8 TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND FEBRUARY 15. 1020 REAL ESTATE. For bale Houses. HAHVKT WELLS & CO. S-ROOM HOl'SK East 14th and Schuyler sts. Oood location; modern . In every repe rt. Price I iio.ooo. 8-ROOM HOL'SK Modern In every re- I meet ; corner lot ; now vacant. .Last lb ih and Couch nts. Price oo0. -UROOM HOUSE Corner East Oth an Couch eta. can be purchased on term. rnce 7o00. 7-ROOM HOUSE 761 Eaat Broad way. Oood location. Can be purchased cn easy terms. Price. $G."O0. 6-ROOM HOUrfK Modern in every Tcpe-t; trood location; corner Kant -tn and Flanders Kts. Can be purchaaed. on vrry eaay terms. Price f ll4MM. N-ROOM HOUSE on ey term. East 4tj ucar Awkenv st- Price 5-ROOM COTTAOE on easy terms. Good location. at Market near 39th at, Pn.re $:;.ioa. HARVEY WJSLTJJ ArCO. 602 Oasto Hid?. Phone Main 4.".4. 1f7 MONROE ST. ' $2750 to0 DOWN. Puts you In possession of this 6-rjn. story and a half house: full ewment basement: brick founda tion: bath : ma-:adam street : ce ment aide walk, sewer, everything paid ; alley: frutt tres and ber ries: lot 40x1 "8; located at 107 Monroe St.. bet. Kerby and Com merrial, $27.o; W0 cash. Now rented and paying 14 per cent on this purrh.ire prue. Owner leav ing Portland on account of sick ues. Furniture for sale. J. F. HILL. 600 Williams Ave. East 265. CLOSK-IV PROPERTY CHEAP. $2S00 7 -room house, furnace; Hancock near Broadway hridye; $300 cash. $3200 6 rooms and sleeping porch: 700 K. Ankeny ; terms. :Zo0 t-room cottage. 50x100; 940 Bel mont; $looo cash, balance to suit. $ 4200 6 rooms, den, sleeping porch, fire place, attic: 10th st.. Irvlngton. $5000 6-room modern house, near Holla day and Grand ave. ; $750 cash. $0250 7-room, splendid location, 814 E. Kilt mo n. corner; very easy terms. F. W. ToRC.LER. 106 Sherlock BIdg. $r:i50 $Vi0 cash. Alberta bungalow. 5 large rooms, fireplace, buffet, piped for furnace ; neat, clean, mod ern, vacant: blk. car. Main 4403. O. C. i JO L DE N BE RO, Abington bids. "35 yrs in Portland." TIME FOR GARDEN. $3M pOWN PAYMENT. VACANT MOHBRN BUNGALOW. 6 rooms, one floor, full basement, first class plumbing, nice fireplace, some built-ins, large lot 76x110, some fruit, near car and H. S. street, and price is only $2MM; see this at once. Sunday, Mur. .VMiJ, week days Main 7967. Mariels or Williams. kl'O Cham, of Com. bldg. SMALL. HOMES FOR LITTLE MONEY. 47 E. 13th tt-p 50x50, with 6-room cottage, $loo. 326 Failing sL 30x60, with 4-room cottage. Mrtfto. 334. Failing st.. 40x60 (corner), with fi-rnom cottage. $-400. bay terms can be arranged. LOUIS SALOMON A- CO., 4QS Selling Bldg. A BARGAIN Woman client compelled to accept E. 34th and Knott, will sell on terms to save herself. 100 feet siuare; 0-room handsome house, built 5 years ago, cement basement, fireplace. iurnare, gas, electricity, lmpruveu streets. M. C. Oeorae. W asliington DlOg. 4th and Washington. Main 202S, fore noons call Main 4150. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Six larse airy rooms, two large porches, lnrire Attic floored and nlastered. furnace. fireplace, laundry trays, on carline and paved street, nouse nas oeen newiy unieu. will sell at a very reasoname price; in uh be sold soon. Main .Hub; Juain ooa. Sunday morning. $700 3-ROOM SHACK. Lot 50x100. Near MontaviHa Carline. East 55th Street. J H. KEATING. K17 Boacd of Trade AT 4 J7 Front st. we have a good 7-room . house and good lot. we can sell this line barstaEn for $200; lot worth the money; house is only five years old ami In tine condition: has good two-room cottage on back of lot; see this today. WAKEFIELD. FRIES & CO, b5 4th st. VANCOUVER. S rooms, s lee nine norch. modern ex cept furnace; walking distance to steel yard; price $10Mt, terms; will take auto or trad tor Portland property, iwx Vancouver. Wa.sh. FURNISHED IRVLNGTON PARK BUNGALOW. 4(0 Must have $1200 cash; 6 nice rooms. skeeoinK norch. fireDlace. fur nace, built-ins. attic, garage. Mutual Realty Co.. 1210 N. W. Bank bldg. 6-ROOM bungalow, bath, toilet, reception hail, full-sized concrete basemen t, cor. lot. close to Russell st- and school; $24 0O, $7.V down, balance like rent. CLAR ENCE PARKER, 542 Williams ave. taut lOltt. FOR SALE A 4 -room house, electric lights, water; price $1250, cash $400. bat ance $20 a month at 7 per cent; 4 block south of car barns. Inquire at Carn Barn Store or address H. H., Box it, ancouvor, asn. BUILD NOW! If you own a lot. we will secure the money and build for you. Terms like rent. Call and see us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO.. Main 235 or Main 4477. 021 Morgan bldg. 620 E. 1LITH ST. N.. $0000 Living room. dining room, den, fine Dutch kitchen. 3 sunny bedrooms, glass inclosed sleeping porch, nreplace., garage. Mrs, Harry rrice faimer. tast iy.o. $350O. Brand-new modern bungalow north of Sandy. Just completed; terms. $.100 cash, balance jo per montiK Owner. 621 Morgan bldg. Mam 2o3o. Tabor 3t4. LOOK; GOING AWAY; MAKE OFFER. 6 nice rooms. 3 up and 3 down. Block Alberta car. Worth $:.200 or more. But make me offer. Quick. Mutual Realty Co., 1219 N. W. Bank bldg. FoR J1200 cash and $40 a month you can buy a $:t200 house. 0 rooms, bath, but no fireplace or furnace; improvements ail paid, lot 50x100. in Hawthorne district. Weston Co.. 1215-10 N. W. aBnk Bldg. HOME FOR LARGE FAMILY. S-piendid house, well located, clean and in excellent repair, 8 rooms with 4 bedrooms, fireplace, furnace: S44JOO. car, $15M. 734 E. Burnside. East 271. SUBURBAN 4-room houe and one acre at Courtney, near Milwaukie Park. $1500. $."iO cash; balance terms. Oregon Inv. A Mfg. Co., 222 Chamber ef Commerce KIdg. Marshall 2o5. IRVINGTON ENGLISH COLONIAL, beau- tlful 75x150, built for home; 7 rooms, sun porch, oak floors, 2 fireplaces, 2 bathrooms, double garage; $9000, terms. Neuhausen. Main 8o78. HAWTHORNE district, eight-room mod ern hou:e. with sleeping porch, fire place, furnace, garage, lot 50x100. Tabor 87S. - $'ihh NICE 5-room bungalow near Burn side on East Sod street ; terms. Oregon Inv. & Mtg. Co., 222 Chamber of Com merce Bids. Marshall 2o5. j-.ini ti ROOMS with some furniture; lol 50x105; this is no sark. it's O. K. and terms very easy J. P. McKenna, Belmont and :;th. Tabor 6413. 1M LINCOLN ST.. South Portland: 5-room hoe. $1700. $10 cash, $20 per month, or trade for house southeast. Fred Spear, Tabor 5iS7. $J70 SWELL 5-r. bungalow, hardwood floor, cement basement: lot 50x100; lib eral terms. .1. P. McKenna, Belmont "and rtMh. Tabor 4IH. k MODERN convenient 7-room house on corner, two fireplaces, furnace, garage; $10oo down and possession immediately! Owner 311-14. CLOSE your real estate deal without an noying details by using a Title Insur ance Policy. No abstract required. Title and Trtift Company. iKVINCrTON HOMES OUR SPECIALTY. FI FT E'EN YEA RS IN IRVINGTON N ECHALSEN A CO.. X. W. BK. BLDG, $30oo 7 rooms, lot 60xloo ft., fruit and berries. See J. P. McKenna, Belmont and :t!th. Tabor tHitl. PORTLAND HEIGHTS HOM E $."H)0. Large, comfortable home on Montgom ery drive, near car line. E. 271. $;!. mi THIS is something good. 5-room modern bungalow. ex'4tt furnace; large lot and fruit. Call Tabor 681. FOR SALE $lirt. 5-room cottage. CMiimby between 19th and 20th. Phone East 105.V IRVINGTON BUNGALOW. $55iK: 62S E. Huh st. N.: do not disturb tenant. East 314, Main 8i7t; no agents. 4-ROOM p:a.terd houp. 2 lots. 11 fruit trec; quick sale, $1250. 6711 57th ave. B. E. HOUSE and lot on 2th K Broadway, at reasonable price for sate by owner. Phone-evenings. Main 1447. IRVINGTON HOMES, see our BARGAINS, NEUHAUSEN &. CO.. N. W. BK. BLDU REAL ESTATE. For Sale Uoiuea COTTAGE WITH GARAGE. $2500 You would hardlv ex Dec t to get . good property with garage for this amount of money, but the owner Is forced to sell and for this reason is sacrificing ror quick sale; situated In he Alberta -district on Glenn ave. on lo 50x100: 2 blocks to car line and block to school. There are 4 good rooms and bath and sleepin porch. There is an attic and good basement. Cement side' walks and good lawn. The street is not paved. There is a 14-foot alley and garage is on back part or jot with entrance through alley. The property Is in excellent con dition. The street is expected to be paved this summer. !2."0 cash will handle this. Call Main 3o. M'CRILLIS-CLEAVELAND CO. A HOME OF ELEGANCE. MAKE US AX OFFER. We are pleased to offer this prop erty for sale because we know it is one of the finest homes in the citv. no difference what the nrice located in the choicest part of Irvlngton. 2 blocks from the car line, surrounded by magna. cen homes, iauai to tnem in con struct ion, design and value, but under them in price. The living room is very large, finished I old Ivory with an unusually at tractive fireplace. The dining room Is particularly attractive, finished also in the ivory. Kitchen and pass pantry contain all the features a good home should have, also in white. There is a room off the kitchen and dining room which can be used for k either den or breakfast room. The second floor has 3 magnificen sleeping rooms and large sleeping porch ana a oeautirui oat n room. Rooms are al 1 larse and well ventilated. The basement Is as complete as any basement we know of, containing separate rooms such as laundry room, fruit room, coal room and wood room, and contains a splendid hot-air furnace. There Is a very fine garage and beautiful lawn with excellent shade trees. The nroDertv is on a corner. 75x100. The owner's wife is sick and he Is forced to sell at once. A rea sonable offer will be considered. Call Main 530. M'CRILLIS-CLEAVELAND CO., 322 to 326 Henry Bldg., Main 630. A FEW OF OUR CHOICE BUYS. $7850 A new strictly modern bunga low in Alameda park near car. This place is finished in ivory and mahogany; will bear the closest inspection. An ideal home for somebody. $6800 Buys a beautiful modern bun galow In Walnut park. Has hot water heating plant, hardwood floors, built-ins, Dutch kitchen, bath on both floors, in fact everything. The house alone would cost more to build than we are asking for the house and lot. The rooms are large and airy. A very desirable home. $600 Grand view bungalow. This mod ern 1 -story bungalow has a fine view of the city. Is strictly modern in every particular and in an excellent neign- borhood, - situated in Laurelhurat, near car. $5500 Buys a modern 7-room bunga low on E. 24th street. This house is well built and is in best of condition. Can be bought on easy terms. Owner wants to leave city. $2000 Five-room bungalow in good condition; would cost $2500 to build the house if the lot were thrown in. Easy terms. $1800 Six-room bungalow for $200 down and $25 per month. We have a good business corner 05 by 100 on 2d and Columbia sts. ; also a good site for a garage or apartment house, 100x100 and many other choice buys. Any of these will bear the closest inspection ; we make plans and build houses to adit. For further information, see M. BILLINGS, 500 McKay Bldg. Main 1300. MR. AND MRS. HOME6EEKER!!! ONLY $S500 for a splendid 1 O-room home In Irvlngton. thoroughly mod ern and up to date; built to live in ' and easy to heat; nicely arranged. Fine lot. garage, paved driveway and handy to carline: located on East 21st st. N.. between Brazee and Knott. A most desirable loca tion. For sale only because we are about to move into our new home on West over Terraces. Cash terms. East 6S50. Owner. Early possession. ROSE CITY PARK, BEAUTIFUL HOME. In fine neighborhood, paved street, close to best tchooL 4 block off Ala meda drive; garage, cement driveway, ideal place for children, dandy yard with plenty shade; house In good condition inside and out: contains reception hall, den with built-in bookcases. French doors between living room and reception hall, paneled dining room, white enam eled kitchen with .built-in cabinet work: 3 large, light bedrooms with excellent plumbing; linen closet, large clothes cioiet, window seats, etc., fireplace; ce ment basement with exceptionally fine furnace; laundry trays; casement screens for all the windows; big porches. Price $5300; $1200 down. $35 month balance: liberal discount for Vi cash. 607 E 51st st.. North. Open daily 10 to 4. $5500 ROSE CITY BUNGALOW. Six rooms, all on one floor, sleeping porch above; has full cement basement, wash tray, hardwood floors, lots of built ins, modern in all respects; has garage; lot 50x100. situated on 41st St., close to car line. See Mr. Oliver, with HARGROVE REALTY CO., Bdwy. 4381. 122 N. 6th St. LAURELHURST HOME SNAP. $7000. Owner bought larger home and MUST sell this week, strictly modern 2-story. 7-room house with garage, located in nice neighborhood near car: center en trance hall, very large living room. 4 bedrooms, everything excellent condi tion, beautiful overslsed yard with fruit trees and vines, arranged especially for children. If you want a real bargain look at this; terms. R. H. Torrey. Ta bor 407. WONDERFUL VIEW PROPERTY. On the west side, a strictly modern 7 room bungalow; gas heating system ; home was built for present owner; all double const, of best material about one year ago. You have a wonderful view of city and mts. Shown by appointment Monday. Call Main 50SS. WRIGHT AND ROCK. HERE IS A BEAUTY. In W. Moreland on 17th street, near By bee ave.. 5 rooms and sleeping porch; strictly modern, east facing, blk. to car. House is one year old. double const. This ts a gift at $5000. Sunday. Tabor 3090. Sel. 1355. Main 598. office. WRIGHT AND ROCK. $4r00 S-ROOMS, built for home; lot 5ox joo: close in, is now re n tea at no montn. $2500 cash; don't inquire if you haven't the money; that's why I am selling. See J. P. McKenna, Belmont and 39th. Tabor 4;t. TWO houses, 12 and 7 rooms, on a 50x100 corner lot, close In, east side: rents bring in 10 per cent net on $10,000: will sell at a great sacrifice; owner leaving city. Terms if desired. Phone Broad way 91. BEAUTIFUL NEW BUNGALOW. GROVEL AND PARK. Up-to-date, modern, with furnace, win dows, garage, attic. See WeMer. owner and builder. Tabor 8743. Main 5231. Room 8 Chamber of Commerce. $7600 LAURELHURST HOME $7600. 1122 Glisan st. opposite Scott home: strictly modern throughout; couldn't be duplicated for $12,000. Tabor 2U52. Main 3123. Charles Rlngler A Co., 225 Henry bldg. SOUTH MT. TABOR DISTRICT. 6-room bungalow with sleeping porch, full basement, garage, full lot. 2 blocks to Hawthorne car; price $3200. Tabot 8743. Main 5231. FOR a bargain see this quick income prop erty. Concrete b?dg.. In fine district, 3 Tats and 2 tsore rooms, all rented. On paved street and carline. 1320 E. Glisan or phone Tabor 2rtt. IRVINGTON BUNGALOW, . $t750. easy terms: 7 rooms, sleeping porch, garage, oak floors, choice location. Neuhausen, Main 8078. TITLE INSURANCE Is the modern wav of L costs less and no abstract required. Title and Trust Company. REAL L ST ATE. For Sale Houses. NEAR BROADWAY BRIDGE. WILL NET 15 PER CENT. When a person is considering Nan investment in real estate, one of the vital points is the probable increase in land values. Location may mean everything. Take a walk this morning over either the Broadway or new steel bridge and then you will realize how close in is the property located at 26-S, -03 4, 270. 2704 Ross street. Yes; it is a four 4-room flat building with two large attics: structure practically new; mn excellent con dition; separate entrances front and back; separate furnaces; $0500, with I-'IOOO cash, balance at 6 per cent; will rent for $140 per month. Deduct insurance and taxes and this is a net 15 per cent invest ment. Photo at office; open all day Sunday. J. F. HILL. 696 Williams ave. East 208. FRANK L. McGUIRE Offers the Following Appraised Homes for Sale. WILL HELP YOU MAKE YOUR DOWN PAYMENT IF NECESSAKx. 40 homes in Rose City Park. 58 homes In Holladay-Irvington. 12 homes in Piedmont, ft homest In Kenton. 90 homes in Sunnyslde, Hawthorne, Mt. Tabor. 60 homes in Alberta, 45 homes In Albina. 40 homes in Peninsula. 25 homes In Woodlawn. 65 homes in Central East Portland. 40 homes in Montavilla. 30 homes in Waverly-Rtchmond. fiO homes in Sellwood. 86 homes in Woodstock. 60 homes in Mt. Scott. 70 homes on west side. FRANK L. McGUIRE. TO BUY YOUR HOME, Abington building. Main 1068. Office Open Evenings and Sundays. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH. Modern 7-room House. No future worries over payment for street improvements if you buy this modern two-story house on Gantenbeln ave. Including sewer, they are all in and paid for: there are 4 rooms down stairs and 3 above; just the place for a large family; no car fare to and from school; full size lot; this will sell today sure; $3000; only $800 need be paid down, bal ance at 6 per cent. Photo at office. Open all day Sunday. J. F. HILL, 696 Williams ave. East 268. HAWTHORNE BARGAIN. $4300 Exceptionally well built 1-story bungalow of 6 rooms, full cement basement, fireplace, new garage, fine built-in buffet of specially designed wood: 8 full hearing fruit trees, sioou cash, $23 per month. . HAWTHORNS DISTRICT. Beautiful 8-room bungalow, strictly modern, with fireplace, furnace and hardwood floors; fine plumbing, garage, all improvements paid. Price $4so0. $1500 cash. VEST EN & DE JOICE. 222-223 Henry Bldg. Main 1631. $3500 UNIVERSITY PARK HOME. 9-room furnished house, with gas, bath and electric lights; three lots, about V acre of ground, with lots of fruit, berries and grapes : full basement; in a good neighborhood, one block to car line; $1000 will handle. This Is a good buy and a good house; worth a great deal more than asked. See Mr. Oliver, with HARGROVE REALTY CO.. Bdwy. 4381. 122 N. 6th St. IRVINGTON BUYERS! See Street's column of Irvlngton buys, $4500 to $30,000, in New To day columns adjoining, then see Street for your requirements, as we advertise only a few. R. T. STREET, Irvlngton head quarters, 606 East Broadway. East 894. Residence East 42S0. CHOICE -acre tract, good 4-room plastered cottage, with city water. as: neat and conveniently arranged. Well buitt garage; 2 chicken houses and chicken run. Price $2000, $200 down, balance like rent. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 632-3-4-3 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 3787. KENTON COTTAGE. 5 rooms and bath, good basement, elec tric lights, Dutch kitchen. 1 block to car: choice corner; both streets hard surfaced; for $2050; $300 cash. bal. like rent. A. H. BIRRELL CO.. 217 X. W. Bank Bldg. Marshall 4114. FOR SALE Semi modern bungalow, 5 rooms, lot mxioo, sou in Mt. labor, ah varieties fruit and berries. Chicken house and runs, garage; four blocks to grade school, walking distance to hfgh school; reasonable for quick sale. Terms. Taoor o242. 1 ACRE. OAK GROVE $1900. One beautiful acre with 4-room bun galow, fruit, berries and shade trees electric lights, gas, good rock road, only 2 blocks from station; $600 cash. Easy terms. Notning better for the money, R. F. FEEMSTER, 309 Abington Bldg. A GOOD BUY TN LAURELHURST. NEW 7-ROOM BUNGALOW, FIN ISHED IN IVORY ENAMEL, HARD WOOD FLOORS. ROOMS ALL LARGE PRICE $VIOO, INCLUDING ALL STREET ASSESSMENTS. PHONE OWNER, TABOR 3S28. IRVINGTON. Beautiful 6-room home, 1 block from car; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace. natural ana ivory iinisn; ooxioo lot $7000, terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., 104 Fifth St. Main 6869. HERE IS A BUY A double constructed 9-room house, with three fine lots, right on car line and paved street, for quick sale will take $4500; $1500 cash, balance to suit. Call at 1304 3d St., or phone Main 7688. Ask for J. C Rones. LKVINGTON MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. Al LiOtJATlOiM; 5U1L.T r OK A HOME. Non-resident has reuuested us to sell at once; price $6500; half cash; terms on oaiance, possession at once; oe sure anu see tnis. SMITH-WAGONER CO., Stock Exch. HAWTHORNE district. 6-room modern home, completely furnished, including Kimoaii piano; a oe a rooms, furnace, ce ment floor in basement; laundry trays; located west or asth st., near Haw thorne ave. Price $4700. No agents. Mrs. Lucius, raoor 30u. EXTRA WTELL BUILT 6-room 2-story biinga low in .Brentwood, oerf ect reDalr. basement, gas end city water; no bath or toilet; cost $2000 to build now: an absolute bargain, $15fo if cold this week, $500 cash. Lot 0x100. Tabor 414. BARGAIN. 6 rooms, furnace, fireplace, buffet; not new. but a good buy : near 50th and Division and on a nice high lot. over looking city. $3000, $500 cash, balance easy terms, call Alarrin, Tabor 4845. FOR S 4LE by owner, 3-ioom plastered nouse, gas and water, on two lots. 'x 100 ft.. $1100 cash. $1250 terms. Apply 6028 5Sth ave. S. E. STRTCTLY modern. 7-room house, just outside city limits. 3 full lots. 2 chicken houses, garage. 18 bearing fruit trees; cash or terms, hee owner, o.2i 71st st- S. E. Take Mt. Scott car to Millard ave. $2500 SIX-ROOM BUNGALOW. Modern plumbing, electric lights, easv walking distance, east side. Terms if desired, ir interested call at 343 Sher man st. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT $4n00; modern six-room bungalow on 50xlK) lot, with garage. Attractive place for home buyer. :an owner, jaoor o4. io agents. BIG SNAP 6-room house, full lot, paved streets, 1 block to car: house needs some repairs; will sell reasonable. Call owner Sunday alter l f. m. at East 6337. FOR SALE by owner, country home in city: your own fruit, lawn, flowers. 2 blocks from car. 6 rooms, 2 lots, 1200 E Hth st. N. Wdln. 1K30. LOT. 4-room newly furnished house in good condition, on car line ten minutes from postoffice. $1600, half cash. 738 Mississippi avenue. DEAL with owner. $3500, 7-room house N. W. cor., restricted district, improve ments in and paid. Sellwood BOO. FOR SALE A dandy 5-room house. 880 Fast A'sh st. For appointment phone Woodlawn 2189. 5-ROOM cottage for sale, $4000. Marshall 2848. Phone FOR SALE A portable house or as a gar age. Timber 20. Tabor 8482. IRVINGTON HOMES, $5000 $20.000. MruwLm Kast 419. FOR SALE Modern 5-room bungalow with garage. Phone Tabor 8440. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. RALPH HARRIS CO., SPECIALIZES IN SUBURBAN AND CITY HOMES. i ROSE CITY From our many ffood things in this district we men tion only this one today. It's a cosy 6-room bungalow, painted white, with den, fireplace and built-ins: cheery dining room; labor-saving Dutch kitchen; 2 bedrooms and bath; cement base ment, Gasco furnace (no fuel to shovel, no ashes to carry); dandy garage; best of ail is the location, on a 50x100 coaner lot, faces east and south; paved street: only a stone's throw from Sandy boule vard. Price $4500; $1500 cash. ALBERTA Near I-J car. is the adora ble 7-room bungalow with dainty living room full width of house, fireplace, heaps of windows; din ing room paneled with best qual ity slash-grained fir, beamed neilinir. den with two large win- , dows and closet ; splendid fur nace: sunny basement ; three horimnmH lots of fruit and ber ries; excellent garage: everything in best of condition; $5250, $2500 cash. PIEDMONT Here la a very attractive 8-room house; 3 nice rooms and den on first floor, 2 bedrooms, large sitting-sewing room, large storage room, baUi on second floor; full cement bVsement. fur nace, convenient to Jefferson high school; 50x100 lot; $4000; or 2 lots, with fine new garage and other improvements, for $5000; $1000 cash. IRVINGTON An exceptional home at an exceptional price. $0500 will make you the proad owner of this love ly home. It was built for a home and not to sell, but circumstances have unfortunately changed and now is your chance to become the possessor. Exquisite H. W. floors, beamed ceilings, lovely built-ins, French plate windows, Dutch kit chen, plastered basement, won derful fireplace; in fact, all the lovely things you've been look ing for and haven't found. Re quires but $2500 to handle. It's complete with heating plant. HAWTHORNE: 7-room home $5000. This is an attractive story-and-half with five rooms on first floor and two sleeping rooms on second floor (not an attic). Living room and dining room, H. W. floors, fireplace, built-ins, cement base-1 ment, furnace, garage, full lot, east front, located on 41st st. just off Hawthorne, upaved st. and boulevard, all paid. 4 cash required. We have other attractive buys in the select districts which we will be pleased to tell you about. RALPH HARRIS COMPANY, 827 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 5624. We write fire insurance. FOR SALE BY OWNER. CLASSIEST BUNGALOW IN PORTLAND. HOT WATER HEAT. TILED BATH AND SHOWER. TILED STORM ENTRANCE. LIVTNG ROOM 18x28 WITH $1000 FIREPLACE. SCREENED-IN PORCH. 12x40. 40 CASEMENT WINDOWS. MAIN BEDROOM SUITE CON SISTS OF 3 ROOMS EN AL COVE. CONSISTING OF LADIES' BOUD OIR (6 W I N D O W S, FULL LENGTH MIRROR) LARGE BED CJT AMBER, MAN'S DRESSING ROOM (ALL BUILT IN CLOSETS). PIANO FINISH SEVEN -COAT ENAMEL WORK. 300x100 ON CORNER, CLOSE TO 4 CAR LINES IN PIED MONT. BEARING FRUIT TREES. $1000 IN FLOWERS, BULBS AND SHRUBBERY. $1000 IN ARTISTIC FENCES. $15500 CASH. $3500 MORTGAGE. HOUSE AND IMPROVEMENTS 'WORTH WAY OVER $10,000. LOTS WORTH $30O0. STREET IMPROVEMENTS COST $1027. PHONE WOODLAWN 3159 APPOINTMENT. FOR HANG YOUR HAT UNDER YOUR OWN ROOF. Two-room shack. 3 blocks from Frank lin high school. $0J0 takes it. A good buy. Two-room shack house, elec. lights. gas. water, cement sidewalk, lot suxioo. $250 down, balance $10 and 6 per cent. $1075 buys good 5-room house on cor. lot. near hard-surface road on your own terms. $1175 buys 3-room house on cor. lot, cement sidewalks, gas, dec, bath, ga rage. $300 down, balance $15 per month, including interest 6 per cent. Hundreds of other good listings. Come in and see us. NORD HENNTNGSEN CO.. 401 Stock Ex., 3d and Yamhill sts. SPLENDID HOME IN IRVINGTON ON 21ST STREET. A modern home in best part of this splendid district for $5500; streets paved and paid ; 6 rooms, finished mahogany and oak; fireplace, hardwood floors, all built-ins. sleeping Dorch. plate-glass win dows. furnace. Interior finish and de- sicn are saperb. Price $5500; $1500 cash. We have an especially desirable assort ment in this splendid district, bee Mr. Oliver, with ' HARGROVE REALTY CO., Bdwy. 4381. 122 N. 6th St. $6500 A REAL COLONIAL $6500. A splendid home, reception hall with French doors to large living and dining room, bookcases, buffet, hardwood floors, cabinet kitchen, fireplace, full floored basement, furnace Kitd wash trays. 3 splendid bedrooms with large, light clos ets, steeping porch, linen closets and drawers complete, laundry chute, elegant bath, wide porches. White Enamel Finish. Hard-surface streets, sewers, etc.. all paid. 1 block to car. restricted district. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Railway Exchange. Main 6752. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 ROOMS. FRONTING ON SANDY. Go see the northwest corner 45th and Sandy blvd. This la a splendid home that is being offered at a price so low as to warrant your Investigation. The house is complete in every way. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet. Dutch kitchen, full cement basement, furnace, etc.; ga rage. See it today. Get key at branch office. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 264 Stark st.. near 3d. Main 3092. Branch office 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) HAWTHORNE AVE.. CLOSE TN. $4500 LARGE GROUNDS $4500. This is a beautiful lot, in first-class location. 464x130, all street improve ments paid, 8-room house with full semi cement basement, furnace, several nice fruit trees; all clear of Incumbrance: $1000 cash will handle. balance like rent: near 24th st. Out-of-town owner must sell. C A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-0-7 Board of Trade Bldg ROSE CITY HOME. Owner anxious to leave the city, will sell his 2-storv home for less than mar ket value; fireplace, built-in bookcases buffet, basement, laundry trays, fur nace. 50x100 lot. garage, street Improve ments in and paid; price $4500, $2000 cash. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 632 633, 634, 035 N. W. Bank Bldg., Main 3787. . NEW COT-O NT A L BUNGALOW ROSE CITY PARK. CORNER 43D AND THOMPSON STS. Just finished, beautiful bungalow, the finest of everything: large living rooms, plate-glass windows, swell buffet, finest eastern oak floors, solid brass hdw., fur nace, old ivory-mahogany finish. Owner, 501 E. 43d North. Phone Tnbor 1000. ERE is vour chance: a dandy modern fl room house in upper Irvlngton. Full ce ment basemenfc. hardwood floors, built-in conveniences! corner lot; three blocks from Irvlngton car; for quick sale will take $.1700. Owner leaving town. Wood lawn 3S08. BEAUMONT HOME. A real fine 7-room home, on carline; hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, 50x 100, garage: an exceptional fine home and a splendid value; $0000, some terms. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., 104 Fifth SU Main GSG3. HEAL ESTATE. For Sale Houses. MOM K TtTTVKRS ATTENTION Irvlngton Six-room modern home in center of Irvington; hardwood floors and mahoganv and oak finish downstairs. Prlpo t.V(tft farms. irvitiptnn pvn-room modern home. hardwood floors, garage. Price $0000. Irvincton Seven-room modern home. Trir-a CilO t arm a Irviheton' District Eight-room mod orry hnma Trif X.VIftO. terms. Irvington Six-room new bungalow on corner lot: all hardwood floors and white enamel finish: earage. xrice Irvineton Six-room modern house. Ti-;a JrLft(l forma Sunnvside Six rooms and bath and full cement basement. $3200, very rea HRwrhorne District Six-room modern home; full cement basement; good fur iiooa Vrir SS.lim- terms. Groveland Park Five-room modern Kun era In w a nH n t tie: hardWOOd f lOOrS : owner must sell immediately. Price I have some bargain lots in Irvington, Laurelhurst and Ruse City rarx. RfclR WHTSI.ER L K1NCAID. Phone Main 4735. 526 Henry Bldg, ALAMEDA DRIVE. BEAUTIFUL 8-ROOM HOUSE. lOOrino CORNER. Hnni'a nosirivelv the bis treat bargain 1 In a high-class home in the city of Portland: eight rooms, modern to the I minute, with hardwood floors and plate j glass Windows throughout the entire house: unusually fine sun parlor with I concrete floor; extra large den with un usually large fireplace and other attrac tive appointments; a jarge onnarn room; rooms all well decorated. Say. folks, you I couldn't build this house for $10,.00. This beautiful 1 00x1 00 corner is worth j $:i."00 more, and the whole price is only I $0500; half cash. Locatl in the most I exclusive part of the Alameda Drive. I There's a large garage, of course. Phone I for appointment and we'll show you $14,000 home for $10.ooo. G. G. McCORMIC CO.. 242 Washington St.. near Second. Ground Floor. Phone Main 8220. 218 MONROE STREET. " $2100 $500 CASH. 5-room 1 4 -story house, lot 40x 108; macadam street, sewer, elec tric light and gas, bath, 16-foot alley, fruit trees; $2100, $500 cash, $25 a month ou balance. Photo at office. 1 Open all day Sunday. ,T. F. HILL, 606 Williams Ave. East 263. WONDERFUL SNAP. $750 CASH $2500. HARDWOOD FLR., FIREPLACE. Here is a real 6-rm. bungalow on 60x100 lot, blk. M. S. car, in good dist., among beautiful homes, worth near $4000; owner must sell. G. C. GOLDEN BERG, Abington bldg "35 Yrs. in Portland. Main 4803. DANDY STRICTLY MODERN 6 room bungalow, between Haw thorne and Sunnyside cars, near 39th st., has furnace, fireplace, built-in buffet, Dutch kitchen and all other modern features; paved street, cement walks, corner lot JlOxlOO, garage. Will give someone an absolute bar gain for $1500 down. CONE, 170 ' E. 38th St., TABOR 1524. ROSE CITY PARK. Strictly modern flve-rrmm bungalow; nreplace, naK iioors, an ouiit-ins, paved street; $3300, fioou casn. MR. I AM AN, with COE A. McKENNA & CO.. Fourth St. Main 82 NEW LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Six rooms, tvolcal California style: beautifully finished throughout in old ivory and tapestry paper; expensive bath tub. pedestal washstand on floor; garage. I will guarantee this place first-class In every particular. Come out today and look this over. Drive out Burnside to 42d. one block north. Open from 2 till 5. TURNER & WINSHIP. OWNERS. Phone Tabor 2124 or Tabor 5094 A BEAUTIFUL HOME. IN IRVINGTON. Mahogany and oak finish, 6 rooms, modern to the minute. PRICK $5500 for quick sile. TEL. EAST 5339. MR. CRAWFORD. $5500. 12 big rooms. 2-story flats. 6 R. each, j elec, gas, furnaces, fireplaces, across Broadwav bridge, walking distance, now making 30 per cent on investment, 50x1 100 ft. lot, cement walks, house would! cost $9000 If built now, owner must sell. AlCr AttLArs I), Main 3672. -002 Yeon Bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. New 5 rooms ind exceptionally large sleeping yorcn, glass inciosea; nardwood floors, enamel finish, nreplace. furnace. built-in garage. 1 block from car line. 616 E. 57th N.. cor. Stanton. $6500. '.fcrms. Phone Main 6154 and Tabor 3823. DO YOU want a fine 5-room bungalow I one block from - Hawthorne, close in? Nice fireplace, built-in buffet, caninet kitchen, all white enamel plumbing, large floored attic, cement basement. laundry trays in basement, three bearing 1 cherry trees in back yard. If this sounds 1 good to you, write, and 1 will show you. I J W6, oregonian. WELL BUILT 6-ROOM HOME. $1000 will take the equity of a good home on ii-asc otn si. nas concrete front wall and steps. Bath, toilet sena- rate. Mortgage of $700 to run at will of purchaser. Fine full lot. splendidly improved with fruit, berries and flowers. Main 6630 evonings, or see owner, 361 lth st. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. Really a fine bungaiow-type home, with 2 bedrooms down and 2 anj sleep ing porch up; nice large rooms, oak floors, fireplace, furnace and 50x100 lot and garage: price $ti000-$2000. THE FRED A. JACOBS CO., 104 Fifth St. Main 0869. BEAUTIFUL 4-room bungalow with bath I and toilet, living room, dining room. kitchen and one bedroom ; has built-in kitchen; 6 fruit trees, choice shrubbery. Price only $12.o, some terms. JOHNSON-DODSON CO., 632. 633, 634, 635 N. W.'Bank Bldg., Main 37S7. $1,00 2 ACRES, all in cultivation, barn and outbuildings, variety fruit, 2-room I house. 1 block to macadamised road, l mile to Pacific highway and S. P. elec- I . trie. 1& miles to Beaverton; $S00 cash. balance $20 month and interest at 6 per I - cent. F. E. Millar. 416 Chamber of Commerce. Main 807. A BEAUTIFUL HOME. Strictly modern large house, cement garage, paved streets, on corner. V acre, right in city, fruit, garden and flowers, just planted 60 ft. bulbs, spring bloom ing; must be seen to be appreciated. PACIFIC REALTY, Main 847 400 Spalding Bldg. $2500. Good 5-room cottage, corner 100x100. fruit trees, chicken houses, 2 blocks WW car line In Woodstock; a very good home for the money. . J. J. OEDER CO.. 4 Grand Ave. North, near Kast Ankeny. NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH. Good 4-room bungalow, with plumb ing, electric lights, gas. improved street. Neat and conveniently arranged. Price only $2010, $iouo cash. bai. mortgage. JOHNSON-DODSON CO.. 032-3-4-5 N. W. Bank bldg. Main 37S7. IRVINGTON, COLONIAL. CORNER, cen ter hall, colonial stairs, large living room, sunroom, breakfast-room. 2 fire places, all oak floors. 2 bathrooms: worth $13,000; sell $12,500. Neuhausen & Co. FOUR-ROOM house all white enamel, bath, full cement basement. Rose City Park district, $1050. Only small payment down. This is a bargain if yon want a small house. Weston Co., 1215 N. W. Bank Bldg. ALAMEDA PARK $5tW0. Just finished, fascinatingly neat, mod ern bungalow with garage; easiest terms. SKOTHEIM-BROWN CO.. 330 to 333 Ry. Exch. Bldg.. Main 5190. A NEW 5-room bungalow, all modern, with heat, hardwood floors and built ins Come and see it yourself; It's a fine house. Phone aut. 317-01. 1080 E. 19th North. Call 'between 9 A. M. and 1 P. M. Sunday. ROSE CITY PARK. Must leave city at once. Will sacrifice my strictly modern 6-room bungalow, hardwood floors, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace, all built-ins, garage. Cali me up. Tabor 6875. FOR SALE Modern 6-room house in Hol laday addition, walking distance, a' bar gain, no agents.. Inquire 201 1st st. Main 4066. - 7-ROOM house, 50x100 corner lot, all up to datp; East 18th North, near car; price $7500, terms. Call East 118. REAL ESTATE. Far Sale House. BARGAIN WEST SIDE VIEW HOME. ONLY $9000. Where your money talks as in the eood old fashioned days in its purchasing power, and the house being extra warm and well built will please rou even more. This desirable residence is located on a most attractive site of good size on Willamette Heights, and con sists of 8 pleasant rooms, includ ing a large, light living mom with fireplace and built-in booKcase. de- lightful sun porch, bright dining room with built-in buffet, all three of these rooms commanding one of the most glorious panoramic views to be found anywhere, in cluding the four snow-capped mountain peaks of Hood, Adams, St. Helens and Rainier in all the splendors of sunrise, sunset and cloud effects by day, moon tight, and the wondrously lighted city by night in a word, a 24-hour view which thousands of people . would travel many miles to see. Then, too, on the first floor there are a most complete pass imntry, an economy kitchen, a rear service porch, and adjoining the house, with a direct door connection, a first-class garage about as handy as could be desired both a front and rea.r stairway lead to the sec ond floor, which has three un usually cheerful bedrooms com manding wonderful views and heaps of light and air; a fine bathroom, besides plenty of clothes and linen closets. The attic is one big store room. ' So is also the basement, com plete with furnace room, laundry, drying room and a good servant's room, all in spick and span con dition, inside and out, AND READY FOR YOU TO MOVE RIGHT IN. Elegant yard with winding paths. shrubbery. roses, berry bushes and garden space, as well as a cluster of the most beuutifut fir trees one can Imagine. Handy to carline and "built to live in" and to "GET ALL THE SUN SH INE,' and the price is surely right much less than cost of re production only $10110 in all and terms will be granted to a good purchaser. So, if this reads as though it might meet your requirements, be sure to arrange to see It early, as good-view homes are scarce and this one ought to go quick. "SEE IT EARLY RATHER THAN BE SORRY LATER." For an appointment phone, call or white JUNGCK, secretary. you may HAROLD INTERNATIONAL REALTY ASSOCIATES, Office, 3307 Yeon Building. Phone: Office, Marshall 630. Residence East 1009. $3450 BUNGALOW. IVY ST., BET. TWO CAR LINES. This is one of our best buys today; 5 rooms, all on one floor; in good district: excellent car service; paved street, sewer, full Fize lot, cemnnt basement. $3150; $1200 down, balance to suit. Photo at office. Open all day Sunday. J. F. HILL. 696 Williams Ave. East 208. TRVINOTON COLONIAL. SACRIFICE $8000 WORTH $10,500. Here s that bargain you ve been look- Ing for; 7 rooms and finished sleeping pun-ii. juige Kiana sun parior, two line urepiaces. iwo toilets, full TiOxloO with best of shrubbery and flowers: hardwood floors; full cement basement compieieiy imirnea: excellent furnace and hot water for summer. The house aione wouia cost $lo,non to build: owner forced to sacrifice. Price only $8000; $4700 cash. Phone for appoint- inciii. luuay. uiiice open Sunday. Main G. G. McCORMIC CO., 242 Washington St.. near Second. Ground Floor. PORTSMOUTH. Five-room cottage on lot 66 2-3x100 ft., 1 blocks,, from car line; seven fruit trees, nouse newly painted. 830 Bow doin st., one block south of Lombard; ?iouu, oou casn, oaiance like rent. MR. MA HONEY, COE A. McKENNA & CO., 82 Fourth SL Main 452: ROSE CITY PARK BUNGALOW. One of Rose City's best 6-room bun- I galows, large rooms, fireplace, all built- ins, polished oak'tloors, plate-glass win dows, hot afr furnace, 100 feet off paved st.. 3 blocks to R. C Park school; $5500, tiooo casn. THE LAWRENCE CO., 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. $12,000 ELEGANT WEST SI DE $12,000. rooms, 2 story, 'Z Dams and toilet. natural wood finish, hot water heat, au tomatic water heater, hdw. firs., splen did basement, facing Broadway; full lot worth the money; an exceptionally well- run t, lovely interior, concrete garaee, close in home; It takes too much space to describe it. we will snow you. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212JFty. Exch. Bldg. Main 6752. $ 1 750 ONLY $ 1 750. BIGGEST SNAP IN CITY. DEAL DIRECT WITH OWNER. New. completely furnished 5-room cottage; garage; bath ; 2 large corner lots; on paved street : 2 blocks from car on P-"th St.. Mt. Scott car. Phone Sunday, Tabor 6708. or call Monday 128 1st St., near Washington. Air. Newman. ROSE CITY. This is a dream, 8 rooms and sleep ing porch. Immaculately kept. This bungalow has o rooms down with den, balance up. Every built-in feature. Furnace, nice lot, below the hill, $1200 cash: $:wou. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO. Sftth and Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. R-ROOM modern house, snap. $3300. terms: restricted district, Hawthorne division, lot 50x100, hard-surface street, sewer. walks in and paid, plastered, cement hnsement. furnace, nreplace. bui t-In convenience; built 4 years; double con structed throughout; fine neighborhood. Can you beat this? Garland, 21 Third. BUY TODAY FROM OWNER, SAVE $200. Five-room bungalow in A Iberta dis trict, priced $36.mi; out with 7on you can handle It. An unusually charming place, possessing all the desirable fea tures of a cosy home. Let us show you today. woodlawn 6Q21. 10-ROOM HOUSE Modern in every way, fireplace, furnace. full basement; on block from car. paved street, sewer all oaid for; location Westmoreland: will sacrifice for $5250, part cash. Apply S4 Oak st. marsnai i on. Ask for Barnekoff. ROSE CITY $5200. . Tjocated in best section of this popu lar district: modern in every detail: full lot; near car. Priced for quick sale. Full Information at ofnee. SKOTHEIM-BROWN CO.. 330 to 333 Ry. Exch. Bldg., Main 510!. 14800 A 6-r. bungalow, hardwood floor, furnace, fireplace, garage, 60xlOO lot. improvements in and paid. This is a splendid buy. See J. P. McKenna, Bel- i mont and 39th. Tabor 6403. A BEAUTIFUL corner In Irvington: 6 rooms, bath and den; full concrete basement, and furnace. 744 Clacka mas st. ALAMEDA PARK 7-room bungalow, ftsu Bryce ave., 2 years old, refinished, bet ter than new; vacant. Open for inspec--tion today. Tabor 171) i, 1 REAL ESTATE. For feme Houses. CHEER UP. A CURE FOR THE PESSIMIST. Have you been chasing down ads? The kind that sound so very good and when you get there you And the place scarcely nt lor human occupancy ? Mostly adver tised by Owner, were they not ? Well, it is the old story; the own er most always thinks what he owns is far superior to anything else on the market. Now remem ber this: When you get tired of looking Is It not a fact that you have intended to look up that home advertised by the J- A. WICKMANCO.? It sounded awful ly good, too good to be true; guesa it Is like the rest of the places wc have looked at. Well, there If where vou have made your mis take.. We list only salable homes (hat we know are the best buys available at the price. We never overdt scribe a home; we gener ally leave some good feature nut so that you will find it better that you expected. Let us make you an optimist. Let us place you in the tinea t homes for pale on your terms and at your price. Here are a fw samples of what we have to offer: $5500 for an 80x100 corner with 2-mory nearly new. strictly modern home living room, large piiueled dining room. large Dutcn Kitchen w it n all imaginable built-in, break fust room down. 3 bedrooms and closed sleeping pore)) up. large - linen closet, also drufstng rontn with three lull-length mirrors, at tic for storage, tine full . cement basement. wash trays, furnace, ce ment fruit room. This home has hdw. floors down, finished tir flonr up; buffet and nreplace. You w I like this beuutifut home and you cannot duplicate this buy in I on land at the price. $4500 This Is the best-planned 5-room bungalow with breakfast room that we- have ever had lor sale nreplace, furnace. full cement basement, warh trays, hdw. Moor, buffet. Dutch kitchen, French doors from HvinE room to screened In porch that could easily be converted Into fine sunrooin; cor ner 40x100, with paved st.. one blk. to car. R eq u I res all vn s h. but we can get you a large loan on this, so $1850 cash will handle $4650 buys bungalow of 7 rooms anf sleeping pori-h : hdw. llrtors. lartrf living room, buffet, nreplai-e. Dutch kitchen, 2 bed rooms and bat h down, 2 and sleeping porch tip; one bedroom can be used us den if desired; furnace, full cement basement. House alone could not be built for the money ; only 4 years old and in perfect condi tion; st. Jrnp. paid. $6500 buys a wonderfully modern bunga low; new and never occupied; rt rooms and sleeping porrh, 5 room and bath down: hdw. floors, buffet, fireplace, beautiful Dutch klti-hen, full cement basement, wash trays, f urnace. corner, paved and paid, garage; near Catholic school. We have many others and can please you. J. A. WICK M AN CO.. Main 583. 204 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Main 10!4. MR AND MRS. HOMESEEKER. JUST LOOK AT THIS EOR HOME SWEET HOME. One of those nice comfortable and conveniently arranged large five-room bungalows, south of Hawthorne and near 30th. for only $3500. I have many others from $2000 to $20,000 on which I can quote a hnmeseeker very reasonable prices and terms. J. R. irOLBROOK. 214. 215 Panama bldg. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 Rooms and Sleeping Porch. $5250. We do want you to see this splendid home. For teal downright honest con struction vcu will find nothing superior in H.iba Citv Park. The arrangement is Ideal. I.oc.-ited one block from Sandy Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO . 264 Stark St. Near 3d. Main 3002. Branch Office. 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) $7n00. PALATIAL LA UK EI. HURST HOME. EIGHT LARGE ROOMS AN L SLEEPING PORCH. UNOBSTRUCTED MOUNTAIN VIEW. Owners moving to country and want quick action. If you wan a fine home close to car and In first class condition, phone me at om-e or see photo of place at laure hurst office. 270 u Stark st. MR. I ) E LA H U NT Y. Main 1700; even ing. East 20S6. SEE THIS FOR VALUE. Nicely located in the Host Citv district, just one block from car: 5 rooms and sleeping porrh. mod ern throughout except hardwood floors: paved streets all In and paid, full 50x100 lot. nice lawn and shrubberv. This is a real buy for $4500, terms. C. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Building. $2000 BUYS 4 rooms and bsfh with Dutch Kitchen, run nasemeni. w;isn irays. electric lights, gas: corner, paved st.. Imp. pd.: terms; conveuient tu Union ave. cars. J. A. WICK MAN CO.. Main 583. 204 Ry. Ex. Bldg. Main 1004. ALAMEDA PARK HOME Owner leavinK for Seattle, wlnhes to make quick sale of one of the classiest 2-story. 7-room houses with garage, lo cated In best section with view; neariv new, old Ivory finish, most expensive pa pering and decorating, elaborate bath 4 square bedrooms and sleeping porch terms. R. H. Torrey. Tabor 4'rT. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS. 2-story 6-room house, hot water furnace, fractional corner lot. take D. M. car to 32d st. N.. one block west on Vaughn to 1113. FURNISHED BCNGA1-OW, READY TO MOVE IN. Owner non-resident, will sell this fur nished 5-room bungnlow cheap. Price $2500; terms. Ask Mr, Kellorg. A. J. upruttr.Pi sr v. w.. 320 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE By owner, 5-room house. naved st., DIR. to car. run onsemni wash travs. bath. buffet, firplee fionets. reception hill, all improvements oaid. nrtce ressonsDie. i mi tMtnaav or sfter 6:30 P. M. at 500 Marguerite ave.. Richmond car. SUNNYSIDE $300 down, bat, to suit, buvs 6-room house on paved street, ga. elect ricliv, bath, toilet, etc. Move right in. $22.'o. See Mr. Ross. INTERSTATE IN KM.vh.M Main 1743. f10H''nry B!a"- NEARLY new 3-room house with hath room but no piummng in it, siso rsraKe and woodshed, snn a nanny tot. aukmhi. lot alone worth $550. will sell the whole thing for only $ 1 050 : about $ 1 50 cas h bn lance essy payments. Call at vm K, 33d rt.. Noth Portland. 1 R V I N G TON B U N O A LO W. $5 050. L r e 1 1 vi n g room, dining room . two large bedrooms. glass-Inclosed 8 P.. all Ivory: full lot, snruns. natural treeH 628 E. 10th . io not disturb tenant. East 41 9. IF YOU want a bargain in a 5-room bun galow. I nave unr mi -'"" wim i"mi, you can't beat it In the city. Call and Inspect It at iue i inoeiis Woodstock car. $2500. Modern 4-room bungalow. R. C. dis trict, garage, full lot. clear of incum brance. $i30 casn, nai iu per mo. and 4 per cent. Tabor 4Q77. SOMEONE gets a bargain in this up-to- date o-room wuiiRaiuw, vi or Up to an acre, rnone oeuwooa 104s. MODERN 4-room cottage, by owner; clone in. woooiawn oaio sunuay. en cap for cash. CLOSING estate, fine corner lot. 10-roorti house, waiKing amiHnce. must go quicK; $35Q0. Marshall 170. WA LNUT PA RK Modern 7-rooni hous with garage, beauttrm location, house too large for owner. Phone Woodlawn 437." BUY from owner. 5-rm. bungalow, Haw- thorne oist.. corner mi ; snow n ny ap polntment only: no agents. Ta bor 5QQ4 5-ROOM house by owner, run basement, modern except oeau uv Aiuawurm ave. KKAL KMTATE. For hale Hon. BEAUTIFUL CITY HOMES. We are speci!iirtg in city nropertv and hae many baiKains in b-st resi dence doarictx. $2200 6-room house. 50K.V bath, elec trlrii v. taM mi nt . Lim't on, m ar E lmh; $.loo i-kkIi. Hik M'sp $2250 ti-ronrn ntre linurc, E. AUI'-r ai'd 30th: $5oo eatth. Hic tnai. $3250 0-room holme. 52 I on. I v utret't. nar Union ave. Snap; iph $3500 Nice H-rooin hoii.-. sara-. or E. 34th and Mstkrt: l-int-$3700 Swell A-room bungalow. garR Aoxioo. K. yitii. mar HUMriu $!ooo H.-h $4000 SweiJ targe bungalow, furna r, garage, 4i.xl2?,i . fruit. Undue ave.. near I'l' dmotit. Vo a i $4000 rt-rnoiii good iiou-"f 100 lop K 13th and Leo, b ilwood. Kat terms. $4200 .Modern 7-room house, E 45th oak floors, furnace. Mi epiace : at' the built-ins; gm ac and wmJ htrect. $4200 7 -room modern houh, 1 2lh M . mar Thuiiimn. It ing tun; $ loiw 'fh. $4250 hi ne 7-room modern houe; hot-wai- r heal, EaiaKtf. E. IHh. n r Bt-aton. $5000 Fine. Mrlctly modern, -room house, K. 4Jd, iivar Harrion : tT!llK. $ii000 7-rooin fine modern bouse, rs rage, etc., in Laurclhurtl. Il'"t r ash. $8000 Suf 8-room strb-tl' modern hniife on roriier. l block, fint: view; WavericiKh Hi'lghtN, tTiii $00H) Sw.ll O.ron'u hoU". lurna. 4 rirepfai-t-s. 0O1iMl. In-nuliful lew . K. 5;td and Mnrrtoti. Mt. Tabor Kav t'riH, GKl'SSI BENNETT. JUS Board of Trade. Main 7452 BIG UAluaiN IN MOHIiliX ill NG LOW. We hnvc a dandy 4-room buniit'o w. Just buitt last enr; rln. lo wr in A -berta disti h t : no e lot ii h plenty of fruit. A :'"! buy. Owner l'l sacri fice for $ jiMiil $2..hi RICHMOND PI ST. Good 5-rooi.: bungalow; lnih, toilet, full lot; oil 25th el, 1'iice $250, sumu tc TillS. 22Wk UPPER AI.HIW Good 5-rooin limi, khiurv, Pted t. Fllli lot. Nome leriut. i ati'iv 5-room modem bungs low on East 7th st.; full lot; ed r.nn. Im provements all ;n Pr'ee oiilv . PYRAMID LAND C . 003-4 Tit'r ft T r bldg. lam 3;'2. ROSE CITY PARK. N I FT Y HUM! A I .O W O A It AO II. 50. You til npprecltite Hie rrsl sine here; hurd nod floors. Hi eplw e. bull el. Dutch kitchen, cement basement, fur naie. etc. lurce attle. Tills In llnlilied In rich old ivory and while throUKUout; paving pitid. Let us Mm you. A. 1. TEEPE CO.. 2i i si a r k si. N e r :;i . M a m :it Bi Am-h orfl. e. :.ot M and hand) . upon rWindn) .) ROSE CITY 175 E 4 2d ft. modem, well- i 'tin riM led 2-storv nnu . reefpt ion halt, living rom, timing room, klt' lo-n; h.tni w ooit floors, A Ihtko h"l ri'Oins oil noeoml flour, no.. nd ant"-, full btirtnMi. rurnacr. f! rep I wee. full l.t. frutt tree. berries. prh fli.oO; rout mm ll mjrw In hiitld this home ti4pv I'm he Uneu by Spp not men I tiVLV. Pre do nyt on turlt oer u pants. Call Broad way 2 vs. NEW irtVINCTOV 1IOMK. 680 KLICKITAT bTUUKT. CORN Lit. 10 rooms, enameled and pspcrd. double parage, t hree toilet, t o fireplace, all floor oak. carpenf-r work dav labor, old f sle, S' e IMk before buving: U w ill pv .. Open tndnv fl3.5ou. $25oo tah. balance $123 per month. E. J, MA I T. Eaxt 5031. or Marahall 189. 5-ROOM HUM! A LOW. SUN PAR LOR. OLD IVORY FINISHER Concrete porrli. living and dtniii room acrof-h front: llrepace. buffet. 2 bedroom, nun parlor with view of val lev and mountains; fir tre: a full, dee concrete basement. turn ace. ft turs. shade all Iik hided : only $525": Ml. Tabor. .1. L. II A HTM A N CO.. 7 Cham ber Of Com. bld. Main 20h. SAVE CAR FARE. NEAR BROADWAY LftlUC.E Neat 3-room rottaitn with hath, basement. eh-elrblO. rn. .VxlOO lol; Just one block off Ka.-( Broad wav. This is tn short walking dis tance to bunln'sN eenter. ground alone worth more than we are a'k ii.g tor all. price $2200. rcaooiiablv lUr""' r. A. WAKTIINMI. RITTKK. l.oWK A '. 201-3-i-7 Hoard uf Trmle UulMlng. HilI'SK HAKUAINS. fl-room moil- rn 1iiiik li, 8. P.. rit.-. c.rn.r lol 4..xl" ft.; 1 block Hawthorn, mv. c.ir; bnlnn- monthly. A I 5-room nioilirn bunitilow. 0 rM-nnr,ij fruit tr., Boo.l ron.litioii; rlil-'k. Inni.i mill run.; J-.KMI. .mh cKh. K month, tt i.r ifiit. , . 4-room hunmlow. nluoil two rr oW. chmp nt IIKoll. IHIHI tiikIi. .'.-room otniK t St .lohn. lot loot 1IMI. fruit unci limn, l-l'K". MINI h. I-'I month rt vr int. K. M. (lATKWiX'" ri. in.-.u 4th HI. fi;:um IV LATUM. IH'IIHT. room Ih.u.o uli k m i w if. Iilix'k to rr. 1'i't Ilk., lo- rati h tn It. Tim pin.- i r, worth $7oo". (jiiHk ,o..- .,..n I .on I fall to lo-!- till. I I.- . If you nr. looking for hi'n. Phon. Mr. I.lalitmty. lm!n l.'.U, evmiliiK. Ea-ht liuttu. Hor I. til. hlirit""t tnup w ha bail lor ,om, tuna; 4 room, aiot bath. ;UIK IIMl-fl. lol on l'av.'l at.; Imp. ha. Raa lia atMn. Ill tl. ; hon. if Plai1fr.il. Ltol .i.i lrlo llgnta.( ff.iuU on your own term.. I. A. Vri-KMAN CO., ;r4 Ity. Ex. Uid. Mam 14. Main F1VK-KOOM moil.in Imnralow. full lol'. r..i.pilon hall. Ilin room lih built - it, book.aHf. w.lil pani-I'd dlnlilt room, hram.d i.lHim. flt'liai". hull I -In i Mn rlonot whllo .nani'ld kllrli.u antlballi, 'i brdrooma Wllh flotlira f-ioa-t. a.u tritv. In lHfM-ni!nt ; all n.w'y tlnll: :l hl'oi ka MonlaNlUa i-ar. 41 K. h id at. tin er will bi on prfml... from I'J In A Hon diiv fall Mar-hall o7!4 Apt IV nn. Ing. after oilo'k: .'.',:.il. t.rtnn l.-iOll VKST SI I 'V 14 'im). AI.KIM.I IMSTANC1C Well bulll ll-room hoii., all In gnnti ahap. full renr-nt baio-mrnt, fumac. hupi-'urfaf. alrr-M. .Vixliin lol. .Iar of all Intumbranrc. 1 blo k from car. l"rn"- r A WAIUHNKII. TtlTTKIt. I.OW'K . 2i-H-r,-7 Hold 't of Tradi.HI.1ir; V i ( V 1 It.' I fC iii, a- , , . I I VINO RoM. CKNTKK HALL. ; AS IMMiRS. KINKT iiAK KL " H S KLV UK I H MS KACII WITH KVCKPTlnN U.I.Y I . A R'JK CliwKT. 11 1. LI A Rl 1 RiMOT. OAIU'ii; KINK YARI ANI SHRI MKRY. WAV HKLi'W MAKKBT KOH QUICK HALK. TAHoK SO.Vi. . t,i." ... t" rt'i 'I iri LAI'R BLHI'RST Hent If ul 7-room h.ini with Kiira". t-ei....M.n.. - and dininit room with uk floor, K 1 1 hen ttnd ok th room In bite enamel, bt en). -fHNt room, eenftsnt bHHcmnt ntid Inundrv trnyfl furnace and f ir-Uce, ami flectrult v. 1 block from -nr; $t;tM. Owner 12:t0 M. Flnnd t Tbor W I L LA MK T T K H K 1 Tin ii. " Beautiful nightly home, roomn; at 1 room In bmrnent : north and miOi porche. hardwood floor, firi'iare. .ur nace, hookcane. china clo-etp and all other built-in ei'fretn; 2 toliet; (or ni hv owner. fti500, 32d and VauKhn. l'hon Main LV.tT. S V N N Y S 11 K $ 3 2 0 (iood fl-room hmicp, K. 44i h nt., be. tween SS and Hawthorne ave. ear: flrepiace. Rood plumhin. Hm trie Uuhta. Can make reason Me trm. A H IMKRULL CO.. 217 ,S.W. Bnk ldgLlHar-iiH 4114 7 K R I Ti I A S M N ' J K K - 1 ' 1 1 ; . W ANT SMALL HCt'SK K'.TITV WILL TAKK SKLI.KR6 CONTRACT. HM I TH W A jON K H C Flock Ki b. rROOM modern bou-e. ptood location, 1 to j lot with benrtnn fruit tr-e. 1 block from car liau. Cu at 1 . bialuga L A