12 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND. FEBRUARY 29, 1920 REAL ESTATE. For 8sde Acreage. ACRE AGE-ACRE AGB-ACRE AGE One. two, five and ten-aero tracts, close in on paved road, for sale cheap and will give terms. Nothing better. Have many other attractive acreage proposition that can be bought right and on some might take rood part in trade. If you want beat acreage at best price, I believe I can please you, SAMUEL DOAK 1203 North western 'Bank Bids;. CUT OUT THE H. C. OF I Buy a home where you can raise your gardtn, poultry, pigs and cows. I have acre, fenced, about 7 minutes' walk 1 from street car.-Oc fare, block from city limits, therefore my taxes are 2-3 leas than in the city: 4-room house with large twe-rif-nt, parage, 2 chicken bouses, citv water and teas. Cash pay ment of $1000 is requ.r-d, balance $1500 on very easy terms. Phone owner. Tabor WdJ. OWNER'S SACRIFICE: $4750. 10 acres. Section Line road, 4-rcom House, barn, well, fenced; a nines cny limit; 4 cultivated. 291 BROA Li WAY, SOUTH. SOR KA Kv owner. V, acre. For de scription call Tabor 1310 after 10 A. M. Homesteads, R ell nq atwh menta. 10-ACRE O. i C. homestead land, roll in g and very easy cleared ; close to school; price 1150. ISO-ACRE REUNOrrTHHMENT. Tillamook county, S miles from the wan, 2 W miles from town ; 5-room house, rood barn. S acres In cultivation. 3 more slashed and seeded to grass, fine spring; some furniture; $300 cash. 720 Chamber of Commerce. GOVERNMENT LAND GUIDES FOR Covering entire vacant area; millions ef acre. Laws, descriptions, diagrams and full Information with maps. Any state, 1. J. C, HENDERSON, Searcher TJ. Records. Box 476, San Franc!?. OREGON HOMESTEADS. Fine farm and grazing lands can bs filed on: pienty or grass, timber and water, mild cumate: good Irrigated fx..tx and potato land, close to town, with water right paid; price $30 to $r0 per acre, .wita 10 years to pay. Writs tor literature. HSNKI.E HAINES. BEND. OREGON. MUST sell at once my homestead relin quishment, l-'o acres xv. it. land, 11 m. from Sheridan, Or., on good road some cleared and fenced in; good box house, but: pry and some tools, all for $325. 5S-1 Pettygrove st. Apt. 5. Don't call unless you mean business. ft HOMESTEADS, 100 each, beautiful tim ber, sugar and yellow pine, adjoining sawmill going in close oy on gravel road, these claims will bring $t000 each. If taken quick. $:ioo each. 301 Corbet t bldg. 160-ACRE relinquishment, beautiful pine, near town, on gravel road, main line 8. P. Ky., large body adj., swell sawmill or box shook proposition; $Ho00 worth of timber; $o0 cash. 301 Corbett bldg. FuK SALE 320-acre homestead -relin-q ulsh meat in eastern Oregon. Address tox i;ss, Eatonviiie, Wash. "WANTED Three homestead relinquish menta R. Sykes, Oswego, Or. Fruit and Nut Lands. 5 ACRES OF FILBERTS. I .oca ted south of Portland 16 miles from the center of the city; all under cultivation and In filberts, which are bearing; Vfc mile from the Willamette river; all line lana, nearly level, witn sood under drainaee: this in a well kept and attractive orchard. Price S2.o0 with $1000 cash. Photo at office. JOHN EKGl'SON. lierlinger bldg. HOOD RIVER APPLE RANCH. One of the best orchard properties tn Hood River valley Is offered for sale. Twenty-seven acres In apples, pears. and rich oottom land; has $0000 modern bungalow, large barn and packing ho u?e. tenant bouses. spring witn hydraulic ram supplying water. Has been In present owner's possession for 12 years and is paying good per cent n investment. Direct sale. No agents. ee A. B. Cutler, E. loth u. or Phone East 7332. 350 BEARING PRUNE TREES. 42 acres, located 1H miles east of Woodland, Wash.; all fine foil: 35 acres can be cultivated: 4 acres standing tim ber; acres under cultivation; good 8 room house, celled: 20 acre of pafture on the iace: county road. Price fi'oOO, ith $1,100 cash. Personally Inspected, llarsters. with JOHN FERGUSON. Ger lmger bldg. RIGHT AT THE STATION on the Red Eectric One or more acres and a gen. mdse. store building with living rooms and stock: one sere, store, stock and barn and some tools. aU for :J7."0. Owner going east. This is your opportunity: some terms. F. H. DKSHON & CO.. 15 Chamber of Commerce bldg. HAVE 80 acres good prime land well lo cated, easily c. cared. Small clearing, comfortable houie and barn on place, tome furniture. Just the place for party with enough means for a year to get a good start. About fl acres could be planted now with very Utile work. BJ 4J2. Oregon Ian. 41 ACHES, $.SO,0H cash price, almost 30 acres very fine prune and walnut orchard, majority bearing trees; big prune dryer and all equipment; about IS acres grain land. You can soon pay for this in crops: Will consider Portland income in full or small farm near Portland for part. No agents, am o.o, uregomun. FINEST CHANCE IN" PORTLAND for chickens and fruit, berries, etc.. at J-:ast 4Mh Ht. Just think of it! CLOSE IN! CLOSE TO CAR LINE STid school, timall payment down, 8 years on the m lance; almost an acre of ground. t H. DESHON & CO.. WIS Chamber of Commerce bldg HItill-CLASd ten-acre, ten-year-old apple orchard for saie. One and one-half miks from Forest Grove, price $3200. Alain 834S. JTOR SALE or trade C. Williams. 113 .Minnesota ave. Id acres apple orchard at Forest Grove; land and orchard In ffr.e condition. Wdln. 504J. Florida Ijndsi. U1G MONET in early table graoe-s. Small investment heavy yields high prices -Quick returns. At Hanta Rosa. Florida, they are raising some of the finest early tMe grapes in the world big, rich, lus cious grapes of exceptional flavor. They are ripe and ready for market before Similar grapes raised in California, therefore they command top notch prices. In 1 tl 0 the same kind of grapes old for 2tc per pound wholesale. It is ronservatively est t muted that a fully developed vineyard such as are grown at Santa Rosa will yield more than 8000 pounds of grapes per acre, which, at 20c per pound, amounts to $ltfiH. These grapes btpln to bear the second year and will Idft practically a lifetime. De mand unlimited. Prohibition will not affevt this industry. No special skill or experience required. Grape failures very rare. aaii, mosi secure ana profit able Investment we know of. Santa Roa is an ideal piace to live. Finest all-the-ear-round climate in the Vnited States. Salt water on two sides Suustroke unknown. Very healthful lKt- Good, pure drinking water. Rest oil In Florida. Two and three crops per year. Plenty of rainfall. Irriga tion unnecessary. Good chools, churches, tores, hotel and nort hern people no negroes. Superb boating, bathing, fish ing and hunting. Lumber at wholevale price. Land p.-ioes siiii low and good lo-cre tracts aval alle for those who a"t quick Bfauti-'ul illustrated litera ture, maps, etc, sent free. Also -40-acre tracts and up for gen eral :armmg. stock raiding, etc, and beautnul winter home lota with water frontage. Address, Santa Rosa Planta tion Co.. 1070, Sj; S. larborn su. Chi cago. For Sale Farms. SPLENDID 30 ACRES RIGHT IN TOWN. A productive tarm with stores, churches, schools, lodge halU. etc. right at your door; 18 miles out. periect road alt the way: 30 acre, all in a high state cultivation; lies perfectly and very richer of dark loam soil; splendid S-rwm house, basement; barn W6, barn 3ux-A; garage and all kinds outouilidugs. Pleasant environment and a mighty neat, well-kept place. Personal : 10 splendid cows. S heifers. 4 calves, S horses, har ness, hogs. 20 chickens, mower, rake. See Albert Harala, with HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 6th St. TOl R OPPORTUNITY OF A LIFETIME. 875 acres good deep soil: 110 acres in cultivation; fenced and cross-fenced with woven wire; over $14,000 worth of im provements; $30,000, good terms; new -room bungalow, strictly modern, with electric lights and all conveniences. G. C. MOORE, 602 Couch Bldg. 4W ACHES, house and barn, on lower Kojrue river, good range, hunting and fishing unexcelled: $40 per arre for OUACi aaie, Jx 36. Saata Rosa. Cai. REAL ESTATE. For Bade Farms. FARMS AND ACREAGE NEAR LEBANON. OREGON. Eight acres all In cultivation, good little 5-room bungalow :good little barn, chicken house-, with good park; good fences. A dandy span of six-year-old maree, weight 1400 ids.; new set of harness ana good heavy wagons, plow, haraow and all small tools that a man needs; 3 dozen chickens, cow, soms gram ana hay: all the bousenoia furniture; 3 miles from Lebanon; 4-mlIe to school and store. This la a fine little pi ace and well worth the price $2500, 30 acres of the best river bottom land In this part of the state, ail in cultivation. 41 miles from Leban on school at door on a good( road; R. F. D. and telephone: 'woven wire fences; good water the year around: bam 40x50, shedded on both sides: a good little 6 -room houss. This is first-claes potato and berry land, plenty of fruit for family use. This place is a first class place and well worth the price. .$330 per acre. Half cash and five years on the balance. Ten acres, 3 miles out on good road, all in cultivation and seeded; good barn and chicken house and a good little one-room house. This is a nice-laying piece of land, and $ift50loted nd pricd riat M. L. SOUTHARD St SON, Lebanon, Oregon. BROWNSVILLE, LINN COUNTT. 808 acres fine wheat land. $S6 per I tic, iuu acres is une bottom mack son, i balance is rolling: mile from town. I Ifc miles of school, good 7-room house, 2 vims, aiancmons lor ao nead or cows, several good outbuildings, place all fenced with woven wi re. good orchard, telephone In house.- This is a bargain that you do not pick up every day. Will take one-half cash and your own time on fiance at t per cent interest. Have 100 acres on rr.il fmm tnvn good 6-room bouse, good barn, new silo, most every foot can be plowed, pasture, fine orchard, living trout stream, fine county road on two sides, place well fenced. This Is an exceptionally fine home, will take $40o0, cash and give long time on balance at 6 per cent Interest. Have dandy 44 acres improved, living i-rcea, .truu. l. nit Ken ranch, well-im-prove.d, 64 acres, $3500; one-third cash, balance to suit. If you are looking for a home It will I pay you to coma to Brownsville and look I around before you buy, as we have the I gooas at prices that are right, L. B. MORSE. Agent, Brownsville, Oregon. TOUR LAST fi Ppn R TITVT T V Tn central Aioerta and Saskatchewan are rich park I ianas open prairie ready for the plow, interspersed with trees, which afford ex cellent shelter for stock. Here grata growing, dairying and livestock raising ib ucing came a on successiuuy. i ne country is ideal for mixed farming. The Canadian Pacific Railway is offering a large area of these fertile lands In Lloyd- mlnster and Rfi tHfnrrt Aimtrtcta Thin fertile land will become the home of mousanas of prosperous farmers. On I similar land Seager Wheeler grows the I wunu s prise wneat. Near L.ioydminster me worm s prise oats nave been grown, and butter of the highest Quality is made. A man can soon become inde-1 pendent on a farm in this district. I These lands can be bought now at I prices averaging aoout fit an acre, zou pay down JO per cent. If land is pur chased under settlement conditions, no further payment of principal until end oi lourin year, tnen lo annual payments. Interest is 0 per cent. M. E. THORNTON. Supt. of Colonization, Canadian Pacific railway, u.o First street. K. Calgary. Aioeria. GOOD DAIRY FARM. 160 acres of rich black bottom loam j with creek running through; $5000 worth I of good timber, the new railway survey I running: alongside oi it: so acres in crop. fine orchard, good 7-room house, brick J cellar, large barn, garage, and ail other I outDuiiuings, gooa spring running an I vear to furnish water for stock at barn. all fenced and on rock road, with R. F. f D. mail; it will be sold for $80 per acre! to settle an estate, you wm dm con vinced .when you see this farm that it f is worth twice the amount asuea lor it one mile to school and church, on good I terms. For further information call or I write to 8, E. WOOSTER & SON, Estacada. Oregon. . OWN YOUR OWN OKANUIS UKUVB in jeweled highland section, 'wav above sea level. A lew UUlIttl inuum ntii oranges, ana ine ptacnes muy u i to pay not oniy ior your iaiia urn or in -rrove but yield a profit besides. We can produce you a better orange I grove for less money than any one in thtt state and in Florida's greatest sec tion. Fruliland park is best. We can prove It. Write for a book of actual photo- I graphs, the interesting story of a Fruit- I land Park farm and why peaches may I pay tor it. laKe county uiou uwnurt Association, '-tii Palm ave., Fruitland park. Lake County, Florida, WE CAN sell you 800 acres, with uu acres now in wheat on gooa, ciean sum mer fallow, balance in stubble; good u .i ami windmill, small set of build ings, located in the prosperous wheat growing district. 100 miles from Spo kane, and ii miles from small town; I state road building to wunin x muc ui land; has all been farmed with tractor, it's a dandy buy at the price of $42,000; owner will carry large part of price on crop payment plan; with place goes all the crop; combined harvester; 2 grain drills and one cultivator, all nearly new. Write us about this today. J. F. DEALT ft CO.. 417-418 Hyde block, Spokane. conn FORTY-ACRE FARM. On fine road a little east of Gresham, very best of soil, comfortable 5-room house, barn, chicken house and out buildings, family orchard, enough wood and cedar timber for home use, good horse, milch cow. three hogs chickens, farm wagon, work harness, farm tools. PrirA I.vjuO. easv terms. Several other good buvs in to. 20, 40 and 60-acre farms. KRIDER ft ELKINGTON, GRESHAM, OR. COME 28 MILES EAST OF PORLAND, ON PROPOSiiU SX. ttUVV LUUf, Where you can buy Improved homes all the way from one acre up to 200. Where soil, water air. are of the best. Priced ao that everyone can own a borne. For information, writs or call on H. S. EDDY. SANDY. OR. BARGAIN IN A GOOD FARM, a fin un-to-date well improved dairy. stock and grain farm, located one mile of town of Amity; good house and $10 000 dairy barn; water piped to both bouse and barn; a large cement reser voir under ground; 3U0 acres, price $150 per acre. To deal direct with owner aggress pd j . FREE" GOVERNMENT LANDS Our offi cial book, 'Vacant Government Lands," IWts and describes every acre In every county in V. S. Tells location, place to apply, how secured FREE. H20 dia grams and tables, new laws, lists, etc K rice W uruia iivoni""- ' " - ina Co.. Dept 132, St Paul, Minn. FOR SALE Beautiful country home. u hit Salmon. Trout Lake valley. highway; good proposition for dairy; SO acres 7-room bungalow; barn 30x50; chicken bouse, etc.; all under perma nent Irrigation: bargain at $7000: terms. F. M. Miles. QU -uiij mug, amm v. ctj CRES. improved, near Oregon City; buildings, orchard, timber; special $tf00, terms accept residence worth $3otH; consider renting for season. $125 cash. Owner. 141 East 6th N.; evenings Ta bor 7055. 160 ACRES, near Mill City, about 12 acres in cultivation; log house, barn and chick en house; farming implements: some household goods; all goes for $1600, $500 cah; will take second-hand car on deal O L. Barbur. aSSfi Third st. 40 ACRES good level land, with creek, 28 miles from Portland, near St. Helens, bearing orchard, near school: good build ings; land in high state of cultivation; on county road. $3000. Owner Rudolph Karth. lanKton. ur. HIGHLY Improved alfalfa ranch, 69 acres Vmstilla river bottom, irrigated, 3 miles from Stannem, ur. ; new- ounaing. in cluding 7-room bungalow, modern. Tele phone Marshall 5S7t, owner. IMPROVED farm south of Chehalls; paved road, sell all or part; 240 acres; dainT poultry and berry district. Terms, H. c Coffman. Chehalls. Wash. 167 ACRES land In section . township 10 ranpe 4 east W. M.. In Linn county. Or Price $15 per acre: easy terms. Addraas p. O- bix 20O. Aberdeen. Wash, CHICKEN. FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $73 to $200 per acre, a terms; bes; soil. Far-a for sale, a laea. McFarland. Hbd Yeoq bldg. MODERN dairy farm of about 300 acres for sale; well located on good road and good buildings. For further information write H. J. Richter. Amity. Or. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 480-acre al lalfa and stock ranch, some stock and farm equipment. Address Mrs. Maria Cole. Cooks, Wash. Tfc OR 10 ACRES Beaverton dlsL: level; good timber: fine creek ; terms; electric near. J. 1C SHARPE. 3 W 3d st LOGGED-OFF lands, $10 acre up; running water .good soil, tillable: employment' aa-ur urma. J. R. ghAxpe. &s it 34 U REAL ESTATE. For SsJe Farms. DAVID P. EASTMAN. 1024 Third Ave.. Seatfte. $5000 SO-ACRE LEWIS COUNT T, WASH., FARM. S3 acres in crop, 20 acres tim ber, balance stump land pasture: place fenced and cross-fenced; 5 room, well-built house, running water piped into kitchen, some plumbing, telephone, fair barn, good chicken house, 2 large springs supply running water; county road and milk route pass the door; lo cated 8 miles from Chehalls, the county seat; 8-grade school 4 miie; fine class of neighbors both sides, in well im Droved community. Excellent dairy country. $2000 casn. oc lance to suit at 6 per cent. . GRATS HARBOR COUNTT. "Chehalls river bottom ranch. close to Montesano gov't lot, about do acres ricn deep soil, large com fortable house, barn for 20 head of stock; barn is old and will re quire new barn; some high grade stock and implements. Price $10. 000; terms M cash, balance at 6 per cent o years. This is a special buy. No better soil in so'Jihwest Washington. The above farms are for sale, no uauv win do consiaerea. Will arrange to meet you on re quest at Chehalls and show you these places. If you have the money and are interested writs hvuajr lo DAXlD, P- EASTMAN, OWNER. 1024 Third Ave,, Seattle, STROUTS SPRING CATALOG FARMS! IItut riT i More than 1.000.000 neonl will read this new 100-page illustrated catalog Ft-Kea witn money-making farm bar gains in 33 states. Tou ll want to read on page 11 details of 160 acres. 10-room house, barns, silo, with pair horses, 7 cows, hogs, poultry, implements, to close estate for $2500. only $1000 down. See page id, splendid midwest 160 acres corn, grain. Stork farm Bat H-IU hnuP big barns, silo, cornhouses; widow throws 1 n norses. cows, machinery, wagons, etc., all for $12,000. onlv S.100O down. Beautiful "Overlook Farm," page 8, wruera nver, oa acres, tt-room house, new barns, n&ir bnrA nthr tnek ma chinery, furniture, everything included by I -owner ior sib&o. part casn. re tails page 22, great stock and dairy, 360 acres, new 12-room bouse, 3 immense Darns, silos. 2 horses. 2ft rows. bull, other I bwvh.. complete nign-grade implements, ready for business at $7200, easy terms. This book goes to every corner of Amer , . - - : i r - ica; write today for your free copy. STROUT FARM AGENCY. 208-BK, ymoutti Bldg., Minneapolis. Minn. FIG GARDENS ARB SCARCE. THERE ARB VERY FEW FOR SALE AT ANY PRICE. WE HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER OF ACRES THAT WE CAN PLANT TO FIGS THIS YEAR. DC YOU WANT TO BUY A FIG GARDEN AT A REASONABLE PRICE AND PAY FOR IT ON EASY TERMS? IF SO, WRITE US FOR PARTICULARS OF OUR SPECIAL OFFER. BYRON A. BEARCB. FIG GARDENS. 878 Mills Bldg.. San Francisco, CaL or rail at th off Ire of GEORGE H. ctOttlK, 304 Abington bids.. Poxtiano. ur 900-ACRH STOCK RANCH. 120 ACRES IN CULTIVATION, SOME UNDER IRRIGATION, ONLY $8 AN ACRE. AU fenced and cross-fenced, 120 acres under cultivation, 300 acres more can be tilled, good pasture, plenty of spring and creek water, 50 acres of timber, 36 acres under irrigation, state water right paid up. Ranch will run about 200 cat tle at present. House, barn, out buildings, schools and good roads. Located east of Cascade moun tains, n Crook county, Oregon. $2i00 cash, balance 6 years at 6 per cent. See SAM HEWEY, at J. L. HARTMAN CO., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. cun "f'l'i'iu, w wr i aik r- h xvicr uisirict. i cultivation; aeep, black, rich soil. iencea ana cross-ienced: 130 acres num. mer fallow, fine buildings and plenty of them, lots of water, school, store and postoffice U mile, three miles from ter minus of railroad, to be completed this summer, m miles at present; 8 work horses, their harness. 4 head cattle and all machinery; will take $4000 or $5000 Qown or a gooa small farm anywhere in gooa aiFtnct up to suoou; must be I in gooa district and worth the money, as first payment, and croD oavmenti on balance. This Is not In the drought dis trict and It raised $14,000 worth of grain In 1919. Deal with owner, who cannot farm it. Tou can't lose and seldom if I ever can you get a proposition like this. Write or inquire 46 Shaver St.. Portland. rnone w oocuawn j.auu. GOOD, FARM NEAR ESTACADA, OR. 48 H acres In cultivation and balance I in timber. This farm lies almost level on a crushed rock road, all fenced and I cross-fenced, good family orchard, fi- I room house. In good condition and out- I Dunaings, targe uara, i miles to Port land. Price $7,500, on very easy terms, I vail or write a E. WOOSTER ft SON, Estacada, Oregon. SOME'FARM BARGAINS We have numerous farmn rnmlnr nn- der Wapinitia irrigation project; 4o-acre intcia; acres, iuo; puu acres $7a,- I 000. Stock and grain farms of all j descriptions up to $200,000; terms that win suit, we uave some gooa live busi ness chances, and also water power and townsite of MauDin. We think we can give you more for I your money man you can get anywhere viw in nit; Biaie, nie or can, HARVEY 1. MORRIS AND GEORGE L. JLUKKI3, REAL ESTATE, MAUPIN. OREGON. MR. FARM BUYER, If you want a real farm at the right price, it will pay you to see me before buying. I can save you money. I have some 500 fine farms; my years of experience are worth many dollars to you and it costs you nothing. See or write to me. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE & CO., 101-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FOR SALE By owner, no commissions allowed. Four indispensable essentials 1 for ' a good farm combined In this 80 J acres: i First: Plenty of good well and run-1 ning water tne year round. Second: Every foot good rich soiL Third: Immediately on electric and steam line. Side track and station on nropertv. Fourth: Fifteen miles from Portland. Sixty acres under plow, beaver and garden land tiled, some fruit, good house I ana oaru. Aauress rortisna funey L,o 441 East 50th St.. Portland, Or. 8,oof acres, Butte county, California. 15.0OO acres. Yuba county. California. 23,000 acres, Siskiyou county, California. These tracts are In a body irrigable and under irrigation adaptable to rice, fruit grain, alfalfa, etc For sale In a wholesale way only. Im proved and unimproved. Interested pros pective purcnasers wno are wining to in spect the iand personally address John ii. ueeitier. tmco, tamornia. FOR SALE 120 acres, 8 miles Castle rock, waso.., su cuiuvatea, 40 slashed I ana seeaeu, goou mr no use, large barn 48-ton silo; place fenced in five fields, orchard, shrubbery, dally mail, telephone, near school, good roads; price $0000 U S. dollars. Write Caswell Ham me 11, Cas tle Rock, Wash., or M. F. Miller, fcjx FOR SALE $7500. terms; 48.5 acres of 1 very ncn uuiium iauu pracucaiiy all 1 cleared, 1 mile to railroad. 320 acres. $10 per acre, in Gilliam county, or., about 200 acres wheat land, balance good pasture. AV 351. Orego- mau. ON HIGHWAY, located close to city of oenu. i-u utrei, o &. cuil, irrigated, fenced; ideal for strawberries, garden, alfalfa, bees, spud a Price $3800. Terms s.-uu; u a. raw wua .luu casn. Owner. Box 5. Tumalo, Or. FOR SALE 157-acre Willamette valley larm 1a uiiuei wop ana lOganoerry district. 9 miles north of Salem, on rh Oregon Electric. All level and under cultivation. .rnone .aati7ia. S20 ACRES. 9i miles Goldendale. lu miles store, scnooi. phone, R. route: 2 1 sets bulldinirs. wheat fruit, wood, water. Price $17,000; terms. See or address tvinr.an xsros.. owners, uoiaengaie. wash. FREE FARM lifts San Joaquin valley farms. xru Aoaaier, biocatou. caj. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. BENTON COUNTY. HEART OF THE WILLAMETTE VALLEY'. DAIRY AND GENERAL FARM. acres C miles from Corvallis, on good graveled road, all In cul tivation and do acre now In crop; fair improvements; B-room house, 2 bams, chicken houses and other outbuildings. All personal property Included; 8 cows, 5 hei fers. 1 bull. 6 head horses, 300 chickens. 2 fat hogs, 30 tons hay, about $400 worth of grain, com plete set farm implements. Per- , sonal property will invoice about .iouu. throwing crops and every thing on place goes. Price $13,000 and can be handled with S5000 cash, with long time on balance at 6. 51 ACRES ' RIVER BOTTOM LAND. 51 acres only 2 miles from Corval lis; 30 acres cultivation, balance pasture; living water on place; small orchard; nearly ail in crop; all well fenced; improvements do not count for a great deal, but liveable. Land is the very best. Price $6500. HERE ARB FOUR PLACES LO CATED IN ONE OF THE MOST PROSPEKOUS COMMUNITIES IN BENTON COUNTY. 20 acres 1H miles from town; good grauea, nign scnooi and ctturcn. AU In cultivation, with 6 acres of apples, cherries, plums, etc. ; all wen iencea; gooa nve-room house. barn, chicken houses and other outnuiidings. Price S-'OOO and can oe nan died with $500 cash. 50 acres 14 miles from town, grade scauoi ana cnurcn : an in cuitivi tion but 7 acres, which is timber and pasture: well fenced In three or tour neids; oo acres real bea ver dam land; good house of six rooms, built only four years, good barn 30x40 and other outbuild ings; price $0600 and good terms can be had. 57 acres adjoining town, graded and faie-h school, nil in rultivn rion hut one-half a ore, which is timber; oest oi jana ; neany new a-room bungalow and good barn, well painted. 30x.'0, and all kinds of other outbuildings. This is a real home. Price $To00, with good terms. 45 acres, three-fourths mile from town, grade and high school, all in cultivation and about 1 acre va riety orchard ; all in crop now; practically new 5-room bungalow, a good barn 40x60. two large chicken houses and big brooder. 16x32. Price on this is $7000. FACTS YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT BENTON COUNTY, , Corvallis has 7000 people. a population of The third largest agricultural college in the United States is lo cated at Corvallis. with an enroll ment of more than 3000 students. First-hand advice Is freely given, from experts at the college. One of the largest canneries in the valley is located in Corvallis. One of the largest flouring mills In the valley is located In Corvai- One of the largest sawmill plants In the state is located in Benton county. If you want to locate in the best county in the valley and in or near a city that has the best schooling advantages of any In the Pacific northwest, come on down to Corvallis and be convinced. WRITE FOR DESCRIPTIVE PAMPHLET AND FUR THER INFORMATION. J. W. MORGAN ft CO.. Corvallis. Oregon. A SPLENDID SMALL FARM OF 86 ACRES, STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 20 MILES FROM PORTLAND. Good 5-room house, water piped in, barn, other out-bldga, gas en gine, 3 miles from town and high school, 1 mile to public school, 22 acres in cultivation, 10 acres in clover, balance fall grain; pasture and timber; on cream route, R. F. D., phone in house, family or chard, loganberries, 7 or 8 tons of hay, 4 good cows, heifer, 2 hogs, chickens, team of horses, wagon and harness, other farm imple ments. Price $4750. SEE SAM HEWEY AT J. L. HARTMAN CO. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bids;. 58 ACRES of rich river bottom loam sou. xree irom rock or gravel; 24 under plow, splendid seeded pas ture, plenty of timber, family or chard, handsome 7-room bunga low, woodshed, fruit cellar, big barn, plenty of feed, stock. 70 chickens. 2 hogs, farm machinery and tools; located 1 miles from Canby, mile to school, paved Pacific highway. This would make a wonderful berry farm. There Is money in ltl Price $8000, terms. Might take some Improved city property. O. E. Freytag, Gladstone, Or. Oa Oregon City Caroline. TWO SETS OF BUILDINGS. Nearly 24 acres of Eagle Creek bottom land, located hk mile from depot, on the I main highway, which will be paved next I summer. All can be cultivated: 17 acres I unaer cultivation: j acres orchard, bear ing; creek and 2 wells; one 7-room nouse, one 3-room house, barn, chicken houses and hag houses: M mile to school ana cnurcn. i-rice souoo witn team. harness, cow. chickens, wacon. hack. plough, cultivator and tools. $2500 cash. 1 nis is oniy mues irom tne court nouse in Portland. tood road all the way. Personally inspected. John Far- I guson. uentnger otag. W0-ACRE FARM, READY TO GO ON AA L MAKE AlU.NEY. 130 acres under cultivation, balance I in timber ana pasture: Dienty of run ning water; 1 miles from Shelburn, on I good roads; good b-room house, large I Darn, no a: nouse. 4 cmcKen noune. wood shed, family orchara. 40 acres now seed ed to hay and grain; 17 head of cattle, I 3 horses. 5 hogs. 160 chickens. 12 ducks. I 4 geese, -a sneep, tamos, Dinaer, mowing macnine. manure s Dreader, cas- oiine arag saw ana lot or otner tools, boo I numerous lo mention. avei imug ior a I limited time for $10,000. half cash, good tune on mo 'uu.ia.nee. & 1 Alt 1 & BUUK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. BIG VALLEY FARM. 1060 acres within half mile of station and ten miles from Oregon Agricultural college at Corvallis; 450 acres in cultiva tion, lot more open land and practically all tillable: 250 acres bottom land, bal ance gently roiling ana nne soli; highway I through place; good ouiidings witn water pi pea to tnem ana running water in all I pastures; all fenced, including 7 miles hog-tight fencing; will Include lot of I stock ana an xarming ea moment. This 1 is a great bargain at $4,500; one of the I best stocK or dairy iarms in tne state. LUlfiDDEilANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. NEAR FOREST GROVE. 37 acres, located 1 V miles from elec tric depot: 20 acres can be cultivated: 8 ! acres under cultivation; 5 acres more I being cleared, balance in pasture; small orchard; 5-room house, barn 20x30: nice creek through tne mace: Z chicken houses; between 2500 and 3000 cords of wood on this place. Price tsi'OO with horse, harness, 2 cows, 1 heifer. 18 I chickens and machinery: $2000 cash. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bld&v 00 ACRES, STOCK AND TOOLS. ' L. miles from town and R. II. on raveled road : 22 acres in cultivation : good fair house and barn and other out- huildlncs. one fine sian of mules, one I cow. two sets of harness, wagon, buggy. mower, rake, plow, harrow, cultivator, I cream separator, cream cans, cider mill, I about l- tons 01 nay. -uu v nite ueg- hnrtii 40 Karrea rocks, nne ore nam. wter oloed to house and barn. Price I $4M0. $1500 cash, balance to suit, S perl cent interest. t -o .uuuw ui uiu merce. 41 ACRES, located south of Gresham and miles irom eiecinc simioii, o acres can be cultivated: 24 bearing fruit trees: small rough lumber house; good county road. Price $3100. with $1250 cash. This is exceptionally fine soil and close in property. Brooks, with Jphn Fergu son, Gerlinger bldg. AT TUALATIN. 80 acres, 24 acres In cultivation, bal ance timber and pasture; running water. No waste land. Small house, close to pavement and Ry. sta. Price $10,000, terms or will sell half if desired. R. M. GATE WOOD A CO.. Itt5 4th St. HOOD RIVER 10 acres, neat bungalow; 8 A. bearing apples, finest condition, good bam, etc.. horse, cow. tools: $5000 Frank McFariaad. 602 leon bldf. BE AX ESTATE. For Sale Farms. BUT A FARM IN BENTON THE BLUE RIBBON COUNTY OF THE WILLAM ETTE VALLEY. 55 acre, all fine farm land and all In cultivation, located near main highwav. schools and church. 2 miles from small town, rail road, etc. 8 miles from town of 7000 people; new 5-room house, new 30x40x18 barn, ga rage, hog and chicken houses. new fences, well and tower water tank, ras en erne Dump er; price SS250; part cash. Daiance terms. 57 acres, all in cultivation, adjoining small town with crane and high schools; almost new 8- room house, and 40x60 barn, chicken house. etc ; price 7500; terms $1000 cash, bal ance at 6. 50 acres; 48 acres cultivation. T acres timber Dasture. beaverdam loam soil; 1H mile? from town ana near a si. 000. 000 sawmill. just being installed. which will give an unlimited demand for garden and farm products; 6-room houe built 8 year : new barn 30x40 : orlce S 5000: terms $1000 cash, balance 5 years at 6. 1184 acres, all river bottom rand: 85 acres' In cultivation, balance place pine, fir and oak timber pasture; located 1 miie rrom paved highway and on a main graveled road. 2 miles from a good town, near school and railroad station; good 6-room house built but few years; barn and other outbuildings; priced for a short time only $6300; part cash. baL terms. 230 acres; modemly equipped and stocked dafrv farm, 8 miles from Cor vallis; 100 acres cultivation, balance place timber and open pasture land, dark loam soil, level and rolling: lm 1 provements: good T-room house, 2 barns, one nearly new; chicken house, garage and other necessary buildings, family orchard. fenced and cross-fenced: well water and a nice small creek: equip ment: 4 large work horses. 20 milk cows, 7 heifers. 1 bull, several hogs. 200 chickens, binder, mower, rake, 2 wag ons, disc, drill, harrow, feed cutter and grlndcr 2 gas en in 2 nlnws. 400 sacks grain, 50 or 60 acres planted to crop, new Dodge delivery milk car, 30 or 40 tons hay. 3 sets heavy harness, cream separator, 30 or 40 cords wood cut: electric light sys tem, all other small tools and equipment on the place at the time of sale. Here is a big paying fully equipped place, located at the door of an un limited market. Price $25,000; part cash. 152 acres, half tn cultivation, balance timber and cleared land pas ture, nearly all river bottom sandy loam soil; fine location, on main highway, near schools and two large towns: good 7 room house with basement, modernlv eaulDoed: rood barn. large silo and other buildings, family orchards, gas engine water numnnhr machins. Price Including some tools, crop and equipment, sio.ouu; nait casu. Tt will pay you to look these bargains over. Land In BENTON COUNTY is cheaper than anywhere else in the Wil lamette vauey. Write us for Information and booklet listings. MILLER & WALTER. Corvallis. Or. LOOKING FOR A FARM? If you are contemplating locating In Oresron or near Portland, it will pay you to investigate our list. Here's just a few of the hundreds of farms we have for sale: 1AA mfrM SO nnrier cultivation. 20 ml. to Portland; buildings, etc. stocked and equipped, for $10,400. in arM all MilMvfltA1. a.11 first -Claffl soil, buildings, etc, 27 ml. to Portland, $6500. ion arra 40 cultivated and partly In crop, to be near paved road. 28 mi. to Portland: all first-CaSS soil, well stocked and equipped; $11,k0. KTli norm fill 1 1 Vtpd . T1W T-rOOm "bungalow and otitbldgs.. 20 mi. to Port land, V ml. to Pfi"!flc highway; stocked and equipped; 48000. 9a ikfm aniv Inam river bottom soil. 10 acres cultivated: new 5-room bunga low, other bldjrs.. 26 ml. to Portland and ml. to pacinc nign way; ivw. in at all cultivated: rood new buildings, on Oregon electric; $3600. I 8 acres, all cultivated: lots of fruit. berries, nouse ana ouinnigs.. u wiesv electric; a snap at $uou. 10 acres, all cultivated; fine sandy loam soil: 8 acres in Rearing Italian prunps. with drier and Irrigating plant. on pacinc niguway, ow. cv. maTtfiMi1arH rerarrifnar these ail others see F. R. Jesse, with Ralph Ack ley Land Go.. o- lornett mg. 130 ACRES, WASHINGTON COUNTY. This place Is located 24 miles from Portland, one mile from railwav station: 100 acres under cultivation, of which 40 Is now In wheat good six-room house, barn and other buildings. This place will be sold to settle an estate; can give immediate possession. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO., 85 4th St, BUY TTTTS COOT 50 ACRU! FARM AT THE RIGHT PRICE. VIR TUALLY ALL IN CULTIVATION. STOCKED AND -EQUIPPED. The best of soil, no rock; land lies good, 35 acres now In crops, balance ready for spring crops. Family orchard, plenty of water, team, wagon, harness, other farm Implements. 5-room house, barn, granarv, chicken house, hog house; SO miles from Portland, near Pa cific highway, on good road. If you are looking for a farm, see this one, and be convinced that It Is a bargain' at $6500. Terms. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HART MAN CO.. No. 7 Chamber Com merce Bldg. 100-ACRE FARM WITH STOCK AND MACHINERY. S13.00& w-11 fenced:-rood five-room house, chol and church; all in cultiva- Tuo i TniUi from center of the city, south and west. In high-clas farming sec tion, on main roaa ana aany mint rouiw. taam 7 MWR VOUUg StOCk. PlgS. CHlCk" ens, binder, mower, rake, plows, cultiva-.r-m w enn harness, feed and seed. Buildings are good 6-room house, large barrt, 4OX60; lana lies penecx aim i unt sol I ; running "ii,"--- A' $.Voo cash required, balance u. McChesney. 304 Oak st. Bdwy. 266. ON THE PACIFIC HIGHWAY. An .pm located 2 miles from rood town and 12 miles north Vancouver. u-ah all rood land, no rock, gravel or hardpan: &v acres unuer iiign eiaie of cultivation; 6 acres pasture: 4 acres green standing timber; good fences: deep well, with steel casing; 7-room house large barn 48x65, chicken house and other buildings: 1 acre bearing or chard, telephone and all rural conveniences- paved road In front of place and good graveled road on the side: a well located, nice level piece of land: $2000 cash and most any terms on the bal ance at v. A nia ib cuoveuieni 10 grade ana nin ot-iiooi. rciauimur in spected. Photos at office. Marstera with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. 374 ACRES. TOCKEJD AND EQUIPPED FOR $3500. 7 4 acres, is acres tuniyicu. uiacit sandy loam soil, 15 acres timber. 5 room house, bam and other outbuildings, good family orchard, running water and 2 springs. 2 miles to R. R. station; 1 horse, 2 cows, 1 heifer 18 chickens, and all tools and machinery go with place. Price $3S00; H cash, balance 6 per cent. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 165 4th St. 140 ACRES on Silets river, suitable for farming or stock raising. Very cheap. For particulars address Louis Keese, Siieti, ftg. - REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farm. 160 ACRES Best farm in about the best part of state; all good level land, dark loose soil: 55 acres under plow; lots of good pasture and some 25 acres timber; fenced with woven wire mostly: house $ rooms; barn 60v38 feet, with sheds entire length; on good graveled road 1 miles from school, on R. F. D. and cream route. 8 miles from Crab tree. Terms $2500 cash, balance fi years at 6. LEAVENGOOD A DAVIS. Lebanon. Or. - 71 acres rood land with fair Improvements, $fl0 per acre. Here la one of the best little farms la this part of Linn county: dark chocolate soil; 35 acres under cul tivation: good 6-room house; barn 30x36 ft: all kinds of outbuildings; mostly rail fence; good family or chard; 4 mile from school; R. F. D. and cream routes. Terms $2000' cash, balance to suit at 8 per cent. LEAVENGOOD at DAVIS. Lebanon. Or. 3824 acres, best sheep ranch, at $25 per acre. We cannot ade quately describe the many good features of this place, but will say that it has alt the buildings and watering facilities to make It one of the -best if not the best in the county regardless of price. Good graveled road to place. 10 miles from Lebanon. Come at once and see It. LEAVENGOOD A DAVIS. Lebanon. Or. COME TO CORVALLIS. OREGON. 158 acres. Lane county, on Eu-gene-Corvallfs all-year auto road. 5 miles town; 110 acres cultivation and part in crop : 10 acres more tillable: 10 timber, 15 pasture; small orchard, 2 wells and lake; Va mile school; 8-roora house, barn, outbuildings; good soil. level. slightly rolling. Price $105 per acre. 150 acres, 5 miles Corvallis. on Portland-California highway; 75 acres cultivation, bal. good fruit and berry land; running brook of pure water; pleasant 6-room house, large barn and silo: 200 capacity laying houses; 15 acres fir timber. 100 fruit trees; new garage; mile station on electric; grammar and high school. This Is a chance to enjoy a most pleasant country home on hard-surfaced highway, almost in sight of the agricultural college. Could develop an estate by setting prunes and berries; worth $3.0O0 in 8 years. Children can go to college by motorcycle or car. Price $15,000; half cash, bal. 6. Write us; see us. TOM KIN 8 A RIGGS, Real Estate. Corvallis, Oregon, A FIRST CLAS FULL BEAR ING 18 ACRE PRUNE ORCHARD ONLY 20 MILES FROM PORTLAND. Located on hard road, and In one of the best money-making prune districts In northwest. 2 aires In family orchard, 10 acres more being set to prunes now, 11 acres in good timber. A fine up-to-date 6-tunnel prune dryer, and store house; drilled well, gas en gine, lots of water, price $18,400.00. The 50 acres In prunes adjoining this sold for $40,000 a few weeks ago. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN CO., No. 7 Chamber Commerce Bldg. OWNER MUST SELL. 36 acres, highly Improved and very best of soli; 18 A. bearing English walnuts, grafted, with prunes, pears and apples fillers; orchard well cared for. pruned and sprayed; oak and fir grove for fire wood; well drained, on rock road 30 mites from Portland, 5 miles of Newberg, close to school: im provements, new 6-ronm bungalow, water piped to house and yard, large new barn and warehouse; the price for this 36 A Is $12,000: terms can be arranged. See Mr. Hesgard for further information. Coe A. McKenna Co., 82 4th st. Main 4522. 48 ACRES, located close to Oregon City: 48 under cultivation: 5 acres timber and pasture; 2 acres of prunes, pears, ap ples, cherries, peaches and grapes: also some walnuts; well and spring. All of this land is fine soli, no gravel or rock: 7-room house, 2 barns, 4 chicken houses. x nog nouses, granary; mile rrom electric- denot: on the Willamette Val lev Southern: 3 miles from Oreron Cltv. Price $8300, on the very best of terms, with small payment down. Some equip ment and lots of furniture. Personally Inspected. Nelson, with John Ferguson Gerlinger bldg. 41 ACRES, $5500. AT HILLSBOfcO. This Is as fine lying land as you eould ask for; about half In cultivation, balance timber, on good level road, convenient to school ; thickly settled neighbor hood j f am My f ru 1 1. good 4- room house and a large barn: wheat went over 40 bushels last year: it's mostly new land. D. McChesney, 304 Vi Oak st, Bdwy. 266. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 150 acres, 100 acres level, 50 acres rolling; creek: 40 acres in crop, balance pasture ana timner; aarg loam soil: li room modern house, like new; 2 new barns, outbuildings of all kinds: 12,1 prune and other fruits and nuts; cows. norses, nogs, cnirxensi an xinns or im plements and tools to run a first-class farm : 1 miles rrom Portland court house; paved roads, 7 miles this side of Newberg. Price 6 per cent, or will take Portland property as part payment; good dwelling or rooming house or apart ments. See it. R. M. GATEWOOP ft CO., IflSH 4th St. 03 ACRFS LESS THAN 15 MILES SOUTHEAST OF TOWN. This place joins the main road; has 40 acres cleared; at hast 15 more could be put under cultivation at very little cost; about 30 acres now In crop; bal ance of cleared land plowed: 6-room house, barn and outbuildings, flpe family orchard; with a little fixing up this can be made a valuable Place: price $8000; at least half cash. This Is going to be sold in a few days, so you had bettei hurry. STEWART St RUCK 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. THREE MILES FROM NEWBERG. Here Is a well-equipped place on rood auto road, an hour's drive from Port land; 32 acres, nearly all In cultivation: extra fine soil; 2 acres orchard; good buildings. Price $10,500 Includes 4 reg istered Jerseys. 3 horses, 1 brood sow, about 60 chickens, all farming Imple ments; k cash required. Personally in spected. Photo at office, John Fergu son, Gerlinger bldg. 476-ACRE STOCK RANCH. With a ten-room house and large barn. 100-ton silo, granary and other out hnilfllnn. There Is 130 acres now seed ed In wheat, oats and rye and 20 acres more to plow: there Is also 100 acres In pasture and 12.000 cords standing fir wood, which sells for $4.30 per cord on the place. This rancn is B4 miles rrom Newberg. Oregon. The price Is $40,000. nme xchanee. On the place Is also livestock and equipment which can be bought or not, as you wisn. FA KNAPP 212 Board 'of Trade 'Bldg. FINE DAIRY RANCH. 80 acres, located on the best part of Chelatchie Prairie. 2Vi miles east of Amboy, Wash. : all under cultivation: exceptionally fine soil, graveled road by place, close to high school, orchard. 5 room house, barn 36x80; spring well, ereek. silo; price $10,600, with 10 good cows; $3000 cash. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. A GOOD FARM CHEAP. Who wants a 16-acre farm? 14 miles elec. depot : 5-R. good house, barn. 2 henhouses 73 ft. long, orchard, root cel lar, fine well; price $3500. Main 3672, McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg. 120 ACRES, 4 miles northeast of Wash- ougal, wan.; v acres in cultivation, so more can easily be; good improvements; $40 an acre, part cash. See owner, 8 H. Heater, Washougal. Wash. FOR SALE Chicken ranch, prune orchard, tlmoer, onion ianu, uiljf uomo. n. ju. Zimmerman, 114 3d at.. Vancouver, Wash. Phone 234. &0 ACRES virgin land, 12 miles from Lake View, in 1jSK cuuuij, eoai ran 14 per acre; will sacrifice; make me ca.h or trade offer. East 8540. Sunday Tabor 4798. HIGHLY improved alfalfa ranch, 60 acres. Umauiia river oottom, irngatea. s mues from Stanfield, Or.; new building, in cluding 7-room bungalow, modern. Tele phoA MaraHall frS&i, owner REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. NOW 18 THE TIME TO GET BUSY. You have been thinking about a place, maybe It was a small acre age, or it may hav been 40 acres, or It may have been anywhere from that to 4u0 acres, but what ever It was. this is tht tims you want to find it and get busy with the spring work. You might like som of the places) we have to seiL For Instance. how would 240 acres, all In cultivation, at $'u TOO per ere. do? This place has between W and 100 acres In crop, some 40 acres plowed for spring grain: has a house of 7 rooms, a barn, a ma chine shed, a chicken house, a good windmill and xOOO-gaUon tank: Is all fenced and cross-fenced with woven wire; Is on a good gravel road 4 mile from the paved west side highway. 14 miles from Mon mouth and the normal school. The land is gently sloping and has a mall running stream. This is a bargain and a place thst you can ' begin to get returns on at ones. A PAYING PLACE, EQUIPPED. 190 acres. 140 In cultivation; good buildings, two barns, garage, chlcksn house, water supply is a good well and spring; one and a quarter miles from electric station, 17 miles out of Portland, near good schools: the equipment that goes in consists of 16 cows. 11 hei fers, 1 bull 3 years old, 1 registered bull 6 months old. 3 horses. 1 cel. 2 mules. 75 to 100 chickens, 1 12 20 tractor, 1 3-bottom chilled trac tor plow. 1 8-ft. tractor dink, 1 12 ft. drag harrow. 3 walking plows. 1 riding cultivator. 1 hand cultiva tor, l manure sprcaner. slump-pulling machinery. 1 binder. small r ora trucK, - mow or, foL, 3 m-avona 1 hue (TV 1 llSCK. 1 two-row corn planter. 1 8-ft. stevl pulveriser. 1 corn sheller, 1 fanning mill, 1 road drag 1 2 horsepower gas engine 1 bone grinder, 1 spray outfit, and all small tools. This plsee Is very com plete and well fenced. If you sre Interested In a place that Is mak ing money, you better look it up. Or you might like to have a nice home with a few acres In a gfM little town. This place has a good house, a garage and 3 acres of ground and lots of fruit. This house Is fully modern and Is lo cated In Sheridan. Or. It can be bought for $4250. part cash. Or here la another one. Thts one has 4 acres, good houpe. lots of fruit, close in. This makes a home that you can have your own fruit and garden, keen your chickens and live comfortnbly. The price or this place is $22.10. cash. This one Is also In Sheridan. Would you like a rood location for a drug store? We hnve It. in a good town of about 20i0 people, where there Is only one drug You can get a location In a br,r building right near the hotel and les than a block from the Toa office. Come In and see us about It. How would you like to have a hotel of 73 rooms In a good town, in fact, one of the best smnll towns In the Willamette valley? This propertv is a money-maker, and can be bought at reasonable price. CALL AND SF.E SPERLING & HANSA, 309 Corbett Building. NEAR THE HIGHWAY. DOWN COU'MBIA RIVER. 40-ACRE IMPROVED RANCH. $5000. 4-room farm house, splendid barn, ga rage, outbuildings, orchard with lotw of bearing fruit, loganberries, raspberries, strawberries, creek, water piped to build ings from cement reservoir, good fences, excellent auto road, two miles to good town. Near $500 worth of building lumber on place now, will be given free to buyer. Immediate delivery. . J. H. KEATING. 617 Board of Trade. I ACRES OF PRUNES. 80 acres, located 4 miles from rood town, Clackamas county. Or.; 70 acres can be cultivated: 45 acres under culti vation; good spring, with water piped to new 6-room house, large barn, chicken house, good chocolate loam soil, free from rock or gravel; telephone and rural conveniences. Price $71200. with rmH toa m row. hnss. 7 stands bees. wagon, mower, rake, cultivators. 2 sets harness and scales. This place is all seeded to wheat and oats. -This is one oi ih nieeat lavlnr daces we have evei seen. Personally inspected. Brools, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger blgd. FARM NEAR PORTLAND. 44 acres, about 35 acres In culti vation, some timber for wood; creek through the place, about 2 acres mixed orchara, best of soli, good 6-room house, barn and other outbuildings, mile to school, good well and fencing. This Is one of the best farms In this neigh borhood and must be seen to be appreciated. Price $14,000. Address W. E. WHITE Sc. CO., Newberg, Oregon, If Interested, and we will show you this fine farm. LESS THAN $100 PER ACRE, io.i KfFKi located on a main highway. which Is Improved and will be paved this year; 2 miles from good towa Clackamas county. Or.: 140 acres can be cultivated; 70 acres under cultlva tlnn: 120 acres in pasture and timber good productive soil; 2 acres of apples and prunes; good 7-room house, barn 60s 60, hog house, garage; 2 springs and creek. All rural conveniences. Price iift.00A. with 1000 cash. Personally In spec ted. Mishler, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. BY OWNER, 35 acres 6 miles from city limits near r osier roau. nine um pavement, store and school. Land has good slope. Is mostly red shot soil, fine for berries and Truit: 22 acres In culti vation, 3 acres bearing orchard. 2 acres riunberrles. U acre strawberries. 10 acres In clover. Good 6-room plastered house wrth basement barn for 10 head stock, creek through the place, well and spring. Six nne jersey cows, iw emeu n nm ofrs. rood team, hay till har vMt fuM set of tools and Implements Including blacksmith shop. Bell with or without equipment. rn cuiuptt.o $500. F. F. Uhlir. Boring, or. GOOD WOOD PROPOSITION. tO mnrmm 1nraJri 14 miles from Port land courthouse: all good soil; all can be cultivated: good graveiea rosa: tin itFtf iin close to this property This Is In fir timber and well-settled community; price $."0 per acre, witn $500 cah and additional payments as tne wooa is cui. j i.i- - hiirh-orlced land. John Irerguaon, Ger linger bldg. VTtjir. T .T'VM rniTNTY FARM FOR SALE. fenced with woven wire, situated 12 miles from Albany and close to electric R R. station, on main road ; good 10 m'nTn house, barns and silo and other outbuildings, together with a lot of per sonal property consisting of milk cows, horses, sheep. 100 head; feed and seed to run the place. Price $140 per acre: $15 000 cash, balance on terms to suit purcnaser at v . AlDany. ur. c.YTBi rHOIOE COUNTRY HOME. 2 acres of perfect land. 100 choice fruit trees, bearing; 6-room bungalow, hot nd cold water, gas. electric lights; beautiful grove of native trees near house; close to school and church and electric railway station; 6 miles Portland courthouse. Price $5000, half cash, bal ance 6 per cent. You cannot beat this for value. Would take bungalow in good R MG A TE W OOP CO., jKlk 4th St. GOOD WOOD PROPOSITION. 69 acres, located 14 miles from Port land court house; all good soil: all can be cultviated; good graveled road: Car ver electric line close to this property. This Is In fir timber and well settled community. Price $50 per acre, with $500 cash and additional payments as the wood is cut. This is a section of high priced land, John Ferguson. Gsrilnger bldg. FARMS. 86 acres, 23 cleared, balance pasture, all fenced, cross-fenced, main road, fine 7-room house, hot. cold water in nouse, good barn, outbuildings, team, cow, im plements, $6000, $4000 down, long time on balance. Lots small homes close to Sandy, Or., ready to move In and stocked. Write me what you want, I have it. R 186, Oregon Ian, DELICIOUS apple orchard, $175 per acre; 240 acres ricn, aeep son, iauu young bearing trees, Columbia river district; abundance water, 4 springs, near high way, easy terms. Morgan, owner, 214 First street. 40 ACRES, all In cultivation. 20 acres clo ver, 20 acres mosi an piowea, rencea ana cross-fenced with good woven wire, in good location, on road and O. E- R. R. station at place. Price $4000. Owner, C. C. Lee, Tangent, Or. NEW lighting plant, 1 K. W., 31 volt. complete witn o A. rl. oatteries, ior sate cheap, or trade tor Ford auto. Phone Jiaat 8610. RKAI. TAT. For Sale Farms. UMPQUA VALLEY 133 ACRM. This Is one of the most denlraMe farm homes I have examined In many dnys. and with poNitbllitlr. All level except a knoll of 2 acres, where the buildings are. and all In a high state of cultiva tion except a grov of in acres: a nevsr-falllng stream croseea It. It Is a pleasure to work wl'h this soil, a fre. black loam, verv fertile and produces large crop of elover, corn, wheat, oats and po tatoes. The Psrlfle hlrhwsy forms the east boundary and from the hniiM the bnlldtnrs of a prornlve town lejia than a mile nvmy may b seen. In soil, Irt'-atlnn and climatic con ditions this Is the Idea) diversi fied firm: the east psrt Is finely adapted for prune and walnut: ther Is ft scre now In $-yar-oid prunes and the went psrt tor gen eral farming. It Is hard to de aerih uch a property; 1 wish you could see tt. Price llft.nort; terms on-thlrd cash, and rrally It Is a bargain at that. SHEEP OR CATTLE RANCH 70 acres In Linn Co., on hard surfar road; ?nn acre fine tim ber, 3'WI arrm god fnrmlng lun-l. 200 acres vallev land; all fenced and cTnd-finred for nheep mid di vided Into four f leMp; building: new "-room hunrs'ow. hi aid cold water, bsth. toilet: large stork bam with timber grove tn rsr: live mountain stre t ; trod fM fu lly orrhnrd. Price $.1K 50 per irrf; terms $10,000 rull, very eaev pay ments on bulsnce. If you wnnt a stock or sheep mnrh, look at this. TO CLOSE AN ERTATK. 170 ACRES $71 PER ACRE. A WIMamtt vallev fsrm. in Linn Co., on the pactflr htuhwiiv and onlv 14 milep to rnHway mim tion: very rich blai-k loam pti. living ntream croups one wrnT: 123 acres In cult l Hon ; 4. st'p timber pHsture: building: good 6 room house, barn, out bid Id inr : 2 well, fftmliv or-htrd TMp prop erty Is eapttv worth StOO r sere, b'lt for nulrk snle prld a ahor. This offer good only tn March 7. Half cash will hsndts It. 13 ACRES NEAR CLACKAMAS Just the right location end, soil for a berry and poultry ranch: onlv 6 miles to cttv boundary : 16 acres In cultivation: fine grove of tre.-P. with nevT-fiilllng nprtns-f-d brok. It Is a genuine harm In for $4500; $.V0 caph will handle it. MaeTNVES PRATT. 418 Hoard of Trude llldg. Portland, Or. 80 ACRES DIKED LAND. COLUMBIA RIVER BOTTOM. A GIFT AT $40 PER ACRE. Richest land on earth, produces Im mens crop. The same kind of land Is selling a.e high as $aoo por rare. Ad joining thlf place p the flnept fUtitng on the coat Eny term If deaired Pon't overlook this chance. You will never see ii not her bar train like It. J. H. KEATING, 617 Hoard of Trade LAVE COUNTY RANCH. ON THE HIGHWAY. 60 acres, 6 mflen from Eugene. Or.! M acre under cultivation: good free soil, familv orchard, fl-room house, barn r0x 32; other outbuildings; well. Price tll'S per acre, with 3 horse. 2 cow. 2 heif er, chicken, 2 wagon, cultivator, set harness, cream separator. 2 harrow, spring wagon, 1 No. 21 John Deere hav pres. gasoline engine. 1 circular paw. furniture, fl.l ton hay and tools. io0 cash, or will consider car up to $1000, balance long time at 6. John Fergu son. Gerlinger bldg. MR. RANCHER. 320 sere of wheat land, 7 mllea from good rallroiid town. In good hard wheat district This Is nil ready for the plow and only $.10 an acre, or will lease on part crop pavmcnts. I have several well Improved Willamette valley farms from 171 to $1T0 an acre. In good farming district, elope to railroad and town. J. n. HOLRROOK, 214-21S Panama Blds GOOD DAIRY RANCH. 16H acres, located on rocked road, southeast of Lebanon. Or.: Ml acres under cultivation" ldO acre can be cultivated, balance good pasture: 2 acres orchard: ft-room house, barn, silo and sheep shed. Price $U per acre with 6 cow. 2 mare. Guernsey hull, harness, wagon, mower, rake, cultivators, plough. rtlc harrow, corn planter, grain drill and lots of tool, some feed. Large ca?h payment. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 1 IRRIGATED FARM. HERE IH A CHANCE. 160 acres irrigated land, shout M acres In alfalfa and other crops, bal ance easily put In cultivation: paid-up water for 1.18 acres; good building; Stocked and equipped nnil ready to opr ste. This I exceptionally good for dairying, slock, potntoe. alfalfa and grains. Price $1.oini; owner will taks hou-e as first paymt-nt and give time on balance, or accept small cah pay ment down. The place will pay tht balance. LCEDDEM ANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. ALL 8FWPKD TO CROPS. 63 acres, located mllea from eler- rrle denot and on good graveled road. 17 miles from Portland: M acre of this land In crop; 1 a-re of pasture; gocd fences; 2 acres orchard: good bulMlnga, consisting or barn, granarv. chicken house; 6-room houe and 2 well; mile to school. This place Is well stocked and ha complete line of equip ment. Mail route from Orecon City and all rural convenience. MlHiler. with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. BEST upland farm In Cowllts count v. Wash., 0 acre, na vnn-r cumi ",,. reft pant u re. 37 mile from port land, midway between Woodland and Kalanm, 14 mile Pacific highway, Portland-Keat-tle Ry., school and church, R. K. D., K mile Columbia river and Martin's bluff Ry. station; crop nearly all In, re-t plowed, good 7-room limine, S bama and all necessary machinery, 3 hors, 4 cows, lots of fruit, sold $:i42 rherrles llflfl; price $Sr00. Con-lder Pnmand modem renidfiice to 3hmi In exchange. Mrs. E E- Larue, owner ton placej, Ka lama. Waeh. Phone 27. BOUTH OF OREGON CITT. Near the Pacific highway la a 72-arre farm, 10 of which Is beaverdam. all In a high state of cultivation, except a small tract of woods; 6-room house with hot and cold water, good barn. IS aers orchard. Price Includes 2 horse. 1 cow. 1 calf 1 hog. Mollne tractor and numer ous farm implements. Price $21,000; $MWW) cash required. Per-onaily In spected. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. BEAVER DAM AND BOTTOM LAND. 83 acre within 30 mllea of Portland, sll In cultivation; 20 acres beaverdam. balance flneat bottom land; 7-room house, big barn and mher building; family orchard; woven-wlre fences; within Vt mile of atMion. Price $-'hi an acre $4000 cash will handle, balance 913 Chamber of Commerce. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 67 acres, 36 In cultivation. 6 tlmher, balance pasture. 50 acres level, balance hilly 7-scre orchard, -7-room house, bawn, outbuildings; 4 cows, 1 heifer. 2 horses. 6 pigs, 100 chickens, all machinery snd tools necessary; 6 miles targe fity. l'& miles railway station; pries $10,826.00, R.r M' G A TEWQOP AV CO.. 1H 4th flV EXECUTIVE SALE, VALLEY FARM. 142 acres, 8 miles from Lebanon, Or.; 12 acres in cultivation, balance In tim ber: well fenced with woven wire: good house and barn; spring and running water; some fruit; fine dairy and grain tarn. 'vEEMfr- PARKPLACE. OR- YOUNG PRUNE ORCHi!D8. Borne very fine young orchsrds. Just starting to produce returns. These or chards are In afrult district, near Eu gene, and can be bought in lo to 40 acre tracts, on easy terms. AR 44i. Oregonian. 40 ACRES good, level land with creek, 26 miles Irom Portland, near St. Halens; bearing orchard, near school. god build ing!, land In high Plate ef euluvatloa, on county road; $WW. Ovser, It ad 4 pa Kartle, Yank tan. Or. FARM of 7-4, acrea, new ouibulldtaga. family, erertawra. eJ las young prune tr , spctua. 1 aKUria, terms. S.M06.. faquir 11 Cfe. reaa 6. TWO large wheat farm fee aaJ la the bet part or eastern ano rentrat oregutt, Wilbur F. Jouuo. Uunry bid.