h' .; -- . . , v - -f . '.... J. ' . ' j i TIIE SUNDAY OREG ONI AX, PORTLAND, MARCH 7, 1920 .) - J I :' 'J :J . . v. - - I . i .. .V- ,i -; : -'-xl WAMKD-AGE.VT8. W ACEXTS WANTED AT ONCE FOR MITCHELL'S MA'HC MARbU WASH ING ruMPOUND. tOOei PROFIT. ENORMOUS REPEAThR Waohffl clothes clean in ten minutes. Opt- thousand uses in every home. As tounds and d'-IUhts woman. Nothing elae like IU Nature's mightiest clean er Contains no lye. lime, acid or wax. r temples furnished to boost sales. "Wo pnsittvelv guarantee the al of every packane. Exclusive territory. Own your wn business. You cannot tail to make big money. Barber. Ohio, made wmi last month. Send for free sample and proof. Hurry, hustle, grab this wance. 1 Mitchell & Co.. Desk 76. 131;: 1314 K. tilst, Chicago- V, A NT E D Ca n v asse rs to handle our ex tensive line ot superior nursery stock in manv of the best fruit sections of this taie; capable men are making lan?e ea.riiincs: demand n-ver greater; sell ins experience helpful, but not essen tial: complete supplies furnished; refer ences required; now Is the time; ad dre;$ OREGON NURSERY CO., Orenco, Or. AGENTS iiest seller; Jem rubber repair for tires and tubes; supersed-s vulcani zation at a saving of ovtr suu per cent, put it on cnld. it vulcanizes itself In two minutes, and is guaranteed to last tne hr. of the tire or tube; sells to every auto owner and accessory dealer. r or purlieu iars huw to make big money and free sample, address Amazon Lubber .n. Vhi'ii.ih.hiii Fa.. Dept. MAKE $-1 to $3 per hour selling and ap v.oirtitm' sub-:ix;ts to sell guaranteed made-to-measure Rainroats. Boston a pent made $t;-j.y first week. John Thanes ls- Lioeral commission in ail tiince. no dUvfcv. Expt-rience unneces Kirv. We train you. Write today. ou an' just in ti.ne for spring business. The Lihtrtv K.iineoat company. Dept. W J-t, Dayton, Uhio. TRAVELING bv auto, sell to dealers, guar antced Simplex Puncture-proof Tubes. Tir- compete auto accessory sales case. White's pronts J1S0 first week; $41- first month. If you ar live wire you can duplicate above. Write us. giving " reierenccs. Simplex Tube & Tire t o., KTiC-tM So. Vermont ave., Los Angeles, Cal. Ql ITWoTTrYING over labor unrest, make dailv eailv retinifhing bra. bvds. ' autos, chandeliers; new method; light work; no looses; no capital: no experi ence required; vast amount of work readv In vour city; you hire others: profit on their work. Free particulars and proofs. Ounmetal Co.. 33 tun. De catur. 111. - GENERAL anent wanted to covert(iar-c r.rtir.n of wistern Oregon under liberal first year and renewal commission con tract. on:y men of highest integrity and demonstrated ability will bo con videred. If vou are in this ciass we would be glad to negotiate. ya?1 Life Insurance Co., Gatco bldg., l'orl laud. Or. . Ad-KVTa-.tiiA we-klv and automobile furnished acnts everywhere iutroduc ins marvelous new automobile inven tmn. Doubles efficiency and lite of any car Stages its cost firt day. Territory Romg like wildfire. I- sample outfit lree. Ovee Company, Dept. ii4, Louia viUe, Ky. PAPKKS1EN. We have an attractive propoFition for experienced papermen in Colo.. Wyo.. Mont.. Utah, Idaho and New Mexico all or write We.stern Farm Life, 1.18 Court IMac- Denver, Colo., or see John I Daly, in charge of Salt Lake City oifice. 10 000 MTLES instead of -WO: no more b.owouts; !irc less punctures; every car owner waitins for wonderful new tlre naving d.- ice; low cost; liberal profits; ales guaranteed; details free; act nui'-k. American A :.-evrits Co.. Dept. 10--N. Cincinnati, t'hio . Vk start "you in business, furnishing everything; rmn, women, opportunity of lit.nhne to earn 530 to l00 weekly op erating our -NVw System" .Specialty Candy factories, home, anywhere; book let tree. Kagsdala Co., Box S, Eaat Orange, N. J. - fcKI.L Mexican diamonds in your spare time Be-iutifu! pocket sample case makes-sales on Blent. Have rainbow lire t penuiii" diamonds; fool experts. Stand Writ,. toil:v. .Utt hi Diamond Importing Co., IIoj Laa Cruces, New Mexico. , lC.KNTS $4 a day. Yes! Swnnson made lr, nr Tnakiiiir JOO week- $4.s one da Write for our oiler to agents and catalogue. In business years, i nou vands ot agents. Write at once Rogers Tliurnian Co., Jewelers, Depu So'J Alall ers bldg.. Chicago. lVieNTS a week to travel by auto-m.-biie and introduce 30u candle power cual oi! lantern for farmers, dairymen, hucksters, gardeners, contractors, etc. We furnish the auto Tree. Write for par ticulars. Thomas Mfg. Co., 8411 fust s-t., Dayton, O. $30 W E K K L Y taking orders I ast-sel ling Coodvear rafncoais; hundreds of orders waiting, $L'..-nt an hour, we deliver and collect; sample coat Ire; write for agencv. Co,.)vear Atfp. Co.. Dept. 9."H3, i;oodyear bldg., Kan?aa C 1 1 y . AJ o. A'iKXTS $- "'0 an hour selling guaran teed waterproof kitchen apron; needs no laundering; Fell to every home: dainty, durab.e, economical; big money; sam ple tree. Thomas Apiu Co., iyia Camp t.. Dayton, O. CnKWl.Wi gum, everybody buys; popular price. Wonderful repeater, complete line; you ilon t need experience. A big win ner. Write quick for free sample and otter. Helmet Co., Palace bldg., Cin cinnati, O. BE a tire agent, make big money; guar anteed 3ox3J- Non-Skid cost you 10.30 fwll lor $ 1 7.30; other sizes. No invest ment required; we ship as you sell. Dept. 11, Sprague, lhl Downey st., San Frau ci.eo, Cal. AGENTS New guaranteed hosiery propo sition for mm, women and children ; nrnrt wear 12 months or, replaced free; $3 an hour for s-;iare time; steady work; samples free . Newstyie Hosiery Co., 37 ID Ames st., Dayton, O. WANTED Capable Christian woman, re fined and motherly, with husband, son or daughter employed, to rent cosy su burban home and care for invalid owner. Near best carlines. good garden spot; terms arranged. Ta bor44. . AGENTS) Reversible 2 In 1 raincoat and spring topcoat; new, never on market before: credit given: outfit free. Milton Raincoat Co., 541M Marne st.. Dayton, O. AGENTS Our sonp ana xoiiet article plan Is a wonder. Get our free sample case offer. Ho-Ro-Co 117 Locust. St. Louis. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED GIRL T ASSIST WITH COOKING A N D GENERAL HOUSE WORK. CALL MAIN liUCl. WAN TED-Two women for outdoor sell ing; $40v weekly ; fine time now for our work. C 4H. Oregonian, WANTED Girl to assist with house work, stay home nigtus. 407 Clay St., Main 3So4. WANT experienced maid for light work, from o P. M. t P. M. Nortonia bote4. No phone calls. GOOD penman for addressing, permanent position; $40 month to start; five phone number. H 3S, Orefcunlan. WANTED Refined, middle-aged lady for housekeeper and nurse to adult In pleas ant, modern home. Tabor 13S0. HOUSEKEEPER by young man in coun try; no objection to a child. T 48, Ore gonian. WANTED Monday morning, first-class stenographer. Gay nor Lumber Co.. 1109 Y eo nb idg. WANTED Young woman to sell plants on the market; good hours, steady work. M 32, Oregonian- ELDERLY lady for helper and companion in home; email-wages. 5394 Vancouver a v enue. WANTED Girl or woman to attend store and children. 127S Belmont sU WANTED Experienced chambermaid. $60 per month. Broadway hotel. . WANTED Competent cook, good wage. - Mrs. Franklin T. Griffith, tel. East ul9. WOMAN for light housework and com panion for elde rly lady. East 3&06. t REFINED girl to work by hour in after noon to care for child. Main 5ti50. WANTED Experienced millinery maker at Madame Bourret. 347 Morrison at. WANTED Housekeeper, 3 in family, io small country town.PhoneSell. 2087. JAM) lroners wanted. Yale Laundry Co., ftOO E. Morrison. WANTED Experienced seamstress In dressmaking shop. 207 Tiiford bldg. WANTED Woman, good rwstry cook, for camp worK. J 40. Oregonian. yiRST-CLASS marker and sorter at once. Centralia Laundry. Centralis, Wah. WANTED A chambermaid. Olympia Ho tel. Phone Broadway 11. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, good home and good wages to right party. Tabor 3465, GIRL wanted for general housework, four in family, modern home. Call Tabor "973. TRADE school girl or woman to assist In sewing Saturday. G 21. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED chambermaid at 602fc Washington st. ViXTSHER on. gowns, also errand girL 203 Rlvoll bldg.. 103 Park sL WANT woman to cook on ranch: n ob- jactlonto child. Tabor 731. SCHOOL girl, help with housework for home.. Wdln- f84fl. HELP WANTED FEMALE. DO YOU WANT TO EARN A GOOD SALARTf A salary that Is paid while yoo learn the business that increase frequently aa you gain experience.? pO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH TELEPHONE OPERATING EMPLOYES EARN? And wtat excellent opportunities they have for promotion to execu tive positions? WHY NOT OBTAIN THE FACTS? Our employment supervisor will gladly tell you the facts and wui also explain the many other ad vantages of telephone operating for young women. Apply a Telephone Cemnany, Room 601 6th Floor Telephone Building. Park and Oak Streets. The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph Company. WE HAVE just placed 1,6 comptometer operators in positions in this city; w.e low need 10 more students to fill heir vacancies in our school, as we have placed more operators since running this first ad. Course cost you $40 and takes about 8 weeks. Girls must not be oer 2r years. Call ai3 Morgan bldg. See Mis Frank. WANTED FOR" TeRMANBNT. GOOD PAYING POSITION. YOUNG AD x S T E X O G K A P H K R. ONE EXPE RIENCED IN GENERAL OFFICE RoL T1NE AND CAF'AHLE OF KANDLING SOME CORRESPONDENCE. IN AN SWERING GIVE KXPEH1K.SC AND TKLEPHONM NUMBER. W 4o, ORL GON I A N. Mv new classes in scientific treatment of the scalp and skin are just starting. The demand for specialists in this line by far exceeds the supply. I guarantee positions to my graduates. Mme. Pat tenaude, 411 Beck bldg. Hours 8:30 to U1RL FOR VAUDEVILLE. BIG ACT, STEADY WORK, SALARY EXCEL LENT; MIST BE GOOD LOOKING. A PPIjY AT ON'E FRED THOMAS, HOTEL RiTZ. CITY. W ANTED First-class saleslady for ready-to-wear department In eastern Oregon town; state experience and present sal ary, if employed ; references. AV 3S7, Oregonian. WANTED Competent bookkeeper with wholesale lumber experience;-out of town position with progressive firm; state ex perience and wages. Address AV 377, Oregonian MILLINERY trimmers, makers and sales ladies wanted for city and out-of-town poistions at once: good salaries: some permanent positions. Apply Lowengart & Co, 11 N. Broadway. SALESLADY who desires to better her financial condition, with confidence in her own ability to work on a commission basis. J 37, Oregonian. EXPE 1 1 1 E NC ED marker and sorted; steady employment; give full particulars as to age. experience and wages wanted in first letter. Yakima Steam Laundry, Yakima, Wash. STENOGRAPHER Knowledge of Insur ance and accounting desirable; state ex perience and salary expected. Address M 31, Oregonian. MILLINERY MAKERS. Good wages, light airy workroom. Hinz fe Landt. Inc. iiSJ Market St., San Francisco. WANTED Dictaphone operator, with lumber experience for out-of-town posi tion. Salary fare paid. Apply The Dictaphone. 40 Spalding bldg. WANTED Applications of women. 21 to 33, to work in woodworking factory at Su Johns. Steady work and good wage. G 7, Oregonian. WANTED Names girls, women, 18 up, wishing government office position; $1140 fiist year. Answer immediately, A V j:ta. Oregonian. ANY GIRL in need of a friend apply to The Salvation Army Rescue Home, May fair and Alexander ata. Phone Main 3430. DM car. ATTENTION. LADIES. A large assortment of exclusive styles m buckram, net and wire hat frames. La France Hatters. 72 Morrison st. MIDDLE-AGED woman, good cook; must be able to handle kitchen; no objection to child, school age, or husband; country hotel; good wages. AV 30, Oregonian BRIGHT GIRL for stenography, switch board and general office work. State age. experience and salary. C 552, Ore gon ian. WANT a good honest housekeeper or cook on ranch or farm; nice place, good big house; miles, near city. John Tucker, Route 2, Box 17-A, Oregon City, Or. LADY to live In apartment house, close In; take care or widower s apartment nignt and morning; $-0 per month. F 43. Ore gonian. CLEAN, industrious woman for pantry work and cleaning In private hospital : permanent position, good wages. 617 Kearn ey st. WANTED An experienced waitress, good wages, room and board. Mallory hoiel, 171 Lownsdale. WANTED Woman to assist chef on pastry, mornings, about day. Apply to chef before 11 A. M.. 348 Alder st. BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, $100; secretary $100 to $123; dictaphone opera tor. $90, $100. 301 N. W. Bank bldg. BRIGHT GIRL for general office work. Keply slating age, experience ana ref erences. L 38, oregonian. WILL teach intelligent, steady girl or woman for housework and tend store; good wages to s tart. AO 210. Oregoni a n. WANTED Competent woman to do plain cooking. 2 meals a day; no baking. Ap ply 14 East 7th at. EXPERIENCED operators on men's shirts; also helpers and examiners. Shlrek & Son Co.. 311 rine. oeiween otn and Bth. THE Florence Crittenden Home is ready to help any girl In distress. 965 East Gliaan. "MV" car. East 31& , SUITABLE person for housework, 2 to 0:15. Sunday excepted. Permanent. 317 Eugene. , EXPERIENCED power machine operator for matress factory; union wages. Call 67 N. Union. WANTED An experienced chambermaid. Apply Nortonla hotel, 11th and Stark etreeis. WANTED Waitress, no short orders. Ap ply 3S0 Tenth, corner Montgomery, phone Marshall 123L WANTED Graduate nurse, capable taking full charge of maternity hospital; state experie-nce. N 30, Oregonian YOUNG girl in need of a friend wishes to assist with house where there is no chil dren; wages $20. Mar. 4779. wXNTEDYoang lady stenographer and general office clerk. Apply 9 A. M, 220 U. S. N. Bank bldg". WANTED Attractive girls, sixes 16 to 40, to mdel hats and dresses, Elson Mtg. Co., 453 'A Washington st. WORKING GIRL for roommate, dose in, east side apt, house. 3 rooms bath and phone, $20 each. Oi 46, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED SALESLADIES. J C. Penney t:o.. toucn oiag. WANTED Girls to learn cnorus steps; even i u b .im - wiu. MILLINERY makers and trimmers wanted. , t Aivun v art A Cn. Ayf'J " EXPERIENCED waitress wanted at 24 N. 2d st. . WELL-EDUCATED jirl wanted for filing, work in an office. W 81, Oregonian. WANTED First-class milliner; give ref erences. Newberg, Oregon, Box 282. WOMAN wanted for pantry work, short hour?. University club. 6th and Jefferson. YOUNG lady of neat appearance for win dow demonstration. 156 Broadway. WANTED Dtninc-room girL Call Wdln, 2716. , CoOK wanted for country hotel. Call East 7078. GIRL wanted, Ptnuy Arcade, 26 North TjurO, AW , , HELP WANTED FEMALE. t WANTED GIRL 18 TEARS OF AGE AS OFFICE MESSENGER. INSIDE EMPLOYMENT. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOB AD VANCEMENT. APPLY CHIEF OPERATOR WESTERN UNION TELEGRAPH CO.. 5TH FLOOR WORCESTER BLCL. 3D AND OAK. DEPENDABLE younc women want ed for steady factory work. Apply 14th and Front sts. American Can Co. HOTELS NEED TRAINED WOMEN AU departments; big demand evei ywhere for high-class women; past experience unnecessary; we train you for big-paying, dignified positions and put you in touch with live opportunities; hundreds of new hotels, clubs and apartment houses opening; shortage of department heads and executives f.cute; write at once for particulars, Lewis Hotel Train ing School, denk 1413,' Mather bldg., W-ashington, D. C. "GIRL." "GIRL." "GIRL." "WANTED PIANO PLAYER." Amateur, pianist, for vaudeville act. Must have refinement, looks, etc. ; one who can sing, but not necessary. Big time vaudeville act. Will coach, train, until ready for tour. Only amateur need apply. Calne, roo:ii 205, Hits hotel. Ap poiutment made by letter or phone. EXPERT file clerk; must have had good experience in handling a mass of cor respondence, memoranda and follow-up cards; saiary according to ability and experience. Write P. O. box 723. Give full particulars and experience, positions held (confidential), age, phone number for appointment, when able to commence work urgent) and salary desired to start. V 34. Oregonian. THE University Society of New York. In its child study department, wants three capable women, between 28 and 45. to travel in desirable territory. Splendid opportunity for those who would like to be identified with a permanent child welfare movement. Position pays $25u0 per year to those qualified. For par ticulars call at 315 Couch bldg. WANTEDAN EXPERIENCED CLOAK AND SUIT SALESLADY. MUST HAVE REFERENCES. NONE OTHER NEED APPLY'. I O 42, OREGONIAN. WANTED Hundreds girls, women, 18 up, $100 to $100 month. U. S. government; permanent positions, experience unneces sary. Common education sufficient. List positions open free. Write immediately. Franklin Institute. Dept. 703 B, Roches ter, N. Y. EXPERIENCED operators on power sew ing machine on coats, pants and piay suits; aiso will teach a few bright girls. Experienced hand-sewer on factory ni'ide coats; also a woman for janitor work. Mount Hood Factory, 23 Couch, corner lid. HOTELS NEED TRAINED WOMEN Big demand for high-salaried executives, past experience unnecessary; we train you by mail and put you in touch with big op portunities. Write at once fpr partic ulars. Lewis Hotel Training School, desk 1418, Washington, D. C WANTED Competent young lady vTth ex- peiieoce hi uouKneepini; mr pvsinuu tii Medford. Or.; salary $100, position per manent if service satistactory. Address, stating age. married or sringle, refer ences and last employer. Eldridge Dairy Products Co., 247 Ash St., Portland. WANTED A girl just out of business col lege who is bright, neat, quick and wants permanent position as tedephoin operator ard filing clerk with some stenographing ana typewriting; a good opportunity for general office training. Coast Culvert & Flume Co. AN ATTRACTIVE, capable and intelli gent woman who is desirous to associate herself with one of the best corporations in the state, we offer best inducement; must be well acquainted and able to present proposition in an intelligent man ner. Call 727 Chamber of Commerce bldg. WANTED Middle-aged lady for house keeper for three adults; no woman boss; girl going to school. Call Sunday at 372 E. Clay at.. Liberty apartments, apt. 8, on first floor, and arrange salary suit- a b le. WANTED A reliable surgical nurse for a small hospital out of town, also a good sensible woman to work among chil dren. For particulars and salary apply to St. Agnes' Convent of Mercy, Park Place, Or. STENOGRAPHER in downtown lumber of fice, preferably one with some lumber experience, but will accept one able to take dictation reasonably and accurately and with real ambition to learn business. Address, with details, X 35, Oregonian. WANTED Girl, stenographer, with ability and initiative; excellent opportunity for one desirous of a permanent position with reputable corporation ; state mini mum salary expected and how soon can start work. M 49, Oregonian. WOMEN S Protective Division, located at room 30Q Police Headquarters, 2d and Oak sts.. will furnish Information, give protection and assistance free to women and girls. Interviews confidential. YOUNG lady stenographer, 25 or over, fast and capable, able to take dictation rap idly, also help with other work around stenographic room; good salary. Begin Apr i 1 1. T 50, Oregonian. WANTED Y'oung lady as telephone oper ator; must be able to use typewriter and also write plain hand. P 21, Ore gonian. WANTED Refined woman or girl to work in confectionery store. Apply Kunkel's confectionery, E. 80th and Stark sts,, Montavllla. WRITE THE WORDS FOR A SONG, we write music and guarantee publish er's acceptance; submit poems, patriotic, love or any subject. Chester Music Co., 920S. Mtcuigan, suite 2024, Chicago. SALESLADY who desires to better her financial condition, with confidence in her own ability to work on a commission basis. J 37, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced stenographer; uiuBL ue rapiu anu accurate; state expe rience and salary expected. AP 110, Oregonian. WANTED Housekeeper In small famiiy. Must be neut and able to do plain cook ing. Give references and state salary expected. G 43, Oregonian. $3.50 PER DAY paid one lady in each town to distribute circulars for Economy non-alcoholic flavorings; permanent po sition. F. E. Barr Co., Chicago. BUSINESS firm needs a woman over 30 who Is capable and trustworthy; not of fice work; permanent if satisfactory; ref erences. O 21. Oregonian. WANTED By married man as working foreman on ranch by -year, experienced stockman; also apple and fruit. L 24, Oregonian. WRITE photoplays. $25-4300 paid for suitable ideas; experience unnecessary, complete outline free. Producers' League, 469 St. Louis. LADIES Do hemstitching at home, all or spare time, attachment fits any ma chine, $2.50 prepaid; agents wanted. E. Stephenson, box 135, Kansas City, Mo. WANTED 2 or 3 girls or ladies not over u ior store work; good salary to right parties. Call after 1 o'clock Sunday. 242 Salmon. $25 WEEKLY, spare time, writing for newspapers, magazines; exp. unnec. ; de tails free. Press Syndicate, 175 St, Louis. WANTED A high school girl a few hours arter scnooi, a or 4 times a week. Call alter xu bh., ool i.ast Davis. MILLINERY makers wanted, good wages; girl to line hats. Elsie. Trimmed Hat CQm 225 Beck bldg. Broadway 4393. STENOGRAPHER with office experience, Preferably in tire Insurance. 2S4 Oak at. arshall 75G. THOROUGH experienced millinery sales lady; highest salary paid; no others need apply. Vogue Millinery, 385 Alder. WANTED A reliable middle-aged woman to do chamberwork. Apply to matron at Y. M. C. A. Monday after 8:30 A. M. WANTED Girl for general house work, good home and wages. 730 Overton, phone 55-697. WANTED Young lady, rapid typist; must be good penman, for general office work. BC 340, Oregonian. GIRL to work In dairy store; one that can do some bookkeeping preferred; $60 per momn. -v oregonian. LADY wishes lady companion for even- nn unrlfr SO v i V 24. Oroo-onia n ' WANTED Dining room girl. 1751 Derby. Phone Woodlawn uio. WANTED Competent cook, avenue. 453 Vista WANTED Dressmaker's apprentice. 608 Pittoc kbl c k. HOUSEKEEPER or maid for two adults, good wages. Phone East 2612. MISS MATTTNGLYS Shorthand. Typewrit ing School, so mo. &wi4in ain ia3. MARKERS at once for Salem; good sal ary. Call at Multnomah Hotel laundry. YOUNG girl to help with baby, also light w ork. 43P uonpge sc. aiain i. UA0X teb MH ceAk 4-v HELP WANTED FEMALE. LOGGING CAMP WAITRESS WIND RIVER LUMBER CO. 13 OPENING ITS LOGGING CAMP AND WAITRESSES AND OTHER CAMP HELP WHO WORKED FOR THIS COMPANY LAST YEAR ARE INVITED TO CALL AT PORTLAND OFFICE, 1117 YEON BLDG.. FOR INFORMATION REGARDING OPENINGS. THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING STORE requires the services of competent wom en bookkeepers. Apply superintendent's office, 9:15 to 10:30 A. M. 301 RALETGk BLDG. " Cook for steamer. Cook, small crew. Cook, 20 boys. Waitress, out of town. $60. r. ana b. Waitress for camp, $50, r. and b. Girls for factory. Open Sunday. ATTENTION Reliable women and 8irjs can average 50c to $1 per hr., for steady pleasant home work, spare or full time, experience not necessary, just co-operate that's all, start at once. Send 50c for our co-operative daily cash repayers. etc.r to Vassar Co-operative Adv. Serv ice. 335 Clay St., Portland. WANTED Lady salesman for a high-class business; calling on bigh-clasw trade; good-looking, well-dressed ladies with good personality should earn not less than $500 per month, with promotion in sight; give phone number for appoint ment. I ti res on i an WANTED Refined young woman as work- capable of assisting in social matters; to be treated as member of family; must have character, health and pleasing per sonality, one who appreciates a splendid home life; no trlflers. V 28. Oregonian. IN CITY. 2 women not too old to work In Dig plant. 31c per hour up; steady work, 8 hours: pay every week Office open to day (Sunday). PORTLAND LAP.OR AGENCY, 11 NORTH SECOND ST. OLD-LINE life insumnoe company desires to communicate with Indies who are ambitious and willing to work hard for renl success. If you believe you can sell life insurance if given help by su pervisor, call or write W. E. Hibbard, 1205 Wilcox bldg.. Portland, Or. WANTED A woman to do general work in a small apartment; two in family. Must go home at nights. Good wages. Prefer someone living in the neighbor hood of 14th and Clay sts. Cal! Marshall 5739 after 1 P. M. . WANTED Reliable, refined, middle-aged woman to assist with light housework and help care for 2 children; good home for right person; references exchanged. Phone E. 729. COUNTER LADY AND TYPIST. Lady that can meet the public, handle complaints, etc.; prefer lady between 24 and 33. Give aire, reference, etc.; salary $15. L 28, Oregonian. A WOMAN or ability to manage and train a sales crew; salary and commission. Aoplv Monday between 10 and 3 2, 513 Dek um b ! d g.. Th i rd and Washington. ELDERLY lady to keep house and look after 5-year-old boy; good home; some w a tres; couple both work. 27514 Clay. Phone Main 553L - LADIES desirous of taking up the legiti mate stage as a profession with & com pany producing road shows. 1029 Chamber of Commerce. LADIES to distribute circulars and take orders for a new food product. $4 to $5 a day. Write today. American Products Co.. 36 . A me ri c an bldg.. Ci nclnnatl. O. WANTED Elderly lady to make her home with elderly lady for services. No wages. Hanson's Confectionery, cor. Union and Hoi lid ay. GIRL wanted with some experience In light groceries, confectionery and lunch es. Open store at 6 A. M. Hanson's Confectionery, cor. Union and Holliday. YOUNG lady with knowledge of bookkeep ing and stenography, insurance experi ence desira ble; give references and sal ary wanted. AB 111, Oregonian. AMBITIOUS, intelligent woman with sell ing experience, for educational or child training work; fine proposition to right party. Call East 848J for appointment. PITMAN ehorthand writer out of prac tice, desires to exchange services In regard to dictation with one in like po sition. Call E. 8057. EASTERN firm desires live saleswoman, pleasant work, weekly salary, bonus; state experience, references, phone. J 27, Oregonian. WANTED Three thoroughly experienced sa leshi dies for permanent positions at good wages. Apply in person. Bannon & Co., Oregon City. YOUNG ladv for billing In wholesale house. Underwood typewriter; must be quick .on machine; state experience and salnry. H 25. Oregonain. WORKING housekeeper for family, 3 adults, modern house, all conveniences, no washing; treated as one of family. Tabor 2L-39. WANTED Young lady to assist on books and able to take dictation, expert not necessnry. G 45. Oregonian. WANTED Competent party for cook and housework on ranch near Harrisburg. Call Tabor 9318. GIRLS wanted at once, light work. Columbia Paper Box Co., East 25th and Ifolladay ave. NEAT, strong1, middle-aged, home-loving woman to work for mother and daugh ter, rmall home. Main 6052. WA NTED Grain bag patchcr. Apply Pacific American Metal Co., 209 Front st reet. STENOGRAPHER, wholesale house; state experience, references and phone num ber. J 49, Oregonian. WANTED Nursemaid for 4-months-o!d babe. Apply 0S2 E. 16th st. N. Phone E. 5092 AN elderly lady to care for 3 children during the day, good home and small wages. East 8346. REFINED m'ddJe-afred lady, wishing good home to help with housework. Some remuneration. Call Monday,Tabor 2806. STRONG experienced girl for grocery and delicatessen. 382 3d St., cor. Mont gomery. WANTED Monday . morning. first-class stenographer. Gaynor Luimber Co., 1100 Yeon bldg. SCHOOL GIRL or one employed to assist with housework for room and board. H 40. Oregonian. A PRACTICAL nurse wanted, elderly wo man preferred. Phone before 12 M., Sell- wood 3V28. WANTED Good sight reading piano play er. Apply morning, F. W. Woolworth Co.. music department. WANTED Woman for cleaning house, neat, quick worker. 434 Morrison St., cor. 12th. WANTED Experienced second girl; refer ences required. Phone Main 1387, Port lnnd heights. WANTED Undergraduate nurse (hospital . trained) for permanent position. BF 626, Oregonian CAN use good saleslady In real estate of fice on commission basis. AG 703. Ore- gonian. Wanted Domestics, SWEDISH or German girl or middle-aged woman, not over 40 years, for light housework, in small family, good home and rood pay for right party. 444 Park street. GIRL for general housework and" help with children; one who desires good home; good wages. East 8174. 282 Mon roe st. WANTED Experienced . second maid; wages $50. Main 9173. NURSE girl to assist with housework from 8:30 to 6. Main 6781. WANTED Experienced cook, best wages. Telephone mornings. Main 4780. HOUSEKEEPER for out of town. CaJ Woodlawn 4138. GIRL wanted for general housework. 726 Kearney et. HOUSEKEEPER for widower's bome. 39, Oregonian. YOUNG girl to assist with housework: no h(n. 1913 F? K-t.nH.r. T..K A GOOD cook with reference.. 872 Kearney street. Bdwy. 402S. GOOD wajes to competent cook. Marshall 3654, 1240 Thurman. WANTED Competent irlrl for general housework. Irvinjton. Phone Eaat 2580. GIRL to assist with housework. Phone East 4803 - CAPABLE maid for general housework: no washing: tour In family, Woodlawn 1505. INTELLIGENT girl or woman for house work and auenasiore. iiu neraionl st. GIRL or woman to assist with children and upstairs work; $40. Main 538S. WANTED A. second maid; good wages. Bdwy. agio- O'J arney si. GIRL, general housework; no washing. Main 3137. ' GIRL for general housework, close In. Ap- ply 84 N. 20th at; Call Main 3124. GIRL to assist in housework, family three. Phone Wood'awn 2508. GIRL for general housework; two adulta. Main 7119. A YOUNG or middle-aged woman to do light housework. Call Sfar. 4443. GTKL for general housework, rt in family. Jk'Ul say tOO, tua Mala HELP WANTED FEMALE. Wanted Domestics. MIDDLE-AGED lady to keep house for myself and 4 children; one girl 11 years old and 3 boys, 13, 15 and 18 years old; the, house is modern; must be neat, clean, good cook and in good health. 1 will be in Portland Monday, the 8th, afternoon and evening, at the New Per kins hotel. Lee F. Smith. AN EXPERIENCED MAID. MRS. THOM AS D. HONEY MAN, 193 KING STREET. PHONE MAIN 2470. WANTED Experienced second girl for small family; good wages; references required. Phone Main 4045. WANTED First-class experienced cook for small family; good wages; references required. Phone Main 4645. TRAINED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUFE WORH, GOOD PAY AND REGULAR IN CREASE WITH LENGTH OF SERVICE; PLEASANT HOME, EASY POSITION. MRS. PERCY A. SMITH. 1S51 EAST 18TH ST. SOUTH. SELLWOOD 2506. RELIABLE person to take charge of chil dren, no other work required. Good home and wages to right party. Must have references. Apply or write Mrs. Little, 1853 Berkeley st. ACTIVE, experienced young woman, gen eral housework, cooking; no laundry ; family living in country. 20 miles from Portland; steady place; must have ref erences; $75 per month. AR 385, Ore-gonian- WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL TO DO COOKING AND GENERAL HOUSE WORK. CALL MAIN 2021. WANT girl to dq general housework, good home, every convenience. Woodlawn 6413. WANTED Experienced cook with refer ences to do cooking and downstairs work in family of three where nurse maid is kept; no washing or ironing; wages $60. O 0, Oregonlan: A REFINED woman to do light house keeping and act as companion to wife in home of young couVle. C. S. pre- lerrea. can sun any, piease. vi n. Maiket. Take Hawthorne car to 33d. WANTED An experienced gin for gen eral housework; must be good cook. Call mornings 581 Jackson St., Portland Heights. Main 2957 WANTED Reliable woman for general housework in small home. Modern con veniences. Good wages. Mrs. C. H. Wat zek, Wauna, Or. WANTED An experienced girl to do cook ing and general housework; no washing, no small children; good wages. 7u9 Flanders st. Phone Main 703. ELDERLY woman as housekeeper, one who wants good home more than big wages. 682 East 8th st. South. Phones Sellwood 2255. LADY to do general housework in good home, couple employed. Call Sundays or evening. Ill East oOtb. st. Mt. Ta bor caj COMPETENT girl for general housework and cooking; must be willing to go to Gearhart lor summer; give city refer ences; wages $75. AO 522, Oregonian. WANTED Experienced woman between the age of 25 and 40 for general house work on ranch; no laundry; wages $60 per month. Call Tabor 2702. WANTED Will give high-school girl nice home and some wages to help with housework and help care of children after school. 561 Alberta st. WANTED Competent woman for general housework; modern 5-room bungalow-; 2 In family; washing out. AN 174. Ore gonian. AN experienced girl for general housework In family of three In- small house. Tele r phone Main 6310. SHORT hours, assist with housework, 3 rooms, no Sunday work ; wages $40. Steiwyn, apt. 1, Main 52i)3. GIRL for general housework and assist with children; good home; good wages. 630 E. loth st., Irvington. East 6189. EXPERIENCED cook, with some little housework, 3 in family, keep second help. Wages $60. T 505, Oregonian. WANTED Schoolgirl to assist with light housework ftu room and board. Rose City Park. Tabor 8087. WANTED A neat young Japanese house keeper to do about three hours work daily. Call Main 457ft Sunday. GIRL to assist with general housework; time orr to suit; X3d. Call 401 Hassalo st., St. Johns car. BACHELOR wants housekeeper on ranch. state age ana wages expected. AV 301, Oregonian. WANTED An experienced second maid. Apply 103 19th st. N cor. Kearney. Bdwy. 2802. STOCK GIRL wanted, must be neat ap pearing and furnish best of references. The Famous, Park and Alder sts. WANTED A girl for downstairs worn and cooking: no washing. Main 4303. 1063 Thurman st, YOUNG girl to care for 2 school children and assist with light housework; no washing. 770 Kearney. WANTED A girl for general housework in small family. Phone Mrs. Oswald West, Marshall 8380. WANTED A middle-aged or elderly lady as housekeeper, light work, homelike. Apply 145 Grand ave. WOMAN for general houeewofte, small family, modern home; good wages. Tabor 6493. GIRL for general housework; gas furnace, electric washing machine. Phone East 1179 WANTED A middle-aged lady to assi.t with housework and cooking. Inquire 469 IS. Emerson or call Wdln. 1581. WANT girl for general housework; good wages: Sundays free. Apply mornlnge. Main556S. 828 Kearney st. WANTED Competent girl for general housework, good wages, small house and family. Tabor 1341. WANTED An experienced cook; refer ences required. Mrs. George Low, tele phone Main 7908. WANTED A competent girl for general housework In family of two; city refer ence. East 1025. 627 Knott st. COMPETENT girl or woman for general housework, 2 in family; good wages. 4S8 Main street, near xtn. jrnone Main 2734. WANT competent girl for general house work; gas furnace, electric washing ma chine. 250 King. Phone Main 6623. WANTED Good woman for light house work; good home for right party. Mar shall 1135 GIRL to assist with housework and care for children; no cooking or washing. Marshall 1796 832 Raleigh at WANTED Woman for genera! housework, no objection to one child; 3 adults. Write Mrs. J. R- Norton, Hood River, Or. rJTT? r. to assist in eeneral housework small family and care of 3-year-old child. 180 10th st., near xamniii. GIRL or woman 'for general housework go out of city; good wages; small family -vr r iv. VCED trirl for reneral house work; pleasant home, C. S. preferred. Tabor 6od. COMPETENT girl wanted 1207 E.- Fland ers sU, near 41st at East Flauders. Tabor 81138. WOMAN for general houpework and cook ing on farm; will consider boy over 12 years; gooa wmsca. iimic nw qia WANTED Girl to assist with general housework: 2 In family. Phone Main 94H9. NEAT housekeeper, small family, preferred. 1004 Brooklyn st. C. S. WANTED Young girl for cooking, small family. 67 North 17th. Broadway 2134. HLF WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. 1100 TO $150 MONTH, hundreds of open ings U. S. govt, positions, men. women. 18 up: experience unnecessary. list posi tions free, Franklin Institute, dept 374 B, Rochester. N. Y. i WOMEN or men wanted, salary 124, full time, &0c an hour, selling guaranteed hosiery to wearer. Experience unneces sary. International Mills, Norrbjtown, Pa. A COLLEGE student wanted for the sum mer -season for educational work; must have pleasing personality and be will ing to work; good .salary and commis sion. 1 Od. UICBUII...1. BOOKKEEPER WANTED To post books and prepare reports- for public service commission auu icuw.i uouiiii or part time. BF 529. Oregonian, LITHOGRAPH operators are in constant demand; will teach you and give you actual business experience. Call 512 Royal Plog- WANTED Competent party to do cook ing and housework on ranch near Harris burg. Good home for right person. AH 138. Oregonian. A CARVER, no Sunday work. Call Monday. - i Pnllvann Cnfutffla. jji TIQGAAJ? i otfwxWr. iiZ -oja bld HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. WANTED Man and wife, no children, to work in private home, city, family of 3; pleasant and steady Job; man to work in house and around grounds; wlte must be good cook; to cook and take care down stairs; small house; extra help consists of nursemaid; couple must be cleanly, agreeable and willing or do not both to answer this ad. E 20, Ore gonian. Wages $75 per month, MOTION PICTURE WORK. Wanted Men and women who can fi nance themselves through a course of training for motion-picture work; after you have your training we put you in a production and give you active parts. Call between 11 A. H. and 2 P. M., 109 Second st. EXPERIENCED typer. 612 Royal bldg. EDUCATIONAL, BE A DOCTOR OF ffWTPnPH AfTl'TO. The chiropractic profession offers the trust tiniiuiiHi nnrM-irtunlties of anv field in the world today. Know about its great opportunities before deciding your career, or if vou are dissatisfied in your present position in lire or us earning capacity is not what you would like it to be, investigate ine grewi uyjwi l uni ties offered in this greatest of all pro fetuiinna CHIROPRACTIC. A most ex ceptional opportunity to study chiro practic and to become a chiropractic phvsieian is offered at this time by our college; Dotn aay ana nisiit couiw. OMIT HflVDRKn THOUSAND chiropractic physicians needed in the United States today to supply the de mands of the millions who have turned to this great method of healing their ills. INVESTIGATE. Augmented Curriculum, Able Faculty, riinipa uoilitlf ITnex-celled. For particulars address Dr. Oscar W. . Elliott, president. PACIFIC CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGE, Park and Yamhill. Main 1014 Portland. Or. You cannot learn any part of this pro fession through correspondence. Mfmt.FR'R RARBER COLLEGE wiil teach you the trade in 8 wks.. give you a set of tools and some pay InQ i t.airinn NPCtirtMl 1 SCholnrsh.pS and transfer card Issued; 32 schools In U. S. and Canada. Send lor, caiaiuuc, 234 Burnside st. - POSITIONS ASSURED EVERY GRADUATE OF BEHNKE-WALKER Business College, Portland. Enroll an: . i iii hank n lime, i eiegrapuy, sienus' bookkeeping, secretarial, b ree catalogue OREGON BARBER COLLEGE will teach ... . i - a ta- v . lj n'flln unn fai-A you tne irur m o massage spctianj . .., r - guaranteed; pay wnile learning; tuition reuueed tni8 tenn. "UIW" TOUCH typewriting taught at home; ac curacy and rapidity; 20 lessons in fin ger gymnastics, $6; first lesson sen free; rapid typewriting school. 35 4th sL room 4oo ing, stenography, civil service, secretar ial, special courses. r.vn -Vf and nigni. e.nro uu. FIRST-CLASS piano teacher, will exchange lesbons ior -3v Tabor 5722. "e9T IDE COMMERCIAL SCHOOL. Miss Bucket's private school; individ ual inmruction. J 22 Grand ave. E. 41 Tt-,-1-1." r -DncTVirS COLLEGE. Alisky Bldg., Third and Morrison. A Position ior iacnorruui RO' K.I .MlHi.M. i riii. nci a ...... free. Frank K. Welles, ex-assist, state supt., mgr.. p1 PORTLAND BARBER COLLEGE pas you wniie leariuuK. ' V. j T oh , free, position sccureu. WANTED Teacher who can teach piano and violin for three davs out of town each week. caiiJain-u i in.. . 1 ,. n Qrtoniuh rn II v ruA 1 1 0 n from Spanish or Mexican lady. State term 3. A'l -HO. -MejjO" .... ...... J-ll Uitlurou L' r K rw. bldg. Free oooklet. THE International Correspondence Schools can raise your salary. 191 Broadway. OREGON LAW SCHOOL, Alisky bldg., 8d and Mur. w. e. mcnaruson, oec.Jiaiii wi t FISK Teachers' Agency Journal bldg. Mn. 4S35. Teaching positions, free registration. MRS HANNUM'S shorthand school, day, evening. 230 Tillamook 8t. East 3?60. YATES-FISHER Teachers' Agency ifree registration. Main u-1 . ts roat way bldg. PIANO, French (European teachers), mod erate terms. 106 Lownsdale. Main 6474. FRENCH instruction, also English, by stu dent of Paris and London. Main 4403. SITUATIONS WANTED MALB. WANTED Rose and tree pruning, also lawn work and landscaping: aiso want lawns to keep up during summer. Ed Darr, 245 Alder st. Main 1692. w a 'TEi) -Work for the summer for 34- ton truck with trailer. Write R. E. Rlrd- sall, Station A, Vancouver, wasn. rnone 6 17-J. BUILDING or store alterations by con tract. Save you money. Manny, Sellw. 2421. OALC1MINING, painting and stippling of floors; make floors look like new; very reasonable. East J140. HAVE a touring car with plenty of spare diitime, what have you to oner, a Oregonian. EXCAVATING done at reasonable terms. Call Main 5230, evenings, ask for Mc Donald. FIRST-CLASS specialty salesman . will be open for position March 15; can furnish bond. Phone Tabor 2253. JANITOR, experienced, man and wife In apt. bldg. Win. H. Calhoun. 288 East Larrabee st. Phone East 7927. CARPENTER RESH ING LING AND PATCHWORK A SPECIALTY. WOOD LAWN 3098. ACTIVE, energetic man wants work In salesmanship in wholesale line. G 27. Oregonian. CAPABLE young Japanese, experienced, desires position as assistant of mechanic, also repair shop. AH 149, Oregonian. STEAM engineer wants situation, steady, any siee plant: can furnish best of ref erences. AC 551. Oregonian COMPETENT married man wants work on ranch, with house, garden, etc., fur- n is hed. AM 7S2, uregnnian ROSE and tree pruning: also all kinds of lawn and landscape work done. 245 h Alder st. Main 1002. WANTED--By man of middle age, Job as choreman or handy man. neat, clean and A-l worker. X &t. Oregonian. WANTED By middle-aged man. Job as choreman: can do garden work, miik and willing worker. G 44. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED Japanese wants work, garage or ai,. repair shop. AJ 802, Ore gonian. - EXPERIENCED surveyor wants position April 1: long Job preferred. C. E. Red field Umatilla Agency, Pendleton. Or. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper ran take cure small set at odd times. M 30. Orego nian. STENOGRAPHER Young man. experi enced In office work desires position. Pho SelL25l. WANTED Contract logging or putting out piling for party willing to finance teams. BP 976, Oregonian. tTTacKSMITH and horseahoer int work In camp: steady, married. K 44, Ore gonian. XTTk and wife want position as janitors in T apartment, hotel or Office. AO 201), Oregonian. w NTED Hauling of any kind suitable for V-ton truck with flat body. Phon. Tabor 90 12 rnTY garden lots to plow and harrow. C IroadwayJ07.Broadway 301 6. TRUCKS for hire, to business flrm7by the T"y ny month. Broadway 133, ELDERLY """P16""" 7J Orchard, farm anything, etc. AM 652. Oregonian. RAKER on bread, rolls, cages, plea, wants work? Madras Hotel, room 53. HifiH-SCHOOL boy wants work after- coons anu ........ ...n "o. rvT5 and work team wants work. 1565 Frout st- Kasper Kuhn,Maln1790. AUTOpainUng, young man, some experi ence; salary no object. It 30. Oregonian. BAKER All-around man wanta steady work. J. Wolf. GeneralDellvery. TOUNG MAX wants work Saturdays. Call Sellwood 122'J. after 6 o'clock. FINE paprhanRin, painting, tinting; and decorating. Marshall Wdln. 157Q. CORRECT pruning, top grafting, fruit, nut trees; now ia the time. Tabor 62. PAINTING, tinting, papering, food work. reasonable. Sell 1396- PAPERHANGI.VO, painting and tintinij; gOOQ VOrK, roi. ynv". '"'" e.-t.o. SHINGLERS When you want ahlngllna; or nw work done. Woodlawn R2(, JA.PANBSB wants work by ly or hour. pnone jmu - fOSITEON assistant bookkeeper or clerical. Room r. HANDT man for odd Job. Broadway oy:3. call Alonday morning. - PRINTER, all around man. wants work after itun. painting, tin ting reaaooa.bl prices. BITTATIONB WAMEH-MALR FIRST COMB FIRST 8ERVKD. "Employ an Ex-8erlce Man." Phone Captain Oonvllle. AT LIBERTY TEMPLE. Main 313. The game Is now at Its height lt most exciting stage; and It'l a tmlv wonderful game thtl patriotic effort of unemployed veterans and employers to get together this effort of a patrtotlo community to provide for its own. We still have several huodrM soldiers and sailors who are not yet permanently placed where they can earn a decent living for themselves and fam ilies men who wre willing to start In at a reasonable salary where there Is opportunity to work permanently Into a better position men who did their dutv when duty called men who Ml ST be placed by the employers of Portland and vicinity. How is It going to be doneT Between 4000 and 5iHH) assignments have been made by this office since the bureau opened a record that reflects credit upon Portlanda result made possible because the majority of Portland em plovers are "playing the game.' The remaining few hundred can be taken care of In a day if you. ni1 and you, who haven't "come across with your share of effort to help absorb the unemploved ex-service men. will GET BUSY NOW go carefully over your pavroll. your list of employes weed out here and there where the crlcumstances Justify It readjust It in every way possjots and phone, write or call upon Captain t'onvtlle concerning the confidential details ot your problem. Captain Conville has a broad vision he knows the men he fuili appreciates ex actly what the employer is up against he knows that some of the men are erratic, that the settled, ambitious fel lows suffer more or less because of the restless few who love to change from here to there he know, the employer who has and Is stretching himself to the limit in the Individual and public Interest with res to this problem he knows the employer who has been teo busy to give It atter.tnn, the employer who has been careless but whose Inten tions are good: the employer who think, he has done all he can but who has not. and the employer who has been a .lacker In the campaign. .,,v,i. Manv employers have taken the trouble to write full details ot their emi.l.iv. m.nt problem to Captain ConIUe puttln It up to him lo analyie ami pre serlbe for the particular ease and In. variably he "finds the wiiy mutual. y helpful and tlsfrtnrv. That's rxaetlv what all concerned should do. The men should lav their cards on the table -open minded, sincere and eagerly ren'ly to act on the ca Plains re, nmmnda tions. And most of them do. The em ployer In Portland or elsewhere is likewise Invited to lav his ease before Captain Conville to put It squarely up to him to steer the way. U-fn start this policy todav now and Portland's ex-serviee men s -ployment Vohlem will be settled before the week end. . The list of ctasslfleatlons represented bv registered unemployed Is appended; look It over before vo.i emptnv anyone, and phone Captain Conville. Main 311. Ceneral labor Clerks, drug I Clerks, grocery 0 Clerks, shoe T Clerks. Stoc kroom Clerks, general office Draftsmen Teamsters Bookkeepers Blacksmiths Truck drivers Accountants Carpenters Auto mechanics Painters tinrage helpers Craneman - Machinists Boiler maker Kleetrlcians Klectrlcian helpers Baker Cooks Kitchen helpers Salesmen Furniture finishers VulcanUer Farmers Butcher Shoemaker Firemen Civil engineers Plumber Walter, skilled . ... 1 2 1 .... . . . . 3 ;.t 1 .... 7 I ft .... 3 .... 1 .... 1 . . .. 3 . ... M .. . . 1 .... 4 11 . . . . 3 I I 1 II I WANTED Useful article to -' I to farmers, sale price $2 to $.10, at least 40 per cent cominlss.on am traveling through northwest in car, mum carr) pi'i"o - :. ',. .i r ..i. no craft. liveries C. K K ant. IS. St. Francis apartments, Eugene, or. LUMBER office and ex-service man (not a bookkeeper) desires per manent position with reliable concern: rail or cargo; can leave town; excellent references; fast on typewriter. AG 70i, Ore gonian. RALES MANAGER. With executive ability In handling ano managing salesmen and details of all klndafju-t arrived In this vicinity from the east and looking for good connection: excellent opportunity for some growing concern where real sale,, management is necessary. '. y EX-SERVICE man, 15 months In arm) 'headquarters office, with several pro. motions, desires position carrying op portunlty for advancement: experienced In correspondence and office detail, also stenographer and typist and executive ability; character of position first con slderatlon. M Oregonian. YOUNG married man. 28 years of age desires position, almost anv kind of work, with firm or factory, where there is an opportunity for future advance ment and permanent position: salary no ohfect. eaat side preferred. Phone 316-16. MAN with good education, experience In surveying teaching and englnerlng cnl ShTtlonT'would Ilk. a Position with an Institution or firm where such kn, l edce and experience would be nf jaiun. would consider a position a. tallyman r.r tlmekeeoer. M -'reBonio SALESNI AN. experienced," desire. Portland concern I will furnish my own mobile for either city or country work: references furnished. N 21, Ore gonian VpERIENCF.n shipping clerk for plan ing mill: thoroughly understands m..,.l n sash, door, and flni-h In csrlosd "is- can al-o tally lumber; beat of ref erence. I "- VANT steady hauling or wor? o. a , kind with two ton truck. I all w-k 3'"., between 11:30 and 1 P. M. Bunday. S A M to ft P M. W. R. Fuller. 122 K. 34lh stTabor JS00. mTpLE-AOED MA.V wants lob a. Janitor, porter or watchman: best cltv refer ences. San Marco Hotel. Washington St., room 14. COLLEGE graduate, lawyer inn. wishes to Deeonie a..-". ,,..- - office, business bouse or corpor.tlor, where the service, of one so trained would be apprecljUedBox IW,-.. Portland. ABSTRACTERS. Do vou need an experienced, eompe tent man who can take full charge of omcer i. -, FR ANK PATTERSON, lawn and gar.b-n A ...r. aa 1..K. .tin, it I he v ork specially. ...... j-- h louse. Phone between i im . . Best references NTED Situation as night watchman; WA nrt flrlnr or jannr "iw, -1.7 ?nce. A-l. Room 219. Phone Main 6120, rtavtrtrl APPOSITION as (ravelin,, salesman, lr A ruoi " ..... v. In rorrllarv WI Nt nfTienver; reFerince-s given. W 24. Ore- (ton ian. WANTED Bills to pearl. e or irun .u houV. Address CharH-s Blenlne, Howaom pi iTION as prhate -Trviar ; nroau ,inr.i jtnrlonce. l-it I sduratlon; bu I rerommnded. V 4S, Orcronian CRK it pmnlnved In me lorn I JnbbT, at'eiix-a x.uo.iip.1 , - tlons. B 4fl. Oregonian. dt Hires cnMlKi " . , rtiulffit TT.lmni'VB rfflaMhed and gutters mrnded. Mir- shall 1Q72. HOt'SB painting, papering, kalsomlninic : all work guaranteed. Call evening Kast mn LAWYER expertenrod. wNhfi to bco!n assoriHted with a law office. P. O. box R5. Portlano. SALESMAN In any line; tions; wide experience. good qualjn a Ali lOi. Ore- go nn if. ITION and battery man wants posi tion: invest $3uu if required. C lil. Ore gonian. DRVG CLERK; 6 years experience. A-l references. J 3. Oregonian. hoi'sb painting reasonable. Nicke.e A Anderson. Phone Bdwy. 3l!W. BHfNGI-RS WHEN YOTT NEED A KHINGLER PHONE WOOtLAWN 9T,UH. SITUATION wanted by good butcher and sausage maker. AK Tu. Oregonian. CARPENTER w ants all kinds ot repair work. Bell. AVE 4-ton trftfk: want contract haul tng wood. Call Woodbnr.i. Or. JAPANESE wishes cooking and laundry, rityorcountry. P . Oregoniam tTo jsmTHOOL boy wants work after .hool and Paturdays. Wdln. H32 PRUNING fruit trees and rciftcs. Call ..- PITTATIONS1 W "tNTKI MAI K. MR. KMPLOTKR, When In need of men for jronr ac re urn I tig department, cail upon this of fice. I can put you In touch wltb mea of various qualifications; the beginner as well as the ceruried man, ApplueUoea for this serle. will be treated In tbe strleiiil oonfldence and there 10 SO charge to anvbodv concerned. v LASALLK EXlKNSloN li.MVFTtSTTT, 1015 Wilcox Hlilg. Ilia . BUILDER. Kxperlenced builder ef modern. e. erate-prleed bonies destrea to lorm con nection with r.ponible real estate or building company; hu handled e.v"-ej gond-aixed building and selling propo. sltions and alwaa made good; will ft any place; salary or coinmieslon. H 41, Oregonlsn. YOUNG married man, 31 years ef ere. de. sires position with rirni where salary will be commensurate with ability io produce results and where opportunity for future advaiieement Is unlimited; nine years' experience In the lumbar business, covering practical work In pro duction, sales and executive depart menu. A V 37S, oregonian, FIRST-CLASS printer with dally paper or Job office, good makeup man and Job printer, good linotype operator and ma chlnist; can handle any Job In printing plant; can lake coarse. AS HI, Ore gonian. . I . ' ASM primer with daily paper or Job orrice. good makeup man and JM printer, good linotype operator and ma chinist; can handle any Job In printing Pant: can take cliaiga. Ala VlU, Ur gonian. PLUM HI NO. Plumbing Jobs done quickly end effi cient, y at reasonable pricee; woramae ship guaranteed MKIIKO METAL WORK", Phone Last ltv.4. im Kusself St. TKt'CK U'riliu- lx'.VTi.-r. Ex-eolclier needs Work' rr'aM-tesj dump body truck, no reasonable offer turned down; call me soon as I ne.d work; 7 years in trucking. Ab $1, Ore gonian. EN - M E MtHAXT. married? 2:. y-are- gen. era! merchandise eperlet,ce dr., ree p. limn with wholesale or retail concern offer T Addree. C. A. B.. 2i' li. olli. r llt.si -t i.a.ss mnehini.t requiring rhne wants permanently wiih IK. auto firm til as withe or lien, n li.inl, ;o ears' experlen, e auto or ge,,..r.l; a fu. y qualified man w ho can de.lr the goods. r A Ore it. in ian CII1KF engineer and mechanic wTshes ta make change, out of town plant er.. ferred; one In need of flrat-.-aee all around man. Addresa Aa dTO, Orege- nlsn. MAN and wife as cook and w.llr... came bOHl-dlng bnue or hot.-l, in fact, any piece where lop wag.s are paid lor flr.l c.asa. rx perien, eil people. Jtdev $H.S room Min.tol hotel. Sill I'll MI clerk-" y.;rV experience, fa". iniliar with rate, and room,,, nrth. we.t, TaM. act urate woiki r, ran get re sults wiih clew of meu. It 4i. Ote Kolllan. NO" Is the TIME t h.ve vour rlr IM. ami CAI.MiMIMMl done, chuit. reasonable . a rk iih r u t...d. Call 1' ruin street, or I'hoii, M. a 21.-,;. A vVANTKM Place on ratirl, b ml.ld .. sited ninrrleil nisn. where be ran see, Ins wife; ears' of ex pet i. nr.-- salisfi.. lion gnarsr.teed. Pliotie )l.lw- . T. Drennen. g.n. del.. I'orfimd CARPENTER. w! figure pew row-orb- I XXIII ..... ..... eld . - - iin.oe, , ..urn. che.rrullv given, plans furnished; hn J-,',11"1' concrete or tile garages. M il& M.Si mn,l.l dt'or w s 1 1 1 po.ni-.n mn pwblh ii mnn; have had pt-rin, In K4-nrr.i ofTi.? work; hft r.'.n vm fur. nlffifd; go out of town. AV dt.'y. rr;i)t)in P S I T 1 0 X antM hr A-l. rnm.rl "....-.nun rrtn. n rii.T; ti rmt -1 Immn lint riun or rrstturant. city r country. otrl. -, I'l-'iunun, WA N'TKI Mtu;itinn bv yniri'ii chnufff ur for prlvatft n. i , mnn AI,I, IMU'M) COOR- wnnts posltmn, hot-l or rfsiaurant; can fiirulsli sand rrfir mo; In or out of town. lMiuns Hrod y l'3'i(. room KKI.lAHI.K nmrrird mnn. ovr 3ft, wiifi f xpcrit-n.ts in auto ilrtrfs snd grnrnl ffp-iir work, wunts Job In cliy. li HT. QrfKonun, job nn hMiktf nrlr and forfinan In am. tl 1 1 l . in uirruu anu taly, Ommnian, 44. WATKI Hy old man. ..'tiMtt.m all arouiii, ni.ni aa clior-rnari al-nnt ho! pood worker and wiliinn; country ut frrred. I' H4, (.irrroni.ni. Position aa honkko. or nt " un inarrit'O man. nun In r fp)Ti-nv, out of tn, pcrinanenu A V S. ur-'gunun. GouI stronr fallow WMTita ouinid w.nk on furm, runmriir tra t.ir or any kind tf niH(hinry. Lif.irr Klifff, 73 N. 3d SU or tiiuiiB rroH J way XHlil. YOl 'N,1 nmn would tihs work In varan as mx-rhanlr's h-lpr; Ileum traMma and soma nrifn( c.n fflvs rvffi encei, S oud.nwn BAKICR with lom ex PTlrnr wants po alilon as helper to firt-rlMa paatryman; sal:iry acconditrj conaldcration. P 40, x i 'Tunimii. A JAI'AXKHK boy wishes anv kind of short-hour work afn-r & o rlo k in wvn ln; can aprak tiiRlich well, bi joth il f I'y. Krank. SITUATluV aa rhorfman on private p'n l".v liildill-f- man with f dirpnai. lion and wiJImf to work. 1 3d, ora K'lninn. M A H III KD Swiss, rood nil ksr wanti a Job on a daiiy farm by Christian ptopl; at at wail, John H. I.uidtr, I. J ii p"nwoi)ii urn , Tort land. l AKUIKI) man wanta work In rrr; aouiA rxpri.n-s in ilxtrl.al work and nt-ral r ialriMr J. J., 414 S t'nioo ave. N. Kat tuu2. b I ATI' ' N A H V anrlnt-r wnnta work, cltv pri'TTreii; ran do own rpairlnr or would lontldor lob finnr J J., 44 Union vfiiux- .-orin. r.aai ooti. EXI'KKT prunlur, llfrnwil apravi-ra l"tt v Hlna. KUd I'ivi-iuii. i'hona Hart- li4Mkkfw'pra, Htf in npbxfm. Offtr. 81 N(U,K man. "i years of age, denlma piTiitMiifhl poMilon mm ariouitiant, book k per or van hp r w her al a fu rnn t drMtida on a I'll it y ; tan f ur tn h l t 1 nI rfi r voces and bond. W 41. or Kontan. l.lill-t I.AS aiiooritant with extensile tfcperin a, 7 -ara a i fn f arrourtant aiid cri-iiit mart big depart mvnt ainf now rtnploVfd in eiitlal in duet r , w iahen puatt ion of f r w h re.iae f oik et n. A! IdT, Or rontan. U' KikKKKI'KK. good penman, with manr ar' luniiHT, planing inili, awti and dtNr and box factory eiperiencw, la ir lor po. it iuu a l.oi ke pr or sales S- pariiiHMir M a.. n iin.an. Ill SI.K2( MEN Af otjiilant and boain' a.VMti-ina, books Written up, balance. , trial btlan- prepared: day or evening work, by contiwcl or time. lt, ur gonian. lit m tk K KKJ h.lt ThorougUiy Parian- ed bookkf.-prr, compel nni to laka fu .1 cluitgH vl any l ol bonka. No objec tion to nut of town, K 1', Oreannian. B iOKK KKI'ER and a muniant wltb le yrftra' rxpetienra wiahna poaitlon; ef- fuieut in ail oftice work. AO 24 i, Ore- gon in n. bl l.K.v. 'oU'ge alud-nt wishes clorlral or ao'irtanaj poaition after tniotia and Hatur(i;i good tvterenre. M. C. M, 7r4 V wfhlnKton SL, Vanrotivr, W a'i. POSITION wanted as bookkeeper, t't a...'t., timekeeper, fami.iar with p roil , alao niimll Met a r books in spare time. K 4, oregonian. H A V ! : dundy orTue with window fcdver tinltig In , line building for public sr nottriipher; free rnt tu good pai ty. iU Ort-Ronlati. ITv EX PERI E.N CKD aountant. heeke che k d, ln-onx lax r turna, ayatama la stalled. AP JW. Oregonian. ACCOUNTANT deal ree bookkeeping. In come lax returna or adjustments, even- lnM. AR !, Oregonian A-J HOOK hRKI'KR, Oplat end general office man dlree poult ion with reliable firm. Jtf 'Q. uregoriw. , UOKKEErER, thorongTiTy practfral, tentive expefmncei good penman: perma nent or temporary. M 41, Oregonian. ARCHITECTURAL draught mna n wanta work full or part time. H Oregon la a. Hold! era rd tNem. FORMER U H. motor transport man want job driving truck or running gaa trai- tor; good mechanic; will go anwbera. A E mil, oregonian. FEDERAL BOARD student wlthe em ployment afternoons and nights, not I a tr than midnight, aa rlerk, caahler er U A ' nnlllan ra lenui it. ' EX-S-RVICK man, 7 )tars of are, mar ne. i. deaire aisht work; beat of reler- ences. AH 37. OrtHTonlan. TWO students, '22 and IV, deaire &ik14 work or evenings Saturdays and bun dv. C g1-'. oregonian. I AM an ex -service- man, a tmrk driver and cement finlfher; will do other work. Tnhor W3I. OVKRSKAS veteran, middle an d. family, iW4 a waUiiUisat Mar, we.