THE ST7XDAT OT.EGOXTAX, rORTEAXT, .TAXFAKY IS, 1020 V V BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. QROCERT STORE. $2500 buvs one of the neatest grocery tores In 1'ortla.nd, Just far enough out to control a first-class trade; rent o.ily $.". per month, including good living rooms. WKST SIDE GROCERY. Tn the close-in apartment house dis trict: nice, clean Block and the best fix tures; government report on business; will Invoice between $2000 and $3000. LARGE STORK. 140.000 stock of hardware, itoves. fur Tiiture, beddinK and carpets, linoleum: will sell at invoice or lump It: am sk ins nothing for a first-class business, as books will show. RESTAURANT. I can show one of the best buys tn the city for $2000; some terms if necessary. $HO0 RESTAURANT. Connected with one of the best hotels In the city. Call and see it. CONFECTIONERY STORK. M7S0 buys a business in one of the best little towns tributary to Portland; some terms. BAKERY. I hnvR a anlcndld business; the only one of it: kind in a very thrifty town about 30 miles from Portland. l-:uu win baudle. F. RIERD'ON. RITTER. LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. . We write all kinds of insurance. COMPANY manufacturing a distinct Ore icon food product wants capable man to take directing interest (or would provide lor controlling interest to right person). Large orders are now in hand and heavy business easy to secure, Assuring the dou bling of value, together with large earn ing. Only man of capital (about $10, . onu can secure this, and to take active inn-rest must have good qualifications. This is an exceptionally clean-cut busi ness with an unlimited field that will take all the factory can produce. AC 412, Oregon Ian. ACT TODAY. , $R5 for fixtures, about $2000 stock notions and dry goods, 3 living rooms In connection, rent $30; good location east side, sales run from $22 to $25 a day; strictly cash business. Leaving city, must sell at oncp.f A. .1. Dd'OREST & CO.. -20-321 Henry Bide. Main 2B90. We Buy Chattel Mortgages. POO I. HALL. UP TO HATE. LIVE OUTSIDE TOWN. This niaee. has 3 nool tables, one bil liard table, back and front bar, show cases, wal leases, a good stock or can dies, olirar und soft drinks: population about olHMI. Brick building, next door to only show huose in town and doing good business; pood reasons for sell ing, price for all Sl.VH). KELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 30." OAK ST. FOR SAIE AT A SAf'.RlKlOR. STORAGE BATTKRY STATION WITH ACCESSORY ANO TIRE DEPOT AND AGENCY FOR THE BEST SKI-.I-TNG AUTOMOBILE ON THE MARKET. ADDRESS BOX 503, COTTAGE GROVE, OR. ORGANIZE business under declaration of trust; legal in all states; no reports to county or state com.; no stock liability; taxed an individuals; we prepare bonds, furnish trustee, compile printed matter, supply Dalesmen; est. 1114. -Mat', Org. Co.. 1-3 Madison. Chicago. ' i'OH S A LE Kinali cash grocery doing $!0 per day; sale can be doubled; across street from school at 4it-0 tV-ia Ft. S. E. ; invoice about 00. Store and t living rooms; building can be rented for $l".r0 per month, or bought for $1750. By owner. Phone Tabor 4816. CAUDROOM. SOFT "DRINKS AND RESTAURANT CONNECTION. On of the best places in the city, clearing $ 1000 a month; 2 year.i" lease, rheap rent; reason for selling partners can't asrree; price $i!50':; no aonti, have commission. A I- US VOU SAI-E Gentlemen's and ladies tailor shop; makers of ladies' garments of cvorv description: overrun with work: a chance of a lifetime; established 10 Years; good reason for selling. Address heierstad S. 13 Denver, Spokane. Wash. ' . u i l. CiPPnuTl'VITT Public market delicatessen and-iunch room with 11-year lease, $," rent( mak" ing big money; for quick sme. NURD HAMPTON CO.. fill Stock Exchange bldg. ffntTi.ANt) mftnufacturtng company with rut.iiiiv iniTHMsi ne bufcinei-i. offers ad ditional stock at par to provide more machinery and equipment: financial statement for lit 111 available to any party interested. AE HJh. Oregonian CONFECTIONER!, aof-. rrink. r' and tobacco and fruits; good location; doirg -,-.-. h hnuinoRs: must, sell at once a I am leaving the city. l-i5 North Tenth and Hoj't. TPITPW TITTK1 VKSS.. Buy a truck and get contract to haul gravel or lumber; men make $30 to SO per day. SEE BARNES. 71 Broadway. PARTNER with $44)0 to take active part in manufacturing proposition, article iust established with jobber; a (rood chance for man with ability. 504 SpaWl ing bldg. xtn with Sr0 to loin me. in the re twiirant business in the best town ir. Oregon: know the town -and the busi nass and can show you a money-making proposition. BJ 335. Oregonian. A GOOD, clean paying restaurant doing S.Ml a day; a $3041 double oven range in this place; seats 40 people; $1000. NORD HAMPTON CO.. 401 Stock Exchange ' bldg. FOR SATjE Millinery shop, east side, sid line stamped goods and hosiery, doing sr.onn vear business : could be doubled party going south reason for selling. AH 934, Oregonian. HAVE you $63? We raise hogs for you. fppil and breed, giving vou half tn profits: bank reference: write for full particulars. Birdhaven, 602 Kansas City Life, Kansas City, Mo. ' WANTED Partner for established chick fn ranch, want to enlarge business some experience necessary. AL 156. Oregonian. i'OR SALE Good bakery, doing good busi ness: will sell chean tor casn ; sen in on account of sickness. AE 713. Orego nian. , OlI-T EDGE business, grocery and cream fry slock and fixtures for sale; compu ing sea le. cash register; must sell th week. $430 cash. 4 Hawthorne FO R SA L.E Laundrv and business in thrivinr town of 3000: I would conside an experienced man for partner. AV dres AV 91, Oregonian. PA RT Y with option on Texas oil lands wants party or parties with $5000; will stand close investigation. AM V4. ore gonian. HOST modern and ur-to-date multi graph ing business in city : .uu win nandi leaving city. See Mr. Leslie, 1100 Orego bldg. Bdwy srttTH. HALF INTEREST (about $2500). fu enuipped. old established vulcanizing an tire business averaging $2000 monthly, AN 124, Oregonian. GOOD opening in small valley town for general merchandife. with furniture or Jacket goods. Building for sale or ren Owner. R. T. Myers. corvaiMs. Or. S 1 1 50 RESTAURANT, corner location veers' lease ; receive $50 & day; must sell. See Harper. 629 R. R. Exch. bldg. "W A NT ED An all-around candy maker invest $55o In established candy business. Phone Tabor I-2 for appointment WANT to buy grocery or other small bus ness in Port :and or vaWey town from owner. AV Oregonian. tRBAVRRV for ale, doing a large whole sale business in butter, eggs, cheese; big money-maker. AV 135, Oregonian. , SMALL lunch room for sal. doing about $50 a day business; also smaH- car, very cheap. Inquire 3h2 E. Burnside. WANTED Party with $1000 to $3000 to take active Interest in machinery manu facturing business. AE 728, Oregonian. WANTED Practical man with $1500 to eneagc in a going plumbing business. AE SI 7. Oregonian. FOR SALE Laundry, doing good busi ness; auto delivery. Answer AV 107, Oregonian LIVE mn with few hundred dollars wants to invest with services. AK 87 S. Ore- FUK SALE High class photo studio; health; must sell AE 707 Oregonian. ill SMALL restaurant for sale; rent lease : good location. 375 Front st. $15; FOR SALE Photo studo. well established; terms. Pendleton, Or., box 633. GROCERY stock and fixtures for sale; doing good business. Wood lawn 1531. F O RS ALE Live city drug store; will in voice about $4000. AE 785. Oregonian. DRUG store for sale, good location, near 3 schools. AE 774. Oregonian. BAKKSIIOP, 2 ovens, steam, boiler. ' for rent. 340 Front street. FOR SALE Suburban' newspaper and job printing office. AE 783, Oregonfun. LEARN a prood trade like tire repairing. See Flanders. 3S9V Stark at. OROCKRT. confectionery, etc. prcd place, Uvlnjc rooms. 7-1 Thurman hu BCSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. A. J. DEFOREST CO.. 320-321 Henry Bldg. Main 2690. BUYERS, ATTENTION. If you wish to buy a business and haven't sufficient capital, see us. "We w-ill help finance any good proposition if purchased through our office . POOL HALL AND SOFT DRINKS. Located on Washington St.. well eauipped larsre Dlace rent cheat), with leise; clearing $600 a month; pricj $4750, will accept some trade. What have you? GARAGE. Fine west side location, well-equipped marhir.e shop; sell gas, oil, etc.: cleared $1200 last month. Price $7000, $500U cash. x $900 CANDY FACTORY $900. Sells candy wholesale aid retail; fine business for man and wife; profits over $3u0 a month; can be increased. SHOE SHINING PARLOR. A snap at $800; Washington St., loca tion; fine equipment; does over $20 a day business. GROCERY SNAP. $1400 takes this corner location; good clear stock and fixtures. This is a money maker. , GROCERY. Will sell at invoice about $2600: fine stock and fixtures, doing over $3000 a month. Ask Mr. Fish, ? ? WHY WORRY ? ? When vou need capital, want a partner or wisn to pell your bustness, we can help you. Give us a call. 96-ROOM apartment, modern brick build ing, exceptional west side district, good lease: apartments are modern to small est detail: unusually well furnished; $16,000 handles. 95-room modern brick corner apart ment, fine west side district, hardwood floors, private dressing rooms, fireplaces. automatic elevator, etc. Extra well tur njshed. Price $14,000. easy terms. 20 two and three-room "apartments, new brick building, five-year lease, low rental. .lust the place for lone woman; price $8500. terms. 56-room modern brick hotel, close-in west side corner, very low rent. 8 pri vate baths, N. W. heat, hot and cold w-ater, private phones, etc. Price iu, 000. terms. YATES REALTY CO.. 24B Fourth St. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. LAWYER HAS A FINE WORKING LIBRARY AND WOULD LIKE TO HEAR FROM SOME OTHER LAWYER WITH A VIEW OF SECURING OF FICES HAVE HAD 20 YEARS' EXPE RIENCE IN CORPORATION AND COM MERCIAL LAW. BF 454. OREGON IAN. WE BUY WAR STAMPS. LIBERTY BONDS BOUGHT at a Basis of Market Value. AMERICAN BROKERAGE, 205 Morgan Bldg.. 2d Kloor. $45,HlO stock of general merchandise. 5 oer cent on ivom present wholesale price last year's business JlliS.OOO; rent store and fixtures for $!Ort per month; modern nreproor building; floor space looxiuo i tin cement basement and balcony ; ho water heat no trv des considered : mus be cash or negotiable paper; thin it no forced sale, we wish to retire from busi nesR. AO 30. Oreg,nian. EAT MARKET On account of sickness will sell strictly first-class, up-to-date market in suburban town of 1S.00O; fully equipped, late plate-glass cases. 2 Vs - ton ice machine, 3 Toledo electric scales. everything you ne.d, doing $4i0O0 cash mom hty ; no credit ; 4-year lease; will sell for cost of fixtures and invoice; in stalled new less than 1 year ago; terms to suit buyer. AG (J5S. Oregonian. N WILLAMTNA. OR. Only butcher shop n town, with fixtures, etc.: on Main st. : l lare barn, like new. with corral; also W-acre orchard tract. 7-year-old trees. bearing, and a slaughter house. A hard- finished 5-room and bath cottage, large lot, ail like new; reasonable, account i death. Sell together or in part. Ad dress owner. Mrs. H. Salsmon, 122B 2!th st.. San Francisco. Cal. ATTENTION. BUTCHERS. For sale, complete fixtures for first- class meat market, consisting of 1 5-ton ice machine, 1 ice box. refrigerator, counters, steel racks, 3 Toledo scales. 3 meat blocks, 2 platform scales, ham slicer. all kinds of causaee machinery. all other fixtures for well equipped I market- C. Angle. 110 W. Tth St.. va couver. Wash. Pho ne 69. OR SALE Small general merchandise store, about 12 miles from Portland, on electric I'ne; has 3 living rooms, gas. electric light and running water; rent I $15; 1 block to school; two paved roads I to Portland: stock will invoice about $750; fixtures $225: also Ford delivery. BJ 309, Oregonian. GOOD STOCK ISSUE WANTED. We have extensive private investors- must be legitimate; will consider the sale of securities on commission; no publicity; what have you to offer? Ad- 1 dress Dept. 2, sune 430, Singer bldg., Nhw York. SUBSTANTIAL manufacturing corpora tion wants capable men to establish branch and manage salesmen; $30iK to $liHo necessary; you handle own money. Will allow expenses to Baltimore if you will qualify. For particulars ad- dress Secretary. 4io t. Howard st. Baltimore, Md. IF YOU are thinking of making change do let me hear from you ; I have been or dered south for my health, so must sell my 8-room furnished house; also place of business ; a good paying cigar and sort drink establishment : both centrally locatea in Aberdeen, vvasn. Address P. O. box 4052, Portland, Or. TAILORS, TAKE NOTICE' Who wants a snap? I nave 125 suit I lengths. J 1-3 yards each. 25 of thes3 are blue serges, all bought last August; I will sell all at a big bargain; a beauji- fui line of woolens for cash only. . An swer BF 47tt. Oregonian. POOL HAI.L AND SOFT DRINKS Located in a hotel: best of stock and equipment; cheap ront. with lease; doing $40 a day; price only $2700.. Ask Mr. Fish. A. .1. Deforest & Co., 320-321 Henry bldg. .ain 24W0, THEATER owners, take notice. Will give you a bargain in Paramount paper pro gramme, all the latest pictures: six sheets.. 3 sheets photos and 11x14-22x28 ana one sneets, good as new. u. o. A. i theater, Vancouver. Wash. bnhLVl.N G, counters, showcases, soaa fountains, awnings, postcards and rack. fireproof short account system, 52-gal-lon galvanized storage tank, drugs and equipment, any or an. wy tteimont st. ! CAUTION. BUYERS. Before closing deal of so-called Inter est in established real estate business get aavice oi .Portland Realty Board. J. W. CROSSLEY. Secretary. $7;.4)0 COUNTRY store for sale on easy terms or will exchange for all or part city property wants. A. J. DEFOREST & CO., 320-021 Hen ry bid g. M ain 24590. CONTRACTORS, notice: Highly efficient civil engineer with some capital to invest with services as supu of road construe tion; big season ahead, I only lack t in-a nee. a v wo, uregoman. BIG cement garage building, best loca tion, live valley town, making good in- I terest. owner who has interests in east. I 9 i,ouu. a v iw. uregoniun. WE have good hardware, grocery, confec tionery ana restaurant on our list. NORD HAMPTON CO.. 401 Stock Exchange bldg. WILL sell either one-half, two-thirds or entire interest in goo a country sawmill. very cheap: this is a real snap for some- one. At mv, uregoman. WELL-ESTABLISHED dental practice for sale, doing good business, best of ref erences; reason for selling, sickness. AV 87, Oregonian. WHITE BRICK GARAGE. One-story white brick, lot 50x100; nearlv new. Price $85041; terms. THOMPSON. 620-21 HENRY BLDG MAN, 31. with good education and broad experience, including salesmanship, open for engagement with good, house. AV 95. Oregonian. $1100 OR INVOICE, buys cash grocery in apartment district. 7 living rooms. See Brown A-Biddle. 324 Railway Exchange bldg., 3d and Stark. FOR restaurant and cigar stores, pool rooms and groceries and confectionery see Harper & Mooris before you buy. 0V XI. XV. EJXI.U, EFFICIENT man will invest amail capital with services in some promising business no schemes considered. AV 4. Orego nian. SMALL. STORE for rent, fixtures for sale SO; living room rent. $10; possession on "or before the 1st. Information, call 19 to ITS Madison. STRICT CASH GROCERY doing over lloi a day: expense small; fixtures very rea sonable: about 12000. Call at store, 1002 East Gllsan, at. . PARTIES wit'h5000 to $25,000 to take interest In mfg. with or without services. ,AN 101, Oregonian. GROCERY stock and fixtures at Invoice. 6203 82d St. S. E.. or W. A. Wood. 70S. Main st. Vancouver, Wash. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. PACIFIC AGENCY, INC.. 514-519 SWETLAND BLDG. Marshall 3 by. GROCERIES. GROCERY. $1000 Grocery, a dandy place, one large living toom, cash and carry. The place will invoice more than the price asked. Rent $20. GROCERY. 11000 One of the best corner locations on the east side; one living room; rent $40; cash and carry. The ' location is worth the price aaked. GROCERY. enoH llvine rooms (TO with this grocery. Dandy business. Rent $25. Look It over. GROCERY. $2000 Corner location, one of the neat est groceries on the east side ; good Ford delivery car. This busi ness can be built as big as one wan ts ; good location to ad d butcher Fhop; none within 30 blocks; rent $35; two store rooms and four living rooms. GROCERY. $2004) Grocery store and 2 good- living rooms and bath; good, clean busi ness; receipts run from 925 to $80 per day. Rent $12.50. GROCERY. $3500 Grocery, will invoice or Jump, located on the east side on busy street; rent $30; receipts $10O per day. Reason for selling is poor health. GROCERY. $4000 Come early, for this won't last. Nice, clean grocery in the heart of the apartment district; 6 nice living rooms, all furnished; west side location ; receipts $60 and up. Rent $50. Good lease. Look this over. GROCERY. Invoice about $45tM Grocery and feed, outside loca tion. This business is running $25,004) per year. Dandy 7-rooni house about 30 feet from store, croori furnace. Will give good lease, rent $50 per month. If you want a suburban place, look this over. RTORR RTTII-D1NG AND STORE. J&OO0 General store. This price includes store building. good 1 u-room hout-e, 25 acres of ground, two l good cows, good team and wag on ana otner iarm implements Piano also goes. Nice lamily or chard; k miles to nearest rail way town. Good school close by. CON FECT lONKRl ES. CONFECTIONERY AND NOTIONS. uuo This is. a nice, clean, paying lit tle business; 5 living rooms, rent $22.50. This won t last long. CONFECTIONERY. GROCERY AND CIGARS. t 050 Good east side location. Rent $ 15. Ixng established and al ways made good. CONFECTIONERY AND GROCERY. $2500 East side location, rent $45, lease; good, clean business; daily re ceipts ;U to 970. CON FtCT I ON K RT. $3000 Fine west side location, card room in rear. This is a good buy. year lease, rent $40. CONFECTIONERY. $4000 Lump or invoice. Corner loca tion, west side. You can't beat this for the money. Good lease rent $50. look it over and you buy. ibis won t last. CONFECTIONERY (out of town . $10.000 In one of the best towns In Oregon, doing $5'oO and better per month; live-year lease, rent $100; $t000 down will handle this. Come in and let us show you. CONFECTIONERY 6-13. $12,000 The best confectionery in good college town in tiie valley. All new furniture and fixtures Place is equipped wtih the best I obtainable. Good five-year tease at low rent. This is netting irom iuu to xiuu per month. CIGAR STAND. $2500 Good west side location on busy street. Good Ifase. Rent $125. Look tnia over. cafeteria and lunch. lunVh. $21041 West sid lunch house, 3-year lease, rent $85. Dandy place. -onie ana iouk en is over. CAFETERIA. $2500 West side. This is one of the best. Good rent 175. This is a nice, clean place. it won't iast long, so come early. DAIRY LUNCH. $3500 West side location; fine busi ness; rent $0. Fully equipped. POOL HALLS. POOL AND CONFECTIONERY 9-13. tliOO A nice pool, confectionery, soft drinks, candy manulacturlng business, two pool tables, com plete; showcases, candy kitchen. mi eiotK goes. ine only pool uu.ii m a gooa vatiey town. POOL HALL 13-1. $3500 Pool hall ou lot W)xt)l in good lumoer town; pool .tables, com- plete; three candv casen in tact. everything that goes to make an up-io-aate place of business. POOL HALL. 3-4. 17000 Best pool hail and cigar business in gooo. couege town in vallev: place is netting over $oOO per month; long lease, reasonable rent. Tnis is a solendid bar gain. Books open for inspection. MISCELLANEOUS. TAILOR SHOP. 1400 Tailoring and gents' furnishings uown the Columbia river. Uood vown ana nice, clean business; ihl ,u. xnjs ts a money. NOVELTY AND NOTIONS. S2b00 r ine location. Dlentv of htin!ni Reason for selling is owner wants to retire. Can get good lease, ah gooa, clean stock. HARDWARE STORE. 19-1. tooOO A neat up-to-date hardware stnr including the only plumbing and tinning business in town. o shelf-worn goods; 3-year leae. Price includes service car, or own er will Invoice. Located about 75 miles from Portland. ABSTRACT BUSINESS. n8-5. $12,000 In good valley town, including lot 4x100 and building 16x00. Established in 18M. Thorn sys tem. Good fireproof vault con taining copies of all abstracts made since 1J(05. All oilier fix tures needed. Business well es tablished and very good.- HOTELS AND APARTMENT HOUSES. ROOMING HOUSE $1000 A good west side location; has 11 rooms, all housekeeping. ROOMING HOUSE. xiuau Another west side location of 16 rooms, snowing a net profit ol iuu per month. Rent only $50. ROOMING HOUSE. $1400 A 14-room house that Is making good. Rent $45. West side loca tion. APARTMENT HOUSE. $1600 25-room apartment house on 21st street, west side. Two and three room suites. Easy terms. ROOMING HOUSE. 22-5. $2500 Rooming house, consisting of 39 furnished rooms, in good condi tion, 3 store rooms on ground floor, almost pay the rent on whole building. Owner must leave and will sacrifice. The best rooming bouse in Vancouver, Wash. APARTMENT Hm'RR $3000 Housekeeping apartments, east side, rent $75. with lu-year lease; making $295 per month: has 41 rooms, basement rents for $18. One, two and four-room suites. Terms. APARTMENT HOUSE. $3200 Apartment house on Fifth street. close in, which is making the owner good money. Containing 50 rooms. mostly housekeeping. Rooms always full. Rent $120. Terms. APARTMENT HOUSE. $S0OO Fine brick building, west side clearing $400 per month. Has 20 apartments, 13 furnished, 7 un furnished. Electric ranges in ev ery apartment. An unusually nice place. Some terms PACIFIC AGENCY 514-519 SWETLAND BLDG. Marshall 3989. BUSI3TOSS OPPORTUNITIES. THE BEST GROCERY STORK BUYS IN PORTLAND. Jiooo Corner grocery. 5 living rooms. $1754) Grocery with full baking equip ment, doing good business; good location. $1000 Confectionery and cigars: doing good business; good location. $1500 Dandy grocery store, good lo cation, with 5 nice living rooms. $3150 Confectionery and grocery, west - si de ; fine, clean place. $250O-r-Best buy in Portland; light gro cery and restaurant: act quickly. $4000 Grocery and confectionery; best downtown corner; business about $14(0. $4000 G rocery in heart of apt. house district; 7 fur. rooms in connec tion that will more than pay the rent; business about $80 per day. $6500 Grocery and meat market, close in on east side; did about $4500 last month ; brick building; low rent; will inventory. I have these and others in all parts of the city. If you want m good buy and a square deal, see me. G. C Moore (Main 4557). with J. BRUCE GODDARD, 502 Couch Bldg. BANDY frost proof warehouse, right In middle of best fruit, hay and spud growing territory in Yakima valley. Can ' be turned into fuel, feed, or produce house. Only block from heart of 300 populated city. Served by -2 railroads. Accommodates 3 cars at once. Rents for $25 per month, or if handled bv yourself can be turned into a good $504)0 annual profit. Selling ' account folks at Portland. $2000. Terms. Ask for detailed description, photographs, Robert Watkins. Sunnyside. Wash. BEST business in Vancouver, Wash.; fine, up-to-date restaurant, doing fine busi ness, iow rent, fine location, newly dec orated; a money-maker. Only $6500; terms. ATKINSON A. PORTER, 112 West 6th St., Vancouver, Wash. $2000 WILL handle thin 3-story apart ment. frroM i ncome over $3uO. corner lot. South Portland; 33 rooms, well fur nished for housekeeping, always full ; clone to manufacturing and business dis trict. Owner leaving for California this month and will make deal on building same as rent. Phone Main 0O58. Clarke. 181 Grover st- CASH FOR WAR STAMPS. CASH FOR LIBERTY BONDS. OREGON BOND & MORTGAGE CO., OS SELLING BLDG.. SECOND FLU. FULLY eouinoed blacksmith shoo doino- gooa ousiness; new -room nouse. all ; Duut-m eriects; a acres ali in cultivation, located at small station about 66 nines from Portland, in fine farming district. Price. $3K0O; $1000 cavh will handle, W. W. WILSON CO.. 607 Washington t. . Vancouver, Wash. GARAGE PARTNER WANTED. Equal half Interest in weli-knnwn -- rage, KHlxloO concrete bldg.; good lease; "i biomge. imiy equinpea shop, gas station oil. Urea, auto accessories, etc Call ROOM 401. Dfkura Bldg. INFORMATION furnished on business matters; titles, ownershln. values or anything of importance to you. Personal cnaracter of individuals furnished. Write questions plainly and mail to Western Information Bureau. 404 W Washington h., tr ortiana, or. A SOLID BUSINESS. Partner wanted to keep the accounts nd be generally helnful In a rrowlnx store business, ales $4000 month and good profits. $1800 will buy equal half interest with a reliable partner. Call ROOM 401. Dekum Bldg PARTNER WATrED for a cigar and soft drink store In work ingmen's district; also lunches, card room, etc. Each partner to draw $50 week salary and large profits; $2700 required. ROOM 4Q1. Pe-kum Bldg. j GARAGE rn live Willamette valley town. Stock and equipment will Invoice over $:uioo ; battery charging and repair de partment; Ford parts and accessories; average monthly $2SOO. Price $254M; terms. Two autoa included. Weston Co.. 1215-16 N. W. Bank bld-g. HARDWARE STORE. This store did $80,000 last year; In a good country town, good brick bldg., clean stock of hardware, some furniture; stock will invoice $25,000; long lease; reasonable rent; aome terms. Weston Co.. 1215-145 N. W. Bank bldg. GARAGE, storage and transfer business. operating 3 trucks, making good monev ; fine location ; must be sold ; sickness. Price $3500. $2OO0 cash will handle. W. W. WILSON CO., 507 Washington st,. Vancouver, Wash. "MOVIES' If you want to buy or sell a money-making honse. come and see us. Ours is the only Portland office making a specialty of "movie" houses, and we make no representation that we cannot prove. Weston Co., 1215-16 N. W. Bank bldg. FOR SALE Stock of hardware, furniture and implements in the richest section of the Yakima valley. Will sell on inven tory for casn. No trades. Stock will invoice around $4000. Address AV 117, uregonian. THE Gcrvais Weekly Star is for sale. Having bought out another paper in the country, I offer my plant for sale. Come quick if you are Interested. Will move it In 30 days if not sold. Hugh D. Mars, ennor. BEAUTIFUL CONFECTIONERY. If you have $6000 and want to make big money. 1 have a beautiful place. Call and see me. I have. it. G. C jwoore. wttn J. BRUCE GODDARD, 502 Couch Bldg. $2200 GROCERY $2200. Dandy location, clean stock and lots of it. One of the best little' buys in xuriiano. me snow you tmn. G. C. MOORE, 002 Couch Bldg. FOR SALE: Restaurant in good location. wnoiesaie nouse district; doing good business; owner leaving town: 4."0 cah or on terms. Audress AK 17o, . 'I -(iri la n. HALF interest in roinc concern Anlnir wholesale, retail produce business: your service .ana investment of S10OO neces sary. Weston Co., 1215-16 N. W. Bank hi rig. WANTED Competent manager. profit able manufacturing business. easily learned; small investment. A.H 897. Or egonian. WANTED Good, reliable men to accept contracts on road construction work. See McAfie. 71 Broadway. Phone Broadway 2162 for appointment. OFFICE an.J inside man wanted who can Invest $.ltO0 to $0ik in going corpora tion with his services. Incorporated for $10.0O0. This Is a paying proposition. Weston Co.. 1215-16 N. W. Bank bldg. YOU can buy the Oregon rights for an automobile necessity. Come in and let us show you how to make quick money. Small amount of cash necessary. Weston Co.. 1210-16 N. W. Bank bldg. GROCERY, delicatessen and some lunehee. $220" i spartment-house district: doing about $S0 a day. Weston Co.. 1215-16 N. W. Bank bldg. DRESSMAKING, cleaning and pressing shop for sale cheap. Doing a good busi ness. Phone East 5315. 968 East Glisan, cor. of 3'2d. FOR SALE Small restaurant: can be run by man and wife: rent $15. Call between 9 A. M. and 6 P. M. 118 16th St.. bet. Washington and Alder. FIRST-CLASS confectionery In good loca tion, also first-class fixtures. The own er gone to the old country. AL 24-4. Oregonian. CLOSING out: opportunity to make stake: $100 cash will buy goods, ran Readily re tail for $1000 and make $900 profit; act quick. AH 945. Oregonian. BEST picture show outfit for the money. $700: seats 300: furnace heat: some terms: possession at once. Don't wait to write. Reynolds. Rainier. Or. I WOULD like to meet- a good business lady that would Invest with me to huv out a general business store In country. AK 948. Oregonian. GROCERY AND CONFECTIONERY. West-side location, doing good busi ness; $20tsi win nandie; will invoice stock. AN 55. Oregonian. BEST paving hotel and rooming house on Columbia river, price gOOOO; 100x100 lot: $1200 will handle. Box 87, Rainier. Or. PARTNER wanted In abstract of title business, man or woman; $1000 i quired. AG 544, Oregonian. LARGE store with basement. Ennt Burn- side, close in. s40 including beat E. H. Collis. East 8BHO. PATENT on extremely useful article for sale or interest to good salesman. 309 Stock Exchange bldg. HAVE good hauling contract for party purchasing 2-ton truck:. Call Sunday, between 11 and 1, 68 Vi Broadway. A DAIRY business with 6-room house to live in: clears $1"0 month; price $1400. Room 401 Dekum bldg. CONFECTIONERY store, transfer corner, good lease. $100 day business; $4O4)0 will handle this. Call 611 Railway Exchange. THIS building will fit up for garage, on lease for a term of years: best suburban location. Woodlawn 2847. CIGARS, confectionery, soda fountain; good corner and good business. 241 Washlng ton st. RESTAURANT Good location: lease: low rent. Price $1250 at bargain terms. Bdwv. 4460. WANTED Partner with $1000; A-l prop osition. AG 551. Oregonian. MEAT MARKET Clinton st. Ctheap. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. BUSINESS SERVICE. 317 Henry buildmg. Restaurants We have them from $250 to $5tKH. in the citv and out. If you want to buy. come in and. let ua teh you what we have. $250 btrys an excellent small res taurant, cash or terms ; doing a good, business and rent cheap. $1100 for a restaurant centrally located, doing an excellent busi ness; could be bought on terms by right party; one-half cash and. the balance monthly. $S0O restaurant on Couch street, ren t $H5 : good bus-mean : leas for cash; terms to right party. We will sell you this one or rent a equipped for $40 per month, or terms Lf wanted. $325 buys one of our rentaur anus with $45 rent; excellently lo cated ; $150 will start you in a paying business here. AND WE HAVE FOR SALE One of the very best cafeterias In the city, the bent rent and the best business and old-established place; $5(HiO cash will buy this. We have all kJmls of business opportunities to offer you. If you do not see juet what you want In our ad., come to our office and. allow us to tell you what we have. We have an excellent buy In garage, now employing three men and rrwtre work than care for. Splendid location: sells accessories, oil. etc. . Price $omm. or will sell half tnte-rest ; would accept trade up to $1000. $2000 Grocery store, located on Union avenue, splendid location; doing good bustness and. good rea son for selling. Confectionery, located In heart of fie city. $2SOO cash or terms. Best location In city. We have a few grocery and dry gpods a tore out of the city, will sell or trade for farms or close In acreage. BUSINESS SERVICE. 217 Henry bldg. 1'hone Main 6797. LAUNDRY" located in county seat town on one of the completed state highways only laundry in county; plant consists of 6-h. n. boiler, la-n. n. engine, .t eievat header washers with automatic valves, liH-lnch hich-sneed extractor, dry room drying tumbler, mo i or -drive flat-work Ironer, steam collar ironer, bosom, necK band and cuff presses. Universal presses, collar equipment, marking machine and all necessary office equipment. Ford de livery car : building and property on paved street ; laundry has neon in oper ation 11 years was remodeled and equipped with the latest machinery in llillt. and is one of the finest in the northwest; supplied with soft water, gas and electric it y at tow rates; wood $2. 75 per cord ; operating expenses very low ; weekly business $500. which will increase the coming year. Plant, building and nronertv will be sold for t l.YOOO: one- t third cash, balance easy terms: no lease or rental propositions considered. AV 111, Oregonian. FOR SALE Creamery in growing city: did $160.04)0 business last year, net profits on investment 14U per cent ; th Is is a wonderful buy, unlimited opportunity for expansion, established business, w ill run Itself, but prefer to get in touch with experienced creamery man. as he will fully appreciate the merits of the busi ness: will teach business to Inexperienced man; my price is $!not. will give some time to reliable party; if you can't pay down at least $tiomt do not bother; Una is an exceptional money-maker and will stand the closest investigation. AV 37, Oregonian. HAVE TOU $:00 RIGHT NOW which you can invest in a Dullness mat win earn you. over 4 per cent every month with out taking any of your time, and in which your interests are looked after by a large national bank? lmn't waste any time unless you really mean busi ness. AL 170. Oregonian. MODEL APARTMENT HOUSE. FINE HOME. GOOD INCOME. 9 ants., very best west side location. Will lease up to 10 years. Oil burner plant. Don't answer if you cannot secure lcaae and give best references. NO PHONE INFORMATION. SM 1TH-WAGONER CO.. Stock Exch. MERCHANTS, attention Jones & Camp bell, tilth and roster roa.l. are closin out their $10,000 stock of men's dress and work shoos, women's a-nd children's shoes, bova shoes ald tennis shoes of all kinds at less than wholesale prices: also one electric colfee mill and one u-iu showcase. TIBES AND VULCANIZING. Good location; Sell new tires, do vul canizing. etc.: been clearing $400 month will stay with a buyer and teach him the business: will sell the stock of new tires, eouloment and business ali t only $l:uv. Call room 4QI Dekum bldg. ESTABLISHED VULCANIZING AND AUTO ACCESSORY BUSINESS. Tires for sale at inventory. Floor space and vulcanizing equipment for rent or will sail. Goori clean stocK. wn consider partnership. Business phons wdln. 6019; res. Wdin. 4!.4. CASH GROCER Y. Average $40 per day and ne delivery: this place is old established and a good location; price $ltoo, including 2 living rooms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 300 OAK. ST. SALES MANAGER. Nothing but a $10.0uo man considered; financially able to invest '-titui in- manu facturing and selling, where you handle your own capita). Don't take up our time unless you mean business. Address BJ 280. oregonian. OLD-ESTABLISHED GARAGE with busy repair shop in connection; rent $70 month 'and 4-year lease; al- w.ivs full of storaae: Jtood trade in gas. oils, auto accessories, etc.; .profits $000 month. Call room 401 Dekum bldg. WEST SIDE RESTAURANT. Close to 4th and Morrison sis., doing I $140 per day business; a good lease, rent only $i5; a cheap buy. all ror sj.ioo. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. . 305 OAK ST. I WISH to sell to someone an article I I have perfected, and Is ready to be manu factured and sold in Washington and Oregon r this is strictly a sound business offer; won't take much capital to handle It. BJ 314. oregonian. GARAGE FOR SALE. Storing ail cars and oil station in connection; do repairing; sell auto ac cessories, etc.. and authorized Ford ser vice; net profits $00O month,. Call room 4il Dekum piog. RESTAURANT ON SIXTH RT $900 for an old established restaurant doing a good business. RELIABLE l.V i r.S I M H..M UU., 305 OAK. ST. PARTNER WANTED for auto renair business: sell gasoline. nsed cars, etc.: handy man with $j00 I can buy in with a good mechanic. Call room 401 Dekum duie. IF TOO) ARE looking for a good invest ment which Is a new article tnat l am ready to place on the market, I will sell half-Interest: no agents need apply. AN 60. Oregonian. ' GARAGE. 100x100. cement building, good lease, . ... . . . I .. . AUA. com IDres van oic-au.. . ...-.. - - " ' month-, nrlee X.iOO ; a goou Duy. tjall oil Railway Exchange. - - . - WANTED A partner to take equal chances with me in a prospecting trip to southwest Oregon, about March 1. For particulars call or write ex. xv. amim. 322 First streejC GARAGE PARTNER WANTED. Reliable man to look after aale of aec.essories. oils. etc. owner guarantees good profits. $2000 required. Call 511 Railway Exchange. WANTED Few fellowa with $100 each to Join us In finishing macnine lor Cali fornia: small risk. Immense orofits; worth Investigation. AL 114. Oregonian. PARTNER wanted in stall in market. Owner guarantees can make $10 day if willing to work; $700 required. Call 511 Railway Exchange. CIGAR and confectionery store; has verv low rent: 30 day business; it's a good location; $200 for fixtures and invoice stock. Call 511 Railway Exchange. ONE-THIRD Interest In a well estab lished real estate firm doing a fine busi ness. AN 18. Oregonian FOR. SALx3 Soft drink place, cash regis ter, safe. bar. tables and chairs. Price reasonable. Wdln. 3006 party with equipment to run. Wdln. 2847 nvv: store room, bakers oven In rear eight rooms above; lease or sell cheap: terms. Woodlawn 2M47 " ; , , H grocery and confectionery, good sinees. fine location: don't miss this ance. 2S1 North 19th st. CASH busi ch FOR SAL Williams ; 2-chair avenue. . barber shop. PHYSICIAN'S office, very desirable loca tion, for gale. A I, ll?, oregonian. A SMALL second-hand furniture s for $20Q. 401 Dekum bldg. GOOD LOCATION for grocery and meat market comoinea. au avo. ureaumaii. ir can invest. .'". j - - - - v. . . : partner In cash business where can make WANTED Gentleman with $2000 to help $05 week, call 511 Railway Exchange. finance the agency of best wheel tractor : ; 7T .oat ever entered state of Oregon; active MOVIE, well located: will lease or sell '"ferred. AM 8Q.. Oregonian. k..;M . -. -v A. -nn-iilAp nn rlnprfnlD With 111 " - - - BUSINESS O PTQ KT CN TTTES UKEGUN BUSINESS AND FINANCIAL AtiBXCY. 448 MORGAN BUILDING. GROCERY. $14.500 Buys one ot the best paying gro cery stores in Portland. This store has been run by present owner for ten years, and is, oo ing between $50t0 and $t00U per month. Nice clean stock and good location. If you want a business that is making money, we can show you the business this store is doing. GROCERY. M t 5,750 Buys this well established gro cery store, doing close to oUOU per month. This store is a good paying business and can show results. Rent $45 per mo., located on west aide. GROCERY. . . t 3.750 For this up-to-date going busi ness; doing $75 per day cash business: good location on west - side. If you want a good busi ness, here is your chance. Rent $40. Get busy on this. RESTAURANT. $ 3,500 Buvs one of the best paying restaurants in heart of city, do ing $701X1 per month business. This is one of the best estab lished money-making restau rants In this city. Corner loca tion and good business. Party wishing to leave country. Get busy on this if you want a good business. RESTAURANT ANl SOFT DRINK PARUiR. $ 7.500 buvs one of the best restaurants and soft drink parlors. This business is doing 4H)0 a month and has 4-year lease. Rent 15 per luonth. In good location. and a dandy looking place. Will sell at Invoice or lump, lerma $ 3,500 Buvs this up-to-date bakery ia Yamhill market, one of the best locations In the city of Portland, doing $2500 per month business; has long lease. If you t good money-making business, nen f Is your rnance. AGENCY RIGHTS. $ L4J0 Will buy my stock of equip ment that will increase lights on Ford car 400 per cent. A hustler can make big money os this stock. Will Invoice this amount, and will give you sell ing territory for Oregon free. OREGON BUSINESS & FINANCIAL AGENCY. 44 MORGAN BUILDING. CASH GROCERY STORT5S. Ivocated In apartment house. with rooms and beat Included; fixtures, $5U; stock at invoice, aoiout S'.hju. Located In apt. house district, with 5 rooms above. Fixtures, $O0; stock at I invoice, about flJOO. Located in suburbs near grade and high schools; cheap rent; includes living I rooms: fixtures and stock $1500, or $10U0 to suit purchaser. Cash grocery with 6 rooms and bath. near in. on west side; sales 87 daily; fixtures and stock invoice about $UUU. CONFECTIONERY STORES. Located in high-class apartment- house district, very low operating ex pense. Sales are averaging $70 day now and will, of course, be belter in summer lime. Will sell at invoice, about oOOO. High-class confectionery. prominent business corner: lease. Stock and fix turns, tsooo. This place cleared tbuOO in IK ID. PRiiTAtmtKT. rnt,r of tlio businei8 district and never closes, is a real miut: receipts $iiooo month. Other interest causes sale. Price 30o0 cash, or $4000 with $2000 cash and monthly payments. r A PETKR1A. font!- of the citv. well equipped. feeds oOO to 500 daily. Price $:(too. You can easilv clear aoOO here in a few months. Ft T.-.ST A l ; R A NT. rin. r thn h.Kt eouioned and best lo- Autini. niurpN in lortland can he h.ii for xlu.niM): 5ooO cash and $."ooo monthly payments, to suit. For par ticulars, call at my office. CARL E. TUGGl.E. 212-213 Henry Bldg. Main 8So2. a-nnoM house and grocery store com- hi.,,.ri on hard-surface street and car i.n- V..1I cement basemen t. . nea r school. . A C-.000 siniHl down. bat. easv rvavments: good location for hm.'h.p Ah on in connection. See Mr. "iN. ERST ATE INVESTMENT CO Main 174:1. 410 Henry bldg. .-r.owlvG CORPORATION ALREADY SHOWING IMJOD PROFITS OFFERS TO THE RIGHT MAN A CHANCE IO TAKE AN ACTIVE INTEREST FOR HIS SERVICES AND SMALL AMOUNT OF CAPITAL. FULLY SECURED HIGHEST REFERENCES Gl EN AND IlEvlUl it e-u. W L. 1 1 rv ' 1 ' . . .... . BE 440, OKKGOMA.V u 1.-1 r -vot-T-tSEl-F Y'ou can invest aa lit it,, as SlOO in a big. safe business op porlunity. whieh is now earning more than 4 per cent per month, wuth op portunity for much larger returns. larce national bank looks after the In vestors' interests. Investigate now this opportunity will soon be gone. as BJ 347, Oregonian. " A SUBURBAN GARAGE. Fireproor bldg.. :'0 cars steady stor age and some transients; plenly repair work for 2 to 3 men; rent only lJ month: have good stock of auto parts, a service car. etc.; $0O0 month clear J22O0 cash will handle It. 4U1 Dekum bldg. ONE-HALF INTEREST. Garage, fully equipped and doing a good business; win iase t.' $ can run a year, making lolai price $210O; a real Dargain. 3o5 OAK STJ FOR $10,000 you can buy an oia esiau- lished ice cream anu com. uu.-. v... L ;..Vf".. last vear $26,000: sure to show' large Increase this year If you have the money and mean business address al -', C i ' is J e- interview. ; . GROCERY SNAPS. Fine stock groceries and fixtures. $2200: cheap rent and goou locaviou. A no trier miaicu on v, . ing over $100 day nusiness; an casn can be bought right. M. S. COLU. 4Utf aweuaim GARAGE FOR SALE, will sacrifice for quick sale for cash. - n.irhi trade: building concrete, two story. 50x7o; goou """- ";-"";;' son. Oil ice V none .. - Tabor 3..20. v.- v.a: tt-iT a rood live business, up-to riu n xrrocerv an.i oei .vm-cot... located in apt. district, running strictly . i,,,..r,- from S4o to $70 daily; en- ..Hnp into other business: will sacrifice .or i-Jiluo. Unless you are Interested need not apply. AO 111, Oregonian. FOR SALE or exchange $1..00 monthly busluess ana propervj, o 11.. k,.ii.iioir 4 0x00. two stores, tull basement. $4000 stock in yard, 4OO0 cords mr 200-acre farm, equipped: will sell part: sickness. Sellwood 34GO. MAKE OFFER Up-to-date fruit and veg etable evaporator, easily, boiler No 40 sturtevant double ex hauster fan. pipes, radiators, cars, rails. 400 metal trays, bleaching trays, build ing. AG 50. Oregonian. FOR SALE Furniture of o rooms, Al lur- nilure in two-room apm., J v home and income to right party; must ue cash; reason for selling other busi ness: $1000 cash, no agents. 115 North Second St. I i.l n tn invest a few I ir YOU are in . . . . ....ii...-. i n n 1 1 t vou intn going saw and shingle mill business that will make you money from the start. J A. MESON. 602 Couch bldg. WANTED Competent mining man to take contract to nope ,,Jy' . "' fully equipped mine; conditions good, big tonnage blocked out. AM 83. Ore gonian. ABSTRACT company In Portland, estab lished over lu years, now oMe, ..... e business for sale, wond-rful opportunity. Requires small amount cash- AH 949. Oregonian. . WANTED Partner with $300 cash, male or female, in goou payn-s within citv limits, recent! opened; all new furniture, good location. AO 108. Oregonian. AN excellent opportunity: must sen my tailor shop ana uusi..e.. 5, sition for someone who can handle It- 62 i 6th st. . A HARDWARE STORE. Good location: established 7 years; -oTi,. are good: stock will Invoice about SSOO0 Room 401 Dekum bldg. RESTAURANT. Bakery and light lunch; heart of west side' cheap rent: doing good business; all for $195. terms. Peters. 15 N. 5th st. NFAT clean, ensh and carry grocery tor sale: will Invoice half to sell on account of s'leknees. 558 Williams ave.. phone E. 29O0. ' ci.-i'ilr).H A.ND store, living apartments, SV-,N tir" Veil cheap or trade for J'ri Jo iaih jss N. 16th st. FOR SALE or rent. 7-room house with furniture, m- a.ou.v. .v.. -- " W1U consider partner. Main 1-08. WANTED A lady partner in the apart ment house nusiness. aoovi uoniiueiii, no risks. AM 82, Oregonian. FOR SALE 10,000 shares United States Oil & GaS V.O. 8 SlOCa ai ...n: .e r some. Apply room 310, Railway Exchange bldg. BUSINKSS OPPORTUNITIES. BIG OUT OF TOWN SNAP. Grocery store, meat market, sausage room and full equipment, gxmc hig: lo "cated in a live town near Poniard; pres ent business runs about $lio i-r day, summer will go :H": a wonderful buy ; lr:ee for all only $-fW. Sec me quic aal get this. G. C. MOORE. r02 Couch Bldg. FOR SALE A cor.fc-'Uonery and soft drink store on one of the 1 nncipa. streets, near the b-.-st corner in l he ci'y of Portland; reasonable rent; business now paving: fixtures practical. y new. . 0OO will buy this store, including lease. Purchaser must have .v0 as lirst pay ment. Harvey Well & Co.. b0- Gsco building. CORNER LOT. -RT BRirK BUI LDING. EVER YTH 1N. 'fI?" fc--PAIR. GOOD LEASE M.CI Rfc-I. W I LI. SHOW BETTER THAN NET ON POINDIIXTISR." SKl.l.lXO BIT"'!. MAIN 1MH. RESIDENCE. 2.1-20. GROCERY STOKE. One of the best locations in the city; doing $3000 monthly: stock about Slmmi. fixtures $650; rent 22.5o: outside in ., re-son of selling. If Interested, call Mr. Kanouse. Scliwood 1U!7. lor appointment. VULCANIZING and ret reading . ext p- tional opportunity to ouy m terest in well established good pu ing shop. AL 1S5. Oregonian. Buninca Opportunities Wanted. A. J. DEFOREST- CO.. $20-321 Henry B.dg. "Main 2tK0. WANT FOR CLIENTS. Cash specialty for business up to Classy apartment house np to $10.l0. Ft-st -class hotel. 10f rooms or better. can put in $12. OOO cash and some iirsL class real estate. Have several cash buyers for rooming bouses from 14 to o0 rooms. List with u for good results. We buy ehattle mortgages. BUSINESS OTMrvRTUNITY WANTKTV I HAVE $I00 TO INVEST WITH SERVICES IN A N i GOING. PAYING BUSINESS OR MANUFACTURING l-N" n-k'Di'liKi: I HAVE HAH MANY YK Arts' EXPERIENCE IN OFFICE. urvivu x-M sill. I. ING OF MKI CHAN1MSK HAVE ALSO HAl t-ltl-.t'l I EXPERIENCE W 1U. v ' PRINCIPAL ONLY. AM" THE HlSl NESS MI ST BE SUB.IECT TO STRICT INVESTIGATION. AL 124. OREGO NIAN. I HAVE apartment house or bungalow sue. or semi-industnal , suduxd. sou. . Los Angeles: 0-cent car fare. 110 front age, west side. 1ST feet, east side -3. feet: rear ino feet, on main blvd. to all beaches; all street work In and .aid for; value $2000 - and some cash; want gro cery or garage: prefer valley city. PARKS SCHNEIDER. S44-13th St.. Oakland. Cal. MAN WITH EXKOUTIE. Strr.iv .v- TENDING AND MANAGING .no.i TllM IVII.t. HE FREE TO CONSIDER A SALARIED OR PR I Fl T-s. 1 1 Alt 1 N ' PROPOSITION 1. MARKll.n A N O HOME IN PORTLAND. IN VESTMENT UP TO SlOOil MIGHT HE MADE IN SAFE. LEGITIMATE Bl SI N ESS NO GARAGE, UR"EI1Y. CONH'. riON ERY' OR SIMILAR CONSIDERED. PARTICULAltS WITH ANSWER. KEI--EKBNCES AS TO ABII.ITIKS AND CHARACTER. AR 122. OREGONIAN. WANT to buy well paying suburban dry goods store tn r-oriiano. or ... o..., drv goods and men s furnishings in any quan'ltv, or entire comitrv stock for the purpose of either continuing there or moving It to Portland. AN 93. Ore gonian. . YOUNG business man with 14 years ex ecutive experience wisnes u ... and become associated with going con cern: excellent references given and only legitimate enterprises need answer; tio brokers. AM 80. Oregonian. HAY1C $2000 that 1 would invest in business with service, no poolrooms or bar wanted, have some exiiericnee in garage and also as marker in lautvdrv. business must stand investigation. Alv. 947 Oregonian. WANTED Financial assistance to pro mote an a-rricu tural implement oi .... .. a labor and time-savins device will in- volve thousands ol dollars. AV lo Oregonian. EXPERIENCED salesman Is desirous oi securing employment: would consoler anv business or selling proposition that wiii stand fullest investigation. AE 7HI. Oregonian. " I WAN "FcON F E CT I O N E R Y FOR $ihi0. If you want to sell your place, bring It to ine. Have buyers waiting for good location. . G. C. MOORE. 002 Couch Bldg. CIRCUMSTANCES compelled me to take over a brand new 3--ton truck, and am in position to enter into a contract with a reliable concern: will provide neces sary equipment, with driver. AG tssj. oregoniam YOUNG business man with executive auil- itv and wide acquaintance cesnes .o associate himself with established con cern on a salary basis with opportunity to Invest later, am --.. urri......... WANTED A lumber or tie mill to cut at least 20 M. : give locaiion, available timber; no agents. AK SM9. Oregonian WORKING man with $lou0 and services: good pay: money must oe iaui s, . u.r... will not use telephone: full description in first letter no agents. BF 41. oregonian. WILL invest from $0008 to $10. 000. with in mfo- nroDOSition oi in.-, .v. -u.-..i,l lo consider going auto sales agency. AK 930. Oregonian. WANTED Good paying restaurant, cafe- oi- other rtovvntown uus.i.ess. i.u agents. Phone Tabor 20S9 Sunday AO 36. Oregonian. WANTED To buv furnished apartment i. m neV- const be well located. 30 to 40 apartments preferred; well furnished. AH 901. Oregonian. . ., .ic.ui -:ihmi to invest in a ga e.. manufacturing or any good business: will pay spot cash; no aseiits. E O'.Hi. Oregonian. IF" YOU have anything to sell, bring it to me. I can sell it for you. Have buyer- waiting. G- C. -Moore (.nam ..... - " J. BRUCE GODDARD. aO'J uuen i"'ig tin i a reasonable sum in an es- . i . .- hos.neas- hiirbest ret e're.'.eea and close Investigation required. Write fu'.'.y. AN 7ri. Oregonian. WANTED Work for gravel trucks: can furnish 6 lo 12 li,-tnn trucks for road work- will subcontract hauling if de sired.' AH 94S. Oregonian ; WANTED To buy snia',1 grocery from owner: will pay cash. BJ 06. Ore gon ian. WANTED Small lunch counter or waffle house In good location. State price. AE 717. Oregonian. . TWO ladies want to get located in busi ness: no rooming house or apt. Phone Woodlawn 1677. WILL trade 6-room modem house for vulcanizing and tire shop In city. East WILL manage apartment h""se with pur chase privilege; have $2O00. AE Oregonian. 160 ACRES with 5 million ft. of timber. 75 per cent white cedar: sell or trade for rooming or apartment house. B.lvv. -640. CONFECTIONERY store city or vin.ry from owner. Have cash. AL 24.!. Ore gonian. YOUNG man has J-. and nis services to invest in some business. AM l-. Ore- gonian. CAPABLE man with J .imi ana serv ces to invest in paying business. AH sj. Ore gonian. WANT a garage, eith-r in Portland or a countr ytown: will pay cash. h. 69S. Oregonian WANTED Apartment house 0O rooms or larger: win tra'.e . -. o... ne. Bdwy. 4iM6J WANTED Grocery and confectionery or son drink Place. $12O0 to $2000. B.I 'vl7. Oregonian. MACHINIST wants to put some money and his time in business already es tablished. BF 412. Oregonian. . . . , T-V- Evrrv v.- wanted. In business vlis- triet preferred. Cal' Mar. IW Stoeks svnd Bonds. SOU SHARES U. S. Oil G?. IS -hare. Wilson. Marshall 2...i3. Hotels and Rooming House. MOST ELEGANT I.Y FURNISHED. 1 rooms. White temple district, strictly modern: $2000 necessary to h "io' '"most mod. rn and elegantlv fur nished rooms in White temple district. Including piano: $32iH. terms: it s right. A dandy little place all on one floor. In business district. $1000; half cash, clean ss can be. These are special buys for this week: take mv tin they are right. BRUCE GODDARD. 501-2 Couch Bldg. FOR SALE By owner, apartment house modern brick building: 43 3-room apart ments: good lease. T 865. Oregonisn. 7-ROOM completely furnished, including olano. close in. west side; price $600 cash. Main 31S4. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. Hotels and Rooming liouaee. IN.. MODERN APARTMENT. NEARLY 0 rooms, big money-maker; $5UOO to handle. Hotel and rooming house for men, ino rooms, splendid business proposition: must sell on account of sickness; some terms. .IS rooms, all housekeeping: good brick corner, cheap rent and a good moncsy- niaKcr. 1 housekeeping rooms," brick building. Good modern hotel of 17 rooms, fine restaurant in connection. Other good buys In small rooming houses. Look us up .,HtAD KIN-NET. 10- 3d Si, North. Broadway 15S. juO TO $70O NET. S rooms, fireproof hotel, hot rvd eM waler. elee . gas. all rooms, good fur li ishingr. steam bent, long lease, '.ow r.-nt; this place will net from .r.O0 to J.o.l per mo., located in a splendid In dustrial district that Is rich as gold at the pntent and will grow fast for sev eral decades; it can be bought for $7o00, part terms, will accept some City prop erty; wnl stand Investigation. Hedges, lil . Park. WOULD YOU CARE TO M A KE UP TO $5uo A MONTH NET? An up-to-date, clean, central brick: hotel one ol' the best in the city for the money: good lease; owner retiring. ill sell lor less than $tHH. and give trms. We know this thoroughly, have seen the hooks and vou will hunt a long lime lo heat it. Main .Mi SKOTHKIH-BHUW N COMPANY. .':o-l-2-o Hallway Exchange Bidg. No H HILL DISTRICT. Lovely apt, house, fine carpets and furnishings, all brass beds, some disap pearing; private baths to all apis. : aiep ir porches, 2. 3 and 4 -room apts.; price tlJ.uuo. SEE MRS. KKI.I.ER. GEO. T. MOORE CO.. loi7 Yeon Bldg. $1000 CASH. bal. term of years at 6 per c nt interest, buys well-located 8-story flat bldir. ; will produce $100 mo. Income. If you have a little money buy this and let it pay for itself. Price J12.0OU. Sue M r. Ross. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743. 410 Henry Bldg. ly-ROOM transient house making good monev: goo.l furniture; near Union de pot. lll. terms $s.7i cash, balance 00 Per mo.; rent $t. NOItn-H AMVTON CO. 4Q1 Stock Exchange. 3d and Vamhtll BEAUTIFUL FURNITURE. S rooms. 4 rented for $ll. this glares; m- a home and si.nd income? heat fur nished. See my agent. -Mrs. Green. A. .1. DEFOREST it CO.. "2Q--.2I H--nry Main 2C.W Folt ijUIC.K SALE, List your hotels, apartment and room ing houses with us; we have the cash bu era. SEE MRS. KELLER. ' EO. T. MoU:E CO.. 1im)7 Yeon B'dg. II KIN. (MS. clearing $ per month be sides apartment for owner: and this house cin be made to bring $;10 per month more; rent $40; electricity, gas. bath. furnace heat; $8ou. only $4UU down. licdfc.j.. 171 w. Park. 21 RW)JIS, 11 apts.. lease, rent $00; clears hotter than $100; steam heat. Price $lMr0. $ Iii i0 down. 29 rooms, all apts. lease, rent $75; steam heal. Price $21100 terms. Till MSU N. B2Q-21 HENRY BLDG. WEST SIDE SNAP. 20 rooms, brick bldg., 2 years' lease, rent reasonable: running water In all rooms. 2 floors. Price $.1000. terms; this includes 2 months' rent on lease THOMSON. OUO-21 HENRY" HI.DG. WEST SIDE fireproof apart ment-bouan, good lease: rent less than $0 per room: fairly well furnished: clearing big money; $tii(0 will handle. THOMSON. 620-21 HENRY BIJ1G. MUST SACRIFICE. 10 rooms. H. K., rent $:;V. spotless: furnace, electricity, good )oca?Vn. good income besides apt.; $700 down. THOMSON, f.20-21 HENRY' BLDG. BARGAIN HUNTERS.. Here it is; lo rooms, heart of city; goo.l furniture: cheap rent; always full. $.'140: half cash. Peters, of course, 15 N. Oth st. U-RooM rooming house, all H. K. ; just rij-ht for man anil wife or widow; total $120. snap; other business. Home Sun day till 4 P. M.. other days forenoons only. 121 1- 14 st. n. BARGAIN FOR CASH. Clearing, x:10u ; "steam heat. elec. good furniture and carpets, spotless. Rent $ per room, all H. K. apts. ; easy to manage. THOMSON. 62U-21 HENRY BLDG. SOUTH PORTLAND 9-room house ault ahle tor lodging or rooming house: rent. $:'.vl per month. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 2"0 Corhett Hlug. Main 631&. SMALL TRANSIENT HOTEU Best location, rent $i per room. This includes steam heal and water, fairly well furnished Itargain at $2200 cash. THOMSON. 020-21 HENRY Bl.DG. TRANSIENT HOUSE. 12-roorn brick bldg.. one floor, turns away 20 people a day, for $1100: your own terms. !'eers. 10 N. 0th st- HOTKI. down town, over So rooms, long lease, clearing $700 a month; $12. OIK) cash. Weston Co., 1215-16 N. W. bank bldg. 17 ROOMS 17. Heart of city: large yard; newly pa pered and painted: always full. Price I'.e.tO; your own terms. Peters. 15 N. 5th- WANT to buy furniture in a small room ing house, attout iioitu: pay sooo down, balance monthly. 2U0 Tilford bldg. Phone Broadway 432 FOR SALE 12-Room transient house. clears ts-j a month and your own apart ment tree. Price $U0O. rash, or $1000, halt cash. Call Broadway 3S95. FURNITURE of 9 rooms H K.. always full, fine place to make rent and income cheap for quick sale. See owner. 598 Williams ave. 3-Roo.M flat. 1775 Belmont st.. $15 per month. THE LAWRENCE- CO. 205 Corbet t Bldg. Main 6915. 30 ROOMS, ton housekeeping rooms, rent X.'-tO per month, clearing over $luO per month: for quick sale S70O. Mr. Mllier sti:p. Alder hotel. Main 5275j 12 ROOMS 12 located close to Christian Science church; home, always full: $95. $300 will handle. Peters. 10 N. 5th st. FINE lK-room apt.. $2000. terms, clears $100, close in. modern; have all sizes and prices. Harney Johnson & Co., 170 loth st.. ground floor. 70 ROOMS. RENT $100. Lease; steam heat, running water some rooms; light, clean, always full: for jt:t0iMl. terms. Peters. 10 N. 5lh at. 4-ROOM cottage, 307 E. 12th St.. $10 per mouth. THE LA W KJ--N t'B CO . Coi'Uett Bldg. Main 6915. HOTEL al Y'onca'.la. Or. all furnished, good business, $;OilO; rents for $30 per month. F. J. Craig. trenco. Or. PRIVATE party wants to buy small apart ment or rooming house: stale full par ticulars: no agents. AK919. Oregonian. WANT hotel or apt. house from owner. 0O r. or more: will consider good east side location. Call mornings. 51205 Automatic. 9 TO 15 ROOMS wanted by party who has cash to pay for a first-class place, if it s clear: not over $2000. S 032. Oregonian. FOR SALE or rent Rooming house in A f toria. centrally located, on main busl ness street. D. H. Welch. Astoria. Or. TOR best bargains in rooming or apart ment houses see members of the Realty Board. Y'ates Realty Co.. 249 4th - WILL BUY YOUR furniture, also your lease, "'all Monday and Tuesday. War sha I '-'.". 20 RimMS housekeeping, close in. good income: $1700 cash down, balamce ea sy terms. BJ 344. Oregonian. ROOM S. steam heat, hot and cold water: $1000 cash down, balance at $00 per month. BJ ;!43,-Oregonlo. WILL, trade small car. value $600. some cash on good apt. house, must be bar gain. A-N TO. Oreg onian. IO ROOMS, housekeeping; rent $00. prrt ed at $:0O: close in. Call 1631 West Park. Wells & Anderson. 1 WANT to buy for cash the beet little rooming house mat aiuuv win purone. Sellwood 2002. 10 ROOMS, good lurniiure, aiways mil. This is the best money-maaer in iae city. See owner. 84 10th st.. cor. Oak. I M IN the market for a small rooming wi'i apartment horse : have the cash to pay for one. Call Marshall 1S23. T H VVE-the cash to pay for an apartment house up to Sf.ooii. will assume np to $i;ooli. Sellwood 2002 FOR BARGAIN PEE ME; FOR RESULTS LIST WITH MEL HEDGES. 171 WEST PARK. FOR SALE Lease snd option on 4Vroom "apt house, clearing $200: will consider ear AN 137. Oregonian. FOR SALE Lease and furniture for 19 rooms, now clearing $100 per month. s::iln. BF 474. Oregonian. CORNER apt. house. 1 Price $1700. terms. 21 rooms, east side. Owner. East 8717 before 2 o'clock. WA NT buy rooming house direct from owner: must be cheap; no agents; full information. BF 417. Oregonian. 4U ACRES and cash for apt. or rooming house. E 809, Oregonian. 23 H ROOMS. $175 above expenses. $li0O. terms. 328 Main St. $800 TERMS; rooming house; 11 rooms: clears $75: owner. Ali b-6. Oregonls-a.