13 REAL T.T. . t or rnu. TIIE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, FEBRUARY 1, 1920 REAL ESTATE, For Sale Farms. INTERSTATE? . CLEARING HOUSE FOR FARMS AND . HOMES. - Think What fM maaaa tA vnn At-Ap half a hundred LIVE-WIRE REALTORS at your service. Listings from over hart a hundred SALESMEN who know va.ues. We can place you where you want to go at the RIGHT price. List ur property with us, we will sell it. McCRILLIS-CLEAVELAND CO., Main 630. AN EXCEPTIONAL TWO ACRES. ONLY $2850, $500 DOWN. Good four-room bouse and rood barn ftpltrndid 'U, 12 fruit trees, garden; electric lights and gas up to the house; oniy 4 blocks from car line, close to school and stores, near paved highway ana oniy aoout minutes' ride from center of the city; a fine proposition for ine lamiiy wno wants to oeat tne nign cot ox living. Mam ooO. McCRILLlS-CLEAVELAND CO. A CITY PROPOSITION IN THE COUNTRY. To the family who wants a strictly modern five-room bungalow with every euy convenience, hero is the place. The ii o use is new. well built, with line lire- place, etoetrieitv. rag. excellent bath. fine attic and basement; built-in fea tures; a good garage, tine lawn, U4 fruit trees, garden, 2 acres of fine land; near car line and school. Just off Powell Val ley roaa, very close in; a really wonder- ruj proposition; ooiy $o0O0. Mam ii30. McCRILLlS-CLEAVELAND CO. SPLENDID TEN-ACRE APPLE ORCHARD. Here Is a real bargain In an apple wrcnarn. owner uvea in ea.-t and can not look after property, hence will sell at sacrifice price. Ten acres 9-year-old trees, Yeliow New towns, tfpitzen bergs ml Winter Bananas, all trees bearing and in good condition; an adjoining lo af re ranch of the same age produced 8o00 boxes of apples this la&t year; only 4 mllea from Now berg on good road. Should produce enough fruit in the next two years to more than pay for kt; price 4WO, on terms. Main ku. McCRrLLIS-CLEAVELAXD CO. FRUIT FARM ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY. 22 acres, all fine soil all in high state of cultivation; 4 acres In commercial apples, pears, cherries and peaches; 10 room frame house, remodeled andood; bam SUxO, lair condition; fruitliouse I 2n.'J0, brick inside and sided; farm J fenced hog-tight; 40 rods to new two- I mom scnooi (sunaay scnooi neia in school); telephone in house, daily mail twice a day; eiectnc lights, garage, etc. iteturn from cherries at c-ueene can nery 191!), $8."i0; land can be subdivided and make four good tract; located 1 mile from limits of Eugene. Good bar- I gain, price $13,000. $4000 down; Ju-t as soon itt balance run as not. Mam a3U. McCRILLIS-CLE AVE LAND CO. 18H ACRES NEAR HIGHWAY TO HILLSBORO. All under cultivation except two or I three spots ror shade, good soil, fenced and cross-fenced with woven wire and posts 10 feet apart ; house has two rooms and two sleeping porches; side hill barn 0x30; price $4i;oo, half cash and will take small cottage in Portland ior Daiance. McCRILLlS-CLEAVELAND CO. OUR BrTST ALL-AROUND 40 ACRES.. This beautiful home place Is splendid ly located on good gravel road 1 mile from school and church in a nice com munity. This is a good a 40 acres as you can find anywhere; 30 acres are cultivated, 1 acre being In oak grove around the buildings. The place lies along the county roa.l and is practically a square 40. There is about acre de voted to berries and a fine lamiiy or chard; the house is rooms, plastered. cement casement, bath, toilet and fire place; barn 3oi40 and shed holds cows, 3 horses, buggy, machinery, etc.; lai tons hay, henhouse 4irxb0 with ce ment floor; hoghouse, straw shed, smoke house, etc. Tne place Is simply an ideal country home, near a good town; good son ana gooa ouuaings; priced low $kjO0, half cash, baiance tt per cent. Main 30. McCRILLlS-CLEAVELAND CO. 75-AORB PRUNE AND DAIRY RANCH. This highly productive place cannnot ne done justice in this nnei description. - but must be seen to be fully appreciated. It U located on the Corvallls-Peoria I road, which is a graveled and an all- t he-year road; it is in the heart of a I proven prune section, is all choice sec ond bottom land, which means that it is well drained and is not white or hill I land: tk acres of fine land are In culti vation, 10 acres In stump pasture, 20 acres in 6-year-old prunes, 8 acres in 4-year-old trees (prunes), and 4 acres of Royal Ann and Lambert cherries, all are bearing and are getting better all the time. This orchard has had excel- I lent care and is the show orchard of the I locality; has good i-room house, barn Is right size for the place, small silo, henhouse, hoghouse. family orchard: water system pipjng water to the neces sary buildings; nfce shade trees; Is well fenced and cross-fenced; words cannot do justice to the place; only 1 miles to scnooi. J nis in a coming place and ls paying now what will it do in a few years? Price $0,000, half cash. Main MoCRILLIS-OLE AVE LAND CO. BEST INVESTMENT ON EARTH. WILL PAY $12,000 YEARLY ON INVESTMENT OV $24,000. We have just secured what we believe I to be the very best buy of the season. IrtO-acre alfalfa ranch, having 150 acres I r tne nnest stand ot alia:: a in the en tire state; it lies fine and is entirely under the big Ochoco irrigation project, with the water all fixed for thoroughly Irrigating the whole place.. It is an ab solute picture during the growtne sea son and will produce around seven tons I of the finest alfalfa each season; only I 8 miles to station, on good road; $8000 I mortgage. owner, wisning to make quick sale for cash, has offered this ranch at a ridiculously low price; the place will actually more than pay for luell id two years. Main 630. McCRILLlS-CLEAVELAND CO. 1040-ACRE STOCK RANCH, $: PER ACRE. Located In heart of Willamette valley, 4 miles from growing city; 100 acres in cultivation, baiance In stumps, timber and pacta re and very rolling: 9 -room noufte ana a stoK narns; lamiiy or chard; mortgage $lti.0oO. will take $10.- Ooo in trade. This is a good buy. aiain asu. McCRILLlS-CLEAVELAND CO. GOOD QUARTER SECTION. 160 acres, S miles north of Lyle on aood county road; all fenced ; 50 acres under cultivation. 50 more tillable when e 1 eared, 2 acres ore h a rd ; 3-room box house, small bam, plenty Timber for domestic purposes; price $rt0O0; $500 cash; will take $2500 good city income property, balance mortgage at tf per cent, juain oav. McCRILLlS-CLEAVELAND CO. IMPROVED QUARTER ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY. 100 acres. 80 acres under plow, bal ance in pasture and easily cleared: fenced and cross-fenced; place Has along I caved Pacific highway. 28 head Hoi- I siein cattle, extra tine dun, a cows now I milking. 3 extra good hordes, 10O chick ens; 8-room hou.e with bath, hot and cold water; barn 100x60, extra good with stanchions for 30 cowa: mllkhouse with gas engine and pump, granary, ga rage, large chicken house; binder, mow er. rake, manure spreader, riding plow, narrow and all kinds of small tools; about 40 tons of hay, 300 bushels oats, om wheal and plenty of roots; price i-O.OOO. Can take up to $Smo in Ta eotna or Seattle residence. Main 530. McCRILLlS-CLEAVELAND CO. 156-ACRB DAIRY AND CRAIN FARM. Located 5 miles east oUlarrlhurg, Linn county, 1 mile from Roland station and school ; land has fairly good drainage, Is good soil and very productive, lies In mile square; is fairly well fenced, pood county road on two sides. This and is fine for alslke clover and would be a fine one for a dairy and grain farm; old 6-room house, good-vise barn. Can give you good terms or take in a smaller farm as part payment if well located and worth the price asked; nce $10,000. Main 530. McCRILLlS-CLEAVELAND CO. TO EXCHANGE. WR-ACRH DAIRY AND STOCK FARM. We have a party who wants a good cneral farm or stock proposition, Wash ington or Yamhill county preferred, and offers In exchange a splendid all surpose farm of 163 acres, practically 4rl under cultivation, with 2 sets of good tnprovements, large bam. splendid fences, good water; on good road, about miles out of Eugene, Or. Cash value ilOO per acre, clear of Incumbrance; iarty will assume some difference. Ynat have you? Main 530. McCRILLlS-CLEAVELAND CO., 322 to S26 Henry Bldg. Main 630. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms, INTERSTATE? CLEARING HOUSE FOR FARMS AND HOMES. Think what this means to you. Over half a hundred LIVE-WIRE REALTORS at your service. Listings from over half a hundred SALESMEN who know val ues. We can place you where you want to g-o at the RIGHT price. List your property with us. we will sell it. McCRILLlS-CLEAVELAND CO., Main 63U. ALL READY TO MOVE IN. You will not have to. spend a dollar for equipment, as this is the most com pletely equipped farm of Its class in the country. This tuu-acre iarm nas oeea ownod and occupied by the present own er for the past 30 years. In fact, it has been made by him. he has raised to manhood and womanhood a family of 10 children and they are ail eonrcortaoiy situated and embarked on their chosen career in life and the old man is now ready to retire from active service, hence t the sale or tne rancn is maae po-sime. 43 acres under cultivation, rich uottom land and fine fertile upland always kept up in the highest state or tertuity ana cultivation. Young apple orchard ot over 100 trees Just coming into Deanng, to old trees in full bearing, loganberries. strawberries and other small fruits; good substantial farm house or iu rooms, run nine water In house and barn piped from living springs, good cold water all year round; large barn uttea ior. oorse siauie on one side and cowbarn on other side; woodshed, roothouse, chicken house and ail other necessary outhouses. The part of the farm not under cultivation is heavily timbered with valuable timber. Two good young farm horses with har ness, 10 milch cows, 3 yearling heifers, 1 Guernsey bull, 3 hogs and 15 chick ens; one DeLaval cream separator No. 16 (new), milk cans, pails, etc.; farm implements consisting of two wagons, mower, rake, tedder, disc, plow, har row and cultivator, together with all necessary smal llools for complete farm ing and dairvlng operations, in fact there is not an Item missing. The price quot ed includes stock an-d equipment com plete as well as several tons of good hay in the barn and wood cut and piled in woodshed. Hard-snjrface road from Astoria runs within U miles of tne rancn, balance good gravel counts' road. Tele phone in house with Astoria city con nections. Land not as desirable as this in that vicinity and without fences, stock or buildings has recently changed hands at l-'SO per acre. Price $l.y000. terms, Ana.hoif ah huianof Ion a time first mortgage at 6 per cent. Main 630. McCRILLlS-CLEAVELAND CO. COMBINATION STOCK AND WHEAT RANCH. Consisting of 40 acres, located 10 miles from siding and warehouse on main line of O.-W. R. & N. Over 500 acres under cultivation, 205 acres in fall wheat or summer-fallowed land, 2."0 acres to be summer-fallowed next year. Place lies mile wide and 2 miles long and creek flows through the ranch for the 2 miles. About 100 acres nf Toai hntinm land and water to irri gate it that can be put to alfalfa and cut sou tons; gooa o-rooni nuu, Ua.i , o-ranarv and other outbui Id ings; all fenced and cro?s-fenced ; oMly mile from timber and-close to school; price $30,000, with mortgage of $l.eoo now on place running ior a yer muro nr rt-iif Owner will consider good clear income property or small farm for his equity. Main oau. McCRILLlS-CLEAVELAND CO. 2520-AORE UNION COUNTY STOCK RANCH. 800 acres, lying on west side of a, main road. The balance of the tract is lust across the road on the east siae, The farm land and the buildings are on the SOO-acr tract. 220 acres of this land is in cultivation, part belntr in grain, balance in hay, clover, timothy ma aiiaira, tne auaua yruuuum imo irnnn rmnii. This land Is nearly level, a deep black loam, the best of aoil, has good drainage and has an adjudicated antoc T-irht for 140 acres. Fine reser voir site above irrigable land; 00 acres of pasture land just west ana auovo mo cultivated land, splendid growth of bunch grass; approximately ::oo.ooo reet of fine saw timber, wood ana posts aim a number of all-season springs. Fences all good. One 7-room house and a new modern 6-room bungalow, water piped t both houses: new bunkhouse. new woodfhed and washhouse combined-with water connections, blacksmith shop, in-anai-v and other ou t bu 1 1 d i n cs: barn holds 35 to 40 tons of hay, room for 50 head of stock ana tne iarm macnincry. iin. fa mil v nrfhiird. shade trees ana beautiful surroundings; 17O0 acres of nasture land lies just across the roaa from the buildings on the other tract. Is well fenced, well watered, some near ly level and could be farmed; a fine spring on this tract. Ranch is about itt mile from La Grande, 5 miles of this iu n harri-KiirfAred road. Present own- Haa Ktwan 'MtO to 400 head of cat ti and 3O0 tons of hay mat ne wouiu .ii .-itn th- ranch. Pr ce IMJ.OOU, pur chaser could assume a federal loan for about $20.010 at oi per cent inir;t. Want a reasonable payment down and second mortgage for balance on the land, or would take good, clean, up-to-' date merchandise stock in some good v..;.r!no- tnoin fir nearly all the eauity. Must have some casn ana me uouo ut tered must be worth the money, as we can show the rancn ior iuu vmue. Main 530. McCRILLlS-CLEAVELAND CO., 322 to 320 Henry BUlg. Wain 530. HOME FOR THE OLD FOLKS. 14 ACRES. a mile from Portland. mile from Forest Grove. M mile from electric sta tion. , mile irom nignway; a under cultivation. 3 of which is beaver dam. 2 acres timber; small nouse, large barn, good well: creek never dry; pres ent crops Included. Price $4000; easy terms. H. O. PREOBSTEL. MITCHELL A R1PPEY. 326-20 Henry Bldg. Main 2334. A REAL FARM HOME, on atra i miiM from Portland, at $160 per acre; 40 acres cleared and in cultivation, acres u hihtt., acres stump pasture; living creek and spring: splendid s-room iarm iiuumj with fireplace, sunny living rooms, fac ing Mt. Hood; on 2 hard roads, both to be paved this year. Best farm you U find around Portland. RALPH HAKKia 827 Chamber of Commerce. 875 ACRES. 135 acres in cultivation, balance In pasture, burnt over; 11 uir rfUc" wire fence: family orchard, new 10-room house, cement furnace basement, lar K.,n oovinn anofhnr one 120x60. This will make an ideal stock farm, and look at the price, only $25.0M). or not $.10 per acre. Can you beat this? Let's see this. Hesgard. with . . rt LUfi A. M c I r, . -r Ot vw., 82 Fourth St. . FARM FOR SALE: 450 acres, dairy and general iarm; ou acres atrrmiy 100 acres river Donum nicn be irrigated; large house, 2 barns, large granary, tool house, silo, etc. All kinds of tools and Implements, 4 head horses, hiii TfKintnred Jersey cattle of the best breeding. On account of poor health the owner will sen iarm, stoca aim equipment for $24,000. J. H. Goldman, Wren. Or. ALFALFA. Th reclamation department ot the United States g-overnment has just in cluded In its 1020 budget funds for a new Oregon project affectlr over 20. 000 acres of high-grade alfalfa land; adjacent improved lands produced six tons and over per acre last year, ror full information regarding same, see GKO. C. J-1U W AHU, S14 Chamber of Commerce. BEARING ORCHAKu, K0 I'KK ACKb. Over 80. acres. 70 in applea balance cherries, apricots and pears; near The Dalles; in orchard district; fine soil; orchard 9 years old and In good condi tion; no buildings; non-resident owners offer to sacrifice for $150 per acre; some terms. 913 Chamber of Commerce. 120 ACRES: SO timothy. SO under plow; good buiiaings. implements: a corses, i " cows, hogs, chickens. $8000; half cash; terms. sn arrPM. 4S timber, cut 4000 cords; balance plowed; level; good soil: close in. ISSOO; take trade house to $3000. lo acres; xair ouuaings; location gooa. $isoo. 302 uEM'H fiiii'u, marsnau x io. - THREE RIVERS land cheap; smartl com missions maKe u pobsidhj; t bitcb, Kennewick: good buildings and highly Improved. $10,500; 10 years to pay; 10 acres, l"-u, terms; aioo x aHima v&uey lanHa under rovernment canal. $60 to $500 per acre, according to Improve ments, xiover, oi- oemng oiug. aiain 4003. 160 ACRES, 0 miles west of Carlton. Or., on county roaa ana i amnui river: o room house, barn, 20 acres cleared, 4 acres grubbed; 40 old fruit trees. $2000, $500 cash, Daiance to suit. win con sider a Ford car If In good order as part pay. Call at 318 Hartman st. Sunday only; old phone Cambria 106 Sunday only. L. C. Fones, 953 Monroe St., Cor vallis. Or. BEEF IS HIGH. 5fl acres. $8200: level, no atone.' run ning water: one-half meadow, fine pas ture, no ferns; fenced: fair house, barn, adjoining; government range; absolutely pure water, close to highway, nearly 100 acres In cultivation for winter feed. I. LUKH1A, 5fS3 Brooklyn St, J REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. DAIRY, POULTRY, BERRIES 30 acres in Umpqua valley of black sdelment loam soil, very deep and of great fertility: pro duces wonderful crops of straw berries, loganberries, corn, grain, gardea and fruit. The 30 acres are level, without a waste acre, and with a small creek across it: all fenced bog tight and divided into 3 fields; 20 acres plowed for spring crop, and 10 acres now used for pasture la very rich soil. On the Pacific highway and only H mile from a good town on the main line of S. P., with high and grade schools, stores,- bank, pos toff ice and depot. The buildings are new; barn, hoghouse, chicken house, wood shed; the dwelling is really the beginning of a larger house; it haa 3 rooms and cost $600. Because of Its location, mild - climate, long growing season, and rich soil, the property is finery suited for small dairy, poultry, some hogs, berries or fruit; strawberries-and loganberries do unusu ally well, and pay over $300 per acre; cannery takes . them In the field. PVice of this fine home only $4500; terms; $2000 cash. Person ally inspected and appraised for bar land at $200 per acre. MacINNIS ft PRATT. 413 Board of Trade Bldg. Portland. Or. RO APRRS. .11 No. 1 land, about IS or arrffn in cultivation, fair house, barn the making of a good farm. Price $3500, sidoo casn. . 100 acres. 50 In cultivation, large new barn and good; holds 11 head cows, witn steel stapcnions; room ior e neaa norses outouiiaings; tne nouse is new put enmii 2 rood wells, enourh timber ior iamti use; 00 acres in fine grass; good dairy ranch, price $10,000; some terms. 130 acres; dairy ranch, good 8-room nouse. J. large barns, no acres in cum vat Ion, on good graveled road, 3 miles from station: close to school; line coun trv. Price $133 ner acre: easy terms, See this and you will buy 1L None better. J. C. GILBERT, I. O. O. F. Bldg McMINNVlLLE. OREGON. 2520-ACR E eastern Oregon stock ranch, close to railroad: 22U acres now in cul tivation, raising timothy, alfalfa and srrain : nart of it now being- irrigated property has adjudicated water right for 140 acres of land, which can ne lr rigated; balance of property bunch grass gracing land, some of which can be cultivated ; two modern houses on place; outbuildings In first-class shape fine large barn: all-year spring sup plies both houses and barnyard with fine water: land is near govern men forest reserve, on which owner has a grazing permit; place is in first-class condition; tnere are otner r eat u res which make this a very fine stock ranch, For information, nrice and terms, aa dress or call on L. A. Reck en. 321 Yeon bldg., Portland. Or! BARGAIN IN BIG VALLEY FARM. FOR DAIRY OR STOCK. 1060 acres, only 10 miles from State Agricultural college at CorvalKa; mile from railroad station; over 200 acres rich bottom land in cultivation; 2T0 acres smooth upland, suitable for grain, in cultivation; lot more tillable land; some fine timber, abundant water and fine grass; new highway through place; house with hot and cold water; 4 barns: other buildings: 7 miles nog tight fence; horses and other stock. poultry. lull farm equipment included This is the cheapest place in western Oregon, at 4J,nuu. LUEDDMANN COMPANY, 813 Chamber of Commerce. 343 ACRES. I have 843 acres of farm land near Hal Bey, Linn county, Oregon, which must sell. This land Is in three tracts of 112 acres, 155 acres and 7ft acres each; all within a radius of one-half mile. This is high land, black soil ; running water on all tracts: 76 acres nora era ma Willamette ana none over flows. For a quick sale, I have priced this property at leas than $100 per acre. including a good 6-room house; two wells, fine barn, cow barn, machinery shed and numerous other bui icings terms $13,000 cash, balance 10 years at 4 per cent; act quick, aa this a won derful chance; no agents wanted. Phone Automatic V1904. 10 ACRES. 17 miles from Portland, one-half mile from Sherwood, one-half from electric station, one-half mile from church and school. 1 V miles from highway, on good rocked road; 8 acres under cul tivation; 2 acres in stump pasture, family orchard, good well, 4-room house, papered, pantry and large closet; barn and all outbuildings. A splendid loca tion and beautiful view, price $Joo; $2200 cash, bal, easy terms at 6 per cent. MJTfHELL & RIPPEY, 323-29 Henry Bldg. Main 2534. CLACKAMAS COUNTY. 40 choice acres close to school, church, store and Grange hall, 18 miles from Orea-on City, in finest district; 39 acres actually cultivated; good 6-room frame nouse, rine large barn, water system, etc. ; buildings painted ; acre family orchard, good fences and good road; actually worth $8000 cash; owner is non-resident, anxious to sell; might take to $M600 in trade, $8000 cash, bal ance 6 per cent; yours for $6500. OTIS C. BECK. 525 Henry Bldg. Marshall 5858. 43 ACRES, weir Improved, with new $4000 bungalow and outbuild ings; 8-acre apple orchard in full bearing; 20 acres for crop: 10 acres splendid pasture; sufficient timber for place; mile station; would exchange for general store or grocery. Price $500; terms. See Mr. Barrett. BAKER & MdFARLAND, 315-17-10 Henry Bldg.. IRRIGATED FARM. STOCK, EQUIPMENT. A going place; 160 acres IVt miles from town; 158 acres with paid-up water right; 40 acres In alfalfa. 40 acres more cultivated, 40 acres ready to seed; bal ance in sage brush ; good building, in cluding dairy barn ; all stock, poultry and full farm equipment Included. All for $18,000; will take $5000 trade, $5000 cash, balance 6j)er cent. LUEDDMANN COM PAN Y, ( 913 Chamber of Commerce. FORTY ACRES, near St. Helens, acre full bearing orchard; as line a piece oi land as can be found in neighborhood fenced and cross-fenced; some very nice fir timber. This property is near a good market and on good road; 16 acres cleared; am all frame house, barn and well. This place is a snap at $&O0, and only $850 cash. HE6GARD. WITH COS A. McKENNA & CO., 83 Fourth fc?t. YAKIMA valley lands under government canal are best Investment on earth: many farmers made from $500 to $2000 per acre in 1919; you can do as well; sample bargain: 21 acres. 1H mile from good town, attractive 5-room house, good barn,siio, bunk house, good wells, water under pressure In house, family orchard, balance in alfalfa, $6500; terms. Central Yakima Ranches Co., 512 Selling bldg. Main 4003. 45-ACRE FARM for sale; will take some city property in Portland; 18 acres In cultivation; 6-room house, barn, two chicken houses, two wells, also running creek on place, 00 bearing fruit trees, granary, woodshed and cellar combined; three miles Boring; reason for selling, old age; price $6500; $2500 cash; see owner. John, R. F. D. No. 2, Box 22, Boring, Or. t FOR SALE One hundred acre farm In Willamette valley; 75 acres In four-year-old Italian prunes: good buildings; In good district on main road, one-rpaarter mile from shipping station; this can be bought in whole or part, with mod erate payment down and very easy terms on balance,- Address AV 186, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE 31 1-3 acres cleared, small orchard, also good variety small fruits, new house, situated S mile east of Sprlngdale, on Columbia river highway, 20 miles from Portland. Land fronts the highway mile. Price $8500. Call at house or -address E. J. Judd, R. F. D., Troutdale, Or 426-ACRE stock and grain ranch, fully equipped; 200 acres cultivated; nearly ali in crop: balance pasture and timber; modern buildings; on main road: close to railroad. Price $02 per acre; $12,000 will handle. W. H. GRABENHORST & CO., 275 State St., Salem, Or. FOR SALE Several small prune orchards in good district In Willamette valley; these orchards are In thrifty condition and can be bought on small payments with easy terms. Address AV 185, Ore gonlan. $3500 HOUSE, barn, hen houses, orchard, 16 acres, good fencing, Al soil for gen eral farming, berries, etc.: $1000 cash. Main 3672. McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg. 520 ACRES fine Irrigated farm, 840 under cultivation; good buildings; fine for sttork. J owot. R 2, crania a. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Farms. CHOICE CLARKE COUNTY PRUNE ORCHARDS AND DAIRY FARMS. $4500 . 100 pure-bred white Leghorn laying hena fina Jersev cow. team, wagon. harness, plows, harrows and cultivators, mower and all necessary tools to run a small dairy. 2 acres of Italian prunes in lull bearing, i aingnsn wainm ircco, large family orchard, berries and small fruits of all kinds, good 7-room house, barn fully equipped with hay fork pul leys, etc Consisting of 23H acres, about 18 acres In cultivation, wood timber for family use, large chicken house and park, very best of loam soil, close to school, Mgmy improvea District, roau on 2 sides, only 4, mnes irora gooa o inmhin. ri vnr town, with all rural ad vantages, on- good macadamised road. Liberal terms, liumn Excellent span of 6-year-old Percheron mares, weighing 1500 lbs. each; 4 dairy cows, registered Jersey bull, full-blooded chickens, new manure spreader, new disc drill, plow, harrow, disc harrow, mower, rake, new wagon, hack, good set of har ness, new DeLaval separator, all small tools, all feed and sded now on nana, consisting of 42 acres, 30 acres in -high state of cultivation; plenty of timber for domestic use, 4-room house, good barn with hay fork, new chicken house and park, hog house and lot, new ma chine shed, all fenced and cross-fenced, good soil, close to school; only 4& miles from good town on Pacific highway, on good macadamized roads, with all rural advantages. Halt casn. S6000 Six fine Jersey cows, good team, pure bred chickens, 2 sets of harness, wagon. mower, hay rake. 2 almost new steel beam plows, new separator, new potato aigger, new aisc narrow, steei narrow, new cider mill, cultivator, spray pump, new steel ran (re. new kitchen cab n let. new library table, dining table, bed springs, carpets and linoleum, full-blood Plymouth Rock chickens, seed potatoes, all hay and feed now on hand, consisting of 32 acres, 20 acres in high state of cultivation, 2 acres ot bearing fruit, Der ries and shrubebrv of all kinds: 6-room modern plastered house, with full set of white porcelain plumbing; good barn, large double-walled potato house with cement floor, separator room, chicken house and park, hog house and lot, fine spring stream through place, water piped to house and barn and outbuildings, wood for domestic use; the very best of loam soil, no rock or gravel; only - mile from good town on Pacific highway, IS mnes irom Vancouver, nan casn. $10.000 Six acres of Italian prunes In good condition, z acres ot assorted orcnara; . consisting of 14 acres, all In high state of cultivation; 8-room modern house with private water system, good barn, car penter shop, large poultry house and park, electric lights in house, barn and outbuildings, overlooking the Columbia river, on the North Baik highway, 4 to lie from good town, 1 mile from second town with payroll of over $100,000 per montn, aajoining prune orcnaras wortn iiuu per acre, liberal terms, $14.000 1300 pure white Leghorn laying hens, worth $2600; new 7-room modern bunga low, with full cement basement, cement floor, worth $4500; electric light and pressure water system, worth $1500; barn, modern chicken and brooder houses worth $2000; electric lights in house barn and chicken houses: $2000 worth of first-growth red fir timber. Income 1910 between $7000 and $8000. Consisting of 60 acres of the finest land adjacent to Jr-ortiana, an in the highest state of cul tivation except 14 acres of timber; only 20 miles from Portland and 14 miles from Vancouver; close to school, 4 miles irom good Columbia river town on North Bank highway. This is without & doubt one of the best paying poultry farms In the northwest. Owner wishes to re tire and is willing to take the low price M iKui-u. .nan casn. $23,000 . 11 acre of 8-year-old Italian prunes In excellent condition, 300 additional prune trees being set this spring, large lurimy orcnara in - iuu bearing; neavy worn team, aiao o-year-oid mare weigh ing 1600 lbs.. 8 dairv cows. 2 h-ifera hogs, chickens, wagon, harness, ensilage vuner anu eievator, gasoline engine, a woodsaw, manure snreader. mower, rake plows, harrows, sulky plow, new potato uigKtsr, sprmg-tootn narrow, disc, culti vator, blacksmith shop, full set of tools, consisting of dies, anvil and all small tools. Consisting of 100 acres of best loam son, no rocK or gravel, 40 acres in high state of cultivation, entire place fenced with woven wire; 8-room modern house, full set Of white norcelain enamel nlnmh. Ing, good barn and all necessary out- uunaings, on-ton siio, water piped to house and barn, fine spring stream through place, cedar for 10,000 posts, abundance of red fir timber for domestic use; over $ui00 worth of products were taken from this place in 1010. Located In the famous Felida prune district, com manding a wondorfui view of Columbia river and surrounding country. Only i mile from paved highway, 1 miles from station, store and main line railroad, closeto school and haa all rural advan tage-. jjiDerai terms. $;, 000 28 head of registered Holstein cattle, 6 full bloods, most all dnirv rawH- n head of Poland-China hogs, 20 head of uitswuiu sneep, au nead of goats, 2 flOCkS Of Chickens. full TPhnrn anH Plymouth Rocks; exceptionally fine farm it, m. resiaierea; z wagons, harness, manure spreader, full set of all farm implements necessary to run an up-to-date farm ; improvedements valued at $20,000. Consisting of 320 acres, between 80 and 100 acres in cultivation, balance vasiure, an tencea and cross-fenced, principally woven wire; fine pressure wa- icr system at ouuaings, Jiving water in pasture, 8-room modern bungalow, white porcelain plumbing, fireplace, furnace, full concrete basement, large dairy barn, fully equipped with milking sheds, steel stanchions, manure carrier, etc, steam boiler, vats, separator, double garage, also tenant house; fine natural grove around the buildings and variety of shrubbery. This is without doubt one of the best pure-bred dairy and stock farms on the market- and will stand the "ivwuKauon. liberal terms. THOMPSOX, SWAN & LEE 3d and Main Sts., Vancouver. Wash. FOR SALE FARMS. Finest farm in Mul lies on hard-surface road, on electric) line, 20 minutes' drive from our office I by auto; 00 acres, 70 of which are in a I line state or cultivation, substantial farm buildings In excellent shape, g-ood orchard and all varieties of berries for family use; price $36,000; easy terms 11 aesirea. Seventy-two acres, 50 acres in finel cultivation; new six-room bungalow. new oarn, gooa outbuildings, family or chard and all kinds of berries, fine I stream or water, rive miles from Cath-1 lamet on Columbia river, on good road; I nine Jersey cows, five heifers, irood farm team and all farming tools, hogs! and chickens; $12,300; consider some trane. 1 Fifty-eight acres on the Estacada I roaa; tnree-room nouse, large new I barn, milk house, chicken house, snrinrl water pi pea to an bulldinrs. choicest I selection of all kinds of fruit and ber ries for family use, five g-ood milch cows. 3000- pound team, yearling Colt, all farm tools, beautiful trout stream runs through the place; $5800; consider some traae. A. VV. LAMBERT A SOX. 404 E. Alder St., Portland, Or. YAMHILL COUNTY FARM. 30 acres very rich black loam aoll. 33 miles from Portland, 13 miles from - Salem, 7 mi lea from Dayton, 2 miles! from Hopewell. 2 miles from Wheatland) ferry, 1 mile from cannery, 1 mile from scnooi; on gooa gravel road; daily mail: telephone, cream and milk route; 30 1 acres under cultivation; family orchard. gooa wen, o-room nouse. oarn, ail- out buildings; 2 horses, wagon, harness. 1 Z-seated hack, z good cowa 1 brood sow. plow, harrow, seed and feed, 5 dozen I chickens. Price $4350; $2500 cash, bal- eaay terms, MITCHELL A RIPPEY, 828-20 Henry Bldg. Main 2334. CLARKE COUNTY FARM. 160 acres, perfectly level, one-half) red shot and one-hair black loam soil: 16 miles from Portland, 10 mile from Vancouver; one-half mile from railroad station ; one-half mile from school; on highway; 80 acres under cultivation, bal. brush pasture; family orchard, good well, large farmhouse and barn, all out buildings. The best buy within a radius of .16 miles from Portland; actually worth $200 per acre. For quick sale we are offering ior a snort time only for I rta.1 ,irA' nniianal aaav tat-ma I . H. O. PREOBSTEL. MITCHELL & RIP-PEY, 326-29 Henry Bldg. Main 2534. FARMS. 640 acres wheat ranch, located central Washington, at $17.50 per acre, with cash payment of $25O0M ' balance best of terms. One crop will pay for this ranch. See Mr. Barrett. BAKER ft MeFARLAND, 315-17-10 Henry Bldg. TUALATIN FARM. 20 acres, highly Improved, only few minutes out by big red cars; good house, barn and fences; all good land; 15 acres In cultivation, two acres ready for onions: only fjoou; one-nair cash. R. F. FEEMSTER. 800 Abington bldg. 320 ACRES, Yamhill county; 175 In cul tivation, 12 in prunes; lau sneep; 3 miles to town; springs; $50 acre; $5000 cash ; $ 5000 m ort gage, BOOO trad e ; do not delay: best bargain in Oregon. particular xid. wresoniam. REAL JESTATK. For Sale EXCELLENT FARM PROPERTIES OFFERED BY JOHN WE1ST CO.. 8O7-&-0 LBWIS BIDG. 240 acres, about half in cultiva tion; 2 good houses, barn 100x40, modern and one barn 60x46, new; excellent stable conditions; silo 30x16; all other outbuildings necessary; all necessary ma chinery and then some; stock consists of 20 cows. 1 bull. 13 headbaof young1 stock, 6 horses and Vmule; plenty of water and excellent water system; 3tt miles from railroad station and within 25 miles of Portland. See me et once about this place and make offer. Some one is roing to get a big bargain for reasons which cannot be explained. 03 acres, practically all under cultivation: excellent soil, im provements fair but old; located right on Columbia highway, within 45 minutes of Portland by auto bus and situated right at one of the best towns on the Columbia highway. The owner of this farm is a city man and no reasonable offer will be re fused. He might consider taking in some Portland property It it bears good income. SEE ME AT ONCE. 02 acres, 50 acres cleared, bal ance brush, some timber; good soil; good S-room house and good barn; all necessary outbuildings; 6 acres in bearing prunes with prune dryer; all farming imple ments; 2 horses. 2 wells, fences good; on main county road, gravel; 3 miles from railroad station and 1 mile from school. This property is within miles of Portland and the price is $12,000. It can be handled on very reasonable terms. 140 acres In Willamette valley on Pacific highway; about S9 acres in cultivation ; balance easi ly cleared : good 6-room house; good barn and out-buildings; nice family orchard and shade trees around buildings; running water and 2 good wells; about $4000 or more in personal property including sheep, horses, cowa hogs, chickens, farm ma chinery, etc, go with all house hold furniture. Owner will sell on reasonable terms. Price for everything, $18,000. This Is a going place ready for you to step right onto and continue where the owner leaves off. I have a number of excellent opportunities both in smaller and larger propositions which I should like to submit for your ap proval If any of the above list does not fill your requirements. TF YOU WANT A FARM I HAVE WHAT YOU WANT. SEE ME TODAY. JOHN WEIST CO.. 807-8-9 Lewis Bldg. FERTILE SOIL, DELIGHTFUL CLIMATE. 65 acres In the Umpqua valley, of black sodlment soil five feet deep, of great fertility. In 1019 yielded 60 bushels of wheat to acre. It produced wonderful strawberries, corn, clover, pota toes, fruit of all kinds and cane berries. 65 acres are level and all under cultivation except 10 acres In oak grove with stream through it; di vided into thxe fields with woven wire fencing; 5 acres now In clover and 15 in cheat for hay, one acre mixed fruits bearing, berries of all kinds, balance for wheat and oat a The 65 ares joins a prosperous town on the S. P. R. R., with stores, bank, high and grade school and railroad depot; a good market for everything. Improvements first class; seven room house, barn for 12 head of stock, poultry house, hog house, etc ;' splendid water; a place ready to step into. With the place goes team of horses, 3 cows. 2 hogs, farming Im plements, poultry. 8 tons of hay. 160 bushels of oats, 20 bushels of seed wheat, etc A great bay- for $155 per acre; $6000 cash; easy for balance. MacINNES & PRATT. 413 Board of Trade Bldg., Portland, Or. A-l SHEEP OR DAIRY FARM. This farm Is owned by a man that cannot look after it. There fore he mu.t sell; it consists of 157 acres with 70 acres under plow, balance pasture and timber. It lies beautifully and the soil is all A-l rich and deep, all fenced, on A-l graveled road. mile from R. R.. stores, postofflce, 2 blocks to A-l scnooi. only 30 miles from Port land. Several springs. 1 creek, good 6-room house situated on a beautiful knoll and surrounded by a few magniftcient shade trees, also has 3 rooms for help, new garage, good barn, machinery shed, sheep shed. There Is a beautiful stream from a never failing spring flowing through the farm yard. The personal property that goes: Disc, harrow, spike tooth harrow. 2 plows, 2 double shovel plows, cul tivator, mower, drill, 2 wagons. 1 spring wagon, hoes, rakes, all small tools, 1 fine brood mare. 2 y ear-old gelding, 1-year-old mare colt, 4 Jersey cows, 1 Holstein cow, 3 shoats, 43 fine sheep, crops are 7 acres rye, 18 acres oats. 7 acres wheat, 20 acres clover: bal ance ready to seed; this Is a real bargain at $20,000. $7000 cash. I have personally inspected this farm and it is good see It. A. G. BENDER. RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. PRUNES. PRUNES. The greatest paying proposition In the farm line today. Listen here! Last year a Salem, Or., man sold $8000 worth of prunes from 35 acres. Can you beat it? This place consists of 42 Vi acres, 35 acres in Al bearing prunes. 1 acre family orchard, 2 acres peaches, all new bottom land al most level; one-etghth mile from railroad, postoffice, school, etc Al graveled road, good creek. ' 6-room fair house, barn, hog and hen house; price $20,000; $10,000 cash, balance easy. This ia a good buy and a money-maker. A. a BENDER. RITTER. LOWS ft CO-201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 6 A. TRUCK and dairy ranch, near Wil son vine on the Oregon eiectnc; bear ing orchard of apples, prunes, plums and pears. water rignt rrom large spring bioed to bldgs. Small house, barn. chicken house and outbldgs. All fenced with woven wire, on the main rock road, 1 mile from school, church and store. Price only 21 m k aee J . Kennedy, with THB RALPH ACKLasr LAND CO., o'J7 corbett bldg. IftO ACRES. NEWBERG. 110 acres under cultivation: All rich black loam: good set of farm buildings; stocked and eouiDoed- This place Is offered for sal at a bargain price for a short time only. This Is the one real buy near New berg. C. M. JJUIjLAKH 1LK, 807-8-0 Lewis Bldg. 0 A. NEAR NEWBERG 5-r. house, large barn. 4Sx60, young bearing orcnara, anrina watar nined to hide's.. aranerY, chicken house and other outbldgs.. good fencea. 1 horse. 2 cows and other storK. On county road. Price $4000. See Mr. Smock, with THE RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO.. 527 Corbett bldg. 240 ACRES. NEAR LEBANON. All under high state of cultivation. Improved with fine bunffalow. garage, barn and all . necessary outbuildings; splendid family orchard. This Is fins loa-anberrv land. Rock road to Lebanon. Can b bought for $00 an acre. C. m. uuLiiA rcn 1 1) n;, 807-8-9 Lewis Bldg. 55 ACRES of choice bottom land, adjoin ing thriving lown, aooui ou rnues irom Portland; an Ideal tract for dairy; will sell for $6000, on terms to suit; wish to deal directly with a farmer whO Is look ing for a good dairy location. For par ticulars call at 404 Platt bldg., 127 Park at. FOR SALE 20 acres, 3 miles west of Beaverxon on ruca. ruu, 1 Ti in ura irom state highway, l mile from school; acres cleared, balance old stumps, easily cleared; 3 acres bottom; the best buy In Washington county: part cash, balance terms. W. J. Rogers, Beaver ton, Or., R. F. D. No. 4. box 45 158-ACRE fine farm, all in cultivation ; good house, a dir. new uairy oarn, a carload of milk cows and grain, hay, imipmonts all go with it at $200 ner acre; jwtthln 20 miles of Portland. 401 &uck Exchange Bids. REAL ESTATE. For Sale -farms. BENDER'S FARM COLUMN. MR. FARM BUYER: Do you know farm lands are going right up In price? Why? Because farms in the east are soaring so high it is forcing the farmer there to sell his place and come to Oregon, where he can live in comfort and buy a farm for one-half the price. Better take warn ing and buy one now. See me. I have some 500 fine farma 1 can lave you money. Two or three years from now you will think of this ad and wish you had taken my tip. Don't delay; now Is the time. Watch the Sunday papers for my farm specials, or write to Bender, th farm specialist. A. G. BENDER. RITTER, LOWE ft CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. MR. INVESTOR. Listen to this: Are you looking for something real and aometblng that is the pride of the west, a proposition with a real income? If so, get busy with this at once. Listen: On this small place of 20 acres the following crops were raised in 1010: 100 tons apples. 20 tons pears. 2 tons table grapes. 14 tons potatoes. -10 tons corn. 70 toes alfalfa hay. Just think, all this off this wonderfftl place. Figure it up and see what the In come was. then you will be astonished. Oh, no. this Is not just talk, it is real. The owner will guarantee everything said in this ad. He has other business and must sell It at once. I have some wonderful photos of this place In the office. Come in and see them. There is a fine house, surrounded by beautiful shade trees, all outbuildings. House has hot and cold water, bath, etc. Has large packing house with cellar under same. Soil is Al in every respect; there are 15 acres all told in excellent fruit, all under plow and Irrigated. This Is an ideal home in a valley of sunshine and contentment. The price is only $22.r0O. Where can you beat it? It can't be dona. See it and be convinced. A. G. BENDER, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WASHINGTON COUNTY FARM. This farm is a real one and Is a money-maker. It consists of 220 acres. all nearly level : LfO acres under plow, all Al sandy loam: vO acres oak am fir Umber, which affords fine pasture some berries, family orchard, all fenced with woven wire; H mile from railroad station, store, etc.; K. b. l teiepnone 1 creek. 2 wells, 9-rom house, good con dition: srood barn 48x100. all outbuild lngs. Tne furm has all fall grain sowed and looking line. The owner 01 tui fine farm is very old and cannot loo! after it, therefore It must be sold. Price for everything is only $28,000, which Is far below the price of adjoining land $10,000 cash, baiance to suit at 6W. Tail farm Is fine for dairying or general farming and Washington county is fa mous ror this, bee this at once. A. G. BENDER, RITTER, LOWE ft CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY HOME. ' Near Portland, on Al auto road, only id mnes out. Head this thoroughly, it Is real and cannot be beat: it is up t date In every respect. The soil Is ab solutely Al In every respect, land lies with a gentle slope, not hilly. 43 H acres 36 acres under plow, some timebr, all kinds of berries: 1 acre of floe orchard all fenced: l mile to school, church, stores, etc; water piped to ail buildings irom a never-railing spring: K. . u, telephone; Al fine plastered house, prac tically new, with bath, toilet, sinks, wash trays, etc.; good barn 50x0. 2 hen houses, woodshed, etc. Personal property inciuaea; interest in mower, raae an disc, all new; plow, wagon, harrow, buggy, small tools, 24 chickens, Al cow 00 bu. oats. Crop: 10 acres oats. I acres wheat. 14 tons bay In barn. Price for all $12,500, only $-OO0 cash, balance long as wanted bco. rms certainly is wonderful country home. If you see It you win want it. A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM, NEAR HALSEY. OREGON. Here is a fine farm and the owners of this place cannot look after It owing to the fact that they have business else where; 18;t acres, all nearly level, 100 acres under plow, some timber, family orchard, berries, etc. ; good soil, all fenced with woven and barbed wire: miloa from railroad. W mile to school R. F. D., and telephone; well watered with river and springs; does not over flow; Al graveled road, good well, good 6-room house, oarn ;4x4, ano wxiu, hoir house, cream seoarator. gasolln Dumo. some arain on place and In bam 12 cows, and stock hocs. Price for all is $16,b00; $7500 cash, balance easy, This is a barcain. See it at once. Don'l overlook our bargains. We have some 5o0 farms. A. G. BENDER, RITTER, LOWE ft CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. FTXE CLARKE CO.. WASH.. FARM. 112 acres, 110 under plow, all nearly lvel: 2 acres timber, all fenced witn woven and barb wire; family orchard and berries: 14 acres bearing prunes; all Al Inum aoil: 1 miles from R. R. R. F. D. and telephone; 18 miles from Portland: Al road and well watered: 8 room d astereu house, good condition new silo, g-ranary, dairy house, prune dryer, hog house, chicken house, milk houae. Price. 18.000. This is an Al farm and is hard to beat. It must be sold to settle an estate. Sea it and be convinced. We have many bargains. Come in and see us before buying. We can save you money. A. O. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE ft CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. One of the finest cattle propositions In the west. Sea it and substantial my Statement; 020 acres, nearly all level; 840 acres alfalfa, irrigated; zao acres scat- tftrin timber, unlimited outrange, gov ernment reserve leased for 300 head cat tle goes; Al sou; l section rencea wus 0-bar woven-wire fence; balance 3-wlre; R. F. D. and telephone; 4 miles from railroad and good town of 10.0OO: gravel road; concrete reservoir and pond; good 6-room house, tool shed, cattle shed, bunkhouse. Personal property; 400 head cattle, consisting of 120 cows between 4 and 6 years old; 40 3-year-old heifers, 60 2-year-old heifers, 140 yearling heifers and steers. 8 mules, 10 horses, 1 regis tered Percheron stallion. Price for all $87,500, some terms. A. G. BENDER. RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. This 225-acre farm is in a prosperous community and is surrounded by fine farms. It has 165 acres under plow; the whole 225 acres Is deep, rich, loamy bottom land, practically level; 10 acres timber, 10 acres stump pasture; family orchard, all fenced with woven wire, boards and rati; 5 miles from railroad, mil to school: R. F. D- and tele phone. Has beautiful lake covering 2 1 ,,.nui,l. ; A i walla aCreS. VII fcl a, i Wa,u , a 7-room house, good condition; 2 barns 56x60 and 40x50, machinery shed, straw barn, hog, cnicKen ana am ok nouses. Price $14,000; $7000 cash, balance easy at 69. This is an all-purpose farm and a good one. A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM nf mrit. This fine farm must be sold. which tbe price will Indicate. There are 75 acres, all Al aoil, all under plow; fin family orcnara, ail varieties; an iencea with woven wire; 3 miles to railroad sta tion ; R. F. D., telephone, good road, well, good 5 -room plastered house with hot and cold water, bath, toilet: good barn 36x76, chicken, hog and smoke houses, all in Al condition. Personal property included: Plows, harrows, drill, corrugated roller, mower, rake, wagon, buggy and all necessary Implements, In first-class shape; 4 good horses, 2 cowa, 2 heifers, 1L head hogs, 50 chickens. Crops: Ten acre oats. 17 aerea oats and vetcb, 10 acres timothy, 20 tons bay in barn. Just think, all for $0000; $7500 cash, balance eay. You will have to hurry if you get this. A. G. BENDER, RITTER, LOWE A CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. IDEAL SMALL FARM. This is a dandy place and Is surely a bargain. It Is located in the Willamette valley; 55 acres almost level, 50 acres under plow, all Al black loam soil; ber ries family orchard, etc.; all fenced and cross-fenced with woven wire; H mile from railroad station, oa Al auto road, u mile to school and church; 2 wlis, good 7-room plastered house with hot and cold water, bath, toilet, etc., every thing in first-class condition; chicken house, brooder house with water piped to all. Price for everything $8500; $4000 nh balance easy. This ia a beautiful i place and worth the money. See this without fall. Remember, we are head quarters for real farm bargains. See us before you buy, we will save you money. A. 6. BENDER, RITTER, LOWE ft CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trad Bldg. BENDER'S FARM COLUMN. DO TOTT WANT a farm?. We have many good nuys on our m-if. ntai bataic a. cii&Jua. -j Ry, Ejtt ldg. BEAL KSTATB. For Sale Farms. BENTON COUNTY STOCK. AND GRAIN FARM. PINE LAKE FARM. 000 acrea located on highway now be ing paved and about 0 miles from Ore gon Agricultural College: about 6f0 acres now bein,g farmed and loo acres more in oasture that can be olowed any time. The other 150 acres has some timber and Is also used for pasture. Ther are probably 25 acres of wasio land on the place and about 15 acres la occupied by a couple of dandv little lakes that are clear and nice and provide water tor stock and good fishing also. All but 50 acres of the 700 acres now tl)l-i. Is good wheat land and th other 50 acres are suitable for oats, etc., but Is too flat for wheat. There are no hi Is on the place, but It is Just a big level farm with enousrh roll to make It all drain well. The soil Is made up principally of river bottom and second river bottom land and Is rated very high as a pro ducer In this locality. The place has three complete sets of buildings and an other partial set. Ther arc ten miles of good fencing and over a mile of port able fence. There are three family orchards, 8-acre English walnut orchard. The Improvements are worth at least $12,000; near a good school, railroad, etc. This place Is for sale at $M) per acre. and we can arrange some terms at 6 per cent interest. 1 1 you are interested write for full printed description of this pi ace. KINNEY ft STOCKWBLU BENTON COUNTY FARM SALESMEN, CORVALLIS, OREGON. 1600-ACRE WHEAT RANCH IN FAMOUS UMATILLA COUNTY. 1200 acres under cultivation; 700 acres I in wneat ana ooo acres summer fallowed in 111; 8-room piastcrfd house with fireplace. 2 big bams, 2 machine shed-, 3 big wells always full and 50.000-rallon concrete reservoir; located 6 and 6 miles respectively from two good towns, 6 mnes rrom railroad. 1 mile from school and on good road; the cultivated land is In one tract, practically level and Al tractor land; the federal farm land bank appraised tnis land In 1017 at SHA.ooo. which In itself proves that the pri we ask is way below Its actual. The price is uuty o.uuu; terms s...uuu casn, bal ance on time; or will accent aood nron- erty, either city or country, up to $24,000. Most scrutinising examination invited. I Her is your chance to become a winner. I E. A. I.IXHORRV. Savon Land Co.. an X. w. Hank Bldg. FINE COMMERCIAL FRUIT AND NUT r A KM. 110 acrea located near good town In best iruit section In Willamette valley. mile to depot; all cleared but thre acres around the buildings; 22 acres 15- year-old apples, best varieties. Spit. Newtowns. Jonathans. Kings, etc.; 404X1 boxes commercial apples last year; no pests: 11 acres 15-year-old walnuts In rine bearing condition; J4 acres Burtlett and cornice pears producing good crops; 28 acres Italian prunes 4 years old and just ready to begin bearing; all the trees are In finest condition; pruned. sprayed ann cultivated un to the min ute; the walnuts are among the very finest in the valley. This farm la In such condition that It will be a big con stant income always and I am warranted in giving very easy terms to anyone who will care for It properly; produced over I $0000 last year and the prunes are now I reaciy to neip. price snu.iMHi: one-ttrtn cash, balance terms to suit. Address I owner, AV 210. Oregonlan. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 67H acres. 2$ mll-a from Portland, H mile to Pacific highway, R. R. sta. and town; every foot is f Imt vlaaa soil; li3 acres cultivated, bal. pasture with some timber in one corner; iw acres orchard with good variety of fruit; new 7-r. mod ern bungalow with bath and built-in features; large barn, z chicken houses, concrete cellar and other outbid.; 1 horse, 3 cowa 2 calves. '2 hogtt. chickens, waron and hack, cultivator-. mower, plow, disc harrow, 1 peg-tooth harrow, harness, cream separator and many other small tools. This Is a beautifully-located place and a bargain at -MUM i half cah. .Srf r . K. Jrc with the RALPH ACKl.tT L.AD CO, S.7 Corbett bldg. MONEY making ranch, with fruit, cowa. hogs, horses and chickens; M a. not fnf I from New berg on a fiq road pavrd most of the way from Portland. hs 7 a. of good bearing orchard, prune cherries, apples and other valuwbi fruits: A-i loaanberrtes. plenty of tim ber for wood, good 8-r. hous. with hot and cold water, gas llghta FUtxo and chicken house for AOO chickens. taui of horses. 3 cowa nor and chicken-. 15 tons of hay In th barn, good st of farm tools, cream separator, many oth-r small tools. Only 2 miles from town and R- K. sta. This is a good buy fnr I $74(io, si"fl down. (See Mr. hrnocn. witn TH K RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO.. 0.7 Corbett bldg. THIS IS ONE OF THB BKST HTTTA WE KNOW OF I.KSR THAN LI AHLfcS FROM rtJRTLAND. 10 acrea, all cleared and fenced, with a fine 6-room bungalow, almost nei good barn and outhuildinga Located H mil- south of urenco, close to main road, aidewalke moat of th way to I town. This Is a beautiful place sur rounded by good buildtngs and ta cer tainly a bargain for $4000. borne term STKWART A BTTCK, 315 Northwestern Bank bldg. WHITB SALMON VALLEY FOR THB COIN. 10 ACRBS. PR UN K A VP APPLK OR CHARD, OOOL HnUNK. PAt'KINtS BHHD. STARLK ANO GRANARY; IN SHORT A HOMK ALREADY T MOVE ; INTO: ALL TOOLS ANO KVKHY. THIN'O TO WORK WITH : ALSO ft ACRES UNIMPROVBO ADJOIN! NO: COULO PAY FOR ITSELF IN TWO TEARH RAISING STRA WBKRRI KS: ALL FENCED: ALL FOR $760O; MIGHT CONSIDER PORTLAND MODKRX HOUSE FOR $4000 IN EXCHANGE. $1000 CASH AND BAL TO SUIT Pt'K- i CHASER. J. C. F. HOLCOMB. OWNER. WHITE SALMON. WASH. 29 ACRES, SANDY LOAM. Air level, 28 acrea In eultlvation, good 6-room house, 2 barns, only fair, family fruit, good artesian well; team, 1 cow, 70 chicken-, all tools. This Is the finest berry land, can't be beat any place, lo cated near Canby, Or., on main road; price $0200, one-half cash, balance time at ti per cent. E. P. ELLIOTT A HON. 7th and Main &ta.. Oregon City, Or. OREGON CITY RANCH. With Buildings. Price $9000 46 acres of good productive land: S3 I acres in estivation: a acres good timwr; about 2500 cords of wood could be cut from this timber; good pasture with two I living springs: live miles soutn or Ore gon City on good gravel road; two mites from electric roaa; young orcnara. apples, prunes and cherries In bearing; 12 head of cattle, some registered Hoi- I stein: good team and farming equip ment. For further Information phone or write owner, Geo. B. Hamilton, o-o Hi. 4th st. Phone Tabor MHl. RAISE CORN. hogs, sheep, alfalfa, pota toes and fruit; iu, zu ana 4U-acr tracts. Improved. Irrigated, in renter of Yakima valley. Government ditch, water right paid to date. Smooth land, deep soil, easy terms. Also 440 acres farm and pasture land, river bottom, mostly black soil, smooth land, part can be Irrigated. Itt miles to good R. R. town; 800 sheep, mnntlv bred ewes, sheds and corrals, up- to-date ranch; price $42,500. 1-3 ca-h. balance terms, 6 per rent. W. L. Johnson. 1M7 Kaat 4it street, roruana. or. Irtft AHRES. LINN COUNTY. Stocked and equipped. SO acrea under I cultivation; family orchard; Jair set of I farm buildings; fine stream of water! through place: 4 miles of towa on level rock road. If you buy this farm, you would not take less than $16,000 for It; will aell for nw; terms. C. M. DOLLA RH IDE, 807-8-9 Lewis Bldg. 16 A. OF FIRST -CLASS loam soil on th Oregon Kieeinc, aooui an nour a no from Portland, all cultivated, orchard and well, good rencea; o-r. nungaiow nnite modern, barn and other outbldgs. Price for a quick sale only $:ifm, $i:.oo down. You will have to hurry to get this one. see J. u. Kennedy, witn thh RALPH ACKLEY .LAND CO.. fetf Cor bett bldg. A GOOD HOME. 20 acres all In cultivation; lota of fruit and berries, strictly choice black land. well drainea, no wasie, o-rnorn notuw. and barn, outbuildings, adjoins good town, electric railway, paved road, 24 i miles Portland; $ttooo, $3300 cash, bal. I long time at per cent. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO., 16&H 4th Ht. 89 ACRES of rich, black soil, running gtream, locaieo in niuainBuo vaji-y. an miles from Portland, close to Paclflo highway, ranroaun, amr-a. wnnon ana churches; -O acres In high state of cul tivation, balance pasture ann limner; fin house, barn and outbuildings, frulu, berries, grapes, etc.. $HO00. I, cash; owner. S 7,07, Oregonlan. AN IDEAL FARM ON COLUMBIA HIGHWAY, in morn with aood modern bungalow. barn, chicken house, garag- and orchard; , water piped to house; flHHo taka this on terms: It's worth double; -0 miles from Portland. NORI) HAMPTON CO.. 401 Stock ju d and YamfaiU. ARE YOU THE MAN that wants a stock ranch, fully gulnped. in Banton county, shout i0 miles west of Corvaills, 4 mlia to th R. K. ; 27U acres, with . seres in crop, about 5 acr-s of clover, rolling land with good ur for stock in the pasture land; e eel lent creek bottom unl-r plow; good outrange; R hrs. U cows, some heifers, rrgist-red Jer sey bull, in h-ad sheep. 40 goats and the thickens; n-w hinuvt. drill, mower, r-k. plows, harro. 2-horse gas engine. n1 t grinder; good house, " other outhulMlngs. In good order T Everything govs except houp-hoM goods, at $M pr acr. chol house on th place; county roai runs thrniiKh the place. This u special good value I have been over this land and can Uil you more about It. If $.',1 per acr would buy a farm, and $1.o was wirtat you paid down on It and I could show ynu that I the rvit of th purchase pfi would come out of th pia Mh ln I he Tirxt thre- -ar, a ouMn't It be worth looking up? It Is oni 2 miles from It. K. slat inn anH down hill. It Is 4 1 milt s from good town and there are 'W building, (pouch th hou'e is mall and nerds some repair. T'trr are m few acres over lio and m or A.'i ar plow ln1. and ihe t4.-ti-tlmt'er and pasture. This pla Is in Folk county near Dallas. PEE J. A MIU-H. With Hperlmg Hanna, 3ov CoitKtt bldg. TltiARD STATION, ft-ROOM HOrtJE, 2ft A I'll KM. Modern -room hon-r, cement basement. Dutch kltHi'it. hot and cold water, mod-rn plumhtng and bath rtHiin. Is is' living riin with presned brick fir-place, hint-- l wired for crtrlnty. Krnh door bt ween dining and living room. Him com fj.Mio, has run ning water; 2K acr-n nf finr-t of soil; plane In retired and rronr fenced, all under onl 1 1 aiton, -mall family orchard, only 12 mile- from I'ortland. on pavod road: 1mm could not be built for $4ihh. Thi la a very linn place and a vrtv exceptional buy. Von will find few placea In better condition than thi one. The ground alone In ot t h more than the price a-k-d for the place, $11,500, bM of term. SKK .T. V. H I Ll CO William Ate, Phoa fesM. HN. Ji Im ItliK'A Is most all dalrv creek bottom and the best land in Washington rouni ; lo cated on a good gravel road, milk rotii'-. near school and town. Place in watered by spring and has a good J rm nousf, larga barn equipped for dairying and numernua oth-r out build I ngs. Iarg. well kept family on hard. Included with the place are 1 good horses. H milk Cows, he.f-r. several caltr-, .o chick-i s and nnmerous farm Implement- and tools. The owner Ik g-ttiiig to old lo do the work on this mnch, so will give BoiTi eon a an e x t r g ood bargain at $10.;h)u for everything on any rcajoniib; terms to rellHhle part v. Imit forget that Kureat lrov - th borne f th Pacific University and ts one of th larjr-st conon--d nulk factorlr- in tlia state. Sc Mr. Crawford, with the Ralph Ackl-y Land 'o.. .V.7 t'orhett bld OWN YOUK OWN OKANCK OKOVK In rruitiand Park, Florida a flnet lake jeweled highland aection, 'way aho - level. A lew dollars a month will buy n, Plant peach en, a quick mon-v crop, with oranges, and the peache may ! mad to pay not only for our land ami or ango grove but yield a profit I.e-M., We can produce you a net trr orati: grove for Irn mnn-y thau any one in the state and In Florida's ffratet ac tion. Frill Hand park is hrt W cm n prove It. Writ- for a book of actual photo graph, the tnt-T-afihg story of a Fruit land Park farm and why pc-ch- tnav pay for It. latko t'ountv taml owner' Arnclatinii, .till Palm ave., Fruitland Park, lke Count v, Florida. TK Af'tlKS, t'K.O HOWS, All level, acre In riiitlvatiofi, living spring water, gnnd w rli at hous-. 4-room frame houv-. hai. woodhous. Tin in ilH mile- out on good road, mdrwaik tn town; fin b-rry land, would mak a good chicken ranch, ihc local. on ' good; price w.o, in.' down, v anc fJMO a er at H prr crut. It P. KLLIuTT A KOV, 7lto and Main Bi- Or-gon City, Or. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. A REAL FARM. OKLHUAM I'IMTIiPT. This la a hlgh-daa place In hish state ot cultivation; all m res. near' v AO acres In crop, about 20 ai res kmI patura, 1 an- on-hard. om1 hnu with hath, aater piped to out bui In ms-. ftn dairy barn. 3 hr-s, & , 2 yearlings, 7 ho, ahum 75 ,rhckrn; complete lice of mat hmnry and trmm. Total prtr- $1. OOO. ffcmMt rah. Per sonally In-ii-rl-.l John KKH;r.si y. Orlmg-r mh BTOi-K RANCH 30O0 ACRES DF.KDF.D M LEASED GOVT LM. WITH IO APLS I It RIG ATFIl; A I. F A LF I U TH .'00 OU 000 TONS PER YEAR. This in nne of fh bst ahp ranrhea east of the Cnai ait M ta, l ated en a big river, pb'my of sun k wai-r. o"t glass; only hi hi ft emvatinn : mild win ters. Price $0.H, good t-rms: mtrht take sum tr.ol. Hr- HAM 1IKW KV, at J. U HA It Til AN CO., No. 7 Oitnir Commerce bldg. STOCK AND GRAIN FARM. 2.187 acr-s, 1 ated In central Aft-rta. Canada, clone tti X good towns on Grand Trunk railway; .oo acre In crop J1M1. all the haianc is prairie and is tri able; rich, black soli, produce" finest grain, hav and pant it re. well watered; a moat practical s-t or hut id lug, local fd In very prosperous dl-trtcl and Una neighborhood,- gon.t schools, roails, etc. This property wlH stand mo-t rar-ful and thorough inpecllon; $nooofi, half cah. Write us for detailed description and local It v. THE LAWRENCE Co., 205 Cortett Hlrig. Main 0in CLOVER LAND FOR SALE. 22 acres, ft acres In rlovr. 10 acres In winter oats; I acr In orchard, 5 a res plowed raitv to seed; good tf-roorn hoti, barn, new garage; nar Hroadacrra, Pnc $4tio, some t-rms. PYRAMID LA NO CO. 60-4 Title 4t Trust Uldg. Mala S.ri-. PKLNB ORCHARD 14 acres. In th rt hlglieat ataie of cultivation and bartiK Only 1 1 mi lea from Vem-ouver, V ash , on a good automobile road ; $ miles ti Camaa, a thriving river town. Thei is a big variety of fmlt, bf!o ptuncs. including 00 bearing English a nut tree. My price 1 $.600, and 1 will iv you terms. Muit sell al once, ("an tmkm you out In my mahin on short notn. BEN H1KSLAND, 4Q4 Plait bldg.. j.T Park at. FOR RENT THREE GOOD FARMS. We hav t h rre a ood f u rms, w M Im nrovtd. located to R. R.. good aulii roads, fin neighborhood, nhort distant fro in i'oruanu, 10 rvui ior cann rem If vou want a farm for 1I'0. call Mt Offl for partlrulara. On of th farm Is fully enuinpd wit h -tvk and ma chinery; run Rtv Immediate poaaeaalun. 403-4 Mo- k Kx hang KMg. Main "075. ID HAL farm horn, near Grnhm hth school, containing arre, an in ms'i state of cultivation witn a renutitui room modern nous, wun run ruui-re- KinrnL ana. electricity, hot and cold water, fine plumbing, all kinds of fruit. berries and ro-: gooa garar; l,c barn and outhuiMing ; It's a bvaut iful farm horn; only ;if lumut out of Port land on th pavemeni. KRIOER ELK1NGTO.V. C.reaham. Or. CLOSK-1N FARM. 1 k acres -xtra clioh level land at 8. P. Ry station, 11 mil Portland: 4A arre In cultivation, bal. tirrbr nd is tur: rreek; 3 dwelling hou--, 2 Imrns and outbulldlna In good shap; rod road: plenty of fruit; good w-n. Prit $ JO 0O0; $.'ooo cash, bal. long tim. 6 per cent. ini- i- ont oi m gooa nrar.. R. M. OATEWIHiO A CO.. I tot, 4th st. 46 ACKKH. locatd In Yamhill county, very best or sou, sjn rocs or gravi ; n mom house, barn at.d aarage; also S rhicke hAiias. brooder and Incubator hous: on gravel road. Jersey cow, inn hna. ? S tons of bay; all go-s for .t.AO; mi.ht accept a 10-eer trar-i rlos to pern! In acnann. viranm, wire John E. Howard. $1 Chamber of C. IJIl ACRES on Yaqulna bay. In l.h.- Co., r nn irom .-wimri, - mil irom Toledo; fin orchard, two g.iod hou-.. barn, running watr, tirN'tnnd; h-t ntttl: A No, datrv ranch: IIii.immI, -av term. 4W pr e-nt. Annie V. Andrews drasaam O. !., Oicguo.