THE SUXDAY OIEEGOXIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 1, 1920 TOR KFTN'T. FOR RENT. March I. to adults who want a permanent place; a new 6-room bun galow with garage, modern In every way, located In Ladd'a add., rent "0: take Richmond. Sellwood or Woodstock to r Harrison. 1 block east. Owner. KBO fc. i'Ciinklin st. Will be at house toduj from 2 to 4. ron RKNT On paved highway. 4 mil from Portland. 1 . A. with 6-room house, 1 small and i large garage, barn and pens for l.V hops, running water ana Rao. city water put in for desirable tenant. H. Kuurer. Hillsdale. Or., Bej th.-t sta. .Main IK'.tii- m 61X-ROOM modern house for rent, fur niture for wile: hardwood floors, three kHrnAn.o rrnnrt me. first-ClaBS lUml ture. no junk: clean, beautiful view of hills, west side, walking distance. 3.H College St. Phone Main SOS'. 8-ROOM modern residence, inoxT-'O feet of ground: fruit trees, etc. HbS Union aie.. North: rent J.10. PARRIHH. WATKIXS & CO, nc, -21 sc. phone. Main ltt44. WILL, lease modern 6-room house, large rooms, to party paying a year a lease in advance: rent 'SZ month. Open Sunday. ERNEST WELLS CO.. Main 6"i-Jt. 401 Couch Bids. LABGE 8-room house, large attic, cement basement, furnace, fireplace and aun dry trays, electric and gas, near Mult nomah club; fine for renting rooms. oU Vanilla st. Owner, 623 Albina ave. J-KOOil house. University park; large vard; fruit, chicken house, :15. G. G. ROHRER, RENTAL, REALTOR. SOI PANAMA BUILDING. JlT MULTNOMAH STATION, three-room house, gas. water, electricity. 15 per month. Phone morning or evening, llain 4623. rrn ij Rrnom modern house In Irving inn wirh some furniture for aie; adults only; $4-1 month: references required. ":il! Monday afternoon, 6H0 Hatsey St. Use NORTH WESTERN ELECTRIC light service. Broadway 580. A 6i4.. a cniTT 1 li. Qi-rs wlih nM 5-room hou?C leas to "Jan. 1. llt-'l. Reauires $200 cash: close in. 2 blocks to car. AO lb- Ore gon ian. PARTLY furn., 8-room house for rent about March 1st or will sell on easy terms: best of location. Ail 137. Ore- con ian. fuufir PTtra in re-rooms. $15: will fur nish for $i!3: lot for garden. Apply I corner Wth and East Stark. Alt. Tabor I car to end, four blocks north, one east. Trr.i? T7 k.'T Vnrlrn fi-room house. 1 blk. from car. Exclusive district. $53. Will lease with option of purchase. Inquire I Automatic 3"l--8. ro ri'VT Ktihurhun 3-room cottage, gas. electric lights, water. $15 montn. Phone Oswego 101. Airs. Fhilp. unvivr: Piann fiii-niture and lonr-dis tance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck I Service Co.. 40 2d at. Phone Bdwy. ul:M. LOCAL and long-distance moving and haul- I ins; nrst-class equipment, iirrcn irans. k o.. V- 'z Aiutr 61. waul J - i . JaOPEKN 7-room house, furnace, sleeping I porch, garage, inquire si; nouuwn ave, or phone Sellwood 3551. 1-ROOM old bouse, K. 16th street, one block from Hawthorne ave.; 914 per I month. 34 Qcrlinger bldg. 6-ROOM house for rent; good location $35, Inquire Rodney ave. " Furnished House. 6-ROOM cottage and parage for rent. fJO a mo., complete furnishings of same for sale, terms. Call Sunday 10:30 to 1 o'clock or Alonday H:30 to 10:30. 13i!0 East Taylor, 2 blocks from Sunnyside car on paved street, phone Alain 745 Monday. VEW 5-ROOM and sleeping porch bunga low, full cement basement, brand new I furniture. Cleveland ave.. near Going sL. FRANK L. McGUIRE. Abfngton Bldg. Alain 1068. BKA t'TI Fl'LLY FURNISHED 7-ROOM HOUSE ON WEST SIDE. WHITB BXA MEL. HARDWOOD FLOORS. MA 1H k; ANY FURNITURE. PIANO AND PERSIAN RUGS. GARAGE. D 127. O R EGON IAN. A VERY nicely furnished 5-room house I on Portland Hts.. beautiful view, will rent until May 1 only to desirable party: no children; references; $00. Phone I Alain 75S Sunday or Monday. FOR RENT Furnished 6-room cottage, modern conveniences, bath, gas, electric lights. Mount Scott district. $35 a month. tt04 45th ave. S. E., bet. 67th and tiOth sts. yiVE rooms, semi-modern; furnace, bath, 1 lull cement basement, electricity, gas; best location; $30; nice house; gas range for sale. 940 E. Glisan st; Mon- tavilla car. . FOR RENT 11-room bouse and garage; hot air furnace: 324 Jackson St., near I th: $35 per month; inquire for key at L'iU Morrison. Phone Alain kiwi. FINK modern furnished house, good loca- 1 tiin, lots of fruit, trees, chicken park! and garage. 2'J7 W. Killings wortn ave. and Willamette pouievara. FURNITURE of 9 rooms for sale, house for rent: good location, west side: come ISO. rent $30; first class; never I vacant. Phone Broadwa y lt -a. SCENIC LODGE COTTAGE. 524 Heights Terrace, tine view of mountains, city; cheap rent. Don't znisi i it. 8-ROOM furnished residence; 374 Victoria I St.; rent $70. PARRISH, W ATKINS & CO., IQo I'd St., phone. Alain 144. FOR RENT 5-room house, very treason able; furniture for sale at a bargain. I Call 110 E. 50th st. North. M. V. car. FOR RENT 5-room furnished house, $30 j per mo. Call bet. l and z sr. Ai. bunaay. 1215 Delaware ave. 1IODERN new 4-roont bungalow to couple; no children; rent $40. Telephone Ta- I bor 9545 before 12 o clock. 6VO K 2 months, furnished modern five- room cottage; reliable tenants, adults. 547 E. 3M st. R. M. car. Phone Sell. 3l. ERROL HGTrf. FURNISHED HOUSE. $25 6 rooms, comfortably furnished. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. LOWER floor, private home, piano, fine location, close in. ton. East 622S. furnished. 409 Ben- FL'RNISHED house at 1005 Hawthorne. Call Sunday only; no children. NICELY furnished 3-room house, garden. bath, $15. 1146 E. 33d st. N.. Mar. 3003. 6-ROOM cottage furnished, piano. $40 per mo. 320 ivy st.. cor Koaney ave. STRICTLY modern nine-room furnished hou se and garage. Call 1474 Halsey st. FURNISHED bungalow with garage, no children. Tabor tool. 6PLEND1D 6-roora home, Irvington, well furnished. East 2i3, Herdman. FOR RENT Two-room house and acre. $6. Phone Main 9ol7. 6-ROOM furnished house for rent, modern: &;5. Call ll&O Macadam st. FOR RENT 5 rooms. Call East 3862. nicely furnished. Stores. STARK-STREET STORE. FOR RENT. Fine location for auto, tire or acces sories business. RITTER, LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. ffWO storerooms. 25x70 and 20x48. cor. Union and Hawthorne aves.; suitable for shop and dry goods, notions, etc. See Robert S Coe, Jr., 384 Hawthorns ave. East 4i2b. jWO stores. 23x95. cement basement: aa nri .171 Front St.: excellent light:! suitable for factory work, printing or I almost any kind of business, bee w. J.I Hawkins. 44 sneriock pmg. S-STORY brick bidg.. 100x3 00, corner, full basement; will lease for ten years; very I reasonable rent: elevator. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG. FOR IENT Confectionery store and fill ing station, Columbia river highway, nnr Crown Point. Further information. call East 2Sl Sunday between 12 and 6. 6TORE to rent, very reasonable. 388 East) Washington. Call East 6960. 364 East Alorrison. LAKGE corner store, automobile district, for tires, trucks or accessories; reasona ble rent. J. F. Staver. Alacleay bldg. STOREROOM on a principal street wanted for barber shop; be reasonable rent. AG 674. Oregonian. STORE. 1187 Milwaukle sx., $15 per month; good location for meat market. John Bain. 507 Spalding bldg. TO LET 30x90. Fire-proof building 109 Davis St. Open Sunday. STORE at Park and Alder, size 15x50, rent $200. J. F. Staver, Alacleay bldg. Offices. FOR RENT Private office with use of reception room and phone, with an at tendant; suitable for lawyer. 802 Title & Trust bldg. fciESK room for rent, double phone serv jce; central location; reasonable. C 660, Oregonian. FTTtXIPHED desk room or office, phone. 10, S2Q. 325 Ky. Ex. bldg. WANTED Vocal teacher to share down town studio. Main 2145 OFFICE spac e for rent. Call 617 Board of Trane, Miscellaneous. CHEAP acre ground, suitable for gar den. Sellwood 650. , Bl"8lTKSS OPPORTUNITIES. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 614-519 S WETLAND BLDG Marshall 39-S9. GROCERIES. GROCERY. $1000 Grocery, a dandy place. 1 large living room, cash and carry. The place will invoice more than th price asked. Rent $20. GROCERY. $1000 One of the best corner locations on the east side; 1 living room; rent $40: cash and carry. Ths location is worth the price asked GROCERY. $1350 4 good living rooms go with this grocery. Dandy business. Rent $25. Look it over. GROCERY. I $2000 Corner location, one of the neat- est groceries on the east side; sood Ford delivery car. This business can be built as big as one wants: sood location to add butcher shop; none within 30 blocks; rent $35: 2 store rooms and 4 living rooms. GROCERY. $2000 Grocery store and 2 good Hvfrng I rooms and batn: eooa, oiean business; receipts run from $25 I to $80 per day. Kent i.uo. GROCERY. $3500 Grocery, will Invoice or lump. located on the east side on busy street; rent $30, receipts $100 per day. Reason for selling is poor health. GROCERY. $40o0 Come early, for this won't last Nice, clean grocery in the heart of the apartment district: 6 nice living rooms, alt furnished: west side location; receipts $60 and up; rent $.K. good lease. Look this over. GROCERY. $4600 Grocery and feed, outside loca tion. This business is running $25,000 per year. Dandy 7-room house about 30 feet from store: cood furnace. Will give good lease, rent $50 per month. If you want a suburban place, look this over. STORK BlilLDIXG AJT STORE. $8000 General store. This price includes store building, good 10-room house, 25 acres of ground, two good cows, good team and wag on and other farm implements; piano also goes. Nice family or chard; S miles to nearest rail way town. Good school close by. CONFECTIONERIES. $900 This is a nice, clean, paying lit- j tie business; 5 living rooms, rent I $22.50. This wont last long. CONFECTIONERY. GROCERY AND , CIGARS. $950 Good east side. location: rent I $15. Long established and al ways made good. CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERY. $2500 East aide location, rent $45, lease: good, clean business; daily receipts .-KJ to tU. CO NFECTION BR Y. 004 Fine west side location, card room in rear. This is a good buy. Three-year lease, rent $40. CONFECTIONERY. $4000 Lump or invoice. Comer loca- tion, west side You can't beat! this for the money. Good lease, rent $50. Look It over and you buy. This won t test. CONFECTIONERY fout of town). $10.000 In one of the txst towns in Oregon ; doing $5000 and better per month: o-year lease, rent $100; $6000 down will handle! this. Come in and let us show! you. CONFECTIONERY 6-13. $12,000 The best confectionery in good college town in the valley. All I new furniture and fixtures. Place is equipped with the best obtainable. Good 5-year lease at low rent. This is netting! from $1200 to $lu00 per month. CIGAR STAND. $2500 Good went side location on busy street; good lease, rent iJi. Look this over. CAFETERIA AND LUNCH. LUNCH. $2500 West side lunch house, 3-year lease, rent uanay piace. Come and look this over. CAFETERIA. $2500 West side. This is one of the best. Good lease, rent io. inis is a nice, clean place. It won't last long, so come early. DAIRY LUNCH. $3500 West side location : fine busi ness; rent $70. Fully equipped. POOL HALLS. POOL AND CONFECTIONERY 9-13. $1700 A nice pool, confectionery, soft I drinks, candy manufacturing I business, two pool tables, com- I nleto: showcases, candv kitchen. all stock goes. The only pool I hall in a good valley town. POOL HALL 13-1. $3500 Pool hall on lot 60x60 In good lumber town; 4 pool tables, com plete; 3 candy cases in fact, j everything that goes to make an j up-to-date place of business. POOL HALL 3-4. $7000i Best pool hall and cigar business in good college town rn valley; place is netting over $500 per month; long lease, reasonable rent. This is a splendid bar gain. Books open for inspection. MI SCELLANEOUS. TAILOR SHOP. $14t)0 Tailoring and gents furnishings, down the Columbia river. Good town and nice, clean business; rent $20. This is a money maker. NOVELTY AND NOTIONS. $2800 Fine location, plenty of busi ness. Reason for selling is own er wants to retire. Can get good lease. All good, clean stock. HARDWARE STORE 19-1. $550O A Tieat, up-to-date hardware store, including the only plumb ing and tinning business in town. No shelf-worn goods; 3- year lease. Price includes serv- I ice car. or owner will invoice. Located about 75 miles from Portland. ABSTRACT BUSINESS 18-5. $12,000 In good valley town, including tot -txiuu ana nuuaing ioxov. Established In 1989. Thorn sys tem. Good fireproof vault con taming copies of all abstracts made since 190d. ah or nee zix ture a needed. Business well es tablished and very good. HOTELS AND APARTMENT HOUSES. ROOMING HOUSE. $1000 A good west side location: has li rooms, au Housekeeping. ROOMINO HOUSE. $1050 Another west side location of lfl rooms, showing a net profit of $100 per month. Kent only $50. ROOMING HOUSE. $1400 A 14-room house that is making good; rent $45; west side loca ' tion. APARTMENT HOUSE. $1000 25-room apartment house on 21st street, west side: 2 and 3 room suites; easy terms. ROOMING HOUSE 22-5. $2000 Rooming house, consisting of 39 furnished rooms. In good condi tion, 3 store rooms on ground floor, almost pay the rent on whole building. Owner must leave and will sacrifice. The best rooming house in Vancou ver. Wash. APARTMENT HOUSE. . $3000 Housekeeping apartments, east side; rent $75. with 1-yeaf lease; making $295 per month; has 41 rooms, basement rents for $18; 1. 2 and 4-room suites; terms. APARTMENT HOUSE. $3250 Apartment house on 5th street, close in, which is making the owner good money. Containing 50 rooms, mostly housekeeping; rooms always full; rent $120; terms. APARTMENT HOUSE. $8500 Fine brick building, west side, clearing $400 per month: has 20 apartments, 13 furnished. 7 un furnished: electric ranges in every apartment. An unusually nice place. Some terms. PACT FTC AGENCY. TNC. 514-519 SWETLAND BLDG. Marshall 3989. IF BCSINES9 OPPORTUNITIES. AN IDEAL PROPOSITION FOR AN ELDERLY COUPLE OR WIDOW. Modern five-family apartment house, splendid location, close in on west side, fine view, pure air, good surroundings, lot 50x100. full basement, furnaces, well arranged five-room apartments, private baths and sleeping porches, large front porches, fine view of city and mountains, four apartments well furnished, always full, attracting high-class permanent tenants, reauires verv little attention. I furnish water only; at very moderate rentals will net 10 per cent on price; $16,000. Owner, L. H. Herman, 391 Clif ton st. Marshall 420. I DESIRE several men to join me in a business requiring an investment of $1000. This is strictly legitimate and is in connection with manufacture and sale of staple article. Only men of good character will be considered. If you are seeking a safe investment, likewise an opportunity for remunerative employ ment, this will interest you. All replies confidential Address R 320, Oregonian. VULCANIZING SHOP. Look here, Mr. Wage Alan Al oppor tunity to get in and do business for yourself. A fully equipped vulcanizing shop to handle all kinds of repair, re treading; good location; also accesso ries; new tires; repair stock to go ahead and earn money at once. Reason for selling, owners are going away. G 931, uregonian. POOL HALL SIX TABLES. $1500. Brick building, rent only $20; 6 pool tables, large wall case, candy case, cigar case, cnairs. stove, sort drinks, cigars and candies; tables in fine shape; all lor siouu. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. WANTED High-grade specialty sales man to take working interest in highest grade successful special agency in the northwest, now doing large D us in ess. This is good for $12,000 yearly and up to right man: highest credentials ex changed ; $5000 for interest required. The man as important as the money p 79. oregonian. 3-CHAIR BARBER SHOP. 3 BATHS. 3 latest-style chairs. 3 baths, brick building, on tith St.. working 3 people also laundry route. This place is busy all the time; fine looking place; all lor $1300. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. ESTABLISHED vulcanizing plant, filling station and accessories, doing gooa dusi ness; long, low rent. Located on best corner -on east side, close In. Wili sell my undivided half interest as I have too much other business. $1500 will handle. Tnis is a bona fide proposition and will stand closest investigation. W sm, Oregonian. THIS IS JUST WHAT YOU WANT IN A GARAGE. Large brick building, well located In the heart of automobile row. making over $1000 per month; 4-year lease; storage room for 70 cars, machine shop, well equipped; $4000 or $5000 cash will nannie. This fs Al. G. C. MOORE, 502 Couch Building. INTEREST POOL HALL AND LUNCH ROOM. Busy corner, brick building, doing fine business. A snap that cannot be heat in Portland for the money. Price $650. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. I HAVE a good, solid business proposition, out need more capital to start, nothing like it in city. Will pay 50 per cent or more on money invested. If you want to invest SfrOO to S2(mo in something good answer this ad. When we start up those interested will receive first chance to work. AN 159, Oregonian. HAVE 2500 shares of non -assessable capl- tal stock n one of the larcest auto xrucK companies in tne city. will sac rifice at $2 per share. This will pay you big in 1920. $2500 cash will han dle. Balance to come out of business. T 0HI, Oregonian. PARTNER WANTED. For a store business dealing in farm produce; want a partner to keep the ac counts and be generally helpful: $1500 required wnicn win be used to take care of the growing business. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. BEST CONFECTIONERY STORE BUY IN PORTLAND. A beautiful place, best location, brick building, rent $85, including steam heat If you get this you will have to hurrv Price $GOO0. u. c. MUUKE, 502 Couch Building. WILL sell half interest in well-established transfer business; two new trucks. This money-making proposition for party will ing to work. For further information call and see me at 143 Front street. Phone Main 5SI9 or evenings at 327 East 12th st. Phone East 8479. ONE-HALF INTEREST $S00 GARAGE. Doing a good business; gas pumps out side; rent only $35; good reason for sell ing one-half Interest: $800. KbjLuAtiLihj IX VKSTMliNT CO.. 305 OAK ST. FOR SALE Stock of hardware, furniture and implements in the richest section of the Yakima valley. Will sell on inven tory for cash. No trades. Stock will invoice around $4000. Address AV 117, Oregonian. OPPORTUNITY? Buy a truck and get into the highest paying line possible. Contracts furnished that pay $30 to $75 per day. I sell these trucks on terms, investigate today. See BARNES, 71 Broadway. 2-CHAIR BARBER SHOP. RENT ONLY $8. OLD ESTABLISHED PLACE. ALL FOR $225. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. GO INTO business. Make big money. We start you manufacturing and selling "f amous soutnern Pralines. New busi ness. Enormous profits. Tremendous demand. Wonderful opportunity. South ern Candy Company, New Orleans. La. I WANT A MAX with $25,000 or man who has capabilities of raising this amount on stock proposition for a wonderful money-making business with Portland as headquarters. Good thing open for right party. Address E 926, Oregonian. ! NEWSPAPER plant with established -busi ness and stock worth $2000 for $1500 cash if sold Immediately: printer-edi tor can clean up SloOO to $1800 per year. wniainette valley location. AV 192, Oregonian. CONFECTIONERY BRICK BUILDING. .Near Broadway and Washington, doing gooa ousm ess : with lease, rent only $75; will sell all for $1700. KJSL1ABLE INVESTMENT CO 305 OAK ST. MOVIE PICTURES. Here is a string of money-makers: $17,000, $12,500, $10,000, $tS500, $5500, $3500; one in country town $3500. Weston & Co., 12X5 X. W. Bank bldg. HAY GRAIN FEED. $4500 buys established hay. eraln and feed business in valley town: aood build. Ings, machinery and doing fine business. investigate ana you win buy this. CHAS. RINGLER & CO., 225 Henry bldg. INVEST Preferred security, cash con vertible, premium redemption : world's biggest business, foods manufacturing, producing greatest fortunes and perma nent incomes. Particulars box 426, Phil adelphia, Pa. IF YOU are looking for business and. have $500 to $100,000 cash, we can place you in almost any line of going, paying con cerns. Weston & Co., 1215 N. W. Bank bldg. NEAT confectionery store, clearing about $150 month; will sell on account of ill health: price $3000. cash $2000. Open Sunday. ERNEST WELLS CO., Main 6S29. 401 Couch Bldg. FOR SALE 2H-ton truck with lumber hauling contract that lasts year around. Truck been run 200 miles. $1100 to han dle this, with terms on balance. TrameU, 71 Broadway. Mon. after 10. HARDWARE STORE. In good Willamette town, doing' $80. 000 last year, long lease, ideal condi tions: can give immediate possession. Weston & Co.. 1215 W. Bank bldg. LUMBER HAULING CONTRACT. Buy 2Ji-ton truck on terms and make $60 per day; long jod, ciose to Portland. See Barnes. 71 Broadway. WANTED Party with one or two donkey engines to take lodging contract. 25,000 to oo.uuo ieec per aay. Aaaresa x. O. box 357, Hood River, Or. HAVE mortgage on sawmill, well located, plenty of available timber; will sell for less than mortgage, terms. 412 Fenton bldg. Broadway 1733. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms in pri vate family on east side, close in. Call before 9 o'clock or Monday. Sell. 1078. CONFECTIONERY and lunchroom at a bargain if taken at once; rent $35; aver age per day $40. P. O. box 2133. city. GOOD restaurant near Union depot; sell or trade for auto, house or rooming house. What have you? Broadway 4465. MOVED to 245H 4th st., south of courthouse. THE CO-OPERATIVE REALTY CO. MILLINERY for sale, in a modern build ing, good location, old established trade, living room and bath. Tabor 4849. APARTMENT for sale, 21-room apartment, good income, close in. Phone Marshall 2141. SNAP restaurant, dishes, etc., soft drink fixtures, for sale or would like partner buy part. Call at 284 Alain st. YOU want an out-of-town restaurant it bargain, call sen wood ll. 40,000-Capacity sawmill machinery for sale at great bargain. 41- fenton bldg. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. TOUR WIFE AND CHILDREN. Thpv ar entitle not onlv to the ne cessities of life, but to every little luxury and r lea sure that a real honest-tO-God man's brains can earn for them. Are" your brains earning this for your family or are you in the salary rut, working only with your hands and feet? Wake up; don't wish for greater opportunities. Go out and get them. We have open ings for a few real men with brains. Our men are earning from $100 to $300 per weeK. we will pay you uie same anu also fit you to take the managership of one of our coast offices. We don't want "wishers." but men who will work. for the big things in life. E 929, Ore gonian. THESE ARE A'FEW OF MY BEST BUYS. GET IN LINE. $1000 Good corner grocery, well located, i $1100 Good location, making good. i $1500 Large stock, good location, with ft living rooms, brick building. $1500 Good corner grocery. This Is a dandv. $2800 Large corner grocery, well lo cated. You can't beat this in town. I have a lot of others in all parts of the city at all prices. Come in and let me show you the best buys. G. C MOORE, G02 Couch Building. SUCCESSFUL BRAINS. A book of clever ideas, business plans. money-making secrets and a number of j formulas. Contains valuable information j about the mail order business, law, etc., etc. This book retails for $1, but you may have it for 50 cents. You can afford the price, but you cannot afford to be with out tne information contained in it. H. BAKER, 17 Espen bldg., Philadelphia. Pa, THE writer of this adv. will be In Port land first of week presenting new auto- mobile necessity of extraordinary if not spectacular qualities; states rights to California and eastern states open; some aavancea royalties required. Demonstra tions will convince any interested party this device (needed in every toolbox) is a huge seller. Address J. L. H.. AV 190, Oregonian. HERE IS A MONEY-MAKER. Laundry in town of about 3000 people aown vvinamette valley, south or Sa lem, all equipped and doing a good busi ness, can? be bought for $5500, and ma chinery will invoice that, $2500 of which was Installed within the. last six months. inis place must be seen to appreciate its worth and possibilities. STEWART & BUCK, 315 N. W. Bank Building. IN WILLAAIINA. OR. Only butcher shop ! in town, wun fixtures, etc.; on Alain st.; a large bam, like new, with corral; also D-acre orchard tract; 7-year-old trees, bearing, and a slaughter bouse. A hard- tinished a-room and bath cottage, large lot, all like new; reasonable, account) death. Sell together or in part. Ad dress owner, Mrs. H. Solomon, 122B J-'t h st., San Francisco, Cal. CASH FOR WAR STAMPS. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 2.08 SELLING BLDG., SECOND FLOOR, DAntY LUNCH AND RESTAURANT. CENTER OF CITY. This ffne place up to date asid- clearing aoout vuo per montn. with, lease; busy ail tne time: all for $I750. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. RARE OPPORTUNITY In the bakury and lunch business: net earnings average $50 per day; busfness on increase, can be doubled. Price $13,000 terms, or $12,000 cash. CARL E. TUGGLE. 212-213 Henry Bldg. Main SR32. WILL sell at invoice first-class hardware stock and fixtures. Including Ford tour ing car. on one of the best east side streets; rent $eo per month. Hurry, as in is won i last. Open Sunday. ERNEST WELLS CO. Main 6820. 401 Couch Bldg. EASTERN Oregon restaurant, everything new. county seat, a rawing trade from stock and wheat section for 50 miles south and east; oniy short order house in town of 1200. Write box 114, Condon, t Oregon. WANTED A PARTNER IN A BUSINESS ALREADY ESTABLISHED AND IN CORPORATED. WILL BEAR CLOSEST INVESTIGATION : MUST HAVE AT LEAST $1500. WHICH IS FULLY SE CURED. AE 843. OREGONIAN. 15.000 Who wants to buy half interest I iurmture Dusiness estatutsned 14 years. in growing town with best future in state? New brick building, 175 ft. plate glass show windows. This is something petter; reierence required, ir. o. box B9S. STORE FOR SALE. General dry goods in country town of 2500. Doing good business. Stock runs rrom $000 to $10,000. bought riirht: will be sold at invoice. Phone Wood lawn 3040. CIGAR STORE. Prominent business corner, with mod ern fixtures must be sold at once. Stock and fixtures only si 650. CARL E. TUGGLE. 212-213 Henry Bldg. Main 8832. A FINE mill site or factory location with aocKS, buiiuings, boiler and engine rooms. blacksmith shop with 10 acres of fine waterfront on deep water on Columbia river, at a bargain. Box 40, St Helens, Oregon. CASH GROCERY. DOING $100 DAY. No delivery, rent only $20, doing $100 per nay; west eicie; Dusiness guaranteed; enougn saia; win invoice about $3500. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK ST. BAKERY. Extra well located, neat, clean t1jc sales $40 daily; can be doubled by expe- rieuucu oaiter; :fuu casn, 00 mo. 212-213 Henry BIdr. Main 8832. L BARGAIN. $1500 month Iv hiisinna- new 2-ton truck, good team, wood saw ana auto, lots or wood; best of loca tion, with partner or without. Will sell or lease on long term. Small amount win handle. 0OO8 41st St.. Sell. 3400. TWO good grocery stores $1700 and $1100: owner must sell one of these. Fixtures $250 and invoice; good east side loca tion. Weston Co., 1215-16 N. W. Bank mag. AUTO BUSINESS. Partner wanted, handy man with $1000 can buy in auto repair business with a mecnanic, also sell gasoline, oils, etc. tan room Jjettum bldg. GOOD cash grocery for $2500; fixtures $500 and Invoice; doing over $100 a day. If you want a real grocery, buy this one; owner has two and must sell one. Wes innui.. tzin-i v. bank bldg. PATENT on small article that can be easily and probltably manufactured here will be sold reasonably or turned in for interest in manutactory. 1509 E. Ever ett, Taoor PARTY WITH the exclusive agency for a high-grade office necessity for state of Oregon, great repeater, will sell at invoice; a on t answer unless you have iauu. jv vio, oregonian. LIVE TRUCKAIEN. With, a small Investment we can start I you in tne trucKing business; contracts I pay 10 4v a aay. See BUCHSICH. 71 Broadway. BIG money manufacturing soft drinks. fruit syrups. Prohibition opens way to wonderful opportunity. Strictly legltl- iiiaiu. xv. u. owupe, on uarrara ave.. unngiun, rv y . PiDAUT P Hie(A I uve interest in gooa est ab shed, pav- 1 1 1 ajaaa . "v, 1 mg DUBinms; investment required ; investment fully secured. AE 854, Ore- gonian. 5. 10, 15-CEXT store for sale In good pay roll town of 2000: nice, clean little stock. good fixtures, $1500 will handle, can use j ora car. box springrieid, Oregon. FOR SALE: Florist plant, good dwelling nouse ana - acres grouna. Mrs. A. M. Barrett. 604 W. Cherry st.. Centralis, iewis jo.. wasii. WANTED PARTIES "WITH $100 TO $5000 TO JOIN AIE IN ONE OF THE BEST FISHIA'U 1'KUl'USlTlU.NS EVER OF FERED. V 990. OREGONIAN. FOR SALE A dental office and practice in a town or sooo; established for years: I doing a good cash business Will sell I all or part. 0 334. Oregonian. I A CONFECTIONERY RTflR V. I Also sell cigars, soft drinks, fruit, etc. I profits $5000 year: will sell at invoice. uaii room 4ut ueKum Diag. PUBLISH a 48-column monthly; printing piani unnecessary; everyining iurnished. I Sample, instructions free. Box 81-P, J ASSOCIATE in high-class collection agency; prefer salesman or stenographer; must invest; successful, must expand. inone wooaiawn i-oi. IF YOU are looking for a eood roc.erv and confectionery store, call owner. Ta bor 974. FOR SALE A photographic studio. Rea son, sickness. Address Mrs. Otto Turk, 49ii x. -u. ttinreiiuii ooj. A HARDWARE STORE. Doing a good business, invoice $8000. Room 401 Dekum bldg. PRINTER or experienced outside man with some cash can secure half interest In established plant. AN 144, Oregonian. GROCERY store stock, lot 60x100; would consider small house and lot as part payment. Phone Tabor 337. YOUNG man's chance: Watchmaker's tools. materials, some stock, trade for acre. age or cheap lands. AV 194. Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. RESTAURANT lunch counter. stools. 5 tables, gas ranee, hot cake Plate, steam tables pienty cooking utensils and dishea. .rriee iuoo. Another good restaurant, daily receipts 1 from $50 to $75 Der dav. well eouiuued with everything to complete a first-class I piace. irice iOoU, Restaurant, 13 counter stools, tables, good coal and gas range, hot cake plate, ice box. elect, fan; good lease; daily re ceipts to $100 per day. Price $-iuuuc Restaurant. 9 stools, lunch counter, 4 I tables, gas ranse, waffle irons, 3 ice Doxes. Rent 40. Price $950. Cafeteria, Steam table, glass serving utuie, coai range, gas and not cane piate, plenty of dishes and cooking utensils. I rnce iuuu. Soft drink, cigars and confectionery. I clearing ou per mo. Price $3000. Lunch counter, dally receipts from $20 j io leasa; rent .trice &ou. Confectionery, soft drink and cigars store, over 2 years' lease; cheap rent. rnce oo. Clear and mnft HHnlr nrt rH vmom Rent $40; 3 years lease; good stock and 1 Cigar, soft drink and groceries, good oiuc on nana. tent $o. .Trice -7u0. Confectionery, r.ear school. This Is a gooa money-maker. Price $1800. Barber shop. 3, 4 and 5-chair shops. ENTERPRISE REALTY CO.. 614 Panama Bldg. YOUR MONEY will not grow in your pock el. You must go forward or backward in these days of high cost of living. I nave as safe an Investment as any busi ness, and will make big money on a small investment with proper manage ment; exclusive sale in this state; no I competition; on a Ford accessory that is absolutely necessary for safety; has! Deen thoroughly tried out; lots in use in nearby states; big profits; selling big: factory representative here now, wants man to nanaie this state; for full infor mation and demonstration call, not pnone, Garland hotel, Mr. Frank, room 5. uakaob equipment for sale or trade; ma- chinery, equipment, accessories, sua sta tion, stored cars more than pay rent on building; a dandy proposition for right party; will trade for house in city or gooa acreage improved and close in. PYRAMID LAND CO.. 603-4 Title & Trust Bldg. Main 3232. 30 ROOMS OF FURNITURE. BEST LOCATED APT. IN CITY. Will take residence for furniture. Price $4000. Will give lease on apt. for 5 vears a $250 per month. This is the finest proposition in the city for a man and wite to have one or the finest homes in the city and mt-ke trood moncv. Husband can hold position, too. Best location in I city. NO PHONE INFOR AIATION. SMITH-WAGONER CO., STOCK EXCH. WANTED Man of integrity, with some I seiiing experience, to take exclusive agency for Multnomah county for an article required by all auto owners. Ex cellent opportunity to develop perma nently paying business. Right man snouia ciear not less than $35 weekly; $10 for stock will start. AV lt7, Orego nian. FOR SALE Th best buv in th citv to day, cash grocery, averaging $50 daily; good location, clean new stock: must sacrifice on account of health; cheap rent; will invoice stock: act quick, this is a snap: no agents; deal with owner. 847 Williams ave. Also Ford touring car tor saie. I HAVE an equity la a 1-ton Reoublh iructc ana a gooa transrrr business; will sell same very reasonably. This truck is in good mechanical condition and is practically new; reason fpr selling, 111- jiess. u io, oregonian. ORGANIZE BUSINESS UNDER declara tion ot trust. Legal in all states. No reports to county or state com. No I stock liability; taxed as individuals. We prepare oonus, iurnisn trustee, compile pnutea matter, supply salesmen. Est. ii4. wat'L Org. Co., 1JS3 Madison, Chicago. FOR SALE AT INVOICE. General merchandise store on main I traveled road. 15 miles from Portland. Doing fine business. Located in fine agricultural section. If you want to I buy a going concern at the right price. investigate this. Inquire of Bank of iiresn am, uresn a m , or. GENERAL MERCHANDISE. About $20,000. including fixture- horse and wagon, one-ton truck, new: rent. Including sraraee. stable and Jivinsr 1 rooms. jv per mo.; protectee montniy extensions. 1919 gross business $87,000: cash or security; no trades. Address j'lorai avenue, Portland. Or. WANTED Partner with $2500 cash for interest in automobile agency of Mult- noman county, nanaung all new cars; pest 01 commission; no car snortace: or ders promptly filled; factory awaiting! orders to ship. Address box 053 or phone j .tast zootf. jortiana, or. $1000 WILL buy half interest in one of the best-paying businesses in thriving citv of 1WA A nl..t . j i. I ri'iciiuiu uppvi tunny iur uvv l man. One that has some mechanical of salesman snip ability preferred. BAKER & AIcFARLAND. fil7 Henry Bldg. FOR SALE $3000 stock of new gent's fur- nismngs at aiscount. Address Mrs. Unas. hidk. 400 E. Heron, Aberdeen, Wash. EASTERN OREGON GARAGE. I Good location; sell gasolime. auto ac-I cessories, do tire vulcanizing, etc, nu a fully-equipped repair shop ; a good Dusiness, doing aoout $.0.0OO year: good reasons for wanting to sell. Price $4500. jau room 40i Dekum bldg. FOR SALE Grocery and confectionery. best corner on Aft. Scott car line; aver- I age daily business $75, rent $35, four living rooms conneetea: invoice or will lump for $3500. 6006 &2d st. S. E., Ta bor 52. IF YOU want to get Into the automobile tire business and have a few thousand dollars, here Is a chance to get in right: exclusive agency, no bonus. With your answer state amount of capital you hav and give references-. AH 917. Oregonian. DELICATESSEN, grocery, hardware, cigar stors, lunen rooms, restaurants and other busineja. We have a good list. see us. NORD-HAMPTON CO. 401 Stock Exch.. 3d and Yamhill. GROCERIES, stock and fixture. lot 93x 125, store 22x40, basement, 4 nicely fur nished rooms attached, fenced for chick- , ens, chicken house and barn: terms. For I Informatioa call at 2904 E. 62d St., Haw thorne car. Tabor 2432. A SERVICE STATION. Se-Hs gasoline, oils, tires, auto acces sories, etc.; present owner had it four years, wants to sell on account of 111 I health: profits large, 401 Dekum bldg. Price $2500. Room FOR SALE For cash only at invoice. first-class variety store in becct town in eastern Washington. Stock and fixtures I $6000. Stock can be reduced If too large to suit purchaser. AV 168, Orego nian. m - . , IT " r VT.. . nvtlp'9tin-n &ntnmAn n attachment I investifratinx automobile attachment. you will agree; one representative for eacn staie, toou win nanai 11; you can maae mat every montn. write ior dem onstration. E 890, Oregonian. A GARAGE FOR $1500. Concrete bldg., extra good location: can store 30 cars and plenty repair work; sell rasoline. oils, tires, etc.; good rea sons for wanting to sell. A bargaka at $1500. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE1 Small general store, 12 miles from Portland on electric line; stock and fixtures about $1000; three living rooms, rent $15; cash deal only. Ah. 921, Oregonian. GREENHOUSE layout, 5 glass houses, 150 teet long; steam neaiea, on uregon jixy car line. Write for full particulars, fc. Maaison, zio tn si., vreg-on uuy. Oregon. $1500 RESTAURANT First-class building in business district. One-year lease, $90. hPflt Will seat 40. BAKER & McFARLAND, 317 Henry Bldg. TIRES AND VULCANIZING. Sell new tires, do vulcanizing, etc.: a well-located store and been clearing $4O0 month; will teacn a ouyer tne Dusiness. Price $1350. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. HAVE YOU $65? We raise hogs for you, feed and Dreea, giving you nan xne profits. Bank reference. Write for full particulars. Birdhaven, 602 Kansas City Life, Kansas City, Mo. BUSINESS MAN with office experience desires to make connection witn reputa ble firm. Must stand investigation. References exchanged. S 633, Oregonian. $1300 DOING very large business. Kent SiO. ileal IIIUiirj'iiinn':i . BAKER & AI c F A RL AND. 317 Henry Bldg! ONE of the best paying groceries, doing about $iou a aay, an casn, smaii ex pense, will stand close investigation. About $2500. Call 1902 E. Glisan. WANT a position with a few hundred dollars to invest m a gooa. saie Dusi ness in the city. F 20. Oregonian. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 514-519 SWETLAND BLDG. Marshall 3989. HOTELS. $375022 rooms, hot and cold water in all the rooms. Nortnwesi steam heat and eiectric: close la west aide location; rent $150. $11.500 56 rooms. Northwest heat tirt electric; fine, close-in west side location; rent $00. lease 2 years. $12,000 66 rooms. Northwest heat and electric; rent $350, leaso to run 2 years; good west side location, close in. This is an excellent place; fine 'furniture. Dou't miss seeing this. $30,000 U6 rooms, 32 private baths. 8 public baths: good Washington street location; telephone ex change, hot and cold water in all rooms. Northwest heat, and electric;' rent $10O0 per month; lease to run 2 years. APARTMENTS. $9500 85 rooms, consisting of 26 3 room apartments and 3 2-roora apartments; rent $o00 a month, lease to run for 2 years. This place is clearing $550 a month net. Rents have not been raised for 6 months on apartments. Folding beds, solid oak furni ture in all apartments: has pri vate baths in all apartments; good carpets and rugs through out, steam heat: fine east side location. Will consider ome terms. 114 5oni Vmm east side location. 42 3 room apartments; rent $0O0 a month, lease to run o years. This is a fine place, has eleva tor, fine ranges, disappearing beds, all modern conveniences to make a first-olass apartment house. Owner- has to sell on account of sickness. This U real buy. $11,000 r20 apartments, consisting of 3 rooms eacn, private ui in n a pa rtm en ts, steam heat ; rent $325. lease for 5 years. This place is clearing $400 a month. $12.000 28 apartments, consisting of 26 2-room apartments and 2 3- ronm a.oartments: rent .50, lease to run 3 years. This is a fine west side location; steam heat, privato baths to all apart ments, with disappearing beds; furnishings throughout are very fine. Wil-1 consider some terms, $13,00025 apartments. 2 and 3-room suites; private baths, steam heat, disappearing beds; very nicely furnished : rent $325, lease to run 3 years. $15,000 2S apartments. 2 and 3 rooms each; rent $475, lease to run 1 year with the privilege of ex tension from 3 to 5 years more; fine brick birilding, furnishings the very best: steam heat; grons receipts $11H0 per month. This is a fine wot side Washington street location. $15,000 Good east side location, con sisting of 22 apartments, of which 10 3-room apartments and 6 2-room apartments are finished and 5 nice apartments in attic and 1 in basement are unfinished. This includes a good brick building, lot 5Ox1O0. Will consider farm in trade for part. PACIFIC AGENCY. INC.. 514-519 SWIETLAND BLDG. NEAT LITTLE GROCERY. Good living rooms In connection. Stock about $1000, fixtures $400. Will invoice or sell in lump. CONFECTIONARY AND GROCERIES. Rent only $24. is doing a good busi ness and will sell for $1500. It is a good buy. RESTAURANT. Th bAst buv in Portland for $2500; doing over $200 business per day. BAKERY AND CONFECTIONERY. The onlv one in a first-class town tributary to Portland. No bread shipped In from outside. Price $1750. If you are interested call and see me. MFAT MARKET. One of the most modern, up-to-date markets in Portland, hooks are open it show the business. Price about $5000 Call and investigate this. F RIERDON. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. We write all kinds of Insurance. ripT tive ADVERTISED. DANDY cigar, confectionery and fruit stand in center or city, west sine, ihiudk in $50 to S-tfO per day. Clearing $10 to $15 per day; will pay for itself in nwniihi Owner wishes to retire, l ms a chance that comes once in a lifetime. $1450 cash. 401 Stock Exch., 3d and TamhilL ""TAILOR SHOPbN SIXTH ST. profit S50 PER MONTH. Thin un-to-date tailor shop fbr sale for $1600. with all kinds of new tailor made suits, overcoats, raincoats, etc., fine location. RELIABLE INVKSTMJU.H r --., 305 OAK ST. MEAT MARKET. $2000. Verv best location on west side. Modern In all respects. 3-year lease at $75, in brick building. Doing very heavy business. $100 will handle. Delivery car if wanted, $4J5. BAKBK Ac .Met AKLAMU, 1 Henry Bldg. a pavixt. went aide srocerv. doin $40 dav: near v all casn. u ne nxtures are rented with the store. $1300 for all, or will invoice: 2 living rooms. A dandy place for man and wife. 401 Stock Exch.. 3d and Yamhill. $1250 TAKES a dandy grocery and lunch room, making good money; will lump or invoice; cheap reut and living-rooms; worth much more. Owner going away and must sen. NORD-HAMPTON CO. 401 Stock Exch.. ta and Yamhill. PATENT rights for sale, or royalty; auto bed. retails 113.50 to sit, a melt seiunc specially, thoroughly tried out. easy to make, requires iittie capital, no ex pensive machinery; sold by mail ; good profits. W. A. N., 402 P. O. bldg., San r rancisco, vat. $3000 BUYS first-class restaurant and dell catessen. Meat or nxtures. coai ana gai range, heating tabic. Lnirge supply stock on nana. BAKER Mcr ARLAND, 317 Henry Bldg. GA.RAGB FOR SAftE. Concrete bid?., rood lease, full of storage and plenty repair work; have authorized Ford service: sell ras. oils, auto accessories, etc.; profits $600 mo. Call room 401 Drttum oidg. GROCERY STORE in excellent west side location. Handling confections and deli catessen. Price $350. Invoice $0000 to $7000. Do-ng large business. 317 Henry Bldg. BAKERY FOR SALE. On Account of wife's health, owner of well established oaxery ana snort order lunch counter. In Harrisburg. Or. must sell at once. Frice, without stock. S0O0. John J. Cramer, Harrlsourg. or. $700 BUYS restaurant with very best of fixtures in excellent dhck ouiming. oomo terms. BAKKK ft MCf A ri 1A.T V, 317 Henry Bldg. A REAL service station, live valley town. 4 highways, z gas pumps, L' on pumps, electric air compressor, new building facing corner, stock delivery, lour trucks. Address W. c ai titer, mcm innvuie, ur. i7no TitTYS eood arrocery and confection ery store. e.xcbi teui. uw ui uuuuiui. $14 rent. uoing a ery K-"(u uusmesv. 317 Henry Bldg. A COUNTRY GARAGE. Treated in a good town on highway: sell gasoline, oils, auto accessories, etc., and a fully-equipped repair shop. Price only $2000. Room 401 Dekum bldg. PARTNER WANTED TO HELP PLACE A RTTCL.E Ur MKitn kjt 1 n k ji a it KET THAT IS MANUFACTURED HERE IN PORTLAND. CALL AT 423 BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING. BROKERS WANTED Home company, drilling two wells. Desdemona; capital, $150,000; twelve leases. W. D. Morrel, president (cashier Farmers Bank), HOG TOWN CO., Gorman. Texas. FOR SALE Dairy of ten cows, lease on place with established family route of $300 per month. Address P. O. Box 84, Woodstock,- Or. BLACKSMITH business and tools, going fine, $6O0; good reason for leaving; good place to live; owner. C. O. Roth, 271 Argyld st. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker wants to take charge of a well established dressmaking parlor, very low rent. Call Monday at 968 E. Glisan St.. Laurel hurst. COLUMBIA BEACH lunch counter and soft-drink stand, with equipment; a snap at $500. 8 606. Oregonian. FOR SALE Restaurant clearing $200 month; two can run; real $15; lease. 875 Front sc BI HINF.SN OPPOKTCVfTIKH. LAUNDRY located In county seat town on one of the completed state highways; only laundry In county; plant consists ol 60-h. p. boiler, 15-h. p. engine. elevated header washers with automatic valves, 26-inch high-speed extractor, dry room, drying tumbler, motor-drlvo flat-work Ironer, steam collar Ironer, bosom, neck band and cuff presses. Universal press1 a. collar equipment, marking machine and all necessary office equipment. Ford de livery car; building and property on paved street; laundry has been In oper stton 11 years, was remodeled ana equipped with the latsst machinery m 191. and is one of the finest in the nortnwest; supplied with soft water, ks and electricity at low rales; wood $-. 1 per cord; operating expenses very low, weekly business $o0. which will increase the coming year. Plant, building ana property will be sold for $15,000; one third cash, balance easy terms; no Ic" or rental propositions considered. AV 111. Oregonian. RARE OPPORTUNITY to take over Ore gon and Washington on an exclusive auto necessity; going big in California and the east"; unusual income bearing: large factory discounts; should earn $10,000 per year with steady Increase; must be man of ability capable of handling a big ion In a big y Investment of $5000 In stock; refund privilege extended. Representative In Portland this eek. Box AV 171. FOR SALE General merchandise business complete; two-story building, fixtures and Stock. Will total almut MIOO. Situated on rnilroad. growing commu nity, good roads, guod schools; proiHned loop highway to connect with Coluinlua river highway, lKing good hUNiueha Future assured. This is a real bargaiu. Address AV 105, Oregonian, UP-TO-DATE POOLHALL. $ 1 500. 4 fine pool tables, back and front bar. showcases, chairs, lots of stock, free heat and water; doing $.'15 per day; re ut $20; a fine buy. brick building. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK STREET. SUBSTANTIAL manufacturing corpora tion wants capable men to establish branch and manage salesmen; $300 la 11500 necessary; you handle own money. Will allow expenses to Baltimore If you will qualify. For particulars ad dress Secretary, 416 N. Howard sc. Baltimore, Aid. UP-TO-DATE S'lNHK OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. In a good town tWi miles from Port land, fine business. Will sell stock at invoice price, run about $l.'t.iHni. sell fixtures, lease or sell tho building. See SAM HEWEY at J. 1.. HART MAN CO.. 7 Cham. Commerce Bldg. I HAVE one of the best little bustneisen In the city; have $0000 Invented, want someone to Invest an equnl amount; lu ness has been established for yearn and bookt will stand thorough invent tgatmn; don't answer this ad unlem you hve th money aud mean business. AG 674, Ore gonian. CASH GROCERY. $40 DAY, WEST SIDE. Cash grocery, doing about $40 per day, no delivery, large h tug room in the back. Will invoice about $l.o", a real buy. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 3i; OAK STKKKT. WANTED A few more men, ulemrn ith business experience. H h cafth, to join me in est bUshing chain of at ores In northwul; ha e si ate agencies for some of bent llms on mar ket. Write for full (niorniatlon, Coat Auto J'arts raics Co.. jsniern, or. PARTNER WANTED. $2500 for half interent In established business; one who understands office work or willing to learn. 44S Morgan building. FOR HALE Interest in oil syndicate; no stock proposition, bona fide lenses ob tained In wonderful prospective field; strictly bona fide In every particuln r ; very little chance to lose, but a poi bility of making an immense fortune. Particulars on r.que.-t. P 47, oregn.iiHP. HALF interent in established real estate business, doing good bumneHs, farm land department, now starting big; reason for selling, other Interests demand attention. 1000 required. PHONE TABOR 5440. Or Sunday, Main H-45 week dnys. A SHOE repairing shop for bh le, price $1000 cash; description as folloun: tine Progressive finisher, two htanding Jacks, one solecutter, one sewing machine, one splitting gauge, all kinds of other equip ment unit material. A. N. llenshaw. Dallas, Or. CASH FOR WAR STAMPS. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS. OREGON BOND ft MORTGAGE CO., 208 SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLK. COMMON LAW CHARTER protects against Dusiness laiiure; no corporation taxes or reports: positively the bent way to organise. Good ail stater. Common Law Charter Co., Jones Law bldg.. Plus burg. Pa. FOR SALE Greenhouses and nursery government irrigation project. 6 acres, fine location, new buildings, fully equipped, no competition, good reasons for selling; easy terms. Address Martin & Son, Rupert, Idaho. FIRST-CLASS bakery and lunch for sale: bakery locared on principal at. ; only Daaery in town; no otner nreaa smppca in. Must sell at onea. $0oo, without stock. will give terms. Harrisburg cattery, narrisuurg, jr FOR SALEA fine stock of hardware lo cated in the best alley town, doing a good business; fine location nnd cheap rem ; siock ai invoice, oenuig on ac count of otiier burl ness. Call on o write 300 Corbet t bldg. WOULD like to communicate with party wishing to Invest in an established and prosperous garage in city; this is a flmt clasa investment and will atand thorough Investigation L 3."3, Oregonian. DRUG LESS DOCTORS, good practice, fully equipped ufficM with furniture and steam hath; for ale, ;.v0; net Income $350 a month. R H4H, Ore gonian. IF YOU have Idle money, answer this ad. we will offer you an Investment which may interest you. AM 63, Oregonian. WANTED Partner to buy half interent in small high-class hotel, now paying large profits; must be experienced and active. Good personality. $7000 caah oecesaary. AV itn, oregonian. WHY not work for yourseif, manufactur ing wonuerrui guaranteed invention; no experience required, immense proritn, enormous demand, cost small. Box .01, Cincinnati, A TRANSFER business for sale; book show $10,000 a year for pat 3 years; '2 trucks ana contracts go with aale; price I-'IOOO: $2000 will handle. Bdwy 1572. Mr. King. CORPORATION MANAGER WANTED WHO CAN INVEST A(0 TO $20,000: ONE FAM ALIA K WITH THE FISHING INDUSTRY PREFERRED. AN CO, OREGONIAN. HALF kjiteretn tn established rra! estate business ; maxing money ; gm4 Mxtlng: worth double the price a.ked; $too re quired. Phone Sunday. Tabor &44U. U .r5. Oregonian. FOR SALE; Good Jewelry store and watch repairing busmen, located In prosper ous eastern Oregon town; small amount of capital required. Phone Broadway 2616 for appointment. PARTNER WANTED. For auto repair business; sell gaaollne, used cars etc; handy man can buy In with a mechanic; small capital required. Room 401 Dekum bldg. BIG cement garage building, best loca tion, live valley town, making good In terest; owner who has Interests In east. $1S..00. AV 108. Oregonian. GOOD opening In small vaJUy town for general merchandise, with furniture or racket gooes. Ktiiiding (or sale or rent. Owner, R. T. Myers. Corvallla. nr. OR SALE Dandy grocery, about HAOO; best location. L!5o Hawthorne. Tabor 8.b4. FOR SALE Soft drink establishment. extra fine bar and back bar. US N. 3d st. Very cheap. Inquire at 2 N. 3d. BAKERY and grocery for ante; attractive location, nmr nig school; Hawthorne district. Tabor li5. WANTED Party with some money to par ticipate in pin-atm. lavruiing. AUtil'esS AV 172. Oregonian. FOR SALE A soft drink and lunch stand; fine corner ana nice uttie Dusiness. 241 Cook st. FOR SALE Sho slock in proaperoim py rou town 01 i-.wu pop.; win invoice. AV 175. Oregonian. FOR SALE A SMALL MILLINERY STOCK WITH. MAILKHS. PHONE TABOR 3343. - RESTAURANT near new city employment office. $325; some terms. V 8K6, Ore-' gonian. GROCERY STOCK AND FIXTCRES, REASONABLE IUCiS. PHONE WOOD LAW N 1531. WILL sell half Interest In one of the larg est ana oei garagea id city, r u.a, ore gonlan. CIGARS, confectionery, soda fountain. news; good, corner. 14 1 wasnington. FOR SALE Nice little grocery, apartment district, about moo. 40tt'a Hawthorne. FOR SALE Second-hand store; must aell A. Day. Kanier. ir CASH grocery, beat buy in town; look. 33. Union North. FOR SALE! Patent, a metal household specialty of merit. D 119. Orogouiao. A. J DEFOREST 4 CO.. 320-321 Henry bl.ig. Mats 690. BUYEKrt. ATTENTION! it you w ik 1 i, hnv jt hiiMineaa an. hatcn't miffhirtit capital, ace us. will help fnm nr any uood propesiUn, ii. urcnaeu inrouRh our orilce. POOL AND SOFT ni?IVV Wnnhington-sf. location, well eaolppsd large pla c. chcup rent, with lee clearing ;im a month. Prlue $4lftv v 111 accept some trade. corvrrtr ouiacp; nap at sjioo. rit.r ii-k ann efrtUP niont. working three imn; Im sell on. 1 ties ami n c-Mirit; over $loo month net profits. H INTEREST IN OARAOR. me or the iifft equipped pluees mrt the west mde. ulo wit g. oil. ( and aciin..rit-a Profits a month Price $4"'H), B4.KEKY AND PM A f .L cmXTRT. East si tie. Rood tewn .to k and fu tures; raring over SI011 H month. Rrnt only with living room. RESTAFRAVT PNAP. $5oo btivs this, well riuippe1. rmall place on the east side. Ihta is a money maker. fJKOTKRT BVAP. $H0O taken thin fine ..rner locatlnn. good clean nin k and fixtures doing a plctidid buninens. apt. Horsr: f;nocEP.Y. About $.'5im good nto. k, anil fixtures, cheap rent, with living rooms; good place for man and tf. CRnrERY. Ylll sell at Invoice sl-ont $45on p1tt dld. wont side locatlnn. bent of and fixtures dohig over 1 40o a lufiiith. AfK MR. FIKIf, T ? WHY WORRY ? T When you need oipital. want a Partner or wfrii to sell onr buMDSta. we can help ou. tilve us a call. T'NI.IAI ITKD 1 llt iHTI'MTT. Oreaon corporation deniren to ilUpon of about flO.iMHi ndditionnl ntn k to pro vide working copttHl. All common k : will tUm Individim) ub ri pi lonn from $oo to s;ooo; no ommmionn lo every goei. Into the mm pan v ; present Mo-kholern arn well kn" I'ortinnd hiiint men. Thin rorpomllo'i his f-erinin vahinhle. rr lilv contrnctn that wtll pay to .cr cent everv mon'H on the entire i npltnl nto k F nil pt tiriiUrn on requPNt from bona fid pros pective Invest urn; no omton pen. Thin is strictly an Investment nrpMu miy in a hlgh grade enterprise ilh ! Immerse earning mpacity. II Ore gotnun. TtV AND PR EETMETA L WORK, plumbing nnd pue fit l lug nhnp. with conifort.-ihle riwelJir on fMtnn lot ; no lilt mnhraiii e Member tif Mt A4M lotion of rilittilti-rn E cel lent In. t nn ; splendid opi-m . tunitv fur the right tnn ml to retire , Tools nnd stock n mount tn $1.Vm rash. Will ne pn.prri v for Jim Ml ; rrixniiH hie fernia. t' interest. AV 1T'., Otxgoman. swi;u. fiiim'Kitr. EAST MIK. Will Inrnh'v my fine g-rnrery piare. with pitnres n ground floor soil limg rooms upMrftits all mod rn : dotrg ftl.Vnoo a yeir Imf-nir; a in nn( si in tn Inindlo this buflnea. Invoice about $Jloo kKl.IARt.E lKSTVi:T CO . 3o.-i OAK HTKEET. War Na ing sumps X 'itnhed and T.lheriy Honda at a Tin -is of Market Value Spot t'anli Imnii-dlxtely. AMKHIC HMokElt U!B. 2i5 Morgan Hhig., 2d Floor. S In t frost tn trucks and hauling con tract, etc. Thi Is a monev-msking business, mill stnnd in ventilation ; seeing is believing From $loou up a ill handle. Ask Mr. J-iKb. A. .1. I it-FOR EST CO Henry blel. Main 600 FOR SALE R It ItE It MloP. Finn lorn Mon. plenty of bu1nesp; reason for aHling, on iht mtiKt rt out ir tbe open THE F. Al WAR It EN COM PA NT, INC Warren ton, t rgon FOR SALE Ily owner. slock general indse. invoice about $lJ.0im; 2u off on dry goods, shoes anil Turn tubing, gro efira and feed at Portlnnd prices. A dandy location, light overhead eprn, good husinei. brokers peed not nniir, AV 1M. Ore go nl a 11. M I 'ST SACRIFICE. Fifteen-)'''" ef tahiiRhrd new and sr ond -hand furniture bunlne on r"d paying bnsls; rnut sell for principal rea sons. Cor. Grand ave. and Waahlngina st reet. CAL TION. BUYER. Before closing deal of socaUd later cat in established real estate business get advice of Portland Realty Roard. J. W. C'KOSSLKY. Secretary. $m0 HI YES a neat little alorT selling groceriea. on feet lonery, ice cream, fnm, tobacco and cignrs. Kor anle by owner; i knesa reason for selling. H oOO, Ore K"iimn. PA UTY with logging outfit and .IO.O00.000 Wt nd want a nut ti to tin tru U mint truller and hand ie Inga from load way out; one-mile haul, plank road. J'atton, Mnr. .'C.40 ACTIVE partner to take half interent In established real ewlate buainenp; preaent partner going south; good Hating and a great opportunity to a man with $000. H 40. orcgnnlnn A RAKE opporlun it v ; one chant left te Invest ."hmi (o $1000 nnd drHw out ft to 10 time t ha t amount in ah or time. I h iv the siit-edgd gontla to set 1(. 1 0"J MlPFtxaippl ave. W'oodlann .7.tQ. AUTO repair and truck aatea buine onner nan (a reliable man able to tin re pairing, a a partner; pay rood Mir; $n:.o required. Call 51 1 Hallway Ev change Foil LEASE Dining room and k 1 1 hn In beM-knonn hotel In Southern Oregon: mi I y thor With nnd reference" nee 4 apply. iox ;i;t.i, Myrtl Point, or. CANDY btifliueaa, amtaMlahd trade; have exclusive line" will i-onaid r a goo d part rer. Call between 4 :io and ft .10 P M. f.i." Williams ave , or phone Tabor 61'.''. CONFECTIONERY In Alarhfleld. Or. Will trvke about 4mo to hndlc. Ht torn tion in town. ncr. I L. Sauers, p. iX linx 4 1.1, Marlirietl, or. BI'SINEStf CHANCE A fine location fo a Mvj real einte nmn. newt town in the Willimette valley. Call or write Jow Cor- bctth Id g. H l F IntereKt in a mon v-mak ing rea f r buineaa for only t;oo; nr going south reaaoo for polling Phone Sunday, T.i bor .44H. .1 Ml. orejtonian. GENERAL pTORK. IftooO ato k. In pav -roll tewn. lining btg busineaa; exceptional opportunity. A'Mreww owner. AV tVi. Oregonian. Hl'STEER mn partner In I5M aawm'tl nnd box factory e-n railroad and In good fruit district ; not much cash required T tUO, tiregonlan. GROCERY store, with 2 living rooma; rwd location : will give li per cent dlr'-otiM on invoice. $421 MKh at. H. K. Tabor 4 I 'JO. WANTED Responsible person re firm take over state rlrhts nf Oregon for a live seller; absolute guarantee. Call at 4.' 1'nlon ave. N.. Portland. MAN or woman wrth money to Invent m a permanent hulnr with good Inrom. Servlcea required. 1422 bandy blvd. R. C. MP. 3-i'HAIK barber hop In Rood amall town. pax roll, gooa tnoney. good reason for selling: price Sooo. C. .N. Shaver, Guld Hill. Or. ACTIVE man wanted In caih huflnena: can make nond wairca if willing to work, t':0 require d. Call 51 1 Railway six change. Vl'IX'ANlZINti, aceeaoorles. gaaohne and oils; a good bulnrMi . fine loiation , cheap rrnt: sacrifice for quick action. Owner, ii I'M. Ori-nonian. GARAGE partner wanted; eland full in vex ( I a at inn ; good lot at Ion. I'imm) r. nuirel. tnoney maker. Call fill Kallwa Exchange. ICE CREAM ana confectionery ator: tht More is a dandy aide inMie. paving 4 month. "all Railway Kxclians.. PlU.NTEitS To-pres job plant, with an established trade for sale, lor caah. P 30. f ircguniau. FOR SALE OR RENT Complete wilcau- lailng nuttn. tir win traue iur goou u rail 407 Montgomery at. rT, ,-, ;r : ; , . . . FoK SA LE Printing plant and Job bu Izlng nutilt. or win traue lur good ear. nem. owner canea iway to aeiue estate. Cafh anle. G n.'.T. treyonian. WANT PARTNER to patent gaa furnace for Interest, good propoait ion. C. It. Russell, 73 East "Mh at.. North. Ti RE AND ucceaaory a torn in good loca tion has up-tn-date. buidnea; price $-.iW fall Ml Hallway ExchaiiK POSITION wanted In olfice. will be mmi outrile ork ; In eai ment of $400 rn q 11 i rt-d. Call Ml Railway Excha n s e. GROCERY store for sale bv owner; doing pood bur'inenp; price S10.VI. Call Sun flay, olj Mtlwaukie st. CONKKCTIONERY, counter, cheap; 113, Boring. Or. pool room and luncn good pro pec U, Box i