14 TIIE SUXDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 1, 1920 REAL ESTATK. T Scle -Fi M ACRES Nine miles out on the Ore son Electric all under cultivation, half mile from station; this would be fine to subdivide, as It Is all fine for ber ries and gardens, no rocks or gravei; 4- per Acre. AIM S acres of similar land right near the tne station at Herman on the rea elec tric second station this side of Sher wood ; Tualatin bottom land, all under cultivation; $250 pr acre; food terms. A lao 5 acres. 9 miles out on the Oegon elec tric, highly improved with modern six roora bungalow, well finished, good barn and chicken house and 23 bearing fruit trees of different kinds, all kinds of ber ries; half mile to station, sidewalk all ine way; $5000; halt cash. Also 28 acres on good rock road, one mile southwest Garden Home all under cul tivation except four acres of timber; good bungalow and large barn. 2 large faicken houses tine team of horses, a few dozen chicken and a first-class tine of farm machinery; $9000; terms. Snap; 4-room bungalow at Maple wood, in good condition: 6c car fare J. D. GORDON. I 814 Chamber of Commerce. NEAR CAPITOL HIGHWAY, i 20 miles out. 10-&cre bsrry farm. 3 4 acres In black caps : 1 acre in loganberries, tip for 2 -res more to be set; strawberries; 1 suu-e assorted 9-year-old apples, cher ries, few walnuts; good 6-room house, fruit house, nice bam, well, chicken house: all In frood shape; 1 good horse, 24 chickens, some Implements. If you want a money-maker look this up. Price iC0o; some terms. 20 acres, mostly timber, 3-room house. Hi miles of Capitol highway, 3 miles from Tigard. You can get this at $110 per acre, cash, where land is selling at 9-uO per acre and more. See me at nee, HESGARD. COB A. McKENNA &. CO.. 82 4th St. NBWBERG. OREGON. 21 acres, adjoining city limits, on Main traveled road; close to schools, high cbools and college: 8-room house, part plastered; a well of good water, good barn, roothouse and woodshep: ail kinds of xrutt. apples, pears, plums. Koyal Ann cherries, etc; full bearing: 1 acre blackcaps, about 1 acre walnuts, 1 acres rye and vetch, 2H acres vetch and oats, 13 acres in cultivation; plenty of tim- oer lor wood in pasture; running water; all good soil, no rock or gravel; land lies well for drainage; would make an ideal loganberry larm: less tnan ft mile to cannery, etc: 1 good horse, full-blood jersey cow. 3u tull-Dlood w. L.. chickens. some small tools, etc: several sacks po tatoes. I2&50 cash or some cash and good security, balance long time, 6 pet cent. ROBERT W. HANS. Newberg, Or. HOOD RIVER RANCH. I am authoiixed to sell a 40-acre ranch. 4 miles from the city of Hood Kiver, on macadam road, not far Iron the Columbia highway. There are 8 acres of commercial bear ing apples. 10 acres pears. Just coming to bearing. 15 acres of hay or straw berry land, and 7 acres timbered pas ture. Almost new 8-room house,- modern in all its appointments, stone basement and cement floor, large new barn and pack ing house, water in all buildings: fenced with woven wire; fine large creek; 29 Inches deeded water rights. The price is $20,000; will take some trade, some cash and terma for bal ance. F. A. KNAPP. 213 Board of Trade Bid g. DIKED TIDE LANDS. DAIRY FARM. STOCK, EQUIPMENT. 715 acres near Yaquina. 300 acres high tide lands; 225 acres thoroughly diked, all tide lands In cultivation or cleared; uplands in brush, but fine soil anti good pasture; two sets buildings, including 2 modern dairy barns, with milking ma- cnine and eiectrlc lights: water piped to all buildings; will Include about 25 cows, lots of heifers and calves, some hogs, all farm machinery. Price $ti0 per acre; good terms. These lands compare favorably with the Tillamook usury lands. LUEDDMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE: Farm of 170 acres; ten acres in luur-year-oiu prunes; tnirty acres in pasture, balance all planted to oats r and vetch; the returns from this farm anould run S4UOO to $5000 this season price $20,000 cash. This is one of the most productive farms in the Willam ette valley, one mile from shipping station, in excellent community. Lane county: no buildings on the property. oui temporary quarters may be pro cured close at hand. Address AV 188, WANTED REAL ESTATE. HAWTHORNE OWNERS. LISTEN CLOSELY. It took me Just four days to sell that Biuy b-room bungalow located 345 43d t., your district, for all cash. There were about 16 others wanted it after it was gone, and I am still in touch with them, besides numerous others who want bungalows in Hawthorne. If you want to en ana it s modern, phone Main 802. and I'll get busy and show you I mean just what I say, but it must be modern; most want garage or room for one. If its priced from $3500 to $4800, your home is a goner, if you give me a fair MR.: MACK, GEO. T. MOOKE CO.. 1007 Yeon Bldg. IS YOUR HOME FOR SALE ? tnen pnone Marshall 3324. We do it Quick, photographs and everythiag; open 'a FEW NICE BUYS in Portland homes now ready for in spection tor those with cash. Phone .maiaiiaii o.--, our Car Will Call, KIMBALL & LOMBARD. 42 Stock Exchange Bldg. WANTED Apartment house, furnished or unfurnished, or good income property for my 100-acre prune ranch located 30 miles from- Portland, in most choice prune district in state. The place is unincumbered - and valued at $40,000. Will exchange and assume up to $40, 000 or more on desirable property Particulars, G. A. Sarles, 733 North western Bank bldg. BUILD NOW. If you own a lot, we will secure the money and build for you; terms like rent. Call and see us. WESTERN CONSTRUCTION CO., Main 2035. Main 4477. 621 Morgan Bldg. 750 CASH and 20 acres in four-mile cir cle of Boise. Idaho, clear, in Hill Crest irrigation district; valued at $1500, for non-Inflated house equity in irvington Laurelhurst, Alameda or Rose City Tabor- 171'j. THE best 6-room modern house $6000 will buy, near the Broadway or Irving ton car lines. $2000 cash, balance good monthly payments. A. M. Howell, 401 Board of Trade. Tel. Main 570. WEST-SIDE houses south of Madison st. Handling west side property is mv specially. If your house is for sale, call and see me. John singer, 4-0 v namoer ot commerce Oldg. Main 9478. $500 CASH and SO acre in Twin Fall; inano, section: clear; assessed value $24O0. for clear lots (preferably ad joining) In Irvington. Laurelhurst or PWNERS Want west side apartment house up to $40,000: am not lnnkinar tnr something for nothing, but must be kiwi vaiue; nave JO,uuv cash rirst pay ment. Call Sellwood 47a I WANT HOUSE IN WESTMORELAND. Will pay cash or time payment, also will consider house in Sellwood. Phone Sellwood 2706 before noon. A - ROOM modern bungalow, hardwood floors, etc.; no agents; give location, price and particulars. AM 136, Ore- TVANTED Modern house with 7 or 8 large, airy rooms; good district and must be bargain for all cash. AM 16, Oregonian. WANTED Income property in city for a $50,000 highly Improved large going farm: must sell or -exchange in February. T 5S9, Oregonian. HAVE client wants brick apartment or hotel; reasonable; cash payments, bal ance tcrmsu See H. A, Dryer, 508-9 Lewis bldg. 4 OR 7-ROOM modern house, close In, Holtaday addition preferred; cash; give all particulars in (Irst letter. V 989, Oregonian. WANT bungalow, Alberta district: give full particu! ars and price. L 332, Ore ironlan. WANTED In Irvington. a good home. If an attractive proposition is made, cash will be paid. T 510. Oregonian. fcPOT CASH and quick deal for a bargain In a 8 to 5-room house from owner. Call at 1246 Minnesota ave. I WANT a house and have $100 as first -payment: ran pay balance by month. BC 46, Oregonian. I WANT a house. 5 or 7 rooms: would consider any fair dftTt; fair payment down. BC 49, Oregonian. WANTED A house In or near Irvington to fr'nOOO, John Singer, 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Main 9478. WANT a house or Improved acreage; give cash or asum. and 2 choice R. C. P. lots. $2200. Tabor 4514. WA VTEP Lot In Irvington ; good loca tion: will pay cash. Phone Marshall 1464. "WANTFTD To buv 3 or 6-room bungalow or lot. Piedmont or Wainut . Park dist WANTKD REAL ESTATE, UNDISPUTED NATIONAL. RECORD. Hffi HOMES. $2,100,347 WORTH OF HOMES SOLD DURING THE YEAR ltfltt. BT FRANK L. McGUIRE AGENCY. 12 experienced salesmen with autns. Several hundred buyers on our lists, many with cash, desiring to buy modern homes under $7000. especially in Rose City Park District. Hawthorne District. , ' Laurelhurst District. Alberta District. Also Inexpensive modern homes in all parts of the city. FRANK L. McGUIRK will personally Inspect, photograph and appraise your property without charge. The picture of your house with full in formation will be displayed on the walls of our show rooms, which are crowaea with prospective buyers. Your house Is sold if listed with us. (WE NEED IT TODAY.) See FRANK L. McGUIRE. ' To Sell Your Home. Abington Building. Main 1068. We want 5 or 6-room bungalow, or lii-story house in vicinity of 50th st. and Hawthorne ave. ; Richmond. Alberta or Woodlawn; also a good home in Ken ton; we can bring you a buyer at once If nrlr-n In rlsrht. Phone Main 5ti24. or write us. Or better still, call and ( see us. RATjPH HARRIS CO.. 827 Chamber of Commerce. WE NEED more houses for sale in Central east side. Rose City Park, Laurelhurst, Hawthorne and Mount Tabor, Alberta, Woodlawn, Richmond. Mount Scott, and Woodstock. J. J. OEDER CO.. 4 GRAND AV. N.. NEAR E. ANKENY, Phone E. 61. IRVINGTON OWNERS NOTE I have sold every corner home in irvington sold In a year by any owner or agent, where the price was $10,000 or more. Can I sell your home, at a top price? Am des perately in need of all kinds of homes, especially $5000 to $8000. Phone me to come and see your place. R. T. Street, Irvington agent. East 804. WANTED AT ONCE. Modern 7-room house with lot not less than 50x100. convenient to Mississippi v fjr line, rancrine in DrlCe $35W0 to $4000; client can pay $750 cash and good J monthly payments. KK1I.AN PARKHILL 219 Lumbermens Bldg.. 5th and Stark St Broadway 2832. WE WANT FARMS AXD ACREAGE near Portland. Wo do not tie up your property we sell it. If you really want to sell, let us know. Personal inspec tion and Individual Attention. If your price is richt we will do the rest. J. C. CORBIN CO.. - ."05-C-7-S Lewis bldg. WANT WOOD TIMBER. Want 20 to SO acres, near good road trucking distance of Portland, no clear- Ing necessary but some cleared and house desirable, balance timber. J. c. CO K BIN CO.. 3II5-6-7-8 Lewis bldg. WANTED By private party, strictly modern 5 or 6-room bungalow on paved street, lot 50x100 ft.: will pay all cash: price not to exceed $4000 and must be worth price asked: prefer Laurelhurst. Hawthorne or Rose City below the hill. Phone Tabor 3679. HAVE client -vlth modern 7-room resi dence, hi block Irvington district, wants to exchange for larger place, at least 5 bedrooms, and pay up to $10,000 dif ference. POINDEXTER, 208 SELLING BLDG. Main 18 K). Residence 271-20. WILL ACCEPT what you have to offer up to $2500 as first payment on business corner. 100x100. four small stores. West Klllingsworth and Gay St.: price $5900. easy terms; Income $52 per month; see this todav. Phone Woodlawn 61S3. CALLS BVERY DAY For city homes, acreage, farms and business chances, see me if yoi want to sell now. B F KELLY 715 Swetland Bldg. " Main 7776. WANT tract of land that we can cut up and resell, near city: must be a bareain. f Owners having such tract for sale will pi ease give name unu au ureas or tele phone number so that appointments can be made. C QO, uregoman. I WANT a thoroughly modern house in Laurelhurst or Irvington or 7 to v rooms. two baths; price from fSOOO to $12,000 give full particulars and location; agents or owners, v 17, Uregonlan. 1 WANT west side warehouse property, must be located so railroad tracks can be laid; give full particulars, size and lowest price; agents or owners. Aiv yaa, Oregonian. WE WANT HOUSES. We have people who must have houses, If your price is right we can sell yours. UAiNS.MSUJSK & ST EUiN Little, 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANT 3 to 5 acres, preferable with house and orchard trees; near electric line or paved road; not over SoOOO. W. H. ROSS. 1100 N. W. Bank Bldg. WANTED -To buy 6-room modern bunga low. trlve description, address and low est terms in answer. Care AC 409, Ore gonian. HAVE 6 clients for Irvington homes from $6500 to $12,000. Substantial payments. rUJ.NUiSATK.f, -:0S SULLiINIt BLDG. Main 1800. Residence 271-20. YOUR BUNGALOW. la It for sale? If so, phone Miss Slo comb. Main 4246, forenoons. P. O. box 924. city. 6-ROOM bungalow, close to car. close in on east side; price I'D 00 and worth, the money l 50 cash will handle. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 827 Chamber of Commerce, t $5500 INCOME city property for sale; will pay over iu per cent net at this price will assume up to $3500 If desired. Phone Monday Tabor 4725. WILL pay cash for up-to-date bungalow in desirable location if price reasonable; give description and lowest figure; please give pnone no. w V6J, uregoman WANT to exchange 1 lot in Irvington. cost $'J000. for a modern bungalow ip Haw thorne or Richmond district, up to $5000. G. A. Rasper, Panama bldg. 5 OR 6-ROOM house or bungalow, modern and priced right, Hawthorne or Mt. Tabor; particulars first letter. H 572, Oregonian. WANTED Small place. Rose City dis trict, unrurnished, $-UiH). 'U0 cash down, balance $15 per month. Address P. O. Box 163. city. WANT 5 or 6 rooms, prefer 1 floor, good location, paved street, few hundred cash, balance reasonable; give house No., price and terms. O 203, Oregonian. LOT 50x156. Capitol Hill, fenced, wjth ii oearinp iniii trees, one dozen eacn oi loganberries, gooseberries, currants: price ?700, terms. Box 836. city. WE HAVE clients in the market for in come property; come in and tell us what you have to selL R. F. Bryan. Main 1063. 509 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED Six-room house and two or more lots, near carltne: $500 down and balance in small monthly nayments. Box 836, city. WANTED modern bungalow on improved street, give particulars and lowest cash price; no inflated values considered. S 60S, Oregonian. I WANT a 6-room home. Highland district or convenient to Union ave. and Alberta cars; about 92. ao; owners only, t 563, Oregoniam I WANT to buy a 7 or 8-room home. Laurelhurst preferred: must be modern and well located; $6000 cash. H 607. Oregon Ian. WANTED from owner, best 3 or 4-room modern bungalow, furnished or unfur nished, $1200 cash will buy. AO 154. Oregonian. - WANTED 5 or 6-room modern house, in good district; price $5000 or less. E. .J. GEISER. 417 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WANTED Houses and lots; what have vou in bungalows? List them with McClaren & Parker, 542 Williams ave. Phone E. 1046. WANTED hi block or less on Broadway, north of Main, south of Morrison or nearer In ; give lawest cash price; will call. AM 9. Oregonian. ATTRACTIVE BUNGALOW. 5 RMS. AND ATTIC, to $3750: QUICK RESULTS; CASH FOR EQUITY. MAIN 4803. 6-ROOM modern home, Irvington or laurelhurst; best cash price. E 909, Oregonian. WANTED A house In or near Irvington to $5000. John Singer. 420 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Main 9478. WANT IRVINGTON lot for cash, must be a bargain. Tabor 634. WILL invest $30,000 to $90,000 cash in Portland income property, state full par ticulsrs In first letter. M 14. Oregonian. WANTED to buy from owner, small house to $2000; small payment down, with monthly installments. Phone East 6696. WANTED to lease suburban place. 1 acre or more; responsible party. F 954. Ore gonian. , I CAN pay $200 down on a house, have you? R 214. Oregonian. What 4 OR 5-room bungalow at Oswego lake; ubfitanUiU cub payment. at WANTED REAL ESTATE. WE HAVE BUYERS For the following: Modern 5-room bungalow In Piedmont or Kenton district. Modern 2-story house with 4 bedrooms, close In. or will consider something on the Heights, wests side; not over 15500. Modern house, center entrance in Irvington or near park in Ijiurelhurst; however. Westover preferred. Modern 6 or 7-room bungalow. Rose City or Irvington: prefer homo built over a year ago; not over I33U0. 2 modern ft or 7-room. 2-story houses in Irvington; not over $6500. If you have anything to fit the above descriptions and want to sell, phone us at once or come in and see us and If we do not sell your home. "There's a Reason." HERMANN ft JEE. Suite 426 Lumbermens Bide. Phone Broadway 288. WE ARE selling more homes and getting ijuii-Her acuon man ever oelore. 22d-st- home sold In four hours. $3250. 6ith-st. R. C. P.. sold in 30 min. 3Sth-st. Hawthorne. 2 days, cash sale. 28th-st. Alberta. 1 day after we had received a 4 months' exclusive contract. We can do the same for you if you will list your home at our appraised price: we call, photograph and appraise your oome iree. J. A. WICKMAN CO..- Main 583. 204 Ry. Exch. Bldg., Main 1094. WE HAVE clients waiting for small farms and acreage, demand greater than the I supply, it you want a quick sale, list ' witn us toaay. ' C. E. SCOTT & CO.. 617-20 Chamber of Commerce, MAIN 3353. We want the following In suburban homes 7-room house. 2 acres; 7-room house, 3 acres; 5-room .house with 1 acre, and 5-room house with acre. Quote us the right price and we will bring you a buyer. Phone Main StJlM. or write us what you have. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 827 Chamber of Commerce. READ- THIS: We have clients who are ln the mar ket to buy Willamette valley farms witnin so miles or Port and. also small 1 improved acreage near the city and de sirable nouses, wen located. We can , sell quickly, write or call R. M. GATBWOOD & CO., 165H 4th St. WE HAVE buyer for 80 to 100-acre im proved farm in good locality in reach of Friends' church; must have bearing prunes; some Umber; write us fully what you have. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 827 Chamber of Commerce. j PARTIES moving from eastern ' Oregon ; have requested us to find a modern home of not less than 10 rooms located in either Beaumont or Alameda com manding a well-defined view. Client meant business and will pay cash. John E. Howard, 318 Chamber of Commerce, j 1917 DODGE in A-l shape, best of tires j and equipment, easily worth 9900; will exchange for good equity in Portland property or vicinity; will not consider inflated values; give details of your prop erty, price, location, etc. ; will assume and pay some cash. B 114, uregoman. , HOUSES WANTED. We have made house selling a specialty for 16 years and in need of modern bun galows and houses from $2000 up. Our experience in selling houses will help you. i GRUSSI & BENNETT. , 318 Board of Trade. Main 7452. WANT 5 or 6-room bungalows up to $5000; Now is tne time to get rm or your old house, and if it Is in fair condition and good location will take the house and pay cash. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. WANT ACREAGE. Customer with $1000 cash wants 1 acre or more, close in with good small house and modern conveniences. Not over $300. R. F. Feemster, 300 Abing ton bldg. , IF our ranch is for sale, mall full de scription or call at office. The calls for ranches are good; let us have your ranch while we have buyers. Get your price right, terms you will accept; we will do the rest. Coe A. McKenna Co., 82 4th st. LIST your farms, close-In acreage and city DroDertv with me: I wilt rive vou nirv- Ice. Will Inspect and appraise your prop- erty. Auto. C. E. Adams. 507 Cham, of Cnm hi Hi? Mnrahn.ll !57f. I WANT BUSINESS LOT. Close in on east side, between E. Mor rison and Hawthorne. Clear income property to trade, can 360 E. Morri son. WANTED About 6-room house, modern or nearly so; Hawthorne or Sunnyside district; give location number and price first letter; no agents. AK 920. Orego nian. WANT from one to five acres, either va cant or improved, in Multnomah district on the Oregon electric, or on the Oregon City car line. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. WANTED by private party 5 or 6-room bungalow jn Rose City, Laurelhurst or Irvington, must be reasonable ; advise . fully as to location, price, etc F 6, Oregonian. T T1-T-v-rtm-.T 1 1HV 1.J 1 I Wanted, bungalow of 5 rooms in Irv- In it ton. not over $4000: trlve descriDtion ana location.; private party. i oao, ore- I gonian. MODERN homes wanted in following dis tricts oniy irvington. aUaureihurst. Rose City, Hawthorne ana sunnyside. Relia ble, high-class and efficient service. A K. HILL CO.. 215 Lumbermens Bldg. I WANT a modern home at somewhere near its real value in R. C. P. or de- sirable part of Hawthorne; can pay $1500 cash and make substantial month ly payments. M 994, Oregonian. DON'T LOSE YOUR PROPERTY. If your mortgage is foreclosed, don't lose out, but see me at once, I will give , a good trade for your equity. BC 5L i Oregonian. I WANT the best home that I can buy with $00 cash; will go in any section and can wait until Mar. 15th for pos session; owners only. K 5, Oregonian. WANTED Either to rent or buy, fur nished bungalow, 4 or o rooms; Rose City Park preferred: have property to trade. P. O. box 2027, city. IF YOU have a house for saie, list at once with us, we win do pieasea to advertise ana sen it tor you u your price is right. Peper & Richards, 508 Buchanan bldg. GOOD house with some ground and fruit. irom owner w no wju laae improved lot as part payment. Forenoone. Call E. 8081. WANTED A modern 6-room house in good location, not over $3000. Will pay $150 down, balance monthly payments. East 7854. SELL your own property: save com mis sions, new pian; quick results; tree book tells how. Simplex, dept. 161, 1L24 Broaawav, new xorK. WANTED 5 or 6-room modern bungalow. in Aroma or rieamom, preferred, with Hens all paid; will pay $2000 cash. D 09, Oregoniai). LOTS WANTED Rose City Park. Laurel hurst or irvington; no agents. Shaw Larson & Seymour, 902 Spalding bldg. HAVE $500 to pay on tract of 5 to 20 acres, remainaer one year. A. 438, Ore gonian. WANTED Logged-off land, improved or unimprovea, in large or small tracts. inanes ueuci, sio nauway xcnan ge. WANT land with some timber on It. near railroad with good service. Give price I ana locauuu. r u-, vregonia n. WANT a good modern home in Nob Hill I aistrici up io HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 Stark St. 6-ROOM house, west slope ML Tabor. Mar. iju, i auur oi t, evenings. BEST Rose City house $4000 Half cash. Woodlawn 2614. rill buy. WANTED TO RENT A large lot or two or tnree smaii ones ior garaentng. R 351, Oregonian. WANTED Lots In Rose City Park. Ala meda Park, Laurelhurst or Irvington for cash. C. J. Johnson, 313 Henry bldg WANT to buy home near Ankeny car barns, must be bargain; give location and price. V 939. Oregonian. IRVINGTON HOMES WE MAKE THE SALES FOR QUICK RESULTS SEE NEUHAUSEN & CO.. N.W. BANK BLDG I HAVE $50 to pay as first payment on a house Will pay balance monthly What have you? BP 725. Oregonian. I WILL pay all cash for the best propo sition offered In a house up to $2500, BC 47, Oregonian. WANTED to buy from owner. 2 family flat, close In, no agents. East 7023. or 4 Phone 1 AM IN the market for a house in Haw thorne or Richmond; prefer bungalow; fair payment down. BP 724. Oregonian. 1 CAN PAY $75 down on purchase of a house, balance monthly; any district. J0 43. prea-oaiM WANTED REAL ESTATE. $20,000 CASH for 100x100 lot in vicinity ot centraJ Library. 1 itss, uregoman WANTED A bungalow for small payment down, aw lot. uregoman. Farms Wanted. INCOME FOR FARM. Do you want to exchange your farm for good' Portland income property? If you do, I have a client who owns a 3-story DrlcK Duumng wen iochlcu on west side with good income, that he will exchange, for farm. Will give or -take difference in cash or mort gage. If you are a city man, this is a splendid opportunity. JOHN WEIST CO.. 807-8-9 Lewis Bldg. WANTED IMPROVED FARMS. From 10 acres up, located In any part of Oregon: have all kinds of buyers waiting, mall us description or call at our office; get price right; we will do the rest. MITCHELL & RIPPEY. 328-29 Henry bldg. Main 2534. FARMS WANTED. I have sold 3 prune orchards In 10 days, I can sell yours, if you have the right price and located in a good prune Delt. SEE SAM HEWEY. at J. L HARTMAN CO., 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. FARM FOR RENT. 200-acre ranch for rent: 50 acres un der cultivation, fair house in good con dition to live In; good barn, spring water, fenced. In Washington county, about 5 miles from Buxton on county road. Can give immediate possession. J. R. snrecK, 002 Spalding oiug., run land. Or. WARMS WANTED. We have constant calls for farms of 20 to 60 acres, improved, with stock and equipment, and priced right; list with us lor quick results. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED About 15 acres of good cul tivated land that would be very mucn suitable for berries, with good buildings, water, light, good road, close to cannery and school, and close to jfortiana. r jji., room IB, 144 West Green St., Pasadena, California. WANTED to buy farm and prune orchard with good mixed family orchard, includ ing all equipment; must have good build ings, good location and close to school. Give price and full description in first letter. O. A., 704 Washington St., Van couver, Wash. HAVE party with $3000 and $8000 cash who wants to buy equipped dairy and lease farm; must be some bottom land and good bu lid i ngs. H. A. DRYER. "The Acreage Man," 50S-9 Lewis Bldg. BUYERS WAITING. I can sell your farm If you have ont to sell. If your price is fair I will get you results. CALL OR WRITE JOHN WEIST CO., &07-8-9 Lewis bldg. I HAVE a cash buyer for a farm near Crabtree, Lebanon or Brownsville, priced around $10,000. Let me hear from you at once. C. M. DOLLARHIDE, 807-8-9 Lewis Bldg. WANTED. If your acreage or farm Is for sale, list at once with Peper & Richards; we have buyers waiting, yours may Just suit tnem. sua 5ucnanan punqing. I HAVE a cash buyer for a Willamette valley farm. Write me at once and 1 will bring him out. C. M. DOLLARHIDE, 807-8-9 Lewis Bldg. WANTED To buy or rent: Small ranch near the Columbia river, suitable for eardeninir and chickens, between irort- land and The Dalles preferred. W. H. Dailey, Hood River. Or. R. F. D. 2, WOULD LIKE 5-acre home, good build ings, fruit, not to far out. and not to far from station and school; have $300 for first payment. What have you? Joe Miller, Hillsdale, or., k. WAN TKD Ten acres within 20 miles of Portland, all improved, includmg house, will pay cash for a bargain; state price. BF 444. Oregonian. WANTED To buy small ranch, $50 down, $100 next Nov.. $100 or more per year; best reference. Answer quick. B., care 502. Ross st.. city. WANTED To rent or buy: 40 to 50 acres improved valley land, must have build ings and be near town and railroad. C. H. Platts, Eagle Creek, Or. WANT from 30 to 60 acres good land with buildings; have $1000 cash to make first payment; give all particulars first letter. AC 437, Oregonian. uavr for imnmvurf farm fmm 40 o j tunun r-v nn r to 80 acres under $8000. D 119, Ore- gonian. FOR quick action list your farms and acreage with me. Clarence Parker, 542 Williams ave. East 1046. 5 TO 30 ACRES, preferably on Estacada carline. rtione sellwood 33o, alter o:du e ve ni n gs or write 681 E. 17th st. S.. city. WANTED 20 acres bearing loganberries. Phone Main 4981 evenings. AE 845, Ore gonian. WANT to buy a good farm of from 300 to 500 acres; must b a bargain. AM 139, Oregonian. WANT to buy, chicken ranch, 3 to 10 acres, from owner. Route l, box 14, Forest Grove, Or. I HAVE a buyer for a 40-acre farm, suit able for stock ranch. Write me. H. A, Wolf. 227 E. SOth st. N. ... . . . i l J nru.i "CftA wSS W nSSs vi hidir WA.m u.ij to ouy i acre nome ciose iu car; state price. S 706, Oregonian. Wanted to Beat Farms. EXCELLENT river bottom dairy farm consisting of 425 acres; about 100 acres in cultivation, iuu acres in nay, Daiance fine river bottom pasture, 14 acres of alfalfa and 2d acres in ran wneat; irood house, large barn, silo, milk house and other buildings, on main road, and also on the river; rent $150 per montn. Personal property: 65 cows, 2 bulls, 33 heifers, 6 horses, 29 hogs, pony and complete list of farm machinery and milk cans; about 40 tons of hay, feed and seed; price $12,500. H. A. DRYER. "The Acreage Man" 508-9 Lewis Bldg. WANTED TO RENT On shares for 3 to 5 years, by young experienced couple- farm of 80 acres or more, suitable for diversified farming, such as potatoes, berries, crops, ehickens. hogs, sheep, etc Must be 20 acres or more good soil, bal ance pasture, good set buildings and eauipment; win guarantee Dest or rare can furnish high-class references from . business men. h. v. lucuntire. Rose- burg. Or. THOROUGHLY experienced farmer wants to rent an up-to-date farm on shares; prefer some irrigation : had experience in irrigation; aiso run tractor; reference. Owners only. Ats Tie, oregonian. WOULD like to rent or handle on shares. a small, equipped farm or garden tract, near Portland. Call room 114, Hotel Arthur. WANTED to buy or rent, small place to 10 acres, fair house, partly cleared; must be reasonable, near Oregon City or Gresham car. c Rice, Farkwood, or. WANT to rent about 10-acre farm within car line of Portland. East 2049. 235 E. 6th st., cor. Main. WITH privilege of buying small poultry ranch near city; must be modern. S 581 Oregonian. TIMBER LAND8. WE WILL SELL 25,000.000 FEET OF THE FINEST TIMBER in Tillamook, pay-as-cut basis, on paved road, if you will Install good mill; here is an ideal chance in every way, which is very sel dom to be had; we want quick action on this deal, so we will ask you Jlo hurry. 324 Yeon Bldg. THE BIRCH COMPANY. FOR SALE Fine 20-M Russell mill; also UxlO Seattle donkey; full logging equipment, bargain price and terms. F. E. Bowman & Co.. 213 Chamber of Commerce. GOOP 20 M. mill with 2.000.000 feet red fir, near railroad, fair road. Wdln. 3116. 1315 Wilbur st. 462 ACRES and 14.000.000 merchantable lumber for sale, in Twp. 40. 1 West. Jackson Co.. Or. . AV 601, Oregonian, 12.000,000 FEET logging contract to party with 2-donkey outfit. Gulden Bros. Lumber Co., Cloverdale, Or. TIMBER for sale; 160 acres, six million feet saw timber. Linn county, 50 cents per thousand feet. AL 181. Oregonian. SECTION good timber, half pine, complete mill, donkey, etc.; will sacrifice; two thirds or all. AV 170, Oregonian. GOOP 30 M. mill on railroad with 3 don keys and 25 million yellow fir. Wdln. 3116. 1315 Wilbur st. FOR SALE Wood camp, dra? saw, truck, complete outfit, plenty good timber. A. M. Robinson. Ciackamas. Or. 160 ACRES timber land, trade fior equity in house and lot, acreage, liberty bonds, mortsaca jBoggesa, 148 Front flU TIMBER LANDS. TIMBER. We have spent a great deal of money during the past ' locating good timber tracts, and now we are in a position to sell this timber and make some money for the buyer. , We wish particularly to call your at tention to a beautiful tract of YEL LOW FIR. from 50,000.000 to 800.000.000 In the tract, one-half mile from the railroad, averaging- four feet on the stump, as fine attract as you can find; the price and terms are satisfactory. We also have ritrht on the railroad from 60.000.000 to 250,000.000 feet yellow fir, some rough ground, but of the! timber is a bargain; not mucn money to oanaie this tract. 5.000.000. with 7.000.000 adjoining. ' close to railroad, on rood road; red I fir; this is an excellent chance for ira- I mediate operation. 10.000.000 ideal location, rood stand I red fir, worth .$1 per thousand morel than price as ken ; we need money Tor I this" client, therefore your opportunity I to make 33 per cent on your money In j vu days. We are offering some of the finest I large tracts in the state at unheard of prices; if you are a speculator or j an operator you snouia investigate i these before buying elsewhere. , MILLS AND TIMBER, Owners of one of the best opera tions in the state, capacity about 30 1 thousand per day,' have authorized me I to sell their outfit; this will bear close I investigation; there Is sufficient timber I i or a long operation; logging equip ment and everything goes. Another mill, logging equipment, etc.. located right In the timber. 20 thou-1 sand capacity, including about 4,000,000 1 feet of fir, plenty more available at the mill, can be bought at right price. We have other properties too numer ous to mention 'which we will tell you I about at our offices. Entrance 324 Yeon Bldg. THE BIRCH COMPANY. List your timber and mills with us I if you want quick action; we satisfy not! one but all our clients. This is where I you find what you are looking for In I this line. WB HAVE AN EXCELLENT CONTRACT to let for shingle bolts; pays big money; first come, first served ; we want quick action; job good for two years. t 324 Yeon Bldg. THE, BIRCH COMPANY. SMALL SAWMILLS WANTED. Sawmills from 25 to .50 M. capacity I with practical sawmill men to operate I them. Stumpage, transportation and I loading furnished; caslu every 30 days! for all lumber and slabwood; excellent I logging ground. Write, giving capacity I and kind of mill and your responsibility I and practical experience. AN luj, ure goman. LOGGING CONTRACT OFFERED. Party with 2 to 4 donkey engines to I lo tide water timber, eo.ooo.ooo to loo.- 000.000 feet, good bay for bocm ground. This timber estimates 50 per cent cedar and is considered the best logging show I on toe coe st. company has additional timber for future operations. Georgia I LaKe jrf;ging company, j.o u. c Smith bldg.. Seattle. TIMBER LAND WANTED. Small tracts of timber, near a road and not over 40 miles from Portland: will consider rough land If the timber is good; must be handled for small pay ment down. Will consider high-priced acreage close to Portland. If convenient to rock road. John Ferguson, Gerlinger oidg FOR SALE Choice tract of 66 acres of fine timber, mile electric line, mile and half from Donald: nice level land. Owner offers this fine tract for $80 per acre, some terms. This is one of the I best timber tracts in Marion county, lo- I cation considered. Address timber owner. C. M. Crittenden, Hubbard, Or. I WANT TIMBER. I own a stock ranch of 815 acres 51 1 miles from Portland; good buildings, fences, roads, lots of neighbors; rolling I land; a fine stock proposition; price $35,-1 000. incumbrance $11,000; want timber or a mill. What have your H Oo'i, ore gonian. FOR SALE 4-mlllion yellow pine tim ber, 15 M. mill to lease. Fine logging show: 200 million government timber in same township: big local trade. Or chards near used 500 M. boxes last year. Terms to reliable parties; will consider partnership. l Railway bxen. FOR SALE cheap, almost a complete saw mill, including 66x16 Erie city boiler ana 1 12x15 Erie City engine, close to .fortiana, all machinery dismantled and ready to move. Phone Main 3009, or write J? . S. Hoffman, 246H Broadway. 130 ACRES fir timber, near Cottage Grove, cruise 4 to 5 million feet; will sell for $1800: now. you timber men, here 1j something for almost nothing: get busy. See or write owner. Mrs. Barbara Ho hi. Cottage Grove. . FOR SALE 320 acres of timber land. 12 miles N. W. Goldendale; good land; fine for stock or orchard: free water right: Vi mile from sawmill; good road down hill j to R. R. station. L. L. lies. Yakima. Wash. 1&31 ACRES GOOD FIR TIMBER: WILL CRUISE AROUND 50,000,000 FEET; LO CATED BENTON COUNTY, OREGON, NEAR TRANSPORTATION. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO.. 208 SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1S00. 35 ACRES of piling and cordwood tim ber, one-half mile from Willamette river, one mile to railroad, good road: price $60 per acre; $800 cash. Schiller, I with Interstate Land Co., 248 Stark St., Portland, Or. TIMBER land for sale or exchange for Southern California; 900 M merchantable timber, quarter section, 7 miles trom 1 Goldendale. $1800: another quarter $1400. ' C. E. Bailey, 1817 Orchid, Los Angeles. TIMBER TIMBER TIMBER. 160 to 1500 acres of fine yellow pine timber for sale, by private owner, in Klickitat county, very reasonable. Wm, O. Kuhnhausen. Lyle, Wash. FOR SALE By owner, four million feet fir. near two electric lines ana paved highway: 2o miles from Portland: grav eled highway and easy down grade to stations. AV isu, oregonian. WANTED Sawmill; good responsible party I to iurnisn mm ana saw on per m oasis; good timber; freight to move advanced. P. u. box Z047. Mta. A. BY. OWNER, 7,000.000 ft. of old and sec ond growth nr. or k. k. ; price Ji.&u per M. cash or ij.oo pay as cut. R. L. Glass, Corvallts. Or. Phone 3426 R-4. WANTED Contract to cut from 1000 to 3000 cords of wood, or win consider small logging contract. Phone Tabor I 6856. W 932, Oregonian. WANTED Second-growth timber from I 2,000,000 to 10,000,000 ft., for immediate operation; must oe wen located, a 103, Oregonian. ABOUT 30 M fir. near Albany, half mile by road from R. R., want logger, mill- I man or will sell reasonably. D. A. Nor- I ton. 1418 N. W. Bank bldg. 160 ACRES, fir and some tamarack. Ste-1 vens county, Washington; 6 miles to I town and R. R. Call or write 314 Jack son apts. 51 union ave. N. 12.000 M PORTABLE SAWMILL for sale. located close to fortiana: price is right: Harry Ball, 431 Lumber Ex., Second and Stark. 6,000,000 FEET timber and 160 acrea Yam hill county to exenange ior uaimproveu land sultawe ior cultivation. uwner, 222 U. S. Bank bldg. WANT to exchange fine farm and or chard for mill and timDer or real estate. AV 53, Oregonian. WANTED Man with mill to locate in i 30.000.000 reet or timoer, i mne irora railroad. Wdln. 3116. 1315 Wilbur st. FOR BENT FARMS. VOR RENT. 160 acres, 60 in cultivation, balance onn: arood buildings; 4 miles from town; 1 mile dirt road; 30 miles Port land; rent $500. W. C. BECKTELL, 1100 Northwestern Bank Bldg. A HOP ranch of 50 acres to lease for one or term of years, river uonom son, guuu dwelling, barn and Imple ments; rental share of hops. Give full particulars and phone number Address I AV 177. Oregonian. cnunvTT aerea rich land: would rent 10, 20 Or all; v mi lea wem ui vuy, nc.r Cedar Mill. William Kerron, rortiana, Route S. WILL lease for 3 yrs,. 50 acres garden land adjoining cuy, naru-aunac-j ruau, .i.u HAtf Tiiirrv Gibaon. 2K& Stark. MflrMhali l" " 140 tr. innPQ fm leu In el t v llmita. croD I " . - I for sale; nouse ana aairy warn; .iubl me v FOR RENT FARMS. UP-TO-DATE FARM FOR RENT. Here Is a wonderful place, only 8 miles from Portland on a good automobile road. This is a real gentleman's home and Is a money maker. If you want a high-class proposition It will pay you to see this. This place consists of 40 acres, practically all under plow, the very best of soil; a good 6-room house and an excellent fine large barn, Al outbuildings, including first-class chicken house. The crops are all in. The following personal property, whih is absolutely first class In every respect, will be sold at cost; 3 Percheron mares. Belle, Lady and Queen, 7, 4 and 2 years old; 2 registered and one subject to register; Jersey cow. 1 Jersey heifer. 1 delivery wagon, 1 Birdsell 'wagon. Iron wheel wagon with bed, hay rake. 6-foot binder. 4Vi-fL mower. 9-ft. hay rake, Peoria drill, disc drill, drag har row, 32-lnch plow, 16-in. plow with Jointer, 16-in. shear, cultiva tor, fanning mill. Buckeye incuba tor. Buckeye brooder, sled, set of double leather harness with col lars, set of leatherless harness, lk set of chain harness with collar, 2 halters, feed grinder, buck saw, pitch forks, etc Price $2313.75 cash. There is quite a lot of hay, oats, wheat, carrots, chickens and all crops, which are to be pur chased at market price. Will lease this place for 3 years to good re sponsible party for $400 per year. 58 acres, all level. At sandy loam soil, 52 acres under culti vation, berrlea and family orchard, fenced, railroad station on place, mile to school, 1 creek. 2 wells. 5-room fair house, 2 barns and outbuildings. . There are I& acres now in alsike clover, 4 acres in old clover; will lease for 5 years at $700 per year. This place Is lo cated on the Molalla river 25 miles from Portland. 80 acres, 25 acres under plow. Al soil, practically all level, 40 acres stump pasture, family or chard, all fenced with wire, 1 mile to railroad station, 16 miles from Vancouver, good road. R. F. D. and telephone, 1 creek, A-l spring at house, good new 4-room house, new barn and all outbuildings; 15 acres of clover; will lease 3 years, $;ttM per year. Personal property for sale; 4 cows. 3 heifers, Al team, Al brood sow. 6 fine shoats, 40 or 50 chickens, 10 to 12 tons of fine clover hay. Price $1000 cash. MOLALLA VALLEY FARM. 124 acres, practically all level, 90 to 100 acres under plow, family orch ard, 4 acres peaches, all A 1 sandy loam soil, all fenced. R. R. station on place, well watered with river and spring, 1 well. 6-room good house, good barn, silo, chick en houses, hog houses; will lase for 5 years at $1300 per year. This farm is plowed ready for seed; there are 4200 plants of rhubarb set out; this farm is all equipped, with tractor, gang plows, walking plows, disc, harrows, drill, corn . planter, riding cultivator, cream separator, wagons, etc., 2 teams, harness, 5 milk cows. This per sonal property Is furnished with the farm. SOUTHERN OREGON FARM. 11)6 acres, all rolling but 25 acres, family orchard, good soil, all fenced. 2 miles to railroad. R. F. D. and telephone, 5 springs, fair house, barn and all outbuildings; will lease for 3 years at $300 per year; personal property for sale, 3 horses. 1 wagon, buggy, hack. 2 sets double harness, single har ness, hay .ropes and forks, mower, hayrake, cultivator, disc, 2 plows, shearing machine, 4 hogs, 11 cat tle, crops, hay In barn, incubator, etc. Price $2425. There are about 00 sheep and 50 goats that go with the place on the shares. A. G. BENDER, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. I I i DAIRY FARMS FOR RENT. STOCK FOR SALE. 110 acres good land, part river bottom, part upland, all cleared, good house, 2 bams. silo, dairy house and all out buildings; rent $50 per month: Joins city of" Vancouver. Following personal prop erty for sale, 29 fine cows. 3 of them registered Holstelns, 2 heifers, soon to freshen and 6 younger heifers, 1 reg lstered bull, 4 horses. 2 hogs, chickens, hay and ensilage, mower, rake, 2 gas engines, ensilage cutter, plow, harrow, teaster, 5 horsepower boiler, cream sep arator, bottling machine, steam box, cooler, 24 crates, 10 gross bottles, 1 new Ford delivery truck. 2 stoves, desk and all small tools and equipments suffi cient to run a dairy; also includes a re tall milk route, which is now bringing in $1300 a month. This is a -big money maker, and if yon want a dairy outfit you will buy this one; $9000; good terms. 215 acres, can all be farmed; about 35 acres in alfalfa; large house, barn, 2 silos and all outbuildings. 3H miles from Vancouver; rent $80 per month. Fol lowing' personal property for sale: 46 very fine cows, 6 of them registered HolBtein, 10 2-year-old heifers. 14 younger heifers, 4 of them registered; 1 registered bull, 9 horses, 1 hog, 40 tons hay, 550 bushels of grain, new tractor plow, disc, mower, rake, 2 gas engines, feed grinder, separator and all dairy equipments, 2 heavy wagons, 1 light wagon, 1 ensilage cutter, drill, all cans, small tools, etc. This is a line ouy at $16,000; good terms. 60 acres, 50 acres cleared; small house. large barn, dairy house, etc. Rent 1300 oer year. The following personal Dronerty for sale: 6 good cows. 19 hnifnra. 2 and 3 veara old. will be fresn soon, 1 bull, 1 team, wagon, plow, feed cutter, chickens and small tools. lo cated only 4 miles from Vancouver, on main road; price $-i.o; easy terms. THE R. S. THOMPSON CO.. 410 Washington St., Vancouver. Wash 113 ACRES practically all level, Hllls- Doro aistnct, 1 1 acres unaer piow. ,o acres bottom land. 5 acres heaverdam, H-acre orchard, 2H miles from R. R. sta. ; good rock road, 1 well, small house, barn, all outbuildings. 10 acres of fall wheat, 5 acres vetch, 6 acres clover, 50 acres plowed, rent paid in advance; everything for $S75. 1 0 acres, near ,the above. 60 acres level, 5 acres beaverdam, 17 acres In cultivation, Vi mile to school, 1 well, no house, barn, 4 acres in oats and vetch, 13 acres clover and timothy, rent $1.V per year. Included with crops at $300. 576 acres, almost level, near the above, 30 acres bottom land, 62 acres in cultivation, all kinds of small berries, family orchard, Al soil, 1 spring and 1 creek. 2 wells, good 8-room house, barn 60x100. silo, granary; will lease for 2 to & years, $500 per year. Personal property and crops for sale as follows: 1 binder, disc drill, harrow, spring tooth harrow, 2 wagons. 2 plows, roller, culti vators, mower, rake, 2 sets harness, disc harrow, new tractor, with plows, tanks, oil and gas, good Overland auto, milk cans, forks, fanning mill, scales, nay and silage. 10 milk cows. 4 horses, 12 acres wheat, 12 acres vetch and clover, 5 acres timothy, balance is plowed for seeding; price $o450; half cash. 60 acres, Beaverton district, all level, 35 acres In cultivation, ft acres beaver dam. family orchard. Al loam soil. mile to R. R. sta., good road, U mile to school, 1 well. 4-room nouse. oig Darn, all outbuildings, 2 years lease, privi lege of more. $390 per year. Personal property and crops for sale: Wagon, 3 sets harness, 1 good horse. 7 good brood sows. 1 boar, 3 shoats, 110 chickens, M sacks seed potatoes, 500 lbs. spring wheat; 6 acres timothy, household goods. 3 beds, cook stove, heating stove, cook ing utensils, etc. A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-0-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ONION" LAND AND ORCHARD. 23 acres, one mile of -Ceaverton: 6 acres of the choicest beaverdam In that ectton. 12 acres bearing commercial orchard, balance all very rich laud and In cultivation, part clover; this place I ham tiswp hopn rented, huf wnrk'H n V has never been rented, but worked by the owner for 35 years: beaverdam has been plowed and. orcnara prunea; rent $7.0. part cash, part with crop: the orchard will pay the rent and the beaverdam in onions will clear a few thousand dollars. KASER RAINET . 823-6 Gasco bldg. Marshall 31?5. 124 ACRES east of Can by. all good level, tillable land. lOO acres plow land, 4 acrea of -orcnara, gooa o-room nouse. Darn and silo, chicken house, hog house and numerous other buildings. Part of this farm Is plowed ready for seed; about 7 acres In rhubarb, which pays a handsome Income: tractor, gang plow, walking plow, disc harrow, drill, corn planter. riding cultivator, cream separator, wa gons, 2 teams, harness, 5 milk cows and small tools; rent $1300 per year. 5 years' lease; personal property amounts to bout $2200. This DroDOsltion can be handled for $15o cash, nothing less. Mr. Jesse, with the Ralph Ackley Land Co.. 527 Corbett bldg.' STOCK FOR SALE. DairVmen. listen. 50 head of cattle. S horses, machinery, hay, close to cltv: 12G acres plowed, 00 acres seeded, 50 acres pasture; 4-yr. lease. Sell personal prop erty and lease for $S500. GIBSON, 268 Stark. Marshall 12. WILL lease for one year highly improved 15 -a ere tract near edge Newberg. paved highway; $030 cash rent. Open Sunday. ERNEST WELLS CO.. Main 6S29. 401 Couch Bldg FOR right man, 5 acres meadow. 32 acres partly cleared. 2 miles south of Beaver ton; cottage, family orchard, some fenc ing, pay rent In Improvements. Main 27. - ACRE farm for rent, stock for sale; 1 a a -) I E-.-n ill 4th mt ,, - ,' , L - nk,o m i " FOR KENT FARMS. FOR RENT 2i0 A RES. 200 In cultivation, balance pasture, 6-room house and large barn. 6 head of h orses and ham ens,- p 1 ov s, h arro h. wa gons, buggy, full equipment to hand le place, part of ground plow t il and ruly for crop; located 4 niils from New-b-rg, crop rent price for personal $15J5. This also Includes 4 tons of oats and 4 tonn of nay. 150 acres. 100 in high state of cutil vation, balance pasture, 23 acres In win ter wheat. 40 acres ready to sow. horsen. 2 plows, 1 disk. 1 self bin.hr. .0 bu. grain. 60 chicken and ml farm Implement; 2-yuar lease; $tuu a year. Price $1600. ltM ucres, V acres plowed ready for crop, 40 acres pasture, balance loam soil, 5 horses, 3 cows, 3 hoifrs, 1 bull, shoals. 1 sow and pin. 2 wug'init, 1 drill, 1 harrow. 1 plow. 1 ciiltlator, . chirk- ens, 4 tons of oats, 75 bu. wheat; price $2t..; 2-yt-ar lease, $i.o a y-ar. , All rheaa Dlaces are Im-ated rn th Willamette river, the very bent of soil ana unuer ntgn state or t-uitnauoa. CALL 103 14 WEST PARK. WELLS & ANDERSON. SPLENDID 140-acre farm for rent; sto k and Implements for sale, terms, wiit piped to all buildings; good fences: rurtt roau; Detween ewoeig ana I ariton. Phone East 7076. T. I. Robinson, 401 East 20th, N. 140 ACRES, some stock. Including 9 Jur sey vows, horse, hog and chickens ; 1. miles from Portland; must be experi enced and reliable. Graham, 35 Ry, Ex. bldg. TO KXClIANGE REAL ESTATK. FIVE ACRES near Oregon 'ity car; well Improved, plenty of fruit, five room house; want city home. 'Two acres near Mllwnukte, Or.. 7 room house, all kinds of fruit nnd ber ries; owner Is too old to care lor land and wants to trade for city home. Five acres right In the heart of Eaal Portland; want five or six-room house. Forty acres, three miles from I sent; ke city property In ex- only $4000; ta change. Sex en-room house, one-half acre of ground, fruit and berries; want five room house. See F. C. MARSHALL, "The Exchange Man," FRANK L. McGL'IRK. Abington Bldg. 40 ACHES, all under cultivation. 10 acres of which are genuine be&verdam. lo cated In the town of Hlllsboro; 5 block! walk from the bank ; about 2 acrs family orchard, all kinds fruit, berrd-a. etc.; improvements excellent, thro be ing a lo-room modern house with full cement basement, furnace, 4 firrplact. bath, city water, electricity, cooking gas and everything that might b ex pected in a city residence; fine barn, chicken houses and garage. This is a beautiful home place and an excellent money-maker, and will pay you to investigate. Will consider some city property for part. Price $3u,uoo. JOHN WEIST CO., 807-8-9 Lewis Bldg. CLEAR -FARM FOR PORTLAND INCOME MIGHT ASSUME SOME. 1614 acres, no acres under cultiva tion; o miles north of Dallas; improve ments fair; good spring and well; good main county road, gravel: lb miles from railroad station, town, school, churches, etc. Price . $10,000. JOHN WKIST CO., 807-8-9 Lewis Bldg. WANT WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. WILL GIVE IN EXCHANGE CALIFORNIA 320-ACRE FA KM. 220 acres under cultivation. Improved with good house, large barn, garage and all necessary outbuildings; some alfalfa, fruit, grapes, etc. All fanning machinery goes with farm. Good well and spring. Cash price, $12,S00. C. M. OOLLARHIDK. 807-8-0 Lewis Hldg. STOCK AND GRAIN FARM. 1040 acres, 4.0 acres now cultivated: all fenced, except 4U acres; good 7-room house, barn and other outbuildings; or chard; good well of water. This trnct will be under Irrigation soon; prlis $40 OOo; some cash ; will accept sums trade; located 14 miles N. W. of Prine ville In the Lamonta dlat. See Albert Harala. 122 N. 0th st. WANTS PORTLAND PROPERTY. Fine farm within 18 milea of Port land, on river; good buildings, with water system; price $42,a,,0. clear. Con sider good Portland property; mignt as sume some. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 13 Chamber or commerce. FOR EXCHANGE. Good 0-room houae, At'xIOO lot on K- Taylor St., near 24th, renting tor P" month; price $7.riNt; owner will accept good land unimproved up to $5000 of $04)00. See E. M. Urown with KKII.AN A- PARKHILL. 219 Lumbermens Hldg., 5th and Stark St. ROSE CITY Modern 2-fainily flat build ing with garage, corner, .."it 11m; im provements In and paid; Income $06 a month. Price $.HO0u; will take good building lot and some cash as firat pay ment, or will take clear property to $5000, bain nee mortgage. MOUHIS. 019 Henry Bldg. 80 ACRES, unimproved, Umatilla W eat Ex. Columbia river and Col. hlghwav; adjacent Improved lands cut over six tons alfaU at four cuttings I ant year; will sell on easy terms r exchange for house at real value. Owner at 314 Chamber of Commerce. 8-ROOM modern home near Woodstock line on 46fli street, Portland, for saU. Fine buy at $4iOO; terms. Would con sider trade for Vancouver property. At kinson & Porter, 112 West 6th st,, Van couver, Wash. I HAVE considerable city vacant, that I will trade clear of Incumbrance, and assume on any kind of Improved prop erty. W. C. BECKTELL. 1100 Northwestern Bank R!dg. 30 ACRES of rich soli. 3 acrea In culti vation, some fine timber, near Tualatin. Price $4.'iU0. Will exchange for a hou same value or less. E. J. GEISER, 417 Cham, of Com. WANT LOT OR ACREAGE. Four ocean front lots at Handon. Or., 1150 each and cash for $l0Ht to $1MM) Portland lot. 309 Abington bldg. Mar shall 413". WILL exchange 60x120 lot at North Fair Oaks, San Mateo county, California. fr cloae-ln Portland lot; will consider Iig ht B-passenger auto. 334 Hall st. HERE'S a trade A good ranch In Canada for good house and aunuruan property; old man wishes to retire; only owners need answer. R .i.M, oregonian. vor SALE or trade for Willamette va'Uy land. 320 acres w heat land Phillips county. Montana. Addreaa v. A. Raga dale. 143 Tyler at.. Corval.'is. Or. 120x320. CLEAR, on 20-ft. alley; fine for chickens. Price $2000. Will take resi dence, not to exceed $5000. Addreas H 02. E. 3th st. TEN acres red cranberry land In cele brated bogs near Tokeland: Exchange for house and assume. Phone Sellwood 106. 40 ACRES timber land, Douglas county, free and clear nf Incumbrance, for bouse equity or building lots. A. H. AKERSON, 420 Henry Bfdg. AUTO or small house nn lot, 2.th and W. Savler. Price $3000. Woodlawn 6260. HAVE 2 choice lots In good residence district;- trade for auto or acreage. See owner, 510 Buchanan bldg EXCHANGE A acres with a good 7-room hou?e, lrt miles from Portland, for auto. A iWfl. Oregonian. . ..I w t.' Aft l"!,'! lUUIlT fnc nr trade. II. B. Nicholas. 715 Oregonian " w . , nir. k bldg. Phone Main PHT5. WHO will build small bungalow near Multnomah Station and accept several lots as part payment? AG 632, Oregonian. SWAP 20 acres near Taeoma, paved roan. for automobile. lots or your nouse equity n nf,. Oregonian. LOT 50x100 TO EXCHANGE for light truck. Se Brown BidUle, 324 Rwy, Exch. BUig.. Mar. 3331. "0 ACRES Cowlita county, free, will ex change. What have you? Owner. 2HJ Stock Exchange bldg., 3d and Yamhill. HAVE 5-pass. automobile to exchange for house equity. 617 Cham, of Com. Mar. 2432 or Sellwood Sfl.VJ. WILL trade good Income property for timber land within 30 miles of Port land. 063 Williams ave. AUTO or small house as first payment on house, wet ML Tabor. Price $4500. Woodlawn 62'0. FOR SALE, trade or rent, ten-acre bearing apple and peach orchard. Lewlaton, Idaho. AR IS!. Oregonian. GOOD HOTEL to exchange for farm; now Is your chance; talk to the owner; save commission. V PS. Oregonian. WANTED To trade a fine $1100 lot in as first pavment on nice houae and lot, hot over $3'0; bal. terms. Mar. 1133. LATE model automobile and three 50x100 lots as first payment on 5-room houae. Call Sell. 717. HAVE three corner ment on a home. L'nlon ave. N. lots for part pay Call or write 417 A FWCANSAS farm for western property. Investigate. 518 Ch. Com, bldg. S-ROOM house for small houae with large lot or acreafOt N SID. Oregonl&u. TO K( H AM.IC KKAI. UTATE. .ACREAGE TO TRADE. acres, all In cultivation. re In Cnmnicrc.ul HPplc; JHMMt b.xm lt )?r.4 neur KiiiNtH ro rricn oniy "". take Portland residence up to $5.hmj. 20 acn near Knnewirk. alfalfa land. lindT ditrh, b m If Iven levwlrd; price $ot00. will trade tor Portland resldt - PYRAMID LAND Ci . 6t3-4 T'tl Tr-iM Hl.lg. STOCK RANCH TO TKAPK. Will trade 113 aire Btu.k timk with plenty of mv, iiiiMe fr.-e rnif. 15 mllr rtniti Hurtm, all fe'ned, for $350ti niiMlern home in Port land. THMR CARET CO.. 219 Railway Ex h. .m 160 IA.HJK ! I, H'K! Wanted A -;t-stM ketl, nprrt1 farm for on of the tlnt h"trl but dinita and ground in tn.' city for ' trail, furntfiu-d thrnusnoit, flvn munr-, al 3 storica, tull'l hrh k buH'l inn. .' J roo'na rent i d ; lar! pool room it h fruit a nf cltftar ptatitl, eervthtna so- nn It mml prim s,"i.oiHi Aim ..tn. (! in on 1 r line. .Mv hea'th t tb rcamin. .e f ui . part ii'iilars in miipw r. nr, H iiei Newton, and Hall.ird. s-mur, ah. 55 At'HKS 1 mile from ctty limit Pnrt land ; HHMl ft. off pav. r.-n-l . 1 a -m peeded to clover; 10 am earn 1 v cirel Ha la in- timber. liv (-hih t K"t for taking off llttiher, 5",imh rt. lo now at ruer. All it mid fir iimbr; il he JVtMt cnrdN of w md leldc loc. trad Wood, timber, land ami all lor Portland pro(crt. Land lmtd nar electric line, river, railroad Price, lor all $h:uo. 224 Oregon bldg , uth and Oak. Ui AC UK Stocked a imI Kjulpif d. Polk county. mile to l It- ata ; 4M acrea in cultivntion. bnl. tlinbei, fir. ok and uah ; 2 a. iippUn; dark ln.nn aoil. t room huuae. bain and other utlinld iriK. 4 Jvraey coa. I heiier, J horwa. 4 brood luwi mid nit f:irm linplenu-tita , prire for rvervthlng $i1'm; will takn houa In city aa part payment or cloae In acreage. R M. OATKUQMI) At QV, ITi'. h at. INOOMK property .-tittle llnv double flu I it .it Sci.t one double flat rrniK for $.Vi; e h flat h.ia $ ro.,ni with Its o n ha ment, fnrna and fir--plate; mortgttKe $'1MM1, equity $Lihmi. h-c ond double f it Iinm six room in e.i h flat, rent fur niort $.t eii y $.HMV I want mi hurt. in home, aiitall acreage, free or nearly free; ml;)it consider city. Mke tentative offer fo" either or both equities; give particulara A440, orrgnnUn. 30 ROOMS OF FritMTl'lJK HKST L'.:ATEI APT. IX CITY. Will infer reaid- ice l.n fun Mure. Price $imi. Will give Iihn on ( t for 4. tear at $-o per month. Thts is the Hinul rroiwult ion- In the rliy for a n.nn and wite to have on. of the Orient liotuen in tite city and niak goo I 1..0111 v Hun Mud can hold position, loo. lbt loca tion In dtv NO PHONIC INFORMATION SMITH -WAGONER CO.. H'l'PCK KXCH IH ACRKS. Stocked add Eiulr-pel. Polk Co., ' milu 10 II. l;. Ma., 40 arrra In cultivation, bnl, timber, fir. oak nnd aah; 2 a. apples; d irk luarn aoll. T-rnoin houne, barn and other niithiiildtiiga, 4 Jersey cow. 1 heifer. 2 tvrae. 4 brood iohh ami all f irm iinpimentn , price, for everything, $d(HMl; will tkc tioun In city km I'itrt pavment or doae-tn ;i riag' R. M. GATKW00O CO. IW., 4lh at FINE sriU-KHAN Ho.ME. 12 acres at Hillahoro Inaide the city linilta; all under cultivation, fins family orchard, berries, etc.; good large houae, modern convenience, large Imrn nnd all other necessary outbuilding; good team, 2 cow a, t pig and everything needed to run place. Price $'.hhhi. Win t.tka mod ern luu.e aa part payment LI K I 1 1 E M A N N i ( M PAN Y, Ui;i Chamber of Commctce. TO TRADE. I own an interval in a piece of prop erty in a Inrgu eastern city which la leaaed to a truat company for Ml ear: this procrty wtya h m l rental of $17 3S jMr month, pn able niniit lily ; ant in trade this im.iM-rtv for H to K acres Improved near Portland on or near Iiard-aur faced mad ; if Inlereated. ad dress, giving full particulars. M 24, regonlan. FoR SALE or exchange bv owner-12 acre with hmtxe and outbuildings of all kind : Jl acrea heaverdam land , creeK with fine running water going throuah the laud; 1 mare, 4 ejra old. weight 9im; u. mile from paved highway. 1 mile to car line; have a contract on !" which 1 want to put In trade. Mr. H , HuMtf. Orchard. Wa-h , bog L. UNION-A VKNI'K PROPERTY. For Sale or Trade lor Mungalow. About A room a or Howe-In acreage or lota. Nice comfortable home. 7 rooms on 30xSO, newly tinted, full cement baae pient. A fine buaiitcaa property; all im provements paid. Pay or take dif ference caall. Call bet. 12 to J P. M. K.5 N. Hth at. IV Kikes. 3- A'RKH. half tillable, some Improxe ment. In beat grain ami tk sect mn In Montana; ftneat nprlng water, aoma timber; no alkali or gumbo; lota graxing ground adjoining that can he bought cheap. Will sell or trade for timber land within 30 milea of Portland Va -$J.'i per acre. Addreaa apt. 141. 3 on Williams ave. 2 L TS w.i h A -room hou am a II barn. Value $2.00, corner Itth and Galnea "ta : w-ll trade in on farm from, 2A to 4 acre pioat ly cleared, on good nd a nd done to car going to Portland, not further out than IH milea; will 1". y fh on balance. Plume M iin &;IM. Address box M, K. 2. Hillndale. Or . WANT TO KXi'liAMiK a building of two flats and n-rnom cot tage, both gas. clec . city aewer. base ment, etc., ' block to car. 1ni.nie :.0 per month. Wlil trade or sell for $iMmm. tire Mr. Ron.'. INTERSTATE IN r.! I M r, 1 Main 174ji. 410 Hanrv Hidg Tt AilES. 1 mile Columbia river nd North Hank railroad. oeiooklng both: Iuhjb brn. spring; ,0 acres arable, b I fenced for pasture, no better corn, nnl"'i or fruit land In northwest; mm tat would take autn, truck o- house: and lot or small arrtge; pine $;'."oii. H. K COOK. tH'l Sun k Kx-h. bMf FOR KXt'llAMIH. In Alberta di-trb t. ft-muni hnus large ha I la, bath, full basemen 1. lot 1 00 I uu. chicken vrd and limine, fruit trees, ber rlea, rosea; value Hom. Want modern place suitable for chickens and io. on good road and near H. R. station. 1. o. box V M'Coy, nr. St) ACRES IN LINN t'OfTf 40 acres under cull l at Ion. 5-rw house, good barn, small creek ; prtra t.VMHI, or will exchange lor It or room houae or grocerv atoie. Sr brown .v mr!n.K, 321 Railway Exchange Hldg SPOKANE FOR PoRTLANn. One full block .in Hpnkane. fm dis trict, Value $.i.i. to trade for Port land. Will consider auiv as part pay ment. M'KOOKM A NN COMPANY, M l Chamber of Commerce. 20 A 'R ES f'ninmen lit I ore ha Hi. ne 1 r Medfoid: excellent condition and fina crop now being marketed; owner has to raise payment soon duo; IU trade enunv for any free property of merit. be us about this and get a snap. R S. COOK. HtH Ktork Exch. hldg EWCITV $14."0 modern 6 rooms and larga sleeping porch; lot AOxftHi; all Improve ments n and paid; ha lane $ja per month, interest A per cent. Price $4;0 Will take acreage, auto and some (Mh. Owner. Hedges 171 West Park. $ jo. ooO A PA HTM ENT houe bringing In income per moniu; noi warcr nest ing system; furniture goea with place, Exchange for ranch or give barrl. cah or payment. 224 Oregon buiiUITI, 5th and Oak. IK YoUR property Is for sale or exchange, come In to AO Buchanan build ing and see Peper V Richard", we hv changes of ail kinds; we guarantee ou a deal. 63 ACRES Just off Columbia hghwn,r, with good house, barn, orchard. Mater pipe tn Imusa; will lake Portland p.o ertv, $.",V. full payment. 2-4 On gnu bldg.. 5th and Oak. TO EXCH NtSK My $350 modern resi dence, Marahalltn n. lows, clear, Im provements in, paid, for Tort land or ranch nearbP about same value, Box J A 5, I'nton . low a. 75x1 OO CORNER three-flnt hiittdings. Price $:;.. ooo. Will consider $10,000 m other property. See Mr. Epton, J. ROH1UNH. 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7t31. EXCHANGE for Florida 6-room rejden. No. (k4' 5th ave.. 1-enta, Aricia lark No. 2. B. U, I-.. 4; also other property In Oreeon. . G. Argrave, Gen. J4.t Tampa, yi a. A BLOCK In the buainesa part of Irt -land, on easy terms. Will exchange fnr property In New York City. W illiam H Snyder, 26 Schemisrhoru st., Bruoklyn. N . . GASOLINE filling station; also sells tires, accessories and doea vulcanizing. Wouid trade for small houe or eouifv; in larger place. Owner, O 0H0, Oregonian. 1110 FoKP. good condition, fnr emjiiy nr first payment on modern bungalow. h'ae r,calon and particulars full. I I'jn. ( iregoniar. LOT Emerson at . ' Riverside" ; hasp, terms or trade small home Taioma and aasume, 4uU 8. ban Juaguln, bLevkwo, v..