THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 25, 102O XEW TODAY. HOUSE BARGAINS PHOTOS OK THESK AXD MANY ' OTHERS AT UtK OFFICE. $2000 $2250 $3250 $3500 $3850 $3700 $3700 6-r. house, DOxlOO; bath, elect., basement; Emerson, nr. H. 10th; $300 cash. 6-r. nice house.E. Alder and 30th; $500 cash. Big snap. 6-r. houde, 62x100, Ivy St., nr. Union ave. Snap; $500 cash. Nice 6-r. house, garage; cor. E. 34th and Market; terms. Fine 6-r. house; furnace, fire place, 50x100. E. Taylor, near 28th. Big snap; terms. Swell 5-r. bungalow, garage, 50x100, E. 34th, nr. Market; $1000 cash. 6-r. nice house, 40x133. Stan tnn n r Vancouver ave. $4000 $4000 8-r. fine, modern house, fur nace, fireplace; E. 31st, near Main. Snap. Swell large bungalow, fur nace, garage, 65x12714; fruit; Rodney ave., nr. Piedmont; SKftO rash. $4000 $4000 $4200 $4500 $6000 $8000 $9000 r i ft hniiRP. Tl fith- nr. Kalsey, 50x100; $500 cash. 6- r. good house. 100 x 100. E. 13th and Leo, Sellwood. Easy terms. 7- r. modern house, 12th st-, nr. Thompson, Irvington; $1000 cash. Fine 8-r. bungalow; furnace, fireplace, sleeping porch; ga rage; cor. lot, E. 3Sth and Salmon. Snap. 7-r. fine modern house, ga rage, etc., in Laurelhurst; $1000 cash. Swell 8-r. etrlctly modern house on corner, 4 block; fine view; Waverleigh Heights; terms. Swell 9-r. house, furnace, 4 fireplaces, 100x100, beautiful view: E. 53d and Morrison, Mt. Tabor. Easy terms. , GRUSSI & BENNETT 318 Board of Trade. Mala 7453. Foreclosure One-Half Cost Price High-class home, 12 extra large rooms; splendid view of entire city. This choice house alone cost $38,000 and grounds $8000. and was built by present owner for his own home. This place has been foreclosed and its own er must sell at once before redemption period expires; will require $23,000 cash, or will take for equity a good 7 or 8-room house in good condition. BEVERLY & GOODWIN 303 Railway Exchange. Railway exchange bldg PORTLAND- MA1NZ-2& West Park St. Near Couch, 50x100, two large old houses, rental value 90. Choice lo- cation for auto sales or accessory building; one-story brick costing $8700 could be rented (I?0" nflfl for $300. Price dJa-LjUUU North Portland Industrial site, near ball park, lOOx 250 corner, $8100; 100x250 corner, $9500; 100x200, $8350. Way below value. E. J. DALY 221 Failing Bldg. Industrial Manufacturing Property TRACKAGE TWO SIDKS 100x200 FKKT OOtBI.K tORKR VERY CLOSE TO HEART OK CITY FOR $17,500.00 Terms, $7500 cash, remainder long time, or will make ground lease, low rental, ten-year period, with purchase privilege. This is well worth Investigation. INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS croumj floor henry blug. NEW IRVINGTON HOME e0 KLICKITAT STREET. COR-XKR. Ten rooms, enameled and papered; double garage: three toilets; two fire places. All floors oak. Carpenter work day labor, old scale. See this before buying, it will pay you. Open today. $13,500 f-SOU Cash, Bnlaner $125 Monthly. E. J. Mautz E. 5031 Marshall 1SS9 Fine Investment Price $150,000 Office building In the center of down town business district; $50,000 cash, balance long time, 6 per cent. No in formation will be given over phone. Bee Mr. Brown, with Neilan & Parkhill 210 liumbfrmen's Bids.. 5th and Stark LIBERAL LOANS We loan our owv4 money on real estate, iirst and second mortgages, contracts, livestock, nptes, etc. F. E. BOWMAN & CO. 210 Cham, at Com. Bids. Slain 3026.. XEW TODAY.' BEAUTIFUL IRVINGTON rORTLAD'S MODKfi HOKK SKC TIO.". ilOMKS AM HOIIO SITES. Have you been unable to find a house to suit? We have over ISO lots to pick from situated be tween East Fourteenth, East Twenty-fourth. Tillamook and Kreemont. Evergreen shrubbery and trees, sewer, water, side walks and wide paved streets, all in and paid for.' Prices J1200 to $3000. Easy terms if desired. Uetter secure your lot now. IRVINGTON HOMES $4750 TO CQC " vou want a house or a 90JjUUUiot in Irvington. see us. It is a pleasure toshow our listings. A REAL' HOME 100x100 corner. East Twentieth and Brazee. Fine hot-waer heat-, ing plant, four large and one small bedroom; finished third floor with maid's room; solid ma. hosany dining- room, large living room with fireplace, central re ception hall. a r a- e pantry and kitchen with plenty of built-in conveniences. LJAndv garage con nected with hoat. This house could not be 'built today for price a s k e i. and this block with shrubery, fruit trees and lawn is conservatively worth ?6000. Leyt us show you the in side of t.his attractive home. IRVINGTON BEAUTY Tou -will look for a long time be fore you will find a better house for the money than this one. It is. situated in the heart of Irving ton. This house is an exception ally well-constructed, stately de signed home. First floor has large living room with artistic fireplace, panelled mafiogany din ing room, dandy breakfast room and nice sized kitchen: hardwood floors on first and second floors, and hardwood finish in living and dining room and breakfast room. Second floor has three large, well ventilated bedrooms and fine tiled bathroom with pedestal wash fitand and shower. There is a sleeping porch designed to ac commodate two full -sized beds' and can be entered from either bedroom. Nice lireplace and lava tory, also triple glass mirror in bedroom. Third floor ha two completely finished bedrooms and bathroom which is ldeij.1 for maid, but good enough for anyone. The basement has separate laundry and frtrit rooms and very at tractive billiara room which can be entered fvom stairway land ing. The gaxage is convenient as well as evtra well constructed. The owner of this fine home says: "Sell at my expense." Price is low. See us at once. IRVINGTON HOME $7000 This fine home has hardwood , floors, even in kitchen: there are two fireplaces, a dandy furnace, reception hall, living room, din ing room and den in old ivory finish; kitchen in white enamel, large pantry. Second floor has three large, airy bedrooms, mod ern bathroom; also two finished rooms on the third floor. This house is not a bungalow, but a very substantial, well-constructed house. It is located in the heart of Irvington proper. Terms can be arranged. House is now vacant. Eet us show you. BIG FUTURE-VALUE HOUSE $4750 This seven-room two-story dwell ing is on Broadway, close in, walking distance, and is an ex ceptionally good buy on account of future business va,lue, being zoned by the city as apartment property. It has living room, fire place, dining room, reception hall and kitihen on first floor; three bedrooms and bath on r e c o n d floor. The lot is conservatively worth J3300. See us without de lay. This bargain won't keep. WE ALSO HAVE THE I OI.I.OW INti MODKIIV HOI SES I lilt IN. TON i ?1 2.500, E. -'3d st., 10 rooms, colo nial bungalow. t6f00, in the heart of Trvington, beautiful 7-room bungalow. $5500, corner, 8 rooms, good house. J35.000. a real home, none better built in Portland; 3 lots, corner, close to ivnott si. $10,500," Thompson st., 9 rooms, well constructed, 2 bathrooms, finely finished, garage. If tt is a home, or a homesite in Irvington, come and see us. We can suit you. "Watch Our Ada, We t.rt Results. RITTER, LOWE & CO. SOl-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bids. RIVERA HOME IN SELECT DISTRICT WITH WONDERFUL VIEWS Close to Pacific highway, electric cars aud fine school; one of the most beautiful views of river and mountains in t his district ; seven large rooms, full cement basement with laundry and fruit room ; living room 10x32; sunshine on three sides ; fireplace takes 4-foot logs: beamed ceilings and pan elling of fir; French doors from living room and dining room on to broad covered porch; 4 bedrooms; plenty of closet rooms; separate bath and toilet. One acre of well planned grounds, wide sloping lawn In front, set out to trees and ornamental shrubs, driveway, sunny south terrace for croquet ground, pergola. flowers and bearing fruit trees, and a fine group of na tive trees. A real home Xor outdoor and beauty-loving people. Other Homes $1500 to $50,000 Beautiful Building Nit en on Hill Mopes muu ainroni. MRS. HELEN S. TURNER Office 1DOR Spalding Bldg. Residence l'alatine road. Kivera. Main 866 Automatic 532-39. FOR MORTGAGE $5750 Stone house, hot-water heat; lot 75x120. corner Jarrett and Union avenue. DELAHUNT Eaat 1347. SEE 1186 EAST ANKENY New (just completed) 6-room colo nial bungalow. A superior home. Up to the minute In every detail. Built by day labor. Lot 50x143. 1186 E. Ankeny, 4 block from Laurelhurst Park. Price $7250, on terms to suit. Drive out and see the outside, then see LACRKLH1RST CO., SIR. KOEKLER, 27H Stark St. - Main 1700. XEW TODAY. n r BARGAIN! West Side View Home 0nly$9000 Which it will cost you nothing to at least investigate, while not to do so promptly ' may cause you considerable regret. The saddest of all- words today are these: "I might have bought had I only seen it soon enough." Make this your home seeking motto: "To investigate a likely home in time Assures an opportunity to make if ifiine. This desirable residence Is lo cated on a most attractive site of good size on WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS and consists of eight ftleasant rooms, including a arge, light living room with fireplace and built-in bookcase, delightful sun porch, bright dining room with built-in buffet, all three of these rooms commanding one of the most glorious panoramic views to be found anywhere, including the four snow-capped mountain peaks of Hood, Adams, St. Helens and Rainier in all the splendors of sunrise, sunset and cloud effects by day, moonlight, and the wondrously lighted city by night in a word, a 24-hour view which thousands of people would travel many miles to see. Then, too, on the first floor there are a most complete pass pantry, an economy kitchen, a rear service porch, and adjoin ing the house, with a direct door connection, a first-class garage about as handy as could be desired both a front and rear stairway lead to the second floor, which has three unusual ly cheerful bedrooms command ing wonderful views and heaps of light and air; a fine bath room, besides plenty of clothes and linen closets. The attic is one big store room. So is also the basement com plete with furnace room, laun dry, drying room and a good servant's room, all in spick and span condition, inside and out, AM) RKADY FOR YOU TO MOVE IIIUHr IX. Elegant yard with winding paths, shrubbery, roses, berry bushes and garden space, as well as a cluster of the most beautiful fir trees one can im agine. Handy to carline and "built to live in" and to "CUT ALL THK SISHIE," and the price is surely right much less than cost of reproduction only $1000 in all and terms will be granted to a good purchaser. So, if this reads as though it might meet your requirements, be sure to arrange to see it early, as good-view homes are scarce and this one ought to go quick. "See if early rather than be sorry later." For an Appointment Tou May Phone, Call or Write HAROLD Jl .NUCK, Secretary, INTERNATIONAL REALTY ASSOCIATES OFFICE 1307 YEON BUILDING. Phonesi Office Marshall A.tO. Residence East 1H. Hotel Apartments INCOME $22,500 Ijrge. substantial brick building:. cloe in on prominent street in the path of the growth of the town. The ground in this location will appreci ate faster than the building can de preciate and in a comparatively short time will be worth more than is asked for R-round and building:. To settle an estate this property can be had on such favorable terms that no pros pective purchaser who is experienced in apartment-house and hotel busi ness can afford not to investigate this opportunity. N ill consider some trade, some cash and long-time mortgage for the major portion. R. F. BRYAN 5(19 Chamber of Commerce Buildlnc Opportunity Is Knocking Built for a sanitarium at Stevenson. Wash. Water from hot springs was piped to building at time of construc tion. Dispute arose as to purchase of hot springs. Owner of springs at that time asked J.'O.OOO for lease on springs alone. Now we have option to buy hot springs and sanitarium, with all furnishings, $6750. On the Sandy below the hill is ultra-modern seven room house. It has everything to make an ideal home. Hot water heat, garage. The arrangement is near perfect. Built by owner for his own home. It 8 triple constructed. The home In this location is worth more than price asked. This one will go quick, bunday call Tabor 3090; Mon day. Main 6988. High-Class Garage Exceptional west side location. Rea sonable rent to right party. l.ONG-TERSI LEASE. A rare opportunity. Worthy of careful consideration. Porland'a Available Buainraa I.oea- tlona Can Be Secured Through INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS. UROt'ltD FLOOR HENRY BLDG. Willamette River Water Front Property Approximately 1200 feet frontage, 17 acres, fine Industrial site. Southern Pacific and Oregon Electric R. R. trackage: $85,000, terms. See Mr. Brown, with Neilan & Parkhill 2191 Lumbrrmf illilK. 5th and Stark. TO LEASE Three-story brick building? and base ment. 100x100. on North Fourth street, between Burnstde and Glisan, with trackage. 40,000 square feet im heart of wholesale district. Will remodel for responsible tenant. W. I,. ROBB, WHITMEII-KUUV COMPAQ V. Phone lidn f. 7&i. 414 1'iUock Block NEW TODAY. IRVINGTON A Beautiful Colonial! SEW LISTING. H78O0. Most modern type home. Just four years old; very best all ivory finish and hardwood floors throughout: very large living room with tile fireplace and In direct electric lighting; dainty breakfast room or sunroom; two large bedrooms, one or two smaller bedrooms, tile bath; erarage; center of Irvington. By appointment. This most beautiful and ultra-modern, large home, never for sale before. Ivory, ma hogany and oak finish; very large rooms for entertaining; best oak floors throughout; three bathroom, three fire places, double garage, hot water heat; on a most desirable large Irvington corner; same as new. except the price. By appoint ment only. S6S50 S51 Eaat 30th North. Alameda park's very best lo cation. 6 rooms and sleeping porch: entirely redone inside and out, now practically new; hardwood floors throughout; very large living room, dining room, den or library or sun room; 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch; garage; faces east; one block to car line. Unlocked to day. Immediate possession. :: A good home buy. No. 4 80 E. 17th No. Very complete modern home. Exceptional location. By appointment only. New Today S3 01 E. 17th at, No. The most beautiful new bungalow you Corner lot: new were ever in. a few months ago when costs were a little cheaper; built for a home, not for sale. If you will look at the most costly con struction throughout it will be a pleasure to see one home so well built. Ivory finish, hard wood floors throughout first floor, very costly tile bath with most costly plumbing, fixtures, shower. Price is high, for it is costly, but is not above the value; unlocked today, 2 to 4: or by appointment. It will cost you more money to build such a good bungalow now or next year. $4Snn 447 K. IKth at. North; a colonial type home, not new. but well located, well built, in excellent condition; a very large ivory-f i n I a h e d living room, probably 15x2S, with fireplace; 4 bedrooms; Fox furnace; fine fruit trees. Do not disturb oc cupant. :-: .-tsM 776 Multnomah (.. at 24th: 6 rooms, den, full cement basement with Boynton furnace, laundry trays, fireplace, com plete bathroom; fine large cuts ets; 50x100; price is a bargain, owner going east; beats high rents; easy terms. Do not dis turb occupant. FOR LARGE COSTLY HOMES see the large pictures of same in this section of this paper. A large selection of ul tra modern, hot-water heated; hardwood finish, eome ivory; hardwood floors throughout; $500 to $30,000. Phone Wo cannot advertise them all. Desperately in need of homes for many buyers, especially in $5000 to $8000 prices. IF IT'S A (iOOII BIT IV IRV INGTON OR ALAMEDA OK COIHSK you will lisL it with, or find it listed with "IRVINGTON" STREET, AGENT East lot ta and H road way Kant M4. Beautiful Colonial Home OWNER MUST SELL Investigate! Irvington district 100x100 fine corner. You wouldn't rec ognize it as a flat only by the income. This property pays 16 gross on $28,000. Make us an offer. Don't forget it has mahogany, oak and old ivory finish. If you want a real high-class home that pays you interest, let us show you. Hitter, Lowe & Co. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Apartment House Opportunity The furnishings of more than 60 apartments and the best; location ideal: priced rlsrht. No Information over the wire nor anyone with less than $20,000 in cash. F. E. MILLER 416 Chamber ot Commerce Bids MODERN BRICK APARTMENT - HOUSE of 30 two and three-room apartments Lot 60x100. Apartments about one- half furnished. Income $1200 per mo. PRICE 5.l00. VAXES REALTY CO., TKKM9. 249 Four Ik St. ?M P.. '?tv-?f g...&iL . in, , j f T1 Lii. M IS NEW TODAY. Improved Business Property $35,000 BRICK BUILDING Two-story brick building with basement, on quarter block. Foundation will support two ex tra stories. Birilding could not be duplicated, for less than $40, 000. Terms. $10,000 NORTH PORTLAND STORE On Thurman street and car line, with rooms above; near Montgomery-Ward and American Can company new plants. Terms. Store Buildings We have modern store buildings with rooms above in all the dif ferent suburban districts at pre-war prices. Apartment Houses $43,000 IRVINGTON DISTRICT Modern brick apartment house with good income. $18,500 IRVINGTON SACRIFICE Modern bungalow apartment, consisting of four five-room apartments; hardwood floors. Imported tapestry. fireplaces. Vill pay $240 a month net. Own er leaving for France and must sacrifice. Terms can be ar ranged. Leases Will lease corner on 14th and Market for garage and build to suit tenant. VACANT BUSINESS AND RESIDENCE LOTS We have numerous apartment, parage, store and residence lots for sale in all parts of the city on easy terms. For Information In regard to these properties consult J. IiOKte KUhardNOD, In i'haree of buK.nenn property and leases, with Frank L. McGuire AbinKlon Hide Main HKkS. Garages Call for Illiiotrated Price LAmt. 208 BECK BLDG. Vroidwi7 i.U o.k Pboo Broadway 14 Sam Connell Lumber Co. REAL ESTATE. MODERN COUNTRY HOME. 8-room modern bouse, private electric lights and pressure water system, large dairy barn, 2 silos, garage, granary, large chicken houe, electric lights in barn and outbuildings, consists of bO acres, very bc t of loa m so 1 1 , no roc k or gravel, all In high state of cuiii vat ion. 40 acres now In crop, or chard and berries of all kinds, al most level, beautiful surroundings, -x mile from small town, with all rural advantage; only 16 miles from Washington street, Port land. Or., and lO miles from Van couver. Wa.-h., on good auto road. Price 'JO,uoo, half cash. THOMPSON. SWAN & LEE, Third and Main Streets, Vancouver, Wasii. $JO.OOO CASH WILL HANDLE brick and stucco went side apartment house, consist ing of .'17 --room apart men is. all nicely furnished. If you want toKtep into a nice business, here is your c ha nee. MR. CARY, PJlft N. W. Bank Bldg. FOR SALE CHEAP Land. 800 acres, fine level land in western Kansas, fine water, station mile, country especially adapt ed stock raising. M. J. Brldgman, Jerome. Idaho. For Hal? Flat and Apartment Property. AN IDEAL PROPOSITION FOR AX ELDERLY COUPLE OR WIDOW. Modern five-family apartment house, splendid location, close in on west side, fine view, pure air, good surroundings, lot 50x100, full basement, furnaces, well arranged five -room apartments, private baths and sleeping porches, large front porches, fine view of city and mountains, four apartments well furnished, a I ways full, attracting high -class permanent tenants, requiring very little attention. I furnishe water only; at very moderate rentals wijl net lor on price; flrt.'O0. Owner, L. H. Herman, 391 Clifton st -MUST BB SOLD. REAL HIGH-CLASS HOME AND INVESTMENT. 100x100 grounds, with 4-familv duplex building in very finest part of lrytnztnn district ; U apartments rented '27 .Vi; owner occupies apartment worth $10U per month. The building Ih modern m every way. Finished in oak, mahogany and old ivory. Steam heat. Price J2s, OOu no trades. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 01-3-5-7 Board ot Trade Bids. S2S.06G. Eight flats of 7 and S rooms each, lot lOOxlOO. located In the heart of the west aide apartment hmise and flat district. All completely modern, income from rentals $300 per month. If you are look ing for a good investment you cannot afford to overlook this fine bargain. See Wakefield, Fries & company for further information. CORBETT ST., new modern double flat on hard-surface street, all improvements paid for; a dandy income producer, which we are forced to sell. Price $roMl, $2H) cash, balance on Installments. For particulars call at 4o4 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st., or make dates by phone. Main 8H0. I shall be glad to ta ke you out and show you this investment. NEA R W ashington hiRh school and walk ing distance to city, elegantly built, most modern 4-fIat building, ruited at very nominal rent for" $140 per month; owner leaving city, will sacrif ice for SIL'.OOO. See H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont. Phones Tabor '2lJ or 1M3-M. WEST SIDE, easy walking distance, double house on lot 50x100, owned by non-resident, which I am instructed to Hell for $2750 cash. Thin is an exceptional bar gain and merits your Investigation. K or particulars call at 404 Piatt bldg., 127 Park st. 70x1 OO Three flat buildings: price $:t0,000; west fdde. near Washington: will con sider 10.000 in other property. See Mr. Epton. J. ROBBINS. 301 Railway Exchange. Main 7031. SPLENDID' APARTMENT HOUSE SITE. lOOxl 1 1 southeast corner Killings worth ave. and Commercial st. In Pied mont; price $450O. See Mr. Brown, with NEILAN & PARKHILL. Clft Lumbermens Bldg.. 5th and Stark. $2 P. 000. Apartment house bargain in the best renting district, where apartments stay full the year around. See this corner East 37th and Market. Tabor 2654. Owner. ' For Sale Bra h Property GE A RH ART ridge lot. East 3421. $1000 cash. Phone 50x100 ON Williams ave. near Broadway, all improvements paid; $35 K). A. 2, Ore gonlan. FINE lots for $20. any terms, ber of Commerce bldg. 909 Cham- ALAMEDA PARK lots for sale cheap, good location. Call Tabor 750. IRVINGTON LOTS. SEE OUR BARGAINS. .NUUHAlN & CO., IS. W. BA.NK BLLG. REAL ESTATE. For Sal1 -Lou. ALAMEDA PARK VIEW PROPERTY. Nearly 22.OO0 Sq. Foot. TRICE ONLY $3500. This Is absolutely one of th finoHt view properties In t his rhotca residential district, running through bl-k faring both Kre mont nd Woodruff avenues; and the price U considerably has than ot per rent of what other properties of similar character can be purchased lor. Subject to present street Hens paid to date F. E. TAVLOR CO. INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS. GROUND FLOOR HENRY BLDG. 0x 1 no FT. ROSE CITY PARK. ALAMEDA DRIVE: one of the flnM lota In the tract; extra large lot and in a very good district ; just enough extra ground to build that wide bungalow you hav been thinking of and still have room enough for the garage dri e way. tio see it. On Alameda drive faring 4Mh el. Price only $liro. J. L. 1 1 A ItT M A X COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main L'iks. Branch oft ice 40 th and Sandy. Tabor LM.M4. HAVING left Portland permanently, wish to aacrtftce 2 building lota 1 own there, they are lots on Hasalo at., near 70 1 h St., and are known as lots u and 10 of Jonesmore tract: I will take SHOO cash for the - lora. cost me over $KOO; who wants them? Anyone buying these and holding can treble thetr money. Writ owner at 40 Hearst Bids. S&n Fran cisco, Cal. ROSE CITY PARK. $750 CORNER LOT. 50x100. east and south front; small bonded assessments and paid to date. J. L. H A KTM AN COMPANY. 7 CHAMBER OF COM. BLDG. Main iS. Branch office 4."ith and Sandy blvd. Tabor -Hu4. IRVINGTON BLOCK. lOOxlno, K. -Oth st.; beautiful colonial homes across t he street ; 2 blocks to Broadway car; all Improvements in and paid: plenty of trees and shrubbery. Price only $:i.00: $i00 down, balance 3 years at ti per cent. RITTER, LOWE & CO. L'01-3-f-7 Hoard of Trade Bldg. IRVINGTON LOT SNAP. Extra large. 57x1 oo ft.: street improve ments in and paid : t blk. to carline. east front; prie otilv $14mi. .1. L. H ARTM AN COMPANY, 7 CHAMBER OF COM. BLDG. MAIN JOS. BUSINESS CORNER SANDY BLVD. Close in, over 1 lots. 11G ft. front age on Sandy. Will sell at big sacri fice or triide for residence lots. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. Let us write your insurance. IRVINGTON. luoxlno fLMnn. Real pickup, east front, or will sell MtxlOU f'r $1JiNt. Paved streets all paid. tee us at once for irvington homes and homes) tos. RITTER. LOWE & CO. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. ALMOST given away: cost ssno. pell for S-51, two blocks north of Gli.-an on "Oth. faces south, car line on Ulir-an. side walks in and paid water in to house line a ml paid ; m list sell th is week ; best of -t above $-T0 take the lot: If 1 gt only one offer of $251 the lot is sold. Phone Tabor 41i:ti. $5l D WN $H MONTH. Dandy building lot on East 11th. near Emerson ; close to vchools. stores, four car lines; good district: cement walks, graded streets. Prir onl v $,"oO. RITTER. LOWE CO. 201-a-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. W ESTSLOPE M T." TA BOR LOTS. 2 choice lots with all st. imp. in and paid. Located on wrst side of 57lh st. bet. Yamhill and Taylor sts. Price f50 each on easy t erms. CLEVELAND-H EN PERSON CO. 212 Railway Exch. Bid?. Main 6752 $:;.".0 EACH 4 choice 50xl10-ft. lots. 2 blks. Rose City car; cost $7oo oach. $tmo each 2 choice Ros Cit v lots. SS.'.O Beaumont lot. imp. paid. $1500 laurelhurst lot. tiwp. paid, ('has. Ringler & Co.. -JJ5 Henrv B.rti. LAURELHURST LOT AT BARGAIN Lot 1 . block 51 . on East :ilt h st reet ; beaut t fill corner: all assessments paid: has ro..t over $:jmmi; will discount heavily. Make me an offer. Address A V 14!, Orenonian. ALAMEDA PARK LOT $ 2 500. ftO-foot frontage on the crust over looking the city; fino residence site and beautiful homes on each side. Price Jt25(M . HENRY V. GOPDARP. 2 i;t STARK ST. OWNER mutt sell cheap lots. 10. 12 and 14. block 4, Richmond addition, all modern Impro eim-nts. hii;h. dry and level, free from all Ineuiii hra nccs. look at lots and make ofer. Address Charlie Knapp. irand Ronde. O r. ROSE CITY, hasemettt ting. 2d mortsre. pri v liege with subs: ant ia I first payment. Alameda cor.. $ 105o. every t h ing pa id. Ern.-st Wells Co.. 41 1 Couch Bldg. Main ;!. Tabor 5t;o;. TWO LOTS. Mix 1O0. near A ins worth ave.. on East 17th st. N. : will exchange for first pavment on house and lot in Al berta district. J. S.-Har. os E. 7th st. N.. phone Wdln. MMS. Portland Heights building sit1: perfect view of both mountains: streets paved, level ground, corner of 1 tit ri and Mvrtie. Phone Main 2077. $2500 BUSINESS location. 2 i hoi.e Uts rn car line corner w here a si ore would ta v by returns on investment: cur. Albina ave. and Iomhard st. Chas. Ringler Co.. 225 Henry Bldg. SUN NY SIDE LOT Jtwin. SOx 1 (H on Taylor fl. near 4ith t Imp. in a tui paid. Price Ssnu. terms. CLE V ELA N I - H EN 1 ERSON ' O. 21 2 Rail w ay Exch. Bldg. Main 752. BP! LDERS OPPORTPN1T Y. A block of 17 lots adjoining select resi dence district at a GREAT BARGAIN, bv Mrs. Helen S. Turner. 1'H'fi Spalding Bldg.. Main KOti or Autm. 5:;2-:t0. GOOD R. T. PARK lot with all improve t ments in at a bargain. NORP, 401 Stock Exchange. FOR BALE View lot 60x115 feet. 2th and Regents drive. Alameda Park. Price aroo. MRS. HARRT WITMAN, Lebanon. Or. CORNER, 50x101, 37th and Tillamook. $10.O, all assessments paid. : t. Mc Conaliv, 017 American 11a nk bldg.. Scat tie. Wash. 50x100 IN IRVINGTON" district, on 27th st.. all improvements in and paid. Price HENRY W. (JODDARD, 243 STARK ST. liAl'RKtiHl' RST LOT SNA P. Pine lot across street from park, cost ing over $2000. If taken quick f l.'iOO, In el nd Ing st . assnits. Ta bor 4o7. lOOxlOO ON KNOTT In Irvington district: all Improvements In and paid ; 1 block from car: price $23o. -HENRY W. (iODDARP, 24ft STARK ST. A IjHKRTA ST. BUSINESS (Virner. I,ot lOOxlHO. store bldg. 2tx-710. with fine living rooms: will s!l or trade for modern home. Wdln. - "n 7. SfiOO ROSE CITY ffiOO. lOOxlOO. cement walks, cheapest lot In the citv; only 3 blocks from car. SM1TH-WAOOXKR TO.. STOCK EXCIf. VERY desirable corner lot cheap, 50x loo, 33d and Emerson sts. Call Marshall 44QO. apt. 210. between 11 and 2. LOT 100x100. Gregory Heights, $550. R. P. Adams. Aberdeen, Waah., Box Cherry and Maple. CORNER lot 75x H0. 1 block Wood lawn school. Will consider Ih te Kord as first payment. Woodlawn 311. WAVERLEIGH "hKFOHTS LOT Pavd street. Improvements paid ; on Franklin st. Make, an offer. Tabor 350. SA CR I FICE Lot 40x 1 35. ex tends across block, water in oi both ends. Same as 2 lots. Woodlawn 527. LOT 15. block 20. Laurelhurst ; choice lot, $1250. K. F. Miller, 757 35th at.. Jd wsukee. Wis. HorsK and lot. 50x1 50, beautifully located, fruit trees; 20 min. from city; $240. Main fitV.5. LOT. ON E block from paved street. $2 Ml; $10 down, $10 a month. 4022 Suth st. S. E.. Tabor S2. IRVINGTON BARGAIN East facing lot. 1 7th near Stanton, $ 1050. Neuhausen & Co. FOR SA LE and frms. -Iot in Southmoreland. Phone Marshall 15!S. FOUR lots, cheap. Call Woodlawn 17C1 and nsk about them. FOR SALE or trade i-ot in Loa Angeles, Cal. See owner, 50 First st. LOT 20, blk. 32, $lOOO. laurelhurst. Im provements in and paid. East 3DS1. ROSE CITY LOT. $G5. on 4th; sewer, paveoicut in paid. .Tabor 0411. REAL ESTATE. For Sale Lota. ALAMEDA TAUK SACRIFICE. KiPxlOO Corner. Located in one of the best sec tions of ibis splendid addition, on the. southwest corner of C.lenn and I Minck ley avenues. For only $2'M. Subject to present street liens paid to dale. This corner should be well worth $3500. Reasonable terms. F. E. TAYLOR CO. INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS. O ROUND FLOOR HENRY BLDG. EAST OL1SAN ST. SACRIFICE. 4 LOTS. 5OX.100 Feet Each. tin si reet car line. Price oniy $1251 lor (he 4 lots subject to present street liens paid to date. Or will sell separately $4tm for corner lot, $oHi tor each inside lot. This is considered at about half the real value. Terms. F. E. TAYLOR CO. INSIDE PROPERTY DEALERS. GROUND FLOOR HENRY BLDG. lots. $25. Son Cor. rjrand ave. and Ankeny. j lOdxKiO E. 8th and Flanders. $ Half block close in. $ l.sno Cor. 50x1 tio E. Couch, E. 10th. j l.iitio 50x100 E. 25ih and Pacific. $ 750 .Mix loo Sullivan addition. $ tiiio 5)lMi E. 4sth S. ol Hawthorne. 500 47xtil tlraml ave. Portland blv. $ -put MixlOO E. 71th. Rose Cit v. 3 Ml 5xl0 E. 7Sth. Rose City. $ 2hO 40xlMl M t. Scott car line. Many other lot s close in and far out. .1. J. OEDER CO. 4 C.rand Ave. N.. near Ankeny. SNAP. $100 DOWN $20 MONTH. .$;0 Rose City Park lot. on paved street and sewer: all improvements paid st ., nea r Alameda d rive : surrounde. by good homes. .1. L. HAKTMAN COM PANY. 7 Chamber of "om. bldg. Main 2S. ' Branch office 40th and Sandy blvu. Tabor 204. ARLINGTON HEIGHTS SNAP. Non-resident sacrifices one of The very best building sites in this fine addition for less than half Its cost. Per fectly level, with unobstructed view of M t. Hood and t he city. 1 J 5 feet street 1 rontage on level grade. Price $25(10. KASEK & RA1NEY S2:i- .asco Bldg. Mar-hall 3125. CORNER SACRIFICE. Northwest corner E. 2th and Hot pa t e. Ha ved st reel , sewer, sidewalks, all Improvements paid, nice frnit trees. 4 blocks S. P. shops. 2 blocks W W t ar Price 05O terms. KASER & RA1NEY. 23 -ti fiasco Bldg. Marshall 312X. IRVINGTON. l.arg". sightly corner, laces east and south. Til ia tnook and 2Mb. S l!uo ; liens paid. 5ix Bio on 1 Mn. Thom pon to Brazee. $150: tisxloo. facing south on Clackamas. 22d to 21th. $15uti. R. T. STREET. Irvington Agent. Eat SJ4. LoT 5jx10. cornt-r Kilpatrh-k and Inter state ave.. Kent oh. 3 Mocks from hank, stores anil cars. liO ft. from paved st. Close to factories. 21 minutes' ride to Port land. Will sel I lor much less than cost. C. F. Tracy, 374 Larrabee l. IMion" East S33S. FI N E level lots oti E. h t.. Ankeny to Pine: 5 to t biks. to cars, corners and inside lots, streets made, I. deep soil. 5'x ltnt $2mh ; piox l m. 5 per cent of C for cash; phone owner Sunday or even ings 7 to O p. M. Tabor 5iL kTn kTbusi N ESSI A T. IOOxUMI on Out ruby, assessed at $71 OO. h'I improvement's in and paid; price $lt(HMI. HENRY W. GODDARD, 243 STARK ST. PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Ow ner lea ving city, will sacrifice ." choice lots on Montgomery drie. Phone 4711. no flcab-rs. TH REE lots, block w est of Laurel hurst ; improvements all In and paid. $750 -ach. Cha nee for but Ider ; two blocks of Rose City car. Haas. Main 01J7. b R SA I.E CH EA P. by owner, cor. lot 75x100, Boston and Buffalo st.. I blk. south of Lombard. Call E. OHOO. BEACTl Fl'L 1RYINGT N H iT $!'.' to. Corner E. Pith and Stanton, all Imp. paid. loe & Canln.T. -tlO IM. Trade. K Ml SALE Two. lots at It rich ton Beach, price reasonable. A. L. Porter, 200 N. LA F R ELH l.'UST choice lots. Will sacri fice, as 1 cannot pay assessments. M ust sell at once. Tabor 4Pi. 50vlOO 1 . IT near Peninsula ave., $ I nO cash. Mrs. Shaver. 1-5 Belmont st.. Tabor .".sol. IRVINGTON SNA P 10075, choice corner, $:t250, clear; Neu bauson &, Co., Main sols. lOOxlOO on East 2Mb and Brazee, $j500 HENRY W. G iDDARD. 243 Stark M, For Sale House. R iSi: CITY ' MINER. Classy home. rooms and s'eeping porch, hard w nod floors, fireplace, fur nace, etc. Price $575t; $ 1 250 will ban- die. Rose Ciiy bungalow 5 rooms, strictly modern. pipess furnace. $.".."aMi; J17.MI cash. Ernest Wells "o., 401 Couch bldg. Tabor 5Goi, Main f.SJIi. $1 k.imh 1 KV I NGTt N HuM E. This is one of I rv ing ton's show cor ners, large living room, dining room and lihraiv: -a old ivory and mahogany: hot-water beat. tiled baths. Kr(Ml c i-on mis. he a u 1 1 f u 1 f oi ia e h ml n a I lira t rees ; double sa ra g'. Tb is homo is four yea rs old. i--e t Ii is and enjoy a real home. East 410. Mel UmeM. BUNGALOWS. f jrtM In Hoi t v wood. $ t 2.tO wilt ha mile. $2S.H Near Piedmont park, very altrac i i e : easv T'i ms. $:;-,oo Near E. G i isan. strict Jy modern : $s.tO will handle. Ernest Wells Co.. 4"! Couch bId,K. Tab. .V'tJ. Main tV20. A KINK, largf. two-story H a w t hornt-a ve nuc homo with all modern convenines hiclildiliK furnaco; KartiK: paved street: corner lot; shrubbery and fruit; bouse too lars"- Only - $snoo. Main un. Sunday Tabor h7S. Sid DOWN. $10 MONTHLY. La r ire. wrll-built 2-room shack and f lot 7."Hm: ir round all in cult i va tinn um.1 fence!. Total price 5U. Fred W. tlerman Co.. 732 Chant, of Com. 4- R U M bouee. moflern. bea ut i f ul orner i..t s i c.i m jhmiii i-ash. :'.;:: ".st h S K . Ha w home ear to 0. i h. 7 blocks south. Phone East 6100, ask for Kufus W ee k d a vs. fr" K SALE 4-room house, west side; one half acre of lain I ; 2) m In utes ca r ride. Price $2 -too ; 5uO cash, ba lance $25 per month. .M. E. Lee. 413 Corbet t bldg. iIROVKLAXO PARK. Only $::25n; fine 0-room modern house. Paved st rM paid : terms. F. H. Tslian A- i'o.. ;i5 t'hamber of Commerce bidg. COMFORTABLE 5-room cottage on Web ster st . near Kerby ; garnet, corner: price $2N."0. terms. Phone 32t-Ol evenings a nd Sundays. I K V I NGT N New 5-rcKim strictly modern bungalow, beautiful corner lot, concrete garage; price and terms reasonable. East 12t. $ JS50 5-1 1 .M cot tage. 1 rvingt on a nd Bdwy. cars. clos in. A dandy buy; terms. F. H. Deshan & Co., 015 Cham ber of Commerce bidg. 7o4 EAST BI RNSIDE $4500. 8-room modern home, having 4 bed rooms, fireplace, furnace, laundry trays, lot 45xH: a snap: terms. East 271. WEST SIDE 7-room semi-modern home on car line; magnificent view. $;;.tto. Oregon In v. & Mtg. Co.. 222 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Mar. 25. $2500 fl-ROOM house, E. 10th st. X., cloe to Alberta car line. Easy terms. F. V. Andrews A Co.. C04 Piatt bldg. Phone Marshall '.025. 1 BIj CK Mount Tabor car. 7-room home. 55xlm lot; $385( total price. $2'iu will handle. Met calf, til 7 Cham, of Com. Marshall 2432. M i ' K 5-room bungalow on S:.d st.. near Burnstde. $2Oo0; terms. Oregon Inv. & Mtc. Co., 222 Clumber of Commerce bldg. Marshall 205. Hi SE Cit y Park d intrict ; 4-room house. $l5t0. terms: 3 blocks from car. E. 70th st. North. Phone before 1 1 A. M. or after P. M. liiVl N JTON 7 -room bouse, fi ne lot with t rees ". a bargain at $3fHH. Terms. E. J . GElER, 417 Chamber ot Commerce. KKAL KSTATE. For tale Uoum. I IN ALBERTA, the best corner on Alberta st . a on a me.- corner, a full lot on LSth 1 and Alberta sts., at the price of $5nOO ; ' it means trie, most profitable investment , that can le possihiy made on Alberta -t- H 1 now occupied with a gool ' modern ti-roem house with lull cement ; basement. This house can be turned around to face ISth st., and a business block can be but it on the corner whirh wtii pav an immen.-e income on the in vestment l or a 1 1 iwne u come, m A I- bcrta st. is the business street on the f northeast section of the city. The pres ent price i a .-acriiice price and b only requires SJ.mhj in cash to buy with , This in est men t, as wHl as providing ; a family with a good modern home. ' shou:d appeal to tnose looking for a home witu a big prospective profit as well. M. J. CLoHESSY, AB1NGTON BLDG. Only $70un. and this price for Ibis m property or anything else similar to i' ' defies a comparison. A ful quarter b : oc k of land, p ta c 1 1 ca ! ! y in the center of t ho v est -side district, walking dis tance from the business center, on Por ter st., on the car line, across the street from the large Fai ling school. llKixUKi -feet, with 4 good houses bringing in a big monthly income. These houses can he sold singly or all of it. k round a no houses, can bu bought today for $70tMi. any person of conservative judgment would place a alue on this properly o" at least twice the price asked for it. It is on the main street which led , to the river and i he Northwest and, Columbia Shipbuilding plants, so. there lore, there is no chance tor any of these houses becoming vacant ami remaining so for oii day. As an investment and. ior the right party a good home to live in and occupy his tune in collect ing rents fur the balance of his life, this place the biir to the letter. It will req u i re onl y $ 2500 cas h a nd the balance can remain on a long-time mort gage at O per cent. M. J- CLOHESSY, A B1NGTOX BLDG. Only SltiOO. it must be all cash, bus a 7-room house with a basement, close -in to the business center on the west side; only loo ft. irom the car line. This is an opportunity to avoid paying rem and own your oJ home and be in walk ing distance to tne business center. M. J. CLOHESSY. AB1NGTON BLDG. Only $1 50i for a good 8-room house with lOOxlOO feet of ground on E. ifciu st. N. This is located in the industrial district and tor the workinsmau it provides a good home with lots of gar den room. lor a low price; $500 in cash w ill handle it . M. J. CLOHESSY, ABIXGTO.V BLDG. Only $4ouo. on E. Couch st.. not any further out than ;Uith s-t., is a good mod ern 7-room house, hardwood oak floors, a mil cement basement, I urn ace and an elegant sleeping porch. This Is prac tical y at the entrance to Laurelhurst The price is the cheapest thins about it; Siooo cash ill handle it. i. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. On y $!(ioo for 2 big lots with a 4 room hoiifee, the house has city water, gas ami electric lijzht and is only 4 b ocks I rom the car line; t h ere are a dozen fruit trees of dif Tercnt varieties in full bearing. You will have to go some to beat this. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. Only JTOO for a full lot with a 4 -room house on E 53d st. The No. is 3200 This property Is located only 2 block south of the Franklin high school; a there is the matter with it is that the lot lies below the street grade, but th location should be sufficient to mak somebody run with $70 to buv this. M. J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. Only $H50 bu s a 7-room house, ( ruoms furnished complete, a corner lo with cement sidewalks and curb; sewer assessim-nt paid and house connected with sewer: only 4 blocks from the Sell Wood car. practcaliy in the business cen ter of Sellwood", only j blocks from the river; you get everything, house, fur niture, corner lot and everything on thi piemises for $ Hi5o. This is a stunner. Go at once and see the place. No. 1714 E. Slh st.. corner ot Sherrett. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. Say. do you want a corner lot. fuV s.ze, with a storebuilding on it. bringing $5o per month rent and capable of bring ing in $lm. One ol the close-in cor ners on First st.. where, for business purposes, it will always pay and where this property, instead of oflering It for sale tor the price we offer should bring twice tnat price, if so, call around to our of : ice and we will sel 1 you one of the best husi ness corners on Fi rst st., clos in. for $tl.ooii. You must have It a', rash, as that is the only object in which the owner is inclined to give this prop erty away, and if this Is not like buy ing gold dol.ars for 50c a piece, you w ill have to show us. M. J. CLOHESSY, ABINGTON BLDG. How does this at.-ike you? A modern iin-io-datc very attractive bungalow, completely furnished with furniture !" very tine and expensive quality, with a 4-orner lot n K. 33d t.. every t h ing poes lor 42mi. This is practicaMy a 7-r-oni l.uimnlow with a tull cement basement. ! 1 replace, bardw ood oak floors, every 1ty con en ince, every modern equip ment t mt place contains. 1 1 you were , in htii.d th bungalow today, whlie it is practically new, it would cost yoi more than the price asked, f-uy nothing of the corner lot with cement sidewaiks anil curbs with a house full of furniture. 1 1 tie s h ru bbery and Ih w n . It Is on t lit car line and in a nice residential dis trict. c!oe to a beautiful park and very ciofie In to the btinnes center. Lies biKh with a commanding view. It Is such a place as will suit any up-to-dat. tamiiy w bo is looking tor a very pretty up-to-date home in a good loca-ii. Mere is a chance to get 1 ine furniture already placed with a corner lot for nothing, as that is what it means when w e only a?-k S4201I fr t h is place. The own.: expects to Nave the city, that ts the reason for selling. It will require a t tout 5:.;ooo cash to ta ke possession of tli is and all vou have to do is to move with uir suitcase. M J. CLOHESSY. ABINGTON BLDG. LilvM'TIKl'l. ACUK HOME ON 41TV1 ST. H st alue of this character you have seen or will s.-e; I full acre. :i blocks tt fare. 011 4 4th at.; no choicer fruit in the city; 15 la rge Roy a I Ann. Ring and Lambert cherries, assorted fruit of all kinds ami lot s of berries ; splendid S rootii bouse, full cement basement, fur nace, ha t h, gas. ligh ta. It is up-to-dai e and good as new. Price only $t50. Easilv worth ?fi)n). See Mr. tllver, witn H A KG U O - E REALTY CX. . 122 N. Oth St., Broadway 43SI. "WORK I NG M AN'S HOMES." VOIR "RENT MONEY" WILL BUT IT: TWO LOTS. COMFORTABLE lUil'SK. FRl'IT. KLOWERS, ETC. PKK'E THIS WEEK $1H50. (THIS PLACH3 KASI LY WORTH $25U. AHul'T $5Ml CASH, BALANCE EAST rent payments. will handle, located near car. store, SCHOOL. CIU'KCH : 3-.I30 K. fi2D ST., COR. 40TH AVE.. MT. SCOTT CAR. AHCT 2 BLOCKS N. OF CAR). CALL O W N E Ft. MAIN 1 t3. OR MAIN 1 777. OR CAUL AT 302 SELLING BLDG. INVEST $2500 INCOME $3fi0. PER YEAH. For this w ee k we will se 1 1 - neat 5 room cottages, bath. gas. Ifghts. etc.. for only $250il ; rented, steadily for $30 per month, on Morris st., I block Missis sippi ave. car, nets better than 12 per cent; cash, balance assume straight loan. See Mr. Oliver with. HARGROVE REALTY CO., 122 N. tiih St. Broadway 43SI. THIS IS A BARGAIN. Owners of this house have bourht a farm and must sell to make payment. R rooms, all on I floor. 2 bedrooms and sleeping poreh. fireplace, full cement basement, laundry trays, garage, sev eral nice fruit trees, corner lot tiOxlnO. st. improvements all in and paid, lot alone is easi !y worth $20nn. close in on 34th st; $3500. terms $15oo cash. 2 years straigh t mortgage on bat a oca, i a o show you what a bargain tnis Is. ST K WART Ac Bl'CK. 315 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 5-ROOM HOl'SE FOR $1350. $250 down will hand le this 5-roon house, which is in good shape; side walks in and paid; lot 40x1m; on Mt.. Scott line. 2 blocks from Kern Parle station ; price 1351. See Mr. Oliver, with Hargrove Realty Co., 122 N. tith iu Broadway 43M. A W ON DE R F U L B CNi A LOW . An elegant spacious bu-ga rge, beautifuliy landscaped garden, many novelties ; located in heart of Rose City, below t he hill. Price $1 2,500. Ernest Wells Co.. 4ol Couch bldg. Tabor 5tu, Main 6S21. ROSE CITY PARK $5250; 5-room bunga low; hardwood floor; fireplace; large at tic ; full basement; lot 50x110; on paved st. 551 2d St. KITCHEN EXPERT will help you e!l your house by mak ing It modern and handy : plan and estimate free. Wood law n 534i. FoR SALE by owner. 550:; 05th at. S. E.. 5-room bunga low. 2 lots, all kinds of fruit, good chicken coop. Call Tabor 2155. H A W TH OR N E I 1 ST R ICT IH XG aToV " Fi-e rooms, fireplace, hard wood floors paved street; $3500. Main 9012. 311 Mo-