THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 8, ,1920 so SITUATIONS WANTED MALF EXPKRIENCED orchard man. farmer and stock raiser, soon open for employment.. many yea is' practical experience n large placen; also have working lech nical learning along those lines; can take charge of any sized place and boara men if necessary. Address AV 21 1. Orego nian. - BALKS MAN" covering eastern Oregon wants good side line, commission baais, any new article, candies, punch oarj gum inaehins or similar line, bast 4U-i, Sun., Morn. Tucs. A. A. A. SALESMAN rnrin-H ipnnian familiar with general advertising, demonstrating, win dow dressing and sales promotion 27 yean old. well educatea, stum---, references; salary in proportion to suits; a hustler. P. O. Box 5wl. A-l re- P1VR URRit-.n M KM want some kind of A i iifinir for mir families; 1 r-n.nt.p-. fr.remn 7C an hOUT; 1 painter's foreman. 00c an hour; 1 car periter, 6Tc an hour; 1 pointer. 4-c an hour; 1 good all around laborer, Zoc an hour. AL l."V4. Oregonian. HUSKY LAD witH iMn hubits. uleasing personality, high school education and some business experience wants employment with good Xirm. .Teler place wncre uih - - k purtunity to develop salesmanship. PHONE EAST 12. YOUNG man, 20. high school education, pleasing personality and plenty of go. would like a position with some reliable firm where showing would stand chance of advancement ; slight experience as salesman; references. X 312. Orgonlan PLUMBING. Plumbing jobs clone quickly and effi ciently at reasonable prices; workman chip guaranteed. MEKKO METAL WORKS. Phone East l'.."4. 301 Russell St. WANTED Work evenings. 6 8 hours. by young man. J 511. Oregonian. WANTED Kalsominihg. painting; reasonable. East -146. very FOR brink masonry or cement work call East 7lS. Bookkeepers. Stenograph?". Office. UiVTLn Pn.itinn t hookkeeoer. cash ier or treneral office work, thoroughly ronintent. can furnish best, of refer-, will start at your price. Oregonian. AR 8. HIGH-CLASS accountant with extensive experience, 7 years as chief accountant and ertrdit man big department. wt .. -..! in intial industry wi-hes nosition of trust with reliable concern. R 2M. Oregonian. Tnrvu mai-Ho man. "4. eond at figures, ivnlst with fair knowledge of Spanish, wishes poalllnn in export dept. of re liM firm whore advancement will be made according to ability shown: refer ences furnished. AK S94, O reg oman. hi u iWK i-'KPKR with 12 years' experi- ,n wishes a small set of books to keep In spare time; will also do type writing and make and send out state ments. D 174. Oregonian. OK K EEPER Thoroughly experienced bookkeeper desires position, competent i t. Uo full rhuree of any set or books; A1 references furnished. A 013. Ore gonian BOOKKEEPER and accountant desires permenent or temporary position; in come tax service; reiiaoie, goou. " ences. V 32. Oregonian. refer- i.rMHER accountant-bookkeeper and sten ographer; a No. 1 man, desires connec tion in or out of town. N 2S7. Ore gonian. ' ARE TOU too busy to keep your own Looks? Let me do your bookkeeping evenings; rates reasonable. F 13,. Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED office man has ft or hours per day can devote to additional work, public accounting or income tax office work preferred. W 945. Oregonian EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, elderly, with best testimonials as to character and ability, would give efficient service for small salary. G 4, Oregonian. BRIGHT young man. 1! years old. would like general office work with some pood firm; can keep books if not too com plicated. M 22. Oregonian. HI DOLE-AGED man wants position as timekeeper or bookkeeper; no typewrit ing; state what you can pay. O Oregonian. . BOOKKEBPER-stenographer desires few hours worn evenings, reasonable. J '93. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED hank bookkeeper desires position: familiar with posting machine. K ys5, Oregonian. EX PE RLENC E D young man wishes posi tion In office. Phone 216-87. SYSTEMS, installed by an experienced ac countant. 6 flS. Oregonian. . EXPERIENCED young man wishes posi tion in office. Room M7, Main 8700. soldiers and Sailor. EX-SERVICE MAN desires change of vo cation and to affiliate with reliable firm that can offer position that will lead to future In sales department: 2fi Tears old. operates typewriter, coueg education, 7 yeap' practical business ex peiience. has punch, pep and personality and willing to work and learn. AL 150, Oregonian. ENGINE MR, 30 years old. desires to locate in -Portland or vicinity, lecnnicai grau. of 19 1. unusually broad experience, wish technical or managerial position, personal interview solicited. B 71, Ore gonim. EX-SERVICE man wants work evening to S, and all day Saturday or Sunday; will do anything. T 511, Oregonian SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. YOUNG Japanese lady, just came across, wants position in decent family as help er. Wages no object. W 940, Orego nian. POSITION by mature woman, good ref erence; care Invalid or light work; small wages; pleasant home. M9t0, Oregonian. YOT'NG LADY with 6 months experience as elevator operator would like a posi tion in office building. WdJn. IjEPENDABLE nurse cares for children evenings, the sick through the day. Marshall 349. WANTED by woman employed, place to live in home as companion. C. S. pre ferred. M 27. Oregonian. POSITION A chambermaid. Call Colum bia 425. between 9 A. M. and 1 P. M. Sunday. WOMAN of pleasing personality wishes po sition as manager of highclasa apart ment house. Telephone Main 3757. BUSINESS girl wishes to work for whole or part room and board. X 527, Orego nian. "ROMAN wants work by hour, at this number. Main 7173 on Sundays only, from 4:15 to 8:30 P. M. CAPABLE woman wants work. 45c an hour, iron, housecleaning or seamstress. Wood lawn 1M29. 1ADY will take charge of small apt. house or will do light housework. 570 5th st.. upper flaL WANT a good home for a 10-year-old girl; Alberta district preferred. Phone Wdln, M58. EXPERIENCED rader may be engaged for invalid or persons with falling eye sight. X 41S. Oregonian. AN EXPERIENCED colored woman wants work by the day or hour. Call all the week. Phone East 4-tQM. - AN experienced cateress, prepares and serves dinner at reasonable price. Bast 2534. .WANTED Position In doctor's office, ex perienced, references. AG 6!ti, Orego nian. RELIABLE woman wants day work. Phone East 667, evenings, between 6 and 7. BRIGHT elderly lady wishes kind home; assist any work except cooking or wash ing; small pay. R 300, Oregonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants work. Call Wood lawn 327. lOUNG widow would like some light work by week. N 2S9, Oregonian. LADY wants housecieaning. other work; hour, day; work guaranteed. Wdln. 63.Y EXPERIENCED laundress, day work or laundry. Call Woodlawn 224L LADY wishes day work. 40c. hour. Call Bd wy. 3 S3 1. Mrs. King. . WOMAN wants work by the day or hour. Phone East 25:15. ! YOUNG girl wishes kitchen or waitress work in a hospital. Marshall 4779. GOOD laundress wishes whole days, Mon day and Tuesday. Woodlawn 3046. ItX PERIENCED woman wants day work, 50c hour. Phone Main 752S. EXPERIENCED elevator operator wishes position. 5-6271. No. 428. VERY experienced woman wants all-round day work- expert laundress. East 19?7. WANTED Work by day. Woodlawn 3505. Call evenings. OlOD worker, woman wants day and hour work. Automatic 516-31. PRIVATE lessons in English to grown peo p 1 e. S 7o4. Oregonian. WANTED Position taking charge of small apartment house. V S8. Oregonian. V ANTED Position as cashier by reliable party. K 16, Oregonian. YOUNG girl wants position as tailor's he! per. G Oregonian. WOMAN wants d.ty work. Woodlawn 3197. WANT day'a work. Call "Woociawn 5424, SITUATIONS WANTED FE.VALK. EXPERIENCED lady would like work conking or nerving dinners or any kind of'house work, 3 or 4 hours a day; west aide preferred ; can give best of refer ences. F 26, Oregonian. HIGH SCHOOL graduate attending busi ness college desires employment after 12 o'clock, preferably in resident iol ho tel; good waitress or switchboard opera tor. Tabor 2440. MIDDLE-AGED lady, refined, cultured, would like position as companion or housekeeper to lady or gentleman; ref erences given and required. X 510, Ore gonian. YOUNG girls in need of friendly assist ance, wish, to assist with light house work where there are no children; $20 per month. Marshall 4771. YOUNG lady wishes housework or clerk ing; eight-hour day ; no Sunday work ; $12 week; references. B 15, Orego nian. COMPETENT- lady cook, take fuil charge of club or camp: best of references. Phone for appointment, Tabor 571 after 2 o'clock. YOUNG lady with over two years experi ence as cashier wishes a position in cafe, hotel or theater; references if desired. Phone 107-M, Oregon City. RELIABLE woman would like to come and care for children, day time or evenings. Tabor 1445. WANTED Rooms to ,clean and mending to do for men that live alone. M. C Coleman, "L'3d and Umatilla, city. EXPERIENCED manicurist wishes a posi tion in barber shop; reference If re quired. Phone 197-M, Oregon City. WANTED Ladies' and children's plain or fancy sewing; satisfaction guaranteed. labor U402. WANTED A place to take care of chil dren evenings while mother is away reierences. woodlawn loll. LAUNDRY done beautifully at hopi Main 9132. GOING to Frisco Tuesday, want to reduce expenses. .Neva Anuree, . w. c a. Bookkeepers, Sienograpners, Office. Yo L'NG lady experienced In bookkeepln timekeener and labor distribution, gen eral office work and filing wishes to change as present position offers no ad vancement; use comptometer, typewriter and adding machine, and can also figure lumber. Bdwy. J0!s7. S 572, Oregonian EX PERIENCED bookkeeper, cashier an typist, understands payrolls and deposits ami an general otrice work, tan bond and city references. Moderate sal ary. Call Sunday. East 5143, apt. 10. ANTED Position as Insurance book keeper. capable or taking com pie t charge of automobile Insurance depart' ment; best of references. Y 214, Ore gonian. GIRL witb 3 years' office experience want: position: can use typewriter, operat Remington Wahladding machine, comp tometer and mimeograph. Bdwy. 41ti or Wdln 5319. W 94!, Oregonian. BOOK K fciEPLR, over 8 years' experience, also stenographer, but capable takin care correspondence on own initiative KJ 328, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and cashier with accounting training, wants office position. Address F. O. Box 139a, Spo kane. v ash. CLERICAL office work by experienced young, woman ; switchboard operator salary to start, $b5. M 930, Oregonian. TEMPORARY stenographic and book keep ing work wanted; will take charge of small sets of books. Phone Main 6718. EXPERIENCED stenographer wants steady position; can give good references. Miss T. Meyer. 6107 S4tn st. S. K Portland YOUNG lady with knowledge of typewriter wishes position in office; good refer ences, call :to-H. WANTED Small set of books for part time ny- expenencea DooKkeeper-account- ant; best of references. Bdwy. 5515. YOUNG lady, recent graduate, desires stenographic work or filing and billing. u ttiu, uregoman. YoUNG woman bookkeeper, with exneri ence as hotel clerk, desires position in oince or notei; nest reierences. M-02;: A GOOD position wanted by capable young iaiy without otlice experience. G 899, oregonian. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires tern porary or part-time position. AL 149, Oregonian. TYPIST wishes office work, salary reas onable, am rz, oregnoian. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenogra pher, oest or city reierences. Mam 281 STENOGRAPHER wants general office Dressmaker. HAVE your sewing done now. before the .taster rusn. Coats, suits or dresses remodeling a specialty. Mrs. Crose. 8o0 K. :t9th st. Sellwood 2783. DRESSMAKING expert workmanship, rates reasonable. Cabinet Cleaners and Dyers, 424 Morrison, near 11th. Main 1 M EXPERT, children's simple dresses, 2 for J; bloomers, 2 for $1: mornings only, 9S0 E. Mih st. North. AB car. Fancy aresses reasonable. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker will go out by day. Evening gowns a specialty. Work guaranteed. E 08. Room 42 after P. M. till 9 A. M. . DO DRESSMAKING, $3 a day; go out by the day or by the piece at home. Phone ."2-3i. FOR your spring dressmaking and altera tions, call Dressmaking Dept.. Emporium jye works, a: Morrison st. Mdwy. 4259, ENGAGEMENTS by the day; up-to-date aressmaKer: remoaeung; will prepare to nnixn ; reasonanie. uawy. J.b7. HJGH-CLASS dressmaking, street dresses: make your old suit into a dess; reason able ra t es. M rs. Kelly, East 730 7. EXP. DRESSMAKER. S3 a day. ning or Sundays, Tbaor 6205. DRESSMAKING and remodeling, day. Call after b Main 6497. 1 3 per DRESSMAKING by experienced maker. Phone Sellwood 1057. SEAMSTRESS, reasonable. 5S71, week days. Phone Main EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tailor- ess will sew by the day. East 6C17. Nurse. MATERNITY and surgical hospital, 1095 tviiiiams ave. normal conrinement cases taken cara of for less than one-half the usual charges; caes including drugs, dressings, licensed physician's services, two weeks' hospital care, all for $40; all other surgical and hospital cases treated under same conditions. Phone Wood lawn 160, Main 7744, or apply at 702 Dckum bldg. GRADUATE nurse wants charge of small hospital; would consider part interest in same or position in doctor's office; com petent to give anaesthetics; references. Box 76. Scto. Or. MATHILDA ARNESEN. medical gymnast graduate from scientific massage, exer cises, electricity. 305 Cplumbia bldg. Main 2839. YOUNG woman, experienced office nurse, wishes position in doctor's or dentist's office. M 929, Oregonian. GOOD, honest, reliable, experienced col ored girl wants cooking and downstairs work. Call Sunday. Phone East 22oS. WANTED Small child to nurse in my own home; if you have one see me. B 151, Oregonian. THREE bevel French plate mirrors, 36x56, also child's supply. M N. 6th. Call Monday. PRACTICAL nurse, companion, or care of invalid or elderly people. Marshall 2298. MIDDLE-AGED trained nurse wants nurs ing. Tabor 9232. COMPETENT practical nurse, bor 5371 after 2 o'clock. Phone Ta- Housekeepen. MIDDLE-AGED woman who is a good companion, desires such a position with old person or housekeeper for working couple; references. H 614, Oregonian. YOUNG LADY would like position as housekeeper In widower's or bachelor's home. K 14, Oregonian . REFINED, reliable young widow wishes position in modern home. X 009, Orego nian. MIDDLE-AGED lady wans work in wid ower's home; good cook and housekeeper. 569 Commercial st RELIABLE elderly woman would keep house for man with child. AM 69, Ore gonian. MIDDLE-AGED woman wants light house work ; will work for amall wages. D 100. Oregonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper; no ob jections to small town. X 414, Orego nian. WIDOW with daughter would like place as housekeeper for widower In city. oOJS S:td st. S. E.. Mt. Scott car. COMPETENT woman wants general house work; good cook. J 668, Oregonian. CAPABLE woman wants O 33i'. Oregonian. housekeeping. WANTED light housework from 9 io 4; apts. preferred; references. P 20, Ore- gonian. MIDDLE-AGE colored woman wants gen eral housework. Marshall 5Q9. GI Rl wants work, restaurant or hotel. Phone Woodlawn 213. ELDBRLV refined woman desires work in a small family. Call 1,72 Monro at. SITUATION'S WANTED FEMALE. Domestic. SITUATION -wanted by unincumbered widow as housekeeper for widower or bachelor, mus,t be first class, state par ticulars when answering, in or out of city. P 18, Oregonian. A YOUNG lady attending business college wishes to do light housework, or care for children for board and room. Reference! furnuished. Tabor 6402. WANTED By Franklin high school girl, a place to help with housework and care or children on Saturdays. Call 216-21 ELDERLY lady wants work, small fam ily, west side; go home nights. J 588, Oregonian. TWO young girls In need of friendly as sistance wish to assist with housework where there is no children. Mar. 4779. GOOD, first-class camp cook, strong wom an, sawmill, lumber camp or hotel; best references. 547 Hoyt St., Bdwy. '4741. WANTED TO RENT. Bouses. MEIER & FRANK'S Information and ' Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-ta-date list of desirable vacant houses, apartments and flats with definite information - pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland will find tbls bureau of great value la helping them get properI And quickly Jocaied. Blgbth Floor. COMMERCIAL TRAVELER wants to rent modern houte or bungaJo.w in first-class condition, good grounds desired, will be kept up; 5 or 6 rooms, on paved street, near carline and good school, garage on place for one ; 3 in family ; answer by letter giving details, location, rental, your phone number. P 35, Oregonian RESPONSIBLE business man, 2 children in family, wishes to rent house mr flat, a bedrooms, porch; must be desirable neighborhood and modern; guarantee good care ; immed late possession. Full particulars. AH 854, Oregonian. WE have hundreds of clients desiring to rent. The efficiency of "THE McGUIRE SYSTEM", of property management will save you money. FRANK L. McGUIRE. A bin gt on Bldg. Main 1068. STRICTLY modern seven or eight-room house, furnished or unfurnished, exclu sive district, with garJge preferred. Phone S. T. Conlan Monday, care Lang & Co. WANTED Unfurnished, in Lower or Up per Alblna, a cottage of four or- five rooms for man and wife, will pay six months or more In advance If suited. Ad dress 1193 E. 18th st north. WANTED TO RENT By married couple. no children, modern 4 or ft-room flat or house; will lease for a year or longer; must be reasonable; can give best of references. B 4, Oregonian. WANTED To lease, with privilege of buying, improved acreage with at least 10 acres, clear, within He car fare limit. F. VV. Sabransky, 5507 50th ave. S. E. Sellwood 1233. HAVE client with $;;00 cash and 15 or $20 per month, who wants 4 or 5-room modern house by March 1, In Alberta, Woodlawn or Kenton. Box 37, "Vancou ver, Wash. WANTED To rent by coupie, 5-room un- rumisned bungalow in Rose City, Ala meda, Irvington, March 1. Willing to pay good rental and take lease. D 108. Oregonian. WILL lease and pay one year's rent in advance on a 6 - room, unfurnished house in desirable location; Irvington preierreo. u. Man, trj uasco mag Phone Marshall 220. WANTED TO RENT 5 or 0-room house with porch to sleep on. East side high location. Out 50th or 6dth. Address J. H., 851 Macadam st., city. $5 REWARD for a 4 or 5-room modern house to rent, west side preierred. or east fiide. can Main liou. n. wester man. TO LEASE. 1 year. 5 or 6-room well fur nished modern bungalow. Rose City or Irvington preferred. Can f urnitsh any reference required. Tabor 3880. WANTED 3 or 4-room first-class unfur nished apartment or flat by responsible party. Phone -fc-ast 7;23 or write An 836, Oregonian. BUSINESS lady at Seaside wants to rent good cottage owing to change in loca tion; references exchanged. I. M. F., SeHside, Or. FOR RENT 5-room cottage furnished. concrete basement and large back yard in good neighborhood; $35 per mo. Main 4107. REFINED couple, 1 little girl aged 7, wants modern furnished or partly lur- nished bungalow, good location; best refs. Tabor 2062. RELIABLE tenant will lease or rent small unfurnished modern cottage or bungalow, permanent. Phone Tabor 3134. SMALL furnished cottage near car line. with wood cook stove; for lady and adult son. X 472, Oregonian. WANTED To rent. 5 or 6-room bunga low, any good district; will pay any reasonable rent. Tabor 962. WANTED Modern furnished bungalow or tower ii at, garage, close in; doctor and wife. Phone East 5644. WANTED Modern furnished house or apartment suitable for four adults. Phone Tabor 7757. AN UNFURNISHED house of seven or eight rooms; small family, no children; east side preferred. Phone East 438. SMALL family of adults wants to lease i -room modern house; west side pre ferred ; references. Broadway 3632. WANTED TO RENT Small house with one acre, or place for garden -and few chickens. Broadway 1644. WANTED To rent, f rom ' 1 to 5 acres. small house, outbuildings, near car line might buy later. Marshall 2789. ' WANTED To rent 4 or 5 or 6-room house or nan must oe moaern and in good neighborhood. CallBroadway -4SG2. OR 6-ROOM, modern, unfurnished7witb garage, family of 3, east side, not over $35. Call Tabor 9393. ROOM bungalow with garage; no chil dren; references; not over $25. 1220 Union ave. N. WANTED By young couple. 4 or 5-room xurnisnea nouse to rent by, March 1; will lease, fifcist 2iti9. ' OR 6-ROOM unfurnished cottage near ;ur line, by March 1; no children; give particulars. 124 E. 29th st. N. WANT 6-room houae on Willamette Hta le-itfe for 3 to 5 years. Main 27tif tako le. MALL clean flat with heat or fireplace WANTED To rent 4 or 5-room house or i:m. reasonaoie rent, ciose in. Mar. 1703. SMALL furnished house with garden space oy young coupie. laoor oai. -ROOM cottage for a clean couple, $15. 17W division, inquire 233 IS. 16th. Apartmenn. WANTED TO RENT DESIRABLE! APARTMENT. 5 ROOMS UNFURNISHED: NO CHTL DREX. PORTLAND HEIGHTS BUNGA LOW OR WEST SIDE APARTMENT OR HOUSE IN GOOD ORDER. POSSES SION ZiESIRED AT EARLY DATE IN FEBRUARY. ADDRESS P. O. BOX 222. OR PHONE MAIN 1777. SMALL modern flat or apartment, un furnished, or would share large house with nice family in good neighborhood, west side, south of Madison or east side walking distance Hawthorne bridge; will lease if suited. Call Sellwood 521, after noons. WANTED To rent small modern furnUhed apartment or housekeping rooms for couple with 10-year-old boy; west aide preferred. Phone Automatic fil2-3. M. Jacobson. 27th and Vaughn. WANTED Apartment, flats or income property in Portland to $30,000; will pay $20,000 cash or all cash if at the right price. 224 Oregon bldg., 5th and Oak. WANTED To rent smalt modern furnish ed apartment or housekeeping rooms for couple with 10-y ear-old boy, west side preferred. Phone Automatic 512-30. H. Jacobsen, 27th and Vaughn sts. WANTED TO RENT Unfurnished apart ment or flat by couple with small baby. Phone Broadway 60S. ast side pre ferred. WANTED To rent 3-room furnished apartment or bungalow, married couple; permanent; best reference. B 93, Ore gonian WILL RENT my furnished three-room apartment for two months. .Main 3645., Phone mornings after 11. i WANTED Extraordinary clean two-room apartment with sleeping porch, by young couple; references. Call Tabor 3039. MODERN 4 or 6-room apt. or flat, eat side preferred, by Feb. 20; man and wife. Call East 5693 WANTED TO RENT Small furnished apartment by couple with IS-months-old baby. Phone Broadway 6-8. Soomg. IN REFINED family, by business girl, apartment preferred; west side.. X 54(X Oregonian., WANTED Unfurnished housekeeping rooms by lady, employed, in or near Pied mont. East 5o09. WANTED TO KENT. Rooms. WANTED To root in Laurelhurst, large . room In a home or hall suitable for holding a kindergarten class. Call Main 2399. . BUSINESS woman wants pleasant room In nice home or apt., walking distance. S 647, Oregonian. WANTED Unfurnished 4-room modern . cottage or flat by March 1, by young coupie. Best of references. Tabor 1856. Rooms With Board. GENTLEMAN with daughter attending Jefferson high school wants comfortable rooms and board in congenial east side, modern home; use of piano. L 317, Ore gonian, . WANTED By young business .woman, board and room in a private family. If desired, would assist in the home. C. S. preferred. R-359. Oregoniaru ROOM and board wanted In refined, mod ern home by young business woman with 7-year-old daughter. Must be reasonable. Woodlawn 3240. WANTED Board and room near Portland Heig-hts carline, by young lly, era- p 1 oy e d . Add ress. M 972, Oregonian. YOUNG man. 31. wishes room In private home; no other roomer preierreu, month. K 94i, Oregonian. WANTED Board for man and board and care of two children, 5 and years. Phone Sellwood 2775. LADY just out of hospital wishes room and board: quiet home place. E. 5396. H 589. Oregonian. ' Housekeeping Rooms. WANTED Middle-aged woman wants room with use of kitchen, in nice, quiet, private home; west side preferred. E 944. Oregonian. WANTED By two gentlemen, 2 or 3 fur nished housekeeping rooms or apart ments; state price. H 60G, Oregonian. 'two furnished housekeeping rooms; close in, reasonable. T 538, Oregonian. Business Places. I HAVE A CLIENT that wants warehouse, five or six-story ; close in west side. Must be on trackage; can wait until building Is built. H. G. Terry, Heilig Theater bldg. Main 9400. I HAVE plan for 15,000 to 20,000. either on or off trackage, east or west Port land. H. G. Terry, Heilig Theater bldg. Main 9 4 00 STORE ROOM, suitable for confections and phonographs; residence district pre ferred. R 292, Oregonian. M iseel ianeo ns. WANTED Dress suit, Woodlawn 5989. size 44. Phone WANTED to rent, a stieet. Broadway duck lake. 913. FOB RENT. Furnished Rooms. ROOM HUNTERS TAKE NpTlCE. Lovely steam heated, nicely furnished rooms, ior ladies or gentlemen,' $4 and $5 per week; "light, airy, 'hot and cold water; nice home for nice people. TAKE MY TIP, THESE ARE RIGHT. MAXWELL HALL. 207 14th St. Newly renovated throughout and clean. THE HILLCREST HOTEL. WASHINGTON ST. AT LUCRETIA. PLACE. Completely renovated and under new management; a high-class residential hotel, rooms with private bath; $30 a month and up. PRINCESS HOTEL. NEWLY RENOVATED THROUGHOUT. Rooms single, community and private baths. Reasonable rates, day. week or month. :49 East Burnside st. East 171. Juat across the Burnside bridge. NEWLY furnished or unfurnished, two lovely front rooms, fireplace, room for piano or one large room: also small- bed room upstairs, west side, walking dis tance: references; business people; C. S. preferred. Broadway 35J0. HOTEL ARTHUR, 170 11th st. Take Depot car to 11th and Morrison, Walk half bloR south. Clean, modern, respectable; transient, $1.50; with private bath. $2. HOTEL ENON, 10754 4th street, nicely lur nished rooms; hot and cold water and steam heat in all rooms. Rooms $4.00 up week. Main 715S. PERFECTLY LOVELY FRONT ROOM, NICELY FURNISHED FOR COMFORT. MARSHALL 24.VI IGa. 13TH AND MOR RISON. T ATTRACTIVE front sleeping room for gentleman, close in. 12U N. ISth. Broad way 1U25. Call be torn 10:30 A. M. or after 1 P. M. NICE front room, suitable for 2, $2o; also large sleping porch for one or two, $10 $20. 755 Hoyt st. 23d-st. car line A PLEASANT front and alcove room suit able for sleeping or light housekeeping; close in. Phone Marsha 1 1 3S9. 1 WILL share my suite of housekeeping rooms with refined working girl. Phone Marshall 3S9. ANSONIA HOTEL 14th and Washington; clean, respectable, modern; transient, $1 up; permanent, $4 up-; private bath $S. WALKING distance, one newly papered sleeping room; steam heat, phone. 370 Clh st. HOTEL SAVON. 131 11th t. between Washington and Alder; modern rooms $5 per week up. $1 per day up. BUSHMARK HOTEL, 565" Wash. St. Large, light, clean, modern rooms; re spectable. HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison St. at Tenlta. Rates $1 a day up. Weekly $4.50 up. Steam heat. Free phone and baths. PALACE hotel. 44B Wash, st., down town location; respectable and strictly modern rooms, large, clean. 75c. $1 JAY, $2.50 week up; outside rooms. Hotel Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson. NKWLY furnished rooms; modem, walking distance; $10 a mo up. 6tf4 Everett. GENTLEMAN Modern steam-heated room. 501 wash, st., apt. c Sdwy. L'o.ia. 3 ROOMS with light and water, near An- keny car barns, bast FOR RENT Small sleeping room. Everett st. CLEAN and well-furnished rooms for men at the Sidney. 362 K N. 2iid st. NICE, clean furnished room; hot and cold water and bath. 393 West Park. NICELY furnished room, good bed, bath and phone. 427 Clay, near 11th. DESIRABLE sleeping room, place. The Kmgaley. ' 07 Trinity Unfurnished Rooms. BLDG., 5th and Stark. Apply Dr. S. Loeb, Columbia bldg., W. Park a,nd Wash. TWO unfurnished rooms In exchange for woman's work. East 326. 167 FfRisT, photographer has two large unfurnished rooms. Near Morrison. OR 3 unfurnished rooms, third floor. Call afternoon, ."i30 Davis st. No children. Furnished Rooms in Private Family. NICE large furnished room, with or with out board, very reasonable to young lady who will be good company for lady and two little girls. , Answer and give ad dress. Will all lor you with auto. G S97, Oregonian. . MODERN room for single man in private home, Richmond, 1 block from car; breakfast if desired; references required. H .VS7. Oregonian. LARGE, nicely furnished front room, hot and cold water, heat and bath; suitable for two; close in. 777 Irving, near 23d. FURNISHED steam -heated room, private entrance. E-19 Broadway, $11 month. Phone Auto. 3191-13. WELL-FURNISHED large bedroom, com fortable, home privileges, suitable for 2. Call East 141. A DESIRABLE bedroom, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 329 13th. between Qlay and Market. Main 4625. 44S TAYLOR ST. Clean front sleeping room, suitable for one or two gentlemen; one single room reasonable. LARGE, light, airy, well-furnished single or connected; gentlemen ; walking dis tance. East 4421. 258 11TH ST. Front alcove room, com fortable, clean and well heated, all con veniences. LOVELY large front room with kitchen et te ; good home for good people. 170 Chapman. NICE room with running water, heat, elec tric and gas. 494 Tayior. IN VERY modern home, room with hot and cold water, steam heat. East 4822, LARGE front room, well furnished, for 2 em ployed. Marshal 1 2543. 490 Taylor st. FURNISHED H. K. R. Call afternoon. Davis st. No children. ONE front room, bath, electricity; $5 week; walking distance. 5! ' Z r r ' 3d st. NICELY furnished room, gentleman pre ferred; walking distance. o-K ramhlll. ATTRACTIVELY furnished room, central heat; men only. Main 4711. ROOM for rent, with or without board. 1S7 E. 14th. between Yamhill and Tayl o r. IRVINGTON, 1 or 2 beds in modern home Phone 319-95. 541 Tillamook. LARGE room, furnace heat, close in; also s i ngle room. Bdwy. 4251. FURNISHED, unfur. rooms, housekeeping if desired. 348 Clay st. after 12. PRIVATE home, furnished room and rage. 312 East 2d st. East 7155. .NICELY furnished rooms for rent. 2d at. 195 N. FOB, RENT, Furnished Rooms in Private Family. WORKING man and wife, no children. 3 partly furnished rooms, gas. electricity and water furnished; rent $30; wife can earn part rent by cooking dinner for couple; also other work, on car line. 949 Council Crest drive. LARGE, nicely furnished, well located room, with or without sleeping porch; also well furnished, suite on first floor; fireplace1, piano, near 23d and Northrup. Marshall 2494. WEST SIDE. CLOSB IN, VERY WELL FRXTSHED ROOM IS PRIVATE FAM ILY. NO OTHER ROOMERS. SUITABLE FOR ONE. OR TWO. T 539 OREGO NIAN. IN refined home; comfortable furnished rooms within walking distance for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 2i5 E. 1st N., near, Holla day ave. Reference. LARGE comfortable room In a beautiful home with' steam heat, electric light, bath and plwne; west side; walking dis tance. Marshall 01. CLEAN, beautifully furnished room in pri vate apt., connecting bath, first-class apt. house: gentleman preferred ; ref erences. Main 6916. A CLEAN front room in private home, newly papered and furnished, rent reas onable, walking distance 86 N. 16th St.. near Everett. DESIRABLE room for gentlemen, bath adjoining, heat, no other roomers: very close in: west side. 322H South Broad way. Main 3291. FURNISHED front room, modern, walk ing distance: gentleman preferred. Phone East 506. 613 East Davis, near 16th and Sandy. . NICE furnished room, ten minutes' walk from center of city, good locality. 598 Salmon st., near Multnomah club. Mar shall 1651. ATTRACTIVE room, bath and phonZ suitable for two: gentlemen preferred; modern home; 724 Caruthers. Phone Main 4709. 1 UNFURNISHED bedroom In steam heatedt flat; private entrance; bath and phone; near Campbell hotel. Call Main 4S69. . ATTRACTIVE room and bath, fine view, suitable for bu sines? man who cares fos home: Ford ham apts., one block from Campbell Hill hotel. Phone Mar. 1684. NICE, large, clean room, suitable for two; plenty of heat; bath privilege and use of phone; in good location and near downtown' stores. "09 11th st. ROOM with or without board, suitable-for one or two gentlemen: walking distance. T.firt Couch st.. between 18th and 19th st. Phone Marshall 5763. LARGE, clean, furnished bedroom, suit able for two men: walking dis-tance. Phone Monday. East 6792 or call 671 E. Salmon. ONE small furnished bed room in lower flat for rent. 586 Hpyt street: call after 9 o'clock Sunday morning, ask for Mr. McCurry. Phone Broadway 4830. 2 NEWLY FURNISHED sleeping rooms In modern private home, for gentlemen only. Home privileges. i80 E. Salmon East 5993. Fl'RNISHED room with privilege making breakfast, use piano and sewinr ma chine; 112. Call before. 4 P. M... 509 Clay st. IN REFINED private home, large front room. every eonvenienee, to young couple, employed, or two gentlemen; kitrhen privileges if desired. East 4:o7. FOR RENT Newly furnished rooms for gentlemen, furnace heat and telephone, reasonable rates, walking distance. Main 5613. LARGE modern rootn, always warm, close in west side wholesale district; walking distance. 174 N. Kith st. CLEAN, good location, walking distance, electricity telephone, bath. 00 North 16th. Broadway 1218. FOR RENT Furnished room for 1 or 2 refined gentlemen, close In. by carline. Phone Tabor' 30o3. . FOR RENT 2 large .rooms, sleeping porch, unfurnished, walking distance; no children. East 6S:tS. LARGE, comfortable sleeping room: heat, phone and bath; close In. 4J4 Mm st. Phone Main 4013. FOR RENT Feb. 10, 3 partly furnished H. K. rooms, near Sunnystde car. Phone Tabor 11 78. LADD'S ADDITION Pleasant room, well furnished; splendid location for sum mer. 815 Elliot ave. Sellwood. 33118. FURNISHED room for rent with couple, steam heated apt., references. Mrs. B. Sail, 668 Kearney. PLEASANT room, home privileges, l'or 2 nice people, no other roomers. 349 tfth St., near Market. COMFORTABLE sunny room, 10 m. walk to bus. enter, w. s., fur. heat, el. lights, bath, phone; reasonable. 415 Broadway. 15 HOUSEKEEPING rooms. Best location in city. A paying place and good home. M 1)74.- Oregonian. MODERN furnished room, kitchen priv ileges; Sunnyside line; for working. .East 4250. . $12 PER MONTH Nice, comfortable room for gentleman. 354 Ross St., 2 blocks east of Broadway bridge. FURNISHED, in best Richmond district, Vi block RM far. Gentlemen preferred. References exchanged. Tabor 51tf. WELL furnished large sunny room for one or two nentiemert. Jioe in on east siue. East 183. A NICELY furnished heated bedroom In a modern home. The use of phone and bath included. Call Tabor fl'JO'j. NICE, light room, running water and all conveniences. In pleasant home, suitable for a gentlemen. Main two wh mi rooms. 2 In room. Board 1 desired. Modern conveniences. 010 E. Salmon. Eaat 8:163. COMFORTABLE sleeping room for one or two gentlemen, waiting distance, .tsroaa way i:S7. IRVINGTON Beautiful room, breakfast. $30, 1 block to car; employed person. East 419. WELL-FURNISHED alcove room, running water, porch; couple or young men em ployed; references. .j70 Hoyt, Bdwy. loo, PLEASANT ROOM for gentleman, all con veniences of a nice home, on ioyt street, near 23d. Marshall 3008. LIGHT, well-heated corner room adjoin ing bath. 303 E. 33d St., near Haw thorne ave. FURNISHED three-room apartment, 1019 E. 10th nr. Alberta. Call evenings. Phone Wdln. laiZ. LARGE room for two; separate beds. steam heat, walking distance. 470 coium bia. . QNE furnished sleeping room and bath, gentleman preierreu. out vuutu eireei, apt. 1. s.nnnM suit r.omfortablv furnished, ev erything new and clean, place for large family. 224 Mill st. LAURELHURST Pleasant room with sleeping porch, $18 per month. Tabor 978. ENCLOSED sleeping porch with heater; walking distance; neautuui view. teas onable. Sellwood 3398. PRIVATE FAMILY H. K. rooms; busi ness people preferred. 875 F.. Yamhill, cor. 29th. FRONT room private home, all con veniences, west side, gentleman only. Main 8341. TWO nicely furnished rooms; gentlemen preferred. iu r. am si., on jaeimont. OUTSIDE room for gentleman, $14. Mar shall 2194. 411 lentn st. NICELY furnished room, modern, at 612 & Everett. Phone Marshall 1767. 2 LARGE, well-furnished front rooms with one or two peas. u r lanaers sc.- CLEAN, light room, suitable for one or two gentlemen. 805 First st. FURNISHED ROOM for gentleman in pri vate hoie: Irvington. Call East 1780. FURNISHED sleeping room, quiet, walking distance to town. 500 Columbia st. Beautiful front room in modern private home ; garage If deshred. Marshall 3;6tf. SLEEPING rooms, well furnished home, six o'clock dinner if desired. East 320. NEWLY furnished rooms in private home. 245 North 23d st. LARGE front room; use of kitchen. 262 14th st. ONE well-furnished room with sleeping porch, two beds. East 4191. SLEEPING rooms, walking distance. North 18th. Bdwy. 2155. 186 COMFORTABLE room with home privi leges ; references Mar. 4423. CLEaN front room, suitable for gentle man. 6SI Water st. Main 3179. DESIREABLE furnished room in first-class apt.: private entrance; close in. Mar. 1313. FURNISHED room for one gentleman. 657 Flanders at. FURNISHED room for 2 gentlemen. 270 Col um bia St.. ground floor. NICELY furnished room, modern; walking distance. 148 Hoyt. BRIGHT cozy room for 1 or ; 160 N. 21at; Bdwy. 2087. young men. NICKLY furnifhed room in modern home; walking distance. Phone East 8413. LARGE! airy front room, suitable for two. Walking distance. 431 Sixth St. IRVINGTON 2 or 3 furnished housekeep ing roome. allVonveniences. East 4808. FOUR rooms; working girls: reasonable. - lr V ing ton district. hone Eaat bo&tf. FOR RENT. Rooms With Board. CAMPBELL HOTEL. 23D AND HOYT ST CAMPBELL HILL HOTEL. 741 WASHINGTON ST. . ; Two of the best-known residential no ' tels on Pacific coast. American plan, with or without bath, $2.50 a daj up; rates by day or month. Meals served to transients. NORTONIA HOTE"u Portland's downtown high-class tamlly hotel; rooms en suite or single, with or without ooard. ror families and buriness men und women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Reasonable rates. . JEANNE D'ARC Furnisned rooms, with or without board, for business girls and lady tourists, permanent or tnumnL Special features within the llm.'tatioii of the minimum wage earner. - P? week and up. 265 14th U Main 41 if. PARTY feav-ing city for month or six weeks will rent nicely -furnished room (with piano), Alexandra Court, during absence; $65 monthly. Including board. references required. N 352, Oregonian. LARGE front room suitable for 2. hot and cold water, steam, neat, wamum .tanr. irood table. 332 10th st. Maiu 6181. WE can give you good room and board, rates reasonable; meals f amity siiyie, close In; men only. Grand Ave. hotel. 334 Grand ave.. cor. East Mill. , nvi.' twn nice E-entlemen. room and board, widow s home; no triflers; reasonable. Tabor 6631. rates ROOM and board for business girts; all modern conveniences; walkln distance; $4.50 per week. East 4732. 1? E. itb st " THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. SS0 10th st. for business girls and students: reasonable rateaMar. 121. tic u 17P1 . a MILT HOTEL. Unm conkinar. reasonable, 385 3d at. WARM room for one or two, comfortable, home cooking. 331 Montgomery at. Rooms With Boara In rrlte Family. BEAUTIFUL rooms and i.a a riinninir hot and board In fine cold water li . - nientv f heat will take m- ,.oM mnm'lnrs until 12 A. M aftr i P. M. Same time on phone Broadway 5450. Rooms ready by lutn o February. AG 611, Oregonian. pit u-ivpn nrivntn home for two or three " .uii,;-. . f h hies: charges rea ?"".. -V""-;"l, ;v,n Mrs. S. E T"?"t: '.7 k Sir? st. South. Take Pn i' nff ut Sherman at. tal alter 4 o'clock Sunday or any time after. nnnw hnarri for sinsie men or stu . home, run oenw in K i ? J. " ,- and nin(c not anu uuhj V. niHnnr .1,. tnt houses for outnnor sleeDlnc; or will take families. AB MJ, Oregonian . large, airy. W""-fur, im. meals If rfealrnd FOR RENT On. nuixircu for two. clo. nuiMied front room. Borne priv..?. n-... A M In. f none tasi and after 4 P. M. &u two connecting room uiii "' with good table board. In private home, ni.-e residence ':rl privileges, on car line. bi4 &. people modern nri Ankeny. East 6014. TWO ora. ".: beautiful modern " .... r niano. li 50m.f. "I, east side, three block. y. Pk... fiernoons. Tabor ii4. WANTElne or two , girls erences; beautiful outdoors 10 play. Tabor 3364. ARELIABLE motherly womsn wants to of age In her own home; references fur nlshed. B 122. Oregonian. FXCKLLENT home cooking with Home- IWO 4314. T ..-n-T. a ui V furnished front room, L. ;h,t breakfast, for person or couple employed; reasonable; Irvlngto-a East 7318. . GOOD home for girl , " omn and a gooS opponunity tot the right party. E. yob . LARGE clean, comfortable furnished fnt room in modern home, close in east side uf,?b e for man and wife employed, or . gentlemen. Phone East J-'i. MONTH, board and room, private ; iaT.i- ' ly. for gentlemen; able to P J:1 preferred. Call Sunday P. M.. 1UJS r 21st North. . 6S1 Glisan st. Marshall 1248. 57-vxY front room in irvins u ""','"'..'r. ,.nl.l young people employ. home comforts and privileges. ... . m i or 2 children; good "A"1I,U ... iU4 Tenino home and mother's care. ave.; Sellwooa cai GOOD board and room, sleeping porch .If desired. remieu gcuut ....... lumbia. NICELY 'urnl.Wiieaw - . ... th board, private iu'j. - -.... 703 Hoyt. ONE front room, wiinjoa, ; ins. furnace neat. '"'VrimS tie men preferred, bell. UK. GOOD home for school cdi.u.; of care; reasonaoie t0. HOM E privileKes to refined. h.uinc" " hish school Klrl: very reasonable. Tabor 5563; . ; . 755 John-son. Marshall 4U4I). , heat." 'all Kast 44B. ITnion line. wavtvii To1 board 2 little girls; nearly 6 yTargood home and motherly care, .all Automatic 210-13. R ""J'r'eoeniences and horn. privileges. Bast 8B82. FINJ3 large room, nice home, near Mult nomah club. Breakfast, dinner. Jlaln nrSTRABLE front room for 2 young la Dd?es tployea; walking distance. Mar. '21 M. boom with sleeping porch adjoining, op Rtiif(iin!tnomali club; walking dis- , Q7..-I rko Salmon. tance. - t. . , . t .mn nvurt can nnvu nic Grnd-;ooTboardT ho,e KivHeSe 173 E. Xid st. TaborjjlO. . khSIneSs people! If you are looking for B a rea? home, away from home, ca.l h.a r.SliO for inlormanuo. iFmow wishes a baby or.cnuuren ZW .o rare for in her home. :.!" tvdVtock car. 919 East . 2 stroma . and room, near Hawthorne uouw M""4" " , e. 32d at. Tabof $10 week. ave.. 4S88. i : jii dhar n with 6r without room. lopm ' nonie. Hem " r , . At 6S9 NICE room ana Doaru lut Ankeny t. E. PLEASANT home for oia imu. able ralel. Woodlawn JS : . . . .jit rau- OXE 2-room furnisnea apu - sic ants, ou- - ROOM, board, private home. 371 Larch l. ROOM and boara lor a ;iil...-... Sell. K-o. NICELY furnished room ouaru . vate home. ciue " WANTED-Cl.Ud to 7 year.. iest of motner a cme. WANTED to care for elderly invalids in .vn home. Phone Main r-D. WANTED Small child '"V""""?.0' M " home; est oi " - children; NICE HOME ( for one or j iAnri mniners - - MCE front room, comiorw . cooKina. EiM- fT" LARGE room suitable for 2 with 2 meala. 3i!U litn si., Furnished Apartment. 4-ROOM apt. on Th.' Ll, n , ehts ana . 208 E. 33d 8t 2TROOM "furnished apartment in University Darb H Hi MONTGOMERY Apartments. 4ttl I.. Mor on aim .-v ONE nice 2-room iuro. m S4 per mo. v-ia""- - - wt'RNISHED heated secona-noor apart ment, privi-'j t x RGE two-room apartment with light ond heat. $30. Gray Gables, 2S9 Tenth. 4-ROOM furnished apt., $62.aO. Julian ants.. 43 innity. iriiwiiTi CLOPE IN, 2-room apt., $:'0. 4402 between 1:30 and 4:30. Phone Bdy. FL'RNISHED apartments; C a 1 1 at S21 Thurman at. no children. THE G ROVER. 1 and 2-room furnished apts. 181 Grover St., South Portland. FXCHANGE rent of ateam-heated apt. for aroe-nter lab. Mar. 3S3. 18 Sherman . DESIRABLE 4-room apt. for rent, fur- n jyhtngs for sale. Alar. 361 8 jvirE ta'-ge, modern room. Ralelfih bldg., 327 WaalUiuston aU FOR RENT. Famished Apartments. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Columbia utrecta. Pfv minutes' walk to Meier A. Frank's tore; food rurrouod'ngB. trlctly mod ern, 2 and 1-rouin furnished apts.; all cuislde ith Freuch doors and oaicoay. UhiAUTl FULLY furnished 3-room hpU Jsrge private but li, elei-t , phone, h'-at. adults only, couple employed preferred, tenant furnNh own silver and linen. IJ per mo. N4Ht Union ave., near IWch. WANTED One or two young ladies, em ployed preft-rred, to share my home with me, a young employed l:tdy; terms ran be arranged. Call Sunday. 425 Shuver i. IADY, alone, will share It-room apart ment with cur.geni;il lady, employed ; references exchanged. kt l.'2. Orcgo- niup. PEABODY HOTEL. 1 9t h and Unshur; housekeeping a pa run en ts. 1 . - and :i Mom; steam heat; ver reasonable reit. Phone U road w a y 1 .4 6. THREE-KUOM furnished apt. for lent; im mediate pobseKsiou. No children. APP In person. Etna apts., ihiih and East Burnside. No. 1. THE JEFFREY, 2-nmn furnished apart ments; $16 and $Jo, close in. corner Russell and Kerby, bet. Mississippi and Williams ave. LARGE single. dotiMu anil 3-rnom apart- ni'-nii. completely furnished . strain heal, liot water. iMi Sherman st i cel. Mars hull 39s:t. I'OUR-ROOM apart men t for rent, en lire furnishings, for sale, including vietrda. grand piano; $lSoo; would consider six months' lease, $S5 per mo. Marshall 3101. SIX-ROOM mod.'? n apartment lr n-nt, furniture of four roomn for itai: do? In, went side; roonia bung in ix-nt. A' 243, Oregonian. ROOM AND APTS. Rent on eunt side and nave money ; just beyond Hroad way bridge, M. A car off at Runsell St., 4? Vs. W ES TMINSTEK AT T. One 4-riMim lurninhed apt. ; 6th and Madison. M a i n .'. n 2 . l. lulls THE LEEDS APTS., 1 3-room ni ely fur nished apt., tem heal ; evryt lilim mod ern, $43; no pliune cai If. 210 .MitiKet. WELL-Kl'RN'ISH ED apartment; 3 roomn, hath, linen closet, sleeping porrh. Mar shall .V23. CLARK APTS. 2 rooms furnished, brick apts., $27 pr nrnnlU; Iir hi. hat und phone, llltl Pcttygrovt-: Bdwy. 342:1. FURNISHED apt., n rooms and b;iih; mm lie lit ; separate phone : east side; good car service. Tabor tint;,". HOl SKKKKIMNU apartmeniR. tinee Iuiko roomw. new furniture. 2J Kat loth i cor. Kast Ash. $4U Steam-heated, nicely furnished tljr-e rooms, close in. or 2 -room apt., $27-."'. C'all upstairs 'Mi K. Mh ut. N. BAl TlKi:L H-room apt., and furniture sale or rent; no dealers, voti t lan i t. apt. a. UNKFRN ISH III 3 or 4-room apt., newly I ioted und cleaned ; private bath. 74 j lloyt. FL'HN IS II Kl housekeepiiiK apt. , room; close in. ."2 Ta lor. ouiMde APAjtU'.M KN'T ty haro w ith one or tnu s ' r 1 .M u 1 'lr!ii: !i . MrK 2-room furnished apt., hath, phone. 721 K. Ash, Mnntavjlla car. EN I'liNSl VEJy furnished w-nom apart mt nl. .Main l!7:i. - UNION AVE. anu Klllinxx worth. all complete, concret iUig. ' 1 nftirnislted Apartmenls. FtRNlSHI hHisek'epin; rooms, large and clean, wa Iking distance, gas ratige. hen t, ItKht, phone, water fur $25. K. 7271; 324 K. 1st st. N. UN Kl RN ISH D iiiudern ment, best residential 7.-.IU. fi-room - i din trie t. LpHI l- Alain 4 AND ri-HOOM unfurumhed apt. line; $12. Tabor 7N2.". MAYO AI'TS., fil3l t'niitn ave.; 3-room unfurnished upl. i'lione L. l'2ii. FOR R KN'T ."i-room apartment west side; ilw:.y 4117. furni;ure fr talc, rail Hroii Mats. ONK H-roorn flat, alho on 't-rooiti flut. on .; nowlv re no It.lwy. lluie at., near K. 2M h vatttd; space for garden. SIX-ROOM flat, newly papered and paint ed throughout : west aide ; w a. king; dis tance, oolt Fifth st. Tabor 4..."i.l. FOlTR 3-room fluts and on 5-room with garage and shop. 124 Knott L rhone N ood law n 2222. $ 1 S 3 - It 04 ) M flat,, w a t e r. biiih frM t l"t !H4. 2l Overton, west side. FLAT for rent, close In. $!.". furnltur-- for sale cheap. ;;nif-H Montgomery st. 4-ROOM flat for rent at V.i 2d at., in i.V. 7 . nelry and g.i.t. Call Mi MoiitN, a-room unfiirnished fint; good location, ;n. VI l Kast Main at. 4-KOOM lower flat; yard; on carline; $20. lt2l Oekum ave. Furnltthed Flats. Sl'LKNDID henil-modern A -room lower flat for rent, furniture for sale, wll In part : this la n ipleudld place : m junk; waikiiifr distance, ikIuMm only Call Monday, flat A, 2Vt Tt ntoti at. WAXTKU To rent or will sell furnituie of 5-rom modern upper flat, f urn nee and fireplace, walking ilistance, w PIN, Oregonian. ' FFKNITI'RK FOR SAI.K and flat for rent. No second-hand dealers. Apply lower flat, fttil K. Morrison. WIDOW will ahare 4 -room flat with bUMinoHS woman ; have piano ami Bow ing machine. A K liI. Oregonian. -ROOM lower fl eluding; cooking nicely furnihtied. ln i. light a. wuier. nice lawn. 12tl KaMt i amhiii. FLRN'IiHKU 4-room apt.; upstairs; til private dwelling. M7 Kast llroatlway. FOR RENT 3-room furniahed flata Fast HOth st. South. NiCKLY furnished A-room flat, reference preierred. 13 Monroe at. TURK hi 2-room fl. furniahed. fur rent. 629 H 1st 8t. 4-ROOM flat, furnished for housekeeping:. .six i n. $35 FIRNISUKU fiat, 3 rooma and bath, west aide, walking distance. ,iar. 40(1. NICK 5-room flat, good bath, close in, $20, is.", K. !Hh and I um hill. Housekeeping Koonin, Sl.NGLK houekeepin and aieeplriK roomn for rent, rcaHonuUle. 04 v aahing ton at. SINGLE H. K. room complet hot water, ateam heat. $1.1 :ilt.s:t. I Mi Sherman at. ?ly furniahed ; a mo. Mar. HOVSKK EKPIXO apartmenta; 3-room suit, per week ; 2-rooiu auit, $4 per week. 1'hone Kant fd!7. FITRNISHEl, clean hou.-ekeepl nir rooma. 115 Thurman aL, cor. 27th. IMione Main :tio2. PROTESTANT younjr man to uhare nice front room with clean young man. Call after 3 I. M., 322 If road way. Mar. 5Sil. LI OUT HOUS EKE EI'fN7 : ROOM. auita"hTe for. couple employed. Phone lidvry. 1004, 6:41 Marhall at. NICE houaekeeplnpf rooma for rent: free heat; new budding, etc. ISO Park, ai Yamhill. ONE 2-room furniahed and one 3-room unfurnished housekeeping rooma, $13. bio Mill at., corner loth. SINGLE and double housekeeping rooma in newly-painted home ; clown In, wcat side; big yard. Call Eat 212tl. FOR RENT 2 housekeeping rooms and 2 office rooms at Hi 7 Union ave, N. Phone Woodlawn ii407. FOR HKNT Iloucekeeping rooms and sleeping rooma, close In. liol tilark, beL Uroadway and Park. HOUSEKEEPING, alngle, double and sleeping roonia. $2 and up. Jul Flrt atreet. UNFURNIS-HEI 4 rlean light hnuaekoep. Ing rooms. ooeriin, cor. tinvcn. wi, Johns car. 2 NICELY furnished housekeeping room modern, reasonable. 41 ll llama gvc Fl'RNISHED houpekecplng rooms. Hood ht. Maui -hih. TWO modern, nicely furnished housekeep. Ing rooms, km ousan. fnone ."iain wsi. LHiHT. clean, single housekeeping room :i!Ci Sixth stretJ BUSHMARK, room apts., r.fti Wash st. 1 and 2 modern. clean, respect nbl FURNISHED housekeeping rooma for rent at SUPS First t H K. APT. Front room and kitchenette. Second flooi 44 Vfe Park st 2 NEWLY renovated furnished housekecp ing rooms. 5l0 Couch st. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, reasonable. 6,",o Touch at., block of ltth and Wanh. a NICELY furnished rooma, adults only. Main 7.M2. Nob Ulij, LARGE front housekeeping room: running water. 174 l-tth St., cor. Yamhill. TWO clean, hnsement. nice housekeeping 37o Hth. rooma, ONE single housekeeping room. light, heat and phonne; $;i.fto a week. 37 Mill. NEAT 1 and 2-rm. street. H. K. suites. 3S4 Park ONE small, clean, well -furnished hoime keeplng or sleeping mom. 32llth at Fl R N I SHE1 H. K. room Ewst K317, LOLKN U. K. rowjiia. 243 S. liLh aU FOM KENT. MtHKtekrrpiiig Khmm. TWO rrmt roonie f in n ihed for o'i' kein. Hi kh1 l)M k I'll1: I'M. -1 on x-r line Hint hit" a a-ntiitute priv lee, lth f'c b.itlt. plioiie hud Hit Ml, to jMtuit milv fur f I iHr tnuuib. 9 WiMiums ae. LA lillK, n!ry. mi llh kiti tieiieuc. 11 L running w trr. laundr. Hli Urge tMiKle h. k. X rd ll. k. looms t , si p"" 111 wT k . 4 1 9H pel ! I M.tMirf' at ' Columbia For itKN T -oi hoiipi keeping, colli aler. month. lti '. r without h"t $16 per H'-al. phi'iu it k in it dtMtiiiK MM m. KUV M-'K ATT.. NKWI.V I ' I K 1 1 1 . 1 . ONE l!"MM AM ' K I T ' H I- V I-. I I I -. MARSHALL 21.V 11H Kt Til AND Moll HIM IN. i i h ms nil rr 3 Kctl'tlfiMeil di rtniinft tf h(i"-i,nt. ftu, etfi rli it . wash trots, bi.lll-.n features, l,"i. Wdih. '.. KoU liKNT- 1 Urf front room th t" window s, I st f or. -o I Is rue room w ith kit henet to, 21 fioar. 4..'i ntti htll st NlCFI.Y furulalied a-r-n k ! I n g apt., tin lin'ii fa'Hi(, park bt ki; V lienn. Muin .M'tt. in ino'l'tn lions. V. ft lnrh -I . . Cail Mr. kot Uol SUkKKI'IM!, roomn in 1 und suites. I tilt 1'ark, If ousekerpln- ftooms In i'rlvs.l lamllr. LA it UK. well-furnmh-'d room. stem, buth, kitchen prl iI k s. suitsMe tor twn K H'1h employed. lkinr iliine. Call tMimlav nr I'venltiKs, 4ot llurnson, vor Imh. Hpt. N" Jl'ST whst au 1imv iM-en loukintf for, Chun ami nicely furnished rooms in I ruble reslden e district. oe lo cur ser in. lir.'O XI win, cor. J till Htid IIhu ihorne. TWO furnmht'd lious' keemnn rooms with imth and kit herette: nun ami wife; n cnlilt-n. 4ih1 Maiuturtie ae Take Hawthorn ear. l'hon Tltor 7T.1 Foil ItKNT 2 furnish l""houf.ek- pn,t nitniH fur man nn1 wife; price sjii pt-r month. Cotntt it nl see. IM K. lMh North. fL'.'i AND i:tn nionihly. 2 d"HMll h. k rooms. sepi-rHif entrHm-e, I u r. het. el Hk h ts, talh. phono, wood ind ftits rang' sink. 4l." W. lromlwy. Kl RMSIIKIi hoi In, r-'a-Honahl" poyel ly th UroMdwny 1 l-iekieiiMFX rooms, los rent, lor 2 people mi (by. 11M N. J tii It i, TWO plejisjuit completely furnUhrd H. k. roouiri. v;i; 1 . K. loom wnh kilehen ettr. $'.'; steiim heat,, etc. 401 's 1-lh st. i. Mam 4m.. 3 I.AKUK lthl rooms, eli. tnc l.ghls. tele, phone, huth a nd i:hk, Iih ndy to st rrt r.i r line. AtMl Clintvil St., nrr i 4th, Sell. :. JH. K. ROOMS, itehly tinted, rlilhlren taken, el.-cirtritv, kh, wnlklns; distance. ! iii i'llnntDt, Hrondw a 121. a Ft UNISHKI lmusek ll K tit . W it ter, phone, l.'iitl h; ;iiHn. Phono 'ping room, f fj't per innnjit. Tahor 7t(71 o la rue w 1 1-1 trn tulied II. K. rooms, etin und convenient: stiltiilde fnr 3 of t:i N. Vim h. iionr V Hstiingtfin. LAHV etiilrty d to tdmre home with lil ow litdv and ditighl r, Inmsekeepl n g prlvllt 17.1 K. .Ltd st. J ilt'. LAKHK furnisheil ket-ptug ; furnai o 4 2,'t I . room for light hniife lnt; close in. lldw. CLKAN hot wst ll; irotiiet y s-.. sekc'-plng- rouuis for in In it s, w ;iIk I tig d 1st a licit, 427 Moii l LA IH i K ph hmi nt h. k roims. nice yard, walking distance; huth, phone, $4 and per wet k. ;i(7 Vn. FOl' It hollM keeping rooms Ingt lhei, W M n prlvato In. Ut. soniu f u rn 1 1 itn-. very clean, 4ii7 lotiimhln si. Mwln lMi2. 2 KXTRA Urge housekef psn( rooms, i h k, (uiet, Mtinny, walking tlialMtue, west side. I4ih st. TWi III i nn-ely fuirishd midway bridge. rriitte. II . I. Kasl llllil.K tirnishrd h UHeKf-eping rooma lor K.t I lot uo, W ll ter til -Fust 7ih si. &titi Tent ; cooking gits. jludedj $-:. No. 1 THKF.K housekeeping linii', $-, elrciru, K. Oiik is. walking ill and bath, it' TH I1KK nicely furtn h;ho sleeping rooms; 2c rjllies. M hi fut nuee heal, iit-ar II. K. SIliK rooin for w orkmg p-opi room near V. M Itunniiig water, ga, A!i Ott l sleeping A. Mir Hi;V 2 I.AltiiK nliy roon i a, ni-Hv fu every con eiii'-nce, w . Ik l rig l t : r K o.ik, lH'lMen H nnd H. ndijlii 2 YKUV lieniiahlc riMm, In Km. huth, phone, iefi-1 Mio.ulM.i y. MvH EI( N. nice, clejin, w arm ioium; clonu in ; no t hlldrtiti. 4 1 1 M i in n. $2(1 L.i i k-e ii euieucea. Clay. MlKekci-l'Kli Wi r llllliK rMIIIH. Nl I urnifthcd. TWO f in nilfd II K. ruoitm, !iKht. wlrr and hinn f ui ulnhed. 4 J.' K. liui littida. 1 HMt .".ii 1 H, 2 l.AUllE iltatl well form-died liioif.-keep-I li It rMim, iidullH only, tt.'iti IlileiHtata -., Udln 4i.M. CI. KAN ftotil iM itroolti. un of kit Io n, h.iih, eiertnc IikIu. Hot at., n4r 2.;d au.-et Fl" U N I H 1 ; I IT. iT tMma. iIopo ifi ml mde 111 pilvittn fumll). HchI, Rhi, ele. Inc. phone f I ee. Cull hell. H7V l.A K;IC, cleitti 2-riMitn hmia'keepina iP. 12 miliii'cs out mi Full'in ;tr M ini .;te,i TH KKI fin nlnhe 2Mh nl. I houm k'-epinff i ith. K.t it7."i win. I2.t K. 2'ih nl. N 2 I.OWKU room. pMiitiv, eleclrh iiy. ptome. h.ith. wink. h. frea .I'.'J 4lh it. Folt ItlJNTt Imtk front room, ruiuifthuii for lioiihekeepiiiK. ' 41 h Ut. 1 SINGLE and 1 3-room It. K. auita. Hdwy. 2IK. CLE A N f nrnUhed huuiekci'innK room, nut fJ.Y Kh-i 4i'l! TIIKKE unlurniNhed 11. K. r 3d floor. u H utile for eti el on. tl" I ill nan at. 4 FI'KNI.SI1E1 room. 7 MuImkmIi ., between .tench and Frennjiu nli. NKAT 2-rooin h. k. aulie. wnlking Ua tance. leununabi, 424 J'f ferni. CLKAN, aniKie II. K. iwoma, cloau in. uud Uth at. Main i:jn. KMSllh.1) ho 7th. 1'hufie K. ii.'keepiiif 11211. rooiua. 11 .VH'KI.Y furniahed 1 and 2 huusa- k'-ejini. Kiec. I-Kht. 2'U Market. N. ICEL V f urn Ih lied 2 romit, houat keepdia. HaTM. elc. $IS. 4! 'iav at. SI Nil LE hounekitepiii room for nmn . . 4 sleeping rin. 4H K. S hhIiIiikioh al. NICK amall 11 K. tne; ery rea o nut room, e. 21 1 atnla hie 11th nt. $10 I'KIt MoNTH Room with kitchen. Itla .Mh at, upper um ttt SINGLE ho laehelor. ihekeepijiK riMilll, fitMt J- terrton. urnlithed H. K. rooma. aim in 4n:n. fi2 Ella. private bath. NICE haht fl. K. room, $2 weak. 3uASa Ihird Htreel. NlCK-doublA front suite, privata family. $H wk., lovely view. U;A E. th H. ;E modern H. K. Ila FOR KENT 'Modern i-room houne, $.'J; cnupit without children; one biock from Fremont, Mt. tk:ott car. ti;i2J (Mtlh aw. HoU I heabt. 6ROOM modern huusn ea-t side, Albrri at., V.IZ; adults. Phone Wdm. 3i62 be fore 10 A. M. 12 to 2 P. M or even- inn w. , MODERN' 10-room. walking dlatnnr. fait aide; $ per mo. Geo. C. huward. ai "hum, of om. Tii bor 7M. FUR KK.N'l th.n. Itt-nt IlirreM o. 4ix-ronn houne. 4toud lot a $22 .M pr monlh. A. II. MHihnll 4114. MOVING I'tano. furniture ami long-di-tance hauling a specialtv. . A W. i rm tt Service Co. 40 2d st. Plume- Kriwy. .'.121. FIVE-RMM house for rent. $l month. hit Urge vrd and much fruit; K. ii w o,d district, .s-e owner. .Q2 Couch bldg 3-ItooM house and "basement, light, km. $ I ." , 1 u r n 1 1 j re lor aa i e. c h e p. 1 otM I 7tn at. N . AthetlH Li'AL and lotig-distanre iiioOng and l.aiil Ing ; Iirwt -class eguipm'-ni. imith him.. 2n.'4 Aider r Wain I .'H I . f. ; 2 I . Co.. RENT fine modern K-roorn hotihe elin-pa district, king U:aae. Phono Automatic :ri I - 2. HOI'SE of l rooma, bat It. ei c , 17th und East Washington, rant $." per monm. Phone Tabor MODF.liN 7-room house fr rent and want H-room uniurntsned wer-t aide apt. in exchange. Sel.wood M. "l"44.1tooI hous.. 14th and laa alreaia. Key at Mia Ivan st. H o I S E for r- nt and furnltur for aale. Inquire " Knit Hnrnwhle "t FJVK-R'0 h'ts. 17th and Northrup sl. Rent $l. 4QH Selling bldg. FtK RENT ll-room Mvr, all Ka s t JH 40, I ;o HAS. electrlcilv. house on Wuinn.s remesji hspenttil, Fmnt Msr. 44 m. S-ltooM modern ho walking distance. Heel side. Mar. 4!v MI 4 inv. if-R ' M hiue. unrurnlwhed, $."'"S; suit able tor roomers. HfdR , 171 W. Park. NICK Tnnd.-rn fl rootn cottage, close to car. Last aidJ, liain 441Uw i