TIIE SUXDA Y OREGOXIA', PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 29, 1920 17 FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. EVERT STAR ON TOUR DOLLAR TWINKLES IlERIi. MR. GARDENER, DO TOU KNOW? We have that $7.50 wheel- barrow, usedfor 3.oO A dependable line of steel hovels Solid forced steel rakes CHICKEN, LAWN AND FIELD FENCING. ANY HEIGHT, ANY SIZE, ANT LENGTH. If it's anything In rakes, shovels. cultivators. hoa. posthole diggers wheelbarrows, we have it. The first line of this ad speaks for il ecif. BLACKSMITH, . KNOW? DO TOU A good slightly used forge.. $ 900 A dandy iel anvil - A No. 175 swedge block, used 0-aO Dependable make post-drill, self-feed 13i? Used tones, chisels, blocks, 3 cents up. These are just a few of our used blacksmith tools; they are serviceable and like our others at a price far below the new. If you are in the market for an outfit, can wa future with you? MR. CARPENTER, DO TOU KNOW? May dole ham.liers $1.23 $3.&o Atkins hulidsaws, slightly shopworn ; $l.Su guaranteed ripping chisels .JO 4 guaranteed hand axes 2.23 $4.UU Atkins rip saws, a little rusty 2.50 94 2& steel ratchet braces, a real buy. 90 nail! nails, nails, we have them. Mr. MILLMAN! We have satis fied the guvernment with depend able merchandise in times of war, U-t us figure with you in times of peace, MR. WOODCHOPER, DO TOU KNOW ? 11.90 a foot Simonds saws, slightly used, any length, falling, bucking, or cross cut, a foot... 9 -75 13.50 falling axes, just rusty.. 2.2 A dandy, guaranteed axe, any weight ' 3.25 Wedges In the new 15c, 20c, 3uc te 6uc a pound. I n the secon d - ban d. ha If th is price. ... MR. LOGGER, DO TOU KNOW? A $15 hand made block, used. $6.50 9-inch new trip blocks, hand made 9.75 Logging hooks, dogs, or tongs at a song. Let us figure with you on cable, blocks, skidding tonga or peaveys, in new or used good. EVERY STAR ON YOUR DOL LAR TWINKLES HERE. LEVIN HARDWARE &. FUR NITURE CO., 221 FRONT ST. PHOTOGRAPHERS, amateurs; I have tamer na. nlaie tanks, fit in tanks. Print' ing fram a, one Burk A JumYa style D professional printing machine and other things 1 will sell this week; no rea sonable offer refused: no junk; all good us new. Call t u017 Foster road. Archer fia.ee station. FOR SALE Chance to make fortune. I own oil lease on 20 acres proven oil land. Archer county, Tex. I am not able to make this year's payment. Lease cost me $25 per acre, worth much mure now. Will sell half imerest to anyone who will miKe this year's payment. See owner 263 Salmon at., or call Alain 25 1 5 ONE large, one small National cah register with penny keys; soda foun m:n complete; floor cases, wail cases. Toledo computing scales. ice cream taOlr and chairs, large and small sales. tlrtum. candy scaled, a rail arms, relrig er.ior' cases; many other fixtures sold at enter if ire. -42 Salmon. Main 342. HEAR THE NEW BRUNSWICK. We have just received a shipment of tne new an recoras ruuswicK. e in vite your inspection of the new ma rhinea. No surface noise. Sold on easy terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 3ii Alder. bOME folks &ay diamonds are high, but one would hardly think sovif they would stop long enougn to compare my prices with regular prices. Millers' Cle.iriug House for Diamond, 355 Washington St.. next to Majestic theater. fcALiiON fishermen, notice! Hand-made jointed hickory rod, agate guides, with special made casts Gaif, orn Hoff M rtt-i, tackle box. spinners, leaders; almost new, S27. worth 4G. K 2. Orcgonian. intUBLE the growth of your garden. Use I tah Land Plaster, contains no weed. Helps lo exterminate luset-ls. Cheaper than any other ft-rtillzer. Phone Main ioti2. illi Stuck Exchange bldg. FOR SALB New portable chicken coop, price Jit inciuding roll of chicken wire; a snap at present pricos of materials; will pay portion of transportation. Phone Tabor ltW5 after 2 P. M. 2M1-SIZK ljueen Incubator, good as new. One dicing room extension table. One 12-inch steel beam plow. One 7-foot Simons saw. Special bargains. Iti72 Clarendon st. Evenings. Sl, Johns caf. 1 WANT to buy the following articles: 5 or 0-vol. set Century dictionary, 1114 edition; a mahogany filing cauinut: and a book stand lo hold Enc BritLanica, J lti. Oregonian. DARK gray riding habit, satin lined and pfi-frctly tailored, never been worn; tost $150. sell for $.0. Site 30-3S. Call Uoodiawn u!6. FOR SALE Two National cash registers, two computing scales; all good as new; also 10-ton Champion wagon scales. Ali-Cune. ti.V Pit tot-k bik. oR SALE Estate kitchen heater, new with gas kludier, $37.50 installed. Also round heater. Is good as new, $18 in stalled. 203' Salmon St. BARGAINS in used sewing machines all drops and -cabinets and in good sewing ordt-r. SL6.30 and 27.50. lft 3d, near 2'anihilL TOP SOIL FREE. Two or three loads of tine top soil free for hauling away at &. 41st and Hoyt. Call Tabor 9i3. DRl MMER'S ump:e leather-lined trav eling bag. We sell trunks at bargains. Pert. and Leather Co., Washington. FOR SALE Climax sewing machine. $15; in fine condition. Apt. 25, Cambrian Apts.. corner 12th and Columbia. PERFECT blue - steel diamond; beau tiful gift for engagement ring: quick sa.e JS0: no dealers. M 2, Oregonian. DIAMOND. OVER KARAT. Finest quality, sacrifice $275. Cull Mar shjll 2.5 between 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. 2 ELECTRIC ilght fixtures, 1 baby porch g4tr. i watiiC iron c. loth st. N one block north Alberta st. 1 MAN S suit, bine, size 40, and a gray coat for $3 50; 1 lady's coat for $3 60, and 1 g:ri a coat t or 3. 212 E.b5lh. Tabor iwS7. FOUR RA-DO Fumeless gas heaters, one guard and piping. . As lot or separately. I sed only three mom ha i'hoo Main 6-06. WANTED To sell almost new ladders fo -paper hanger, pain tor and kalsominers. t-heap. 3o4 Pine. Broadway 40. FoR SALE Lady's bicycle, coat, shoe and mufttc rolls, cheap. Tabor 6572. BUILDERS! T W 0P I L LARS FOR SALE. PRACTICALLY NEW. WDLN. &Kttf. Al BICVt'LE for sale. '.. 4:t K. 0: h street North. Tabor 932 A COLLAPSIBLE baby buggy in good con dition, like Sturgesi. 415 E. 55th st. Sa'AI.E repairing at Standard ScsJe Agency. 55 Second st., cor. Pine. FINE strawberry plants, 7-V per 100. 763 K. Everett st. Come early. IF YOU wih the right estimate on house wnng. call Tabor 5012. GENUINE Buck.kin automobile gauntletK. never orn. very classy. Marshall 1072 AUTO -hu1 aaw for sale or trade, J 400. Tabor 93S0. CONCE RTI NA ovrr 100 years old. price reasonable. Tabor 10S2- SRAG rifl, caliber .30. withsUngT excel lent condition : ammunition. Seil. 3550. GiOD steel range with 521 5th st. S. E. reservoir, $30. J FOR hnu wiring and fixture installation, call EaM H10. VACUUM cleaners for sale. Ft ration tall East MJ10. For demon- HEAVY service bicycle, used one year, for sale. Main 4295. JIDDING machine. flrM-clans condition; bargain. Broadway 1198. 3S4 Stark at. BLUB serge uK. 6. $li.50; gray suit, 40, $9.50. 3T l it. ONE NEW set of Bnfcks terms. $3 monthly. of Knowledge. $40; Phone East 1'OcL FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. REMOVING SALE. ZIDELL-BERENSON CO- 2ftR FRONT ST. MARSHALL 1332. BETWEEN TAYLOR AND SALMON, PORTLAND, OR. PIPE PIPE PIPE. Wa are offering black Dice from Inch to 6-inch at greatly reduced prices. If you are likely to need pipe, don't rail to see our line, This is your oppor tunity to save about 40 per cent on your purcnases. FITTINGS. FITTINGS. FITTINGS. We carry a full line of slightly used brass valves, steam traps, steam coils ana linings. CONDUIT PIPE. Conduit pipe from H-lnch to 3-lnch at ou -c.rt t,i-r o t-iat vttiri. MILLMEN CONTRACTORS LOGGERS ATTENTION. Slightly used cable, plow steel, all sizes. a targe assortment oi axes ana ooom chains which we offer at very reason- aoie prices. Pulleys, gears, sheaves. Iron and wood blocks, hand trucks, shafting. Iron plates, angle iron, channel iron. screw jacas at a good offering. Belting, leather and rubber. Manila rope at a big saving. 10 and lti-gauge wire at remarkably low prices. One 3-inch Myers water pump; also blacksmith bellow. Corrugated iron roofing, paper, lum ber dolliee, roofing, iron gates. ZIDELL-BERENSON CO.. 208 Front St. Marshall 1332. Between Tavlor and Salmon, Portland, Or. THIS AD STATES FACTS. I have a lrr innHmMl nt on- cailed-for tailored suits at prices that will surprise you. All 8i2s. patterns anu styles, and remember they are ab soiueiy new, not second-hand. I can fit you to a suit that will pleas both your taste and your pocket book. H. L BLUM. 104 Tenth St., near Morrison. WE BUT DIAMONDS At Full Cash Market Price; No Delay. Private Office for Ladies. AH transactions strictly confidential THE AMERICAS BROKERAGE. ... Diamond Brokers. uo Morgan building (Second Floor). Licensed by The City of Portland. ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST. Painless Dentistry aDsolutely per formed by the nerve-blocking method, without after-effects; let us prove It tO you. We mnkn Y-ra v rimlntlmtf of teeth when necessary along with oth er operations, we specialize in nrst-cu dentistry at reasonable fees. DR. A. W. KEEN E. DR. E. H. PKEHN. Majestic Theater Bldg. 351 Wash. NOTICE TO THR PtTRI.fC Rather than return our salesman sam ples to the factory we have placed same i tne aisposai or tne dudiic at wnoie sale prices, consisting of raincoats, motor coats, leather coats, in our salesroom at U.M1,U KLtshhK CO., 720 MORGAN BLDG. ONE Presto Lite tank, motorcycle; 1 hand pnone norn lor car; 1 oil tan lamp ior car. 1 gasvllne torch. J Stanley wood frame level. 1 wood-frame smoothing plane, l wood-frame block plane, l Spalding tennis racquet. 1 set new box ing gloves, for sale cheap; owner ieav lng town. 407 Lumber Exchange oitlg, HAVE several diamonds that have been left with me by outride parties to be sold. You can buy them for 25 per cent less tnan the wholesale cost today. MILLER'S CLEARING HOUSE FOR DIAMONDS. 355 Was tt. st.. nextdoor Maj estic. OLD FAi.SE TEETH BOUGHT. We pay up to $25 per set. Don't mat ter If broken ; old -t liners are most val uable. Crowns, bridgework bought. Biing or mall. The American Brokerage, 20.) Morgan bldg.. second noor. SEWING MACHINES. We aie disposing of a large number of late drop heads, all makes; priced at $15 to $30. Machines rented, $3 per mo. SINGER STORE. Moose Bldg.. ll3 4th St. Main 6S33. PIANO WANTED. Let us exchange you fine new latest style Viotroia, Brunswick, Edison, Grafo- noia or ntradjvara ana records ior your piano. Hyatt Taikign Machine Co., vo0 Alder. FOR 6 ALE bot point 9-cup coffee urn, $!."; aluminum 4-cup percolator. $3; 2 oozen fruit jar. $1; 6 light globes, t0 watt. $1; Rayiite radium alarm clock. $2: Stevens 12 guage shotgun, $10; ah new. Phone Tabor 6!H1. OFFICE FURNITURE AND EQUIPMENT from N. w. Steel and Spruce Production for sale at 31 N. 6TH ST., Between Burnside and Couch. O. M. BABCOCK. D. C. WAX. BLUE suit, good as new. size 35, cost $S0, win saririce. can at room 4oS Alder Hotel. Sunday from 10 to 12 A, M. - EDISON DIAMOND DISC PHONOGRAPH. $1Ju Edison, exchange toward larger Edison, guaranteed perfect condition. Price $10u; $J."V down. $." monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. ONE STOVE brooder, used two months last year; one roll galvanized chicken wire. Call at 618 Maiden ave. Mrs. H. B. nith. THRESHING machine for sale, 42x64 Auiiman A Taylor separator, with Gar den City feeder and Hartfhorn wings; run 3 short seasons. BJ 361, Oregonian. OMPI.ETE correspondence taw school course, 14 bound volumes, with all texts and papers, never used, bargain. East 4!MU. FOIl SALE Brand new Newton .30-cali- ber rifle with oeeo sitrht and allnir: also leather cae and ammunition; $i0 foi outtit. Phone Tabor 3!Hr. SNAP 1-burner Reliable high -oven gas range. S20; will trade for chickens or single bvds. 4443 EOth ave. S. E. FULL size pool table In excellent condi tion, at a bargain. Baker-McFarland, 310 Henry bidg. COMMUNITY silver, Adams pattern, used three times, very reasonable. P. O. box 922. city. FOR SALE-i-A singer. St. Andrew ierg stock, $10 with cage. 146 Hamilton. Take N'a.S car south. NO. 10 army shoes, 9: beads. 3 new plumes, 115; baby carriage. $2; chan delier, $5; 5 diamond pin. S5. Mar. 1675. FOR SALE A universal range with gas attachment, fine condition. Phone Bdwy. 4604 alter 6 P. M. BILLIARD TABLE. BUTCHER SHOW CASE. SCALES. MEAT SI.ICER. COUN TERS. 55 SECOND ST.. COR. PINE. NEW Al autograph graflex. a bargain; a iso ciotnes wringer. ia.i mornings jseijwooa 010. GOLD DOLLAR strawberry plants; extra fine, 4 tor ioou 1.0.0. cars. i. n. i'ltts. tfortng, ur.. rtoute x- FOR SALE Two three-strand switches and curls 01 orown laimost an auburn) avy hair. Call Seiiwood402. DRAGS AW for sale. Call Wdln. 5964 after 5:50 P. M. GROW 3 kinds of fruit each tree. Top grartir.g. correct pruning. Tabor 6692. BOY'S BIKE. A-l condition, snap $20. Broadway 1140, FOR SALE Good hop roots. Forest Grove, Or. FOR SALE -A few spare tin shop tools. Brdwy. 209t. $00 WILLOW buggy, almost new. $25. 269 1 ?i t. HEMSTITCHING. 6c and Sc a yard. M. Dal ton, rm. l''U Broadway -Yamhill bldg. BEAUTIFUL diamond ring, valued $400, for $275. No dealers. C L Oregonian. TWO dark-brown hair switches, real hair. Call at 6 E. 62d sU N. FOR SALE Oak office table, check writ er, rug. 601 Lumbermen's Building. ROLLTOP quartered oak derby desk and chair. 254 Broadway. Bdwy. 155. FOR rent, vacuum cleaners. 24-hr. day $1; del, anywhere. Bdwy. -,'kS ; form W. 19. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for sale. Pa facinc lent Awning. i .n. 1st st. VACUUM cleaners solo, repaired, rented, exchanged, bought. Bentlry Co. Mn. 4907. SHRUBBERY for sale in the rear of 953 Vancouver ave. t REBUILT typewriters. 110 Sixth at. E. W. Pease Co.. BROWN wicker baby buggy, condition. Tabor 247ft. $15, good ONE sanitary couch, with pad, nearly new, $10. East 8133. LARGE Heywood Sturgis reed baby rarnai-ff, rxeetient conailion. onwy, 414. RIFLES aAd, aboLfiua lot aala. Tat) ox 64,7,3. 1 FOB SALS. Miscellaneous. DON'T HOLD UP TOUR PLUMBING WORK FOR PRICES TO COME DOWN. WE SELL FOR LESS. PIPE. PIPE. PIPE. From to 12-inch pipe and fittings, slightly ued, properly fitted absolutely guaranteed. One lot of l4-inch black, extra heavy pipe, almost new, at a great saving. We can sell at a very special price 2000 feet of 4 and 6-inch pipe, brand new, dipped In tar. Take advantage of this opportunity. All kinds of brass valves in all sizes at very low prices. BELTING. BELTING. BELTING. We have the largest stock in the city of new and slightly used leather, rubber, gandy and balata belting, from 2-inch to 24-inch, at reduced prices. Also a large lot of remnants from 15-foot and over at all widths at a clean-up price. Our prices on new and used machinery and structural iron are way below the market and are far cheaper than any on the coast. Two minutes of your time spent at our office will convince you oi tne irutu oi cur statement. Investigate today some of these special buys. STRUCTURAL IRON. I Beams Angle Iron Bar Iron Round Iron In fact, all building iron. MACHINERY. GAS ENGINES CONCRETE MIXERS PUMPS BLOWERS MOTORS HOISTS " ' BOILERS BOXINGS. PULLETS. GEARS. SHAFTING, ETC. T ROOFING. ROOFING. ROOFING. y. .nnftn nHe-htiv used, in good condition. Paper roofing with ce ment anu nans hi ovcu " ,.iV-- lowing special irice : i . 1-ply. $1.23: 2-ply, $1.75; and 3-ply. $2.35. Be sure to take advantage of these prices. TENTS. TENTS. TENTS. ea n tob, nrivantaee of this op portunity. We have just secured about 4000 army and navy tents, -ool mostly x9 with Hies; 14-oz. VERT SPECIAL FOR THIS MONTH ONL1. 0x9, 12 -ox. navy tents at $12 each. Hixl6, lii-oi.. army tents at $17 each. HxlS tent flies at S7.50 each. " Do not miss the opportunity to get your tent needs. ALASKA JUNK CO.. Largest on the Coast. No. 203 Front St., Portland, Or. FIN E EDISON CYLINDER OUTFIT, Fine Edison cylinder horn machine, large wooden horn, fine cabinet and 200 fine indestructible records. Outfit cost about $1'J". Price only ?75. $15 down, $ monthlv. (Records alone worth the pr.ee aaked.) Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. SEWING MACHINES. We are disposing of a large number of late dropheads, all makes; priced at $15 to $30. Machines rented, $3 per mo. SINGER STORE. Moose Bldg., 1U3 4th St. Main K33. SEWING machines, new and second-hand. sold for less; no agents empiojeu, tum plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 4.'iL SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 Third, near Taylor st. PLUMBING. Plumbing jobs done quickly and effi ciently at reasonable prices; workman ship guaranteed. MERKO METAL WORKS, Phone East 1954. 101 Russell st. lb DROPHEAD sewing machine, com plete with attachment, in goou -.uj order, $8 to $25: sewing machines rented 13 per month; macnines cleaned and re paired. E. R. isteen. 152 Grand ava m a07. East 235. FINE RESIDENCE LOT. See that fine residence lot on E. Yam hill near 2inh, 50x100, all assessments paid Fine neighborhood. Cost about $25U0. Price $1350. E. B. Hyatt, io0 Alder, owner. - UR. STOREMAN I have the few following articles to sen cneap. a acmn h -ic step show rack. 1 double decker paper holder. 2 doz. charge books. 1 twine holder, 1 2-x6-tt low counter. Adln. 5774. 540 Webster. SO ACRES virgin land, 12 miles from Lake View in LiKe county; cum m i"i acre; will sacrifice; make mo cash or trade offer. East 6540. Sunday Tabor 47W. ' HAIR GOODS, best quality switches and transformations. ah snaaes at nan rrlce. first week of March. Don't miss this. Madame Curtis" Hair Store. 131 N. 23d st., near Johnson. Phone Main 407. REVOLVERS. PISTOLS. GUNS SOLD. BOUGHT AND EXCHANGED. BEAUREGARD'S, . 702 Main st. Vancouver, Wash. HOT-WATER tanks. 30-gal., ii 40-gal., $9 ; tested ana guaranieea ; e anu furna.ee coils, gas heaters installed; ex pert plumbing, repairing. East bide Welding Shop. 203 Adams st. Last Solo. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new ,n.l ennd-hand. at right prices, bought. soid and exchanged. NORKIS SAFE LOCK. CO.. 103 Second St. Phone Main 2045. LATEST styles, full dress tuxedo suits, also silk hats for sale or rent at Bar ell's clothing store, 51 Third, Multnomah ho tel bldg. sXfes New and second-hand; some with burnlar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE & SUPPLY CO.. Broadway 1066. 4S Front St. rTrrrATTVfi MACHINES. New and second-hand, bought, sold, ex changed, rented and repaired. 316-18 Henry bldg. Main 2350. PAIR diamond earrings. One-carat stonps. Annraiseu mju. , win i '" Part casii and liberty bonds. Oregonian. BJ 444, WOOD delivered - promptly; we deliver same day; dry, saed cordwood, $7.50 per load. 94S -hurman eU. phoue Main 33-3. f ; WOULD like to buy a first-class Comp tometer of Burroughs Calculating ma chine. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 35 Alder. SILVERTONE coat, cost JI25, worn few times, size W, $25; spring couch, $10: $100 Ice chest, 135. &9 E. 80th st. N. FOR PALE Free from disease, 30,000 to 40 OCO new improved Oregon strawberry plants. $7 per thousand. M. C. Foders fiel. Troutdale,Or. ONE pair ladv's genuine elk hide shoes, size 4MiC, cost $15. worn once; Ideal for golfing. Marsh. 1512, mornings. TINTING, painting and enameling rooms, $:l 30 and up. Sellwood 2007 after 6 P. M. FOR SALE Strawberries, raspberries and 2 varieties of black caps, reasonable. Sell. 2:;.12. 5S03 Woodstock ave.. Portland. CFMENT laundrv tuos. guaranteed; buy direct from factory. The Duplex. 314 East Washington st. 1 unoK KEEPERS desks and stools, roll-top desk and chairs. 3 hat-top desk. RiishonK A Co.. 91 Park st. FOR SALE or trade, electric vibrator and hair drier. Sterling mandolin. Call Main 1941. SAFES for sale, cheap; one large, one small and one with burglar-proof chest S 41. Oregonian. FOR-SALE All diamond cluster, excep tional value; need money: no dealers. BJ 419. OregonlatL FOR SLE cheap. 2 6-room modern houses if taken at once; these bouses easi'y movedjweiit side. Phone East 110. BOX WOOD for' sale. $4.5( per load. Call Woodlawn 1539 before 10 A. M. and aX ter 5 P.M. USED APPAREL secured from wealthy ladles, reasonable prices 1132 E. Gli san Montavilla car to 89th. Tabor 2S25. SPLENDID values In ladies' slightly used furs, dresses and coat. Call after 10 A. M.. East 20 40. HERB'S a -bargain for a doctor, almost new eiecin; .u.v. , . w. 9 awuuie, Wdln. 5774. 540 Webster. j PLUMBING expert, repair all plumbing. gas; very reasonable McCurdy. Seil. 1125, ELECTRIC vacuum cleaning In your home 35c a rug- Call East 1508. . SAFS. inside measure m.u inc4ee.ll inches aeep. it ji-ui. ONE-GALLON gasoline pump m good or- FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding macnine. nup. near Asa. COATS, furs, suiti, gowns and evening d resses. si 1 j - " 1 . LICENSED eleotriian will save you mon ney on youruwuw " Bl iu. otui. STOVES, kitchen heater, sua. ail lis- ,i'ra ir ; Wdln. 667. FOB SAXK Miscellaneous. M. BARDE ft SONS. Front and Main sts.. Portland, Or. ."The House of Million Bargains." NEW AND USED SHOVELS. Round or sauare tofntpd short han dled. Bought at a bargain, being sold as oougnt. NEW. $14 DOZEN. USED, $12 DOZEN. BARGAINS OF INTEREST TO CONTRACTORS. Brand new Bap ley scraper of S -yard vajak-nj. 4.u ue sacnticeui LOW prtcrk rvw Hoisting Engines, Belted Hoists. Bagley anu vasningxon scrapers, Kelaymg Kail, iro nope, jiacK ana uaivamzea Pipe, ivea, fittings, etc, etc. MAIN LINE WIRE ROPE. Any Lengths. IH-in. ...25c footils-in. ...45c foot 14-in, ...aoc footl4-ln. ...35c foot 1-in. ...35c foot 2-in. ...75c foot 1-in. .. .40c foot! FOR IMMEDIATE nTTT.TTTRTJT New plow steel wire rope, any length. Sizes from H-inch to lU-ineh. Selected second-hand wire rope, any length, sizes Ts-ixicu to j-tk-incn. GUARANTEED MOTORS. - From 1 to 150 H. P., all standard makes all guaranteed in good condition, MACHINE TOOLS. ' A full line everything you need. Taps carbon and high-speed reamers, drills, chain blocks, vises, buffers, bending rolls, grinders, punches and shears, shapers, drill presses, lathes, etc., etc, SAVE ON SHELF HARDWARE AT BARDE' S PRICES. Valves Hatchets Oilers Filing Tools Hammers Monkey Wrenches Crosscut Saws Funnels ' Borers Oil Gates Hand saws 'Measures Emery Wheels; Tongs Chain Tongs Pipe Wrenchea Wrenches f iling Tools Carborundum Stones, etc., etc. COIL CHAIN. ALL SIZES. BASE PRICE Tc STEAM AND GAS ENGINES STAND ARD HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL. And everything else you need In mill and logging supplies for less than you were prepared to pay. WRITE, WIRE OR PHONE YOUB ORDER TODAY! M. BARDE & SONS. Front and Main sts. Portland. Or. VICTOR, COLUMBIA, EDISON RECORDS i o out-of-town phonograpn owners. remember we carry full line of Edison, Victor and Columbia records. We pre pay parcel post on all orders amounting to sj or over. Hyatt Talking Aiacmne uo., o;iu Amer. PRICED ready for quick sale 1 4-burner Jewel gas range, 1 gas saving appliance, 1 double coil Ruud gas water heater. 1 home size fluting machine, 1 splendid all wool sweater, 1 boy's bicycle, 1 heat ing stove with coils, 1 raisin seeder. wdln. 5774. 540 Webster. RAZOR CLAMS. MARCH 1. All our supplies direct from fishermen. Get the best at reasonable prices. Western Fish Co.. 126 First 8t., between Washington and Aider, aiarsnau oiau, FINE WALNUT GRAFONOLA. Beautiful Columbia Grafonola, taken in on larce Grafonola. would cost new about $120. Price $'j5; $15 down, $6 monthly. Hyatt xaiKing Aiacmne to, 50 Aider. WANTED To buy stamp collection, odd lots, anything in stamps, usea or unusea. look up your old letters oerore ia.0. Urine what you have to 94 North 16th st. Phone Broadway 2019 Sundays 10 A. M. to 5 P. M.; week days after 7 P. M. RANGES and water heaters moved from one add ret a to another free; connections made a specialty; piumoing, stove re pairing, furnace work; reasonable prices; quick service to any part of the city Tabor 2307. FOR SALE Lady's almubt new French blue cloth spring suit, satin lined, latest model, size so; cost $o, sen tor ou. Lady's ions coat, burgundy velvet, trimmed in gray cloth, size 38; $18.50. Phone Tabor 4072. SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER First - class visible Smith - Premier Typewriter only $45, ?10 down, $4 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. LEAKY roof, eh? Very aggravating. In deed. Why not a permanent and com fortable roof '! We repair and Rubber Bond all kinds of leaky roofs; work guar anteed. Main 249. WIRELESS receiving set, Holtzer-Cabot 4000-ohm head set, very sensitive; speed lathe, HU-lnch swing, 'ith fuii equip ment: set of orchestra bells. 1103 East 32d st. North. Woodlawn 40S3. LADY'S brown wool jersey suit, size 36, $25; blue wool sweater. tan Tuxedo collar, $9. 1594 Gravenstein ave. St. Johns car. ADJUSTABLE dress form, $8; also knit ting machine, new, cheap on account of sickness. Apply mornings, 1061 E. Taylor. . 1 NEW fur cape, $20; English tweed coat, size 38. $15: brown corduroy dress, $2.50; coat, 9-year size, $2. 295 Montgomery st., apt. 1. wil l. prif ice laree natural lynx scar and muff for $50. Market value now about $150. Skin in excellent condition. 4 Kast .Morrison, ape, am. PI irR YOUR ORDER NOW FOR CORD WOOD AND COUNTRY SLAB. ALSO COAL. SPECIAL PRICES ON SLABS IN CARLOAD LOTS. riO.NE E. 1020. a t;w sitit for sO. brown velour. size 30. a real bargain for the right party. Call u- Sunday or after 6 evenings, 121 L. 16th st. N. VERY reasonable, Manila hand-embroider dress material, suitable for after noon or evening dress; washable. Phone Sellwood 44H. GRAFONOLA FOR PIANO We will exchange latest Rtyle $200 grafonola and records for piano. Hyatt xaiKing aiattmic vm..ojw jpcim SAT. P. 3 restaurant ranees. 1 lot restaurant dishes. 1000 lbs. axle grease In 1, 2, 5 and iu-id. cans, ouw atain St., Vancou ver. aah. LOVELY nvv suit, silk dress; georgette silk lace evening dress, size 30: nearly new. Phone A ;23. 4 .j 12th street. CLOSING out some choice perennials at bargain: now is proper planting time. "Gladiolus Farm, coring, ur. nunp hed. new Home sewing machine. Oak finish. $17.50. 232 13th St. Phone Main 6490. SLITS to order cn easy payments. Unique Tailoring Co.. 104 Fourth st., bet. Wash, and Stark. SEED potatoes, very best Burbanks; i cooking potatoes. Broadway 4405. North 16th sU OIL PAINTING, canvas 40x00. suitable for club or large room; must sell immediate Ty. AC 524. Oregonian. DIAMOND. 1-k.. perfect, very fine gem; worth $500, sacrifice $365. L 14. Oego nian. HUMAN hair switches, 3 strand, medium, dark brown, private party. Wdln. C57. ORIOLE basket, $10; bed springs, $1.50, or trade for gas plate. Tabor 6S20. WALL show case In good condition, heavy glass coors. w ain. A BARGAIN Government tent. 16x10. Call 348 College st. SINGER sewing machine in first-class or der. Call at 3212 67th street Southeast. FOR SALE Cheap, new Hugro carpet sweeper. 289 Clackamas. PEANUT roaster, com popper. Creator's, No. 6, $75. 635 Thurman st. I WILL wire your 3-room house for $15. Wdln. 3791. FOR SALE Gray satin coat, never worn: m.Tist sell at once. AC 448, Oregonian. FOR SALE Wicker baby carriage. Call Tabor 1677, after 6 P. M. DIAMOND Perfect etone, just less than f karat. Information Sellwood 150. SIDE BOARD, golden oak, cost $130, sell for $25. Tabor 6598. FOR SALE Middleby bake oven, cheap. Marshall 242. HALLET A DAVIS square piano. 1373. BEAUTIFUL white diamond, H -karat, at sacrifice (or $100. AH 70, Oregonian. FOR 8AXE- Miscellaneons. ELECTRIC portable sewing machine. $40: 2 Singer tailor machines. $40 each: Free sewing machin.e $25. like new. Climax. $18; Minnesota cabinet. $27.50; Domestic. $1S: Arlington drophead. $10. Stitchwell. $12; Singer. $5; Singer. $7; Wheeler & Wilson. $18; White Rotary, $20. Expert repairing any make. Ma chines rented $3 per month. MORRISON ST. SINGER STORE. JiS2 Morrison St. Marshall72L ONE thousand dozen brooms for sale. These brooms formerly sold for $10.50 per doz. I will close them out at $3 per dozen f. o. b. Portland, cash on de livery. Out-of-town merchants who are Interested can have sample sent for 50c. No orders for less than 6 doz. accepted. City merchants can see sample bj ap pointment. AC 005, Oregonian NEED LIbertv bonds for security on lease, therefore will accept them at full value; Liberty bonds fluctuate, diamonds don t, so get diamonds. Jewelry or silverware for them at any of our three stores with the small prices. Davids, jeweler, 34 Washington St., 315 Washington St., and Astoria. Our reputation is your safe guard. - GENUINE Merriam Webster New Interna tional Dictionary, historical edition. In dia paper, buckram binding, cost $28, price $22.50; At water-Kent ignition system for Ford, cost $27.50, price $22.50; also Holiy carburetor and spot light. P. S. Whitcomb, Gladstone. Or. I WANT to sell or trade a fine camera and a fine electric violet ray on car pentering or plumbing or will pay cash for work; also for graphophone, furni ture, carpets, boy's wheel, portable ga rage, lumber, lawn mower, bath tub wanted. Wdln. 36S6. ATTENTION. HOUSE BUILDERS! Government buildings being torn down, all kinds of house windows, doors, screens, garage doors, in frames and brass locks and hinges, stoves and chimneys and all kinds of good lumber. Apply on premises. Hood & Porter st. LARGE mahogany velour covered rocker, Kin a fsIvsI -arnot. ttrftftl VelOUr DOr- tlers, electric fireless cooks, 1 pair large folding doors, track, etc., sanitary couch and cretonne slip cover, 1 double case ment window. East 7976. MULTIGRAFH. Latest model of No. 4, with motor, stand, automatic feed, printing Ink at tachment and assortment of type; cost new S900: will sacrifice for $400. N 16, Oregonian. WATER stills, ideal for distilling water for automobile batteries ana drtnKing purposes. .Avoid flu." Price $25 pre paid. Cut and description upon re quest. Boyer & Co., r arnam ouiia- Ing, Omaha, Neb. HANDSOME gentleman's diamond, nearly o karats, absolutely rree imperiections; must be seen to be appreciated; sacrifice account financial reverses: inspection so licited : confidential : private party. R 18, Oregonian. BARGAIN 500 suits of brown khaki pro- texall coveralls will be out on sale at HEMPHILL'S TRADE SCHOOLS. 707 Hawthorne ave., commencing Monday, March 1. for $3 a suit, any size. HAVE two beautiful diamond rings for sale: must raise cash: sacrifice at $100. Vlf you are interested don't overlook this onnnrtunitvr mut b sold at once. Call at 117 N. 18th, apt. 10. FOR SALE New moleskin scarf, 10 inches wide. 60 inches long, $60; will take libertv bond and $10 cash: mole skin and fox muff, $50; will sell sep arately. Marshall 333G. BUY A KODAK. " ON TERMS AT SANDY'S. SANDY HAS A REAL SALE THIS 'WEEK. 328 WASHINGTON ST. ONE large wicker baby buggy for less than half price, fine condition; also five (one carver) golden oak, leather-bottom, slightly used dining-room chairs. Call Monday, 60 15th st. N. TENT, 16xl: guitar, splendid tone; in cubator. 50-egg; rabbits and hutches. Will sell at a bargain or trade for laying hens. Call at 5109 67th st.. S. E., city. NICE-TON'ED Kimball organ in very best ' condition ; coat new $95; will sacrifice for $37.50; also nice cottage organ for only $25. Oregon Eilers Music House, 287 Washington st., below ftth. BAKGAIN prices on ladies' shoes, winter coat and plush hat, etc., as advertised on 22d; good as new. Call and inspect them until Wed. 862 Vaughn St. KODAKS. 1 BUY, SELL AND EXCHANGE KODAKS. SEE ME LAST. SANDY'S. S2S WASHINGTON ST. FOR SALE Warping board, also device for winding yarn on spools, cheaper than they can be made. Call 522 16th, between 12 and 4. Sunday. GENUINE LEATHER BRIEF CASE, NEV ER USED: W1L.L. eAL KI r ICE. no 3U ST., NEAR PINE, MONDAY AFTER 4 if M. LADIES' CLOTHING. Big reduction sale; got to sell; going away on account 01 sicanesa. L.au Broadway 604. 00 N. 10th st. FINE fir slab wood, $4 per cord, 10-in. length; S4.50 cord l-inch length; 4. a per load for reasonable deliveries. Phone East 7852. GENTLEMEN'S prize 42 fulldresa suit, cost 90, win sen ior .u; gooa as new. Also size 30, imported Scotch tweed coat, new, $J5. worth $45. East 54H2. ANYONE interested in using or selling pressure Cookers, see Sunday adv., sec tion 1. page 12. TWO rugs, 1 9x12. 1 8x10. $20; washing machine and new wringer, benwooa 1906. CHEAP Pair men's white nubuc low shoes, size 8, hand made, worn twice. Woodlawn 3256. LARGE four-burner Vulcan gas range. with 2 ovens, $!; also steam table lor restaurant. 192 Market, near Front. GOOD Buck's range, four-hole, fine baker. $20, worth $J5, no use lor same, wood lawn 1092. FOR sale cheap, three-hole gas range. Call Sunday before 0 o cioca at 001 E. oui st. S. FOR SALE 2fi-foot launch, 15-horse pow er; price $275. Wm. Schmidt, 147 W. Emerson st. WA NT good diamond or piano ; have 5- pass. auto, gooa con union, bee owner, 61J Cham, of Com. 500 CHOICE agates, brooches, pendants. ring sots and charms; best otter takes them, v is, oregonian. WANTED A 17 or 18-foot canoe; state price and condition. Write A 999, Ore gonian. WICKER baby buggy for sale, French gray, Al condition, cheap, $14. E. L. Cuningham, 912 N. Smith ave., St. Johns. GET your painting, papering and kaso mining and signs before the busy season. 1320 E. Glisan, or phone Tabor 266. LISTING adding machine at a big bargain. 304 Oak st. HEAVY block ana slabwood in three-cord lots, 16 inches. Marshall 4296. VULCAN gas range, elevated oven, first class condition. E. 704L FOR SALE Single power machine. quire S3 3d St.. near Stark. DIAMOND engagement ring, perfect stone, a bargain, $125. Mar. 5240. FOR SALE Wood heater !n perfect con dition : priee$10JPhoneEast29SL CASH register and showcases. 1398 Divi sion st., corner 50th. CHEAPEST wood In town, dry and green. Call Marshall 4290. FOR SALE 30-30 Winchester carbine rifle. $15. Tabor uti. GOOD cook stove for sale, $20. 69 Beech st. PARLOR millinery done very reasonable. Call East 2973. LARGE size Vulcan gas stove, $35. !10-.7. WILL buy old plat eg lass; 249 Stark st Main H74.-V. WILL exchange Al Victor records. Wood- Is-wn 666. CREAM separator, nearly new ; $45. Coram, iso srooKiyn street. SNAP Good second-hand furnace.- Need the room. Main flaw. CHEVROLET bumper, same as new. $6. Call at t- niiiiBiin an. tm nnq. ENGLISH China dinner ' set. AM 720, Oregonian. CEDAR POSTS For berries or fence. cheap, owner, not 01 in ave. 3. jl. FOR SALE One marine engine, 14 horse power, a-cycie. iau oeu. aoog. DIAMOND ring. karat, must leave city. $140. Mar. o--o. 250-3000 SAVAGE rifle, excellent condi tion, case, etc., eo- no jnrirose orive. COVER for tire. 34x4; also inner tjfbe. cheap. Mar, am FOR SALE 4-burner Kename gas range with side oven, u. jim icia mu ss. PJA.VY biue dress, never worn ; will sell be IOW COSt- n P. vrcgmiMm. SECOND-HAND pipe, furnace with piping. Call East 7036 Monday. LADY'S new gold watch, 2 French plumes; want rugs. Phone 319-01. LATE model Wheeler tt Wilson sewing 'machine for sale cheap. Tabor 9338. HAY Timothy, baled, cheap. Tabor 6598. GOOD bicycle, cheap. Adams. East 824S. FOR SALE. M isceUanrous. FOR SALE Cash register, show cases, in cluding scales, ice cream freezers, desk, coffee urn, etc 113 2d st., near Wash ington. 2500 CORDS of standing timber. S mile Bull Run station; will sell the stump age very cheap. Dixon & Howitt, Sandy, Or. FOR SALE Cyclopedia of automobile en gineering, 4 volumes; explains gas en gine from A to Z: $25 new. In good con dition, $5. Sell wood 614. $00 WARDROBEtrunk, $10: 6 pairs of ladies shoes, size 3, narrow width, $o; elegant gllk suit. 5. 1111 E. Wash. FOR SALE Expert accountancy course, nearly complete; will sell at $75. M 18, Oregonian. DIAMOND RING One-fourth carat, nice makes nice engagement ring, $150; no dealers. N 18, Oregonian. . FOR SALE The "Honest John" truns for rupture: $ 50 new, worn a week, cured, $2. Sellwood 614. TAILOR'S pressing machine, extra table and boards, cheap. 215 urana ave. rs. FOB PALE AUTOMOBILES, COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY PLANT. A plant such as this, with Its com nlpte departmental manufacturing units. is in a position to offer you the great est value possiDie m ns reuum cm-. More than 100 cars to select from. Easy Terms on All. 1916 Dodge, good tires 1 1918 Dodge Touring,' good tires.. 1917 Dodge Sedan, a beauty 1919 Chevrolet, nice shape, 1920 750 nr.o 1.300 license 1918 Chevrolet Touring, good tires 550 Brand-new Maxwell, 1020; lnclud- Ing license, only 'X'li 1918 Maxwell Road5ter, good shape 6L5 1917 Maxwell Touring, a beauty 5:0 Buick Four, Touring, 1017, a dandy 7a0 Snap for a good mechanic, Grant Six Touring, soia tas is, news some work, only Kii j - v. 1 ... a lin.lv rpnt far. 350 In first-class shape, only JJ'JJ 1918 Buick roadster, a beauty 1.300 1917 KisselKar; this Is a fine buy. 1.000 1916 Packard 12, a wonderiui car for only 200 1914 Franklin Sedan, in nice shape L-oO 1914 Lozier Limousine, will ma4ce a fine taxi or for-hlre car, only.. L-50 FORDS. The lowest prices have been put pn these cars and any buyer can make money on any one of thdm after driv ing the car a few months. 1916 Roadster 1917 Touring 1918 Touring v 4-a 1917 touring: wire wheels with ex tra and tire, electric starter and many other accessories; only..-. 550 1919 delivery, special body, fine shape BO 1918 seaan. wire wn'". c"r" starter, lota of extras, new paint; snap 800 CADILLACS. nk. haantifni ra m are an insplra- a ... U nFAcnsotiv owner: thev are In perfect shape mechanically and lo obtain immeaiate neiij very desiraote. 191 CADILLAC, a remarkable car, Westinghouse equipped, new . , 1 - umi u ml nerfect tires, hcwi? t"""" Tr,A mpchanieally 3-?- 1918 CADILLAC, same as above tt-ttfcnnt the shock absorbers 3,oOO 1916 CADILLAC, new permanent top. plate-glass windows; a beauty , Vi " 1,500 L-nmuunv ' . n-n irtnL-ftiP- ar 8-CVl l.-.w You shouW- not buy a used car with out looking over our rebuilt stock. Over one hundred cars to select from. No misrepresentations. . Open Sundays. COVEY MOTOR CAR COMPANY. Washington St. at 21st. Main 61144. CARS OF THE BETTER KIND. OLDS MOBILE EIGHT, 5 cord tires. 1919 PATTERSON. See this one, 1917 DODGE, 5-passenger. extra tire and epoUight. v OVERLAND, 5-passenger. CADILLAC. ONE-TON FORD TRUCK. LATE 1013 MODEL FORD roadster, ful ly equipped. 1919 VELIE SEDAN, 90 per cent new, wire wheels. 1918 BUICK ROADSTER. USED CAR PALACE. 61 UNION AVE. N. EAST nl7. PAIGE roadster, run 2100 miles, at a great discount, on terms. Broad way 3600. $21,505 in cars ranging in price from $500 to ti0 188 GRAND AVE. HERE Is something for some young fel low WhO IS gOipg to iuave a " Studebaker chassis, electric lights and starter, good tires all around, tor $Jo. S40 Alder, upstairs. Bdwy. 2296. SELLING USED CARS WITH A CON SCIENCE This Is our business. If you contemplate buying a used car, see our selection. A square deal with every sale. 188 GRAND AVE. 1920 FORD demonstrator, $fi28; electric starter, speeuomeier, eit. - Frohman, Broadway 321. cam W . L. Hughson Co., Ford agents, Broadway at Davis. . FORD, 1917 touring, good tires, good up holstering, fine motor, $450. Will he worth more 2 months from now. 249 6th St., near Madison. " HAYNES SIX 1918. Excellent condition, cord tires and ex tras; price $1400. 249 Oth St., near Mad ison. IT doesn't cost anything to look at our used cars, and a small amount will drive FORD COUPE, 1920, used 3 months, wire wheels and extras; retail price $975; goes for $875 today. 249 6th St., near Madison. SPORT MODEL ROADSTER. Classiest speedster In city. A beauty, practically new. Come and see this one. 188 Grand Ave. PACKARD 1915, looks and runs like new, Westinghouse shock ahsorbers, cord tires, owner leaving city, will sell cheap. 573 Jefferson st. Marshall 114. 188 GRAND AVE. Haynes 4-cyl, six dandv tires, Timken bearings throughout; will make a dandy bug or service car; $275. MAXWELL. 1916. in the best of condition; owner must sell; a bargain, $450, with terms. 30 Grand avenue ., near Hum side. JRH GRAND AVE. FORDS, DODGES. CM EVROLET3, A LARGE STOCK TO CHOOSE FROM. Between Tayly and xamhill. CADILLAC touring, in the best of me chanical condition; a real buy. $47.1, terms given. 30 Grand avenue N., near Bumside. Haynes 4-cyl.. six dandy tires, Timken bearings throughout; will make a dandy bug or service car: $275. 188 GRAND AVE. ' IF YOU have $500 to spend and appreciate value of 1914 engine In specially equipped Ford with enclosed top. call at 315 platt bldg.. week days, CHEVROLETS. Late models, all In good shape, with our guarantee and service back of them. 188 GRAND AVE. GRANT six, 1919. touring. A-l condition; owner must sell; will sacrifice, $775. and give terms. 30 Grand avenua N., near Burnslde. LATE I91 Studebaker 4, 5-passenger, me chanically penect; price sn&o. Phone Mr. Loogtin. Congress Hotel. WHY pay street car fare? Make your nick lee buy a used car. We'll show you how. 188 GRAND AVE. 1918 SAXON 6. 5-pass-, a beauty; look this over; all new tires; ior jij. 40 Alder upstairs. Bdwy. 2206. SELLING uFed cars with a Small proiit, more ousines. 188 GRAND AVE. 1915 MAXWELL chassis, overhauled, 2u0. 151 union ave., cornertteimont. 1K8 GRAND AVE. Any kind of Ford you want. A GOOD car for sale.' $250; extra good tires. 6008 41st at. Sellwood 3400. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. A GOOD USED OLDSMOBILW IS A MUCH BETTER BUT THAN MANT NEW CARS. WE HAVE SEVERAL THAT WE CAN RECOMMEND: 19l9 0!dunobt!e Sedan flS50 101S Oldsmoblle Coupe 1050 1917 Oldsmoblle Eight 10 1918 Oldsmoblle Eight 1478 1919 Oldsmoblle Eight 1750 1917 Oldsmoblle Six 1918 Oldsmoblle Sir 1250 1918 Oldsmoblle Six I00 1918 Oldsmoblle Eight 30 1916 Oakland Six 560 1917 Oakland Six 30 Overland. Victoria top 500 1916 HuptnoMU tourlnr 2 1917 Chalmers Six .... 1917 Grant Six touring. 1917 Maxwell touring . 1918 Saxon roadster ... 850 600 650 650 1917 Dodge 750 1918 Chevrolet roadster 50 FORDS! FORDS! FORDS1 Both passenger can and trucks. TRUCKS I Used truck taken In en trade for the Oldsmoblle Economy Truck. READY FOR THE ROAD! 1919 Special Republic, like new 11" 1917 Buick Light Delivery--- 700 1915 Ford 1-ton, chain drive. 423 3917 Ford Light Delivery .... 1917 Reo Speed wagon 1917 Reo Speed wagon 1917 Dodge Light Delivery.. 1918 Ford, ton chassis 1 White Delivery, Panel Body 450 600 650 750 500 450 LIBERAL TERMS. OLDSMOBILE CO. OF OREGON. BROADWAY AND COUCH. HOP TO THIS QUICK 1918 Buick touring car, in first-class mhunifai condition and with cord tires; price $1050, terms. See ROY FIKE at the NORTHWEST AUTO CO., Alder at INth., . Broadway 1400. TTSED RADIATORS, fnr all makes of cars. All our rsdiators are carefully rose over and made tlgni oeiore so. a. BURN ESS A MARTIN, 15th and Alder sts. MAXWELL 1019. fine merhfinlra! condition: looks like new; small 4-nsh payment down, balance long tinia. . liHh and Couch. Bdwy. 118. nnnr.H tmtrlnr. 6 tires, new Kellv-Sprinr fields in rear; spotlight, seat cut down to be used as bed mr camping; terms. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO.. 14th and Alder. Broadway 240. CHEVROLET. Tou will find several real buys at the Used Car Sale. FOURTEENTH AND BURNS1DE, POPE HARTFORD roadster, Just spnt $500 on this car, has 4 brand new Siivertown cords and Innertube and Jut been thoroughly overhauled; thta car ta guaranteed to be In A-l condition; all fur $otH). Broadway Garage, East 24iU and Broadway North. 1918 MAXWELL touring ear. Good order. New battery, new brake linings and valves ground since January 1. Two cord tires and extras. Prove It out your self. $700, cash or bankable aper. Tabor 63. "TO ALL FORD OWNERS." The Wilson Light Intennifier whlrh In creases your present lights 500 per cent Is now on dtpplay at 310 Oak st. Price $6. Guaranteed the life of your car. Ask for T. F. Staley, Bales Mananer. MY MAXWELL is going to be sold st the Used Car Sale. FOURTEENTH AND BURNSIDE. HUPMOBILE. 1917 serial; mechanically perfect; good paint, 5 cord tires. You could never wish for a better driving car. A. Vester. 222- 21 Henry bldg. Main 16.'11. A HIGH-GKAUiU iaie u nup, never otr the pavement, from private owner; a bargain, cash or terms. Phone Broad way 3475. FORD SEDAN, 1917, going east at once, will sell for $550. S. L. Stear, foot of Woodward avenue, also houseboat for sale; take Brooklyn car. "7 BUG BODIES, $100. Complete with hood, etc. Immediate dClAUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO Third and GlUan. 11)14 CADILLAC touring, good condition. Spotlight, Pyrene extinguisher, engine $750. or will trade in on some new car. Phone Tabor 4:121. 11J1S FOHD with 1H20 top; new Ajsx tirei ail around, speedometer; owner will Bacritice for 4uu; car looks like new. Oir at 101 North 11th at., cor. Flanders. FORD touring, tn good rtndltion, good tires; a bargain. $300, some terms. 30 Grand avenuo N near Burn aide. STUDEBAKER demountable rims, electric lights, no reMuu unci leiusea. i East Cla.y. CH EVROLKT touring, late U1I8, in good mhantcai condition. U. S. Nobby tires, $HI. T,bor 747. OVERLAND car, a good bargain if sold at once; owner leaving city. 483 Rodney ave Phone East 4433. ltfl4 HUP 4-pasfl., elec. equip., good tires, 1 spare, good running order, 4uo. 207 E. 45th st. EljUAL to any u-uylindpr car. llfi Chev rolet OU.Oy VJi niiu- ' nnai, 18 GRAND AVENl.E. FOR SALE Maxwell car, reasonable; '17 model; also housekeeping rooms Ior rent. 104 Russell gt, 1 1JH7 METZ Self-starter and one-Aan top; for sale cheap. Corner 11th and Flanders sts. - OVERLAND car in excellent condition, MH, terms. Kenton Investment Co., 713 Couch bldg FORD SEDAN 1918. Never abused; little used; good as new. Call up Main 7400 after 7 P. M. FORD 18 touring, 84 good tire, lots of extras, fine shape, $440 cash. East SOtt. 1918 FORD enclosed delivery car for sale cheap. Cor of 11th and Flanders. HUDSON"" bug, bargain for cash. Mr. Page, Broadway 1572, FOB BALK AUTO MOIULKA. TODAY. PEXD SOME T1MB AT THE UFED CAR SHOW And the eurpristnr display ef high-grade late-model cars. Here's few ef the nodsla rea wfTI eeei APPFRPOH entitTerearr ot. ront miss seeing this beauty, A real show car. BtnCK fTTX Bulrka ere hard te Wet and harder etiil te get. ORAVT BRDAN. fM new. trt eiity Tt miles from 1L 'gest bergala la the city. HTTPMOmLE Here Hi some ear; eewral hundred dvllare extra. NASH FIX. Ttits little Hi til real car. Come ride la 1L CHANTtLTR. We can fit ye rs e4ief a tourlug or chummy. POMETHTNO XW Ceme see this sew oi. It's prirod lew. Oh, yes, tl Mats Master bis. ITITCHELL Junior a ear bulrt, eland hard use. OLDFMOBnE. Tee, tt's a eis, nas as) smooth as a IX PIT) TO0 ITVKR ride hi Fres? Corns up and we'll give yea a nle.4 Besides these rea wtTl (lads OAKLAND. OVERLAND. STUDEBAKERS. 8AXON8. MAXWELLS. CHEVROLET'S, FORDS. FORDS. TUB USED CAR EXCHAXGK. : S. W. Cor. 14th and Washlngtem fta. TRUTB BARGAINS. FROM MORTGAGE FORECLOSURES. lets wii.TTl RIt. eomnlstelr hauled, good tir, top and patSL Will make a good stage car. 101T MITCHELL Six la flrst-elasa shape throughout. 1916 WITCELL Four, goed ttrwa, rood paint. In A-l mechanical shape. 1914 CAPTXAC Four, motor In perfect Just the car for a stage run- 1915 KTNfl Four, a rood buy for th money and a good ear, you will admit that, so see this ens, 1917 MAXWELL, newly painted, nw storage battery, good tlren and one extra good top at a sacrifice price. Mont ef thene cars are from foreclos ures of mortgages and must be dispoerd cf Immediately. Th-y are real, honest burgainB. as you will ailmit on seslng them. Will give soma terms. SEB GODRKT, Bdwy. Uh6. Southeast cor. &ih and IToyt. F. H. DUNN. OVRRLAND DEALER ' Offers th following uwd cars whl-h have been tak-n in on now OvrUndi: Lnte model Ford touring Overland, model u, rnsusiar.. Overland Country rum.. Oakland Four roadster.. Cole Four touring i..-lan.l Ri 7-tiaBS.... 750 a 75 SMI 750 The earnest ierm in roru.ru.. Better Service and Heifer Treatment. 1G52 liaat J3lh ML. Sellwood 1314. OVERLAND 90 Wonderful condi tion, new tires, extra tire, bumper, Kpotllght. Ihenee. small payment dowu, balan eauy. Open bun day. 10th and Couth. Bdwy. US. NOWS THIS TIME! FOURTEENTH AND "pURNMBE U the pUcs te buy your car. BIO SALE NOW ON. FOURTEENTH AND BURN? IDE. 1918 PAIGE, 5-PASSENOER, THIS MOHT PTX IS IN FINE COt DITJUN AND WILL MAKE A FIN Jamilv car. will takh U DOWN ANU tuA l'UU MUM Til. CALL TABOR tUO. 191R FORD touring car, fine snepe, rea 1 f FIKLDH MOTUlt CAR CO., 14th and Aider. Broadway 24a. OVRRLAND Tes, ene ef those famnua model b-'is. See it at the Vied Car sa.e. FOURTEENTH AND BURNSIDE. ll18 MAXWELL hug with top end wlnd- PtiH-iu. n "" will roriFKl'T trade on lara.-r ar, some thing e can for ervi: rar. Broad way Oaratte, tat 4th and Broadway. flTANKLlN SIX-Ownef will sacrifice for ;,a cain. n - ..,...-. or see ctr at North Hank garage, cor 11th ami Flanders. Owner muit sell on account o( gU'knw. g 1911 DOIMiK TOLRINd, out-of-toeo rwl-dt-nt muft s-'ll, bumper aud fi rw tires two rord; price $lto0. Call Hatur day or Sunday at 1&& North 21 streU phone Msinttl iw. ntg Stock lm;l cars. Prtree rlguc CO. Ne mlwrepresentstlon COVET MOTOR CAR REO In good condition. nve-psiignr; will trsue ior iiki touring; wining 10 v7 l" .7 ,U I' will t:li chcapf)rcah. 4 1 K 17th H. a. PAR'S. CHKVKdl.KT, In flret-ciajia cm dition: must sell at once; bargain for caeh. Mr. Wilson, Broadway lilj, r AVoodlawn SI HUDSON iunS A"I condition, used privately; ill sacrifice at $1750, and give terms. 30 Grand avenue N'., aar Burntdde. , am HOW about this 4 acres hesutlful land, uaved street, llKbt, kss and water, loe to car, for 'ooo; Xrora owner. X 7, Oregonian. fTTj V" FOHD roadster, demountable rims, spare tire and other extras. In best of condition for $4onu, has 1020 license. B 1 ondway gitrage, E.24lh a n dB roa d w r y . HirMOBlLE touring. In A-l Condition, new paint, new tp. practically new tires all around, U20 lictru-e; ti each, owntr St-llwood 1231. LATE model Ford touring with and extras; i2i for quick aa starter Is. 150 iTuion avenug. FRANKLIN, cord tlr-s, 1 wav 44n, ask for Tom, bargain. Broad N. W. cor. 14 tb and Couch. iqVt' HAXON fur roadNter, electrical equipment, like new; 326. 160 Lnlon avenue. BFUNO your car to N. W. corner 14th and Couch. If you want to sell or trade. Ak for Tom i 11M7 DODOB touring rar. by owner. 111b K. 2Qth N. Phnne 812-42. WILL exchange 2 good lots, lOOxloo, on good street tor auto. K 17, Orgoniaw. BoSCil D. V. 4 macneto la good condiuuu. 3M East Clay. lttlODODGE, $700. Call Bdwy. 100. as N. 14th st. AIR VULC for punctures; no cement re quired. For sale at all garage 1914 FORD sxpress. Price $2S5. Phone' Sell. !ft(5. m 1U 13 CADILLAC B new cord Urea at a bargain, lan c ' i fiFlCK 4 hug for BHle. $''.00. Piedmont ga rage, Kliliiigsworth and AlMna. FOR PALE By owner, Cbslmcre Mailer d, car in good conditiua. $tU CoroeU u i