The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 18, 1920, Section One, Page 18, Image 18

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Evelyn Mack, 14, Witness,
Makes Escape.
Wonicn's. Division of Police
'"!eau Keeps Matter 'Quiet' to Con
duel Search for Missing One.
.... 1 - .... I . t ,. ..1. 1 I n-.1.1 n-irl whn
; Has being held at the woman's- pro
tective division of the police bureau
as a witness against C. W. Beaver,
former patrolman, whom she had ac
cused of having committed a serious
statutory offense, made her escape
from an operative of the division at
5:45 o'clock on last Wednesday night,
according to information which was
divulged yesterday.
The fact that the girl had made her
escape was withheld from the public
and the newspapers until it was ac
cidentally discovered yesterday morn
ing. The case of Beaver Is now being
investigated by the grand jury and
a report is expected possibly next
Tiresday. according to Deputy District
Attorney George Mowry. In case the
girl Is not again found her absence
will" seriously hamper any charges
which the state might wish to bring
against the former policeman.
It was while she was returning
from the Baltimore lunch where she
had dinner in company with Mabel
Schroeder, aged 17, who was also be
ing held at the protective depart
ment a boy, 9, and a girl 13 that
the Mack girl and Mabel Schroeder
made their escape from an operative
of the protective department. The
escape was made at the corner of
Third and Oak streets, only a block
from the entrance to the police sta
tion. Girl Kseape on Street.
The account of the escape as re
lated by Mrs. G. J. Frankel, super
intendent of the protective depart
ment, is that the two girls broke
away from the operative and ran
.south on Third street when an auto
mobile cut in ahead of the party at
the corner of Third and Oak streets.
The automobile caused momentary
confusion because of the fact that it
narrowly missed running down the
little boy and the operative was com
pelled to jerk him back out of harm's
The two girls, in the opinion of
Mrs. Frankel, had probably planned
an escape, in case the opportunity
should present, while they were at
,lhe restaurant. Mabel Schroeder, ac
cording to Mrs. Frankel, had been in
the hands of the department only a
f-w hours when she made her escape
The police know little about her.
Mrs. Frankel denied a report that
the girls were picked up by the auto
mobile which passed at the time or
that there was any evidence of any
outside assistance' in securing their
escape. She said that the passing
. maenme oniy went 10 me ponce sta-
i i-iea, wnere ine anver stopped anu
-gaged in conversation with some-
-one there.
Mack Cilrl Found in Hotel.
Evelyn Mack was first picked up
by the women's protective bureau at
the Stewart hotel after she had been
missing from her home in south
Portland for four months-. Following
her arrest she made charges of a
. serious statutory character which re--suited
in the arrest of Patrolman C.
W. Beaver, former member of the
emergency souad. Ho was held to
answer to the grand jury a week ago
yesterday by Municipal Judge Ross
man following a hear'ng in which
the name of another member of the
police force, W. It. Wood, was men
tioned in collection with the case.
Wood, however, was yesterday ex
onerated from blame at a meeting of
ine ponce etticiency board. The board
however, recommended that he be re
moved from the purity squad and
placed in uniform.
.Mrs. Frankel yesterday explained
efforts to keep the girl's escape from
-Uie public by declaring that in her
opinion a more successful search for
the girl could be conducted in that
manner. She said that the woman
operative who was in charge of the
Kiri ji me time o tne escape was
suffering a severe nervous strain as
i 4 result of the incident.
Matter la Kept "tulet."
Neither the detective bureau nor the
emergency squad was notified of the
escape of the Mack girl. In the ef
forts to keep the girl's escape "quiet"
. ine searcn ior ner was carried on
principally by the women of the pro
....leuiivts oureau, irs. Franxei said a
. motorcycle officer was enlisted In the
' search the first night and sent to the
.home of Mabel Schroeder.
Captain Circle, head of the detective
bureau, said he did not learn of the
..girl's escape until yesterday. Lieu
tenant xnatcner or the emergency
iuaa neara oi ine escape in an un
official way Friday night, he said.
Former Portland Writer to Be In
j. Charge of News Agency Branch
-Edward L. Powell, a former Port
land newspaper man, will have charge
of the central Asiatic bureau
ot. the Associated Press with head-
v quarters at Manila, according to news
T received here. Mr. Powell is already
. " On his Wav in Mqnila frnm f . (
where he has been night manager of
..the central division of the Associated
- Press.
Mr. Powell is a native of Oregon,
- having been born In Powell vallev,
and is a member of the pioneer family
from which the valley and the Powell
,- valley road are named, lie was edu
' ' cated at Willamette university and did
his first big newspaper work on the
: Chronicle In San Francisco. He wa
in charge of the Portland office
the Associated Press at the time when
.... this was the northwest headquarters,
and left here in 1903 for Chicago,
-r since then he has served the associa
tion in San Francisco, New York and
t Chicago.
home Monday at 10 o'clock. Mr. Can
field had lived continuously on bis
farm for 4 4 years, and was one of
Yamhill county's .substantial farmers.
Captain" William E. Newsom, owner
of the steamer lralda, and for 40
years one of the well-known navi
gators on the Columbia river, died
Friday night in Los Angeles, where
he had recently gone for his health.
He had made his home at 202 Hazel
tern place, in Laurelhurst, and was
spending the winter In the south.
The captain Is survived by his
widow, Mrs. Mary Walling Newsom,
and by three sons. David E. of Port
land, Ira K. of Runnier, and Lewis,
who is In Chile. The body will reach
Portland Monday night and funeral
arralifi:enientff will be announced
I later.
The funeral of Mrs. Henrietta H.
Nitschke, wife of Robert Nitschke,
was . held Friday afternoon at - 2
o'clock, interment being in River
view cemetery. Mrs. Nitschke, who
died January 14 at the family home at
346 East Thirty-fourth street, was
born In New Hampshire, December 17.
1870. and came to Portland with her
husband and her son 14 years ago.
She is survived by her husband and
her son, Erville F. Moody, of this city.
Arthur Henderson Says La
bor Party Will Resist.
Lining or Russian Blockade Brings
Hope of Lowering Living Costs
in Other Countries.
Position Soon Will Be Taken
Vessel With Husband as Cap
tain High Honor Won.
After overcoming all obstacles
which loomed In her pathway when
she determined to become a radio
operator, on board some ship, Mrs
Bessie Skog, not too old to learn, is
at last in sight of her coveted goal.
Having finished her course with hon
ors in the Portland Y. M. C. A., and
having completed all government re-
LONDON. Jan. 1". What is gen
erally described as the striking dif
ference in the tone of the govern
ment's Russian news issued In Lon
don from the news on the same sub
ject issued in Pari is a leading toplo
among politicians and newspapers.
The Manchester Guardian considers
that the London announcements are
a-n attempt by Winston Spencer
Churchill, minister for war, to justify
his policy of war against the bol-
' The Westminster Gazette asserts
the Russian developments are a re
sult of the different policies held by 1 action will be taken immediately."
Premier Lloyd George and Mr.
Arthur Henderson, leader of the
labor party in parliament. In a letter
dealing with the Russian situation.
is quoted today as follows:
"If the government, refusing even
to consider repeated offers of peace
from the Soviets, Involves the coun
try in war over vast areas of Europe
and Asia, the labor party will resist
to the uttermost such an unnecessary
and reckless military adventure mas
querading as a war of defense."
taken to demote him or have him re
moved from the force entirely."
Under the new arrangement. Police
Captains Harms assumed charge of
the patrol of the district on the east
side of the river and Police Captain
Inskeep the district on the west. Pre
viously Captain Inskeep was in charge
of what was known as the first night
relief and Captain Harms of the fly
ing squad.
The various beats are also districted
under the new plan, the different
sections being placed In charge of
officers below the rank of captain,
and every effort bent toward the es
tablishment of a closer and more
effective patrol.
Two automobiles have been made
available for the answering of emer
gency calls from the police station.
In this way it will be possible to
place detectives and emergency offi
cers on the scene In any part of the
city within a few minutes after a
call' comes in. There will be two
motorcycles available for answering
emergency calls to the east side and
an additional two for the west side
Monday, the chief announced. At
present there are but two motorcycle
officers for answering calls for the
entire city.
In accordance with the plan of
making every man "hit the ball," the
chief announced that a report of all
arrests made by the uniformed and
the detective divisions would be
turned in to him each day. In this
way, he said, he will know just who
Is doing the work and who is "lying
down on the Job."
"Since inaugurating our plan of
having lieutenants of inspectors we
have discovered that some of the' de
tectives are not doing the work which
they are expected to do," the chief
declared. "This has to be changed or
Three Candidates in Race for
" Office of Mayor.
vH'.h ; " J
1 - r " - 4 J
quirements, she now awaits the re
urn of her husband, Captain E. L.
Skog, with whom she will sail on a
privately owned vessel as soon as ar
rangements can be made.
Mr. Twogood took up her case with
L. G. Nichols, educational director of
he "Y," who, after hearing Mrs.
Skog's story, decided that she should
have her opportunity.
Mrs. Skog entered the Y radio
schools last fall, completed her course
n five months, after proving herself
adept. Then she went to Seattle and
finished the government course, ob
taining a high grade.
Captain Skog is In command of the
steamer Diablo, a 9500-ton steel mer
chant marine ship, bound for New
York City. He sailed from here Jan
uary 8. He will deliver his ship there
and will return overland. On the
next trip out he will be master of a
privately owned vessel, and with him
as radio operator will be his wife.
Mrs. Skog is the only woman to
take the "Y" radio course here. She
was formerly a teacher in the Port
land schools and resided at 1196 Van
couver avenue.
Mm. Iiemnle Skog, first mmn
to complete Y. 31. C. A. wire
less course.
PARIS, Jan. 17. The Populalre. or
gan of Jean Lounguet, the socialist
leader, with reference to the allied
decision partially to raise the Russian
biockade asks if it is not a maneu
ver of Premier Lloyd George Intended
to placate the labor party."
The council's action, adds the news
paper, is, as usual, confused, equivo
cal and hypocritical."
The Temps calls the decision an
experiment which it hopes will attain
the double object of softening the suf
ferings of the Russian people and
lowering the cost of living in the
western countries.
The prime ministers of the allies,
it appears were not In entire accord
respecting the decisions yesterday
upon a united opening of trade with
Premier Lloyd George proposed the
measures seemingly to conciliate the
labor forces of England. Premier
Nitti supported Mr. Lloyd George, ex
plaining that the decision would have
a great effect upon political opinion
in Italy, where a good deal of bolshe
vik agitation is reported.
Premier Clemenceau opposed any
dealings with bolshevik Russia, but
finally said he would agree to such a
measure of trade as that finally an
nounced. He insisted, however, upon
writing the final paragraph affirm
ing that the allies had not changed
their attitude toward the Soviets. M.
Clemenceau also remarked that, he
would soon be out of the supreme
council anyway.
There appears to be more concern
in the minds of military men over
the recent defeats of General Deni
kine, anti-bolshevik leader in south
ern Russia, and the remnants of Ad
miral Kolchak's all-Russian forces,
than in the minds of the statesmen
composing the supreme council.
Editor of "The Dynamo-' Will Also
Be Extension Secretary- for
Church Temperance Work.
State Convention Date Will Find
Burns Ready for Buckaroo
BURNS, Or.. Jan. 17. (Special.)
Stockmen of Harney county are out
in force to assure a big convention
when the state Horse and Cattle Rais
ers' association meet here May 20 and
21. At a recent meeting of the Burns
Commercial club President Charles M-
Faulkner took the lead in the move
ment to see that Burns awakened to
a full sense' of her responsibilities
when the visitors come here next
Harney county as the center of the
stock industry of the state, wishes to
make the convention a huge success,
and the business men of the city have
pledged their support to the cattle-
raisers to accomplish this. A. R. Ol
sen, manager of the Pacific Livestock
company. Spoke to the meeting and
told the assembled delegates that they
must, above all, entertain their guests
so that they would carry away a
pleasant impression of the country.
A stock show has been suggested
as a feature during the convention,
but the show will not be held for
competitive purposes, but merely to
show the class of the stock. Owners
are already beginning to condition
their animals bo as to make the best
showing possible when the visitors
Dr. Francis Burgette Short.' pastor
of the Wilbur Memorial Methodist
Episcopal church, will terminate his
work in that charge a week hence and
will depart for Salt Lake "City Janu
ary SQwhere he will take up the first
of his new duties. Dr. Short will take
up the task of carrying two lines of
work simultaneously, the one as ex
tension secretary of temperance, pro
hibition and morals of the Methodist
Lpiscopal church and the other as
editor of The Dynamo, the house or
gan of the J. C. Penny company, a cor'
poratlon operating a chain of stores
throughout the country and with
headquarters in New York city. The
publication office that will be the
headquarters of tte Portland man is
at 334 Fourth avenue, and he win
remove with his family to New York
city early in February.
Dr. Short was elected to the post
tlon of extension secretary at the De
cember meeting of the board of tern
perance of the church, held at Wash
Ington. D. C. In the duties of that
position It will devolve upon him to
visit conferences of the church and
work with the board In carrying for
ward the work of its division. His
reason for resigning the Portland
pastorate was condition of health that
compelled lessening of platform and
pulpit work. He has been suffering
for some time from a bronchial trou
ble that threatened to become aggra
The final service at the Wilbur
church before his departure will be a
week from today. Dr. Short returned
to Portland about two years ago as
pastor of this congregation after hav
Ing been absent from the city for ten
years. He served a Spokane church
for some time just preceding his re
Representatives In England Await cuy January 30 to Ittend the
Raisin" of Blockade. I annual meeting of the managers of
I stores of the commercial organization
LONDON. Jan. 17. Representatives with which he will be identified. The
here of Russian co-operative organl- I J. c. Penny company has a conference
zations are eagerly awaiting advices I of store managers each year that lasts
as to now ine ameu uetisiyn tu ror a weeK, ana wnicn will convene
tially raise the Russian blockade will this year at the Hotel Utah, to be at-
be made effective. I tended by 350 representatives. The
Although the onicial statement set- company employs more than 2500 men
ting forth the allied decision indicates and Dr. Short has for several years
that trading Detween private nrmo been their chaplain, so. that he feels
and individuals is still under the ban, 1 acquainted with the associates with
the importance of the ruling may be wv,om he will name, in rnmrt in ih
appreciated wnen it is eaia mat ine i new work.
co-operative societies, wnicn aione
are affected, in recent years, have be
come the chief medium for the dis
tribution of goods to the Russian
Ten of these organisations having
offices in London claim to represent
the interests of upwards of 50.000,000
It is believed in some quarters that
the lifting of the ban on the vast
accumulation of Russian produce
awaiting export may have a far-
reaching effect on prices in the
world's markets.
The protracted disorganisation of
Russian industry has rendered mil
lions of Russians dependent entirely
on Importations of manufactured ar
ticles. The country's most urgent
needs are clothing, drugs, chemicali
agricultural implements and railway
Apart from disorganization of trans
port, the greatest difficulty foreseen
in re-establishing trade relations with
Russia has been the matter of financ
ing shipments and effecting payments
for them. It is declared that there la
plenty of money in the hands of the
peasants, but they are reluctant to
part with their produce so long as
they receive only more paper money
in return.
The only way out of the deadlock
Three Long Terms Are Sought by
17 Aspirants; Two Contest
for Short-Term Victory.
SEATTLE, Wash., Jan. 17. (Spe
cial.) There will be three candidates
for mayor of Seattle, 17 for three
long terms in the city council, five for
the one two-year term and two for
the short term In the primary elec
tion Tuesday, February 17. Corpora
tion Counsel Walter F. Meier is un
Filings for declaration of candidacy
closed at 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon.
six aidermanlc candidates paid their
iees and qualified for a place on the
primary ballot. The names will ap
pear on the ballot in the following
oroer: For Mayor Hugh M. Cald
well, James A. Duncan, C. B. Fitz
gerald (Incumbent).
For corporation counsel. Walter F.
Meir (incumbent). The 11th hour fil
ings were made by Frank P. Mullen,
a former member of the council:
A. Lou Cohen. C. M. Dahlasrer. secre
tary of the Teamsters', and Auto Truck
urivers' Local 174; Fred W. Kelly
civn engineer; Charles Marble, ex-
member of the council, all candidates
ror the three-year term, and T. M.
Parker, who seeks the two-year term,
I he expected candidacy of other
mayoralty aspirants did not mate
"mat to Oppose Carroll.
Major John E. Carroll, who" was
elected by the council to fill the un
expired term of the late Roland W
oiterui, or which one year yet re
mains, win De opposed by B. F. Nau
man. who was the chairman of the
general strike committee last Febru
ary. Both names will go on the ballot
at the general election, so that there
will be little or no. interest In that
The six high men In the, contest for
the three-year terms will be nomi
nated and the two high men out of
the rive who are running for the two
year terms. .
Councilman Drake, Incumbent, wai
elected to fill the unexpired term o
Fitzgerald, chosen to succeed Mayor
Organized labor has candidates for
all offices to be filled, with the ex
ception of corporate counsel. Re
turned service men are also repre
sented in all filings. Gallant, candl
date for the two-year .term, was de
feated last year and Worley. also
seeking the two-year term, was an
unsuccessful candidate for mayor sev
eral years ago. All of the incumben
officials are candidates for re-elec
The candidates have until February
z to withdraw their names from th
primary ballot.
Registration Shorts Gain.
Under the city charter the candi
dates receiving the highest vote wil
have to make the race in the general
election, even If they should receive
a majority of all votes cast In the
primary election. There is no charter
provision that candidates receiving a
clear majority of all the votes are
Registration showed a substantia!
Increase Saturday, the last day that
the books were in the precinct. City
Controller Harry W. Carroll Is hope
ful that close to the 50,000 mark was
reported during the three days that
the books were In the precincts.
The mayoralty and councllmanlc
filings stimulated Interest In registra.
tlon throughout the city, and Mr.
Carroll predicted that the closing
week of registration, beginning Mon
day, when the books will again be in
the city hall, will break all records.
In some precincts the' number of
people who registered the past three
days more than doubled the number
entered In the. books the first week
at the city hall. The Btrlctly resi
dence districts reported marked activ
ity all day Saturday.
n. JJBL -jnf.ui.. i null W4
mi'.,' mism
Just fifty years . ago this winter
Dr. Pierce gave to the world his
famous "Favorite Prescription"
for the distressing weaknesses and
complaints of women. For many
years he had been in the active
practice of medicine and his spe
cialty was the diseases of women.
Later he desired to give this to the
public, and he received a trade
mark protection from the United
States patent office for this medi
cine, which is an herbal, "temper
ance" prescription with all the
ingredients printed on the bottle
wrapper. In his every day practice in the early days he also used a tonic
and alterative for the blood, which was so universally - beneficial that
lie determined to place this medicine in the drug stores of the United States,
where it coukl be readily procured by the public. This he called his "Golden
Medical Discovery," which he had prescribed many years for the stomach,
irver and blood.. Both these medicines met with instant success, and during
the past half century have sold in greater quantities than any other proprie
tary medicines. Neither of Dr. Pierce's medicines contain alcohol and both
are herbal extracts of native medicinal plants. For the past fifty years forty
eight million bottles have been used by the American public, and they are
today the standard tonics for men and women. They are now put up in
tablet as well as liquid form, and sold by every druggist in the land. A trial
package can be obtained by sending 10 cents to Dr. Pierce's Invalids Hotel
in Buffalo, N. Y. Write Dr. Pierce's if you want free confidential medical
'iA II: 1 'Jr(W
fieil. treaiurer; Elizabeth McConamy, sec
retary; Louise Kramer, conductor; Rachel
Growing, assistant conductor; Mary Yea
ger, tiard ; Rthel Julian, patriotic Instruc
tor; May Kobison, press correspondent;
Cornelia A. Trltt. Violet Widdle. musi
cians; Hattie Krickson. first colorbearer;
Mrs. H. V. Hill, second colorbearer.
Past Department Commander Chamber
lain installed tha ofricera of the post.
E. E. Covey, commander; H. A. Foster,
senior vice-commander; L. B. Thomson.
Junior vice-commander; H. C. Button, ad
jutant; C B. Kedgwlck. quartermaster;
E. C. Hall, surgeon; I. B. Self, chaplain;
B. Marfan, officer of the day: John Z.
Linton, officer of the guard; O. S. Jackson,
serceant-major; J. O. Barber, quarter
master sergeant: J. B. Vaughan. musician:
J. B. Barber, colorbearer; J. B. fcelf. pa
triotic Instructor; financial committee, M.
A. Foster, B. Morgan, T. B. Thomson; re
lief committee. A. K. Capps. I. B. Keif.
J. O. Barber, U. 8. Jackson.
After the business of installation
was finished the post invited all pres
ent to the dining room for refresh
ments. Cider and 'doughnuts were
Bolshevists Arrested Held Untitled
to Habeas Corpus Writs Wheih- .
Citizens or Kot.
NEW YORK, Jan. 17. Radical ail
tatlons are not a menace to American
institutions, but rather serve to test
their value, Henry W. Taft, president
of the New York Bar association, de
clared at the annual banquet of the
association tonight, in voicing a plea
for preservation of freedom of
speech." He declared that only by
discussion of concrete questions can
the Interest of the American people
as to the meaning and application of
the constitution be aroused
"We hear much in these days, post
war days, of Americanism," he said.
thus created will be resort to the 'V" 'I ",. n
principle of barter, and in lieu of "'"'iT.'"1" Ltil0 .b"l Ln
money accept payment in kind, in
Gordon Granger Installs Officers
and Enjoys Social Hour.
Gordon Granger post and corps,
G. A. R., installed their officers for
the coming year on Thursday after
noon, January 1.5. The corps was in
stalled by Mrs. Wheeler, assisted by
Mrs. Van Horn as conductor and Mrs.
E. C. Hall as assistant conductor. The
officers installed were:
Eva Williams, president; Blanche A.
Truby. senior vice-president; Phyllis Mc-
Corkel, Junior vice-president; Ctara Buck-
disorders, the symptoms of which
agree with the reports received con
cerning the malady which Is epidemic
in the east. So little is known of the
disease, that nothing is certain, but
It is believed that a few cases do
exist in Portland.
Dr. Parrlsh believes that the mys
terious disease is influenza in a new
form. The influenza which swept the
country one year ago was confined to
the lungs, although Influenza which
affected intestinal organs was known
to exist. That the new malady Is In
fluenza in a light and new form Is the
city health officer's theory.
Rend Th Oregonian caRsifieil ads.
BUI Does Not Increase Salaries of
Ambassadors as Requested.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 17. No provi
sion for increased salaries for Ameri
can ambassadors and ministers was
made In the diplomatic and consular
service appropriation bill for 1921,
which was completed today by the
house foreign affairs committee.
Graduated increases for secretaries
and under-eecretarles was proposed,
those receiving $1500 annually being
advanced to $2500.
Secretary Lansing recommended
that ambassadors be paid a minimum
annual salary of $7.5,000 and that the
government purchase embassy build
ings. Their present salary is $17,600.
A cut of aproxlmately $2,000,000 un
der the department's estimate of ex
penses was made in the bill.
Ca-es of Intestinal Grippe Not
Found in Portland.
No cases of Intestinal grippe, the
mysterious malady which has invaded
eastern cities, have been reported to
the city health bureau, according to
!r. George Parrish, city health of
ficer. Nor has Ur. ParriHh heard of a
case existing in the city.
However, here and there physicians
have discovered persons afflicted with
which hides, skins, butter, flax, wool.
cheese, bacon, grain, furs, lumber.
minerals and fish will be Russia's
main offerings.
f. News has Just been received in
Tortland of the death of Mrs. Nettie
Bean of Pueblo, Colo. Mrs. Bean was
born at Salem, Or., June 10, 1876, and
died of pneumonia January 9 at Sil-
verton, Colo., where she had been
V pending the Christmas holidays. She
was the second daughter of Mrs. Mary
ir.E;. Myers and the late Arnold Myers
j..of this city. Besides her husband,
A. L. Bean, ehe is survived by the
, following brothers and sisters: C. A.
Myers, V. A. Myers, R. E. Myers,
Claude I. MyerS. Mrs. William Bailey,
Mrs. S. G. Jewett and Mrs. Kdwln
McMINNVlLLE. Or., Jan. 17. (Spe
'.' .eial.) Frair'k J. Canfield, well-known
v'arratr of this part of Yamhill county,
died at his home Thursday at the age
of 65. He will be buried from his
"Every Man Must Be or. Job for
Every Hour-He Is on Duty or
Face Dismissal," Is Order.
Radical changes in the method em
ployed by the police in patroling the
city and the division of the territory
Cattle Starve to Death Where Feed
Is Stored, Says Hnmane Officer.
Ed Nailer, wealthy farmer living at
the outskirts of Forest Grove, per
mitted eight head of cattle to starve at night between two captains of FURNACE WRECKS HOME
to protect the body politic against
assaults upon our institutions, unless
they be followed by enlightened con
structive effort. Insidious influence
sometimes emanates even from pul
pits, colleges and public prints. The
parlor bolshevists added a gloss of
respectability, culture, religion and
ven of a spurious patriotism to the
fforts of both the alarmist and the
disloyal agitators. Too often they
confuse the soviet ark with the May
flower. With such influences at work.
the most useful kind of Americanism
that I know is that which, inspired
by adherence to our national tra
ditions, insists upon sanity in counsel
and steadiness in act."
He declared the bolshevls'ts who
have been arrested are entitled' to
writs of habeas corpus whether they
are citizens or not.
The association took no action
either In condemning or upholding
the legislature in suspending the five
to death in his barn, where 1000 bush
els of oats and millfeed and six tons
of hay were stored beyond their
reach, declares R. R. Churchill, etate
humane officer, who has returned
from an investigation which led to
Nailer's arrest and temporary incar
ceration in the Hillsboro jail.
, Answering a report that cattle were
suffering. Officer Churchill discov
ered eight head of cattle dead in
stalls and other parts ' of the barn,
their carcasses mere skin and bone,
giving every appearance of starvation.
Several cattle still alive were taken
care of. An early trial of the farmer,
who is now out on bail, is expected,
according- to Officer Churchill.
police, in the hope of putting an end
A K . n .lit v holri-una inri rnhherlAl
which Portland is experiencing, were I Explosion at Seattle Causes Injury
announced by Chief of Police Jenkins
of Eight Persons.
SEATTLE, Wash., Jan. 17. Mrs
Elizabeth Campbell, 82 years old, was
probably fatally Injured, Mrs. Alice
H. Potter received serious burns and
six others suffered minor hurts when
a furnace in an apartment house at
4110 Whitman avenue exploded late
last night, following a three-hour
conference with Mayor Baker yester
day. The changes went into effect
with the posting of the relief last
In connection with the announce
ment of the change of patrol the chief
declared that every officer and de
tective on the force would be required I today, partially wrecking the building.
to nit tne uan. i fire roiiowins tne explosion was I
"Every man on the force, from put out with a small hand extinguish- I
captains down, must be on the job er. Damage to the building, a three-1
every hour he Is on duty." declared story frame structure, was estimated j
the ctuei, otnerwise steps wai be at $4000.
Squeaking Brakes
can often be avoided by washing surface of brake
lining (glazed by oil and dirt) with kerosene or
gasoline. Generally, however, "squeaking" is
due to poor lining or lining attached with rivets
that are not countersunk.
Insist that Raybestos brake lining be properly
applied to your car with copper or brass rivets
correctly countersunk. Then you may demand
twelve months . of quiet, efficient wear if yours
is a passenger car of truck up to 2 tons, and
proportionate service on heavier trucks.
Identify Genuine
by The Silver Edge
The Raybestos Company
Bridgeport, Conn.
t J
dr. k. n. Ai'sn.t'Nn. m;r.
Mv Prartia'e la 1.1 mi l-d to
High-Class Dentistry Only
you dorit discourage
profiteering you en
courage it.
If you demand a square deal for yourself, make it
possible for everyone else to secui-e one.
Profiteering is merely "highbrow-bolshevism" ; to
remedy it make it impossible.
Dentists who combine to arbitrarily fix prices which
must be charged for their services are closely approach
ing the danger line, and whether it is done as a "tmst"
or as a "society" matters not. You are not obliged to
pay three prices in order to secure COMPETENT dental
service, nor should you be compelled to accept inferior
service because your purse is limited.
A sacrifice of "quality" for "price" is too great a
sacrifice, and happily is no longer necessary.
The strength of this dental organization, the skill of
this staff, the years of experience and prestige won by
this system, forever stand as a barrier between you and
the profiteer.
Y'ou do wrong to submit to extortion simply because
you can afford to pay whatever is demanded ; you wrong
yourself, wrong the man who cannot afford it and, last
but not least, you wrong the dentist who asks too much
by indirectly approving of his methods.
In this office we have practiced the golden rule along
with the profession of dentistry, for many years we
have saved our patients thousands of dollars, given
them the highest class dental work and made a fair
profit for our efforts.
. Next time your teeth need attention let us give you
an estimate. The saving will surprise and the work
delight you.
Nature Plates and Bridgework
Our Motto:
'Every Patient Must
Be Absolutely and
Forever Satisf ied
Electro Painless Dentists
Corner Sixth and Washington SU, Portland, Or.