.: 1 . . ' i i i " -i :;! THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, 3iAIlCn 7, 1920 . .-- k V : ; .v v..;-" 1st v 1 - TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. WANTED Girla on atapllns machine; part time work; experienced preferred, but will teach. See Mr. Henderson, mailing room, Or.gonian. X BJlBGAIX for cut": A 10-room modern rooming bouse, an Ideal place for one wisnlns a. nice home with a. net proilt of 70 a month; nice neighborhood, walking- distance; mum be Been to be ap preciated; leaving city, xor yii Livum,,, l.. uregotiian. S1LV fcll your brass Silver-plaung liuia. cleans, polishes and puts on a coat 01 pure sliver each time It Is used on si -verplale, brast. cuiu-i" and German sil ver: aimhed with, rag; 4-ounco bottie Hue-. 1'. O. ilox :i5i. iurtUnd,-r. XuL'.NU woman in modest home to neiu, will be treated as member ol the lamily should; can have 3 evenings a week and every other Sunday: use of piano and telephone; i persons 111 family. Oregonian. VtKV larse room ami bath in ni8ii-ii.ua apartment house. HUXoO. map.e floor, piano and every modern convenience, very lovely for lor: gentlemen. Includ ing hotel wrvlce; reierencea required. Marshall I'oU. LADi with new 'J'. -ton auto truck.- t--00 paid on it. wants a partner with few hundred dollars to take Interest and run truck. Address Sl'-i Grand ave, room Phone Kaat 41-Q. LADY good appearance, good dresser, abie to meet public, to solicit and make appointments lor professional nian; notn ns to sell; to travel; unincumbered, be tween M and u0. O Oregon lan. I-tiKTLA.NlJ HK1GHTS V-room modern hutisc and fine quarter block for sale at it'im) less than value; locatco in best part of Heights, with splendid view. Main J471. SPOT CASH PAIO FOIt I'HONOUKAl'HS AND RECORDS, MUSIC KOl.LS. NEWMAN. MAIN 44l.u. 12S 1ST. liUUM and board in private tainlly for 1 gentlemen; no other boarders; home privileges, the use of piano and grafon ola. Call Wdln. 6143. LADY or gentleman with small capital to invest in good paying business, about Slooy; experience not necessary. A 4y, oregunian. . O.VE LA Kim front room, faces east, large closet, opens onto small balcony; strict ly modern, ool W. Broadway, between i"lny and Market. CADILLAC eight, luxuriously equipped private car. for sale by owner; no rea sonable offer relused. Call Main b404 or Main o-1!. . AiliAUTIFUL ."-cornered golden oak china cioset and chiffonier for tale cheap. 144 K ::Nth st. North, Sunday between 3 nd 4 V. M. WO.MAX for general housework in central Oregon; no objections to child under 1-; rut, wuca and experience. L .7. Ore- gonian. v.. sM.K A Ruud gas heater, only been used about a month; if you want to save a Iw dollars, can josnn. hotel. VuLXil man. familiar with automobile supplies, as assistant to department manager in wholesale house. K -4, Ore-ce-nian. L.VFEKIKWKU girl, for cooking and downstairs work: no laundry, no turnace. no sundav dinners: best wages. Mrs. llarrv Nieolai, !'."! Westover road. A GENTLKMAS will pay reasonably for opnortunity to practice alone two even ings a week on GOOD PIANO; west side. li J.t. liregonian WIDOW will care for : or .1 cniiuieu ... countrv; also board and room for I or 2 children and parents in city: priate home K..r information call Last 6-KnOM li'.use. cement basement. ioi "a. 1 :;.-.; ir..-. on terms. ltij L. blst St. N., near lilisnn. Last .".'.IS.-,. IXHt KENT Cor. -7th and Fremont. Ala meda. SHl; all assessiueiits paid. Phone Wdln. 'I-4 . Full P.KXT Nicely furnished room with sleeping porch. 2 beds; light, heat and vhuiie. Kast 41111. SIi'E lurnished front room for genlle- nine M ..I t nntnM.ll man; runninK club. Mar. ;i-".l.). . Vt.R 1A1 E 3 W. L. roosters, very line stock- also thoroughbred Flemish Giant rabbits. Phone Sellwood . -ROOM modern residence. 40S E. :lSth st x-.i, Hne Cltv Park car. For par ticulars phone Tabor 741!. FOK RENT Attractive room. Irvinaion home, for gentleman or business woman. Kast Soti.;. W TEP Furnished bungalow, flat or house by responsible family of .1. Mail particulars to pox n't, en. "VvW'TKD 4 or .'-room bungalow. ,Ir nishcd or unfurnished. No agents. Ad drpf, all particulars to L. B.. 104. city. WANTED Partner: have distributor's sitlon tor goon nue B .... uregnnian. WANTED To purchase, attractive, sight ly, well-built I.aurelhurst home, from .'wner. Eiist 2f-i7. I SHOPS Good garden land with plen ' tv ol water: easy terms, right price. j 2t. Oreconi.ni. CVX help vou with your Income tax statement this. week. Call East 2S4!. or ;;o7 McKay bldg. F'""U SM.K Antique table, rugs, bed; .teariH. miscellaneous. No dealers. 4-ii E. lMh N. , VANTKD At the Waverly baby home, in-evV'-rienced girl for nursing. Automatic j:: I -.t . " WANTED Two live agents. '"all at 4 o'clock. 4:Hi First st., room 13. A. R. .l:irotis. 4-P.OOM upper flat, nicely furnished, in cluding gas. lights, water. 12111 East Yamhill. l;;o!l E l.VTH ST. NORTH. B-room house, modern, furnished; rent per month or sell on easy terms. 210. "WANTED Teacher In English for even ing instruction. P 45. Oregonian. 2.1no NEW 7-ft-long cedar posts. Owner, K.TSt n.Vi E. Salmon. PIANO and bench for sale. $-'65 and terms iriven. Sltl'j Gladstone ave. Lt 1ST Spectacles In case from 49 E. to 4S4 E. Oak. Reward 4:14 E. Oak. ONE housekeeping room, reasonable. Oppo site auditorium. 2."4' Market st. EVPERIE'CBD advertising solicitors. C Clyde. 210 Stock Exchange. KI'RMSHED .i-room flat. Wdln. TiSS. "Wit,!, buy or rent piano. East o"S. MEETING NOTICES. ATTENTION! The Veterans' Hall associa tion will meet in the G. A. R. hall in the courthouse, room 57.1. on "Wednesday. March 10, 1!20, at 1:30 P. M. All mem bers are requested to be pres ent. H. E. DOSCH. Chairman. J. VT. OGILBEE. Scc'y. ST. PATRICK'S MAS Ql'ERADE. Tuesday night. March . W. O. W. hall, given by Anchor Council. No. 740. Securitv Benefit assoeialion. Public of Portland Is invited. Lots of expensive prizes. all kinds of stunts to show you the time of your life. Come gt scquainted; fun for everyone. Admis sion 35 cents. KIRK PATRICK COl'X C I I. 2227, S E J U R I T Y BENEFIT ASSOCIATION. Regular open meeting next Friday. Swiss Hall, 3d and Jefferson: cards "000," dancing., Hoch's union mu sic; good prizes. Admis sion i." cents. Come and bring your friends for a good time. REGULAR meeting of Industry Lodge No. 8. A. , O. U. W.. 3d floor, Pythian bldg. (formerly Masonic temple). West Park and Yamhill, Monday night, 8 o'clock. Buffet luncn. W. J. ALLEN. Recorder. WASHINGTON COM. MANDERT, :"0. 13. K. T. , A stated conclave will be held Tuesday evening, March 0, at 7:30 o'clock, at East Eighth and Burnside streets. All sojourn ing Sir Knights axe cordially Invited to be present. G. P. EISMA.V. Recorder. PORTLAND STAR HOMESTEAD "NO. 42. BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN YKOMAN. Short business session Thurs day evening. March 1 1 In the P. S. T. U. hall. 205 l.'lth st. Dancing at 8 o'clock sharp. Yeomen and their friends are in vited. No -admission will be charged.' YETTA HAYNES. Correspondent. 205 Alisky bldg.. Phone Main 6356. IVANHOE HOMESTEAD. ' NO. 5038, BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN YEO MEN, will give a card party and dance In W'omen of Woodcraft hall. 10th and Tay lor. Wednesday evening. March 10. Cards, 8:30 to lo: four prizes will be given. Danc ing from 10 to 12. Yeomen and friends in vited. Come and have a good time. REPORTER. MEETING NOTICES. HASSALO BAJ.U BENEFIT BALL. At Multnomah hotel, Saturday evening. March 13. the members of Hassalo band will give their second benefit dancing and card party, which promises to be another social event among all Oddfellows, Be bekahs and their friends. The proceeds to equip the Oddfellows" band with suitable uniforms. Come have a good enjoyable evening and thereby help the band. Good union music, good prizes, and refreshments. Tickets Mc. Dancing promptly at 8:30 P. M. L. QL'IMBT, Chairman. DON'T FORGET the big St. Patrick dance given by the Swastika club Wednes day, March 17, in the new Pacific-States Fire Intunnra hlH formerly old K. Of P. hall. 11th and Alder. Ladles 35c and gents 50c. Be sure and come and enjoy yourselves. DANCE. DANCE. DANCE. Given by the Court of Honor at M. w. A. hall. 8 Eleventh St.. Wed. evening, March JO. We have a splendid floor, union music and assure everybody a good time. Public invited. Popular prices. COMMITTEE. EMBLEM Jewelry, futons, charms, pine, new designs, Jaeger Broa. 131-8 6th at. FR1EDLANDERS for lodge emblem, class pins and medals. 310 Washington si DIED. BYERS At her late residence. 872 East Ankeny St.. Melissa Byers, aged 82 years 6 months 26 davs. Sister of John Bvers of San Diego. Cal.. and William Byers or Malvern. Iowa: survived also by three Pieces and seven nephews, as follows. Mrs. Marv Vandaren of Vancouver. Wash.: Mrs. Nellie Richards and Mrs. Cornelia Hardy of Portland: nephews are Joe, Clarence. Charles. Warren and William Hayes of Portland, aiso r. ua... Buttle of Portland and Eldon Lamb of Forest Grove. Remains are at the res idential funeral home of Downing ft Mc.Vemar. East 7th and Multnomah sts. Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Monday). March 8. at 2:30 P. M. Friends invited. ZIGLER March 4. at his residence. 821 East Saln-on street. Charles T. W. ifler, aged 77 years, beloved husband of Mrs. Elizabeth Zlgler. father of Mrs. T. J. Murphy. Mrs. Frank Wascher of Port land; Mrs. Henry McGowan and Miss Genevieve Zigler of McGowan, wash.; Misses Lucy and Kdith Zigler of Port land; Charles Zigler of Corvallis. Or. The funeral services will be held at St. Francis church. East I2th and East Pine streets, Monday. March 8. at 0:1:0 A. M. Friends are invited. Interment Mount Calvary cemetery. DITCH BURN" In this city at his late residence. 570 East Salmon street. March 6. John W. Ditchburn Jr.. aged 23 years. Arrangements are in charge of J. P. Flnley ft Son. Notice of funeral here after. GILLETT In this city. March 6. 1920. K. W. Gillett. Remains are at the resi dential establishment of R- T. Byrnes. (ll Williams ave., at Mason st. An nouncement of funeral In a later issue. VILES At Ryan Place, March 6. 1920. William Viles. aged 51 years, beloved husband of Sybil Viles. Remains at Holman's funeral parlors. Third and Salmon sts. Notice of funeral later. KREYER At San Francisco, March S. John Frederick William Kreyer, husband fo Mrs. Elizabeth Kreyer. The remains are at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Notice of funeral hereafter. CHRISTIAN In this city. Mar. 6. Gertrude Christian. Funeral notice later. Re mains are at the residential parlors of Miller & Tracey. BRAMPTON F. W. Brampton and son Arthur E.. March 5. at their home. Van couver. Wash. Funeral notice later. SHACKELFORD Koxa Shackelford, wife of the late Dr. William Shackelford, died at The Dalles today. FUNERAL NOTICES. ROTHENBERGER In this city, Mrs. Helen Rothenberger. late of 1188 East Stark street, beloved wife of H. R. Rothenberger. mother of Max. Robert, Joseph and Alma Rothenberger and Mrs. Chester Stephens; also survived by six grandchildren. The funeral cortege will leave the home at 8:45 on Monday, March 8, thence to the Church of the Ascension. Kast Seventy-sixith and Yamhill streets, where services will be held. Remains are at R. W. Gable & Co., 1073 East Glisan, until Sunday at 7 A. .VI. after which the body will be at her late residence. WEST In this city March 5, Gertrude Ly man West, beloved wife of Elbridge G. West and mother of Donald, Elizabeth and Jean of this city; daughter of Mrs. Anna Lyman, sister or vellman Lyman, "Mrs. A. J. Southerland. Mrs. Louise Pat ton and Mrs John Huntley, all of tills city: also Byron and Chancey Lyman of Seattle. Funeral services will be con ducted Monday, March 8. at 2 P. M.. at the funeral parlors of A. L. Kenworthy & Co.. 5W2-04 l2d St. S. E.. in Lents. Friends Invited. Interment' Mount Scott , Park cemetery. BLACKFORD At San Francisco, Cal., March 5, Lois Lola Blackford, aged 11 years, daughter of J. M. Blackford, sister of Ida Mae Blackford of this city, Mrs Cora H. Kenney of Hamilton. Mont.; Harry A. Blackford of Kansas t'ity. Mo. Funeral services will be held tomorrow (Mondavi. March 8. at 2:30 o'clock P. M.. at Finley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Frtrnds invited. Interment at Clatskanie. Or. NOBLES In this city, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. V. Jenkins. 541 Mar guerite ave.. March 5. Flora Etta No bles, aged 58 years, mother of Latonls Marvin Nobles of Chehalls. Wash.; John F Cushing of Chicago. III., and Mary Elizabeth Cushing of New York. Fu neral services will be held Monday. March 8, at 10:30 o'clock A. M. at Fin ley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends In vited. JOHNS In this city. March 5. Mrs. Eliza beth Johns, aged 7 years. Mother of Mrs Marv E. Wieprech. Mrs. Addie F. Burk. Mrs. Edith Trlmm. Hosea. Phill. Charles. Thomas and Gene Johns. Fune ral services will be held today (Sunday!. March 7. fit 12:30 P. M.. from Erlcson's funeral parlors, Morrison at 12th sts. Friends invited. Interment Forest Grove. Oregon. K1KKLAND At Independence. Or., March 2, P. M Klrkland. aged 05 years, hus tand of Mrs. Rose Helen Kirkland, father of Frank M. Kirkland, son of J. W. Kirkland. brother of John E. and A. P Kirkland. Funeral services will be held Monday, March 8, at 11:30 o'clock A. M. at Finley's, Montgomery at Fifth. Frlands Invited. Interment at Rose City cemetery. PENDLETON At the residence, 641 E. 12th st., March a. 1000. Hattie Pendle tlon. wife of the late Napoleon B. Pen dleton, sister of Mrs. Sara Pendleton and Mrs. M. B. Bozorth. Friends in vited to attend the funeral services at 2"30 P. M. tomorrow (Monday), March 8. 1020, at Holman's funoral parlors, Third and Salmon sts. Interment Rlv erview cemetery. GILLETT In this city, March 5. Taylor Z. Gillett. aged 71 years, late of Golden dale. Wash., husband of Mary Giilett, father of Mrs. Laura Loughary of Goldendale, Wash., and Mrs. Oretta Read of White Salmon, Wash. Funeral serv ices will be held at 2:30 P. M. Tuesday. March 0. at Finley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. JOUBERT The funeral cortege of the late Clara Joubert will leave the family resi dence. 446 tit h st. So.. Monday, March 8, at 8:30 A. M., thence to St- Lawrence church, 3d and Sherman sts., ' where requiem mass will be offered at 9 A. M. Interment at Mount Calvary cemetery. Arrangements in care of Miller & Tracey. RADLEY In this city. March 3. Nancy Itadlev, aged 70 years. Funeral serv ices will be held at the Dunning & Mc Entee chapel, Broadway and Ankeny sts, tomorrow (Monday), March 8, at 3 P. " M. Friends Invited lo attend in cineration at the Mount Scott crema torium. .. BENTON In this city. March 6. Jno. H. Benton, age 78 years, beloved father of Mrs. Jeanette Knight of this city. Fu neral services will be held Monday, March 8. at 1:45 P. M. at Mount Scott Park cemetery. Arrangements in care of Miller & Tracey. LAUS At the residence at Sylvan, Or., March 5. Mary Laus, age 72 years, be loved wife of Joseph Laus. Funeral services will be held today, March 7. at 2 P. M. at -the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment at the Sylvan ceme tery. SHEARER In South Bend. Wash.. March 5, Mildred Glover Shearer, aged 27 years. Daughter of the late William J. Glover ' and Ive Glover Reeves and granddaugh- tcr of the late Captain James H. McMill an. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. Port land. March 8. 10 A. M. FISHER In this city. March 6. Kelse Fisher, aged 30 years, brother of Henry Fisher. The remains will be forwarded this (Sunday) morning by J. P. Flnley & Son to Walker. Or., where services will be held and interment made. WILCOX In this city, March 6. Oliver L Wilcox, aged 40 years. Remains are at the Dunning McEntee parlors, Broad way and Ankeny sts. Funeral notice later. ROWLAND Funeral services of the late Henrietta Gilbert Rowland will be held today (Sunday) at 3 o'clock P. M.. at Finley's. Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. Interment at Alpine, Or. MERCER The funeral Services of the late Fannie E. Mercer will be held Monday, March 8, at 2:30 P. M. at the chapel of Miller & Tracey. Interment at Mount Cavalry cemetery. LILENTHAL In this city, March 5, Rob ert L. Lilenthal, aged 66 years. Remains are at the Dunning & McEntee parlors. Broadway and Ankeny sta. Funeral no tice later, ' FOEHAL NOTICES. GEORGE March 5, 1920, at the family residence. 533 Beech street, Johannes J. George, aged 77 years 3 months 2 days. Beloved husband of Margaret George; father of John and Henry George. Mrs. Lizzie Helzer. Mrs. Alice Fiske and Mrs. Katie Newby, all of this city; William George, of Ruff, Wash.; Jake George of Coal Wood, Mont. Fu neral service will be held Monday, March 8, at 2 P. M., at the Second German Baptist church, corner Rodney avenue and Morris street Friends invited. In terment at Rose City cemetery. Re mains at Pearson's undertaking parlors, Kussell street at Union avenue, until Sunday at 2 P. M. KY.VE March 5, 1920. at the family resi dence, 625 East tn St. Piorin, .inui" Bernard Kyne. aged 68 yearsi 11 months 2;l days, beloved father of M. F.. Will iam J. and Grace Marie Kyne. all of this . elfv Tti. funeral rnrrere will leave the . above residence at 8:30 Monday morning March 8, 1920. thence to St. rvose church. East 53d and Alameda, where requiem mass will be offered at v A Interment in Mnttnt Calvary cemetery. Friends invited to attend. Remains are at the R. T. Byrnes' parlors uniu o P. M. Sunday. Please omit flowers. Dubuque, Iowa, papers please copy. SEARS In this city. March 6, Augusta Sears, aged 95 years, wife of the late Major Alfred Sears, mother of the late Judge Alfred Sears and grandmotner or Airs, w .H. Williams or D. C, Alfred Sears of Cincinnati. O.; Lieutenant Sears of Washington, D- . nnrf Diehard Rears of this City. Mrs. Co-., hn,n in Rrldzewater. Mass. Funeral services will be held at the Old Peoples' home. E. 33d st. and Sandy blvd . at 2:30 P. M. tomorrow (Monday). Concluding services will be at the Port land crematorium, E. 14th and Bybee. Friends invited. Arrangements In care of F. S. Dunning, Inc. STATSA In this city, March 5. 1920, Ger ald Robert, aged 5 months and 17 days, beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Staysa of 441 E. 44th st. Funeral .serv ices will be held from the R. T. Byrnes residence establishment, 001 Williams ave., at 12 noon Monday, March 8, 1920. Interment will be in Rose City ceme tery. Friends are Invited to attend. FUNERAL CABS. LIMOUSINES for funeral service. JONES AUTO LIVERT. Marshall 11a. FLOBISTS. MARTIN & FORBES CO., nJlT-J:i Main 2tti. Flowenrfor all occasions artis tically arranged. SMIIH'SFLOWERSHOPS: florist. We specialize in lunerai aeaitfns. phone Main 715. Thomas C. Luke, Mgr. LUBLINER We strive to please. 828 Morrison. Portland notei. lis Morrison, bet. Bdwy. A Park. Mar. 2S7. CLARKE BBOS., flcrlsta. 287 Morrison at. Main 7709 Fine flowera and floral de signs. No branch stores. PORTLAND FLORAL SHOP Funeral sprays $1.60 up. Bdwy. 2870. 465 Wash. TONSETH FLORAL CO., 287 WaahlngtoB .". bet. th and Cth. Main 6103, A lloL CONCRETE BCBIAL VAULTS. THE NATIONAL VAULT CO. Reinforced concrete burial vaults; air tight, waterproof, everlasting, fcaciorj. Mill Foster road. Phone Tabor 5547. FUNERAL DIRECTORS. RIYERYIEW ABBEY MAUSOLEUM At End of Fulton Carllne. Single tombs, family sections and rooms, beautifully arranged in marble, only san itary tombs in Portland; endowed for Pr t,.,Tnl rare Auto service free. I hone Bdwy. 381 : office 038 Plttock Blk. EDWARD HOLMAN & SON Funeral Directors. Third and Salmon Sts. Main 507. Lady Assistant MILLER & TRACEY Perfect Funeral Service for Less. Independent Funeral Director. Washington street, betweer. 20th and 21st streets, west side. Lady Assistant. Main 2fi!)l. A 7815 ' Dunning & McEntee FUNERAL DIRECTORS. Broadway and Pine st. Phone Broadway 430. A 4558. Lady Attendant J.P.FINLEY&SON FUNERAL DIRECTORS, lain 8. Montgomery at Fifth. McENTEE & EILERS Funeral parlors with all the privacy of home. 16th and Everett sts. Telephone Broadway 2133. Automatic 521-33. " F. S. DUNNING. INC., 414 E. Alder. Phone East 52. Perfect service, personal direction, free Use or norai M".ymuu DOWNING & McNEMAR r; j r "ITPPTT E- lltn nd c'ay sta F. Li. LitUSWIl East m T 1831. LlTPQflM Twelfth and Morrison sta. iItlVOV-'l Broadway 2534. A. D. KEN WORTHY A CO., 6802-04 82d St., Lenta. Tabor 5267. D 7CI I AD Pfl 592 Williams Ave. 111 LLLLMfl UUi East 1088. C 1088. BREEZE & SNQ0K T' i25sbb"i54. SKEWES UNDERTAKING COMPANY. 3d and Clay. M. 4152. A 2221. Lady sails last. MONUMENTS. PORTLAND MARBLE WORKS 266 4th St., Opp. C!t' N.n llrnn ffb BLAESING GRANITE CO. PLT THIRD AT MADISON STREET ' Rates for Classified Advertisements In The Oregonian. Daily and Sunday Per line One time . 12 Two consecutive times 2- Three consecutive times ,....80o Seven consecutive times 13c The following classifications excepted, the rate of which is 7c per line per dny: Situations Wanted Male. Situations Wanted Female. No ad taken for less than two lines. Count mix words to the line. Advertisements (except "Person als" and "Situations Wanted") will be taken over the telephone If the adver tiser Is a subscriber to either phone. No prices will be quoted over the phone, but statements will be rendered the following day. Advertisements are taken for The Dally Oregonian until 7:30 P. M.: for The Sunday Oregonian until 6 P. M. Saturday. OREGON HUMANE SOCIETY Investigates all cases of alleged cruelty to animals. Offices room 160 courthouse. Phone Main 378 from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M. The society has full charge of the city pound at its home, 535 Columbia boule vard. Phone any time, Woodlawn 764. Dogs for sale. Horse ambulance for sick or disabled horses. Small animals painlessly electrocuted where neces sary, and stray animals cared for. All dead animals, cows, horses, etc. lcked up free of charge, picneu "f - NEW TODAY, and home combined, close In. on west side; some furniture for sale. Spare rooms now rented. . See Mrs. Green W"'h A. J. DE FOREST & CO. 320 Henry Bldg. Burnside Street S W. corner Fifth and Burnside, 75x 100. I can sell this cheap and make easy terms. EDW.P.MALL . 30g CUA3ISEB OF COJlJltBCB. Portland Business Bulletin A directory of business firms and professional men condensed and clas sified for ready reference. For rates by the month or year, or other information, telephone The Oregonian, Main 7070 or A 6095, House 29. ACCOUNTING. JULIUS K. BLACK, public accountant, au- aitor, accounting systems esiaiai maintained. Income tax service; refer ences. 728-29 Plttock blk. Bdwy. 1. ALTERATIONS, R P.VTTTtVd n n a mailn.. nf ladies' gar nients, reasonable: work guaranteed. I. Reubln, 408 Bush ft Lane bldg. ASSAY EltS AND ANALYSTS. MONTANA ASSAY OFFICE. 142 Second Gold, silver and platinum bougnt. BUYERS' BUREAU. ANDERSON the Buyer saves you money on anything you want to buy. No. 60 First st. Main 1406. CARPET WEAVING. DIIROThe kind that wear the best are I. DUO made from your worn-out carpets by the Northwest Rug Co. (former ad dress 153 Union ave.) Rag rugs woven, all sizes. Carpet cleaning, refitting and resizing. Mail orders solicited. 188 1. 8th st. Phone East 3580, B 12S0. FLUFF RUGS FROM OLD CARPETS Rag Rugs, all sizes Mail orders prompt. Send for Booklet. 9x12 rugs steam or dry cleaned, fl.50 FLUFF RUG CO.. 54-56 Union ave. N. East .6516, B 1475. CARPET CLEANING. CARPET CLEANING, SIZING AND REFITTING. FLUFF AND RAG RUGS . WOVEN ALL SIZES WRITE OR CALL PORTLAND RUG CO. 1672 E. 17th St. Automatic 13-24. CELLULOID BUTTONS. THE IRWIN-HODSON COMPANY. 387 Washington. Broadway 434. A l.o4. CHIROPRACTOR. 300.000 KNOW MrMahon, 100 Chiroprac tor. Throngs pronounce treatment easiest, best, permanent. 31 "treats" j!5. Tel. CHIROPODIST ARCH SPECIALIST. WILLIAM, Estelle and Florelio De Veny. the only scientific chiropodists ana arcn specialists In the city. Parlors 3U2 Ger linger bldg., S. W. corner 2d and Alder. Phone Main 1301. ' ETHEL McCOY, chiropodist; corns and callouses removed wltnout pain; reuei mi all foot troubles. 609 Buchanan bldg., Wash. St., bet. 4th and 5th. Main 5076. CHIROPODIST. DR. GARTNER, foot specialist; corns, bun ions, foot arches made to oraer .in Swetland bldg., 5th and Wash. Main 1081. CIRCULAR LETTERS. CRANE LETTER CO.. 1510-11-12 Royal building. Marshall 5822. Multigraphlng, mimeographing and mail advertising. CHIMNEY SWEEPS. BISHOP CHIMNEY SWEEP. Firnace smokes through registers; needs repairing or cleaning. Call us. Tabor 3S83. COLLECTIONS. NETH & CO., Worcester bldg.. Main 1706. No collections, no charges. h,stap. i;hhi. DANCING. ALL popular dances and new steps as danced in the ballrooms touay laugnt at DeHoney's beautiful academy. 23d and Washington. Ladies. 4 lessons, $1.50: 8 lessons. 2.50. Gentlemen, 4 lessons, $3: 8 lessons. $5. New classes start Monday. Tuesday and Thursday eve, 8 to 11:30. Private lessons all hours. Phone Main 7056. See my ad on Pago 3, Part 1 today. Learn in a real school. LEARN TO DANCE FOR .". Our lessons are all private. Hours 10 A. M. to 10 P. M.. 604 Eilers bldg.. bet. 4th and nth. on Wash. st. Main 5004. MRS. BATH. 308 Dekum bldg. Private lessons day and eve. Main ij4o. BALLROOM and stage dancing. Miss Dorothy Rasmussen. eio h.liers bing. DOG AND CAT HOSPITAL. ROSE CITY VETERINARIAN HOSPITAL. 41.1 East 7th. East 1S47 and 210-62. ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. MOTORS REWOUND Repaired Bought and Sold. NICHOLS ELECTRIC WORKS. 248Vt Kirst St. Main 871. H.M.H.ELECTRIC CO. 31 N. 1st. Portland, Or. Re winding and electrical repairing l specialty. See us about new or jsed motors. Bdwy. 1045, A 1046. FERTILIZER. FERTILIZE your land If you want big crops; read about "G. M. Wonder" in our 1HJ0 catalog. Routledge Seed & Floral Co.. 145 2d St., Portland. Or. GENERAL INSURANCE. JOE N. WALLER, General Insurance. Main S02S. 424 N. W. Bank Bldg. HARDWOOD FLOORING. GET estimates for new or old house. Port land Hardwood Floof Co.. 1H7 W. Park. IRON WORKS. PHOENIX IRON WORKS. Engineers, founders, mechanics, boiler makers, boiler and blacksmith shop. Of fices and works. Hawthorne ave. and East Third st Ml'SIC TEACHERS. L. Carroll Day, piano, vocal lessons, prac tice piano, 1 hr. day, $3 mo. Bdy. 25.15. PIANO, violin, all stringed instruments taught. Kol Kembeck. 409 Yamhill. OREGON Conservatory (school) of Music, 2d floor Russell bldg. (over the "Lion"), entrance loo ft 4th st.. cor. of Morrison. WHOLESALERS AND THE M. L. KLINE CO- 84-86-87-81) Front. KAHN BROS.. 1H5 Front St. GRAIN MERCHANTS. PLUMBING St PPLIES AND PIPE. PACIFIC GRAIN CO.. Board of Trade bid. THE M L. KLINE CO., 84-86-87-80 Front. ; ; " I'KODI CK COMMISSION' MERCHANTS. HATS AND CAPS. BVERDING & FARRELL. 140 Front St. THANHAUSER HAT CO.. 53-55 Front St. KOPK AND BINDER TWINE. PAINTS, OILS AND GLASS. Portland Cordage Co.. 14th and Northrup. W. P. FULLER & CO.. Front and Morrison. SASH. DOORS AND GLASS. RASMUKSEN & CO.. Second and Taylor. NEW TODAY. BUILD THAT HOME NOW ! IT WILL COST LESS SOW THAN LATER. "I PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FREE. WE HELP VOU KliVARtK. WE BUILD BY CONTRACT OR ON EASY TERMS.' IF VOB HAVE LOT FOR SALE, A BUILDING WILL SELL YOUR LOT. SEJ3 US NOW. SHVW, LARSON & SEYMOUR. INC. 907 Spalding Bids. Phone Main 408. STORAGE SPACE InTeatigate Our Flaat and Ratea. Why Assume Expensive Leases Under Present High Costs? CLAY S. MORSE, IXC Drayage and Storage . isth and Gllaan. Phone Bdwy. 8476 WE HANDLE BARGAINS ONLY 100x100 cor. E. 1st and Broadway. 100x100 cor. Union and Shaver 60x100, 6-room house, Union avo N.t J350O. Ground cost more. $3000 buys 7-room modern house, 32d st near Prescott. Look it up. 100x100, 30th St., Irvington- Park. 7-room house, $2750; worth $4000. J. X). Kennedy, 330 Salmon. Main 47S0 Read The Oregonian classified ads. wa rfSti NURSERY STOCK. ITALIAN PRUNES, LOGANBERRY TIP.S. Other varieties trees and plants. Let us supply you. Order now. SALEM NURSERY COMPANY, 1030 Chemeketa St., Salem, Or FOR SALE The finest Italian prun trees ever grown in Oregon, 6 to 8 ft, high, reasonable. 5803 Woodstock ave., Port land. Sellwood 2o32. . WE CARRY a full assortment of choice fruit trees, berry plants, ornamental trees, shrubs, roses, etc. OREGON NURSERY CO., Orenco, Or. OPTOMETRISTS AND OPTICIANS. lie GLASSES AT A SAVING. EcSsryi solicit your patronage on the Toy basis of capable service. Thou- sands of satisfied customers. -A trial will convince you. Charles W. Good man, optometrist. 208 Morrison. M. -14- cvra SCIENTIFICALLY TEST ed with modern instruments. "-& Glasses fitted from 2.50 up A. E. HURWITZ. optometrist, 225 t lrst st. OPTICIANS. NO PROFITEERING ON SPECTACLES. Dr. George Rubenstein, the veteran op tician, still fits the best eye'I.a very moderate prices. Tones "rP,J i ih. cheaner trades. 226 Morrison. ORIENTAL BUGS REPAIRED. ORIENTAL BUGS CLEANED AND REPAIRED. KARAGOZIAN & FEiRGLjjON. TEN YEARS WITH ATIYEH BROS.. 151 N. 23D. PHONE MAIN 5-08. PAT EN T ATTORNEYS. PATENTS Our practice has extended otr a period of 74 years. All communications ' strictly confidential; Prompt, ef flcie nt. conscientious service; handbook free on request. MUNN CO.. patent attorneys San Francisco office. Hobart bldg.. 68 Market st., Chicago office, room 810 Tower bldg.: Washington office, room 103. 625 F St.; New York office. Wool- worth bldg. 1 1 . tt a R C. WRIGHT-22 years and foreign patents. w " " GOLDBERG, 020 Worcester bldg. M. 2525. PATENTS. PATENTS Send sketch or model for pre liminary examination. Booklet free. inghesteferences. best resu t. Prompt- . ness assurj-eu. ni -';-" r, - ent Lawyer, 624 F. t.. Washington, P. I. PHYSICIANS. DH, R, A.i PHILLIPS, Broadway bldg. kibiauderr rectal, prostatic female disorders, skin anec..o...-j. - --,-- enlarged tonsils, moles, birth marks. PLUMBING SUPPLIES. PLUMBING SUPPLIES AT WHOLESALE nriees. Starke-Davis Co., 212 3d. M. 7Ji. PLUMBING. COME AND BE CONVINCED Let us save you money on your Plumb ing! W E. HIVE. Plumber. 312 Pine st. PRINTING. KEYSTONE PRESS. J. E """.'IV Manager. Printing and """'"Av,? rront St., conic, .tl.. ... ; BDHuTIWP F. W. BALTES & COMMA Y PHIN I Inb 1st and Oak sts. Main 165: 5U-6o - PAINTING. i..TTn nninii.,7 nnoerhanaing. deco rating, kalfomlnlng and sign work done K.rnr. the rush season starts. 13-0 ,asl Glisan. or pnone lauur -nu GET YOUR painting, paperhanging. deco rating, kalsomlning and sign work done before the rush season starts. 1J-0 tast Glisan, or phone 'lapor -ooL PAINTING, tinting and decorating by day or contract; all work guaranteed first t T. stone. 601 Glisan st. Phone after 6 P. M., Main 7i-". WILL save you money on Inside painting, tinting and paperhanging before we f el busv outside. Johnson, Main 41oo. T. H. BERGESS. painting and paperhang ing. 333 blast tn St. r-iione n.., pilXTIN'l',. Daoerhanging. John C. ton- lisk. 133 Iftth st. N. Broadway -t'4... POI'LTRV SUPPLIES. EVERYTHING needed and used by Prac tical poultry Keepers; catays le,l ire Seed & Floral Co., 145 2d sU Port land. SECOND-HAND STORES. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO. i trnnvT ST. We buy "and, sell everything in the ..,.in. r and furniture line. Phone Main 9072. STOVE REPAIRING. water coils. ant style. made and connected: stove repairing. A LL M A K EX REM NED AND GRATES: FURNITURE REPAIRING. U P H O L STERINC. IN CONNECTION. PHONE BROADWAY 2576. TRADEMARKS. OREGON TRADEMARK BUREAU. f)l Dekum bldg. U. S., foreign trademarks. TRANSFER AND STORAGE. OREGON AUTO DESPATCH The Service with a Reputation. MOV I NG-PACK'G-STOR AGE-BAGGAGE 13th and Kearney. Branch 6SV4 Bdwy. PHONE BDWY. 3309 OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 474 Glisan St., corner 13th. Phone Broadway 12S1 or 1 1 HI. We own and operate two large class "A" warehouses on terminal tracks. Lowest Insurance rate In the city. FIREPROOF STORAGE C. M. OLSEN TRANSFER CO.. 248 Pine. PACKING. MOVING, STORAGE. SECURITY STORAGE & TRANSFER CO.. 1WS PARK ST. MAIN 51115, A 1051. GRINNELL transfer and storage, office 328 Irving st. Phone BUwy. 3S)4- MANUFACTURERS W. P. FULLER & CO., Front and Morrison. NEW TODAY. GARAGES Sectional and Ready-Cut MANY DESIGNS Erected in Portland or shipped anywhere. Material and Workmanship Guaranteed First-Class Send for Circular RRDIMADE BUILDING CO. S10 . 11th St. Phone East 5114. POBTLAND. OH. ALDER-STREET LOT T BE SOLD AT ONCE 50x100 on Alder, between Twelfth and Thirteenth sts. .. It's a dandy for speculation or immediate use. Go look it over. RITTER, LOWE S CO. 201-3-5-7 BOABD OF TRADE. BLDG, 3 Mil pig Hia hi I www V Lllr VFW TODAY. Auction Sales AT WILSON'S AUCTION HOUSE 189 SECOND STREET, NEAR YAMHILL, MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS AT 10 A. M. FOR ALL KINDS OF HOUSEFUR NISHINGS Including FURNITURE, CARPETS, STOVES, BEDDING, DISHES, UTENSILS 'aMrf mii,e IcffeetH. GOODS ARE BKIXfi CONSIIiDIO VS EVERY DAY TO BE SOLD h OH WHAT THEY WILL BRIi. IK VOL WANT YOUR MO Si K Y TO COl-'T, ATTE.D OUR SALES. GOODS SOLD AT PRIVATE SALE WE CARRY A LARGE AND "WELL ASSORTED stock; ok HIGH-CLASS FURNITURE of all descriptions; also CARPETS, RUGS, LINOLEUMS, all the best makes of STEEL ANG GAS RANGES In fact almost anything- pertaining to housefurnishines, which we SELL AT PRIVATE SALE WE SOLICIT YOUR INSPECTION. GROCERIES AT AUCTION ON TUESDAY NEXT AT 10 A. M. WE SHALL CLOSK OUT THE BALANCE OK OUR GROCERY STOCK AT PUBLIC AUCTION nOXT MISS THIS SALE, as tills Is POSITIVELY THE HIMM1', AM YOU BUY AT YOJ- OW" I'll UK.. J. T. WILSOX, PROPRIETOR. We Pay Cask for Furniture. Male 1626. r3 feo BoniFa (o. ESTABLISHED 180X ON TUESDAY -NEXT WE HAVE RECEIVED THE COST LY FURNISHINGS FROM A RESI DENCE ON FLANDERS STREET. ALSO PART FURNITURE, CAR PETS, ETC, FROM A HOME ON EAST 24TH ST. WE HAVE COM BINED THESE TWO LISTS OF GOODS IN ONE SALE. Comprising tapestry overstuffed dav enport, rocker and chair, mahogany center tables In old designs, parlor desk, rattan desk table, library table, genuine leather rockers, Dufoltl dav enport, "Wilton ruRS, fiber upholstered rockers and chairs, oak rockers with leather seats, quarter-sawed oak hall seat and larpe French plate mirror, beautiful Circassian walnut bedstead ill colonial style with Princess dresser and chair en suite, ivory suite as follows, steel bed. dresser and dress ing table, also solid aiahograny bed room suite with very large Krpnch plate mirror on dresser, full size brass bed. all beds are complete with good springs and mattresses, oak dressers, child's crib and mattress, bedroom carpets, qoarter-sawed oak dining room strife, viz., pedestal tabie, set o leather seat chairs and hand some combination buffet, set of Havi laud china dishes, glassware . ant silverware, combination tiarland range, steel range, kitchen cupboard, breakfast table, garden tools, eta AUCTIONEER'S NOTE: All the above goods are now on view. Please call tomorrow and look them over at your leisure. You will find them worthy of your attention. Auction on Tuesday next at 1U A. M. ON THURSDAY NEXT We shall have the furnishings' of an eight-room house to sell. These goods can be seen Wednesday afternoon. Auction on Thursday next at 10 A. M. We buy household goois for cash, or wiU aell for you on cunmliloB, PHONE MAIN 3332. W. C. BAKER and W. H. DEAN Furniture Dealers and Auctioneers Yamhill and West Park Sts. PYTHIAN BUILDING (Formerly Masonic Temple) IDEAL LOCATION AND SETTING ALAMEDA A 9-room bungalow set among lovely native firs. Ground area over 13,000 sq. feet. The living room and music room extend across the front the dining room with its bay window and pleasant outlook down the tree lined streets; the 2 large own er's sleeping rooms and bath, the maid's room and large and "complete kitchen with builfc-in refrigerator; etc., all help to make the home distinctive. There are 2 large sleeping rooms on second floor; a base ment to be. proud of; wide ver andas; garage. Complete in formation by calling MRS. HARRY PINE PALMER Phone: East 7976 MUST SELL $2500 100x100 on Foster road, running to Millard avenue, at 80th street. Good frame building 30x60 suitable for storage, garage, repair shop or something of that sort. Also another building 20x30 adjoin ing. Whole property goes for $2500. See owner at 8016 Foster road any time Sunday, or address BiS, ORKIIOMA.N. Bead The Oregonian classified ads KFW TODAY. SELECT YOUR ESITE BOTH RIVER AD MOUNTAIN IEVS. BUILDING RESTRICTIONS. GLKN.MORRTK is Just a short distance south of Riverdale by the new highway near the river, and all tracts have boat-landing privileges. Every tract faces on a fine road and many face directly on the highway. This property was developed as a big county estate many years ago. and now affords a witlo variety of selection, with big oak. native and Imported trees, fine orchards, rich soil, and most of It in cultivation. It is not necessary to buy suburban acreage and wait years for plant growth, since you can buy acreage In any amotmt to suit from one acre up in a condition which would take you years to reproduce on raw land. The highway from Oswego to Oregon City has been changed so it runs through the renter of llleninorric. Grading has been finished, and it Is now pro posed to complete paving by June 1, making it only a i'U niinute drive. PRICES as low as JlflflO an acre for desirable tracts. It will cost much more after the completion of the highway. Sec it now and derive the benefit of the present low prices. DRIVE out any time you like. Clo out either Macadam or I'or bett streets along the River road to Oswego, through Oswego ami cross bridge. ISO yards bc vund brlilire turn to right at (JLEN.MOKFUE sign, which is (he beginning of O 1 e n m o rrie. Drive through the entire prop erty to the top of the hill and you will be repaid by enjoying the most wonderful V 1 e w. in Oregon. KASER & RAINEY S 2.-1-8 GASCO lll.Uti. M1IV 7602. IE II 2 MILES COURTHOUSE TWO BLOCK FROM COUNCIL CHEST ( All, This Is the most sensational sale of high-grade acreage ever made in the city. This prop erly extends from Palrmouiit bntflevard. near the old rock crusher, to the l'oscli road, each tract facing on this highly Im proved county road. Some tracts are all In cultl- vatlon; some have beauliml trees. Several tracts have ever running springs: all have mag nificent unobstructed view of the valley and coast mountains. South and west slope sheltered from the east winds. There iH no rough or steep land in this entire property, making it the most desirable property with a high elevation anywhere In the fit v. lias, city water, roads paved and paid f"r; no assess ments of any kind. JJ500 building restrictions protect it against the usual nu de s i r able features of acreaca tracts. Adjoining property sells for double this price and, in order to close up an estate, we are authorized to make this sac rifice in order to move It rap idly. Fortunes have been made on the Heights by Investors who bought a b! k or su and later sold one lot lor much more than the original cost of entire pur chase price. Vou now have a greater opportunity than the investors of some years ago. A careful investigation will easily convince vou. There are only a limited number of these tracts, so do not delay In making your Inspection In order to get a good selection. Drive up and ee It or phone for an appointment to show you. KASER & RAINEY Sl-6 tiASt'O Ill.IKi. MAIN 702 Irvington Twenty-first street near Klickitat, seven-room bungalow, complete in i every detail. hiuiit in uis oeiore present nign prices. tuum mi n duplicated within a thousand dollars of present price. Terms. Cull for appointment. L. R. Bailey Company Marshall 64. Parrish, Watkins & Co. Est. 1867. Frank E. Watklna, Manaaer. Member Portland Realty Board. Real Estate, Rental, Loan and Fire and Automobile Insurance Agents Correspondence Solicited. 104 Second St. I'honet Mala 144. ELEVENTH AND GLISAN 100 x 100 ONE BLOCK KHOM M1H1H BANK DEPOT. This location has a wonder ful future. We have a low price on this for a short time only. RITTER, LOWE S CO. 201-3-5-7 BOARD OK '1KAIIE HI.IMi. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS RESIDENCE ONE OK THE BEST SMillTLV tOB IKERS WITH MNE-KOOM HOI SE, W ELL BI ILT, LAHtiE Ll ING HOOM, FIREPLACE, BREAKFAST KOOM, TWO BATH ROOMS. OWNER WILL TAKE y.VMKI LESS TIHN THE MAH KET I'HICK, IF VOL ARE INTER ESTED I.N SEt'lRINfi A HOME O.N THE WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. SEE ME HARVEY WELLS & CO. OS GASCO BLDta. rilONK MAIN 4.164. CI Mortgage Loans Edward E. Goudey Co. Vi 8. Dank Uuildlna; !r.w TODAY. APARTMENTS $110,000 West Side Apartment 5-story fire-proof building with CI 3-room and five 2-room apartments, built in 1916. All apartments hava prfvate bathrooms, gas ranges and refrigerators. Sixteen apartments furnished. Steam heat with Fcss System for burning oil. Automatic elevator. $30,000 will handle and will take trade up to $50,000. Ground 100x110. Good income. $(0,5C0 Nob Hill Apartment Apartment house on Everett street, 2 blocks from Washington. Income $825.00 a month. $10,000 will handle. .$45,000 West Side Apartment On Irving' street. 21 apartments. Six 3-room; nine 4-room, and six 5-room. 4 garages. Nearly all furnished. In come nearly $1000 per month. Termi. .$29,500 Irvington Apartment The classiest apartment in the cfly; 4 nDnrtments of 5 rooms each: hard wood floors throughout; fireplat-e; imported irencn tapestry; wnue enamel plumbing; tiled bathrooms; Dutch kitchen with gas ranges, large French mirrors in bedroom; all largfl rooms. Occupied by well-to-do ttn- ants. Terms. .$15,000 West Side Flats On Kearney street, in choice Nob Hill district, Income,$200 per month. Terms. STOKE BUILDINGS We have modern store buildings with rooms above in all the different suburban districts at pre-war prices, VACANT AND RESIDENCE LOTS .$1 1,000 Quarter lllmk On E. 2d and Tine. Will give yon warranty deed for $7.r0 down and mortgage back for balance to any party who will construct building on same. We have numerous business and residence lots for sale on easy terms in all parts of the city. For information in regard to these and other business properties oca SUSIKCSS PR0PCHTY LKASII "Real Homes" In Portland's Most Select Residence Districts Westovcr Terraces King's Heights Laurclhurst Riviera For further Information Phone Mrs. Harry Price Palmer Hast 7976 COUNTRY HOMESITE FOR BUSINESS MAN BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN TRACT BARGAIN FOR QUICK SALE ."i nrres on the IiIIIk overlooking riVPr, JMMUII IH 111.. rtl . .1 HH.IIMlt. ioon to bo piivc.l nil th- to l'..rllmicl. Wonderfully Inrnt- nl, II nilM'S i run, iiuiiiimipr, .,.--oil. pari ft on 1 1 y rollum Mini cull Ivntnl, with clvrn. rich soil; mrt tialumllv wooilnl with spriiiKK mid mnninic Mtrrams; vii-WK that ramiot ho fir -passoil. f'liv w.ilcr available; rlre. Iri'-ltv fine cr.ule Mul hlRh nliooH nearfilaily delivrrlra. A beautiful -eat Ion for m buaiiiet-H nian'n elf-up-porllni? home. BARGAIN PRICE $11,000 Mrs. HelenS. Turner! 1H Spalding HlrfK. Ma4n MM. TWO-FAMILY FIAT Will handle, five year' tinie tin the balance. Icatel on Kleventh utreet. near MA walking rto-ianco from hop Dinir cl!:f"' PRICE $12,000 RITTER, LOWE g CO. IOVkI-.V7 HOAHII K TKUK HLIKi. IRVINGTON HOME sKti-noon moih:k nnrK, 7l Kr HHOUIWtV M'MKKT. I.OOl) I.OTI. W VfT. Mil l IIK IT l HKAMO Villl.M TF.KMM. I'lllt K HM. HARVEY WELLS & CO. 2 liAM O III.IMi. rilOM-; Ml 4.'4. Kcaii Tha UlCfcuaUij classified 4S. nr i. - T3T