The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 18, 1920, Section One, Page 8, Image 8

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Secret Hearings by Senate
Planned as Safeguard.
Testimony on Robberies, Outrages
and Oppression of Americans
Heard by Committee.
SAN ANTONIO. Tex.. Jan. 17.
Mexico's objections to Mexicans testi
fying before the senate sub-committee
investigating affairs in that coun
try will result in an increased num
ber of executive sessions. Mexicans
will be asked to testify and in cases
where they fear the results, such a
protection as a secret hearing can
afford will be offered. At least one
witness today was a Mexican.
Most of the testimony taken In a
closed session today related to rob
beries, outrages and oppressions in
flicted upon Americans. In the open
hearings C. L. Gardener of Hot
Springs, Ark., gave the details of the
working of the "gran liga," a radical
railway labor organization formed
during the latter part of Diaz' rule
and which attained greater strength
under Carranza.
It was largely due to influence of
ihat organization that he ascribed the
substitution of Mexican railroad men
for Americans.
Article Trared lo Hall.
Part of tho committee's time was
taken today in examining witnesses
regarding the sources of an Interna
tional News Service article that orig
inated Imre but was "killed" before.
pu micaiion. i ne writer cited Uuiller-
nio Hall as the one responsible for
I he statements made. Hall is the di
rector of the Mexican trade bureau
of the local chamber of commerce.
The article questioned was that
secret service agents of Mexico were
investigating .the record of Senator
Fall with the object of ascertaining
what business he has in- Mexico, and
the statement that he was said to be
interested jn the affairs of the Ter
razas family. Hall denied responsi
bility for the statements, although a
woman appeared as a witness, saying
he had so informed her.
The incident of the recent receipt
by Mexico of arms and ammunition
also received some attention by the
committee. There was placed before
it information contained in a Mexican
newspaper of January 13 that 18 car
loads of arms- and ammunition had
reached Mexico from Pacific ports,
where it was disembarked. The ship
ment came from Japan and. the paper
added, another that had been con
tracted for was coming from Spain.
Senator Kail Makes Reply.
Senator Fall testified regarding his
Interests in Mexico. He did it to
refute an editorial reference in a
Texas newspaper to his holdings
there. Senator Fall said his sole prop
erty interest now in Mexico was 975.
000 worth of mining stock he had as
his share in settling the estate of a
former partner many years ago. He
denied he ever had been the attorney
for Luis Terrazas or any member of
his family except on one occasion as a
friendly act he had assisted in obtain
ing the release from jail of General
Terrazas' son. The son had been held
by rebels at Chihuahua.
In making his statement he said he
was breaking a silence of eight years
on that subject. He explained that he
went to Mexico first in 1883, locating
In Zacatecas.
He left the country in 1906. At that
time he gave up all his interests.
leetle one like so." And he meas
ured an imaginary line on the desk.
"I got me, Maria and tree keeds.
Maybe you got me a still how you
say familee size."
Yes, I think I can fit you out,"
said Taggart. He went into Police
Chief Dean's office, returning with
a two-quart toy of polished copper.
guaranteed to make the joyous elixir
out of anything from raisins to
prunes and potato peelings.
The man at the counter examined
the apparatus witb great care, satis-
taction growing on his face.
"I take it," he announced. "Maybe
it is too little. Those kids is you
know greedy. But I make him run
all the time how much you want
money for him?"
"Let's see," said Taggart. "It will
Campaign to Make Aliens Un
derstand U. S. Planned.
V. M. Olmntead.
.Appreciating the possibilities
of industrial development for
the community and state
through the agency of adver-
tislng and constructive sales t
propaganda, C. M. Olmstead. for t
seven years with the North- 1
western 'National bank in Port- I
land, has ' become associated
with the Charles E. Couche ad- f
vertising service, and is now t
vice-president and a director
of that organization. I
Mr. Olmstead. a,s field repre-
sentative for the bank, has had
opportunity to acquaint himself J
with the resources, prospects t
and possibilities of this north- I
.western territory, and in his
new connection with devote his
energies largely to the syn-
chronization of advertising and J
sales campaigns, with a special I
view to the permanent upbuild- ,
ing of Oregon industries. X
Raids and Deportations Have Se
rious Effect Among Foreign-Born.
Million May Go in 1920.
NEW YORK, Jan. 17. Raids and
deportations have so unsettled the
foreign-born population that hundreds
employed in basic industries are pre
paring to leave the United States, ac
cording to the inter-racial council,
which tonight announced launching
of a campaign "to make aliens better
understood and to lift them from the
status of mere cogs in a machine to
the status of human beings."
The council, of which Coleman T.
Dupont is chairman and which in
cludes in its ranks more than 400
leading financial and industrial or-
spond to our country's call in time
of need. And this we propose doing
by assisting In the maintenance of a
liundred-per cent Americanism based
on fair play and a square deal for all.
he members of organized labor
are patriotic American citizens, and
the members of the American Legion
arc patriotic American citizens who
have proved their patriotism and their
loyalty. Consequently, in the pur
poses of the American Legion both
they and we are in accord. Many of
our most loyal members are members
or organized labor, and it is our hope
that we may convince every ex-serv
ice man who is a member of organized
labor that our purposes are those of
loyal citizens. All ex-service men who
are members of organized labor have
proved their loyalty to the country
and now appreciate their responsibil
ities as citizens, and we therefore
hope it will not be long before they
all are active members of the Amer
ican Legion."
Census Supervisor Reports Case
Where Woman 'Doesn't Know
When She Came From Germany.'
A woman holding a civil service po
sition, either in the federal or city
government service and who remem
bers practically nothing of her ex
ganizations representative of nearly I perience in coming to this country, of
all the races in America, proposes in I being naturalized or of how and when
cost you $100 in police court to run
this little contraption, then about
9100 in justice court. Probably
they'll tack on 30 days, too. About
9200 and 30 days, I guess."
"Wha-a-a?" the little man cried
in agonized crescendo. "Two hun
dred dollar and what you say jail?
Meester, I no want." He beat a hur
ried retreat to the door. Then he
turned. "I tell you " The door
slammed in the middle of his sen
tence. The seeker after second
hand stills, "familee size," had disappeared.
Bunk to Be Built to Keep LCAvis
Kivor Within Its Bounds.
WOODLAND, Wash., Jan. 17. (Spe
cial.) The county commissioners re
cently appropriated $35,000 to be used
to protect the bank of Lewis river
at Robinson's Bend, about two miles
east of here, which will be done by
rip-rap work and work will begin on
the project at an early date and
rushed to completion. The river at
this point has cut into the adjoining
farms and highway at a rapid rate in
recent years.
Another important step taken was
the appointment of Z. F. M. Lane as
engineer in charge of the diking dis
trict in which the town of Woodland
iw located. Mr. Lane is a large land
owner in the diking district.
Clackamas Breeders Gather to
Form County Organization.
OREGON CITY, Or., Jan. 17. (Spe
cial.) Farmers interested in breed
ing Jersey cattle met with County
Agent R. G. Scott in the commercial
club rooms Saturday afternoon for
the purpose of organizing an asso
ciation. Twenty members signed as
charter members and officers were
M. H. Smith of Logan was elected
president, John Cole of Molalla was
made vice-president, Mrs. A. Maler
was chosen as secretary-treasurer and
W. J. McCoy of Oregon City and E. O
Fisher of Beaver Creek were elected
as directors.
Campaign to Float $10,000,000 Is
sue Begun in New York.
NEW YORK Jan. 17. Eamonn de
Valera opened a campaign to float a
$10,000,000 bond issue for the Irish
"republic" here today.
Hundreds of persons cheered and
waved flags when De Valera entered
the city hall to receive from Mayor
Hylan an engrossed copy of resolu
tions adopted by the board of alder
men greeting the "gentleman who
stands as representative of the young
est republic in the world."
"Meester, Have You Got
Some Second-Hand Stills?"
Little M nil Aaka Aberdeen Judge
for a Small One, "Family Size."
230 Alaska Patients, Including In
sane, Get Treatment; Book
let Issued.
An illustrated booklet descriptive
f Moiningside hospital, where 239
government patients, including the
nsane from Alaska, are cared for.
has been issued under the direction
of Dr. Henry Waldo Coe. medical
director, the occasion being the 15th
anniversary of the signing of the con
tract whereby the hospital near Port-
nd undertook the responsibility of
the care, custody and treatment of the
mentally unfortunate of Alaska.
It was 15 years ago January IS that
the original contract was signed and
about 30 patients were received at the
hospital for care. The contract was
for 15 years only, and yesterday a
second contract, this time for five
years, was signed with the depart
ment of the interior. The number of
government wards to be cared for
from Alaska during that time has in
creased materially.
A record of which special mention
is made, ana or wnicn tne nospitai
officials express unusual satisfaction
is that made during the influenza epi
demic of a year ago. Not a single
case ol the disease occurrea at morn
hillside, according lo the report. The
hospital is also engaged in recoil
btruction work for the government
under the war risk insurance act
These cases are cared for in a sol
diers' house, built apart from the rest
of the hospital and managed entirely
separately from it.
its campaign, according to its state
ment, to accomplish the following
"To offset bolshevist propaganda
among the foreign-born through nation-wide
educational activities.
To promote better relations among
the races in America by presenting
the side of the foreign-born" and
"translating America to them in terms
which they will understand.
"To end unrest among the foreign
born in industry."
Million Prepare to Go.
"The recent raids and the deporta
tion of aliens who have urged the
destruction of government by force
are being interpreted by many of
the foreign-born as a campaign of
repression against the foreign-born
in general," said a statement by the
"Hundreds of these foreign-born,
employed in ba.-sic industries, are
throwing down their tools prepara
tory to leaving the United States.
"The average annual emigration for
the four years before the war was
594.800. According to United States
immigration authorities, 1.125,000 for-cign-born
will leave America. An in
vestigation made by the inter-racial
council disclosed that the following
would probably leave as soon as con
ditions permit:
"Poles. 300.000: Italians. 300,000
Russians, 150,000; Hungarians, 150.000;
Jugo Slavs. 100,000; Czecho-Slovaks,
60,000: Lithuanians, 50,000; Ukrain
ians. 50.000; Greeks, 40,000, and other
races to the number of 200.000,
making a grand total of 1.400.000.
mostly unskilled laborers from mines
and factories.
Industry Sbort of Labor.
"Added to this condition is the sig
nificant fact, proved by official fig
ures, that American industry is short
4,000.000 immigrants in the field of
primary labor, owing to the tremen
dous falling off of immigration dur
ing the last five years; and there is
the prospect, to quote the immigra
tion authorities of the port of New
York, that immigration for 1920 will
be less than one-third normal.
"The raids and deportations are not
alone unsettling the foreign-born;
the apparent discrimination is unset
tling them. The person of foreign
birth, participating in activities which
are aimed at the destruction of our
government by force, is arrested and
held for deportation. whereas an
American who may bo employed In
the same radical organization and a
participant in the same ultra-radical
activities, is not molested.
"That is the condition that is mak
ing the foreign born in America be
lieve that there is one kind of jus
tice for them and another kind for
the native residents."
she passed the examination leading to
her employment, is under scrutiny by
W. L. Bennett, supervisor for the
census in this district. vUnder the law,
he is not permitted to make public
her name until authorized to do so.
He has telegraphed for this while
further investigating her case.
Mr. Bennett came into touch with
the case because the enumerator
could get no satisfaction from the
woman, who is about 42 years old,
and the facts in the case were re
ported to him. He has succeeded thus
far in getting nothing more definite
from her than the facts stated.
" 'I don't know' and 'I don't remem
ber," are this woman's favorite ex
pressions." said Mr. Bennett yester
day. "She doesn't know when she
came to this country from Germany;
doesn't know when she was natural
ized; doesn't know how she passed
the civil service tests, although she
thinks it was in Washington. D. C.
I am not going to stand for this kind
of nonsense in my district and have
reported to Washington for orders, I
including permission to use her name
This is the only case of any serious
portent in this district during the
taking of the census, Mr. Bennett
Edward ti. Gibson, Born in 1860,
in Portland, Dies in South.
OROVILLE, Cal., Jan. 17. Edward
I... Gibson, probation officer and su
perintendent of charities of Butte
county, one of the most widely known
detectives on the Pacific coast, died
at his home In Oroville this morning
after an .illness of many months at
the age of 59 years. He served for
two decades as detective sergeant of
the San Francisco police department
during which he figured conspicu
ously and with great credit in some
of the most sensational criminal cases
of California history.
He was an active factor In the Dur
rant case, the Botkin poisoning case
and the remarkable Becker forgery,
in which a $12 check was raised to
$22,000. Ukbson was born in Portland
in 1860.
Angel Dramatic Club Gives
"The College Freshman."
Benedict. Or.. Jan. 17. (Special.) On
January 15 the Mount Angel College
Dramatic club presented a play which
proved to be one of the best produc
tions in the history of the club. The
play, "The College Freshman." was
a three-act drama, nicely mixed with
comedy. The leading role was very
I well taken by Leslie J. Smith. William
Mtilhall Jr.- played the part of the
I villain.
The other characters were all ex
cellently portrayed.
Gresham Man Knocked Uncon
scious as Truck Hits Auto.
Gilbert Shuholm. 20, of Gresham
was knocked unconscious yesterday
when his automobile which was
parked at Thirty-third and Belmont
streets was struck by an automobile
truck. He was struck on the head by
some object and painfully injured. He
did not know the number of the ma
chine which struck him.
Freeman Fowler, 17, of 1408 East
Hoyt street, sustained an injured leg
yesterday when he was thrown from
his bicycle on the Burnside bridge and
the wheel of an auto driven by A. G.
Weber, 687 East Oregon street, passed
over his leg.
Albert S. Biloden, 586 Hoyt street,
was struck by an auto driven by
W. H. Bradley, 843A Morrison street,
at Broadway and Glisan street, yes
terday. He was uninjured.
Arms and Purposes of Two Bodies
in Accord, Says Commander
of National Body.
The attitude of the American Le
gion toward organized labor is set
forth in a communication from head
quarters signed by Franklin D'Olier,
national commander, received by the
Portland post yesterday. It, in brief,
supports patriotic bodies of working
men and declares that it stands for
the same purposes as they do.
Stating the purposes of the legion
to be two-fold service to comrades
and country Commander D'Olier con
tinues: "Under the head of 'service to our
comrades' we will exert all of our in
fluence and all of our strength to the
enI that the ex-service man. espe
cially the disabled man and his de
pendents, and the dependents of those
who made the supreme sacrifice, shall
receive that just and fair treatment
which they have reason to expect
from a patriotic and liberal country.
"In serving our country we shall
endeavor to keep alive that spirit of
service which induced us all to re
Hjder-.Harlow Post Formed.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. Jan. 17. (Spe
cial.) Organization of the Eastern
Grays Harbor county post of the
American Legion has been completed.
the final act being the naming of the
post. Hyder-Harlow is the name
adopted, this name honoring two of
the eastern county men who lost
lives in France George Hyder of
Oakville and Arthur Harlow of Satsop.
The post at Its last session adopted
resolutions of sympathy for Mr. and
Mrs. J. T. Shelby In the loss of their I
son, Charles T. Shelby.
Still Seized; Man Arrested.
Copper receptacles for a still, a vat
half full of raisins and water and 150
Domes alleged to contain raisin
at Fifth
at Fifth
Our January Clearance
of Single Suites
and Odd Pieces
Gives You Opportunity
to Furnish a Home
at a Moderate Outlay
TVTAKE a list of the things you need or
would like to buy for the furnishing1 of
your home; then come and see if we have not
- 1L J? 2 1 j l l
just tne lumiture to suit you at a reaucea
' There are nieces at reduced nrices on everv
7 A f
floor pieces for the bedroom, the dining
room, the living room, the library, the kitchen.
Take advantage now of the opportunity for
saving on good furniture.
We Have Added Scores of New Pieces
for the Third Week of Our January Clearance
Breakfast Suite
In Ivory Enamel
Regular Price $200.50
Now $147.75
Handsomely patterned ; beautifully fin
ished. Six pieces: Buffet, Table and
four Breakfast Chairs.
Only $25 Down and $12.50 Monthly
Mahogany Dining Suite
In Adam Design
Regular Price $365.25
Now $277.25
A massive, perfectly designed suite, faultless
in its workmanship. Nine mahogany pieces :
Extension Table. Large Buffet with Mirror,
Serving Table, Carver and five Diners.
Only $50 Down and $20 Monthly
Oak Dining Suite
Regular Price $86.50
Now $67.75
Solidly made and well finish Al; straight
line design. Six pieces: Extension Table,
Buffet and four Diners.
Only $10 Down and $5 Monthly
2 Odd Buffets Sacrificed
$225 Early English Solid Oak Buffet, hand
carved ; very massive ; bevel French plate
mirror $154.75
$315 Early English Solid Oak Buffet; very
massive ; hand-carved ; bevel French plate
mirror S197.50
Neither of these buffets could be replaced
now even at our regular prices.
Odd Bedroom Pieces
Deeply Reduced
$73.00 Solid Walnut FuU-sizc
Bed reduced to $57. 50
$90.00 Solid Walnut Dresser
to match bed, now. .$69.50
?160.00 Ivory Enamel Dresser
with large mirror. .$124.7-1
$160.00 Ivory Enamel Chif
fonier and Mirror to
to match $124.75
Ivory.Enamel Bedroom
Attractively Priced
Neat, straight-line design at a very
modest price. Four pieces as follows:
Full-size Bed, Dresser, Dressing
Table, Chiffonier.
$73 White Enamel Kitchen-
Maid Cabinet .$59.50
$60 Oak Kitchen-Maid Cab
inet for only $40.50
Handsome Birdseye
Maple Bedroom Suite
Regular (PCOC
Price $713 J000
A large suite of finest birdseye
maple with inlay. Seven perfectly
matched and finished pieces:
Full-size Bed, Chiffonier, Dresser,
Dressing Table, Dressing Table
Bench, Chfirs, Rocker.
Sold on Easy Terms, if Desired
Living- Room Comfort
At a Low Price
$60.00 Leather Upholstered
Rocker $43.50
$39.J5 Imitation Leather
Uphofstered Rocker..$2S.50
$150.00 Leather Upholstered
Mahogany Settee. . .$87.50
$33.50 Solid Mahogany Hall
Chair $19.75
$90.00 Two-piece Mahogany
Parlor Suite $67.59
Lace Curtain Sale
Bungalow Nets, Xottinghams,
Voiles, Marquisettes.
$2.00 Curtains; the pair. .. .$1.45
$2.50 and $2.75 Curtains
$3.00 and $3.25 Curtains.
$3.50 and $3.75 Curtains.
$4.50 and $5.00 Curtains.
SI. 85
ir.c, rtl?, 83?
Regular 50c Nets :Wc
Regular 75c Nets 53?
Many of our Silk Lamp Shades are marked for January Clearance. Buy now at a Reduced Price
of Louis Bonottl yesterday,
is in jail.
Pendleton Woman Die.
PENDLETON. Or.. Jan. 17. (Spe-
r and other varieties of liquor I cial.) Mrs. Charles E. 1-ane, old-time
ized by the police In the home ' Pendleton resident, died here last
night as the result of a paralytic
stroke. Mrs. Lane had been in poor
health for some time. She came here
with her husband 30 years ago from
Iowa. She was 73. Her husband, a
son. Will Lane of Klamath, and a
daughter, Mrs. O. F. Turner of Wyeth,
cial.) "
Jan. IT. (Spe-
"Aleester. please. Have
you got some second-hand stills I
could buy chpap?"
This query, propounded in all se
riousness by a modest little man in
a brown overcoat and a nondescript
derby, nearly floored Judge Taggart
yesterday afternoon. When the judge
recovered f no m the mental shock
motioned for an idle patrolman.
"We have some second-h
he answered. "How big
you want?"
The visitor beamed. "Just a ver
nd stills."
still do
.More Berries to Be Planted.
ABERDEEN. Wash.. Jan. 17. (Spe
cial.) Farmers of Grays Harbor
county are arranging to plant in
creased acreage to berries on account
of the establishing of a fruit and
vegetable cannery at Montesano.
Farmers are being urged tofbrlng the
total berry acreage up to 300 acres
each of blackberries, loganberries and
raspberries and to increase greatly
the strawberry acreage.
Elma Deposits Grow.
ELM A. Wash., Jan. 17. (Special.)
Elma bank deposits for 1919 in
creased more than $273,000. The
Farmers' & Lumbermen's bank in
creased from 9215.061.08 to 9264.512.14.
The Bank of Elma increased from
9403. 977. S9 to 9622.808.99.
t thorne. Western Coopers ge Co, Adv.
Does she inherit a delicate organi
zation from you? The anemia of young
girls may be inherited or it may fee
caused by bad air, lack of proper food,
insufficient out-of-door exercise, hasty
and irregular eating and not enough
rest and sleep.
It comes on gradually, beginning
with languor, indisposition to mental
or bodily exertion, irritability and a
feeling of fatigue. Later come palpi
tation of the heart and headache. In
a majority of cases constipation is
present. Often the patient craves un
usual thing3 to eat. such as starch or
chalk. There may be no loss of flesh
but the complexion takes on a greenish-yellow
There is no need to worry in a case
of this kind. The treatment is easy
and simple. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills,
non-alcoholic and free from any harm
ful drug, are just the tonic to remedy
this condition. Improvement begins
with the first dose. As the blood is
made rich and red the peculiar pallor
leaves the face, strength and activity
gradually return and if the treatment
is continued until the last symptom
disappears the danger of relapse is
A booklet, "Building Up the Blood."
which tells all about this treatment,
will be sent free on request by the Dr.
Williams Medicine Co., Schenectady.
N. Y. All druggists sell Dr. Will
iams' Pink Pills or they will be sent
by mail, postpaid, on receipt of price,
60 cents per box. Adv.
More Wear More Style
Lower Cost
KIRSCHBAUM clothes give you
those three things. All-wool wears
longer lowers your clothes-cost
per day. The style is so good you'd
buy them for that alone.
$30 to $70
Phegley & Cavender
Corner Fourth and Alder Streets
Lovers of Comfort!
Iti order to find out just what people
think of the Gasco Furnace, an official of
this company called upon a few of the
use rstoobtain their opinion for publication.
Commencing tomorrow we will publish
in a few words the comments made by
them, in order that you may know of the
benefits and comforts to be derived from
a Gasco Furnace.
Portland Gas & Coke Co.