8 THE SUN'DAV OREGOMAX, PORTLAMi), ilARCU 1, 1920 'J m . Vi 1 , y r i i tz-, i . . i Lr& : ;: :l - ft f I W . ' J& 7 T'-.' . 'v , t v j ' X II i " - . f r.-:. rAidk a? , v. . J F , 4 5 5., f r , . s-;i t v.- t?r Mill? fvy1 I 1 , r .ff- y. I? -' - - ' - J a J&- . , rv ,f t iV ,UJ - $ Ju. -. - ,1 -s ' . Tfiil! 1 '' 'j sTmaama00 S?-JEr.V.7?zjt&el 0'Sfc?ijve?JtaJf3S C ' .:-, 'jr"" " I -! fill -Beex 7 'e &SJ?s-J)a?JrZ'jAf7- J&jttos'S'ow fjzr ZTzj r-ca 7&7?a TAerr 7?s y A- s- cx ' 1 ; i A Mi-V "-i. ip Z UCH interest is being taken and a great deal of time given to the Woman's Exchange, the quarters of which have been done aver, and the board announces they will inaugurate a tea room in the building on Fifth street, between Taylor and Tamhill streets, "Wednes day afternoon from 2 until 4 o'clock. This will be open to the public every day. Mrs. Victor Johnson is president of the Woman's Exchange. Other offi cers and the board include Miss Failing, Mrs. S. Frank, Mrs. Frank Hart.. Mrs. Holt Wilson, Mrs. Leon Hirsch, Mrs. Wells Gilbert,- Mrs. E. Ehrman, Mrs. William Brewster, Mrs. X. N. Fleishnerk, Mrs. William Alvord, Mrs. E. L. Thompson, Mrs. William Van phuyver, Mrs. Otis Wight, Mrs. Vincent Cook, Mrs. R. M. Boykln, Mrs. Richard Wilder and Miss Margaret Mackenzie. Mrs. Frank Rigler is now in charge of the exchange. Miss Agnes Plummer, daughter of the late Dr. O. P. S. Plummer and Mrs. Plummer, became the bride of William Wesley Burns of eastern Oregon on Wednesday at high noon at the residence of her mother in Hillsdale. The service was read by Dr. Charles W. Hays In the presence of 25 mem bers of the Immediate family and I few close friends. The bride was dressed in a dainty white organdy and a large corsage bouquet of pink sweet peas. She was unattended, was the bridegroom. The house was a bower of spring ferns, pink carnations and sweet peas. An elaborate wedding breakfast fol lowed the ceremony, which was sim ple but impressive. Mr. and Mrs. Burns will make their home in Wal lowa county, where Mr. Burns has several ranches. Miss Dorothy Carpenter was a charming hostess on Friday evening for a dance at the residence of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. N. U. Carpenter, on East Twenty-eighth street. Miss Carpenter's guests included Misses Margaret Masters. Eunice Cowgill, Janis Parker, Mary Edgett, Esteile Modlin, Virginia Pearson, Janet Ettinger. Mineta Leonard, De light Ingold, Jane O'Reilly, Evelyn Thatcher, Anne O'Reilly, Muriel Withers. Virginia Thatcher, Janet and Visiting Cards W. G. SMITH & CO. 311 Morgan Building. F.W.PATT&CO. LADIES TAILOR Salts, Gowu, Waiata. EOC-X Braadwar Bids. Marshall 488. YL Neither ' T) Tailleurs- Neither ' wintry nor yet too summery. The sort thai the fas tidious woman eel ing expression of her individuality) desires for this be tween season. ft n t f fit manv hand some mate rials to be made up into tailleurs em bodying t h e latest style touches. Griffith and Edith Marshall and Dr. Estes, Thomas Pollard, John McAllis ter, Homer Hayden, Gail Green. Harold Dagg, Russell Page, Irving Day, Walter Holman, Willis Barl Barker, Warren Clarke, Paul Irvine, Eddie Edmund, Pete Sweeney, Alex ander Sargent, Harold Churchill and Bert Hathaway. Mrs. Max Houser, who spent a few days in town and then returned to her winter home In California, was guest of honor at a dinner on Monday evening, for which Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Whitehousem were charming hosts. The guests Included a few old friends of Mrs. Houser, who were Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Page, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Webster Talbot, Dr. and Mrs. James Zan, Mrs. Mary Tongue Lombard, Mr. and Mrs. Houser and Phillip Fry. . Pretty little girls in dainty party frocks adorned with smart bows of pink and blue ribbons were the guests last night at the junior annex of the Hill Military academy where the younger cadets were hosts. Assisting in receiving were some of the cadet officers from the officers quarters. Chaperones were Mrs. J. A. Hill, Mrs. Elizabeth Warrens Obee and a group of parents of the little guests. Those on the list were: Maybelle Al len. Janet. Alexander, Nan Burkhardt. Nancy Jane Carpenter, Dorothy Don ald. Katherine Devette, Mary Fisher, Helen Gray Gatena, Altura Hindman, Katherine Hart, Jean Hall, Elizabeth Knight, Etola Knight, Marion Look, Eleanor Look, Madge Matson, Harriet O'Reilly, Katherine O'Reilly.. Eliza beth O'Reilly, Barbara Prael. Betty Parry, Helen Peters, Lois Beth Scof fern, Virginia Sterling, Jean Spelr, I 7 1 J" m r V A NORMAN BROS Tailor to Men and Women, Xorthwettern Bonk Bid. Assurance The knowledge of impeccable correctness in line, style and fabric gives die wearer of Lip shutz' tailleurs that self-confidence so conducive to perfect poise. New fabrics for suits and topcoats are now available. Mail Orders given personal attention. Tailors to Ydung Women Central Building Helen Soencer, Isabel Starr, Blanche Stabler, Dorothy Statter, Grace Starr, Chastine Thomas, Alice Tuttle, Eliza beth Talbot, Mildred Thatcher, Vir ginia Tuttle, Muriel Walther, Jose phine Whiting, Mary Ellen Carpenter, Nancy Luckel, Mary Luckel, Josephine Labbe. Margaret Spencer, Josephine Slater. Jeanette Slater, Jeanette Dun can, Katherine Van Schuyver, Marion Statter, illian Grover, Billie Arm strong, Donald Bowker, Henry Bristol, Dan Babbitt, Billie Cleveland, -Joe Dodd, Melvin Dellar. Wilson Dodd, Alan Donald, Kenneth Duncan, Schei ber Elliott, Charles Flagg, Robert Farrell, Mahlon Gillett, Jack Grover, Vergil Guillott, Edward Holzworth, Guy Halferty, Robert Kern, Wilmot Lindquist, Lysander Logan, Ford Livermore, Walker Myrick, Neal Mc Intyre, Robert McMath, James Mason, Clyde Moore, Billie Nero, Edward Neff, Charles Randall Thomas Rowan, John Roth. Albert Roth, Bobby Set ters, Billie Stabler, San ford Smith, Lo raine Saunders, Harry Turner, Thomas Whiting, Curtis Whiting, Wallace Wakefield, Carroll Wallis, John You ell, Eldon West, George Boschke, Stuart Martin, Burton Coan. Cadet officers assisting in receiv ing: Captain V. Johnson, Captain Rus sell Page, Acting Captains Richard Ball. Gail Green, Harold Churchill and Lieutenant Dagg, Tom Austin and Fred Rooper. Miss Katherine Woodward, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Woodward entertained a group of young -friends last night at a dinner dance at the Portland hotel and later at a box party at the Alcazar. Guests included a few of the younger society girls and cadet officers of Hill Military academy. Miss Helena Pittlekau entertained last night at her home on Hawthorne avenue for several of the sub deb set and some of the Hill Military cadets. Mrs.. N. XT. Carpenter gave a party last night for her daughter, Dorothy, one of the popular younger girls and for a group of her friends among the teen-age girls and the cadets. . Another who entertained charm ingly was Mrs. R. L, Donald, who had a dancing party at her homo. ; Mrs. F. Milne had several of the Hill cadets as he guests at the Irv ing ton club with a coterio of friends of her daughter Frances, who is a popular member of the high school set. Mr. and Mrs. William MacMaster will leave Portland tomorrow for New York, where they will sail for France and later visit England and Scotland, their native home. Mr. and Mrs. MacMaster will be greatly missed in the social sets. During the past few weeks many affairs have been given in their honor. Mr. and Mrs. Reade M. Ireland will occupy their residence, Ardgour, near the Waverley Country club, during their absence. They plan to return to Portland In the early summer. "Mrs. Edmund Devereaux was a charming hostess for luncheon on Thursday, when Dr. Esther Lovejoy was guest of honor. Those who had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Lovejoy at the luncheon were: Mrs. W. S. Sibson, Mrs. Hawley Hoffman, Mrs. Donald Green. Mrs. David Taylor Honeyman, Mrs. Thomas Sharp, Mrs. Victor Johnson and the hostess. The Canadian War Veterans will entertain at their clubrooms in the Manchester building next Thursday. March 11, when Miss MacVeah, a British nurse, will receive her deco ration from John Trent, the British consul, which was cent to the British mbassador in Washington, D. C from King George. The patronesses for this interesting occasion are: Mrs. James Laldlaw, Mrs. John Leader, Mrs. George Baker, Mrs. Thomas Kerr, Mrs. Peter Kerr, Mrs. William Wheelwright, Mrs. K. T. C. Stevens, Mrs. Roger Hastings, Mrs. R. T. Chipman, Mrs. F. C. Mal pjis. Mrs. Hppry Kirk. Mrs. T. R. Arm- strouc. Mrs. J. Robinson. Mrs. E. A. Wyld. Mrs. Lea Barnes. Mrs. William MacMaster and Miss Jean Mackenzie. Mrs. Joseph Nathan Teal enter tained informally at tea on Friday, when her honor Kueatta were Mrs. Oor den Voorhies. who leaves soon for Medford to make her home: Mrs. Will lam MacMaster. who leaves tomorrow for Europe, and Mrs. George Wlllett, who has just returned from Califor nia, where she has spent the winter. At this charming although small and informal tea Mrs. Wesley Ladd, Mrs. ET. A. Shihdler, Mrs. C. F. Swlgert and Miss Ella Hirsch presided at the prettily arranged tea table and were assisted by Mrs. Jtetiae ni. ireiana, Mrs. Nancy Zan Fcott arid Miss Sara McCully. About 40 friends called dur ing the afternoon. Mrs. C. E. 6. Wood will leave for California today, where she will Join Mr. Wood and also visit her daughter, Mrs. G. Kirkham Smith. During Mrs. Wood's absence from the city Mr. and Mrs. M. Hohliind will occupy her resi dence. Mrs. Wood plans to bo away only a few weeks. . Mrs. H. M. Parry of Gerald avenue, on Cmini'll Crest, has as her guest Miss Dorothy Wiestling of Seattle Miss Mary Louise Rochester of Se attle, well-known soloist on this ronxt. was a guest in the city the past week, when she gave a programme at the MacDowell club on Tuesday afternoon at the Multnomah hotel. Mr. A. K. Kerry was hostess for a delightful tea following the concert at her apart ment at the Mai lory hoteL The campaign fund of the Oregon employment institution for the blind will give a benerit concert at tha city Ki1ltrlMm tie-xt Tuepilav, Mrn-rh 9. EijD Photography and Art 407 Morrison St. Between 10th and 11th At the Orlalaal Hn. madam hiiiik i. r.y.i 1 1- rem, nrarla Made to Uraer. 113 Flledarr Rlda- lota mm Waal SPECIAL PRICES OS LADIES' SUITS AKD COAT. J. K. STERN LADIES' TAILOR. 447 ALDER. Auction Bridge Teacher MISS A. B. SHELBY MAlJf 8843. IMPOKTOO. FURRIERS JfEW SPRING MODELS OF FINE FURS N.M.UNGAR 141 BROADWAY. 844) ALDER ST. ntkweat earner of Broadway and Aide. , M. PATT SCITE 511. BCSH LANK BLII.OINO, BBOADWAX AMD AI.IIKH. LADIES TAILOR Success -Sale! In Honor of Our First Birthday This week marks the first birthday of the "Shop of intimate feminine things." We're not crowing about our modest success (we're too unas suming for that), but the courageous roosters you see insist on doing it for us ! We do want to tell you what a wonderful year it has been for us twelve months crammed full of interesting experiences in serving Portland women in the way we, as women ourselves, like to be served. The friends we have made and the generous patronage they have brought us, prove convincingly that this woman's shop has met a real need for quality goods "exclusive in style but not expensive in price." Special Reductions on Every Brassiere Bandeau Specials 65c and 95c A wonderfully complete assortment of styles. The brassiere is almost as im portant as the corset together the ideal com bination, producing that smooth, unbroken, grace ful line so desirable as a costume foundation. Breakfast Coats . Reduced 10 Tailored breakfast coats of guaran teed Cheney taffeta, plain and change able. Lovely shades of apricot," rose, sunrise, navy and green. The trim breakfast coat is a delightful compro mise between the house dress and the frilly negligee. Negligees Also at 10 Off Portland women are invited to help us celebrate our first an niversary. We are offering for this week Special Reduced Prices on Blouses, Underings, Beads. Negligees, Corsets New Spring Blouses Reduced 10 Rainbow-hued are these exquisite georgette blouses almost always in over-the-skirt style. Sometimes three or four brilliant shades, contrasting or blend ing, combine in one blouse; again the effect is achieved by wool or floss embroidery. And, of course, there, is always the irreproachable white or flesh, with dainty lace and fine thread work. Each one absolutely new and at 10 off Broken Lots Corsets 10 Off SPECIAL OFFER If you don't need a corset you can still secure the 10 per cent by paying a deposit and holding your corset until you want it fitted. Goodwin, Bon Ton, Bien Jolie, Madame Lorena New models, but not all sizes in each make. Our expert corsetierea know which style will make your good points most effective. "Buy your intimate femmine things at a woman t shop." Open Until 8 P. M. Saturday Silk Underings Greatly Reduced A golden opportunity to replenish your summer supply of envelopes, knickers and camisoles. Every gar ment is made of high quality crepe de chine, satin or georgette, and exquisitely finished, whether in tai lored or elaborate style. $ 7.00 Envelopes.... $..r0 $ 8.00 .Envelopes S(M $11.00 Envelopes....$K.KO $ 6.00 Knickers $4 .SO I 7.00 Knickers $3.lO $ 8.00 Knickers $11.40 $ 3.50 Camisoles.... $11.80 S 4.00 CamiHoles. . . ,$:t.20 $ 5.00 Camlftoles...,$t,00 .374 Morrison at West Park. Phone Main 482 aA III I ill Bead Necklaces Price The perfect complement of the modish costume imported novelty bead necklaces. Gorgeous grwns, blues, reds in striking effects, in spired by the Orient. Don't you want one to offset your spring tail-leur? I .. . L ft .: iy.T -'yr---- F