THE SUNDAY OK EG ONI AN, PORTLAND, JANUARY 25. 1020 15 FOB SALE. "Furniture for Sale. TO BRING DOWN LIVING COST this should apply to household Roods as well as groceries. If you must have a stove, table, ehairs or other pieces of furniture, why not save four-bits to a dollar on articles ? Som of our sa le prices will convince you our state ment is correct: Six-lid ranpe, In stood shape, used a short time, worth at least $45; sale price, $29.85. Majeatle ranee, large oven, wi tw coil. m pood shape; cost today, now, $1-0; sale price $57.50. Combination gas, wood and coal range, polished steel top, nickel bane, new. Regular prie $145; . sale price $117.50. Only a few left. Combination wood and coal heat ers, new reduction from $3 to $5. Dressers, new, with bevel plate mirrors. Regular $-4; sale price $19.75. Dining-room chairs, hardwood, with solid leather seats. Regular $0; sale price $4.35; a bargain. Large rockers, oak with solid leather loose cushions. Regular $17.50; our price $12.85. Aluminum and rranltoware from 25 per cent to 40 per cent reduc tion. OF. HATER PORTLAND F I ; K 1 T L'RK S T O K K . 165 First St-, near Morrison. TJSED WHITE ROTARY SEWING MACHINE. - Tn hadsonre quarter-sawed oak case, fx drawers. This size retails for $K5 new, and you can't tell this one from new. A bargain, $45. $5 cash and $1 a. week ; no interest. Another good White sowing machine for $12.50 and Mveral other good drop-head machines from $15 up. GEVTJRTZ KL' KN1TTJRE CO., Til E RIG STORE. AH Under 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. 1H5 FIRST ST. Remember. 2 Doors from Yamhill Public Market.. OVERSTUFFED LIVING ROOM SET tn figured mulberry velour; settee, arm chair and rocker. This is beautiful and we have had it in stork about 3 months. Since we bought it the set has advanced in price about 50 and we will still sell it at the price we first set on it, $349.50. Kasy terms and a year to pay. We charge no interest. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., THE RIG STORE. ATI TJnder 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. 185 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 Doors from YamhiU Public Market.. BUCK ALL BLACK ENAMELED Cast iron range with coil, set up and connected for $102.50. This range was sold about 8 weeks ago for $137.50. hus band wanted a coal and wood range but wife wanted a combination range. Now wife has a combination and some one w;ll save $35 on this splendid range Easy terms, a year to pay. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.. THE BIG STORE. All 'Under 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. 1,H5 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 Doors from Yamhill Public Market. WILLIAM AND MARY DINING ROOM SET. Consists of handsome 4R-inch table, 4 beautiful chairs upholstered in first grade Spanish leather; $7.50. This set is brand new, but just arrived here anil was bought 6 months ago. Step in early Monday morning if you want it. Easy terms. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO.," THE BIG STOKE. All Under 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. 1H5 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 Doors from Yamhill Public Market.. USED COMBINATION BOOK CASE AND WRITING DESK. Tn solid quarter-sawed oak ; beveled plate glass mirror over writing desk. This is Just like new and would cost you $05 or $70 new. Our price $25, easy terms. - GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., THE BIG STORE. ATI Under 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. 185 FIRST ST. Remember. 2 Doors from YamhiU Public Market. COLONIAL BOOKCASE. A magnificent piece, in genuine ma hogany, that would cost over $100 new; it is 58 inches high, 40 inches wide and divided in two compartments, with ad justable shelves and two glass doors. Just as good as new and priced only $64.75; easv terms. MISH FURNITURE CO., 1SS-190 First st. BEAUTIFUL Ivory bedroom set, $75, triple mirror dressing table with chair, good sized chiffonier with large mirror, full-sized bedstead, all for $5. This set Is tn perfect condition, looks like new. , STAR FURNITURE CO., The Store of Bargains. 204 First St., near Taylor. EXTRA large size white ivory dresser wjth 4 roomy drawers and large 3ilx24 beveled mirror. Special price, $30.75. A- & S. GEVURTZ FURNITURE STORE. Makers of Happv Homes. 205-2O7 First Street. Between Taylor and Salmon. SPECIAL, Overstuffed moleskin rocker with side rings, massive ; special, $22.50. OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOR LESS. 166-16S First street, near Morrison. BEAUTIFUL light oak bookcase, large ooudio glass doors; lour large spacious eneivcs :mo.ou. OWL FURNITURE CO., SELLS FOR LESS. 166-16S First street, near Morrison. m ROUND dining table, light oak, six-foot extension, special tor Monday, $14.85. STAR FURNITURE CO.. The Store of Bargains. 204 First St., near Taylor. FIREPROOF SAFE.' Small slzf combination f i reproof safe, in good cnr.dition ; a bargain at $45. OWL Fl'HXITlIKK CO., Sells for Less. 16G-168 First St., near Morrison. LARGE selection of used roll-top desks in ail sizes at reduced prices. STAR FURNITURE CO., The Store of eiargains. 204 First St., near Taylor. ONE Vulcan gas range, one wood and coal range, one water heater; these are real bargains. Call at the Pacific Storage A Delivery Co.. East First and Madison streets after 1 P. M. today. BEAUTIFUL, large, light oak table with magazine rack and book shelves. $::0; aio not roint electric neater, used one montn . m.:u. lan .ia rstiaii 57.0. 11 NEW window shades, Phone 31115 or caii Sun. street N. cri-ain i at 735 E. olor. 67th 1 OAK rocker, 1 reed porch chair, 1 gold en o"-x sectional bookcase. Phone Kurt 2SS4. $SO 7-FOOT bed davenport, nearly new, best imitation Span ish leat Wr. $45; no dealers. 6tJ0 E. Ankeny. mornings. A DAVENPORT sanitary couch, first-class rondit ion. reasonable. Marshall 244. 451 W. Park. TEN Iron beds, complete; 1 good range. Apply 741 Hood st., between 2 and 4 P. M. Sunday. COAL or wood range with water coils, good condition. 440 E. 54th st. North. Tabor 5157. IVORY and cane enameled bedroom suite, 3 pieces, rug. springs and mattress; cx cplfent condition: $175 cajh. East 76KO. FURNITURE of 5-room flat. 446 3d st. Phone Main 7727.' FURNTTURK for sale, flat for rnt; owner going to California. Last M;0. SOLID oak dining table, handsome grain and Id line condition. Tabor 4652. COR 6 ALE. Kurnlture for Sale. FOR 5-ROOM bungalow; will sell compiete or by piece, neariy new. 1 wicker Chase lounge. 1 mahogany rocker. 1 mahogany dining room table, large. Z mahogany din tor leather-not. chairs. 1 mahogany dining teather-bot. carver. j. manogany serving tanie. 1 mahogany center table, all colonial atyle. 2 bed room sets, consisting of 1 ofd ivory Princess dresser. 1 old ivory dresser. 2 old ivory bedsteads, full siz. 2 silk. floss mattresses. 2 de luxe springs.. 1 old ivory wicker center table. 2 wicker rockers to match. 1 wicker tabourette. 6 rag rugs. 2 0x12 Royal Ka Shan velvet rugs. 1.9x12 Royal Ka Shan velvet rug. 1 fireplace set. 1 oak writing desk. 1 Alcazar gas range, glass door. 1 breakfast table. 1 50-f t. -in. hose and reel. 1 Haviland set of dishes. Kitchen utensils and many other house hold articles. No dealers. Sen owner any tima today at 1230 Mixter st., near B. 42d. 5 blocks south Hawthorne ave. USED MAHOGANY DINING ROOM SET handsome leather seated chairs in mahogany finish and a fine 48-inch plank -top 8-foot extension dividing ped estal dining table in genuine maogany. Colonial design; a very handsome set. and remember, the table is genuine ma hogany. The whole set for what the table would cost you tiew. $125. Easy terms; no interest charged. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., THE RIG STORE. AH Under 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. 1S5 FIRST ST. Remember, i Doors from Yamhill Public Market. TWIN-BED WALNUT BEDROOM SET In colonial design; consists of 2 -beds, dressers and briple mirror, dressing table and a handsome round stand. This is a very handsome set" and the price is within the reach of anyone; $183.50, easy terms and a year to pay : no in terest charged. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., THE BIG STORE. AH Under 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. 185 FIRST STREET. Remember, Two Doors From Yamhill Public Market. BUCK'S COMBINATION RANGES are the best on earth; they bake in the oven with coal, wood or gas; warm kitchen in winter, cool in summer; we take your old range or gas range in exchange and give you very easy terms on the balance. No interest cnargea GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., THE BIG STORE. All Under 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. 15 FIRST ST. Remember. 2 Doors from Yamhill Public Market. OVERSTUFFED TAPESTRY DAVENPORT. . with 3 loose cushions. This is not $40O davenport, but is very neat and comfortable. And think of the price, $87.50. Easy terms; no interest charged. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., THE RIG STORE. All Under 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. 185 FIRST ST, Remember. 2 Doors from Yamhill Public Market.. USED CHINA CABINET In beautiful solid auarter-sawed oak. round triads side and door and a nice lit tle mirror on top; lust like new at half price. $35. Easy terms. No interest charged. GEVURTZ FURNITURE CO., THE BIG STORE. All Under 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. 1S5 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 Doors from Yamhill Public Market.. VERY SPECIAL PRICE ON PARLOR LAMP STANDS. Mahogany finish, double socket and long silk cord. Hig ana nanasome sucks, at the extremely low price of $11. to. Monday and Tuesday only, GEVURTZ FTjRNTTURB CO.. THE BIG STORE. All Under 1 Roof. No Branch Stores. 15 FIRST ST. Remember, 2 Doors .from Yamhill Public Market.. 4 OFF. OFF. We offer our stock of new Gunn sec- , tional bookcases for the balance oi Jan uary at 25 per cent reduction. We also have 5 sections Globe Wer nicke in solid mahogany, regular $12.50 per section, the 5 for $30.75; easy terms. MISU FURNITURE CO., 1SS-100 First su WE'RE GOING AWAY. Good quality furniture, stoves, beds; everything goes at a bargain. See be tween 0 and 4 P. M. at 0O8 Belmont st. Phone Broadway 1003. SPECIAL, Massive solid oak hall tree with large beveled plate-glass mirror, secial $24.50. It would cost you regularly about $40. OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOR LESS. 16G-168 First street, near Morrison. BEAUTIFUL golden oak buffet, with bev eled French plate mirror. Special lor Monday, $10.85. STAR FURNITURE CO., The Store of Bargains, 204 First St., near Taylor. VULCAN gas range, 4 burners, side ovens, for only $28.50. Delivered and con nected. This is a real snap. OWL FURNITURE CO.. SELLS FOR LESS. 16G-16S First St.. near Morrison, WOOD and coal range in g&od condition. Special, $20. STAR FURNITURE CO., The Store of Bargains, 204 First St., near Taylor. VERMS MARTIN full-size bed, steel spring, iron bed, steel spring, sanitary couch, floss mattress, dresser, rugs, rockers, library lamps, Morris chair, steel range. Tabor 325. 1105 Haw thorne ave. LA RGE selection of Gunn and Globe sec tional bookcases, all as good as new; can be had at less than wholesale price. Star Furniture Co., the store of bar gains, 204 First st.f near Taylor. DINING-ROOM table, four chairs and carver, bookcase, libbrary table, quarter sawed oak, excellent condition; also fire less cooker. Sunday or evenings, Mar shall ri207. MAHOGANY dining chairs; used only short time. Tabor 4652. FURNITURE for sale, or trade. Clay st. Poultry. CHOICE, large Tom Baron strain s. e. White Leghorn roosters; same strain egg s for setting. 1213 Borthwjck Bt. I GUARANTEE to pick the layers; Ho ganize your f lock. Woodlawn 5002. THOROUGHBRED BARRED-ROCK COCKEREL, $5. PHONE E. 3067. & FOR SALE 16 thoroughbred Barred Rocks, cockerel. Phone .Main j,i.o. 120-EGG Cypher incubator and brooder. 525. Tabor DARK Cornish roosters. 10 months old for sale. Ta bor 0T 0. 2 006 Delano st. FOR SALE Good 500-chick brooder, very reasonable. Phone Tabor 5260. 7 CHICKENS and chicken house for sale, cheap. 1557 K. Everett st. i4RHODE Island Red pullets, reasonable. 3d and E sts.. Oswego, Or. . J MINORCA pullets, one cockerel, $14 or will sell separate. 566 Gantenbein ave. FOR SALE Single-combed White Leghorn . cockerel. Sellwood 2775. FOR SALE Thoroughbred Barred Rock cockerel. $4. Marshall 1118. ONE Flemish doe to exchange for chickens. Woodlawn 4S47. FOR 3ALE 2 R. I. roosters. Columbia 014. Call Sunday, PLACE orders now for your early chicks. PJaone Aiain o63. . FOR SALE. Poultry. WHITE LEGHORN CHICKENS. AFFIDAVIT. - State of Oregon. County of Deschutes, si: I, R. M. Smith, being first duly sworn. feay that I have knowledge of the fact' and know that 175 White Leghorn pullets of the Bend White leghorn Gar dens, of Bend, Oregon. laid 30O0 eggs from December 15, 1010, to January 15, 1020. R. M. SMITH. Subscribed and sworn to before ma this 2Ud day of January. l2U. A. J. MOORE. Notary Public for Oregon. My commission expires February 15, 1021. Note We shall be pleased to book your order for White Leghorn eggs for hatching. Yard run setting. 15 eggs. $1.50; choice laying strain. 15 eggs, $5. BEND WHITE LEGHORN GARDENS. Box 413, Bend, Oregon. MAGUIRE'S DAY-OLD CHICKS. Rhode Island Reds $:0 per 100 Barred Rocks $30 per 10O Brow ii. Leghorns . $'-" Per 100 White Leghorns $20 per 100 The best chicks from high-grade Ho ganized stock. Eggs for hatching. J. R. MAGUIRE. 787 Oregon St., Portland. NORTHWEST POULTRY CORPORATION, 62d su, 73d to 74tn Ave s. b. xu., Portland, Oregon. Now booking orders for W. I baby chicks. Carry at all times breeding and young stock, various breeds; price in ac cord with quality; complete line poul try feeds at spejiai prices. 15U S. C. White Leghorn pullets, l.o each: 75 Rhode Island Ked puueis, $1.75 each; 12 White Wyandotte pullets, $1.75 each; 1 pair Silver Seabriglit ban tams. 1 nair Coehen bantams. :u uarreu Rock pullets. $1.75 each; 15 Black Gold en Polish. $3.50 each; all fine Hopan ivsed stock ; 300 E. Morrison East 6122. FOR SALE WHITE WYANDOTTE LARGE COCKERELS. MAY HATCH, otf E. 5 Til ST. N. PHONE TABOR blfco. PH EN OLA ? Let me spray Phenola in your chicken houses, cellars and outbuildings. Death to lice, mites and flv eggs. Dries smooth white. J. W. Stanley, phone Sell. 2514. 50 CHOICE roosters. Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds, S. C. White Leghorns. Bull Orpingtons, Brown Leghorns,- White and Black M inorcas: nriees from $2.50 to $5 each; all thoroughbred stock. 300 E. Morrison. East 0122. LAY-OLD ehiekc. White and Brown Leg hornft. White and Barred Rockf, Rhode Island Reds; quality stock; reasonable prices; book orders now for early hatc.ies. Josephine McCoy, 2181 East Stark, Port land. FOUR thoroughbred rose-comb R. I. R. cockerels, A-l breed, for reasoname price to clean up pens. Mrs. A. Breck. Ar- denwaid. Mail address, Milwaukie, R. 1, nox 12. SEVENTY-FIVE White Leghorn hens. Tancreed and O. A, C. stock; good price on quick sale. F. H. Reese, Lake Grove station, on Oswego S. P. line. Phone B 0101-542. HATCH ING EGGS from thoroughbred Barred Rocks, White Rocks and Buff legnorns, 2.,o setting; heavy layers, A-. E. Breyman, Tualatin, Or. Phone 155-10. LAYING pullets for sale; heavy laying strain; S. C. v hite Leghorn pullets, brought from Petaluma, Cal.. when baby chicks, $3 eauh or 12 for $36. George Duzier. Hubba rd. Or.; Rt. 2. S. C. ENGLISH White Leghorn eggs for hatch irrg. hundreds or thousands lots; now ready. Jos. Saunders, Portland. Or., R, 2. 1 4 years In business. POULTRY RAISERS! Money-back guarantee of absolute sat isfaction. How to make hens lay more eggs. C 621, Oregonian. FOR SALE Elliott's R. I. R. hens and rooster; 14 Thompson's B. R. April pul lets and rooster; laying. 2857 56th st liA car to 20th ave. R. I. RED cockerels. Rees has the big boys; dark, rich, red, no smut; eggs for hatching. 219 Portland blvd., St. Johns car. Phone Wood lawn 3427. 2oo S O. White Leghorns, laying pullets, pure bloods, $1.75 each. So. End read, Oregon City, Or., R. It. l,.Bo 52. Geo. W. Mallette. BABY CHICKS. Leghorns, Reds, Rocks. Minorca!. Prices reasonable. C. N. Needham, Salem, Oregon. WANT party with brooder to care for thoroughbred chicks. March to May; cash or shares. E. B. Stanley, Milwau kie, Or. FOR SALE loo feet heavy galvanized wire fence chicken wire and lumber. Phone E. 3967. BLACK M INORCA hens and rooster for sale; now laying ; special price $2 each. 173 E. Salmon. Tabor 8319. t O. A. C. Barred Rock and White Leghorn eggs for setting and baby chicks. Mrs Ella Marshall, Lents, Ore. Tabor 7391 THREE choice mammoth bronze turkey toms and also some hens. 300 E. Mor rison. East 6122. GUINEA FOWLS, pair $5. Phone Bdwy. 213 mornings, or call 4735 COth st. S. E., Sundays. YOUR choice of three large Scranton strain Rhode Island R, S. C. cockerels $o. No. ft East 60th N. SIX. thoroughbred White Wyandotte hens arid one rooster; no room ior tnem. v m. Roberts, lo7o Corbett St. FOR SALE 36 purebred now laying; 2 roosters, Boundry. Main 6390. B. R. pullets, $2 each. 202 MAMMOTH PE KIN DRAKE, exchange fol one not related. Bdwy. 213 mornings or call 47;5 ooth st. s. E., Sundays. Launches and Boats. FISHING BOAT. One of the best outside fishing boats on the river; size 3x-2, fully equipped cabin, some tackle; has a 14 H. P. Regal heavy-duty maine engine and is all in the best of condition : Drice $2750. See Mariels & Williams. 820 Ch. of Commerce bldg. WANTED Even rude motor with automatic reverse and built-in magneto; must be in good condition. Phone Woodlawn 4226, after 6 o'clock. a COMPLETELY furnished modern house boat, 4 rooms, large living room, 2 bed rooms, kitchen and bath, bungalow piano. Singer sewing machine. Buck gas range among i urn i cure, beuwooa 3ti, BOATS and barges built and repaired, es timates and expert aavice ireeiy fur nished. Yard and ways at Albina ave. Phone Ea 2162. Marin Repair Const. Co. SNAP $600 furnished houseboat, close in electric lights, large porch; Sunday 32 to 2 o'clock. No. 15 Portland Motorboat club. -TROLLING BOAT for sale. 35x9.4, 18 H. P, engine, rnone toiumuia im. uau eve nings or Sunday. CLEAR lot. East 16th and Failing, and some cash lor iurnisnea nouseboat. 346, Oregonian. MARINE engines, all sizes and h. p.; also several good boats. East 6803, Liberty Boat Brokerage. EVLVRCDE engine and boat : will tak rowboat part payment. Oo.k Grov 12 6X. BOAT 40 ft. by 8. 40-H. P. Wisconsin en gine. Price $8u0. 82 4th st., or phon Main 4.22. FOR SALE Trolling boat, fully equipped. 12 H. P., H. D. engine. Phone East 68. WANTED 16 to 18-ft. canoe, have cas-h. Wood lawn y i . MODERN 4-room furnished houseboat. No. 32, Oregon lacht club. iellwood 2622. FOR SALE All-modern 5-room houseboa No. 2 Sellwood moorage. Sell. 513. MODERN 6-room houseboat, No. 2G, gon Yacht club. Sellwood 3771. Typewriters. f 1RST-CLASS Smith-Premier visible type writer in splendid condition. Price $45 $lo down, $5 monthly. Hyatt Talk in Machine Co., 3oO Alder. GUARANTEED factory rebuilt typewriters. ALL MAK-s. bo i a on monthly pay tntnti; send for price list. The Whole sale Typewriter Co.. 321 Washington st. SMITH visible machine, 2-color, tabulator. Does fine work, $20. 40 Stock Ex change bldg. Call Monday or Tuesda REMINGTON No. 10, completely over hauled; will sacrifice for cash. R 2GU, Oregonian. WANTED Used typewriter, f erred. Main 2735. Corona pre ALL makes rented and repaired. Oregon Typewriter Co.. 4 5th. Main 3688. UNDERWOOD NO. 5. In good condition; price reasonable. B 131, Oregonian. SMITH PREMIER tvpewriter. good condi tion. $14. 173 East ISth. East 74W1. NEW ' rebuilt, second-hand rentals at cnt rates. P. D. Co.. 231 Stark. Main 1407. REMINGTON No. 1, good condition, $20 cash. O 277, Oregonian. REBUILT typewriters and supplies. Corona dealers. E. W Pease Co.. 110 Sixth st L. C. SMITH Oregonian. No. 8, $00 cash. X 398, REMINGTON No. 10, almost new. Call Automatic 213-30. Y 158. Oregonian. VISIBLE machines, year's guarantee. J20. Th Rebuilt Typewriter Co.. 304 Oak st. CORONA tvpewriter in good condition, $3i Call Monday, MarsfraU ilia, FOR SA LE, Machinery. NEW AND SECOND-HAND EQUIPMENT. A LARGE RENTAL LIST. WB STOCK A COMPLETE LINE OF ROAD MACHINERY. INCLUDING ROCK CRUSHERS AND DRAG-LINE BUCKETS. CLYDE HOISTS. IRON WORKS STEAM CLYDE IRON WORKS DERRICK IRONS FROM FIVE TO TWENTY TONS CAPACITY. WB ARB AGENTS FOR MARION SHOVELS, STEAM. ELECTRIC AN P GASOLINE TRACTION." TRACK AND CATERPILLAR. SCHRAMM AIR COMPRESSORS. TRACK, SPIKES. BOLTS. FROGS. SWITCHES, ANGLE . BARS AND SPLICES. RELAYING RAILS ALL SIZES. TRACK MATERIAL ALL KINDS. LOGGING AND RAILWAY SUPPLIES. THE FOLLOWING IS A PARTIAL LIST OF SECOND-HAND EQUIPMENT: 1 A-l Thw shovel : traction : revolv ing; two dippers. j-yd. and l4-yd.j 1 Davenport steam locomotive. 12-T.on. 34-inrh gauge. 1 Davenport steam locomotive. H-ton. 36-inch gauge. 1 -d. clam shell bucket. 2 1-yd. clam shell bucket. 1 l,-yd. orange peel bucket. Vi-yd. drag scraper. -yd. drag scraper. --yd. drag scraper. -ton portabje derrick. Ingersol RaTid Burley drills. 1 10x10 F. M. atr compressor, j. air receiver. 1 20-h.p. vertical boiler. 1 steam hoist. 5x6. 1 No. 6-A Foote paver. 1 RansomeGrout mixer. 1 1 0x14 Champion Jaw crusher. 1 tel4 Champion jaw crusher. 1 10x20 Western jaw crusher. 1 No. 2 Gates gyratory crusher. 1 No. 1 Gates gyratory crusher. 1 1-h.p. Novo gas engine. 1 2-h.p. Witte gas engine. 1 4-h.p. Wltte gas engine. 1 6-h.p. Witte gas engine. - 1 2-h.D. Witte gas engine. ," 1 25-h.p. Falrbank-More gas engine, j 1 G-inch Gould vertical -centrifugal i pump. 1 10x6x12 Blake steam pump. 1 10x6x10 Blake steam pump. 6 Carter hand mixers. 1 Smith hand mixer. 1 No. 12 Smith mixer, with side-loader. 1 No. 12 Smith mixer, gas driven. 1 No. 2 chain - belt mixer, with side Joauer. 1 4 K. W.. D. C engine and generator. I 1 54x16 return tubular boiler. 70-h.p. CLYDE EQTTTPMENT COMPANY. EIGHTEENTH AND UPSHUR STS. TELEPHONE, BROADWAY 885. DON'T HOLD UP TOUR PLUMBING WORK FOR PRICES TO COME DOWN". WE SELL FOR LESS. - PIPE PIPE PIPE From to 12-in. nine and fittings. slightly used, properly fitted, absolutely guaranteed. One -Jot of lH-in. black extra heavy pipe, almost new. at great saving. All kinds of brass valves In all sizes at very low pricea. BELTING BELTING BELTING We have the largest stock In the city or new and slightly used leather, rubber. I gandy and batata belting, from 2-ln. to 24-in., at reduced prices. Also a large lot of remnants from 15-ft. and over at I all widths at a cleanup price. Car prices on new and used machinery and structural iron are way below the market and are far cheaper than any on tne Coast. Two minutes of your time fment at our office will convince you of the truth 1 of our statement. Investigate today j some or these special buys. STRUCTURAL IRON. V I Beams Angle Iron Bar Iron Round Iron In fact, all building iron. MACHINERY. GAR ENGINES CONCRETE MIXERS PUMPS BLOWERS MOTORS HOISTS BOILERS COMPRESSORS BOXINGS PULLEYS GEARS 'SHAFTING ETC. ROOFING ROOFING ROOFING Corrlgated roofing, slightly used. In good condition. Paper roofing with ce ment and nails In every roll, at the fol lowing special prices for this week only 1-piy. $l.2o; 2-ply. $1.7u, and 3-ply. $2.35. Be sure to take advantage of these prices. TENTS. TENTS. TENTS. Be sure to take advantage of this op portunity. We have Just secured about 4000 army and navy tents. 4-ft. walls, mostly 0x9 with files; 14-oz. Look around before buying elsewhere. ATTENTION, FARMERS! AT RIGHT PRICES. 3000 New hay and manure forks. 2fi00 New shovels (all styles). 40O0 New post-hole diggers. 3iO0 New crosscut saws. Thousands feet new Manila rope In all sizes. Write -us your wants. We can fill them. ALASKA JUNK CO.. Largest on the Coast. No. 203 Front St. Portland, Or.. ON HAND FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVBRT. BOILERS AND ENGINES. 4 100 -h. p. boilers, with Dutch oven fit tings. 1 150-h. p. boiler, 160 lbs. 1 50-h. n. Scotch marine boiler. 1 550-h. p. Cross Compound Corliss, with dftO-KW. generator, 4fS0 volts. 1 24x38 right-hand double piston valve engine, ouu n. p. 1 new valve Clark. 300 h. p. 1 16x42. Bates Corliss engine. 1 12x15 Vim center-crann auto engine. 16x8 upright engine. ROAD CONTRACTORS EQUIPMENT. 800 all-steel 30-Inch bunks. 6 "xlO D. D. hoists. -1 Hood tractor. 2 Chicago pneumatic self-contained air compressors, cap. in it.; engine and tank, on wtieeis; engine internal com- nustion, luel ou. 1 Chicago paver, cap. 20 ft. 1 Ransom mixer, cap. 10 ft. 1 Buffalo-Pitts 5-ton tandem roller. 50 24-inch Ga, dump cars. 10t 3fl-inch Ga. dump cars. 1 24-inch Ga. dinky locomotive. 1 Bucyrus 45-ton track shovel. Pile-driver hammers, gas engines, i pumps, tools. . LOCOMOTIVES CARS RAILS. 1 38-ton Helsler. oil burner. 1 45-ton, 6-driver, low-wheel locomotive. 2 30x12 wide-drum washingtona. I 11x13 riumooiat yaraer. 35 all-steel Russell logging trucks. SPECIAL. 1 Speedway marine gas engine, 50 h. p. Send us your inquiries for anything in iron or wood-working macJiinery ; log ging, sawmill, contractors' equipment; locomotives, boilers, engines, crushers, steel rails, cable and belting. BURKE MACHINERY COMPANY, Main 1212. 528 Ry. Exch. bldg. 52423. CONTRACTORS AND LOGGER 3 EQUIP MENT Mine hoists. pumps, motors, boilers, steam and el ec trio hoists, con crete mixers and pavers. For rent or ale. Send us your Inquiries. Prices right. MOHR MACHINERY COMPANY. 601 Lewis Bldg. Main 1831. LOGGING AND MTLLMEN. We have all kinds of equipment for mill or camp; anything from Williams port cable to locomotives. Wire, write or call. Prompt deliveries, low prices. Coast Steel & Machinery Co.. 50 First st. HoTsTLNG engines for rent or sale, oon crete mixers, electric hoists, construc tion equipment. Standard Mach. Co.. 5$ First st. TWO Ames horizontal boilers. 60-inch di ameter by 16 ft.; one 54-inch diameter by 12 ft. Western Lumber & Export Co., Cottage Grove, Or. 13-HORSEPOWER new Foos engine at a reduced price. Pacific Scale tk Supply Co.. 48 Front St. Broadway 1P66. t ROCK CRUSHING PLANT FOR SALE. i fiiONB WOODLA.Whi aosjj. FOR SALE. Machinery. HOISTS AVD LOGGING IBNGrXES. 1 6xS D. D. Mundy. 1 liH0 D. D. Willamette Skeleton. 1 6i3tlO D. D. Mundv Skeleton. 1 llxia Willamette Roader. 1 lxll Tacoma Roader. MOTORS. -H. P.. G. E 110-2AV. Kinir rmase. 1 7-H. P.. Fairbanks-Morse. 220-V.. 3 phase. 1 10 H. P., Fairbanks-Morse. 220-V 3 phase. 1 15 -H. P., Fairbanks-Morse. 220-V.. 3 phase. 2 20 -H. P., AlUa-Chalmers. 220-V.. 3 pnase. 120 -H. P., Crocker-Wheeler. 220-V.. GAS F7NGTNES. 1 32-H. P.. Fairbanks-Morse. 2 25-H. p., Fairbanks-Morse, type Y uietsei. neavy duty. X 60-H. P.. Western. 1 ;i-n. p.. Clarke heavy duty, aelf- contained, 7iew. 1 5-H. P.. Carke heavy duty, self- contained new. 1 5-H. p.t Alamo heavy duty, aelf contained. PUMPING rXTTS. 3 14-H. V.. type Z. Fairbanks-Morse gas engines. with 3x5 Typhoon pumps, mounted cm skids. a 3 -H. P.. type Z. Fairbanks-Morse gas engines, with 2x5 Typhoon pump, mounted on skirts. 1) 3 -11. P.. type Z. Fairbanks-Morse gas engine. with 3x5 Typhoon pump, mounted on aklds. MIXERS ANT PAVERS. 2 lSi-ou. ft. Smith mix era. steam, I excellent condition. 1 18 -cu. ft. chain-belt mixer, steam. 1 1 -cu. ft. chain-belt mixer, with out boiler or engine. 1 21 -cu. ft. paver, chain belt, li -IS -cu. ft. Austin paver. 1 18 -cu. ft. paver, special built. with slip, boom and bucket; two- cyunaer Uur gaa engine. CRUSHERS. 1 Ox 1 4 Champion jaw crusher. l i-C p-ymona crusher, manganese equipped 14 Austin crusher. manganeoe rquippea. 1 No. 5 McCuIIy crusher, with ele vator and. screen complete. MISCELLANEOUS. X CO-H. P.. 12-ton Ohio tractor and road roller. .10-in. rear wheels. This machine Is practically new. 140 Marion shovel, both traction and track; has lV-yd. dipper ami 2OO0 ft. of i -in. line besides main line: has moved les than 5O0 ft. of dirt and is as good as new. 4 Fairbanks-Morse push cars. 23 Set 24-in. car wheels. 12 New slip scrapers. 2 No. 10 Ingersoll-Rand riveting" ham mers. 2 No. 60 Boy er hammers. 2 No. 11-C lugersoll-Rand air-motor drills. 4 Ala Ingersoll-Rand air-motor drills. 1 C 23 lugersoll drift bolt driver. 1 -VO Sfi-in. doube steel bunks. 3(M Mattresses. 300 Al large quilts. STPECIA-L. 1 Small portable repalr pavinc plant complete, capacity approximately 40O aq. yds 2-in. asphaltic top per a ay. H. P. Holt caterpillar, in excel lent condition. 1 Land diking machine complete, mounted on skide 80aclS-ft-. as fol lows: One 11x111 Willamette roader. ateel I-beam frame; one x!0 -Ta coma roader on steel I-beam frarm one horizontal return tubular boil- er. SO-H. P.. ISO-lbs. working press ure, with lH-yd. Stockton bucket and 3.AH ft. lW-in. main line. 1 No. PTB Ingersoll-Rand direct-con- I nected motor-drivea aor compressor. mounted on trucks. 1 125-H. P. locomotive-typo firebox boiler, 150-lb. working pressure. without etacit. 1 Nto. ft Austin cdueher. 1 20-H. P. Fooa gaa engine. WILLAMETTE KQTTPMT.NT COM PA NT. 29 .N. .FIRST ST. BlvOAU W A 1 1040-5. FOR SALE One motor generator set; motor -H. P.. 110-V.. tkf-cycle. lingle Thaft. A. C. current. Gen. 31-5 v.. 14 ampere. D. C. cur rent; will handle HMi-volt storage bat teries. Sllg-htly lined'-, cheap. C. E. OSBLRX & CO.. is. W. WOOD. 7H-H. P. GEN. Electric motor 3. 12 H. P. ! horiz. boiler; 3-ton Harris Ice machine; No. G Simplex crurn; ano-gai. Jensen re finer; complete ice-making, butter-mak ing and ice cream equipment, owner. C. Nelson, Wood burn. or. ROSS water motors, $25 and $50 each. We have four water motors that were for merly used in large pipe organs and cost from $2l0 to $.100 each that we will sel' complete for $ti5 and t0 each. See Foley & Van Dyke. 1W 5th st. ' CONTRACTORS- -We have all kinds ot Muloment. ranging from cables to con crete mixers; $150,000 stock to choose from. Buy or rent. Coast Steel & Ma- chinery to., au rirst FOR SALB Medium-size donkey engine; lots of good line and all accessories; close in and a good price. V bt3, Ore- gonian. : ELECTRIC motors. some never used, priced low for quick sale ; many same guarantee as tnougn uew; nve to - n. p. Coast Steel &. Machinery Co., 5Q Frst st. PUMP wanted for water works; 60 to 0 gala, capacity; belt drive; state price, etc. B 102, Oregonian , ONE 40 to 50-in. blower. Sturdevant pre ferred. Address Portland Pulley Co., 4 41 E. BOth st. Portland Or. 25,000 capacity mill ready to run. with good donkey ana plenty oi umber. Woodlawn 3116. FOR SALE Band saw, power or foot machine, 15-in. wheel; heavy duty type. Marshall 2120. FOR SALE 1 5-bbl., 12-gal., 101 gasoline and 2N0-galIon tank, pump. 1035 Lnion ave. N. 5-HORSEPOWER boiler, as good as new. Mth all fixtures. Broadway IJ.f. SALE Swing cutoff saw. Vancouver ave. Phone Last 101 J. Vi-TARD Chicago concrete mixer. $150. 544 ri. 3d st., laoor ut. Dogs, Rabbit. Birds. Pet Stock. DEEP ORANGE singers, $5 each; yellow females, $1 each. 12S4 E. Clay St., cor. 44th; Hawthorne car. 1 block south. THB Canary Bird Shop. Femate given with every singer. Automatic 322-17. 1151 E. 28th st. N. BLACK and tan terrier puppies, thorough breds, two months old. V 809, Orego nian ST. ANDREASBERG roller singers and fe males, 2 years. &0O Shaver. Woodlawn 3652. FEMALE COLLIES. $10. Airedale pup pis English bulldog, good specimen. Speedway Kennels, Tabor 5088. ST. ANDREASBERG roller canaries and females, reasonable prices. 420 Stan ton, East 4527. FOR SALE White Spitz male dog. 2 years old. house broke; children's pet, $5. I486 E. tith North. PEDIGREED Persian kittens for sale. Phone Woodlawn G083 before noon or after 4. AT STUD Registered Boston terrier. fine tvpe, tight, screw-tail, light weight; fee $10. Tabor 7274. ONB pair of long-haired dark-gray Flem ish Giants for sale. Phone Main 95ti3. Z5 RABBITS 8 hutches, also some feed. Call Sunday at 5404 100th st. .S. E. ST. AND RES BURG roller singers; also fe males. Phone Tabor 6782. VERY good Airdale dog, male, house broke. 5 mont hs old. $10. 33S E. 30th t . DR. M. HOWES, specialist diseases dog nnd cat. Tabor t5tS6. FOR SALE Beautiful poodle. Tabor AIREDALE watch dog wants good home near Portland. Box 255. Gresham. Or. 8-MO. -OLD toy terrier, make good play mate, also burglar alarm. jan Aiar. 4m. FINE ANGORA doe, $2; no place to keep it. 380 East 10th st 2 LOVELY canary singers. Marshall 4250. Ti; Overton st. TWO SL Andreafburg singers and one fe male. 8 E. 28th S. FOR SALE- Singers and females. Call the studio. Main 40 FOR SALE Long white-haired poodle, $5. East O057. FEMALE cauau birds At $X. Oak Orove FOR MI K. Dos-, Rabbit-. Birds. Pel Stork. NOTICE TO POSTOX TERRIER FANCIERS. Stock ad blood lines that talk. Three males for service, prfjctly mnrked; one inch screw tail, weights 14-J0-1S pounds. Young stork for sa ! THE BOSTON KENNELS OF PORTLAND. 4-Oi Ainsworth. ave. W'oodla-vn JACK RABBITS AND J ACKRAUB1T SKINS. We buy lackrabhits by the carload and less. Also jack rabbi t and tame ralbit skins. W rite for par tic uars. MEYER Jc L1PSCH1TZ, 678 Brannan at., fcian Fian- CiBCO. ROSE CITY CATTERY. Four registered studs kt service: Sun burst, orange; Dai Light, silver; J.t.-k 't, orange; Dal Light, stiver ; J .tfK t, white ; Bonnie Arince. black. trs now taken for siting kittens. JTOSt, Ordei 1248 E. Morrison. Tabor 72 7 4. 1 II AVE so mo uuud Flemish liiuni for sale cheap or will trade for chickv or good Flemish buck, also two pa: N. 'J Reds. $4 pair. 2ii7 4th St. S. 1 take N8 tar to 40th St., walk 2 bine mth. PUPPIES Three fine Airedales. 2 mom hs old ; one Spit puppy, male. 3 months old ; one Spit a dogfc also one Spitz fe male; one pointer, well broke ana a good hunter end retriever. 300 li. Mor- rlon. Kast 0 1 22. PKT STOCK AND SUPPLIES We are headquarters in the N. W. for birds and rates, dogs, cats, rabbits, ca;es. etc.. food, remedies. tc. Call or wi..e. Pet ttock calaiojf on request. Rout ledge Seed fc ft oral Jo.. 145 2d bl. For land. WR WANT reliable people to raise fur- nearing rabbits for us in their back yards spare time. We furnish slock and pay $;i."(0 to $7.50 each for all you rnise. Sunset Fur Co., 506-7-8 Laukershlm m bldg., LoaAnge;es. tal $2o0 PR1ZB WINNER FROM NEW YORK. A cent Glow unmarked silver Persian. Other new studs, fee $.1 up. Portland Cat Kennels. Tabor 7 ."VOL WILL TRADE 1-year-old brown, paddy. Persian male lor t em ale 7 montns ot over of etiual value or with small extra charge, or will sell. Services $2i0. Ta bor f774. THOROUGHBRED fox terrier puppies, 2 mos. old. $IO. reniaies $s. isecitert s greenhouses. SU Johns, Or. Phone Coi. 401. AIRB-DALE dog. 2 years old, house-broke. splendid watcn dog lor saie ; aiso. xiue female canaries. Tabor G7t0. 20.mI Delano St., Mount Tabor. RABBITS Moving, must sell or trade doe. 1 buck, a. so young b lemish. one hutch; priced to still. W. C Kunyan. Gresham, Or. AT STUD, Llewellyn Setters, Count Mor- ing. No. and Paiiaono, jr., -.o. 314.0; fee $25. P. It. Whiteside, HilU dale. Or. PAY CASH FOR POULTRY. Pets, puppies of all kinds. Cash Pro duce Co., 300 E. Morrison. E. C122. New Management- PAIR of thoroughbred New Zealand rab bits; unrelated; IS mo.; young ones, a mos. old; 2 hutches. All for $10. 1U44 Powell st., near 34th. Sellwood 3;31. TWO fine singing canaries l and cages ; K. Morrison. guaranteed Binders. 30O Kant 0122. FEMALE canaries. to SOc. Sellwood 313. M Ifcellaoeoui. FOR SALti Complete lire system; 3.oo ft. 0-inch pipe, l.u-pound pressure, 4. to a yard ; 10U0 feet 4-inch ut 30c; S'o feet 2-inch at 14c; 7 Iowa non-treein hydrants at $20 each; all gate valves and fittings 2i per cent off new whole sale cost. Broad w ay iS0. A Egge, French govern uiuiit shipyard, N. Front and Nlcoa.ll eta. BEAUTIFUL toned Kimball organ, very best condition; cost when new 11. ami worth more than that now. Puny will sacrifice $-"VO for immediate suie ; also superb Packard organ, elaborate modern parlor style, only $4?. See Oregon Eiiers Music House, piano dept., upstairs Eilcrs bldg. Lntrance -ii astiington si. PLUMBING. Plumbing jubs done quickly and effi ciently at reasonable prices; workman- Ship guaranteed. iicJKKO METAL WORKS. Phone East li..4. 101 Ruswell St. ONE steel range, 1 Edlnoii phonograph, 24 records. 2 crosscut saws, 2 one-man saws, 1 peavie, 1 scythe, 1 brush fccytii1 1 s 1 et 1 ge and w ed g 1 A I cCu sky ac count system, alumium scoops. 324 13th st. Main hi MO. SPLIT cedar .posts to order. liist growth li r. cord and sawed wood, in Une small quantities. For prices phone Marshall 4N30, or write II. J. sschicgel- miieh, route 1, Oswego, Or. FOR SALB bv owner. Ferris wheel, merry go-round auu complete outut ior car nival show;-all in good condition. Ad dress hlti Board ut Trade bldg., or phone Main MU2. BIG carnival attraction with equipment, worth llsoo, for Jduo; tine shape and good bookings for season now opening. -vi-- kivou tneaier uik. CHEAP 1 fur-lined moieskin combination suit, electrically, heated ; smtul aviation or motoring; also several juiirs fur-lined gauntlets. S C;5, Oregonian. STRADIV ARA VIOLIN, with case and bow, old violin, excellent condition and tone; reasonable. East WOOD FOR SALE. Anvone wanting to buy some first growth fir wood will tind it to their in terest to call E. 740. VERY reasonable, one of the best d ressed magic acts ever presented; will teacn you the business and book. 201-2 Rivoli theater bldg. OFFICE FTTRNITl'RE Desks, tables. chairs, filing cabinets, also supplies, from War DepL, L. C. Wax, 101 Se oud st.. Main 4i-l. FOR SALE" CARI SIGNS MADE TO ORDER, Main tHilO. B LA Ik K, 4o2 Ger linger bldg. SET of Encyclopedia Britannica. 11th edi tion, morocco binding, never been used, $75. G 900, Oregonian. , OFFICK chairs, rugs, awning, count and miscellaneous office lurniture. 21 S Fenton bldg. 1 BEAUTIFUL white diamond, about half 2;t. Oregonian. 1 WHEELER & WILSON" t.iilor machine for sale cheap. K. 5315. UtiS E. Glisan, cor. 2d. SI A BON Baldwin antdes: brine boxes. Mrs. Woodwards, near 27th and Wash ington. Milwaukie. LADY'S suit. Woodlawn 15tJ. 12i8 E 14th st. N. BEAUTIFUL Parisian library throw ori ental design; reasonable. Kast 522. BABY go-cart of French good as new. reasonable. gray w i -k-Tabor 3h:. YOU can buy trunks at 226 Washington and save Irom to $17. TWO large diamonds nnd two cluster dia mond rings. W J67. Oregonian. 12-GAUGE Remington pump, good as new $35. Woodlawn 220. IC1 TCHEN range, good condition, I27.50. Tabor 1541. 1220 I von. NEW, beautiful pea grei $17 50. size ;16. 450 PI i evening gown. lOK UfK. TYPEWRITER, cheap: chine, $10. Marshall good sewing ma- 1M. WATERPOWER washing little used. Main 2528. machine. $10. SAFES Two second-hand iron safes. large ana meaium sizes. u . uregomnn. FOR SALE Choice Indian relics. 4-2 d N. Phone Tabor 7420. 2 COUNTERS. 1 extension taile. cheap. :".24 Hnllalry ave. SECOND-HAND Marvel furnace, condition, cheap. Will install. good 15: GOOD old growth l-in. and 4-ft. cord- wood. Prompt delivery. Main sooo. FOR SALE Show rases. Inquire Monday centra! mart&et, m si. sutc. GOOD second HO. McCoy. h:md circular water L'lsl East Stark. tank. SET of 18-foot extension trade. Main 5.:20. ladders or wil FOR SALE oh Woodlawn 42: ap 1 -piece toilet set. A SPLENDID library table. Tabor Ki2j. $10. UNIVERSAL tire filler credit slip . $tn.30 for sale at discount. East 3(ii evenings. - ADDING machine, first -class bargain. 584 Stark street. ll!t. Cotidit i Broad wa. STOVE fitting, shelves, counters by penter. saves you money. Manny. 2421. ear Sell, WOULD like to buy a first-chiss Ford d livery body. Hyatt Talking Machine Co. 350 Alder. NATURAL hair switch, med. brown. 2 inches. Leaving city. Will sacrifice. Eas 827W. VACUUM cleaner, $3. as is; If you are electrician you can repair it easilv. East 7005. ICE BOX, glass lined. I'.xO. good for st ore and restaurant. Piano, good condit ion ; mahogany finish. 125 14th St.. apt. . FAIRBANKS floor scale, also one hang ing meat scales. Call Broadway 4303 or Mb in 001 ft. CLASSY baspinettes and Apt. 20. Wdln. cheats 22 n4. prices. MK used doors. ?1 each. 4-io'a AYajh. at. .PLUH, COAT lor cale ilaia 2,i rooiu 1, M trel la it re lift. LOGGERS. MILLMEN. CONTRACTORS. .1. LEVE. lWdS!t..i-ji Front St. Do you want to bring down the h:gh cost of w ire cable, tools and supplies ? See Le ve and you will k n o w how i t Is done, lor lus prices are far lower than anyone else in the city. Below is only a small (tuantity of ihe many thousands of article we carry in stock: WIRE CARLE. Over fet of new plow-steel cable, the best that is made. t-R. vari ous sizes, - inch, --inrh, - inch. -in eh and 1 1 - Id-inch ; long lengths from BNo teet up to 47."o leet long. If you need any cable, see ns first, as no one can compete with our prices; also be side- the noovc we carry in stock over OO.O'Ml feet slightly used plow-steel cable various kinds mid sizes, ioug pieces, at greatly reduced prices. BLOCKS. Steel, snatch, tackle and wood blocks at low prices. CHAIN BLOCKS. We carry in slock the following sizes; tj - ton, I - ton, 1 yt - ton and 2-ton at re duced prices. CHAIN Large nuantity slightly used chain, various sizes, at low prices. PEAVIKS. Over lo dozen new peavies on hand at a low price. Pulleys, shnfting and boxings, large quantity on hand, various kinds and sizes at lowest prices. Also a. large quantity of lightly U3ed peavies at a low price. GEARS AND PINION'S. We have a large stock of gears ai. pinions at a low price. RUBBER BELT TNG. Large quantity, new and slightly nsed rubber belting, four, five and six-ply, at reduced prices. CARPENTERS. TAKE NOTICE. Big cut in hardware prices this week In the following goods: Hand wws. jack planes, smoothing planes, draw knives, hand axes, steel tapes, braces, squares, auger bits, carpenter hammers, wood chisels and all other tools in the store at greately reduced priees. If you need any tools, see us first, as our prices are far lower than anyone. WOODSMEN. TAKE NOTICE! We carry in stock at all times a large quantity new and slightly used Simomts Royal Chinook crosscut saws, swedtred and filed ready for use: also wedges. splitting mauls, axes. fa liing wedges, glut and other woodsmen supplies at priees lun er 4liao anyone in Portland. DRILL STEEL. Lnrge quantity oc tag-on drill arteel at a low price. LOG JACKS. .Tnt mnd a In rire purrhnw f Her cules log jacks. The largest assortment in Portland. Buy all ou need at a low price. Anvils. -1sa, champion forges, blow ers ana blacksmith supplies. We carry a lai stock at low prices. ROOFING PAPER! ROOFING PAPER! Big reduction this week In price on our well-known wear-well brand quality roofing paper ; just received a carload fresh trom factory, los square feet to the roll: has nails nnd content In ea-h roll ; muaw extra strong for western storms to stand the rouehest weather ; 2-piy, $1.!0 per roll ; 3-piy. $-.40 per roll. Mall nnd telegraph orders answered same day received. J. LEVE. ISD-lSOVj-IOl FRONT STREET. Main 5108. VKW suitease. 14 25: second-hand suit- unnthi-r for T.'k-. 7-iewtM W thaiu w utch. nickel case. $.-.; b 1-uuarter-pint cans, aluminum enamel. li; f -., v Km..ker sLatid. $-; Freneh briar pipe, with case and amber stein :; new pair pliers. 1 ; plug of amon mjr ti'iia" in ftae s rubber b iei . :t.i: extra hihh-hm- .-n-" haue. size i. 4; in UiKH-top uwts. size S. never worn. d.;u 370 Olh st. ipt. 3. downstairs. D E )i RE to purchase a weli-l ;ttd 2-story about 7 rooms m Lau rei P ursi. R T; hi Til Citv !':irk. Alameda or west M t. bor from $7000 to $12.5M: will pay It cash balinee .SJ." or more per m h K. It. Hvatt. a .M l Abler. hUMAS hosiery, guaranteed four months or a new pair; also water ami arid proot aprons lor men and women; call ior i ppoini ment to see samples. Phone t'tflumhia V'i2. MILITARY CAPE, with re satin lining. tat i eta silk dress, cuor w isiena. v i u vW vet and gold trimmings, size SO, S25 ; must be s..ll this week. 5lC Davis sir et, corner liuh. Bk I it! A INS in used sewing moehines; all drop-hea.tls ana canitieis auu n kkuu sewing order Singers. N e w Horn'. Wlutts ami Frees at low prices. 1 3d. near Yamhill. ONE small and one large National eg -.11.1 ii..r 15 floor cases. UifcLerem siz.e kinds. all cases, Toledo computing feales. be Koxes. other f iXtur in-lees. - 12 Salmon. Main .H-- CASH liEG ISTE R, Show cases, scales, meat sheer and other fixtures at big sacrifice. 1U 2d st. Ask cigar store. FOR SALE diotogkxph: i -yi V1' KWni'MKNT; INS l it Ia I nr.i"i -a . i bK.!..STl.TION BV EXPERT. AO l il. OI'Kt'.OMA.N. I'-1 VCLK. A l spiinu' No. 1. like new. cheap; also lady's runt and lady's nw 2 Chapman st. lrvington- a r, eml of line. snoes. Chapman wTi.i.iMK.TTK D sewing machine; good .... n..u- s a- rrtorv ct rai iw wuu n. H k. and st. Call Sunday between 12 and 4 P. M. Tabor 4 IWO. PMR diamond ear screw.-;-, ubout karat each; 1 lady's ring, about - karat bargain. G OOf,, 'regoiiinn. S lil VEKAL 1 1 A M O N DS fro m K . K at bargain; private parti, no ue F Vs;t, Ore s o n i an LADY'S black coat. suit, also rain coat : in good condition ; jo, 324. East riiAMPION' wagon scales. Hart Merran tile Comiany. Mbz Lomtiaru. l'uone. Co lumbia 440. s'EV HOME drop-head sewing machine. a real bargain at '-. tan te seen ai 232 13lh si., near Main. Tel. Main 04OO t N E short fur coat, size t. in first -class condiiion: reason ior selling too i for owner. Tabor .t 1 1 . N HBY hand-made spring Bandbox, 2nOV Washinstc vatif. hats at the n. Take ele KR SALE I grav switch about ."i inch and :i golden brwn. about 20 inch; .no dealers. J'hone ltdwy. ,M UUl.L-DRHSS coat nnd vest, size 4u; new. worn one. too tignc. tun aunuay. iiiu 92d st. S. K. T:ibor 2S23. LILI-IARD table, display counters, show case, si ale?, meat slieer. account regis ter. ."5 2d st.. cor. Pine. RA DIA NT fire gas heater ; reasonable. C. A. Bergs trom. 1370 Burrage it., cor. Porth-nd blvd. full SALE Library ta.b!e. leather roker, new Singer sewing machine. Call Sun day fitld E. 4Tth st. N. Dl AMoN l. 1 -carat, absolutely very lively gem, fine color. O ; gonian. pHrt'ct, I,s2. Ura- MATTKHJSS nd $S. Tabir C-'iNa. rings, good condition, iTo llolladay ave. SECOND- HAND pipe furnace, with piping. Ca 11 East 7o;'.0. Monday. (iKM'lNK Spanish lea t her couch $35, w j.-keg bassinette $1Q. -fS3 E. Broadway. Kt'l 1 SAl.E Phone Tab -Br bv'? r 307 bassinette on wheels. LA R I E oak library table $35. lady writing desk $15. 583 E. Broadwa CI H'TLAlt. rheap. C scroll and jig saws TO, Or-gonian. ONE earpet loom. 1 ;;. 17i Stout st. Marshall Fo R SA LE O vacuum cleaner, cheap. Cn',1 55 North Oth st. 52 TONS of ki sheep hay for sale. !5d. Tegoiuan COLLAPSIBLE baby buggy in good cou 1 1 r i n re;tsmab;.. K. 0204. DARK grey suit, coat. ::s. $7. o Black over- r1 1- 1st st. FOR SALE New electric curling iron, $3', cl'cr.p. i 1 5 2d st. FOR SALE two rocki Gas range, library table and t. Tnbor 5M. 2 P.ARI5ER chairs for $50. Come at once. 113 2d tt. FOR SALE Wicker baby carriage. Main 0104. $1 6-HOLE range with water coils; a barga Ciil at 50 E. 2Kth st. S. GOOD overcoat, man's size, for sale, $ 10; made in England. oodlawn 4'JOO. HALL- I-t liOv'lt I'liT drebs form, like less than half priee. Tn hor SUT 9. Fc Hi SALE Three-hoia Xabuc 224 Sunday, gas rautj. Call jFOR s.LE, M i eel I a u . M. BARD K SONS. Front and Main Streets Portland, Or. "The House of a Milltoa Bargains." The shrewd buyer knows that when he (rts the Barde price on the thine he needs he cots the lowest price t he market affords pi us the depend a blli ty that he gets with the Barde guarantee. WJRE ROPE. MAIN LINE QUALITY IN 500 LENGTH. 1 H -inch 1 'i-inch 1 -inch 1-inch 2-ic SIN! :t;e .Vic m-inch 1 'N-tnch 1 -inch 2 -inch .4lV . 4 :.o WIRE ROPE. BARPE GUYLINE QUAMTT THAT IS UOOI ENOCGH TO USE AS MAIN LINE. 1 'i -inch 20c 1 - inch 35c l'i-inch 2fo l-ineh :Oe l-inch 3Uc 2 -inch 6uc LOGGING BLOCKS DISCOUNTED. NEW 20 PER CENT OFF LIST. USED 40 PER CENT OFF LIST. All fully (jiiHTHnteed. Skilled block m Hhanics replaee a 1 1 worn parts of used blocks so i hoy may be backed by the Barde fruarantee. MOVTN G. SKTUVR HOIST I XG, TRIP YARDING. BUT BARDE SITKLF HARDWARE AT FRACTIONAL PRICES. Valves, funnels, measures, oilers, bor ers, emery wheels, filtntc tools, wrenches, ton ps. hammers, hoys', hand axes, sledge hammers, hatchets, chain tones, monkey and pipe wrenches, hand and crosscut saws, filing tools for crscut saws, oil sates, carborundum stones, etc SHOVELS. Round or square-pointed short han dled. New $14 dozen. Used $12 dozen. NOW IS A GOOD TIME TO BUT LOGGING JACKS. 50 Hercules lopsrinR" jacks. SO Gilchrist loegtnc jacks. 2 only- 5-ton Norton jacks. 3 only 30-ton Stillweli jacks. 60 5-ton Barre-tt jacks. 500 lumber dollies. And almost a million other excep tional bargains. Write, wire or phone your order today. M. BARDE & SONS. "The House of a Million Bargain.' Front and Main Streets. Portland, Or. LEAVING city Feb. 1; ft-ho!e wood or coa! ranice. J;; iare heating stove, S. G. O. combination dresser and wash stand. Ss; 2-inch post wn ite iron bed springs and mattress. $2S.."tO; nmall oil stove, $1, library table runner, fine tone larsr golden oak phonograph, not cabinet style, $4; Wheeler short method fire proof bookkeeping safe, holds 1 20 aecoun rs, worth $I4o. sell for $'JO. 17 Eaat l&ta st. East 7401. KLE 'TRIO hot point heater, elegant port -able electric lamp like new; Kind el dav enette. uuartered fumed oak. genuine blk. Spanish leather, utmost new; iron bed and springs, garden hof, befit of rubber. 2.Vf t and i"0-i t. lengths, same as new; lawn mower. All at bargam priee. Owner leaving city. Phone Wdln. 174. W ALES A DDI NG M ACH I N E. Fine Wiles adding machine, with stand, adds to ft,W',m,t!9 .Hi ; repeat, cor rection, n on -add and non-print keys : wide carriage; cos about $350, all in fine shape. price $200; $-' down. $ 10 inonthlv. Hyatt Talking Machine Co., a:.o Abler. ON K 8-ft. dotrt'le-seated coaster, 1 en gine coaster i new, very ch ap i, 1 ma chinist's tool rhest ith 3 drawers, 2 ladies' work boxes cheap, 1 baby high chair, 1 baby hope chest. 2 baby dres ers. Phone East ;i713. 420 E. Couch St. Olit f;ivorite magazines at cost! Save ihe newsdealers profits and subscribe direct by mail from the publishers' repre sentatives. United Magazine Subscrip tion Agencies. No. 5 Kearny at Market, San Fi:iiicism. 34-1 V K R J OH NSON revolver. in fJe shiti)e. S lO ; .4.-t'olt s revolver, reit. imlster and cartridges, all for $14; pair of field glasses mad by Aitcheson of 1 .on dun. Eng., a bargain at H5. 370 0th st., apt. 3, downstairs. SI NV!rTi" S EVV' I NG MA CHINES. A i I ma kos ; 30 years experience ; your old machine made us good as ever. Main os.":t. SINGER STORE. 103 Fourth St. TEXT 12x14. S-on.. good condition, chap t f l.i; one pair lady s shoes, winter coat and hat. also vibrator; all real bargains. Call at 802 Vaughn st. after 10 A. M. LA R ; E-SI '.E1 wood heater, used only a few mont hs, with isinglass door and nickel trimmed. Paid $-7 ; will sell for $17..M. Call Tabor 70.".. or 1248 East S limin. LEAVING ToW.V. will sell cheap. Vulcan automatic gas raiie. 1 three-burner gaa plate with' hose and connection. 2 table. l.V.4 Gantenbein ave. or phone "Woodlawn Mo2. FOR OCICIC SALE On account of leaii. city. 1 gasoline wood saw with auto, a:so horse and wagon, all for $iu0. Main "202. I HAVE a lot of combings, different col ors and made from combings I will s-ll very reasonable. Call 2til Mar ket st., apt. 31. HAVE several pairs of shoes in first-class condition, size 4 A A ; also blue tricot ine suit, size 34; sell cheap. M 91) S, Orego nian. GOOD :;0-gal kitchen boiler. J7.50; al.o nice ba.-in, $..V; other piuinbing sup plies sold and installed reasonably. 1M E. Mroalwav, East 4Su2. KoH SALE A brown silvertone spring suit, size 30, like new, for $!"; too small for owner; $a0 takes it. Call Sunday. Main 42Si!i. WOULD lik to buy a high-grade baity Hyatt Talking Machine grand piano. Co.. 330 Aide SANITARY chemical indoor closet, almost new. $10. IO40 Powell st.. near 34th. Sell wood 30X1. KNCLYCLOPEDIA Britannica, th edition. 28 books. Chudman's cyclopedia of law, Bi books. Phone East 2271. SAKE, medium size, fire pro f, cheap for cash. Owner leaving city. Private party. Phone Wdln. V74 5000 FEET Mastidon pipe. 3-In.. alo 1300 foet 2-ln. iron pipe. Inquire 331 First st. and see sarn pie. LOVELY moleskin neckrdce and cuffs, suitablrt to wear wiUi tailored suit. Mar shall 5S34. 1 LADY'S dark bine serge suit, size 3K, good condition. J12. and also gentleman'i overcoat. Phone Sell 2157. DAYTON cindy scales. cash register, stools; show cases; must sell this week. 1 13 2d si., a kc 1 g a r store. B. &- L. PROJECTION lantern and fine set slides: dandy for home or Sunday school. Tabor 3tir0. SMALL wood heater, pipe and board, $2.50: round center table, $2 : and 30x50-inch solid oak table. $4. Phone E. 7754. FOR SALE White Iron bed. springs and mattress, $40; also a child's crib ami mattress. $5. Sellwood 3050. A CHARTER OAK heater cheap, practic ally new. Sellwood !10. FOR SA LE All k Inds lumber. Main 2H70. of second-hand POSITION wanted by middle-aged man; watchman or janitor. Tabor S105. FOR SALE Baby's iron bed, cheap. 715 Kearney st. CAMERA. 4x5. complete Goerx Dagor F08 series 111. No. 1 lens. Tabor 4;i70. FOR SAL E Ad, fust i. ble dress form, ward robe: also cannetl fruit. 41 Hood st. DISHES, chairs, cooking outfit. 353 Yam hill st BEAUTIFUL hand-made sweater and cap to match. 35'2 "amhlll st. STURGIS baby buggy. $7.50, and a baty bed. $7. Call 215-36. FOR SALE English perambulator and Ruby's oriole. Tabor :tl 4. FoR SALE Dress form, firelesa cooker, canned fruit, 970 Vancouver ave. NEW dictaphones, never been used, $235. T 025. Oregon ia n. 1 PAIR tically late model dictaphones, prac new, $1 75. Main 2350. A N Et STY LE mimeograph, like new : ha rga in. 447 Morgan bldg. Main 670h. SECOND-HAND tents and covers for aa . Pacific Tent Awning. 1 N. 1st t. HOTTED horse and cow manure. 4307. ALMOST new body Brussels carpet cheap. 1o;: E. S4th st. N. KITCHEN range, combination wood ut coa 1 : perf ct omi i t ion. M h in 4 "i.7. iF.L'UY equipped Ulcycla lor CoL iiul