12 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 8, 1920 REAL ESTATE. RKAL ESTATE. KAL ESTAT&. REAL JKhTATB, REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE, Vor bale Farms. Klv, KNTATK. I- or I arms. tor 8su Sale Farms. For Sale Farm. For bale Far ma. For Bale Farms. For Sale I arms. ITS SAFE TO BUT A FARM. ' Here's one of 114 acres on the weet aide nwir Newberf, also close to the west aid Klectnc. less than a mile from the West Side high way. Rear a good high school, about acres in cultivation. 6 acra of 8-y earmold prunes; excel lent deep oil with about 8 acres of river bottom, spring and spring creek, some timbar, very lair barn and outbuildings, needs soma repair on houe; this plac cao be bought tso tnat you can make money on it as an tavoatmoat; look. it up. Take this one for Instance and a low VHlue, 80 acres 4 mllei from good town and went side electric It. K. ; about 0 at-n-s are in culti vation., about 30 of this is rich, black land well drained, and the balance la slightly higher bench land. Listen now. the buildings consist of a new bungalow, barn, garage and other outbuildings which have cost about $52o, and ara up to date. The owner haa the trees and will . set 10 acres to prune. The black soil is excellent lor berries; $12,000 buy this place Hire's one; SO acres highly im proved, everything is first class: right clone tu Oregon City; good " coil, good buildings, good fruit; this la an ideal home, uot an ex pense but a producer, and worth more than s wHked for it; why not have a place where you can live in eatte aad still have all the advant ages of city for trading and for market, this place is $12,500. Why not take this one; a fully equipped farm; horses, cows. hogs, rhlckeas and all farm tools, which are in excellent condition. In fact everything necesaary to go right ahead with, all you would need would be your furniture; this place has a little over 100 in cultivation and a small patch of timber, it is ail well fenced and cross fenced, has a good well and spring; la 2hk miles from a good town; it has a very good house, barn, granary, hor house, machinery shed and chicken heiaW; this place goes for 41-5 per acre all equipped. A farm all In cultivation near the west side paved highway, about 00 acres In crop. 40 acres' plowed for spring gram. 15 acres in clover, all fenced and cross tenced; house, barn, hng house, windmill and 2000-gallon tank: this place ts 1 miles from good town, good schools: and churches; good to-operative creamery; is on a good gravel road and only 2 miles froin the west side electric ry . ; $100 per acre buys the place; it is a money maker for somebody either for use or for the advance in price which is sure to come. SEE SPERLING & HAXNA, 309 CURBKTT BLUG. , BIG SACRIFICE. A division of interests compel me to wicrifice 30 acres of 10-year-o id apple orchard with peach fill ers, also 40 acres of choice unim proved land. The sol) is lava ash and wilt produce 21 to 3 tons of hay per acre without irrigation and, with unlimited outside range and mild climate makes an idea) stock ranch; situate! near Lyle and the Coiumbia river. The price, $15,000. is lea than It cost to pro duce the orchard. Herein Is pro tection from economic breakers. Take a hint. D. L. McLeod. 204 Porter at. WELL STOCKED AND. EQUIPPED. Here Is an ideal country home for a man of moderate means; 44 acre.". 14 under cultivation; 30 acres good pasture, hz acre orchard; large 5-room house in first -class condition ; large barn, silo and garage; full set of out -building: chicken house will accommodate too chickens: trout stream with- waterfall; price of $42oO includes 2 horses, 1 cow, 4 standi of beea. 1 wagon. 1 mower, 1 disc, l cultivator. 1 plow. I rake, cream separator. On good road three miles from good town on main line of three railroads. Terms, John Ferguson, Ger Unger bldg. 344-ACRE MID-WfclST FARM. - $."i(H0, On state road, good all times of year; mile stores, etc.: motor bus parses farm; near R. K. center, only 8 miles large cit : as good soil as lies out of doors; well drained, productive tillage; stream-watered pasture for large herd ; wood, timber, fruit. 10-room house, steam heat, view over beautiful river wmcn farm borders: house could not be re placed for ST0O"; Iarg larns. etc. To aettle quickly low price ooo is made. easy terms. Where can you equal this exceptional bargain? Details page 7a 8t rout's Catalogue Farm Bargains 2o States; copy rre. a. stkuli ak.v AGENCY. -OS KB. Plymouth bldg., M inneapolis. y inn. FARM ton ALE S!- miles XK. of Dixon. Sacramento Valley. Cal. ; 10 miles from State Capital; good gravel roads, lfiO a., all level, fenced and cross fenced. HO a. owed in barley, looking good ; 25 a, in alfalfa: pumping plant on place that will furnish enough water to irri gate ru acres more or aiiaiia; n-rcj hnuM, quite comfortable, bath and run ning water, water piped to yard and Darns; au'o garage; neaa oi norses. cows. 14 head of high-grade Shropshire ewes, 2 extra oroort sows, l Duroo boar ajl implements necessary for running place in good condition; full particulars write to owner at LMxon. cal.. Hox 14- Price $25,000. $10,000 cash. bal. on terms s.'tHHf per year at o' ; no agents. 40-ACRS RANCH. MODERN 5-ROOM HOWE: 2 COWS, 2 HORDES, 3 DOZ. CHICKEN'S; PRICE $2oO0. Water is piped into the house,, bath and toilet; ranch is fenced with wire. So acres tillable when cleared: about 3 acres In cultivation, good soil, fine pas ture, some timber; 1 mila to school, on county road, 45 miles from Portland; $1000 cash, balance 6 per cent. AM HEWEY AT J. L. HARTMAN CO., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. S20-ACRE wheat and alfalfa ranch, in heavy laud. Klickitat Co., Wash. 7 in fall wheat. S in alfalfa, good buildings, with water piped into same; over $.'1000 worth of stock and machinery with place. Price $2u.0oo. $mhu cash, remain der best of terms. L. K. MOORE. 317 Board of Trade bldg- Portland. 44 ACRES. $100 DOWN: All in cult., fine soil, on good graveled ronds, located 2H miles of Oregon Cit and close to store and good school: side walk to town, 1b fine location all settled up. We will take $100, bal. at 6C' 4 years' time if you will go ahead and Improve it r place all well cleared and fenced, will make a fine little berry and chicken ranch; price $1400. E. P. ELLIOTT & SON. 7th and Main Sts. Oregon City. Or. ST. HELEN'S DISTRICT. 1H miles from Houlton station, on a rood rock road. Is a 40-acre farm with fa.r buildings; the soil is good and all tillable; 1 acres now in cultivation : thii is close to plenty of work. Pricw $.11.10, $500 cash required. Rented till April. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerllnger Bldg. JO-ACRE RIr. ft MILKS OCT. 20 acres, p;.n of one of the best farms this side of irrnarn; will include build ings or not. as desired. Land lies witn southwest slope and if put in berries would make you independent : practical ly all In cultivation; has beautiful fir grove, on main road. Let me show you this st a price of only $400 per acre, gooa terms. LI." ED DEM ANN COMPANY. 1 3 Chamber of Commerce. 130-ACRE FARM NEAR EUGENE. 8-room house, good barn. 110 acres In cultivation. 3 acres In choice, fruit. applet, pears, cherries and prunes, the Daiance in ugni nrusn ana timber: a running spring of water on the place, some beaver dam. Thla Is an At piace. price fyOOO, easy terms. Ask Mr. Kellogg A. J. DEFOREST 4 CO., -320 Henry Bldg. ' Main 290. CLOSE-IN FARM. 3S arres choice level land. 34 arres In cultivation, four acres pasture; 6-room house and barn, outbuildings In good condition: fruit, berries, grapes: an ele gant home, 124 miles from Portland : good road. Price $l0M. half cash, bal ance long time at per cent. R. M. GATEWOOD ft CO.. 1654 4th st. SMALL stock ranch, with good buildings; fine climate, good hunting, best out range In sjuthern Oregon ; reasonable price, easy terms. Address G. li. Pease. Grants Pass. Or.. Rt. 3. Bos 55. 15-ACRE farm, close In. all. clear; new buildings; on rock road; H mites west of Portland. E. Lehman, Beaverton. Or., R t.2. FOR BALE 450-acre Willamette valley farm, soli Ideal for loganberries. See owner. 48 First St. RANCH for sale, 520 acres, private ditch, M acres In cultivation; pr!c JS0O0. Mra. John Oibrich. Medical Springs. Or. A GOOD VALLEY GRAIN. Farm of 235 acres, all tillable, level productive soil, ail can be worked, with tractor, well drained, fail crop in; two sets of good buildings. 2 orchard;, water piped to buildings, garden and lawn; lo cated only 6 miles from Lebanon on good gravel road, 1 mile to school. R. b I milk route, phone In house; buildings located on 5-acre mound, drv, with a view; $100 per acre and worth It. Seeing is believing. .STOCK AND DAIRY. Farm of a;. I acres. 100 acres in cultivation, mostly in crop, good soil, well drained; no flat or white land, well watored, balance tim ber nd pasture ; good 7-room house snth fireplace, barn and other building; fine family or chard, 1 mile to school, 3 mites from Lebanon; cheap at $12,500, $4.vak rash, balance time; will in clude personal and equipment, hay and grain for $ltf,000. Thai is a good dairy farm. 640 ACRES. Stock and grain farm. 12 miles from Lebanon, gravel road. R. F. D. ; fine spring water and creek with 30-foot fait for electric plant for lighting and domestic pur poses; "M acres ready for plow of the richest soil you ever saw. AO bushels wheat to the acre sure. Would also be the beat prune land. Also much more open land, 3 to 4 million feet fir saw timber, all under fence, but no buiidiugs; a fine speculation. Eiuy this at $30 per acre, terms $5000 cash and all the time you want on balance. Develop it and double your money in two years. Come, see for your self. The best ones are being1 picked up. Call on JOSEPH C. GIBSON. "TUB LAND MAN." HOTEL LEBANON. LEBANON OR. LOOK THESE OVER. THEY WILL BEAK INSPECTION. 40 acres. 20 miles from Portland, 1 mile from Nation; 25 acres in cultiva tion, fad crops in. some timber: new 8-room house, good outbuildings, lota of fruit; mile to school: stock and farming equipment Included. Price $6000. acres in vv niamette vaney, near station, ail in cultivation, all fine soil; good road; good o-room house with hot and cold water, big barn and other bidets., stock and farming Implements included. Price $10,000. WHEAT FARM ,20 acres in Wasco Co.; 400 In cultivation, 20 in wheat this vear: lair farm buildings. stocK ana farming machinery Included. Price $35 per acre, one-third casn. IRRIGATED FARM 100 acres, ltt miles from town; paid-up water for 15$ acres; 80 acres alfalfa and grain, bal ance easily put In ; good house, dairy barn and other ulugs. : stock ana ma chinery included. Price $18,000; will take $000 trade, some cash, balance e per cent. Fine, big alley farm lotw acres near Corvallis, h mile from station; 200 acres rich bottom laud and 250 acres smooth upland in cultivation. lot more tillable, some fine timber; house with hot and cold water. 4 barns, other bldgs. ; 7 miles hog-tight fence; stocked and fully equipped for operating. Price $42,500. We handle farms; tell us what you want. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. FARMS FOR SALE. I HAVE A 40-ACRE TRACT OF TIMBER TWO MILES SOUTHWEST OF i SCAPPOOSB AND ABOUT THE SAME j DISTANCE FROM THE COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. ON BOUNDARY LINE BE TWEEN COLUMBIA AND MULTNO MAH COUNTIES ESTIMATED FROM 4000 TO AOOO CORDS OF WOOD. FIRST GROWTH: TWO SMALL STREAMS THROUGH 40. WILL MAKE FINE. RICH SOIL AND ANY CROPS CAN BE RAISED. SOME CEDAR ON PLACE, COULD BE CONVERTED WITH SMALL S H INGLE SAW INTO SHI NGLES. 1 WILL TAKE $2000 FOR THE PLACE FEW HUNDRED DOWN, BALANCE TO SUIT. OR I MIGHT CONSIDER TRADE FOR ROOMING HOUSE. WILL DEAL WITH PRINCIPAL ON L Y. PHONE ME FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS- MILLER, TABOR 21. 122 ACRES. 100 ACRES CLEARED. All level, black loam soil, some more easily put In, all open, the bal. is In oak and fir timber; living water; 7-room house, 2 barns, hop house, granary, cel lar, wood house, family fruit, good well at Jiouse; the corn on this pi ate last summer was K ft. high, can't beat it for wheat, corn, oats, clover, potatoes, logan berries, in fact anything you wish to raise; this is near Canby, Or., on grav eled road: one of the best places in the county, no stone or gravel on this farm; If you want an all-around farm see this; price $100 an acre, rash, bal. Ions time at . Look at this place efore you buy, it will pav you. E. P. ELLIOTT & SON, 7th and Main Sts. Oregon City, Or. $2500 ALL FOR $2500. 5 rows. 2 calves, 14 hogs, 24 chickens, 3 horses, wagon, harness, etc.; gas en gine, wood saw, all implements and tools, crops, etc.. 40 acres; also HO-acre relin quishment adjoining; S miles Redding, Shasta Co.; mail route, nr. school, store; 30 acres level farm land, balance level and rolling pasture or fig land; figs, almonds, etc.. grow here without Irriga tion or cultivation ; old improvements, fencing, loon cords wood, worth $!.' per coru in Redding; gold mining, free range. ciite winter witnout nay; neaithy ell-, mate, no malaria, snow, fog. alkali nor aum.n; goon nunting. fishing. Price -.ou. -o agts. or exchgg, Ulenn Pettay, '. pnasta at., nenamg. ual. MR RANCHER. 320 acres of wheat land. 7 miles from good railroad town, in good hard wheat district. This is all ready for the plow, and only $3o an acre, or will lease on part crop payments. I have several well-Improved Willam ette valley farms from $75 to $150 an acre, in good farming district, close to rauroaa ana town. J. B. HOLBROOR". 214-215 Panama Bldg. BEARING WALNUT ORCHARD. 60 acres, located 24 miles from Gas ton, Oregon; 50 acres under cultivation, a acres timoer. naiance pasture; spring. 33 acres walnuts. 12 acres 14 vpnrn nt) 21 acres 7 years old; good 5-room bunga low, with water piped to buildings, small barn, chicken house; all fine soil; nice, sightly location. Price. I12.S00. $N0t! cash. This is the foundation for $30.00" property In the near future, and it U more tnsn carrying luelt along. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. GOOD 70-ACRE FARM $6000. 40 acres of splendid soil, no rock or gravei, m cultivation, about 20 acres more can be put in cultivation at small cost, balance pasture and timber; fine spring water piped Into a 7-room house. nig oarn, nognouse, cnicKen no use, ma enme snea, gooa tamiiy orchard ; one mile to school on county -road, 42 miles to Portland; price $5000, take $1500 cash, .balance to suit at 6 per cent. See SAM HEWEY AT J. L. HARTMAN CO. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. BEARING CRANBERRIES. 34 acres of finest cranberry bog. with over half in bearing vines; located in center of recognized cranberry district in Pacific Co.. Wash., close to railroad. Will sell for less than half of what prop erty stands present owners. Price wll include 200-gal. spraying plant, gasoline en?l7ie and about 2h0 ft. of pipe. Price will certainly interest anyone really wanting cranberry land. A limited amount of good property might be tak- u.'b. MORTGAGE & IX V. CO.. 605 Y eon bldg. Main 3418. 23 ACRES. NICELY IMPROVED. $5000. All in cultivation, creek on place: good 6-room house. 10-stanchfon barn, other outbuildings: water piped to house and barn, large team and 2 cows: located near good town on 4th-st. car line. Price $5000. tems $1000 cash, balance to suit. 1.1 " E 1 D E M A N N COM PA N Y, 013 Chamber of Commerce. 71'. ACRES. $.400 DOWN. All level; fine soil, not cleared but some not hard to clear; 500 feet of elec tric line, on road; some nice little fir trees: this will make a nice little nome for some one who wants a start: price $1000, $400 down; 3 miles of Oregon City. E. P. ELLIOTT SON. 7th and Main Sis. Orrf on City, Or. A "GOOD HOME. 20 acres all In cultivation: lots of fruit and berries, strictly choice black land, well drained, no waste. 5-room house and barn, outbuildings, adjoins good town, electric railway, paved road, 24 miles Portland; $i;C00. $3300 cash. bal. long time at 6 per cent. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 1654 4th St. S2 ACRES. STOCK, TOOLS. FURNITURE. House, barn and other outbuildings. 12 acres in cult.. 20 slashed and seeded to pasture. S rows, 2 yearling heifers. 1 bull, all tools and furniture, spring, creek; everything goes. $2000. $100 cash, bal. to suit. 215 Railway Exchange Blgd. WILL exchange 160 acres unimproved land . for modern bungalow In good location; I will pay cash, $1000. Box 86, Sandy, Or. FOUR BEST FARM BARGAINS, $6500 buys 160 acres of good free-shot soil, located one mile from large to wo on S. P. railroad, in Willamette valley; 12 acres bottom land cultivated, 38 acres upland cultivated. 20 acres saw. timber. balance pasture; all but 40 acres is smooth, tillable land ; 1 Vi miles fine woven-wire fence, balance board and rail; six-room comfortable house, two rair barns, otfaer buildings ; one acre bearing orchard, several springs; span of horses, the farming tools and some lkvix. jovu casn. oalance mortgage. $10.50 buys 38 acres river bottom silt soli adjoining large town. All smootB cleared land, 11 acres orchard, mostly prunes, balance hay and meadow. Will easily carry 30 cows. Large barns and umer ouiiaings. Ask price or aajoining like land, then bse me. $14,000 buys 73 acres rich, black, fluf fy loam soil, located oh paved Pacific highway, one mile from large town. All smooth tractor land; 55 acres cultivated, 1 1 acres good pasture, new bungalow, old barn, other buildings; 10,000 feel lumber on ground for new barn. Water under pressure: stock and machinery includes 15 Holsteins, bull, team, hog. 3yo Leghorns, harness, machinery, 50 bushels wheat, 100 bushels oats, good woven-wire fences; one mile to Catholic church and school; terms. 4b" acres in crops. $50,000 buys 417 acres extra choice, smooth, free fluffy, black loam soil, located on the paved Pacific highway, one mile from large town in best loca tion for convenience to all northwest markets. This is all tractor land. Ex tra good set of numerous large build- i Ings. Water under Dresaure. Orchard. I w art-e in iau crops, practically all bal ance cultivated land, now plowed: aboui 30 acres timber. Price includes stork. equipment, 20 tons hay, 10 tons oats, nearly all the house furniture; public school on the place, high school one mile. Catholic school and church one iuu. 91U.UWU in casn gives you a deed, balance can run at 6 per cent for 10 years, with very small payments. Local bank will finance buyer of this fine farm io mu luiiesi extent. WHEN LOOKING FOR BARGAINS, A L WAYS SEE OTIS C. BECK. 625 Henry Bldg. Marshall 5S5& POLK COUNTY RANCH. 47 acres. Io-a tp ft miio nniu 30 acres can be cultivated, 13 acres un- uei cultivation, balance in pasture black Silt bottom SOil! fumilv nmhurH 2 creeks and sorinic: Fnnd rn. h rural conveniences. Pla wu ft-nH with wire; 4-room house, with large porches, barn 2x46, vegetable cellar. 2 chicken houses and brooder house. Price 7- .i " cows, neiters, a calves lj chickens, horse, 10 tons hay, cream separator, hay fork, incubator and brood--nd co,Plete line of machinery; $o;00 cash, or will trade for stock and dairy ranch in Lincoln county of equal JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. MILES HOOD RIVER. could you think of anything nicer than owning an up-to-date, 40-acre rttucn mnes rrom Hood River, with an a-room modern house, electrically "" ttUU -oa water, laiepnone and furnace? A large barn and pack ing house, almost new; also electrically lighted; water iu all buildings. There are S acres of commercial apples. 8 tO 12 Years old- 10 nnrca nAors just coming into bearing; 15 acres hay vi outtnueny iana ana t acres timbered pasture, with 20 inches deeded water rights. All surrounded with woven wire leuce. rnce, with wagons, sprayer and other equipment. $20,000. some cash. vuuio cicuange or reasonable terms. F. A. KNAPP. 212 Board of Trade bldg 200 ACRES HIGHLY IMPROVED - RIVER BOTTOM LAND. Beautifully located on paved highway, near one of the best cities in tha Wil lamette valley, 170 acres winter wheat ana ciover, jo acres cherries, 12 years old; 10 acres pruueg. 7 years old ; 1 acre mixed fruit. Fine modern resi- aence, water pressure system, fireplaces, bath, etc., large barn, complete set farm ing implements including tractor. Nothing better in the state. If wanted j win negotiate a 3-year, Q loan for $20,000. Price for everything $40,000. W. E. PINCKNEY, Railway Exchange, Phone Marshall 1837. 10 ACRES. A BEAUTIFUL HOME. All In cult., new soil; oats on 3 acres this last year made 05 bu. to the acre, Koine crop; good tt-room bungalow, good new barn, hen house, cellar, granary, wood house and family fruit, 2 good wells, all of the buildings are new and well painted: team, wagon, harness, 12 chickens, some tools and garage; this is 3 miles of Oregon City on good road; fine location; price $f000. H cash, bal. at G. This Is a dandy home, can't beat it; fine for berries and chickens. W. P. ELLIOTT A SON, 7th and Main Sts. Oregon City, Or. SMALL EQUIPPED FARM. 25 acres, located 2 4 miles from Mol iRla, or., good graveled road; half mile to school, all can be cultivated; 12 acres under cultivation. 8 acres pasture, that is nearly rendy to plough. Good fences, 2 acres orchard, all kinds of fruit and berries; tt-room house, large barn, chicken house and root cellar, with cement floor. Telephone and all rural conveniences. Price $4000, with team. 2 cows, chickens, cultivator, plow, har nesses, disc harrow, bucgy and some crops; $2500 cash; no trade. JOHN FERGUSON, GerljHgerbldg. FOR SALE. OR TRADE OR RENT. 130 acres on Netarts Bay. Tillamook, with one-half mile of waterfront; .lose to school and Happy Camp; 45 minutes from cheese factory; 250 acres of dike land and creek bottom; 43 acres of plow land, good orchard, balance pasture. umiaa rair income irom cows; soo per moncn; an aairy tools ana tools to farm place. Price $1S.0m0. including personal property. This ranch is a money-maker ana win sen personal property and small payment down on the balance. long time, box u a, Tillamook. ON THE PAVED ROAD. 60 acres, about 40 cleared, rest open pasture and some timber; lies fine, faces the pavement, Is only a mile from town; 8-room plastered house, new barn. gooa creeK on tacK 01 place; soil will suit the most particular; 28 miles of Portland, $i-o an acre, possession at once. D. McChesney, 304 4 Oak eL, Bdwy. 206. TEN MILES FROM PORTLAND. 30 acres. located near Tigard; rich bottom land, suitable for onions; 22 acres under cultivation; graveled roud; good seven-room house, barn 30x40. well, spring and creek on place; $2000 cash and ensy payments on balance. Person ally inspected. Nelson, with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. 358 ACRES on paved highway and R. R., near .rortiana; wen improved, fine creeks; well equipped ; good regular monthly income; in line of industrial development from the city; safe invest ment. Over 1300 acres stock farm in Central Willamette valley; price low; for full information on these and other West ern Oregon farms, come to the office of I. G. DAVIDSON, 810 Chamber of Commerce. 60 ACRES, located near Sherwood, 30 acres now in cultivation ana in crop; no rock or gravel or white land, fine creek and several springs, family orchard, 100 prune trees in bearing, 5-room painted house, fair barn and other outbuildings: woven-wire fences, on good road; price only $0500, some terms. Stock and equipment can be purchased. JOHN E. HOWARD, 318 Cham, of Coin CLOSE-IN FARM. 014 acres, extra choice level land at S. P. Ry. station, 13 miles Portland; 43 acres in cultivation, bal. timber and pas ture; creek: 2 dwelling houses, 2 barns and outbuildings in good shape; good road: plenty of fruit; good well. Price $20,000; $5O0 cash, bal. long time, 6 per cent. This is one of the tfood ores. R.MG ATE WOOD & CO., 165 4th at. DAIRY FARM located at city limits of a tnriving town not rar rrom Portland; 50 acres of choice bottom land on the bank of a fine river which 1 will sell for ftHOOO. Liberal reduction for all cash. If you want a high-class dairy farm oon 1 tan to iook mis up. jror parti culars call at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park sL 20-ACRE BARGAIN-5500. Farm 12 miles from the oenter of Portland, close to 'ligard; practically all cultivated and about one acre of oak tirnoer; o-room nouse: soil is black loam and produces large crops. See M. J. Edwards. GEO. E. ENGLEHART CO., Main T266. 624 Henry Bldg. ALFALFA LAND. 40 acres fine land, near main line R. R. town In Umatilla county; ground floor price for quick sale. Address 202 N. 20th st., Salem, Or. SOUTHERN IDAHO irrigated lands, gov ernment V water, deep soil, no alkali. Martin & Son. Rupert. Idaho. 20 ACRES, all In cultivation. of t mile rrom Aipme, ru n wm, une oerry land, $3000, will trade for residence. B. M. Price. Hotel Hoyt. FREE FARM lists. San Joaquin valley lumt raw wwier. B-iut.-ai.uii, VBL ONE of the best farms In Multnomah county. nx acres, cau Tabor &H4, I AM AUTHORIZED TO SELL one of the best equipped and up-to-date farms in the Willamette valley. This farm consists of 454 acre, of fine soil, there being about 100 acres of black loam and about 70 aero of sandy river bot tom that is good for alfalfa; the balance of the place being choco late loam soil which is very fer tile and which produced over 40 busheis of wheat per acre last year. There is now several acres in fall crop with much more land plowed for spring seeding. Also 35 acres in timber; lies on 2 county roads, 1 mile of Willamette river frontage; there is a large modern house with full cement baseman t, and 2 fireplaces; elec tric lights, bath with modern plumbing; 2 large barns equipped for dairy, and also for the hous ing of sheep; there is also 2 small houses and another small barn. Personal property included as follows: 10 head of work horses, 200 sheep, about 150 Jambs. Holt tractor, lots of hay, seed and feed, some cows and hogs, and a com plete list of farm machinery to operate a large place. This place is located only a half-mile from the new paved highway, close to electric station and 4 miles from New berg. This is without doubt one of the best farms in the state. Also a beautiful place to live and cannot be duplicated for the money. Price $80,000. complete. Will Lake $25,000 cash, long time on balance. See H. A. DRYER, "The Acreage Man." 5US-5UW Lewis Bldg. BENTON COUNTY STOCK AND GRAIN FARM. PINE LAKE FARM. 900 acres located on hi gb way now being paved and about 0 miles from Oregon Agricultural college; about 000 acres now being fanned and 150 acpes more in pasture that can be plowed any time. The other 150 acres has some timber and is also used for pasture. There are probably 25 acre? of waste land on the place and about 15 acres la occupied by a coupie of dandy little lakes that are clear and nice and provide water for stock and good Ashing also. AM but 50 acres of the 700 acres now tillable is good wheat land and the other 50 acres are suitable for oats, etc., but is too flat for wheat. There are no hills on the place, but It is just a big. level farm with enough roli to m;ke it all drain weli. The soil is made up principally of river bottom and second river bottom land and is rated very high as a producer in this locality. The place has three complete sets of build ing and another partial set. There are ten miles of good fencing and over a mile of portable fnnce. There are three family orchards, 8-acre English walnut orchard. The Improvements are worth at least $12,000: near a good school, rail road, etc. This place is for sale at $80 per acre and we can ar range some terms at 6 per cent interest. If you are interested write for full printed description of this place. . KINNEY & STOCKWELL, BENTON COUNTY FARM SALESMEN, CORVALLIS, OREGON. NEAR NEWBHRO. 19 arrAB ?U In bearing prunes. 150 bearing cherry trees, acre blackcap berries, rotne sirawoerries. i-room uoua. good barn, water piped to house; tools, chickens, some furniture; on good grave! road one mile to depot; store and post office. 3 miles-to Newberg; $5000, $3000 down, bal. 5 years 6 per cent. PRUNE ORCHARD. JO acres bearing prunes, small house, good barn, close to Newberg, $4700. half cash. bal. 5 years 6 per cent; trees aU in good condition. SEE US. We have large list of large and small farms on desirable terms. FRANK TAYLOR. One door west of city hall. Newberg, Or. 55 ACRES. WELL STOCKED. Washington "county, on rock road, be tween HUlaboro and Forest Grove; mile to station; as fine lying a traot as there is in Washington county; 48 acres in cultivation, rest pasture and timber, there is some choice bottom land and 2 acres beaverdam, most is fine second bottom; 7-room house, large ham and silo. U cows. 4 young stocK January milk check $20(1; team, sow shouts, 100 chickens, mower, binder, rako: all kinds ImDlements and lots feed ; $ 1 3.500. Nearby place, 48 acres, without stock, sold last week for $13,000 This Is good value in a fine farming district. D McCheeney, 3tM oaa st. Bdwy. 206. PYRAMID LAND CO., 603-4 Title &. Trust Bldg. Main 3232. If you want a grain or stock ranch see us. 1860 acres, 500 acres tillable, 200 acres in cultivation, lots of water, a dandy grain and stock proposition. In Wallowa county. Price only $30 acre. Investigate this. PYRAMID LAND CO.. 603-4 Title & Trust Bldg. Main S232. GOOD WOOD PROPOSITION. 69 acres, located 14 miles from Port land courthouse ; all good soil, all can be cultivated; Carver electric line close to this uroperty: good graveled road, This is fir timber and well-settled com munity. Price $50 per acre, with $500 cash and additional payments as the wood Is cut. This is in a section of high-priced hind JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. $10,500 BUYS a river-bottom farm of 175 acres, nas upiana open ana stope covered with heavy timber; almost adjoining the most highly improved Yamhill farm district ; purchase includes crop already sown, im piemen ts, tools and a lot of eord wood cut; splendid buildings and well located on good road within 6 miles of ene of the best towns m Yamhill county; good terms. B. S. COOK. 601 Stock Exchange Bldg. A BARGAIN! MUST GO QUICK! 673 acres, 5 miles from Rainier. Or., 14 miles from lower Columbia highway, 150 acres bottom land, 60 a. under cultivation; 3 large barns, 20 head of cattle, good young team. 4 Berkshire hogs; completely equipped with ma chinery; best spring water piped to Duuuings; no encumbrances, trice sia. 000, $5000 down, balance terms at & beirwooa 2.t3, Sunday or evening. DAIRY RANCH FOR SALE. Lincoln county, 160 acres, on county roaa, pnone. rural aeuvery, mile rroin school, 54 from railroad, 3 from county seat, where Is ureamery and cannery : bottom, bench and hill land, about 40 under cultivation, the rest pasture; six- roomed house, barns and outbuildings, water piped to house. 8 creeks and fish ing river on place, cash or trade in or near Porlland. li 141, Oregonian. 45 ACRES, located in Yamhill county, very oest 01 son, no rocs, or gravei ; o-room house, barn and garage, also three chick en houses, Incubator and brooder house; on gravel road; Jersey cow, 100 hens, 14 tons hay; all goes for $3500. Might ac cept 10-acre tract close to Portland in JOHn" HOWARD. 818 Cham, of Cora. LITTLE FARM BARGAIN. Near Sherwood: 60 acres, half in cuN tivation ; good family orchard; good housef fair barn; water piped to house; good team horses: farm implements; 6 head cattle. Price $135 per acre. In - eludes everything. You will have to hurry. Gibson. 208 Stark. Marshall 1 2 3 14-ACRE TRACTS. Or all together; on paved road 12 miles from courthouse: about all under culti vation; 15 acres of Delicious apples 8 years old; the finest of river bottom soil, well drained; one set of good build ings, at $300 per acre, with good terms. Call owner. Woodlawn 1973. 60 ACRES at Castie Rock, Wash.. 25 acres cultivation: stock, equip., 400 White Leg ' horns, hen houses, 6-room house, barn 64x64. running water, orchard; would exchange or rent, $1250 down, 205 Wast 12th st., Vancouver, JWash. 270-ACRE farm near Brownsville, 70 acres cultivated, buildings and orchard. 1,500. 000 feet of tie timber, price $8500, will take residence for Dart and lonr tlm also have sruthorn Idaho Irrigated farm. B. M. Price, Hotel Hoyt. ALFALFA LAND. 40 acres fine land, near main if fie R.. R. town in Umatilla county; ground floor price for quick sale. Address 202 N. 20th st., Salem, Or. BENDER'S FARM COLUMN. . MR. FARM BUYER: Do you know farm lands are going right up in price? Why? Because farms in the east are soaring so high it la forcing the farmer there to sell his place and come to Oregon, where he can live in comfort and buy a farm for one-half the price. Better take warn ing and buy one now. See me. I have some 500 fine farms. I can aave you money. Two or three years irom now you will think of this ad and wish, you naa taken my tip. oon t aeiay; now the time. Watch the Sunday papers for my farm specials, or write to Bender, tne xariu specialist. A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MR, INVESTOR. Listen to this: Ara vou looking for something real and something that is the pride of the west, a proposition wun 1 real income? If so. sret busv with this a once. Listen: On this small place ot 2( acres the following crops were raised in luio: 10O tons apples. 20 tons pears. 2 tons table grapes. 14 tons potatoes. 10 tons corn. 7(1 tttns olfulfa hstv Just think, all this off this wonderful nlace. Fiirure it no and see what the in come was, then you will be astonished. Oh. no. this is not lust talk, it is real The owner will guarantee everything said in this ad. Ha has other husiness and must sell it at once. I have some wonderful Photos of this place In the office. Come in and Bee them. There is a fine house, surrounded by beautiful shade trees, all outbuildings. Houso has hot and oo!d water, bath. etc. Has large packing house with cellar undei same. Soil is A-l in every respect: there are 15 acres all told in excellent fruit, all under plow and irrigated. This is an ideal home in a valley of sunshine and contentment. The price is oniy j'..uu. Where can you bea it? It can't be done. See It and he convinced. A. G. BRNDER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WASHINGTON COUNTY FARM. This farm is a real one and Is money-maker. It consists of 220 acres. an ueun icv ei, jou m-roe unuci v 1 , all A-l sandy loam : 00 acres oak and fir timber, which affords fine pasture; some berries, family orchard, all fenced with woven wire; 4 mile from railroad station, store, etc.; R. F. D., telephone 1 creek, 2 wells, W-room house, good con dition; good barn 48x100, all outbuild ings. The farm has all fall grain sowed and lookine fine. The owner of this fine farm is very old and cannot look after it, therefore it must be sold. Price for everything Is only $28,000, which is far below the price of adjoining land; $10,000 cash, balance to suit at 6 per cent. This farm is fine for dairying or general farming and Washington county is famous for this. Sac this at once. A. G. BENDER. RITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. Near Portland, on A-l auto road, onlj 13 miles out Read this thoroughly, it is real and cannot be beat; it is up to date In every respect. The soil is ab solutely A-l In every respect, land Mel with a gentle slope, not hilly. 43 4 acres; 36 acres undes plow, some timber, all kinds of berries; 1 acre of fine orchard; all fenced; 4 mile to school, church, stores, etc.; water piped to ail buildings from a never-failing spring; R. F. D., telephone; Al fine plastered house, prac tically new, with bath, toilet, sinks, wash trays, etc.; good barn 50x70, 2 hen houses, woodshed, etc. Peraonal property included; 4 interest in mower, rake and disc, all new; plow, wagon, harrow buggy, small tools. 24 chickens, A-l cow 200 bu. oats. Crop: 10 acres oats. 15 acres wheat, 14 tons hay In barn. Price for all $12,500. only $5000 cash, balance long an wanted 6 per cent. This certainly Is a wonderrul country home. 11 you sea it you will want it. A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM, NEAR HALSEY, OREGON. Here is a fine farm and the owners of this place cannot look after it owing to the fact that they have business else where; 183 acres, all nearly level, 100 acres under plow, some timber, family orchard, berries, ec. ; good soil, all fenced with woven ahd barbed wire; 3 miles from railroad, 4 mile to school; R. F. D , and telephone; well watered with river and springs; does not over flow: A-l graveled road, good well; good 6-room house, barn 54x64, . silo 32x10, hog house, cream separator, gasoline pump; some grain on place and in barn; 12 cows and stock hogs. Price for all is $16,800; $7"00 cash, balance easy. This is a bargain. See it at once. Don't overlook our bargains. We have some 500 farms. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. A-l SHEEP OR DAIRY FARM. This farm Is ewned by a man that cannot look after it. There fore he must sell ; it consists of 157 acres with 70 acres under plow, balance pasture and timber. It lies beautifully and the soil Is all A-l rich and deep, all fenced, on A-l graveled road. 4 mile from R. R., stores, postoffice, 2 blocks to A-l school, only 30 miles from Port- f land. Several springs, 1 creek, good 6-room house situated on a beautiful knoll and surrounded by a few magnificient shade trees, also has 3 rooms for help, new garage, good barn, machinery shed, sheep shed. There is a beautiful stream from a never-falling spring flowing through the farm yard. The personal property that goes: Disc, harrow, spike tooth harrow, 2 plows. 2 double shovel plows, cul tivator, mower, drill, 2 wagons, 1 spring wagon, hoes, rakes, all small tools, 1 fine brood mare, 2-year-old gelding, 1-year-old roan colt, i Jersey cows, 1 Holstein cow, 3 shoats, 43 fine sheep, crops are 7 acres rye, 18 acres oats, 7 acres wheat, 20 acres clover; bal ance ready to seed; this is a real bargain at $20,000, $7000 cash. I have personally Inspected this farm and It is good see it. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. PRUNES, PRUNES. The greatest paying proposition in the farm line today. Listen here I Last year a Salem. Or., man sold $8000 worth of prunes from 35 acres. Can you beat it? This place consisfs of 424 acres, 35 acres in A-l bearing prunes, 1 acre family orchard, 2 acres peaches, all new bottom land al most level; one-eighth mile from railroad, postoffice, school, etc. A-l graveled road, good creek. 5-room fair house, barn, hog and hen house; price $20,000; $10,000 cash, balance easy.. This is a good buy and a money-maker. A. G. BENDER, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. of merit. This fine farm must be sold, which the price will indicate. There are T5 acres, all A-l soil, all under plow; fins family orchard, all varieties; all fenced with woven wire; 8 miles to railroad sta tion;' R. F. D,, telephone, good road, well, good 5-room plastered house with hot and cold water, bath, toilet; good barn 36x76, chicken, hog and smoke houses, all In A-l condition. Personal property Included; Plows, harrows, drill, corrugated roller, mower, rake, wagon, buggy and all necessary implements. In first-class shape; 4 good horses. 2 cows, 2 heifers, 11 head hogs, 50 chickens. Crops: Ten acres oats, 17 acres oats and vitrh. 10 acres timothy. 20 tons hav in barn. Just think, all for $0000; $7500 cash, balance easy. You will have to hurry if you get this. A. G. BENDER. RITTER, LOWE A CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IDEAL SMALL FARM. This is a dandy place and Is surely a bargain. It Is located in the Willamette valley; 55 acres almost level, 50 acres under plow, all A-l black loam soil; ber ries, family orchard, etc.; all fenced and cross fenced with woven wire; 4 mile from railroad station, on A-l auto road, mile to school and church; 2 wells, good 7-room plastered house with hot and cold water, bath, toilet, etc., every thing in first-class condition: chicken house, brooder house with water piped to all. Price for everything $8500; $4000 cash, balance easy. This is a beautiful place and worth the money. See this without fail. Remember, we are head quarters for real farm bargains. See us before you buy, we wll! save you ma nay. A. G. BENDER. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BENDER'S FARM COLUMN. FARM LAND BARGAINS NEAR OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 3&5 acres, good location, 14 miles to R. K. station: 30U acres cultivation, balance pasture and timber; running Mtitam on place; au lenceq. ana cruss-1'e.nced. mostly woven wire improvements are fair; eight-room house and two barns, as well other outbuildings; price $20,000; good terms, 325 unrflfl Polk cnuntv farm. 10 suit west of Salem and 14 milea from H. K. station; 2oo acres unuer cul tivation, balance open pasture land and small amount timber along mostly woven wire; large house of 1 0 mmiiM ce itl iona.lv laTK barn and other useful outbuildings. Price of this $32,oOO.e 77 acres adjoining good town on rail road; 50 acres cultivation, balance pasture, with small amount ot tim ber; well improved with good tive rooin plastered house, with nrcplaca and other built-in conveniences, good barn and other outbuildings; Improvements practically new; price $10,000. 100 acres, all river bottom land; 60 acres cultivation, balance timber and pasture; good live-room plastered house, nearly new good barn; well fenced and cross-fenced, on good road. 2 miles railroad station. This place can be had with small pay ment down, long Uime to pay out. Price $8000. 120 acres located 1 mile from railroad station, S. P. electric; ail in culti vation and all good land: improve ments fine; good house, barn, silo, garage and other Outbuildings; es timated cost of replacement of buildings is $6000. and whole place can be had tor $12,500. 55 acres 2 miles from Oregon Agri cultural college grounds; about 30 acres cultivation. 7-room fair house and other outbuildings; about 4 acres of this is orchard of variety fruit; running water on place ; ideal for chickens or berries. Price $5000. 80 acres, located on paved road near j Corvaiils: 05 acres in cultivation, 1 balance timber and pasture ; well improved with modern six-room house, with hot and cold water, bath and toilet. large barn, chicken house, hoghouso, small orchard and loganberries. Price $1000, $3500 cash will handle. Write for descriptive pamphlet. J. W. MORGAN & CO., Corvallis. Oregon. "Home of Oregon Agricultural College." . QUALITY COUNTS IN SOIL as In stock 175 acres of rich, black up land loam soil; nothing finer in the val ley; an in a nign state 01 cultivation except 10 acres timber. Willamette river forms east and north bounnry; no. never overflows, but strange to say land slopes from river making Irrigation practical and easy. The buildings are complete and of a high class; new 6-room dwelling, con crete basement, water system, bath, toilet, barns, hog and poultry houses, wall fenced and cross fenced ; all crops and personal property included. 7 head of young horses, average weight 1600, 2 good cows, poultry, all farming implements and tools, including house hold furniture, for $10,54)0; this place will make you money from the very start; terms. MACINNES A PRATT. 413 Board of Trade Bldg., Portland. Or. WHEAT AND STOCK RANCH. Situated 85 miles east of Portland and 8 miles from the Swift A Co. siock feeding yards at Lyle, Wash., adjoining Scotland acres, owned by Campbell Phelan Land & Cattle Co. ; on Golden dale state road and phone line; 450 to 6('0 or more acres at a low price; about 1 00 acres in w heat, as much tyora for spring plowing; part oak timber and bunch grass: well watered and fenced ; near Klickitat and Columbia rivers, with good railroad and boat facilities for shipping; soil dark loam, clay sub soil; suitable buildings: horses, cows, sheep, hogs and implements; part cash, balance 54 or 6 per cent, on long time; inspection requested; quick action for spring possession. D. D. BATH RICK, 515 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. HOPYARD BUY. Hops am a fine Investment for several yeaie to come, and we have lo cated right on the Newberg-Portlnnd highway, 17 miles out; 40 acres, ail in cultivation; under woven-wiro fence, with 37 acres now In crop, 22 In bearing hops, I acre In bearing orchard; plenty of berries for family use. There is a fine 12-room house, barn 40x40. hog houses and good hophouse complete in every detail ; 4 g-od horses, 3 hogs, 25 chickens, hop baler and full hqjr equip ment; a gasoline sp,nyer tnd must com plete line ot" farm machinery. The house Is completely furnished. Price $24,uoO. This place paid over on the invest ment last yer and owner expects to realize over $15,000 this year. This place will stand the clostst inspection. JOHN K. HOWARD, 338 Cham, of Com. DOLLARS WHM3AT DOLLARS. Are you looking for a bargain in a wheat ranch? Listen to this: 1360 acres In Gilliam county, Oregon, 22 miles from Arlington, 8 miles to ship ping point ; fair house and barn ; gooi well; land lies rolling; all can be farmed with tractor; deep black volcanic soil; 1450 acres under plow, 1050 acres in wheat; owner gets 4 of crop delivered In warehouse. This year's crop should produce a total of at least 24,000 bush els 4 to owner, 600O bushels. At the present price of $2.80 amounts to $16.Sihi, or almost 25 per cent of the price of the ranch, which is $40 per acre, or $62,400. Terms, one-third cash, one-third trade; balance crop payments. This is a won derful bargain for some one. For fur ther information see Gibson, 268 Stark. STOCK RANCH. Of 4764 acres not over 25 miles from Portland, and hard-surface road most of the way. It has 150 acres In culti vation and is mostly seeded; 100 acres ot pasture ana iz,uuo cords standing wood, which sells at the ranch at $4.50 per cora. 1 ne price or tnis witn tw houses, large barn. 100-ton silo, granary ana otner nunuings, is $4U.uuo. jr ae sired, will sell equipment and all stock: consisting of farm machinery, wagons norses, came (mostly " cowii, nog: (mostly registered Poland-China), and about l.0 goats, for an additional $5000. Alight taKe some exenange ana reason able terms on balance. F. A. KNAPP, 212 Board of Trade Bldg. ESTACADA FARM. 35 acres In the Garfield rune district 20 acres cleared, balance pasture and timber; fine spring, two weila, good family orchard of choice -.fruit, large new house, chicken house and other outbuildings, all fenced ; mile to school, 1 4 miles to electric station olenty of outside range: good neigh bors all around; pries $3000, on good terms. This farm has cost tha owner $5000, but on account of business calling him east he is going to sell at a sacri fice for quick action. S. E- WOOSTER A SON, Estacada. Oregon. 60-ACRE FARM SNAP. This is all a good black loam soil with 40 acres under high state of culti vation; adapted to any kind of farm- Ins, but would be exceptional for logan berries, for It has an irrigation ditch runninr throuvh the Place and the en tire 40 acres now In cultivation can be irrigated from this ditch; has 5-room nouse, oarn 40x00, inu wvni ouiu min ings; on good graveled road and paved highway going within 4 mile of place. This is an exceptional euy at S7oh. $1600 down. See F. R. Jesse, with the RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO., 527 Corbett Bldg. AN ACRE. LINN COUNTY. $75 160 acres, 100 scree under cultivation; fine 0-room modern house, large barn, oitA nnri all necessary outbuildings: water system, woven wire fences; located on rock road near good valley town. This Is the one rear buy In thla part of the country. C. M. DOLLARHIDE, 807-8-0 Lewis Bldg. YAKIMA valley lands under government canal are best Investment on earth; many farrrters made from $500 to $2noo per acre In 1910; you can do as well; sample bargain: 21 acres. 14 miles from food town, attractive 5-room house, good am. silo, bunk house, good wells, water under pressure In house, family orchard, balance in alfalfa; $6500; terms. Central Yakima Ranches Co., 512 Selling bldg. Main 4103. ' FARMS FOR SALE. 204 arres, 4 -mile from railroad sta tion in Washington county. Or.; R. F. D. and telephone; 3 acres under cultivation; 16 acres tillable when cleared; good 5 room house, henhouse, roothouse, young bearing orchard and berries. Price $1500; $500 cash. J. R. SHRBCK, 502 Spalding Bldg. $500 DOWN, buys a good dairy ranch. 35 acres In cultivation, fair buildings. Myers, 325 Ry. Bx. Bid. WHERE DO WE GO FROM HERE? WE WANT YOU TO SEE BEN TON CO l N T Y FA R Al S A N D THE OKEGON AGU1TLTI HAL COLLEGE BEFORE YOU BUY i o L H PERMANENT HOME. THE BEST BUYS IN THE STATE. 160-ACRI DIVERSIFIED FA nil. 170 acres cultivated, the balance in ulce grove around the building; 100 acres la n grain crop, 40 acres in clover, 30 acres for spring grain, woven wire fences and truss fences, gravel rciari, scheol 011 the place, all nice. aluHitly rtllng land, no hills. no white or poorly drained, but all choice second bottom land in fine community ; good seven-room house, hot and cold water, etc., good garage, tin big red barn, alio. henhoute, granary, hoghouso. machine shed, well, tank, wind mill, gus engine and complete walnr system ; ma chinery to run place, some stock, all crop. household furniturti; everything included lor $135 per acre. Possession at once. 154-ACRE FARM. FARM. GENERAL Located four miles from our of fice 011 line road. 200 yards to paved road; 130 acres of Huh land In cultivation, 25 acres of pasture, creek in past ure, ft no soil, near school, lair buiidiugs: :5 acres in crop; price $132 per acre; a uuap. 84-ACRE RIVER BOTTOM FARM. 70 acres of flue sandy loam soli, v In cultivation, balance pasture, on good gravel road, one and fourth miles from Corvallis; J3 acres al falfa; place raised about $1 l.ooo worth of spuds in liHK; has One big new barn, silo and outbuild ings; house has not much value ; this place is " snap at $160 per acre. 80-ACRE SHOW DAIRY FARM. 50 acres In cultivation, of which 12 acres is real beaverdam land and the best there Is; 30 acres in pasture, all well fenced and cross fenced; most of cultivated land la in crop: 6-room new one-stnry bungalow, phistttred. plumbed: lire place, new barn 34x61. henhouse 16x40, machine shed ltEx-40, hog house, big new stock shed 4ox.0; all buliitiiiRs except slot k shed built In 1010 and are well put up and painted ; cost Stvooo; located on good gravel mad. 5 miles from good town of 20uo, and is a real bargain at $12,000, one-half cash. 73-AC RE FA RM TWO MILES FROM OREGON AGRICUL TURAL COLLEGE. 57 acres of fine first and second bottom land In cultivation, balance pasture and timber; good set of farm buildings, including silo and several henhouses ; on (rood road, with all advantages: price. Includ ing all the lac) in crop, is $12.50 If you will buy stock and equip ment at reasonable figure. 50 ACRES. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 45 acres In cultivation. 35 acres In fall crop; fenced with woven wire; 8-room house, 4iU50 barn, usual outbuildings, family orchard; a dandy little place at a low price; 4 horses. 4 cows, 3 calves, 6 pins, all kinds of farm machinery, feed, seed, bay, etc. ; everything goes for $7000. 21-ACRE CHICKEN RANCH. All In cultivation: nice rolling land ; good set of I arm buildings, on good road, neiir school; fmuUy orchard ; Ideal toil lor chickens; this place is a burgalu at $42o. A FEW RKASONB FOR RUYING IN BEN TO N CO U N T Y. Because we are almost entirely dependent on our agricultural re sources and, I hereiore. Intensely interested in their development. Because In the Benton County Farm Bureau we have an organi sation that Is actively Interested in the welfare of our farmers. Because you can raise your own vegetables, fruit, berries and meat. Because In the Oregon Agricul tural College, located at Corvullia. the county seat of Benton county, we have the second largest agricul tural college In the U. S. Because we have the aid of the agricultural college at hint hand to assure our farmers success. Because we have a live-wire county agent to assist our larmers. Because we can show you good boom, and our land vnluea are based on their productive value. Because we can show you good, safe real estate invest nienl or mortgage loans for your surplus money. Because we are a live, progres sive, aggressive, united community working for a bigger, better Ben ton county. The above are only a few of many reasons why you and your family should be Interested in Benton. the HLUK RIBBON COUNTY OF OREGON. KINNEY A STOCKWELL, DEALERS IN FARMS. CORVALLIS. HEXTON COUNTY, OREGON. WE TELL THE WORT,D THE FACTS ABOUT BENTON COUNTY. PACIFIC CO., WASH.. STOCK RANCH. 1200 acres In Pacific Co.. Wash.: 600 acres of logged-off land, with some mer chantable timber and which would make good pasture when slashed: 600 acres of first-class tide land now covered with grass waist high, and will support several hundred head of cattle in Its present condition. There is a rood house and barn and other outbuildings on the place and some fencing. Price $4S.000; $27.1)00 cash and balance en your own terms at 6 per cent Inter est. With an outlay of $rtioo for dyk ing and removing driftwood the ttiM) acres of tldeland can be mnde rndy to plow with a tractor and worth $250 per acre, or $150,000 for the tideland alone. This Is absolutely the safest and best Investment in land In the state of Wash ington. DAVIES A LEACH. 212 Boston block, Seattle. Wash. WASHINGTON-COUNTY FARM. You can't beat this 170-acre farm for price, fertility or location, 115 In cul tivation, splendid soil, good Improve ments, one 0-room new bungalow and one good old 4-room farmhouse, water ntned from spring to both houses, good barn, 72x52; new silo, 12x36; also old barn, 80x46; two garages and too many other things to mention In this ad; 20 fresh cows, 4 A No. 1 horses, harnesses, etc., 600 bushels oats, 7(H) sacks potatoea, monthlv Income from cows atone $600. Will sell everything for $2S.00. OERHAITSER. 403 Stock Exchange bldg. Call for Williams. FORTY ACRES. 40 acres on Pacific highway, 12 miles north of Vancouver; improved and under plow. 6-room houss. new barn, rolling enough to glvs good drainage; goo I spring, lW-ftcre family orchard; hlaeff loam soil; on a of the bent places la neighborhood; come In and sea soma photos; price $8500, U cash. HESHARD. with COB A. McKKNNA aV C. 2 4th Street. SIXTY-FOUR acres, one-half In cultiva tion, lair nouse, gooa oarn ana out houses, four acres orchard and small fruits, spring water, alt new fences, on good road, one mlto from depot, court house, and high school; timber fur 1000 cords wood and ready sale for aamo nt $M per cord; price $10O per acre; $.'iVn caah, balance five years' time at 6 per cent. The best buy on Pacific coast. See Wells, Box 4rto. Kalama. Washington. 45 ACRKS, half mile of railroad sta tion ; - acres unner cultivation ; run ning water; family orchard; free mall delivery, telephone; good barn, fair house; some good timber; on good road; price $22M. half tash. j R. tillKECK, fi02 Spalding Bldg. CLARK K county, Washington, dsndy ftl- acre farm, siocK.ru aim equipped, on good road. 7 miles from Vancouver, for gala, reasonable; 4 cash, balance fl per cent. For particulars, address Robt. Crawford, 404 Washington st., Port land. IT WILL pay you to look us up If ynu should De inieresica in xnt pure n an of an A-l whent ranch; will be at No. 0 Ml Spalding building until the 16th of thla month. FINEST farm In Multnomah coun ty, 1 ten on h.irtl-m fuca road, on electric hit.-. iw'iit mi nut. . drive from our office by ut; ninety mt.', sevi-my f win. h ar in a rim ststi- .f 1 u'tlvadon, substantial f.tiiu binMm in . crilcnt Miapi.-; g.M.l ut. l.anl M.d all varl.-n.f. f berries f..r Luniu u. Price $36,000; raay Unita li desired, Siwty a.-ros. five mil. s fr..m C.unus. shin ton, tbirtv fu. acres In cultivation, t, .t young hearing family orchard gd farm l.u I Id 1 n . ruunin: WMter, on good road. $.'ihsi. terms. Srrenly-two acres, fifty acr a In fine . Mltl;.llMi, m.w au-lOum bungalow, new bam. I oul- bu! 1. 1 ink's, family orWt ird mitl -11 miMi.- ( nt-rri-. fiim mi r- 01 rtl(T, iv MWllHIl Coin m 1,, rtx.-r. i a on good road; nin .1. !.,, five heifers, gtiod r.uin t-i all funning 1. .,!. h chickens. $12.500 con.l.J. some trade. 111 a I and soma Flfty-efL-ht acroM on the r,-u. cb d.i rn;1 .1 , t h 1 . v 1 , ... . .t .ii ,., hiigf n.-w barn, ruil houh... spring w,itT piped t- all hiilhl Ings, rtiuK-rst ttclcftion of H kinds of fruiF h ri.J berries f,,, family u..; riv Kn,H mil. h cow, atliHI-poiind toam. yparlniK colt, all fit mi t. . nuliful trout stream runs through th pise. $.,N(Mi; consider oiu trade. A. W. T.AMHKKT A HON, 404 Kai.t Alder Hie. A, Porlland, on-ton. DAIRT FARM. The owner of this highly Im proved farm ard riniry hs ail th.irixrd 11a in sell ibis 1M acre about one-half in ruliivalion. and part or which Is tn crop; ahnut 40 acr. of goo l timher.. balance being open pitMiiro; g"od 7-room house, 1 1 go dairy barn, alio and 1 her building; toeaiM.i on rnaiu couniy road, t int. to Imol, aixn on the Willamette river, pear Corvallis. Personal nrnpnrty as fnlla-ws: 1 co s, registered bull, K niH 24 chickens. 2 wagons, ; 1inrr, harrow, dle, .1 pinna, nuiWAr and rk; "0 inns of hay, horn straw, about floo hunlirts of mil, ptair-, sllags, olc. Also milk contract at 4..c per gallon. Prleo rnmpN-i $20.1(00; $7.MM1 rash. hN:Nu. f. S per cent long time This Is an excell- nt farm snd If .m arc looking for a good buy this place. tt. a. nrtrun. "The Acrmign Man 6)8-;tu Lvwia Jtidg. CT-ACKAMAS county DAIRY RA.Vcn. $1,0 MM). 120 arrea 12 miles from Oregon City, on auto road to ln puil this nummcr. truck and cream route tn I'.iri 1 n-t ; It. K. D. and 'telephone service; ".' m u-n under plow, 2"t m-rn fir timber, bslsnce brush and iiuxtuie, all Ivvt; crk across on corner; two snrlfig. one suitable for gravity system to building: fenced and 1 ros fenced; rto acres in be sowed tn oats Iri acra to clover; IS aiory fiame dwelling, I runm. it h port lies and pa ni r . brh k rh Imrn v" . house cloth and parrel ln-i.1-. ruic outside; milk linitce sMlplap iniir, ruilr outside: woodshed tui-M. 1 up! ic ouim.lo; granary with looi-m for hhik, etc.; ting hoi..- 4.0. with l fig nm and ch.inper Inntiilled and mom for f- and roots; pns.e,n:on gtven al once; school - rniir. 1 him h and graiiRe li.di l mite. Tnrms: Ueaf.nn.ih e p.ivnient In ca h , h ,1 ! a ih e 5 to 1 o year, 0 pe r cent intereal. C. P. TALI, MAN, Owner. Phone "H..ff 2r-J;..-' Mnlf. Oi 20 ACRKH. all In cultivation: fa ml Ore hi) id, good a- room linu- , la ir ua 1 n fenced with woven wire: :o miles fmm tha city Mm Its of S lem . I lie best In lid for loganberries. Price ?". trin 173 acres, half In culllvttln timber. mjt acre prunes. 12 p 12 lognrriea; 'Vlnoin bni barn. 4irvr and store house: l. balan.e M.-bna and Ife. large half nuio from town. Only $10 per acre :t:t acres. It 40 In cultivation, ha im neo cut over and timber, h rnnm bnnae. b-irn sK Ifl with shed, room f.ir o nm and BUlpt!ienl : all fenced an.t rre fenced , jtereil from vi log-. plp' '1 to hotiK. and birn. A fine grain 01 1nlrv farm; $I2.imm, half ch. ou.ine (ein Sl H'OUrK V. 341 State M. btocu-i-'h AVn KOlMPI'KO l-AUM M0 acrns good lust k loam will, 4o arra under high al ate ot iu.HuII"''. halam-e pasture Willi some Umber, and all easily cleared; Is g-"d for mim k r general farming ; located In the V ll lamrlte vallev. half mile to ft. It. tioil, 2H miles tn I'nrtl.md: en gno.1 graveled road. Mitel pjvod highway w 1 1 b -in 1 mile of place: has -fnnm hnii-e. large bs rn an1 several niitbutMlngs. in cluded are 4 horses. 4 cons. 2 yea ring. 1 calf. 12 h-gs. 4.'. rhi. kiis, 1 ?-" 011 It! valors. 2 riding plows. 1 walking plow. 1 disc harrow. 2 harrows, new annuiuiiir nntitin nlanter. potato m. .. ,nii.r englii. ' srl. and rnaiiv 'other l'nn:; 1" ions of hay; e tii.v.n: i:;i)no down. l' all K. Jesse, with the RALPH A 1 K I. K N LAND O., ."27 Corbett Iliilg KSTACADA KARM. SI acres. 50 scree In nil t at Ion creek, famllv orchard. hij"e 1,. xwui condition, tuirr eight - tloM feet. outbuildings. ,Mone fruit ami v"Rel",'i house, water rammed to hnujn. from spring; 2 miles to placed a high school, on rock road. R. F. I- mail mile 10 school, church, store ami grange hall; thla la a very attractive farm and will stand the strbtci't tnve-t Igat Ion It is located in (bs Sprlngwat.r will consider good hnuce tn tortiami. Or., on paved street, as psrt payment; r,rl,. tin. .01 1 K WoOHTKR HON, Kstarada. Oregon. NEAR McMINNVILLE. 14 acres, ocat4 southwest nf loan; HI . res csn be cultivated. JV5 arr under cultivation: 4 seeded to crop, 7A act- mixture; good lenrev county road. ' mile to school, all rural convenience: good 7-room house, barn 40J.2. other buildings; 1 acre orchard. Pries $0 par acr. wl'h 4 horse-, rows year lings. 2 hogs. 1 bull. I.. goals 20 chick en A turkeva and iimpete Una of ma ciunery $.V.o0 cah. or will ronetrW a small piece of timbor and some cash aa 'joHNKKUL'HOjf, Gerlinger DIHg. FOR 8ALK Near Go1dend:il. Wash., good grnln and stock farm of 40 acre, of which acres Is under cultivation, 200 acres in fail wheat. 2j acres alfalfa, 21 .1 acres stubble; good Improvements, three aprlngs, on good road, four nilies to railroad shipping point; price t.ft per er mc im ng aouui ."'" personal property terms $i2,.ih) ch. balanea on easy terms at miarri. aiier March 1. Not for sali K. H. I.KK, (ioldenilnlc, Wai". 640 ACRKS WHKAT. 2W In fall crop; all tinder cultivation: good set of farm biiMtngt: plenty of water; located near Ultivlile, Washing ton Caah price. $V an sere; terms; wll! consider good valley farm or Port land property. C. M. iMll.LA R H 1 1 K. aoT-S-n Lewis lids KANCIf FOR HALIfi HV oWNML 172 acres. 4,' seres rle;ired. ready fnf plow" 4 acres In ore ha id, a pp. pea t . prunes, plums, gr.ipea. !!- a walnuts and butternuts. I1 million feet lar-e timber, ha'ame fir and cedar piling; mile water, good hroken-rnck road i the plsce; 8 miles from Wnmliand sta tion; this will make an Ideal home and must ! seen to h appreciated, ( all on or write J. M. Forbes, bos lift. Rainier, Oregon. f-H m;K RIVKH land chp; small mm n'lKKlnns make it noe-Miie, 4 acres. Kennewlrk; good bui'dings and hlali improved. $lt.A"": l yaais 10 pay acrea $ 1 2"'0, terms; a! an iakima v-i 1 nAm under government cana 1, $,'v 10 lie $',00 per acre, accor.il ng to Improve, in en is. Hover, 112 helling b;dg. Main 4nrv 4 ACUKS CLACK A 3d AS Mo.20. All in cult, except 4 acrea pasture, fine soil, snd level, on Citrer line; a. room house, large barn and other out huiMlnas; running wnier. IIKNHY W. ;cll)A KO. 243 Hark Fl vTritoV KI). 1 I cultivated -inn gcte loci Willamette valley tarm. lil. might sub divide. Larson. Han M a no hotel. Port -land. . IMPROVKn farm smith of chehalls; pad road; sell all or pari: 240 acres; dairv, pnultrv and herrv district. Tertna. li. C Coffman, Chehalla, Wash. CiMN7oO Ai'LKS h.-Cf Ifi cu'th j..ii, nt J.lahrt, trade for to 40 sen s vi leny a Portland, alyva, 323 Ky. Ivx. DUig. ft