TIIE SUNDAY OREG ONI AX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 15, 1920 18 FOR BALE ArTOMOBn.ga. FOR SALE ACTOMOBUJER. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILK8. FOR SAXE AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES. FOR SALE AITOMOB1I.F.S. I OR HAI.K ACTOMOnil KH. o B OBTE9 E 8 STARTING TODAY. THB GREATEST USED CAR SALS PORTLAND HAS EVER SEEN. We have taken our entire us4 car stock from our Broadway store and combined it with our Grand avenue cars. Just now we need spare more than anything else, and we will positively sacrifice a large part of ur stock. Eighty-seven good used ears t elect from. Every car in perfect condition, fine looking, powerful cars ready for any test you will suggest. The Obye policy of good cars at low prices, quirk turns, square deal and easy terms has sold many hundreds of used cars to satis fied purchases in the northwest. A FEW SPECIALS. CHEVROLET 5-passenger, MAXWELL 5-passenger. MAXWELL 3-pas. (roadsterV DUDGE 5-passenger. OAKLAND 5-passenger. OAKLAND 2-pass. (roadster). OVERLAND 5-passenger. OVERLAND 4-pass. (chummy. OLDSMOBILE 5-passenger. STfDEBAKER 5-passenger. COLE 7-passenger. STEARNS 7-passenger. WILLYS 7-passenger. HATN'ES 4-pass. (chummy. HATXES 5-passenger. HATNE3 7-passenger. W1NTON 4-pass. Iroadstert. These are all late model cars and priced way below value. LIWI!) B. OBTE MOTORS COs. 12 Grand Ave. North. KNOW THB TRUTH. Te are hrrrlng an" antomoblle T It frtne; to give you service? Isc It worth the money? What la Its market value today? What is Its mechanical condi tion? Is It a good buy? Does It need repairing? How much will the repairs cast? . . For a small fee we will furnish you with a written report answering the above questions and many others about any car you desire to purchase. Don't get stung. Come and see us about our in spection and appraisal reports. LESTKK-HEIM CO, 249 Sixth St. Xmln Tt52. Near Madtsoa. automalivt Inspectors, Appraisers. Bngioeera. " OOOD BT7T3 IX USE CARS. HUPMOBTLE, new paint, five new tires. Al shape, JUUO. DOUGLAS 8. 133. WINTOX CLOSED CAR. 1659. APPERSOX. 4-cyL, good shape, $300. OVERLAND 4. model 85, good tires and runs great; 8400. APPERSOX MOTOR CAR CO.. gO Broadway. Broadway H9I. JT WILL PAT TOU to look these over. Will exchange on come of them; good terms on all. HITMOBILB KURD FORD DELIVERY CHANDLER CHUMMY 11 AX WELL R EO EMPIRE ROADSTER Y ELI E fiTI'DEBAKER illTl'HELL OVERLAND i AMERICAN W1NTON SIX Hl'DSON SPEEDSTER GLOBE GARAGE, 60 North 50th St. GUARANTEED USED CARS. Trices Right. Easy Term. PORTLAND MOTOR CAR CO., 41 Burnside. t CHEVROLET TOURING AT 83S5. This Is late model, has four new tires. Ifw top, refinished and looks and runs as good as anv new one; has the 1120 1 l nAtKlnv tn ht,l V.- wili take $ir0 down, bal. long easy terms that will suit you. Call and try It, 505 OVERLAND CHUMMY ROADSTER. Wire wheels, new paint, and the car Vi in iine shape. Price tloO. Terms easy. P. H. DUNN, Overland Dealer. jflSI East luth st Sellwood 1393. A SNAP '19 Chevrolet, new paint, seat covers, spot light, bumper, 5 tires, dash light, new top with Gypsy curtains open ing m-ith doors; just overhauled: first class condition. Price 875. 471 Mor rison st. 1!18 CHANDLER CHUMMY. FIVE WIRE WHEELS AND TIRES. HUNS AND LOOKS LIKE NEW, JUST KE PAINTED, A BARGAIN IF SOLD AT ONCE. CALL TABOR 630 OR MAR. 6342. OVERLAND 6 in Al mechanical condi tion. 5 good tires; price $750, which Is way below present market value. See owner at King St. Garage, K.lng and Washington sis. OVERLAND Self-starter, battery, elect.; will make good truck or bug; will sell cheap to make room for more cars I have coming: on easy terms. 14th and . Couch. Oregon Auto Top Co., See Tom PARTY GOING TO EUROPE. WILL SAC RIF1CE WINTON BABY SIX. CAR 100 PER CENT PERFECT. CALL OWNER. BROADWAY 40. ASK FOR MR. A. OOETTELM AN. " OAKLAND -8." " A real powerful car cheap; cash or easy terms. The C. 1L S. Co.. 05 N. 2id St. Marshall 142S. CHEVROLET. 1!18, in the best ot condl tion. good paint and good tires; a real bargain, $675. So Grand ave. North, near Burnside, CHEVROLET. 1019. new tire Cabrlel snubbers, spotlight, motormeter, perfect condition. 7."0 or will take Ford in trade. 348 Couch St. BUwy. 3043. lyI7 FORD touring, shock absorbers and speedometer, perfect mechanical condi tion, $375. North Bank garage, corner Itth and Flanders. ML'ST have roadster or light car for busi ness reasons; will offer good trade on my Qerland touring. Phone Main 1608. FORD touring. '1H. overhauled, paint; a fine puller; ettras: going away Monday $400 cash. 294 Russell. T-PASS.. 6-cyl. Studebaker. good running order, good tires. $."5. Can be seen at 3"J Davis. No dealers. FORD. 1918 A snap, $150 down, balance easy. 1TH AND COUCH. Broadway AMERICAN 30 for sale, or trade for a Ford, or 4 or 6-cyllndor Franklin, cheap for cash. . Mr. Kraft. Tabor 27-9. 1917 BUICK four, good condition, extra tire, new battery, price $750. Phone T.ibor 51.18. FORD sedan, lste "18. like new, appraised at $725. Will tnke $1115, including license. Quick action. Tabor 4007. FORD delivery, panel body, good tires. In the best of condition, $4.V. with terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. I1EO 4 touring ear. engine overhauled and tires nearly new. 1917 model. 335 j 34th st. Tabor 4090. Mr. Bremmer WILL BUY, trade or sell your car for vou. See Tom. Oregon Auto Top Co., i-itb and Couch. WANT Dodge touring body even trade for roadster body. 509 Marguerite, cor Clinton. lODGES Several of them, all good, snappy buys. - Prices from to $STiO; c?sy terms. .V-'3 Alder st. Bdwy. 341 L 191S CHEVROLET demonstrator, com pletely overhauled: good tires, fine con dition. A snap. oj-,. 1914 MAXWELL, in fine condition. 8325; will take bug. phonograph or motorcy cle as part payment. East 112. BUICK 1918. 7-passenger. excellent con dition, 6 tires, spotlight. For sale by owner. Phone Bdwy. 1173. LATE model Oldsmobile 8, looks like new, see It. Wonderful buy. Only $!mio, very easy terms. 523 Alder St. Bdwy. 341 L 1915 STUDERAKER. self-starter and de mountable rims. $135 cash. 101 X. 11th st. 1919 MAXWELL, in first-class mechanical condition; a real buy. Call ast 821, EXTRA BRAND NEW MAXFER TRUCK ATTACHMENT $175.00. REGULAR 350 ATTACHMENT, r. O. B. PORTLAND. TRAILERS. TWO AND FOUR-WHEEL TRAILERS, SPECIAL LOW PRICES. ENGINES AT JUST A FRACTION OF THE REGULAR COST. TAKE THE X. S. CAR. IT BRINGS TOU RIGHT TO OUR DOOR. NEW LOCATION. DAVID HODE3, THE HOME OF A MILLION PARTS, 105 -T NORTH ELEVENTH STREET. WE SELL YOUR CAR DIRECT FROM YOUR HOME. CASH TO THE OWNER. TERMS TO THE BUYER. IF YOU WANT QUICK ACTION SEE US. OREGON USED CAR APPRAISING & SALES CO., 331 BECK BLDG. BROADWAY 4JS0. ROADSTER. LATE MODEL BUICK LIGHT SIX. This one has cords and one extra mounted and we will take you anywhere to test It; has factory finish and runs first class. Low price of 8107a, with $;5o down, balance easy. Take Ford or bonds In trade. 505 Alder at Red Front Used var co. USED RADIATORS, for all iniba. n r M An our radiators are carefully roaa wwf jju risus ugnc oeiore so.Q. BURNKSS & MARTIN. 15th and Alder at. SCRIPPS-BOOTH 4. roadster. 1918. Here is tne economical car to enjov; 3-pass. uses 30x::u tires. 2 npw tires mh. 3 good tires, a real peppy motor, fine paint, dandy all-leather upholstering. 2 sets tire chains, new license, everything w. r.. .iiuin. luiiu uarKain. ee It. Apt. P. corner Gay and Killingsworth. $1200 CASH OR. TERMS. WILL BUY 191S PAIGE. LIGHT PTX: Al CONDITION, SPOTLIGHT. BUMPER AND EXTRA TIRE. CALL ADAMS. TABOR 30 OR MARSHALL 5342. 1918 BUICK 6 ROADSTER. Original paint, looks like new. 5 cord tires, spring bumper, motormeter, spot light, clock, 'tire numn. Gaherinl muf flers, spring oilers, car looks and is as perieci as wnen new, $l3ro, terms $500 cash, balance 12 monthly payments. Tabor 4171. 495 E. Cist N. WINTON SIX, 7-pass.. 1911 model. 48 H P.. 4 speeds, compressed air self-starter with 4-cyl. tire pump, in first-class con dition, only been run about 10,000 miles; would be fine for a hearse, bus or a high-speed light truck or delivery. 1920 tag. $12O0 cash. Box 517 Newbe'rg, Or U"l v n 1 17 a , i r , 1918 Ford J4na 391 Chevrolet Ann 1918 Maxwell g-.f 1918 Saxon Six Chummy " 700 All overhauled by us. Each one a snap. Easy terms. The C. H. S. Co. 65 N. 23d t. Marshall 1428. DODGE touring car. In fine mechanical condition with good tires and top, new paint. STATES AUTO SALES. 430 Burnside. West side. LIBERTY 6 chumrr.7. 5 wire wheels 1 new cord tires, all over size: wind do fleetors. spotlight, bumper, cigar light 1 and everything. Niftiest little car evi r built: $1350, very easy terms. 523 Ald street. Bdwy. 3411. ask for Kelly. vkw Arm mrvpuo rnrtvi Let me teach you to drive that car ef yours. 5 years' experience; can tea- h you to drive any car from a Ford to a Pierce. First-class references furnish, a prices reasonable. Woodlawn 5480. FORD-TOURING Late model and in fine conditio Price $425, on easy terms. P. H. Dl'X.V. Overland Dealer. 1S52 E.tst 1.1th st. Sellwood 138. SAXON 4. 1910. four new tires, bod baked enamel, electric starter, complete ly overhauled, new Remy ignition sys tem, leak-proof rings. $275 or trade ea Ford. 348 Couch st. Bdwy. 3043 FOR SALE Oakland sedan. like new: 3 new tires, new battery, and other extra 1, $1100 cash. Owner. 494 E. 58th st. It. Can see car Sunday 9 to 12 A. M. ur week days 9 to 12 A. M. 1919 BUICK ROADSTER. Run only 5000 ml.: perfect mechani cally; 5 good cord tires; used private'y. Tabor 2S41. OLDSMOBILE. In the best of conditltn. good paint, good tires; a real bargain at 625. with terms. 30 Grand ave. North near Burnside. ' MUST be. sold at once account sickness; make me an offer. Cole, terms. see Tom. Oregon Auto Top Co., 14th and Couch. MOTORS, gears, bearings, wheels, axles We wreck all makes . of cars and rell their parts at half price. David Hodes Co.. 105-7 North 11th street. 1915 FORD touring car; owner will sac rifice for $225 cash. In good shape. l-o license Included. North Bank Garage, corner 11th and Flanders. VELIE SIXT Late model, strictly high grade, priced right. Easy terms. The C. H. S. Co 05 N. 23d st. Marshall 3540. , Big USED CARS Prices Stock rliiht. No misrepresentation. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO BUG lor saie oy owner: wire wheels, new tires, top and windshield; electric lights spot light, just overhauled. $500 cash 40 Grand ave. N. MAXWELL touring, 1917, in fine conditio!, good tires; a bargain at $575, with ternu. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FORD touring car, In good running ren dition, for sale by owner. 777 Grand ave w. MY BUICK roadster, dandy buy, $1000 ...-... Phnlia Bdw. 494. A.li r '.. HAgeman. YOU CAN ALWAYS DO BETER AT WALLINGFORDS. We maintain that the HOUSE OF POLICY is a big item In buying a ised car. THE POLICY Our trade-ins are honest values, and are thoroughly reconditioned before we oirer them lor sale. Below Is a list we submit for your con sideration: LIBERTY SIXES. Three of them, all overhauled and painted and very beautiful cars. BUICKS. I Roadster "6," 1 Touring Six and 1 Touring Four, 1918 touring with extras, and twt others. , OLDS CHUMMY "8." CHEVROLET BABY GRAND. t NEW OVERLANDS, 2 CHALMERS. 1 REO ROADSTER, 8 BRISCOE DEMONSTRATORS. 8 NEW MAXWELLS. AND OTHER MAKES. TERMS AND TRADES. If your car does not suit you, bring It in and we will take It in trade on an; of our large assortment and make suit able terms. Ask for Mr. Little. At the Used Car Department of W. H. WALLiNGFORD CO.. 822 Alder St. Bdwy. 2492. Open Sundays. WTLLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC COMPANY USED CARS. SEE THESE BEFORE MAKING TOUR SELECTION. $300 Overland. A good car for a bug. Three new Cord tires. Two other good tires. Electric lights. Overland Model 90. Touring $875. Five first-class tires: late 1919. Used In cily. Looks and runs like new. Overland Model 90 Roadster $650. Rcfinished and overhauled. It is just like a now car, and a snap, c Willys Knight $1350. Just the car to use "For Hire.' Seven passenger. New top and new paint. Good tirca ana line mecnamcal condition. Willys Six $1275. This car has five good tires. First-class top with plate glass in rear curtain. At tractively painted. Ford Touring $425. If yon want a Ford, here la a snap Extras. Al condition. Overland Ton Truck for $350. Electric lights and starter. Overland Panel Delivery for $350. Fine condition in every way. T-Pasaenger Overland $580. Six -cylinder, fine condition. WILLYS-OVERLAND PACIFIC COMPANY Broadway 3535. Broadway at Davis its. ONE TEMTLAR oemonstrator. slightly used; perfect condition; SjOO under value. 4-CTLTNDER STUDEBAKER, good rubber, just overhauled; $300 down, bal ance easy. NATIONAL. Just ljke new. 8 new tires, bumpers, shock absorbers', paint just like now, just ariven uuu mnes; will sacrillce at 913.H1; terms or iraue. WRAY MOTOR CAR CO., 90 N. Broadway. OVERLAND ROADSTER $525. " With $225 down, balance $25 per month: car is first-class every way and we will sell it that way. needs nothing, looks as good as new. -Come and try it. 505 Alder at Bed Kront used car to. 1919 CHEVROLET roadster, has not run a 1000 miles, absolutely new. if or quick sale will give terms. 14th and Alder. Bdwy. 240. MUST sacrifice for $250 cash 11114 four- nassenaer touring car: mechanically perfect, Bosch magneto, Rayfield car buretor, electric ngilis ana generator; see this to appreciate; call Monday. Broadway 1764. Walter. DODGE touring car, new top, motor in fine condition, 2 extra tires, back 01 front seat cut down for camping; terms. Fields Motor Car Co., 14th and Alder, Broadway 240. Open Sunday. MY beautiful Hupmobile. new paint, cord tires. Just like new, late 1917 model; xi.o worth of extras. See this real bargain before you buy; private owner. Clyde Hotel, room 229. 1917 SAXON baby roadster, electric starter and lights, only run 2000 miles, like new; $375; will take your Ford in trade. 150 Union avenue, corner Bel mont. 1917 STUDEBAKER 4 roadster. 3-pass., mechanically A 1. tires line new; mis price today only $500. terms: guaranteed car. 109 11th St.. bet. Stark and Wash. 1919 MAXWELL roadster, perfect mechan ical condition, 3 nearly new tires: win sell at a bargain and give easy terms to responsible parties. Call owner, Mar shall 2400. NEW FORD TOURING WITH STARTER. Will sell my order for same. Am next on the list. 424 Belmont St. STUDEBAKER FOUR, in the best of con dition, good tires; a real Dargain at $750, and will give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. CHEVROLET touring 1918; a good car: good tires ana excellent condition: a snap at $575. cash or terms. 424 Bel mont St. East 191. WANTED Boat house for 37-ft. launch. would buy houseboat ir it could ne changed into launch house. Phone Mr. O'Brien. Main 2363. 235 Stark St.. 1918 SAXON six touring. 5 tires, 3 new, good condition: sinn: win taKe a cneaper car In trade. 150 Union avenue, corner Belmont. REPUBLIC H4-TON TRUCK. 1917 Republic truck, in very good con dition, for sale reasonable, with terms. Service Sales Agency, 227 Salmon st. 1917 MAXWELL roadster. Just overhauled. tires like new, iancy paint Job. will sac rifice and give good terms. 109 11th St., bet. Stark and Wash. 1918 CHEVROLET, perfect mechanical condition, 3 gooa tires, new battery and 1920 license. Phone Woodlawn 3949. IF YOU want a bug we have several to pick from: come early: terms given. 109 11th st. between Stark and Wash. MAXWELL ohassis. fine condition, will Tnake some bug; szuu, terms, loo union, corner Belmont. BARGAIN Either my used Cole 8 or my new Stephens Silent Six for sale. One only. Phone Main 998. FOR SALE Velle sedan. 1919 model, good tires, one extra; aiso Dumper, call Broadway 1145. FORD sedan body, new: take Ford tour ing body in traae. ynone 313-92. FOR SALE Maxwell 5-pass.. excellent shape. S4.o. none EaBt 0334. 1918 FORD, cheap for cash or as first payment on small nouse. 289 west 10th. WILL sell my beautiful Marraon, sacri fice, $2250. East . Monday. 1915 FORD touring, for quick sale. $275, terms, law union, corner rjeimont. ROADSTER. Ford, 1919. $550 cash. 3B2Vi W. -rfn St. mono xiuwy. low. PACKARD touring car for sale cheap. 295 Hawthorne ave. East 6770. , 188 GRAND AVENUE. PRICES ARE LOWEST. OX THE EAST SIDE. COME OVER AND SAVE MONEY. COMPLETE ASSORTMENT GUARANTEED USED CARS. EXCLUSIVE USED CAR DEALERS. We Have the Best Assortment of USED CARS IN PORTLAND. OUR LIST CONSISTS OF FORDS. 1915 FORD touring and roadsters. 1916 FORD touring and roadsters. 1917 FORD touring and roadsters. 1918 Touring, looks like new, me chanically right, new top, electric starter and many extras. DON'T FAIL TO SEE THIS ASSORTMENT. The Prices Will Be a Pleasant Surprise for You. CHEVROLETS. The Biggest Assortment and Best Assortment of Chevrolets in town. 1919 CHEVROLETS. 1918 CHEVROLETS. 1917 CHEVROLETS. 1916 CHEVROLETS. 490 TOURING CARS, ROADSTERS, BABY GRANDS AND DELIVERIES. OAKLANDS. Several 1918 and 1917 Oakland Touring Cars and Roadsters. OAKLAND COUPE. The Swellest Little Coupe Yon Ever Saw A Pippin for a Lady or Doctor. A Late Model and Looks Like New, for About Half the Original Price. GRANTS. TWO GRANT TOURINGS. Both These Cars Have Snappy 6-Cylinder Motors. Will Sell at Price Asked for 4-CyIInder Cars. MAXWELLS. Two Good Buys, a 1918 Touring, a 1917 Roadster. OVERLANDS. We Have Three Model 75s From $475 to $550. , Also Two 83 Models One at $300; One at $375. Five Model 00 Roadsters, Com pletely Overhauled, With Five Good Tires. , BUICKS. A Light Six 5-Pass., $875. 1915 4-Cyllnder, $585. 1917 4-Cylinder, $775. STUDEBAKERS. A dandy little 5-passenger with five good tires; motor In good shape and original paint, which looks like, new, Sunday special, only $275. Four-cylinder 7-pass., guaran teed mechanically O. K., $675. PIERCE ARROW. A T-passenger, 4 dandy stage car; has cord tires, $750. LEXINGTON. TWO 1919 MODELS. A 5-passenger sport, a 7-passenger touring. SALESMEN, ATTENTION! ROADSTERS. ' We have a large assortment of Fords, Dodges, Maxwells, Over lands, Oaklands. The greatest bargains you ever saw. LOOK TH EM-OVER. REMEMBER, We stand back o-f every car we aell; each and every one is in good condition and the prices are right. These cars were obtained during the winter months at unheard-of prices, therefore we are In the' position to offer ou the best values in town. BOJTT FORGET, THE PRICES ARE LOWEST OX THE EAST SIDE. 188 ' GRAND AVENUE. ' WE OPEN SUNDAY, USED AUTOMOBILES. Big stock of high-grade cars to select from of various different makes. We are In a position to give you most liberal terms and no brokerage charges, your dollar la worth 100 with us. Here are a few we offer for your ap proval: 1919 Jordan, 7-pass.. 6-cyL 1919 Mitchell, 7-pass.. 8-cyL f 1919 Mitchell, 5-pass., 6-cyL 1917 Velle, 5-pass.. 6-cyL 1913 Packard, 5-pass., 6-cyL 1915 Studebaker, 5-pass., 4-cyl. 1917 Mitchell, 2-pass., 6-cyL 1917 Mitchell, 3-pass., 6-cyL 1917 Studebaker delivery, 4-cyL 1917 Dort, 5-pass., 4-cyL 1920 Case, 7-pass., 6-cyL 1916 Overland, 5-pass., 4-cyL 1916 Chandler, 7-pass., 6-cyL 1918 Briscoe. 2-pass., 6-cyL 1916 Chevrolet, 5-pass., 4-cyL Prices $300 and up. Cash or terms. Used Car Department. MITCHELL, LEWIS & ST AVER CO. East First and Morrison Sts. WEST SIDE SALESROOM Broadway at Oak St. Phones: East 7272. Broadway 515. Automatic 212-16, 533-43. COOK GUAj CO.. PAIGE DST1UBUTOUS OFFER THE FOLLOWING HIGH GRADE USED CARS. EVERY CAR IS EXACTLY AS REPRESENTED AND THB PRICE LOWEST COMMENSU- KATE WITH ITS AGE AND MODEL. Note Values cannot be Judged by comparing prices in advertisements. Cars must be seen and tried out. You will learn that our prices are the lowest to be iound. 1918 Paige, 5-pass., fine condition throughout, eonii tires, a snan for $1275 1918 Paige 5-pass., 'cord tires, re painted and overhauled. Good as a new car 11 1918 Paige Coupe, excellent con dition 1500 1375 1200 1100 1918 Paige Sedan; snap 1918 Hupmobile 5-pass.. excellent condition; easily worth $1300.... 1917 Hupmobile 7-pass., a. fine buy. 1919 Velle. only used 1900 miles. Can't tell it from a new car. Snap 191R xTash. Fine condition. Splen did buy 11"0 1918 Oldsmobile. Used very little. 1200 1918 Mitchell 7-paits.. fino condi tion This car will nasa for a new one. Used very little 1200 1019 Paige. Larchment Bport model, used very little. We almost never have a used sport model Paige for sale. Owner needs money and hus left this one with us to sell. This is a rare buy 1900 New Liberty Six. run less than 900 miles. This is also a rare buy. Uu, Sinn in extras, cord tires. etc 100 Owner has bought one of our sport model Paiges. . EASY TERMS USED CAR DEFT. OPEN SUNDAY. COOK & GILL CO., PAIGE DTSTRTBUTORS 11TH AND BURNSIDE CARS OF THE BETTER KIND. OLDSMOBILE EIGHT. 5 cord tires. 1919 PATTERSON. See this one. 1917 DODGE, 5-passenger, extra tire and spotlight. OVERLAND, 5-passenger. CADILLAC. ONE-TON FORD TRUCK. TWO TWO-TON MASTER TRUCKS, a demonstration, 99 per cent new. 1919 VELIE sedan, 90 per cent new, wire wheels. 1918 BUICK roadster. USED CAR PALACE. 61 UNION AVE. N. EAST 7717. ONE TEMPLAR demonstrator, slightly used; perrect conultton; $jU0 under value. 4-CYLINDER STUDEBAKER. good rubber, just overhauled, $300 down, bal ance easy. NATIONAL. Just like new. 6 new tires, bumpers, shock absorbers; paint just like new, just driven 7000 miles; will sacrifice at $1350; terms or trade. WRAY MOTOR CAR CO.. 90 N. Broadway. MAXWELL TOURING. LATE MODEL. This Maxwell has new tires, new full leather top and has factory finish. We have low price of $525, with $200 down, balance easy; take Ford or bonds in trade. Call 505 Alder at Red Front Used Car Co. ONE-TON Republic truck, good shape; S950 ana tornis. win consiuer traae on light touring car or roadster. FIELDS MOTOR CAR CO., 14th and Alder. NO BUNK Private party leaving city will sacrifice my 118 o-cynnaer naynes 4 passenger chummy roadster, seat-covers, spotlight, good cord tires all around, shock absorbers and spike lock; car in good' mechanical condition; suitable terms. Call Monday, Main 7303. UR SALE 1019 5-passenger Velie: 1917 5-passenger Dodge; 1916 5-passenger Dodge: 1017 5-passenger Overland: 1918 1-ton chain drive truck, all In good me chanical condition. Phone East 6S09. . BUICK roadster. $5."0. Oakland sedan, Jiun. Ford bug. $550. Ford roadster, $425. 4th St. Garage. 354 4th st,. Main 910. ORD tourings, sedans and roadsters. We have them at reasonable prices and give liberal terms. Come in and look them over. 109 11th St.. bet. Stark and Wash. FOR SALE, or trade for Ford, WInton, suitable for stage or classy bug. Ask for Lewis Service Garage, 351 First st. LARGE Cadillac, splendid condition, $1100; owner wants cash money. , 329 Salmon. Main 4789. weekdays; Wdl. 2408 today. FORD, 1917 $100 down and drive It awav, balance easy. 19TH AND COUCH. Broadway 118. FORD delivery, nearly new tires; a good buy at $275, cash or terms. 424 Bel mont st. East 191. MAXWELL, 1918, in the best of condition, good tires; a bargain, $075, wtih terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FOR SALE CLASSY BUG, newly painted: terms. Wayside Garage, 421 East Clay FOR SALE Nash six, good tires all around. 203 E. 4th St. BY owner. 1918 Essex-Paige 7-pass., Une condition: bargain. East 6428; DODGE tourinty. '17 mtxlel, Al condition, tor &a.ta by owner. Sellwood 533. PARTS. PARTS. PARTS. PARTS. Pfc.RTS. FOR ALL MAKES AND MODELS OF CARS AT LESS. SEND US IN YOUR OLD PARTS EXPRESS COLLECT AND WE WILL MATCH THEM UP AND RETURN THEM SAME DAY AS RECEIVED. ACCESSORIES. ACCESSORIES. ACCESSORIES. ACCESSORIES. ACCESSORIES. AT UNHEARD-OF PRICES. ENGINES. ENGINES. ENGINES. ENGINES. FROM $25 TO $150. BUG BODIES. BUG BODIES. BUG BODIES. BUG BODIES. WILL FIT FORDS. MAXWELLS AND CHEVROLETS, $100 EACH. AUTO SALVAGE CO.. BROADWAY AT FLANDERS ST. ANY KIND TOU SO x 3 $ 5 00 WANT 80 x S'i 750 AT ANY 32 x Sii S..',0 32 X 4...". 12.50 PRICE. 33 X 4 12.50 Chevrolet, Maxwell, Dort, Buick 6, Reo 34 x 4 14.00 4. Reo 6, Hudson 4-cyl., 5-pass.; Hudson 34 x 4'i 15.00 7-pass., Mitchell 6, Cole 8, 4-pass; Cole 8. 35 x 4 15.00 7-pass.; Michigan Roadster and a Chai- 36 x 414 15 00 mers 4-cyIinder, 4-passengcr, that would 36 x 5 15.00 make a dandy bug. 37 x 5 15.00 Trucks, Overland delivery, Republic Si ton, Denby -ton. Ford panel delivery. Ford express, Buick 1-ton delivery. NORTHWEST AUTO CO. Alder at 18th. 5S1 ALDER ST. MAXW ELL touring $ 400 FORD touring 300 DODGE roadster 900 DODGE touring 650 1020 BUICK touring, cord tires lots of extras. 18 CHEVROLET touring 600 1918 OAKLAND touring 9"0 1919 LEXINGTON, new ISnfl 1910 CHANDLER chummy. 1919 OLDSMOBILE 6. touring 1250 Just a few of many good cars at 531 ALDER PT. BROADWAY 2796. NEW OAKLAND "Sensible Sixes" for im mediate delivery; wnue iney last tour ing, roadster and sedans. A new car famine now exists; drive one away today. Used car sale now on. Oakland sixes from $(00 up to $900. Fords from $::00 to $000. Oakland speedster for $800, (factory model. 1 overlands. Maxwells and many others at a sacrifice. See them. Liberal terms and a broad guarantee on all cars. Visit our new home, BROADWAY AT FLANDERS. Phone Bdwy. 4184. WILLAMETTE-OAKLAND CO. ABSOLUTELY THE BEST PAYING G A RAGE ON THE EAST SIDE. INVOICES $401)0 TO $5000 PER MO. YOU WILL BE SURPRISED. THIS GARAGE FOR SALE. $sono WILL HANDLE SAME: CASH BUYERS ONLY. NO DEALERS. NO AGENTS. IF INTER ESTED, CALL EAST 8048. LATE 1918 HUDSON 6 speedster, practi cally good as new mechanically and In appearance, cord tires all around, one extra and other extras. This car for sale by private owner: price X180O. will make easy terms to responsible parties, car can be seen at 525 Alder at. Ask for Mr. Gore at A-l AUTO WORKS. OVERLAND 90. 1918 Here's a fine light car in the best of condition, many ex tras, including 1920 license, spotlight, bumper, new extra tire, plate glass in top and side curtains, 1020 license; $25 down, balance easy. 19TH AND COUCH. Broadway 118. MAXWELL roadster, Just the thing to make into a bug. must sen tor reason able payment down and so much a month. ' . Corner 14th and Alder. Bdwy. 240. FORD touring. We have a 1915 Ford loft with us Tor sa e. car iooks koou. is in fine mechanical shape and has good tires. This car can oe oougnt for $350. Some terms. See it Monday at the Fire Construction Co., Grand Ave.' and Belmont St. 1917 OVERLAND bin: four tourinB, equipped witn Drana new urs; mecnan iniiv T,rfpot. also toD. boriy and up holstering; owner will Facriffoe as needs the money; can oe seen a- iuw inn h.. bet. Stark and Waah. 101J POLE 8. eleRant condition, a snap: would take a smaller car as part pay ment. Call East iI7tHJ for demonstration. 11)17 HUDSON super-six. driven only 8000 miles, completely overnauiea; win pami to suit purchaser, uuaranieen; si. .. terms. 100 11th st.. bet. Stark and Wash. FORD bug; aluminum body: some runner; excellent tires; top and windshield ; cheap: cash or terms. 424 Belmont st. East 101. MUST raise some money; will sell our 11U0 Bristol for $845. Call at 4122 73d Pt S. E. HUDSON 4-cyl. 2-pass.. Rood condition, make buir "at no expense: sell cheap. Terms. SOI 5 fiOth ave.. S.E. FOR SALE: DODGE; fine shape, jrood tires; terms; 773. A' buy. 421 East Clay st. 1918 CHEVROLET roadster, excellent con dition; a 'beauty; dandy tires; cash or terms. 424 Belmont st. East 191. 19"0 ESSEX, brand ne, leaving city at once, must sell immediately. Call City Hall Oarage. OVERLAND Model 7B: will sacrifice at Jirr0 and give terms if desired. 424 Belmont at. East 191. GOOD Schubert piano for sale or will trade as part payment on Ford touring. WOOniawn ti"m FORD roadster, g-ood tires; a snap at $2.10, cash or terms. 424 Belmont st. East 191. HUDSON SPER. $1700, license, cords, re paint, like new. East 3912. M 913. Ore- Ionian. FOR SALE or trade. Buick bus;. chap for cash, or what have you? AV 487, Ore ton 1 r n ONE late style Bowser sras pump and 2S0-Rallon tank for gale. 1033 Union avenue Nortli. PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS PARTS SAVE 50 TO 80 ON GEARS AXLES BEARINGS ENGINES WHEELS RADIATORS CYLINDERS FOR MOST ANY MAKE AND MODEL OF CAR. ENGINES ENGINES ENGINES ENGINES WE HAVE ON HAND OVER 218 ENGINES TAKEN FROM AMERICA'S BEST CARS. PRICED FROM $25 TO $150. TIRES TIRES . TIRES TIRES TAKEN FROM CARS DISMAN TLED FOR THEIR GOOD PARTS. ALL OF THE ABOVE TIKES ARB IN EXCELLENT SHAPE AND SOMB OF THEM HAVE BEEN RUN BUT A FEW MILES. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION Co'.. THIRD AND GLISAN STS. FORD BUGS. $300. FORD BUGS. $300. FORD BUGS. $300. We have several used hugs for a quick, spot cash deal, $30l each. AUTO RECONSTRUCTION CO.. 3D AND GLISAN ST. MAXWELL, 1919 model, run only 3r.no miles; extra tires, spot llglit. :." license $st',5; $.".00 cash, balance to be arranged monthly. Chalmers 1919. Just as good as new, only run 1300 nillea; extra tires, huiniier. spot light, license. $1800. Elite Garaue. 12th and Jefferson. FOR SALE. One 1017 Font ami extras, 1.175. Our 191 Ford, $:H0. One lOlrt 4-ryllnder Studebaker, $425. Terms to reliable pnrtl. Thpfe cars are for nale by private owners. HU4 E. Burnside. EaMt "sS- FOR SAT-E inin STmHRAKKR BIO SIV EXCELLENT rttNMTlUN: KUN r.r.tHl MILES. TELEPHONE IRA T. WALKER. AUTOMOBILES. At the Rd Cap Carace. 409 Stark St. Two 1018 Studebakers in rood condi tion; 1 1913 Hupmobile; 1 1919 Auburn with wire wheels and 6 good tirea Terms given on all cars FOR SALE Serond-hand drop-hesd Sinn er marhme with attachment; ha h'en thoroughly overhauled and is In splen did condition; alsnVood sanitary rot and oriole go-cart. Tabor 012. 1120 Divis ion st. WILLYS-OVERLAND 17. new paint, de mountable riPis. nf If-Marter. Bomb maKnbto, new battery. $4T0 if od by noon today. North Bank garage, cor 11th and Flandtrw. 1919 DO DOE DELIVERY, fllO. cafh or terms; new cord tires, In the bM of mechanical condition. Call Mr, Moun tain at Bdwy 217. GENUINE BUICK SNAP. First-class 1917 Buick six-cylinder, 7 passenger, bumper, leather top, etc. ; price $7M, $;iMl down. monthly. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., 3.iO Alder. OWING to death of owner will itell at bargan model K9. o-cyimner. j-pasren-Kfr. Dractlcally new Overland ; ran ar range reasonable terms. D. H. Sherman Co., 1 02 2d st. Al ui n l FORD bug. Packard line body, lots of power, in Al condition, n.. terms. Broadway Garage, E. 24th and Broad way. 1919 5-PASS VELIE. runs like new; near ly new tires and spare: $14".(. terms Kuch Bros., auto painting, 823 Williumi ave. Woodlawn 4"'H3. HUDSON Super Six, In A I condition, used privately; will sacrifice at JI7..0 and give terms. 30 Grand ave. North, near Burnside. FRANKLIN ROADSTER. This Is a verv good rar, new cord tires. Call Mrs. Lambert, E. 7094. Sunday or Monday. . 1918 CHEVROLET, rood condition, good tires, a snap at $S"0. 414 Belmont, next to Grand. East 7K09. DODGE roadster, run Trrton miles: lots of extras; no dealers. Call Main 3033, ask for Mr Evans. FOR SALE 1 H -on truck. $7.r0; will take Ford or other light car as part Phone Tabor 3009. i x ry it rand Chevrolet for sale. $:v0 takes EVJ I ..ln.r i .7 (lilfl I.' -l.,,U It. UWIlfl !! -'W USUI. street North. FOR" SALE OR TRADE 1010 Harley- Lavioaon uiuiu.. jv -i i'i.rvia. conumon. i ""' -' STUDEBAKER four for sale cheap; Just onrl E. Burnside. 1917 CHEVROLET. Al shape, new plates ; n i,.ira iarmi frnm riiriit nu rfv W r ri th N. Sunday unt il5. MUST sell my 1018 Hupmobile; car is in exceptionally gona condition, cast oi:o Evening. R. L. Dugan. BUICK light 6 roadster, like new. It at l-in ann v uan rug liu ii. punaiy, or call Navarrehotel. BUICK roadster, fine merhanlcallv, good tire, newiy painted. ruuui rang Smith. Broadway 1130. USED CARS WORTH LOOKINd AT. ft-paft. PAiOR, like new, ruaran I ted first-class condition $1150 Hot-Snot CHALMERS, perfect au dition, new ly pain led lit 1917 FOR P. thoroughly ovrrhsuied and repainted .171 1 1918 FORD, run very lltt 4TA Baby Grand CHEVROLET, a r-! nap ai 7ti BUICK roadster, good condition... K0 400 CHEVROLET. neW.y pairrted.. 4-i New Anderson. tifl as a t'emnn strator, run K mile; at a nmp. We have put prfcea on the cs r ! move thnn and iht-v are worthv oi i r attention If u figure on a a'd ui d car tlua tprlng. We w!tl make esprcall'y tay term oa any of thrm. Open Sunday 10 to 4. INTERSTATE MOTOR CO, 111 13th St. Bet. Vah. ard Htark. Aatomnhlir M snifi, WILL TAKE AUTO. W;!I p rpt ft e or ven-p auto in gaud repair, a m ft p.i m"tit on r bauiiful lia-t of pieUnl!y l B'Trtt on t Tie w high wn v sout h ft HutTdule. When htghw.iy tt romoleted t hi property will he wort h ilnuhie. Price oi : y :n"0, clear of Incumbrance S'.'.'l Ciineo hiitg. BUNGALOW FOR AUTO t-rooni bungalow, one floor; fine ! mnt, f lrnt -rlnns plumbing. f ireplre som biiilt-tns; penr rr and hard-sur faced Mrorl : Int i.'ixHH. Prtee $:tiM, mortk'flg $1000. paail monthly. Thie In n tmrgain pric. hut I n. d i r mid am going in trii with (mi'-one. hat Iihvh x.tu? C ,V.H, OngitniHn HA VB HIGH -OR VK PIVIPKNO PT ING STot'K l 'I,lt UM-AHUStlM COMPANY WILL TKAI'K l'U i;-'l) 4 I'll ,VPASKNGEK CAR. W tV CON1AN MR CALL KVBM.NUJ, BROAD WAY 33.".4. WILL trade for Rood late model siitn 1h fine corner Int ."iOvM l-'et on I'M h a fid Vfiod rd avenue; 'l trnprm rnpniii In Milled. in-luriing aM-h;t MreMn. m r. ed'. ; no tm-uninram r. opt tinprn tnrnt u.scr-Miien I n. owner, V rT;i, Ore- gonlHn. WILL give 1. ? or H lois nsr Al ni in. toi.il value T..rt. r..r a light auto; i!l p.iV for Jour (MP JllM ti.it the de ilr will allow joii for it If given toward a new one oi Hie s-itne kind. I. O. I In. ehV. WANTKP- LATIT Mol-KL CARS UK PAY C S 1 1 THE UM-.! CUt EXCHANGE, !'J7 T.ewiiwlale St. S. W. Cor. K'th and Washington. I AM in imnieiliite pt,' (,f o u (nmnlii , In!ue, Cln !-!( or ,M.lrtel rn n iti e i r.1f in mm l be a h't t 'g i i n. J'hono Mam tt'.i ,t, Hk lor .Mr. Wni.hcr. Fulfil CHASSIS, or lale loiittni;. must ha bargain; give lowe-l pr'ee Hlid w heio I be neen; gie ! imt) t 1 ion ; wanted at e-n.-e. 1 A .; 1 I. i r to in a n. W ANT good late model Uuh U l from nwurr m or nut of i it: imin t he n bar gain for cash; no dealers. C ."i47. Or- iiniita n W ANT NEW Al TU fl.lon, gilt elgi- contra el, $ C per mn. f trade for new U or I-pan, num. ICtkt ;.;; o. WANTKO Late nimiel Io,U" (oiiHng r in good coniinh.n. Wilt pay lanli. Nb dealer. K 004. Oregwniitu. LA TH model l-'nrd S da n. Iiiut be a hi r ga m. private owner on I) . T tWH. imp. gnlliuli. T THA I iE linod building lotrt for Lite Hind' I s 'Ho. Podge i.r l-'ord aedail pre-f.-rred ' Kant I1MII VA NTKI - Light anlo and 1 imi fin fe. nm-t be cheap for cah. hi Old. lr (!' til:i n WILL Ink- email trtnk In part pajment on niv -I - morn ni'lHi hung,, low. Ak for Mr. Herman. T i hor ttnjii "Jit I'lHIM coup.'. Hui. k I nr On.lg- rl-rtf.-r; a"h for a t.aivain. M. 4.111. I BO lo fl ! M LOTS In l-'mrpnrt. Kill trsde for ante and sue d i ' 'ereiii ". Hodge or Ki x pf 1r-red V necniiiHU. WILL give rrn IrHil, fnt tnotlig of $hmi, on wi-lion farm lor r worth 1immi nr iiimiv Port Album ave ttRINC in jnur il--d mr mid get the ah. .No d-:v A'-'-ot ifi'ed M"ir lSah'i IHIB and Couch. ItroadMay I IN rRl touring ear stnd; mit lie a bar gain for a-h. eTl M ilw.aikie. I'het.a hs-IIWOIMl HI.... WILL trade Art'iur L Smith motor t. k for l ord. J. li. Juhami) . J!'l h ad IVrF.of t. I WILL HIV a goo.! Ondge imirira- rr; all . ash 4l'7 Maiden ave. Ml, il.'.i:. K M I rnndMer ; mud it Inn must be geod and price if.isnnaM M Itjl. oreB'Unsn. W A NTi:i - "art.-r ear. !!! 4 model p(. frired. I'Hi. Orrgonian. Motorcycle. wi-; can ,a i; iou AT L ft AST 20 I'KR CLNT ON ALL USKD MOTORCYCLKS. COMIC IN AND SKK KoR Vol UMrfLF. KASf T Kit MS. lOl'O Cleveland are her now. ItETTKR THAN EVER. STRIVK CYCLF CO.. TC , Sd Itroaduav . , phone H-Jwy. Kxelumve itit rthijiora for llcri'li-rimii. eior. Cleveland Motor. e n MOTORCYCLES MOTORCYCLES. Large slock of used mot ore vr Ira at exceptionally low prlifa; ynu can . v at if you buy now : our si nek const a of HendtTHoiiN, iiurk n, LxecUiors, In diana. PiCYCLES. Large stock of both new and u-ed blcyclt'S, supplies and evpert repaunig. DAYTON CYCLE CO. 3ft 3d at., corner Ud and Afh ata. LiSKiJ MOTORCYCLES A NO IMCYCLKi OK ALT M A K EH OX E ANY TKIiMS, EAST SIlK MOTORCYCLE CO.. 44 UK XI i AVE. EXCELS! 'R. II ENIiEIENOX AND CLEVELAND At j K NC V. 1011 KXCKLSIOR motorcycle with Ma car, fully ru nipped, cheap, cay terms Broadway ;;iu. VV A N T E 1 Motorcycle. Willi or wlthuul sidecar, cash; no junk; H. I). pref.-rrel; call Sunday, .laek Cnnm-r, N. lUth st. 1'hnn Hroa.iway iMtntf. HUH INOIAN niotorcvcie. fullv nj u , op. ., Inciudins tandem, side car. Mieetlnmen r. II vou want a motorev .e call me up. This maehjiin l iiim.ii imv. Es"l L''iH Eolt SAL E HUH Indian, lul.y e'lri pro-d, dream landeni. upare tire, ete. Ymir own price if so d Sunda. Mati-liail for appeinlmen t. KOR SALE R'l'd Harley-Hsvidfon nprt model ; 2 per cent d ienunt if rold at oner: Al diai good lirs; HUiV eijulpped. W !'i4. Oregoliian, hicyclk" AO per cent new Indian Hike. fLV'-t); se this Sunday. 4"ti W ashiiigton. COULD u.n a late tnodid mnioreycle at part payment on a gud u.id cur. Call Broadway ;til(M.. FOR SALE- 1!H." model 1 u mn inior cyeie at a bargain. Call Talmr T714 aftr 1 :o'JM1 . INDIAN motorevcle. ith or without a;da cur. -." E. 4Pth. Tabor 6j;i. Tolt iK.TORCYCLEH AND HICTCLK THY US D HT. MAIN 61l. FOR SALE l'.tltl H. D. twin, cheap; ev lntf city; will nlv terms. 3m irth et. X1N Indian, with foot hom ils ufid tau detn, $ ia. Wnoiliawn Tu'i. ".jiKED Ex'fllsor Twin, with liemsa, $W " Call L".7 Slieldon St.. Tabor fxi.'N. W'A N TE1 Stde ar for Indian ttiotureaj e 1't'mne Marshall -'.'. Sunday. lultl H A KliKY, cleetric. lll.o Ik em-e. a I I MT Hofion ave. after B r. M liS CI.EVKLAXI for saic: A-l enndi- tUin; yiatr 471 4 4l5t -t S E HA KLK Y-DA VIDSoN like new, run noa nil. IUo0 cah, $30U lerrna. Bali. 34