24 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, , PORTLAND, " JANUARY 18, 1920 GREEN STAR WILL PLY S ATLANTIC Four Steamers Purchased Here to Sail From Baltimore. ORIENTAL RUN PROMISED CruH Now Being Built at Standi fer Plant Expected to Be Operated on Pacific. Speculation as to the future field of operations of the Green Star Steam ship company, which purchased four steel steamers in Portland and placed orders for the construction of five more, was ended laat week by a for mal announcement from the head quarters of the. company in Baltimore, where the Green Star line has pur chased a large building- to serve as a home for its shipping enterprises. The last of the steamers purchased by, the line here, the Circlnus, sailed from Astoria Wednesday with a full cargo of lumber for Melbourne and Adelaide, Australia. This cargo amounted to 4.086,103 feet, it is re ported by Brown & McCabe, steve dores, who had charge of loading the vessel. The three other steamers pur chased here by the Green Star line are the Corvus, which went in ballast to Arica, Chile, to load nitrates for Kurope; the Centaurus, which took a' part cargo of lumber here and went to San Francisco to finish a general cargo for the west coast, and the Clauseus, which went from here to San Francisco in ballast to load beans for Hamburg. Oriental Line Announced. Considering the company's an nouncement from Baltimore, little hope is felt that any of these four steamers will return for service on this coast, but the company has also announced the intention of operating a line to the orient and it is presumed that some of the steamers now being built by the G. M. Standifer Con struction corporation will be utilized in this service. The Green Star company has an nounced that it will inaugurate four distinct and regular services. One line will ply between Baltimore and the River"Flatte section of South America. Vour of the company's large cargo carriers are to be as signed to this service. Another steamship freight service will be maintained between the Maryland port and Bordeaux. Having deter mined to invade the orient, the com pany has advised that it will operate to China, with Shanghai as the far eastern terminal. The fourth service will .be established1 to Antwerp and Rotterdam. Philadelphia will have three lines. The Green Star line has announced that it will inaugurate services to Hamburg and Bremen, in Germany, and to Trieste, on the Mediterranean. It did not state how frequent the sailings would be and did not in dicate the number of ships which would be assigned to the respective lines. At the present time the company is continuing the operation of its New York-to-Genoa line which was started by the Nafra company during the war. inasmuch as Joseph Merca- riante, the president of the Green tar line. Is closely identified with the Italian interests, it is believed In shipping circles that there will be ample shipping facilities between the' Mediterranean and the United States. J.onla F. Swift Director. The news of the election of Louis F. Swift to the directorate of the com pany is regarded as significant, in asmuch as it may indicate that the 'hicago packing company will Ehip its meat products in the vessels oper ated by the Green Star. While no of ficial of the company has made this statement or has inferred that his election will mean the extension of this favor. It is believed that it will have a favoj-able effect. The Green Star line has acquired more than 20 steamers, all of which are under American registry. Joseph Mercadante stated yesterday that "on the completion of its extensive pro Kramme the Green Star line will be the largest owner of ships of Ameri can registry in this country." He has not revealed what the "extensive pro gramme" is. When the Green Star line was or ganized the director of its fleet, Rob ert McGregor, stated that the cor poration would not confine its mari time operations to the maintenance of cargo ships. It Is known that the company made a proposal a few . monms ago lor the purchase of sev eral of the ex-German passenger ves sols. STEAMER ABERCOS ACCEPTED New Steel Ship Is Being Loaded Rapidly for Orient. The new steel steamer Abercos, built by the G. M. Standifer Construc tion corporation, was accepted from the builders yesterday by the Pacific -Steamship company, to whom she has been assigned for operation in the ori ental service out of Portland. As the vessel is scheduled to sail next Friday, work of loading her will ne continuous. sne started at the F'ortland flouring mills yesterday, where 700 tons of flour for the orient "s to be loaded, and will go today to the West Oregon Lumber com pany's mill to load lumber. She will complete her general cargo at the bt. Johns municipal terminal. ' Canadian Guild Elects. VANCOUVER. B. C. Jan. 17. Cap tain A. Gilchrist, master of the "Prin cess Pat'" of the Canadian Pacific rail way coast service, was today elected president of the Canadian merchant service guild. It was announced at the meeting that the big coast steam ship lines had agreed to pay a flat increase of $25 a month to all deck officers. Marine Notes. Captain Charles Green of- Portland has b-en appointed by Krank O'Connor, agent f- the Pacific Steamship company, as master of the oriental liner West Hartland in place ot Captain Hichard Wlllowden, who has Bone to Seattle. It Is under stood that Captain Wlllowden is to ba made master of one of the Admiral line vessels clylng out of Seattle. The steam schooner Claremont of the Hart-Wood fle'et shifted yesterday from Albers dock to the Madison-street dock to dircharse the rest of her freight from San Pedro. The steam schooner Tahow will go this afternoon from St. Helens to West port. -Carrying a full load of freight, the I sieunier leiiowstone put to aea yesterday fivm St. Helens ' Ieck officers for the new steamer Aber cos. which was checked In 'yesterday by thi Pacific Steamship company, have been aFsignd as follows: Captain O. A. Aan nevik, master: H. W. Hellman. first of ficer; R. A. Rolfness, second officer, and 1. R. Pilkington, third officer. I SCENES IN CONNECTION WITH . JMfl Mu TmmT' : , - , . ! r 1 . . " . , - l&'pS r? mA'Z' ' - W - ' A t!tOrm.ay.N--.-i -,.-, r Above One of the special trains carry In a; the robber eaMtward from the St. Johns terminal. Three of these special trains, consisting of from 21 to 24 cars each, were sent out over the O.-W. R. & X. lines to expedite delivery to - ,ew York consignees. Ilelow Several thousand dollars worth of rubber as It arrived from Inpore In the hold of the steamer West Hniiland. It Is shown here plied In the pier shed at the St. Johns terminal. To the left In the foreground are several bales of Manila hemp, also brought by this ship. RUBBER IS HURRIED EAST FREIGHT MOVES IMMEDIATE LY OX ARRITAL HERE. Three Special Trains Sent Over Lines of O.-W.; 8 8 Cars i Carry Commodity. If assurance on the part of Malay shippers that rubber can be handled at Portland as expeditiously as at any other port on the" coast is all that is required to route a share of the corn- reerce in crude rubber through Port- land, a perusal of the following in formation by the Malayans should provide ample business for this port. When the Portland steamer est Hartland cruised into Singapore and asked for a cargo of rubber, her oper- ators,were told that the cargo would be supplied on condition that it be accepted for Seattle delivery. The shippers had always done business through Seattle, and refused to con sider a change. They never had heard of Portland, they said, and did not know what facilities existed here for ' the " trans-shipment of their product. That there is no reason why rub ber should not" move from Singapore to New York by way of Portland, and thus solve to so.Tie extent the impor tant problem of return cargoes for the vessels plying out of this port to the orient, is proved by the way the West Hartland's cargo was taken care of heie. This is the way it was done: 9 The total cargo amounted to 4270 tons, of which 3788; tons were rubber and the remainder furniture, cigars, tin, "tapioca, hemp an'd other oriental merchandise. The discharge of this cargo, began December 31 and was completed January 7. The rubber filled 88 boxcars, the last of which left -tho terminal and started east three days after the discharging of the cargo was finished. This facility of dispatch of the rub ber would have been impossible with out the thorough co-operation of the railroad companies, which did all in their power to insure its rapid move ment. Three special trains, consist ing of 21, 23 and 24 cars. each, carry ing nothing but rubber, were sent east over the lines of the O.-W. R. & N. company. The 88 cars of rubber were distrib uted as follows: To Akron, O., 42 cars: to Detroit, 14 cars; to Edge worth. Mass . 11 cars; to New York, 8 cars, to Indianapolis, 7; to Cleveland, 2. and to Chicago. Buffalo, Dundee, N. J., and Fort Madison. Ia., 1 each. GREAT NORTHERN DAMAGED Transport Hits Some Obstruction and Springs Leak in Hold. The army transport Great Northern, formerly a passenger vessel running between here and San Francisco, struck an obstruction at sea Decem ber 11 in latitude 47:7 and longitude 147:31 E., according to the weekly bulletin of the hydrographic office of the navy. i The point indicated is on the great circle route from . Vladivostok to San Francisco, and about 25 degrees due west of Seattle. The striking of the obstruction, ac cording to the bulletin, caused the Great Northern tb spring a leak in her No. 1 hold. STONE BOATS TO BE TENDERS Vessels to Be Put in Use at Fort Stevens and 'San Francisco. Five "stone, boats" built by the Great Northern Concrete Shipbuilding company of Vancouver. Wash., are- to be placed in commission as water tenders this week at. Fort Stevens and San Francisco. One of these, the Captain Barker, commanded by Cap tain-Enos Crawford, will; go on duty at Fort Stevens, and the other four on San Francis-cobay. Masters for the four concrete boats for San Francisco have been assigned as follows: D. W. Dobbins, master of the Captain Colquhoun; C. Spielberg, master of the Captain Bootes: H. O. Hansen, master of the Captain THE SHIPMENT OF THE FIRST RUBBER THROUGH PORTLAND. French, and Levi Snyder, maste the Captain Hammond. The tug Slocum is to com Seattle within a few days to tow the stone boats to their- posts of duty. All are to be operated by the govern ment. STEAMER STO liE CONVERTED Eastern Knight to Be Made Oil Burner; Contract to Be Let. SEATTLE, Jan. 17. (Special.) The contract for the conversion of the Japanese built steamship Eastern Knight from a coal burning to an oil burning ship will be awarded Monday, according to Andrew F. Wooley, as sistant Northern Pacific district man- ager of the Emergency Fleet Corpor- j ation. who is in charge or tne aeiansjio me siage oi completion ot iwo of the business. Bids have been opened in the office of D. M. Callis, Northern Pacific district manager. The bids on the work were: Heffer nan Engine Works, 92,366, 42 days; Todd Dry Docks Inc., $124,535.75, 30 days; Seattle North Pacific Shipbuild ing company, $119,050, 30 days; Pa cific Coast Engineering company, $92,000. 49 days; Skinner & Eddy cor poration; $81,881, 30 days. Bids will be called for within a few days for slight alterations on the Eastern Moon, another Japanese built steamship whe ehtih ob ard steamship which the board will put into commission as an oil burner. WEST CHAT ALA AT NAPLES Portland Built Steamer to Be Re paired; Riveting Is Poor. ' The Portland-built steel steamer West Chatala, which left here Septem ber 2 with a cargo of flour for Europe,- is at Naples, Italy, awaiting her turn on drydock as the result of a severe storm she passed through on her-way across the Atlantic, accord ing to a postcard received from M. J. Albin, third officer on the West Cha tala, who wrote from Naples under date of December 17. The repairs are necessary, he says, because of poor riveting done here. Movements of Vessels. PORTLAND. Jan. 17. Sailed "at S P. M-. steamer Yellowstone, from St. Helens, for San Pedro. Arrived Steamer Duquesne, from Honolulu. ASTORIA. Jan. 17. Sailed at 8:30 Jt. M-. steamer W. F.' Herrin. for Gaviota. Ar rived" down at i:30 and sailed at 11:30 A. M-. steamer West. Hassayampa, for trial trip and New York. Arrived at 1:50 P. M.. steamer AtTas and barge 93. from San. Francisco. Arrived at 1:,10 P. M stamer lansing from Port San Luis. Sailed at 'noon, steamer Siletz. for trial trip. Sailed at 2:20 P. M.. steamer Admiral Goodrich, for San Francisco, Eureka and Coos bay. - SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. IT. Sailed at 5 last night, steamer Johan Poulsen, for Co lumbia river. Sailed at midnight, steamer Santa Barbara, for Columbia river. A r- rived Ssteamer Wapama, from Sah Diego, for Portland. SEATTLE. Wash.. Jan. IT. (SDeclal.) Arrived Steamers Imlay. from Amster dam via Balboa; J. A. Moffett. from San Francisco. Departed -Steamers. Queen City, for Blubber Bay. B. C. ; Admiral Rodman, for Ocean Falls. B. C. -TACOMA. Wash.. Jan. 17. Arrived Steamer Admiral Dewey, from San Fran cisco via Seattle. Sailed Steamer Santa Alicia, for Seattle. SAX FRANCISCO, Jan. IT. (Special.) Arrived Steamers Unlmak, from Bow en's Landinc; Catherine D.. from Seattle. Departed Bandon. for Bandon; V. S. S. Glacier, for cruise: Wapama. for Seattle: Davenport, for Seattle; Wallingford. for Honolulu; San Jose, for Balboa; TSenntee. for - Valparaiso;. Governor, for Seattle: Klamath, for Portland: Catherine B., for Callao; Edward R. West, for Puget sound. NEWCASTLE. N. S. W., Jan. 14. Ar rived Walhora.' from Vancouver. HONGKONG; Jan.- 10. Arrived Ed more, rem .Seattle;- -Ixlon, from Seattle, via Victoria. MANILA, Jan.. 12. Sails Grace Dollar, for Seattle. Tides at Astoria Sunday: rt High. Low. " 10:.12 A. M...S.R feet!:16 A. M .1.6 feet SHKDLCSHRDLTJ :0T P. M 0.2 foot Columbia River Bar Report. NORTH HEAD. Jan. 17. Condition of the bar at 5 P-. M. Sea choppy; wind south, 30 miles. CARGO OF RAW "SINGAPORE WOODEN HULLS WANTED IXQUIRIES COME FROM EAST ASKING FOR DETAILS. Success of Coast Steamers Gains Attention From Shippers Who See Opportunity Offered. . , Results attained through the opera tion of wood steamers by the govern ment have attracted the attention of New York owners to Pacific coast vessels. The past few days inquiries have reached Portland for details as Geary and three Ward hulls, now held at mooring grounds on Lake Union, Wash., as well as for 10 Ferris hulls, moored in North Portland harbor, on Lake Union and at Alameda, Cal. The New Yorkers, seeking Ferris ships have, asked for special reports as to the amount of equipment and fittings held on the coast with which to complete the vessels ready for service. Assurance has been ci ven I that all necessities are embraced in the snrplus stocks now at sjvare-' houses. The Ferris hulls are Bold at $75,000 each, whether" completed as steamer hull or barges, while Hough, Geary, Ward and Alien, hulls are held at $21.40 a ton. deadweight. With full outfits, from main engines and boil ers to a desk for the skipper, offered by the supply and sales division of the emergency fleet corporation, at $100, 000, it makes it possible for the ships to be finished at a cost far below what is quoted today through private contracts. Indicating how much surplus, 'ma terial and equipment Is Bought for these days was yesterday's report that for the week Pacific, coast in terests had bought in excess of $125,- 000 worth. That was sold to many industrial lines beyond-" the zone of shipbuilding, and for- the first half of January receipts on the coast have been $580,000.- .Business for 1919, which was tabu lated only on what had - been sold during August. September, October, November and December, as a sales organization was not perfecteduntil the last of July, gained for the. gov ernment $3,000,000 in cash sales in the west. The northeastern district, in which is included New York, one of the" busiest centers of the" entire territory for the sale of ship property, has lost its lead over the Pacific coast district and last reports showed them running n-almost even race. PAWLET TO DIP 'TUESDAY MISS ELIZABKTII BOSCHKE WILLi BE SPOXSOR. New Hull Is Ninth Steel Ship I Be Put In Water by Standifer Corporation .at Vancouver. VANCOUVER. Wash.. Jan. 17. (Spe cial.) The Pawlet, hull No. 9, Is about 95 per cent complete and will be launched at 8:30 o'clock Tuesday morning by the G. M. Standifer Con struction -corporation steel plant in this city. The sponsor will be Miss Elizabeth Boschke, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. "Boschke of Portland The Pawlet is the ninth steel ship to be launched by this company in less than 13 months. It is of 9500 tons' capacity and is being built for the United States shipping board.- It will be launched at the early morning hour on account of a favorable tide. The Standifer corporation has con tracts for one more shlD of 9500 tons' capacity for the shipping board. -It has also contracts for five ships-of 9550 tons each for a New York company and three tankers of 12.000 tons' bur den. As soon as a government ship is launched a keel Is laid for one of the 9550-ton ships, and already three keela have been laid. On hull No. 11 more than 50 per cent of the tank tOD Is In place, and hulls 12 and 13 are being rushed along so that they are bnt a few days behind. . EUROPEAN CARGOES T Local Shipping Agents Seek Return Ship Business. NINE VESSELS IN SERVICE Minimum of 300 Tons Is Only lie- qulrement for Craft to Call Here. ' Sample Rates Are Given. A drive for return cargoes from Eu rope to Portland on the vessels of the European-Pacific line has been start ed by the Columbia-Pacific Shinning company, local agents for the line. It I was announced yesterday by A. C. ' Stubbe, general manager of the Co- ' lumbia-Pacific company. Information . has been received by Mr. Stubbe from i Williams, Dimond & Co., operators of j the line, that agents of the line have I been appointed in the principal Euro- i pean ports, and that every assistance I will be given Pacific coast importers ' who are. endeavoring to arrange for the direct importation of commodities from any port of Europe. A letter received by Mr. Stubbe yes terday from Williams. Dimond & Co. reads as follows: "We are pleased to advise that the United States shipping board has authorized us to announce that the nine steel steamers which have been allocated to us for European service are expected to remain in that serv ice permanently. "The steamers above referred to are the West Aleta, Cansurriset. Cock aponset. Dewey. Eelbeck, Effingham. Orani, West Cayote and Weet Katan. They are all from 88U0 to S600 tons deadweight. "In addition to this, the United States shipping board has authorized us to announce that these steamers will load homeward cargoes from the various European ports for direct de livery at San Francisco. San Pedro, Portland, Seattle and Tacoma. "There is no restriction as to anv tninimum quantity of cargo required for direct delivery at any of the above ports with the exception of San Pedro and Portland, direct calls for which ports will be governed by a minimum quantity of 300 tons per steamer. "The United States shipping board has also authorized us to acce'pt ship ments of samples, on a basis of the rate per 100 pounds applicable on the commodity shipped. For example, in case a shipper desires to forward, a sample shipment of beans, the charges would be based on the rate of $1.S0 for any quantity up to 100 pounds, to a United Kingdom port. $2.05 to French ports. Amsterdam. Rotterdam and Antwerp. $2.30 to Copenhagen, Chris tiania, Gothenberg and Hamburg, and $2.55 to Stockholm and Helsingfors." COOS BAY OFFICIAL' .IX CITY Harbor Commissioner Here to In spect Port Facilities, For the purpose of acquiring knowl edge that will be used in the con struction of terminals and port facili ties on Coos bay, the board of harbor commissioners of that port spent the past two days inspecting the docks and terminals of Portland and Astoria. The visitors were shown around Port land harbor by " G. B. Hegardt and. James H. Polhemus, chief engineers for the -dock and port commissions of Portland. . , The party consists of A. H. Powers, president of the port of Coos Bay commission: Henry Sentrstacken, sec retary; C. S. Winsor, Anson Rogers and Peter Logie. The proposed improvements at Coos Bay, according to the commissioners. Include construction of a dock- for the handling of off-shore lumber cargoes and also a 15-inch suction dredge. UEORGE U. 1IIN1J Il"K HKltlO With Arrival, Three Vessels Will Be Lioading lUtnlicr Cargoes. With the arrival from San Fran cisco J-his week oC the barkentine Ueorge U. Hind, three vessels will be loading full lumber cargoes in the harbor for three different off-shore points. Now loading are the . steamer West Kader for China and the motor schooner Admiral Mao for Australia. The eOorge U. Hind has been char tered by. Halfour, Outhrie & Co, toj carry lumber to South Africa. She will be brought to Portland by the tug Relief which brought the 1 barge Isaac Reed to Astoria from san Francisco, bound ror Puget sound, and left her at the mouth of the Co lumbia because of the urgency of the loading of the George U. Hind. After the Relief brings the barkentine to Astoria, she wUl continue her journey northward with the Isaac Reed. FLOUR CARGOES TO LOAD Transport Marica and Steamer Duquesne to Work Tomorrow. The shipping board steamer Du quesne and the army transport Marica will start loading full cargoes of flour tomorrow morning. ' Both vessels came here in ballast, from Honolulu, and both were delayed by fog in coming up the river from Astoria, the Marica arriving Thursday night and the Duquesne at 9 o'clock yesterday morning. The Marica is to load first at the North Bank dock and the Du quesne at the O.-W. R. & N. dock. Lining of the holds of both vessels with lumber, preparatory to loading them with flour, was completed last night- " SCHOONER BALESTKAXD BURNS Grays Harbor Boat and Cargo Are iieMrui-u in s vt eiii'ii . The wood auxiliary motor schooner Balestrand. built by the Gray Harbor Shipbuilding corporation, has been de stroyed, with her cargo, by a fire which started in her hold December 7 at Trangsund Roads. Sweden. The fire started from an explosion in the engine room while the .vessel was loading wood pulp. ' The Balestrand was launched at Grays Harbor September 22, 1917. She called here March 4, 1918, with gen eral cargo in transit from Seattle, and loaded lumber here. She sailed March 9 for Shanghai and Calcutta. She was of 1906 net tons register. ENGINEER REVISITS PORTLAND Allan McCulloch Comes From San Francisco on West Kader. Portland's waterfront fraternity has found an old friend anq associate in Allan McCulloch, chief engineer of the steamer West Kader, which ar rived from San Francisco last week to load lumber for China. McCulloch started from Portland October 16, CI COME D1C 191S. as chief engineer of the steamer' Dumaru, which was lost with her crew off the coast of Guam, when, her dock load of gasoline was ignited by a bolt, of lightning. "Mack" did j not participate in the disaster. De cause he, had left the ship at San Francisco. Since the loss of the Dumaru. Mc I Culloch has made a trip to Vladlvo ! stok as chief engineer of the steamer Cadaretta. He was chief engineer of the coastwise steajner Breakwater for eight years. 102 ARRIVALS' AT - TACOMA Incoming Tonnage It 1,4 "0 De partures Lifted at 125,468 Tons. TACOMA, Wash.. Jan. 17. (Spe cial.) The rtoort of Harbormaster W. G. Rowland tor December shows that 102 deep-sea vessels arrived dur ing the month with a tonnage of 111,470 and that there were 107 de partures of. 125.46S tons. The Saginaw and Port Angeles i probably- will get to sea bound for California sorts at noon Sunday. The vessels are loading lumber now. The Dewey arrived from San Fran cisco early thla morning and may not get away before Sunday morning. The steamer' is taking all her outward cargo here this voyage. The Xa-ary Captain Poindexter, may get to sea tonight if loading is completed, bound for Shangnai. The Javary, Captain ' Poindester's log shows for the year ending December 31, has run S2.746 miles, having been under steam 278 days and 87 days in port. The average daily run is 189.73 miles and 'average hourly speed 7.9 knots; The Javary is the smallest steamer in the trans-Pacific trade. Hugh Daly to Command Owatama. When the wooden steamer Owatama sails from Portland with a. cargo of ties for the United Kingdom, she will ftj commanded by Hugh Daly, who was yesterday named by the Pacific Steamship company as master, of the vessel. Mates will be Louis P. Halls, Charles C. Christen&en and A. A. 1. Wilde. The Owatama was built by the Wilson Shipbuilding company at Astoria. She is expected to be checked in tomorrow by the Pacific Steamship company. Investigator CJoes to Seattle. SAN FRANCISCOr Jan. 17. William H. Tldwell. special agent of the treas ury department recently appointed assistant investigator of alleged frauds . of wartime shipbuilding on the Pacific coast, was on his way to Seattle tonight. ..No intimation of Tidwell's plans or future actions was given. 1731 Oil Burners Built. . With the completion of the present construction programme of the ship ping board, there will be under the American flag 1731 oil-burning steam ers of an aggregate of nearly 10.000, 000 deadweight tons. ' Pacific Coast Shipping Notes. SEATTLE. Wash.. Jan. 17. (Special.) The tank steamship Imlay of the ship ping board arrived In ' Seattle from. Am steidam this afternoon with a full cargo ot. creosote and went tb the plant of the Colman Creosoting works to discharge the bulk of her cargo.. She will discharge the rest in St. Helens. Or. Then she will go to San Francisco to' load fuel -oil for Manila. The oil will he consigned to the shipping board new fuel station In"- the Philippines. The Imlay sailed from Am sterdam December 6 and from Balboa De cember 3U, She Is being managed and op erated by Struthers & Dixon for the shipping board. The vessel has the first full cargo of creosote brought to Seatti from Europe since the outbreak ot the European war. . Marine -equipment valued at more than SHu.OUU, now in Anchoragei Alaska, today was offered for sale by the Alaskan en gineering commission. The equipment will be sold to the highest bidder and con sifts of three steamboats, one gafoline launch, five lighters and eight barges. Bids will be opened In the offlie of the general purchasing agent of the commis sion In the Bell street terminal building ot port commission at 4 P. M., April l.and In the office of the engineer in charge at Anchorage at 1 I'. M.. April 1. Appointment of "Tad" Jones, general manager of the Ames Shipbuilding & Dry-dix-k company, as head football coach for Yale next season waa ratiried by oiu fc.ll board .of control last night. It waa an nounced In advices received this morn ing from New Haven, Conn. The appoint ment was mude by the football committee of Yale early In the week. The ratification by the boartl of control last night comes as final action. COOS BAT. Or., Jan. IT. fSpeclal.) The steamer Johanna Smith finished her lumber cargo at the Smith electric dock this morning and sailed for Hay Point at 10 o'clock. The government has put on another crew of surveyors, under Engineer Bundy. The work will occupy a few weeks and Is being done in the lower bay below the railroad bridge tqward Empire. The work is for determining the depth ahead of the dredge Oregon no employed in i excavat ing tile ---toot channel. The steam schooner Martha Buehner arrived this morning at :45 from San Francisco and la loading lumber at the Buehner mill. Here for two days, the lighthouse ten der Rose did not enter port but delivered winter supplies at the Arago ngntnouse and then departed ror tne norm. ASTORIA. Or., Jan. 1". (Special.) with frinlii ami oassengers from tort land and Astoria, the steamer Admiral (Goodrich sailed at 1MO oi clock, today for San FranclELu via way .ports. After discharging fuel, oil In Portland the tank steamer William K. Herrin sailed at ::tu this morning for California. The tank steamer Atlas, with barge 93 in tow. arrived at ! this afternoon from California, bringing cargoes ot ruel oil. The barge will discharge here while the Atinx will Droceed to Portland. The steamer West Hassayampa, laden with f'.our from Portland for New Vork ailed at noon today on her 12-bour trial The steamer Silet sailed at 11 o'clocV on her 12-hour trial trip at sea. The Siietx la laden with flour from Portland for New York and will probably proceed m ih Atlnntlc coast tomorrow. The tank steamer l.annlng. bringing fuel oil for Astoria and Portland, arrived at 1 :45 this afternoon from t-alirornia. The British steamer Crown of Castile was due tonight from San franclsco ami will go to Portland to take on cargo for England. The barge Egerla, laden with machln erv belonainr to the emergency fleet cor poratlon. will be towed to Portland tomor row. The Kgeria. which was built at the Wilson yard, has been purchased by prl vate interests and will be converted Into a itfam schooner. The army tug Slocum left for Portland at. this morning. r.RATS H ARBOR. Jan. 17. (Special.) ' The steamers Daisy 5adby. Lassen and Willamette loaded tonight t Harbor milla. Barkentine. Forest Nymph also took cargo. The steamers Svea. Hartwood and Wah keena are still barbound in the lower harbor. . .. SAN -RANCISCO. Jan. 17. (Special.) The introduction of law and order In Mex ican states along the' Pacific coast is fast creating a demand for the assignment of a greater fleet wf steamers in the service between the various lower coast ports and northern terminals, officials of the Pacific Mall Steamship company. Gulf Mall line ard Admiral line announced to day. All of the Pacific Mall ships sailing from this port are filled to capacity with freight ami passengers, as are those of the Admiral line. The passenger department of the Pacific Mall Steamship company had a difficult nroblem today . when it dispatched the I steamship San Jose for Balboa via ports i of central America. More than loo pas sengers In ail classes wers placed aboard, but the officials had enough names on the waiting rtst to send nearly twice that many. The aaperts in charge managed so well that they satisfied the needs of those who had to get away Immediately, and the others have consented to await the next, sailing. The identity of the travelers obtaining the transportation indicates that there Is a vast amount of mining being developed along the lower coast. There were about a dozen mining engineers booked and also numerous merchants and planters. The Union Steamship "Company sent the steamer Moana to Hunters Point today to have the vessel placed In drydock. where she will be thoroughly cleaned and painted. COLUMBIA-PACIFIC SHIPPING CO. European racific.Line I'ron rORTLAND, OREliOX' Kor ROTTERDAM, LONDON AND LIVERPOOL S. 6. "WEST CAYOTE" (100 Al) Sails From Municipal Dock No. I About January 3U. l2(t. For - HAVRE, HAMBURG AND LIVERPOOL S. S. "CANSUMSET" (100 Al) Sails From Portland. Oregon. About Middle of February For One Port United Kingdom and Two Continental Ports (as iriducement offers), . - S. S. "EELBECK" (100 Al) ' Sail From Portland, Orojton. Fr March. ir Kail Particulars Relative to Kates and Reservations Apply COLUMBIA-PACIFIC SHIPPING CO. , Board of Trade IlulldloK, Portland. Ores; on. The Supreme Faculty -Eyesight is the faculty above all others which we cari least afford to lose; one who cannot see is infinitely vorse off than those who cannot hear, smell, taste or feel. ' Eyesight may be called the "controlling faculty," be cause the other senses depend so much upon it. The supreme importance of the faculty of sight should prompt you to be ever on your guard concerning your eyes, and in choosing the specialist to correct the fault. In dealing with me you are assured of the best service the benefit of twenty years' specialized effort and the intelligent use of the latest scientific instruments for sight testing, giving the greatest ease and comfort and at a moderate price. No student or inexperienced assistant will be offered you. You will receive the benefit of my personal attention. DR. WHEAT SECOND FLOOR Entrance 346 V2 I When she arrived here tnree uays mu i t ransimri loi-anontas struck an un the schedule it was announced that t he (den t i f ie d schooner near Goodwin foul bottom was responsible for her slow Sailrls ott the mouth of the Thames, passage. Captain I1"1?' ?l ' according to a telegram to Llovd oen7.hhThnwa,eyr"lnralldn"fThe',ve,'! J from the Northumberland coast town lf, tt.-ltKr.11t being cleaneo sne ,,,n.. tiw-.i- . . uk lata Into Wellington. The strike here- w as on w nen me vcs.ci here last time and this made It Impossible to lrUve the work done. The Mnana will sail on the homeward-bound voyage next Thursday. . . . , After two weeks ot ircnzieo loaum i. vessels here, due largely to me uesire i.i get away from the country every possible gallon of Muuor. the steamshio officials and stevedores again are taKing a nrrain- ing spell. As a result mere is a in - nage of other trelgni in:i o'i - Keu tor tne nine u-ius- t now be sent on us wj. - .. . I The shipping noaru su-biumum N'eroa was cleared toilay lor jianut. t gon. Singapore and Hongkong and was expectel to get away oeiore m..... .k... der command of Captain J. J. Kooghan. The vessel catfles general merc-nanu.oe Is Operated by the i-acuic .vi.m. The steamer Kenacio. mrniei . . the T. K K. liner Nippon Mam. sailed today fori Valparaiso under command oi v-ai-iam John CarswelL The Rena.-lo will be over hauled and go into service otii, parnlso and Balboa. The steamer .iurur -.- Knight, which arrived here from .Seattle with a part cargo, completed loading to day and proceeded tor vaiparais-. The steamer amnKiuiu. wi.l... -Seike sailed for Honolulu today with a full" general cargo for the Matson line. PORT TOWNSEND, Wash., Jan. 17. (Special ) At an early hour this morning the United States shipping board ejeamer West Imlay arrived from Amsterdam, bringing a cargo ol -HfXMi tons of creosote. After discharging a portion of her cargo !.-... u.rhnr she will shift to the Co lumbia river, where the remainder will be discharged at St. Helens. Krom St. Helens the West Imlay will go to San Francisco, where she will load outward. The schooner Helene. arriving yester day from IJelllngham. where she loaded lumber, will be delayed here several days awaiting a special permit to clear for Honolulu with a non-cerlit led crew. All diligence was used to get a certified crew, but as seamen are scarce, such a crew could not be obtained. The law requiring a special permit from Washington to clear i.w . wn.-o-tlflefl crew Is severely crlt- h.i not onlv Captain I-mbke of I the Helene, but by the masters of all windjammers. They say that the collector of customs. w.ho Is on the ground and is familiar with the conditions, should be empowered to issue the special permit, thereby saving considerable to vessels un-ar-le to get certified seamen. Shipmasters and owners will make an effort to have the law amended so the collector of cus tcms can grant the desired permits. The new United States shipping board steamer West Jessup has been assigned to Struthers & Dixon, who will place her in the oriental trade.. She is scheduled to have her trial trip next week, after which she will begin loading. Captain Archie li-VCav. a well-known Alaska pilot, has been placed in command. - U. S. Naval Radio Reports. (Alt position reported at 8 .'- reter twilar unaesa otherwiae Indicated.) YOSEMITE. I" miles south of Cape Blanco. Portland to San Francisco, south bound. ... EL. L.OBO. Lobitos. rem. tor ancouver, 2."0 miles south of Cape Flattery. (ILOHIETTA. San Francisco, for Seattle. 174 miles from San Francisco. F. H. Bl'CK, Gaviota, for Llnnlon, &7-J miles north of Gaviota. W1XDBEB, Kobe for San Francisco. !20 miles west of San Francisco. LYMAN STEWART. Seattle, for Oleum. 31:1 miles from Oledm. PRESIDENT. Seattle, for San Francisco, 340 milea from Ssn Francisco. FRED BAXTER. San Francisco for Se attle, 113 miles north of San Francisco. American Transport Hits Ship. LONDON. Jan. 1 7. The America n ST. HELENS SHIPBUILDING CO. Rl'ILDRRS OF WOODKN VESSELS. BARGES AND D It EDGES. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO GENERAL REPAIR WORK. We are equipped to give complete sat- tstactlon. Portland oftlce 524 Boartl f Trade Uulidlas. raoae Slala 0t7, V 5 r - i v EYESIGHT SPECIALIST MORGAN . BUILDING Washington Street .... - a. .nrHiciiMt CO transport was nt serloukly damaged, as she proceeded on her way. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Mnrriacr 1-icensea. Kl SSKI.T.-Wil.I.IA.MSON Konsld . F. Ku-s-il. .'Hi. .". Kast Shaver street, and l.otiic H. Witllatason. ol. 'Jtl Kast T w e n - t I -f I v I F' St -,-(-1 KST-M KISTKK Hay -lames West. -, KM Mullietiy street, ami Florence Meisler. -tl. -7 hast 'I h trteent h street. CAHKilVN-HAK -lames A. Cadegan. -I. MS I'atton avenue, anil Anne Marion Itae. l:i. 144o Montana avenue.- KKiiSK-KVANS Raymond R. Kronk. I'll. :ils Kasi Tliirty-ninth lreet. and S i- la (iertrude Kvans. IS. USt Cast Clay street. iJl'A A I.E-BA RtlKR Ita ar CJtiaale, ,;.S uvermn street, and Madge Burger, IS, fame a'ldrss. HUOWN-lW-SSOX Gus William Brown. t;i. :;uii Tweltth street, and Ellen Ruth' 01snn. Washington building. I t UlU-HLAi'i; KLI, Amlirose C. Ford. U4. Hood liiver. (Jr.. and Sylvia Black wet1. 1M. 41U1-. Morrison street. aiCiPKIl-BAR.XES Theodore M. Cooper. 1. 410 Vancouver avenue, and lna M. ilarncs. 11. same address. S1GI.KR-;1 1. 1. A NliKUS Samuel W. Sig ler. legal. Dayton. Or., and Laura Gillan-d-is. Ugal, Fourteenth and Belmont street s. Tl I TON-JOHNS Frank Tipton. i6. 4.:rt Harrison stre, t. and Alice Johns. 20, UaiK-roit av,-nue. COOX-BAL.KE Walter E. Coon. .'IS. r.79 North Ivanhoe street, and Bessie M. Balke, . 1 ' r:n:tn :iv.nilv THA VF-I-KKS GUIDE. -SSar&- tJADMIRAL LINZ S. . ADMIK..L .OODKICH - Pa ilk. rroin I'nrilnmi at ! I. M . .In mi ai y ITT lor Nrh Bund. M.irshfield. Kureka and San Francisco, connect inK with steamers to L.os Angeles and, San Uiego Round Trip Kxcurnion Fare Between Sa.n Francisco and iun Oif-go account Tia Juana race track meetinK January li to February 14. San Fran cisco to San Diego and return, $30. TICKKT OFKM'K, 101 Third Street. l-'reifit Office. Mtinici,ml luck No. I'hoiif Main K!K1. l'arif ic Meanmliip Company. Change in Sailing SAN FRANCISCO S. S. Rose City Depart 12 Noon FRIDAY. JAN. 23 From Ainsworth Dock Fare includes Berth and Meals. City Ticket Office, 3d and Washington Phone Main 3530 Freight Office, Ainsworth Dock Phone Broadway 268 SAN FRANCISCO & PORTLAND S. S. LINES AUSTRALIA Honolulu. Suva. New Zealand. The a'alattnJ i'ajutencer Mnimrri R. M. . "NIAdAKA" K. M. SS. "MAKtKA 20.00 Toim l:t.5H Tom tSail from Vancouver, U. C. For fares and tuiifinir apply Can. Iae. Rail may. Third t., I'ortland. or Canadiaa Australian Koyal Mail i-iue. 440 taoiil bU ancouver, B. C r I V C ( mM 1 ( Ut i ;- r