1 m e TIIE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, MAKCn 7, 1920 1 . "J tv SITrATIONS WA'TEb MALE. Soldiers and Sailors. CHIEF electrician (radio) discharged, married, familiar A. C. and D. C. cur rents motors, generators and house wir ing. Wood law n 43&. DISCHARGED soldier and wife wish po 4 sition in private family as chauffeur and nurse or maid; can furnish best of references. AO 322, Oregonian. SlTt'ATIOX WANTED FEMALE, TOT'N'G girl wishes position doing clerical work; can furnish beat of references. Write F 2t;, Oregonian. COMPETENT DEMONSTRATOR AND PALES WOMAN SEEKS POSITION, CITY, GROCERY LINE PREFERRED: NEW YORK CITY EXPERIENCE; la UVB WIRE. X 41, OREGONIAN IOLM married woman would like care of halls and 1-tth or answering telephone or anj ngnt worK in exchange for housekeeping rooms; no furnace work. wu wio. ort soman. I'OL'XG lady with four years' clerical of fice experience, tod typist. a'so ex perienced In shorthand, wishes position. K Oregonian. DEFINED middle-aged woman with chifa 4 years, would like employment in Anwr ican family, city or country. Phone Co " liiinbta 511. LADY wants to go to country near Port land and help with housework or sew ing for room and board. No hard work. X 28. Qregonian. "WOMAN of good appearance and educa tion wants position with live real estate firm; experienced in meeting the public. V Ortigonian. BOOKKEEPER 4 yrs." experience, some stenographic, desires good position; au tomobile concern preferred. Call East 47":!. II i DDLE-AGED woman of education and refinement desires light housework for business people. L 40, Oregonian. WANTED Housework by hour, 45 cents and carfare. Call Monday morning. Mar shall 228. MAN and wife want position, first-class waitress and dishwasher, - out of city. BP S7$, Oregonian. WA N'T ED By experienced laundress. work by day, week or hour. Call Broad way mo.-. LINCOLN 'Jigh school girl, companion for room ana board, good home, no chil drrn. 'honp Bdwy. 1501, H75 Overton st, YOUNG lady wishes position in doctor's or dentist's office, afternoons and even ings. F -!, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED middle-aged housekeeper wants work ; good, plain cooking; mod erate Tiit-s, K 4S, Oregonian. WANTED A place to Ihk eare of chil dren evenings while mother is away ; references. Woodlawn 1 01 1. JklllJDLE-AGEI woman, employed, wants place to work for H. K. room. M 34, Ore goni a n TOL'NG lady wishes to act as nurse and governess for one or two children. Long Distance 870-58 evenings. DRBSSMA KER and taiioress wishes en gagements in homes, specialize making owr; reference. Marshall 1173. EMPLOYED girl wishes to assist with housework in , exchange for room or uuai-u. a k 4S4. Oregonian. BY refined young lady, position as sec retar.v or companion to party traveling 111 ciiBianii. au o:j, oregonian. L i..b.:N i.M. and laundry work neatly amie. 4.v: per hour. Myrtle Xowship. ti -. n st.. near inurnian. FIRST-CLASS laundry woman and cleaner - anis worn in private homes. Tabor Yol'NG girl wishes position doing clerical or: can iurnin oest of reference's. Call Tabor til'Ifl. .trciw wisnes amateur finishing: spe cial prices on quantity Iota. Broadway A-ALNDKEss.. ladies' and gents' silk shirts and underwear specialty; all kinds of s m a 11 was n l u e s. IStl wy. 1 ! 1 6. ti-.-. v. . , : n,l- wants wont cooKinj end serving uinnera or parties. Call East Hoi. 2 WAITRESSES wish position .together in ' o " ' munin. iwain o l.n . LOliRLD woman wants day work at 00c per nour. (ali East M.7. iiiDDLK-AGED lady would like house- Keeping. tnone fcast 022. CLEAN I NG and laundry work neatly- done uy me nour. 1.311 l-.ast i'Jjo. LADY wants house cleaning, other work. hour, day; work guaranteed. Wdln. 6305 WANTED Plain Main 76. sewing and mending. LACE CURTAINS carefully and beautifmly done in open ai r. sun dried. East SO IS. RE LI A RLE colored woman wants 4 or 0 hours'jork daily. Call Sell wood 2020. ToUNG WOMAN' wishes en ga ge men tVto sing evenings. Tabor l."!4. COM PTOM E PER operator and cl. rk de sires position; references. Sell wood 176L LESSONS given in grammar grade studies, backward pupils a specialty. Mar. I.M. HOl'SKW'OKK one day in week, sweeping ironing, etc. Mar. 1372. Room 17. K-XPERT I HON KR WANTS DAY'OKK CA LL EAST 7732. WORK done by the hour. Ta bor 40-1 S Call Mrs. Engle. 2174 E. OUsan. EXPERIENCED woman wants day work. Thone Main 702S. WILLIN; to car for children; Rose City Park preferred. Tabor 4'M2. DAY work by exp. hand: curtains laun di red to please; steady. Phone East 3-SH2. ALL KINDS of mendine nentlv ",iniA Phone Seilwpod 3354. WOMAN wants day work bv hour; and carfare. Woodlawn 6M7. iAUXJJHy done beautifully at home. Main HAIR dyed at home, reasonable, by experl enced lady. Main 3879. LACE, scrim and marquisette curtains hand laundered. Called for. East 6196. Bookkeepers, Sicnogrnpper. Ol.'ice. NL'RSE with wide experience in first aid and X-ray work desires position in doc tors office; can take full charge of books, correspondence and detail work and can meet the public; references; $100 minimum salary. R 47, Oregonian. "WANTED General office work, bookkeep ing Burroughs posting machine; will study typewriting if wanted; prefer small office where they want someone capable of taking charge in absence of owner Miss Phillips. Marshall 0!."i6. tNERGETIC. reliable "young lady desir jermanent position, beginning lOt h some experience as bookkeeper, cashier " 1 Btin-iai oLiice worK. Tabor 0063. 1 1 rji i.HjKA rHK K Six years' experience general office, detail work and meeting I'uunc, arso Knowieuge or bookkeeping. jidr?nan oiai. law lor A1189 fiva. EXPERIENCED stenographer with knowl edge or oookkecptng; reference. Call Mon day. Tabor 0882. uwil-nalmj stenographer wishes position. 1 - wees. years general office ex perience. u 23. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher. Best of city references. Mam THOROUGHLY experienced stenographer. notary public, desires half-day position. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires per manent position; salary $110. AG 643, 'regonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer aesires posi tion; preferably law; references; salary GJ Ki-, wishes position as assistant, doctor's or dentist's office; experienced in meeting puonc. riast "i7. ANTED Position as bookkeeper by woman wim general 011 ice experience can use typewriter. L 21, Oregonian. GIRL going to business college wishes to get ornce worK irom 4 to 6. Call Mar shall 3535 Sunday. TYPING and general office work desired. Six years' experience on Underwood typewriter. J Oregonian. RELIABLE stenographer, experienced in collections and reception room nvork; whole or part time. Sell wood 2310. EXPERIENCED woman wishes day work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Sell wood m1932. YOL'NG lady wishes position, office work, clerical work, etc.; have had experience; references BF 528, Oregonian. EXPERI ENCED stenog rapher with initt -ative and executive ability, desires per manent position. AL 833, Oregonian. ' COLORED girl wishes position beginning stenographer; good penman. Wdln. 3 4 SO. STENOGRAPHER with some experience wishes position, r -1. oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer two or three days' work a week. B 28, Oregonian. WANT office work. 314-64. Phone Automatic EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and wishes position. Marshall 072. typist Dre maker. ENGAGEMENTS by day. up-to-date dress maker: remodeling; will prepare to fin ish. Bdwy. 1567. PLAIN sewing, handwork, neatly done; nurs uniforms. Tabor 4102. bPORTS suits, dressmaking, alterations, plain sewing. Phoac Eat ' SITUATIONS WANTEl-FEMALE. DresamaTters. rOR SALE Dressmaking shop and corset agency, established 10 years. Called east; must sell. M PKtock block, 11 to 4 today. NEW 20th Century dressmaking night school from 7:30 to 10:0; cutting, fit ting by chart cr patterns; call at 305 Dekum blk., 3d st. Phone Main 622. e. a rK KIENCED dressmaker will go out by day. Remodeling a specialty. Mar shall 319. HIGH-CLASS dressmaking; street dresses, summer voiles, etc.; making of suits into neat dresses. Mrs. Kelly. East 7307. VOL'R Easter gown by pattern. $5. As you wish, $10. Mornings only. 9S0 E. 20th N. AB car. HIGH-CLASS dressmaker, experienced in suits, gowns and cloaks; take work home or out, by the day. Mar. 345. SEAMSTRESS, reasonable. Vs71 weekdays. Phone Main HEMSTITCHING, 6c and Sc a yard. M. Dalton. room 201 Broadway-YamhUl bid. TH E latest style, nifty dressmaking and tailoring. Phone East V.Ki'.i. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing by day. Main 5468. DRESSMAKING reasonable. 311 Central bldg.. 10th and Alder. Main 340S. COATS, suits or dresses, prices reasonable; satisfaction guaranteed. Tabor 640!. GOOD children's sewing, reasonable. Morn ings only. Jtso E. L'uth N. AB car. DRESSMAKING quickly and neatly done, 1-J4E. Main St., apt. 5. EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes sewing by day. fast "Jti4. N antra. NURSE with wide experience in first aid ana A-ray work desires position in doc tor's office; can take full charge of books, correspondence and detail work and can meet the public : referenens; $100 minimum salary. R 47, Oregonian. NORMAL confinement cases given two weeks hospital care, including drus, dressings and physician's services, for $40. Other cases reasonable. Call T02 Dekum bldg., or phone Woodlawn 116. PARALYTIC lady patients taken at a graduate nurses private residence. Ta bor WOMAN wants nursing to do, influenza. tuberculosis or consumptives, JO weeu. Phone Main SLMiO. PRACTICAL nurse, experienced in "flu"" cast-s; best references, good cook. Mar shall 896. M A T E R X I T Y cases at my private h o m ; good care; rates reasonable. 41 2 ",3 2d. EX PERIE NT ED nursew7l TtakTlnf luenza ca fes. fiel I wood 24 1 8. . M'KSR will care for children very rea sonable. 1-J4 E. Main st. PRACTICAL nurse wants case. 389 between VJ and 4 P. M. Marshall COMPETENT practical nurse; doctors' ref erences. labor .tiJ. - I EXPERIENCED nurse wants nursing. References. E 50, Oregonia n. FOR a dependable nurse phone Mar. 34ft. PRACTICAL NURSE. Phone East 7211. II o ue h eepern WANTED Position as housekeeper by thoroughly respectable and honest wom an and girl of 13. both good cooks and excellent housekeepers, quiet and re fined; want steady place wliem our work and interest will be appreciated ; prefer to work in widower's home where there are children to care for or on ranch, cooking for a few men; wages in keep ing with the times. This is no matrimo nial adv. ; strictly business. H. O. H., P. O. Box 1047, Portland, Or. TH ERE Is an elderly woman in Portland who wishes to keep hou.'e for either old lady or gentleman, owning nice honi?, who is aione, living plainly; am nice housekeeper, good plain cook, depend able, good natured. Refined congenial home "place more desired than high wages. Would go out of city. References furnished. A V 3S3, Oregonian. WOMAN, mature years, desires position as housekeeper, small apartment or rooming house; mutt be clean and re spectable; can furnish best of references. Would consider, in fact, prefer going out of city, any good location. Mislit consider buying an interest If proved to be money-maker. AV 384, Oregonian. L" N I N (TMRERKD widow wishes house keeping position April 5; neat, clean, good cook and very artistic; more for borne than wages; widower or one or two mf n preferred ; no triflers. F 3 1, Ore gonhin. W A N TE D By middle-aged widow, ltouse" keeplng place for widower or bachelor; good cook and housekeeper. Ans. by let ter, or call personally at 80 E. Irving st.. Portland. .Mm Olga Christ. HOUSEKEEPER for gentleman or cook for small crew of men by refined lady, o.'i; good cook and good references. Call at 221 Grand ave. S., or phone Gresham .t!"X4. WA NTED Position as housekeeper in a gentleman's home in the city by wido and child ; references furnished. E 49, Oregonian. ELDERLY housekeeper, refined, econom ical, wishes permanent light work, good surroundings, country considered. Ad dress Mrs. Hnllfc Kerman. Jefferson, Or. HOl'SE KEEPER Refined, capable, honest. without home. Mut be comfortable. Man or men, in state or out. Answer V 20. Oregonian. WANTED By thoroughly experienced younj widow with 3 children, a perma nent position on raiich. Phone East 4K-. L'o'i Grand ave. X.. Portland. WIDOW with. 10-year-old son wishes to keep house for man with children of school age while she attends business college. J 44. Oregonian. NEW 20th century dressmaking night school will open Monday, 8th, 7;30 to 10. W ill announce day school later. 30o Dekum bldg. Phone Main 622. WANTED Position as housekeeper by middle-aged lady for refined widower or bachelor; no children. Y 44, Orego nian. MIDDLE-AGED woman can take house keeping position in hotel, after March 20. J 35, Oregonian. WANTED Position to keep house for widower, $40 per month; no children. !r3 Clay st. LADY with child wants housekeeping for widower or small family. Woodlawn 6203. REFINED, capable widow, wishes position as housekeeper for business man or widower. East 6834. LADY with 2 little girls. 15 and 7 years, wants to keep house for widower with one -child. Wdln. j007. COMPETENT young housekeeper desires position keeping house, for couple em ployed or widower. BF 625,Oregonian. REFINED woman wants cooking In home where work is light, or for people em ployed; adults. O 43, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED lady wants position as housekeeper in widower's home. 569 Commercial St. VANITE Blouse Shop Blouses, frocks and gowns ordered this week will be finished by Easter. 827 Morgan bldg. HOUSEKEEPING wanted by refined wom an with child for gentleman with child, R 50. Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER Have two small chil dren. Care more for home than wages Add ress 1166 East 17th st. N. NEAT, refined lady wishes position housekeeper for neat, well appearing man, age 47 to S9. B 33. Oregonian. A LADY with small ch'iid wants position as housekeeper in gentleman's home. Box 186, Amity. Or. REETNEfX capable, agreeable widow wants housekeeping. Bdwy. 4441. J 30, Ore gonian. BY WIDW, as housekeeper for widower with children. Call Tabor 8498. Domestics. WANTED WASHING ON THURSDAY. TAROR 74S7. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. MARRIED Japanese with children. 4 or 5-room houe with ground up to 2 acres, car convenience. F 47, Oregonian. WANTED To rent by adults, six or seven room flat or house, modern, by April L Phone Bdwy. 1216. WANT to rent fine home on west side, close In; must be large. Will take long time lease. Phone Marshall 4200. WANT to rent large, well furnished house, close in. west side, by adults; best of care guaranteed. Call E. 502. room 406. WANTED Six or seven-room modern house March 15. Phone East 4432. WANTED To rent unfurnished 4 or 5 room, modern, by adulta. Wdln. 5520. WANTED 5 to 7-room house by family of 3: references exchanged, laoor 2iaa. 5-ROOM suburban house within 6c car fare, c 40. uregonian. WANT to rent a 7 or 8 room modern house. Telephone Broadway 3-j. WANTED To rent 8 to 1 0-room modern house. Woodlawn m i v. MODERN furniBhed irpartment or small a house, adults, ah 147, oregonian. WANTED TO RENT 5-ROOM BUXGA- LO W. E 22. O K EGO . JAN. 4 OR 5-ROOM house or flat, furnished or unfurnished; must oe modern. labor 222. 5-ROOM modern bungalow with enrage. Rent not more than Main bwe. WANTED TO KENT. METER FRANK'S Information and Keatal Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lists of .desirable vacant houses; apartments and flats with definite Information pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them i:et properly and quickly located. Eighth Floor. WANTED TO RENT MODERN APART MENT OR FLAT. 8 ROOMS UNFURNISHED, BEFORE APRIL 1 (2 ADULTS). WILL CON SIDER WELL-LOCATED BUNGALOW. MAY PURCHASE BUNGALOW IF REAL BARGAIN AND IN GOOD OR DER. BANK REFERENCES. AD DRESS 302 SELLING BLDG. OR PHONE MAIN 1777. WANTED TO RENT Small nouse. fur nished, modern, in good district. I have one 6-year-old boy. as well trained as any eocity dog, cat or monkey; good care of furniture and house guaranteed. If you want to rent your home for year, more or less, and appreciate good care, address R 36. Oregonian. YOUNG COUPLE, no children or dogs, de sire to rent or lease 5 or 6-room un furnished modern house for 6 months or longer. Lad da Addition, Irvington. Ar lington or Kings Heights preferred. Best of care to premises assured owner. Sundays Sell wood 211U. Week days East 344!. BUSINESS man and wife, no children, want small house, flat or apartment, either furnished or unfurnished, on Port land or Willamette Heights. about March 20. Must be modern. Best ref erences. State location, rent, etc.. In reply. B 31, Oregonian. WE have hundreds of clients oesiring to rent. The efficiency of "The McGuire System" of property management will save you money. FRANK. L. McGUIRE, Abington Bidg. Main 10C8. I HAVE "client who wants 40.000 to 60,000 square feet, building for a warehouse; can wait until building is built; Al ten ant, west side; trackage; will pay good rent. H. G. Terry. Main i400. YOUNG couple desires to rent in Kenton or Peninsula district, small 3 or room bungalow or cottage, furnishei or unfurnished. Call East 2101 between a .ana 1 Z a. m. Sunday and Monday. COTTAGE or bungalow 3 to 5 rooms; must be in good condition and modern; would lease. Broadway oOUU. Mr. Tume, 9 A. M. to o 1 ai. Aiontiay. ' v ANTED To rent, bv Anril 1. . or fi. room bungalow; will lease for one year. ramny 01 two adults. References given, oregonian. WANTED By "refinedcoupTe with tw children, 4 or 0-room furnished hous or riat. with garage preferred; must bo clean and rent reasonable. Phone East 24-19 after 10 A. M. AT ONCE- A 6 or 7-room house or bun galow on the east side; would lease for several years If rent and locatioi are suitable; can give list of references. can ia.t Z3U. Ask for Mr. Smith. WANTED TO RENT Small furnished tiouse u or 4 rooms or furnished house keeping rooms, near Hawthorne school for mother and son ; wood stove In kitchen. Call East 7183 all week. CLERGYMAN wants to lease or buv sub urban 7 or 8-room house, furnished or unfurnished ; room for cow and chick ens. 29, Oregonian. WANTED to rent or lease large, partly furnished or furnished house, good piumDing and furnace, with garage, west sine. i'tione Tabor 8172. WANTED To rent, by April 1. a modern unfurnished 6 or 8-room house; no ob jection to suburban place if near good car service. East J tin. SMALL bungalow, with garage; 3 adults best of references; Irvington or Rose City Park district preferred. Address H. .J. Blackburn, 070 E. Stark. WANTED To rent furnished house. 6 o rooms; Nob Hill district preferred ; aauus oniy; Dest or care and reterences. C 31, Oregonian. WANTED To rent on or before March 24 0 or 0-room house with garden space .and chicken run; responsible party; state our, price. w u, oregonian. BY April 1, 4 or 5-room house with gar den, garage, bet. E. Burnside and Haw thorne ave. ana west of 4oth. st. Adults. 1 -to, uregonian. . B young married couple, neat, modern furnished small home or apartment; musi op rtiHonaDie; waiKing distance. v i.t. irreponian. 6 OR 7-ROOM house which is not on th market; permanent tenant; either in city . or supurnan. &. v. sip pel. Mar. 342: 4 IS Ry. Exch. WANTED To rent a large house on the west siae. witn a tease rrom 3 to years; win pay gooa rent and secure lease. 02 McKay building. WANTED To rent 3, 4 or 5-room house, unfurnished ; responsible, permanent ; will lease If satisfactory. Mr. Perkins, Marshall 819. WANTED Small 2 or 3-room furnished house by reliable young couple; must be neat, cU-an and cheap. Phone Main 372. 4 OR 0-ROOM furnished house and room for cow, chickens and garden; reason able rent. BF 634 Oregonian. WILL pay the price for first-class 5 or 6 room house with garage; young couple, no children; best references. Tabor 6388. WANTED to rent, April U 6-room house or larger, furnished or unfurnished; modern. Tabor 4058. FIVE or 6-room house to lease oy first of Ajril; best of reference. Sellwood 16HS. W ANTED 4 or 5 room house, modern, un f urn Ish ed or partly furnished. Phone East 5077. WANTED To rent furnished cottage at Seaside for season. Phone Broadway 2070. WANTED To rent 2 or 3-room cottage, inside limits, with good sized garden space. Y 25, Oregonian. LARGE house, east or west aide, for nice clean undertaking business; corner pre ferred. AG 747. Oregonian. WILL lease strictly modern 5 to ?-room modern home, Irvington or LaurelhursL No children. Address R 26, Oregonian. LARGE house, east or west side, for nice cKan undertaking business; corner pre ferred. AG 747. Ore go nian. SMALL house near city limits or acreage near Interurban line, suitable for chick ens. E. M. 1701 E. 9th, city. WANT 4 or 5-room bungalow, furnished or unfurnished, by responsible party. Phone week days Broadway 16o. WANTED April 1, 6 or 7-room modern house, will lease for one or two years. East 3222. 5 OR 6 rooms, not over $.10 month; pay two or three months advance. Woodlawn 1773. 5-ROOM strictly modern, permanently; will pay five months' rent in advance. Tabor 5386. OR 7 rooms, modern, partly furnished or unfurnished; adults. Main 7158. West side preferred. RESPONSIBLE business man wants 4 or 5-room furnished bungalow, 2 adults only. Woodlawn Saw or Broadway 2440. 6 OR 7-ROOM house, by April 10, by adults; wiU pay several months' rent in advance. Phone Automatic 320-14. HAVE several clients for warehouse space, 2500 to 20.000 square feet; either east or west side. H. G. Terry. Main t400. 5-ROOM modern lower flat with yard. Rent not more than $30. Main 6096. Apartments. WANTED 4-ROOM UNFURNISHED MODERN APARTMENT. ADULTS. WILL P E PERMANENT. BEST OF REFERENCES. MAIN 6013. WANTED To rent 3 or 4-room furnished apartment, walking distance; ref. if re quired. E 30, Oregonian. WANTED Up-to-date lower flat, heated preferred, on west side, by March 15. AC 546, Oregonian. BY APRIL 1st, 3 or 4-room apartment furnished or unfurnished, east side pre ferred. K 47, Oregonian. APARTMENT or house, furnished 4 to 6 rooms. J 33, Oregonian. TWO large, airy H. K. rooms In private home. 1653 Washington st. Rooms. LADY, alone, wishes 2 well furnished h. k. rooms in Sunnyslde or Hawthorne district, AE 960, Oregonian. Phone East 8450. S OR 6-room unfurnished bungalow or cottage, excellent care assured. Will lease if satisfactory. Phone Main 4075. WANTED By elderly lady, housekeeping room in private family, close in, on east side preferred- AL 838, Oregonian. OFFICE man desires pleasant well-heated room, clo.e in P 44, Oregonian. UNFURNISHED two or three-room cot tag e fornotov IJLSOr go n i a n . Rooms With Board. YOUNG business woman would like fur nished room, with or without board, in private family, close in, Irvington or west side preferred; reference, ,x-c&aDSed- SC 319, OresocUaa, ' WANTED TO BENT. Booms With Board. GENTLEMAN, recently arrived, desires room and board In a real home, as onl guest; must be well appointed and in residential section (possibly Portland Heights), private bath and sleepin. porch, but not absolutely necessary. 20, Oregonian. YOUNG btmineM man wants board and room; everything must be modern and up to date; close in, west siae apartment. or home, where they are no otner ooaru ers preferred; give full particulars. Y 49, Oregonian. MOTHER wants good home for daughter 14, near Couch school until June: rea- Oregonian. YOUNG couple. 20-months-old baby, want room and board, nrivate family or boara ing house. Addiuss Geo. R, Borrmann, Portland hotel. A GENTLEMAN of 47 with splendid po sition wants board ana room, private family; no objection to children, I like their company. M 21. Oregonian. REFINED young gentleman wishes board and room with private family, Mount Tabor d strict preferred. 1 1, we goni an. WANTED Best care for 3-year-old girl where mother can boara. u jo, vresu nian. Business Place. LEASE WANTED. on good placer ground. Have new ma chine for saving values. Can also han dle drv gravel. Give terms and full par ticulars in first letter. I. E. AUSTIN, Eureka, CaL WANTED To tent small space In build ing on west side, downtown or close in suitable, for soft drink stand. Call dur ing day. Main 5301. after 7 P. M. Mar. 2192. FOB BENT. NICELY porch. furnished room swith sleeping 335 11th st. CAMPBELL HOTEL., 23D AND HOYT ST. CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL, 741 W A SHlVoTOX ST. Two of the best-known residential ho tels on Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, 12.50 a day up; rates by day or month. Meais served to transients. NETHERLANDS HOTEL, 126 13TH. COR. WASHINGTON. TO THE STRANGER WITHIN OUR GATES, as well as to our home people This hotel extends a cordial welcome. Free phones, private baths, steam heat, moderate prices, weeKiy tares. PRINCESS HOTETj. NEWLY RENOVATED THROUGHOUT. Rooms single, community and private baths. Reasonable rates, day, week or .month. 349 East Burnside st. ttast nx. Just across the Burnsido bridge THE HILLCREST HOTEL. WASHINGTON AT LUCRETIA ST. Ten minutea from the heart of town; residential, modern and delightful for environment; rooms with or without private bath; rates very reasonable. EMPRESS hotel, steam heat, hot and cold water, telephone in egjch room. Rates $l to $2.00 day, $4.50 10 $8 week. Cor ner 6th and Stark streets, next to Co lumbia theater. ANSONIA HOTEL. 124 14th st., at Waiihiagton. Rates. (5 per week up, $1 day. Fire proof; iarge, attractive, spotless rooms; close to amusement and shopping center. HOTEL ARTHLR. 170 11th st. Take Depot car to 11th and Morrison, walk half block south. Clean, modern, respectable; transient, S1.30; with private bath, $2. $6 OR $7, outside rooms, community bath. telephone, s-team heat ana running water. PRINCESS HOTEL, 349 E. Burnside. East 171. HOTEL BARR. 112 N. 6th, 2 blocks from Union de pot; rooms $1 and up; $j psr week; hot and cold water; steam heat. THE MELROSE. Newly furnished single and house keeping rooms, completely furnished. 293 Front st. $4.50 PER week, steam heat and running water, thoroughly renovatea THE PRINCESS HOTEL, 340 E. Burnside. East 171. DESIRABLE large front sleeping room. running water, $2;; also ngni siae oea room, $18. 57 Trinity place, the Kingsiy. LARGE, airy; phone, lights, etc., 1 block to cHiiine. Call Sunday oeiore 1 tr. jh. or Monday 4304 45th ave. LEEDS APTS., single rooms, moaern, fire proof bldg.; hot and cold running water. 210 Market st. 4-ROOM, mostly furnished, bath, pantry. electric light, phone, piano, raonui, no children. East 5061. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison St. at Tenth. Rates $1 a day up. -Weekly X4.au up. Steam heat. Free phone and baths. SINGLE housekeeping room, $30 a month to employed people: everything iur- nished. Marshall 2769. 75c. $1 DAY, $2.50 week up; outside rooms Hotel lacunae, oa near jeuenun. HARRISON hotel. Front and - Harrison; outside rooms, i.ou up; ooara u aesireu. FURNISHED sleeping room down town. Main o4iM. THE HAZEL FAMILY HOTEL, every thing modern, home cooKing. i mru. ST. PAUL hotel. Fourth and Alder. $1 per day up NICE light sleeping room. 04 Carmelita Apts., lotn ana jeamuu. NICE cozy room, steam heat, worKing g i r is or gentlemen preierreu. A LITTLE front room, near Y. V. C A., for vfrrklng girl, aiarsnau iou. ROOMS FOR RENT. 939 EAST SALMON ST. ICE modern outside room. Raleigh bldg. 327 Washington. ' HOTEL ARTHUR has a couple of $2 rooms ior permanent Beuutuitu. BED in attic for rent. 24 troaoway. Unfurnished Booms. rivw lartro sr arret room, modern convent ences, cheap rent 10 nian up rough partition, croauway FOUR unfurnished rooms, entire upper 1247 floor, near remuoutu f-1 Mississippi . BLDG., 5th and Stark. Apply Dr. S. LoeO. Columbia oiag., w rtr-t mm nwu. 167 FIRST, photographer has two large unrurnisnea room. " 1 iduu- fUR unfurnished rooms with bath, $10. 4 Graham ave. - , Furnished Rooms in Private Family. LARGE beautifully-furnished room ana sleeping porch; room enough for family of 4 All modern conveniences. Ready by 10th of March. Bd. 5450. Call Sun. and week days from 1 to 4. DESIRABLE room for gentleman; mod ern, bath adjoining; no other roomers; vprv WOSO in. west iue. 322 S. Broadway. LARGE, close-in, newly kalsomined and equipped for light housekeeping, 1 or -young ladies or young couple, employed. Call Monday. Mar. 2767. NEAT, airy sleeping room, private resi dence; walking distance; one or two young gentlemen; very reasonable; references. East 2549. ONE sleeping room with privilege of kit chen and bath; suitable for two girls or mother and daughter. Call after 10 O'clock. 223-42. - MODERN steam heated room, 10 minutes' walk old P. O. Very comfortable. Main 7520. NICELY furnished room; clean, nice bath, etc; walking distance; good furniture. 324 Jackson . DESIRABLE room, electric lights, furnace, heat, bath and phone. 10 minutes' walk to business center. 415 Broadway. NICELY furnished, comfortable sleeping room in modern home, close in, west Side. 434 Mill St. Main 4013. NICE, clean, heated front room, aultable for 1 or 2. 44 rayior nt. 448 TAYLOR ST. Clean, pleasant sleep ing room, quiet home, reasonable. & 14TH, near Jefferson, choice room, walking distance. Main 3893. LARGE front single room. room for 2 or more. 1 Bdwy. 1218. 90 N. 16th. FINE room, facing Broadway bridge. Larrabee. E. side- t3,50 week. 390 PLEASANT room near library, month. 410 Salmon. 10 FURNISHED sleeping' room. 469 Jef- ferson st. Apt. A LARGE front bedroom, alcove, fireplace. modern conveniences, aiarsnan w. LARGE, newly furnished front room, suit able for 2, close in. Broadway 4251. 343 13TH ST. Large, modern room, walk ing distance, gentleman only. LARGE, comfortable room, reasonable, to permanent party. 450 Prk. LARGE FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; CONVENIENCES; CLOSE IN. EAST324. FOR RENT One furnished room with bath. 567 Everett st. WELL FURNISHED large sunny room. close In, east ail- East 183; NICE, tunny bedroom, with garage. 647 East 26th st. QUIET furnished sleeping room, close In; U wk,; choice locality. - 'Hi Taylor. FOB RENT. Fnrnlshed. Rooms In Private Family. AUTOMOBILE filling station, on heavy traffic; 2 pumps, 1 air compressor, $2500 stock of tires, oil and accessories, $ 40.00 f a year business; rent $30; price $3300; will consider late bungalow, same value. Clarence Barker, 642 WHliama ave. East 1046. FOR RENT Large, light, airy corner room, upstairs, has large clothes closet and private lavatory; suitable for two gentlemen or couple employed. Can arrange kitchen privilege if desired. ReiU $20. Phone East 6849. FOR RENT Newly furnished single rooms, also suite of rooms in attractive home located half block from car and ten minutes' walk from business district, west side; rates reasonable. Marshall 4870 Sunday. . FURNISHED room In private home, hot and cold water In room, furnace heat, '2 blocks from S. S. car line, 2 blocks from Hawthorne car; breakfast if de sired. Phone Tabor 853; employed 1102 E. Taylor st. LARGE, comfortable furnished front room In modern home in Irvington; 2 persons or couple employed; well heated ; close to bath; with or without breakfast; 1 block from carline; reasonable. East 73 1 S. FOR RENT Two large, sunny front raw. connecieaj, only iO minutes walk irom postoffice; young ladies preferred. Call 369, 12th st., near Montgomery. Phone Main 6492 Sunday and evenings or Main 3109 during office hours. NICELY furnished sleeping rooms, on-9 iarge witn - -beds, suitaoie ror z or more men; other suitable for S men or married couple; west side, walking dis tance; reasonable. Address 441 3d. ONE large, pleasant, well-furnislied double room ; iwo aouDje oeds ; two meals 11 wanted ; walking distance; men only; references. 59a Glisan st. Broadway 1803. ROOMS Partly furnished. in modern bungalow, lor couple or girls employed reasonable. On Woodstock carline. 923 Gladstone ave. ONE nice front room; bath, phone and privilege of cooking your meals; would prefer a real lively girl; reasonable rent. j-none Marshall 1141:. NOB HILL DISTRICT. Nicely furnished large front corner room, suitable for one or two gentlemen; walking distance. Phone Main 5903. TWO nicely furnished H. K. rooms, one steeping room, modern, close to car line; rent reasonable. East 6110, 300 Han cock st. ONE sleeping room with large closet in private home. One block from Mt. Scott car, near Franklin high. Breakfast if desired. Gentlemen only. Tabor 3190. LARGE parlor bedroom, beautifully fur nished, l or 2 single beds, privilege of piano, telephone; gentlemen only. 381 12th st. WIDOW and daughter in beautiful home nave large room witn piano, suitaoie ror gentleman ; references exchanged. Sell wood 1492. LARGE, sunny rooms, modern conven iences, central east side, walking dis tance; gentlemen, ref. required. ' Phone East 2170. NEWLY furnished rooms in modern house. prices ranging from $10 up; steam heat; a home place. 890 Savier and 26th St., W car HAVE 2 nice rooms, one with a sleep ing porch; will rent to young men only; 2 in my family; a large, pleasant home. Phone Tabor 8134. A NICE big sunshiny front room, 2 beds, suitaoie ior n people; home comiorts; with or without board ; free phone and hath. 741 Hood st., cor. Porter. LARGE, clean front room In modem home, walking distance; suitable for 2 people employed; serve breakfast if de sired, .foone cast lOll. PLEASANT room in private family; good locality, convenient car service; tor lady or gentleman employed; with or without meals. Call Woodlawn 3170. COMFORTABLY furnished room Tor gen tleman; zuj u. ist st. a., near tiaiiaday ave. Automatic 310-66. LIGHT corner room, furnace heat, elec tric Jignt, telephone, near bath; gentle men preferred; 4 block Hawthorne ave. 303 E. 33d st. 4 WALKING distance, SMALL front room; STEAM HEAT; $lu; also enclosed sleep ing porch, $12. 351 West Park. WELL furnished room, hot and cold wa ter, and also basement room suitable for a man. 741 Hoyt. Main 701. ICE furnished room, $4.50 single or $3 aouoie per week; private family; 391 College st. Main 3087. URN1SHED rooms, breakfast If desired; waiKing distance; references required; 644 E. Alder. East 5335. NE or two clean rooms in a modern home, boarding house nearby. Phone East 7100. 63 East Salmon. URNLSHED room for gentleman, fur nace heat, batb, light. Reasonable. 2b9 13th st LARGE sunny front room, furnace heat and electric light; above the average. reasonable. 2tJ 14th st. A LARGE, well-furnished room, with bath, in a private home; no other roomers; best district. East 1315, on carline. NEWLY renovated, very desirable rooms near Multnomah club. Seen to be ap preclated. 200 Nartilla st. NICE sunny room for rent with couple, modern apt.; references. 670 Kearney St., near 21st. Bdwy. 3045. BRIGHT, clean, well furnished rooms, fur nace heat. , modern conveniences, easy walking distance. 547 Yamhill st. CLEAN, sunny, 1, 2 or 3 rooms, use of kitchen, bath; electric lights; first fioor. 733 Hoyt, near 23d st. k WELL furnished, large, clean bedroom, all home privilege?, 10 minutes' ride on DM car. Main 1030. LA RGE room, gentleman ; phone, bath, heat; private; Walking distance; $3. 50 E. Main st. East 1360. NICELY furnished room In Holladay's ad d i t ion ; no other roomers. Phone E. 1137. JUST what you want, nicely furnished front room at 404 Clay St., five min utes' walk to postoffice. BEAUTIFUL parlor room for 1 or 2; also smaller room in nice home-like place. 414 Market. FURNISHED room to rent.. 1247 Wilbur st. St. Johns car to Ains worth ave., then east BRIGHT, clean Bleeping rooms for people lfith st. Phone Broadway 536. COSY front room in strictly modern home, walking distance, riolladay addition. Kast 4191. SMALL. . quiet, clean, airy sleeping room. per week, near 1st i;. a. cnurcn. iawy. 8M0. BEAUTIFULLY furnishei room in modern home for man. 1U per mo. ooo union, near Beech. , TWO nice front rooms, reasonable, bath, phone and home privileges; gentlemen preferred. 7H9 B. Salmon. $17 FURNISHED room In modern home tor ousiness gin, uruMiw. u uesireu. Sellwood 33ti5. . FURNISHED room, modern; rent reasona- able; all conveniences; wanting distance, west side. Phone Main 4574. LARGE, clean airy room, well furnished. with use or Darn anu puone; lurnace heat. Call E. 8702. 7 E. i-'th at. N. CI.OSE-IN front room In nice home, walk ing distance; gentleman preierrea, iu N. 18th. Broadway COMFORTABLE room, suitable for 2 gen tlemen, one diock irom X canine, irving ton. East 7-'!0. FURNISHED rooms, concrete block house. sleeping porcn, aiso uouute garage. Uoy East Burnside. CLEAN room, suitaoie tor one person. reasonable rent; weat aiue. aiaranau LARGE furnished sleeping room for one or two persons, Lpimnmiai street. WBLL-FURNISHED front "room, walking distance. 590 E. Taylor,, cor, of 15th. IRVINGTON Beautiful room, breakfast, 1 blk. car, $30. East 419. ROOM for gentlemen, west side, private family; references. Marshall 3613. VERY nice room,. 504 Carmelita apts., 13th and Jefferson. TWO furnished sleeping rooms, walking distance. 68 N. 20th st. Main 4369. CLEAN room in comfortable home; ref erences. Mar. ' 4423. FOR RENT Sleeping rooma. 244 Broad way. BEAUTIFUL, room with sleeping porch. Broadway 226G. - ONE outside sleeping room. 4G39. Call Bdwy. NICE clean room for rent; st. Phone Tabor 2396. 840 E. Main A LARGE, strictly modern, walking dis tance; gentleman only. 343 13th st. Booms With Board. WHY room one place and board another when we can give you the best at $0.50 to $10? Home cooking, close In. Grand ave. hotel, 3 blocks south of Hawthorne, corner E. Mill. WANTED Coupl$ to room p.nd board; no objection to a child, in exchange for wife's services for a few hours each day. Phone Bdwy. 2729 511 N. 31st st. ROOM and board for business girls: all moceru conveniences; warning aistance: ISO fier week. East 4722. 13 K, It st 8 FOB BENT. Rooms With Board. JEANNE D" ARC Furnlnned rooms, with or without board, for business girls and lady tourists, permanent or transient Special features within the limitation of the minimum wage earner, $2 per week and up. 265 14th at. Main 4111. NORTONIA HOTEL, Portland's downtown high-class family hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a noma Reasonable rates. iDESIRABLE room for gentleman or couple employed. In exclusive family hotel; all conveniences; home-cooked meals you will en.ioy. Shown by appointment only. East 80is9. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 880 10th st. for bceinees girls and students; reasonable rates. Mar. 1-3L ROOM and board for 2 working men In private family, $10 per week. Call at 431 Montgomery St., Sunday. Koome Wilb Board in Private Family. JUST the store you have been looking for. confectionery and ice cream, light gro cery and bakery goods, cigars and to bacco; good business district; reasonable, by owner. O 20, Oregonian. FOR RENT 2 staterooms in finest house boat on river for rent with board, $10 per week ; swimming; can keep own canoe. Houseboat No. 1, Willamette Moorage. Sell. 1791. ONE nice front toom and board In private family, heat, light, hot and cold water, phone, fine lavatory, home privileges, reasonable, close in. &ellwood 1008. VERT pleasant room. Irvington: good board; suitable for two persons; one person. $45 : two. $80. East 664r. i WANTED A young man of good char acter to ooara ana room in moaern home. Inquire 326 E. 3 I'd, near Haw thorne ave. WANTED A congenial young lady, em ployed, to share my sleeping porch and room in beautiful Irvington home. Good home cooking, near carline. East 32 9. ROOM and board for 2, man and wife pre ferred, in private home; must be respec table people; $10 week each. 431 Klll ingsworth ave. LARGE front room with all conveniences, meals if desired, near Broadway and Union ave. Rates reasonable. East 2446. LARGE front room, suitable for 2 work ingmen, separate beds. One could make himself useiul for part room and board, r.'.Ti Clay. NICE room, home cooking, fine house. near Multnomah club, reasonable. Main 221. FRONT bedroom for one or two gentlemen, breakfast if desired, near Hawthorne. J04 E. 34th. Tabor 4872. NICE, light front room, nicely furnished, walking distance, all home conveniences. with or without board. East 4401. LARGE pleasant room with board, mod ern home, suitable for two gentlemen or nice couple. Fnone Main uo. PLEASANT room in private family; meals U desired. Jtiii E. itud st.. iiawtnorne. Automatic 2li4-f8. ROOM and board for gentleman in private family. All home conveniences. .'. 2;id st., 1 block from Hawthorne car. IF you want a real home to board and room, it is at 355 E. 11th; home cooking; references. FRONT room, suitable for 2. married cou- n e or 2 mon: cood home cooKing. iwi Glisan st. $25 MODERN lower 4 rooms, stovo heat. electricity ana gas. xoji ii. -;uin si., cor. Belmont. GOOD country home for one or two chil dren, close to school. For particulars phone Sell. 3384. - BOARD and room for man and wife or 2 gentlemen, business people preierreu, Wdln. 5572 LADY living on farm will care for little girl between ages oi ana i. av ovi Oregonian. "ir.w He-lit room, one suitable for two home cookiu: walking distance. East 8104. WANTED Little girl between 2 and years, good home. East 5180. FOR gentleman, in beautiful home on west .. - ...n,in,T .llui.nAa Main 7nfl.i Slue , O v A . r i 1 1 ft v. i o. ii v.v-. Pi.MASAVT well-furnished room with board. 400 Monroe (U. East 8096. ROOMS, home cooking. $6 wk. up. table board, $5. 2S4 Main st. BOARD and room for working man; also sleeping porch. d!u iu. gin st. ROOM and board for one or two gentle men; home privileges. Sell. 228 CHEERFUL front room. Excellent meals 205 N. 2lFt st. ROOM and board for one or two gentle men. 205 N. 21st st. . Kl ii.N iSH E I) room suitable one or two with board, private family. 703 Hoyt. ROOM and board in private fumily; close in. 51io E. Salmon. East 8.t3. KINO lady will rare for child, best of treatment. Tabor 3310. WANTED Congenial roommate, east side, wn Iking distance. T 43, Oregonian. WILL care for elderly lady or conva lescent in my home. Call Tabor 7101. BOARD and room in private family, for 1 FURNISHED room for 2 men, with or without board. 604 Irving sL LARGE warm front room, walking dis tance, west side, Bdwy. 1S42. NICE room and board to employed young 1 a d y. V 37, Oregonian. FOR RENT Furnished room with board, sleeping porch. 4o7 Clay. Main as34. LARGE room, one block to car. 515 E. Ash St. East 55S3. Inquire Furnished Apartments. MODERN 4-room furnished apartment, 5 blocks from Morrison st., west side, $55; adults only. Main 2506. SOUTHAMPTON APTS. A light, airy. 4 room apt., $00; no children. 414 10th st., cor. Hall. Phone Main 3155. 343 J3TH ST. Two or 3 large, modern apts., ground floor, suitable for 2 or 3 adults; walking distance. 4-ROOJI apartment for rent, furniture for pale. ?700, with or wunoui apartment. Bdwy. :;::;a. Sund ay 57:i-8.'. WILT, share my two-room apartment with refined woman employed; central; ref erences. V 41, Oregonian BAGGAGE and furniture moving, quick service. Phone Broadway 401. Alert Transfer Co.. 4'J." Stark st. THE ARDIN'E. 8 rooms and bnth, light, airy apt.. 4.1. Call Sunday afternoon. I'-fl 17th ft. North. FURNISHED two room-apt.. hot and cold WRter. also single housekeeping room. 590 Couch. Mar. 338. LEEDS APTS. S and 4-room furnished apts., modern, steam heat, hot and cold w ater. priva te bains. 210 Market st. NICELY furnished front apt. room for rent with use of kitchen. Phone Mar. 1 S5. FOR RENT Nicely furnished 3-room front apt , adults: references. Marshall Apts Marshall st. Broadway 3H;,1. WANT girl to share room and board In private family wth home privileges. Main 1920. WANT business girl to share apt.. Chris tian Science preferred. Broadway 3650. Phone after 8 tonight. PEABODY HOTEL, 19th and Upshur ' housekeeping apartments. 1, 2 and 3-rm.. steam heat; reasonable. Bdwy. J.VH. 3-ROOM APT. for rent and furniture for sale, including piano, ?9no cash, rent 40. No children. !it '" vein RENT 4-room furnirhed apartment with sleeping porch. 200 E. 13th. E. 4276. Adults. awnrif front furnished aut. : rent Sa. Aldbridce Apt.. -14 N. -Ut. Phunf Brou d way 47:iO. FOR RENT One clean 2-room apt., walk ing distance, $25 per mo. 165 Klout t corner 20th and Morrison. NICE sunny housekepplnjr: electricity, gas and bath: also others. ISA Grand ave. 3-ROO-M furnished apt. at Trinity place. Berkeley Apts. TWO clean housekeeping- rooma, private family, close in. O 44i. Oregonian UNION AVE. and Killinjrsworth, $21.50, all complete, concrete bldg. BAGGAGE and furniture moving: phone Broadway 401. Alert Transfer. 425 Stark. 1 ROOM, kitchenette and bath, furnished, :t0. East 4276. 3-ROOM furnished apartment, $tf"0. Juliana apartments, 45 Trinity. Marshall S:t. TWO and 3-room . apartments, 1"7S14 E. G'isan. M. V. car to 6uth. Tabor 702o. A NICE, clean furnished apartment; light sunny rooms. East b317. GLADSTONE apartment, 71 Grand ave. X. 2 and 3-room apts.. reasonable. 2-ROOM APT., modern. 507 Clay. Mar. 4296. . HANTHORN APTS, 251 12th St.. Marshall 21. 4-room furnished apt., 175. FOR RENT Two-room apt., clean, com pletely furnished. 6R0 Lombard. NURSE has pleasant, well-furnished rooms; would share. 215 11th. Main St78. ONE very good No children. 2-room apt. 208 17th st. ONE furnished housekeeping apt., clean. S27 Taylor, close in. ANP 4t.qoui apts., cip-iii. &t Hh. FOB BENT. Furnished Apartments, THE CROMWELL Fifth nd Columbia Streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank's store: cood surroundins?. strictly mod ern, 2 and It-room furnished apts. ; all ouiaiae witn rrencn aoors ana Daicoay. Permanent and transient. HIGHLAND COURT APARTMENTS. 2'Jd and Glisan; high-class apart meius, beautifully furnished; 4-rooro apartment. $85; front corner, 5 roumi and sleeping porch, unfurniHhed, $fi; very attractive 4-room furnished, va cant on the 13th, to rent for 2 months, $S5. References required, no children. Telephone Marshall 3742. STELWYN. HIGH CLASS. 2 and 3 rooms, with sleeping porch; peautuully furnished, Chinese ruga, wil low and mahogany furniture; verv at tractive; rcierence required. Mar. 2H3. WE HAE A LEASE on a nice 2-room and kitchen apartment on the east side, rent $00 per month Will sell furniture and rent to responsible party; no vMl- Uren. East 7441. ROSE CITY PARK Attractive 2-room suite in private modern home; well heated, well furnished; electricity, gas. water, phone included; garuge If needed; adults; $:t5. E. (Jtii.li bl N. MODERN 4 rooms, sleeping porch, 5 In all, bath, front porch; fine view; walking distance, west side; adults; rrfi-renees; $45; vacant by 20th to 1st. H 36, Ore gonian. 3-ROOM furnished apartment, steam heet and bath, at M3 Nelson st.. near 27th and Sandy blvd. ; one block from two carlines; 15 minutes from downtown; $35. Inquire Apt. 2. 2-ROOM apt., completely furnished, a beautiful light, clean rooms, Just pa pered and varnished, west side, walking distance. Marshall 1036. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, extra clean; heat, light, hot and cold water and phone ; rent $40. 113 N. 23d t., corner Glisan. FRONT apartment, consisting of 3 large, light, well furnished rooms, suitable for 3 or 4 adults; clean, quiet, exclusive. 117 N. 18th st. YOUNG lady employed to share $45 apt ciose in, aesiraiHc; (J. s. prererrea. rwi knap apts., 17th St., just o(T YamiiU Apt. .;'.. NICE furnished baHment apartment, re $.io per month; Alvarado apartments. Everett st. See janitor at apartments Wakeileld, Friei & Co.. N5 4th st. CLARK A PA RTM EN T. 2-room - cosy furnished brick apart ment : basement, light and heat, $2 J month. H0 PettJgrove. Bd. 55A. RELIABLE young woman of ref icemen would like to share her 3-room a rai ment with another congenial youn woman. AX 245, Oregonian. SAN MARCO APTS.. comer East th Couch sts. One 3-room furnished with private bath and phone. Pnc $40. East 1!M0. FULTON Apsrtmt'nts. nar the river. 1 min. car wervire; "J-rooin nwly-f urni.h suites, $14 and $18. 161:3 Macadam i Kant 5235. HKI.KXAP APARTMENTS. 2-room apartments. $H."i. includln liKht, steam heat. 187 17th L, Vhm.M!!. VERY desirable apt. for n nt. 3'HI ;. bet. West Park and 10th; can be m after 10. ' YOL'NG business man wants to rent nma furnished apartment, one or two room bath. H 21. Oregonian. 1-2-R. FURNISHED lights, rent $22.50. apt , hot wuti 021)4 K. 1st OVK room and kitchrnetie. waiKrng ois- t-ince; aduts. 32 Mill, noatnroauji Vnfuriiirhrd Apartments. i : i.'1-it v ik II K ii anurtnipnt. 3 rooms. let and batn. u',i inurmuu 4701. DA NDY 4-room unfurnished children accepted. Phone 2071; Lucille Court. apart men Broadway TWO uiifurnlshod 390 Ciay. housekeeping rooma u. mt- tr v l.rmun inwer Hal. 12 E. 14LU adults only. inquire j . ..-f i di ii rvi w vT One 3-room. un furnished apart neim V liRYN MAWH 5-room apt-, $jo. isj m 151 h at. Eas t i irjt 4-ROOM apt. ,cloe In, til outride. 221 North 20tn. Furnished or I nluniiMiea .- pan - w i' a itti h'l'LLY furnished apt.. Turkl nitiire: best of references required; $0. Call Bdwy. 4037. 1'luU. ROOMS all outside entrance. Clay st iiui u-nri h nt t urniture for sal V""' . , , i.. i rl.. liifhtM hot and cold water furnished; Harrison. 50 ,-.,.,iu FRANK I M'iUIRK, Main HHIH 3d and BRICK apartment house. 7p rooms. v.nm ...'..:fi. it ..nil. lj.uaii.jc terms. U OM l?ontan. L'nn RKT l.DDer nai, . .w..."- i v.. . -- . ,. li ilriill bath; nt Rim . c uw . K. :id ' S-U" "l ""V... .V. iwiii lUlh - . -....I rum Turn Mtr . Mrs. Younir. Mur. 10... FOR RENT Ni'e larKe 4-roonl Out Ka.t USth and Slurk st.: - H- 'UD' wvekdays. TaborSlU. 3-ROOM fat. fi-jl Owrton; Eat 1IWM. gas ior uam t' rv. 0ROOM and" bath, m.pir flat, central luua tion. Call East . c,irii inu.r mtidrrn Hat. close to Hroad ..-..1 IlltlvtfV way anu piet-i unu.... . - Furnlhrd KlHt. FUI.IY furnished 4-room imi. itiniiA. Dhone. whit al. fall East 4TOS. AND 3-KOOM liirnisnni '" .;..in- adults: near Uroadway bridge. .144 J3"iunj n-cpiina lower. 3-room upper, aiwi" norch. garaBe. Car S. to Glbbs, W. block. 854 First st. NICELY furnished S-room upper flat to rnnnell al COUUIO. u'- car to 12th st. , 'M TWO nice large ro..mf. purt.y fur nished; electricity, gas, toilet, sink, etc ",.",9 Powell St. 3-ROOM furnished fiat. 126 E. 20th st. South. Walk, upstairs flat janitor. l.Ur,n. ..... - -. .,.! phone; .-rl.'UV 4-rontll furnish it Hut. Vertion avenue, near A Iberia sl ,,1-nvniK rnnms. hlh. $26. ."0 J'JIITiO; 1 large room, kitchenette. $23. 402 Park. Housekeeping Koon,. ARC!B room and "i," r""'A udlllts. ... iifr in,,,, i". - - 424 K:tst 3Slh si. N.irth. W KI.L furnished housekeetiinir rooms I v ... ... r..l.l.Mie. 321 Hugene ,t ".V light, heat. bath, phone. B. : i.V ... . . . .ll.xrn U 1.(1 nOUSCR, Mti. ml 1 slewing rooms. t- p h n ne Marahnll FiTr"n1s".Tki hounokMplnir room xrl? heat, electric lights, phone and bath, lu 17th nt.. cor. Johnson. fVt furnish houkplin room fn suite. 1fo initio H. K. room. 1U4 Tint nt.. cor. Taylor. iTTTl NKKKEPIN aparlnnrit. rurnisn-xi, "ni5cru and cJean: no children. 047 Gli- IiUVISHKD housekeeping and sleeping for rent. t23 Cor be U L Mam rooms tor rcnu 1222. FOUR fine, unfurnished rni,fftin with running water. 163 Mrsl. rooms corner Morrison. nTftY front room snd kitchenette . reason able. 170 Chapman st.. (cor. 1Mb) cloe to Morrison. ma-;agK and furniture moving, quiek service Phone B. 401. Alert TranMer Co., 425 Stark st. LOVELY front houiekecplng rooms. ItM Park st. . . TWO rooms, neatly furnished: walk ing distancejtMj E. Burnside. cor, blh. T-WOHOITFEKEEPING RUUM.s A ZM HA WTHORNE. BUKNSA HT8. fOfurnlshed' rooms In basement 590 Clay st. ' LIGHT housekeeping rooms; low prices. Call Tabor 1026. 3-ROOM suite. $24; also 2-room suite, $16. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, first floor, clean; rent reasonable. 549 6th. 1 OR 1 furnished 23d. housekeeping rooma ill w. COMFORTABLY furnished, modern 1 and 2-room rl. n.. suite. at mru. TWO nicely furnished housekeeping moms. clean ana cneap. in .orio inn nrwi. H. K. ROOMS. 84 Glisan st. pnone Mar shall V.U. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, $20 a month. 04 layior m. . LA RG B rooms, ground floor ; taken. 4:rj jeTierson m. TO RENT 2 rurnisnca nousekeeping rooms, "flW. mm ootn ave. n. i 3 ROOMS Electric light, water and gas. FOR BENT. Housekeeping Koenas. TWO-ROOM FT. KTsuit. onrelnKle 1L iL or sleeping room, hasted, slsctricity, sto and cold water in every room, cisaa an comfortnble; 2 blocks from MoDliomarf and 14th st. W. Children tskeo. I.a onble rent. ftOI Harrison. Home ftls-IS. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping apt of 4 rooms, cWaii, lr trie MfhLs an4 gas. for $12 per month; other spri ments from $6 to $a per month at 57 k First st. WALK IN ij dixtanca, TWO larf house keeping rooms, STRICTLY modm JBEAl TirUL neighborhood; bachelors or worKlng girls; MO Including everything but ga. 851 Went Park. FOR RENT 3 furnished light housekeep ing rooms, $.1.50 per week, 1 iarge hon keeping room. $A per week : 1 apt., ground floor, private en trance, 1.1 pr month. 3-U 3d (. THE HOME COMFORT. IfW Sherman at. Strictly clean, completely furu. house keeping rooms, $3 wek and up, Includ ing kiis rantce, hot wat:r, r I ret no ii hts laundry room. Marshall 3D:;. THE BEAVER, 12th and Mamnail: fur- niched bousekeeplng room, $1 up. In eluding gas range, hot water, eiertrt lights, laundry room. Broad a? a". RE A SON A RLE, neuit. large outaidn houw Ktnjjijr and sleeplne. reomn. CU Sun day. Kant hull. 2m Crosby sL. Dwr Hrosdway bridge. $4.50 PER IVK, up, completely furninliM housekeeping suilew; every convenience; save car tare. The Cadiliao ed iU near Jcfferton. CLEAN, lane 1, 2 and .Vronm il. K. apt.. t-.o to $4.50 per week Ins Alta Vtata. 44 I'ett8rovs, cor. iih, i'huae Broad way 3."V40. FURNISHED IL K. room on 34 floor. clone in, west aide location. $1 per week. Everything furnished. in ludill- cooking ga. 1 .1th. Main "20. li. K, ROOM and kitchenette, around floor. Free phone, beat, bath and parking pace lor your auto. i-u. li'i lath au, cor. Taylor. Main "KtV FOR RENT Tiro lars-e houaekeen'ns rooms on front, also 1 large room wiifc kit-lientte; clcsu and close in. 4-4) Y.mhlll mu LA HiiK 2-room hoiinekeeplng rutfe, sitiKlfl houitekerpitig rootna; walking din tame. 2fi ivsAt lorrion. 1 all alter P. M. t'Olt KENT-4 unfurnished hon keeping mom. $11. No children. ftJUt Ml. WHiikle rl. EXTKA large hounekrfpinn room; well furnished: adulia only, 24 N, 17th at, corner of AVashmgion. TAVO nicely furnished hnusr keeping room with running ater, cluse la. Cail Brokti- ny :.-.m. CJKAN, light H. K. room. hot. red water In room, $1n per uio. 14 Btoul cor. 20i h and Morrimn. LAlUih room and kitchenette, flrt floor, single roroms, very reaaonable. i Klutiflfpn. HOTEL OHIO 4 -ian transient, ii. H room, reawonnhie; hot and col4 itr( team hiai. 2lMi'4 Front, cor. Madiaon, Vo U KENT- 2 - mo in fur n 7thi apu saiking dlKtam e. 'tor. of 16th aud Mill, Mu in .Mill. J- I KMS1I Kli fiiHir. 'j'.:t hotnekeep.ng rooms. Kith st first TWO front rooms, elect rlc Ijvrhu. gu range l ouplt-. I'rice j0. 4lh st. FOR KKN'T 1 slntiinrTiTnianTd nor keap" ing room. 222 l-ili tor. htlnmn. Housekeeping Koom In Prttate) rnmllr. Sf ITU of housekeeping rooms, running w tcr. with bent. 1 pi tic 'it houar- kecping room. $12. 174 13tn su corner of Vim. hill. LKAI TIFI'L IKiMK, .1 laiqe alrv corner H. K. rins ; -sell f urnl"i,tl, living room with davnport; bedroom I mut I ful ly fur-nl-hed: kltchon, with kam rang.-; wstT. liKht and phone, frte. rnme early. 11 li K 1 Tti h S, cor. of Kmerson. IN tnodrrn bung alow, S furtiiehrd II. K. rooma suit a hie fur mother and daugh ter employetl or two IhII-h, pleasant; home privilfgra. Hawthorne tar. 2t& K. 32d st. Mn Kl'HMMIEI) room with lar; slerp- itig porch; umiMiiMtly tlnni , kH h-n Htnl break f.int-rootn prlhcKcs; heat. liKht, gits, phone; rt-fcrrnct-s. gott Pelty- cne. Hdrt-v. M'l TiiUi;E large, light rooms, electric Itrhls, telephone, gas and lutth, handy to thre cur I men u) Clinton st., near lilh. S. 11 wood 3H. '2 NIKLV furnished laige front rooms with kitchenette. $ blcfks from Moirl son st., facing park. Couple rmpln ed preferred, tall alter 10 A. M. 2'i Wtmt Park st. K K KENT Two furnished rooms tr llsht heiisekeeping, suitable ftr four. 4Jt 3d st., corner Hail. Phone Mala Ns.tn. NEWLY furniwlipii K rn.iinn, complete lot tiouM'keepitiK ; aingle or 2 anil :t roim; hot U'r, dine And sel :l ouri, op tl Smidwy. .nS 'lay. NK'KI.Y fuxniehe.l hoi. k. 1 "-" Monroe mi. Phone W '"nil or phonf" allrr 10 o ,H tit lO'ilH". m1 In w n 02. i' k. USH clean, pi'inint hitusek tilug mi pi 'iSll nt modern, walking distance, lal pict- T' KrtKt 7P7. h TKMSHKU 11. K. room and ktli h- et te. newly t Ini ei, hi ar iS. P. alio adults only. Sell, JIN.', KOlt KENT 2 or 3 fur nm lied or unfur- polled lioim.-Keepiug rooms, phone, light, g.iS. water free. Phone 027-2U. NP 'ELY furnished II. K. rooms; furnace heat, hot and cold water. Ii l t n. al Yamhill. 2 block from Alcaxsr tlie.ler. ji;HT houseaeeping rooniH for rent. 17t Stout st.. n ar 2Uth and Morrison. Mar shall ln!. .AKHK. welf-furniahed room in owner! modern tiotne ; adults . iioiin.k fpiuiti prlv. 2I. Ulh sLPhone Main t NICELY furnished housekeeping apt. Em ployed people preleirea, waiKing uis tame. 55 N. 20th. RCXVM.R, suitable for 3 or 4 people; else single rooms; will take ehii 147 N. Ulh st. Broadway 2M4. cheap dren. LARGE, clean 1 and 2-room houegeepii.g niDtiiH, beautiful ground", walking dis x w st gl0- I:a N 1 lt'h FI KNIS11E1) room and hath, kitchen prlvllege, in a very nice home; no chit dre n. Wood I awn 5;i NI;K furiilshiNj housekeeping room with or without gsrage; te;i o.able. 877 E. Iuvls. near Mil, East K70U. pr nish ei housekeeping rooms; adults only. 41 W. Park st. 1 abr SH7. PCHNISIIEU basenient rooms for II. K ele tricity. kms, steel range, $ 15 niu. 328 flay st. ) TWO furnished housekeeping' rooms, ess. running water, pmaie Pain. upiiHiis, 5 1 t. V. Puh North, near Prep. ot st. WOUKI.Vl class. 2 lars rooms, fireplac. running aater. sink, gas range, oar window. $20. 40ft Clay st. TWO newly furnished housekeeping loom. clean, out.-ld; gas, eiec., uam, iniieu 324 Js kon. Ail'iACE and furnttur moving. pheint Hroad way 42. Alert Transfer. M.. V KKVTHIMI furnished, furns- " h L Two rooms niredy furnished. 4i."i i is v. NKl'KNISMEU housfketping room. 4-4 North 24th St. See M Musk, ( 3-1 i. WO housekeeping rooms at 7i3 llonseven Phone .Marshall 4M AlY. employed, can have nlee furmrhed room for hou-ekee-ping Ta nor I KMSIIKI) II. K. rooma. eleam heaU snoiiuhle. Woodlawn OV.tA. 10.1 mnin KA I.Y furnished II. K. room, near Hroad- hrldge. 4X4 I Jtrrat-ee. n,arl4VM li K EE rooms, upper flour, gas. elet- trl.nv, 2Q. .Tin isy st s T t 'T ij. HtMiM, furnlslied, for II K ; Deo 11 1 e prtieried. i2."i Maralu employed 11 si. SINGLE room. 1 2-room apt., elect, light. tel., gas. Hdwy. .Zis. HfCEE light housekeeping rooms In pH- ale family. S2.'. .rtU HNmoiu. r,. mi. pT UN ISH El front rooms near bai h, closel s. "iH E. Sa.lmon. Kast l . H K ROOM S, furnished, close to car. Call East s"Ui Sunday lor Mrs, Nurveii. Ndl.K If. K, room, well furnished, 4.HO Jefferwon, light. lhone. '0. HMSHKl bouaekeeplng rooma, cloae 105 E. 11th, Fl'JlMSHEli room with privileges. TON E. Klsnde hotisekseptng s. K gst: TW( blight housekeeping rooms, rmason- wble. :.2 N. 2.M. 2 LliiHT houaekecpiug roomi, $14. 4J1 K. Ankeny st. 2 OK Kl'RNISHKI H K. rooms, private family. 4 301 2 1 h t . m 34 SALMON Very desirabl ground floel room, furnished fur housekeeping, NEWLY furnished H. K. rooms near Uroad way bridge, 44 Lsrrabee. Kast MI4. KOl'R large furnished rooms, reasonable. 647 Kast 26th si H. Call after 4 P M. lioi.SKKEEPI.Ntl roont, one or two lad tea, phone, piano. 2M Clay st. H tl'SEK EEPI NO room for one man close In: 4U2 4th st. Marshall aor.fl. THREE furnished housekeeping; room, electricity, bath, close In. Mt hi ctHk U llf H'SKK EEPIN t rooms reasonshle. Cotu-h, block off loth snd Washington. TWO newly furnished housekeeping rooma 20 East loth St.. corner Ash sweet. &LN0LJS houttkeei'.ua looua. 211 liLh f; 1 i vi -