD AND WASHINGTON. HAVE YOU TRIED A IXXJAVRKK RT JAZZ CONFECTION PRICE 5 CENTS Russell $ filbert Co. 488-494 Washington St, Portland, Oregon. .1 The Largest Hotel in the faciiic Worth west. Elegance ana comiort com bine to enhance your pleas ure at the Multnomah. Six hundred cosy rooms, beautiful mezzanine floor and lobby, and superior service, to make cur fuests comfortable and contented. Garage in Connection BRIC V. IIAI.SER, Owner. A. If. Campbell, JUffr- The Palace Beautiful otao m mm (mm SB&0 HOTEL, ITE17ART SAN FRANCISCO Geary Street, uil off Union "Squirt - Funous for good service, contort andexcelltat cuisine al reasonajiie prices. Rates from $1.75 a Day ' Breakfast 40c and 76c lunch 60 Sundays ioc. umneri.o;unoiyt ai.ou. Municipal Car lino direct to door. Motor bus meets trains and steamers. . mm BIT rt -YtiEES Estab. 20 Years in Portland C. Gee Wo Root and Herb Remedies 1G2 y2 First St, Portland, Or. r -w" k 8 ? M.a rj, . V jsWr' . -w. ." :r., r A "is-TS 1 1';- ' : ' i Dt"tfy - ;j:j ...-law , Cut Your Stenographic Costs One-Third Eliminate the time your stenographer wastes in "prepar ing" to work. Give her a desk with a "place for every thing" letterheads, envelopes, second sheets, carbon papers, pencils everything at her finger tips ready without an instant's hesitation or delay. Simplify your . stenographic methods save costly, unnecessary work increase your stenographic output one-third by using the BYRON Typewriter Cabinet IRWIN-H0DS0N Commercial Stationers, 387 Washington St., Pittock Block