' 'I . : i TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, MARCH T, 1920 FOH BALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE ACTOMOBTI.ES. Fot. SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILE. FOR ALB AUTOMOHII I AiUoniobilr Uanl.'d. .tv: ' A "V; V A-l AUTO WORKS 4 PAINTING CO.. 523 ALDER STREET. We hare a very Urge assortment of rebuilt, overhauled and repainted cars that run and look like new. A car bought from us means satisfaction to you. If vou want to save money and Bet fair and honest treatment buy your car from us. The following is a pru list of what we have to oner. 1919 MAXWELL, also brand new. 1918 MAXWELL Touring. 90 new. 1919 CHEVROLET Touring, practically new. 1918 ELGIN Light Six. 18 GRANT SIX. splendid condition. 11.18 OAKLAND Light Six. cord tires. 1918 SAXON SIX. fine shape. 1918 OVERLAND Country Club, 4-pasa. 1918 OVERLAND 90. 5-pas. 1919 FORD Sedan. 1917 FORD Touring. 1914 FORD Bug. 1918 OLDS "S." 4-pass. roadster. 1918 OLDS "S" Touring, 90',i new. 191S CHEVROLET Touring, good shape. 1916 CHEVROLET Baby Grand. 1916 ALLEN Touring, fine car. 1916 DODGE Touring, runs fine. 191S STL'DEBAKER "6," excellent car. 1917 CHEVROLET Touring, fine buy. 1915 STUDEBAKER Light Four 20. 1915 SAXON ,'4" roadster. CADILLAC Bug. OAKLAND Delivery and many others. Every on a bargain. ...u.. .1.. longest and easiest Wins. A small payment down, lo terms on balanie. A-l AUTO WORKS & PAINTING CO.. 0-5 ALDER STREET. USED CHEVROLETS. DO YOU KNOW the price on new n cars has advanced ana will again.' DOT our i " .rein JuVlT- f UN mffi "Ve give y.,u GOOD SERVICE and ALLK for liv-stci-'rSootufo PeVcVt orodt Our stock i. the largest in toe city, lor WE ARE THE CHEVROLET AGENTS. 1919 CHEVROLETS $075 $750. 191S CHEVROLETS. $575 $650. 1917 CHEVROLETS. $150 $500. TOURING CARS. ROADSTERS AND DELIVERIES. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. Chevrolet Agents. 14th and Alder Sis. Bruadwa -- "OPENING SALE I KED CARS. ANNOUNCING OUR N EW Lb CATION. OAKLAND SENSIBLE SIXEo. ROADSTERS. TOURINGS. $4M0 AND UP. SEE THEM. 1.'! 1U Touring, good car - - v 1916 touring. Snap J-jJJ intr tnnri.ke- extra aood ouu I ,,i.ii,tl mieedetrr. factory built. a .....it n-.dster 750 Cash or Easy Terms. WILLAMETTE OAKLAND CO.. Broadway at Flanders. Plume Rroadwav 41S4. Open Sunday All Day. WE SELL YOUR CAR DIRECT FROM YOUR HOME CASH TO THE OWNER. TERMS TO THE BUYER. OREGON USED CAR APPRAISING & SALES CO.. 3:;1 BITK BLDG.. BROADWAY 45S0. LIBERTY BONDS CASHED. AUTOMOBILES CASHED. TOU BUY OR SELL AN AUTO. WE FURNISH THE MONEY. OUR PLAN WILL PLEASE YOU. v OREGON BONO & MORTGAGE CO., 20o SELLING BLDG. (2D FLOOR.) PAIGE Light Six Best of condl dition; cord tires; owner must sell. Make us an offer. Take smaller car In trade. terms on 19tn and Couch Bdwy. lis. FOKD SPEEDSTER, $473. With $17:70 down. bal. Ions: easy monthly terms that will please you. Car has bovn rt'finiFhed and outlooks tnem all. 000 Alder at. RED FRONT USED CAR CO. I'HED CAR BARGAIN. 30 Fords J-'OO to buy 25 1! Franklins to $S0U 1 lOd(E 4 Maxwells $275 to Ho 3 Chevrolet roadster.. . 375 1 Uuii'k roads. r -75 10 cars without starter $150 to 300 LONG S1L.VA. 4t2 Hawthorne. LATH !1S mod. 00 Overland Country Club in very best of condition; just overhauled: new batteries new Rear, m-w fly wheel, 5 nearly new tires and inner tube?, cushion covers, plate ftiass and lots of other ex t ran; this car is about a ?uod as new and will sacrifice for $7to; no brokers. Address owner, F ;.;, Ore go nl an. l t r""dO DG E, 5-patnener, good tires, $750. This huv will not last long. H oilier, 8 cylinders, just like nw. $7."io. Ford roadster, demountabl rims, new tires, battorv and extra: $400. FOL'RTH ST. GARAGE. R.-.4 4th nt. Main 010. $J7.". STL'DEBAKER TOURING. In first-clatw hape. Five good tires. Paint and upholntering as good as new. Can you bat thin? IKS GRAND AVENUE. i'ORD touring, late 1018 model, electrically equipped: almost new tires. This car haa been well taken care of and la in the finest kind of shape. $325 cash or $.'40 frms. Call Wdln. 4134. 6-PASS. touring- car. good condition all around, $3.'.0: easy terms to responsible party; liberal discount for cash. 1-2 Grand are. FOKD delivery, special body, with side curtains: lots 0' extras. A real bar gain: $425. rms. 30 Grand ave, north, near Burueide. FOR SiLG 1910 Ford touring car, $350 cash, cr ternis; good tires, new top. Tabor 4115. BEST buy In Portland, Hudson 7-pass; $050 will handle. Terms. Call 312 Pine for appointment. No dealers. $400 BUYS a small Chalmers coupe, 4 good tires and in fine condition. Can be aeen at 200 E. 2d at., N. Owner. YC'A SA7JELate1919 Chevrolet; 4 new tires, guerauteed perfect; cash or terms. Tabor 4115. ' LIOHT Studebaker 5-passenger, good tires, irgnts: runs good; $175. Sell. 498. 543 E. 2Slh. SNAP Chevrolet in nrst-class condition: new tires: $150 cash, balance terms. Call Wdln. 2763. FOE SALE Light 5-pass. car. $150; good tires all around: in good running order. Call Sunday, 903 E. Ulisan. OVERLAND S5. 4 R. cheap. , East 442. T., good as now ; TOU CAN ALWAYS DO BETTER AT WALLTNGFORD'S. A DIFFERENT USED CAR SALE. This Is the sale you have been waiting for before buying a used car. The entire stock of used cars of the W. H. Wallingford Co. are orrerea to me public as prices and terms never before neard of in Portland. WE ARE GOING TO MOVE THESE CARS. MR. BUYER. AND ITS UP TO TOU TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS REAL SALE. THIS SALE WILL LAST FOR TEN DAYS ONLY. Don't wait until they are all picked over. A FEW SAMPLES: Maxwell. 1916 Dodge, like new. 1916 Ford Roadster, 1916 ... ROADSTERS ....$450 $750 .$350 Reo Roadster. Buick Light Six. Olds Chummy Eight. Studebaker. wire wheels and cords. 3 Briscoe Demonstrators. 8 Liberty Demonstrators. Chevrolet Baby Grand. And many others to choose from. - ..Yicrm'torv. brlri . " y"uJ i" "in lake It in trade and make suitable terms on the balance. Ask for Mr. Little. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. W. H. WALLING FORD CO.. Bdwy. 2492. 522 Alder St. Open Sundays. NOT A FORCED SALE. BUT AN OFFERING OF A FINK STOCK OF USED CARS. OUR STOCK CONSISTS OF FINE APPEARING REBUILT AND REFIN- ISI1ED STANDARD BAm " PRICE THAT IS UBI CARS IN SUCH EXCELLENT CONDI TION. FORDS. 1919, 191S. 1917. 1916. CHEVROLETS, 1919. 1918. 1917. ALL, IN GOOD CONDITION. MAXWELLS More miles to the gallon. 1919. 191S. 1917. OVERLANDS. Models 9083 just received. STUDEBAKER Either a six or a Four. OLDSMOBILE LATE SIX. OAKLAND Light Six, just repainted. MITCHELL JUNIOR SIX. CHANDLEB Don't pass this up if you want a high class car at a low price. BUICK SIX We have two of them. Both in fino condition. THE USED CAR EXCHANGE. 15TH AND WASHINGTON. R E O We have one, a big blue, powerful 6- cylinder car. The one you have seen around town. Priced right. You will like it. 1S8 GRAND AVENUE. 191S HUPMOBILE 3-pasa.. only run 71100 miles; excellent condition. You can't dupilijite tnis value in a Hup. Come see. Price J-00. terms. Mr. Argo, Broadway aj&i. BUICK roadster, newly painted, new top, plate glass. 5 good tires, O. K. mechan ically. Price 11050; one-third down, balance 10 months. Call Mr. Argo. Bdwy. 371. 1910 CHALMERS One of the beet sixes on the market. This car Is like new and can be bought at a price that will please ou. Terms. Phone Main 4U2b: Marshall 276ti. BUG BODIES. $100. Complete with nooa. etc. Immediate delivery. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO Third and Glisan. LIGHT 6 BUICK touring, run less than 10 000 miles; new paint; job looks like brand new car; O. K. mechanically; good tires. Price $1100. with terms, l-'S down. Mr. Argo. Broadway o-'sl. 1916 STUDEBAKER 6. 7-passenuer: new Wlllard battery, spotlight. 5 good tires. 19J0 license. A real bargain at $500. By owner. Rose City Park Garage. 52d and Sandi . - 1910 CASE with 5 cord tires, special seat covers, bumper, etc.; perfect mechani cally; looks and runs like a Dew car; price $1700, easy terms. Call for Mr. Cook, Broadway 3231. PACKARD 2V4-ton. fine condition; long wheel base; new lumber rolls; chains; new solid tires and chains; $1650, terms. Broadway 3732. 307 Oregon bldg.. or East 0047. Merrick. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE. Scott Bosorth. 702 Spalding bldg. INCLOSED car for pale, or trade: worth $50. Also furniture, carpenters bench and tools for sale, cheap. 737 Wilson st.. X. I'ortlAid. MAXWELL touring car, first-clasa shape, ' ti tlrer, a bargain if taken at once. $475. Terms. 717 Hawthorne or East 1300. Ak for Blondtc. A HL'PMOBILE. just overhauled. 5 good tires, $si. terms. car looks like uew. 717 Hawthorne or East 1500. Ask for Blondle. 1&18 CHEVROLET in the best of condi tion, (iood paint; good tires. A real bargain; $575. Terms. 30 Grand ave. nortn. near Burnside. WINTON SIX 5 cord tires, spotlight, run ll.ooo miles; perreci condition; just painted. Phone Marshall 4400, apart ment 301. STUTZ CHUMMY FOUR A real car, classy appearance, $1050; guaranteed service. Stuts distributors. Tenth and Salmon. TRAILER for sale; useful for camping and other purposes. Inquire 1002 E. 24th at. N. SICK. NEED MONEY Hudson. In per fect condition; just overhauled and re finished; $850. Phone Sellwood 051. KEO Late model, 5-pase. four.'runa like new. new tires with trailer. Good buy. Owner. 948 Hassalo st. BUICK late 1917, price $700; this Is a snap; good tires, with extra. Call TaborSS39. JD18 FRANKLIN, .splendid state of preser vation; will trade for smaller car and cash: terms if desired. East 4508. 1018 FORD roadster, $425: good shape: shock absorbers. 101 N. 11th. corner of Flanders. 1917 FORD touring, $365 cash. 1150 Tag gert St. SOME NEWS. "HELLO, MYRTLE, SO GLAD ' TO MEET TOU. I HAVE SOME FINE NEWS FOR TOU." WHT, ALBERT, WHAT CAN IT BE?" 1 JUST HEARD THAT THE USED CAR KING AND S. M. ARBUCKLE HAVE GONE INTO THE USED CAR BUSINESS. TOU KNOW SAM ARBUCKLE. DON'T TOU? HE IS THAT PLEASANT APPEARING, GOOD - LOOKING HEAD. SALESMAN THAT HAS BEEN WITH THE USED CAR EXCHANGE FOR SO MANT TEARS." "OH, TES, ! WHERE' IS THEIR LOCATION? "THEY HAVE FITTED UP A SWELL SALESROOM ON THE N. E. COR. OF 15TH AND BURN SIDE STS., THE BEST LOCA TION IN THE CITY, AND I UN DERSTAND THEY HAVE THE FINEST LINE OF USED CARS ALREADY BOUGHT START IN WITH." UP TO "WELL. ALBERT, THEY SURELY WILL MAKE A GOOD TEAM, AS THEY ARE CONSID ERED THE MOST THOROUGH USED CAR MEN IN THE BUSI NESS, AND THEY HAVE A FINE REPUTATION FOR THEIR HONEST, UP RIGHT AND SQUARE DEALING METHODS." "WHAT ARE THEY GOING TO CALL THEIR FIRM?" "WHY. IT WILL BE THAT SAME FAMOUS FIRM, CONLEY'S USED CR CENTER N. E. COR. 13TH AND BURN SIDE STS., OR Oil BURNSIDE. C. G. BLEASDALE. LARGE STOCK OF USED CARS. Make your selection early, all stand ard makes, carefully inspected before ottering them for sale. TERMS. Make your own terms: your contract Is not disposed of to a nanker or broker. saving you irom i lo lu per cent. Call and look them over and get our proposition. FORD TOURING, fine mechanical con dition, good tires, ?3io. FORD TOURING. 1918, good tires, shock absorbers, Yale lock, speed ometer, $475, MAXWELL 1918, looks like new. fivi good tires, bumpers, $750. CHEVROLET TOURING, good mechan. leal condition, $475. CHEVROLET TOURING, 1919. good as new, $io. STUDEBAKER TOURING, 1917; a bar gain for quick sale. BUICK, 4-cyl roadster, five good tires, $525. BUICK, big 4-cyl., touring car, $250. BUICK LIGHT 8 ROADSTER, good tires, repainted, looks and runs liko new, $10io. BUICK LIGHT 6, tourinff. 5 good tires: repainted; plate glass top, $1100. BUICK, 6-CYL., 7-PASS., looks like new. MITCHELL $S75. 6-CTL. for quick sale, 40 OTFfER CARS TO CHOOSE FROM. ALL STANDARD MAKES. BUICK. 7-PASS. DODGE. CHANDLER, 1918. WILLYS-KNIGHT. OAKLAND. ( REPUBLIC TRUCK. C. G. BLEASDALE. 330 Alder. Broadway 1S52. FOR SALE BY OWNER. 1919 Chevrolet touring car in perfect condition. Fully equipped with 4 new oversized tires and extra, Gabriel snub bers. bumper, spotlight, large steering wheel and motor-driven horn. Run less Than nonu miles. A snap for cash. Tabor 7529. THIS IS A BARGAIN. Chevrolet baby grand touring car; mo tor in perfect condition: body finish and upholstery like new. Four good tires and extra. Call Main 4757. , OAKLAND SIX. 1918 A light powerful six and this one is In tip-top shape; $400 will handle this. 19th and Couch. Bdwy. 118. "NOT ADVERTISED" SPECIALS. We have a few choice bargains rang ing in price from $200 up to $425. Sell ing these at small profits and quick turnovers. Ask to see our "Not Adver tised", specials. 188 GRAND AVENUE. 1917 FORD roadster, fine condition, $37 and terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. THESE ARE REAL BARGAINS. Case six 7-passenger touring car; Oak land unit coupe; Overland 5-passenger touring car; a zour-speed Kissel Kar. Some terms. E. D. VAN DERSAL. 350-H4 Burnside st. Bdwy. 80. TWO fine 1919 Chevrolet tourings, all com plete: overhauled, ready to go and give guuu eervire; lerms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. WILL BUY 5-passenger touring car in ex cellent condition; model 1919 or later: - preferably Dodge, Nash. Essex. Buick or uaaiana; no aeaiers need reply: state connmon anu lerms tuny. Br 630, Ore gonian. 1918 FORD touring car, flife shape, good tires; $475 and terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. FORD Am orrcred $835 bv authorised Ford agents for my new 1920 Ford tour ing with starter and extra on new sedan Don't' need any ear now so will save any prospective buyer $50. Phone Wood lawn 2525. OVERLAND del., good condition, $300, easy terms. Tom, Bdwy. 4408. N. W. cor 14th and Couch. FORD touring, 1919 model, 7 months old; a real Ford starter block. I am no dealer; am leaving town. 614 Wlndle St.. St. Johns district. Take St. Johns car. TRACTOR FOR AUTO. Cleveland or Avery tractor, first-class condition for auto. 360 E. Morrison. GOOD light car, cheap for cash: will make a good bug; good tires; new top. 381 E. Clay at. , 1913 BUICK. 5-pass.. $250. 4811 72d st. S. B. Tabor 3012. BUG BODIES BUG BODIES BUG BODIES BUG BODIES BUG BODIES BUG BODIES BUG BODIES BUG BODIES THESE B O D I E 3 ARE NEW. COMPLETE WITH HOOD, EACH $80. FIT ANY LIGHT CAR, SUCH AS FORDS. ' MAXWELLS, CHEVROLETS. BUICKS. ETC. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO.. THIRD AND GLISAN STS. TOURING CARS. OLDSMOBILE 6-7-passcnger, 1918 model, in fine shape and will make a nice family car. Looks like new. MAXWELL TOURING, 1918. In good running order. You all know what a Maxwell can Uo. Come in and make an offer. BUICK 6-5-passenger. 1918 model, cannot be told from new one. Don't miss seeing this. DIAMOND T TRUCK SALES AGENCY OF OREGON. MAXWELL. 1918 Can hardly be told from new; a real snap; small payment down. 19th and Couch, Bdwy. 118. FORD COUPE 1918. In fine condi tion; would like to sell or trade for a Ford touring car. Call me at Broadway 818 or East 8185. 1917 FORD touring, just painted, engine completely overnauiea. aii uik C . and tubes, license, speedometer, shock absorbers. Yaie lock, patent oil stoppers, seat covers; by owner; $400 cash or terms. Tabor 0527. ' Call at Burkes garage Sunday. 72d and Millard ave. Mt. Scott car. THIS CAR MUST BE SOLD. Brand new 4-9 Chevrolet roadstor; has not run 1000 miles;-original tires; everything about this car absolutely per fect. Call Main i4,u. $2.30 PER ACRE 2.50. 800 acres, unimproved, in 2 half and one quarter section tracts, less than 50 miles Portland; some good timber; forced sale: a snap: all cash. Estes & Magce. Portland. 900 Cham, of Com. Salem, 428 Oregon bldg. 1920 OAKLAND Sedan, run less than 100 miles. Must sell at once. Phone Monday, Main 4000. STAGE CARS. Pickings will be good this summer In the stage and livery busineHS. Uet a good car and get In the game. Lots of highway and interurban runs open. 1)58 GRAND AVENUE, $50! $450! $450! $450! CHEVROLET touring, 1917. almost new tires, one spare, spotlight, tools. , rob'e. A real buy. 1 15 E. 32d at, '1 blocks north Belmont. LOOK! 1- ton Republic truck $SO0 2- ton Reo. like new 700 1017 Overland, panel, delivery 400 Chevrolet touring, a wonder 800 See owner. King St. Garage. FOR SALE By owner. 4 90 1920 Chevrolet touring car, same as new, run less i"" miles in city, lots extras, can be seen Sunday at garage, 58 14th and Main, or call Bdwy. -2182 Monday, ask for Mr. Grimes. 1918 CHEVROLET touring, fine condition. good tires; ill sell lor $hiHj, terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. EXTRA BARGAIN. -, 1919 Maxwell by private party, good condition, terms to suit buyer. Must see car to appreciate value. 1111 Wood ward ave.. cor. 37th Bt. Sellwood 1007. 1918 MAXWELL, in the best of condition good tires, gooc. paint. will sacrifice at $075. Terms, tirand ave. north, near Burnslde LATE MODEL 1918 EMPIRE speedster: 5 wire wheels, bumper, 8-day clock, $750. I.A1.I, BKOAUHAI i:Mi. S. E. COR. 5TH AND HOYT. MITCHELL 5-passenger touring, late 1918. Ilrst-class condition; called east; must sell: private owner: no dealers: 001 Pit tock blk. 11 to 4 today. Broadway 4290. A SNAP A 1917 Maxwell, best of condi tion, 2 tires, spot light and bumper. $550, terms. Gary Coast Agency, 71 Broad way. Bdwy. 2162. LATE MODEL BUICK SIX ROADSTER ood as new, , cord tires, run only n:iii miiee. i-aii aunaay or Alonday. Ta nor 2S41. STEPHENS Salient six roadster, cord tires, spotlight, good paint, new top, private owner. Phone Bdwy. . 1484, or call 1U4 N. 14th. SERIES 8 FRANKLIN. This car is In exceptionally fine con dition, run only 11.000 milea. Call Ta bor 2841. SCRIPPS-BOOTH for sale cheap: classv. late model : motor overhauled, good tires, extras. 114614 Gay St. and Killings worth. 19DJ HUPMOBILE. first-class condition: you should see this car perform; price right; terms. Call Monday. Bckwy. 1572. Mr. Kruger. LATE model National sport car; fine"seat covers, pantesote top, good cord tires; mechanically perfect: private owner; . $1400; terms. Automatic 233-95. ELGIN CHUMMY FOR SALE CHEAP. GOOD CONDITION. PHONE TABOR 2S85. FOR SALE or trade on good bug or light auto, 3-speed electric Indian motorcvele with Dream tandem. Woodlawn 5123. 1920 NASH coupe, run only 2000 miles on city streets; best buy in town for $2250. See car at 421 Burnside st. MAXWELL, good tires, looks like new, $050; no dealers. Call before 8 P. M. or Monday. Wdln. 4036. . HUPMOBILE touring. A-l condition; new top. siae curtains, new paint, good tlrea, $475; cash or terms. Owner, Sell. 1231. 1918 OVERLAND, model 90, 56Iooki and runs like new. Wdln. 6323. WILL sell my Ford. $350: going south. . Union Depot Garage, Sunday only. ' ABSOLUTELY DEPENDABLE USED CARS. OUR SLOGAN, "DEPENDABLE USED CARS." IS NOT JUST A CATCH-DOLLAR PHRASE, BUT A REAL FACT. A PURPOSE, A POLICY. BACKED BY OUR GUARANTEE. EVERY CAR WE SELL IS DEPENDABLE NOT CAMOU FLAGED UP TO LOOK rRKTTi J THE OUTSIDE BUT DEPENDABLE THROUGH AND THROUGH. A CAR THAT CAN BE DEPENDED UPON TO GIVE DEPENDABLE SERVICE. ISN'T THAT THE KIND OF A USED CAR YOU WANT? 1019 PAIRE LIGHT SIX. touring ear. a real buy in a car that is mighty fine: 6 tires. 1918 OLDSMOBILE SIX TOURING car. good mechanical condition, good tires, bumper, spotlight, $1100. An un usual Duy. 1916 REO FOUR touring car, good tires; $550. This is a buy. 1919 OLDSMOBILE SIX touring car; a real car at a real price; tires .are an good. ( DODGE TOURING car, cord tires, ex tra tire and in dandy condition; new battery for $So0; a real buy. 1918 FORD touring car in good con dition. $400. 1918 CHEVROLET touring, good tires I and machanicaiiy. FORD DELIVERY, a good delivery af a low price. 1919 CHANDLER chummy, like new. 1919 CHANDLER dispatch sport model. THESE ARE SOME OF THE BEST PERFORMING CARS ON THE MAR KET. BUICK 4 ROADSTER for $473; good tires and will perform. 1916 Studebaker 6 touring car for $473. How s that .' FORD BUG. ton. windshield, curtains. shock absorbers; new paint; a good buy. We have more to show you. We give terms. Come in. PORTLAND CAR SALES CO.. 531 Alder St. Bdwy. 2796. GOOD USED AUTOMOBILES. Most of them overhauled and repainted. All tagged and plainly priced. 1917 Maxwell, all In good condi tion having been overhauled and repainted $ 483 I 1918 Maxwell automobile, fine mod ern, small, but up-to-date car. overhauled and repainted 6S5 I 1919 Maxwell, like new 800 1920 Maxwell demonstrator for sale. Overland, late model, all in good running condition S2S 1917 -Chalmers Liirht Six. all in fine condition 900 1917 Studebaker. irood condition. with curd tires 723 Several bargains in other small cars. HUDSON BARGAINS. 1916 Hudson Super Six, we have just overhauled it and it is being repainted. We guarantee this to you the same as a factory guarantee on a new car 1150 I 1917 Hudson Super Six. same guar antee as above 1475 I 1918 Hudson Super Six. all over hauled and repainted. Wa guarantee vou the same as a factory on a new car 1750 I Hudson roadster in the super six. a fine chance bargain 1250 I TRUCK. Maxwell used truck, overhauled, eood tires, fine condition: also body 950 I C. L. BOSS AUTOMOBILE CO.. 615-017 Washington at., Portland. TOU CAN'T RESIST THESE. $450. 1913 Reo 4. in first-class condition. real bargain at $450. Terms. $200 cash and $20 per month; no interest or In surance to pay. $180. 1917 Ford, a food -looking car. good tires, all in fine condition. Terms. $200 cash. $25 per month; no Interest or in surance to pay. $850. iota HunmnMle. This is an excep tional bargain that must be seen to be fully appreciated. Terms. $875. 1916 Hupmoblle; In first-class shape. $373 cash and $4t per montn; no inter est or insurance charges. 1918 Buick. the ordinary, month. Something really out of $500 cash and $60 per $1575. 1020 Liberty, only run 2700 miles. $700 cash and $70 per month; no interest or insurance cnarges. To get further Information or to sea these cars alter o f. m. or on ouuuar. call Sellwood 3071. During tha day call Joe Goodfellow at the . NORTHWEST AUTO CO Bdwy 1460. HUDSON SUPER SIX LIMOUSINE. PER FECT CONDITION: BEST JOB OF RE PAINTING ORTAINABLE. HAS BEEN OVERHAULED BY HUDSON PEOPLE vn tukv WIT. I. RIVE A GUARAN TEE ON IT SAME AS FACTORY" GUARANTEE. NEW onp; mm is nw. WILL SELL THIS ONE FOR $2400. TERMS IF DESIRED. AM LEAVING FOR NEW YORK CITY. P 39. OREGO NTAN. $700, MITCHELL SIX. 7-passenger. 4 new cord tires. 2 good extras; automatic air pump and bumper; would consider acre age close In if price is right. See Mr. BCINTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743. 410 HenryBldg. """ " OVERLAND SIX. This la the baby. Would make a great "for hire" car. Buna like a million dol lara. 188 GRAND AVENUE. FOR SALE Apperson six. 7-pass., $loO cash. A real car; run 8500 milea Fine condition, good tires. 'extras; will dem onstrate. Phone Woodlawn 4276 or write Y 87, Oregon!;!!. 1917 OVERLAND, looks like new, all elec tric equipped,' owner will sacrifice for $400; oar -can 'bearen at North Bank Oarage, cor. nth and Flanders. 1819 BC1GK 7 PASSENGER. Has been used by private family, only driven 7000 miles. Call East 6651 be tween 9 and 12 A. M. I HAVE 1919 Studebaker light six, nearly new. In Al conaition; win give terms or take small car in trade. Phone Broadway 2199 or 328 Glisan at. OWNER leaving city will sell Ford for only $350 casn; aiso autoraopue tools and some furniture. Phona Woodlawn 2053. 1225 E. 81st St. N. HUDSON SUPER SIX In A-l condition. Good tires, uooa paint. vvui sen at $1750 and give terra $0 Grand ave. north, near Burnside. - I USED CAR DEPARTMENT. D. C. Warren Motor Ca. 58-60 E. 23d st Main 780. In buying your car of a re sponsible dealer you are sure of getting what you pay for. and secure the service and trade-in value and many other valuable considerations the casual buyer does not appreciate. We have some splendid cars now which you should see before selecting your car this spring. It will pay you to investigate. Overland Model 85, 6-cylinder. touring. 5-passenger. $800. 3 Oldsmoblles, 5-pass.. In 4 and 8 cylinders. $750. $1200 and $1400. 3 Saxons. 6 cylinders, 5-passcn-gcr, $000 to $850; like new. 1 Cadillac, touring. 1914 model. $000. all in good order. 1 Paige, 1918 model touring. 7-passenger, tjooO-mile car., at $1750 a bargain. Besides these, we have a won derful line of nearly new Velio cars in roadsters, touring cars and sedans, all carrying a 90-day guarantee and priced from S0O0 up. Let us show you one of these. Any car sold for one-third down, balance In 12 monthly pay ments. Remember each car is guaranteed as represented. DON'T READ THIS if you are determined to buy only a second-hand car, go over to 21st and Washington streets, wliero you can get a selection from over loo renullt cars. The Covey Motor Car company plant is an automobile reconstruction plant. A rebuilt car purchased here ofters the highest value and greatest possible sat- islaction. Eay terras on all. Open Sunday. DODGE BROTHERS CARS. 1917 Sedan, wire wheels, only $1300 1!H Touring- A-l. good tires 9)0 1017 Tourinx. new top. fine shape. 025 1910 Touring, good tires 750 1910 Hoaoster. new top. good tires f.a 1915 Touring, new top 075 1918 MAXWELL roadster. A-l shane UuU 1917 MAXWELL touring, good tires and tini.sh ft.( 1910 OVERLAND, fine shape, only 725 1H18 OVEitLAN D rdot'r. new nalltt 4Ji 1917 Snap lor mechanic. CHANT u, lix it up. only iiov FORDS AND CHEVROLETS. Prices placed on these care were low before the prices on new cars wero ad vanced. We have not raised our prices. 1919 CHEVROLET touring, in A-l shape a j.a 1918 CHEVROLET touring, priced only 550 1918 FORD sedan, self-starter, a beautltul car. newly painted, wire wheels, one extra; .equipped with tire, other extras' 800 40U U. io 325 1918 FORD touring, good tires.... 1017 FoRD touring, good shape.... 1D1H FOKD touring, good shape.... 1910 FORD roadster, good shape.. 1916 6-40'HUDSON. 7-pass.. one of the best Hudsons ever Dullt sou 1917 K1SSELKAK touring, newly painted, oord tires, i extras J""u 191U VELIE snort model, a beauty 17u0 1916 PACKARD Twin 6. cord tires. a remarkable car at only juu 1914 LOZ1ER limousine in wonder ful shaDe. Take notice for Hire men. price only 1200 CADILLACS. Tnilr. these cars are In wonderful condition and they inspire a pride of ownership not surpassed in the purchase or a new car. 1918 repainted, cord tires, seat cof- rm. westinahousa eauioment: a beautiful car $3750 1918 CADILLAC. 7-pass.. 2 to select from, same as above wiinout west- invhoiise enuinment ...135(H) and 3600 1916 Cadillac touring. Deautnui per manent top; priced only 2500 1915 Cadillac. 8-cyl. roadster 1300 Over 100 cars to select from. No misrepresentations. COVET MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Washington at 21st SL Main 6244. HUPMOBILE. 1916 I want to sell my car today. It's in first-class shape and at $850 Is a real snap for somebody. Call Burns. Sell wood 3071. MUST SELL. 4 modern autos look them over and make offer 1918 Hup: new paint. 11117 Dodge; new paint and top. 1918 Liberty; new paint and cord tires. 1919 Case; tip-top shape. 188 TENTH STREET. OPP. LIBRARY. 1914 OVERLAND al your own pries; it has $100 worth new tires and la in good running condition; make offer. Fashion Garage. MAXWELL ROADSTER. In good shape. Formerly owned by a preacher. $585 if taken at once. - 188 GRAND AVENUE. ESSEX 1919 touring.. Looks like new. Used privately, will sell at $1450 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. north. Dear Burnside. 1918 FORD touring body with speedom eter, $50. Cor. 11th and Flanders. FOR SALE 1817 Ford: looka and runa like new; owner. 5335 70th St. S. K. BARGAIN New Remy spark distributor and coil. Tabor 1809. USED FORDS. Fmall cash payments and you drive tha car away. EASY TERMS on the balance. ALL MODELS to select from. REMEMBER wa are selling all the USED FORDS taken In by all the authorized Ford dealers in Portland. LARGEST STOCK OP USED FORDS IN THE NORTHWEST. UNIVERSAL CAR EXCHANGE. Used Fords Exclusively, 69-71-73-75 Grand Ave., Corner E. Stark (Morgan-Atchley Bldg.) Open Sunday and Evening. CARS OF TIIE "BETTER KIND. 1919 PATTERSON. Sea this one. 1917 PODGE. 5-passcngor, extra tire and spotlight. OVERLAND, 5-passenger. CADILLAC. ONE-TON FORD TRUCK. FRANKLIN' ROADSTER, first-class condition. cord tires. OVERLAND MODEL 90 ROADSTER. 1919 VELIE SEDAN, 90 per cent new, wiro wheels. 1918 BUICK ROADSTER. USED CAR PALACE. 61 UNION AVE. N. EAST 7717. CADILLAC DELIVERY. On account of purchasing new deliv ers, wo offisr for sale our Cadillau de livery ; eiiKiue overhauled In Nov.-inhor. new masti-r gear, car in good mechani cal condition, demountable runs, spletulld I tires. Delco Ignition syali-m. electric Hlu,1 tail and front lights, fine metal body that would cost at least $175; price of car eonipli-ta $275. $100 down. $0 monthly, or $225 without bmty. Hyatt lullvliig .Machine Co., J.,u Alditr. 1019 OAKLAND touring. Oakland touring. 1UI7 Oakland touring. 1017 Dodge touring. 11117 .... .-..!,. t....Lnw Tht-so cars are all In iue shape and are ready for any test you may wish. A small payment down and balance to suit I your pocketbook. Red Cap .Motor Sale, I 4UII Stark st., bet. loth and 11th. Bdwy. 3Ubl. 1910 SCRIPPS-BOOTIl. This is a high-grade light six. ffve- pasHeng'T, which has only been usrd short while. It looks like new and 1 will guarantee the rar to be In pcrfert me- I chaulcal condition. ill s'll this cheap to some responsible parly on I terms. Uwni r. Kast 31:10. PIERI'B-AIIROW 48 TOURING CAR. StM-en-nasrienrT. 1912. in fine condi tion, now in ue by original owner as tanuiy car; price $looo. T 2U, ore- gonian. KURD Hi ll. The original "YELLOW FELLOW" you havo seen around the streets. Cla-s- b-Ft bug in town for the money. Mof this oiio. 18 GRAND AVENUE. FOKD bug. overhaulid. above dock, good tires, iiiont st. 'vrytlilng I $475. 424 Uel- Autntnohilea 11 anled. LATK model light i-ar In exihaligo for 20 nrri'n fine alfalfa land nenr main line H. R. town in Umatilla county. 292 N- 2'Mh St.. Sslein, or. WILL TRAliE a 10IS 4-rylinrter Crow-Elk- hart. 5-pass. touring car for a Ford or Chevrolet. Mcsch. Bdwy. 3ll. loth and Kvrrctt. WANT Mavwell, Dodge or Chevrolet, tour Iiik or roadster; ltl exchange acll lo cated lot. Phone 217-03 all' r 6 I'. M. ' Ask for Ceorge. ! WAN TED All makes of cars; conditio no nbjei't; will psy rcMsolianie price. North Bank Oarage, corner 1 lib and Flanders. WILL OIV'B $.VM In clear lots aa first payment on good auto, balance month ly payments. Phone Marshall .'1324. or call at 4"2 Stock Exchange bldg. FOR KALE or trade Reo 2-ton trurk. new tlrea Mesch. Bdwy. 2t43. loth and Everett. WE ARE In tha market for used cars. Drive them In and walk away with the money. Pacific Auto Co.. 523 Alder st. COMPLETELY furnished house lat for sale or trade toward Pouge or Oak land machine. Tatior 21211. WANT light roadster, not over $4O0, s!f starter, might consider 5-passenger. 321 Eugene street, Eaft 2.1'm. WANTED 1910 Dodge roadster, or tour ing car, part rash, taalaitca time. Ad dress P. O. box 527, city. Will OR 19211 FOUD or Chevrolet from private parly. Will pay cash. K 21, Oregonlan. 1920 PAN AMERICAN dwnonatratnr, used vary little. See Settletnan. McCraken Motor Co.. 490 Burnside, today. WANTED Light model car; must be cheap. Apply R. Goldberg, 14J Third. between 4 and 6 F. M. CASH for bargain In 1920 Ford, with start er and demountable rims. Gubser. 232 E. 47lh sC FORD WANTED $150 cssh and my es tablished business, including stock. N 84. Orcgontarr WANT Dodge touring, even trade forlJOIIKHON motor wheel, good conditio I lodge roadster. 500 Marguerite, corner I Clinton. CLEAR LOT and some cash for light .a-oune or ro.idtUer In good condition. Box 1, KeliiO. W.ish. WANTED Auto In exchange for cottage at Uayocean. P. D. Harris. 1877 Van Houten st. Phone Columbia 879. WANTED Light car. preferably Dodge; must be In good condition and good bargain. Tabor 7917. WANTED Lnte model Kord coupe, flrat- class condition, tor casn; private psrty. L 42. Oregonlan. WANTED Kords and Chevrolets, resson- able prices pain; connmon no oojecu ivi N. lllh St., corner Flanders. WANTED To buy Ford coupe or Kord bug. Must be Wrgatn. What hava you to offr? N 47. Oregonlan. WANTED 1920 Kord, lata model Dodge or Olds n xor casn. aiusi pe nargain. Vain 3321. I WILL TRADE my equity in a small piece ot lana wnn a aonu i-roora nousa for an auto. K 80, Oregonlan. WILL trade lota 1 and 2, block 5, Ridge- moot. lor D-paaa, rincn. nqwy. eae. VE-TON used auti truck for logging. Write O. Peyton Klamath Kails, Or. WANTED To buy Ford coup body. AL 01. Oregonlan. DODGE touring car wanted for cash; giv full particulars. i at. oregonlan. SEATTLE lot. value $800. trade for light car. cnas. criswoio. luaiatin. or. ONE-CARAT diamond wanted payment on light auto. r.ast i.ioa. WANTED A part payment, light 5-paa. car on 7-pass. iiunson. tail aia jin at. WANTED A good Ford truck. Al cou- dltlon: worm drive, n -i. oregomnn. WANTED To rent private garace naar 1st and overtonsls. Apl ::('.-, iLlbrtilg. WANTED 'A-ton Ford truck. Woodlawa 885. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR TOL'il USED CAR, CONLETS USED CAR CENTER 'ur nrw locution cornor 1!"h nl HurnsMa Pta. CONLi.y 4 Ah BUCKLE, PROPS. BHINO In your late modal car and get - VS. II. RED CAP MOTOR ALK- CT, 409 Stark st.. b.t. inih and litis. Uioadaay Suet. LATE MODEL CAR In good cond l ton' ror v.!a !.w r r"unty. In.umhrarae ? "" runi r""' -r rne adjoining and hnv.r ran u. homestead right on adjoining land; a.s miles from railrourl and mil. from na llonal highway. Wooolaon 1211. WANT Btilck roadster, mix good. Cash, fcaat 10M. bumlay. WK WANT cars. Customers on aur lljta "r an make or cars and can Biaka tTTat car mean money io you Portland car b'.u .r ro . 51 Alder st. Bdwy. 27. WANTKD LATK MODEL. CAKS. .., . WE PAV CASH. THE iMiD CAR EXCHANGE, 127 Lownsdale St. B. W. Corner. 13th and W.sMngtea. YiT w"n,cl1' 3 paseencor. It model mm i.ir, as all or iiart Minii-iil on 5.'!r .pnnll" "f eeral r-l.lrn,- lots. "HI hulld Km. II em lane lo mm huer lornm on ha lnnri. tiwm r K:im ;.il'.:. WILL pay full nrl,e r.,r In li.i... .... whl,h I. as run a .hurt titur or mil pv good prh e lor your eijultv In one i up at once. Phone NimUy. Tabor t.ii. Monday, Hroaituay 2250 FOR SALE Timber rlmm. .i,,i n.iti. food buv. UtHHI; will , ,..,, il-r cr un to $l.on, l:;oo o.h. t.rms un bal. T.lbot flor""'' T- " D. No. 1. I0IK I'HEMIKU. never ttti.omrnCAl iii'i iinul Ullane. See K. ltirin.n Hi. 'r.-ik..ii Motor Co.. todav. 4.0 Huin.iU. street. FtiR SAI.K 2 lot; will tah- li.hf .,,!. mobile as part payment, lined loistion. '" ,l".r"n ,M Tur.il.,, Wednesday 111.1 Thursday WANTKD fioo.l I iar h t auto for n.w hImi. piano. 75S MontHiia se. Motnrrirlra. PKKORR HUYIn COMK IN AMI IIKT TUB NEW IIiOMLiihN AM . KVOKI.SKm CATALOG MACHINES WILL BE HERE BOON. IT Wn.L PAY YOU TO WAIT. SEE THR NKtV Ctl PV not.ET "0 NOW ON DISPLAY. WB CAN MA K PI IMMKDIATK DELIVERY NOW. ASY TERMS. ST RINK CTCT.K CO. TV 86 BROADWAY. PHO.Nal BDWt. 152. EXCT.UPtVR niSTRTrUTORS 1 1 K M ' ' ; U H ( ( N . K X , I : I . s I , , I j . CLEVELAND MOTORCYCLES. ANOTHER CARLOAD OF 1920 HARLET-DAVIDSON MOTORCYCLES HAVE ARRIVED. THESE ARE ALL SOLD. Another car due In threa auti f:i your order lo NOW. Wa hava few used machines an hand. It will PAY YOU in 1,1, , .... bcloro buying. TERMS TO SUIT. Mcniini'Tri.n stppi.t cu. 'i'liiitD AND TAYLOR. 1 P'lH IIEMiEliHoN e.iiniit,, ,. ,.,.r- lliiilled and i-ltu iih In, fci'od HH in-w . . J,l?5 1 11117 llriiilrrx fuliv eiiun.iMd. L".rhul-d and rnaniehd. har- k-nin .71 1 H'lM E,-Mi,,r. el.-, ine cnii'lt.oMr dri-am tMiiU.'in, extra ai,l 1 1 s h I. roiiipli.tHy ivrrliwul"t r. "i" I'-d, Just aa good aa a In w Imiihiuc .ri 1 I'.H Hurlf.y- m tfl.nti. rlrilrir thoroughly ov, -i hNiil.,j. re ,-n- aiii-li'il ami mm i, i, .i, runs like IK'U. a d.imlv l,..w t in 1 IIMH Cleveland. Derlrct 'hii'ul. mnl virv lililr . l 1: Indian Twin, light Wrislll. Very' bVnt 'ondi tlon i i,i 1 il'irl.-y-l'avidson side car.' A-i condl I ion 90 tt 1 1 1 V CI. KM. 1 1 1 ( ' Y t ' I . EH. I.arire a Lurk hiw uo.l ..... I ki ...nj. . Priir. a and l.-rmp ara rlirln s.,. . and general n-p., ir Ihk. I'A VTnN CYCLIC C. lid St .. nu n, r of A all. Foil MALE- IIH!) Imllan moi n, , i -i . 4 il.lo tar. with IHn.l. tn. soiwl aa nw 1; tetma. 717 Hawthorne, or call a.aai i and a."k for Hiomne. 1917 1NOIAN, drram tandem, spotlight. v amer signal. In p.Tf.-. t eomlltiun. or quick -a l.i 1 .-. Miir.hal! 3JH.V INDIAN r.Klng model tandem. over hauled and rrpHliitrd ; look Ilka new' $11" ruli, tall .Marshall ;,7'4 alli-r U. KOK SALE Harly-Iavl,lann twin. '. a.. ed. prestolna. good tlrea, 11120 luensa; $7.'. Tubor Bill. KOK SALE Hnnd'-raon motorcycle In A -I condition; can be aeen at Lahur Auto spring o.. i:th and Couth. HAiil.EY DAVIDSON el.etrm Undrm, mnj .-(juipiw-u; mum; nave glbv uulik. Columbia UMi. I'OK'IEI Thor single racing motorrvrla. $.io. or win trade for stork machine. 55 K. Itroailw ity, 1018 INDIAN and aide rar, left with ma to sen: m reasonable oiler refuaud. Tnbur 4,l.l. I CAN aava you lllsl on a practically new r. ireisior niuiurcycia. ivj Oregon ar Kaat 27114. 1919 ELECTRIC F relator, good as aw ana looks It. 2i5. U. r. McDougail Co.. 27 2d. rolt MOTORCYCLES AND BlOTrt.M TRY IH 2Q4-2Q6 lO BT. MAIN l3t. KOK SALE CHEAP Clavaiand meter. cycle, in line condition, itu W Mat at. s. Hrnwn apta . Apt. Mar. MI34. CLEVELAND niotcnyrla for sale; 19J6 license; i5. ;;s7 IS. 44th aL Aula Tlrea and Acceweorlea. DuN'T throw your old tlrea away; let ua repair llifin; It pays. Tha Klnrh Vu- runlxlng Co.. 3S9 Stark St., botaean llttl xnd 10th sts. FOR SALE SO0 abarea Jnhnana Auto i nal, $3 P'-r share; all or part. G. H ., ?ol Washlfigtoa st Vanrnuirr. Wash. 137XO-8ILV ERTOW N corTH 4 K I res ten riina I set of chaina, half price. 1.9 l.wnrd a 1 c. DUST HOOD for Dodge ear and lira cover, 32x8 1. 905 Lovajoy at. 1'houe Mar. 53114 . FEDERAL cord. 1 Savage, .14x4 V Sr. (he washer at garage at 6th and Madl- inn. FOR SAI.K. AMBU electric trouble mill er, complete; cheap. Wm. Cuok. route A, box 9.1. Portland. Automobile for lllra. NEW CARS FOR RENT WITHOUT DRIVERS. O. Kl. SMTTPJ. THIRD AND GLDJAN kTS. A Vs.. BHOADW'AY 2029. NEW CARS to teas without drivers; Kords. Overland! and Parkarda Broad way 1695. Auto Leasing Co, Broadway at Klanrtera st. NEW AUTOS WITHOUT DRIVrRi, OVKRLAND. m'UBO.Na. LoWNSDALB OARAGE. BDWT. 24U8 15IH AND WASH. AUTOS WITHOUT DKIVKIIS. New cars, reasonable ratea cit Ca rage, 86 10th su Broadway 840. ALTOS WITHOUT DRIVERS KoR HIKB. U L SULLIVAN H KASHloN UARA'IK. Mar. 232 IUTH AND YAMHILL A I1M AI.THOK A BENNETT. CAPS FOR II 111 If WITHOUT DRI EMS. AK.VIT GAHAn. 8D AND TAYLOR. MAIN (.PASS Dodga for hire, touring, re'lia, shopping, high ay. Broadway tii