THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAN, PORTLAND, JANUARY 18, 1920 SO ALL ON BOARD IK OF SOVIET ORDERLY No Mischief Reported in Bu ford's Trip Across Atlantic. PARTY REACHES FINLAND Kiimiu Alexander JicrUmaii and (ioldiuan K.vpress Desire to" "Re turn to America to Save It.", the American Revolution at the Ben won hotel, in honor of the wedding: an niversary of George and Martha Washing-ton. Speakers were Miss Grace Phelps, who was with base hospital 46, Miss Klizabeth Bain and Dean Klizabeth Fox, both of whom were connected with the T. W. C. A. in France. Major William S. Gilbert, chaplain of the old Third Oregon, made the principal address, taking as his theme, -The Spirit of the Fathers." Of additional interest was the exhi bition by Major Gilbert of the altar flag- presented him by the Portland Daughters of the American Revolu tion before he left for France. This battle-stained banner, he explained, had had a part in the burial services of 276 American soldiers. EXILE'S PAST GLIMPSED SINISTER QUIRKS OF EX-KAI SER ARE CALLED. TEACHER SHORTAGE IS1TI0IL CRISIS Thousands Resign; Normal School Attendance Falls.- WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. Announce ment of arrival of the "soviet ark" Buford at Hango, Finland, was made tonight by the immigration bureau, which issued a statement saying the "deportees have been orderly and obedient throughout the entire trip." Reports that any of the deportees have made statements for the press were characterized as "without foun dation." HAN'GO. Finland. Jan. 17. The 249 undesirable aliens deported from the United States and brought here yes terday by the United States army transport Buford 'for trans-shipment to Russia were Jaken off the trans port today and marched to the special train wflich will carry them to the Russian frontier. American marines and Finnish white guards were drawn up as the radicals proceeded from the ship to their train. The party will be kept completely isolated until the frontier is reached. I'nir Wont to Live In V. S. Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman, who have been looked upon as the leaders of the deportees, have declared they will not remain in Russia, but will "return to America to save it." After the Buford had been docked Berkman and Miss Goldman led a pro cession of radicals down the gang plank. A large number of persons had assembled on the wharf gazing curiously at the landing. The reds made up a motley throng, their faces full of curiosity as to what their fu ture might be, while there were traces of anxiety lest they might be attacked after they had left the protection of their American guardians. Finnish authorities will look after the safety of the deportees. After they had landed, Berkman and Miss Goldman talked willingly with newspaper men. Asked to give her opinion of her deportation, the latter replied: "It was melodrama to keep it se cret.'.' - "It was unfair and stupid," inter jected Berkman. "You can't kill an idea like that. The czar tried and failed. He is dead and forgotten." "Do you want to overthrow the American government?" Miss Gold man was asked. "You need f new government," she answered, "and I hope the election will provide it." Asked what her plans were. Miss Goldman said: "I shall not impose my advice upon the Russian government, but shall re main affiliated with the bolsheviki. I hold my deportation was an injus tice. We were not given a chance to prepare for it." Berkman to Write Article. Berkman is under contract to write for an American monthly publication a scries of articles 'about former American prison wardens, among them Thomas Mott Osborne. He will write a number of Russian sketches, he said. . The bolsheviki on board led a monotonous life, which was made more irksome because of stormy weather, when they could not be given their daily exercise on deck. After the Buford left Kiel, however, " the weather cleared up and the de portees were on deck for longeriods. Their greatest pleasure seemed to be singing "red" songs. Interesting Fa-ts Brought Out in Memoirs or Bismarck, Which May Be Suppressed. BUSINESS WINNING' RACE 2 101 or 15,000 Instructors In Mis souri Paid Less Than $4 00 Year. Conditions Cause Concern. STUTTGART, Jan. 17. (By the As sociated Press.) Ex-Emperor Will iam's penchant for inscribing margi nal notes on documents passing through his hands dates back to 1887, when he was still Prince Wilhelrii. This practice apparently nettled Bis marck, who requested the heir to dis-J pense with such effusions, which he promised to do. This is one of the incidents brought out in the third volume of the iron chancellor's memoirs, which were the subject of injunction proceedings be fore the court today. The bench an nounced that decision on the former's petition for suppression of the volume would be made known January 24. . The volume contains a total of six letters written by. the former emperor at various stages of his . career. One of the first three written while he was prince refers to a proclamation he proposed to address to the rulers of confederated states In view of the "not improbable eventuality ' of the early deaths of my grandfather and father." In reply Bismarck told the prince the best thing he could do was to consign the proclamation, to the fire as quickly as possib'le. One letter from Emperor Frederick III, in which he expressed regret over the crown prince's education and gen eral nature, is included in the volume. it Is said, for the purpose of proving that the father was out . of patience with his son's mental development and general temperament. BUSINESS MEM TO FROLIC EAST SIDE CLUB TO ELECT THURSDAY NIGHT.' members of the Paul Delbene family, poisoned, from eating ojlves. died in a hospital owing to the late arrival of the special serum thought to be pos sible to save their lives. Hospital phy sicians, however, hope to save the life of the only surviving" member of the family of seven, a 10-year-old girl, with serum, received from Wash ington. Another package of serum which was being rushed eastward from Chi cago by mail airplane failed to ar rive, the machine having been dis abled and forced to land, at Black Oak. Ind. Health Commissioner Copeland an nounced tonight that he had traced the poisoned olives to an east side store. There were 48 cases In the shipment, but it was learned that part of them had been consumed without harmful results. WOOD URGES ECONOMY GENERAL ASKS SQUARE DEAL FOR LABOR AND CAPITAL. MILLS STILL" HAMPERED CAR SHORTAGE SITUATION CONTINUES SERIOUS. Women to Serve Home Products Banquet; A. G. Clark to Speak and Distribute Prizes. The East Side Business Men's club will hold its annual election Thursday night following a home industries banquet to be served at the club rooms by the women of the Central Presbyterian church. A president, vice-president and secretary-treasurer are to be elected to succeed Dr. A. M. Webster, Wilson Benefiel and L. M. Lepper, respectively, also ix directors-. Speaking and music will follow the dinner, at which U. D. Maxson will preside as toastmaster. Harold Gra ham will give two vocal selections. Two civil engineers. G. B. . Hegardt and O.'Laurgaard, will speak on the progress of the St. Johns terminal and the possibilities of development on Portland's waterfront. A. G. Clark Is scheduled to speak on the Oregon products campaign and will distribute home industry prizes. Dancing and cards will conclude the entertainment, which is in charge of the following. Banquet committee I. M: Lepper, E. A. Clark, Wilson Benefiel, H- H. Fitzpatrick. Entertainment committee C. A. Bigelow. E. Vaughn, C. C. Hall, T. J. Rowe. Frederick C Forbes, E. J. Had ley. Dr. A. W. Moore, U. D. Maxson. M. Gillis, J. L. Austin. N. U. Car penter. J. D. Sherman, U. C. Lewis, O. E. Heintz. T. J. Myers, G. W. Weatherly. H. W. Molius. A. J. Rose, H. A. Calef. W. H. Markell, D. H. Strowbridge. Unshipped Orders lor Transconti nental Delivery Now Reported as 12,149 Carloads. But slight improvement was shown last week in the car situation, with regard to the lumber business in Ore Ron. according to the statement issued by Robert B. Allen of Seattle, secre tary-manager of the West Coast Lumbermen's association. The car rituation continues ' discouraging, despite contrary publicity inspired by the railroad administration, he de clares. Mr. Allen's summary of the situa. tion follows: . "Notwithstanding newspaper pub licity inspired by the United States railroad administration, the outlook for cars In Oregon and Washington continues discouraging. Efforts for more definite relief and a tangible future car supply will be continued by the association, which is receiving hearty co-operation on the part of the state public service commissions of Oregon and Washington. "A recent statement by the manager of the car service section. United States railroad administration. Wash ington, D. C alleging that car short age in Oregon and Washington is due to the Pacific northwest's having out grown its trackage facilities, is no borne out by facts. The state public service commissions and traffic ex perts find that the track facilities in Oregon and Washington are not now and never have been, used in excess o 60 per cent. "Luohber production in Oregon and Washington since 1914 has . increased 27 per cent. One hundred and twenty seven mills, participating in this week's lumber barometer, show actual production of 65.539,251 feet. Such a production is J.1 per cent below normal. New business taken on dur ing the week totaled 54,235,850 feet. Shipments for the week totaled 66,741.927 feet, of which 55,710.000 feet was loaded for rail delivery. The balance of unshipped orders for trans continental delivery has reached a total of 12.149 carloads at 127 mills. The temporary improvement in car supply was due to the release of empties which had . accumulated during the previous weeks of em- bargo." GUARDS DEFEAT LEGION Winners Start With Rush, .Holding Own at Ail Times. The Multnomah Guard basketball team evened things up with the Dal las American Legion, five last night in . a return game on the Y. M. c A. floor by trimming the legion quintet 20 to 17. The Guardsmen started out with a rush, and led the visitors 12 to 4 in the first half. The game was exceptionally clean and fast, with the passing of both teams excellent. Fearnley, Cole and Irle put up a great game for the Guard five, while Boydston 'and Woods showed up well for Dallas. The lineup: Mult. Guard (23). Dallas (17). Onode (4) P (7) Boydston Fearnley () .. (4) woods Darling (- - nayes Trla 4) G . (2) Bennett Cole (4) . . . . G Scott Lewis uoocn Referee. Karl Rinehart: umpire, W. A. Fenstermachcr. NEW YORK. Jan. 17. (Special.) The teacher shortage has developed into a national public school crisis Teachers by the tens of thousands have given up teaching.- Their po sitions jire either remaining unfilled or are being' taken by an increasing number of poorly-prepared persons. Normal and other training schools cannot meet the demands. The num ber of students attending is rapidly decreasing. Teaching has been unable to com pete with business for the services of high school graduates. The girls in Increasing numbers are taking up 1 other than teacher-training courses. Four hundred rural schools in West Virginia are closed: 80 in Maine have shut down "and unless something is done to improve conditions, about 500 will not open their doors next fall. In New' York state approximately 1000 rural communities, finding it impos sible to secure teachers at the salaries they are willing to pay, have closed their school; the school master "is working the land." but in workxther than teaching. Normal School Registration Drops. The reason for tfce conditions con fronting the schools is low salaries. When the rural schools in Kansas are paying an average wage, not salary, of $436.64 to men teachers and " of $431.01 .to women it is not surprising to find the normal schools reporting a register of only 3000 persons fitting themselves this year to become teach ers, as c&mpared with 6000 in 1916. When out of 15,000 teachers in Mis souri 2101 are being paid less than $400 a year and 540 are being paid less than $300 it is not to be wondered at that more than 5000 of the teachers have only an elementary education Until there Is public realization of the seriousness of the present situa tion and public demand for better pay for teachers and more liberal appro priations for teacher-training Insti tutions there will not be any sub stantial increase in the supply of teachers. Salary Increases Inadequate. Reports gathered by the National Educational association from 1700 school superintendents who supervise 23S.573 teaching positions show present shortage of 14.689 teachers, or more than 6 per cent of their teach ing positions. This shortage would have been greater had proper stand ards for' teachers been maintained, but the superintendents declare that they are employing 23,006 teachers below standard. This is almost 10 per cent of their entire teaching staffs. During the year more than 22 per cent or 52,79$ teachers gave up their positions. . ' Some attempts have been made to meet the alarming situation by grant ng increases In salaries, but gener lly these increases have not been ommensurate with the increase in cost of living. Missouri has raised the pay of its rural teachers 10.9 per cent since 1915, but the average salary that yeaf was only $329.16. Kansas reports an in crease of 12 per cent In teachers' sal aries In three years and the state authorities put at 100 per cent the ncrease in cost of living in that state. Conditions Concern All. J These conditions are of concern not only to the people (of the communities most seriously affected, but also to those In other communities. There must be insistence upon the main tenance of high professional stand ards and public support for higher salaries for better prepared teachers. Finally, more liberal state appro priations must be granted to normal schools and other teacher-training Institutions. Until there is nation-wide recogni tion by the public of the importance of the teaching profession there will not be recognition of the importance of teaching as a profession by at tracting the best material the high schools of the country are turning out. T DECLARES 0. S. DEFAULTS IN RUSSIA No Friendship "Except in 'Words," Is Statement. MANY CHANCES PASSED Senator Chamberlain Tells Eastern Audience Government Is Guilty of "Dislocating Wages." NEW YORK. Jan. 17. An "economi cal national administration based on a budget system" was advocated by Major-General Leonard Wood, candi date for the republican nomination ror president, in a letter read to night at the annual dinner of the Queens chamber of commerce. He also urged "a square deal for labor and for capital; no autocracy for either," adding that they should "pull to gether." "The slogan of today is law and order and no cla'ss legislation; respect for constituted authority; government under the constitution and encour agement by all practical means of good business," General Wood wrote. "The United States government has dislocated wages," Senator George E. Chamberlain, Oregon, declared in an address. He said he knew many lawyers and other professional men who closed their offices to work In the government shipyards. The eenaler ridiculed the idea of government ownership. "If the .gov ernment had all the money in the wona, ne added, "it could not com pete with the big enterprises that have brains at the head of them." He urged business men to Interest them selves In the problems that confront the country, saying that "otherwise bankruptcy is Inevitable." SECRETARY GLASS CHOSEN PAX-AMERICAX FINANCIAL CONGRESS ORGANIZES. President . Is Elected Delegates From 2 1 Republics Will Dis cuss Vital Problems. L IDEA ATTACKED INDIVIDUAL RIGHTS HELD IM POSSIBLE OF SUPPRESSION. Columbia University Head Before New York Bar Declares Prog ress Would Prevail. . WASHINGTON. Jan. 17. Live dis cussion among delegates ra,ther than ponderous addresses will character ize the second Pan-American finan cial congress. This decision was made at an organization meeting today and was regarded by the high officials of the Pan-American governments pres ent as a big step toward , putting ginger into the deliberations. Its ob ject to be sought. It was said, was the clash of ideas which leads to so lution of problems. Instead of purely academic presentation of views by designated speakers. The meeting held at the close of a luncheon tendered the guests after they had been presented by Secretary Lansing was Itself more like a gathering of corporation directors than a formal diplomatic affair. A spirit of personal good fellowship and international co-operation was evidence, of which notice was taken by Secretary Glass. "I am sure," he said, welcoming the visitors from 21 republics, "that your deliberations will not only strengthen the ties of sentiment, but bonds of materia) interest better the repub lics." Secretary Glass ws elected unani mously president. Dr. Fernando C. Fuchs. minister of finance. Peru, issued a statement to night expressing the opfsion that the question of transportation was the most important problem before the conference. This applied, he said, to internal railway development as well as to the establishment of regular and ade quate eteamship lines, because ships now are sometimes kept waiting at ports for weeks to receive cargoes. Citing what his country was doing to develop transportation. Dr. Fuchs said Peru had . set aside the tax on tobacco. a government monopoly amounting to four million solas an nually, as security for a loan with which it is proposed to build 2000 kilometers of railroad which will complete the Peruvian section of .the great Pan-American railroad. The selection of Dr. L. S. Rowe, head of the state department. -Latin-American division, to. be secretary general, was affirmed. Former Secretary or State Holds America Promised All, but ; Performed Nothing. NEW YORK. Jan. 17. The Amer ican people are In default as to Rus sia, because "we have shown no friendship" to that country, "except in words," Elihu t Root. chairman of the mission sent to Russia by Presi dent Wilson, declared in an address at a" private dinner of the American- Russian chamber of commerce of this city on December 29. At the request of members of the organization. Mr. Root tonight permitted his remarks to be made public. After denouncing the "horrid group of cutthroats and assassins" now in control of Russia. Mr. Root declared they could be fought most effectively by supplying the "self-sacrificing en who are now trying to save their country" with munitions of war. shoes, clothing and money to pay their troops. . "We are In default as to Russia: the American people are In default." Mr.' Root said. "We have given, as surance of friendship to Russia; we have made promises; we (have used the strongest words in the English language. We have Indicated that there was no limit t6 the friendship which we were ready, to show toward Russia, and we have shown no friend ship toward Russia except in words. Opportunities Pauril Up. .Many opportunities have come and have been allowed to pass. Many situations have arisen in Russia, where, if the American people had made good one tenth of what they declared they were ready to do, .the skies would be bright in Russia to day. They have been allowed to pass without action. "Now is the time to lay the foun dations, to take the first steps to establish the relations necessary for the friendly and useful Intercourse of trade between the United States and Russia," Mr. Root explained. He said other nations were doing this, especially Japan and Canada. Kussla Needs I. S. Help. Russia is the place for Americans to fight and destroy bolshevism, he said, adding that America should put "strength and heartiness and courage and hope and prosperity into the peo ple of Russia who are ready them selves to destroy bolshevism. "Long before the expiration of the period in which any of these nations iow at the forefront of popular self government achieved settled con ditions; long before that period has elapsed." concluded Mr. Root. "1 look to see Russia work out her own ques tions, work them out as she Is work ing them out now through bloodshed and suffering and travail, to the con summation of a strong and competent democratic republic." ' 'S ARMY OFFICER AND FEDERAL TRIBUNAL MAY CLASH. Minor. C. E. Grelle. E. V. Hauser anu Otis Wight. Reports for the past year were rendered, showing 1919 to have been one of the most successiui years m he history of the club, and general plans for the forthcoming year were discussed. The new board will meet oon. at a time not yet determined. for organization and election of club fricers from among their own mem-ership. PIONEER WOMAN, 80, DIES Mrs. Anna Williams Former Res ident of The Dalles. . Mrs. Anna Marshall Williams, aged 80 years, died yesterday at the horn of her daughter. Mrs. A. G. Dunn of Seattle. She was an old resident of The Dalles and a pioneer of 1852. The body is to be sent to her old home and funeral arrangements will be an nounced later. Mrs. Dunn is survived by .five daughters, Mrs. Russell Sewell of Port land, Mrs. Dunn, Mrs. H. W. French of San Francisco, Miss Florence Will iams of The Dalles and Mrs. George Marshall of Portland, and two sons, Carl Williams and Dr. Robert Will lams of The Dalles. The elderly woman had been 111 for some time and had been visiting Mrs.. Dunn All of her children were with her at1 the time of her death. . Authority to Probe Affairs at Fort Leavenworth Disciplinary Bar racks Is Qutioned. LEAVENWORTH. Kan., "Jan. 17. Doubt of the right of a federal Judge to cause an investigation of army administrative affairs was expressed tonight by Malor-General James Mc Rae, commandant of the. disciplinary barracks at Fort Leavenworth. Gen eral McRae commented on the orde of Federal Judge J. C. Pollock of Kansas City in ordering United States Attorney Robertson to investigate situation brought out in testimony at the trial of 11 men charged with conspiracy to Issue and pass fraudu lent treasury certificates printed on a press at the disciplinary barracks The testimony, the court said, was either perjured' or carried severe re flection on a "great department of the government. "If department of Justice agents come to the prison for any investi gation with orders only from Judge Pollock, I Intend to take the matter up with Secretary of War Baker be fore I permit anything to be done," said the commandant. About a year ago there was a form of self-govern ment in the prison, but that is not in force now." LUNCHEON RECALLS WAR Daughters of American Revolution Hear of Overseas AVork. Reminiscences of overseas work were recounted yesterday at the an nual luncheon of the Daughters of Hotel Insures Employes, . To all employes of the Multnomah hotel, some 235 in number, the an nouncement was made yesterday by Eric V. Hauser. chief owner of the hotel, that life insurance for the' cur rent 'year had been taken out for them in appreciation of their loyalty and good service. All employes who have been with the hotel company for two years have $500 policies made out for them. For each additional year of service $100 more is added to the face of the policy. NEW YORK, Jan. 17. A prediction that the institution of 'private prop erty never would be permanently or even long overthrown by socialistic programmes was made at the meet ing of the New York State Bar asso ciation today by Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Columbia univer sity and a candidate for the republic an nomination for president. "To carry out the full socialist pro gramme as to property is quite Im practicable," he said. "Even if that programme rested on a sound, in stead of a false basis of theory, private property may be temporarily endangered or destroyed, as for ex ample by the turbulent . terrorism which now holds the Russian people in Its grip, but the Instinct of prog ress is too deeply rooted In the hu man race, and it has made too much advance to permit the institution of private property to be permanently, or even long, overthrown." . Dr. Butler added, however, that un less American fundamental legal prin ciples should be developed to solve manifold economic problems, a violent war between law and economic .in terests was certain. - "The theory of the hired man must go." he added, "and affection for the Job must be developed." Such a condi tion, he said, would inaugurate a new industrial era. "There will be no wage slavery possible." he added, "when a skilled workman is consulted as to the terms of his own co-operation and when the hours and conditions of his labor, as well as its rewards, are settled on the assumption that be is a human being and not a mere piece of goods producing machinery." RAILROAD WAGES REST Unions Prefer to Wait Return to Private Ownership. WASHINGTON, Jan. 17. Railroad administration officials Indicated their belief today that wage demands of the railroad brotherhoods and shopmen probably would remain 'quiescent un til the termination of federal control. A canvass of the general situation was said to show a sentiment-among the union membership to await the return of the roads to their owners before submitting demands for revi sion of wage contracts. BARRELS AND KEGS. 344 Haw ' tborne. Western Cooperage Co. Adv. SERUM COMES TOO LATE Sixth Member of Family Dies After Eating Olives. NEW YORK Jan. 17. Death won a double victory in a grim race with an express train and a government mail airplane tonight, when two more "FLU" SPREADS RAPIDLY More Than 10 00 New Cases Are Reported in Chicago. CHICAGO. Jaii 17. Twelve deaths were caused In Chicago today by in fluenza and 1002 new cases were re ported today. The disease Is spread ing more rapidly tnan It did a year ago. but tne aeain raie is snmucr. MILWAUKEE. Wis.. Jan. 17. The second death within a week from Spanish influenza occurred here to day. Milwaukee has a total of 241 known cases, of which 151 were re ported today. REDS FAILJN'U. S. NAVY Commander Mayo Tells Committee - No Discord Prevails. WASHINGTON. Jan.' 17. Attempts of radicals to stir up discord in the navy have been without results. Com mander C. B. Mayo, In charge of naval welfare work, today.- told the house naval committee. "Reds," he said, had taken a few subscriptions to radical - publications where enlisted men thought they were labor papers and would possibly aid In obtaining pay Increases. 101 AUTOISTS RELEASED Eight Others Fined for Violalion o Traffic Ordinance. Sixty-eight autoists charged with minor traffic violations, 21 charged with not having proper lights, on charged with driving with an ope cut-out. and one charged with having a defective muffler, a total of 109 appeared in the municipal court t answer to charges yesterday. All bu eight were released by the judge, as the cases were first offenses ana th violations not serious. The eight men fined were: C A. Cemson. . violation of traffic ordi nance. $5: M. J. Brennan, $2.50; L Sehorn. $S; N. Halverson, $2.50; Borbean. $2.50; Mrs. A. Rothache $2.50: W. G. Follett, no tall ligh $2.50, and B. V. Hiett, defective muf fler, $2.50. PINK EYE AFFECTS DEER Forest Officials Report Epidemic in Northern Arizona. OGDEN. Utah, Jan. 17. Fore service officials received word today from J. C. Roak. supervisor of tn Kaibab forest in northern Arizona, that an outbreak of ophthalmia, or pinkeye, is affecting many of the 15. 000 head of deer on the preserve Just north from Grand Canyon.. The Kaibab herd Is declared by for est men to be the . largest in the United States. 1920 Case Six 1920 We are now located at our new salesroom, 86-90 Tenth St.., off Stark St. Have just received the new models of the Case Six, in colors, upholstered in Spanish leather to match. Both seven and four-passenger models on display. j. H. Graham Motors Co. Distributors CASE SIX and SCRIPTS - BOOTH SIX ! JAPANESE EARNING MORE FARM H.MiK DKCLARKD HIGH ER THAN FOR AVHITK HIXI. reservation" faction, appeared as in sistent as ever that there be no change in the principles of these reservations. CONCERT TO BE TODAY Frederick V. Goodrich Will Be at Organ in Auditorium. One of the best programmes ar ranged for any popular concert held under the auspices of the city Is promised this afternoon at the public auditorium, when Frederick W. Good rich will preside at the auditorium pipe organ. Mr. Goodrich has ar ranged to play" a programme consist- ng of selections picked by patrons of former concerts, and the music will range from popular numbers to de lightful operatic arias. , As an added attraction, the city win present Miss Alice Genevieve Smltn with her golden harp. Miss Smith has gained an enviable record as a harp ist, and her place on the programme expected to attract an unusually- large audience. The concert will be gin at 3 V. M. GIN-MAKING IS CHARGED Two Arc Arretted In Raid on Plant in Portland. Federal revenue officers last night arrexted Kd Traceyand Clyde Jenkins on a charge of conducting a gin rec tifying plant at 91 Tenth street. It was alleged that the pair were mix ing juniper compound and alcohol, with the result that they produced a fair quality of gin. The gin plant and three gallons of alcohol were seized as evidence. The prisoners were locked in the county Jail. The police last night arrested Charles Smith, a cook: Charles W. Selbv. a clerk: Henry Whalen. a clerk. and Roy Marshall, on charges of vio lating the prohibition law. They were picked up in various parts of the city and lodged In the city jail. Asiatic and Agricultural Associa tions or America Present Sta " " (i-lics on Ipflux, Also. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. IT. A let ter issued Jointly today by the Jap anese Association of America, in con iot, Hon here, and the Japanese Agri cultural association presented the i Japanese viewpoint of the "picture marriage" practice recently prohibited by Japanese and gave statistics on the growth of the Japanese popula- : tion in California. 1 According to figures in the letter, 5273 "picture bridos" arrived here in the last eight years. The largest Japanese immigration year on record was 1 Kl S. according to the letter, when 11.14S persons. 4043 of whom were women, came to this country. The present Japanese population of California is 6S.9S2. and Japanese own 29.105 acres of land and lease 330,721 acres, the letter said. The letter stated that Japanese farm laborers receive from $4.50 to J."i a day, while white farm labor re ceives $3.50 to $4 a day. "That is one reason why Japanese farmers, especially rice farmers, pre fer white help to Japanese," the let ter said. Spaniards Hurt in Tobacco Riot. MURSIA, Spaii. Jan. 17 Thre gendarmes and five civilians were wounded In demonstrations here . to day over the shortrtee of tobacco. fok ' Wood Alcohol' Sales Stopped. CHICAGO. Jan. 17. Manufacturers of wood alcohol have agreed not to supply the product to the retail trade In the future. H. J. Ffeffer. western manager of the United States Indus trial Alcohol company, told the city council committee on health today. TREATY PROGRESS SLOW Hopes Vanish for Final Action by ' Senate This Month. WASHINGTON. Jan. 17. Hopes, for final action by the senate on the peace treaty this month virtually had van ished tonight, a Efforts of republican and demo cratic leaders to adjust disputes over reservations will be continued next week, but the time required for subse quent negotiations wnn ine raun. nu file of the senate and the debate the senate are expected to preclude final action before February. Two sessions of the bi-partisan "round table" committee were held today and considerable progress to ward agreement on minor reservations was reported. Leaders on both sides said littl progress has been made in the pre liminary discussion recently of the reservations affecting article 10 and the Monroe doctrine. Republican leaders, including those of the "mild WAVERLY CLUB ELECTS Directors for 192 0 Chosen at An nual Meeting. Nasty Golds Ease at Once First dose of "Pape's'Cold Compound" relieves distress- Three doses break up colds No quininel Happiness The fanciful happiness of the bluebird does not compare with the assured happiness of those who use "Seventy-seven" for Grip and Colds. To get the best results take Seventy-seven" at the first sign of a Cold, the first sneeze or shiver, the first feeling of weakness as if some serious ill ness was pending; this is the time to break up Grip and Colds. Doctor's Book in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese or German mailed free. "77" at ail Drug and Country Stores. ' Muniphrr.iJr Homoo. Medicine Co.. 16 Wilh.-ilm. p'r-et. Now York. Safe Pills have been the ideal Family Laxative for 40 years a guar antee of reliability. Gentle in action, they are entirely free, from injurious drugs, and are intended especially for constipation, biliousness, indi gestion, torpid liv er or inactivity of the bowels. Your druggist sells them. Knrr4r in VarBer'i Safe Kemedies Ca BochnKr. N. T. Dr. Carters K. & B. Tea Makes Fine Laxative Syrup Make It at Horn and Save About $1.60 Children Lo-e to Take 1U Don't stay stuffed-up! Quit blow ing and snuffing! A dose of "Pape's Cold Compound" taken every two hours until three doses are taken usually breaks up a cold and ends " Directors of the Waverly Country club were elected last night at the annual business meeting; of the club, all grippe misery. the following being chosen: A. S.I The first dose opens clogged-up Kerry, C. C. Colt. Guy Talbot, George nostrils and air passages of bead; McPherson, W. K. Pearson, Wirt atopt nose running; relieves Lead- ache. ' dullness, feverlshness. sneez ing, soreness, stiffness. "Pape's Cold Compound" is the quickest, surest relief known and i costs only a few cents at fug stores. I It acts without assistance. Tastes I nice. Contains no quinine. Insist on I Pape'el . . Full DirectionsWithEach30-CentPackage For real tonic and blood purificr.lake teaipoonful every night or every other night for at least three weeks. f