THE SUNDAY OREGONTAN, POETLAXD, FEBRUARY 22, 1920 16 TOR 8AI.E. Tvprw"ritr. JOAXE GUARANTEED TTPEWR1THJI All makM overhauled. Eipert mechmnle REPAIR ESTIMATES ON KEWCiSI. But SelL Rent and Exchange. M &97. Supplies. 2631, oakrt. LAST CHANCE. Guaranteed lateat model rebuilt l . !.. ...1 kirn SM tDC EES'. TSS. Sd Typ-ciT 402 Sweiland bldg. -., onafTrn T W KTVTRITER. 0.S""..r.rS,C.'Kr."mith Premier Type- only 140; $1.) down. 4 monthly Hvatt Talking Machine Co.. 3-rtl Aicer. 7 r.i." :jn"i ii iTt tvnewiiter. No. 5. lateat model, practically ne. $75 caah. Phone East 76. Miaerllaneona. M. BAKDB SONS. Front and Main ats.. Portland. Or. The Houaa of a Million Bantalna." IfEW AND USED SHOVELS. , ,w.intrt short ban- died. Bought at a Wain, hem sold a bought. twtw EW. $14 DOZEN. (i&l&D. $12 KOZEN. BARGAINS 'op INTEREST TO CONTRACTORS. -r Brand neir Baffler craper at S 14 -yard ampacity. To be sacruicea: 1 Hoisting Engines. Belted Hoista Bagley tod Washington wm " V'"r f. A ' Wire Kop. Black and Galvanized Pipe. Valves. j tun, iuic.. iiiiv LINE WIRE ROPE. 5000-Foot Lena-th. . ..25c footn-.n. ...45e foot l5-ra. ...35c footi!-uu ...7oo loot lfe-ln. ...40c Xootl - FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY. -.i i moe. anv lensth. Eizea from -inch to 1 -inch. Selected J second-band wire rope, any length, sixes a, .inch to lH-incn. GUARANTEED MOTORS. From 1 to laW B. P.. all standard make r an guaranteed, in goou, vuuuiuvw. MACHINE TOOLS. v.i iiuAi-Arvthinr vou need. Tape. MPKn ajid hiirh-speed reamers, drills. chain blocks, vises, buffers. bending rolls, grinders, punches and shears, saapers, ; 4ixi U presses, lathes, etc. etc. IjiVB ON SHELF HARDWARE AT BARDET3 PRICES. "Valre Oilers Filing Tools Hatchets Oil Gates Hand saws. Hammers Measures Monkey Wrenches Emery Wheeis Crosscut Saws Funnels Borers Tonus Chain Tones Pipe Wrenchei Wrenches Finn loois Carborundum Stones, etc, etc. COIL CHAIN. ALL SIZES. BAaSK PRICE 7e. TEAM AND GAS ENGINES STAND ARD HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL. An AVM-vthinK else tou need In mill and loKKinjt supplies for less than you were prepared to pay. WRITE. WIRE OR PHONE YOUR ORDER TODAY! M. BARDS SONS. Front smd Main sts.. Portland. Or. IF YOU must sell your piano, phonograph or other musical instrument, sell it to us. We pay highest cash prices for used musical instruments. At Oregon Ellen. Music house, 27 Washington St.. below 6th. AtlCE toned Kimball organ in very best condition; cost new $--o; will sacrifice for $37.50; nice cottage organ for only $25. Oregon KUers Music house. 287 Washington st., below 5th. ANEW Prince Albert suit, slie 42.; best f quality ; sell or trade tor Edison diamond disc or Brunswick graphouola, will pay difference. 715 Grant St.. or address P. O. box 50?. Vancouver. Aft ash. FOR SALE 6-ft. borne billiard table with complete equipment; $60. Tabor 4O40. PAINTERS TAKE NOTICE A small stock of dry colors, colors in oil, glue, etc Big discount to close out stock. 4 ."Hi" Dekum ave. Phone Woodlawn 4842. t K.iri r.iniDlete. also baby bt-d, baby ....rt ami 2 tons briuuets. lor sale rea sonable. 3So4 62d SL S. E. car. . Mount Scott wTvTKn til n ocular 'prismatic field ixmi ! nf cood make, in first' class condition and at reasonable price. Main 759. . . ai.v -.h.. to dlsDose of 1 karat din- niniwi ruiir. v.-ry beautitul color, very rcasoiiabli-; must l-e so-d at ouce. SliT, oregoaiau. AJ FOR SALE-W'uoU&uw with new 22-horse-power eu-lne Solid rubber tires. AH In good iiiecn:mica cunuiuwu. r.r JO 111. Kast 624. DIAMOND KING, 1 fcaat, an exceptional . fcfargam; iuut be soid at out;e. iw -. .i a t i ;n.n..nii rin Would make a nice ?.T...L-:.a't-iiia.iit riuif. Will sacrifice for ;.: sn. AN lbs, oregoman. DIAMOND ring carat, must sell; re leased from navy and need the money. Mar. I'tCS. AM Oregonian. GET your painting, papering and kalso mintng and signs before the busy season. 1320 E. it-sun. or phone Tabor 26t. JOHN C. STODDARD'S Lectures (14 vol- U'il8l cheap; leavtui, -- j lor St. CASH REGISTERS. 1 ar ge and small at sacr if 1 ce pri cea 113 2d St.. in ciBar store. FOR SALE Stock of groceries, 15 per rj?nt discount; no fixtures. 45i Dekum ave. Phone Woodlawn 4S42. GOOD plow, $5; 2 bicycle tires; ice cream freezer. 3; new Kerning ton. typewriter, i;o. Phone Main 702a. dTaII ON Dc Fi ter ring, weighs 1. k., for sale cheap. Call IM) N. Broadway Sunday. Broadway 3247. KLECTKIC wall sockets for floor Lamps, vacuum cleaners or iron installed very reasonable. V oodlawn 3711- ALCAZAR combination range credit for sivU-; want to meet diatieified owners ot some range. Tabor 3324. Bt- rTEKMILK for bog feeding or other feed puriMS. Haelwood Co.. Front and Aukcuy. HEAVY block and rlnbwood mlxtd. 16-in., f piT cor J. delivered. Genural hauling. Marchall 42tfti, FLAT-TOP oak desk, office table, type a riter stand, chairs, two ruga tiol Lum- bermens bhig. TDAYTON 30-lb. scales for sale. 63$ Will iams ave. CLASSY leather motor coat, good aa new; reasonable. Phone Wdiu. 4:0o. FOR cheapest wood in town, dry or groen, vail Mar. 42!'& J?E KIN duck eggs for hatching. , ItMi. 232 E. ooth St. N. DO you need fertilizer? Stockyards manure two-ton load S10. Woodla-wn 33L pool tables, corr.plt-te. in good shape, at a ba.'tin. 103 6th. L4CENSEO electrician will aire your 3 room house for $15. Woodlawn 3711. 3 WILL wire our 5-room hoiue for $25. v, Wodlawn 37Jlu HEW adjustable dress form $15. cost $24. 1'hone Tabor 4078. 1322 Wisteria. CoMPTOMETKR. bargain for cash, fine condition. 5o4 Oak streeL .Fop" SALE First-class hemstitching ma c'lne. I'hone Broadway 35S. E infant's Oriole, good . as new, $8. AITLE wood logs. 8 to 14 Inches diameter, " 4 to 5 leet In length. Tabor 3 074. FOR SALE Wardrobe trunk. $35. cost $00. Call Columbia 141. ' ii CMlRl'ii Kimni x an tn t(rir ii CI , pvr share.- AM o. Oregonian. 'CHEAP, piano rolls, number "65" note. t 721 East Yamhill. FoR SALB Pht Delta Theta fraternity FULTON baby buggy, good shape. $6. S32 M ississippl ave. aj.-kTPniVT nlftrie run. 8M4 Clinton st. LDRT. atovt for sale. IS. 832 Uiss. ave. FOR 8AI-F-. M isrel lanrooa. DON'T BOLD UP TOUR PLUMB IN O WORK FOR PRICES TO COMB DOWN. WE SELL FOR LESS. PIPE. PIPE. PIPE. Prom to 12-inch pipe and fittings, lightly used, properly fitted, absolutely guaranteed. One lot of lfc-rnch black, extra heavy pipe, almost new, at great saving. We can sell at a very special prict 2000 feet of 4 and 6-inch pipe, brand new. dipped m tar. Take advantage c this opportunity. All kind of brass valves In aU sizes at very low price. BELTING. BELTING. BELTING. We have the largest stock in the city of new and slightly used leather, rubber, gandy and balata belting, from 2-inch to 24-inch, at reduced prices. Also a lr.rge lot of remnants from 15-foot and over at all widths at a clean-up price. Our prices on new and used machinery and structural Iron are way below the market and are far cheaper than any on the coast. Two minutes of your time spent at our office will convince you of the trath of our statement. Investigate today soma of these special buys. STRUCTURAL IRON. I Beams Anffle Iron Bar Iron Round Ircn In fact, all building iron. MACHINERY. GAS ENGINES CONCRETE MIXERS PUMPS BLOWERS MOTORS HOISTS BOILERS BOXINGS. PULLETS. GEARS. SHAFTING. ETC. . ROOFING. ROOFING. ROOFING. Corrugated roofing, slightly used. In good condition. Paper roofing witn ce tnent and nails in every roll, at the fol lowing snertal n rices for this week only: l-olv. SI. 25: 2-Dlv. fl.75. and 3-Ply, S2.35. Be sure to take advantage of these prices. TENTS. TENTS. TENTS. Be sure to take advantare of this op portunity. We have just secured about 4000 army and navy tents. 4-foot walla mostly vx9 witn 111 as. 14-ox. VERT SPECIAL FOR THIS MONTH ONLY. rx 9, 12-og. navy tents at $12 each, 16x16, 12-oz. army tents at SI 7 each. 9xld tent files at 47.50 each. Do not miss the opportunity to get your tent needs. ATTENTION, FARMERS. AT RIGHT PRICES. 30O0 new hay and manure forks. 2500 new shovels (all styles). 4000 new post-hole diggers. 35o0 nw crosscut saws. Thousands of feet of new manila rope rn all sixes. Write us your wants. We can fill them. ALASKA .JUNK: CO.. Largest on the Coast. No. 203 Front at.. Portland. Or. Large electric flrelees cooker, practically new, aluminum con tainers, thermometer, other extras. Fine dog house, green shingles, cement floor. -1 pr. double folding doors, track, etc.. complete; also small double casement window. 25 yds. blue velvet carpet, al most new, $3.10 yd. 1 pr. double-faced silk velour portieres, lovely green tlk cord trimming, almost new, $40. Phone East 7979. PIVH RFTRirjENCE LOT. See that fine residence lot on East Yamhill near 2Vth; 50x100 feet, ail as sessments paid; fine neighborhood; cost aOOUl OUU , priUC fiovv. -. owner, ii50 Alder. . rVfc. il-tnrh extractor.. One 6 A Bollman press, usea two mo ii ins ane 3 ex. f. Doner. One Ford delivery car in good shape. JOHN P. BAUER, Corvallis, Oregon. TWO thoroughbred R. L R. cockerels, $3 each: oU-eK lncuoaior, t, o-uuriivi nil itm-a 14: H fiat cornet. $10. trade all for pullets or baby chicks. H. C. Chapin. 6S35, STth street Southeast. Ml. Scott car to Sixth avenue. LEADER pressure water tank, llii gal lons, 3-1 , galvanized inaide and out. with small casoline pump and all fit tings complete, $o5. East 220. AE "12 oregonian Ri.ETTRIC WIRING WANTED. Will exchange new Brunswick. Edison, Vlctrola. Columbia or Stradlvara and take electric work as payment. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. BEVUT1FUL hand-crocheted lace bed spread, full size, $40; two hand-embroidered baby dresses, $is each. Sellwood 21W8. GASOLINE drag saw. 5 saws and complete equipment; a reai oai-gain ao. sale, leaving country, reason for selling. llt8 Greely st. Phone Wdln. 2692. CUT your own hair with the Duplex hair cutter: greatest invention: postpaid $2; agents wanted. Pacific Sales compajiy, 3u Williams Court. Seattle, Wash. FOR SALE Ithaca single-barrel trap gun; high-grade 12-guage, 32-inch barrel, used short time; fine solid leather case also. AO 2t3, Oregonian. GRAFONOLA FOR PIANO. We will exchange latest style new $00 Grafonola and records for piano. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 300 Alder. YOU Bechance 1 blue cheviote suit and one gray suit, both for $20, worth oi. Size 38 or 3J. Call 501 Vancouver ave. LATE MODEL SINGER SEWING MA CHINE. LIKE NEW. PHONE SELL WOOD 348. FERTILIZER. Good rotted manure, delivered any w here tn city. Tabor 2704. Main 44S5. WINCHESTER pump gun. 30-30 Savage rifle, tine condition, fine steel range, water coil. Wdln. 3219 2o0-;;000 SAVAGE high-power rifle, $30; 12 Winchester rifle, $15: both new, never been fired. Phone Tabor titfOO. FOUR autotires, 32x4, new ribbed re treads, sacrifice. $18 each. 839 Union ave. N. Wdln. 2629 after today. BILLIARD table display counter, scales, meat slicer, account register, inquire at 55 2d street, corner Pine. 4-BURNER Vulcan gas range, good condi tion. $20. uomesuc sewing mac nine, ao. Woodlawn 53:15. FOR SALE 1 Bets Invalid chair, rubber tired and In fine condition. Price $20. Phone evenings. Tabor 1916. FOR SALE Hotpoint electric heater. $5, iron. $4: grill, $5; all good as new. Phone Tabor 6t09. GOOD 30-lnch square shears, some other tinner's tools. 77 E. 66th street North, Sunday. FOR SALE Garden tools. lawn buck saw. cheap; leaving city. 1113. mower. Tabor 4x7 BRUNSWICK home pool and billiard table, like new; sens new ioo, price SUM. Wdln. 571X 30 RABBITS. $10. Sunday. ' E. 66th street North CAMELBACK wagon. $25. North. Sunday. 77 E. 65th st. FOR SALE Good garage, 12 4xlSfe. $30. 1S6 E. Butfalo St. FOR SALE Cook stove, fine condition, $6. Taoor FOR SAL15 Duntley electric vacuum cleaner. live attachments; ju. .ast uis. 50-POUND knapsack, new .3$ Colts and hunting Knife. A l apt. 225 5th st. 4 PURE-BRED Himalayan does cheap; 4 months 010. r-none iaoor ..12. FOR SALE 2 Child's beds. Phone Auto- matic L3---yq. SLUjHTLY used hand printing press for sale, sire qxj. av j.o. oregonian. SET cross fox furs, excellent condition: a bargain. sunaays or evenings, .nam 00-1. FOR SALE or exchange, 2 beautiful oil paintings. oi curnsiqe s SECTIONAL built-in kitchen cabinets. coolers. taDies, etc., so up. wain. 000. 1 NATIONAL cash register, from penny To seven aoiiars, ana uc caimon. FOR SALE Heater that will burn wood and coal, call iaoor ann. NEW all wool dress, 39. green. lay and evenings. Main im3. GOOD HAMTBfi. East 704 FOB SALE. Miftcellaneoua. REMOVING SALS. ZTDELL-BERENSON CO.. 209 FRONT ST. MARSHALL 1332. BETWEEN TAYLOR AND SALMON, PORTLAND, OR. FTP E PIPE PIPE We are of ferine black pipe from 1H inch to 6-inch at greatly reduced prices. ii you are uaeiy to neea pipe, uou fail to see our line. This is your oppor tunity to save about 40 per cent on your purchases. FITTINGS. FITTINGS. FITTINGS. We carrv a full line of slightly used brass valves, steam traps, steam colls and fittings. CONDUIT FTPS. Conduit pipe from -tnch to 3-tncn at 30 rtsK. t'JfiAl Or r J-li ftxixi. MILLMEN CONTRACTORS LOGGERS ATTENTION. Slightly used cable, plow steel, all sizes. A large assortment of axes and boom Chains wnicn we oner at vetjr Pulleys, gears, sheaves, iron and wood blocks, hand trucks, shafting. Iron plates, angle Uon. channel Iron. Screw jhcks at a gooa uucuu. Belting, leather and rubber. Uonlle rnna at M hie SSVlnE. 16 and IS-gauge wire at remarkably low prices. One 3-inch Myers -water pump; also blacksmith bellows. ZIDELL-BERENSON CO.. 20S Front st. Marshall 1332. Between Taylor and Salmon. Portland, Or. THIS AD STATES FACTS. I have a large assortment of m-called-for tailored suits at P rice that will surprise you. All eiies, patterns and styles, and remember they are ab niiitfOv nanr nM it.?ond-hand. I can fit you to a suit that will please both your taste and your pocaeiooo. H. L BLUM. 164 Tenth st.. near Morrison. WE BUT DIAMONDS At Full Cash Market Price; No Delay. Private Office for Ladies. AH transactions strictly confidential. THE AMERICAN BROKERAGE. Diamond Brokers. 205 Morgan building (Second Floor). Licensed by The City of Portland. ACCOMPLISHED AT LAST. Painless Dentistry, absolutely per- fnrrnaH ha thn nsrv-hl ockin ST method. with out after-effects: let us prove It n vn,i Wa rnaka Vj-RV exam InCtlOnf of teeth when necessary along with oth er operations; we specialize in first-class dentistry at reasonaoie lees. DR. A. W. KEENS, no c h pbehN. Majestic Theater Bldg. 851 Wash. War Saving Stamps Cashed And Liberty Bonds at a basie of mark ft value spot cash Immediately. AMERICAN BROKERAGE. 205 Morgan Building. Second Floor. Licensed by the City of Portland. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. Rather than return our salesman samp?es to the factory we have Pjaced same at the disposal of the public at wholesale prices, consisting of raincoats, motor coats, leather coats. In our sales room at UNITED RUBBER CO.. 726 MORGAN BLDG. BEAUTIFUL afternoon dress. Georgette and black satin. waist oeauuiuni beaded, never worn, cost $75; also after- .n naiciin hln. moire silk. lined with pale lavender brocade; also a riding habit in oxiora gray, L" ' V7 made, very reasonable. Phone Mar. .S30. OLD FALSE TEETH BOliUlix. We pay up to $25 per cent. Don't mat ter if broken; old-timers are most val uable. Crowns, bridgework bought Bring or mall. The American Brokerage, 205 Morgan bldg., second floor. 25 DKOPHEAD sewing machines, com plete with attachments, in gouu erder, $ to 125; sewing machines rented $3 per month; machines cleaned and re paired. K. R. Steen, 1U Grand ave. w. A307. East 2350. PIANO WANTED. Let us exchange .tou a fine new, latest style Vlctrola, Brunswick, Edison. Grafo nola of Stradivara and records for your piano. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 3..0 Alder. SEWING machines, new and second-hand, sold for less; no agents emptoyeu; com plete line of parts for all makes; ma chines repaired and rented. Main 943L SEWING MACHINE EMPORIUM, 190 Third, near Taylor St. MULTIGRAPH Latest modul of No. 4 machine and practically new, with stand, motor, printing ink attachment, automatic feed and large assortment of type. Cost new $!M0. Will sacrifice for half price. AC 511. Oregonian. NEW VICTROLA XVII. We have just received from the fac tory the beautiful new Victrola XVI I. sellin for $:iOO; finest mahogany ilniKh; eas-y terms. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. RANGES and water heaters moved from one address to another tree; connections made a specialty ; plumbing, stove re pairing; furnaco work; reasonable prices; quick service to any part of the city. Tabor 2307. WANTED To buy stamp collection, odd lots, anything in stamps, used or unused, look ud your old letters before 18S0. Bring what you have to 94 North 16th st. Phone Broadway 2019 Sundays 10 A. M. to 5 P. M.; week days after 7 P. M. SEED WHEAT Marquis, recleaned, the U in that hrlntrs over 11 oreraium in Chicago; grades No. 1, tests 60 pounds and up; price I. O. o. joaepn, pnti subject to change. Joseph Milling com pany. Joseph. Oreg on. PRINTERS. I.It.9 Universal, complete. 2 sets roll i-fc 7 rhasfts. countershaft, variable speed pulleys, belts; also punching ma chine (cneap iur tawm. wuu , 7j Stark street. VICTOR. COLUMBIA, KDISON KrJCOKDS TO all oUt-Oi-town puuiiuBiBpii ornrio remember we prepay parcel post on an record orders amounting to or more. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. PRIVATE LAW LIBRARY" At sacrifice. For information Main 4711. xtt cr-rntr coffee mill, cash register. scales, ShOW cases, omcr iiiusi sell. 113 -d street; inquire cigar store. FOR SALE Four 3xG Turkish rugs. Can be made into 12-foot runners. 304 For est Grove. Or. f ASH Medical books, cysiascope. oiooa count apparatus, etc AO 2.8. Orego nian. SUITS to order cn easy payments Unique Tailoring Co., 104 Fourth St., bet. Wash, and Stark. USED APPAREL secured from wealthy ladies, reasonaoie k h.. ho. e. uu gan. Montavilla car to 39th. Tabor 2825. FOR SALE Strawberries, raspberries and varieties of black caps, reasonable Sell. 2332. 5S03 Woodstock ave.. Portland CEMENT laundry tubs, guaranteed; buy direct from factory. The Duplex, 314 r.ast Washington st. SPLENDID values in ladies' slightly used furs, dresses and coat. Call after 10 X. M-. East 2940. ONE-sack concrete mixer with side loader "for rent or sale. Monr Machinery Co E01 Lewis bldg. Main 1S3L BOOKKEEPERS' desks snd stools, 1 roll-top desk and chairs. 1 11 at-top desk. Bushoog & Co, 91 Park iL FOR SALE 54-inch roll top desk and chair. $80. - Empire Transfer Co.. 254 Broadway. Bdw 155. HEAVY block and slab wood in 3-cord lota, 16-in. Marshall 4296. PORTABLE chicken house for sale, bar gain. Phone Tabor 3201. BEAUTIFUL royal ermine scarf, $50. AE 026. Oregon"1- PLUMBING expert, repair all plumbing. gas; very reason a o.g Jimu. ecu. n.a TWO house ladders and one jack ladder. -Tabor 3464. 4 E. 57th St. N. GRAFONOLA with records for rent. 254 Broadway. Bdwy. la. FOR SALE Cash register, safe, adding machine, showcase. 43 1st su. near Ash &AFS FOR SALE, in good condition. 3 481. Oregonian. COATS, furs, suits, gowns and evening dresses, slightly worn. Main 9567. FOR rent, vacuum cleaners, 24-hr. day $1 del. anywhere. Bdwy. 258; form.W. 1259" SECOND-HAND tents and covers for aala 1 Pacific Tent ft Awning, 1 N. 1st U FOR SALE. Miscellaneous. EVERY STAR ON YOUR DOLLAR TWINKLES HERE. CARPENTER HARDWARE, SPECIAL. Reg. Sale PritM. Price. .Panel saws ...$2.50 $1.50 Atkins hand saws 3.50 2.25 Atkins rip saws 4.00 2.50 Hammers . 1.25 .95 Ratchet braces............ 2.75 1.65 Hand axes. No. 4 3.50 2.2 Ship axes 5.00 2.50 Lip adzes 4 50 2.25 Race knifes 1.00 .45 Top mauls 1.50 .95 Ball pien hammers 1.00 .50 Carborundum wheels 2,50 LOO PLUMBERS TOOLS. 10-inch stlllson 1.75 1.40 14-inch stillson 2.50 1.95 Brass blow torches .10.00 7.00 Coppered blow torches 9.00 6.25 Stocks and dies, to 1 In. .10.00 8.50 BLACKSMITH TOOLS. Second-hand forge $ 9.00 1 anvil 10.00 Post drill -helf fed 13.75 1 swedge block. No. 179 6.50 CHICKEN, LAWN AND FIELD FENCING. Barbed wire; Just received a large ship ment direct from factory, see us we- fora you purchase. We carry a complete line of garden hoes, rakes, shovels, cultivators, posthole disreers and auKers. wheelbarrows. A few wheelbarrows left at $3.50 each. LOGGERS', MILL AND WOODCHOP PERS' TOOLS. We handle a complete line of cable a VI l. fc. .V navain MklfldlnC tOngS, wedges, sledges, axes, both new and used, at very low prices. MILLMEN, You are running no chances on buying -vi.a from us. Every piece )tf.A boueht here is absolutely guaranteed as represented. One only Ihk Morse Fairbanks engine, for sale cheap, $32.50. Agency for the Vaughn drag saws. Let us demonstrate to you. SIMONDS CROSSCUT SAWS. A few left, damaged by rust, at a big saving. NOW IS THE TIME TO SPRAY. We handle a complete line of Meyers spray pumps, the kind every child is familiar with. Meyers' Little Giant J3-25 Myers' Bucket Pump i7' .Meyers pneumatic compressed air, can spray with adjust- ' able nozzle $7.45 EVERY STAR ON YOUR DOLLAR TWINKLES HERE. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE COMPANY, 221-223-225 Front SU Main - 9072. FOR SALE Mans Chinook bicycle, ana an electric heater; uicycie for $25 cash; electric heater is brand new, cost $12, will sell for $8; a storage battery also for $5. Call Sunday be fore 11 A. M., or weekdays between and 4 P. M. 547 E. Pine st. Phone East 6005. NEW TYPE GRAFONOLAS. We are offering latest style model E2 Grafonoias, all finishes, selling for $120 on terms of $3 down, $o monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. JUST THINK. $5 down and $5 monthly buys any new Grafonola, Edison. Victrola or Brunswick up to 12i Large shipment just re ceived. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., ,;.-U Alder. . NEW moleskin scarf, 10 Inches Wide, 60 lncnes long. w, mo. w and $i cash; also moleskin and fox muff, $50; a great bargain. Marshall 33; Hi. ar-:a.iv in ned sewinK machines, all drop heads and cabinets, all in good sew ing order. $15, $18, $25. 172 3d. near Yamhill. . rnvn Rld and coking oil, 60c for nnnrt un lUr KtllU(. -s, aa- heating stovu, $'; new corset, size 22, $1.50. 311 Montgomery LADIES' and gents good ail-wooi dom ing for makeovers; iauiv nhnes. handsome sold picture frame. cheap. East 7267. TJTTta uix.v. awn S & W. side ejector 6 ni:h barrel, orana new, to mm.c ." holster, belt aud ammunition. 3rt0.". Tabor SNAP 4-burner Reliable nign-oven sas range, u; win tul " v simile bedes, v. iolii vc. t. . FOR SALE Motion picture camera and triood. Call or address 550 Couch st.. Portland, Or. GENTLEMAN'S Open-face gold watch and chain, splenoma iiiih-imim-c. 1OU0 Belmont st. Tabor 9084. SPEEDOLINE $10 a cane, 12 cans; get more miles to your sanuu vi - 591 8. THREE 8-foot and two 5-foot fioor show- cases with beveled-edge glass tops. A E. AUSTiJN, ou neiene, FOR SALE One 120-egg Mandy Lee incu bator, good condition, $12; call Sundays only. 1a. J. r osier, rvecunnp, vi. SINGER sewing machine for sale cheap. Call Marshall 1432, ask for Mrs. Rose brook. TWO Axminster rugs, reasonable. Call Monday or before 1 P. M. Sunday. Phone Tabor 2483. FOR SALE Wicker baby buggy, good as new. worth $55; price $40. Phone Tabor 7074, Monday. - FOR SALE Genuine wicker baby buggy, Al condition. Main 6292. 234 Lin coln st. BUTCHERS Birkenwald's fish box. meat block and butchers' fixtures, cheap. 9 Butchel ave. STURGIS folding baby buggy, oriole and walker, almost "new. 3o4 E. 37th st. Tabor 2893. ' FOR SALE: Electric coffee percolator, electric lamp; 1 want a wardrobe trunk. East 208. ' . WHEELER & Wilson sewing machine. No. n f rst -class condition; price $25. Tabor 9338, MUST SELL Pair of dark brown shoes, size 52, for $6.50. Tabor 6313. PEANUT roaster, corn , popper. No. 6, $75. 635 Thurmanst. Cre tor's. BABY'S buggy and bed for sale or trade. 430 East Bryant st. Woodlawn car. $150 DIAMOND, karat, at a bargain. BF 034, Oregonian , LADY'S genuine leather motor coat, size 36-38; good bargain. Tabor 2825. FOR SALE 3-hole gas range, good con dition. Tabor 2270. SMALL coal heater and sale cheap. Tabor 3285. gas stove for DIAMOND ring, 4 -k. ; taken at once, $185. fine white stone; Marshall 5240. FOR SALE Oriole buggy, in good con dition, $10. Call at 40 Columbia st BURROUGHS adding machine, first-class condition. Bdwy. 1198. 384 Stark st. SHOES Size 5. white. $4; pumps, black. $4.75; ballet, white. $1. Ma.-. 2568. FOR-SALE New navy bule $65 tricotine dress, size 38; bargain. Tabor 1493. REED BABY BUGGY, ALMOST NEW. $22 840 E. ASH. 9 WELL-BRED New Zealand Red rab bits for sale, $7. Phone Main 3559. GOOD stereopticon very reasonable. 7019 5oth ave. S. It-. ORIENTAL rug. little used, for $165. Cost $400. looi 4tn st.. room a. FOR SALE! Beautiful black ostrich plume. BJ 332, Oregonian. 3 MONTHS Vlavl treatment, $25. Origi nal price $49. E. 6125. CHEAPEST wood in town, dry and green. Call Mar. 4296. NEW dress suit, size Phone Tabor 4672. 38, price $22.50. WOOD snd coal range, new water coiL Tabor 2731. NICE hair switch for sale cheap. Apply 532 East 50th st. North. Call Monday. BLACK fox animal fur. $15. E. 1916. FOR SALE Bicycle for $16. 548 Taylor st. FOB SALE. Mteceilueoos. NOTICE. LOGGERS. MILLMEN, CON TRACTORS, J. LEVE. 189-189-191 Front St. Do you want to bring down the high cost of wire cable, tools and supplies? See Leve and you will know how it is done, for his prices are far lower than anyone else in the city. Below is only a small quantity of the many thousands of articles we carry In stock: WIRE CABLE Over 100.0O0 feet of new plow steel cable, the best that is made, 6-19, various sizes, fc-mch, a inch. fc-lnch, S-incfa and ll-lo-inch; long lengths from 1000 feet up to 4750 feet long. If you need , any cable, see us first, as no one can compete with our prices; also besides the above we carry in stock over 60,000 feet slightly used plow-steel cable, various kinds and sizes, long pieces, at greatly re duced prices. Good price this week on the roofing paper. New and slightly used cable from ' H to 1 plow steel; also A-l condition lugging Jacks; also all carpenter tools. Price reduced until first of March. BLOCKS. Steel, snatch, tackle ana wood blocks at low prices. CHAIN BLOCKS. We carry in stock the following sizes: fc-ton, 1-ton, 1-ton and 2-ton at reduced prices. CHAIN. Large quantity slightly used chain, various sizes, at low prices. PEAVIES. Over SO dozen new peavles en band at low price. Pulleys, shafting and boxings, large quantity on hand, various kinds and sizes at lowest prices. Also a large quantity of slightly used pea vies at a low price, GEARS AND PINIONS. We have a large stock ot gears and pinions at a low price. RUBBER BELTING. Large quantity new and slightly used rubber belting, four, five and six-ply, at reduced prices. CARPENTERS, TAKE NOTICE. Big cut in hardware prices this week in the folio wings goods: Hand saws. Jack planes, smooth ing planes, draw knives," hand axes, steel tapes, braces, squares, auger bits, carpenter hammers, wood chisels and all other tools in the store at greatly reduced prices. If you need any tools, see us first, as our prices are far lower than anyone. WOODSMEN, TAKE NOTICE! ' We carry in stock at ail times a large quantity new and slightly used Simonds' Royal Chinook crosscut saws, swedged and filed ready for use; also wedges, split ting mauls, axes, falling wedges, gluts and other woodsmen supplies at prices lower than anyone in Portland. DRILL STEEL. Large quantity octagon drill steel at a low price. LOG JACKS. Just made a large purchase of Hercules log jacks. The largest assortment in Portland. Buy all you need at a low price. Anvils, vises, champion forges, blowers and blacksmith supplies. We carry a large stock at low prices. ROOFING PAPER! PAPER 1 ROOFING Big reduction this week in price on our well - known wear - well brand quality roofing paper. Just received a carload fresh from fac tory, 108 square feet to the roll; has nails and cement in each roll; made extra strong for western storms to stand the roughest weather; 2-ply, $1.90 per roii; 3 ply, $2.40 per roll. Mail and telegraph orders answered same day as received. J. LEVE, 189-189 -191 FRONT STREET, Main 519S. EDISON DIAMOND POINT AMBEROLA. Fine full cabinet sized Edison Diamoud Point Amberola, taken on larger ma chine, and 1U0 records. This machine plays 2 and 4 minute records; has au extra diamond point reproducer; all cost about $235; price $100, $25 down, $6 monthly. Hyatt ,-Taiking Machine Co. 350 Aider. 1 HAK several diamonds that have been left with me by outside parties to be sold, iou can buy tticm for 2. per cent less than the wholesale cost today. MILLERS CLfc.AKl.NG HOUSE FOR DIAMONDS. 355 Wash, st.. next uoor Majestic theater. SOME folks say diamonds are high, but one would hardly think so if they would slop long euougD to compare my prices with regular prices. Miller's Clearing House tor Diamonds. 355 Washington st-, next to Majestic theater. HAVE 2 taffeta silk jackets, size 40, never been worn, tan and gray; 2 evening drosses, taffeta silks, champagne and green; 6 yards of black accordion pleat ed chiffon, 2-hole tireless cooker. Mar shall 4549. Call Monday. D ARDAN E LL A IN STOCK AGAIN We have just received another ship ment of the popular record, Dardanella. Supply limited. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. BARGAINS Pair lady' shoes, $2; win ter coat. $3: plush hat $1.25; all good as new; also vibrator, $12, cost $20; medical battery, $5. 802 1 Vaughn st,, after 10 A. M. REVOLVERS, PISTOLS, GUNS SOLD, BOUGHT AND EXCHANGED. BEAUREGARD'S. 702 Main st. Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE Special price on two party gowns, one green and one canary. Circle Kxchange, 415 Fliedner bldg., 10th and Washington. Phone Broadway 220 ONE LANG RANGE, 5-fL top. double oven; used 4 months; good as new. J 15-ft, high lunch counters, 1 National cash register. 269 Alder st. LEAKY roof, eh? Very aggrevatlng. Why not a permanent and comfortable roof? We repair and Rubber Bond leaky roofs; work guaranteed. Main 7776. LATEST styles, full dress, tuxedo suits, also silk hats for sale or rent at Barell's clothing store, 61 Third. Multnomah ho tel bldg. ' SAFES New and second-hand; some with burglar chests, at reasonable prices. PACIFIC SCALE SUPPLY CO., Broadway 1966. 48 Front St HEAVY block and slab wood mixed. 16 in.. $8 per cord, aeuvereu. ueuerai nauiing. 507 Clay sU Mrs. Robert Lind. Mar shall 4296 FOR SALE 1 steam table; 1 restaurant gas range; 1 email gas range; a eiectric sweeper; 1 heating stove. William Sher man 122 16th street. SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER. First-class Smith Premier Typewriter, only $45; $10 down, $4 monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 350 Alder. DIAMOND RING, k, would make nice engagement mis- "i uii-e inr $150. No dealers. AC 509, Oregonian. FIN E slab wood $4 per load, stovewood $4.50 load. nanes w . ac.uoser, Mtz East Burnside st. Phone East 3514. BEAUTIFUL mahogany finished daven port lamp, aiso snaaes raaae 10 or der. East 317. DESKS, SHOW CASES. REGISTERS, SAFK, Ktif khjH.xva.a Jta, ruuiAiix. 242 SALMON. DIAMOND RING. 4 k, would make nice engagement ring, $50. No dealers. AH 63. Oregonian. DIAMOND RING, lk, beautiful blue white stone; will sell $425. No dealers. AH 62, Oregonian. WILL SELL complete auto and gas en gine course at a reduction. Ogle, East 3273. ALMOST new plate-glass china closet; worth $50, will sell for $25. 820 C'olon- lal ave. . DIAMOND 2-karat, blue-white; leaving city, must sell at once at a sacrifice. AB 71, Oregonian. STAMP collection. 1000 varieties, 1S9S In ternational stamp album: collected about IS years ago; $10. A 326. Oregonian. FOR SALE Gas stove, good as new. Ta bor 2943. DIAMOND Perfect stone, 80-100; a big discount for casn. aiv iregoman. FOR SALE New lot coat and garment holders, cheap. Address 1570 E. Everett. FOfCSALE Ice cream sandwich machine. Call East 5400. FOR SALE Mahogany wall cigar case. Hol t hoteL FOR SALE. HisacUaneoua. U. S. ARMY SHOES. arm chocolate 35. 000 pairs u- . ' , r, " marching and field, welt and meta fastened shoes. inese .t. ceptional values, being anutfac!ar5 irom tne ntgaeni b' - . tainable. every piece being inspected 1 fore being assembled, and each shoe 1 ing subjected to a aeries of Inspectlo They are as near a waterproof shoe can be oDtainea. smi practically indestructible. The chocolate shoe will take a very fine polish and will help the man needing a e"li-re" or ouwug save m uu - MTJNSON LAST CHOCOLATE MARCHING SHOE. 18.2. MTJNSON LAST FIELD, WELT AND METALLIC FASTENED, $7.60. SHOES RUSSET. RECLAIMED, $. These shoes have all been repaired, re polished and are in very good shape, be ing an extra good value for $3. Also a great many articles in CLOTH INi and f UUi) onjrra ie v A prices which are from 50 to 200 cheaper than any similar j V ' , the commercial market. The following a rpw t .m In KTlVK. UCIilB HrV A A" AH ?T VI vaawD tt XTiv-TTrc wnAi. ln POTT ON MIXED (SINGLE) 3.50 HfinTH. RUBBER. HIP 5-25 TTXTT1 TT TT TJC CAR nil VlTlds both summer and winter from 50e to.. 1.00 TOWELS, HUCK. NEW, each 20 CANS, GARBAGE. NEW 3.00 HATCHETS, CLAW. NEW 1.00 MATCHES, SAFETY, per pkge 08 TIACON. ISSUE. SLAB, per lb 20 BACON, in cans, 12 lbs. each 2.75 BEEF. CORNED, 1 lb. each 23 BEEF. ROAST. 1 lb. each 29 EXPERIENCED SHOE SALESMAN WANTED. Apply to assistant superintendent Monday. U. S. ARMY QUARTERMASTER RETAIL STORE. Entrance 5th and Pine Sts. (old Mar shall Wells bldg.). This Is the only bona fide store In Portland operated by the Unitel States government. PLUMBING. Plumbing jobs done quickly and effi ciently at reasonable prices; workman ship guaranteed. MKKKO METAL WORKS. Phone East 1954. 161 Russell st. BURROUGHS ADDING MACHINE. First-class Burroughs adding machine, adds to 99,990.99: wide carriage, stand; price $125, $25 down, $10 monthly, or w ill rent for $10 per month. Hyatt Talking Machine Co.. 350 Alder. SEWING MACHINES. We are disposing of a large number of late dropheads, all makea; priced at $15 to $30. Machines rented, $3 per mo. SINGER STORE, Moose Bldg., 193 th St. Main 6833 MAllTV-POST BED AND DRESSER. ttANGE. SIX LID. COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH. SEWING MACHINE. 1572 BELMONT. TABOR PS24. HOT-WATER tanks. 30-ga).. $7; 40-gal., $!, tested and guaran teed ; stove and furnace coils, gas heaters Installed; ex peit plumbing, repairing. East Side Welding Shop. 203 Adams. St. East 8516. SAFES Fire and burglar-proof safes, new and tecond-hand, st right prices, bought. sold and exchanged. NORRIS SAFE A LOCK CO.. 105 Second St. Phone Main 2043. SODA FOUNTAIN complete, small and large National cash registers, candy and cigar floor cases, wall cases, refrigera tors and number of other fixtures; low price. 1 safe. 242 Salmon. Main 342. DICTATING MACHINES, vw -nrf Hornnd.hand. bought, sold, ex chan ired. rented and repaired, 316-18 Henry bldg. Main 2350. FOR SALE Vacuum cleaner in perfect condition, cost $125, will sell at a big sacrifice. Call at 210 Commonwealth bldg KITCHEN steel range, coal or wood, with coils, good parlor organ, amo .-u nuius red rabbits, iaii uiatsop v, own wood. ONE-FIFTH horsepower A. C. motor: em ery wheel stand with two wheels, cheap. 4S40 84th street Southeast. Ei.RnTHIfi vibrator, lanre size, practical ly new with extra equipment. 775 Johnson st. Marshall 3334. LARGE Dentley vacuum cleaner, first- class condition. ,4 ivearney st. main 9041. FOR SALE A few large bronze turkey toms, reasonable. Mrs. S. M. Heath, route 5. box 118, Vancouver, Wash. ADDING machine, first-class condition, $75. Call Monday. 204 Hippodrome Theater bl d g. TWO new tires. 30x4 4. guaranteed 60OO miles, 3o eacn. zu a wetland Didg. Fifth and Washington. SOLID Fisk tire, size 32x3 brand new Cost $31.50. will sell for $20.50. 444 Stark st. FOR SALE Reed sulky with reed top. 348 Clay street. IS YOUR elevator running as it should' If not call East 8610. IF YOU wish your house wired or elec trical repair work done, call East 8610. ELECTRIC vacuum cleaning In your home 85c a rug. Call East 1508. VACUUM cleaners so!d, repaired, rented, exchanged bought. Bentley Co. Mn. 4907 CHINESE embroideries, scarfs, mandarin coat, brand new. Tabor 3269. MANNING BURNER FOR SALE. Tabor 8136. 85-EGG INCUBATOR FOR SALE. WDLN. 3 5 1 3. 22 DIAMOND D watch fob. $160. AR 482. Oregonian. MAN'S full-dress suit, size 40. cheap. 5004 33d ave. CLOTHES pressing machine, table and extra boards. $30. 215 Grand ave. N. SUIT of clothes for young man, good con dition, very cheap. 630 E. 58th st. N. SECOND-HAND lumber, windows and plumbing for sale. East 1S97. FOB SALE. Miscellaneous. BEAITTTFTTL mshoranv Vlctrola tVPO Pri nogrrph. slightly used, but jut like new. Felt lined filing cabinet contains 2 selections of choice record a Whe new this cost $150. Owner wlu actual discount $60 for Immediate rpot c ml a. Oa disnlsv third floor. Ellers M sic bldr.. Phono axach Department, 2H7 Washington at., below 5th, or telephone Jam uzs. COMPLETE outfit for printing, develops photographic cards. Consists of motor- driven printing machine and dryer. tanks, develonlntr crates and 500 valu able negatives Inquire room 600 Ore gon puig.. oth and oaa. THREE rstaura.nt ransea 1 lot of rei taurant disht-s, 1 Dayton computini sea e. 3 candy maker s copper Kfttir: Detrlck. 609 Mala sL, Vancouver, Wash. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday. LOOSE-LEAF ledger, cheap. Mar. 1050, FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES. USED CARS WORTH LOOKING AT. K-paasenger PAIGE, like new; guaranteed first-class con dition 81150 Hot-8pot CHALMERS, per fect condition, newly paint- 191T FORD, thoroughly ewer hauled and repainted 97 1913 FORD, ma rary ttttte.. 471 Baby Grand CHEVROLET, a real snap at. TIB New Anderson, need as a demonstrator, run 600 miles; at a snap. We have put prices en tbeso cars to move them and they are worthy of your attention 'If you figure on a good used car this spring. We will make especially terms on any of them. Open Sunday, 10 p 4. INTERSTATE MOTOR CO, . Ill 13th SU bet. Wash, and Stark. USED OAK-LANDS WINTER PRICES. To acquaint buyers with our new lo cationi A fine selection to choose from. TOURINGS. ROADSTERS. SPEEDSTERS From $400 Up. CASH or ttASK TERMS. ALSO OTHER STANDARD MAKES at SAC RIF1CE PRICES. These cars are the pick of the many offered ua Our guarantee with each car. Select a good used car, now, and maek your auiomouue investment pleasant and profitable one. THE WILLAMETTE OAKLAND COMPANY, NEW LOCATION. BROADWAY AND FLANDERS ST. PHONE BROADWAY 4184. OPEN SUNDAY ALL DAY. 1 . 1 hv.rtv i-hummv roadster in fine con dition, this car naa junt Deeu repainteu una luokM iiKc llcw: has 6 tfooii Urea and is a bargain. l'Ji8 inouel; will give good terms, mono Aiaisnau .100. 1917 OVERLAND touring car, first-class mechanical conditio, gooa paint sou 1 1 re tor Kuie bv ow uer : Soartf. eay t. iina. 4ul5 btb st. U. E. or caU Tabor 619L, loit SALE or trade for boat. Master bix Chalmcre, good rubber, motor lu iirsi viiLHH condition. A mccoanic or unt that knows a good motor would take this snap. Phone bell. 3b0. HUDSON super-six or speedster; 90-dy iriiuriaiitee: Hist out Ul Dalllt snou, m real ttuiutnouue with a reputation for ut-rioi maiice and endurance. Phone iain 4028. ATTENTION, :.rirtKHMf.. a.u lOGGKRS. 1 waui work lor lour 3-lon trucks to Haul logs or (umber oy contract, au Sellwood 3l. All W. oregonian. COULD use a late model motorcycle as partial payment 00 iuh.u vr. aivu way 360&. miy 5-PASSE.N'GER Buick. five cord Urea, bumper, spotlight ami cioca. 1 ne car looks ana runs like a new one, i.iwv cash; no trade considered. Phone Main 10U2. OVERLAND 90, LIKE NEW. ONLY RUN Wi ajL 1'Ahd FORD AS FIRST PAY- ML.NT. CAUL MAIN 7340. 1917 FORD in first-claws shape; good top; plate gias in rear; good tires, uemouut auie rims; 430 casn. Win. S. Kcuucy. ancouver, waah.; R. 2. box 119. $550 WILL buy 1118 Chevrolet, best buy in the city, new tires and overhauled. assoiuteiy peitcct conuitioa, terms, stain 2U18. L'SEO CAR SALE, corner Vancouver ave. and Russell St.: 1 Cadillac, 6-pans.; 1 Alco, 3-pas.; 1 Velle bug, 1 Studebaker Six, 1 oweriana; an gooa ouy. 1917 DODGE touring, one of those good Dodges that are so hard to get ; you save money on this car at $80o; lenns. Phone .Main -tu-s. n 1 1 tS( i v nuDxr six roadster In fine con dition, has new top and Just repainted; will guarantee it mechanically and give terms. Phone ttarsnau 101a. SOM'KBuDY better grab this; have fer a lew days only juia aiuueoaaer cuimm, mechanically penect; 4oU. with some terms. 3 Grand N. FORD car, 5-pasa; 4 new -tires, two ex tras; thoroughly overhauled; runs per fectly; looks like new; cheap for cash, 506 E. 3Qin st. S. Richmond car. HLPMOBILE One of the big ones, a good car and at a low price, will sac mice and give terms; phone Marshall 1950, Apt. 42. BUICK, 1918, 5-passenger. run 7000 miles; you will have to act quick if you get it; leaving city uonuiy mui, ouj. $4O0. CADILLAC, 14, excellent condition; good service car; $525. Motor Inn Garage, 0 B. Burnside st. p.. bta. HljfMOBILE touring, fine condition; good tires, new top, new paint; $495 terms. $475 cash. Sellwood 1231. 1918 OAKLAND roadster; cord tires, one . extra new tire, new paint Job. car in first-class condition. Call E. 7094. for SALE Lisht 5-passenser car. $225: good tires ail around ; good running oruer. ivo ct. .olu - MY Maxwell needs overhauling; will do automobile or sign painting In 1 change. Wain. 5391. MAXWELL Perfect running order; Just refinished; 5 good tires. See it today at 790 Kearney St. Main 6570. FOR HALE by owner, going east, a Buick roadster 6, good condition. BF 524, Ore gonian. ovrr t.a N'D tourinc. in ftn mechanical Condition, goou urw, .. 1 nrm. v Grand ave. a or in, near nurnatae. BUICK six, fine condition. Tabor 4460 or 630 Eajtt 58th street North. FOR SALE Delivery body for Ford road ster. 434 Morrison st., room 8. BUICK 4, good condition, good tires. 854 Clinton st. CHANDLE R chummy roadster, fine con dition: Wire w-ufjT-aa. v-an - w. 1917 MAXWELL. Al CONDITION, FIVE TIRES. .VI03 .swim Ave., p. r. FRANKLIN roadster; new cord tlren: car in IlTBl-Ciaos V" FOR wAl.K ArTOMOniXJCa. Al AUTO WORKS A FAINTTrfOl COMPANY, St ALDER ITRCBT. today Ajn six vaitnn rum automobtl s b ow WEEK Wl ARB OtTBRlNO BOUM EXCEPTIONAL BAR GAINS IN HIOH-ORADB tTSVD cars, rr too ari thin ki no OF" BUYING A CAR IT WTLL FAT YOU TO CALL Ef AND IN- tkct our rrocac. Wl MAER LONG, VAST TERMS. JUST A SMALL PAY MENT DOWN. LATE 1018 OLDtnfOBYLB -PASS. ROADSTER. THIS CAR DJ LI KB NEW Df APFBARANCE AND MECHANICALLY GUARAN TEED THROUGHOUT. IT WTLL STAND INSPECTION BT ANT EXPERT. WE WILL BJBTX TrTlS CAR FOR $mO AND stAKB ANT REASONABLE TERMS TO WUTT. VBW CARS or THE IAMB TTFB aELL FOR ALMOST DOUBXJL BRrSCOV TOURINO, JTJFT COMPLETELY OTERHA OLIO AND RE FINISHED LJXS NEW, THIS IS THE BEST BUT Df A DEPEND A BLE UGH 1 WEIGHT CAR ALMOST NEW IN THE CITY. WE HAVE PRICED IT AT $630, WITH ONLY A SMALL PAYMENT DOWN AND WILL GIVE YOU YOUR TIME TO FAT BALANCE. WIS MAXWELL, IN TTTE BEST 07 SHAPE; SCARCELY CAN BB TOLD FROM NEW. OUR PRICE IS JUST ABOUT ONE-HALF THE PRICE OF A NEW ONE, AND BELIEVE ME, MAXWELLS ARB GOOD AND DEPENDABLE AND YOU CAN AVERAGE 20 MILES TO THE GALLON OF OAS. AND THEY TAKE FORD-SIZE TIRES, SO THERE YOU ARE. $650 FOR THIS GRAND LITTLE CAR. 11 CHEVROLET TOURTNQ, RUN LESS THAN 5000 MILES AND HAS NEW SET OF TIRES READY FOR ANOTHER SOoO MILES. BUT THIS 05 PER CENT NEW CAR FOR $725 ON LONG, EAST TERMS. 1918 OAKLAND SENSIBLE SIX., LIKE NEW IN EVERY WAY BUT THE PRICE. THESE ARB GREAT LITTLE CARS AND CAN BE OPERATED AT A VERY LOW COST. $880 CASH OR EASY TERMS. I9I8 SAXON, ANOTHER FINK LIGHTWEIGHT TOURINO CAR READY TO GO ANT PLACE WITHOUT SPENDING FIVE CENTS, AND TUB PRICE IS ONLY $850; EASY TERMS. 1918 DODGE BROS. TOURING. ITS NOT MUCH USE TO TELL YOU ANTTHTNO ABOUT A DODGE, FOR ALMOST EVERT SCHOOL BOY KNOWS THAT THEY ARB GOOD CARS THIS I fl EXCEPTIONALLY GOOD THROUGHOUT AND IS EQUIP PED WITH CORD TIRES, AL MOST NEW, OR AT LEAST GOOD FOR "8 TO 10,000 MlI.EH. OUR PRICB ON THIS OOOI) DODGE IS $075 CASH OR TERMS TO SUIT YOU. 1918 GRANT. THIS IH A ' LIGHTWEIGHT SIX-CTLINDKR CAR, IN FIRST-CLASS MECHAN ICAL CONDITION SUCH AS WK CAN GUARANTEE; PAINT. TIRBS, TOP AND EVERYTHING GOOD. THIS IS AN EXCEP TIONAL BARGAIN AT $t!M, WITH SMALL PAYMENT DOWN AND LONO TERMS ON THE BALANCE. MA I BOH LM SEDAN, BRAND NEW, NEVER USED. THJS IS A GRAND LIGHTWEIGHT SE DAN, WITH A SIX-CYLINDER MOTOR, 82x3 TIRES AND CAN BE OPERATED VERY ECON OMICAL. THIS IS THE ONLY ONE WE HAVE LEFT AND WILL SELL IT FOR $1600, CASH OR TERMS. 1018 BUICK. T-PASS., ME CHANICALLY AND IN APPEAR ANCE GOOD THROUGHOUT. THIS CAR HAS BEEN USED AROUND THE CITY BY A VERY CAREFUL DIRVER. WHOEVER BUYS IT AT $1250 GETS A REAL GENUINE BARGAIN THEY SELL FOR $2000 OR MORE NEW: ANY REASONABLE TERMS ACCEPTED. 1918 ELGIN. IN THE PINK if CONDITION; JUfiT OVERHAUL ED AND REPAINTED. $973. EASY TERMS, WB HAVE IN STOCK OVER 80 OTHER CARS, CONSISTING OF ALMOST EVERT MAKE. RANG ING IN PRICB FROH $200 LP. FORDS, CHEVROLETS, MAX WELLS, DODOES, BUICKS. ETC. A-l AUTO WORKS A FAINTING COMPANY, 823-7 ALDER STREET.