THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, MARCH T, 1020 , ' I - j Li ::! fOB SAA--TBCCK3 AND TRACTORS. SPECIAL. TRUCK SALE. FEDERAL 14 -ton; fine condition; price cut. KISSEL 2-ton; A-l condition; high- class truck cheap. WILCOX Completely overhauled and repainted; dirt cheap. FEDERAL 1 M-ton worm-drive; 1 new"; best buy in Portland. "WHITE 3-ton. new chains, new radia tor, line shape, cut price. MISSEL I1 -ton, excellent condition, will make very low price. RELIANCE .'-ton. extra long frame. suitable for lumber job. C-M-C 1-ton In excellent condition dandy light truck. TERMS TO SUIT. WIT.LT AM T. WrTiHSON" CO.. 60 X. Broadway at Davis. Bdwj. "2L FEDERAL TRUCK DISTRIBPTORS AUTHORIZED FORD DEALER. DIAMOND T TRUCK SALES AGENCY OF OREGON. USED TRUCKS FOR SALE. 2-TON ATT ER BURY. good tires, re adv to drive right out and go to work, motor and transmission over hauled. 2- TON MASTER, only used W days. In fine condition and at a bargain. 5 -TON WHITE, with dump body, in food working order and at a sacrifice. 2 2-TON REOS. all overhauled, ready and able to do lots of work, very low price. 3- TON PEN BY. platform body, motor, transmission and rear axle in first class shape, and at a great bargain. 1 USED DIAMOND T TRUCKS. 3-ton with dump body. Overhauled in our hop. Can give time to responsible par ties. 2 USED DIAMOND T TRUCKS. 2-ton. In erood order, taken in trade on new SU-tons, will sell on liberal terms. ASK THE MAN WHO OWNS ONE. PACKARD REBUILT TRUCKS. Packard 3-ton body and hoist. Packard 4-ton body and hoist. Tnnhllr 5. ton- This truck only run tdiort time, has all new rubber and i guaranteed. White light delivery. Several others to select from. We arrange the best of terms. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR COMPANY. 4!!l Bumside at. Ask for Jones. ON E PECOND-TI A ND KISS EL 1 -TON TRUCK. IN PERFECT RUNNING OR DER; ?S50. ONE BRAND-NEW 3-TON DEN BY; 3000. ONE-TON NASH WITH DUMP AND HOIST, SUITABLE FOR GARBAGE HAUL; $13.10. ONE-TON UNITED TRUCK. ESPE CIALLY ADAPTED FOR WOOD HAULING. GARFORD OREGON MOTOR CAR CO EIGHTH AND DAVI&. TRUCK BARGAINS. ' 1 1-TON PANHARD TRUCK. . .SltiOO 1 Hi-TON FEDERAL TRUCK. . .$1000 NEW 1-TON INTERNATIONAL TRUCK. NEW li-TON INTERNATIONAL TRUCK. ROTH OF THESE NEW TRUCKS ARK 10 BELOW THE REGULAR PRICE. SEE THEM AT 404 DAVIS. REBUILT REPUBLIC TRUCKS. ; to 3'4-ton used Republic trucks old to responsible parties on time pay ments. ROBERTS MOTOR CAR CO. Park at Everett Sts. USED TRUCKS. 3-ton Denby. 2-ton Atterbury. Both of these trucks have been com pletely overhauled and are excellent buy a DIAMOND T TRUCKS SALES CO., &2-b4 North 10th. cor. Flanders. Broadway 3148. CSED TRUCKS OF QUALITY. LOW PRICES. EASY TERMS. -ton White, overhauled. $rr0 down. iVfe-ton Republic, guaranteed. $;i.'0 down, lib-ton Federal, overhauled, $:00 down. 1-ton Ford worm drive, body, J--o down. G RANKING & TREECE. 642 Alder co. 17th. &wy. 1723. ROAD WORK. Have douhle shift road work, also inct shift 10b for S'--ion Standard truck with dump bdy, for purrhaacr of truck. Call Purdy, Tabor 1344. Evenings 7 to 10 o'clock. 1917 REPUBLIC TRUCK. -TON. Cord pneumatic tires In f ront. good olid tirej in rear, fine top and side cur- Lai n s, f o r sa 1 e or trad c. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. TRACTOR BARGAINS. Holt Caterpillar 18 at big sacrifice; prime condition. 3-bottom plow, 9-ft. tandem dic goes with it, all lor $1800 cash. Will demonstrate. ALEXANDER-BADLEY COMPANY. 840 E. Morrison St. East 8407. TRUCKS FOR SALE. Oarford 2-ton with pneumatic tires and stake body. A 2-ton Reo at a price to move it. E. D. VAN DERSAL, 350-34 Burnslde st. Bdwy. SO. ONE Bates' steel mule tractor. 1 ."-l'.". al most new, with .1 bottom 14-inch Vulcan plows; price $rj."0. 1 33-disc Clark's double disc harrow, $1,1."; 1 Fetser double SS-lnch grain drill. $ll'.". C. R. Widmer, administrator, Albany, Or. LUMBERMEN AND LOGGERS. I want to contract hauling gm or lumber. Have three 4-ton trurka. Call Seilwood 2315 or write AL 836. Orego m nian. FOR $:t0 cash up, no grumbling, a littu Sampson tractor: will pull 2 12-inch plows; In good condition; no junk. Ad d.ess C. J. Pugh. Falls City. Or. timber'haul. Work starts at once ; 2 -ton truck; pavment down: rest easy. BARN Eg. 71 Broadway. KEW TRACTORS for less monev: have never been used, 3-plow machines: $1150 to si.mhi witn piows; tractor broken. R 21. Oregonian. CONTRACT WANTED for 2-ton truck; steady work of any kind; equipped for lumber haul. 1 am not a dealer. Y 33. Ore go n ian 'WANTED Contract hauling logs, ties or lumber with 3 4 -ton truek and 5-ton trailer. E. C. Hankel, 2912 F at., Van couver. Wash. " A SNAP. "" 8t-ton G. M. C. perfect condition, used only six months. Seilwood 210. t HAVE the truck ard an unusually good vear-round hauling contract. Phone Nash, Bdwy. 2100, or call 328 Glisan. 1-TON Maxwell truck, good as new: with box. cab and extra top. Address Darrell ( Kelly. Sherwood. Or. HAULING wanted, lumber or cord wood; 4 ton truck.. Gail Automatic 322-74. FOR 8AI.E TRUCKS AND TRACTORS. ii-TON Reo, equipped with fine stake body and cab. first-class mechanical condition; ready to haul anything; a snap; easy terms. Call Monday. Bdwy. 4 72. Ask fof Kruger. 2-TON Republic, just overhauled, in first class shape; pulls fine, flat bed and cab; a barcain: tprms. ll Mnntluv. RHwv. 1572. Air. Kruger. FOR WALE One m-ton truck in fine shape; also 5-ton Hudson touring car, ail very cheap. Call Sunday. 240 6th st. AN ABSOLUTEsacrifiee: 1018 1-ton Ford truck, express body, top. tail gate, good shape, $;t75. Main 2000. WE HAVE a log-hauling contract, start at once; 5 to 10 million leL Call Bdwy. 3914. LIGHT truck, new tires, lOL'O license, runs fine, $400 or trade for touring car. East 112. WILL buy best offered in Ford coupe by Monday, on terms. Saliger, Hotel Oregon. BRAND new J9I9 Ford d e 1 i v e ryTrTn about iW miles. Call Marshall 8107. FOR SALE 2-ton truck, run about 6000 miles; terms; 358. E. 82d N. WILL sell new truck; 20', discount, ureponian. ONE-TON Ford truck, good shape. $400, Oiye phone number. R 24, Oregonian. FOR SALE Fordson tractor, slightly used, tirst -class condition. V 810, Oregonian. AUTO REPAIRING. DEMAND, peerless piston rings. When you have your car overhauled ; If your garage man can't supply you see W. tt. uunes. distributor, 44 N. Broadway. Tabor 3000. or Bdwy. 330S. OLD KAtlA'fUKb MADE LIKE NEW. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. PORTLAND ALTO RADlATuil teHOP, &35 ALDER. X'TO repairing; Fords especially: first class work. 3S."i Russell st. East 23S1. GARAGES. GARAGE FOR SALE. 50x100 new building. long lease and full of storage, 12000. 46 E. Third at Pine. GARAGE for sale by owner, 50x100 lot. ana modern lireproof bldg. ; lOOVc loca tion. Ali 31. Oreguiitan. WANTED garage. 2d-hand portable, in good couditKm. . smith, Utifj La erne ft. K;ll. 1003. GARAGE for reut. 2ii E. u2d South. Ta- oor J 13-. FOR RENT Private garage on 14th at., west side. Bdwy. 207i. GARAGE wanted; oregonian. must be good. V 31 GARAGE for sale; can be moved as it is. fe7 E. Stafford st. FOR RENT Private garage at 711 East Ankeny street. Phone East 2."4S. WANTED MISCKLLANEOtti. FURS. FURS. r'L'KS. Cleaning and alterations any descrip tion. Litte La France fur dressing for umraer ina save iuu. lieasonaule prices. r ivailc run Jdr u. CO., lbj vv. .paik., bet. Morrison and Yamhill. Aiain bo2'J. LP TO 13 FOR MEN'S SUITS AM) OVERCOATS We will pay any price for men's clothes. UK.L,UA CLLANLUS AND TAILORS. Hi lid tit., N. W. Cor. Wash. Main W344. 46.00 UP TO S2o. GOLDSTEIN. THE TAILOR, PAYS HIGHEST CASH PRICE FOR MEN'S 23L1J& A.NU OVERCOATS. SHOES. ETC. BROADWAY 3i32. 240 BURN SIDE, UCiWtt.N AO 3D CALL ME BEFORE ANIBODi' ELSE. OLD FALSE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $Ji per sot. Don't mat ter if broken ; old-timers are most vi liable. Crowns, bridgework bought. Bring or man j ne American Brokeraze. 4 Spalding bldg., 3d and Wash. sts.. second i ioor. WANTED To buy about 13 raw uoii Kins. iaii nasi bii-i. CIRCLE EXCHANGE We pay highest price for ladies' slightly worn buits party gowns, etc.; ell for lei?s than others, make alterations. 415 Fleidner mug., jutn and U aahington. rbone nroaaway .L'O. WANTED Second-hand equipment for oaj omce ana laboratory; outton bal ance, crusher, pulverizer, etc.; if in goou conaition name lowest price and auuiess. jj. w . v 5o x yiu, Crosuy Minn. TO HEAR from parties Interested in grow Ins? gladioli on shares. Do not renlv un less you have fair space promise at tention to crop. Gladiolus Farm. Boring, On son. OUR SPECIALTY s buying men's cast-off cioiiuiiti, nignest casn prices paid; will call day or night PEOPLE'S SECOND-HAND STORE. Marshall 321:5. L'Ott Madison. I Want used clothing. We pay from $10 up for men's used euitd and overcoats. Call us and you will get the right cash price tor your goods. 107 1st st., near Morrison. Main 7o8. W 'ANTKD Lady or gentleman with car . anow ing streets to drive salesman to manufacturing plants; state price per hour wanted. AH lo5, Oregonian. DONKEY ENGINE with s i e d 11x13 (.Willamette preterredi; other good makes considered. Address with lull particul ars AH 3 .". Oreg o n ia n . W'A NT E D U I FL ES. SHOTGUNS. Highest cash price paid for your rifle, shotgun und kodaks. Hochield, bi Ihird st. Main aosi. WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES FOR ALL KINDS OF RIFLES. SHOTGUNS. ETC BEN. S. BACKMAN. 110 3D ST. WE BUY DIAMONDS. OLD GOLD, OLD Jew iJry tor casn; name your price. Bring or mail. Wash., bet, ttth and Bdwy. TO BUY a fireproof sale; give price and size i. no. wnere it can oe seen. AH 12ti, Oregonian. W ANTED Late model bicycle, good con dition, for 14-year-oiu girl. Phone Co lumbia. 123, days. 010 eves. WANTED 600 loganberry tips. 1 year old. Otto OJsen, 175 12th st. Phone Main iiWii. W A NTED Little boys bicycle. Must be in good condition and a real bargain. Seiiwood 428. WANTED From berry grower, Marshall strawberry and loganberry plants. State price. Ridgefield. Wash. R. 2, box 140a. GOOD weed potatoes, not frosted; cooking apples, good size. Phone Main 7735 week days. P 37, Oregonian. WANT electric fan. tent, typewriter, show case, cash register. Main 4405. Tabor 07lS. INDIAN relics, old coins, antiques and curios or an Kinas. vm. Jr'auL i.o iitn st. Broadway WANTED Motorcycle or Ford; cash and auto stock, 50-50; describe fully. J 22, Oregonian. PRIVATE party wishes to purchase piano, must be reasonable for cash; state make and price. M tslJ, Oregonian. YOUR diamond sold on commission by Beiding. the jeweler. 245 h Alder St. Main 10!2. WANTED to buy few small oriental rugs. Prices must be reasonable. N .42, Ore gonian. WANTED Slightly used up-to-date mim cograph machine and typewriter desk; spot cash. S 542. Oregonian. WANTED Refrigerator for grocery store, Wd.n. 2S47. JUNK good prices for rags, paper, metals, WE will buy your old typewriters and pay ou cash. Oregon Typewriter Co., &4 5tb. BABY'S high chair, gocart, nursery chair and bath lub. Wood lawn 23t3. HIGHEST SPOT CASH prices paid for dia monds. Dan Marx & Co.. 'Jtsd Wash. st. DRESSMAKING exchanged for boy's suit. size 14 or ltt. Call Automatic 21U-23. WI LL buy bankrupt stock and job lots. AN -30, uregonian. WANTED- -Second-hand filing cabinet. Ad E. Shinn, 1150 Hawthorne ave. dres. ti. WANT 2-ft. 6-ln.x4-ft. -in. mirror. Call Bwdy. 1390. WANTED A Cocker spaniel pup or old dog. Theodore Sturdevant, Lorane, Or. WANTED Wicker baby buggy in good condition. Call Woodlawn 2590. WILL pay cash for late model cabinet phonograph. East 521 7. CROCHET and fancy work of all kinds. 125 lUh st. I WILL pay cash for painter's outfit. Call Tabor Si 18. WANTED To rent one-man stump puller. Address Milwaukle, Or., route 2, box 116. WANTED Used drafting table and office files, TelephoneTabor 1335. WANTED Three Phone East 858 average-priced rugs. WANTED Qniek change lathe. Must be in good condition. AV 504. Oregonian. WANTED 9-inch condensing lens. IL 205, Hotel Treves. Broadway 1977. WANT linoleum, gas range, folding dav enport: give dentistry. Call Tabor 7940. WANTED A canoe. Call E. 7404, WANTED-M1SCKLLANKOU9. WE BUY DIAMONDS At Full Cash ... Market Price; No Delay. All Transactions Strictly Confidential. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE. Diamond Brokers. 4X Spalding bid.. 3d and Wash sts. Licensed by The City of Portland. 1250 TO 2U FOR SECOND-HAND SUITS AND OVERCOATS. CALL MEYER, THE TAILOR, He pays more than anyone In the city Ior ""its, overcoats and shoes. - The Madison Cleaners ard Tailors. Call Marshall lH. or 253 Uadiaoa st., near 3d su will call anywnero in the city, day or eveni n a. WANTED. Underwood typewriter, any condition. Will pay cash. AR 411, Oregonian. Furniture Wanted. HOUSEHOLD GOODS WANTED. We want your used furniture, rugs, carpets, stoves, and , all household goods, and will pay the highest cash prices. . OUR THREE LARGE STORES enable us to dispose of these goods at once, and therefore we can pay the TOP MARKET PRICES. We also buy and sell hardware, toois, sporting goods, tents, . bi cycles, typewriters, adding ma chines, and store and office fur niture. When you have anything to buy, sell or trade, CALL MAIN 9072. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO., 221-223-225 Front St. MARSHALL 5981. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO, ..S?U.T YOUR HOUSEHOLD FUR HIW. KOK SPOT CASH, ALL CALLS ATTENDED TO SAME DAY; HIGHEST ll,v-u"J tTAixj. v c AiX1 ThB OLD EST. MOST RELIABLE HOUSE OF .185 FIRST ST., PHONE MARSHALL 508L CALL lAAlS 309 IMMEDIATELY WE PAY THE HIGHEST CASH PRICES EVER PAID BY ANYONE I PETS.CETC VR 'UiiN1TUK. CAR. YOUR CALL WILL BRING THE BUYER WITH THE MONEY. KLINE FURNITURE CO, 192 FIRST ST.. NEAR TaYLOR. MAIN 309. WILL PAY THE HIGHEST PRICK FOR USED FURNITURE. CALL EAST 417. ASK FOR MR. ORMANDY. I WANT YOUR FURNITURE. CARPETS STOVES, ETC.. TO SHIP OUT AND WILL PAY MORE THAN OTHER LOCAL DEALERS. A PHONE CALL vit.L is i u ul i c-it AT ONCE WHO WILL CONVINCE YOU. CALL MAIN BE SURE AND LET US SEE your furniture and household goods hi fore you sen. We sre in the market for name miu win pay nignest prices PORTLAND FURNITURE EXCHANGE 208 First St. Main 77 I WANT used furniture; cash will he nui.i for stoves and range and all kinds of nousenoia gooas. tan us tor one article or a house fuil, and a competent, courte ous buyer will call. Marshall 26U3 Crown CALL MAIN 88-78. We pay the highest prices for used furniture. Pee us before you sell CALL UNITED FURNITURE STORE. MAIN 8878. WANTED Medium, dark or weathered oak buffet and serving table, straight lines: two iixl'J. one !xl0.6 rugs; de scribe, price. Tabor &73. 4-BURNER gas range with oven. Must be in conumon. trorn private party No dealers. State price. . AB 73, Ore gonian. WE NEED SECOND-HAND FURNITURE of any description; have the ready caslu Phone today. Main 4G27 or 166 First at. REDUCED FREIGHT RATES to all points on nousenoiu sooas. racuic (.oast tor warding Co.. th and Hoyt. Bdwy. 703. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE WANTED. WILL PAY CASH. MAIN 3332. WANTED Birdseye maple chiffonier. Call East 1'04. WANTED Used furniture. Will pay best prices. Main fut4. HELP WANTED-MALE. SALESMAN for jewelry store; one thor oughly familiar with diamond values and competent to make estimates on special-order work. Felix Bloch, 334 Washington st. SINGLE man who can paint, kalsomine and help do janitor work. Call at , imperial Arms apartments, 14th and t lay street. WANTED A boy to learn the manufac turing jewelry trade, one staying at home ; must f urn ish references. No n ken & Co., tHij Buchanan bldg. WANTED Experienced mechanic for out or-town, goort salary and steady posi tion io jib ii i iiiui preier one witn references, A V fo, Oregonian. AUT) MECHANIC r can use 2 c-ond. honest repair men for out-of-town ; work will be Bteady. Call Tabor 78S! Sunday i hoi .iiiik. MEN desirous of taking up the legitimate stage as a profession with a company producing road shows. 1020 Chamber of commerce. BOY wanted to learn trade of book bind ing. Apply Monday morning and ask ior Mr. uenry. u;ass &, I'rudhomme Co., (nV-07 Broadway, Portland, Or. WANTED First-class barber to rr McCleary. Wash. For particulars, apply to iewis-ienger carpers Supply Co. Portland. Or. WANTED. Men of the various crafts skilled in biiilding trades. John D. Wells, room 4. ;x am pa i' ciug., isa rn pa, j dah o. ONE ASSISTANT PLANING MILL FORE MAN AND ONE GRADER TO TRIM ON FAST- F E E D M A C H J X E ; Ml LL N K A R I'OKTLAJSU LALL 1117 YEON BLDG. MAN and wife for janitor work in large apartment nouse; no crjnaren. O 3. Oregonian. WANTED Cost accountant. 30 to 3.Y ner. manent, out of town. Answer today, giv- mg pnone numoer. y jo, uregonian. DRUGGIST, experienced, Al man; refer ences; must be live wire. Ap;Iy Post- oince r-narmacy, isroaaway and GMsan. BELLBOY wanted; preference given to experienced boys living with parents. Arlington club, 200 Park st. WANTED Young man. 18 to 20, to assist in office, use typewriter and do some collecting, .v an, uregonian. FIRST-CLASS coatmaker. piecework; free snop: cnoapest coat $i. Ji. g. Krvin & Co.. 205 Selling bldg. SCHOOL boy to start furnace In morn ing for housekeeping room. 186 Sher man street, Marshall WANTED Monday morning, first-clas stenographer. Gaynor Lumber Co.. lido Ypqii bldg. CLERK, night shift. 11 P. M. to 8 A. M., at once. New Houston hotel, 6th and Everett. WANTED Experienced tobacco stripper Apply afternoon, Monday, at 209 Mad ison St., Gardner's Cigar Co.. Main 3810. IF YOU want to make big monev caiPand see us. S39 Chamber of Commerce bidg , 4th and Stark. WANTED Errand boy in book binrierv Call A. J. Lenon Co.. 8 N. 11th st. JOHN THOMPSON, age 3 7, or anv infor mation. Please address M 4S, Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS marker and sorterat once. Centratia Laundry, Centralia, Was h. WANTED Al bookkeeper; give age, expe rience, reference, sal. J 43, Oregonian. WANT man who understands farming and gardening to wcrk on ranch. Tabor "5S1. COLLECTOR - wanted, state age, salary" references. N 281, Oregonian. WANTED Boy 16 or over. 206 McKay building. STRONG boy to, learn the bakery trade. o24 Milwaukle street. AGENTS to demonstrate good seller big profit. Phone Seilwood 3490. Y60JNG man for shipping dept. Grocery experience. Sealy-Dre'saer Co., 290 Stark. EXPERIENCED grocery delivery man. Ford car. Sealy-Dregser Co., 200 Stark. WANT men for construction work, 50c per hour. V o3"2, Oregonian. WANT carpenter, plumber, electrician; give dentistry. Call Tabor 7940. MLP WANTED HALE. The most frequently asked question regarding the LaSalle accountancy course is: "How long does it require to com plete the work ?" The correct question Is: "How far should I advance in- this fttllfTT hpfr.rn m i wn rtr Vina a reh hiA value?" The answer to that is depend eni upon your present status. THE LASALLE PROBLEM METHOD deals with problems taken from every day experiences of men who have been big successes in actual practice. What business wants today is the man who is trained in the practical application of fundamentals and the only way one can learn to apply these fundamentals successfully is to work with actual prob lems which show the why and where fore of the principle. Consequently the marketable value of your services is dependent upon the ad vances made in the study of account ing principles. The best proof of this is the letters from our students advising us of promotions and salary Increases from time to time. If your earnings are not satisfactory, why not investigate the system tnat will place you in po sition to command more? LA SALLE EXTENSION UNIVERSITY, Dept. of Higher Accountancy. E. C. RUSSELL, Representative; i 1010 Wilcox Bldg. Main 746. LEARN PRACTICAL. SHOW CARD WRITIXG. 6 WEEKS TO 3 MONTHS. IN Get out of the old clerical ruts into a clean, profitable profession. Good card writers are always in demand. Any one with a little artistic talent or any good penman can learn with the nracii cal instruction we give. Personal in struction and individual criticism. fi-WEEKS COURSE. Day course, tl weeks Sl.'.OO Nieht classes. 7:30 to fl:30 P. M. single. Lessons by Appointment. Call or Write. McDERMOTT SHOW CARD SCHOOL 45 4th st.. opp. Multnomah Portland, Oregon. Phone Broadway 104. , Hotel, NEW YORK publisher has openinjr for salesmen in special educational work, calling on Catholic clergv and more prominent iaity; man of good address and first-class refer ences required. Drawing account If required, but business based on commission, new plan, special committee work and big opportunity to right man; Catholic preferred. Address THE ENCYCLOPEDIA PRESS 23 East 41st St., New York. SPECIAL. NEW MILL CONSTRUCTION. 10 construction millwright $7.20 up. Long job building new mill. 1 mill machinist, north, $225 month. Loggers, mill hands and all classes of work. See us today. Open all day. PACIFIC EMPLOYMENT CO. 235 Burnside St. OUR protected article owned and con trolled by us clears $40 per day for salesmen; most essential ; government created demand; large territories to salesmen abte to handle crews; side line or full time; if you cannot sell this spe cialty you will fail selling life preserv ers on a sinking ship: definite co-opera--tion. Jerome Laadt, Pres., 8 South Dear born st., Chicago, III. WANTED. IN EVERY COUNTY' IN OREGON AND WASHINGTON. Responsible men to act as distributers of a device which sells on sight at a big profit. Exclusive territory available now. Quick action necessary. Sells to dealers and owners of autos. D. & W. Sales Co., 403 Railway Exchange, Port land, Or. OLD-LINE life insurance company desires to communicate with men who are am bitious and witling to work hard for real success. If you believe you can sell life insurance if given assistance by supervisor call or write W. E. Hibbard, U.'U5 Wilcox bldg. WANTED Shop foreman with machin ist's experience and thorough knowledge of Overland cars, as well as ability to handle men. Family man who desires permanent position preferred. Wages riRht. Andrews-Overiand Co., Yakima Wash. t CHIROPRACTIC doctors earn $3000 to $0000 yearly; work for yourself; paying proiession quicKiy learnea hy corre- spondence; low rates, easy terms; illus trated book and charts free. American , University, 125 Manierre bldg., Chicago. YOUNG bachelor wishes elderly couple to help wit h light work on small dairy farm. Good home, not far from city. State wages expected. AV 302, Orego nian. WANTED Men to learn the barber trade; receive some pay while learning; posi tions secured; Oregon ex-service men, the course is free to you. Call or write or particulars and catalogue. MOLEK BARBER COLLEGE. 234 Burnside st. WANTED At once, one sash and door man able to lay out, one sash and door stock cutter, also a general planing mill foreman. Write to the Coast Lumber Co., Boise, Idaho. WANTED Young man quick and ac curate at figures by large corporation. Splendid opportunity. State age. phone and salary desired. T 496, Oregonian, JUNIOR clerk, opportunity for advance ment in wholesale house, state age, ref erences and phone number. F 35, Ore gonian. W'A NTED Experience window trimmer and salesmen in gents' clothing and fur nishing; steady position, good pay to qualified men. Oregon Woolen Mills store, cor. 1st' and Madison sts. FOL:R neat-appearing young hustlers ror traveling proposition, good money. Ap ply Kunaay iroin 10 to l p. m. Room 31 Navarre Hotel. 427' Alder st. EXPERIENCED log camp timekeeper and commissary inan wishes work. Married and prefer family camp. Call Tabor 787. MEN WANTED FOR THE MEDICAL ( 'OHPS OF TH E O. N. G. A PPPLY MONDAY NIGHT AT ARMORY AT 8 O'CLOCK. PA V. l"AM going to Texas oil lands and" want an attorney to Join me or a man who understands notary work. Address S 547, Oregonian. HIGH SCHOOL boy to deliver route: sal ary; no collecting. Record Abstract. 92 Front st. WANTED Janitor for wholesale house on east aide; state age, Balary expected and phone number. Y 32, Oregonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper to take position in wholesale house in eastern Oregon city. Address O 26a, Oregonian. MAN to do Janitor and porter work; eld erly or middle-aged man preferred. Phone Main 023. WANTED A man to move a house. Call Sunday at 947 E. 0th nt. N., or Mon day call Tabor 7477, until 2 o'clock. WANTED Boat builders, shipwrights and joine.-s. . Heed Engine ring Co., iith and Lincoln, Vancouver, Wash. PHARMACIST, registered In Oregon, want ed for city store; steady position. F 41, Oregonian. WANTED Man to wash windows, wood work: yarn ana general ail-round man. 434 Morrison st., cor. l'Jth. A BRTOHT, energetic man who can talk iiuentiy one loreign language, o 29, Ore gonian. DRUCfOIST, registered, experienced in prescription work, $lo0 per mo. E 40, Oregonian. WANTED Good ruler that can either forward or -iinish, steady job. Casper Book Mfg. -Co.. Walla Walla, Wash. WANTED Experienced male help, mark er ana sorter to tuKe cnarge or marking room. Apply Troy Laundry, Astoria, Or. A-l FINISHERS,. Call in person. 303 K. lotn. WANTED Capable general solicitor. AO 700, uregonian. WANTED Boy with wheel,. $12 a week. Lennon s tiiove fttpre. BOY, to make himself generally useful in doll factory. - 304 Phoanix bldg. BARBER wanted t ptaxe charge of shop s08 Park st., Eugene. A. W. BrUmWAil, WANTED Experienced, sack sorter. 1S1 Front street. , FIRST-CLASS bushelman. & Co.. 205 Selling bldg. K. S. Ervin WANTED Meat cutter, first-class; one living on east aide. AO 211, Oregonian. WANTED A dishwasher. Chester burg hotel. 201 St 20th st. WANTED Man, cook and nurse on ranch Tabor 7.Vt1. ( JANITOR wanted, night work. Apply 204 Stevens bldg. WANTED AN ERRAND BOY.CALL AT Jl 1ST ST. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED GOOD, RELIABLE, ECO NOMICAL 31 EAT CUTTER AND BUTCHER FOR MEAT DEPARTMENT O F A CO UN TRY GENERAL STOR E. TOWN N EAR PORTLAND. MAN TO ASSIST WITH GROCERIES IF NEC SARV. GOOD PLACE FOR FAMILY MAN; RENT AND FUEL CHEAP. SCHOOL. RJSPLV, GIVINU EXPERI ENCE AND REFERENCE, ADDRESS AND PHONE NUMBER FOR INTER VIEW APPOINTMENT. F 49, ORE GONIAN. - J 500 INEXPERIENCED men wanted to quality as automobile, truck and tractor lutichjanica and an vers, acetylene weld ers and tire vulcanizes; only auto mobile and tractor school west of Mis sissippi approved and employed by U. S. government war department tor train ing soldiers auto mecnanica; don't en roll in any other sciiocl until you have lndpected this one; railroad fare refund ed it alter personal inspection you hud any misrepresentation regarding ' the school; biggest, best equipped ana.larg ets system of schools in the wond: lour large schools. Write nearest branch. Dept. 7. modern automobile a.vd TRACTOR SCHOOLS. Third and Elm streets, bi-okane, Wasn.; oi Meruier si.. Seat tie. W ash. 18.1IK7 VniTT."wF have, in the past 10 years,, been assisted in finding positions through the Portland 1. M. C. A. ad visor v and emnloyment dept. This is not an "agency," and no extra iees or commissions are charged. EmDloverx nutumllv rum to the "V" for men because we anneal to the best type of men and boys. Our demand at present is far greater than the irtipply. You never had such an oonortunitv U get a better position if you are prepared tor it. All men in clerical, technical and commercial lines are cordially invited to consult one of the employment secre taries, room 307. Free vocational guidance and employ ment service for ex-service men. UNQUESTIONABLY THE SUPERIOR bCHOOL: WE PAY STUDENTS WHILE LEARNING. We teach our students oy practical experience as well as the theory. In what? Automobiles, gas tractors, sta tionary and murine erglnes. ignition systems, generators, starting motors, lighting systems and storaxe batteries. Our students take dowu and build up automobiles and tractors. HEMPHILL'S AUTOMOBILE AND GAS TRACTOR SCHOOL. 707 Hawthorno ave. To prove that this school excels we give four weeks' tree trial In the best automo bile school in the northwest. Satisfied students boost our school. Hempniil's teachings brings you succ. ARE YOU mechanically inclined? If so you can earn loo to $;JU0 a month in the auto and tractor business. We can teach you in a short time. Practical work on up-to-date equipment, expert instructors, ideal worKing conditions; southern California, especially Los An geles, offers exceptional opportunities; you can earn board and room while at tending school. Write today tor free .catalogue. NATIONAL AUTOMOTIVE SCHOOL, 818 South Figueroa, Los An- geles. Cul. EXTRA GOOD ROAD JOBS. These jobs are all double shift: you can make $1000 to $l."uO per month hauling sand and gravel if you have enough money to make first payment on ti uck with dump body. Call Seilwood is A LKSMAX, used to approaching edu cated people, to call on physicians, etc.; long established trade ; guaranteed in come; permanent ! best references re quired : state age. experience. P. O. box IL'I. Philadelphia. Pa. AUTOMOBILE and tractor scnool; new building; modern equipment ; best In struction; practical work, laboratories and shop repair. For information ad dress or inquire at room 410 Y. M. C. A. biug. Phone Main 8700, branch 2. WANTED Night watchman tor small fac tory; good position for middle-aged man; must come well recommended and want permanent position ; salary $75 per month. Apply in person to COAST CLL VERT & FLUME CO. WANTED By old-established firm, sheet metal workers 'or automobile body and repair work: must be capable men Bteady job. W'rite Novelty Carriage works, Spokane, wash. HAWTHORNE aUTO SCHOOU 402 HAWTHORNE AVE. THE SCHOOL THAT TEACHES YOC HOW TO BOSS THE JOB. DAY AND EVENING CLASSES. LABORERS for paper mill work; inside and outside jobs; no experience required; steady work; chance of advancement. Apply 210 Commonwealth bldg., bet. Ankeny and Burnside on tith sL WANTED A man who has had experience on ord motor repairing, reboring, re babbiting, burning-in bearings, etc; none but thoroughly experienced need apply. 1 Grand avenue. WANTED Elderly man or boy to assist with cnores and do garden work; willing to do anything required of him; must be clean; permanent job; state wafies. O. I. Murphy, ftard. Or. ADVERTISING solicitor wanted for Port land issue of national publication. Pre fer man with special edition or news paper experience. In answering give telephone number. AV 374, Oregonian. EX PERT accountant and systematizer; must have thorough knowledge of work, of good character; no job hunter need apply. This is an opportunity for a real wrkVr. P 42, Oreyonian. WANT experienced janitor for store and office building; must be able to repair and handle oil burner; give experience and telephone number w ith answer. T 015, Oregonian. U. S. GOVERNMENT wants nundreds rail way mail clerks, mall carriers; expe rience unnecessary; commence $100 montn. Particulars A V 2J3, uregonian. WANTED First-class harnessmaker with factory experience. Steady position, good salary. Address Boise Saddlery it Find ings company, Boise. Idaho. SALESMAN to carry popular line hand . knitting1 worsted yarns. commission basis, experienced preferred. Puritan Worsted Mills, 121 N. 7th st.. Phila.. Pa. SIX or eight good, all-round loggers with families; no charge for wood, water or rent: school handy. James Cole. Devitt, , Oregon. BARBER, guarantee :i0. oO per cent over $42 ; fcf hours' work ; steady. Phone or wire The Palace, 572 Commercial at., Astoria. Or. WOOD turner; must be experienced and have tools: piecework; steady employ ment. Apply at once. Orgon Chair Co., 1190 Macadam st. Main 3402. STUDENTS wanted to learn vulcanizing and retreading from a graduate of Akron. Ohio, school. Start right, enroil nw at 433 Stark st. SH EET metal mechanics; prefer mechan ics who have had experience in blow pipe work; state experience. Address H. J. Burns, P. O. box 1S42, Spokane, Wash. WANTEi) Woolen mill help; second h-uids for carding, dyeing, finishing and other ielp; good California city. Apply AV K06. Oregonian. ' MAN, do you always want to work for someone else on a salary or have you the stamina to get out of the rut and get more weekly than you now receive in a month. E 37, Oregonian. ENERGETIC MAN. To take contract hauling gravel on Pa cific highway, long job, some money needed. Barnes, 71 Broadway.- WANTED First-claaa bookkeeper, now - emnloved. who wishes to do extra work: .permanent; give reference and present connection. At- iuo, vreRoman. WANTED Experienced dry cleaning so licitor to take charge of dry cleaning route. Call in person at U. S. Dye Works, 180 Grand ave. EASTERN firm enlarging their sales force require the services of two young men, 10-23, for city and traveling. Apply Clif ford hotel. 9-11. WE want three truck, or truck and auto salesmen for Roseburg, Salem, Eugene; experienced men only. V 32. Oregonian. WANTED Linotype operator for day shift, , S hours' straight composition. X 4o'2, Oregonian WANTED Marker and sorter and wash man at once. Troy laundry. Nam pa, Idaho. STOP daily grind, start silvering mirrors, auto headlights, tableware: plana free Clarence Sprinkle, dept. 40, Marion, lnd. WANT first-class aeian sticker man and sash men. McMinnville Planing Mill McMlnnville, Or. WANTEjD Day clerk for St. Elmo hotel, Vancouver, Wash.; single man preferred; references LEARN PRACTICAL SHOW-CARD WRITING , Night ciasses. McDermott school, 45 4th, MEN wanted for sawmill and yard work; no charge for wood, water or rent: school handy.- James Cole, Devitt, Or. WANTED Station men for rock quarry all-summer work, close to city carlina! Call Main 5487 after 6 P. M. r"u- MAKE-UP and pressman, 3. Morning Enterprise, uregon uity. ur. WANTED Ist-class automobile mechanic. Eastern Oregon Auto Co.. Vale. Or. WANTED HarnessmaKers. 1st at. P. J- Cronan Co. Apply 1HQ WANTED Boy 16 to 18 years to work on farm. Good milker. l'0l Broadway. WANTED Wide-awake boy at once. 5"S t,.n Kl,ltr TlAVIIT- nDTir-.l r, . BARBER Good location for business" f with living rooms. 66 tith st. Tabor 1281,- HELP WANTED MALK. WANTED Portland REPRESENTATIVE CIVIL SERVICE COURSES. Oldest and best institution this line with over fciiOO RiircfKftfnI students REQUIRES ONLY U TIME. ALL OFFICE WORK. Must be good salesman and have attractive permanent office. This Atrency should easilv pay good man $75 TO $HK MONTH FOR JUST PART TIME SERV- ICES. permanent arrangement, iinirr each year. Address, giving full Infor mation vourself and office arrangement. INTER-STATE CIVIL SERVICE SCHOOLS, Story Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. WANTED Machinists for shop and ma rine; joiners, shipwrights, calkers (stel and patternmakers. Also blacksmith (heavy and light fires): toolsmiths. an glesmiths, anle and frame setters, riv eters and gangs. boilrmakers, pipefit ters and molders. Steady employment In nnA nf tha hef enillnne.d slllovardfl In the United States. Yard was closed by strike October 1, 1010, which still exists, but since reopening more Than 45.000 men have returned to work on the American plan. Work in Oakland, California. For further information ap ply 520 Oregon bldg., Fifth and Oak sts. HOTELS NEED" TRAINED MEN. All de partments, big demand everywhere for high-class -men; past experience unnec sary; we train you for big-paying, digni fied positions and put you in touch with live opportunities; hundreds of new hotels, clubs and apartment houses open ing: shortage of department heads and executives acute; write at once for par ticulars. Lewis Hotel Training school, desk 1416 Mather bldg.. Washington, D. C. WANTED. 1 CAR TALLYMAN. 1 STICK ERM AN. 1 DOGGER. 1 ASST. SETTER. FOR MILL UP COLUMBIA RIVER. APPLY 1117 YEON BLDG. REPRESENTATIVE1 WANTED to handle our complete line of fire pro tection and safety devices and acces sories, such as A jax chemical fire en gine on wheels, paiis and buckets. Jan terns, fire eyapes and signs; every fac tory, mill, store, mine, etc., is in the market tor our extensive line: represen tative wanted capable of earning $.ooi) upwards in annual commissions. A.iax Fire Engine Wks., Bush Terminal bidg., Brooklyn, N. Y. BOY WANTED. Must be over 10, energetic and witling to work ; opportunity to learn railroad accounting and correspondence ; $"0 per month. Call 802 Wells Fargo bldg. Mon day. WANTED High -class display man, cap able of assuming charge of -O0-toot front and the execution of apecial interior decorations. Send references, tulary ex pected and window photos to superin tendent. WALKER BROS. DRY OOODS CO., Halt Lake City, Utah. MACHINIST to operate milling machine and do general machine work; must be quick and accurate, also able to figure x out all kinds of spur and bevel gears: steady work and good wages if satisfac tory; do not answer unless you are a first-class machinist and able to do ac curate work. O 40, Oregonian. HOTELS NEED DRAINED MEN Big de mand for high-salaried executives; past . experience unnecessary; we train you by mail and put you in touch with big op portunities. Write at once for particu lars. Lewis Hotel Training School, desk 1418. Washington, D. CT MEN WANT E D"t"0 B EC O M E DRAFTS MEN Salary $l75-250 month ; chief draftsman trains you personally, also furnish free ail tools and drawing table; training given until placed in ton at above salary. Address Chief Draftsman Dobe, 4001 Broadway, div. 83A, Chicago. " WANTED AT ONCE. Four neat appearing boys with wheels: must be over 16: light, pleasant, outdoor work: solendid chance for advancement Apply Mr. Loop, care Western Union Tel. Co.. 70 Third St. WE OFFER an exceptional inducement to salesmen who can sell stock in one of the best corporations in Oregon, chance to make big money for the next three months and possibly longer. Call 7J7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. STEADY, reliable man for soliciting new trade on routes already established. Op portunity to advance. Moderate salary; steady position. Must be experienced. Grand Union Tea Co.. 448 Washington. YOU WRITE THE WORDS FOR A HONG, we write music and guarantee publica tion; submit poems, any subfect. Metro politan studios, dept. 53S, 014 S. Michi gan, Chicago. WANTED Experienced bank man; must be all-around man who can get business to assist in buiMinic up a rank. Give experience and references first letter. T 45. Oregonian. WANTED AT ONCE First-class experi enced open-shop machinists for borlng mill and milling machine. Work in city. Apply .VJ0 Oregon building. Fifth and Oak streets. WANTED All-around Job printer by March 15; steady Job witn future ror right man: $14 weekly to start. Write or tetephone Medford Exchange, Med ford, Oregon. WIDE-AWAKE man to take charge oi our local trade, f 4 to $5 a day ; no expe rience; pay starts at once. Write. Amer ican Prod ucts Co., 307 American bldg., Cincinnati, O. CHAUFFEUR for private family; perma nent desirable position; do not apply un less experienced driver and first-class mechanic; state ace, wages expected, ref erences, etc. L 5o, Oregonian. CARPENTER To build small bungalow; would like estimate for labor; all ma terials furnished ; leave phone call if possible. C 15. Oregonian. WANTED Office boy in large manufac turing plant; fine chance tor advance ment; t-tate age, phone and salary de sired. AK 604, Oregonian. PRESSER for women's apparel wanted, one with experience as cleaner preferred. Permanent position. Apply al Eastern outfitting Co. WANTED AT ONCE First-class experi enced open-shop donkey engine man for work in machine plant in city. Apply 020 Oregon bldg., 5th and oak sts. MEN, age undr experience unneces sary, travel, make secret fnvetlgat ion reports; salaries, expenses. American f oreign Detective agency, 3N St. Louis. WE WILL start you in the cleaning and dyeing business, little capital needed big profits; write for booklet. The Ben- Vonde aygtem, dept. 143. Charlotte, N. C WANTED Contract hauling logs, ties or lumber with i's-ton truck and ,t-ton trailer. E. C. Hankel, 2012 F at.. Van couver,- Wash. A RM hand, also berry trimmer: no chores, no milking. Corner 80th and East Stark. Mt. Tabor canine. FOUR MEN to split cordwood; easy split ting; also 2 men to help on drag saws, Clark. Tabor 3SIB. WANTED Meashouse cook for out of town; state experience and former em ployment. AP 100, Oregonian. YOUNG man for tire service and all-round work who wants to learn the .businesa. For appointment phone Bdwy. 2Jltt. WANTED Monday morning. flrat-ciass stenographer. Gaynor Lumber Co., 1-100 . Yeon bldg. BOYS wanted with wheels, light work, good pay. Call on Mr. Jonea, 126 Broad way. YOUNtV man who desires to study law and receive a small salary at the same time. Apply at 370 Courthouse. WAN TED AT ONCEFIrst-class experl enced molders for work In city. Apply A20 Oregon bldg., 6th and Oak sts. WANTED Experienced veneer iathenian: good wages. Sundown Lumber Co., Puyallup, Wash. WANTED Landscape gardener helper. Apply Sunday or before H A. M. or 5 P. M. week days, DOS 1st. John K rapp. GARDENER wanted by the hour, 0 hrs. per day; steady; good pay. 410 Pres eott st. M MM wanted for factory wjrk. Columbi Paper Box Co., E 2.dh and Holladay streets. W A NT ED Grain bag patchers. Apply Pacific American Metal Co., 209 Front street. HARDWARE salesman for work in house; give age, experience and - references. K i;3, Oregonian WANTED Bridge draftsman, technical graduate. Apply 109 Weils-Fargo bldg. MAN to drive ice cream truck; one that has had experience. 'W 34, Oregonian. MAN to drive milk truck; one that can keep up his route. B '62, Oregonian. LEARN the vulcanizing business. Call or write 158 East Broadway. IF YOU want your house wired at the right price, call Tabor 5012. WANTED An elderly gentleman to run elevator. Hotel Lenox, 3d and Main sts. WANTED Experienced grocery clerk. City Park grocery. 3dandWashIngton. WOOD choppers. $3 -$3.25 per cord. Cabin close to Portland. LEARN a good trade Tire repairing, re treading. See Drake. tark. BOY. Irt years old. for store work. Clothing Co., Morrison and 4th. Lion SHOE SALESMAN WANTED. STA1GEK SHOE CO. HKLP WANTED MALIC WANTED Editor-business manager for live country weekly ; good town near Portland; good wsecs to start and ex cellent prospects. If capable of handling such a position address AV 317, Orego nian. j '. ; TWO experienced floor managers; munt furnish best references; permanent pul- tions wuh excellent opportunities loi advancement. Apply employment bu reau bet ore 10:30 A. M. LIPMAN, WOLFE St CO. IX THE CITY. Carpenters, $ti, b hrs., long Joh; bom man. u. men lor planing mill, 14.9U up, day or ntght; men ami boys fcr ire plant, file per hour, eight hours, pjy every week. Call today tiunda' U A. M. to 12 M. PORTLAND LAIIOU AGENCY, 1 1 North Second St. WANTED SECOND COOK FOR LOG GING CAMP; CREW WILL RUN 11 TO OVER A HUNDRED MEN; MUST HE A COMPETENT MAN. CALL AT 117 YEON BLDG. MONDAY BETWEEN 10 AND 12. WEST COAST EMPLOYMENT AGENCY, 270 BLRNSIDE ST. Blacksmith ami sliocr, $IJ5 board. Flunkeys, cooks, bul I -cooks, foremen, roca men. etc. ; lu borers, lea mm em, ail kinds construction work, mi i h, earn, w est and couth ; fare advanced to all points. MAN for oflice work, must have good ex pert ence. capable and active w mi de tails. In replying Male ase. nationality and experience for iMft five years, aver age yearly earnings tor each year. Ap plications ol man now employed treated confidentially. Give full pailicuiam and address. E 21, orefcoman. WANT E D Ca r p n ter. $ 50 job, pe r h a p n more, who will accept 1M new Path phonograph, plaiug all makea of rec ords, for services; pay balane $8 a month. McDougall Music Co., 3-5 Alder st. WANTED First -class barber t go to Astoria, ur.; guarantee $30 per week and o per cHl over $42. For particu lars; apply to the T,ew ts-Sl enger Barbers Supply Co., loth and Morrison sts.. Port lam!, Or. - WANT salesmen calling on auto tire job bers, dealers and vulcauixers to sell hipli clas tire reliners, biow-oul patches, etc. Com. twice monthly, direct la-tory ship ments; state territory and reference in first letter. Address buite 500. N. W a bas Ii. C h tea g o. WANTED ReliHble man to take log-haui-ing contract in southern Orennn. re quires lour heavy-duty trucks and trail ers; KOod haul, long contract, a money maker. See If ickani, 2'HI Seiolid hi., call Main 2892. WANTED Man with office experience, good opportunity for right man ; small investment required. Call Sunday be tween 10 A. M. ami noon. 423 Henry bldg.. Fourth and Onk. SHEEP herders for eastern, Oregon; must be experienced; $sn, $00 month and board, fare advanctd. Cull todny t Sun day). PORTLAND LABOR AGENCY, 11 North Second st. Help Wanted Salesmen. ONE of the largest insl i lilt inn on the coast, handling highest (trade flnanciHl securities, has an opening for two or three live v.ire ainldlloiix men; real workers with a determination to give everything there is In them to tho com pany they represent: to such men we offer remuneration fur ahnve the ordi nary and qui k rapid promotion to places ol responsibility: if you believe you have the proper qualifications answer quickly. H 27. Oregonian. FOUR honest. Intelligent, wine-awake, am bitious men. who can recognize and will grasp an opportunity to connect them selves with a clean, fascinating busine; large earning, rapid promotion to right men. Mr. Fox, after 10 A. M., llul) Spalding bldg. SALES M EN MuK five lo ten thousand a year selling phonographs from manu facturer direct to dealer., llig commis sion, wonderful opportunity. Snd ref erences. Superior Phonograph 'o.. Dept 27 "120 South Wabash, Chicago. OUR side line assortment oi advertising fans brings llvewire salesmen $200-1300 monthlv. samples linht. all merchants prospects, easy to pell, season begun, lib eral comniisMon. Kan dept., Kemper Thomas Co.. Cincinnati. SIDELINE SALESMEN We have attrac tive iine gf premium assortment for live salesmen; commission from LI to $20 per order; if vou want an up-to-date line, write today. Canfield M tg. Co.. 400.1 Broadway, Chicago. POSITION now open for art A 1 SHlesman to call upon trade In Southwestern Wash- in B-mn. MaiT id man. witn car. pre ferred. State fully experience and lines handled, age and salary expected. . m ern Oil Company, Chehalis, Wash. L1VE-W1KE, result-gnttinff truck sales, men for Portland and Multnomah coun tv. We have a splendid proposition and d thnrniiirhhird truck; a Woliderlul op- wort unity tor the right iiian to make big money. A It 4 1 5. JJregonian. MAGAZINE1 SALESMEN. Can use fw more good sol ichors, no territory restrictions, good mnnrv-mak ing offer. Address Jdanager, 7;iS Eneiid bldg.. Kansas City. Mo. SALESMEN to S'il the Arco-Lite Match- Liter lamps ami iaiuerus wiin an oppor tun-it v of becoming a count y or state distributer. Write Yaie Light Co., o40 Washington Wvd., Chicago, LI. $20 DAILY selling dealers 1.r.O ttr re. pair kits; no ceineni, im vuo -hiukimk . pairs puncture Instant ly; sample free. Rose Pneumatic Plug Co.. 47oJ Sheridan, Chicago. 1NEXPEIMENCED men wanted to sell our marvelous nre exiinginsnt-r un-t.-i .--erous arrangement ; exclusive terrllu v; demonstrated at our expense. Kendall, :;. W. 30; h st.. New Ymk. SALESMAN making Washington to handie big aeller as a side Hue; we want only a live wire who can produce results; this i a big opportunity to rash in on your sparetlme. j-" 44, Oregontan. It E P Ii ES E X T A T I V E salesman for entire stnte of California mi standard pr.du t. can be carried as side line by a capacity man; onlv high-class salesman wanted. E 41. Pn'BOinan. D 1ST HI Bi'TOn wanted in everr I own f"r Speedoline; :iao 10 .o pr mmnn, elusive territory; autnmobilV free ti worker. Speedollne Co.. Dept. Sol Datlaa, Texas. SALESMAN for city; new rnlriilaior line; ineRllv and nationally advrrnsed; liberal rnmmlninn The i ;-n. O. Uowen Sales Co.. ."iiH Spalding bldg. MILT JON-DOLLAR Oregon corporation wantn 3 hiKh-grade Mock salrntnen ca pable of earning ItTi per day nr more. Apply in person for Interview. 911 lias co bldg. . SALESMEN1 Inexperienced or experienced, city or traveling. Write for lift of line. particulars. Annrrnn ii i """'" 1 ept. 31 1, Clihago. IRONALIS.' Experleneed II ve-wire salesman, sell extraordinary high grade line. Commis sion, lronail Faetorics, Itulnnati, O. WE want regular and side line salesmen for $13 article; every merchant a pros pect liberal commission. The lien. O. Bowen Sales Co., TiQH Spalding bldg. SALESMAN wanted Can you sell lono gallons or inmr - Ser cent commission? If so 1 can give you a 1oh. Mummer, 2H0 3d st. CLEANCUT pocket sample sideline, ne) merchants on . rune vou Andres Elw ood M fg. Co., ClarkFdale, Ml. w fc FIRST-CLASS phIcs manager wanted for IttRte or Uregon: muw inwi-i .. ithwi-t fcured. Call Marshall 4.V.I. Roland ho tel. Mr. Slmonson. EX PEK I ENi ED salesman to seil l ires for well-estaonsneu im-. -"Vi. ..... sition for right party. AN .'4.1, Orego nian. , , , SALESMAN wanted: fast-selling specialty; cash daily; big demand. 'J07 Ry. Ex change. WANTED Salesman, live wire. See Man son. l- Iith " . Sunday morning, 9-11. Phnne Bdwy. L'ti.'il. C N use '2 good salesmen with atiti In real estate dept.: must l.ave reference. Nord. 00-2 Henry blrig. WHOLESALE hardware salesman, give references, experience and age. K 40, Oregonian AUTO accesaory saleaman Tor stcennity great tires; sells at sight: free sample. Tire Sole Co., "03 Market. San Fnclseo. SALESMAN WANTED Salesman whoTs ambitious and looking ahead to his fue tuie prosperity. C L'0, Or-gonlan. HAVE fine opportunity for good sal en man to sell suburban property. U ust have car. AH 1341, Oregonian YOUNG specialty saleaman, salary or com mission. Give telephone number. N 25, Oregonian. DISTRIBUTOR for California. cham ber of Commerce bldg., 4th and Stark. CITY salesman, one with light car pre ferred. P I'O, t regonian. SALESMAN WANTED 6-1 MOROAN BL1LDLNO. f J1 rX V WANTElt-MALK. Help Wanted Sairamea. SALESMAN WANTED WR RKgi IK; AT UNCK Fort KAST KILN Olt EGt N AND h l Til Kit N 1 DA HO. l.J VK, A M HITH U S hAI.KS MAN op N.iT I.ESM THAN .1 tfcAll' SUrCKSSFLL RoAI HELLING K I ' E K I EN i'K. WE MAM KATI UK w ii i n it a n r ai tmohii; 'H KM HAL hPKi'l A I.TIKH. tf K 1 .1.1 N1 IMHKCT TO AlTOMuHII.K, IIAHI WAKK AN P liKN K It A L H T K K Tit A I'K. DKLI VKHIKS Pit" -M I'T J-KOM OUR PORTLANH FA'Top.Y UKANCIi. THIS JH A REAL 'Plt T I XI T Y F( K A MAN W H 1 I A S MANHLK A Hl; I.TNL. WK KKgUKsr YOUR APPLICATION HY MAIL t . I -ING GENERAL OUTLINE, Yotlt f eT K N P E R I K N C K, AG K, K T( INTER- IKWS WILL UK PROMPTLY AP POINTED. THE It. ft! HoLLIMiM lib.AU CO., lWTIi AND UPMtLlt bTi AL'KKTIS1NG HA LESMKN Records made by iur m lMtn-n ma h e mm brkrve that we have the in out iilrn lt e ctm bi::atlon of art ca endrf. .rniii, en graved holiday grei itiKi. mnmliiv per -Jt'e. etc.. for advertlslm purpo'" in th f .eld today ; opporiunitrn In 1 h U hu -nea are un lmiied. The new suiting nm son hmii Jut got under wa. saif iimii' by men in the field are r iorkat-j-. can piaee a talesman In smiif vrrv de sirable terrttorv In oStrn tt antiunion . exrrelnre in Xhim llni Is not f. m lit ! Tli Is of I er ill be w it hdra n w It how notice. If Interepteil. appiy I in ni l ,hl I v with reference ard pa rx :ru i r ef selling experience to Die H am haid Co., Aurora, Li. BRANCH XI AN AG UU FoR TIRE FACT lt V. La rite eastern tire company offem er pi mtiHl op port unit y f..r rxpiririu ! branch ma nn jt.-r and I tm n w ti Ii proven reeord who cMn kivc itkuvnco a to a lit Illy and i liri lr to brunch ttianitger, I'.iMUnd trrrliot il e complete in forma i inn, Ith e pen etn-e. a -Mr nn-l it-h-phon number. oMtip.iny h r pr entni u e wilt h in Portland about Mhh h 12 and make lm m.diMtr cIioh e. A'idrf-n AV 3!.l. IMr titn lit n WE NEED HA LESMKN at 1 he l Al bane, Kn hut ,, AMU ml. Mw her, 1j Grande. .i d Ul r. r-.neio, M M I fin U lie, MiiltileM. THUmm.k and klamaih Fall-, or, and KhImiun. hIi HlKhent quality food prodie i. dimi tv ronmiinrri no Investment rxrept list't mr tor del i er In ft , ImhmI m lid r I re n-e r quired; write tor pa r l k-u U ri it-paidl'm our pelluiR plan. our n.tlrmeii have hti-lin of t hHr fe n and eim i hki fMM per month 4irnd ( nlun T a Co. 4 tH N dfh. ni., poi t land. r. SALESMAN U ANTKD A laige New York m h n u l lu re r ' mcdium-prh ed men and onnti men c othlng w it h la i re mo. k lu Imiio dlMte UImv im ept n ior w I'ur i ande clothing ami'v m 1 i In v irlous t rrllnrtes, i om nilmlnn I ! excel ! n I op nor i u n 1 1 v for oik i4tnii.K" v IliercilMndift In It.if.'d oil nd pi ! j, r - i oid (oki ol prodm Jnti add"'-' u , p tlciilars. territory hih! re ! en- e m ii-i-t letter. H. A- Co . Inc. 7ns MtM.i whv. Ne 01 k City. Al kehet pe. lal vKeti'-y . ADVERTISING SALESMAN. A reftpotifihle, hiKii'i'J" ad ert ilnr salesman, witn oMIee, who mn ir I t tiiii mil act u rers h ml .)"l'lri a j Moon I v known adverii"ing i 'Hmpa'Kn, mnatmc ol a window aiiiatt:on ir eterv mv n I lie a r ; we have order p t hi t run ino thousands of do iar", unlimited fieri, 40 per cent comtuipMou, the l.rM opportuni ty ou ever had; Rive detail or m-h-nrv Luhdiie.d-kupOr, Polk and D-nr-boi n sts , t'iil h go. J i!. rWA NTS.CT.ES M A nTThm k "or Td. ril ewi m te or 1 1 f I U Mil I ! nee Hi en f I v en pre I -rri'in f. h lh 'nun hit Nine hp : m 1 1 ;ii s oti higli-i l.i Hade mih ; huh miimii of (! persiuniliiy tan easily earn Jaoo to l'0tt per moi.t h. Tti ihnr who omt Hfy pro motion to hrHTidi of (. awaitN them ie phone niiuilier for appoititmiul. X 20 ireuonlan. DISTKM'UT KS wanted huieluis for l-'orits. e ri- Lee iiar .i n t o ar oo per cent 1 e nuU age, 1 .ifit r stiirt- In g, 1 1 tile ker pick m p nml hinimlli't tun ning motor, our 1 ! ti i y eim tdep v"i lo niiiko a M prtif l rind salisfied ru torn -rs. If y ju whim th. di"t nbulion of nn ar.ide of the highlit merit, write Dept. 40 Economy Carlutetr to, Wii wu 'ik , Wis. i. i'. i;oi.hKMii:i:;. A HI NOTi N Itl.D'J YKAKS IN I LAND " W.t n t a ex peril need ritli v u ler uim n mill auiu to nIhdv rjt prop rt , unit (upM l. of making $(no per' rn..nth O. C. Ool.DEMtKRO, A HIMITON 111, In! . m ;:r, years in n m i la nd ' WANTED Yming man, sa!e-inn of alol Ity und personality, lor im-n and Inns' clothing store In rosM town of 7-'oo poo ulation: permanent posiit'in, ! ary to right party. A-pl 4o7 Mn hunts TrtiMt bldg., tti h and ahington mU 1 to S M SA LKSM A N for rapid Milling auto r mry for vvry cr; lile-rul piopi 4l.i Stiirk m WANTED Sa'esnmn who can with Ford. Main ;mhi, -k i il- e pHi In ir M r. WAM Fl ALK.NT!. CLEAHSALL W IN DKII I ELD CLOTH. A Cyrils wanted fur tins tj nick - selling art ii le ; sells uti sight , Is n. t gr Hi . ionium no oil, oilmiesn; put up in nn pMekttg" that Will iMSt MM Inllg MS III" ehith. cloth giiar-int" e. to W ir I p.-ife.l-y lor one -nr; clears the gls, giving perf.ct visibility at all limed. mIt will not stiek to alass after -ht h Iimm h"eu ONfd. Mall $1 f"r I w aainple i hit h Excinsue selling rights glen with order for nrliiln annum! uf Indii. Aiiln Sniiud Sh les uinpnu. 4(17 Mutual Lit' building, t le. n sh i n U t-oi , SELL ftorld'M gn ateht i t-hemh til cloth pfeveni w Iniishields; one rub ke 21 iHiut'H. agenls nu ui'il, elter made $7.i fir-t da id. Dept id, Toledo, H u to in rnll.ni1 t alu blui ? e. pK glHKM I'lCHI rot ii i ng neoie H-euilty M i g INSURANCE ACENTH wanted In tch low n In Ore won and W arhingion fur large old-line company wrung gwrnl fire, grant and automobile Insurance. AO 2, Uregonian. jTi-INTO Itl SINKSH. niMke big rncn .. We start j "U rn a n u fat n n ug and Ing ' hatnous Situthern I'r l net.. ' New bu'iliedM, trenienilii'is demand . wmidrr tul opportunity Southern Cand to., 11 3l'i, New (ir.esn.i. La. HAVE slate aufnev fnr a Ford a-. ener-y th it I will turn oxer ( no i.i luk stoek on bund, other ple. ng lml 11 e.-. m makes this ft"ceMiy. II -U. U. gon Ia n. . EEI'Tli N A I. op port unll lo one ri pei n-nced In houe ti hoiifte nrk, U t im. nc prope-llmn; evrry prrsnn a r"ir pMi-perl. ii.rndaie Optical Co., IDoi . M it hiiian. A' i KNT 1 1 :,U a n I man will ue l'o t ittw l-r ; big ni'ne v , m rn p . kl t Co., JJ1U liatb si dally; eay free. Thoini Dton AOENTH Oel busv. We ha the great est monev maker n th market; hooe keepern buv on sight; f.o,lMo sold In ImIO. TVLEK MFG. CO., Dept. D 6, Wun.i. Indiana. MA NL 'FACTPHK oiir own goods; em ploy agents and raleimien ; ma he h e money. 1 show tnu ho ; eperien-a unneeessarv; part leu la rn free. Mprr, Watts bidg, Hirmlnsliam, A im A'iLNTS If oii earn Im ttiuii $.'0 week ly get our guaranteed hosiery oiler, spring line read v. Enormous pt ni H. Exp-rtelice ijnn" "Wir) . Perfect wear lln-iery. trby. Pa. 40-100 WEEK. Free sain pies. pign letters anyone can put nn Horn windows. Mlg demand. Liberal offer lo general ag'-nis. Motaliic le tter lo., 4 .i . Clark, l liirsRo. K KIK i.siiXK burners In nxik Mnt ep.. nie,p u-e of wood or Big proillP. ;m lu st ve terrttorv. Ya por ban lturnrr o , 4-'3, Columbus, . AOENTrt See our line of snaps before do ing anything eie. write tomty tor ca i -alosue. American lrnioiii Co., .iUH Aniinotn bldrf., Cincinnati, t. AO EN Tf AND CREW MAN'AOKKN New selling food Special. Livenl Mltl'le Paeked youi Is bid. W rite. Federal I'm ."od Co., Chicago, III. $ Ml TO 1 7 3 A W K K K re p re e n 1 1 1 1 g Fplendhl line of meit'a guarantee tl lored neekwiar. Partiemars free E Krihcr Co., Palmer bldg., letrolt. M our AtiENTM make big money. Fast' otltee iiell rs; line profits Parth ulara and sample free. 1 he line Dip pen Co., J0 Dally Rer ord bldg.. Bait I more. Mil, CALI F R N 1 A Ronebeals selling like hot cakes. Agents roinlng money. Treniemi ous deniand. Mituhm Ne:klace Co., 1!M l W Pico, l-os Angeles. AiENTH ( ne "f t he bel prnposttlonp npen In America, with no km1s t bv Write Immediately. Went (.oanl ales Alnc , Col man bldg., Seattle, Wah. $10 W O RT I ro i7 net ToTlM sc.a, pr . fumes, toilet waters, spire, etc , f i we to agents on refund plan, laicasaian l u, Dept. -4, Mt. Louln, Mo. Wl.r.L Ol VB exclusive agem y fres TiTd samples less than (r",x have good proi osition, unable to ham-It. W Or ego WANTED AGENTS KLL AT TO TMH C A T i P. S. AC TO N ECESSI T V . e ' HI KNS1DB ST. WANTED Agents for good live teller fr Oregon and Washington. ;3 2 Washington t., rt'nr 17th st. AOENTS at once. Si'lmg Aile pr nioRti - hovpltal u eke is. ol Cerbstt 1. 1 I - t I f V I V I . V : ! i I. c i i - r- . -A ' '