r - . . k? j 1920 . 4 ' . ... y i.kso.u HI SINKS OFPOBTUJflTlKS. . L. nr.-nn An main street, equipped for heavy and llgnt work; ounaing x ulluu - 3-year lease. h. A aanoy u .- - ra Oreeon. with an agency for 5 ""'J Of cars 1DQ a w-.w, " "'iJ0 Bakery with 4 living rooms. 2 . lots. loOxloo; on nignway, .. U$100 Vulcanizing and gasollns -lion on busy street, doing good busi ness; will consider trade or terms llij buys ali fixtures including pool 7. . ' ,, .... iBhtM. lunch tallies, oowung sue;. . counter, tobacco stand: stock at in-- Mce, iuuu io it""- - 50E?&T,0BMKiL EXCHANGE. 4Jb Lumoer riuuui i"uR SALE Hotel and" tore In largest and most accessible summer resort in Oregon; besiuen enorauui DU"""1 - cAiint lumbering and other Industries . i-1 .r.i itKBtAri onlv one IQU COIIliJlc. '.mi unci, ----- bto.-k from station In heart of business district; an room no nyk running water ana compiij income over 30W annually besides 1 ly ing quarters for family; price $lo.wv, includes lot 75x100, brick building and hotel furnishings: will only deal with principals; one-third cash required, bal- nce arranged at per cent interest Address owner, P. O. Box 14. Port land, ur WE HAVE a modern wood-working plant in active and successful operation; plen ty of business on hand now and brilliant .future; 15,000 more capital required for expansion and economical handling 1 present business. This will stand rlobe investigation; If you are Inter ested in making an investment In this amount, or a substantial part of it, let us explain. If you have all this sum for investment and are experienced In woodworking from Its practical side or in the business side we might consider u executive position for a man who can stand close Investigation as to ability, experience and integrity. We will con aider alt communications confidential. U a0. Oregonian. UR, BUSINESS MAS, do yott want to get into a real business? If so, can you xcallfy with references for bookkeep ing and Inside figuring and have about 15000 to invest under you own band ? Th:s la a heating business proposition to the state of Washington In a real live place. Write me today and I ex pect to be In Portland next week. P. Q. box 436-, I HAVE got around $200 worth of stock consisting of shoei, dry goods and gro ceries; a new store, 12x40; a good 7 room house, a fair barn and i-acre of land. This la a pleasant place here. A good school across the road from the store. I would consider S20O0 cash. Write me a letter or call and see for further particulars. W. S. Burton, Gales Creek. Or. ttKOCERY and confectionery on east side, by school. This is a natural locution ith no competition. Nearly alt rash business, i-nd no delivery, doing $00 a day; rent $20, Including 2 living-rooms, furnished. Th's p:ice will stand inves tigation. Price 42200 cash. Woodlawn $03. after 12. MOVING PICTURE THEATERS. We - have the best paying suburban shows in this city. If you want to get into business we can give you the cor rect information., lou do not neea an ash, come in and let us help you. Prices from $1500 to $20,000. Weston & Co., 1215 N. W. Bank bidg ON ACCOUNT OF SICKNESS will exchange my stock of jewelry, sil verware, hand-painted chinaware, crock nry. value $4500. 2-yr. lease, rent $40, wert side, for city property or close-in acreage. See Brown & Biddle, 324 Ry. Ex. bldg. - CA PA BLE man that can take contract hauling logs In southern Oregon; win require 4 or 5 heavy duty trucks and trailers. This is an excellent oppor tunity to tie up with a responsible con cern for a number of years. U entworth 4: Irwin, Inc., cor. 2d and Taylor. FREE from debt Can clear $20 day in this busy market; no competition, long lease, $100 mo. rent. Will show you the way; $1500 takes all, $500 will han dle. Owner, Mam 7735, week days. C 38. Oregonian. U ARN'ES shop In progressive eastern Oregon town for sale at Invoice. PYRAMID LAND CO.. 603 Title & Trust. Main 3232. Business Opportunities anted. WANTED TO BUY EMPLOYMENT OF FICE EQUIPPED W ITH PHONE AND FURNITURE; M U ST H A V E YEAR LEASE; STATE PRICE AND RENT. 841, OREGONIAN. WANTED. Grocery store, weil-Iocated, with a good clean stock. Invoicing about $1000 or $1200, with living apartments. 1 am a buver and not an agent; if you want to sell answer. R 33, oregonian. GARAOF. wanted In Portland or west side vally town. Have 160 acres Deschutes county deeded land and 120 acres under Tuina'o project to trade for same. AH 100, Oregon ian. RELIABLE young man wants to buy H or entire Interest in good, reliable, pay ing business in Portland, that will stand investigation. Invest 50O to $10,000. ;tve full particulars. C 41. Oregonian. WANT TO BUY APARTMENT HOUSE 20 to 30 rooms, good location; must be good furniture and clean ; I am in a hurry. If you want to sell, call Sell wood 2552. PARTNER with $1000. half interest in a clean, profitable business, returns un limited; will stand investigation. Bell KHz hotel, after 12 noon. I HAVE $lS.0on cash to buy lease In apartment-house or hotel; will go up to $30,000 If my first payment Is suffi cient; no agents. B 30. Oregonian. WANTED to locate in town of 5000 or over in some good paying business, garage preferred. Woodlawn 10SC. L 47, Oregonian. WANTED 20 to 30 H. K. apartments from owner, must be reasonable and good income: let us get together and nave commissions. Tnbor 5449. WOULD like to get in touch with "party who has a grain elevator for sale; any n?. Northwest Itusiness Exchange. 42S Lumber Exchange bldg. WANTKD A manufacturing business. eUhtr half interest or all. Address S 544. Oregonian. "W ILL pay cash for good paying barber shop. Particulars and location in first letter. W. B., 86 6th St., Portland, Or. HAVE $20O0 and services, U or whole of pving business; automobile line pre frrfd. G 26. Oregonian. Vfl L buy cash grocery or confectionery, cash deal, for good proposition; give full particulars. O 22. Oregonian. i"wANT to, buy an auto repair business or working interest In one. Address S r4i, Oregonian. MOVING picture theater in small town; mu.. b only show in town. AB lOtJ, Oregonian. I WANT half or whole interest in garage. Will pay ca3h. Prefer to deal with own- er. Address S54S. Oregonian. Hotels and Rooming House. HERE'S one of the best little 10-room houses on the market; all large beautiful rooms, furnished all new, every room rented. This is first class. Price $1500; liberal terms; parties leaving town. See MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Yeon bldg. THIRTY-THREE rooms, all H. K. apts', corner brick building, lease, rent very reasonable: clears over $200; besides own apartment; easily managed, bar gain at $27no. MRS. THOMSON, 620-21 HENRY BLDG. 4-STORY BRICK WITH 14 APART MENTS, including good furnishings; steam heat, modern. Magoon, Main 6127. 626 Cham, of Com. bldg. BEiiT 20-room house in city, mostly house keeping, exceptionally well furnished; 2 year lease, splendid location; net profit $145 month; price $2600. See MRS. KELLER, , Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE An 11-room rooming house, ail rooms rented, ail modern conveni ences; beautiful location and surround ings; walking distance, W. S. Owner. AN 17t, Oregonian. v 9 ROOMS, ONLY $850. . Very good furniture, clean place and a bargain, some terms. See .Mrs. Green. A. ' DeFOREST dc CO.. 320 Henry Brag. X WANT to buy 10 to 15 rooms; must be nice, clean place ; good furniture ; make good horns and small Income. Call Marshall 1828. OR SAL13 A large 10-room house In , A'berta district; $2850. small cash pay ment, balance like rent. 202 McKay building. EOMK and Income combined, 30 rooms fumisned, corner iou win iane xarm or 6-room house as part payment. D. F. Clarke, 181 Grover st. WANTED To purchase 20 to 30 house keeping apartment house, good location, west side: we have the cash. 202 McKay building. Jw'OTICE If you want to buy hotel, room ins; or apartment house, I will help you finance ft; I buy chattel mortgages. N 44, 4Jrgoniaa. BL'MI.VKHS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming Houses. MODERN BRICK HOTEL. Private baths connected with about 4 of rooms. E-iegantiy furnished throughout; fine location, good lease. One of the few good buys left for 110,500. 30 ROOMS 30. One of the neatest little brick hotels in Portland; ail outside rooms; long lease at $5 per room; $3 wo will handle. WORKING MAN'S APARTMENT HOTEL. Good fireproof bulldnng, 100 rooms; all new furniture; about one-half in sleeping rooms, bal ance two-room apartments; al ways full and doing a good busi ness. Rent only $200 per month, lease; $4000 will do business. ROOMING HOUSES. I have many In all parts of the city. STRICTLY FIRST-CLASS HOTET One of the best 100-room strict ly modern brick building's in Ore- fon. ali completely and elegantly urnished, doing an enormous busi ness; fully equipped with elegant dining room, office, lobby. Ice ma, chine. This property, ground and building, completely furnished, is going to bo sold for $11.3,000. Can arrange some terms. F. RIERDOX. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-a-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. We write ali kinds of insurance. C. JC. B0WDEX CO. GET ONE OP THESE. 20 rooms, rent $55; stove heat, elec trie lights, good furniture; easily net su:o per month; price fisoo, i-uu caso. EXTRAORDINARY. 12 rooms, near 23d and Washington; furnace beat, electric lights, furnished in oak and white ivory, some brass beds; all sleeping rooms; rent $00. This is one of the most attractive small buys we have had to offer. Price sifoo. 11 extra large light rooms; will clear $100 per month; rent $50; well fur nished and close in west side; price $1550, $1000 cash. 10 rooms White temple district; fur nace, electric lights, fine furnishings, extra good rugs and clean as a pin. Price $1150, terms. MAIN :J6:8. C. E. BO WD EN CO.. Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 81" HA,DLB NOTHING BUT HOTELS. RUO.Ml.Vt5 HOI SES AND APART MENTS. KEAU THIS LIST: 40-KOOM BKICK HOTEL, on, of the best locations In tne city, with good lease; net $-1.50; JOIMJO will handle. 30-ROOM BRICK HOTEL. we!l located, lower part of building pay, the rent, net -lot'; $4000 will handle. 27 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, In White Tempie district, eiectric light, and gas. net S1H0, and $1500 will handle. 13 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, close in, south of Washington St.; net l'lft. Tins place can be bought at $200 discount tor cash, which makes the price $itr0. il WJSLL-FURNISHED ROOMS in White Temple district, rent $40, net $70: a dandy at $110". 7 EXTRA WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS, close in. Nob Hill district; a gift at $700 and 51U0 will handle. SIMMS, UJti Cham. Com. bldg.. Main 6127 ROOMING HOUSES. $700 U-room flat, welt furnished: close in, west side, can rerent 6 rooms; nee this. I $.VJUO Rooming house, first-class fur nishings. 2-year lease, heart city, clear ing $.100 month : some terms. $1700 22 rooms, rent $40, lease, net-tii-g $125 month; $1200 cash, baL easy terms. Vo have several small places; would be pleased to show you. SAFE INVESTMENT, 423 Henry Uldg. 13 ROOMS. H. K., rent $35, lease: stove heat, electricity, good income; homey. 12 rooms, ail housekeeping, rent $45; clears S4. besides own apartment; price SS0U. terms. 18 rooms. H. K., rent $35, dandy loca tion: income $200: $1S00. MRS. THOMSON, 020-21 HENRY BLDG. 35 ROOMS, rent $175 with 3-year lease; brick building, steam heat, hot and cold running water in all rooms; nearly all outside rooms; excellent furniture and carpets: will easily clear $250 over all expenses. It's the best buy in Portland at $5ou0; $:tll00 handles. C. E. BOWDEN CO.. 815 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. CASH GROCERY STORE. YEAR S RECEIPTS $111,000. If you want a fine cash grocery and confectionery, doing a good business and making money, pee this place; sold 1777 gallons of ice cream last year. A real snap; will invoice about $3000. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK STREET. A SNAP. 20 rooms, west side, walking distance, wonderful location, beautiful home, ele gantly furnished; some hardwood floors, mostly light housekeeping; fine income besides 3 rooms for own use; everything goes, including piano. Main 992, ask for Mrs. Gray. SPLENDID APARTMENT HOUSE. Fine corner brick building, steam heat, 2S apartments in two and three rooms, private bath in all apartments; well furnished, all good carpets; net profit about $t00 monlh; $1)5,000 will handle. See MRS. KELLER. O"o. T. Moore Co. 1007 Yeon bldg. FINE HOME WITH INCOME $3000. Furniture of nice, clean brick bldg. in best business district on east side; hot and cokl water in rooms; net income $175 per mo.; a good home with a fine in come. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. $700 NET PROFIT. Fifty-four room hotel, cream of loca tions, brick building, city heat, hot and cold water in all rooms, private baths. Gross income $1500; price $10,500. See MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE Fine country hntei in best fishing and hunting districts In heart of Cascades; big future tor experienced hotel mar.: ideal place to live the year around: $10,000 cash required. X 19. Oregonian. 13 ROOMS RENT $30. West side apartments, running water In them; nets $100 a month: price $U50 cash, a bargain. Pee Mrs. Green. A. J. DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. 7 SPLENDID j-ooms, N. W. heat; one of the best-located part transient houses in Portland: over and well-furnished; clear ing about $250 per month, $3o50. some terms. Hedges, 171 W. Park. I have an auto. WEST-SIDE APARTMENTS $3400. Furniture of 21 light housekeeping rooms with income of from $415 to $435 per month, waiting list, N. W. heat, hot and cold water in rooms. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. BEFORE buying consult our list of first class hotels; we handle the best in the city. See MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Yeon bldg. t6-ROOM modern hotel: close in west side: income large; brick building: cheap rent; well furnished: price MO.000; part terms; good leaae. See Hedges, 171 W. Park. BUYERS WAITING. If you will sell your hotel, rooming or apartment house, phone Main 8180. MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. 10 ROOMS 10. on corner, heart of city: clean and neat, always full, well furnished; price $695, terms. Peters, 15 N. 5th st. WEST SIDE APARTMENT HOUSES from $10, oof) up to $50,000: modern and all clearing big profits. MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 Henry Bldg. MODERN WEST SIDE HOTELS. 22 rooms up to 169 rooms, range of prices from $2200 to $75,000 MRS. THOMSON. 620-21 Henry Bldg. 20 ROOMS, housekeeping, east ride; price $2300. Call 103 Vi W. Park st.. Wells A Anderson. WANTED For cash, from owner, 20 to 30 H. K. rooms, well furnished, good pay ing. Not over $31100. R 43, Oregonlant- MRS. M. E. LENT. Hotel and apartment house broker. 723-4 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 12 ROOMS, housekeeping, west side, close in: price $1100. Call 1634 W. Park t., Weils Ac Anoerson. ROOMING house, ft rooms, nicely fur nished, $500 cash. Call 624 E. Morrison St.. near 16th. FOR sale or rent, rooming house In As toria; centrally located; terms. D. H. Welch, Astoria, Or. WANT modern-apartment house, have the cash, give particulars, location, size, etc, ' AL 7S2, Oregonian. FOR SALK 11 rooms by owner, all out side, 8 blocks from Wash. St.; price $525, Terms. Call at 495 Everett, cor. 14th. 36-ROOM HOTEL $1000 will handle: will trade; no agents. 588 Delay at. Wdln, ,3300. WANTED A rooming house to run with privilege of buying. AN 281. Oregonian. 9 H. K. rooms, all full, clears $65 and fin apt. Lease or terms. Main HS2, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels sod Rooming Houses. 47 MODERN APT3.. fireproof bldg.. in best west side district; rent 5 per room; automatic elevator, private balconies, etc.; furnishings in hlghclas condition; clears $1050 per month. Price $iJ.0O0. Terms. 30 apts., modern brick corner, west side, close In; rent only $375: no court or dark apts. ; very good furniture: clean over $600 per month. Price 114,500. Easy terms. 25 2 and 3-room apts.: rent $300; long lease; modern brick west side corner: completely furnished; clears $500 per month. Price $13,500. Easy terms. 42-room hotel on Washington St.: cheap rent; new 3-year lease; fine mod ern brick bldg.; all light airy rooms; 8 private baths. Price $7500. 65 room's, mostly on one floor: best west side district; rent $:t00; lease, 3 years; very good furniture; ali light rooms. Price $7000. Terms. 80-room hotel; best west side location: long lease; cheap rent: ground floor lobby; private phones, etc.; best specula tion in town. Price $13,000. 37 housekeeping rooms, west side cor ner; rent $05; electric lights. hot and cold water, furnace; good furniture; big money maker. Price $4000. Terms. See us for high-class places. We handle only those of merit. TATES REALTY CO., 249 Fourth St. COUNTY HOTEL ON THiS HIGH WAT. IB elegantly furnished rooms, not ana cold water in overyroom, steam heated, electric lights, large lobby and ladies parlor, fine piano and graphopnone; also large tenti, nicely furnished; hotel is always full, cleariiug around S.'!00 per month; will double this summer. $:u00, terms. See Mr. Mlllership, Aider hotel, Main 5275. . RIDE IN MY AUTO. SEE THIS FINE GROCERY, r 2 store rooms. 4 living rooms over bead, all modern; will invoice this place about $2200; rent for all $28, carries an up-to-date grocery stock and leea, aver age daily $80 per day. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 Oak St. FOR $35,000 cash we can put you in pos session of one of Portland's finest hotels, doing an immense business; no dining room: Ion lease: swell lobby: In splen did condition; net profit about $2000 a monui. See MRS.-KELLER, Geo. T. aft!tore Co. 1007 Yeon bldg. IF YOU WISh TO BUY OR SELL Business. Hotel. Rooming or Apart ment House of any kind, anywhere, ... F. RIERDON. WATCH OUR ADS; WE GET RESULTS RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. 203-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 73 ROOMS. RENT $100, lease; running water some rooms, fur nace heat, downstairs lobby; on corner; clears over $300 month; location cannot be beat, all for $3450, terms. Buy this, fix up and double your money. Peters, 15 N. 5th st. . FOR QUICK SALE. List your hotels, apartment and room ing houses with us; your interests will always be protected. See MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Y'eon bldg. 18-ROOM beach hotel, furnished and equipped, open summer and winter, do ing a good business now: will take house in any good city in valley as part pay or may lease. Geo. Morse, owner. Rock away. Or. 1 j rooms, all apts; rent $100: stove or furnace heat, electricity; clearing over $200 besides own apt.: clean, well fur nished; priced right, good terms. MRS. THOMSON, 620-621 Henry Bldg. To Buy or Sell a Kotei. ROOMING OR APARTMENT HOUSB. See A. J. DeFOREST at CO., $20 Henry Bldg. Main 260 we Buy cnattei jMorigatica. 36-ROOM APARTMENT HOUSE. Modern, west side: buy a good one, it has 5-year lease, nets $200. $2500 cash, handles. See Mrs. Green. A. J. DeFOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg. OWNER leaving city has 40-room hotel and apartments on dandy west side, brick corner, close in; price $7000, $4000 will handle. Call Broadway S696, after 12 noon. 6 ROOMS, modern brick; running water, well furnished: lease; full house; 8 miles .from Portland. Snap If taken quick; $-500, terms. Owner, AH 34, Oregonian. 13 ROOMS $950. Rent $30. west side, electric lights, nice yard, good income. Mrs. Green, A. J. 'DeFOREST & CO.. 320 Henry Bldg. 10 ROOMS WEST SIDE. Modern place, good rugs and furniture; price $1050 cash. See Mrs. Green, A. J. DeFOREST & CO., 320 Henry Bldg A SNAP. 14 rooms, mostly housekeeping, newly furnished, leased, rent $33: a bargain If taken at once. Apply 15214 Russell, or phone E. 110. 26 ROOMS 26. Brick building on Washington St., cheap rent, leae, always full and a money-maker; $1950, terms. Peters, 15 N. 5th st. . 8 WELL-FURNISHED rooms, private res 1 Lience. near east end Broadway bridge. rent $25; net income $82. besides lw rooms for sell, neuges, jii vv Park. I have auto. WANT rooming houses of from 12 to 30 rooms, close in and In good condition: have many calls; now is your time to sell. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. 90-ROOM apartment and hotel, modern. all conveniences, ureprooi oumung, lease, lowest rent in Portland, big mon ' ey-maker; let me tell you all. $750. half cash. Hedges, 171 W. Park. FOR SALE 37-room modern hotel, fur nished, never an empty room in beach season; will pay for itself in 3 years. Lester Martin, Newport, Or. 14 ROOMS 14. 9 rooms, furnished, all rooms full: lo cated close in, a money-maker; $845, terms. Peters, 15 N. 5th st. ROOMING house, 9 rooms, good west- side location: place for chickens; cash only; reasonable price takes it this week. See owner, 264 2d st. I HAVE $12,000 cash to buy your lease In apartment house or hotel. Will go up to $30,000 if my first payment ia suf ficient. AE 967 Oregonian. 11 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, clears $35 per month and expenses or a 3-room apt.: bargain. Bdwy. 1078. 173 N. 7th st.. corner Johnson. ROOMING HOUSE. rooms, close In, west side: rent $28: rl. K., well lurnlshed, clean: good buy: $700: other bargains. H W. GARLAND. 201 3d. cor. Tayoir. C. E. , BOWDEN CO. have several small 0 to b-room riats ana nouses, close in, with furniture for sale and house to rent. Call Main 3638. U-ROOM cottage, near library: good furni ture, Dath. toilet, electricity ana gas: rent $25, two rooms pays it, $700: move right in. Hedges, 1.1 W. Park. S-ItOOM house, west side, electricity, gas. stove heat, modern throughout: rent $20 per month; must sell this week. Mar. shall :;.-n:i. 11 HOUSEKEEPING rooms, good furni ture and dean: clears sbu; wnite tem ple district. Barney Johnson & Co., 170 Tenth st. 8 ROOMS. RENT $25, good furniture. $71 income: nice yard, MRS GREEN. 320 HENRY BLDG. 9 ROOMS, sleeping. White Temple district: $1200. Call loaj w. park st., Wells & Anderson. $61X1 9 rooms, rent $35. corner, light and clean, good furniture, garaen spot. 19o 17th st. North. WANTED To rent rooming house, 20 to 100 rooms. Including furniture. AC t47, Oregonian. 7 ROOMS first-class furniture, close In; in come $138; value $900; want Ford tour ing and cash. L 44. Oregonian. 29-ROOM hotel, long lease. Northwestern heat, clears $230, good terms; a splendid buy. Barney Johnson & Co. 6-ROOM fiat, modern, close In. wept side: $050. can it A v. park, wells & Anderson. 19 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. M block from'j courthouse: price i2oo. can owner. Marshall 1185; no agents. IF you want to sell your rooming house, phone Mam 3669. H. W. GARLAND, 201 3d. WANTED Rooming house, close in; beautiful view lot first payment. Mar shall 3342 , FOR best bargains In apartment houses see members of the Realty Board. Yates Realty Co.. 934 Cham, of Com, bldg. DRUG STORE Best - town in Idaho on main line; a bargain: terms: might trade: want to retire. M 46r Oregonian. SNAP Furniture, S rooms, modern house. for rent, good income, nice home, close in. Owner. T25, Oregonian. IF YOUR rooming house la for sale call Main 3638. If it is well located we can sell It for you. C. E. Bowden Co. FOR SALE by owner, 22 rooms. Call East 638" 21-ROOM rooming house for sale; in fine location.' Marshall 1716. 8 ROOMS, close in. $S00. Marshall 3746. Owner. FOR SALE A nicely located 14-room ho teL No agents. Call Main 7S17. 21-ROOM hotel, close in. modern; clears $125. Barney JoLnson Co., 170 10th sU Hotels sod Rooming Houses. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 514-519 Swetland Bldg.. Marshall 3989. BUSINESS CHANCES. APARTMENT HOUSES. $45.000 22 apartments, consist ing of ten 3-room apts., six 2 room apts., all very large and nice ly furnished; fine east side loca tion, close In; brick building, GOx 100 corner lot; this place shows a good revenue for money invested; reasonable terms to responsible party. APARTMENT. S35.00O 9 apartments, seven 5 room and two 2-room a pats. ; lot 60x100. 3-sotry building, 3 stores on ground floor; east side location and strictly modern; will take small tract of land close In or residence in city at $5000; might consider some terms. APARTMENT. $18.00fJ 25 apartments, fine west side location; 16 4-room and 9 3 room with sleeping porches; rent $350 with a 5-year lease: elevator, several garages, large playground for children. This shows a net in come of $800 per month. ' APARTMENT. $12.000 28 apartments, west side location, close-In brick corner, 26 2-room and 2 3-room apartments: rent $350; 3-year -lease, all outside apts., andshowa a monthly receipt of over $1000; $9500 will handle this. APARTMENT. $9500 29 apartments, consisting of 26 3-room and 3 2-room apts.; fine east side location, very close in: all private baths a.nd toilets; solid oak furniture; net Income $550 or better; rent $300 with 2 year lease; some terms. APARTMENT, $9000. 84 rooms. 11 unfurnished, fine east side location, rent $575 per month, Including heat, water and gar bage collection; strictly modern and good lease: 5 private and 5 public baths; some terms. APARTMENT, 8500. $8500 43 rooms, close In on west side and clearing $250 ner month; rent $J75 per month, including heat and water. APARTMENT. $6500 36 rooms, private baths and sleeping porches, with six 3 room suites; fine west side loca tion, very close in; clears better than $250 per month; steam heat, house always full and in good condition; some terms. APARTMENT. $4350 10 apts., 2-robm. bath, and toilet with each apartment; all good furniture, in fine condi tion, steam heat, rent $90 per month; good leae. APARTMENT. $3750 30 rooms, west side, right down town and clearing $300 per month: rent $75 per month with long lease; Northwest heat; good terms. APARTMENT. - $2350 20 rooms, fine east side location, close in, rent $55 per month wiUj 2-year lease; very niceiy furnwhed; has good income; eome terms to right party. HOTEL. $5000 22 rooms, newly furnished and strictly modern: 4 private baths, west side location, right In town; fireproof brick building; rent $125 per month with 2-year lease; Northwest heat; clears $300 per month. ROOMING AND HOUSEKEEPING. $4200 28 rooms, west side loca tion, close in. rent $100 per month, operating expense does- not exceed $150; clears $425 per month ex clusive of own apartment; empty. ROOMING HOUSE. $2500 30 rooms, very close in on west side, is a good money-maker for amount Invested; clears $250 per month or better: rent $125 per month with good lease. ROOMING HOUSE. $200015 rooms, fine west side location, very nicely furnished throughout and has good income; rent $45 per month. HOTEL, v $40.000 116 rooms, Washington street location; 32 private, 8 pub lic baths; large lobby, elevators and telephone exchange; very fine ly furnished and clears better than $1000 per month; V, cash will han dle; rent $1000 per month with good lease; Northwest heat. HOTEL. $11.000 5 rooms, nicely fur nished, very close in on the west side. Northwest heat, strictly modern and clears $700 per month; rent $325, with good lease; might consider some terms. HOTEL. $10.500 10 rooms, right in the heart of the city, furnishings in best of condition and monthly re ceipts are better than $1100; rent $275 per month with good lease. Northwest heat. HOTEL. $4000 Broadway location, excel lent location, fine furniture, North west heat, electric lights, water in all rooms, 6 transient rooms, rest housekeeping; clearing - $4O0 a month; $3000 cash will handle. ROOMING HOUSE. $1500 14 rooms, west side, right down town, clears $100 per month besides living quarters, gas heat, rent $50, $1000 cash will handle. ROOMING HOUSE. $1500 16 rooms, close In on west side; rent $65 per month; good terms; a good buy for anyone. ROOMING HOUSE. $1300 19 rooms, good east side lo cation, brick building, steam heat, rent $65 per month; good lease. ROOMING HOUSE. $1500 9 rooms, close in on west side, all newly furnished and a fine little place, where they can take in a boarder or two. Rent $65 per month. , ROOMING HOUSE. $700 17 rooms on east side, close in; rent $60 per month; clears $100 per month and keeps family; $700. takes everything; a rare bargain. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC., 614-519 Swetland Bldg.. . Marshall 3969. - - Hotels and Rooming Houses. " . - ,,,,, m .1 " r,' IT . VI." 12 rooms, very good furniture, mostly oak. Rent $42.50. Clears $80 per month and use of -1 rooms. $l--0. terms 9 rooms, all H. K. Rent $45. Clears $50 per month. Good location. 10 rooms good furniture, dandy home. Rent $45. Clears $65. Price 12';- 10 rooms fine oak furniture. Clears $60 per month. Rent $35. All H. K. A dandy place for $1300. 12 rooms, good furniture. Including piano, clears $100, rent $55; price $.100. 27 rooms, all H. K., rent $125 clears $200 per month, you can't beat this for $3200; terms. , 43 rooms, brick bldg., good location, rent $65, clears about $275; price $4000. '"We have 'these and a lot of others in all parts the city. Get in my auto and 1 will show you the buys. J. BRUCE GODDARD, 501-2 Couch Bldg. SOME OF THE BEST HOTELS. 22 rooms, all oh one floor; hot and cold water in every room, two private batns, good furniture in all rooms, Northwest heat, fine location; will be lots better, two-year, lease; clears over $300; the whole price is $5000. , 31 rooms, 28 with private baths and private phones, hot and cold water, steam heat, elegant furniture: you could not replace it for the price asked; ruga just like new; a beautiful down stairs lobby: this is a small place; you must see it; all this for only $8500, teGet" In my auto and let me show you the best buys. J. BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 Couch, BMk. FOR SALE Hotel and stores In largest and most accessible summer resort in Oregon; besides enormus sumaier tour ists there Is good year-round trade, ac count lumbering and other industries and commercial travel; located only one block from station in heart of business district; all rooms have hot and cold running water and completely furnished: Income over $3000 annually besides liv ing quarters for family; price $lo,000, Includes lot 75x100, brick building and hotel furnishings; will only deal with principals; one-third cash required, bal ance arranged at 6 per cent Interest. Address owner, P. O. Box 914. -Port land, ur. nAnf., . -V-T-. in nTnrvTd 84-room bote'-apartment; steam neat, hot, cold water, 2-year lease; Income over $1300 per month; $9000, terms. 65-room hotel, located on Wash. St., 3-yr. lease; fine condition; Income over $1000 per month: $7500; terms. 43-room apts., brick, on corner: steam heat, hot. cold; 3-yr. lease; rent $12i). $4800, terms. 14 housekeeping rooms, well located, fine shape, steam heat; rent $50; $1400; terms. 401 STOCK EX. BLDG.. Main 8245. Bristow. HOTELS! APARTMENTS. INCOME $22,500. Large, substantial brick building, close in on prominent street. The present In come is $22,500, which can be materially increased. This is one of the few oppor tunities to purchase property on the basis of making the Income pay out the purchase price. To settle an estate this property can be had on such favorable terms that no prospective purchaser who is experienced in apartment house and hotel business can afford not to investi gate this opportunity. Will consider some trade, some cash and long-time mortgage for the major portion. R. F. BRYAN. 509 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. AiUUbU i uui We have for sale the swellest, most exclusive family hotel in the city; ele gantly furnished in every detail, Bige-low-Axminster carpets, mahogany and quarter-sawed oak furniture, beautiful dining room, accommodates 100 guests; fully equipped modern kitchen -.automatic elevator, steam heat, private baths, lovely lobby; $15,000 will handle; net profit about $1000. See MRS. KELLER. Geo. T. Moore Co. 1007 Yeon bldg. FOR SALE Completely furnished 10-room elegant residence and garage with two living rooms on east side, 100x100 corner, with fine view: furniture purchased new in December: large lawn, 12 fruit trees, roses galore and other flowers and shrubbery; income $165 per month with rental of $75. Phone owner. Main 6492 Sunday and evenings, or Main 3109 days. Price $1600, furniture only. , HOTEL BOARDING HOUSE. 100x110 lot. Rainier. 14-room hotel, on Columbia highway near big sawmill and R. R. depot: $4000 buys all. including furniture and fixtures complete, now doing good business: ": cash. FRANK McFARLAND. 602 Yeon Bldg. MAIN street, 11- H. K., 3 kitchenettes; rent $33. Owner has 4 rms. and lias over $100 income. Magoon, Main 6127. SPECIAL NOTICES. Proposals Invited. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Scaled proposals will be received by the water commission, Astoria. Oregon, until 2 p: M., March 26, 1920. To be opened at 7:30 P. M. the same day. for the furnishing of labor and material for raising storage reservoir concrete dam 16 feet in height, enlarging reservoir site by clearing and grubbing and im proving reservoir slopes adjoining the dam on Bear creek, 12 miles east of As tri Also a separate sealed proposal to be received and opened at the same hours for furnishing and placing 39.800 feet, 22-inch, 21,800 feet 18-inch Iron and steel pipe. Specifications with blank form of proposal may be obtained at the office of Lars Bergsvik. engineer of the water commission. Astoria, Or. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids, or parts of bids. THE WATER COMMISION. . By G. W. Lounsberry, Clerk. Miscellaneous. COUNTY WARRANTS Notice is hereby given that Multnoman county warrants, classes J and K, the same having been drawn upon the Road Fund, and that were presented and Indorsed "Not paid for want of funds," from January 8. 1920, to January 31, 1920, both dates Inclusive, will. If properly indorsed, be paid n presentation at the office of the couruy treasurer. Interest thereon ceases on and after the date of this notice. JOHN M. LEWIS, County Treasurer. Portland, Or,. March 8. 1920 NOTICE of change of name of steamer "Nespelem.' Portland. Or.. March 4. 1920. Permis sion has been granted to Western Trans portation Co. to change the name of its sternwheel steamboat "Nespelem" (215, 759), to "ROBERT YOUNG" (215.759). WILL MOORE, Collector of Customs. S. YAMAGISHI has bought the Order- lelgh apts.. 8- tirana ave. rrom r. iu. Palumbls and will not be responsible for any bills after March 5. S. Yamaglshi. NOTICE is hereby given that we have nn,,hBM tne siock ana nusiness oi joe Lazovsky. 524 N. 6th St., and will carr on said business m same location unuer name of Lakefish Bros. I WILL not be responsible for any debts contracted by my wite, .wrs. Leiia cmsi, from this date on. MR. A. T. ERNST. MIKE MILLER, look for your wife. Delli Miller., communicate witn i.i .insi. LOST AND FOUND. LOST From barn on 72d and Foster road, two bay horses, weight about 1400 lbs. Any one having any knowledge of their whereabouts please call Columbia 831; reward. LOST A key ring with three Yale keys, one padlock and one auto key; finder nlease return to 129 13th st. Bdwy. 2865 and ask for Mrs. Flanders. Reward EXCHANGED navy blua silk umbrella with white Ivory teeth at church. Weid ler and 17th. 294 E. 1st N. Please phone East 52SS. E.OST Last fall, lady's gold watch, mono gram F. G. S. on back; brown leather wrist case; keepsake. Reward. Tabor 7919. - LOST in ladies' rest room Meier & Frank's. Friday, small black purse containing money and pair brown kid gloves; re ward. Rosegrant, Bdwy. 788. LOST Presbyterian gold bar Sunday school pin, bet. Broadway and W. Park on Taylor; valued as keepsake. Reward. Phone East 8624 after 7 P. M. LOST Lady's gold breast pin, 'initials "J. J.' oh face. Please call Marshall 1561: reward. LOST OR STOLlZN Fox terrier, white with brown ears; collar with name Teddy and address; reward, laoor LOST TapeBtry table cloth on fclontavilla car Friday night. Reward. 245 Morri son. m LOST Last Sunday, cameo pin, near 1st Presbyterian church or E. 31st IU Re ward. Tabor 270. LOSTFebruary 27. between public library and Dezendorf apartments, red auto robe bound in gold. Call Marshall 2401. LOST Dark iblue silk umbrella with am ber ring. Ivory tips. 311 Morgan bldg. Phone Main 5509. Reward. LOST Lady's Waltham wrist watch. March 4;fIndercallMaln9568: reward. LOST -Small mink neck scarf. March 4. East 3325 after 6 o'clock. Reward. LOST In Liberty theater Thursday P. M.. silver mesh bag. East 7233, reward. LOST Pair shell-rimmed glasses. 39th and Clinton. Call Seliwood 1170. Reward. LOST Grey Persian cat, name Tabby. Mar. 1622. 389'j 18th st. LOST EMttru . Sur Bin. Tabor TJU8. LOST A reward of $.10 will be paid for the return of $216.87 In checks and cur rency which was lost In the mall be tween 293 N. 17th st. and Ladd & Til ton bank, same being addressed to Ladd & Tilton bank; checks being on different banks and dated between Feb. 4 and 9. - 1920, and all indorsed by me.' H. J. Bellarts, 295, N. 17th st., Portland. THE following articles have been found on cars of the Portland Railway, Light & Power Co. March a: 3 purses, pin, 2 books. 2 pairs gloves, 3 gloves. 1 pack age, lawn mower, hook, ax, basket, suit case, 5 lunch boxes, 22 umbrellas. Own- ers may obtain property at First and Alder sts. STOLEN. Will pay $25 reward for recovery of Ford se'dan, license No. 64768: motor No. 2U24175; car equipped with 6 Zumbo general tires, battery box -on running board. Rushlight & Penny, Inc.. 363 L. Broadway. Phone East 33 or Sell. 652. LOST Diamond ring. with platinum poirlts. on northbound Southern Pacific train No. 54, car 19. March 5. Suitable reward will be paid for return to Mark A. Sullivan, care of James A. Garman, 2103 E. Mercer st Seattle, Wash. LOST Will bosB who were seen playing with young fox terrier pup In vicinity of Alnsworth ave., near East Eighth street kindly return same to owner at 463 Oxford street and avoid further trouble? LOST Wednesday evening, Feb. 25, In or between Washington St., Haxelwood res taurant and Seward Hotel, dark taupe fox fur. Liberal reward. Call magazine stand, Seward Hotel. LOST Purse on Washington St.. between 17th and 18th. containing money and promissory note written on Hartman Thompson bank check. Please leave at 341 Morrison st. and receive rewsrd. LOST If party that picked up umbrella at drug store at 6th and Alder on Thurs day evening will return the same there will be no questions asked as their ad drees Is known. . LOST Gray fur Thurs. evening, about 8:30. between 5th and Wash, and the Liberty; lost on Wash, or Broadway. Finder please call Woodlawn 28S1 FINANCIAL LIBERTY AND VICTORY BONDS. If you must sell your Liberty or Vic tory bonds, sell to us. If you can buy more Liberty or Victory bonds, buy from us. We buy and we sell Liberty and Vic tory bonds at the market. YOU CANNOT DO BETTER YOU MAY DO WRSE. On March 6 we paid the following prices for United States Government Lib erty and Victory bonds, which were the closing N. Y. market prices plus the ac crued interest: A N.Y. Mm. Int. .Total. 3'4s $95,611 $0.81 $96.47 First 4s 90.30 . .92 91.22 Second 4s S1I.40 1.26 90.66 First 4Hs 91.30 .98 He!. 28 Second 4Js 89.70 l.:'.:t 91.03 Third 4Hs 92.44 2.04 94.18 Fourth 44s , 1)0.06 1.69 91.75 Victory Ss 97.42 .86 9S.2S Victory 4s 97.44 . 1.10 98.34 In purchasing Liberty and Victory bonds, we deduct from the above prices 37c on a $5p bond and $2.50 on a $1000 bond. In selling Liberty and Victory bonds, we charge the New York market price plus the accrued interest. ASK ABOUT THE MORRIS BROTHERS PLAN. Burglar and fire proof safe deposit boxes for rent. Open until 8 P. M. on Saturdays. MORRIS BROS., INC., The Premier Municipal Bond House. Capital One Million Dollars. Morris bldg., .'109-311 Stark st.. bet 5th and 6th. Telephone Broadway 2151. Es tablished over 25 years. BE YOUR OWN FINANCIER. Join this association and get your real estate loan on the co-operative plan. Loans for any amount to run from 3 to 10 years, repayable In small monthly installments. Part or all of loan may be paid off at any time. Every bor rower participates in full profits of the association. Only purely co-operative savings and loan association In Portland, UNION SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION, 89 4th St. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. YOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTO. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR PLAN WILL PLEASE YOU. OREGON BOND MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG. (2D FLOOR.) MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED REAL ESTATE. TITLE AND TRUST COMPANY. TITLE .AND TRUST BLDG. . LIVESTOCK LOANS. Our own money loaned on cattle, sheep, hogs, etc. F. E. BOWMAN at CO.. 210 Chamber of Com. Main 3028. WE handle leases, all kinds of business, buy and sell contracts and mortgages; consult us if you want to buy or sell anything; we can help you. 202 Mc Kay bldg. GIVE small discount on second mortgage contract, Portland residence. 224 Ore gon bldg. CASH pair, for mortgages and sellers' con tracts on real estate in Washington. Ore gon. H. E. Noble. 316 Lumhermens bldg. WE BUY first and second mortgages and sellers' contracts. F. E. Bowman & Co., 210 Chamber oi Commerce. HAVE you money not producing satisfac tory interest rate? If so, grant me short interview. H 30, Oregonlan: Money io Loan on Real Estate. LIBERAL LOANS. We loan our own money on reals es-t tate, 1st and 2d mortgages, contracts, 1 livestock, notes, etc. F. E. Bowman Co.. 210 Chamber Com. Main 3026. . $in0C0Tl5-LOAN In sums to suit on city, suburban and farms Building loans a specialty. WILLIAM G. BECK. 215-216 FAILING BLDG., THIRD AND WASHINGTON. MORTGAGE LOANS on Improved real es tate. Our own funds are ready. Ap praisals made promptly. Quick action Is what you want. Mortgage Guarantee Co., Title & Trust bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. FARM AND CITY PROPERTY. 54 PER CENT PER CENT. 7 PER CENT. UNION ABSTRACT CO., S3 4TH ST.. HENRY BLDG. UNLIMITED sums to loau on Improved Portland real estate at 6 to 7 per cent. WILL BUY YOUR SECOND MORT GAGES AND SALE CONTRACTS. 610 Gasco bldg. Marshall 1050. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city real estate, residence, apartment and business properties. MORTGAGE GUARANTEE COMPANY, Title & Trust Bldg. MONEY TO LEND. $50,000 or less to lend on Improved property; city or country. R. F. BRYAN, 509 Chamber of Commerce. WANT to borrow $3000 for 3 years, 7 per cent, on new, exceptionally moaern bun galow, located 49th and Bra zee. one blk. north of Sandy. A. G. Teepe Co., 264 Stark st.. near 3d. MONEY TO LOAN On Improved city real estate, residence, apartment and business properties. ' MORTGAGE GUARANTEE COMPANY, Title si Trust Bldg. SEE US TODAY. We loan money on real estate, 6 and 7, long time, short time; monthly payments or as you can; sums to suit 725 Gasco bldg., 5th and Alder. CELLA RS-MURTON CO. MORTGAGE LOANS On Improved farm and city property: favorable repaying privileges: no commission or delay. THE OREGON MORTGAGE CO.. LTD. 006 Piatt Bldg. Main 5371. MONEY TO LOAN. on Improved city property and also- im proved farm property. Current raUj. WM. MacMASTERS. 831 U. S. National Bank Bldg. $400. $500. $600, $800. $1000, $1250. $.500. $2000 and up. lowest rates, quick action. Pay off $100 or more at any Interest date. Gordon Mortgage Co.. 631 Cham, ber of Commerce Bldg. Main 1370. MORTGAGE LOANS. OUR OWN MONEY. LOWEST RATES. WESTERN BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 80 Fourth St., Portland. Or. MONEY to loan on city and farm prop erty; we buy mortgages and contracts, notes and accounts. Levy A Zimmerman Co . 202 McKay Bldg. TO LOAN $1000 to $4000 on good cltr property oy owner, no saeuis. 4 Clackamas st. $1000 OR LESS to loan, first mortgage; give lOCa'lOU, ainuuiie .uu ,: A, pnn- clpal only. L 39. Oregonian, MORTGAGE LOANS. 8 snd 7 per cent. Louis Salomon at Co.. 408 Selling bldg. MONEY on farm and Improved city prop erty K. K. Baxter. 704 Spalding bldg. SEE OREGON INV. A MORTGAGE CO., 222 Cham, of Commerce. 4th snd Stark. $300. $400. $500. $7.-.0. $1000 AND UP: low rates: quick action. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Chsm. of Com. Main 6445. MORTGAGE LOANS, lowest rales A. H. - Harding. 312 Railway Eichaoss. Money U Loan n Weal Vit. 9'i Per cent to 7 per cent. flve-Tesr period. You may pay $100 or any mul tiple thereof account principal, semi-annually and reduce Interest. INSTALLMENT LOANS. Will loan 60 per cent -.slue houss ana lot t 64 to 7 per cent. You pay one half of 1 per cent account principal monthly. For example. $2000 loan, you psy $10 monthly and Interest. You have privilege of paying $1J0 or any multiple thereof monthly. Interest reduced ac cordingly. NO COMMISSION. BUSINESS LOANS. -Fivo to ten-year period: 5S and P cent. Same repayment privilege. MORTGAGE LOAN COM PANT. Main S3QS. Suite 407 Yeon Building.' CITY LOANS. NO COMMISSION. On Improved property, or for improvo ment purposea The best and easiest method of paying a loan is our monthly payment plan. $:i2.26 per month for 36 months, or $21.24 per month for 60 months, or $15.17 per month for 96 inontbs psyi a loan of $1000 and Interest. Loans of other amounts In asms pro portions. Repayment privileges. EQUITABLE SAVING! ft LOAN ASSN.. 242 Stark St.. Portland, Or. MORTGAGE LOANS. NO BROKERAGE. LOWEST RATES. City or farm. Liberal repayment privi leges. - COMMERCE MORTGAGE SECURITIES COMPANY. 91 Third street. Main SOOT. Room 2. Chamber of Commerce bldg. MONEYTOLOAN ON IMPROVED PORTLAND REAL ESTATE, RESIDENCE. APARTMENT, BUSINESS. MORTGAGE GUAR ANTE! COMPANY. TITLE TRUST BLDG. MORTGAGE LOANS en real estate security; sny amount from $500 up on Improved city or farm property. THE LAWRENCE COMPANT, 205 Corbstt Bldg. Main 691.V A 281$. WE ARE in a position to make large or small loans In Oregon, Washington and Idaho on Improved Income farm prop erty. If you need money to finance your proposition, write or call In person. 1205 Wilcox bldg., Portland, Oregon mortgage'loans. Any amount, low rates, promptly closed. Attractive repaying- privileges A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 Northwestern Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. A 4118. FARM LOANS. Insurance company money to loan st lowest current rates on Willamette val ley farms. No commission. No delays. . DEVEREAUX MORTGAGE COMPANY, 87 Hh St.. Portland Or. $1000 AND UP! no commission or delay. F. H. DERHON, 615 Cham, of Com. bldg. TO LOAN, $1300, 2 years. Tf. no com mission. Barber shop. 846 Alberts Money to Loan Chattels and pa lanes. DO YOU NEED MONEY AT LEGAL RATES, QUICK SERVICE? YOU CAN GET IT TODAY. LOANS MADE UN AUTOMOBILES, FURNITURE. PIANOS V1CTROLAS. REAL ESTATE, BONDS, ETC. If your payments are too large on your automobile or furniture contracts, we will pay them up and advance you more money If needed. We make a specially of these loans, and leave the security In your possession and you can repay us In small monthly payments. ALSO WE MAKE SALARf LOANS to salaried people, on their own note Rates reasonable. Private offlcea All business strictly confidential. PORTLAND LOAN COMPANY, (LICENSED.) 306-307 Dekum Illdg. Marshall 3286. S. W. Cor. Third and Washington. SALARY. LOANS. CHATTELS WE LOAN MONEY on short notice to salaried or working men on their own notes. Weekly, senn montly or monthly psyntents. Eaca transaction strictly confidential. NO MORTGAGES. NO INDURSEIL ABSOLUTELY NO SECURITY. 1 We also loan on household furnlturs. " pianos, etc., without removal. CALL AND INVESTIGATE. COLUMBIA DISCOUNT CO., LICENSED. 218 FAILING HLDO. PORTLAND REMEDIAL LOAN ASSN. Phone Broadway 9t0. .194 Stark Street, Near Tenth. Loans on diamonds, watchss, vlctrolas, pianos, kodaks, shotguns. furniture musical instruments aud anything of value. ESTABLISHED BY TUB PEOPLE OK PORTLAND TO PROTECT TUB BOR ROWER. CARRIE MYERS-HERRMAN, Manager. MONEY to loan on diamonds, Jewelry, lecal rates; ail articles held a year: estab lished 1SS8. Dsn Marx st Co.. 283 Wash. HATHAWAY LoaiTs on pianos and furnl lure; legal rales. 208 Washington hlilg. Loans U'anled. LOANS WANTKD. Loans wanted from $suo to $"000 on first mortgage; security at 7 per cent, 3 years: good values. WE NEED MONEY ALL THE TIME. SEE FRANK L. McGUIRB. To Loan Your Money. Ablnrton Bldg. Main lo8. OPEN EVENINGS AND SUNDAYS. FIRST MORTGAGES on Improved real estate for sale at all times. These mort gages are made with our money and are then offered for sale, so we know every one we offer is a good mortgage or we wouldn't offer it. Title & Trust Company. $125TtO $1500 AT 7 PER CENT. 5-room modem house this side of Lau relhurst: paved streets and sewers all In. We consider tills a good loan. Fred W. German Co.. 732 Cham, of Com. bldg. $1!00 WANTKD 7 per cent. 2 plartered 5-room houses, on one Jot; hasinenta, good plumbing, tire, lights, gas, clofe in on Seliwood car. Jsl sold $:;mmj. Call 620 E. 9th St. $300, 3 YEAIt-S at 8 per cent: 2 lots: $450. 3 years, 8 per cent. 320 acres; $9on. 3 years. 7 per cent, improved farm; $1200, 3 years, 7 per cent, house and V lots. Fred W. German Co., 7:;2 .'ham of Com. OREGON INVESTMENT COMPANY. 224 Oregon Bldg. Want 3 $500 loans, 1 tl.'.'M). 1 $8500 on Portland property. 224 Oregou bldg., 5th and Oak. FIRST MORTGAGES on Improved Port land real estate for sale at all times. Mortgage Guarantee Co., Title fc Trust bldg. WANT $10,000 on 250 acres in high slate of cultivation, value $50,000: also $15,001) on 240 seres, buildings alone are worth $15,000. T 40. Oregonian. WE HAVE for sals 1st mortgages on Im proved Portland real estate: call and see our list. Mortgage Guarantee Company, Title & Trust bldg. WANTED $61100 at 7 per cent. Concrete business building, ample value, excep tionally moral risk, an excellent loan. B. Lee Paget. 622 Corbett bldg. FIRST MORTGAGES FOR SALE ON IM PROVED PORTLAND PROPERTY ANi) FARMS. F. H. DESHON. 615 Ch. ofCom. WANTED $5000. 5 years. per cent. $120 month Income property. Call 215 l.nmbermens bldg. SMALL loan on from 200 to 50O seres good eastern Oregon land. 821 chamber of Commerce bide. t WANTED A loan of $5000 on city prop, erty. 7 per cent interest. 202 McKay building. $2500 WANTED at 7 per cent on modern residence. Otis C. Beck, 525 Henry bldg. Phone Marshall 5858. $"000 WANTED on home close in, all Im provements in and paid for. Tabor 8670. WANTED Loan on 320-cre farm of $750. Call 520 Henry bldg. or phone M. 1254. $6000 WANTED on west side business property. H 40. Oregonian. SEE OREGON INV. & MORTOAOB CoT . 222 Cham, of Commerce, 4th snd Stark. PERSONAL. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per est. Don't mit (or If broken; old-timers are most val uable. Crowns, brldgework bought. Bring or msll, the Americsn Brokersge, 405 Spalding bldg.. 3d and Wash, sts. DR SACRY treats corns. Ingrowing calls pedicuring, manicuring, shampoos, face and scalp massage. 605 Raleigh bldg. JMarsh. '378, VANITE Blouse Shop Blouses, frocks snd gowns ordered this week will bs finished by Esster. 827 Morgan bldg. DOESN'T Tom. Dick or Harry pay yosT es Vlsrech. collections Dekum bldg. RUPTURE CAN BS CURED without sa operation Free booklet. P. O. bos 110i MAGNETIC TREATMENTS FOR LUM BAGO. ETC MAIN S366. 41 J BU CHANAN BLDG. MASSAGE MANICURING. 415 Buchsnsn Bldg. Main S36t. MISS S. C. O'NEIL'S barber shop new open at 25$ Everett, cor. 8d. MRS. LA RUINS Private manicuring. - torn- hotel,' iUk and Alorrljoa, r.itr wfc:!.!.. PRES. FRliki. rur.K Ev.rr day. from 10 A. M. ts 4 M . anu evciuugs on aiobUu), vkcdo.su and Friday, from I u , and fcuuu-x trom 10 to 12. THOLbANDS Or SUFFER Kit WHO HiVK AlLk.U to get rsllef In any uui.r war ars In vitsd lo luvr.ugais i mropractic mein our which sis iwriiwucuiiy curing buu Ureds sveiy dav. THE BKSl' uf CHIROPKACT10 DIAUNOS'l ICl.t will thoroughly ciaiiilii ou. loak rumple', iiunuu.1 oi your caas U Uiitx-l your trvatinenu VWTHOL'l AM COST TO OU HA1 lvl(. OHIROPRACl ivj is ins safe. .... surs and ui.mIciu scl.ncs of curing sua utevtutiug iim CHIUOPUACIIO will prmanu.y cure 9." per cent of all OHlKOl'KACliy luiors III. cau-x; health mums. Tus aoo s rvlis is all fr.-s to ou ..I the tollege building suu may be naa !- private U de.il.d- PRIVATE lufcATMKMTd li)'ii bs had iu coIks" bui.uing by immun of til. lacully, l mlmi " "' practltionris. , PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLI l.Gk. Corner wl i'aia and latliaul. Tl Mini loli. HOSI'll'AI In connection wilu coll W II! Iiaiiu.a . out-ol-lowl patients al a ino.l able rats in order lo show Ual i lm pritiu cau Uu. Addltaa all cu.iiuiu.il- catioos to . DR. O. W. ELLIOTT, Prc.idcul. luo PEK CKNtVhIHUI'KACI 1C SYdTLM. Ur. McM.llloU. Alurleay llU.. I'ul I -lanu, a clui-opra-lic f MK rljlKc. a p..-l amateur, a luo per ul clnr-'pra. I o specialist, Willi highest U'Sliliioliln.S Horn pnllents trom ca.tein Slst:.. lajitil lar with ths best; slso from we.leiasi.d local palm-its having uulortunsluiy bud leas than 100 per vcul vturopravtio sl. e whers, with, of course, corre.puadiug disAppoiniuvjut In assayed rsliui. Men and women ais fully saltrficd with my loo per cent culrira. lis philosophy, long .xperU-Qcs snd superior skill demonstrated lit cou.uilatioa ex aiuinallsus; csy, careful adjuatinsma, tales, and finally, rssuila. Tsniu ye.f In city. Tenus. II aujust mints Hi. Phone, call or writs. FOURTH AND WASHINGTON. Ssw Horns, S47 aast tealmun bU WE BUT DIAMONDS Al Full Ca.n Market Price; No Delay. Private Olllce lor Ladies All Transactions Btrlctly ConltdenUal. THE AMERICAN BROKER AG It Diamond Brokers. 405 Spalding bldg.. 3d and Wash. sts. Llccnfttd by Ths City of Portland. PYORRHEA CAN HE CURLD. Y'our expirunce may be a. msnjr others, who haie seen the light of truth, il you only will. "I teel liko a n w man." "Every child should be tsuk'lit the principle, of prevention and times who now have pyoirhea should know that Itie ireiinneiit Is nellher expen.n. nor disagreeable ; on the contrary. It is more oi a relief thun a torture." iSigliedl J. H. I C. SMITH LONG. 3111 Hush A Lane HMg. I'Clltlbt. ANY HEADER of this paler stiff Hi Iroin goitre ihlx n k l can K' l imsiln Intormallon on how to lire it al lieu without llio l-a.-t troul'H- or OImoiiiI'. There Is a plea.sant sunrl-e in .'ore vou II you will llle. No chars- liu ioc ver. Tell others. It "HI hell' Address Dr. Rock. Iioi X737. Mimauk. VI Is. DANDRUFF AND FALLING HAIR IS THE KCaI.P S CALL F 'It THE KKHKK HAIR rKUATH. (2.110 I I. K lH Get It at your (IruKtilM or THE KKDKK ' . 800 Union Aie. N., 4J.i SI .lames I'U. Portland, or. I'hUak. Hi KKI.I.Y rll.l.F.ll'H PUR.MANENT WAVE H'U'IAI.TV Mltil' We are the moil eicri ni d "P tors ill Ihe cil . ollc.r worU 'I appointment. I'limie Miu 719.. r 4H.I. Ilroailway-Ysmhlll bl'IK. A. M. A. OF VIENNA. rhyslclans desiring to Inln pudy in Muy lor Vienna p-isU-Rr.dual. w.rk ! plv secretary. 16- Madison st , tiil- ... III. M ASSLl'SE I. Sis In.lriK tor in in.. IT. mess Patricia fsnsdisn Red i'i..-i Ho!.. Eng.. a. id assn ll. 01 Msrlsin de Merrill, niu.eui lo i u) al Ismll) "f England. Call Main M 70. Ask lor Ml'. Foster. WORDS AND M"lSIO WIIITKHH. 1 e d sr-r.ingm. correct ins nuK-ripIs, attend to pillltill.. set as a lilntz Mgenls. n;.-t your numbers out In tlmi lor Shriller and Rose Festival crowds. I Mel ody Shop. ! 1th si. WRITE A Sit.NG-l.oic, mother, ehlid hooil. patriotic, sny suolrd. I otnio-s liiux.c anl guarantee puhllcsllon. bend words today. Thomas Merlin. 817 A Reaper bin k.('hn no. . fVTH Kteam hs'hs snd nir.., n m equipment, aitl s:y .lean; lmh floor llroudway Mug. Mnr.liull 3187. Trslurd nurse lu nttiTidiiue. Dr. Laura fa ihjw iiiub. L.V 1 1 rJ.H' and g'-ntl iiooi's Panama, straw, f.-ll anil Ix-iot hats clean-!, blockcil, rtj ed nd rescued; buckram, net and wire frames. LaKrancs liattrra, 172 ' Morri-on si. TAKARA A NTI SEPTIC p.lWI.KR la a cleansing, healing, germl. idal and Invig orating dou he. A great aid In lu or. rhra and feinsls disorders .Vie and $1 p. r box. Portland Hotel Pharmacy. "1 N V E N T R H1"" BULLETIN" without charge 'Inventors' Re. onl" Ininlntes . procedure. Win. II. Mull. Kan. patent at torney. Woodward bldg.. Wasli.nglon, l. C. . ALI the luteal relied e sold nt ths Clem enson Drug Co. -'il Morrison St., SI. Clmries hold comer. At this dnigst.'is vou get Just what uu call fur. Ws nave no .u. .-...... I-'NKI'MONIA. appendicitis arid oilier dis eases treated tv osygenallon. quick r.- uits lr J. W. It.ililo.-f, Nstuiopsltt, ',!( ilekunl uldg. Mam IH". 1 1 I P. M. and by s iiomtment; 1'lRKIi JADED WORN OUT. Try a s-ienliric masssKe or an eleetrls cabinet bath at Dr. Iionslilc's. .:os. Hiosdwsy Hdg. Nurss In attendant's. ih.. Main 56. 1 GUARANTEE to curs rorn, bunions, Ins. .. wans '.- ...,M... , ,.w Invention: no pain, no soreness. Lowest nricea In town. Consultation free, liars 11 jJLrs; arches fined. MU Dekum bids. i ILL tuner Mlllig.m or anyone knowing his address please roinmuiilcuts at oi. with Pearl .Vliilillelon. Kuscne, Or., cars J F. M.iore, It. F. I'. 3? Expert remodeling al a saving. Summer puces now In eneei. non swetland b.dg.. 5th and Washington. SCIFNTIFI''" massiiBs st.sm balli, elec tricity. Dr. liHliiiols Arneom, medl al gymnast. griusle from Norway. Main 2::9. 1105 Columi'is hltlg. tKITB A PONG Your talent msv mean riches. We wrtto music, facilitate i.i sale Send words. Chicago Mumc Stu dios'. 725 N. Western, iMiieago. ER1 KSClN" whits shield maternity h for unlortunu'-e girls; no pulilli ll y ; babies phiced in Chrtetisn horn a. Ad djl J 1-jJJ!L 9- H K ROBINSON writs to your Slater. Ad dress 4630 34lh St.. 8. D. FEBVET IIANNEHUT. leading wig i,.J . ... muLem. finest stock human lt.t luur ----- -. .. goods, halrdresslng. mam urliig, , t ..-.lo treatment. 319 Alder. Main 546 iTTTeTS both feel fixed up at Dr. Kuton i the CHIROPl'IMST and AHi ll Ml l' w no ooe.n i j'.m, " ' r. , ..i, in fee. Globe bldg.. Hill Wsh. Hny. i's.t MASSAGE, vlhrstory, violet ray and mss netlc treatments st your home by nurse, rcafonsblc. phone East 44.18. CALL E. ,or our fc'suly work, done In your own home. Combings snd old hslr made new; hslrdiii( of all kind. DR MAKtlAnui iisi.mii gives chiro practic, steam bstha. violet ray vlbrati..n massage. 215 Swetland bldg., Main 1TS..1 O W. COllU, let us know your present ad dress. P. Frohwork, 495 Black. toss si, portlsnd. Or. DR ULNA SOKHN.SEN. Mil Panama bl.lg" Drugless; msssass for stoma b, kidney., rheumatism, constipation. Open .v.nln g. SUPERFLUOUS hslr, moles, warts rsuipv.d by 10 needles method; (Hal fre. J. sis Vlnley. 614 Hush I .a nsj I d g.M a I ns.iiH. TOBACCO or snuff habit cured or no psy; $1 If cured Renieuy sent on trial, ru perbs Co. W 3I4. Baltimore, Md. UC1ENT1FIC massage and magnetic treat ments. 1 to 4 P. M. Mrs. crsia Lyaia, 3i4 Dekum bllg. ORADUATK nurss treats lumbago .1. Hours 2 to $, or by appointment. Phon Main l"49. Office -( Third st. ULES ran b prmannt1y eurd-without -Pr l ion. ww wiiii asr. fMB. M Moriion t. IK1MKlA H A IiM, form-rl cmiA Ttalm of KiT. fc 2-1. mArninii COITKE, nlntd c antls; rur yours?? A R. Plrrhn. rout ft, Hll'shiro, Or. Ml!?S S. O O NK1I. S hurhT up ow open ml -AS KvrwU, cor. S1, Un 'i"M frvokieW O, to Hot v: c v .' ' i ; i ).:. w V 4