The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 18, 1920, Section One, Page 3, Image 3

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    Nlr.W c.
.,ca:iv la, ijio
Majority Is Largest Since
Republic's First Vote.
Hot urn From Balloting at Ver
taillcs Is Marked by Ovation
by Crowds Along Roads.
Intellectual distinction. His patriot
ism and eloquence have made him
known throughout France and he has
for some tim been a member of the
French academy."
VERSAILLES, Jan. 17. (By the As
sociated Press.) Paul Deschanel was
elected president of the French re
public today by 734 votes of the S89
members of the national assembly
voting. His majority was the largest
eince the election of Louis Adolphe
Thiers, he ffrst president after the
fall of the empire, who was chosen
The result was certain since the
caucus yesterday, at which Deschanel
was chosen the candidate of the sen
ate and chamber of deputies, com
prising all the various parties.
The feeling among the senators and
the deputies was that the new presi
dent should come into power with a
vote that would give him the neces
sary authority to speak impressively
tor France.
Sentiment Favor Deachanel.
The general sentiment is that while
M. Deschanel has not won the presi
dency by such outstanding services
as those rendered by Premier Clemen
ceau, he is a man admirably adapted
for the position.
The proceedings, as provided by the
constitution, were formal. However,
the members of parliament and visit
ors joined in a great outburst of ac
clamation when ex-Premier Briand,
who is generally credited with a large
share in the election of M. Deschanel,
declared to a group of friends.
"France and the republic continue.'
The return to Paris was watched
by thousands along the route who
cheered each car, crying "Long live
Deschanel!" and "Long live the re
public!" Public Service I PraUed.
M. Bourgeois made an address of
congratulation to the president-elect,
pledging him the support of France.
He mentioned M. Deschanel's public
services, particularly during the war,
and "during a life of admirable up
rightness consecrated, like your
tather's, to the cult l liberty."
M. Deschanel replied:
""The national assembly, in calling
to the presidency of the republic the
president of the chamber of deputies,
wished to mark its profound attach
ment for those parliamentary institu
tions which in the greatest drama
of history showed again their sup
pleness and their strength. . As a
faithful guardian of the law, 1 will
seek to apply the constitution in
letter and in spirit to solidify and
perfect, in close accord with the na
tion's representatives, these free In
stitutions. Application of Treaty I'rgred.
Our hopes of 1918 were not entire
ly realized and it is necessary today
to conquer the difficulties that press
upon us by strict application of the
treaty of Versailles, by development
of our alliances and friends-hips and
by the union of all the French. That
Incomparable people, whose heroism
and sacrifice saved the world, will
surmount all obstacles upon condition
that they be kept thoroughly conver
sant with affairs and are told the
truth. ,
"1 salute my illustrious predeces
sors, among them M. Poincare, who in
the formidable war represented
France with such dignity and nobility.
I salute also the great Frenchman
who contrioutea so mucn to tne vic
tory by gathering together all the
national energies through a magnifi
cent effort. 1 express the wish- that
the houses of parliament will con
secrate my solemn homage to the im
mortal services he has rendered the
country. j
"1 address to the members of the
national assembly an expression of
unspeakable gratitude. I bring to
5"rance and to the republic all my
devotion and all my heart."
Paul Eugene Deschanel, statesman
and author, is known as one of the
most brilliant public speakers of
France. He was brn in Brussels in
1857, during the exile in Belgium of
his father, Emile DeschaiRl, senator
and professor of. the College of Paris.
Paul Deschanel entered political life
In 1873 as secretary to M. de Marcere,
then minister of the interior, and in
the following year-was secretary to
Jules Simon, president of the council.
In 18S5 he was elected to the chamber
of deputies, becoming vice-president
Of that body in 1896.
Chamber Headed In 189S-
M. Deschanel was elected president
f the chamber in 1898 and held that
office until 1902, when he was de
feated for re-election.
After relinquishing the presidency
of the chamber. M. Deschanel was ap
pointed president of. the parliament
ary commission of foreign affairs and
colonies, which position he filled front
1S05 to 1909.
Since aiay, 1912, when he succeeded
Henri Brisson, M. Deschanel has
served continuously, as president of
the chamber of deputies. He is' a
member of the French academy hav
ing succeeded to the seat of the late
Kdouard Herve. M. Deschanel has
written several books on social and
political subjects.
This was the second time M. Des
chanel had been a candidate for the
presidency of the republic. In- 1913
he entered the lists against Raymond
Poincare, but polled only 18 votes.
Pacific University Has 18 Members
in Each Chorus.
Grove. Or.. Jan. 17. (Special.) Both
the men's and women's glee clubs
have reorganized recently under the
direction of Mrs. Virginia Spencer
Hutchinson, instructor in voice, and
Miss Lrma Alice Taylor, bead of the
college conservatory of musio.
There are 16 members in each of
the choruses', with Kussel Beals as
accompanist for the boys and Miss
Edith Darland for the girls.
Encell Todd was elected manager
and Harvey Jack secretary of the
men's organization, which purposes
to make a tour during spring vaca
tion week. Herbert Duell . is reader
for the club.
Several special features are being
planned by . the women's club, also.
It is composed of several of the mem
bers of the past two years besides
some of the best talent of the fresh
man class. . .
Three Others Injured and Then
Own Life Is Taken.
BROOKLYN, Conn., Jan. 17. Three
persons were killed and three serious
ly injured today by Victor Lipponen,
a farmer, who became mentally un
balanced.' He used an ax. in each in
stance. After committing the cUmes,
he hanged himself.
In the forenoon Lipponen killed six
head of cattle with the ax. Later he
returned to his home and killed a
nurse who was caring for Mrs. Lip
ponen, who four days ago became a
mother. He killed the baby, seriously
wounded his wifa and went to the
farm of Christian U. Ritter. ' After
killing Ritter. he went to a neigh
boring farm and seriously wounded
Mrs. Charles Ray and her daughter.
Both were in. a serious condition.
Blockade Removal Fateful
for Soviets, He Says.
British Advertising Campaign Said
to lie Vqique.
LONDON. The-' Federation of Brit
ish Industries, an influential organi
zation, has launched an advertising
campaign said to be ..unique. The
Federationl s preparing an export
register giving a representative al
phabetical list of British manufac
turers and trade associations in every
line of industry and a classified list
of products with names of makers.
This register is being prepared to
show that England produces many
things that he rest of the world
knows nothing about.
Ten thousand copies will be dis
tributed in - English-speaking coun
tries and another 10,000 copies will
be printed in the following languages.
Spanish,. French, Portuguese, Kalian.
Russian and German.
Uac of c Acquired Power Causes
" DUBLIN, Jan. 17. With the Sinn
Fein effectively controlling municipal
affairs in three-fourths of Ireland
as a result of yesterday's election,
considerable interest is evinced as to
how the Sinn Feiners will, use their
In some quarters, it is, believed they
will take advantage;of the opportun
ity to show their capacity ' for prac
tical administration, while in others
it is thought the election will be used
for furtherance of the - republican
movement.. The opinion generally is
that they will commence ,by electing
Sinn Fein lord mayors and chairmen
of local bodies.
Red Government Loses Excuse for
Fighting and Falling to Sup
ply Xced9'bf People.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 17. Removal
of the blockade on soviet Russia has
knocked one of their "greatest props
frpm under the bolsheviki," Herbert
Hoover said in a statement here to
night. . Speaking from his knowledge
of world conditions, the former di
rector of European relief said the
soviet government had laid every
failure of -socialism .on the blockade,
and used -it' as. a stimulus for raising
armies, on the ground that the Rus
sians ' were fighting . to save them
selves from starvation. With the
blockade removed in large part. Mr.
Hoover said, the "bolshevik tyranny"
will face collapse when it fails to re
lieve suffering.
, Mr. Hoover. thought Russia had no
commodities, wheat, flax or cotton,
for exports since starvation is acute
in the larger cities and the people
almost in rags.
"I have advocated ever since last
winter," Mr. Hoover said, "that the
blockade on soviet Russia should be
removed on everything except arms
and ammunition, not because it
would do the. bolshevik' tyranny in
Russia any good, but because 1 be
lieve the removal of the blockade will
take from under them one of their
greatest props. For the past year
tney nave laid every failure of so
cialism onto the blockade. They daily
and hourly blamed the allied blockade
for the shortage of food, clothing and
agricultural implements, and the mis
ery that has arisen therefrom, and
they . have succeeded in impressing
this upon an Ignorant people. They
have also used it as a stimulus to
raise armies under - the contention
that they are fighting to save them
selves from starvation.
"These shortages and this suffering
are not due to the blockade, but are due
to the total industrial demoralization
and bankruptcy In production, which
will continue as long as socialism and
the bolshevist rule lasts. If the
blockade is opened the bolshevik gov
eminent must secure the import Of
food and clothing at once, and there
by great suffering will be mitigated.
The greatest blow they can receive
is to- have such an exposure of the
complete foolishness of their indus
trial syKteai to the people. More
over, lifting of the blockade will
allow the real truth of the horror of
bolshevik rule to come out of Russia.
"One thing that needs to be guarded
against in the Unite1 States is that
our frontier and port officers must
redouble theu- vigor against the ex
port to us of bolshevik agitators,
propaganda -and ' money for subsidiz
ing criminals to create revolution."
Defeat of Clemenccau Is Held of
No Significance.
NEW YORK, Jan. 17. Commenting
on the election of Paul Deschanel as
president of the French republic.
Maurice Caeenave, director-general of
French services in the United States,
said today:
"The defeat of M. Clemenceau in
the presidential election has no polit
Jcal significance. There has been no
political change in the balance of
power in the French chamber. The
French president, being without re
sponsibility according to the rules of
parliamentary government, is no
more an active force in political life
than is the king of England.
"The defeaU'of M. Clemenceau ag
nifics that the presidential electoral
college was under the impression that
a man of his forceful character was
less suited to the office of president
than that of prime minister, 'who is
the real head of government in
France, being directly responsible to
both chambers. A. French president
is pot elected on a question, of policy
but on a question of his personal fit
ness for the office.
"M. Deschanel is the son of one of
the founders of the third French -re-Bublic.
H is a man noted for his
high character and great personal;
Old Piano Is Donated to
McLoughlin Memorial.
Instrument Brought 'Around Horn
to Oregon in 1851 Has Keyboard
lcllunrd With Age.
REGON CITY, Or.. Jan. 17. (Spe-
esting object in the old Holmes man
sion at Rose farm was the piano that
has lust been presented to the Mc
Loughlin Memorial association and
which has been placed in the historic
home of Dr. John McLoughlin, the
founder of Oregon City. The donor is
Mrs. Louise Holmes Martin, who in
herited the famous Instrument upon
the death of Mrs. Dan O Neil.
The piano Was not the first one
brought out to Oregon, but It is prob
ably the oldest in Oregon, as those
of earlier date seem to have disap
pcared. It is a Plrrson. and was
brought around the Horn . -in 1851
th nve others which -were purchased
by various citizens of the Oregon ter
The keyboard is yellowed with age
and is an octave or more shorter than
those of present-day manufacture.
The McLoughlin Memorial associa
tion is gradually acquiring pieces of
historical furniture for the home of
the father of Oregon. The home of
Dr. McLoughlin has been completely
restored and in 1909 it was given to
the city by W. P. Haw ley, president
of the Hawley Pulp & Paper company,
and was moved to the city park block
at the head of Singer hill. It is
visited annually by hundreds of people
from every section of the country.-
Machine Guns Scatter Crowds
After Spanish Cabinet Resigns.
B A DA JOS, Spain, Jan. 16. Serious
disturbances occurred at Lisbon last
night as a result of the resignation
of the cabinet, according to reports
reaching here. Republican guards
patrolled the streets and machine
guns were used to scatter .the crowds
.Despatches from Oporto, where
bakers strike is in progress, report
disturbances in which several bombs
were , throw n. Several persons were
"Poison Cup" Lecture Announced
At Everyman's club, 213 Couch
street, at 8 o'clock tonight, a lecture
on "The Poison Cup" will be given
by Professor William Conger Morgan
of the department of chemistry at
Reed college. Professor Morgan will
ten, among otner things, about pois
oning through the drinking of wood
alcohol. A special motion picture
film bearing on the lecture topic will
be shown, and there will be appropri
ate music. The entertainment is open
to the public, and ex-service men are
especially invited.
Denatured Alcohol Enjoyed.
TUB DALLES, Or., Jan. 17. (Spe
cial.) Denatured alcohol and coffe
is a popular drink. Denatured alcoho
is often taken with excellent results
in common soda water as a filler. So
declared Hugh Mc Bride, of Weston,
Or., .who was arrested last night by
2E gp
1000 Languages to Be Studied.
LONDON. The University of Lon
don is planning to build an institution
of ' phonetics at a cost of $600,000,
where 7.0 assistants would be engaged
In research work on the 1000 lan
guages of the British empire. The
scheme, which originated with Daniel
Jones, head of the phonetic depart
ment of the university, calls for the
expenditure of 2,500,000.
Mercury 88 at, Los 'Angeles.
LOS ANGELES, Jan. 17.-When the
thermometer at the weather-bureau
here registered 88 degrees this after
noon, the official observer announced
that today was the warmest recorded
January day in the history of the
Read The Oregonian classif: d ads.
Seven-passenger, 6-cylinder
Case Sedan, used less than
three months. In perfect'
condition. Will sell at a bar
gain for quick sale. Apply
to owner ' "
509 Oregonian Bldg. .
Dainty Artistic Designs
t My stock embraces all the,
late and popular shapes of
both American and Swiss
: ' leading manufacturers,
every watch absolutely
' guaranteed by the fac
tories as well as by my
self . Prices range from
$17.50 to $650
i My Special $50 and 1
I $100 Diamond Rings I
Have No Equal
li !!:!!'!
Scientific Eye Glass Fitting I
Our Ophthalmoscope and Retlnoscop Is one of the most
scientific eye-testing Instruments In the world. With this
instrument we are masters of the situation. No guess
work, no mistake the eye baa been fitted with the right
Yon Are Requested to Apply the Follow
ing Tests to Your Eyes and Report the
Results to Us:.
Do you see objects through a haze?
Does. the atmosphere seem smoky or foggy?
Do spots or specks dance, before the eyes?-
Do you see more clearly . some days than
others? ' -
Do you see better sidewise than straight for
ward? Do you see better in the evening or just after
sundown than at midday?
Does a candle or street lamp seem expanded
into large flame?
' Does a Jamp or electric light seem to have a
halo about it?
Do luminous objects, like the moon, seem mul
tiplied? One Charge Covers the Entire Cost of Exami
nation, Glasses, Frames " ' .
Complete Lens Grinding Factory on Premises
Our Store Opens at 9 A. M.
en I
Agents for the , Butterick . Pat
terns and Delineator all styles
and sizes now showing.
"Tfie Store That
Undersells Because
It Sells for Cash"
? Our Store Closes 5:30 P. M.
Mail Orders Receive our Prompt
and Careful Attention the Same
y Day as Received.
Only Once in Twelve Months' Can We Offer You Such Economy Prices
and That Is Duriug Our
Annual Pre -Inventory Sale-
This is stock-righting time. Inventory davs are just ahead and all the odd lots.
short lengths, broken assortments, discontinued lines and remainders of fall and
winter merchandise must be disposed of. Practically everything needed for the
home and person can be bought in this sale under normal worth. IT IS A SALE
Thompson Optical Institute
Eyesight Specialists
Portland's Largest, Most Modern, Best
Equipped, Exclusive Optical Establishment
209-10-11 Corbett Building, Fifth and Morrison
SINCE 1908
I fiiil
city police officers. The mixture made
ucunae quarreiome ana aa oian i
PoHh holnc t hrnu n intn a Hufr
fine of $10 sobered him up this morn
' :
Generals Get Assignments.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. Brigadier-
General Arthur Johnson was today
assigned to command Camp Upton,
New York, and Brigadier-General
Frank McCoy to command the DougT
las. Ariz., military district.
THE mystic charm, ro
mance and beauty of
the Far Places speak to
you in the wondrously
wrought patterns and rich
harmonies of these ever-to-be-treasured
Rugs ,
We will gladly advise with
you in the making of a pleas
ing' selection from our exhibit, '
the largest in the northwest
country. Our prices are most
Cartozian Bros.
Established 1906
Washington, Near Tenth
LargMt Diamond Dealer la Oregon.
334 Washington, Portland, Or. "
MM at J
Send for
our latest
' kS f and nop - worn
. band Instruments.
A Kent for C. G. Conn,
also VesaTabaphone Banjoa
MeDonrall Maale Co.
12s Aider tit. Portland. .
(Brings the Health Pink)
Every evening and Sunday
Grand Roller
Band Music
Polite Attendants
Pleasure which gives the most
exhilarating, fascinating, health
giving results amid clean, cheer
ing surroundings.
The Most Completely
Equipped Rink in
the West i-
. W. Bertone.'-Manager
in eieht lessons
Ladies S2.50. Gentlemen
$5.00 at re Honey's
Kea utliui Academy
23d and Washington.
N r w ClaaKen for Beain-
nrra start Monday and
Kriday evenings. Ad
vanced classes Tuesday
and Thursday even-
incrs. 8 to 11:30. All popular and
latest dances taught in 8 three-hour
This guarantee term is worth $15
and if you ever expect to learn danr-
iiT you should take advantage of our
cut rates. Secure your tickets this
week, before prices advance, lou can
take one or four lessons a. week.
Tickets are good until used.
The Only School teaching each les
son the entire eveninK. 8 to 11:30.
where you receive the proper amount
oi practice.
The Only School with a separate
step room and extra teachers, where
backward pupils receive special at
The Only School 'with a systen
where you dance with dozens of dif
ferent partners, leaching the gentle
man to lead and the lady to follow
correctly (the only way to become a
practical dancer).
The Only School where each pupil
receives a printed descriotion of all
dances free. We do not teach before
dancing parties begin, or give short
one-hour lessons, and I conscientious
ly believe one lesson from us is worth
six in the average school. The most
backward pupil will not become em
barrassed and is sure to learn. You
will enjoy yourself, as the social fea
ture alone is worth double the price
Plenty of desirable partners to prac
tice with. Mr De Honey has taught
more people to dance and erected
more fine academies than any otber
dancer in America. His ability as a
teacher and dancer is positively un
equaled by any other person in the
west. He is always ready and anx
ious to prove these facts. If you de
sire the best, call and be convinced.
Private lessons all hours. Phone
Main 7ti56.
Piano By
Without a
Easiest system onlearth. "Wo use
pretty tunes instead of exercises. Very
latest method. A complete musical ed
ucation for five dollars.
Try It for two week and then send us
J..(M) c.Lsh or $1.00 each month fur six
months. If you do not want to koep It,
return it and you will owe ui nothinff'.
Send ua this adv. and your address and
you will receive the course by return
ma 11. You can learn to play a pretty
tune b note In the second lesson. Now
is your chance. Ba convinced. Writ
Danville, Illinois
for HAIR
One of tha patent lnrtxllnts af
K stalk for tbs hair is genuine ssr
mti. Thrrs at ether scUt tncrvdtents
Mt found ln any athar hatr propara
uou. Kotalko baa surreeded In msnv
casta of saisss. fa IN it fl asir and
4 and ruff when Try otfctr hilr lotion or treat
ioQt has proved futile. $300 6 ti ara ttt. ini.
ln results In rases considered hopatess. Yea
aver saw bald las' taut
Why become or remain hId If you esn grow
hafrf If others have obtained a .naw growth or
have- conquered dandruff, ar stopped falling hair
through Kotalke. trfty map not pnmt Get a beg
of KOTALKO at any busy drug stars: or vend It
cnt.v. slWvr Or stamps.- for BUOCHUBi with
FBOOF BOX of Kotalko ta
J. B. Brftain, Imu, Station F, New York, K Y.
Here Are Offerings That Will Play an Important Part
In the Housewife's Scheme of Economy
Staple quality goods that will give good service the only kind worth while
at prices representing decided economies. Come let your own good judgment di
rect your selections from the following list. First we call your attention to
A Great Half-Price Sale of
Curtain and Drapery
Se.e Our Large Third'Street Window Display
More than 2000 yards to select from patterns, colorings
and materials to sui every taste and purpose, including
Cretonnes Madras
Scrim and Bungalow Nets
First come, first served none reserved no phone orders
filled and only a limited quantity sold to any one purchaser.
Miss this sale and j-ou'll miss one of the greatest bargain
opportunities announced for many a day.
A Challenge Sale of Blankets
Three Offerings That Defy Comparison By Those Who Know
Values Best
Dorset Blankets
at $8.50 Pr.
66 by SO inches
These well-known and re
liable Blankets are shown in
pretty plaid styles and are of
"good heavy weight they
come 66x80 inches.
at $3.95 Pr.
72 by SO inches
A cotton Blanket of
good weight 72x80
inches they come in
white, gray and tan.
Our Stock Consists of Hlh-Cls
Rebuilt Mnchinti Only.
Bleached Pillow Outing Outing
Muslin Cases Flannel Flannel
35c Yd. 3 for $1 at 50c Yd. at 35c Yd.
Comes 36 inches wide Well made f.-om rem- x fine heavy fleeced A S6-Inch Outing
and is of a standard nants of standard qual- Flannel shown in plain
quality with fine, soft ity sheeting; they, come White OuUng Flannel, brown, navy, gray and
finish- 42 by 36 inches. full 36 inches wide. cream.
' 1 i
Smashing Reductions On Our
Entire Stock Heavy Weight Coatings
To Insure Immediate Disposal
ONE AT . .$2.95 Yd. TVOAT ...$3.95 Yd.
An event worthy of every thrifty woman's attention. You have choice from
our regular stock lines of 54-inch heavy Coatings, including all fashionable weaves
in novelty mixtures and plain colors. Never has such a dress-goods sale for down
right value-giving been known in the history of this store. Shop in the morning if
possible and avoid the crowds of the afternoon.
LOT THREE AT Storm Serges in 36-inch width and desirable colors a
splendid wool fabric that will wear most satisfactorily.
Less than today's mill cost.
Both Poplins and Serges in 38 to 42-inch widths fabrics
of perfect weave in a complete range of colors and decid
edly underpriced for this sale.
Velours in a full assortment of staple colors they come
in 48-inch width and are all wool one of the most im
portant offerings of the sale.
at 95c Yard
at $1.25 Yard
at $2.69 Yard
An End of the Season Sale of
Women's Handsome
Coats at $31.95
Rich, Lustrous Plush Coats With Fur Collars, Others iri
Velours and Silvertones, All on Sale at One Price.
There is still a long season ahead and you'll more than
get the value in wear of these handsome Coats which we are
clearing out now without regard to their original cost.
Included are handsome Plush Coats with collar of Kit
Coney or Black Opossum others in fine Velours and Sil
vertones with fur collar of Sealine or Kit Coney. Every Coat
in the assortment is of perfect workmanship and finish and
linings are of dependable quality." You have choice from all
sizes in popular colors.
Every Coat Is an Extraordinary Value at $31.95
Ah Extraordinary Corset Sale $3.39 a Pr.
You Have Choice From the Most Popular Front and Back Lace Models in Rich
Brocades. Fine Batistes and Coutils. Sizes 19 to 36
Savings That Run to a Third and More! Only the Finer Quality Corsets Are
Included. R. & G Rengo Belt, Henderson. Merito, Lady Ruth and
Every Corset Is Fully Guaranteed
We have a splendid assortment of front and back lace Corsets in discontinued
lines that we muet close out at a loss to us because the manufacturers have
dropped these numbers because of the scarcity of materials. Our loss is your gain.
Buy liberally while you can save extraordinarily.
All are high-grade Corsets in fashionable front and back lace models that will
correctly and-comfortably fit every figure, and every pair is sold under our per
sonal guarantee, although you pay a bargain price.
at $9.75 Pr.
66 by SO inches
An exceedingly fine wool
mixed Blanket shown in
pretty blue, tan and pink and
white plaids they come 66x
80 inches and finished with
.11, 2-inch binding.
Our Store
Now Opens
at 9 A. M.
The Most in Value The Best in Quality
Store Closes
at 5:30 P. M.
at 6 P. Si.
, " -V-..J- t