12 THE ST7XDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND; JANUARY 25, 1020 KEAI ESTATE. REAL. ESTATE. BEAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL fc. STATE. REAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. .REAL FSTATE. 1'or Sale Farms. For Sale Farms. For Sale Farms. - For Sale Farms. For Sale Farms. For bale -Farms. $7500. 34 acres 2 miles of Corvallis. all deep, randy loam so'.l, on river bank, few roils from highway; 350 fruit trees, peaches, applea, prunes, pears; 4-mom house. barn, outbuildings, including chicken house for 200 chickens; 1! horses, rows, loo chickens, wagon, buggies, new mowing machine, disc harrow and other tools, all go. $57oO down. bal. t;rf. This place must sell at once. A cplendid buy for someone. $13,000. !0 acres near Creswell, 65 in cultiva tion, deep red soil, crop all in, finely improved, all fenced and cross-fenced ; fci-room house, new barn 40x60, silo, stock barn, poultry and hog houses, "Vi mile to wchool; 4 horses, 5 cows. 3 heifers, null. 5 hogs, plenty hay and ensilage; -SO chickens, all Kinds of tools to op era te place. Terms or will consider trade. Sickness cause of sale. S12.00O. " ItiO acres 6 miles from White Salmon, L'O acres in lt-vear-old apple orchard, full bearing. Packed S400 boxes last year of A grade; apple house. - bam, packing houhe, implements and some stock; balance of 10 in pasture. Enough timber for place; $'OO0 cash will handle. This-is a good buy to right party. 325-acre stock ranch, near Sheridan, 75 acres in cultivation, balance splendid pasture and timber, Oood h-rooin mod ern bouse, all buildings first-class. good family orchard: fenced ah cross-fenced. "Will accept small cash payment or trade, balance R'.x. Prefers grocery or general merchandise store. "We have a large list of good farms In the Willamette valley. 10 acres up. Come in and let us tell you about them. $7,100. 44 acres at Alpine. Or., all good land and all in cultivation. Splendid im provements; fenced with woven wire, modern ti-room house and buildings, large barn, chicken houses, etc; an ideal chicken or berry farm, vfe mile of high school. $1!500 cash. bal. to suit. There will be cannery built mile of this place this year. BAHER ft- McFARLAND. 317 Henry Hldg. Main 797. Open Sunday. BENTON COUNTY STOCK AND GRAIN FAKM, PINE LAKE FARM. 900 acres located on highway now be ing paved and about 9 miles from Ore gon Agricultural College; about Goo acres now being farmed and 150 acres more in pasture that can be plowed any time. The other 150 acres has some timber and is also ufed for pasture. There are probably :5 acres W waste land on the place and about 15 acres is occupied by a couple of dandy little lakes that are clear and nice and provide water for flock and good fishing also. All but f0 acres of the 700 acres now tillable Is good wheat land and the other 50 acres are suitable for oats, etc., but is too flat for wheat. There are no hills on the place, but it Is just a big level farm with enough roll to make it all drain well. The soil is made up principally of river bottom and second river bottom land and is rated very high as a pro ducer in this locality. The place has three complete sets of buildings and an other partial set. There are ten miles of good fencing and over a mile of port able fence. There are three family orchards, 8-aere English walnut orchard. The improvements are worth at least 1 11', 000; near a good school, railroad, etc. This place is lor sale at so per acre, arfd we can arrange some terms at ti per cent interest. If - you are interested write for full printed description of this place. KINNEY & STOCKWB1.L, BENTON COUNTY FARM SALESMEN, CORVALLIS, OREGON. GRAND bargain in 4G acres on the paved highway, near New berg; all under cul tivation ; good house, seven rooms, flue ni'W barn, plenty of outbuildings ; place all in crop except a Bmall pasture with a tine large spring running through it the year around; tin water system at the house; 11 acres of prunes. Just be ginning to bear, one acre of family or chard, tine team of horses, good cows a ml a bout 1 ."o chickens, two wa eons, buggy, a good line of farm machinery, a lot of feed and all goes for Jlii.uOO, part cash, 0 per cent on balance. A I -SO 2S acres 0 miles out near Garden Home, on a good rock road ; fine little bunga low With fireplace, large barn, two very large chicken houses, a splendid team of horses and a larpe line of farm ma chinery, few dozen rhlrkens; this is all under cultivation excepting 4 acres of limber; t his is the best of berry land ; all for $1mmm); good terms. SEE J. D. GORDON. ;U4 Chamber of Commerce. IRRIGATED ALFALFA RANCH. SOUTHERN OREGON. iihi acres, -j. innes irom pavea nign- 1v- IO mllAU rP,.i, J ... 1 -.w.r nn T ...... ' river; unlimited supply of water for irri gation, cuts lino tomi of alfalfa now, with " Htns in; 50 acres more can be cleared and put in al falia ; very finest loam soil, the best in Jackson county, and can be made to cut 5 or 6 tons to acre; stork, equipment and' some hay with place; fair Improvements, good road, good neighborhood, delightful place to live. u, miles to graded and high school. Ideal dairy and slock proposition ; $20, 4oo. t rms. LUKDDEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. ONLY HALF MILE FROM STATION. -! and a fraction acres, located S miles from Vancouver, Wash.; 0 acres under cultivation, balance- In pasture; good soil, no gravel or rock; bearing orchard; 5-room cottage, barn GOxoO, silo nearly full of ensilage; other buildings; all rural conveniences. Price JtioOO, with good matched team, 1 cow, 1 heifer com ing fresh, 3 yearlings, 100 chickens, wag on, mower, '2 cultivators, plow, harness, cream separator, harrow, spring tooth, gas engine and fee'd. $3"00 cash, or will consider cottage or bungalow clear up to JuOO and some cash. Personally Inspected ; photos at office. John Fer guson, Gerlinger bldg. S". FOURTH STREET. CLOSE TO CITY LIMITS. 2S acres, close to Garden Home, on gravel road. 113 acres in cultivation, new 4 -room bungalow, with fireplace, large buffet and cement basement complete, set of farm implements; can be subdi vided and sold in tracts at large profit, as land in this, locality is selling from $.."(00 to $lC0u per acre; owner wishes to go east as soon as possible and would rather sacrifice than rent it out. Price only $3-2 per acre, JK:;000 cash. VBSTER DiC JOICE. 2!TJ-2J3 Henry bldg. Alain 1B31. KAISB CORN. hogs, sheen, alfalfa, nola" toes and fruit; lo, J0 and 40-a re tracts. Improved, Irrigated, in center of Yakima valley. Government ditch, water right paid to date. Smooth land, deep soil, easy terms. Also 440 acres farm and pasture land, river bottom, mostly black soil, smooth land, part can he irrigated, 1- miles to good It. R. town; Son sheep, mostly bred ewes, sheds and corrals, up-to-date ranch ; price $42,o00. 1-3 cash, baiance terms. 6 per cent. Write or call nn W. L. Johnson, 347 East 41bt street, Portland. Or. 20 ACRES. Sandy bottom land, all level, all In cultivation but one acre, fine garden and peach land, will raise anything; ti-room house, good granary and wood house. 2 barns only fair, all other outhouses; family fruit. There 1" an Artesinn well on the place, good lit tie tea m. 7.1 hens. good cow, all tools and some feed. This is near C.mbv, on main road. Price S2-0. with everything, or will sell place alone, half cash, ba lance at 0 per cent. E. P. ELLIOTT A- SON. Seventh and "Main Sts.. Oregon City, Or. WHEAT RANCH BARGAIN. 1 500 iicr'-s in best part of Gilliam county; 14"0 under plow; 1050 acres now in gr;t in ; slightly rolling : all good trac tor land; good well, fair house and barn; ra nch under lease; owner get 14 ol crnp delivered in warehouse.- With tht. government regulation on wheat re moved the price will go to $3 per bushel by fall. Present crop should return one. t hird price- of ranch, which is $50,000. 'i cash, balance crop payment. GIBSON. 208 Stark. Marshall 12. h ACRES, all in cultivation, being fine sandy bottom land, all in crop, "home or chard and all kinds of berries, seven rom painted house, "2 barns and other -itouildings. one mile to Caaby, on a rock road; artesian well on place, fine team of horse. 7 white I-eghorn hens, ob-nty of hay and grain for stock; price n I y ? :00. Might take a n ice home in Salem as part payment. See Mr. Strohm, with John E. Howard, 318 Cham ler of Commerce. CLOSE TO PORTLAND. 24 acres, located M mile from boat landing, near l-a 'enter. Wash,. Clarke ooirtity; graveled road; H mile to school; good loganberry land ; 1 5 acres under cult i vat ion ; 6 acres pasture ; creek and well : house, rmall barn, .mall orchard : fencing. Price $3Mti; terms on $1300 for long time. Personally inspected. This is only one hour's drive from Port land. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. FOR SALE $3500 Piedmont district, fl-r. house and sleeping poreb : double construction, full basement, wash trays, etc.; hard surfaced street; $3500, S150O down or part trae. A snap, 3500. EUGENE PALMER. 112 Killingsworth Ave. ft-IO ACRES, 14 miles from Portland: creek and, ama.l house, ba.ru. East U5& BENTON COUNTY FARMS ARE THE BEST IN THE VALLEY AND ARE NEAR OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 85 ACRES OF, RIVER BOTTOM. 70 acres of choice land in cultivatbin, lies fine and free from gullies or washes on the cultivated part; 13 acres seeded to alfalfa last year; fine big new barn, 0-ton concrete silo, horse barn. 5-roora house; family orchard. This place pro duced over $10,000 worth potatoes this year and other crops besides. Place is located about 1 mile from Corvallis on gravel road. Price is $100 per acre and is the cheapest place in the valley. 73-ACRE DAIRY FAR M 2 Ml LBS FROM OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE. 58 acres In cultivation, quite a little of which is new land; lo acres in timber and pasture; very best of soil; good road; near school; complete set of farm build ings for dairy purposes; family orchard; well fenced. This is fine farm and a good buy at 1 2,000 ; good terms at 6 per cent interest. 60 ACRES FOR DAIRY, HOGS, CHICKENS. About 30 acres cultivated, balance pas ture; weli fenced, on good road about 4 miles from Corvallis. in one of the hest neighborhoods In Benton county; has good six-room house, good horse barn, dairy barn 7Ox70 ; well and tank, usual outbuildings; family orchard and berries. This place is a bargain at $0000; JJBUO cash, balance 6 per cent interest. 56 ACRES OF BRAVERDAM FOR, DAIRY. Located about 10 miles from Corval lis, 3 miles to R. R. station on good gravel road, near school ; has good i room house, fine big new dairy barn, usual outbuildings; family orchard; creek through the pasture; 40 acres cultivated, balance mostly open pasture. A real bargain at $125 per acre; one-half cash. 25 ACRES FOR DAIRY AND CHICKENS All in cultivation ; has good Improve ments, is stocked and equpiped; house is furnished, even to the piano. Every thing goes for $5300. 21-ACRE CHICKEN RANCH. Located on. good road, near school; has good 0-room house, large barn, hen house and scratch shed; family orchard; all in cultivation. Price $200 per acre; terms. We have big and little farms for sale. "Write for our booklet and descriptions of a few places. Tell us what you want. We have it. A FEW REASONS FOR BUYING IN BENTON COUNTY. Because we are almost entirely dependent on our agricultural re sources and, therefore, intensely interested in their development. Because in the Benton County Farm Bureau we have an organi zation that is actively interested in the welfare of our farmers. Because you can raise your own vegetables, truit, berries and meat. Because Jn the Oregon Agricul tural College, located at Corvallis, the county seat of Benton county, we have the second largest agricul tural college in the U. S. 4 Because we have the aid of the agricultural college at first hand to assure our farmers success. Because we have a live - wire county agent to assist our farmcis. Because we can show you good, boom and our land values are based on their productive value. Becaluse we can ehow you good, safe real estate investment or mortgage loans for your surplus money. Because we are a live, progres sive, aggressive, united community working -for a bigger, better Ben ton county. The above are only a few of many reasons why you and your familv should be interested in Benton, tTie BLUE RIB BON COUNTY of OREGON. KINNEY A- STOCK WELL DEALERS IN FARMS, CORVALLIS, BENTON COUNTY OREGON. WE TELL THE WORLD THE FACTS ABOUT BENTON COUNTY. 478-ACRE STOCK FARM. This farm Is three miles from New berg. Or., and has ir0 acres in cultiva tion and partially seeded. Also 300 ac res Pasture. The balance contains 32.000 to 13,000 cords of standing wood timber, and a large quant it v of cedar. The wood sells for $4 to $4.."io per cord at the farm. Two sets of buildings, lage barn and a 1 on-ton silo. Several fine springs on the place and it is considered one of the best places for stock in the valley. The price of this farm, including equipment. and stock consisting of horses, cows, goats and registered Poland China hogs, is $45,000, and while there are but Kn odd goats at present, the timber land affords splendid pasturage for 10m. Would take as part payment another smaller farm, or good Portland property and give some lime or to a dependable party to take charge, would sell in terest. F. A. KNAPP, 213 Board of Trade Bldg. 320 ACRES, $10 PER ACRE. 320 acres, 2 miles south ol Eddy vllle, Lincoln county, Oregon, about 20 acres in crop, 30 acres fenced, springs and creeks on place; two sets of build ings, house 27x30, barn 28x44 and chicken-houses on one quarter section and house 14x24 and chicken-house on the other; 20 to 30 acres of creek bottom, young orchard in bearing. This will make a fine stock ranch with abundance of outrange, especially good for sheep and goats. This is a hill farm, but hiiff good farm land and enough cul tivated land to start. Will sell the quarter sec tions separate at same price per acre. Price $10 per acre. Terms if desired. J. R. SHKEOK. 302 Spalding Bldg. Portland, Oregon. STOCK RANCH SNAP. 324M; acres, located in Willamette val ley out of the wh ite land district, only five miles from tbe railroad, on main county road; 70 acres in cultivation, I7."J acres in fine saw timber, balance in pasture. No rock or gravel, land all tillable, lb;s slightly rolling, family or chard, live-room house, barn 40xto, other buildings. Fine creek and several springs. This is your chance to get in right, as it is priced away under value, as the timber is accessible and will bring more than we are asking for the place. Price $26.50 per acre; $5000 will handle, bal ance on easy terms. See Mr. Strohm, with John K. Howard. 18 Chamber of Commerce. HIGH - CLASS CLOSE-IN FARM. REASONABLE PRICE. 90 acres of land that you could not Improve on; is all in cultivation excepl a wood lot and small pasture with creek at back of place; first-class 7-roora house, 2 good barns; fine orchard", soma walnuts. This fine property is only HI miles from the center of the city on good road. There are 10 head dairy cows, fine team; everything complete in the way of machinery; lots of feed and some to sell; crop all in. Price $'35 an acre. Well worth it. D. McCH ESN E Y 304ia Oak L Bdwy. 2ti0. 60 ACRES. NEAR MOLALLA. All level, all black bottom lanrt nr. acres in cultivation; 7-room house, fair oarn ana an out nouses, family fruit, good water, nice big oak shade trees in the front yard. This place Is on main road, all graveled, will be paved in the spring Electric line and station richt at the place. lOo feet of good store. This is a fine farnt can't oe beat for clover and corn: price $loO an acre, cash, balance at ft per cent. If you want a good home let its show you this place. E. P. ELLIOTT & SON. Seventh and Mam Sts.. Oregon City, Or. 4250 WELL STOCKED & EQT'IPPED. Here is an Ideal country home for a man of moderate means; 44 acres. 14 under cultivation, SO acres good pasture; 3-acre orchard, large 5-room house in first-class condition; large barn, siio and garage; full set of out-buildings: chicken house will accommodate C00 chickens; trout stream with waterfall. Price of $4250 includes 2 horses, 1 cow, 4 stands of bees, 1 wagon, 1 mower, 1 disc. 1 cultivator, 1 plow, 1 rake, cream separ ator; on good road 3 miles from good town on main line of three railroads. Terms. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 5 ACRES HILLSBORO. A fine tract. 50 acres In cultivation, -lies perfect; this side Hillsboro, for only $150 an acre; 8-room house, large barn and silo; family orchard; no better land anywhere. Why not locate where vou get the top price for your products? There is a federal loan for half, which alone shows the value Is there. There is equipment you can buy if wanted. D. McCH ESN EY, 304 Oak st. Bdwy. 26ti. ACRES, near Estacada. house, barn and buildings; spring, creek and well; 9 acres clear, ft acres under cultivation ; some fruit trees; $2v00. Call Rasoh, E. 2920, Monday. THERE ARE PLACES AND PLACES. And someone for every placet Now among these tber might be Just what you would want. Kei them over and write me or come and see ine about it. A nice 10-acre home with a good house and other buildings neces sary, with fruit for family use. The land is gently rolling and lies about six blocks from, the station on the west side electric through line to Corvallis. It is about 4 miles from McMinnvllle. The price is $4000, one-haif cash. , Or a 19-acre place near Inde pendence, has a good bouse, barn and other buildings, right on the SaJem-lndcpendei.ce road. Is all in cuif i vation except 1 ? acres of -timber. There are a lot of fruit, cherry, apple, prunes and small fruits. Including about an acre of loganberries. This a n excellent place and can be bought for $5700, part cash and part time. Or how" would this do? 153 acres with between ttO and 70 acres in cultivation, balance of the place is pasture and timber; about 2500 cordw of grub oak wood; two miles from station and aiding. Th is wood would net the owner right around $3 per cord, and this would amount to about two-thirds of the cost of the place; there is a fairly good barn and a small house on th"1 prce; about - three dozen fruit trees t hat with little care would burnish all the fruit needed. Listen, $55 per acre buys this place and $1500 down as first pay ment, f A stock ranch of 240 acres, fi miles from Willamina. at $2!.17 per aero, about 40 acres in cultiva tion, b.i lance Is timber and pas ture. There are between 3 and 4 million feet of saw timber on the place; good spring and creek. There is a good 0-room house, a barn and some family orchard; terms J cash, balance on time at SEE -T. A. MILLS. WITH SPERLING & H ANNA, 309 Corbett Bldg. FARMS. Stocked and equipped ; 78 acres. acres in cultivation, balance pasture; fair buiidings ; good road ; Vi mile to 3chool, ti miies to town ; lo cows,. 1 bul 1, 6 hogs. 3 dozen chickens, good team, all farm tools and machinery and feed, $11,000; terms. 20 acres; extra well located; ' fair buildings; good road, near school; lots of fruit; $35oo ; terms. This is real bar gain. Nothing can he bought in this lo cality for t he money. Soil Is very best, sandy loam ; no rock or gravel; lis level, weil drained. Beaver dam; fine onion land; 80 acre good buildings ; fences; orchard ; county road; near school; fine home; only $lk)00; J2 cash. Best th,ing in Clarke county. Wash. : only 14 miles Union stockyards; 452 acres, most of which is crop and pas ture; 10S head cattle, 4 horses, hogs and chickens; good improvements; barn equipped with milking machine; all tools and machinery; $00,000; terms. ATKINSON Az PORTER, 112 West Sixth St., Vancouver, Wash. 40-ACRE SACRIFICE NEAR TUALATIN, $7000. Here's a, real bargain, but you must act quick; 4o acres right on Tualatin river: over 30 in cultivation; 20 fine bottom, never overflows; 6 acres easily cleared; balance good timber and brush; good tJ-rooin farmhouse, large barn and other outbuildings; full bearing family orchard ; also grapes and berries; only 1 M miles east of Tualatin; mile from school ; a real bargain in a real farm; adjoining land sells for twice as much. Hurry; this won't last a -week. Also 2H-acre farm. 1 mile from Taula tin. on good county road; good, large house and barn and ail neceswary out buildings :, family orchard in full bear ing ; 4 acres of genuine (beaverdam ; 24 acres in cultivation ; a money maker from the start. This place is really worth $10,000, and owner will sacrifice for $0000, half cash. Hurry; there are no more bargains as good as this. G. G. McCORMIC CO., 242 Washington St., Near 2d. W ELL S TOC KED AND EQUIPPED. 40 acres, .ocated 3 miles from Ridge field, Wash.; 3o acres under cultivation, 3it acres can be cultivated, balance in pasture, some timber for wood, 16 acres steded to grain, eome -clover, good fences. 5-mom house, barn, granary, machine shed; price $5300. with 5 cows, 1 heifer, good young team, heavy har noFK, chicken spring tooth harrow, ppike tooth harrow, mower, rake, binder, 2 wepoiiH, scales, cultivator, cream sepa rator, lots of tools, some wheat, oats, .hay and s'taw; will keep the team and discount $3oo- machinery all in Al shane: road will be paved within few rods of thirt pia;;e, soon all fine soil, with small creek on pin.ee: personally inspected; photos at cilice. John Ferguson, Ger lingtr P.ld g. PRUNES. PRUNES. PRUNES. FULL BEARING CLOSE IN ONLY $350 AN ACRE. Six miles from Vancouver, on hard road: in thf best prune district; one 5-acre tract, and one 11-acre tract; all bearing trees; in fine condition. owner must sen on account of sick ness. These orchard tracts ought to pay for themselves In 2 years. See SAM hJSW il x at J. L. HARTMA N CO.. No. T Chamber of Commerxe Bldg. AN OPPORTUNITY of a life time to get a .stocked and equipped farm of GOO acres. Tiis place ia only 00 miles from Port land, down the Columbia, in Wash.; 70 acres in cultivation, lot more can be cleared at a ccst of $20 per acre, but very little waste land on place; all good, cieep soil; no rock or gravel. All fenced and cross-fenced ; 2 sets of buildings, family orchard near each house; 35 head 01 siocK, .1 i or wnicn are milk cows; team and all kinds of machinery and tools to run piace. On main road. 1 mile from school, store and boat land ing, well settled community. Everything for $30 per acre on exceedingly good termjj. STEWART & BUCK". 315 Northwestern Bank bldg. ' AC R E AG lj N EAR H L'KHAKD, 22 acres; 10 acres in winter oats. 5 acres in clover, 5 abres plowed ready to sow. 1 acre in orchard; good 6 roam bouse. 5 chicken houses, new ga rage, brooder house 12x14, workshop, good silo, good barn. 2 wells; one mile from station ; price $4650. 11 acres, all highly- cultivated : new 6-room bungalow, barn. woodshed chicken house, good wU ; one mile from station: price 3500. 100 acres, 40 acres highly 'cultivated, GO acres good timber; no buildings; one mile from river; price $8000. PYRAMID LAND CO., 603-4 Title & Trust Bldg. Main 8232. THREE MILES FROM NEWBERG Here is a weli equipped place on good auto road, an hour's drive from Port land 32 acres, nearly all in cultivation, extra fine soil; 2 acres orchard; jrood buildings. Price of 10,500 Includes 4 registered Jerseys, 3 horses, 1 brood bow. about CO chickens, all farming im-ple ments. Half cash required. Pensonally inspected. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. J BIG JOHNSTON alfslfc and cattle "ranch is now being ubdiided into 40 and o acre tracts. Money is no object for first payment. Terms so easy they neet not worry you. Two years crop will pay for land. If you want to get in on this deal jee me at Imperial Hotel Sunday or Monday: Tuesday will be too late. Bona fide settlers are what I want. J. B. MINER. FINE NEW FARM NEAR NEWBERG. 140 acres cn Willamette river, u, mile from highway and station, on good rock road; f0 acres level, 40 acres in crop; big money to be made in timber on place; ideal location and surroundings; no build ings. Price $12,500; terms $8500 cash, balance to suit. Owner, E 023, Orego nian. 20 ACRES. 200 plow land. 80 In crop; 8-room house with bath, large barn with running water; other outbuildings; fruit and walnut trees; mile from railroad. Price and terms on application. D 161, Oregonian. ' - - " iiOO-ACRTE bearing orchard, Columbia riv or district: best commercial grade of apples; 4U,uun; easy lerms ; unusual ' chance lor fortune and life income. Y 2.it. oregonian. HAVE many bargains In acreage and farms with and without stock and equip ment, both for sale and exchange. Tall madge Realty Co., 619 Henry bldg. FOR SALE $6500 buys a ranch. 85 acres, modern house, in the Deschutes rountrv' terms. For Information, &ply Hill, 427 MarK si. BJ Bargains. S5 acres and 40 adjoining little. Improvement, adjoining railroad town In Washington county; SKMHt each ; terms, uuuuis, w. c-paiu ing ems. . 4IS ACRES Portland district; rich soil 50 per cent cleared, splendid roads.' springs; $2000; payment like rent. y 23Sk Oregoniao. IF YOU WANT A FARM OR Km NICE SUBURBAN HOME, SEE US. A good farm, alt in cultivation, fenced with woven wire, ha a small running stream in the pas ture, has 27 acres sowed to wheat, 65 acres sowed to oats and vetch. ' 15 acres of clover. 40 acres plowed for'spring crop and other land for other crops ; a fair house, barn, machine shed. granary, pump house and tank, chicken and hog houses, family fruit and good gar den space; on a good gravel road, J4 mile from the j-est side paved highway; 2 miles to one good town and 1 mile from the other; good school advantages at the, state nor mal 1 mile away. The soil runs from black loam to chocolate and is deep; there are 240 acres and 10O per acre buys it. 5 horses, 5 cows, 3 heifers, 1, 2 and 3 years; 6 hogs, a lot of chickens, all machinery, consists Aif a wagon, -an iron wheel wagon, two buggies, & hack, a gas engine and wood saw . on truck, a feed chopper and grain cleaner run by wood saw engine, a good sulky plow, a walking plow, good new 3-rsrrse drill, a disk seed er, mower, rake, binder. 3-section spike-tooth harrow and all small farm tools. Including harness for work and driving; a good house of 6 rooms, a good barn, chicken house, machine shed, separator and separator house and a small house of 2 rooms besides the other house; wood all up for the season. The place has 1 16 Mi acres, al 1 in cultivation except 10 acres of tim ber. The Valley & Silets R. R. crosses one side and there is a flag top less than 4 mile from the house. The la-nd is rolling, but not steep. It Is only 2 miies from a good, town and about 3 miles from the state normal. Now listen, $125 per acre takes the place, in cluding grain, hay, stock, in fact everything except the household goods. It's a wonderful value. A good farm near the west side highway, liliz miles out of New berg; it Is gently rolling land and runs from black at the river bot tom to chocolate, is deep and rich. It is close to high school and the west side electric R. R. There are about 80 acres in cultivation, the ba lance is timber and pasture. There are 5 acres of prunes 8 years old. There is a little soring creek and running water; g.ood .barns, sheds, etc. The house Is not very good, but is usable. The price for this 115-acre place is $150 per acre, it !s specially well located and extra good soil. Would vou like to have a nice home in Sheridan, Or., a good town In Yamhill county? It has 3 acres with lots of fruit, with excellent good, house, garage and everything modern. This is en excellent home and can be bought for $4000, part cash, part time. We have another In the same lo cation, has 4 acres, fruit and good .house; this is also in Sheridan and is an excellent value and a good home for somebody. The price of this place is $2000 with part cash, and part time. SEE SPERLING & HANNA, 309 Corbett Bldg. IRRIGATED LAND. 0 a. black loam soil, I m. to town and R. R. sta. and 27 m. south of Port-inri--40 . cult., bal. nasture with some timber, 5-r. house, large barn and other bldgs. Family orchard, has irrigation rfid h Ihrnuirh nlace with rights all paid. For grain, berries, etc., you cannot beat this soil. Price $75O0. $1000 down. 40 a., all first-class soil, all cult., near Canby, in the Macksburg district, where land is selling around $2uO an a. up. Has ti-r. house, large barn, hophouso and other outbldgs. v ell ana sunt 11 Rireu-m miss unn corner: well fenced and cross fenced. This is a wonderful buy at $0500, half cash. Personally in spected. lo a., half cult., bal. pasture, near Canby. 50 trees variety fruit, berries, etc., good 5-r. IVj -story house, chicken house, scratcning pen, oioer ouioiuks. Price $2500. SltOO down. Have a long list of small and large farms, well located, that will pay you to investigate; some exceptional prop ositions. Shown by F. R. Jesse, representing the RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO., 527 Corbett bldg. PRUNE ORCHARD. PRUNE ORCHARD. PRUNE ORCHARD. 18 acres in full bearing trees. In fine condition; tt-tunnell prune dryer worth $5000, and store house; drilled well, gas engine, lots of water ; also trees bought to set oui l u acre a more as booh a i&-Hfher nermits: IO acres of solendid fir timber, balance of the 41 acres in family orchard and garden; near good town; on hard road; fine prune dis trict: 20 miles from Portland. A BIG M ON BT-MAKBR. Price $ 15,000. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. II ARTM AN CO., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A SMALL PLACE C LOS E TO PORTLAND YOU CAN'T BEAT THIS: 20 acres near Oresham, the very best of soil, on good graveled road. All in high state of cultivation. Young or chard in full bearing. 10 or 12 choice cherry trees around house; all kinds of berries; good 4-room house, barn and outbuildings; well on back porch. There is from $'00 to $700 worth of personal property goes with the place, including a fresh cow that Is making 2 pounds of butter a day; 75 Leghorn pullets, getting lots of eggs; everything for $5000. Must have $3000 cash. STEWART A BUCK, 315 Northwestern Bunk bldg. 14 ACRES, planted to choice variety of orchard trees, mostly prunes, all In full pearing, over 00 walnut trees, in best part of Clarke county, about 1 1 mi leg from Vancouver and 2 miles from Camas. Good modern house, good barn, fruit drier, automobile road to the tloor. I'rice $5500. Owner is com pelled to sell. For that reason this low figure. Can run you out in my machine at any time and show you the prop - erty. For particulars call at 4Q4 Piatt bldg.. 127Parkst. STOCKED and equipped wheat farm at $ per acre; 150 summer fallow, balance can be put under cultivation at Httlo cost ; main roud runs right tii rough cen ter of place: 5 miles from North Pow der, Baker coun tiy. Oood ti-room house. 2 uarns. tool house and workshop, 0 head work horses. 2 coits. 'Z cows and all necessary farm tools to run place. Have $4000 equity, will soli on good terms or will trade for email farm in the valley. Owner will b In the citv for a few days. You caa see and talk with him. STEWART A' BT7CKL 31 5 Northwestern Bank bldg. ClvOPE TO SMALL TOWN. 30 MILES FROM PORTI-AND. 40 acres, located 1 mile from Wood land, Wash. ; rifh black loam soil ; 14 acres under cultivation ; aU can be cul tivated; 2rt acres pasture; ft springs. 1 creek, fencing; 30 fruit trees 5 years old; 4-room house, barn 48x48, other build ings; county road. Price $4000 with S cows.' 2 horse. 24 chickens, 2 turkeys, buggy, wagon, cultivator, plow, l set of new heavy harness, harrow, cream tMp arator and tools. 2009 cash. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg-' STOCKED AND EQUIPPED CLOSE TO PORTLAND. SO acres. Tight on main road, only 12 miles from the city ; all good soil ; no rocks or gravel; 4rt under cultivation. part in crop, 15 more in good pasture slumps, well rotted ; 25 in good timber; good house, large barn and outbuildings; good team, sadiil" pony, 2 cows, 2 brood sows. 50 chicfeens. a bout 400 bushels grain, full fct of machinery and tools. Including household f urnlshing every thing for $14.50i: half cash. STEWART & BUCK. 315 Northwestern Ban k bldg. S0-A. FARM near Corvallis. the State Ag ricultural school town. la all rich, til lable loam soil; 65 a. cult.. wood enough for home, use, 1 a. of bearing orchard, loganberrifs and other small fruits, good water piped to the bldgs. 6-r. plastered bungalow, almost new; large barn, good fences, on the Pacific highwav. now being paved. 1 mi. to the R. R. Kta Price $HK0. on easy terms. . Shown by H. T. Vance, Corvallis, Oregon, repre senting the RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO.. 527 Corbett bldg. y 4H0 ACRES. ROSEBCRG. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 60 acres under cultivation. 1 40 acres open paste re. 5-room house, barn 4rtx60. garage, all necessary outbuildings. Cah price $15.5O0. Terms. Will exchange for wheat ranch. Of M. DOLLARHTDE. 807-8-1 Lewis Bidg. SI AND a fraction acres, located 1 miles from Oregon City; on fine mad, 27 acres under cultivation; fine red uhot soil this i in the Mount Pleasant district; house, barn and outbuildings; family orchard; cow, disc, etc.; dose to city high school. $1500 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. Johu Ferguson, JJer Unger bldg. 54 ACRES good farm land, all under cul tivation; no buildings, 14 miles north of Salem. 4 mi. to CervaJs, 2 mi. to Oregon Electric at St. Louis; good berry, grain or hop land ; price $110 per acre ; rock road. Percy Ortaway. Aurora. Or. MITCHELL & RIPPET, 328-29 Henry Bid. Main. 2534, If the farm you seek is not found in the following list, please call at our office and inspect our complete listings of the choice farm bargains in the Willamette vailey. 605 ACRES. Choice -first-class stock and coarse-grain farm, about 100 acres gently rolling, balance Is of the very rfcheat dark loam rivr-bot-tom land, with the Tualatin river flowing through the center, divid ing the farm in equal parts: 200 acres under cultivation, 1155 acres in stumps and pasture; 34 miles from Portland on good rock road. 4 miles off paved highway, 1 milo to good graded school, 1 mile from railroad station; "train stops at gale for mil-k and other freight; two sets of buildings, with water piped from spring, plenty of liv ing water; one 8-room house, hot and cold water, bath; one four room house, one large barn, ar ranged for. 20 bead of cows and ft head of horses, room for Imple ments : one stock barn, will hold Ito head, one barn with room for 20 head, one goatshed with room for IOO head; miikhouse. hoghouse, chicken house and stock corrals; fenced with $!5o0 worth of Page woven wire. For quick sale this wonderful bargain is offered for the extremely low price of $05 per acre, $15, 000 cash, balance term at 6 per cent. . 453.76 ACRES. Chocolate loam soil, 25 miles from Portland, Ih miles to rail road station om good rock road. JJ4 mile off highway ; 300 acres under cultivation. 2 acres heavy timber, balance river-bottom pas ture. AU kinds of fruit, one large house with 13 rooms, bnllt when material was cheap and cost $10. Ooo. hot and cold water, bath, full basement and in good condition; 2 s-mail dwellings, 3 barns, deep well, tank water pumped by elec tricity, electric lights in house and barn, all machinery around barn run by electricity; 200 head of sheep, 10 head of horses and all farm implements that is required to run a farm of this size. This farm is actually worth $100,000, hut quick action will go for $So, 0O0, $3t.0O0 cash, balance to suit purchaser at ti per. cent. ' 320 ACRES. 2'i miles of Yamhill, 8 miles of Carlton, 7 Vi miles of Newberg. in the Chehalem valley, on good rock road. The Chehaiem valley is one of the most fertiie valleys in Oregon and is a large producer of fruit and da4ry products; 220 acres under cultivation, loo acres in timber and pasture, good woven-wire fence; new 5-room bungalow, barn 52x70, gravity wa ter systum, with water piped to house and barn; living spring, creeks, on mik and mall route, telephone; clea title. Price $75 per acre, $ttOio cash, balance on terms at 6 per cent Interest. . 200 ACRES. 6 miles south of Dayton, on Salem and McMinnvllle road; 120 acres under cultivation, 00 acrs timber, fir and oak, 20 acres Ftumps and pasture; family or chard and berries; 60 young wal nut trees, produced last year irnio; woven-wire fence, creek never dry, tank, gas engine, water piped to house and barn; extra good nine room house, full cement basement; 2 barns, granary, chicken house, hoghouse, seed and feed; 2 horses, " 2 colt, wagon, binder, plow; rake, roller, fanning mill. 17 head of sheep; all go at $125 per acre, balance long time at 6 per cent. 160 ACRES. 100 acres under cultivation In the river bottom, 0 acres rolling brush land; 7 miles from Beaver in the beautiful Nestucca valley, with plenty of fish and game; 4 mile from school, cheese factory and store; 7-room house with hot and cold water, gravity water sys tem furnishes water for house and granary; family orchard, includ ing 15 cows, a herd that has taken vears to build up: one span of horses weighing 3000 1-bs.j 8 years old; 2 sets of double harness, 2 sets of single harness. 2 heavy farm wagons, one light wagon for handling milk ; 3 plows, 1 spike and 1 disc harrow, 1 rake, all kinds small tools. Price $20,000, $13,000 cash, balance long time at 6 per cent. 37 ACRES. 16 miles from Portland, M mjle from Troutdate. mile off Colum bia highway, mile from school; 50 acres under cultivation, balance brush; 4-room house and large barn, spring water piped to house and barn, creek never dry; a real bargain for some one Interested in land close to the Columbia high way. Price $10,00), $35011 cat-h, balance terms at 6 per cent. 80 ACRES. 4 '. miles from Dallas, mil from" school: 45 acres under culti vation, balance timber, wire fence, spring and running water; large barn in good condition; 1 acre of apples, 1 acre of prunes: 6 walnut trees. Price $4000, M: cash, balance easy terms at 6 per cent interest. 60 ACRES. Rich, red shot soil, 20 miles from Portland. 4 mile to railroad station. mile to highway: 50 acres under cultivation, 10 acres timber. IO acres blaukcap berries, 13 acres of young prune trees, 3 and 4 years old; UH) prune trees, net profit on berries and prunes last year $2000; woven-wire fence, good spring: 6-room house, large barn: 2 horses, cow, -year-old heifer. 1 calf, 8 pigs, all farm tools, 20 tons of hay. Price $2.0 per acre, k cash, balance terms. MITCHELL RIPPBT, 328-29 Henry .Bldg. Main 2534. 5 MINUTES FROM OFFT"TC TO FARM. Consumed time. 25 minutes: gas. gallon from Portland's center to , this ideal country home, out lirewhsm way. but thi side. This Is the bargain of . .nivndM uMPiinn: 28 acres with por- feet road riht to the door. A.iiiivailnn' nrfect lvll oai riirni 10 m . ktRt cultivation: perieci iii rock or gravel: 6-room bungalow, lights at house and barn. barh. rement walks eplendid barn and outbuildings; splendid orchard, 25 symmetries!. b""?"f4 walnuts, all kinds berries. PE RsvO.s A L: Team. 2 cows, calf, 2 registered hogs, lota chickens, bees. 2 wagons, full set Implements. 2A torna clover hay. Price $11,000: 3ust the price, of bara land in that vicinity. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 6th st. Broadway 31. FINE little farm of 40 acres, close to Portland. Will accept residence here up to $4500. We have a number of othr farms on which residential property will be accepted as full or part payment- Two farms, hear town and In heart or Willamette valley, combined acreage 872, not too far apart for operative pur pom. " 60O acres now tillable. Will trade for citv income up to $70,000 and may as- Bume Farms are clear and will place f .hniit $3(1.004) on property. These nronertles are rnoney-makr. P SKOTHKIM-BROVVN COMPANY. 330-1-2-3 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 6-ROOM BOrE. RESTRICTED DIS TRICT. $250. In Firland. Just one block to car. 100 xlOO. sidewalks i-n and paid; a ral good 6-room plastered house. Price S2oOO. We have some splendid buys In homes around $2500. See Mr. Oliver, with Har grove Realty Co.. 122 North Sixth street. Broadway 4o81. 160 ACRES $1250. -$225 cash. $75 semi-annually buys this 1U acres of rough land, about Soicres of which are tillable and all klnris. of ' alder " fir and cedar timber; large 6 room frame house, well constructed, with running water piped to the porch, and an old barn; 9 miles from Willemina. 3 miles off f a rock, joad; house alone cannot be duplicated for the entire price 'tasked. Fred W. German Co., 733 Cham of Commerce - 13U-ACRK STOCK RANCH. Price $3500, $1000 cash. Located five roiles.from Castle Rock, Wash., and near Cowlitz river, all fenced, 20 acres in cultivation, 5 acres in orchard, house and barns, several good springs. near school and rural route. Fine, outrange and an ideal location for stock. ESTES & MAGEE. 809 Chamber of Commerce. Salem Otflce. 428 Oregon Bldg. FINE STOCK RANCH. 500 acres. 1 mile from highway; 40 acres bottom land; good buildings, grav ity water, etc; $::0.0O0. terms. Also 40 acres. 10 cleared, u acre or chard, house:" $-150. easy terms. J. B. GODFREY. 6t. Hesena, Or. 4.1V" ACRES IMPROVED LAND. $1250 Just think of owning your own home at about the amount you would pay for 3 years' rent. This describes a small listing located about 8 miles from Lebanon, on gravel road. A fair 4 room house and small barn, plenty of fruit for family ue; watered by good cold springs; l mile to school. R. F. D. and cream route; 20 ares of good land under cultivation, balance Umber and all fenced; price $1250. 89 ACRES. GENERAL PURPOSE FARM. $7000. This describes a farm which for general average has been one of the best navlnr In thin viclnltv: It lies about 3 miles south of Lebanon on a good county road, about one-half of which is level and the rest sltRhtly rolling: has 75 acres under cultivation: two sets of buildings; about a mile and a quarter to school, on R. F. D. and milk routes, plenty of good running water for stock anurwells for drinking purposes. Terms, one-half cash, balance long tune at 6 per cent. NICE LITTLE FARM OF 80 acres, only $25oO; terms of $1000 cash will handle; this place will surprise you. It has all kinds of fruit, apples galore, peaches, grapes, goosberrles, raspberries, etc. ; a fine garden, excellent soil, fine view, good water, county road. R. F. 1. and phone, school and high school one mile; only 5 miles from Lebanon. A wonderful buy at $2500; 5-room house, barn and other buildings. C. I. LEAVENOOOD. -LEBANON. OK. 10 ACRES near Forest tirove, ail good loam soil, orchard of assorted fruits, running water, 5-room bungalow, b: 11, chicknn house and outbuildings- 1 all crops in, 1 miles from the R. R. sta tion, on good rock road. Trice $2500, part terms. 17 acres, 1 mile from Hillsboro, Or. All cultivated, deep loam soil, new 3-room bungalow with sleeping porch, all fenced, 10 acres now in clo er ; price $360O, $10H down, balance 1 to 13 years time. 6 per cent interest. 30 acres, 1 miles from Cornelius, all tillable, 18 acres cultivated, balance good pasture, nice orchard, 3 acres of loganberries, blackberries and strawber ries, water piped to the buildings; al most new 7-room house, large barn and other outbuildings. For a quick sale the owner will throw In 2 horses. 1 cow, I yearling, 2 calves, 3 heifers and all of the farm tools. This place is weil lo cated and a bargain at $6500. 60 acres near Forest Grove. This place Is most all Dairy creek bottom and the best land in Washington county, located on a good gravel road, milk route, near school and town. Place is watered by springs and has a good 8-room house, large barn equipped lor dairying and numerous other outbuildings, large, well kept family orchard. included with the piace are 2 good horses, 8 milch cows, heifers, several calves. 50 chickens and numerous farm implements and tools. The owner is getting too old to do the work on this ranch, so will give some one an extra good bargain at $ lo,5yo for everything, on any reasonable terms to reliable party. lon' t forget that Forest (irove is the home of the Pacific University and has one of the largest condensed milk factories in the state. The above farms will be show n by J. B. Kennedv, representing the RALPH ACKLEY LAND CO., 527 Corbett bldg. 40-ACRB STOCKED AND EQUIPPED RANCH WITH 14-ACRE PRUNE ORCHARD ONLY $5500. Located In prune belt, southwest of Portland; 14 miles from a good town; other bearing fruit trees, such as a p ples, pears, plums, quinces, cherries, Knglisn walnuts, loganberries. black berries, raspberries and strawberries; good 5-room bout"' painted barn, chick en house, other 0 utldmgs; spring and well ; pasture, some timber ; good tea m mares, J ersey cow, chickens, hay in barn, fnrnj Implements; 22 acres in cul tivation; ideal combination dairy and fruit ranch : half cash, balance at 0 per cent. See SAM HEWEY at J. L. H ARTM A N CO.. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. WHITE SALMON VALLEY IMPROVED PROPERTIES. IDEAL POULTRY AND SMALL FRUIT RANCH of 2 acres, every foot highly improved; splendid 7-room all pHtered house in A-l condition, city spring water servico, electric; lights, small barn or garage; all surrounding property commercial bearing orchards ; large home orchard in good bearing and condition ; grand - view ; ready to move right onto: abundance of work in neigh borhood for young and old if desired ; close to White Salmon schools and hard surfaced highway; rare opportunity for someone at $2750, $ 1250 cash, balance can run four years; house wo-lh much more than price asked for property ; photo submitted. C. C. Sc. A. W. Hutchina, White Salmon, Wash. 40 ACRES, located at Devitt, Or., west of Corvallis, Ben ton county ; 1 mile from town : black loam soil ; 20 acres can be cultivated ; 12 acres under cut ti vat Ion. balance in pasture ; soin,e ti 111 her for wood; lots of out range; 4-room house 24x ;w. barn 32x44, ohieken house and milk house; -acre orchard ; 1 mile to Hchool; lots of w-ork 1 mile from his ranch. Price $2M0, "with 2 cows. 1 yearling, 1 mower, 1 cultivator,) plow, harrow, hay rake, cream separator and tools. $20110 cash. There is 250 chick ens on this place that can be bought. John FVrguf-on. Oerlinger bldg. FINE little farm of 40 aeres, close to Port land; will accept residence here up to $45oo. We have a number of other farms on which residential property will be accepted as full or part payment. Two farms, near town and in heart of Willamette valley, combined acreage 872. not too far apart for operative purposes; 500 acres now tillable; will trade for city income up to $70,000 and may assume. Farms are clear and will place loan of about $:i0,oo0 on property. These prop erties are monev-makcrs. SKOTH E1M-BKOWN COMPANY. 330-1-2-3 Railway Exch. bldg. Main 51 W. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. l.0 acres. 35 acres in cultivation, all good soil; good G-room houtf1. large new barn, 2 wells, 2 springs ; ba!:i n-e cut over land; good grazing; also 23 head of cattle, of which 17 coming fresh soon : 2 bulls. 4 horses. 5 shoats. 3 good brood sows, about loo layrna hens, l;; geese. 12 ducks, good cream separator, household furniture, farm machlnerv and all for the price of $R5oo. payment of $25H down. This propeki-ty Is worth your con sideration. See M r. Enton. J. ROBBIXS. 301 Raitway Exchange. Main 70?.l. 20 ACRES. 150 acres under cult iva t ion. balance oak and fir timber, 5 miles southwest of Salem, on good road, with )regon Elect ric station on plHce within 5O0 feot of buildings. 125 acres of bot tom hind fronting on the Willamette river, IOO acres of which Is In cultivation, bot torn land does not overflow. Set of new buildings not quite completed. Klch. productive land for any crops raised in the valley. Price $125 per acre; good terms. J. R. SHRECK. 502 Spaldlnc Bldg. Portland. Oregon. 320 ACRES$R500" NEAR EUGENE. Improved with good 2 -story house, bath, toilet, good barn and prune dryer; 10 acres of full bearing prunes. SO acres of onion land: this place has never been offered for less than $50 an acre be fore. The owner must raise money at once. If he gets It from some other source the prtce will be $50 an acre again. Now is your opportuni ty. ACT. "C. M. D LLA RHIOK. 807-8-0 Lewis Bldg. bearing Walnut orchard. KO acres, located 2 4 miles from Gas ton. Or. ; AO acres under cultivation ; 3 aeres timber, balance pasture; spring: 33 acres walnuts, 12 acrs 14 years old. 21 acres 7 years old ; good 5-room bun galow, with water piped to buildings; small barn, chicken house: all fine poil ; nice. aighUy location. Price $ 12,800, $rtsoo cawh. This is the foundation of a $30.00 property In the near future, and it is more than carrying itself along. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. PERSONAL PROPERTY AND FARM. 12 miles to courthouse ; near Tigard ; 41 acres. 34 aeres cultivated : fi-rmnn house, barn, silos, fine orchard. 7Hol stetn cows, team. hogs, poultry, hay, feed, implements, household furniture ; $14,500. OEO. E. KNGLEH ART CO., Main 72u. U24 Hwiry Bldg. FOR SALE Near Shoshone, .128 acres; Irrigated. Seventy acres in cult iva t ion ; fifty aer alfalfa ; good water right ; house, barn, granary, root cellar, cis tern; school five minutes' walk: grange, rural delivery; good roads. Cheap for quick sale. John M. Price, Shoshone, Idaho. IOO ACRES practically all tlllohle. mostly In cult., adjoining city of Rosburg. Cash price. $10.0m1; no incumbrance. Take part or all in- Portland Income or im proved e-mail farm or acreage near Port land. Tallmadge Realty Co.. 010 Henry bldg. 160-A. FARM, 20 acres cleared, 5 aeres slashed, on Yamhill river; has 5-room house, small barn, old orchard. 40 trees; is ft miles west of Carlton. Or. $20tn, $600 cash, balance to suit. Address L. C. Fones, 953 Monroe st.. Corvallis, Or., or phone Columbia 105, Sunday. OO-ACRE BOTTOM RANCH. adjoining thriving town about fiO miles from Port land. J deal location for dairy farm; ItiOoO. For particulars call at 404 Piatt fJldg., 127 Park st. S1LETZ farm, containing 247 acres, for rent or for sale. Sondre Romtvedt, Chit wood. Of.. COUNTY, FARMS. WASH., FINE FARM HOME. 30 acres all excellent land, most ly real beaverdam; 23 acres in cultivation, 400 or 500 cord cf wood, balance pasture, watered by fine spring stream; very good room house, good barn 40x.o. ami all outbuildings; 4 good cows. L heifers, 2 registered brood sows, cream separator and all tools and machinery; located on paved road, onlv tiV miles from Vancouver. This is a dandv little farm and a bargain at $'JOOO; good terras. MUST B B SOLD. 45 acres, all good land; ."O acr In cultivation, 7 acres timber, gl ance pasture; about 8 aeres of this land is genuine beaverdam; good 5-room modern house, large barn, root houve, garage, chicken d hog housed, fine young team, har ness, wagon, hogs, chiekens. h;iy and all tools and machinery; lo cated only li miles from Cam;s and Columbia river, on main auio road, aud 14 miles from an couver. Owner must s"ll at once and has ant hoi i..d us to take $mio0 it sold before Feb. 10. Good terms. WELL LOCATED. 50 acres, all the very best of land; all in cultivation; good orchard ; good spring and ell 1 verv good house, good b;i rn 52x.2. ga rage an d all out bu i Id i n gs ; a 11 tools and machinery go with place: located 7 1 miles from Vancouver, on paved highway, in a verv fine set tion of the country. This "will sell to the first man who sees it. at $13,ooo; good terms. CLARKE COUNTY'S FINEST. 27 acres, all the very best of land, all in high state of cultiva tion ; 4 acres in bearing orchard. 2 acres berries; beautitul ft-room absolutely modern house with full concrete basement. furnace eti-., also 2-roorn house with full con crete basement ; very fine almost new modern barn, patent b!an" chions. conerete f ounda tion and all sliding doors; 5 chicken houses, 2 hog houses, modern garage, fine v eil-house ; personal property con sists of a beautiful tea m young horses. 2 sets harness, 5 fine cows. 2 purebred O. 1. C. brood s-ws, 400 purebred White Leghorn hens. 25 tons hay, gasoline engine, pres sure water tank. fei grinder, drill, disc, 4 cultivators, harrow, 3 plows. 1 mower. 1 rake, cream separator, and all small tools. This is one of the finest places neur Port land and must be seen to be appreciated. Th buildings could nt be duplicated for the pru e asked. If you want a beau tiful home ami one that will make vou money, you will buy this; miles from ancouvt-r, price $14,000. terms. tion, ana is a oik mnii-y-iii.i i, but must be sold to elose estate. I'rice $lb,5U0; good terms. DIKED RIVER BOTTOM. 2to aeres. aU fine river not torn land: all diked. which prevents overflow ; all level and nil in eultivation; fine lu-room modern house, doek and wa rehouse ; largo barns. 2 silos and all outbuildings. This place is located on the Co lumbia river, less than 50 miles from Portland, and is the bst and most product I ve land m t ho northwest; a good farmer can p.iy for this pla in two or three years. I'rice $5i),iiO0; $lo.oo0 cash, balance long time. EXCELLENT STOCK FARM. tO0 acres very fine land; about IOO acres in "cultivation ; great deal more easy to char and all fine pasture; running water n each 40; 2 acres in bearing orchard; 12 miles of woven-wire fence which cost ov r $.inMl; f ine new modern Hi-room house, cost $r,O00; two larg barns, one !ox 11 (, and one rtOx 1 00: hog and chicken houses, and all outbuild ings. The following personal property can be p'irciiased with place if desired: h5i goats. 5H sheep. 4 horses. 2 mub-s. 17 eows, loo tons bay and all f arm in g equipment. This plate is only 20 miles from Portland. i si a fine stock farm and a big money ma ker. I'rice only $27,o00 ; good terms. A RE A L FA RM B A ROA IX. 0 acres, all the very finest of soil; ail level; all fenced and cross fenced ; 40 acres in high state of cultivation, most of which Is now seeded to crop ; irood b.-a r ing orchard of assorft ri fruits; very fine running stream and well; verv good 6-rooni house, goad barn (00 4. root house, chicken house, hog house, and other outbui hiings ; 4 fine rows, 2 heifers, mower, disc, ha rrow. plow, wagon, cream separator, and all other tools and implements too numerous to mention:- i-.'-iti-d on main road, most of which is paved from Portland. and 1 S miles from a fine small Town, 14 miles from Vancouver. Price, if sold at once, only $7250; good terms. THE R. S. THOMPSON CO.. 410 WASHINGTON .ST., VANCOUVER. WASH. WHY WASTE TIME IN BUYINO A FARM? After honesty, to know the ccirairv thoroughly is the b st ass. t anv farm dealer can have. I'ossibly vou lave wasted considerable- time in an lum.-st effort to find a farm suit able to your requirement and mav be in vain. You can avoid both th waste of time and your disappointments by one or two trips out with us. We are the oldest farm dealers In Porr land. Know the country thoroughly. It is not a niostlon of what we h:tve. hit what you want, as we are In touch with a majority of th.' farms listed for sa- or that can be bought at the iit-lit price within a radius of 5o miles cf Tort hi nd. (live us a ettra ih t for ft nrd si a tr merit of your re -qiitr ments and v will gladly assume all further responsibility. HAlUJKOVK KKAI.TY CO.. 122 N. fith st. Broadway 4'.M. FINK Utile farm of 40 acres, close to .Portland. Will accept residence here up to $4500. We l a ve a number of other farms on which residential properly will be accepted as full ir part payment. Two farms, near town and in heart of Willamutte valley, com hi 11 -id acreage 872. not too far apart for operative pur poses ; 5lMt acres now til In Me. Will trade for city income up to $70,000 and may assume Karms are clear and will place loan of about $:to,ooo on property. These properties are in one v-ma h "rs. SKOT H K T.V-K It O W N COM I 'A N Y . 530-1-2-3 Kailway Kxch. Bidg. Main S1i. BIG MONET-MAKTR. 3ft acres on Capital hiphwny, near Sherwood; all in hlRh state of cultiva tion, very rich land; 0 acres of extra choice beaverdam ; 1 his b-a verdam a nd all joining It has been used for onion and Is the best onion belt, in th stare; (rood house, barn and other butldinics; price $ltt.O00. The beaverdam aUne i more than worth the price; $."0i0 cash will handle. KASKR A RAIN FY. Onsco Hldp.. Marshall .UJT i.1S ACKF.S. all In cultivation; railroad and highway goes through property i'i miles from Portland ; best lojjan berry pro posit ion. finest creek in Oregon co.-s througrh place; milking MO cows at pres ent; itn tons of hay in barns; creamery, good hntfee improvements; can't be beat. Can double money in year by fuI dliidin. Responsible parties only. B l.sl. Oriponian. $ih.;.(k snap. 444 -a ere farm nea r R'eburg : some In fields, rest in hardwood and pasture; plendid 7-room living iious;, larcu b.in ami outhouses : good con n ty road, cp ek run nine year round. Part cash, bn' ar.ee easy terms. iMrect with owner. I. A. joh-.iffon. H.Vi Rodney ave. East 3 :lo:i. 2S-ACRB FARM. CLOSK IN. West Side. U mi let 4th and Washington ; i;i Hcr under plow, d--ep black soil, no rock, balance br'ih pat are. li 1 1 le wood, level, -Vroom house, oak floors, fireplace, TOO hearing fruit trees; $r,.VM; reasonable terms; on main road. J. C. CO RBI X CO.. :;C-o-T-S Lewi? Bldg. NEAR COTTAUE GROVE. $2700, $iniH cash, buys a 1 n-HCre ranch. 100 acre MHahie, 40 under cul tivation, 2,-00.tMK feet of snvr timber, family orchard, fl-room house, '2 large burns, chicken hJse, atnoke house, hog house, all fenced; 7 mil-a to Yoncalla. Fred W. German Co.. 7;'.o Cham, of Com. FOR SATR S acres, u ctenred. well, box house, bam, woocshed a nd other bui Id ing; land lavs fine and near Forest Orc ve on State Highway. $14."0. C. H. Rice. Dill'w. Or., or 5c me at 73 '.j E. phone East 1047. CLARKE PRUNE AND DAIRY FARM. 110 acres very fine la nd. a 11 In high state of cultivation; IS acres in full bearing orchard, in excellent condition: 15 acres prunes. 3 a-rn cherrit-s. apples and psars ; 1 u-room house, barn tioxlOO. granary 24x21. gas light ing system, goou 10-L011 -V drver. " and all necessary out buildings, all tools and ma chinery. This place is only 7 miles from Vancouver, near sta T A MB ILL COUNTY FARMS, 130 acres, 110 in cultivation, 10 acrs In timber. No. 1 soil, located on graveled road, near school. 3 miles from railroad station. Thus is situated in the BeJlvu district. Has good ?-room house, welt tiriished; 2 iaige barns, one with 20 stanchions for cattle, the other for horses; double garage; running wafr; family orchard. grapes and berries. There are- 20 acres of good pasture; no waste land. ou ner w ill taio $135 por Ta, with some terms. See this if you want goud land. There is none bettor, and you will pay mure. 12 acres; new house, barn; orchard: on good road, 2 u. mi lea from town. Pries $laO0; half Cit-vh. ft acres, 2 miles out, all In niTtrvatlon; 6-room house, pood barn ; family orchard ; on good road, close to school; fine litUe home. i'rice $25o0. Terms. 400 a errs, on of the best dairy and grain farms m Yamhill countv; 25 acres in 'tu! rival ion, balance pasture, some ht tlo timber; family orchard : running water; clusp to school and town; No. 1 land: good house, barn and implement house; all kinds of outhouses. See this at my expense. Frica $1 in per acre. Terms. Tins is cheap at $150, but th ow ner Is here now and very anxious lo sell owing to other business. 140 acres, located 1 mile from BHed well station; good house, barn, hophous and No. 1 pioca of land; 00 good road, lio acres in cultivation, I'rice $175 pet acre. Terms, 100 a-rf acre A 'o. 1 piece of whf-at la nd. iva.. in Ltw m-nvue district; none bet Pnce 5jim per acre. The crou viU y half the price. ter pay J. C GU.BKRT. r. o. O.. f. BL.PO.. McMlNNVlLLE, OKKuOM. DEKVM A JORDAN. 60 ACRES. STOCKED AND KQL'IPPKD. AU under cultivation. ono-ha!f tow in crop ; good family orchard, all kinds of. berries a.id grapes: on Iaciic hikhwav and only 1 mile from Oregon Kiectnn s:it!on ; best part of the vailev; 4 miles from wood toiu:. ' milo to school; Rood 1 -room house, oath, hot and cold wator. etc.; water piped to hnrr.s; bo-ton silo, o bams, uara-u, h:u ki-n it h ahon a-nd other out buildings. A:i implements and tools nccoeisaxy to run the piace. STOCK. f cows. 2 yparliims, 0 3 and 4-vea.r-old c-vs. 1 H.stein buii. pood span of niaren, brood sow, lo piKs. registered I'oiand Chuia boar. )0 to i0 chickens, lo ton a .of hay, -0 tons of corn siiUije. PRICK S13.000. This Includes every thin. sr. "Will tai $7i)0 in cash, bnla no lone tlm at G P-r cent, or mli;ht take in iim-aii bunga low as p art payment. SEE PICTURE AT OFFICE. rKKUM & JORDAN. Siio-4. Cham her of Commerce. 4th a'.id Stnrk sis. Main -.i. BANXKH 135-AC KB FARM. J40.OO0. tMf Market After Feb. 10. $400X). 14 m iles out. auto road to barn door. Canitol highway :i miles. S iHTi bea verda m onion land. 1!19 yi.-Id or $ioO: fully il8 acres undor cul tivation, practically atl fall sowed with wheat ami oats: some rm-adow. commer cial b er 1 r 1 1 : o r P .1 rd of i a c res. in 1 0 1 0 y:t Id :i ear loaas. over $ J'X0. chiefly Spitxrnberir and Oravenstein varieties, fa-nily orchard, water system, comfort able ti-room house, larife barn, granary, Scrape ami root hoiis-, hochouse. I'KKSC V A I IXCLI DKD. Case tiacioi. tractor plow, uisre. double disc. einK ie d isc, c rain dri 1 1. o section. 1 acme, I sprinc-toot h harrow, cultivator, nuiniire i(radr, binder, mower, rake, hay tt-ddi : .hand gniss seeder, potatt planter and ditKr. onion seeder, wheel lute, onion t oniMT. 'J-ton 1 enb v truck. - a irons, hn rd truck. fca!e. cider m ill, num. rous too's. one 4-H. I, paa engine, 5 horses. 5 cow, I bull. '2 calves, 7 pijra, brood s n w . male hoc. CKiV U. K.VihliHART CO.. Main 7'ta. r,:M Henry Mdjr. P R UN K s . PRUNKS. The prea test payin.ar proposition in the farm line today. Listen here, lust year a Salem. Or., man jMd $.sim0 wort 11 ol prunes from ."C acres. Canou beat it? This place consists ot acres in A-l hearing prunes. 1 acre lainily or chard, 2 acres peaches, all new bottom land almost level. x mile Irom It. R.. postoffice. school, etc. A-l u-avolod road, Kood creek, ."-rool. fair house, ba rn, hoir a ntl hen house. I'rice $'J0.uo. Mo. otto CHsh, balance easy. Th is is a ffood buy and a money -maker. A. O. BF.N HE R. KITTKR. MiWK v. CO.. ol-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bids. 37-ACRK STOCKFTO AND ROUTPPED FAKM -1 Mil.KS SMITH OF 10)4T1.ANI $470O. tiood 5-room house, water piped .in. barn. other outbuildings, gas engine; ;t miles from town and hiwh f hool; 4 mile to public school; lio acres in cultivation. bahtnee pasture and tlm-b.-r; on cp':im route. It. F. D. ; phono in house; family orchard, locanbt-rnes. S or it tons of hay. 4 frood cowa, heifer, '2 hops, chickens, team of horses, waion and harness, other farm implements. See SAM 1IKWKY nt J. U. HA i;tm N CO., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg1. ' 8iH-ACRK A I. FA 1 .FA FARM. l'.tM liuWN. S'tO acres. "J :'.." acres u n d e r water. TJ5 acres ii.f ilfa. loo ai res almost ready. HOO acres wheat hmd. ;i." acres pasture; la room plastered hnu(.-. barn for oU head horses. 2 Kood corrals, cow barn, black smith shop. smokehouse. bunkhouse. chicken house, orchard, free water fr irrigation; rtaiion at place, store and warehouses: place will run dalrv of 7." to lini ht ad : it- am shipped to Portland every day. Price $ 1 00.1 m o. W acceut as smai! pavm-nt as $lo.oop and lojis time oil the ba.anc. Se Mr. Ljitun. J. K- PPINS. r,ol K.iilwin Km l ane. Main 7orl. A CITY FARM. 13 lo-vel. leitile a-'r.-s in the edir of New tt-ri;. .iit- l i cultivation, ba larwfl t i 111 her and Pru.- h past lire, running wat er, gooii well and pump, a-room hoie. ham, lii'-k'-n lions.- and orhT out bui M ing:-. 1 00 im. i.e. ri n g a pple t rep. pieni v of other fruit. iii hiding loganberries, goose herrifs. hirawherries, -1 u-i tics, pears. et One hour " s i ri vt on toe pa m-nt f 1-0 m J ort land husii.ws on 1 er ; price $ laou, some l-rms. See Mr Hri,,s. INTKRSTATK 1N KSTMKXT CO.. Main 1 7 -4 : . I ' Henry PM . I A 1 KV, H; A.VP SilKKP RAN'CB ." m 1 ' e from ' i :i t . 11 js 1 !,- -' ar res, cnri:p!"tr!y equipped, for only $7oOt; ,"41 ac-es in cultivation and very productive: n-ari v a' i ti. labie ; i ; ving spring ; P0 bearing prune trees and family orchard: good house, splendid barn and Filo, witn mttf r pitted. Price includes ;; horses. 1 cow. Ito chickens, 4 hos. lots of hay and oafs, and complete line of farm machin ery; only cash required. Personally inspected by Mr. Mars!r.. John I"ex cipon, (irrlinprr b:dg., I'd and Aidr. COiD FARM BIT. IM acres. 7 miles from Oregon City; 40 btr in cultivation, can be cul t iva td ; 1 'I acres in wheat. 10 in timber: gnrd ti-room house, barn, woodshed, hoghnuce, chicken house, to-dhoose. Inrze orchard, good wo.! I. creek across corner, station or. place ; feiu ed and cross-fenced. Price onlv $Mto. half ca-h. E. K. TKKPT.K. 0." Sever, t h s-t .. Oregon City. Or. -14 ACKKS NEAR EIMK.VH. S3i acres ii nder cult! va l:nn; good 9 of farm buildings, family orchard. 3 wells, wire fem-es. H't ai-res in 'all f-mp: fronts on cood rot-k read. Price $.'.. 000. , F.xchange for Portland income or sell on terms C. M. pOI.IMRHIhK. S(7-N-. IjoWlH P.ldg. FOR SAIjK. PJO-Hcre ranch. un tun i L-vl outrange- for sheep and cn 1 1 e ; ;) t nit 3-". acres cleared, more ran b-; half fail seeded: land suitable for nil crops; fam ily orchard, berries, good brildings. hni ar.ee in pasture and piling timber; equipment, etc.. if wanted; nu trade. R . W . W ard, bo x 37. Cottage Orove. or. FOR SALE AT A BAHUAIV. I Fine farm near Mosier, or., of ,"cj ac res; 4i acres in a pple t reo. nil J. oarlh ; ei -t ek on pi a cp that won 10: f urmsn irrl j s;i!inn if wiplied. Address X 4H1. Ore j u on mn 711-ftrui; farm, 3S mJls ;outh or I BrownsviM';. To acres cultivated, build ings, orchard; $v"an $ l .".on cash, bal ance long 1 lino : mig'it take Portland bungalow for first payment. B. L Cricp. Hot. l Ho t. 151" Y irrigated land in Montana, where value will double in next two years; 7." acres rich, level tract, near good town and railroad, s pi end id water right inmres ftuo crop every year. Address ownT. X 401 . Orpgonian. 241 A CUBS up Columbia river; lovely home, seep ic view ; 10 a cres in cul t: -vni.on; stock and implements; stok or fruit ranch: could bp subdivided irood pM-tleiilars. Kox 40T, Salem, Or. Owner SoCTHERN IOAHO irrigated lands, gov ern men t protect, cheap water. denp Fei'. no alkali. Martin & Son. Rupert , . ldAhjO 1