18 THE SUXDAT OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 11, 1920 SITUATIONS WAXTKD MALE. A VITAL MESSAGE TO EMPLOYERS From the Ex-Service Men's Employ ment Committee at ' LIBERTY TKMPLB. Main 313. Exactly 723 ex-service men. a enumer ated In the appended list who are out of employment whose records are un derwritten by the American Leg ion were registered at this bureau at closing time Saturday night. Captain Convtlie. who Is in charge of the bureau, la authority for the state nent that the very beat of talent of ail kinds is available men who are out of work, not because of incapability, but who compose the unemployed that nat urally accumulates at this season of the year, assembled in Portland because of the laylug off of men In the shipyards, the closing of seasonal work and the Influx from other sections of the state. Never before in history have you had opportunity. Air. Employer, to do a more patriotic act than to give employment to one or more of these men men who shouldered a gun and went to France lor you to tit; lt your battles and theirs to give all, K need be, for freedom and democracy. The policy f the committee provides for your safety every man passes an examination every man must quality for the classification he is in betore he can register. Think It over; remember that the ex eer Ice man is entitled to preference where all things are equal, and do as other patriotic employers are doing, namely, readjusting their payroll here and there and making room for one or more ex -service men ( many times when they are not needed) for the present at leant, tn order to do their share in help ing ab6orb the surplus that exists dur ing the winter "months. Write, phone or call upon Captain Conville. Liberty Temple, and he will promptly look after your interests. Main 313. The lists of classifications and the number in each Is as follows: - Coppersmiths 1. steam shovel men 1, gas. eng. man 1. millwright helper 1, pan try man 1. steeplejack 1, level man 1, rod man 1, civil eng. 4, eng. gas, elec, Httam, etc.. 10; bollermakers 2, boiler maker's helpers 3. typist 1. sheetmetal workers 3, iron workers 4, hotel clerks 3, motormen 2, carpenters 21. steam fitter 2, window trimmer 1. packer 1. time keeper I. hospital orderly 4, car in spector 2, stockroom clerk 1. auto trim mer man 1. nurseryman 1, garage man X, acetylene burner expert 4. shipping clerk 5. flour mill work 1, motorboat man 1. chemist 1. nurse 1. janitor 1, lineman 3. concrete man 1. add. man 2, wood -worker 3. school teachers 3, wiremen 2. porter 1, cab. maker I. saw filer 1. elev. man 4. candy maker 2. moulder 1. moulder helper 3. teamster 11, painter 14, ba rber 2. druggist 2. switchman 1, printer 4. creamery man 2, cook tl. book keeper 6. butcher 4. wi reman 1, shoe re pair man 1 . gen. laborers 1 13, baker 3, bakers' helpers 4, millwright 1. pipe fit ter 3, warehouse helper 12. pipe fitter 36. salesman ", gen. office work 37, log gers .13, brakeman 3. elec. helper !, elec, 11. kitchen helpers 6. clerks 41, fireman 21, farmers (several married) 35. plumbers 2, plumber helpers 4. truck drivers 4."i, car drivers 12. motor truck ing 2. machinists 21, mach. helpers 22. auto mechanics 34, auto mech. helpers 24, sawmill workers 2:t. tMJINEKR-DRAFTSMAN desires position, with-opportunity for promotion, with ar chitect or civil engineer; 11 years in field and office; location and construe lion, reclamation, railways, public utili ties; in present - position 8 years, large corporation, supervising office engineer ing, locations and special design: first class architectural and map draftsman ; age 31; married; full details in reply to .vour letter. BP oregonian. MAN of executive ability, experienced In bookkeeping, correspondence and office management, desires work at moderate salary In Portland or elsewhere; can In- tall and keep books according to ijjod ern methods. write letters, cii cu.ars. advertisements, etc., direct and superin tend help. J 613, Oregonian. KIRST-CLASS auto mechanic, 9 years' ex perience, wants employment with com pany or corporation to keep the trucks and pleasure cars always running, steady job wanted. Alt 06, OregoiHan. TRUCK driver, 7 years' experience In driving and repairing; I do all repair ing and overhauling; I have $;(')0 worth of tools;, am first-class, all-around me- chanlc. A R 63. Oregonian. POSITION wanted, experienced superin tendent and manager open to take Im mediate charge of logging operation; nine years' experience in large L'oium bla river operation. J 485, Oregonian. WANTED Position as camp chef. Al cook and baker; 5 years Oregon and Wash, exp., good management, any size crew, top wages expected. A. Schuler. P. O. box 43S3, Portland. Or. CHIEF engineer and mechanic wishes to make change, out of town plant pre ferred ; one in need of first-class, all around man. Address AE 670, Orego nian. KE AT young man, 24. will care for car, do chorea or other work between 9 A. M. and 3 P. M. for board and room ; can make small repairs; good driver. BD S2S. Oregonian. A YOUNG Filipino wants a position as a driver to private family; any kind of machines: H years' experience In U. S by driving. Lopez Rosalea, AH 881, Or egonian. POSITION wanted as manager of dairy farm in Oregon or Washington ; would prefer pedigreed stock. For details of experience, references, etc.. address J. A. Pringle. Montesano. Wash. ACME WINDOWCi7eANE RS: GENERAL HOUSE CLEANERS, EXPERT FLOOR WAXING. RELIABLE MEN. BDWY. AS 1 9. SAUSAGEMAER, A-l, experienced in all branches of small or large estab lishment; best of references. AV 67, Ore g on ian. RELIABLE, all round mechanic -wants work by the hour, day or month, any thing; what have you ? Olson, 309 22d st. N. Broadway 2928. WANTED Position by man 35 years old; with one wholesale concern 12 years; credit, sales and purchasing experience; Al references. BJ 232, Oregonian. COOKS, first and second cooks would like steady job in camp; would wait this month to get Job in good concern. Ad dress 115 Alma at., Portland. Or. LOG. camps. Will cut wood for 4-6-9 or 12 donkeys, with my own drag saws, gas and oil furnish saw filing $4 a day, each donkey. AE 698. Oregonian. CARPENTER and Joiner work, anything from bank fixtures to septic tanks re modeling, etc. F is86, Oregonian. Bdwy. 24S7. MARRIED man, 5 years' experience, gro cery clerk; 10 years' experience drug clerk. Address G 832. Oregonian. Fl RST-CLASS AUTO MECHANIC with over 15 years' experience; A-l ignition, starters, motors. B 962, Oregonian. LIG-HT delivery Ford with driver! if Tn need investigate. 911 Chamber o( Commerce. Broadway 343 7. LOCOMOTIVE or stationary engineer; can do general repair work, acetylene weld ing. camp or mill. AR 68. Oregonian. TRUCKS for hire, the also and type or body to suit most any job. Wilkinson, Broadway 133. BARBER wanta ateady position; aomt good country town preferred. 3C 102, Oregonian. DOORS and window adjusted correctly; A-l mechanic; expert repairing. Bdwy. 710. WANTED Job for 2 H -ton truck, wood or freight haul preferred. AH 924, Oregonian. HOY, 14, wishes place on ranch for board, clothes and go to school. B 938, Orego nian. PROFESSIONAL tree surgery; have your trees and shrubs trimmed now. Ef,t 83 2 S. W ELI experienced baker and pastry man wishes position. Room 104 Hotel Rai nler. city. CEMENT finishing, concrete work or form setting. Wood lawn 2766. ask for Blod gett. WANTED Home for boy 13. do chores, country preferred. Write Mrs. Florence West. Gen. Del.. Portland. COLLEGE student desires work out of school houra or for room and board East SO 20. . TREE PRUNING. EXRERI ENCED MEN GILROY. FORMERLY U. S GOVT PRC HARPIST. BROADWAY 1037. WANTED Job as night man in kitchen or hotel to clean up for 6 or 7 hours BD 770. Oregonian. RELIABLE, middle-aged man wishes work as fireman or other night work; refer ences. Phone East 8273-B-l. PAINTING. paperhanging. kalsomining Inside; $4, 8-hour day. BD 817, Orego nian. MARRIED man, 9 years with one firm wants position as grocery clerk. BJ 28l'. Oregonian POSITION by experienced middle-aged man. as watchman, caretaker or keener AG 528. Oregonian. BRICK CONTRACTOR, estimates given on all kinds of brick work. Phone E. 3357. EXPERIENCED middle-aged janitor and wile. Phone Main 8S99. PAINTING, tinting. $3.50 room; refurnish- 1 niHntr nntinn Tnhrtr P.O-.t SCHOOL BOY wants work for room and board. Room 312 Edison hotel. WANTED Permanent hauling wanted 1 ton tiuck. Phone Tabor 6768. . ' POSITION wanted as gardener on private place.E. Ramond, 170 Second st. FOR best work in painting and tinting. Tabor 2S06, SITUATIONS WANTED MALE, EX-SERVICE man wants Job Involving some excitement and personal danger, am husky and would consider going, to Alaska, tropical or any w here there la some action : all propositions confiden tial; have experience in survey and lim ber work and will consider anything you have. BC 1 66, Oregonian. BY an energetic young married man, any kind of a legitimate job; will work in cr out of town; am experienced with nearly all kinds machinery, either steam or electrical; also do pipe fitting, gas engine or valve work. BC 151, Orego nian. WANTED by experienced sawmill man, position as superintendent with good live company, can also handle shipping if with small plant: have made good in the past and can make good with you. BC 17m, OreKon.an. WANTED Position as caretaker by a middle-aged, active man ; capable and trustwoitnv: with good referencee. Far tits going away for the winter months, wishlns their home well cared for, phone Woodlawn 0170. A-l EXPERIENCED truck or auto driver wishes position; have had experience' dealing with public and know city; can f uruish best of recommendations and references; or will do other work. Ta bor 8516. 215 E. 72d N. Itookkrepe rs. Stenographers, Office. EXPERT accountant with extensive ex perience, number of years as chief ac countant and credit man, big depart ment store, employed in essential in dustry, wishes a position of trust with a reliable concern. AR 71. Oregonian AN experienced bookkeeper will be open for a position Jan. 20. 1920. several vears' experience both with hand and machine systems. For Intervitw call Ta bor 1441. B )OKKEiCPEK and stenographer desires work half aays or six hours; eight years' experience ; sa lary to be commensurate with work-. Phone Broadway 19Q8. EXPERIENCED lumber bookkeeper, ste nographer or generai office man wants employment at once; married; out of tow n p referred. AV 62. Oregonian. WILL call a few hours each day or week and keep your books, get out state ments, etc., 20 years' experience. AH 93 1. Oregonian. EXPERIENCE!) bookkeeper wishes posi tion with reliable firm. Have no ob jections to out-of-town position. AK 800, Oregonian. 12 YEARS exp. gen. office and bookkeep ing; can invest up to $500; references. Call Woodlawn 56: 16. EX PERT accountant of over 20 years' broad executiv e experience, open tor employment. B 797, Oregonian. TIMEKEEPER at camp: logging or con struction ; age 30; experienced, capable, reliable ; references. East 4431. BOOKKEEPER will take care of small set of books evenings; compensation rea sonable. AM 145, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED accountant open for af ternoon engagement. AE 836.' Orego nian. ACCOUNTANT will take work on books evenings. AC 70. Oregonian. ACCURATE, experienced bookkeeper de sires position all or part of time. E, 1503. Soldiers and Sailors. EX-SOLDIER, 23 YEARS OF AGE. WITH A GOOD KNOWLEDGE OF BOOK KBB1MNO AND EXPERIENCED AT TlMBKREfMNG AND COST ACCOUNT ING. DESIRES A PERMANENT POSI TION WITH A RELIABLE FIRM WHERE ADVANCEMENT WILL BE THE RKSl'UT OK CONSCIENTIOUS SERVICE. THE BEST OK REFER ENCES REQUIRED. WILL START AT A NOMINAL, SALARY. PHONE WOODLAWN 5309. RETURNED soldier, Al cook and baker, wants camp job, wife as waitress; former army cooking Instructor, best of refer ences; will work as cook or baker's help er few months in city; must have work at once. AC 376, Oregonian. EXECUTIVE, salesman and office man ager with considerable experience in cost accounting, desires to locate In Port land. Well a cm uainied over the slate. At present secretary- treasurer mil lion dollar corpoi at ion. AV 21. Oregonian. YOUNG ex-service man wants position driving touring car for private family ; have had 0 years- experience ; will do own- repair work; satisfaction guaran teed. BJ 237, Oregonian. EX-OVERSEAS man. Christian. hand with tools or clerking, must have somt kind of honest employment at living wage. Sellwood 2176. EX-SERVICE MAN, 25 years, business college education, experienced grocery clerk, not afraid of work. AK 883, Ore gonian. CHAUFFEUR wishes situation, would ac cept temporary place ; best city refer ence. Call Main 6738. EX-SAILOR. mechanic and electrician, some knowledge of gas engine, wants work In garage. Sell. 87U. WHAT have you for refined young man with plenty of pep? AG 531, Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTFO FEMALE. Vu.l AN at 609 Overton st. wants wash ing to do at home; excellent work guar anteed; done by electric process; would take ironing if small. WOMAN employed mornings would like a few offices to clean evenings. BF 383, Oregonian. NURSE, competent, desires care of invalid in or out of ci y. Phone Main 6336, room 202. LA D I ES' AND GENTS FINE WEARING APPAREL NEATLY LAUNDERED BY HAND; NO DELIVERY. EAST 7732. DEPENDABLE couple will care for prop erty and work half day : make proposi tion. BF 423, Oregonian. MANAGEMENT of apt. or rooming houae by middle-aged, thoroughly experienced hotel woman. AG 523, Oregonian. ELDERLY lady going south, boat or rail, will care for Invalid or child; reference. Main 132 5 or Y. W. C. A. A DEPENDABLE nurse cares for children evenings, the sick through the day. Marshall 340. GIRL, 19 years, old. wants office or cashier work. references. Call Co- lumbia 472. WANTED Position as apartment house manager, experienced; references given. Tabor 7043. LADY wants housecleaning, other work; hours, day; work guaranteed. Wood iawn 6305. LADY would like housekeeping, lodging house or chamber work. AL 226, Orego nian. HOUSEKEEPER, tirst claes good cook, wishes a pc sit ton on ranch or cooking for a small crew. AN 111, Oregonian. KINDERGARTENER wishes position car ing for children by the day or hour while mother Is away; references. Main 41)41. ELDERLY lady going to California wiL care for invalid or children; boat or rail, references. BF 3SS. Oregonian. WOMAN with baby wants housework; pre ferred In family of 2. Write AC 378, Oregcnian. COULD help with dinner and atay with children night for R. and B. BF 486, Oregonian. SCHOOL girl, 15. wculd like to assist wltb housework. Catholic family preferred; astede. 351E.57tht N. WOMAN wanta work; good laundress; -can give good references. Call Sunday only. Main 6224. LADY student desires place to work after school for room and board; some salary. BD 760, Oregonian. LADY, experienced, wishes cashier tor movie theater, gonian. ' position as AN 63, Ore- LADY wishes position in transfer company office, answering telephone. AN 64, Ore gonian. COLORED couple wish house parties. We cook and serve and play jazz music for your dancing. Mar. 639 after 1 o'clock. COLORED girl wishes day work. Mar. 639 after 1 o'clock. ELEMENTARY or advanced English to crown people. BD 746, Oregonian. M EN'S laundry : ladies' fine waists; darn ing and mending. Phone 221-43. FJ RST - CLASS laundress Phone Main 3617. wants work, VERY experienced woman wants all-round day work; expert laundress. East 1987. CURTAINS carefully laundered by hand. Call evenings. Tabor 7069. WOMAN wants position as cook for small crew of men. N. M. fitowel, Gervals, Or. CARE of children evenings while mother Is away. Phone Wdln. 236. Hammond. CATERING- 1436 E. 9th st. N. Phone Wdin. 6111. JAPANESE woman wants position at gen eral housework. AR 59, Oregonian. WANTED Daywork or by the hourl Call Mai n340l. YOUNG lady desires position as cashier or usher Immediately. Call Main 3762. SEWING and all kinds of work by the hour. Tabor 2704. VERY capable woman wants work by the hour or day. Main 4695. EXP E RIENC E D girl wants place as helper In kitchen. AC 3M6, Oregonian. RELIABLE woman Phone East 4468. wants day work. COLORED young woman wanta day work, good laundress. East 7927. JjANlTRESS wanta work. Phone EastS20. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. NORM AL trained, experienced, sue cess f ui teacher, now of Butte city schools, de sires change on account of climate. Or.," Mont.. No. Dak. 1st grade certificates. Can handle phys. training, sewing and agriculture in high school; state highest salary offered. Miss E. West. 2045 Johns ave Butte. Mont. W A NTED-Poei tion by reliable woman of 35 years, where accuracy, neatness and strict application are appreciated ; have had two years' - experience aa saleslady and two aa accountant: might leave city. Wdln. 4991. COMPETENT, companionable, useful wom an, capaole with children, good seam stress, housekeeper, practical in every way, wishes position with family going south for winter; exchange references. BJ 233. Oregonian. WANT boarding place for Lincoln high school girl, aged 15, to work for her board, and like piano in home to prac tice on so she can keep up her music. Write to Mrs. Abbo Peters, Sherwood, Or., route 5. box 65. YOUNG woman of refinement and culture would like a position as traveling com panion to lady or Invalid or as moth er's assistant; best references. AN 113, Ort gonian. COM P 1ST EXT all around experienced woman wants four hours work daily; anything except washing. Tel. Main 2996. LADY employed, wishes place in refined home where she may exchange light services for room and board. East side preferred. East 5509. GOOD COOK on ranch or housekeeper for widower with daughter; modern home; state wages expected first letter. M. S., 144 Kilpatrick St., Patchln hotel. WANTED Employment by experienced day worker or plain seamstress. 40c hour; lunch and car fare. Call East 5524 Mention Oregonian. YOUNG lady wishes work from 4 P. M to 7 and Saturdays for room and board within walking distance to T. W, C. A BF 497. Oregonian. YOUNG lady. competent photo tinter, wishes position in studio, with opportu nity to learn photography. AR 61. Ore Ionian. COMPETENT woman wishes ironing or cleaning one day each week, Tuesdays or Wednesdays; prefer east side. BC 175, Oregonian. COM PETENT, refined woman from east, good housekeeper, good cook, manages weil ; widower's home preferred. Room 17. Vallev hotel. YOUNG; lady will take charge of small rooming house or de waitress work evenings. small restaurant. Call or write Miss Tyn, 570 5th St., upstairs. CAPABLE woman as cook and housekeep er to bachelor or widower, on ranch preferred, or couple employed. AH 932. Oregonian WOMAN wants day work; no washing. Broadway 3441. Bookkeepers, Stenographers. Office. YOUNG woronn with five years experience in ccrrespondenc-j, general office work, card indexing and filing, wishes posi tion; best "eferences from forrter eni ployer. AN 112. Oregonian. STENOGRAPHIC, secretarial position, uni versity graduate; San Francisco and Se attle Importing and exporting experi ence; open for position Jan. 15. AC 363. Oregonian. YOUNG lady stenographer wants position, experienced in loans, abstracting, insur ance; some book keeping ; will call on request. Write Beth Hill, Beaverton, Or. Box 332. EX PERI ENCED young lady wishes posi tion ; general office work ; knowledge of typewriting and shorthand. BJ 316, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER, stenographer, expert in both lines; college education, desires po sition; ran Rive beat of local references. Mars-haP 360. ADVERTISING position by ex-English high school teacher, possessing literary talent and stenographic ability; thoroughly ex perienced. BD 740, Oregonian. WANTED Clerical position by young lady; two years experience In large con cern ; can give good references. Tabor 4931. WANTED Position in office or bank, on adding or posting machine; can also - operate telephone board ; A-l reference ; - years experience. Phone Tabor 529. COMPETENT bookkeeper and typist de sires position, 10 years experience. A-l references. BF 399, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER with 1 U years experi ence general office work, wishes half day position. Main 5405, Monday. TYPIST and file clerk, experienced in in surance, wishes position; salary $75. TIF 44 Oregonian. YOUNG LADY desires stenographic posi tion; will start for $60. AR 67, Orego nian. POSITION wanted by file clerk In whole sale or railroad office; 2 years' city ex perience BD 826, Oregonian. COMPETENT bookkeeper-stenographer de sires permanent position; best local ref erences. Broadway 1908. STENOGRAPHER-CASHIER, two yean rhon experience, desires position. Woodlawn 689. BEGINNER In stenography wants work ; wouta line place where there tn chance f,or advancement. BD 769. Oregonian. WANTED Position as ledger clerk by ex perienced oitice girl. A K. 879, orego nian. STENOGRAPHER, rapid and accurate, with seven years' experience, wants po sition. Tabor 3350. THOROUGHLY competent stenographer. experienced In Insurance and general commercial lines. Tabor 2238. EXPERIENCED billing clerk and stenog rapher wishes position. BD 765. Ore gonian. RELIABLE young woman with lonie ex perience, wishes stenographic work. East 32. YOUNG LADY desires position as billing clerk; also general office work. Tabor 5501. EXPERIENCED bookkeeper and stenog rapher; best of city references. Main EXPERIENCED blller and typist desires position; can give references. Main 698. YOUNG LADY as bluing cleric and general office work. K 909, Oregonian. BOOKKEEPER. 10 yrs. experience, want position. Phone East 2121. 0 to 12 A. M. YOU NG lady, experienced typist, wishes position in office. Call Woodlawn 3041. WANTED Typing, copy work; called for and delivered. Al- 235, Oregonian. Dressmakers, CHILDREN'S expert sewing; good prices by piece or group. 980 E. 20th N.. be tween Monday and Wednesday, 10 to 5. A B car. HIGH-CLASS dressmaking; street dresses, house dresses, aprons, etc. ; have your old suit made into a dress; reasonable rates. Mrs. Kelly, East 7307. DRESSMAKINaand tailoring taught by experienced hand. Bring your own ma terial. For information phone Wdln. 530. Add. 737 Mississippi ave. Mrs. P. Heck, ENGAGEMENTS by day, up-to-date dress ' maker ; re mode ling reasonable Bdwy. 1567. SEWING neatly done; let me come to your house and do your spring sewing. 331 14th at. or Main 5608. FOR your spring dressmaking and altera tions call Dressmaking Dept. Emporium Dye works, 549 Morrison at., Bdwy 4259. MRS. MERSERVE. LADIES TAILOR AND DRESSMAKING SHOP, 133 E. 33d. TABOR 1376. DRESSMAKING "at reasonable prices. 311 Central bldg., 10th and Alder. Main 3408. PLAIN sewing and children's work, by the day or stay at home; reasonable. Tabor 4570. CHILDREN'S ready-to-wear dresses. Yamhill st. 352 HIGH-CLASS dressmaker from the east la open for engagements. Marshall 345. CALL D. Chamberlain, Tabor 8511; work guaranteed, gowns, suits and remodeling. DRESSMAKING by day, alteration " work specialty. East 4122. WANTED Sewing. B16 Commercial st. Phone automatic 319-01. FIRST-CLASS dressmaker just establishing here. Main 9398. WANTED Plain sewing to do. 1295 Haw thorne ave. EXPERIENCED diessmaker, remodeling a specialty. Marshall 875. EXPERIENCED dressmaker, alteration; references; reasonable. East 7665? EXPERIENCED dressmaker and tall ore s will sew by the day. Phone East 6617. FIRST-CLASS dressmaking, tailoring al teration, remodeling, by day. Main 479.T Nurse PRACTICAL nurse, city references, desires patient going to California; or child's nurse. BC 189, Oregonian. EXPERIENCED nurse, most any kind nursing or care taking. Reasonable. . Marshall 260. PRACTICAL nurse desires confinement cases. Call Sellwood 778. NURSE wishes to care for invalid or as companion to elderly lady. Tabor 23o z. . m-L aw i -ou- FOR experienced trained nurses, any kind Ol LHUCB, pilUIIV Mttia I w o . WANTED situation as" nurse home night. Tabor 8397, girl; SITUATIONS WASTED FEMALE. Nursee. MATERNITY and surgical hospital. 195 Williams ave. Normal confinement cases taken care of for less than one-half the uual charges ; cases Including drugs, dressings, licensed physician's services, fvo weeks hospital care, all for $40; all other surgical and hospital rases treated uder same conditions. Phone Wood lawn 166, Main 7744. or apply at 702 Dekum bldg. EXPERIENCED nurse wishes confine ment case. Pel I wood 24 X S. Housekeepers. WANTED Feb. 1, housekeeping position by respectable and refined lady, middle aged, for one or two gentlemen, modern home in Portland. Address Mrs. M. C. Hartzell, 1633 E, 13th St., Apt. A, city, or call after 5 P. M. HOUSEKEEPER with girl 7 years old want position with widower's home ; one with child preferred ; reasonable wages If otherwise acceptable. BF 392, Orego nian. Tabor 5356, 9 to 4. A RESPECTABLE middle-aged lady who is an excellent cook wants position as housekeeper for gentleman; good home; no trlflers. BJ 1 4 6. Ore gonian. CAPABLE young widow, with child, wants position as housekeeper for bachelor or widower, city or county. Phone Wdln. 1736. LADY, passed middle age, would like po sition as housekeeper In wldower'a or bachelor's home; would prefer the coun- tryAE 834, Oregonian. WANTED Position as housekeeper in rooming house or will go 50-50 in room ing house proposition. BF 479, Orego nian. UNINCUMBERED woman would like po sition as housekeeper. N. M. Stowee, Gervais, Or. WIDOW woman, neat and saving, wants position of housekeeper for widower with home ; no children. Call Bdwy. 3441 CAPABLE lady wishes position aa house keeper in gentleman's modern home. BJ 220, Oregonian. COMPETENT housekeeper for elderly gen tleman where she can have full charge. Give phone number. B 967. Oregonian. YOUNG widow with little girl would like position in refined modern home. 187 W. Russet t st. Woodlawn 5549. ELDERLY lady wants a place to keep house or do housework. Inquire 1214 N. 16th st.. Vancouver. Wash. CAPABLE woman, 49. wants housekeeping for gentleman or employed people. AL 22.'I. Oregonian. HOUSEKEEPER in refined widower's home ; no objection to one small child CMI between 9 and 2. Tabor573. A LADY employed wishes light housework for her room and board. BF 487, Ore gonian. WOMAN with girl 34 years old wants housework, adults only. BF 404, Orego nian. WIDOW wants position as housekeeper in widower's home, no objection to 1 or 2 children. Call E. 8623. WOMAN wants housekeeping for respec table man with child. B 961, Orego nian. Io nicotics. YOUNG woman wishes work In private family where she will be treated as one of them, home without children; t-5 pef month. Mar. 4779. WANTED TO RENT. Houses. MEIER A FRANK'S Information and Rental Bureau. Reliable, up-to-date lists of destrabla vacant houses, apartments and flats with definite Information pertaining to each. Newcomers to Portland will find this bureau of great value in helping them get uroperly and uulckly located. Eighth Floor. SMALL. modern, completely furnished house wanted by man and wife: no chil dren; will furnish bet of references and guarantee proper care. If your house is not clean, well furnished and in goon neighborhood do not answer. Want to rent from someone with whom the de sirability of the tenant will be a factor. Phone room 203 at Marshall 2200. WELL FURNISHED 5-ROOM MODE U N BUNGALOW bv couple with BEST It E F E R E N C ES. Phone Main 1503. WANT Modern house, not large but good: prefer Irving ton. Nob Hill, Wiilamettd Heights; prefer lease 1, 2 or more years, but not necessary; no children; prefer $4: to $65; garage; prefer bungalow type, but 2-story will, do; possesion immedi ately or in a few weeks; my lease is good at your bank. BJ 218. Oregonian. WANTED Feb. 1st. furnished 5-room cottage with garage by responsible -party. AL 216, Oregonian. or phone Bdwy. 1484. YOUNG couple, responsible, want to lease for a year at least, a modern five or six room house or bungalow, good location and not over $S0 a month rent. Will take good care of house and lawn. Tele phone Tabor 5245. WANTED To rent, by responsible parties. 5 or 6-room modern house, on paved street or road, 2 or more lots or 1 or 2 acres with some fruit and berries pre ferred : give full particulars. BJ 282, yregonian. WE are in touch with hundreds of peo ple wanting to rent homes ; let us rent and manage your property. FRANK L. McGUIRE To Rent Your Home. Ablngton Bldg. Main 106S. WANTED To rent by young couple, no children, a 4 or 5-room modern bunga low or cottage: one with garage pre ferred, reasonable distance; can glvs very best of references and would lease. Broadway 1049. 10 to noon Sunday. WANTED A modern unfurnished house in St. Johns, not more than 2 blocks from car; take good care of place, will lease for year with reasonable rent; no children. Phone East 8444. FAMILY 3 adults want furnished house or apartments, close In, with 3 bedrooms; permanent residents ; bank references. BD 772, Oregonian. WANTED To rent Feb. 1. 1 modern. 2 story furnished house, 3 or 4 sleeping rooms, garage. Write Mabel Mc Knight, 3S2 East 57th at. UNFURNISHED 5-room bungalow: man and wife only : will pay 6 months rent In advance ; reference. BD 744, Ore gonian. WANTED To rent small furnished house or cottage by Feb. 2. 1920; would con alder 2 or 8 furnished housekeeping rooms. BJ 219, Oregoniam WANT furnished modern house near elec tric line, between Portland and Oregon City, with one acre or more of garden land. AL 231, Oregonian. WANTED 6 or 7-roorh modern house by Feb. 1; must be clean, have garden, no objection to children and not for aale. AK 898. Oregonian. LOOKING FOR A HOME. Want furnished modern bungalow. Rose City Park; references. Call Wood lawn 1147. WANTED From owners only. 8 or 10 room house, close in. furnished or partly furnished for housekeeping. BJ 241. Oregonian. WANTED 4 or 5-room furnished house; have own bedding, silver and dishes; responsible party. AM 133, Oregonian. TWO ladies desire to lease 5-7-room mod ern house 2 blocks or less from carline. Sellwood 1535. WANTED Furnished or unfurnished house or flat In Alberta district: near I9th st.; will buy furniture. Woodlawn 2409. WANTED Unfurnished or pnrtly-furni.hed house, west side preferred; consider east side. F. B. Hill. 414 Mill St. WI LL board and room refined gentleman for use of furniahed home. AC 372. Oregonian. WANTED To rent a house in Waverly Heights or Richmond, by couple with no children. Phone Main 3836. SMALL furnished cottage with hath; no objection to going out long way. East 8198. 5-ROOM cottage or flat, modern. State location and price. Will lease. G 761, Oregonian. WANT 4 or 5-room cosy cottage. Immedi ate possession; best references. C 406, Oregonian. WANTED 5 or 6-room house on east side; no children. East 6342. A SMALlThouse with 2 acres. AL 219, Oregonian. BY RESPONSIBLE young couple, modern 5 or 6-room bungalow. Woodlawn 423. Apartments. COUPLE desires 2 to 4-room unfurnished flat or apartment, modern, close in west side preferred. References. Address BC 16S. Oregonian. Call Marsha 1 1 4O40. ! WANTED To rent 3 to 5-room flat and WANTBDto rent to o-room r at ana I buy furniture in it; must be close in. H 479. Oregonian. SMALL apartment or housekeeping rooms bv business woman, Sunnyslde, near 34th. AL 234, Oregonian. WANTED TO KENT. Apartments. WANTED Furnished 3 -room apartment; west side; moderate rent ; married cou ple; permanent; reference. BF 393. Oregonian. WANTED At once, by man and wife, furnished apartment in good location, for lo days; references. BD 775. Ore gonian. Rooms. MIDDLE-AGED single man wants clean, warm, comfortable room In quiet home like place where thre are no other roomers; not a housekeeping room. AR lO.i. Oregonian. WANT 2 liht housekeeping rooms, elderly gentleman, near Hawthorne carllne. In city, 4 days and 1 night per week; make very drirable tenant; best of references. O 868. Oregonian. w WANTED Warm furnished room in pri vate family, close in. by middle-aged business lady, where she can have privl leges; references. AH 934, Oregonian. REFINED lady wants outside room In steam-heated apartment; must be warm; or would share apartment; references. BD 766, Oregonian. WANTED by man and wife February 1, modern housekeeping rooms, west side, close in, unfurnished preferred. Refer ences. Address BD 742, Oregonian. YOUNG couple desire 3 or 4 unfurnished housekeeping rooms or apartment. AE 838, Oregonian. YOUNG woman wants light h. k. rooms In Christian Science family. Call be tween 1 and 5 p. m. Broadway 3168. ELEGANT, furnished house for rent In Laurel hurst. $75. Call 219-07. MAN. employed, wants H. K. room. AN 65, Oregonian. Rooms With Board. WANTED Home for girl 14 years, in vicinity of Jefferson high school; might consider care of children evenings for room and board, working mother; may also desire board in same home. Wdln. 4091. MOTH ER, employed, desires room and board for self and sons, 9 and 10; only well appointed home considered, where chi Idren can have mother's care ; Couch school district only. BD 748. Oregonian. BUSINESS MAN WISHES HOME FOR HIMSELF AND 4-YEAR-OLD DAUGH TER: SLEEPING PORCH ESSENTIAL; GARAGE IF POSSIBLE. K 869, ORE GONIAN. "WANTED Room with board in private family; young business woman wishes home In private family, Irving ton pre ferred. East 6673. or Marshall 1860. Monday. WANTED A congenial. refined young lady, employed, to share my room, with sleeping porch, in beautiful Irvlngton home of young people Phone East 32. GENTLEMAN desires room or small apartment, with sleeping porch, with or without board, east or west side, rea sonably close in. BD 813, Oregonian. WANTED Comfortable room, plain board, first floor near bath, for man eernl In valid ; requires no care. C. S. pre ferred. BF 4K3. Oregonian. YOUNG business lady wants home with private- family where there are no other boarders and where she will have home, rot in and breakfast. BC 169. Oregonl an. MAN, employed, wants warm room and board in private family. Irvlngton pre ferred ; state price and full particulars AL 239, Oregonian. WANTED Room and board by two yming business women In private home with home privileges; west side, walking dis tance. "BP 821. Oregonian. YOUNG bank clerk wants room and hoard within walking distance, private family. AL 21. Oregonian. YOKN' 1 ladv wishes home with private family as 'paying guest. AH 8S8, Ore gonian. ROOM and board for lady employed with son lo years old. AH 135. Oregonian. HOME for 3-year-old boy; state charge. B 4. Oregonian. B A RD and room for boy 10 years. 936. On-gonian. Tl ntittekrrpi ng Rooms, WANTED By young couple attending col lege, L. H. K. rooms with home con veniences in private home. BJ 268, Oreconian. WANTED By a young single man, one or two housekeping roms in private fam ily; walking distance. AL 223, Orego nian. NEAT lady wants housekeeping room In nice private home ; close In, west side preferred. Phone Sunday and Monday, Tabor 7341. TWO H. K. rooms for couple without children : preferably on west side. Box AN 67. Oregonian. WANTED By middle-aged couple, 8 mod ern unfurnished rooms. W. S. Mrs. Bert Perry. 931 Savier st. FOR RENT. NICELY furnished larc' front room, fur nace heat, suitable fmr 2; rent $6.50 per wek. Main 5917. 4A4 Yamhill st. WANTED Man's suit, size 3 party. ,E 691. Oregonian. by private FURNISHED housekeenin g and sleeping rooms for rent. 84 loth st.. cor. Oak. Furnished Rooms. u ndei t n e w management. Princess hotel. Just across the Burnslde bridge. Being thurouKhly renovated through out. Strictly modern rooms, singie or with private or community baths. Tran sients. $ I to $ 2 per day. Special raLes by week or month. East 171. HOTEL Netherlands. i, 13th st. at Wash Phillips. Prop., A. G. Lamble, M gr. A real home hotel for discriminating people. Liht. clean rooms with or without private bath cleanliness, courtesy and personal ser vice. Transient, permanent. HOTEL CLIFFORD. Eat Morrison st. at East Sixth. The principal east side hotel ; digni fied and refined: $1.25 per day, double ?1 75, T6 per week ; $22.50 per month. HOTEL NAVARRE, 427 V. Alder st. at 11th Elegantly furnished, with or with out bath; central location; special week ly rates. THE LAN DON, one small sleep Jng room, steam heat, $15 for one; $18 two. 2&8 Tenth St. HO T E r7b C KL EY S Iorrl.on at. at Tenth. Rates $1 a day up. Weekly $4.50 up. Steam heat. Free phone and baths. LARGE, comfortable furnished room, ruit able for 2; walking distance; $16 single, 20 double, fill Columbia st. LA KGE, well -furnished front room near 23d and Northrup; gentlemen preferred; references. AH 8S6. Oregonian. PALACE HOTEL, 446 Wash. St., down town location, respectable and strictly modern rooms, large, jciean DESIRABLE front sleeping room, dav enport bed; fine place; $30. Kingaley, 57 Trinity place. HOTEL SAVON, 131 11th St., between Washington and Alder; modern rooms per week up.$l per dayjip. PLEASANT steam heated front room foi 1 or 2 gentlemen, 551 Wash, st., apt C. Bdwy. 2535. FURNISHED sleeping rooms, walking dis tance, nice location; all conveniences. Main 4980. 75c $1 DAY: $2.50 week up; outside rooms. Hotel Cadillac, 8d near Jefferaon. BUSHMARK HOTEL, 665 Wash. at., cor. 17 Furnished rooms $1 day up. Unfurnished Rooms. 3 LARGE unf. rooms; heat, light, water to man and wife; refeiences exchanged. 566 E. 35th st. S-, Richmond car. PARTIALLY furnished office room for rent. Including heat, light, gas. Room IK, lfi.V? 4th M. 3 V A.CANT rooms. 20 minutes from city; very reasoi able to right party. AL 221, Oregonian. Furnished Koo ms in Private Family. SLEEPING room In private fa nilly ; gentle-men only. Marshall ISft.'i NICELY furnished room, modern, at 692V Everett, pnone :viarsnaii j m - j,4 Front room in nice home for Mar. 60H6. 54 Lm retla, nr. 23d and rent. Wash LITTLE sleeping room near Y. M. C. A.. reasonable. 330 Taylor. Marshall 1675. LARGE room, separate beds. 3d floor, cheap. 470 Columbia sL FOR ""RENT Sleeping room, private fam ily. 26 E. 10th at. RoOM for working girl employed during day: home privileges. ,Marwhal) '2604. FURNISHED room for rent. Call Main 414. Gentlemen preferred. nTcKLY furnished rooma very reasonable, Vto Marshall st. FU UN IS HED room in a comfortable home, Jan. 18; references. Marshall 4423. NICE, pleasant room. large closet. In mod- ern home. East 12bH. TWO furnished rooms for rent, close in. B roa d w ay 578. i 169 14TH STREET, near Jefferson: choice rooms, walking distance. Maln3S93. A LARGE front room, modern, pleasant surroundings. East 6510. FRONT furnished room. 348 College st. ( M onday) : $11- Marshall 339. FRONT bedroom In Irvington home; fine heat, large closet. Phone East 8259. FRONT room, heat and bath; reasonable; west side. Mar. 2854. FOB BENT. Furnished Booms In Private Family. FINE, large front room, furnished at tractively; modern new house, piano: good location, 10-minute ride, Hawthorne car. Call today, 304 East 22d. near Haw thorne. Phone East 6636. TWO rooms with large ciosets, two large windows; one suitable for two gentlemen or young couple; home covneniences; near two car lines; references. Phone Tabor 1032. ; A LARGE comfortable homelike room, nicely furnished, well lighted and heated; two large closets; close to bath; walking distance ox two blocks to car. Main 3741. PLEASANT, steam heated room. S min utes' walk from Liberty temple; moder ate rent; young business woman pre ferred. Call after 1 P. M., 331 Jeffer son st. A CLEAN and pleasant room for gentle man, modern conveniences, walking dis tance, best references required. Cail be fore 2 o'clock or Monday. 702 Vi Flan ders. Main 7313. ONE nicely furnished room and kitchen ette, also one sleeping room with kitch en prlvllegea if desiied. nice home. 14 North 17th st. Bdwy. 2606. A BUSINESS woman can have a well-furnished room with use of sitting, dining room and kitchen, heat and light, $10 per month. AN 115. Oregonian LARGE well furnished heated room. 1 blk. library; 213 11th st.. cor. Salmon; suit able for 2 adults employed; ref. Main 8678. LARGE modern front room, very nicely furnished; home privileges; between two car lines; suitable for 1 or 2 people. 590 E. Salmon st Call East 8363. FOR RENT Furnished room In private family; large, desirable room, modern; walking distance. Phone Eiast 640. 312 E. 2d. corner Halsey. LARGE well-furnished alcove room; run ning water; porch; couple or young men 'employed; references. Broadway 1953. 570 Hoyt WANTED A congenial young married couple or business lady to rent my one pleasant well furnished sleeping room; no other roomers. Woodlawn 42fiS. 258 11TH ST. Comfortable well-heated front alcove room; all conveniences; suitable for gentleman. NICE sleeping room in private home, use of piano and parlor. Also sleepiug porch. Main 5."91. Gentlemen only. BEAUTIFUL front furnished room, for 1 or 2 gentlemen: private family. Cull from 11 to 1. Main 7949. FURNISHED rooms in private family. $10 to $12 month. 331 Grand ave. North, near Broadway. Phone East 1209. VERY pleasant room, modern conven iences; also new private garage. East 2548. 711 E. Ankeny. CHEERFUL room, refined home, with or w ithout breakfast and laundry privi leges. Marshall 3735. FURNISHED room. kitchen girls preferred: furnace heat, man. Main -52. privi leges; 324 Chap- COM FORT ABLE warm room, with board if desired; home cooking. 331 Mont gomery street. ONE living room with sleeping porch and 2 beds, light and heat furnished. East 4191. FRONT room, refined, congenial family, garage If desired, west side. Marshall 3'tn9. CtM FuHTA BLE and con ven tent room in modern apt. ; private entrance ; genile man. Tabor 3 Sort. PLEASANT room with small room adjoin ing, electric grill or housekeeping privi leges: girl employed. 'Tabor MH7. FURNISH ED room, suitable for student, $4; ladies only. 493 Montgomery st. Walking distance. ROOM and breakfast for gentleman. S;5 E. Madison st. hi blk. from Hawthorne car. FRONT room for gentleman in west aide apartment; walking distance. Broad way 474.r. $16 PER MONTH Room for rent ; may hav uso of kitchen. 370 5th st, up stairs. NICE room for 1 or 2 gentlemen. In pri vate family, $5 a week. 475 Taylor St., cor. 14th st. FOR KENT Nicely furnished sleeping and housekeeping rooms, close in. Call Mon day evening. 230 ', 10th st HAM with private family, west side, 1 of 1! young men. References exchanged, Marshall 4M. 3 WELL FURNISHED downs tail's rooms, with water, light and phone. $J2.5d. Woodlawn 3S4U or call S35 E. 12th N. N I'CEL Y furnished room in private family, suitable for 1 or 2 gentlemen. 529 Bel mont. BEAUTIFULLY furnished room for rent; reference required. Inquire 361 Tilla mofik. PLEASANT room, modern, walking dis tance. 440 East Clay, corner 7th. East 353. LA KGE room, always warm, suitable una or two; wholesale district, walking dis tance. 174 N. 13th t. NICE comfortable room; 1 or 2 gentlemen; reasonable. 354 Ross St., 2 biocks east of Broadway bridge. Phone 32H-7S. LIGHT, comfortably furnished room in private home ; middle-aged lady pre ferred. Phone Marshall 950. ONE furnished steam-heated apt. room, gentleman preferred. Mar. 3176 after 10 o'clock. NEWLY furnished front rooms, furnace heat, use of phore, gentlemen preferred. 3o Jackson. Mar. 421S. N NICELY furnished rooms for gentlemen: modern home. C. S. preferred. 3V. 12th at. PLEASANT steam heated sleeping room. 46u Vfc Jefferson st., apt. 200, Jeanetie apts. A LARGE bedroom for 1 or 2 persons; no objections to child. With or without board, west side. Main 335. AN ATTRACTIVE comfortable room for gentlemen in private family, west side. walking distance. 391 Harrison. PLEASANT sleeping room, running water, heat, use of bath and phone. 494 Taylor street. A BEAUTIFUL room for rent suitable for 2 people. 108 North ISth. LA RG E front room, well heated, modern; use of piano. 327 6th St. ON E large furnished room, suitable for 3. Broadway 11H. N. 16th st. ROOM 235 Nartllla St.. near Multnomah club. Main 4171. R ooim Wltb Board. 4-KoOM. well lighted, attractively fur nished apt., to purchaser of furniture; on DM car, 7 minutes from Broadway; furniture Includes dishea, sewing ma chine, oriental rugs, curtains, all ready to occupy, for $675; silver, linen, player piano additional If desired. Mar. Ilu2. IEANNE CARC Furnished rooms, with or without board, for business girls and lady tourists, permanent or transient. Special features within the limitation of the minimum wage earner, $2 per week and up. 265 14th st Main 4119. NORTON I A HOTEL Portland's downtown high-class family hotel , rooms en suite oi single, with or without board, for families and business men and women. We give you all the comforts of a home. Rearoi able rates. ONE well-furnished room available for couple employed, ladies or gentlemen, in exclusive family hotel; all modern con veniences ; good home-cooked meals. K-HHt ut9. DO YOU appreciate good board and room? If so. call on us; rates reasonable. Grand Hotel, 334 Grand ave., 3 blocks south of Hawthorne ave. ROOM and board for. business girls; all modern conveniences; walking distance; 1 4 oO per week East 4732. L: E. lib st. THE MARTHA WASHINGTON. 380 10th st. For business girls and tuJnti; reasonable rates. Mar. 131. THE HAZEL FAMILY HOTEU home cook- Ing, outside rooms ; reasonable ; s learn heat, hot and cold water. 385 Third. HEREFORD "HOTEL 735 Hoyt.. Room and board for business people, $56 and up. HARRISON hotel, outside rms., 12.50; table bd. $6.50 week. Front and Harrison Rooms With Hoard In' Private Family. NICE, clean room for two girls eiwIoied, also board, close in, reasonable. East 45 1 4. COUPLE men to room and board, private family. East 5959. BOARD and rooms for business popte or employed couple. 681 Giisan. Mar. 1248. REFINED home for business young peo ple; reterences. Call Tabor 3325. WANTED Lady or gentleman to board and room In private family. East t16. ROOM and board in private family. 172 East 31st st., 1 block from carllna TWO men to room and board In modern home; no other boardera. 694 Irving at. ROOM, 2 meals, for 2 men or couple work ing: close In. 544 4th at. WANTED Child between 3 and 4: best of mother's care. Phone E. 51S0. ROOM or room and board. 208 Grant. Home cooking; warm, rooms. ROOM, suitable for one or two. with or without board. East 8277. ROOM and board in private fi.mKy; ;;7I Larch St., Ladd's Addition. Eaat 5002. FOR BENT. Booms With Board in Frlvat Family. WANT to board one or two young busi ness men of good habits; private home: pleasant room and good board, $38 per month for one. or $35 each for two. Call Monday or phone Tabor 722S Mon day forenoon. 2627 E. 51st St. S. ; Mt Scott car, one block. BUSINESS COLLEGE girl or young worn an working short hoxirs may have room and board very reasonable in private family west side ; give phone number. AH 102, Oregonian. LADY, alone, would room and board work ing girl reasonable ; home privileges; references exchanged. Call bet. 1 and 3 Sunday.549 Taylor St.. flat C. WILL room and board two refined gentle men who will occupy one nicely fur nished front room with two beds; Irv ington home. Phone East 8o63. WIDOW with boys 5 and 7 yrs. wishes children, school ago, to room and board with mother's care. Phone Sell. 774. 999 East 2sth st. outh. MIDDLE-AGED lady will board, room and care for small girl : no other children; object company; reference. Cail Wdln, 4370. NICE room with boa rd for t wo you n g ladies or gentlemen ; private home : no other boarders; $:;5 ; call after 3 week days and all day Sunday. Tabor 5830. WILL give board and room and mother's care to children under 6; best of ref erences. Tabor SI 14 YOUNG working man to room and board small congenial family of young people; piano, modern. Main 693. WILL give a little child from 2 to 5 yrs. a good home and reasonable: references exchanged. BJ 273, Oregonian. NICE front room suitable for 1 or 2 gen- modern. 25 N. 21 st st. A COMFORTABLE room in modern home, suitable for 2 gentlemen, with board. Phone Main 305. NICELY boa rd ; tance. furnished heated room with private family; walking dls 7oa Hoyt st. NICELY furnished rooms with board in private home: near Bdwv. bridge. 40S B t.ton. " Koo M and hoard for gentleman: reason able; private family. Tabor 5933 or call 43M9 66th st. S. K. AN exclusive home offers room, garage and board with home cooking: Kentiemen preferred. 14:; N. I9th St., Bdwv. 4314. ROOM and board for gentleman, private family ; -j blks. i" mm Sell wood car Una Phone Sellwood 2r.:t. ROOM and board; nice clean room for a young man: just like, home. 865 Halsey st. East 53;.. ROOM AND BOARD to school girl; mother's care; west side; give phone number. A R IOI, 'oregonian. REFINED young iady wishes roommate, room well furnished, hoard excellent; references exchanged. East 1 ."6. GENTLEM A V wtnted to r"o in and. board with private family. 173 16th st. S. Call Monday. WOULD like to care tor little girl in my own home: best of mother care given. AG 527. Oregoiuan. FurnUnrd Apartments. APARTMENT for rent, furniture tor ea: on account of lea v ing city ; apartment ready, move in your t runks- and keep house; includes Wilton velvet rugs, silverware, dishes, large Victrola and records, etc.: should be seen to be ap preciated : Siotio cash. Phone Marshall 1371 ; no dealers. THE CROMWELL, Fifth and Col umb;a streets. Five minutes' walk to Meier A Frank's store; good surround ingf, strictly mod ern. 2 and 3 -room f u ruts tied apts. ; ail outside w tth Fi men doors and balcony. -ROOM u pa rt men t for one month, com -iiteiicing the l.'ith, in modern apartment liMiise. east side residence section. AH 9Mi. i tregonian. $7.- w EST SIDE A PA RTM ENT 75. 6 large. 1 1 r 1 1 rooms itrst floor; pnone. private eni lance, uaiKliiK tiista n e. See John Drown. :J24 Rai.v.ay Excnange bldg. STEAM-HEATED. 6-room flat, elegantly fur n is hed. w est side, walking d ista nee. $75: leased yearly; references. Main 277S. 11 to 2 P. M. LEEDS APARTMENTS. One 3 and one 4-room nicely fur nished apt.; steam . ,he:i t ; everything modern. $3S and $50. ' 210 Market. APARTMENT, consisting of 2 large li;h front rooms, fairly renovated, well-furnished; suitable for two or four aduits 117 N 1Mb st. THREE rooms furnished apartment, mod ern, first floor; walking distance: Jf35 to responsible people. .Marshall UH 7. FOR RENT Purnishe.j apu rt men t. t hret rooms and but ti. phone. gooi light ' SS car line. Khin Twbor 6oti,"i. FOR RENT 2 -room beautifully furnished ! auartments with dressing room. $2t. c'a Wood 1 a w n ,ri5."i 1 . VANTKI Woman to share 3-rnom apart ment with elderly lady. AH lt3, Ore conian. LEXMSON APT., cor. 34th and Relmont 1 3-ro'im furnished apt., private bath ami phone; price $45. Tabor 546. NICE 2-room apt.; heat. vi;ctrtc lilit ami w :iter furnished. 175 N. 17th. Hdwy. 107s. CLEAN furnished apts. o a hie ; walking distance. rooms, reason 5211 Johnson. 3-lioOM furnished apartment; dr. n. 1.1. Cii 1 1 Tabor 4 765. no chil- FOR RENT 3oth at. S. -Furnished flat. Phone East 5771. No. 3 E. 4 Koo MS of ood furn.ture for sale, for rent. Marshall :tl. FO R RENT 2- room furnished housekeep tntt apt.. St. Johns car. Woodlawn 4211. Unfurnished A part men tw. FOR RENT Three-room and bath, mod ern, unfurnished apartment, 61S E. 64tli st. N. Rose City Park car. 6-RO .I, w a'. king 2 P. M. t-team -heated distance, $60. a part ment Main 277S. flat. 11 to TWO-ROOM rent. 32 N. fu riiisln 1 1 til st. apartment AN unfurnished apartment, side. Call Marshall 4;s2. cheap, west Furnished or Unfurnished Apartments. 721 MULTNOMAH street. Irvlngton dis trict: 4-room apt., well furnished, mod ern In every way: fireplace, nice yard : mini's only, $05 per month. Call between 10 and 4. $4 WEST SIPi-: APARTMENT. $40. 4 larg, light rooms, c'.oset, bath. heat, phone, uroiiinl floor, private entrance, walking iUst:ince: rimn ant wi:-. SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOCK EXCH. Flats. CHOICE 5-room upper flat, furnace, fire pbice a nd all built-in onvenienc-s. East 17th St.. near Hawthorne ave.. rent $40 per mont h on 1-year lease to adults only: references required. Call at apt 3. 253 East 17th st. Phone East 15H FLAT for rent, extra large 5-room flat for rent and furniture for sale, cheap. Call at 101 East l!th St.. cor. of Wash ington, between 10 A. M. and 2 P. M. Sunday. UPPER 4-room flat for rent. 70 2d at. ; electricity and gas; close to sh Ipy a rds; 1 block to carline. Inquire phone East H345 FOR RENT 4-room upper flat, private resldenc ; take Woodstock car to Hol gate, 2 blocks west. 1 south, to i'41 East 3lth. S.-ll. 1161 after 2 P. M. TWO unrnrnishe rl flats tor rent, ad u ltd only. Uio and ,o : live ami six rooms. walking distance, east side. Call Wood- lawn 1 lor,. FOR RENT 5-room flat. unfurnished, newly kalsomined : no objection to 1 or 2 children. Inquire !41 Ciiion avenue. 5-ROOM fiat for rent, .loves and 2 cords of wood lor sale; walking distance. East 440I. E. HI'RNSI IE. N E A R 221 ST. S.'.o I rooms and si-epin porch. SMITH-WAGONER Co.. STOCK EXCH. FoR RENT Furnished Call at tMT.l Montana j'rid" SMId'imre. Mi: -i: lower flat, cen Mason 5-RoM flat, posses Kith st., west side. n l."ith Jan.. :is; rthti Vliim-j, Tabor 43. FoR RENT ."-room fiat, bafh and pantry. s:i7 'oi'i mercial st. Furnished if wanted. I'lioiie Wootiiawn 433. 6-R OM fh. 7oit fni t for rent, m ave. N. Inquire at place. FLAT for rent, furniture for sale. Ross st., after 2 I. M. 33U V Furnished Flats. MODERN 4-room nicely f urn is hed f lai ; no children. S2S iiorthw iok st. Wood lawn Iti'Mt. 5-ROOM modern furnished flat by Januarv 20. Rodney avenue, near Tillamook st. Ca'.l Main 8166. . 539 RODNEY r.at; 2 adults. AVE. 3-room furnished -LOOM furnished flat, water, lieht and heat, gas rans,e: $4 month. 605 ith st. -R oM flat, furnished. forsale. $35u 4V. ls oin si. i none jiajn n t . IrooM furnished flat. $45. Call Monday, 427 Columbia. FURNISHED upper flat, garage. 523. Tabor 5-KOOM furnished fiat fur reuL Eaat 5179. FOR RENT Furnished Flat. riAr f OR RENT. FURNISHINGS TOt r,.ITv0m flV' am ht n5 hot wat furnished with rent: beautiful furnltur ! om" nted: pays :i expenses; $77 cash. Ask for Mrs. Green A. J. DeFOREST CO., o-u nenry jaidg. L LEG ANT 6-room furnished flat. 7' .,-rny Wcst- mld- near 2d- 15 mlr u!t.walk: furnace and water; rei ti... vacant the 13th. Marshall llli Ni-KOOM flat for rent. furniruref7 .,r"i or a rooms pavs ail penses and gives small Income. 40: Clay; do not call S u n d a y . V. .i -r4'1-00"' furnished flat, la re I Mll,:.lM' iront porch, all modern; w .IK I iVr aiiilnc': o per month; adulfs out FURNISHED flat for rent: would furniture walking distance: referenced VERY desirable modern 4-room furmshel iiai, near location; piano; adults onl 8-ROOM flat for rent; furniture for sale! , reni 3- Alter 10 A. MJ 1H mo., nlphed. -room lower flat, partly furl "'-o rowen alley road. Housekeeping Roomn, i-OK RENT X1 I, Stark St.. bet. Broad way and Park. close-In bnnoUAAnfn J rooms. 13 and up; gas. elect, and phooeJ 4.oo tthtu IP Completely fumlahe nnusp Keeping suites, every convenlenc cariare. i he Cadillac. 3d nea;1 OA room, light housekeeping ; phon-i mm oh m, a rioor. e. is. soth Marshall 545. HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping rooms ew nouse. new mrnlBhings. 193-95 SecH ona st., corner Taylor. .LA ROE rooms. furnished; flreDlH.ce "Kits, water. a. 23d. near Thar rnnn, rwiwy. s t i. n i KlvKf,FI.G rooms reasonable. 55 (ouch st.; close In. block of 17th ancl xnmgtnn sts. ABSOLUTELY clean. well furnished walking distance, two south rooms fpr Muunetxeeping. 4tn St. Main 62S.1. OK KLNT Housekeeping rooms. heat i.Kut. water: t-t. Johns or Miss. car. v oouiawn n4H3. o:tt. rront room, first floor, light H. K.-I fine for 1 or 2 persons that work; I P run en i. farK St. 11DTEL OHIO, oTean transient H. K. ronn reasonable 266' a Front, cor. Madison. I H. K. Room for rent; two rooms In fuuI ann one single. Everett st. near 20th TWO furnished housekeeping rooma. woo4 1 anu water. w montn. t3i Thurman Rt I ONE1 and two convenient housekeeping I i uuiiip, i & Lcn rrusonaoie. nui V lay St. LARGE front sleeping roonu $20. Mai H O U S E K EE PING room with porch, f.tu. Main 1131. sleeping I FURNISHED and unfurnished housekeep ing rooms. 424 North 24th at. TWO furnishodH. TC. rooms, tiwht. water. jit-rt-i.. r"CT. 1 1 montn. oo, ntn st. ..io couch ST.. one and two clean an comfortable tl. K. rooms, no children. WARM room and kitchenette suit 2: walking distance. East 53.6. NICE. clean housekeeping kitchenette: pood location. room with 314 3d st. Lie, HT housekeeping room, street. ONE furnished housekeeping room. In Todd I Apt., East 12th and Stark. East 259l. SMALL room for adults, warm, convenient; reasonable. tt,.. landers. Housekeeping Rooms In Private Family. TWO large, clean housekeeping rooms apts.. private front and bark entrances. no h iid ren ; garage if wanted; $25. K K. 1 0th st. .Nurth. near Present t. Irving ton or Union ave cars. Woodlawn 1375. 31 FLOOR, furnished housekeeping rooma ana meeping porch; all conveniences; bright and cheerful; close in; also 3 rooin unfurnished a part mint ; on sitht ly corner. Eaat 7267 or East 22itf. 2 furnished h. k. rooms with kitchenette, for 2 or 3 bachelors, $6 per week; 1 sin gle h. k. room, $lo per mo. 2GS 4th su near Madison. COMFORTABLE 2-room H. K. apartment. 2d floor front, best neighborhood, hot water heat, gas. ertrieity and phone ; no cJiildr p. 6."6 Gltsan st. 2 FURNISHED housekeeping rooms with hewtei nnd gas range, to 1 or 2 men or adults employed. Mi7 E. Everett. Phone East 26J1. FOR RENT Three modern. furnished housekeeping rooms. $25 a month; also 2 modern furnished housekeeping rooma, $26. Apply 6!M E. 16th St. So ut h. $2i TWO nice 3-room furnished suite"; wji ter. electric llgiiL first and second floors; nice location, walking distance. ".t4 E. 6th st. Brooklyn car. Adults. TWo Ka 71". housekeeping rooms, electric lights, furnace heat; rent very reasonable, j Northrup st., near 23d st. LIOllT h. k. rooms suitable for bua!nea girls: light, gas, heat free, 875 Eaat Ynmhlll. S. E. comer 29th S.M A LL housekeeping room. hat, light, gas free: 915 per month. 162 N. 22d st corner Irving. LARCE front room for light housekeeping. Fireplace and furnace heat. Phone Broadway 2s4. 147 North 17th. TH REE comfortable rooms on rrount floor : phone, bath and electric lis hum. Wood 1 3 w n 41144. ONE small furnished housekeeping room for single girl or man. 666 E. Wtih in y tor. T WO and 3 H. K. rooms, light and g vn, stove heat. Call from 11 to 6 P. M. SCO Chapman, cor of Mill. T Wo small housekeeping rooms, worklnc people only. 212 1 1th st. FoR RENT Two furnished housekeeping rooms. $22 a mo. Call at 300 5th St. HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 267 Mc Mullea st : $16. UNFURNISHED 2 rooms and kitchenette. SI: !iht, phone and water. E. .2299. SINGLE H. lw. room for lady employed len and comfortable. 656 Gllsan. HoUSE KEEPING rooms lor rent. S7 14ili st. TWO front rooms for housekeeping. 12th st 369 COZY" 2-room housekeeping suite; walk ing distance ; reasonable. 424 Jefferson. CLEAN. ooy housekeeping room to couple employed. labor 24.I. 2 LOOMS, heat. $2. everything furnished, furns 2SS E. First st. . 2 N 1CELV furnished modern convenience H. K. rooms, 6S7 Gltsan. ONE housekeeping room; wood furnished; adults only: $17. 325 12th st. 1 CLEAN front H. K. room, close In. $17 mo. ; choice locality. 454 Taylor. i7 E. 14TH ST. house keeping. -Furnished room fos SINGLE cozy housekeeping rooms, suitable for man and wife- 414 Holladay ave. FOUR furnished housekeeping rooma; vat bath. 62 Ella. Main 4919. LARGE front room, alcove bedroom, at of kitchen. 62 Ella. Main 4909. LIGHT, clean housekeeping rooms. Sixth street. 395 SUITE of 3 housekeeping rooms; rent (33; no chi Idren. 1!5 17th st. N. 2Ioue. MOVING Piano, furniture and lonsd1 tance hauling a specialty. O. & W. Truck Service Co.. 40 2d st. Phone Bdwy. 6121. 7-ROOM house, gaa, hot water, newly papered. 22d n-r Ankeny. $22.50. In iuiro 41 Hast 22d, corner Pine. LoCaL and lone distance moving and haul- ing; first-class equipim-nt . Green Trans Co.. 2Q2'-1- Alder at. Main 1261. 572-61. FOR RENT Very desirable, modern, fur nished house. N rooms, best location. Nob Hill, no small children. J 65. Main 235S. FOR RUNT Beautiful modern 9-rontn house on corner. Nob Hill district. For pa rt jcniars 'all Ta bor 622. El Rol I FeIGHTS F UUNISH ED HOUSE. 2o 6 rooms, comfortablv furnished SMITH-WAGONER CO.. STOC K EXCH. 7- i:t Al, bungalow t pe. modern. 2 lots, corner, on car; beautiful home.; garage; adults. 41';! .VJd ave. 41st St. UNFURNISHED house. G. and E. light; t:o children. Inquire 245 Shaver sU. Wdln. 167. 7-RooM houe. arranged for 2 famines; 71 S E. Morrison ; $30. K. W. Tofgler, 106 Sherlock bldg. 8 ROOMS and large sleeping porch, fur niture for sale, almost new. fuel all in; a bargain. I'hone Main 61S2. WILL rent brand-new 5-room bungalow to partv buying furniture. 1070 E, 22d ft.N V- R OM house and sleeping porch on E. 16th and Davis: $35. MODERN 5-room cottage, ( Main 441ii. west side, $25. J HOUSE for rent, furniture for sale. All ' or part. 4S26 61st t. S. E. M DERN 5-room cottage, west side. Main 4416. 4-ROOM sarage. suitable to live in. $25. ?20l Phone East 15S2 4-ROOM Park. house. s6i Olen ave. . AUmeV J rill Phone Main 7&20 after i