8 THE SUNDAY OUEGOXIAN, TORTLAND, JANUARY- IS, 1920 REAL KSTATR For Hale Houhn, REAL ESTATE. ttEAL ESTATE. REAL ESTATE. iiL.ll. ESTATE. For Sale Houses. REA L ESTATsL tor TSale Houtte. KK.U OTATL RKA L ESTATE, For Sale Houe. For bale Houses. r or hale Houses. Ivr Sale For Sale -Houses. ' DEKUM & JORDAN. Good Buy EASY TERMS. Modern bungalow, 7 rooms and plopping porch. Waver ly Heights, fireplace, bookcases, cement base ment, laundry trays, furnace, 5 rooms and bath on f irst floor, 2 rooms and sleeping porch on sec ond ; garage. Splendid view of Mount flood, also western hills. AM improvements in and paid for. Price $4m0; cash $5t0, balance to suit. Seu DKKfM & JORDAN, 323-4 Chamber of Commerce Bids. UNION AVENVF CORNER. 02 ht x 1 00, Old 7-room house and 2'xl00 corner at Union ave.. and Monroe street. Th is corner is one of the moat prominent corners along the street and is suitable for garage, apartment, in fact, anything. The ground alone is worth $05u0, but have been Instructed to sell for $4250. Easv terms. J. F. H 1 1. 1 j, titHi Williams ave, f UODti East 2lS. $ 1 400. FURNISHED COTTAGE. To you want a cozy little 3 -room Cottage, furnished re'Vly for you to step nirht in? We have it. Fruit, berries, basement, cement walks, electricity, bath, woodshed and storeroom. Be quick If you do; $450 cash will handle, balance easy terms. On 67th st;, between Haw thorne and Ml. Scott car line, MITCHELL AND RIPPKT, 828-2f Henry Bldg, Main 2534. &-ROOM HOUSE NEAR JEFFERSON HIGH FOR $2500. J500, will handle this and It Is a de cided bargain ; ti rooms, full cement baxeracnt, bath, Kas. lights, etc. It it? a neat, clean, well-kept home : full lot: Is block Willamette boulevard and Just a few blocks Jefferson high; price only 12500. See Mr. Oliver with HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. tith St. Broadway 4381. A BARGAIN. A 3-ROOM FURMSHiSD HOUSE AND LA ROE LOT IN RUSE CITY PARK. FOR SALE; HOl'SK ALL MODERN EX CEPT FOR BATHROOM: WILL SELL FOR SI 7i0. GOOD TERMS. WRITE A R 12 a, OREGON IAN. KIRBY STREET. M ODERN (1-ROuM COTT A G E. Kirby street, between Fremont and Beach. This property Is well located on hard paved street, close to grammar and high school. Price $3100, $S00 cash, valance, easy. J. F. HILL, 6! Williams ave. Phone East 2tkS. SOMETHING DIFFERENT. Rose City's must beautiful bungalow located at 444 E. 4Sth st. North; large grounds. beautifully landscaped; has lake, fountain, fal.s and other attrac tive features; garage with living apart ment above. This place could not be duplicated for $20,000 today. Our price, $12,500 and terms to sulL Those want ing something- different, see this. ERNEST WELLS CO., 401 Couch Bldg. Tabor 5k. Main S2. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. "We have found another une of those splendid little bungalows so sought after uy muse jpoKing tor a Home. Five rooms, fireplace, artistic buffet, writing desk. oook cases, in iact, every ouilt-in con venieoce. Yes. it has Al hardwood iioors. excellent garage, substantial pay ment down, $:t5. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO. ohth and Hawthorne ave. Tabor 7463. UNION AVE. AND SKTOMORE ST. $2300 $00O CASH. 5 rooms on first floor. 1 large room up ; i ire place, buitet, cement basement, wash trays; all street imp. in and paid located close to Union ave. To see this &unnay pnone 210-4N. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO., 212 Ry. Exch. Bldg. Main 0752 PIEDMONT PARK BCNGALOVV. Just east of Piedmont and one block Union ave., neat 5 -room bungalow. Big uap ai .u ana attractive terms. EAST GLISAN BUNGALOW. Just l.0 feet from E. Glisan, strictly mooern --room oungaiow. garage; sacri iice at j.i.t.m; 4.10011 cash will handle. ERNEST WELLS CO., 401 Couch Bid. Tabor 5000. Main ttS2i. IRVING TON 10-room house; burlt bv owner for his own home; recently taken over by our bank. House cost $14.0;0 to Duna; lot luuxioo; garage; must be sold i advertised this last wwk t X'tiimi hank Instructs me to cut $1000 more off me price; absolutely the best buy me irvington uistrict at ? Nut mi. Terms can be arrranged. See ATCHISON, 204 jienry otug. 1 R V I NG TO N I RVI XfiTOV. Do not buy second-hand nomes whpn you can get this nearly completed six- room nungaiow. all on one floor: billiard room In basement ; shower bath. 2 fire places, built bv owner for a home, but will sell for coat to dispose of lot. as we have other lots to build on; corner 3 iuh and Fremont. Open Sunday. S. Peterson. O VV N E R I N SPOKA V E. Instructs us to sell his 6-room house on splendid corner, bet. SS and Hawthorne car. A house that 3 fine sleeping rooms could he rented easily; double plumbing, furnace. Th is is close in property a good Investment and clear of encum brances. $4oo. HAWTHORNE REALTY CO. 3flth pnd Hawthorne. Tabor 7463. FOR SALE S-room house. hardwood floors, fireplace, furnace, full cement basement, wash trays, in fact modern in every way; street improvements in and paid: on corner, southeast face, two blocks from Beaumont or Rose City car; price $11300. $45oo cash required; no dealers. BK 423. Oregonian. PORTLAND HEIGHTS! Six large, airy rooms. 2 large porches, good view. fireplace, furnace, large attic, floored and plastered. This is a real bargain; $5000 on terms. Will sell furniture. On paved street and car line. D. E. CA BLOCK, 1125 Gasco Bldg. Main 5450. $50 CASH, bal. like rent, buys beautiful house, near 21st and Oregon sts. Lot lMx lOO ft., 7-room modern house; lots of fruit, etc. Price $5500. See Mr. Gra ham. INTERSTATE INVESTMENT CO.. Main 1743. 410 Henry bldK. VANCOUVER HOUSE. -5-room bouse and 3 lots, nice garden, fruit, etc.: for sale very cheap with terms to suit to right party. Good, sub fa taut lal little home. Bargain. SAMUEL DOAK. 1202 NorthweSiCrn Bank Bidg. DO YOlllv AST A HAWTHORNBHOMK? Drive by :iS4 East 41st St.. something fine beveled mirrors, veneered paneling. rvjry built in. French sliding doors, oak floors; no a vacant; phone Monday for inside inspect ion J. C. Corbin Co.. P.05-G-7-S Lewis Bldg. "W 1 1.1. SEIIj enuity modern -room house with large sleeping porch for 3 beds: all street improvements in and paid; 1 block from car; west of Laurel hurst ; $750 takes equity, balance payable $25 per month. Owner. 387 12th st. " E XT Ft EM E RAt'R IFICE?" Dandy, good substantial ft-room house, and near Williams ave. Price $2950 Basil v worth $ UiOO. ERNEST WELLS ;0., 401 Couch Rid. Tabor 5OH. Main -. ANYONE wanting a home in the city make me an offer on a good 7-room house located at 70f Willamette blvd close to Eiske st.; take St. Johns car. T R. Xell. owner. $3'itHi New 5-room bungalow, full base ment, wash trays, fireplace, bookcases, buffet. Dutch kitchen. No. 432S Clinton, near 43d st. Richmond ca r. Small down payment. Owner. Tabor 53til. DO YOU WANT A HOME? Look at 705 Leland ave.; 5 rooms and bath, sma 11 payment down, rest easy ; take Woodlawn car to ISth. owner there 1 1 to 1 Sunday. 6-ROOM house with bath, gas and electric HKbts. lot 50x100, east front. 4 fruit trees, al-o berries; $2500. $50O cash, terms ar r,tngd. till E. 17th st. North. FOR SALE The late N. C. Tochls resi dence. 1 10;t Franklyn. Willamette Heights, shown by appointment. Phone East r5. J5Y OWNER, artistic fi-room modern bun galow, in Rose City : ha rd wood floors, finished ivory enamel. 477 E. 56th st. N., near Thompson. Tabor 5994. 4-ROOM hous for sale, 556, corner of Em rson eu, $2200, terms. IN BEAUTIFUL LAURELHURST. $17,000. one of the most beautiful homes in Portland. If you 'are, looking for a real home far below value this is your chance. Hou? consists of six rooms on first floor, double parlors, wit h fireplace, dining room sun parlor, break fast room, kitchen, coat closet and hall ; f inished in ma hogany material u oods and white enamel ; hard ood. floors. Second floor Large hall, four bedrooms and sleeping porch, two dressing rooms an a lavatories, tiled bathroom, large closets. lire place, mirrors in doors; finished in natural woods and white enamel; harawood floors. Third floor Large hall, two bedrooms. two large storage rooms ; finished in w nite enamel. Basement Full concrete, laun dry room, fruit room, bathroom and toilet, extra large new heat ing plant. All windows and doors are equipped with Chamberlain metal weather strips and f ull-sincd screens. Lot Quarter block, ha ndsomely improved vt ith a bundance of shrubbery and flowers. For further particulars, see E. M. l'ADDEN. dai; Manager. M ETZG BK-l'AUKbR - FK-RGLSON CO.. Ground Floor, 302 Oak Si. Broadway 3144. Formerly Stanley S. Thompson Co. WH.AT IS YOUR ANSWER? Continue paying rent and remain homeless or investigate Walnut Park and O W N A HOME OF YOU U OWN? Lots are 50x100 feet, with 15 foot alley; streets paved and paid for. Convenience of 5 car lines; also Jefler sun high school and library. Extra in ducement ofiered for 5 mure homed this m-nth. You will make uo mistake by calling on the owner. VV. M. KI L LINGS WORTH, Office, 1140 Union ave. Office hours. 10 to 12 A. M. Phone appointments: Wood lawu 3304 or Wuodlawn 931. AGENTS. ROSE CITY PARK. BUNGALOWS. $47.i0 TO $0750. According to size and location. 5, ti, 7-room, sleeping porch, breakfast .look, fireplace, bookcase, buffet, eastern jlear oak floors, large attic, cement base ment, lurnace, garage, imp. in. These houses are finished in old ivory a nd white enamel, are papered with tapestry paper, have lighting fixtures and. win uow shauws; as near complete as pos sible and cannot be tuilt today tor the price we are now asKin. OWNER, 404 GEKJNGER BLDG. Mai thai: bo 8, PIEDMONT HOME. $0500 Best buy in Piedmont; 7 rooms, cast front, corner lOUxlOO feet: 2 com plete bathrooms. 2 fireplaces, full cement basement, 3-sect ion wash tray, garage, hard -surface pavement ; 2 blocks to Union ave. or Killingsworth ave. cars, 8 blocks to Peninsula Park, 10 blocks to Jetferton high school or Wood la wn grammar school. This place cost $12. Otto to buiid and is a bargain at the price ot tered; $3ooo cash will handle. M. E. THOMPSON, 848 Mississippi ave., Wdin. 1733. Selling Agent for Piedmont. LAURELHURST BUNGALOW. PRICE ONLY $0500. Beautiful 7-room buncalow with fire place, furnace. hardwood floors. all built-ins and every other modern con- j veniences, this is just like new and a perfect home in every way ; if you see this you will buy it. Must have 3500 cash . RELIA BLE INVEST M ENT CO.. 305 Oak st. Bdwy. 4133. WILL ACCEPT LOT. Modern home of 7 rooms, music room and sleeping porch, full cement base ment, furnace, fireplace, hardwood floors, etc. Paved street, improvements paid, close to Ft one City car. Will take lot as part payment. Price $7500. KASER & RAINEY, 823-6 Gasco Bldg. Marshall 3125. ROSE CITY PARK. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW $3000. No furnace, hardwood floors, but there Is good value in this bunsalow; good location, near Sandy. Full lot: easy terms. Let us show you. A. G. TBEPE CO.. 24 Stark st.. near 3d. Main 30i2. Main 3516. Branch office, 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday.) 1 KV 1NOTON N EW 084 E. 1 RTH N. Oak floors throughout, enameled and papered, complete basement, two fire places, tile hath, six targe rooms; ga rage, full cement driveway, guaranteed heating plant; would cost 12V per cent more to duplicate; fine opportunity for small family: $i000. $15410 cash. $75 monthlv. Open todav. E. J. Mautz, East 5031. Marshall 18SU. NEAR BROADWAY BRIDGE. $2200 SACK 1 FJ CE $2200. Ground 50xloo, with neat cottage. 3 rooms and bath, good basement, elec tricity, gas etc. J ust one block off Broadway car. C. A. WARR1NER, R ITTER, LOW E & CO. . 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg $100 TO $500 DOWN. 3. 4, 5 and 6-room houses on paved streets, or hard surface, ranging in price from $525 to $4200; lois from 40 to 100x200 or larger, ail are close to car, some of these are nearly modern ; no person will be required to pay more than $23 per mo. Tabor liS5 or call at S032 5Gth ave S. E.. near 92d st. PIEDMONT BUNGALOW. COM PLETELY FURNISHED. 5 rooms, modern and attractive, full cement basement, furnace, fireplace. Dutch ktichen, etc., near Catholic school and church; all household furniture in cluded for $45lM. easy terms. LUEDDEM ANN COMPANY. 913 Chamber of Commerce. " Main 6907 $4000. CLOSE-IN IRV1NGTCN RESIDENCE. S-room house in good condition, newly papered and painted: garage and build ing fur fuel and storuge; no basement : plenty of llsht; east front; nice yard with about 75 choice rose bushes. Phone owner. East 2205. $2350 WHY RENT? $2350. VACANT MODERN BUNGALOW. 5-room bungalow, one floor; cement basement, good plumbing, electric lights, gas. etc.; corner lot, near car; easy terms. Sunday, Marshall 5!M3 ; week days. Main 7uG7. Marie Is or Williams, 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. $4.500 BRAZEE STREET 4500. 5 rooms and sleeping porch, strictly modern except hardwood floors, full lot, paved streets in and paid; 1 block from car. Out-of-town owner must sell. Terms. C. A. WARRINER. R1TTER. LOW E & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. Snap Buy, Sell wood. 7-room house, 2 blocks from Sell wood car. full basement, larire woodshed, ga rafce; all for $2500. Terms. See Mr. Epton. J. ROBBINS, 301 Railway Exchange, Main 7031. BY -iwaer, 4-room bua gulow ; large bath : white enamel Dt tch kitchen; lare screen porch : 3 blocks to R. M. car. 6 block'- to school : full cement basement ; sidewalk and sev.er in and paid; only 6 months old: $2000, terms. Sell. 35UO, 111.4 Tibbetts. WOODSTOCK. 6-room semi-modern house, fruit and a lot 100x200. one of the best buys in the city, on 53d ave.. close to car; price $2S0O, $500 down, balance $20 per mo. Tabor 1485 or call at 8132 56th ave. S. E.. near 92 d st. FOR SALE Sightly acre and 6-room house, outbuildings, M aple Uraf Add i tion, Seattle, Wash. Price $2000. Will accept good auto as first payment, bal ance cash or terms or trade lor Portland. See Reeves, with Pacific Fruit & Prod uce Ca REAL SNAP. $500. T want to tell my I -room house, lot 50x1 OO, water and telephone wires in house. 10 fruit trees, chicken coop. If Ml f-et from paved street, everything is clean. Call or write F. N., 431 E. 75th st North. Montavilla car. Owner. GOOD 6-room cottage, newly tintftd. rooms light and conveniently arranged; gas, electricity. - plumbing; 1 block to car, 50x112-ft. lot: price $22'K, terms. .1 0 1 1 N SO N - DOD SON CO. . fi:;2. B33. H34 X. W. Bank Bldg. Main 377. IRVINGTON 100x100. southeast facing. beautiful w-room nome, massive Mone fireplace in living room, 5 bedrooms, 2 have fireplaces; concrete porches; $ 13 -500, worth $20.0O0. East 419. McDonnell. HAWTHORNE SNAP. We have a coiy little nest that would suit most anyone for $32M0. easy terms. HARRIS A MAXWELL, "04 Railway E x c h a r. g e . NICE BUNGALOW. 4 rooms, modern ; $1000; $600 cauh. balance easy. R. M. G ATE WOOD & CO., ir5 Fourth St. LOOK A real ha rgain : 6 rooms, clone to cat . B-cent fare, sell or trad-: consider ne mnthlv. See me at Dlace Sundav. , 4503 7th st. S. E. SUNNYS1DE Owner leaving city, big sac riiice: 7-room house: furniture, two lots. pavement, fruit trees, sard en. ftaooe hat 5505. RALPH HARRIS CO.. 827 Chamber of Commerce. $3750 buys a charming 6-room colonial style home on the east side, splendid district, fully modern, fireplace and lots of trills; nice lawn, garden patch, all kinos of berries, currants, rhubarb, etc. Reasonable cash payment. $4200 will buy a 5-room bungalow, : completely lurnuhed; fine location on east side, hardwood floors, all the cotniy icalures; $lou0 cash. We have many other homes in best , di.-.tricts. from &2500 to S12.0UO. which we would be pleaded to show you. Also a grouuinir oi less nretentious nomes. which require a cash payment of only $Hoo, some having V to V acre ol ground and aii in desirable and nealth- tul localities. Call and let us teli you ail about them. RALPH HARRIS CO., 827 Chamber ol Commerce. BARGAINS. Splend Id ti-room home, floors throughout. Very :iut b-room home, floor r hroiihiiuL hardwood hardwood Dandy S-rouw home, hardwood floors throut noui Magnificent 10-room home, hardwood iIodIk thmut'iinii) Very nice 7-room home, hardwood floors throuKhout. op-top 7-roo:n home, hardwood floors. Caraues. 'i'ni-se are all below what they can be 1 bulit tor. Ail choice locations, irv -iiiton. E ST 1.73 HERDMAN. CITY PARK. 4U50. .Modern 5-room and brea-kfast nook. elect riu fireplace and heater, bookcase. buffet, eastern oak floor. Dutch kitchen, bedrooms, bath and kitchen finished in while enamel, living room and dining loom in od ivory and papered with tap estry paper; one uearoom papered, one I tin Lea ana iinisned with cut-out border; lighting fixtures and window shades; ga rage; imp. in. UVVNEK, 404 GERLINGER BLDG. Marshall boS. ROSE CITY PARK. 6 ROOMS $4450. Folks, your opportunity to get a real home for little money hi the popular) Rose City district; nil rd wood floors, fire place, buffet, cement basement, furnace. etc. ; street assessments- paid ; $a00 cash will handle. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPK CO., 204 Stark Mt., near 3d. Main 3002. Main 3510. Branch office. 50th and Sandy. (Open Sunday. ) &451IU PARTLY FURNISHED J454IO. MODERN HAWTHOKNK BL'NGALOW. 7 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH. Six rooms and sleeping porch first floor, one room upstairs, fine basement, ; furnace, laundry trays, fireplace, all kinds of built-ins, east front, near car. Ail assessments oaid: traraxe. Tins is a snap at the price and par t of furniture goes; terms. Sunday. Marshall 5'.bJ3 ; week days. Main 700i. Maneis or w m- ia:n, b20 Chamber of Commerce bldg. NON-RESIDENT OWNER SAYS SELL. Good 3 -room house and 50x1 OO lot, 3 blocks fiom car. Ml. Scott district; price lor uuick sale oniy SOU and good terms. PYRAMID LAND CO.. 603-4 Tit.e & Trust BIdg.,v Main 3232. THESE ARE FEW ROOM Y BUNGALOW. 5 large rooms and full-floored attic. hardwood floors th roughout. all built- in conveniences, nice large fireplace, full cement basement. furnace. fruit trees; paved streets all paid for; I1 blocks from Sandy blvd. i-rice 4-uu. . A. WAtiRINEU. R ITT Eli. LOWE & CO., 201 -3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. A GENTLEMAN S HOME. 11 rooms, strictly modern, hardwood floors in ail rooms, steam heat, fire place. 2 sleeping porches, garage. 11.500 sq. ft. ground, paved street; walking distance to heart of city; price $ 12,500, good terms. This home would cost to re- Droduce S2O.O0O. R. M. GATE WOOD & CO.. 165Va 4th st. DOUBLE constructed 3-room house, full plumbing and bath, full cement base ment on looxloo corner lot with all i kinds of fruit and berries; just half way between Union -ave. and M iHsiseippl car lines: $2.00, small down payment. balance monthly. .IOHNSON-DOD450N CO.. (i2. 0:13. 034 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 37S7. MODERN HOMES. $4000 UP. FOR SALE, ON TERMS. 1 UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Select one of these pretty homes today and let uh finish It to suit you. I. B. POND REALTY CO.. THE IDEAL HOME BUILDER. 1230 Sandy Blvd. Tabor 3825. ! Office Open Sunday. $1Mi0 CASH -4200. $ 1 5t 0 H O U S E $ 1 500. This 7-room house, with full lot, sev- I oral banne fruit trees, ail tor t ;uu. fan you beat this anywhere ? Monthly payments less man rent. C. A. WARRINER. R ITTER. I-OWE "i CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. IRVING TON DISTRICT. New ti-room bungalow "with break- fa Bt room. hardwood floors through- ' out, built-ins, all-white kitchen, Gasco furnace. The interior of this home will delight you. Lot 50x100; 2 blocks from ca r. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. A Rea 1 Buv Irving ton. Beautiful home, with maid's room and billiard roi.m, furnace-, fireplace, hard wood floors, French doors ; will sell for about half what the property is worth. See Mr. Epton. J. ROBBINS, :fi1 Railway Exchange. Main 7931. YOUR OWN TERMS. 7-room house near Jefferson high school : base-men t, good plumbing, elec tric lights, gas; near car; hard -surfaced street paid; a bargain at $2950, on your terms. sunaav. iar. nvtd ; weeaaays. Main 7907. Mariels or Williams. 820 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 143S ALAMEDA DRIVE. 6-room, strictly modern bungalow; hardwood floors, large fireplace. built- in bookcase?, unusual fine sun parlor. garage. Ruud hot-water heater; every- I thing of the best. Apply bet. 11 A. M. and 3 P. M-. or phone Tabor 4223. MT. SCOTT LINE. PRICE ONLY $2500. 4-room bungalow and 6 lots: Just th place to have a lot of chickens and a nice garner.. auo uown anu easy terms. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO.. 305 OAK BT. BROADWAY 4133- 5-ROOM bungalow, all modern, and some more rooms on top of it; all finished with 5 coats of enamel. Well, if you want a home we wiil convince you. CaW before this is gone. HARRIS & MAX WE'LL, 304 Railway Exchange. .ROOM BUNGALOW Lot 50x120 feet. with 10-ft. alley, full basement, cement f oundat ion ; well built and comfortable; nrire S3000. rhone Meiiwooa irtT' after noons or evenings. No. 645 Harold ave nue. For sale by owner. WEST-SIDE HOME $7000. 22d st., near Northrup. on lot 50x100, 7-room residence with maid s room, fur nace, 2 fireplaces; everything in splen did condition ; a gooa ouy. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark St. MOVE RIGHT IN TODAY. Brand-new. classy 4-room bungalow iust finished, near Union ave. north of Piedmont district: small payment down. balance l'ke rent. Own your own home, p h o ti e own er. Ea st 4Qt HI. OVERLOOKING RIVER 7 rooms, bath, basement, large attic, lot 100x100; lots ot fruit ; bui't for home; $5500 ; part terms; good buy for someone ; non-resident owner. Sop attorney, 80ti N. W. Bitiik bldg. Main 441 fi. N. W. MT. TABOR BUNGALOWS. $2 10ft 5 rooms, attic, basement. $375U 5 rooms, large lot, Duich kitch en, breakfast nook. H. R. White, Ta bor 8S24. $lh00. SNAP fi acre. 4-room houje, Wood stock, large sleeping porch, fruit trees, chicken bouse. $5f0 cash. This is h good buv. 1. L- Clark. Bdwy 4tM0. Call net wen ' A. M. -nd 3 P. M. CASH or terms, modern R-room house. 10 minutes waik to Ken ion. Call 60S North Union ave., cor. Cook, after 6 P. M. C A. Baker. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-room modern bungalow, has to be sold in 15 days, going to South America. $3350. $HO0 down. 63 E. OGlh st. N. BUNGALOWS A SPECIALTY. In looking for a home it will be to your advantage to call Mr. StowslL Tabor 01- j-'fCiO BU Y S brand-new 5-room bungalow, kt-.iiu cash; or completely furnished $315ii, S750 cash ; Va blk. Alberta car. 1070 E. 22d st. N. VO R SAL E -room m odern h ouse, Haw thorne district. Owner, A.N 131. Ore potna n. BV OWNER A 7-room house, good for a taee or 2 omall families. vS'J it,, utith st. Richmond car. 3-ROOM house, lot 25x100. $1500. By own cr. Call East 7180. Easy walking dis tance to business section. IRVINGTON HO ME3. M c DON E IT. aou EAST 14TH ST N EAST 41. rooms. $5O00. i I K 40 Thomp son st. Phone East S42. FOR SALE by owner I n outre 3fl 52d gt. i-room house, cheap. laoor 7iN3. ' irvIN.:TON H.OME3 EAST bi4. T. STREET, IRV. AUX. LOOK! REAL BARGAINS IN HOMES. READ CAREFULLY. BIHR-CAREY CO.. 219 Railway Exchange Main 16S6. Open all day Sunday. Eight real es tn.te demonstrator with automobiles showing property. Our great success ir. selling a Jwrge number of homes does not come from expert salesmanship. No inaen. 1 1 comes from naving a iarn assortment of Real Home bargains to pick from. Come m Sunday and see the photos of hundreds of homes on display. It will save you money. HERE ARB A FEW. HAWTHORNE ADDITION. $2000 Real Bargain. Near 34th St.. south of Hawthorne, we have an exceptional buy In a 5-room bun galow; pved street and sewer pain up well arranred Inside and mnny built-in effects; polished pralned floors. You will like thia heme. $0O0 takes it. $2833 3-Room Cottage. North of Hawthorne, cor.. R full room; full cement bane ment ; pavei street und sewer paid; full lot; white enamel plumbing: sood neighborhood. $.0 down. $;moO Two-S(ory House. Well built house on K. Madison: 3 rooms up. litrht. orcttv bedrooms, ard Ini-f roorn.-a down; paved street and j e-er paid; 1 block to Hawthorne car. i $.iOO down. $,T150 A Real Snap. Here is a well-built 5-room bungalow. with very attractive lines; convenient j arrangement; 2 lirht. airy bedrooms- , bent plumbing: handy kitchen; paved street and sewer all paid. $750 handle. See this without fail; it can't be beat at the price. $3ft50 7-Room Home. We have a double constructed, 2-story -room houffi in Hawthorne district: bie value for the money ; paved street and wer paid up; white enamel plumbing: gas, electricity; corner lot. Terms. $3075 Bargain. Here is a wonderful value ia a well- ! arranged 2-story 6-room house just off nwtnnrne; well kent. neat and tio throushout; 3 fine large bedrooms up. with b-?ft white ens mel bath and toilet; paved street and sewer paid ud: clone to I " school. If you can show us the equal to ths In value In Hawthorne district we will present you with a new hat. Terms. $4750 Elaborate Bungalow. Two blocks from Hawthorne car. on 52d street: is an unusuallv attractive bungalow; 5 large, full rooms, with built-in buffet and mnnv ether built-ins: hardwood floor: furnace, fireplace: full cement basement, paved street and sewer in and paid; general condition of in terior A-l. Terms. $f;50ft Hawthorne Home. Here ia a fine home with 7 rooms: to pay that it has garage, h. w. floors, fur nace and flrenlaco. on a caved street. and Is attractive, is only lust beElnniiKr words fail us. if you want the best there is in a fine home see it by all means. Terms. 30 Mor- Good Horres in Hawthorne. ALBERTA DISTRICT. $I5O0 Bun gR low Bargain. Here lo t n unparalleled bargain In a nsat. almost new 5-room bungalow; pret ty light fixtures, gas. sereens, linoleum on kitchen tloor ; two light, airy bed rooms; flose in: 1 blnfk from paved street and 2 blocks from Alberta car. Terms. $2X00 Alberta Bungalow. On 20th st . 1 block from car. we hav- a pood 5-room bungalow: reception room I witn r-uilt-ln .-.eats: Iut h ktt r.n ; batn. ; toilet : convenient kitchen with many nuitt-tn effects. yw0 down. 53OO0 Alberta Home Just t4 block off Alberta car on 29th st ; -50x100 lot: 5 full well-arranged, r-oms; good furnace; full cement base ment, with laundry trays; fruit, berries and shrubbery ; ge.iei al condition A-l. Priced low for quick sale. Terms. SjH.sn Look at This 100x100 cor.. 1 block from Alberta, on 12ih st.. with a 5-room 2-story houst white enamel plumbing: full cement basement; gas. electricity, screens, shades. linoleum on kitchen; lfl cho'ce bearine fruit tr-?es. berries, an ahundam-e of flowers and shrubbery. 5"0 down and little oid, but could be made verv home- $25 per month. Take it. House is like. $2fMV -A Iberta Bungalow Itargjiln. On paved street nrar 13th and Alberta. we have a .-room buntra low with hard- wi.on rioors. built-in bufret and many other buiit-ln effects: full cement base ment, with laundry trays; large fenced back yard. Easy terms. $2750 New 4-Room Bun ten low. Newly constructed bungalow. 2 light bedrooms, fireplace, vhite enamel finish throughout. $5(10 tiown. $27 50 Alberta Bungalow. 5-room attractive bpngalow on 2th i st. nir Alberta car: retention hall, liv ing room, dining room. bath, toilet 2 light a irv bedrooms and handy kitchen with bui't-ins; trees and shrubbery. A 1 good buy. Terms. $3400 Story and a Half Bungalow. Here W a lurge. unusually attractive. R-room hung? low typo home ; recently tinted. I'kf new - fireplace, fruit trees ; j full ,0xioo cor. lot; house built about years; shrubbery. Terms. 2C More Good Alberta Homes. ALAMEDA PARK. SfiiE THIS SURE. $4750 Beautiful Bungalow. Folks, here is a rare chance if you are Jn the market for a home. Almost new. 5 rooms, beautifully fin ished inside in w.iite enamel and old ivory : paved street and sewer paid up . furnace, hardwood floors, fireplace, garage, full cemert b;iseinert. laundry trays. Seeing is buying. $2000 down. MONTAVILLA DISTRICT. BARGAIN HUNTERS. ATTENTION. We have a proposition here that de fies competition: a large 9-room house 5 down, with toilet, bath and toilet up stairs, fi'.ted up f c r housekeeping and renting for $25 per month alone; the house is in splendid repair Inside and out; 100x100 lot. right on car line: all eU-ar of Uens, including sewers, side walks, ets. ; gas, electricity, screens, shades, linoleum, 12 fruit trees, berries, immense double chicken house. This place was mortgaged a few years ago for $3000. which represented a 6ti per cent valuation, making the property worth $5000; it must b sold tin media tely f ot &320O, to clear up estate. $10(0 down. HOLLADAY ADDITION. $7500 Large R-room home, close In. on th st. massive stone veranda. 3 elabors te stone fireplaces, paved street and sewer paid ; furnace. Here Is a very substantial and well-built home; garage. $1500 down ROSE CITY PARK. $26tO 5-room bungalow In '.ropo'-y Heinta, Rose City, 2 blocks from Sandy. $S00 down. $3650 5-room typical bur.ga low on 65th at., north of Sandy. $S50. $1000 buys an unusually well-constructed bungalow home ; many built-ins . practir.il floor plan; furnace, ga rage, trees and shrubbery. Terms. $1250 On 5th St.. Rose City Park, is a new 5-room bung:Jow; hardwood floors, fireplace, every built-in convenience, full lot. Terms. $4325 A very pretty 5-room buna: a low n cor. lot; furnace, h. w. floors; finished in white enamel through out : dining room finished with tapestry wall paper; large front veranda, gaiage ; a splendid buy. $1000 down. $450 New 5-room bungalow; paved street and wcr: elaborately f'n ished; h. w. floors, firepla.ee; fin ished in white enamel through out: m. very iood buy. Terms. $5150 A good 8-room Rose City home on paved st reel below the hill cor, lot, 1 blk. to R. C. car. $1000 down. We have photo of hundreds of gooJ homes on nispiy in our snow rooms Come In Sunday and look them over : r.me remarkable bargains. Kitrht real estate demonstrators show Ing property all day. BIHR-CAREY CO., 213 Railway Exchange. Alin 16, BUNGALOW POSSESSION FEB. 1. ALAMEDA PARK DISTRICT. Complete in every respect; 5 beautiful rooms, w it h brea kfast nook and garage; hard wood floors . beaut if ul ly papered throughout except bath and kitchen; all rooms are good sized ; living and dining rooms finished in latest architectural de signs. A cedar Closet ; hood over range in kitchen : la rge cemen t basement, fur nace, laundry trays and fruit closet ; p ved etreei and .iwer in and paid. Price complete' $07."m. Terms, $25oO down, balance arranged. J. L. HAKTMAV CM 7 Chamber of Com. bldg. Main :os. HOME BEAUTIFUL. A LA M EDA CH E A P. 1 f loea ted in the heart of 1 rv Ington this house would sell for $10,000; as It Is. $too0 will take it. The grounds 1Oxl50 corner, in high state of Vulnvatton ; abun dance of bountiful shrubbery, ber ries, bearing fruit tre-.; large ga rage; hous beauti ful ly designed and arranged; large living room across front: pretty dining room with wonderful buffet ; hot h pa -per ed in be a ui If ul tap sir y paper, finished in ivory and solid ma -hogany ; at end of living room is an attractive open stairway; up stairs four bedrooms and sleeping porch : finished a tl (it ; full cement basement. Fox furnace. The own er of this wonderful home is leav ing the city; will sell on easy terms. Call Eveison, Main 6b61. EXCEPTIONAL BUY. ROtfE CITY PARK. $0300. Very fine R-room house: 3 bedrooms and sleeping porch : beautiful llvtn g room with wonderful fireplace; dining room and kitchen has plenty of built-in features : dun or break fust room ; full floored attic: full cement basement with excellent furnace; good garage: built by owner for bis home. Worth fully $1 Ono more than asked. A classy home. Main 530. McCR I LLLS-CLE A VKLA N D CO., 322 to 320 Henry bldg. Main 5ii0. DREAM HOUSE AND FURNITURE. A genuine bargain don't pass it up. New five-room colonial house on paved street in Roue City Park; furniture new. hardwood floors, beautiful fireplace, open stairway, tapestry paper, cement basement; This is double-constructed house, well built, and the owner is not making a cent of profit but selling a t cost ; will sell with or wit hout furniture. Price house $3t75; worth $4500. Call Everson. Main 6M00. ROSE CITY PARK S05OO. Bungalow 6 rooms and Sleeping Porch. Folks, here is one of thope real nifty, right up to the minute bungalows. Liv ing room extending entire widih of h,ouae. Hardwood floors, fireplace, book cases. French doors between living and dining rooms, buffet. Dutch kitchcnwilh breakfast nook, full cement basement, furnace, etc. Assets, paid. Best location in Rose City below the hill. Let us show you. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 204 Stark st.. near :;. Main :t002. Branch of fice. 5ot h and Sandy. Open Sunday. UNIVERSITY PARK. tlOOO. $700 cash. $20 monthly, buys a neat 4-room cottage on Drew st.: has all modern improve ments, very neat. taat y rooms with built-ins; good basement: lot fwtxl 10; 1 door from paved street; convenient to St, Johns car. WHITE COL. 1M56. REALTY CO.. 7U5 LOMBARD ST. LA K E OROUNDS AND COTTAGE. $ -j Ht K) H A W THOh N E 2St IO. Nearly . 1 acre of good ground and about 2f fruit tres, abundance of ber ries and S-room cottage on Hawthorne car line and hard -sun ace street ; $750 cash will handle, balance monthly pay ments like rent. You cannot go wrong on this. O. A. WARRINER. RITTER. LoWL" A: CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 5-ROOM BUNGALOW. BY OWNER. $:S250. Modern; full cement basement; large bedrooms, open plumbing, built-ins: can't duplicate for $45O0. 0-room modern, hardwood floors, at $;i50. 4-room modern, hardwood floors. $:i5O0. fi-mora house at 25th and Madison, $2SoO. Will be at .191 45th st. (vacant), ail day Sunday, and 2 to S P. M. weekdays until sold. $4S."K) On 53d st.. In Rose Ctt v Prk, we have an -roorn bungalow t pe oti fine lot ; furnace, fire place and h. w. floors ; reception room, mualf room and den; full cement basement, beautiful law n and shrubherv. $lOuo don. BIHR-CAREY CO.. 219 Railway Exchange. Main 16m;. MODERN BUNGALOW, fi rooms. S. P. garage, paved st r?et. Hawthorne dtric'; $3100; $SO0 cash, balance monthly. 5-room cottage, modern, good base ment, lots of fruit. lot 4xI25 feet, chick en house and runs; $ J3"0. easv terms. R. M. GATKWOOD & CO.. 1G5 Va Fourth St. $3750 5 ROOMS and sleeping porch, ex clusive res-ic.ence d i strict : fireplace, built-in bookcase and buffet, cemi'nt .basement, laundry trays and furnace: paved street in and paid: Broadway car; $ lUOO cash, balance munthiv. JOHNSON- DODSON CO., B32. 6:;3. 034 N. W. Bank Bldg- Main 3787. PENINSULA SNAP. Large 4-room house, lots of fruit and berries and barn: price $1150, $450 down. Ask for Mr. Kellogg. A. J. DEFOREST & CO.. 320-321 Hanry Bldg. Main 2OW0. HAWTHORNE DISTRICT. My modern. 0-room bungalow, hard wood floors, fireplace, nice buffet break fast room, furnace, laundry trays, full baement and garage, near car; can be seen only Sunday or evenings alter 6. Tabor 004. $25n $500 CASH. will buy a nice cozy 5-room bungalow. near car, near Franklin high. good plumbing, gas. electric lights, basement. on easv terms. A. H. B1RRELL CO., 217 N. W. Bank bldg. Marshall 4114. BIG LOT fruit. 5-room modern bungalow, $1600 cash, $17M terms. 7-room bngalow, $23(H); terms. 4-room cottage. $lu5d, easy terms. 3 fuil lots, fruit, tf-room modern cot- tage, $2300; terms. 01 2S 52d st. Woodstock car. $2t,00. $2000. $20OO. Nifty 5-room bunga low-st yle home ; cement basement, laundry trays; bath room with white enamel plumbing; nice Ip.wn. space for garden; near car line. Terms. S. R. ftockton. Tabor 1040. $70lH Haw t borne ave. dist rict : S-room modern nouse, iot -"ixiimi; nard wood ttoors. 4 bed rooms, large Bleeping pnrvh. enclosed In glass, fireplace, cement base ment, good furnace. enrage, bearing fruit trees. Hy owner. Phone Tabor 3151. SI N NY S I D E hic-?a i n. $2050. good 5-room houpe. etra Tine corner. .Mix i on. fruit. 1 blk. to Belmont car. paved street; SlOOffl dowp. H. H. Staub, 1027 Belmont. Tbor 2U or 213-51. FOR SALE By owner: 0-room house on corner lot one block imm Hawthorne on 4 4th street ; price $3500, terms. Call East 7SH. JUST FINISHED Strtrtly modern bunga low, j. anu eiei-;nc;-y: tun nasement: price $2750; terms. Phone Tabor 23."0. L'il S2d. near Wasco DKAI TPTI, ALA M EDA PARK. CHOICE Hr.V'iA LO W HOME. Strictly up-to-date, gurage. furnace, I etc.. 575i. t rms. Owner, Ta hnr I coy.v 4-rni: bunsalow; cement basement, 1 laundry, trays, chicken 47. house. Tabor ; 1 1 OT. hou- tent. barn. tJiK-ks Talor 1237. garage, cow, pigs, I &"t;uO $5O0 C A n 50x100 ROOMS; FU RN A C B ; CI ,OFE 1 N. EAST 543 s. iJoTS and fi-room platerrd house. 5221 SOth st. S. K. : termg. 150O. $5410 down. GOOD modern house for sale, $30u0, terms. Call Marsnan -11 CLOSlN'ti ESTATE 2 houses. $ihmi, t h and Carutbers9t: MarlTOS. FOR SALE S-room rot tage. toilet! gas, ! e'ectrbity. Call 1 129 K. 20Jh st. North. iii-ROOM house, furnished, 1 block south fl :twt borne. 201 E. 40th st. F R PALE 8-room, modern house. Tabor 1237. FRIOK $'no. nat 4-room r-Mastered bunga- low, fiood location. AM 0 Oregonian. ROSE CITY. A new bungalow on corner, heart of Rose City, below the hill, near car. Lve room down, including 2 bedrooms : sec ond floor has one larg. room extending full width of house, divided for sitting room and bedroom; home is bright ana , cheerful, beautiful location; two toilets. I first and second floor, with bath on firtt floor, al.so arranged for bath on second large closets, trunk room; full basement, furnace, fireplate, natural tree: grage This properly cost the owner $65oO; we have the cost bills, come in and Iok them over. Owner instructs us to sell at oih e on terms al low price of $07OO. SUBURBAN. Beautiful strictly modem 5-room bun galow and over sere of ground, only 10 miles from courthouse, near Linnton, overlooking the Columbia highway; Fox furnace, fruit trees,, berries; taxes $22 per year; ideal home built by owner for self; has to leave city account of ill health: ranrot be built U?day for price asked of $4750. Terms. BROOKLYN HEIGHTS. This is not Brooklyn, but a better lo cation ; on Iv one block from the Sell wood car line; 2-story is-room hou.-e. also sleeping porch; juat the thing for a large family or for renting rooms, which are alwsvs in demand in. this location. Lot ftrtx 1 25. gara ge. Priced right, $4 4 50. terms. If you are a believer in the policy of "Live and let live" and not A FR Al D of agents, telephone tu your wants. We wont HURT voti and might do you a whole lot of GOOD TRY IT. HERMANN A .1 EE. Suite 42 Lumbermens Mldg. Broadway 2. $3500 $1750 CASH BALANCE TERMS. Hawthorne district, west slope Mt. Tabor. 1 blocks from earlme; street improvements in and paid for; K-room house, sleeping porch, bith and linen closet ; full w hite enamel plumbing; gas and electric light. Dutch kitchen, wax floors, panel dininb room, la rye living room, den and fireplace; built in bookcase ; full size basement, with laundry trays. New first-class "Dia taond" self -regulating furnace. Call after 6 P. M. Tabor 3Ct2. PORTSMOUTH. A good hom with 6 lots, extend ing from Van Hout en to Exeter st!., 75x2M ft., very best of soil. . Good 7-room house facing Van Houten St., 2 story, full cement basement, bat h. toilet, electricity, hot and cold water. 4 -room house lacing Exeter St. ; can be made good with little ex pense. Ideal place to keep poultry and raise garden : cow may be kept on vacant lots ad.iacen i. Two houses and six lots, S200; $O0O cash, terms on balance. WHITE REALTY Co.. COL. Iu5tf. 705 LOMBARD ST. HAWTHORNE SURPRISE HOME. When you sec this home you will agre with uf that it is a wonderful value, we know of no oilier tf-rooiu house to euai it for the price asked; sutendid loca tion, onl y 1 block from carl Ine on East 52d st.; 3 large, utiraelive and weil-ar-runged rooms ii o-v ;iia i is, all hardwood floors. In splendid condition; :i large, light bedrooms second floor : splendid b it h. finished in natural wood and old ivory; splendid lawn, fine ft a rage; other p::.cra not equal to this have sold for ftMiJO t 7ooo. For quick sale ow iwr w i;i take $55U0. Phone us at once. Main 5.i0. McCRlLLIS-CLEAV ELAND CO. SUNNY SID E BARGAINS. Clean. 6-room house, full cement base ment, electricity, gas. piped for furnace, $.1100. terms. 7-room house, close to car. $2lt0. easy terms: see? th;. 2 and 4-apartment flats, from $5ToO up to $I0.00 that will pay lu per cent on purchase price. TABOR JM1. W. H. SAWTELL. CHOICEST PART ROSE CITY. Strictly modern 5-ioom bungalow with sleeping porch ; every modern ton- e.. lonce. beam ceilings. li replace. t in -nace. built-in bookcases, burfct. cement ed basement. full plumbing. laundry trays ; rooms large, light and conven iently a i ranged ; street paved and paid foi ; pt icrt $;o5o. To buy a home iu Lose Cifv see JoKNSON -D01SOX CO.. 632. G33. G34 N. W. Bunk Bldg. Main 37s7. A BON AN ZA -FU RN ISH ED. See t his 2-tr.v f urn Ished house on Williams ave. in Albina; 7 rooms. 3 bed rooms, bath, closets and attic; woodwork natural finish; laundry trays: terra ed li wn. lots of fruit and shad trees. rot-s and berries; all city improvements in a nd n:i id for; one block to car line nar school. Price $37oo. terms. Price Includes all Turmture except pictures china, cut alass. silver ami graphophone the furniture is good. Call Elborth, Main MODE RN 5-room bungalow, fuM lot. re ception hail, living room with built-in bookcu.se. solid puneled dining room, beamed ceiling, fireplace, built-in china closet, white en:mieiO(i kitchen and hath. 2 bedrooms, basement with wash trays; all newly tinted, 3 blocks from Monta illa car." vacant; price $275u. terms. Call 411 JeMorson st., apt. 15. Marshall 5714. Sundays ctr evenings after ti P. M. WEST SIDE HOME. Except tonall v w eli but It ti-room home, good location west side; double c instruc tion cedn r outside, cement basemen:, furnace, fireplace, lot 5ox IO0; all sis. paid; owner leaving city, will sell for clase price. $55imi; needs $ 1 00 u cash, bal ance ensv terms. 0 per cent int. A. H. BIRKELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank bldg Marshall 4114. PENINSULA 1UNC.ALOW. j.-.uu C A S II $50u. Only 1 block from car and paved street, 5 rooms, full built-in Dutch kitch en, fireplace, full semi-cement basement, full 50 x loo lot. All clear of incum brance. Monlly payments like rent C. A. WARRINER. R ITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Hidg. MT. TABOR B UNO A LtW. o rooms $nr.i. You will appreciate the real value here. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, t urn ace, etc. Splenuid location. Full lot. Liberal terms. A. G. TEEPE CO.. 204 Stark St.. near 3d. Main 3002. Branch office, 50th and Sandy, t Open Sunday.) LA UKELHl UST. Near the park ; a dandy 8-room bun galow with three large, airy bedroom a nd sleeping porch, large living room and de;i: ali bui't-in conveniences; every thine mod.rn and up to the mi nut e ; j home you would proud of; situated on large lot. with garage ai.d bearing fruit; all improvements in and paid. $i3.m. S R. Stockton. Tabor 1040. 5-KOOM cottaee on a 100x100, with choice berries, apple, pears ana sn r: oler ; a I corner lot with street Improvements that j are in and paid for; basement, plumb- I ing. electricity and pa. A snap for t someone. trice fi'l'.'tO. siott cash. r NSON- 1 DS N C ., i K::2. fK3. 4 N. W. Rank Bldg. Main ::7G j tli.vio-'- WALK UVG DISTANCE. This nt'-e broim house, in excellent ' east side locat (on. a M improvement in 1 and paid, easy w liking distance bus nes d :s: ret. full concrete basemen t. good plumhir"?. $ 1 doo rsRh, balan-e to sn:i. A. H BIRKELL CO.. 217 N. W. Pank bhljf. Marshall 41 1 t ts ftoOMS Hardwood floors, furnace, f ire place, built-in conveniences. cement porch, f in bed the best, Anglo - Persian rugs. H a v i : a n d dinner set oak and leather dining room set. n.ik and leather living room set. Circassian walnut bed room pet. ga rage. 5-p.. ss. muring car, n'l for $l0.3iHi. M47 Hancock st. IKVIMiTOX NEW HOME. 5 rooms, not quite finished, wilt sic rifice on account of sickness: price J3"oo $.iiO down, balance to suit. Ask for Mr. KelloKK. A. ,1. DEFOREST & CO.. 320-321 Hanry Bldg. Main 2010 ? R V I XOTON. I A nifty new 5-room bungalow with I break fMt room, just completed, finished ! in ivory and w hue ena mel. 1 1 buit-in 1 features. hardwood floors throughout, 1 le. t r;e f i x l u r, s. nhali. t,amo futua . rh' sip. strce; h a'l pa ed n nd pd id : bfg ' h rv'nin if rash. Phone Wood'awn 4 v-l 1. J $1350 1 R INGTi N 0350. ; Six large rooms, double constructed, fireplace, turn a re. la rare cement bs-- ; ment; sun parlor contains 200 square feet; sleeping porch of same size; lot ' 5ixlOO. paved st reet : good terms Cnl! .Mr. Rhode. 51a'n HOO U S' TON AVE r sideiice. ctrie In. lot 5n 120. apcort ! iruns ; na i rues. inaulr Oil Williams tvo. KOtfli CITY PARK. $05tW Tliis Is a 2-s?ory. extra wrU built house, 0 larpe rooms, reception bait and sleeping p-rch -on sigh : ly corner in the h"rt of Rose City, on. bl-ck io cr. Beautiful lawn and shrubbery." hardwood fiooss. fireplace and furnace. Ma.is.ve buffet, $25.'U cash, balance stra:ght mort gage. $H50i HERE Is that 5-room burpasv -u have Ue-n looking f-r w.th a doi.u'.e c'nst ruete-i g. i rage, c -men t run w ay. n-; r A lameda d-rive. The 1kmio with some thing new- in tl:e way of built-ins. I'i''e was built lust fail. Complete m ec: way. $2iHH) cash, balance arranged. i J. U HART M A N COMPANY. 7 Chamber of Com. Hlds. M.nn 2. Branch ULitce 45 ih and Sai.uy. Talmr 2-u4. IRVINGTON EXCHANGE. We have a customer who wants a home in Irvingtoti n nd offers in ex change a fine property :l Uixerwood and a 40-ucrc r;: nch. The Kiverw ood property consists of nearly an acre en the n or front o i red iy across from tin iiolf lilies !tipro'd with . 1 Kiit'is of i-eautiiui shruttj. Lowers, fruit and ua r ucn. Attractive cottage with -i bed rooms and si'-epiim poich. Las finest bathing beach on the- river. Tim 40 a.Te r..nch is omy 14 miles out on g-od hie h Wit y. N tar ly h;i ; f toe land is fine boltow land. balance slightly roi'int;. Mas fa ir hnusc, ha rn anil outbuiutnus. These are but n good propertu s. owner wiil -pay otne cash diflerence to got an I r ington home that suits. What ha you? Main 5;;o. M eCR I LLIS-C LEAVE LA ND CO. MR. AND MRS. HOMES E E K E R. If you want a borne in UNI VERSITY PA It K. or PoR TS Mcl 'TH d i t nets, see us at cm c. we nave only a few of the ihoc ones left, but we have some, e -cellent buys in homes that are not st rici I y modern, with roomy grounds, fruit trees, etc. Take St. Johns car. get -ff at Fiske st. and let us show you. WHITE COL. lU5ti. REALTY CO.. 745 LOMBARD ST. ROSE CITY. Beautiful 5-room bungalow with larg floored attic. ."VvxluO lot. waik. iawn and a!i r u obery ; gars ge with cement floor and driveway. Uoumj has hardwood tioor?. t'Uilt-in bookcase and bullet and lire place: cement basement, laundrv tras; all street itnprovenienis in and paid; price i 4.;t, ca.-h 225t, balance 5ott every t months. .1 O H N S o N - D o D SO N CO.. ;;2. 6.'Ut. tiJ4 N. W. Bank Hidg. Main :i7S7 WILL BE SOLI TOM OR ROW. One-story bunga'rtw on E.i.-t Grant street In Richmond district; southern ex posure, n ice lawn, Ini pro wtm-nts : living, d ining. kitchen. 2 bed rooms and la t h, also entrance hall, ail nicely arranged; lUie fi'to.vti, laundry irays. ur-piace, hardwood floors, built-in feature; natu ral and enamel finish; cement basetiient, gas and elect i icily ; roses a nd ber r s ; six blocks to car. one to school. Price s;i.'.oi, terms. Call Eltswfirth, Main tit::. 5- R' OM modern bungalow ' blook from Albcita car. Dutch kitchen. s.e-plii; porch, two large bcuroonin. cement lur ment. laumirv travs. 12 fruit ti e. s. all kirds of berries ; this is a b..i gam at i $27tt. easy terms; al.-o 5-tooiii cotta.re. sleeping tnrch. rooms plastered. lull cement baeni n:. berried, lawn, elm rit si walk. 5 eiiry o.d. ttx ion foot lct ; price ei'sy terms, tome largatn. R. H. Smith. 1121 E. 24tb St. N , ptionc Woodl.i wn 50l. ALBERTA BARGAIN. $j7iki t" I.USK IN 27o. Hre is a wdl-outlt home, with two bedrooms, kitchen, living rmm. toi.ei i- ri ba th on i irst floor, t w o bedrooms above, nood basement, seeial nice iruit trees. 2 snort blocks from car. tji: u ti possession can b1 bad. C. A. WARRINER. BITTER. 1 A A" K A: C . 2"! -3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 1 OWN an elegjnt building lot In Laurel hurst, clear of incumbrance w hich 1 will give as pay ment on a f urn i shed hur.a-liw- or house: must be modern and cod neiglihorhiHtil ; smet :ting l lia: a sn ill family could make a home; price must be risht as the price f mv .t ca-i be verified . gi e hood d --rSp: nn or prop erty in answer; owners -only. A L N31, oregonian. Folt the earnest ho:m J--cKer wb- wants something especially no.; at the ri-h' ! rice, we ha ve a hea ntif wl tl-rooin hu n g;iow. hardwood floors, beamed ceilings In three rooms, two fireplaces, tull ba.e m -ul . furnace. arn it", a corner lot m, paved boulevard in W est more l.md, pruje 5250. RALPH HARRIS CO.. h27 Caamber of t -o m mei -e Hld. $ tooo i ii inr i-nrt in dminc roo m bu'ch kitchen, two bedrooms on nrsi uooi. an other sleeping room and sewing room on second floor; eneios a sleeping prt h a rdw ooi 1 floors, I i re p i a c-; extra cemt nt basement and w.is-h tra-. lar f... furn.ice: lot ,VxH" on pa -a i.tiri ear: could not be duplicated today f or ."iOUO. See R bode. Main 60. IRYlNGTt -N. STRICTLY M D fl ti N IRVlNGToN no m e i it 1 ms. Sweeping i'"i; h; C 1 11 V Kit l-t V; LAKCE G . U A G E. MIGHT TAKE SMALLER HoUSE. I'OIM'EX T E It , 2'S SELLING BLDG. MAIN 1SVO. RESIDENCE, 27 I -Jo. ALAMEDA PARK. $12.5i0. By owner, just completed, s rooms, old ivorv and mahogany, papered, har-i-wood floors throughout. 2 tir. places, furnace, toilet and lavatory firs f.oor; tile bath second; double gurage in bae nil.ni extra large, fine k.tchen. break- f:.jt nook. Open today. 2 lo 5. H35 Shaver, corner I te gents d r ive. 1500 HANDLES rrnn,n hnue in a good local ion. extra bi rire lot and garage ; price $2250, $ 0 down balance to suit. Ask for Mr, Kellogg- j tk FOREST & CO. . iort 'i Hanrv Bldg. Main 2o. x.i n'.,i buv for working nun with S MioO cash furnished home, ow n r l av i.7 ..itv hm.1 will mnke genuine b;.rj;ain to cash Imyer; positively no ase"ts .i,... -iii !. considered or ta .ked u...'i o... ioikine for a bargain for un-t have the cash audiess AL 143. Orego i Ift it. PTtJi,-Ti v xtt iftl.". r N home. 0 laiKe rooms, all built-in ctuiveiiiences. fireplace and hrHw.,od floors. 75x11)0 b.fwith lot of ,.ir M n it berries, also hick'-n hius ni-be $45t0; terms If U-sired. owner 730 E. 72d st. N.. block south from R. C 1'ark car. ! HEriE IT IS. Wet siIe. 5 rooms and attic, on Woods street good plumbing, sew.r. macadam street, gas and electricity, tor only $100o; en n tike low s $2 ' U cash . A H BIRKELL CO.. 217 N. W. Bank Bldg. A- Marshall 4114. $ s .-. in . Alameda Park. lOOxlOO corner, beau tiful grounds, lurce to-story home, s roo .ius. fireplace, furnace, cement base men i. laundiy trays. two sleeping porch"s. garage. See Mr. K.iode. Main OsOO. SUNNYSIDE S very bert.. 4700. extra n ce. mo rit inoiiern roum . floors furnace, fir-pla. e. sleeping w cod lun h. t ween gn rage. lt 'x ' ciose iu. Hi. mi car li'.ts. mut oc .-ceo : a n T Bel- " .nont. phou s Tabtr 2I or 213-51. i?( o 1 hr-use. 5llx 12'- T- d . fruit. ba rn. $3 to 1 Inter h .m1 ; - bloc $ I 3 ash. ba lane $15 per month and 11 k! I NSON - I DSoN ct . tv-,2. '3.1. IW4 N. W. P-ank Bldg Vain i i 1 : of the ItmiHs in room hoti.-e garage slid trees, beau- Scanooose. 1 l-- acre Mild balh. own water svstem o,d bouse; 21 hearing trim imd onk wnd plot and lu n. ynnde l re. .5. garden W. C. 's mpbe i. OUT- TOWN SNAP. 1 0-room modern home, be-a ted b rest Groe best corner local it, vorth mr than the low price of ;immi, .-rms. TH MS N. 2Q 21 Hcnr U iiLJ 1 Tie lJ.Oi M buncalow . mod. rn : s-eeping o..rch ba.eiiient. ,.nl"i( :ruit trees. r- iii iu;;. it"t nur." t.. iier r.trtl.tiid blxO. urn '"... s;re.i. $ ;odo ; l mi 10 cash. Ow 11 r. M.i in 2:cjo. KOSE MTY PARK Bi:.OAl.PV. " NKW M STRICTLY MtiKK. Full lot. a1! impr.o einents iti ;ud paid, close to Sandy read, fine loca iimi. Seti today. o.ner. Tabor sj:iJ ; r; w BU N A I W. I rv iii;h:i : is rb t .;mmi. 4 p- n S 11 inia y Hfifinonn. T To K V'.th St. N. Ti.ke Irvtngton ; r to itcevh . block "."Ki. T - on" T s . O-R SALE or trade, nn c 5-ro.m hou with buth. pas. 5oxlOO lo. full b.ise n.nt. for smul' truck and term on balance. -1 Nor; b. Slir-voo.l R. R. No. 4. AN ATT CVfTIVE. modern. 5-rooni buiifr. bw. just east of L: u rr lh'irn. xx n h -mk". nicely furnish d, all for mi. Ta bor ";oi. -R M house in pood cuiidit ion and l lot-. Mt. Scott. Terms. jucr. AM Orefiunian. 1 ROSE CITY DISTRICT $2751. "W ill take auto as part payment; Lot lOOxtOO; S-rmtm buugaiow, liv ing room, dining room, two led noms, kitchen and batli. white enameled, plumbing. good base-nicnt- SUNXTSTOB HOME. $2!5rt. $050 cash. balance $20 per mom h. including tnn-rost. On E. Tm lor St., two blocks from M t. Tabor tar. lull it. street nn provements all in anti paid; pkhiis and hall, living r'm, ri i n -ing rrwtm. large kitchen, two b-t-roonis. ba h. w liite eiunvi"'1 plumbing, attic and fuil cement bas-'tuenL. JUST EAST OF PIEDMONT $.i7."ft. Strictly modern 5-room bunga low with garage; living room, fire place, built-in ttook ases, dining room with built-in lui"fet. hard w mid floors. w hlte enameled Dutch ktichen. buitt-tn breakfast t a bie and ironing boa rd, two lrc bedr-xms, bath whito enHineivd pluinb'tig. attb-, ftill cement base ment, furnace and laundry tra: double constructed house. This id a w imdert ul buy. For particulars. 5e E. M. PA DfKX, Sht s M:nagiT. MLT'.C.ER-PA UK KK-KI-.ROISON CO.. C.rouad Floor. .102 Oak St Hro.tdwuv P.ii i i. Formerly Stanley S. Thompson t. o. CLOSE IN EAST SIDE U.l'NC.ALOW. 5 larcre rooms with laige f looted afMr. this p. ace was built for a home and has every conceivable built-in feature; garage with cement drirway; paved street. This is not the ordinary type c? house being offered for Kale and has not been pt-uujcd; hardwood flooia in every room, locatctl in Murrymrad. between Ha v i horne and Division sts., ncn r 21th, the be.t residence district of the ca:-t sice ; price $0."-0. good terms. If 5 on want a good homo at the right price, bo sure to s-'e O'is. R. M. CATEUOOD & CO.. 15'- 4th St. 1 R V 1 N C T O N B A KG A IN. N o 520 En at 24th st. North. "W- own and have for sale the besi barpun Iti lrviniiion 7-room house on 5lkloJ corner ; parage, t N-eiiing port h. hard -wood iioors. 2 lireplates. ille blh. white e nam el linih. full cement basement. t 'r.uld nt be built for lt-s than !uim St reei. assf'-wm -:i 1 4 to $ I -100 all pid. Wiil sell lor $7SoO on easy terms. F. E. BOWMAN & CO.. 210 Cham, of Com. bldg. Main 302ft. ROSE CITY PARK. 6-ROOM BI NU. A LOW OARAGE. $5500. Here! a gem. You will appreciate tha real value In this splendid bungalow home. Hardwood floors, fireplace, buffet, cement basement, furnace, etc. Beautiful .corner location: assessments paid: ou wiil l.ko this: this is absolutely the verv choicest location in Rose City'. 1-ct ua show i ou. A. G. TEEPE CO.. JC-t stnr.k st., near od. Main .in02. Main U51 0. lira nch office. 5Kh and irondy. ( Open Sutniay.) n i:w irvin;ti home OflO KLICKITAT STREET. Ci US ER. Tn room, enameled and papered, double garage, tiir-e toilets, two fire p.ace. all : iors oak, carpentr w ork dav labor, old scale. See th's before buying ; It will pay you. t (pen toda - 1 11. 2500 cash, italance J 125 per moiiih. E J. M A l'TZ. East 5n:il or Marshall 1S0. $25m MODERN BUN 5 A LOW $25ou. VACANT AND A REAL BARGAIN. Six rooms one floor, very line base ment, f ii-st-classi. piumi-iup, electric hcht-. fireplace, .some buiit-ius: ground 75xlo. i..n;e ;rult; near car and haid surlacd street: must be .-V.d by next Frida v. s-e it at once, eas v terms. San.Uy. Marshall 5t."'. : weeka s. Mam 7;t07. M ai ie ,a or il liain-, 20 Cham ber of torn merce bldg. .1 D ERN A LBKRTA Bi N o l arrang-d ami sha pe. 5 rooms and full :galovv. i tirsl-class loored at t;c. Hll.l lull fireplace, built-in bonh Dutch k'tchen, full cement basement. full eat iront lot, garage. 1 M" k iroin car. 1 would like to show you tills $3Juu bargain. c A W A R It IN ER. RITTEK. I WE CO.. 2H-3-5-7 Board of Tra-b RId;. 53150 - H A W Till RNR BI N" ( i A Lo W 515il It U Y NOW. o .N YOUR HOME. r rooms one fioor. full basement, laun dry nas, firepiac . built-ins. g'id pUmibinK. ieceptnn ball, h a t d -ur t a ed. street paid, near car; a bargain at ti price, on t'Tr.is. S mid a , Mar. 5005, week da vs. Main 7.7. Mariels or W'itl- atns. v.'m "itii uit-er it" "omiiorce bidg. in m;ai.i w furnish ki 275- 75x125 LOT -.-2750. lb-re is a piH- t'- ally new 5-r-iofii bun gaiow , with bull i-ins and a f 'm1, large garden; two blocks to car. in Wood. awn district ; furniture included tor $2750. easy terms. LU EJ DEM ANN C( M PAN Y. tM3 t ha in ber d Com merce. 1 a in fiiH7. H A Wllii U; E I M STRICT. Complete 1 f uriilshe,1 5-room bunga low with hard ud : loors. fl : -e place, all .rts ot bin! i - ms. white ena iiie! k i tcti -en iind bath; tlored attir, cement base men i ; so cosy and well kept ; all tor $3.i.M. Mr.MlV W. GCDTAUD. 213 Stark sL jStMHl IRV:NiTV IIoMM Good 9-room modern house, facing south on lot 50HUi; hardwood flors throughout, 4 bedrooms, double windows in all. large sUepin g irch. bi, airy attic; ccn.t nt ba: erne tit, good furnace, fiarae. 75'J Weidler st. l'hone East, 04 s 5. THAT VACANT LOT. Why not turn a burden into Incora? We design and buiiu apartments, ga rdsfn, residences, any t hmg ; iurnisn p lit ns anu fiiiti.net-. Es;auiis!iea t a vears. W offer SECURITY SERVICE, SATISFACTION. I,. R. Buliey Co.. lac. !cj4 N. W. Bank bldg. A;Hito REAL 1 1" VINGTON SNA P $r04'. This home pe fleet ; living room, fire place, two bedrooms, bath :'lrst floor; 2 bedrooms, sleeping porch, bath second. With this goes electric range, instan taneous water hea ter, statr runner and second floor cs: pets; lot 75xlOO, garase. No s gents. Es s t 1 0. MOUNT SCOTT. A rare l.argan in a prerty 5-room bungalow for 2TOO. If you have JlTOO ,-ah ou can be the lucky pa rty and Irt.!it greatly by the other fellow 's mis fortune. HARRIS c MAXWELL. :;i4 Kailway Exchange. LOOK 7-room house w it n tas. elect no lights, water, barii. chicken house. 35 i ruit trees, iu bearing, g ra pes, berries; car parses the dor; on Oregon City line ; Jj."(hi cash w ill tia nd.e. Pnone John Horen. Broadway 133. or ca 11 175 N. tt h. NEW MT. TAiiott HuMB. 7 rooms, bath, fireplace, buffet. Dutoh kitchen, full plastered basement, b.wn and fur lots $uoo. half cash. term, or $7ii00 cash for u,uicL sale; leaving town; line view. M t. Tabor car, cor. t, MU-1-.,n f nd 7flt h sts. A REAL HOME 120x124. Cood 0-rooui bouse, fruit of aJI kins. chicken hous and garaen ; w it.'iin a block of two car lines, east side ; t erma 2"12 I'm, Flauilers st. ; lake Al V car. is-n 6-R"5V freshly p.iint-;d. ei'ed cot tage. Ivory enamel f insert, pa neio-i li -m.ji rooms, electric lights, lo.let ana rink, tiidc w a I k and curb. j-li to MS c;.r. $25ti down ; pretty lot. 7ooj Com ae. S'ut heasL 11 IV..I Ck .ii 1 tat from Aiberta ca : ard met- lot ; ." r o n hot;--. ja r j-o , n 11-1 en run. I ru 1 1 and berr lev of ah kinds ; down. b.i ia nee like rent. ,1 NSON I'OpScN Co.. ft.' iKi3 :.4 N. W. HanU Bldg. Main 377. t.'mt s L E fi-room iiotuern h n.dc hborilOOfl. W Ith ece,lei:t r - ice ; price f 2..". casn. ia latter ou m.inia.v p;t im-m.s 10 urn purchaser. W H t ea.l bar r 2t1 M- Kav hbls. This AN U"., Ori'pniiiaiL till ST. JOHNS. Fix e-Toom coi t a e. lot 1 oOxli feot. c-or:er : 1 run . nuts, berries ; price $ ' 00; y;;on cash, ha lance mont h 1 . Tni Is n'ore ihart xm'-i. K M. i;ATi:WOt'U ., I5'; Uoi;rth. 1RV1 NGTON Sen-1-bur caiow. t fu.r linish, plate k ;i.-s. taiP' 1 - OIll ! tl.MHl. Irvinston bunsajow. .-Ce ri rtrH.p and K not 1. jt. .ou . !it. fireplace. fnri.a'-eKarace. r.at 1 "KST-sil"'W 1N SST M ENT $3?OP. (;.,v,wn bouse in j;ood con.btjon. near l Lin ob street ; for an Investment you cut beat this. 1IWNRY W. tloPOARn, 25 Stark St, I MUST -W at or eo my brand new. up-to- daie 5 -root 11 bun p; w. xv it h or w Hliout ! 1 1 i nit ore . ma V e n" an ofter. lo t:t 551 h st. N. .vt v ca r. GOING to build or rerniT? Get my ideas snd i.miiiihuk. B. T. Allyn. L43 Stari el Office hours 3 to 5 P. M. Phono Mam K-l Res pbone. Tabor 1!4. V A A N T rooms. ff replace. lute ena mei U itebcn. bath. tefir..oiTi. fib 1 basemen i. new'y p;-:uied: on car'iner teims: by on ior. Mi 2 WO ; eves.. Wdin. 4508. lKVlNOTON Beautiful home near Braxee. o . rt ny, lull lot. earac, o.o. .at t. d