10 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND. FEBRUARY 22, 1020 REAL ESTATs. Snbarban Bomct. SMALL SUBURBAN HOMES ON OREGON ELECTRIC. MTJLTNOMAH. fin little bungalow. 4 noma sad sleeping porch, fireplace. Wth. m. electric lights; $2SOO. $800 ca-b; a snap. GARDEN HOME sere with 3-room modern house: bath, KU electricity; bearing fruit, berries; $2250. sii cash. GARDEN HOME hslf acre with 7 room ceiled hou-e, barn, bearing fruit trees: close to iUUod: 12100: good terms. METZGER acre with dandy 4-room vungalow and food outbuildings; nouse ,ia plastered; line nrepia.ee, eic; klf eanh LISTEN We bare all kinds of suburb- am homes frexn X to 10 and 15 acres don't try to find just the kind of a piaeo you want advertised; we cui sa ertise them alL Come In and tell us the kind of a plaoe you have in mind; we'll oe glad to auow you. r. O MrCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington St.. near 2d. Main 8220. ITLES FROM COURTHOTTSs?. acres adjoicnis city limits, perfectly level; 0 bearing fruit trees: about 2 acres of all kinds of berries, bal. rn clover; extra rood tt-ruom house; Bull Run water, bath and gas: barn with stanch ions for 12 cows, garage and milk bouse with concrete floors: fruit house and chicken house. An Ideal location for a home close in. Wilt bear inspection. Price $10,000. terms at 8 per cent. MITCH ELL A RJJPEY. 328-20 Henry bids. Main 2034. MULTNOMAH STATION. 3 beautiful view acres. 7 mlu. to sta tion, with 5-room bungalow. $0750. Pin 7-j-xm hunnlaw. conservatory. ttath ; 1 acre choice bearing fruit and aorubbory. 2 bike, to staiiora: reasonable. T-room house, quarter acre; fine barn; at highway; $i;o. terms, a oargain. A-room bungalow, fine loC for $1750; term and a bargain. ft-Foom bungalow, bath, basement, ra nge, chic, house, lawn, fruit; JiioO, easy terms. See NED BL'RKE. the man that de livers the goods with full value. Main 10W. 1 ACREBL'NGALOW GARAGE. Located Just east of the city limits, - n Powell Valiey road; 4 rooms and In closed sleeping porch, la the pink of condition: Just bui.t last summer: base ment, garage and chicken house: two thirds of land fenced with high woven wire; beautiful surroundings; gas and city phone. This place is absolutely clean and modern; owner going east. Price $.;vo0. half cash. See this today, Stop at the tu bouse this aide of Buck ley ave. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 KaiUay E-ch. bids. Main 6752. A BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN HOME. A very sightly location, close to Ore gon Cltv cur line auu lew bincka from grade school, H1 acies, fine roads into Portland. A strictly modern leven-room bungalur a Ith Steeping porch and den. Haruwood fioora una French glass doors opening from porch. Fireplace; every thing that goes to make a beautiful home is mere. A large variety ot fruit and beautiful shrubbery. This place is worm several tnuusaid dollars more than price atiked. Price SSooo; half cash win nanule. een by appointment only. k'LEEB A PA It K Y, First bta-e Bunk Bldg., Milwaukie, Oregon. Phone V.K Automooile Service. 12 MILES OUT. $160 ACRE. 12 miles from the courthouse, Tualatin district, on a ro.ck road, to be paved this year, ho acres, of which 40 acres in high state of cultivation, 20 acres stump pasture. 20 acres timber; good house and outbuilding. Eur a home and an investment you cannot beat this. Terms arranged if you want it. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY. 827 Chamber Commerce. Main 0624. a-ACRE, new 4-room cottage and chicken house, lo minutes' walk to car line: Just across the street from cltv limits. Price loo. 4-acre. dandy 3 -room bunitalow. ce ment basem.nt. garage, fruit trees, roses, lawn; paved road; Just outside city Ini ita. $2Soo, terms. Will take good auto as part payment 2 acres, good 5-roojrt cottage, cement basement, barn. 2 chicken houses, plenty of fruit: 3 minutes' walk from cur: close in. Price lolMi. $500 cash, balance $25 per month. THE EKED A. JACOBS COMPANY. 11H 5th t.- Main 6H60. A SIGHTLY SUBURBAN llME. Thia place is located in Milwaukie; house has 8 rooms, strictly modern ex cent furnace, bui is pi pea for furnace, large bam, chicken houses and runs; ten acres ol land, all in iruit. nearly every kind of fruit that grows here, a number of walnut trees. The income on this place is very laige, every tree In tip top shape. The place can not be appre ciated until seen. Its a beauty.- Five acres across the street recently sold for $1,500. This place can be bought for t.uu: nan cam win nanaie. seen oy appointment only. KLEKU ft PARRY. First Mate Bank Bid. Mllwaukie, Oregon. Phone lit. 1 ACRE. CLOSE IN. $1750. 5-room house and garage; all in cultivation: only 4 miles from cen ter of city, on pavtd road: small fruit and berries, first-class soil: liberal terms. D. McCHESNET. 304 Oak at. Bdwy. 200. CAN YOU IMAGINE THIS? beautiful, unobstructed view prop erty of aoout 3 acres facing on the new paved highway close in Osugo at a price of only $1000 per acre. You can't buy it for twice 'his amount in another 90 days; It's a g.rt. KASER & RAINEY. $23-6 Gasco Bldg. Marshall 3123. WIDOW'S SACRIFICE. Have recently lost my husband: will reIl mr 10-acre chicken ranch. 4-room plastered hou: fireplace: burn. chicken houses, fme sprint : fen red and cross lenced: over half in cultivation. A bar1 gain at $:i5O0. Omv it miles from court house. For particulars call 5oo Concord hMg.. 2d and Stark. COUNTRY HOME. OREGON CITY CAR LINE. One acre of good garden soli and modern 7-room bungalow, with all mod em conveniences: nnxiern plumbing, gas and electricity. All kinds of fruit and berries, close to car and school. Price only $45o. D. McCH ESNEY. Broadway 2. K04 4 Oak St. A REAL HOME & term. u in cultivation. 14 acre loganbcrrie. abundance of othT fruit, 7 room modern bunualow, partly fur nished ; fine basement: eleetrb- light;, bat h. city water: 3 rhicken houses, '2 chicken. 50 bus. what. plenty of po tatoea and wood. This place l in cit limits ol New-berg. I'noe $7tMH: terms. Mr. Mlllerahip. Alder hotel. Min 5275. " SUBURBAN HOME. Two acres of rholce land with 7-room modern bungalow; elertrlcttv. gas and water system; land eis high and sight ly, and is well drained; fine place for chickens: only 4 blocks from station on Oregon fit car ILw t'rtce only 4.rtM. P. McCH KNEV. Broadway ::4 S Oak St. BEAUTIFUL HALF-ACRE. Just outs id- of city limits, good 4 troom bouse, bath, toilet. :. electricity, water. S basement, screened porch, good b.irn and chu ken hou: $too han d thin: near car line; good soil. NOR TV ! STOCK EX.. .td and Yamhill. 8-ROOM BUNGALOW. ONLY $1250. $100 payment rives possession of this nifty cottage with half-acre; fine vtew; piped water and electric lights; county road, close to ec. sta. Call .V Concord bldg.. Cd and Stark. OSWEGO LAKE HOMESITE Beautiful tract overlooking Oswego rake; magnificent young ceilar. dogwood -nd fir: rocked road; pined water and electricity: an Ideal homesite; small monthl payments Owner. 500 Concord b:dg.. 2d acd Stirk. FVR SALE -Owner. ft -room plastered house. H-cre ground, good barn, chick en hove. 1 fruit tre-fa. all kmds of ber ries; also 1 cow. Jut fresh, some chick r.i and furniture. Maplewood. Or.. Frank Brelln. Oregon Elect, car. Maplewood wation. r s ACRE, a 1 kinds of fruit. -raom bun galow with fireplace, electric lie1: is and gas. running stream water: i-'ioo. In quire Mrs. F. M. Youngs. Sd house north Risv station. Oregon City car line. Mil- wankte. Or. ACRE. Len t . $5.".0 ; house, orchard. Aiaia -j:2. McFARLAND, 802 Yeua bldg. REAL ESTATE- Suburban Homes. BEAUTIFUL HOME AT SILVER SPRINGS. Beautiful home at Silver Springs station. Oregon City car line; new bungalow with every convenience, modern In every respect; 1 acre, all in cultivation: natural beauty unsurpassed : only 25 mln. from c;ty. Price $6500. YOU SHOULD SEE THIS. ANOTHER COUNTRY HOME. 1 acres at Courtney station on Oregon City car line; beautifully situated 7-room home, electricity, running water, complete set or plumbing, etc.; abundance of fruit and berriea Price $5500; easy terms. SPLENDID COUNTRY HOME. This Is a beautiful country home, with 3 acres highly cultivated; fruit, berriea, grapes; strictly mod em 5-room home, furnace. nre- place; a large paneled dining room, with heavy beamed ceilings and sleeping porch: finished in old English style. This is a real home. Beautiful surroundings; excellent view. A REASONABLE BUY SEE IT. $8000 terms. SPLENDID COUNTRT HOME. 8V. acres, all highly cultivated; fruit, berries; 8 rooms, with front and back porches glassed and screened; Mm. chicken house, etc. ALOHA STATION. S. P. line; on main highway. A BAB GAIN at $3200; terma A FINE SUBURBAN PLACE. At Metiger station; 2 acres In fruit and berries: good plashed bungalow. A SNAP at $3000; make a fine living on thia ONE-ACRE HOME- One acre on edge of ALBERTA: 8-room house, city water; chicken house; fruit and berries; a good buy. Price $2100; half cash. GOOD PRUNE ORCHARD. 5 acres In prunes: good 4-room plastered house: on electric line and highway. A SNAP at $3000; easy terms. SPLENDID 5 ACRES. 8 acres, all in cultivation, on R2d st road: 5-room house, good barn, chicken house, lots of fruit; deep, rich soil. A SPLENDID BAR GAIN; only $4200; terms ANOTHER GOOD BARGAIN. 5H acres at Tirard: all improve ments: (food house: stock and 1 im plements. TOl SHOl'LD SEE THIS. Price right; $4500. A GOOD ONE. A pickup: 8 acres near Gaston: fair box house. Just $1400 for quick sale; half cash. THESE are a few of the many splendid places we have for sale. We will be pleased to show them. Our 14 autos are at your bbiiv 1CE. See FRANK L. McGUIRE TO BUY YOUR FARM OR SUBURBAN HOME. ABINGTON BLDG. MAIN 108. Office Open Eve'a and Sundays. THIS is an exceptional buy and listen while we tell you about it. There are 5 big acres of land, close in to the business center of the city, only 8 blocks from the Alberta car, in the direction where the big works are located you walk on cement sidewalks from the car line to the land; this 5 acres is in orchard of full bearing of the very best va riety of fruits with 50 prune trees, 50 Hartlett pears, 50 cherries of the Bing. Lambert, Royal Ann; this is a commercial orchard capable ol paving the owner from 100 to S2000 yearly from the fruit alone. here is a good 7-room house, large barn, chicken house, prune drier and all other necessary things; the owner is disposed to sacrifice and offers this close-in valuable prop erty for onlv $8000; about half cash will handle It. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. UNUSUALLY FINE COUNTRY PLACE PRACTICALLY GIVEN AWAY. 28 acres with modern 8-room Dutch colonial home with bath. 2 lavatories, artistic fireplace, big living room, sev eral porches, complete water system, beautifully landscaped grounds and shrubbery, laid out by an expert. Ideally situated on an eminence near Tigard and Pacific highway with view in every di rection; all the land in high state or cultivation, fenced and cross-fenced, fine familv orchard, big spring with ample opportunity for trout ponds and orna mentation, good barn. etc. This place is a real producer and affords all the bene fits of a countrv home for a business man with every luxury without the usual continual expense of maintenance. Price $12,500, some terms. KASER & RAINEY. 8LS- Gasco bldg. Marshall 81 2w. , A' CITT FARM. $450 CASH. 3 acr'S. all cleared and in clover. 75 bearing fruit trees, house and chicken coops; city conveniencea available; close to streetcar, ft cent fare. This Is splendidly sit uated so that you can keep our cow and chickens, raise their feed, and a large portion of your own necessaries. Listen ! Only 82700. $450 cash and $20 month. This is just listed with us and should sell Monday. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY-. 827 Chamber Commerce. Main 5624. PRETTY HOME NEAR THE CITY. S ACRES. $4000. Attractive R-room bungalow, gas and water very good outbuildings, as good soil as you could possibly ask for: an orchard and berries: close to the paved highwav and electric line: easv min utes' ride: $4000. D. McCHESNEY. 304 Oak st. Bdwy. 200. $120 BUYS a 3-room bungalow with lOOx Ko feet of ground, garage, barn, chicken house, growing fruit and berries, near Ryan station on the Oregon Electric; $350 cash, balance on terms. i a montn. i mm m a dandy buy and good value for the money. For particulars call upon BEN RIESLAND. 404 Piatt Bldg., 127 Park St. CHOICE SUBURBAN TRACT. 1 1-8 acres with three big oak trees, li acre In cultivation; view of the river and mountains; aavod highway, near Oswego; will sacrifice for $1450. BD 944. Oregonian. a e . ONLY $40O0 for 25 big acres of land, 17 acres In cultivation; there is a big or chard, fairly good house of 4 rooms with barn and other buildings. H ts located on a good road and only 1 mile from the carllne; half cash w.lll handle it. M. J. CLOHSSV. ABINGTON BLDG. FINE SUBURBAN HOME $2400, acre. 1 mile from bautiful Maple wood station on graveled road; fenced on. two sides; family orchard and fruits; e-room hotue, plastered throughout, gas and water, concrete foundation; easy terms. - HENRY W. GOPPARD, 248 Stark St. MULTNOMAH STATION. 7-room modern houfe. new. on boulevard. All modern conveniences, including good furnace. At present rented, paying better than Xr. Terms $1000 cash, balance T. Will take auto In part payment. Apply own er. 2-H Henry bldg. TWO ACRES SIX-ROOM HOUSE. On paved road, adjoining city east side: house haa electric lights, full basement, ground all In cultivation, fenced: price $4tHM: part terms. A. H. AKERSON. 420 Henry Bldg. i-ACRE. all hi cultivation, fenced: 4-room house, lance basement. 2 chicken houses equipped for 3k chickens; garage. 1 bearing fruit trees. Place Is ploed for irrigation. Price $2500, $100o cash, bal ance easy terms. Owner. Tabor 0313. BRYANT ACRES EXTENDED. SO new block above the electric tine near Oswego lake: some front on Boone's Verry road, which Is to be paved. Get In on the ground floor. Owner. &00 Con cord bid.. 2d and Stark. ' " ACRE, all klnde of fruit. 6-room bun galow with fireplace, electric Hrhta and gas. run nig stream water: $::x. in quire Mrs, F. M. Youngs. 3d house north Risler station, Oregon City car line. Mil waukle Or. " REAL ESTATE. Suburb Home NEAR Oswego lake. H acre. 5 minutes from S. P. Red Electric station. 10 from lake; Hhade trees, lawn, water, electrieity and new aback large enough for three rooms; $1000. No dealers. AC 4t. Ore gon ian. SUBURBAN HOME6 beautiful acres, all In cultivation: 14 miles out: close to Baae Line road : good 5-room plastered house. Price :15W). terms. E. J. GE1SER, 417 Chamber of Com. FOR SALE by owner,-modern home. 24 acres, 1 block from school, 8 blocka from Oregon City car. Phone Oak Grovt 107W. , For Sale Business Property. . A DOWNRIGHT BARGAIN. $2750. A 2-story store building, 2 apartments upstairs and store and living rooms on ground floor. Basement, cement floor. In a well -established business dis dict. J. J. OEDER CO.. 4 Grand Ave. N., near E. Ankeny. $15.000 PART CASH $15,000. 2-STORY BRICK BUILDING. Tarn hill, near 3d; good for retail busi ness of any kind; possession now. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. QUARTER block, close in, on trackage, E. Water street. Owner, AB 53, Orego nian. 100x100 FEET, 21st and Johnson. Apt. site. Owner. Broadway 4683. For Sale Acreage. 75 CHICKENS AND COW. 5 acres, under high state of cultiva tion, located close to the red electric line, east of Hilisboro. near the pave ment; good 6-room bungalow, nearly new; good chicken houses and runs, ga rage, barn and other buildings. All kinds of fruit and berriea Good sur roundings: Price $3100 with the chick ens and cow included. A fine place, well located. Personally inspected. Photo at office. Marsters, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. FARM ALL EQUIPPED, ON CARLINE. 5 acres, 8-room plastered bouse, plas .tered chicken house and pigpen; all fenced, good barn and garage, 10 miles to Portland. 4 miles to Oregon City, hard-surface road, all level, good dark soil, good well and woodshed; everything goes, implements. Ford car, 1 boar, 3 sows. '1 cows, 32 chickens, 5 stands bees, 3 tons hay; house completely furnished; $475, half down; this is a good place well worth price asked. NOKD HENNINGSEN CO., 401 Stock Ex., Third and Yamhill. - SUBURBAN HOME. 10 acres. located on xood - road. 7 y miles from Vancouver. Wash. All under cultivation and part In crop; -acre strawberries. tiO bear ins fruit trees: aood 0-room house, with fireplace; well, milk nouse wun cement lounuatnn ana noor; barn 24x40: chicken house and woven wire runways, hog house. A good place well located. Price $3500 with $2100 casn. Anderson, wun jonn Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. RIGHT AT STATION. GRESHAM LINE. 4 acres, all good deep soil, no gravel or rock, fine for loganberries; 2 acres under cultivation, 2 acres in stump pas ture; good wed: 5-room house, chicken house fencing. The new highway is be ing ouilt by this place-. This is close to Gresham. Price $1100, large cash pay ment required. Personally inspected. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. ONE acre and 4-room -house, fine soil; about 10 blks. from Lents junction; only $L'JOO. 5 acres near Kendal station and E. 8Ld paved st. All cultivated, house, bear ing orchard ; only $5000. 5 acres near Luther station and city limits; all cleared and Yenced, J0OU. One acre, splendid house, shrubbery and bearing trees, 1 blk. to station on Oregon City carline, $0000, bargain. I. G. DAVIDSON, 8l Chamber of Commerce. TEN ACRES. NEAR DILLEY. 10 acres, located 2i miles from the red electric station; 5 miles from Forest Grove; all can be cultivaieu, roiling land, good soil; spring; log house 10x24, aoout boo cords of wood on the place, old fir. The house is finished inside anu shingled roof; V mile from graveled road. Price 4 TOO with $o00 casn, John Ferguson, Gerlinger oiug. SMALL, CHEAP CHICKEN RANCH. One acre, with lumber to complete chicken house with 500 chicken capacity. Equipped with electric lights, 3-room house, not all completed; 4 blocks from station; near Boone's Ferry road. This is close in, with good car service and cheap commuter's fare. Price $0O0 with $300 cash. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. RIGHT IN GRESHAM. 24 acres, located 5 blocks from the depot; all under cultivation; 25 bearing fruit trees, lots of berries; new 4-room house, city water, 2 large chicken houses, for 5O0 chickens. Price $L'000 with $l.toO cash. This is close to the paved road. Personally inspected. John Ferguson, Geriinger bldg. OAK GROVE, HALF ACRE. Alt under cultivation, with lots of berries tor family use; 5-room house, which Is tinlshed outside, but needs come work inside. This is good black soil and only hall block from hard-surfaced road. Good vva.II aiuj woodshed. Price $1350, with $iou0 cash or $1500 with $500 cash. Personally inspectei. Marsters, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bidg. 7W ACRES EASY TERMS. . On Pacific highway, $ mile from Kaiatua, asn., aoout ft DOttom tana, balance nice building Site. Not hard to clear. Will make a beautiful home. Plenty of work at Kalama all the year. Good wagea Nice place to live. Price $575. $100 cash. ESTES & MAGEE, Portland, 000 Chamber of Commerce. Salem, 428 Oregon bldg. NEAR HILLSBORO. 5 acres, located northeast of town, one mile. All under cultivation; cheap 2- room house, chicken house, good well, I oricKeu up to top; oiaca loam sou; close to main road : some furniture. Price $1050, $050 cash. Personally inspected. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. BASE LINE ROAD. NEAR CRAIG AVE. A genuine bargain, 15 7-10 acres, fac ing the paving, part has been cleared, 2 shacks, easy walk to Mt. Tabor car. To close out will offer at $550 per acre. Neighboring land has sold for $1500 and more; reasonable terms. J. C. CORBIN CO., S05-6-7-8 Lewis bldg. EAST OF OREGON CITY. 5 acres, on the main Redland road, which is macadamised; all under culti vation: k mile to school: all fine land; price $700 with $200 cash, or will sell for $075 cash. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. CITY CONVENIENCES. Quarter acre, located close to street car line : some bearing fruit trees and lots of berries, 3-room lath and plastered house, woodshed, gas. city water. Price $1000, $5oo cash. Personally inspected. Brooks, with John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. SO ACRES, CLOSE IN, TERMS. On good hard auto roed. near paving. Adjoins Damascus, 14 miles center of Portland. 17 acres under cultivation, 8 acres orchard, very sightly, best soil, especially adapted to fruit and berries. Large spring. $40Ha terms to suit. J. C. CORBIN CO.. 305-6-7-8 Lewis bldg. ON GOOD ROAD. S MILES OUT. 6t acres, located at Cedar Mills, less than 8 miles from the center or Port land. All under cultivation; good soil; small assorted orchard, 5-room house. fine well, chicken house, rabbit hutches. Price $2500. half cash. This is close-in property. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION. t-'IOO cash buys a dandy little home of tnree acres, mm o-room nouse, nearly new, bam, chicken house, garage. 60 bearing fruit trees. This is a good pay roll tow n. Falls City. Price $1600. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 10 ACRES river bottom soil, all in culti vation, part or which is in crop; some garden planted: new bouse and uear city; only $4750. See Cobb Broa. 263 Oak st. 10 ACRES on Columbia highway and river. j y mites irom cvin,er. a acres in cult., all tilable; 4-room house and small barn; no rock: gravity spring; splendid view; price $1200. Reynolds. Rainier. Or. 100 ACRES of land, some cleared, small house, ready to move in and go to. work. Free rent for several years to good man. ITU inn sc., siarsnaii sovjk " RIGHT AT STATION. 1 to 3 beautiful acres. 156 ft. from station. 10 minutes' ride. Talk with owner. Main N3S0. ACRES, half acres and lots, 2 blocks south of Hawthorne car on 71st st. Owner, Eat k0. $ ACRE tracts at Canby. $750 each, terms Buy one of these before they are all sold. Cobb Bros., 263 Oak su REAL ESTATE. For. Sad e A creage. ACRE ACE. DON'T MISS THESE BEAUTIFUL ACKiiS. 20 beautiful acres; 1S& in cultivation; fine voung orchard; cherries; applies; fc prunes; just mile from staCon; good 5-room house: plastered and papered; fine well on back porch; good barn; chicken house, all fenced; a nice place. Price $10,0to; cash, balanca 8 per cent. ' UNEQUALED ACREAGE BUI. 2 acres, ail cultivated; two houses on place; one 6 rooms; plastered and papered; with f uM , basement; one 3 room cottage ronts for $tf month; two good wella; barn; chicken bouse; all fenced and set to fruit. Onetourth mile to Oregon City car. $60004000 cash. SEE THIS. THIS HAS FINE SOIL $5500. 14 acres all cultivated; fine soil; good 7-room house; plastered down stairs and celled up; full set of plumbing; elec tric lights and gas; gaa pump and pres sure tank; full cement basement. ft mile to Oregon City car. Price $5500; H cash, ANOTHER GOOD BUY. 5 acres all in cultivation; good 6-ioom plastered house; full basement; well at house; small barn; H acre in fine grapes; 50 iruit trees; two chicken houses; all fenced. Two blocks from Courtney station on Oregon City car. Price $10,500, $5000 cash. Easy terms on balance. LOOK AT THIS ONE. 93U iiraii' 9ft in flna cultivation good house 14x20, with an L-12xl0: fair condition, fine well on place; splendid vouna- orchard. 13 years old; W miie from highway. Price $525 an acre; cash. Easy terms on balance. i;vpihii i.F.i pn RiiiCAlN. 3 acres all cultivated and fenced; fine house 30x.i2;-10 rooms; lull casement. full set of nlum bine: electric lights wash trays; good rustic barn; chicken house. This is an unusuaiiy ime pia-c Near station on Oregon City car line. Price $li,uoo;- sow casn. $5000 UNEQUALLED BUY. su crtd oil cultivated: fine soil: 8- room modern bouse with nice sleeping porch: hall: large living room luxst paneled ; heavy beamed ceilings ; con vnnipnt iHtehfn- twn bedrooms upstairs all plastered; bath; toilet; hot and cold water; electricity and gas; full cement basement with iurnace: two cnicaen houses ; one block to school ; R. F. D. store 2 mties. Concord Heights district. $8000: $4000 cash; balance 0 per cent. This ts a splendid place. $3500 ALL SET TO FRUIT. 1U acrea all fenced and set to fruit nice three-room cottage; city watei piped in house; small grocery store in ciuaing an groceries ana nxiures; warn, fin- rhicken house: near Milwaukle. Just $3500; $1500 cash; balance at 6 per cent, spienaia Duy. ANOTHER SPLENDID BARGAIN. ISVi acres finest of sol); 18 acres In cultivation; balance timber: 8 acres in Italian prunes; S years old. This place sold $200O worth of prunes In 1018 and 1010. all fenced; on fine road; two fine creeks on pluce; free city water. One mile to Newbjirg. price $10,000, Only $4000 cash. Terms arranged to suit on balance. ONE CULTIVATED ACRE. One acre all cultivated; good 5-room house on bungalow style; full cement basement: electric lights and gas; large shop; chicken house; 25 fruit trees; very fine berries and grapes. Price $3:?o0: $10H) cash ; balance contract of $25.00 per month, iou shuulu i-uuK ai THIS. We have many ether unusual buys in acreage at very reasonable term a See Henry A Croxford with FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington Bldg. Main 106& Office Open Evenings and Sundays. SPLENDID TEN-ACRE RANCH. Ten acres: five readyfor plough; other 5 easily cleared Splendid location; 1000 feet from Columbia highway; one mile from grammar and high schools: freight trucks from Astoria deliver at house daily. Splendid eoil for logan berries; strawberries and other small fruits and vegetables; ideal location for chickens; best potatoes in the world; living spring (clear cold water all thru year) on rear of place. Close to general store and oil station: railroad station and postoffice. Splendid 7-room house; new barn; new fences. All in best of condition. THIS. IS SPLENDID VALUE. Price for a quick sale only $4500. Cash $2500, DON'T MISS THIS. ANOTHER SPLENDID 100-ACRE RANCH. About half under cultivation: rich bottom land and fine fertile upland; al ways kapt in fine state of fertility by present owner for 30 years; young apple : orchard over 100 trees just coming into bearing; 10 full bearing apples; splendid i garden with loganberries, strawberries, etc.; good substantial farm house, ten rooms, running water piped from livlnt spring; large barn; woodshed; roothouse; chicken house; all other out buildings necessary to a weM-equipped farm : 2 good heavy farm horses; ten milch cows: 5 heifers: chickens;' farm Implements of all kinds; complete for dairying and farming; plenty of cut, dried wood; several tons of hay; good gravelled road; paved highway within two miles. Tele phone in house. POSITIVELY 1 THE BEST FARM BUY IN THE COUNTRY. You can step right in and commence spring work without buying one thing. Price equipment and stock complete. $15,000. Terms half cash. Balance per cent. For these and other splendid buys, SEE Henry ft Croxford with FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abington Bidg. Main 1068 Office Open Sundays and Evenings. i ACRES of good berry land; grow anything; 3 in wheat, family or , chard, berries; 7-room bungalow with built-in conveniences, hot and cold water, plumbing, line well and gas engine, garage, big barn, gran ary, poultry house: eevry thing in tlrst-class order: heating stove and ranee; located 9 miles from Port land out 82d street, on graveled road, hi mile from paved street, near school; possession at once; price $5000. $500 cash, balance mowthly. O. E. Freytag, Glad stone. Or. Take Oregon City car line. HANDSOME ONE-ACRE HOME. Best buy In the city, on East 44th st. The handsome dwelling on the property is worth the price asked and we throw in a choice acre of ground with the nicest fruit in the city. .You could not be disappointed in this purchase; 8 room house, full basement, cemented, furnace, fireplace, all modern conveni ences; right up to date. Price $6500; subject to some street assessments. On easy terms. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 North Sixth at. Broadway 4381. FOREST GROVE ACREAGE. 2',i acres, 2 blocks from city limits; l-storv bungalow, practically new mod em house: toilet and bath; house wired for electricity; gas In; full-sized base ment, large chicken house with 200 chickens, 1 brooder. 1 acre loganber ries, fruit trees on place. Very nice home for right party. Price $0500, $3000 cash, balance to suit. Address W. H. Wilson. Forest Grove. Or. LOOGED-OFF LANDS. Tract. 5 arres up. located within 30 rslles of Portland, on railroad: good soil, no rock, plenty of water; work nearby; buy oil your own terms. Prices $20 to $65 per acre. LEUDDEMANN CO., 918 Chamber of Commerce. IT CHES. house, bam -and orchard, on Oregon City ear line; $15,000; might ex change for apartment house or close-in property; river front and other acreage near Risley station; six-room house on Richmond car line; two lots Benedictine Hpiehts. H. G. Starkweather. 602 Broadway building. . FOR YOUR COUNTRY HOME Beautiful 5-acre tract; One view, on electric line; good soil, no improvements: electric. phone, water; $uoo per acre; good terms, 6 per cent. . c E. ADAMS. 507 Cham, of Com. Marshall 2575. Evenings and Snudays, Woodlawn 313-1. 5000 ACRES in southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms, low price, $5 per acre and up. Liberty bono accepted at par. Write for map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAEUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoroa Bldg., Tacotr.a. Wash. GOOD BUY X have 20 acres of level and. 2 acres clear, balance easily cleared, some stand ing timber; lies 7 miles from Vancouver; 1 mile to electric cat. My price $2500; will sell on easy terms. See owner, mornings only. 390 Hawthorne ave. WILL sell or trade for Portland property 10 acres apples and alfalfa, 2 miles from Yakima: 80 rods from electric station; perpetual water right. Phone owner, Bellwood 46. 10 ACRES, close in. al! In cultivation; warm river bottom garden soil; family orchard : new 4-room house, fair barn. Price $4750. 263 Oak st. Cobb Bros. A""BARGAIN, 66 acres, small house barn and other buildings, well fenced, best of berry land, farm Impienaents; $3500. terms. AR 449, Ore gonial 4 ACRES at Ruby Junction. 2 -room cot tage; acre cleared, balance fir grove. $2100: terms. Broadway 1658. 209 Ore gon Piag. 0 ACRES large fir and cedar, close to Gil lie station, on Bull Run line. $1800; terms 2P0 Oregon bldg., Bdwy 168. ACRB tracts, home sites on Columbia high way, racing r-anuy nfr, carina. J. c Thompson, Troutdale. Or. 2H ACRES near Base Line road; partly cleared; 8 miles from Portland; good country home. Tabor 2525. 4ACRES for sale, $400, or will rent. 253 Everett and 3d, MEAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage, RIGHT IN HILLSBORO. Nearly 7 acres, ail under cultivation, 3 acres of the best beaver dam land; fine onion land; all fenced with woven wire: well, spring and creek; city water in - house and piped for gas; large chicken house, for 500 chickens: good barn; lots of berries and some fruit trees; 300 strawberry plants; with this place goes 110 fine White Leghorn chickens, good cow, 0 cords wood, furniture, stoves, ranges, tools and crops in the ground. This is close to the high school. Price $4250 for everything. John Ferguson, ueninger oiug. 5 ACRES NEAR HILLSBORO HIGHWAY. Just off the highway between Beaver ton and Hlllsboro and near station en Red Electric, a nice 5-a ere place; all the very best soil and choice lot berries, good 4-room plastered house, chicken houses, etc. Personal: -150 Whlta Leg horn hens. 2 good cows and implements; price F2000. We have a very choice list of small acreage homes to select from. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 6th st. Broadway 438L SMALL EQUIPPED DAIRY. Located half-mile from carllne. Just outside the city limUs, good 4-room house with sleeping porch, gaa and lights available; barn for 12 cows and lots of room for hay; chicken house and out buildings: 12 fine cows, reasonably worth $1SOO, horse, chickens and equip ment. The income from this dairy is $000 per month. Price for land and everything $4000 with $3000 cash. Per sonally Inspected. John Ferguson, Ger linger bldg. NEARLY 2 ACRES on the Oregea City carllne, 2 blocks from sta tion; 60 bearing fruit trees, grape and berries; good 5-room house, good well and barn and poultry house: splendid possibilities la this place; lies nicely; property in this locality In great demand: price only $2700 ; terms. O. E. Freytag. Gladstone, Or. Phone Oregon City 269 J. CLOSE-IN CHICKEN RANCH. Half acre, located 7 'blocks from the Woodstock car: all under cultivation; lots of fruit trees; city water, gaa The entire place is piped for irrigating wun underirround water system: 4-room lath and tolastered house, Dutch kitchen. 2 large chicken house. One block from macadamized road. A nice attractive place. Price $2500 with $1000 cash. Per sonally inspected. John Ferguson, Ger linger bldg. ONE ACRE, CLOSE IN, $1750. AH In cultivation, with small fruit and berries; 5-room hxuse and garage. This Is only 4 miles from the courthouse and paved road all the way. If you know a bargain when you see it, get busy at once; photos at office. D. Mc-, CHESNEY, 304ia oak St., Broad way 206. NEAR BEAVERTON. Five acres of good land. 3! under cul tivation, all can be cultivated; nice 6 room, ceiled and papered bungalow, with eleceric lights; good well, with pump; city water can oe had ; chicken house and barn; good road. Price $.il00 with $1000 cash. Balance on monthly pay ments. This is within easy walking distance of either depot. Personally in spected. . Photo at office. Anderson, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. WAUCHULA, FLORIDA, COMBINATION SOJL. Grows Income producing crops between rows of young orange trees, trees bear crops; fine climate, schools and churches. You can own a a rove in south Florida. Our co-operative plan makes It possible. We clear. dIow. harrow and fence land. build house and barn, plant and care for trees, all on easy terms. Titles guaran teed. Write now for booklet and details. Wauchula Development Co., Box A, Wauchula. DeSoto Co., Florida. ONLY $500 CASH. TH acres, located near Clackamai, all under cultivation; good oeanng lamuy orchard; new 7-room lath and plastered bungalow, with large sleeping porch; barn and chicken house. This Is just off the pavement, on good graveled roaa. Personally inspected. Marsters. with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. Ail the time you want on tne oaiance ot tne payments. UNPARALLELED acreage bargain, close to Portland; about 24 acre, all under cultivation and fenced, 10 miles out on Capital highway; Improvements consist of fair 7-room house and old bam, also has family orchard, 3 wells and running spring; property now being uBed for truck gardening; price $10,000, with only $1500 down. HOLDEN KOH LM AN, EXCLUSIVE AGENTS, 228 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLDG., PHONE MAIN 0550. JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS. Two acres, with new lath and pi as tered bungalow, 4 rooms, right at sta tion, 8c car fare; all under cultivation; eras, city water in house. Hunts available. good road all the way. Price $2500 for the two acres, or win sen one acre and bungalow for $1600. Personally in spected. Photo at office. John Fer guson, Gerlinger bldg. 30 ACRES, JUST OUTSIDE CITY LIMITS. New buildings, running stream, fine spring, own water works, have your own trout pond, beautiful park of natural trees; paved road, on car line; this is a beautiful country home; for whole tract price is $3o0 per acre, or might sell 10 acres. v 4 acres, Oregon City line, same owner; nice place, low price. SMITH, 218 ALISKY BLDG. NEAR GRESHAM. 14 acres, on good graveled road.'.al. , can be cultivated, 7 acres under culti vation; large orchard ; some berries; good 5-room house, ceiled and papered, am and other buildings, all in Al shape; good well; offered for small pay ment down and 6 per cent on balance. Personally Inspected. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. lO'i ACRES, FINE BUILDINGS. This is one of most attractive email places near Portland, lOs acres, all in high state of cultivation, plenty of fruit and' berries; modern house with base . ment, bath, toilet, 2 fireplaces, etc.; good barn, silo and garage, also tenant's house; located at Tig a id. price $10,000, and a great bargain; good terms. LUEDDBMAXN COMPANY. 013 Chamber of Commerce. A BARGAIN IN WJflEAT LAND. I have a client who is sick and needs money who will sacrifice 320 acrea of cultivated wheat land, 3 miles from a good town, on two good railroads, fenced - all around; y is now in wheat and bal ance is under plow;, a windmill and good well and a 3-room bouse is on the place. NORTHWEST BUSINESS EXCHANGE. 428 Lumber Exchange Bid. FTVBJ ACRES. CLOSE IN, $1500. This Is a first-clas tract In every re spectfc just 64 miles from the court hooe faces paved road; 4 acres In cul tivation, on the west side, no rock or gravel and lies nearly level; $-i0 ceh, balance 6 per cent. D, McCHESNEY, 304 ft Oak st. 5 ACRES In cultivation, balance only few stumps and easily cleared; all fine land, no cook or gravel; 70 mixed fruit trees, 10 years old; good house with basement, several large poultry houses; located on good auto rnad only 3 miles from Van couver; $3200, which is less than Im provements cost. Tallmadge Realty Co , 610 Henry Bldg. 110 ACRES of tide lands with a watef frontage of 6200 feet on Coos Bay, Ore gon, including a $10,000 fck; property suitable for manufacturlnplor for an in vestment which wilt rapidPy Increase io value; price $25,000, terms half ca.-h, balance 1 year. Address P. O. boa 229, Marshfleld, Or. CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? . 10 acres, good plastered bungalow, fire place, barn, other outbuildings; fenced and cross-fenced; fine springs; half un der cultivation; only 8 miles from court house; for $3500. on terms. Call 500 CONCORD BLDG., 2d and Stark sts. 6 OR 8 ACRES, 4 miles from courthouse. mile irom ti-y -n tric line; gas, water, orchard, shacks; fine soil, all cultivated; 4 blocks to school and store; best neighborhood. Phone Woodlawn 3244 Sunday or eve nings. -- 7-ROOM modern home: hardwood floors. hot-water nenmm ""... ..-;-place: Irvinsjton district, near car; $4o0. 31O00 cash. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark st. Main 642ft. 1 ACRE, all under cultivation: modern 5- family orchard, chicken house; near high school: $"20. terms. INTERSTATE LAND CO.. 248 Stark L Main 5423. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Acreage. BEAVERTCN DISTRICT. "WHERE YOU CAN'T GO WRONG. 5 A3Ts at Elmonica, 2 Mocks of sta tion, highly improved, excellent water, good well, piped to good barn, chicken bouses for 200 chickens; 1-room shack. Price $2025. Term a 17 Acres Ten minutes on board walk from Elmonica, unimproved beautiful land, running water year around. Price $30i to. Terms. 80-ACRE DAIRY FARM at Elmonica. one-half highly in. proved in crop, other half in pasture; large barn, two good houses, 5 and 8 room a other outbuild-in-a Price $20,000. Terms. You will buy this if you see it, I.OMBAkD A KIMBALL, 402 Stock Exchange B:dg, Phone Marshall o324. - 1 LARGE CHICKEN RANCH. 8 acres. located on good rocked road, one mile from electric station and near Oregon City, 7 acres under cultivation. l acre pasture: good orcnara; gooa room house, barn, hog house, 4 chicken nouses, orooaer nouse ana z mcuuaiors room for over 1000 chickens. Watar piped to all the buildings, by gaa engine ana standing tana; one norse, a mi hogs, 8 stands of bees, 1 green bone and ieea mill and siioo worth or lumuure. Price $4600 without the stock, or $5000 lor everything. Will consider bouse in city for part of the value. Mis hie r, with John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. OREGON CITY CAR LINE AND RIVER ROAD. We have some of the choicest tracts or acreage between Portland and ore go City, from 2V acres up. See us today if you are Interested in purchasing a suburban some in ime section. . THE LAWRENCE CO. Main 6815. 205 Oorbett Bldg. WEST SIDE 12 acres under high Stale cultivation on a beautiful road, 6 miles from courthouse; new 4-room house; big nan. 4500. Prune orchard Nine acres, located In heart Clarke county's famous prune pro ducing belt, full bearing; good condition $4500: terms. River view property We own and have option on some oi tne iinest river prop erty east of Vancouver and adjacen to new highway being paved; for your country home, see me. Open Sunday. ERNEST WELLS CO.. Main 6892. 401 Couch Bldg. WE HAVE located 17 14 miles from Port land on the Newbenr-Portlend highway, a dandy piece of land containing 64 acres all in cultivation a number of full bearing fruit trees and a quantity of loganberries. A wondertul spring on the place and a gxd 6-room house with riroDiace. ferat-ciasa barn and other miiia ings, a fine J ere y cow, a number of cnicKens and xarm implement go wnn this place. Price $2a00. JOHN E. HOWARD, 811 Cuwmber of Commerce, ATTRACTIVE 8UB URBAN HOME. 24 acres, fine soil, complete set of neat buildings, close in on good road and in fine district. Price only $400 per acre, with terms. This is a very fine little home, with wonderful view and a good future. SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank bldg. NEAR OSWEGO LAKE. 1 acres, all under cultivation; good black loam soil; 16 assorted fruit trees, all kinds of berries. 4-room lath and Mas tered houje, with large attic, unfurnished. ciucinv ngnis, good weu. City Water close to this property: new chicken nouse ioidu ; wooasned and other ouilu ings; l mile to school; close to car Una Price $2150, $600 cash. Personally in spected. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. JO ACRES, located on the hard-surfaced river road iu Portland, all in ruinvunr... with sevoral acres in full bearing prunes ioj pears. nouse ana gooa chicken house. This laud has always been held for $20OO per acre, but owner needs the money and will sell for $10,000. Woutd consider an attractive Portland home in excuauge, JOHN E. HOWARD. 318 Chamber of Commerce. RIVER BOTTOM LAND. We can offer you cne of the best buys on the market today. lo acres of rich Willamette river bottom land close to Oregon City. No richer laud to be found ior potatoes, truck gardening or berriea 1-i mile . to electric jiue. Price $35u per acre. KASR A RAINEY. 823-g Gaaco Bldx. Marshall 3125. NICE ATTRACTIVE PLACE. 1 acre, all under cultivation, 25 bear ings assorted truit trees; nice level land; close to Ascot station; good road, con tinuation of East G.isan street. Nearly new three-room bungalow, ready to be plastered. Price Jlluo. $400 cash. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 3 MILES FROM VANCOUVER CITY iijuii a. . 10 acres, all iu cultivation; 5-room good house, concrete foundation, cement uaaement; good barn, chicKen house, ga rage and woodshed; finest of water; large family orchard, strawberries and grapea Price $4200, cash down $1500. McCLURE & SCHMAUCU CO., 306 Railway Exchange. Main 1603. CHICKEN RANCH. Five acres improved, family orchard, good house, gas, hot and cold water system, line chicken houses; very close to station. Open Sunday. ERNEST WELLS CO., Main 0?20. 401 Couch Bldg. GARDEN HOME ACRE, $(H)0. Owner will sacrifice fine cultivated acre with gas, electricity and piped wa ter accessible, for only $tHM, half cash. Adjoining acres sold as high as $2000. A real snap if you hurry. Phone owner. Main bl2u. ",r -o acres right at station on uregun ciectric; would make fine vnia.eu rancn; oniy sis per acre, and taau win nanuie. Open Sunday. ERNEST WELLS CO., Main OSJV 401 Couch Bldg CLOHE-IN ACREAGE 1.48 acres. no Duiidings; easily cleared; fine berry laud; want to sell quick; a bargain C. E. A D. MS, 507 Cham, of Com. 1 Marshall 2575. Evenings and Sunday. Wood lawn 3433. FOR CLOSE-IN small acreage of 1. 3 or iu acres, wun aounaance oi water, fruit and car service, I have the best and can sell the cheapest. J. W. STREIT. Broadway 1251. 446 Wash. St. FOR SALE Two acres, modern bungalow. " a c if vii itiiy, gus, cnicKen- houses, bearing fruit tr.-es; half block from O. E. station. 0 miles from Port land, good road. See owner at 1026 Chan ber of Commerce, 2 ACRES, just outside of city, all cleared, finest of soil, lots of berries. 111 fruit trees, water; not far from street car price Hboo, 5oo cash. $10 a month at 6 per cent. CLARENCE PARKER, 54J Williams ave., East 1046. METZGER STATION. One aoce In timber and brush, level . good soil; $400, $100 cash, $10 per month, 6 per cent. R. M. OATEWOOD & CO., 165 U 4th St. lln ACRES level land on Sandy river, near Sandy, garden or chicken ranch; free wood, chance of cheap living Call Tabor 1507 Sunday, call for Mrs. Morse Price $5oo. ALL OR PART20 acres choice UndTTo miles east, near Rock wood. Five acres cleared, balance cosily cleared ; or will exchnngc lor city or suburban home Address Geo. M. Ha wee, J52 E. 46th St. PRICED RIGHT TERMS. If you want best acre in city, im provements In, paid, or larger tract near Courtney, O. C. line, see Stratton, 217 Abington bldg. 4 ACRES, all cleared, very best of soil; 2- i-wuiu Biiain, vm to viinis station, on Bull Run line. $1750; terms. 20t Ore gon bldg., Broadway 1658. ONE acre fine land not far to Kennedy liiiuvi cvuki Aiu-i in tar, f uuv. i'ay S.iO own. muiuu xve-tiiy L.1J.I W, Bank bidg. 600 ACRES stump land In Oowlits county. wen wiic4cu, ! jru;uciiy a acres cleared; splendid stock -ranch proposi tion; easy terms. BJ 411, Oregonlan. FOR BALE 10 acres land In Tillamook county, 1 mile from the town of Beaver land Is In wild state and will sell at a bargain for cash. AJ 816. Oregonlan. FIVE acres near Buckley avenue and Powell Valley road; excellent soli all in cultivation. Price $2050, Owner East 588. A SACRIFICE, 16 acres, house, barn, chicken house, family orchard set out. goes for $16QQ. AR 447, Oregonlan. FOR SALE 40 acres of Hood River val Icr land, perpetual water right. By owner, Woodlawn 6371. 12 4 ACRES, partly cleared, 4 miles east city limits; $250 an acre. Phone Tabor 1 103. . FoR BALE h acre, Parkrose, bik. 23, lot C- Make an otter. BC 110, Orcouiaa, REAL ESTATE, For Saue Acres. PYRAMID LAND CO. $03-4 Title 4 Trust Bldg. Main 323a. 20 acrea. all In cultivation, river bottom land, doe not overflow, fair buildings, all machinery, tools and stock, including g Jersey cows, hogs, chickens; only SO miles from Portland; a bargain at $42O0. 22 acrea, all in eultseallon. $ acres clover, 1 acre orchard, good buildings, only 1 mile from electric line and only 2 miles from Portland; a good buy at $46541. 20 acres, 18 acres cultivmted, 12 acres beaverdam land, small house, good bam and outbuildings, creek through place, 425 sacks onions off one acre last year. W mile from electric line, about 25 miles from Portland ; price $5500. 40 acres. S acres cultivated, some bea verdam land, olentv of berries, aood house and buildings, within SO miles of Portland; a good buy at $37fto. 40 acrea all under cultivation, land slightly rolling but fine soil, good build lngs, 4 miles from electric line, about SO miles from Portland; price $KK1 40 acrea. 20 acres cultivated, some beaverdam land, young orchard, all farm Implements and tools, furniture and stock, only 23 miles from Portland; price zor quick sale $70O0. 20 acrea about all In cultivation, on county road in iood nelichborhood, some fruit, good well, new 6-room bouse, 7 miles from electric line, about 30 miles irom rortiana; price only $2MH; a bar gain. 20 acres, 19 acres cultivated. KM) prune trees, some cherries, apples and pears. oia 4-room house, 23 miles from Vancou ver; price $5ooo. 8 acres of first-class soil, all cultl vated. comfortable 6-room cottaae. ban and other outbuildings, one of prettiest places in Oregon, within 23 miles of Portland; price $4200. 4 acres, all cultivated. 1 acre la Con cord grapea, some fruit, few walnut trees, good 3-room bungalow, on Oregon City carline; price only $8500. IS acres, all cultivated, plenty of ber ries sua grapea line sou, e-room cottage, earn, close in on Oregon City car line price only $3200. 26 acres, 1$ miles from Portland, 16 acres nigniy cultivated, retr buildings price $5100. 27 acrea 13 acrea cultivated, good v-roum co use, oara, aear Waaheugal price $37oO. 15 acres, highly cultivated, good soil. fair buildings, near Uillsboro; price If yon want to buy acreage or a good a lu, sea us. PYRAMID LAND CO., 603-4 Title & Trust Bldg. Main 3232. ACREAGE ACREAGE ACREAGE. 1 am prepared to offer a few ex tra Kood buje In extra choice close in improved acreage, either with or without buildings, and aive at tractive term, on some can take good part in trade. 1 have extra largo list of close in, high-class acreage and If vou want the best at the right price. 1 believe I can please you SAMUEL DOAK 1202 Northwestern Bank bldg. . DANDY CHICKEN RANCH. 3 8-lu acrea located on the O-ogon City car line, near Courtney Hint ion, ell In cultivation, with a neit and attractive co.iage, n:ceiy painted and pa pered. young fruit trees and nil kind vi merries ana grape" for family uo. urand new chicken-house 1''.."h and fw VV ni-.e Leghorn chickens. Garden tools itnd cultivator. vm sell furniture if (jesirea. f rice 9i' 000. . J. H. ST ROHM, With JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Chamba of Commerce. SUBURBAN HOMESITES 5, 10 AND 20-ACRK TRACTS. On west side, opposite Oregon City, ovenooKing river, near Pacific highway aoon to be paved to Portland, cleared and in cultivation, deep, rich soil, city water, electricity, sidewalk and paved ruau 10 tracts, line scnools, daily dllv eries, large payroll close by, offering oiniMuj-iiit-ni; oeaumui views or moun tains; fine for fruits, vegetables and cnicaens; siiou to sauo per acre. Owner, luun npaiaing DJdg. Main 866 or Mar shall 1655. 7-CENT CAR FARE. One acre, at Garden Home, all under cumvauon; one OlocK to hard-surtaced street; close to depot; good 6-room nouse, not ana cold water, some apple, prune, cherry and walnut trees. Rose arbor. Good barn. 16 rabbit hutches, chicken houre, water piped to barn and other buildings. Price $3M0. With terms on van. junn r ergusun, Gerlinger bldg. ACREAGE SNAP. 6-ROOM HOUSE. It Will pay you to investigate this o-ucie i on nara-surr:u'ed road clone to pr.ved highway, only 20 minutes' ride by auto. Improved with 6-room houee, fi.ia water system. A very a l tractive place with wonderful unobstructed view. The land alane Is wrrtli SKKMJ per acre. A reai bargain for $t5oo. part cash down. R.ior,u ac nAi.M-.i, 823-6 Gfls-o Bldg. Marshall 3125, 10.C5 ACRE, a most beautiful tract, all in cultivation, exe'lent soil, some very rich bottom land, well drained. This land ll-;3 on the nmin county rock roi.d inree mnes sou in or csweiro. Woven wire fences and some orchard Building rn fatr condition. Price $.'5b0. $7.0 win impute. JOHN E HOWARD, 818 Chamber of Commerce. BEAVERTON BUY. Full 10 acres with 7 acres in cultiva tion. 3 acres pasture, good family or chard in bearing, all kinds of berries. dandy four-room painted cottage, new oarn, line driven wen wun gasoline en glue, splendid first -class cow and chick ens, some farm implements. This place lies nign ana signny ana is in good con dition. Price $4500; $1M0 will handle. JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Cham, of Com. ONE ACRE; 6C FARE. Well-Improved acre, nice level land, all under cultivation. Pome fruit trees. 4 room lath and plastered house. One block from paved road ; 7 blocks fiom oarllne. Price $2100 with $.oo csh. Pertonlly Inspected. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. , 80-ACRE ALFALFA FARM. Uader Hermiston government Irriga tion Hiitch, H mile from Columbia hih way, one mile from high school and railroad station; price $tO0; will take half trade In Portland or vicinity. See A. C. Galbraith. GEO. E. ENGLEH ART CO., 624 Henry Bid g, M a I n 7216. ABOUT 2 MILES CITY LIMITS. 5 acres, all in cultivation, except one half acre; 2-room house, full cement basement, 5 other buiUlngrt; on Kood rock road, four blocks from electric sta tion. This is a dandy chicken or berry proposition. Price only $2200; half cash. McCLURE & SCHMAUCU CO., 306 Railway Exchange Main 1503. WE HAVE at Evergreen, on the Oren City car line, just off the Outfield road, a dandy 4-room plastered cottage, with a large chicken house and large workshop. Buildings all made of rustic and paint ed. Full acre of ground- The price for . short time only Is $15oo. and best of all, $250 wil handle. J. 11. Strohm, with JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Cham, of Com. 24 ACRES near Springwatcr, electric line 8 miles: all level and best of unit; nearly all cleared and ready for the plow; wood road; near school; good water; $l5oo, $7i cash, balance time, 325 Lumber Each. bldg. 13 ACRES near Aloha; 33 minutes on the Red Electric, near the new paved high way: fenced and ready for planting; no buildings; 4 down und balance easy; might take good car as first payment. Ow-ier. H.I 375. Oregonlan. IF you desire to build a home ten miles out from the city close to the electric line m short distance to a good school: paved rnad to the city. 1 am the party that will assist you on a 5-acre tract. Phone East 2Q73. CHOICE tract, near electric: stream, build ings, partly improved; excellent for gar dening, berries, poultry; iu acres. $::ooo. Owner. 141 E. 60th St. N. Evenings. Ta bor 7f.5. FOR SALE Approximately 10 acres, iiioki ly in high state of cultivation, one mile from Capl'al highway. Terms $looo cash, balance 77e : will consider auto in part payment. Apply owner, 204 Henry bliig. 1 ACRE of ground with new, modern bun galow, large number of bearing fruit trees, fronting on Improved boulevard near Multnomah; $3000. For particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. SACRIFICE Beautiful 15. near Vancouver, nearly all cultivated: plastered houe. basement; $:'.250. cash $750; worth $4im.o. Owner. 141 E. 00 th N. Evenhigs. Tabor 7055. ' LARliB tract of land for sale, mile from city limits, good for residence, some very good timber, on paved road, an exceptional good buy. Y 275, Ore gonian. 100 ACRES, mostly timber, 12 A. cleared, good house, barn orchard. $85 per A. F McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg. 1 A"CRE on Estacada car line, close in, ifi in cultivation; a bargain at $050. AO 607, Oregonlan. 1 ACRE, cleared, small house, for, sale, terms, or trade for Ford. AB 20, Or gonian. BARGAIN 9 acres, close In; paved road. Main 4122. apu 24. REAL ESTATE. For bale Acreage. WELL-FURNISHED ACREAGE HOME. Ooe acre, ft minutes walk from Ken dall station and close to $2d street; ea good graveled roed: all eader cultiva tion ; Is fruit trees, some locea and biak berries, lots of rose bushes, good 7-room celled bungalow, gaa. city water aod lirht allabie: barn, garage, rabett hntchea Price $3460. with two aih grsde rugs, heater, steel rang. ran se. dinlag table and chairs, buffet. 1 rocket, so orris chair. 6 kitcaea chairs, bed, dishes, cooking utensils and wood. Persona l ly Inspected. Phote at oi lice. John Fergueoa, Gerlinger bidg. SO ACRES One soli, level, 15 miles Por--land; paved over 13 mtlee. baianco rocked. tma!l box house, good well, some fmiL For sale er real, sosne terma 80 acres. 1-3 under colttvatto. leveL good soil, fair but id tn cm, fence!, family orrhard, 1 S ml.es ts rH tat loo, 17 tn ilea Portland. $6006 equity; terms on part SH acres at Oak 6roe, 6 no building site, na rock on this, only few rods to paved county road to Oregon Cltv. Price $1250. Ttr ns Meo owner, ?2e Henry bldg., Portland. I1 At'RKS near Penimuls school and pavement Into city; will make a good proposition for part ah or will trade for other good property : must dispose of It this week,, owner. Wdln. 451 H entente do, Wellaq stsaesesae. 1-ACRE O. A C homestead: land roll ing a nd very eaai ly cleared ; c lose to school; price 1MI, 7-ACRE RELINQUISH MKKT. Tillamook county, g utiles from tho ocean, 2 miles from town; ft-roora bes house, good barn; 3 acres la eulL, 3 more slashed and seeded to graaa; fine springs; some furniture. Price $.v. 31$ hallway Exchange bldg FOR SALE! relinquishment 1M acres. goa house, barn; ditch, plenty water for Irri gation; fine outranice; suitable for stock raleing. Price $700. Address etaxtia Conger, TOT S. $th St.. Oranu Pass. Or. GOOD land la getting scare? 120 acra hoinestead rellnquisluneat, blaek loam, on road for sale Cbeap. BJ 300, Ore gontan. GOOD relinquishment for sala For par tic u I are wrt ts J. C. R usee! 1, Karl. Or. WANTED Three homestead relinquish ments R. Pykee, Oswego, Or. Florida Lands. BIG MONEY In early table grapa, Kmall investment heavy yields high pricns quick returns. At Santa Koea, Florida, they gre raising some of th fint early table grapes In the world big, rich, lus cious grapes of exceptional flavor. They arc ripe and ready for market asfora similar grnitee rte1 In California, therefore they command top notch price. In 1H10 ths same kind ef grapes sold for 20c per pound wholesale. It Is conservatHely estimated that a fully developed vineyard such as are grown at Santa Rosa will yield more than Hmh pounds of grapes per acre, whtgh, st 2"c per pound, amounts to glrtOO. These grapes begin to lar the second year and will last practically a llfotlme. De mand unlimited. Prohibition will not affect this Industry. No special skill or experience required. Grape fallurea very rare. Hafcxt. most secure and profit able Investment we know of. Santa Koa is an Ideal place to live. Finest all-ihe-year-round climate In the United States. Salt water on two slden Sunstroke unknown. Very hcalthlul spot. Gr"'d, pure drinking water. Hesi soil In Florida. Two and three crops per year. Plenty of rainfall. Irrlaa tlon unnecessary. Good schools, churches, stores, hotel and northern people no neyroes. Superb boating, bathing, fieh Ing and hunting. Lumber at w holeeais prleeii. Land prices mill low and good 10-ecre tracts available for thtwe who act quick. Beau til ul iltuxtrated litera ture, maps, etc., sent free. Also 40-acre tracts and up for gen eral farming, stock raiidng, etc., and beautiful winter home loin with water frontage. Address, Santa Ross Planta tion Co.. lOitf, 5a 7 S. Dearbortr u. Chi cago. Fruits and Nat Lands. CAon PRITNK RANCH KS. 10 acres all in bearing prunes, good little bungalow, giirage, well, about miles from Vancouver on paved road, also half interest In good big dryer, all for $0000, or the 10 acres for $5ouo. terms. 41 la seres, 30 In cultivation. 1H acres In bearing prunes In high state of cul tivation, 2 acres In lannly orchard, trees bought to phmt. 10 acres more, fine large dryer a rut store house ail equip ped for business, wood at dryer for next season's crop, 10 acres good timber, 1 miles from Vancouver. Pile $400 per acre, half en eh, W. W. WILSON CO., 5o7 Washington Street. Vancouver, asliliigion. HOOD RIVER APPLE RANCH. One of th best orchard properties In Hood River vailey Is offered for sale. Twenty-seven ecrs In ainis. prre. snd rich bottom land: has ftimoo modern bungalow. large hern and packing houee, tenant houses. spnr.g with hydraulic ram supplying water. lies been In present owner's poeelon for L- yars snd is paying good per rent on investment. Direct sala So sgente. See A U. Cutler. 353 E. loth st.. or Phone East 7332 . WALNITT'aND APPLE ORCHAHP. Si! aeren. $ miles from N'wIhtb, good hard Toad. 300 walnuts. 7."W apples. 9 cherry, all in bearing, finest soil, good set of buildings; a real producer and In high state of cultivation. This Is Iho fin est walnut and spple orchard In s'l and will pay for Iteeif In'few year a price $550 per acre, half caeh. THE KIlKl) A. JACOBS) COM PANT. 1Q4 5th St. Main ftHW j:,,hmk-10 ACRES HOOD RIVER VALLKl . s acres apples; noutte, oain. iiutr-. wnk-m. farm tools; wagon rosrt. other good buys In Hood River dletrld, finest in Oregon, at low prices. Main 3672. FRANK MeFARLANP, 6"2 Yeon bldg. INVESTMENT hi cranberry growing beats all crops; big profits, least lauor; acre age II in lied Injuring no verproductmn. Mine Is the best in the wmi, U ill de velop for you. Owner. 340 6th at. Mam 7040 6 ACRES desirable cotnmerelel apple and pear ore nam; m,ii incmmn, in-in bungalow; all conveniences, clos in, prl e right. Owner, bos 146 Hood Itlver, Oregon , fe.ACRE ORCHARD between Albany and Lehnnon. or., mostly apie trees. Non remdcfit wishes to sell Immediately. Pri $1200. For particulars call al 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park st. KOMhi splendid bargains In small farma and prone orcnarns. r. . aiihu.'-i-tnin, 114 3d St. Phone 234. Vancouver, Wash. HAVE 10 acres of B-yeer-oII ei com mercial appie orensro i'". sell cheep If taken at once. AK t..i, Orrgonlan. a"( R Ks7u ii d e r cultivation, on Willamette boulevard. St. Johns. MarhU 721. For hale Farms, STOCK ANlr DAIRY FARM. 53o acree' 7-room house, hot and cold water, toilet and hath, god harm 2ir.'. cream separator house with cement floor and cooling tank, hen and rhicken house, hog house, fruit house, cattle sh-d and implement shod : good soil and very productive for stock snd dalrv farm fenced and crof-ienc d : 70 sres in high sta to of cult Ivslion, 35o seres slashed, HO acres timber, land Res roll ing, well watered with a number of springs, good r-ads and onlv 3' ,mM? Irum good railroad town; price only 3 per acre; eay terms, or trade for Port land property. T. D. Gregory, Lincoln apte. Main 4k'.ki. EXCEPTIONAL 1U;Y FROM OWNER. 44 acre. Klmt soil, no ro ks or gravel, alnumt level; 15 .rn high late of cul tivation: 15 sens good limber; building", orchards, berriea Tabor 3324. 6J-0 K2d st. . FARM for sale by owner. 13 miles from Portland near hard surlaee road. '4 acres well Unproved: terms. l'hsneL elose-tn property iu the stale; no com missions. Inquire 117 Board of. Trad hldg Phone .. 20 ACRES. 12 JnlLKM POMTI.AJV u. 2 srrm, ail cuii lv ed, 6 room huUNS ham well, store bubbling, o.i roau, i- ilea of Portland. Price HHMM). m J. vnunnr,, f45 Union av. N'"r' b. Knst MoT. 322 ACRES, 13 in prunes. . apmes j ... in cultivation; 130 head sheep; fenced ; crsek and springs; rolling land, 2 'fc nitles town; do to counlv seMt in YanililH county; $5000 cssh, $MM mort gage $0000 trade. Room e Edison fto.ui. tt'in.AMKTTK VALLEY. 10 aciee, to In crop; hous, barn, creek timber: near all transportation; offering for $47 5o per acre. $.no0 ish. Room 3o5. Kdison hotel. . FOR SALE 157-acre Willamette valley farm in mldnt of hop and loganberry district, 0 miles north of Salem, on the Oregon Elecli ic. Ail level and under cultivation. Phone East 11. 2ACREH, all in rrop now, mile from Alpine near Corvallls, fine berrv Und; once $3000, will take Portland rcgfdiM. See B M. Price a Co . OH Henry bldg. FOOTHILL M. nr down, some Improve ments, si ream: clieiil shot soli; Imme diate ssl. t"A on'v $".(M cash. Own er. 141 E. lllh N. Evemivg. Tabor 7o."5 WANTED by Marrh 15. 5 or fl-room bun galow, soy, good district Hawthorne or Rose City Park preferred ; no agents need answer. AO 215, Oregotugn. 40 ACRES with ww. ter nn. $7 per r.-; near Shoshone, Ida he. Address AN gto, lU-goulau. 4