The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 25, 1920, SECTION TWO, Page 20, Image 40

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MAN. 40, of limited acquaintance In Port
land, married, dependant)!, able to han
dle, tnen tactfully, considerable experi
ence as salesman, pood general business
knowledge, legal training in & practical
way, excellent correspondent, adaptable
and of practical turn of mind, desires
position with commercial house as credit
man or handling the collections of com
mercial or manufacturing concerns, with
ability to look, after the legal end of this
work as well as the business end of it.
Would be well suited to act as secretary
to some executive who needs to be re
lieved of details of correspondence and
who appreciates careful, clear, accurate
forceful letters, involving the of
sound judgment. Can develop into very
valuahle man with a fair trial. Will
consider nothing but well established, re
putable concern, preferably in Portland.
Salary expected according to nature of
position, but willing to graduate into the
maximum. R fen nccs on inquiry. Phone
Tabor 2H0O. Write F 3t. Oregonian.
mROX 333 , PORTLA N D.0 R.
TO UNO man, 21, protectant, good family,
excellent character and. habits, wishes
position on western stock ranch or
breeding farm. Had two years agri
cultural course prior to enlisting in U. S.
cavalry. Served year and hall" Texas
Mexican border), honorably discharged.
State particulars and salary. Ex-sol ider.
-7 Academy street, Amsterdam. N. Y.
VOUXG man. best ot local references,
well qualified along traffic, and claim
lines, desires connection with some Port
land firm. Personal interview desired
and full particulars given. Voluntary
resignation effective when new position
accepted. Over ten years R. R. ex
perience previous to present connection
of . three years. J 085, Oregonian.
solicits interviews which might lead to
employment in a responsible position;
am desirous of becoming associated with
some manufacturing or other industry,
where ability to get results in produc
tion counts. Any interviews will be
trt-ated as confidential. Answer O -75,
Oregonia n.
JXFER1 ENCED farmer wants work on
farm or ranch, first-class stock man.
some experience with cars and t ract ors.
age 30, married, 2 children, must be near
Bt-hooJ ; wife good housekeeper, separate
house or work for bachelor. Intend buy
ing farm if suited with country. Box 213
Hotel Eaton, city.
EX -SERVICE man, good character, age
23, competent landscape gardener, all
around horticulturist and raising of
utility and fancy poultry: A-l references.
Write Louis F. Ely, box 022. Wallace.
Idaho. t
YOI'NO man. 20, high-school education,
pleasing personality and plenty of go,
would like position of any ki nd where
good showing would stand chance of
advancement; slight experience as
salesman; references. M 14 2. Oregonia n.
BY MARRIED MAN. a position as work
ing manager on ranch; experienced in
fruit culture or diversified farming. Ad
dress T. Jones, 183 Holladay ave., city.
Phone East 7741.
YoUNti man, single, for the past two
years operating grocery in this city, is
looking for suitable work in or out of
city; have $lono, might invest; refer
ences. B 1 70, Oregonian.
COMPETENT gardener anil florist, mar
ried, wishes permanent position in pri
vate or public il ace, 1 4 years' experi
ence, a years in present place. AV 138,
WHY pay the price plus when you can
get your work done for the actual cost
of labor and material ? Two carpen
ters want work by day or contract.
Tabor 7114.
lOI'NU man in Salem wants job driving
in private family ; good references : some
experience in family work; neat appear
ance and can d rive any kind of a car.
Phone Tabor 3'1?.
PRESSMAN Cylinder and platen, desires
steady situation. Can cut stock, do any
thing around pressroom ; married ; will
go anywiiere. George A. Rhodes, Pendle
lon. Oregon.
YOUNG married man will' work to your
advantage ; handy wi th tools ; under
stands steam, electricity, drive truck,
do own repairing. What have you tot?
Y 1H, Oregonian.
LOOK! LOOK! This Is now time for fix
ing your old furniture! I make it so
good that you are satisfied; very rea
sonable. Modet n Furniture Repairing
Shop, Wdln. IKJS4.
MECHANIC Auto repair experience,
wants position auto repair shop to get
more knowledge of business, not afraid
to work: salary secondary Consideration.
131 East 10th street north..
for engagement; not atW
with car. open
id of hard, work
and a hustler, best of references. Ad
dress D 1G3, Oregonian.
WANTED Rids for plumbing, painting,
lathing, wiring, tinting and excavating
for two new bungalows. Higgs, 501
Spalding bldg.
SALESMAN Can sell any good proposi
tion: want something where there is a
future. Write or call Hotel Ockley, 10th
at Morrison st. H. Du Mont.
lOUNG man familiar with hardware busi
ness would like position with good firm;
can give good reference. E bl3, Ore
gon ian.
M A RRIED. trust worthy man. experienced
in genera I farming, wants steady posi
tion on farm. . Rox 33-A, Route A,
i iresham. Or. i
SMOKESTACK painted with guaranteed
hot-surface stack paint; work done rea
sonable. Stack Painter, care Oiiien At
T'M A MARRIED MAN. want a job on
the farm; by month or year, or on the
shares. Mr. John Morris. Phone H.
32i, or write Til 4 Everett st.
MAN AND WIFE, cook and helper, would
like small camp. 23 to 30 men; can come
any time. What have you? S. 13. Splawn,
Cresharn. Or. Phone 3i3.
W ANTED Work on farm by experienced,
elderly married man. or will rent 10 to
2? acies or take on shares. X 4U2, Ore
gon ian.
Cw.RP ENTER and painter contractor, 13
years' experience : work or r pairing
done of this nature; best of referenced
in city. Wdln. Cit'S4.
EXPERIENCED man wants a position to
take care of and drive any kind of a
car a few hours after 1- o'clock. G 112,
Oregonian. r
SITUATION wanted by gardener, lifetime
experience, married, six years in present
position; private place preferred. AV
144. Oregonian.
1'EBY, 1st or March 1, middle-aged, re
fined couple, best of references, respon
sible, would care for home of party leav
ing city. Phone Woodlawn 223?.
HARRIED farmer wants position as work
ing manager of farm or fruit ranch.
183 Holladay ave.. city. Phone East 7741.
T. Jones.
BLACKSMITH Had many years experi
ence in forging and general blacksmith
ing; desires position with responsible
company. - K fc86, Oregonian.
CEM ENT foundations, houses raised and
basement enlarged ; reasonable. Marshall
PAINTING, kalsomining. paper hanging,
estimates f urnished, day or contract.
Phone Tabor 0425.
CARPENTER work, roofs fixed and all
kinds of repair work. Call Main lo2l.
C Sale.
BOY going to high school, good penman,
wants any kind of work. Phone Alar.
34 S2, Mr. Brown.
TR A ELI NG sa lesman making Paci fie
coast towns wants side line. X 17i.
COLORED girl wants work by the day r
hour, . days a week. 4'all Sunday after
t A. M., phone East 43iO.
MIDDLE-AGOD man wants janitor job; a
good exp-rierced man. Tony Lu piano,
Tabor Jo74.
EXPERIENCED cn re Ionian vnrtts posi
tion s foreman, 12 years experience. G
!t". re-ronian.
HAVE u'ot a S'.i-tnn truck, would like to
get any kind of hauling, or contract. Call
Sellwood i::'.2. Mr. James.
W'i l l,D like to cet in touch with parlies
wishing to build or having carpenter
w ork to do. Tabor S 1 51 .
RELIABLE track foreman wishes position
with some lumber company. B 12D,
TiMKKEBt'BR s t camp, logging or con
struction: competent, reliable; aged 30
Baat 4151.
MAN wants to start fire morning and
night for his room rent, all day and
small wages. Main 4555.
WANTED Position on farm by man with
family; must have house and garden;
Oregon or California X 4(IK. Oregonian.
BOY of lt wit h some experience
job on farm. Ralph Ma reus.
East 2o0. 2Sn Larrabee st.
CARPENTER builds houses, store fixtures,
repairs, saves you money. Manny, Sell
wood 2421.
J A PAN ESE, young hoy wants situ. tion ;
all kinds housework. - Cal I East
BOY of II wants home, country, to work
i or board. Main 7nj5.
ACME window and general house cleaning,
floor waxing; experts. Broadway 5819.
HAVE 2-ton truck; want hauling contract.
Wooaktwn olOo.
PLOYERS in the Interest of patriots in parltcular
and the economic situation in Oregon in
A total of C(4 ex-soldiers and sailors
who are out of employment were regis
tered, when the books closed last night
These men, as everyone knows, en
listed, in the great war and served faith
fully, courageously, sacriftcingly, to tho
pud to give all if need be, fur you and
humanity, for freedom and democracy.
Are we going to take care of them?
A re we going to stand pat In the self
complacent attitude that "my payroll
Is full. I am carrying all on my payroll
that it will stand, I can do no more"?
That is a short -sighted view to take
of tne matter. Think, tltink. think, Mr.
Km ployer ; go into the matter lor your
best interests : analize it to a finality :
weigh all the merits of the situation,
consider the results of favorable or un
fa vorable action ; remember that em
ployers everywhere are revising and re
constructing their payrolls to any ex
tent necessary to absorb tlie unemployed
service men; keep in mind that many of
these men have families to support and
they M l.'ST have work ; be assured that
every ma.n's record is underwritten by
the A merican Legion ; and take the in
terest in this matter that will result
NOW TODAY in favorable individual
and collective action by Oregon employ
ers In furnishing immediate employment
for these unemployed patriots.
Phone Captain Conville. Main 313, and.
he will take prompt and intelligent ac
tion in the matter in securing "the right
man for the right place."
HAVE you a position for a young
man, aged IS, just graduated from
high school. manual training
course? Have worked in mill and.
shipyards, and am used to hard,
work .
SINGLE man with much experience in
conveyancing and record woi k. Not an
"expfrt" stenographer or bookkeeper.
Km ployed now, but want to locate In
Portland. Very best of recommenda
tions. Address Box 440, Lew is ton. Idaho.
POSITION wanted, experienced superin
tend en t and manager open tc take Im
mediate charge of logging operation;
nine years' experience in large Colum
bia river operation. J 4S5. Oregonian.
CH I EE engineer and mechanic wishes to
make change, out of town plant pre
ferred ; one in need of first-class, all
around man. Address AE 670. Orego
nian. WANTED Position with reliable firm or
corporation: am 3 years old. and have
had 13 years experience dealing with
piihlic. Would consider small invest
ment. J 673. Oregonian.
Rook keeper. Stenographers. Office.
H 1GH -CLASS accountant, with extensive
experience; family, seven years as chief
accountant and. credit man. big depart
ment store : now employed in essentia I
industry, wishes posit ion of trust with
reliable concern. J 030. Oregonian.
YOUNG man. experienced cash account
ant, capable of installing system that
will bring results, desires position as
cost accountant or assistant auditor.
K i41), Oregonian.
attending evening school wishes work
forenoons for board and room; handy in
work of any kind. East 5'Jol. Address
S30 Sandy blvd.
YOUNG attorney of 8 years' experience,
recently discharged from army, desires
position as legal or confidential adviser
or credit man with large concern; best
of references. X 483, Oregonian.
PI RST-CLASS ice cream maker and soda
fountain man wants permanent posi
tion; all-roound experience in confec
tionery business; age 25; A-l reference.
C 5M. Oregonian.
liOoKKEPER. assistant or general of
fice man, sawmill experience, wji; be
open for position Feb. 1 ; out of town
preferred; married. AV 143. Ore gonian.
THOROUGH LY experienced bookkeeper
desires position; competent to keep
books for any business ; references fur
nished. S 000. Oregonian.
ACCOUNTANT, with extensive experience
open for afternoon engagement. Will
start your system or check your books.
J o40. Oregoniftn.
RELIABLE bookkeener of middle age de
sires position, all or part time, thorough
ly competent. East 1503.
COMPETENT and. experienced accountant
with executive ability open for em
ployment. D 73, Oregonian.
WANT office work, bookkeeping: have
Kord car, pome experience salesman and
collector. G 379, Oregonian.
YOUNG man,
fice work.
good education, desires of-
Y J t'j, Oregonian.
SolIiri ami few-it or.
ASST. MGR. Dry goods, shoes and fur
nishing goods store in prosperous town.
Prefer pioneer merchant and an oppor
tunity to become financially interested
in the business; 7 years experience,
highest references. N 313, Oregonian.
WORK at once, farmer, ranches or dairy
work; devoted all my life at such work
except one year of army life; can give
references, age 2G: no trouble about
wages: drive Ford car also. Call, phone
or write Hotel Morris, room 2C7.
EXPERIENCED MAN, battery repair man,
wants posit ion with some reliable firm;
fa ir knowledge of ignition troubles: in
or out of city. R. A. Peterson. 543 East
17th st., Portland, Or. Phone Sell. 399.
c it V.
EX-SOLDIER, now attending Benson
Polytechnic school, desires) employment
arter school and Saturday. G 1VJ4, Ore
CiA.uAKi.Mij, nones t and reliable, -a
years old, wishes- steady employment as
janitor or night watcliman: willing to
do any ki n d oi work. H o7S. Oregonian.
EX-SERVICE man, '27t honest and reliable,
wishes work of any kind: handy with
tools; reasonable wages. D 1U7, Orego
nian. EX-SOLDIER. rJl, will work a. few hours
of a morning for good board and room
while gqing to school. E 8SS, Oregonian.
EX-SERVICE man wishes work any kind
few hours evening and Sunday ; expert
typewri ter. D 1M, Oregonian.
EX -SAILOR, JI years old, well dressed,
wants position as clerk or bookkeeper
in re! iable concern. X 404. Oregonian.
YOUNG ex-service man wishes work even
ings: work of any kind. D 70, Orego
nian. EX-SAILOR, 21. woull work few hours of
morning for good board and room. G 9-7,
EX-SERVICE, married man. anything;
but give me work. East GI9G.
EXPERIENCED laundress wants washing
or Ironing by hour or day; also takes in
washing. Phone Tabor 5SS0.
LA D Y wan ts housecleaning, or her work ;
hour, day; work guaranteed. Wdln. :os.
YOUNG colored woma n wishes few hours
work daily. Mar. t3!. after 1.
LA 1'XDRT done beautifully at home Main
LAUNDRESS wants " work for Tuesday,
Thursday, Friday. Call Broadway 4791.
WOMAN wan ts day work, 40o an hour;
ironing preferred. Phone 313-3i.
WOMA N would work few hours daily, ex
cept Sunday. X 475, Oregonian.
WOMAN wants crocheting tn do. yokes or
ihcp ; reasoH oie. . -n t, oregonian.
EXPERIENCED P. B. X. operator wishes
positron. B.I Oregonian.
LACE scrim marquisette curtains,
laundered by experts. East 6116.
COLORED woman wants work by week or
by day Phone 221-57.
WASHING and ironin
g by day. Broadway
12ni, room 11.
WOULD like place to work mornings for
room ana poara. a oregonian.
ORK. day or hour; references. Phone
.Main at g- a. xi. or o i'. jvi. . room 30.
HAIR dyed at home, reasonable,
perionced lady. Main 3&7.
WILL go out and care for children even
ings. an &eiiwooa
EXPERIENCED woman wants place car
ing i or con vHipscrnis. lL.ast fiTCl.
GOOD launnress wants day work : call
guncmy anr r. wi. labor 1014.
DAY work of any kind. Work guaranteed.
an hi i i i iu. mior -.mU.
EXPERI ENCED day worker wants work
I'T .niiwa . room: v um. OI'.l.
WILLING to take care of children during
SHIRTS made out of army blankets; also
other work. Call Tabor 2704.
WOMAN wants day work for Mondav and
DAY work wanted, washing.
Phone East 73K3.
OUD ham made over, 302 Yamhill au
NEAT, Intelligent, refined, educated, middle-aged
woman. accomplished cook,
economical buyer, capable taking full
charge culinary department boarding
house, maternity home, sorority house,
seeks position : best references. Sell wood
7M. or write 800 East 3Qth st.
EXPE Ft I ENCBD young lady pianist wishes
position as sheet musio demonstrator or
other musical position. Capable of tak
ing entire charge of sheet music dept.
Willing to leave Portland. D 14. Ore
gon ian.
YOUNG ma rried woman with good refer
ences wishes position as janitress in
a ptment house with furnished apart -ment
and wages in exchange. X 4S7,
W I LI give piano lessons to beginners at
3tc: have had success at my favorite vo
cation. It gives me pleasure to be able
to help you at this reasonable price.
G- 1M1. Oregonian.
WANTED Situations for legitimate actors
and 'entertainers of all descriptions.. Call
Portland Theatrical Agency. 319 Plait
bldg.. 127 Park at., cor. Wash.
POSITION wanted Girl, healthy. 13 years,
willing to work for board and room, pri
vate family; privilege to go to school.
Sell. 7tK, 1)43 E. 2ttth St.
WANTED -A position by middle-aged
lady, first-class cook and housekeeper,
ranch or camp preferred. Tabor 3308.
tfno E. 59th N.
WANTED Position by high school gradu
ate: aiso attended normal. Now taking
business course. Good writer and speller.
Phone Tabor 17G.
.. - .
REFINED youvig lady wishes position
where he can have her U-year-old boy
with her. Phone 5G7-2S. room CI 2. or
P 1 32. Oregonian.
STOUT, hearty woman, much experience,
does house cleaning and washing by
day, 4tc hour; not less than $2; good
work and best reference. Marshall 8!H.
WANTED Office or cashier work ; Inex
perienced ; would consider other work
lor Kix days a week. East 7147. Miss
NURSE Competent; wants care of in
valid. Will assist in th othr work.
Tn or out city. Phone automatic 56:1-71.
Room 3J1.
M I DDL E -AG ED widow, neat housekeeper.
wants work in widower s or bachelor s
home. More for home than wages. No
triflrs. B 81. Oregonian.
RELIABLE woman wants work on ranh
or cook for small crew; rompetent cook,
experienced on ranch; long job wanted;
age 'V."t. AC 410, Oregonian.
YOUNG lady oVsir clerical work in of-
Tire; havelhad experience in filing and
t yping. Call Main 10 JO.
WIDOW lady wishes position as house
keeper:; can give references and re
Quire the same. M ."4t", Oregonian.
DA Y work wan ted. clean in g ; no wash ing ;
Monday, Wednesday, Friday ; 45c hour.
Tabor "4K.
YOUNG- lady, experienced, wants position
as assistant to dentist or extracting spe
cia lifit. J f77. Oregonian.
W A N T E D Da y
work, washing. ironing
Call Mrs. Adams. Mar-
and cleaning,
shall 14'J;.
WANTED A place to take care of chil
dren evfmings while mother is away,
,rfrericps. Wo-jdla wn 1 il !.
M 1 DDLE-AGED woman, cooking or house
keeping. Call after 10 o'clock Sunday.
141 N. lth st.
LADY wants housecleaning. other work;
tours, day; work guaranteed. Wood
iawc 6305.
EX PERI ENCED cook wishes to prepare,
serve lunches and, dinner; price reason
able. E. -J534.
WANTED By A-l accountant and auditor.
worK evening ana Saturday ai ternoons;
rates reasonable. Ta bor "il 7i.
FIRE Insurance clerk, familiar with rates,
man years' experience, best references.
D 140. Oregonian.
LADY wishes janitress or other work eve
nings; wages reasonable. X 401, Ore
gonian. LADY wants housework while her hus
band is in hospital. Call Y. W. C. A.
M rs. Sokol.
EX PE III ENCED janitress wants work in
office building. Mrs. Miller, 50.13 45th
ave. S E.
WILL do '2 hours w-k a day for a good
dry room, west side. Call Main 514S, ask
for lady janitress.
YOUNG LADY wishes any kind of work at
night ; answering phone, etc., in hotel
preferred. Y 1S7. Oregonian.
LESSONS given In grammar grade studies:
backward pupils a specialty. Marshall
PRIVATE lessons in English to grown
peopie; elementary and. advanced. R 3ttl,
COOKING by day, hour or evenings for
private parties at business places. Cal
itl-H, then call ISiM.
WAN 1 El Crocheting and knitting, at
reasonable rates; for particulars call
Audrey Nil lac t, Marshall aow.'t.
VERY experienced woman wants all
around day work, expert laundress. East
EXPERIENCED young woman cook wants
position, hotel or farm. Phone Main 1135,
rom 5, or write R L'57, Oregonian.
HIGH, school girl wishes lo care tor baby
I or room and board and smal 1 pay in
respectable home. Marshall 2"t44.
EX PERI ENi. L l laundress a nd house
cleaner wants day work. Call Wdln.
40i l.
EX PERI ENCE D girl wants place to do
cooking, start reb. ";. Xo laundry work.
L. !, Oregonian.
Bookkeepers, Stenographers, Oil ice.
YOL'NG lady with nearly two years ex
perience in important offices, and with
good recommendations, desires position
in thoroughly respectable office, starting
work Feb. II. Offers under $SW not con-
sidered. Y 'zh'.i, Oregonian.
BOOKKEEPER wishes set of books
Keep requiring only part time ; can
audit, open and close books; internal
revenue statements; 15 years' experience;
reasonable charges; city reference.
Broadway T.t.
l- i Kw r-t lass srenograpner, r years" ex
perience, desires stenographic or secre
tarial position; experienced jn meeung
public; best references, o oregonian
AN expert bookkeeper, accountant and of
fice manager, with several years of expe
rience to her credit, is open for a po
sition with a first-class concern, either
in or out of the city. O 3 IN, Oregonian
BOOKK EE PER. stenographer, expert In
both lines, college education, desires no
sition; can give best local references;
could fill secretarial position. Marshall
3H or Main 1014.
POSITION as assistant bookkeeper, prod
uce house preierrea ; also do typing;
where there is chance for advancement.
Y 2n2, Oregonian.
COMPETENT legal stenographer with ex
ecutive ability desires responsible po
sition ; experienced in other lines. Ref
erences. W 880, Oregonian.
EFFICIENT bookkeeper with automobile
company, C, to. preferred. v 4, Orego
nian. BOOKK EEPER wishing work w ith
wholesale or lumber company; refer
ences. W 070. Oregonian.
COMPETENT bookkeeper with six years
otfice experience, C. S. preferred W
0f0, Oregonian.
FIRST-CLASS bookkeeper, unemployed.
wants position; quick. accurate and
w i 1 1 i n g to work. Phone Sell wood 563.
COMPETENT stenographer desires posi
tion; can operate mimeograpn. M ya,
SMALL set of books to keep; expert work;
stenograpner ; rates reasonable. S 710,
YOU NO lady wishes permanent position in
general oir:ce worn; j a ears experience.
Call East 47:2. K 8S4. Oregonian.
YOUNG lady wishes office work; operate
typewriter; some experience. E 955. Ore-
THOROl'OH LY competent stenographer,
experienced fn insurance and commer
cial lines. Tabor 2258.
EXPERIENCED stenographer wishes half
day work, hours 8:;'.t till 1 1 .. $35
per month. Bdwy. 47S-S.
STENOGRAPHER desires work half day.
Phone Marshall 4rtS'j. mornings.
RELIABLE woman wishes housekeeping
in small adult family. D 74. Oregonian.
STENOGRAPHER wishes pnKitl on af teir
noons only. Phone Woodlawn .'1"S4.
YOUNG woman wishee pr.r-ition on private
exchange or doctor's office. Mar. 5ttS.
EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog
rapher ; best city references. M a i n 2817.
EXP. dressmaker. $3 a day.. Call evenings
vv ANTED Dressmaking by experienced
a ressmaKer. ocuwoou 1 i .
SEWING neatly done jit your home. Call
.., I If UJ L., .O did tflUl.
j,rejriic.NL r 1 ' uressniaher D day, re-
pauaeuns. rei., rcasonauxe. Last 7615.
FOR your spring dressmaking and altera
tlons call Dressmaking Dept. Emporium
Dye works. &4 Morrison Bt.. Bdwy 4'J."y
JUST recently arrived from the east, with
advanced styles, can take work for a
few days. Call E. 3134.
HIGH-CLASS dressmaking, street dresses;
make your old suit Into a dress: reason
ahlo ratey. Mrs. Kelly, East 7307.
ENGAGEMENTS by the dav. up-to-date
dressmaker will prepare :o finish ; re
modeling ; reasonable. Bdwy. l.".7.
Phone East 7:.:t.
SEAMSTRESS, reasonable.
o87 1 weekdays.
Phone Main
MATERNITY and surg' al hospital. 10W-
Williams ave. Normal confinement rasos
taken car of for less than one-half the
usual charges; cases including drugs,
d raisings, licensed physician's srv ices,
fvo weeks' hospital care, all for $40; all
other surgical nnd hospital oases treated
under name condit ior.s. Phone Wood
lawn ltii. Main 7744, or apply at 70L
Dckum bldg.
TRAINED nurse, 6 years old. seeks
change of environment, would like care
of delicate baby, thoroughly understands
th is work, or will assume entire charge
of chil-dren during parents aosence; sal
ary $t0 per month: best of Portland ref
erences. Address AV" 101. Oregonian.
Miss Walterlin, scientific massage, correc
tive, reducing exercises; doctors refer
enecs. Europe. American. Bdwy. -;.".
WoM AN with hospital ex p. wishes mental
or nervous patient to care for in her own
home. M Oregonian.
COMPETENT, congenial nurse. invalid,
short or long cases. Phone Marshall 60S.
C Stevens.
PRACTICAL nurse, age 4S. wishes con
finement and other cases-: best of ref
erences. phone East 1!U3.
NURSE. 2 years' hospital training, wishes
position in doctor's office : references.
N Oregonian.
GRADUATE nurse, general and maternity.
C i t y re f e re n ces. Ta bor 1 'J
A RE KIN ED lad v. mid die-aged, not en
tirely depend en t upon ow n exertions,
wishes situation as much for home as
wages; would act as companion or nurse,
home or traveling : kep house for gen
tleman or would assist with housework
in modern home In city or country if
treated as one of family; no triflers.
A V 10.1. Oregonian.
UN INC CM BEREI woman, middle-aced.
wants place as housekeeper in small
modern home or small apartment, for
widower or bachelor; capable of tak
ing full charge; home more desired than
big salary. A 4. Oregonian.
UNINCt'M RERED lady wishes c ii a r ge of
gentleman s home; must be strictly mod
ern ; would consider one ch ild under 1
year old; Al cook: best of references;
will leave citv. BK 457, Oregonian.
CAPABLE widow with on son wishes
position as housekeeper in strictly re
spectable widower's or bachelor's well-to-do
home; Eastern Oregon preferred.
D 71. Oregonian.
WANT place as working housekeeper or
to manage apt. or rooming houre; l
y ears' experience ; economical and re
iiahle. B ldl. Oregonian.
WOMAN past middle age wants position
as housekeeper in bachelor s or w mow
er's home; country preferred. N 2'Jl,
WANTED Position as housekeeper by
middle-aged woman. K 1. Box 13. rorest
Grove, Or.
MIDDLE-AGED lady wants position house
keeping In widowers home by eu. L
H rx2. Oregonian.
WOMAN cook with small
child ; preiet
J ot0, Orego
country hotel, references,
REFINED lady with girl I wants position
In gentleman s home. Call e2 E.
street North.
KELI A BLE young lady wishes housekeep
ing for working irum. in ans. state lull
particuTars. F . Oregonian.
MIDDLE aged widow wishes position as
housekeeper In widower's no me, w itn l
or 2 children. H tlis, Oregonian.
WOMAN with 10-year-old boy wishes po
sition as housekeeper. Address A V 145,
COOKING or housekeeping, reliable middle-aged
woman; close in. X 4S0, Ore
gonian. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN with' one child,
wants housekeeping. Call Col. 42. after
2 P. M.
LADY i!4 wishes housework or other work
from to Tt. Wood lawn :il :ijt.
COMPETENT girl wishes position as cook
and downstairs work; no bunday dinner.
H rMl, Oregonian.
ELDERLY lady wants housework. 8 lira,
daily, vicinity 11 t h and Everett s ts. ;
go home nights. V 2.1, Oregonian.
GIRL hard to get ? Kitchen expert will
take the work out of housework; built
in features. Wdln. T34.
DAY work wanted for Monday, Wednesday
and Friday. Tabor 0048.
II on neft.
WANTED To rent r.-room bungalow, fur
nished or unfurnished, with all modern
conveniences. State rent and full imr
t ieulars. H 22. Oregonian.
WANTED By Feb. 1 or March 1. fur
nished bungalow or housekeeping roonif,
good neighborhood; responsible, famiiy 3
adults. Phone Wood. 2J:'.
W A N TE U Z or t-room m od e rp house o r
lower flat on west side: must be in good
co no it ion and good locality ; adults; best
references; will lease. Marshall 370S.
W" AN TED Small modern unfurnished
house by young man tha,t appreciates a
home. Call Broadway 1246 between 8
A. M. and o 1 . M.
WANTED Modern tt or 7-room house or
apartment ; electric lighted and well lo
cated; give particulars. F 085, Orego
nian. SIX rooms. Feb. 10 to 15. not over IS
miles from business district. No small
children; rent for term. Prefer deal with
owner. Address 408 Stock Exch. bldg.
WANTED To rent- by March 1 or before,
a modern 5-room bungalow with gas
range and water heater. Call Tabor
S42' or write 0b5 E. Market.
WANTED to rent, strictly modern or -room
house with furnace ; would con
sider buving later on. t70 Haight ave.
Wd I n. 320.
WANTED 6 or 7-room furnished house
for 2 or 3 months: must be modern and
near car line ; can give references. R
2i , Oregonian.
WISH to rent or lease 3 or 4-rooni house
with place for chickens and garden
where mope ground can be had. Phone
East 3474.
WANTED About Feb. 3, furnished or un
furnished 4 or 5-room house or flat with
garage, preferably near Union ave, Ad
dress R. W., 1335 E. 0th st. N. ,
WANTED By Feb. 1. 3 to R-room house,
unfurnished or partly furnished; no chil
dren; walking d i stance of Union ave.
and Shaver st. Woodlawn 2620.
YOUNG widow with children wishes 4-5-romn
house, not to exceed $10-12 per
month. Marshall 4770. Call Monday.
FOUR furnished or partly furnished rooms
or house, east or wt side, within walk
ing distance. F 13. Oregonian.
WANTED TO R ENT o or 4-room house.
Haw thorne district ; reasonable. Phone
Tabor M46.
HoCSE, k to 12 rooms, walking distance
N. W. Steel : would buy some furniture.
Call Sell. :t2oH Monday.
WANTED Furnished apart ment for man
and wife, close in, west side, p 157. Ore
gonian. W A N T E 1 Room and boa rd near sc h 00 1 J
ror nov, i'nui sunuay or aner o. mar
shall iis2. apt. To.
7- RO M modern home and garage, re
HtricteH disl. S3 4 Overlook blvd. Wood
lawn 2"ls. Russell and Shaver car.
"WANTED Small house, furnished or un
furnished, with priv ilegro to buy. Wood
lawn tt"13.
W" A NTE D 5-room bungalow, west slrte.
close in; garden. J. P. Miller. iK5 ".
25th st.
WANTED By Feb. 1. furnished modern 5
or tl-room house, close in on west side
by adults. II 2A. Oregonian.
WANTED To rent 4 or 5-room cottage or
bungalow. 3 In family. Phone Tabor
4H12. after 6 P. M.
WANT to rent 4 or 5-room house. Sunny
side or Rose City preferred, furnished
or unfurnished. F S60. Oregonian
WA NTED February 1, ft-ror m furnished
bungalow on east fide; responsible party.
BK 337. Oregonian.
W ANTE D To rent modern IT 4 or 5
room furnished bungalow. Call A. .T.
Orleman. Broadway 3.H4S. 1ft to P A. m'
WANT to rent 7 or 8-room house with
1 to 5 acres ground, near city. E 853.
WANTED By Feb. 10. ft or 7-room mod
ern house in desirable district. N 331,
WANTED To rent, five or nx-room fur
nished house; state location and price
F S04. Oregonian.
WANTED Furnished or unfurnished house
or flat In Alherta district. Wdln. 2409.
5 OR 6-room furnished house;
Kose City preferred. Tabor .
3 adults.
U70. .
f loute.
Xo formation and
Keutai Bureau.
Reliable, up-to-dat list of deslrabl
vacant houses, apartments and flat with
definite information pertain in to each.
Newcomer to Portland will find thl
bureau of great value la helping them
at properl aad juickly located.
BUhtli Floor.
WE have hundreds of clients desiring to
rent. The efficiency of "THE McGUIRE
SYSTEM" of property management will
save you money.
Ahington Bldg. Main lOtlS.
WANTED By responsible couple, small
furnished house or bungalow or 2 or 3
room furnished apartment In good lo
cality; will lease if desired for con
siderable time; part rent tn advance; no
children ; references. O 270. Oregonian.
WANTED Tao rent Feb. 1. furnished or
partly furnished cottage or flat, to 5
rooms, modern, nice location, garage pre
ferred; will lease for term if satisfac-
tory; responsible couple. Y 2iii. Ore
gonian. M
WANTED TO RENT Suburban home,
Oregon City line, 5 to 6-riom bungalow
H to 1 acre, fruit, shrubs, school near,
with option to buy within year; beat
rf ferences. Phone East 254.
W ANTE D W e U furnished modern 0 or
7-room house, bungalow preferred, with
garage if possible by business man and
wife without children. L 345, Ore
gonian. .
FROM Junel to Oct. 1. by young couple,
no children or peta, furnished residence.
Eight rooms, at least four bedroom
Must be modern and well located. X 512,
WANTED To rent unfurnished H. K.
apartment by Feb. 1. Main U407.
Young couple want to rent a H-room.
furniH-hed or unfurnished apartment by
Feb. 5. Can furnish best of references.
Write AR 127, Oregonian.
TWO ladies would like to sub-rent a two
or t hree-room furnished apartment tor
j. ma 11 bungalow) from about February 7
to April 1; must be In high-class apart
ment bulldin;
best references. Tel. East
GENTLEMAN wants suite of rooms con
sisting of living room, bedroom and
b-Uh. also garage privilege; must bo
modern in every way; stato lull particu
lars In answering. .Ti74.Oregonian:
W . N T E L - By Fob. 1 or March 1. refined
couple best of reference, would like to
share housekeeping priv i leges with inr-ta-s
living in ow n home. 1'hone ood.
2oii. ' ,
MAX and -year-old boy wants board and
room with Christian Science family,
wettt side; not over $15 per w k. T 02-i,
Oregonian. .
WANTED By Feb. 1. a two-room fur
nished apartment or houseaeeping rooms
in private family by two ladies (.mother
and daughter!. Call Main 22.M
SMALL, furnished apartment or house
keeping rooms, district between Northrup
ana Thurman. above 23d. Phone Main
7 MjO. Y -17. Oregonian.
WA NT ED -Unfurnished flat, west side,
tv couple and small girl; lower flat,
and one heated preferred. T 61j, Ore
WANTED fur. room in private family
with kitchen privileges, apartment or
fur. flat on ground tloor. Tabor 2ttmt.
COl'PLE want good unfurnished apart
ment, west side, reasonable rent; ret
erences. W l;H, oregonian.
3 OR 4 -room unfurnished apts. or flat by
adults; steam heat. Call Broadway o44
M onday.
WANTED Feb. 1, furnished or partly fur
nished 3 -room apartment ; central ; ref
erences; west sine. V 3. Oregonian.
WANTED Furnished or unfurnished house
wet-t side for man and wife. K. 151. Ore
W NT to lease good apartment, nouse.
will pay casii for furniture; no agents.
K. Vo3. Oregonian.
2 OR 3-room apartment, between now and
the first of February. O ltf,MOj-ej5onlan.
WANTED by 2 ladies, employed,, first of
month, an apt. Tabor l'.ml.
GIRL employed wants nicely furnished
modern room, preferably w ith kitchen
ette, walking distance. F 13U, orego
nian. YOUNG couple employed desire comfort
able room in private family where lady
will take motherly care of two chil
dren aged 2 and 4. L 313. Oregonian.
MIDDLE-AGED business man. American,
would like room in widow's home, walk
ing distance if possible; have car. M
Uoti, oregonian.
LXDY wishes suiiny room with or without
kitchen privileges in refined home, pref
erably -near Haw thorne. T 030, Orego
WANTED Pleasant, unfurnished room In
private family. Irvington preferred.
Phone Woodlawn til30. i
WANTED One or two unfurnished rooms
for storing mrnuure. neai iohi
lamook. M 035. Oregonian.
YOUNG man, retined, wants room.
i : w. vti .KM A N desires room w ith use of
bath. F O20, Oregonian.
Koonm With Hoard.
Young couple want to rent a 3-room,
furnished or unfurnished apartment by
Feb. 5. Can turnish beat ot reierences,
Write X 403, oregonian.
WANTED Someone in a refined home to
i ..-.i Ur..i ire for my little daughter,
Hi years old; 1 preter a place where
there are no other children and near
the Hawthorne school, but this is not
absolutely essential. Can give beat of
ref,rt.nrt.s. T 570, Oregonian.
W ANTED Rooms witn board in modern
home lor business man with two sons
of school age: vicinity Rose City school
or on O.-egon Electric only, r V8. ore
WANTED Feb. 1. by young business man.
comfortable room with breakfast ana
dinner in private, congenial home; must
be within walking distance of downtown
section. X 4tU, OreKonian.
A MIDDLK-AGDD lady want room and
two meals a day in private family or
small boarding house, near carline; west
side preferred. AO 154 . Urt-no ni a n.
"WANTED Comfortable room, plain board,
first floor, near bath, tor middle-aged
man, semi-Invalid; requires no care. J
604, Oregonian.
BUSINESS JIUL wishes nicely furnished
and -well -.heated room with breakfast,
west side; place w ith piano preferred,
11 54 S, Oregonian.
A SING LB young man of good habits,
emploved, wishes room and board with
private family. X 514. Oregonian.
ROOM and board in pleasant home, either
east or west side, by 2 young ladies em
p 1 o ved; references. K 952. Oregonian.
WOULD like large roora. or room with
alcove, with tlrs-class board, good loca
tion, west side. Phone Main 42. .4.
GENTLEMAN wants permanent home in
private Christian family. J 583, Orego
nian. WANTED Board and room by two young
business ladies in pleasant home; walk
ing dbtance. S Oregonian.
YOUNG man would like room and board
in p ri va t e f a m i I y ; must be reason b le.
F 924. Oregonian.
YoL-NG ladv, employed, wishes home with
private family ; references' exchanged.
Woodlawn 273-
W I DOW ER. middle aged. w ants board
and room in private family with all
home privileges. W 893. Oregonian.
W A NTED By two young gentlemen.
Piedmont district, private family, room
and board. 'all Wdln. 4975.
COUPLE wants furnished house In good
district ; Irvington preferred. Mar. ZW.
LADY with income desires room and
board, Mt. Scptt district. Tabor lOttK.
HouseHceptnx Koomi,
W ANTE D 2 light housekeeping rooms,
elderly gentleman, near Haw-thorno car
line, in city 4 days and 1 night per week.
Makes verv desirable tenant; beat of ref
erenccg. R 271. Oregonian.
R E F 1 N ED woman wants large light room
for light housekeeping, west side, close
in. permanent, references. C til a, Ore
gonian. MAN and w ife responsible desire t wo
or three housekeeping rooms in private
family; good locality; live quietly; ref
erences WIDOW desires two or three unfurnished
housekeeping rooms, permanent. J 647,
Business Places.
WANTED Desk room in downtown office
with use of stenographer and phone;
submit proposition and state your line
of business. A R 8!, Oregonian.
RESPONSIBLE party wants desk space
downtown, ground Loor preferred, - T
156, Oregonian,
51 utcel lanrouH.
IN 1RVIXGTON Private parage; give di
mensions. Address H. B. Dick.-on, 441
E. 21st North. Phone East 4355.
WANTED to rent, a deck lake, 329 Oak
stieet. Broadway 2013.
Fornbthed Roomn.
Just across Uhe Buriioide bridge.
Being thoroughly renovated through
out. Strictly modern rooms, singe or
wirh private or community tath. Tran
sients. $1 to $2 per day. Special raxes
by week or month. East 171.
HOTEL Netherlands, Llth st. at Wash
ington. A real home hotel for dis
criminating people. Light, clean rooms
with or without private bath, cleanli
ness, courtesy and personal . service.
Transient, permanent.
170 llth Pt. Take Depot car to llth
and Morrison, walk haif block south.
Clean, mod-ern. respectable; transient.
$l.5u; with private bath, $2.
DESIRABLE wll-heated room. nicely
furnished; walking distance, near Mult
nomah club. Main 23'.lJ before 2
o'clock. .
CLEAN and neatly furnished ouisid rooms
for men at prior-to-war rates at the Hid
nev. 5021s N. 25d at. Phone Broadway
1 ;;5i.
FURNISHED room for rent, strictly mod
ern; girls or married couple preferred ;
on Hawthorne. Call Tabor 55S;.
HOTEL SAVON. 131 llth st.. between
Washington and Alder, modern rooms
$5 per week up. $1 per day up.
IF YOU are looking for a nice, cK-an, well
hcuteci room, drop into the Shelly hotel.
422 Morrison, cor. llth st.
ONE WITH privat bath. 1 block from
Broadway and one block from Wash
ington. 147 Park st.
401 lollt ST. Furnished rooms;
heat, all conveniences ; suitable
for 1
or 2 gentlemen. Main 4:o.
DESIRABLE furnished sleeping rooms.
steam rlect ric lights, walking dis
tance. -Jtn 13th st.
NICELY furnished rooms.
hot and rolfl
trom $5.51 to
Main 715V
water, steam heat ; price
s per w k. 1"7 4th st.
Bl SHMAUK HOTEL, iifi.i t, Wah. St.
large. light, clean, modern rooms, re
spectable. LAKGE front bedroom, strictly modern
ami clean tor couple working, close in
private tamily. Phone East 7333.
NEWLY furnished rooln. convenient
easy walking distance, modern. (y-i-Everett,
near 21st.
HOTEL OCKLEY Morrison Bt. at Tenth.
Hates a day up. weeKiy 4..tu up.
Steam heat. Free phone and bat ha.
PA LACE HOTEL. 446 Wash, st,, down
town location, respectable ana strict?
modern room, large, clean.
76c, $1 DAY; 92.50 week up; outside rooma,
Hotel Cadillac. 3d near Jefferson.
ROOMS Furnished and unfurnished, oiti'i
Alder st.
KI" RN IS1 1 KI) convenient 1 and
apts. 5ii Clav tt.
V L'RNISHfciD roo m.
4b 1-lltecnth flrc t
NICK room in exchange caring for boy
2 or li evenings. labor It2.4.
I nf urnished Rooms.
TWO desirable steam-heated rooms in
private family, uni urnisht d ; private en
trance, suitable to one w ho takes din
ners out. Retwcen St. Vincent hospital
and Campbell hotel; references. Cail
Main 4.VH.
FOR RfclNT 2 unfurnished rooms at titiii
Kerby St.: elderly couple preferred.
L.N FL RN I SHED, a or
Rill nitliie. 44S Hall
4 rooms, including
Vurnirthed Rooms in Private ifaraUy.
LARUE well furnished alcove room, run
ning water, porch; young men or couple
employed; references. 57o Hoyt st.
Broad w ay l!t55.
apartment for 2
couple ; pri vi lej;es.
H.. Hdwy ;tU54.
for rent in piiate
Kirls or :mphyed
125 X. 17th st., apt.
FRONT room, nicely furnished, w ith piano,
electric light, turnace heat; suitable lor
2; use of bath and phone; reasonable
rent. Wash, st., cur. Klla. -Mar. 1 15.
IN refined home, comioriable furnibhed
rooms wiihin walking distance for
1 or 2 gentlemen. 2t5 E. 1st N. Refer
ences. N ICE larf?e room in first-class att., for
two Indies, employed. Can have break
fast and use of laundry trays. X 44,
NEWLY furnished room, strict ly modern
bungalow, privat family, plenty heat
' and hot water, suit utile for two ; men
preferred. Sellwood 241J.
LA ROE iron t room for rent at 47 East
Pth st. Suitable for 2, rent reasonable.
Call East 670t.
$ I N lee outside room ; very con venient ;
walking distance. 512 2d fit., west side,
near Sherman.
NICELY furnished room in private family
for gentleman; close in on east side.
Phone East I .VS.
WANTED Congenial young lady to shar
sleeping porch room in beautiful Irving
ton home with young people. East i2'..
LA ROE front room suitable for tw o. a Iso
1 single room in private flat. 124 4th
st. Mar. 337.
FLRNISHED room in modern Rose City
Park home, player-piano, use of kitchen
if desired. Tabor .'cti.
N 1CELY furnished front room ; phone and
bath; breakfast if desired. 1U3 E. b4th
st. N.
IN MODERN home, comfortable room,
steam heat, hot and cold water, walk
ing distance. Phone E. 4f22.
NICELY furnished room for working man.
with or w it hout breaktast ; very clos
in. Broad way 57s.
BRIGHT heated room, for gentleman in
quiet modern home. Close in. Tabor
TO GENTLEMAN, room and bath in
private family, 12-minute car fcervice
from center of city. Tabor 504.
1 OK 2-room suite, nicely furnished, steam
heat, west side, w alking distance. Call
Main 7520. . m
ROOM in desirable home for bum-fs
woman. w alking distance, references.
Main 4403
FRONT sleeping room, close in, west side,
fn modern home. 434 Mill st. Phone
Main 4H3.
LoV ELY furnished room in modern home,
suitable for 2 gentlemen; rent reason
a hie. 77 Flanders.
LAlttGE. nicely "furnished, welt heated
room with or w it hout sleeping porch ;
near 23d and Northrup. Marshall 2-494.
NEWLY turnUhed sleeping rooms, mod,-in.
very convenient, easy walking distance.
9 4 ' i E verett. near 21st.
FOR RENT Suburban room, bath, board.
garage ; pavement ; Oregon City line.
Phone 9 W. Hox 1 06. Oak Grove.
NEW LY if urnished rooms, furnace heat.
gent leman preferred. Mar. 4 J IS, 51K)
ERY nice. large, clean room. Heat, light;
phone, hot and cold water; suitable for
1 or 2: particular gentlemen. 37 lL'th st.
LARGE bedroom. prixate bath.
Park ; phone W oodlawn 27 1 .
FURNISHED room, clean and comfortable;
rferenees. Ma rshall 44-3.
I RGE. modern room,
t K, gentleman on'.y.
w a Iking distance.
43 13th st.
FRONT room, refined, congenial famiiy,
west side; garage if desired. M ar. 3!P9.
IN IKV1NGTOX. $10; nice warm front bed-
room. E. S259.
Kl'RMSHI'3) modern room for gentleman
only. 44 3d st.
FU RN I SH ED rooms for gen 1 lemon, $ 14
per mo. Marshall 2194. 4 1 1 Ht it st. .
DO I' RLE room, sui table for 2 em pl ed.
piano. Main 3?UM , 329 Broadway.
3d N. 17th st.
ingle sleeping room.
CLE A N, om fort able room wit h ba t h for
man. 12 per rno. 4": Ttamnn:, upstairs.
LXROE third-floor room with alcove.
N. 1Mb.
FC H N IriH ED room for gentleman.
23 3 .
CLEAN attic sleeping room for man, near
bat h. 433 Market st.
FURNACE heated rooms. $3 and $4 week.
331 C.rand ave. N. Rhone E.
ON E large front room, suitable
14th st.
FIN E, warm room. facing Broadway
bridge. 3'.H Larrabee. E. side. $3 week.
$ 1 8 LA RG E. w ell h eted
smaller. $12; modern. 327
front room;
Sixth st.
BEAUTIFUL flopping porch for gentle
man. 414 Salmon, corner 1 1th.
HEATED furnished room, one or t wo
gentlemen. 37 llth st. Marshall 41
ROOM to ren t, men only. 425 N. 23d st.
Phone Marshall 325.
ROOM for man. 11
.Multnomah club.
pri va te f a ml ly ; near
Main 2741.
NICELY furnished room, modern, at &J2 xz
idverctu i'hune M a rail a U 107.
FumiMied Koomn in Private Family.
PLEASANT room, with or w it hout bo; rd,
for gemlf man and wife, lady with child,
two teachers. g;rl employed or two
school boys, in private family, consisting
of mother and son : use of phono, piano
and a!l home privileges: good locality,
convenient car service. Phone Woodlawn
:nn; not far out.
LA ROE ROOM, 2 window, extra largf
closets, use of hath and telephone; home
comforts in a home; ue of silting room;
near 5 carlmes, references ; pre ter gen
tlemen. Tabor 1ol
FL' RXISH ED room for rem with a cou
ple in Kooseveit apt., st earn -h.-a ted ;
woman preferred ; relerences required.
Bdwy. 31 M 5.
CLEAN and cheerful newly furnished front
room with private family; walking dis
tance. Mt N. llith sa., between Everett
h nd Kia nders.
FI'RNISHED room with kitchen, hath and
laundry privileges, walking distance, in
best part of citv; references exchanged.
Call Main ti:j0t Sunday between 11 and I
LARtiB well furnished room. modern
home, suitable for two; breakfast if de
sired, corner E. Broadway and 24th su
East -l.'2.
EXCEPTIONALLY fine room in modern
home. Northwest district, for 1 or 2 gen
tlemen; references exchanged. Ph r.e
.Marshall It I!.
TWO front ruomn in private home. 10 min
utes cur service from center of city, for
gentlemen only; all conveniences. 70 E.
Sl'.N'N Y roe m . $ :. a w c e k .
t:;i Savier
Rooms Willi Iioard.
Two of the best-Known residential ho
tels on Pacific eoast.
American plan, with or without bath,
$2...o a day up; rates hv i'av or month.
Meals served to transient.
.1 KANN K LV A RC x urnisncd rooms, with
or without board, for business pirls and
lady tourists, permanent or transient.
Special features within tho lim'tation
of the minimum waj;e earner, $2 per
week and up. 25 14th st. Main 4111.
NORTON! A HOTKU Portland downtown
high-claa family hotel; rooms en suit
o; single, with or w it hout board, for
families and business men and womf).
We give you a!! the comiorta of a bom.
Kea-o.i able rate.
" ; RAND av k" Ho tkI 7 "
If ou ;tre one who appreilatcj cood
board anil room, call and see us. Rates
reittfonahle; close n; nun ony. ;;:;4
Or.tnd :te. i blocks smitli Hawtlmrne.
ROOM and board for business girls; ail
modern conveniences; walkuiK distance;
I .'a per week. East 4 732. i2 E. "ith at.
SSu lCth st. For business gtrls and
tuornit; reasonable rates. Mar. 1V5L
PRIVATE party wants
its nd hoa rders at 1
February 1 ". Phone
fr roniii
cooking. hot and cold water, steam
hout; reasonable. '15 5d st.
HARRISON hotel, outside
table bd. SO. 50 w eo k. Front
rms., S2.S0;
.nd Harrison
KouniH Witli Boa rd i n ate Family.
Xh'K room and pood board for two nuns;
ladie. empio.ved; modern bungalow; no
oilier boamcrs: more for than
money ; $5' per mop th. Ca II Sunday ot
evenings. Tabor 5;,0.
A Vot'Ni; lady, employed a nd of '"d
-haractei. to btturd in modern flat ami
share room with dauh'pr of Rood
family: references exchanged. I'hone
lUast t'0.
CLEAN" furiMshed rooms; furnace heat,
e.eetric lights, frep phone, hot water, st. washtubs tnew manage
ment t. Call ai tcMioou. 55U Davi st. ; no
rlii Id re:i.
FtiU R ENT P.enutif ul'.y f urnishefi front
room w ith larwe closet, next to bat h ;
suitatile for tv' scnilemen; furnace
brat and hot water, excellent board.
W ood a w n 7 '1 .
V ilMi MEN A re ou iook iu ltw a
home w here you can have houie pri -ilexes
and two well-cookd mls at a
moderate rate 7 Call East
LAKoK clean room, first floor, and break
fast cheap; near new Montgomery Ward
plant; N'S) and -51 st. car. 47 Fairbanks
ROOM and board, just like home, man and
wife employed, reasonable Call per
sonally, ,"i5 E. 3.M st., Richmond car.
R e: ere lie's exch an ecl.
IS THERE some f?ood man and wife who
would like t have splendid room with
home cooking for vacancy Jan 25. to
Feb. 1? Phone Main 4254.
ROOM and breakfast reasonable
(i Le-aged lady that works; C.
ferred. Tabor HHi-'l.
to mid-S.-
I'LEASANT room and kooiI board in pri
vate family. U a week. 2li East 5-d,
ne;i r H a w t liorne.
'ELY furnished heated . room with
oard ; private family ; w alking distance,
o.; Hi t .
WANTED to board a child in wood home,
a Ked from 5 to 5 ; iri pre! erred. I'hone
Columbia 7 .
SLEEPINO room for rent, dinner and
breakfast served. Call East 4VH before
HI A. M.
NICELY FL RN IS H ED rooms with board,
suitable for I or 2. pood home cooking
shower bat h. furnace heat. 741 li isan.
NR'ELY furnished rooms with board, near
Ur.iadway bridge . private homo. 4"S
ATTRACTIVE room in- laraft tirst-lass
apt., for gentleman; breaklast served.
Ret. East Hi4.
Nit "ELY furnished room in modern home,
with or without boa rd l or 2 gentlemen.
5i5 Rodney or K. IHM3.
HUM E-Ci oK ED meals s
w Imi wishes board; 2 V
East "''"'l. Phitne East
rved for
day. 254
IJO It L for two gent lemen in private
home, la rge. a t traetiv t; room wit h two
bed s. East MHj-'i.
RtiOM and board in widow's home. j or
5 congenial gentlemen, home privileges.
E. M,s2.
-A 1 lit le girl bet w t-eri 2
good home. Automatic
-.. and
TWO GIRLS employed, t
board; home privileges
ha re room and
Main 1920.
Hi )OM and board for 2 adults in priv a t e
family; reasonable. 430 E. A?h. E. P44".
Main 2Sti4.
tabie board. 3!4 Columbia st.
LA RG E front room, t wo bed, modern,
home cooking. 351 M one goniery st.
Ro Y of sell 00 1
20 a month.
boa rd and ca re
22d st
W A NT tit 4
years oid.
,re for small
Home phone
not over 4
CHILDREN to board, mot tier's car
etoe given. !;;, Cot-ln'tt. Mar.
NEWLY f u r n is bed . large rooms with al
cove; w ould board nh e eoupby " Ella M
ROOM anti Ioail in private family. '
Larch t., Ladd Aiidition. East 5Mi2.
LADY -board
like to phar
544 4th st.
large room,
RO MS for rent . with or w it hout board.
173 1',th f:. Mjin 5i.13.
HUuM and board, home cooking and home
sty. E. !:4v l ull 5 E. 12th N.
BOA ItD and room for
53K3. 5,.i." E. Ash.
gentlemen. Eat
WI LL take invalid or ae
home: nurse's ;ire. E S."
in private
tregon ia n,
HO A RD and room in privat e luinie;
and home con ven ien ers. En st ;'.7.
K M M ami board.
. 1.1'on.' E. :ito.
'ut Hawthorne ac.
t iirnthed Apartment.
AND $22 One lower 4-room furnished
apartment and one "-room furnishe,!
apartment 542 K. 27 th st. Richmond
ear to 27th, 1 block south.
ELD R It 1 I m ; E A PTS. 27 t N. 2 1st St.. 3
rooni furnished apartment; adults only;
rent $59 ; vacant Monday. Rroadway
1 4 - ROOM f unii.- lie.i apt., sic pi 11 g
steam heal, elect rie lishts. "or $
rais. lt; si. Marshall
".: no
!.'. 1 KKIU1V Apartment for rent pari.y
1 urnished, w it h heal and w ater; $5n per
mn t h.
FOR S. LE Ku rnit ure of
ment; apartment for rent;
;-room a part
adults. ildwy.
NEWLY furbished 2-ioom front apt., suit
able for 2 or 4 adults; t 'cn. quiet, cx
, lusive. 117 N. 1 th nl.
uV ER apart rn"n ts. Sou th I'urt "h nd ca r :
tine larae rooms. "wl! furnlslud, $20
up 11 Crovrr st. Main por.s.
MODERN 3 or 4-room furnished apart
ment. Tabor 14t'3.
UNION AVE. and Kiiliimsworih, $21..
nil coniph-te. i-on-ro; e Jld g.
T WO rooms down town. $30.
riuirf d. H 3tK. Oregonia n.
V E K V durable suite of front rooms. Nob
H III. Main 10il.
FU RN IS II ED 2 rooms for housK piping,
private bath, steam heat. 3-o Russell st.
NK'ELY furnished apt. Call at 114 E. fcth
st.. Vancouver. Wash.
T W 3-room furnished apts. w ith private
baths. $32.30. Alta apts . SS2 E. Ash st.
TWO small clean apartments, fine for tou
ples who work. 4U4 I 'ark st.
3-ROOM furnished apartment in Univer
sity Uark.. Rhone East 22s.
V'ARM first-floor furnished apartment
wilU private bath, 4oU. 33i r at
t-'urnineq Apartment.
Fifth and Columbia M re eta.
Five minutes' wik to Meier A Frank'!
tore; good surroundings, strictly mod
ern. 2 and 3-room furnished apts. : a d
uiid wth French doors and baicooy.
2-ROOM nicely furnished front apt., to re
sponsible couple only; also some partly
1 urnished rooms, not modern. 315 Mar
ket street.
COZY". we'l located; if soon. 2 rooms
17, 3 rooms 20 with h-at, IiRhL.
Has $." moi e. ti:m E. Huh m., or &ee
"Uoland," O. W. K . store.
3 ROOMS nnd kitchenette, furnished, in
select home, private, lrvinc'.on, ", in
cluding lltht, gas, heat. lei. 1 LM,
I nf urnished Apartment..
THREE unfurnished rooms; heat,
- elceirtc liphts, fire phone, hoi water,
frarba&e. st . waslnubs; tnew manage
ment t. Call afternoon, 5.".o Uaws St.; no
4-ROOM apt.
11 iirli -class
for rent, furniture for .tie.
pt. bouse, adults, reterencea.
R IMS Oregon:
LitWER flor. fine. w,-ll
small famil . iicttr i a
t urn is-bed rmms,
s. iiwood ;u.".
I I4.
4 -room upper Hat, lu rni'-c
Oas rane and li,it. r. w t Mde 35.
"ilil PANAMA lU'lLDlNC.
FLAT FOR RENT .Modern 5-room Hat
with bat ti room, furnace, bat h, pas and
electric fix;ures ei v light, on the car
line, at L"i per month, at S51 ltaley
st. I'hone East 7l" and Marshall Mi 7.
-R oM
tricny ;
moot h ;
upper fiat for rent . gas e fee
one block from car line; $16 per
7ot i M. K.ot t:tr.
FoR RENT Either upper or lower flat;
near grammar, high. H.-nson and dental
schoois: ,;i.v East Jlii'.i.
st. W . J;,
Main :;4"7.
m i at wit h bath. Clay
k. Failing bld., agenu
EEAl'TlFl'L 5-room flat, ail convenience
t o man a nd ife ; retTeiices i xchanged,
J5 TNI FliNISHED 4 -room f .
Sej.wood Mi.LV MilwaukK
itrni-hed Flat.
Fl" R N 1 Tl'i; E All new. Hat Tor rem. must
be Mild at once ; fin in near EM
Hrojidw a . Alain li before noon.
Main 54.".o week las.
FOR RENT, a s! i i
per furnished fla
I ntiu ire 1 so t ; it-!
Main PO'.ej after
ily moiieru ti-rm
rent $27.5ft per mom a.
t ree; . conu r atiT
ilinda .
FLAT for rent.
2511. App.v 1
M 7s:;1-
5l'; ttirntiuro for .aie,
rlw en HI A. M. and 12
tarns ac, apt. 4.
:-ro M
apartment. fireplace. sleeping
$ is; batli on .sinii' I loor. 4"2
4-ROM FLAT. 1:irni.-to d part or com
plete, ur por in0i li,(;uire i2
E. Tav.or.
Til KIllvKi NiM furnished upper flat $21.50,
including liKht and water. Adults only.
4 11 W i Ilia ms a ve.
flat, piano,
w ood 1 UiLl.
i-.ij, nnih tn .i-t'onm uppT
eepins pirch. Phone
1 1 i Miiwaukic st.
- Rt.H .M fiat, new furniture for saie; -1
rooms rcnt-d; t"rnis. See owner, 424
4-R ntM lui ni
i::.v.t. Ask i.
d flat. Phone
Mrs. Me Knty
.Broad w ay
tilh st.
flat, f urnished for rent.
2 OK 4-R
1 hu rman
H M furnished tfa
Cail SI
4- R OM f
il v ort ti a ve
.-. a t ly f u rnished.
oodMock car.
-SM Ken
Sell. -;;-i4.
J5J.5U MODERN 4-room fiat; adults on!v
" Market st.; walking distance.
NEWLY tinttd modern
E. 7oot.
-room fiat ;
lloutrkefpiiiR Rooiiih.
THREE blocks enst Rroadw.o bi idse. pri
vate home: treparatc thwnstairs a pa i t -ment;
two rooms. kiichen.tte. bath,
laundry tray, furnished except linen and
silver; $ 2.". including' stove heat. East
l"l-. evenings and Sunday to o:"J'V
S I N ( I L E and tw o housekeeping rooms.
Ilewly painted and new (lnijinc. -ill
Everett at P.Hh s...
ac russ from C. S.
TWO sunny outside housekeeping rooms,
wood stove, electric lights. 1 a month;
also sleep outside rooms, $1.75 to 2 5u a
week. 1 loia N. :'d st.
FiR RENT 2 nice housekeeping rooms,
dose m. call between in A. M. and 2
1'. M. Sunday, or after ;..hl P. M. week
day. Main S25s, 5th st.
i-TliNlSH KU hmjsckeeiins rooms, part.y
f urnished : auuits onlv; near Williams
ave. car 1 me. H,t'. Cleveland ave.
NICE SI'lTE of Hgtit housekeeping rooms;
ever thins furnishetl; private bath. East
TWU liousekeeping apartments, two sleep
ing rooms. Pnone East 5i'7. 2:;1 Laira-
TWO large from 11. K.. rooms,
and iight. close in. 25 E.
East 3iM.
ON E bas.-men t housekeeping room. $3.30
per week; one sleeping room, 2.30. 221
3th st.
f urnish ed.
itiRton st.
I housfkeeping rooms, light
'"all S11 iula . T'm; Wauli
Varcmn er. Washington.
A 2- Rt m M H. K. r pt. I to $4 30 pr
wk. ; not 11 oder 11 but eba 11. Alt a 'ist,
1 ' h 1 d 1'vt tygrt e, pbiie TUlw y. 3"4'.
FURNISHED 3-rm. apt., also
reasonable rent. Wdln. 31 1 3
ton st.
-ittule rm.,
2U3 Slan-
1 OR 2 NICELY f urn is lied housekeeping
rooms. 271 Me.Miiiin m., 4 blocks from
Itroadw.ty. i'hone K;ist ."itlsti.
1 AND 2 houckTpinK" rooms; steam hat ;
cheap: no raise. li .Sherman st. Mar
shall 3S3.
1 LA Rti E. front. w cll-f urnished room,
kitehenette; modern; $27. 30. 3(4 Flun
ilors. near 1 7lh N.
FURNISHED housekeepi ng rooms. ft 3
l'nrk st., corner Oak. Call after 2 P. M.
NICE w a tin single room for
eon venient. reasonable. :
HOTEL OHIO, clean transient H. K. rof.,
reasonable 260, Front, cor. Madison.
331 ST A R K ST. For rent, bousekeepinff
rooms : a o sleepin r rooms ; tiusc in.
H rSKKKKlMNi rooms, reasonable. 530
Coueh st.. bluek from lth and Wash
2 housekeepings rnoms suitable for 3
also one sincl1 room. -I-'.M Yaruhl'.: st.
FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent.
334 Hail ft.
Ixl2 H.
K. tent i-phon'-v
itnpletjiy furnished. Hot
2s Main st.
2 !S I Nt LE housekeepi n S r loms,
To poile in South i'ort;ati.i.
ONE J-room flat. $24;
1 7 332 Williams a
also 2-room La
H US E K E E I I Nt i room for rent. 2. CaJ
a ft er T n'c mk Sunday, Wl.n. 3331
FURNISH ED housekeeping rooms, 202 "-4
Russell t. Eat 1 32.
U N FUR N I S H E D largo suit.-s. W cor.
Morrison and lt. over drug torc.
IlouieUrepiiig Rotun. in Private Fart) ily.
k. rooms, girls employed, litht.
fr.-e. n7.-, k. Yambi i. cor. 21th.
Folt RENT, funu:
7(13 ' Thurman.
dud housekeeping apt.
iuuise keeping
E. llth.
3 N K'KI.Y fu rn i.hed
atul eeping porert.
'keeping rooma
San Rafael.
wood 3"
1 or 2 eluluien to board. Seli
L1'HT Intusrkeeping room,
(i:; I M ars ii a 1 1 st ree t .
Rdw y. J3i.4.
1 1 OI'SK K E E U I N I roo i ii.s, o. m lud ing
gas. phone and Ugh i s. T.i b.r 4::;;7.
2 FHONT rooms f urn is bed. liuusckcHpin g
eon v-tiiT!( pf, close in : adults K24.
LA Ri iE. an
ft floor.
single hoiis-k ping rom,
J4.3U a week. 2i Rlih wt
2 AND 4-RiOM
3t".:; Rod iii'.v a v
apts ; itpstaiis; mod-I'hoiu-
E:tst .'Ii2
44i TAYM IK -ST.
TWO modern
rooms. J2'i a i
house ke- put g
;. 1f;h st. S...
FURNISHED room with ktteh-mette. 133
N 23d St., cor. Hoyt. Marshall !U3.
OR 3 rooms,
distant-?. 3
1st f lottr : modern, walking
2 E 1st Mt. North.
2 ROOMS, furnished for light hntisokorp.
ins: w orking pefple on'y. 212 llth st.
THREE nieely furnished housekeepuig
rooms. $33. I'hone 31 -Ss;;.
DON'T SEARCH 2 tor. moms, gas rang,
electric light. Couple J2tl. ;tooi3 4th st.
2 LOWER rooms, pantries, sink, gas, fre
dec, phone, bath. 3!2 4th st.
3 FURN 1 S HED rear H. K. rooms at 621
E. 1 1th st. S.: 3per week.
FRONT H. K . room. heat, el Oct rit:it ; r(r
employed couple. 4i Main st.
2 FURNISHED clean housekeeping rooms,
gas range ; adults only. Tabor tittl s.
w e"k.
H. K. room, hot, cold water: S3
:io3-.. 3d st.
2 LAROE furnished rooms. bath a nd
kitchenette; close in. Marshall 231..
1 LA RfiPJ furnished housekeeping room
Ca H Broadw ay 4M 3.
FOR RENT 3 unfurnished
housekeeping. Tabor 3 Goo,
rooma for