10 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 11, 1920 REAL ESTATE. Fur Sale -Acreage. 13 ACRES. CRES FRUIT. All bearing, apples, pears, cher ries, soma peaches and grapes; part of the orchard Is 10 years old, fine shape; Rood 8 -room house plastered below; fireplace,' bath tub in house; well water In house; Rood little barn, all painted; other outhouses; 11 acres in cult., bai. in pasture, with sprint? water on It. Not a stoiio on the place; deep, rich, mellow soil, fine for any thing; sightly place; will make anyone a fine home. It is 2 miles from the city limit of . Oregon City to the place; graveled roads. Price $55u0; half cash, bal. time aV See us for good homes. K. P. ELLIOTT & SOX. 7th and Main sts.. Oregon City, Or SNAP SUBURBAN HOME, 7 ACRiSS. Will sell this beautiful 7 acres. ' on paved road, ail under cultiva tion, about 2Vi acres In assorted orchard, all kinds of berries, good douse and barn, two wells,- all woven wire fenced, lies on a gentle tope to drain ; close to electric station and mile and a half from city limits of Portland; price $4500, $1000 cash, balance to suit pur chaser. This la an Ideal suburban home. See H. A. DRYER. " "The Acreage Man." 508- Lewis lAdg. BEAUTIFUL HOME. 6-room bungalow, all painted, good as new; good barn, all paint ed, good cellar, concrete floor and part concrete walls; good hen house, wood house, wagon shed and all kinds of fruit. 2 fine welts, team, wagon. chickens. plow, mower, feed cutter, cult., some other stuff, all goes. It Is a dandy home, has garage, on main road, 8 ' miles of Oregon City; graveled roarin to town; nicely located; price $5ooo; $2000 down, bal. time at 6 , per cent. E. P. ELLIOTT & SON. Seventh and Main tits. Oregon City, Or. COUTH MULTNOMAH HALF ACRES. Just south of Multnomah station, on the Oregon Elec. Ry., only 20 minutes from the center of Portland, lies this beautiful tract; streets are graded, side walks and Bull Run water In the streets, and vou can buy a half acre as low as $400. on terms of 30 down and $IO a month, with G'o interest. This is without question the best buy anywhere around Portland. I am exclusive sales agent and will be glad to take you out Sunday or any other day. .For appointment call up my office. Main 8hO, or my residence, East 1S07, and ask for BEX R1ESLAND or bis representative. Head Oftice: 404 Piatt bldg.. 127 Park St. A SURE WINNER. 140 acres, mile from Dundee on Willamette river, about 00 acres is level, 40 of w hich is cleared and will make good money for you; HO acres is covered with good cord wood timber, easy to get out and will go a long way toward pay ing for entire place; both? water and rail transportation ; similar land selling for double the price of this; $12,000; terms fOoOO cash, balance to suit. LUCDDEMANN COM PANT, til U Chamber of Commerce. 12Vi ACHES, all in cultivation: rich river bottom laud that if very productive and easy to farm; family orchard and berries, a. carrot, k a. kale, 2 a. clover, 7 a. oat; 7-rooin plastered cottage, fine water, everything convenient, barn full of loose hay, potatoes, all farm imple ments and tools; splendid Jersey cow. work horse, hog, chickens; located on Pacific highway. 4 blocks of town and depot; everything produced on this place can be sold right at the door; prospective business property at the price of ordi nary farm land. Price $5500, half cash. O. E. Freytag, Gladstone, Or. FOR SALE Must dispose of at once. 454 acres, located on W 11 la pa bay. Pacific county. Wash. ; about 250 acres timber, spruce and hemlock, balance finest tide lands on coant. Government constructing dyke and national highway entire length, wh ich will more than double the vaiue. This is an exceptional opportunity for holding company. Owner must have money. Would like to get in touch with some one who can promote this propo sition. Call or address F. O. Mansfield - or O. P. Bab&ett. Portland . 10 ACRES. NEWBERG HIGHWAY BARGAIN 17 acres, located Just off the hard surfaced highway on the main county road, 18 miles from Portland, close to electric station; woven wire fencing, fine creek, family orchard, small fruit. 4 room ceiled house, with bathroom, fine, modern barn 30x48; modern hog house, greenhouse, garage, running water in all buildings; fine water system which could not be duplicated for $1500; elec tric lights; you can buy all this for $4500. John E. Howard. 318 Chamber of Commerce. RARE LOGGED-OFF LAND BARGAIN. 100 acres, only 28 miles from Portland and i mile from R. R. station and school ; loo acres tillable when cleared, balance fine pasture land ; abundance outside range, several springs, fine creek crosses place; adjoining lands sold foi $75 per acre; price of this only $20 per acre, reiisonable terms. LUKDDEMANX COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. 10-ACRE fruit and berry farm, all kinds of fruit, located on the Tualatin river, good fishing, splendid soil, fine location, 0-r. house, with wide porches and con veniences; barn, woodshed, good cow, rhfekens, etc. ; on macadam road, ha If mlle to town, school, carline. This is a moneymaker, for the price of fruit and berries will produce a good income on this ranch. Price $5750; terms. O. E. r reytug, oiaastone. or. CRANBERRY MARSH, Long Beach. Wash. ! 1 am compelled to sell a fine 10-acre cranberry tract; three acres in bearing vines, two acres In fine shape, large I crop this year; almost new five-room I house, packing house, garage and good garden spot. The land is on the sandy f r ride road. Price $4500; $1500 cash. . oaiance easy terms. C. E. ADAMS, 507 Cham, of Com. Bidg. Marshall 2573. 8-ACRK BARGAIN. S acres located only S miles from city limits: good plastered houee, fine well, city gas and phone; some berries ami flowers, fine fir grove, around house. Make an Ideal home as it Is surrounded with up-to-date places. Price only $3150; good terms. LUE DDE MANN COMPANY. PIS Chamber of Commerce. Main t96T. FOR SALE BY OWNER. , acres onion and vegetable land, high jrtate cultivation; new buildings, with furniture and implements (or without), located 7 miles from Vancouver, mile of street car and thriving little town; paved road to Portland with exception of 1 mile, which is good. Chas. Sagert. SSf ton. Wash. 0 ACRES beaverdam land, 14 miles from Portland, 6 miles from Vancouver, Wsh., 4 mile from carline and small town. Will sell cheat for cuh or terms; Clear of all lncumbr rf. wlr fniori will exchange for In'ome property, room-t Ing house, house and dot. Address L. 11- rliBe, 230l Russell St., Portl? ad. Phone E.ist 2525. LISTEN JUST A MOM X-TST. Here Is a fine, highly improved place .on main road, only lit miles from court nous; ha.- fine orchard, small fruit and I harries, new garage, barn and house; j lH acres of land. Price only $4750; good tprms. . I.UEDDEMANN COMPANY. !t 3 t 'ha inner of Commerce. Main MM J" OREGON CITY LINK. 5 acres, nil under cultivation : god orchard. 4 -room hou?e. other outbu Hd 1nrs; about 4 blocks from station ; $."0O cash, balance yearly. See Brown A Riddle. 34 Railway Exchange bldg. Mnr. 3331. 10.05 ACRES, a beautiful tract, all In cul tivation and some very rich bottom land lying on the main county road 3, miles south of Oswego; woven wire fences: nomo orchard, shack buildings; price is only $2500: $750 will handle. John E Howard. 318 Chamber of Commerce. 2 ACKER. 2 Hi miles from city limits on Baseline road, electric line 2 blks, from riopot. gas and water, 50 fruit trees, bear ing." house, partly finished : can he used in summer; all in cultivation. Reason able term. Owner, H71H Belmont st. FOR SALE One acre with good 4-room house, lots of fruit and berries. 23 min utes from city on Oregon Electric; nine cents fare; a snap at $1800. H. V. MASON. Metzgcr, Oregon. 2 ACRES near Concord station on Ore gon City car Iin, all cleared, new '2-4 . room bouse, chicken house, good well and pump, terms. Broadway 1058- 200 Oregon bldg. ONK acre for sale or trade. 2t blocks from car line. 4 blocks- from Peninsula school ; pavement into city; price right and gooa term. Call owner, Wdln. 4688." t REAL ESTATE. "Tor Sate Acrea T , NICE SUBURBAN FARMS. $200. 5 acres, all under cultivation, good 5 room house, f ul1 basement, good barn with concrete foundation, chicken house, woodshed, 40 fruit trees, one-half in terest in water system; located on good road about 17 miles from Portland; terms. , ; $2200. 5 acres, all under high state of cul tivation, different kinds of , fruit and berries, good 5-room house, barn, chicken house, well, shade trees and ruse bushes, good Jersey-Hoist ein cow. chickens, and some Implements. Located close to elec tric station, -15-18 miles from Portland. $4000. 15 acres, 13 acres under cultivation, about one acre apple orchard, -unfinished four-room house, two acres in tim ber and pasture, located about 6 miles from city limits on good auto road and in well-settled community (Sunnyside district); soil the very best and lies fine. Very good terms. E. A. L1NDOREN. ' Savon Land Co.. i35 N. W. Bank Bldg. Main 5381. . "WEST SIDE CLOSE IN. 12 acres high state cultivation, 3 acres dandy orchard; on beautiful road; new house. Only $4500, half cash. Big snap. NEVVBERG HIGHWAY. Eastern owner, owing to change of plans, offers grand 15-acre tract, highly improved with prunes, walnuts, spp4es, chnrries and every other conceivable fruit and berry; right on paved -highway near Newberg. Good 6 -room house and outbuildings. Price only $S750, half cash. Owner in town and wana quick action. VANCOUVER RIVER VIEW. We have specialized for years in acre age east of Vancouver, along the new highway. We have some very attractive buys. ERNEST WELLS CO. Tabor 5600. 401 Couch Bldg. Main 6929. ACREAGE. $1800 for 5fcj A., hk under cultivation; 6-room house and barn, 4 ni. off Base Line; easy terms; a snap. $20O0 for 5 A. on corner In bearing fruit trees; good soil, near school, stores and churches ; would make you a fine home and only 9 miles E. of city; If you want a suburban home site this is tine and easy terms. I have others from 7 to 15-acre,. tracts, near Garden Home, highly improved, at very reasonable prices. . Come in and see about them. F. L. BLANCH A RD, 619-20 Railway Ex. 10 ACRES PLASTERED HOUSE $3500. Land lays fine, rich soil, 8 acres culti vated; house, 3 rooms plastered and attic, nicely painted inside and out; good barn and chicken house, well at house, spring in barnyard; only 18 miles from Portland; price $3500; terms $1500 cash, balance to suit. LUEDDKMAN N COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. 12 ACRES. Seven acres In prunes, all . kinds of other f rriit, 2 acres walnuts, buildings ; owner says, cost $60(H; right in a city lb" miles from Portland; Income produc ing place; will pay for itself in a. short time; owner is a professional map; can not look after it; place in finest of con dition; price $10,000; cash down $5000. McCLUKE & SCHMAUCH CO., 300 Railway Exchange Bldg., - Main 1503. OREGON ELECTRIC. Right at station, 20 aores, formerly sold for $300 an acre, our price $125 an acre. But-U up all around this. Com muting distance of Portland. NEAR VANCOUVER. , ' Have several 10-acre tracts ' not far from city and in famous prune bolt, $125 per acre. Formerly sold $250 an acre. ERNEST WELLS CO. Tabor 5600. 401 Couch Bldg. Main 6S20. 36 ACRES, all in cultivation, 1-3 block small garden land, all fine for berries, close to Beaverton on electric line at station. House, barn ready for occu pancy. $8000, terms easy. H. O. Proebstel, RITTER, LOWE & CO., .. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. 15 ACRES at Gresham, $7000; modern 7-r. hou ix-ment basement, trays, bath and toilet. Mt fruit trees, all kinds grapes and berries; garage and barn; house for 250 chickens ; 15 minutes' walk to elec tric and high school; 10 acres, 5-r. house, good barn, $5000. My neighbor has 4 acres, house 4 rooms, house for 500 chickens. 2S0o. 1 live on the farm. Meet me at 8 Chamber of Commerce bldg. U. W. Tan. 'IfcU. Main 5231. - 10 ACRES, paved toad, 6-room house, large barn, milk house, other buildings, orchard, - 10 acres more -under lease, $3500, terms, " - 10 acres, 8 cultivated, acre bearing or chard, 7-room house, concrete founda tion and cellar, chicken house and barn. Close to electric- and pavement. $2250, terms. 324 RAILWAY EXCHANGE. YOUR CHANCE. -6 acres, only 4 -blocks from carline, water, gas and electricity ; if you build a house, $500 or better, you can purchase without any payment down, then pay like rent; fruit and berries already there; build a nome to suit yourself. Price of land only $3000. LITE ODE MANN COMPANY. 033 Cnamber of Com m e r ce. M ain 6007. ABOUT ONE ACRE. . Inside city limits, on Eugene st., well constructed 2-room house, chicken houei for 2no fowls, ti-foot poultry ence all around city water, family orchard; pries $20K: cash down $350. For a bargain in vestigate this. I McCLUKE & SCHMAUCH CO., 300 Railway Exchange Bldg., Main 1503. 84 ACRES, one mile from electric car, 7 in cultivation. New bungalow, barn, chicken house; 30 miles trom Portlund, 4 -mile to school. Price $2000, terms. VH. O. Proebstel, RITTER, LOWE & CO.. 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade Bldg. $3800. GARDEN' HOME ACRE. $3800. 0-KoOM HOUSE. This property is an especially good bargain and will make an excellent home. Includes plenty of fruit, walnut, trees arid is ell located. CEO. E. ENGLKHAKT CO.. Main 7200. - 024 Henry Bldg. 2 ACRES, highly Improved, good build ings, ciose in on paved road. Near ta tion. Price and terms right. Extra good. Many other acreage tracts of all sizes and prices. Some very choice. SAMUEL'. DO A K. 1205 Northwestern Bank BuiMIng. WEST SIDE SUBURBAN HOME. One acre, all In high state of culti vation, fruit and berries of all kinds; 5 room bungalow, 1000 feet of interurban station. 7c fare; price $2350. BF 478, Oregonlftn. 11 ACRES, about all in cultivation, good buildings, fine water, two cows, 03 chickens, farm tools, lots of fruit, seven miles from the courthouse, fine road; $0500, some terms. See owner, 318 Fen ton bldg. Broadway 1851. ACRES $3000 9 ACRES. All in cultivation, 80 rofia to Sherwood station, deep, rich, black soil, good 4 room shack, barn, chicken houses. AR 82. Oregonian. AN ACRE HOME. " New cottage, all cleared, running stream all year; 600 feet to station, 9 cent fare ; $1700; one or two adjoining acres can be bought. 1125 Gasco bldg.. Main 6450. $2000 TEN ACRES. cultivated; house, barn, stock and equipment; six miles from Vancouver. Wash. MYERS, Railway Exchange Bldg. TEN ACRES of unimproved land, six miles east from city limits of Portland; price ywoo; $300 down, balance ten years. Gus Nelson, Box 171. Linnton, Or., or 313 Henry bldg.. from 12 to 2 P. M. NEAR MULTNOMAH STATION. For sale, half acres In cultivation and bearing fruit and berries: price from $soo and up, some terms. BC 103. Oer gonian. ONE-HALF acre on East 74th St.. near Powell Valley road ; all in cultivation; price 90O. HENRY W. GODDARD. 243 Stark at. FOR SALE at sacrifice, 2 v. acres Income property in city of Ashland. Or. : beau tiful home site. Owner, 703 H. Everett st., portianu. jr. 84 ACRES, all cleared, at St. Louis station, on the Oregon Electric, $2;so. Inquire at G. J. Moisan, Gervals, Or., or phone Main OOt.a. 1 ACRE, $0u0, terms; cleared, fenced and level soli ; fine building site: 4 blocks from MetEger station, Oregon Electric railwa, or trade ror auto. hj. ?i:tii. la ACRES, all cultivated, 2 biks. from Oregon City line. Small shack; $700. Harrison, oer anger mug. 15 ACRES near Portland; good soil; build ings, orchard, berries ; iut-al for chicken ranch. Owner, 2b Clay st. TEN acres tine level land, buildings and ail tillable, on macauam ruao, easy terme. Art uregonian. FOR SALE, by owner, 15 acres near Cress- well, Or., under cultivation. Price rea sonable. Easy terms. Broadway lfS5l FOR SALE-: 21 7 acres close to Tigard, by owner. Call Tabor H02i. BY OWNER One acre finest soil, Xrult trees and berriee. 41M Holland st. FGR SALE IflO acres fir, cedar timber - 002 Dekum bldg. Marshall 17&3. REAL EBTATEi For Sale Farm. THE BEST SUBURBAN HOME AT SALEM. Eleven acres, - adjoining city limits of the capital city,., nine-room house, good barn, fruit house, milk house, garage and chicken house for 5O0 chickens, loo bearing walnut trees, 12 cherry trees, 5 pears, 35 apples, 4 chestnut and other fruit trees, all 10 or 12 years old. in good condition.' Lobangerriea between' wainut trees ana s acres outside, one and a half acres strawberries. . The vefy be. t river bottom soil and paved road into city. What more could you want? But owner will throw In equipment, in cluding fine Jersey cow and horse, if sold soon, all for $10,750; $4600 cash, balance easy terms. - Also 30 acres, 20 bearing prunes, 3 lo gans, 3 apples and cherries, balance garden, fair houe, bam, new drier, on rock road, b miles of tSalem, Or. Equip ment goes; $12,500, $5500 cash, balance asy terms. 40-acre well equipped dairy on rock road, near school, all- cultivated, good house, barns, silos, 4 miles from Salem; fine herd dairy cows, horses. Implements, $ 10,000, $7000 cash. - Socofsky, Salem, Oregon. CLOSE TO SMALL-TOWN " 30 MILES FROM PORTLAND. . 40 acres, located 1 mile from Wood land, Washington. Rich black loam soil; 14 acres under cultivation; all can be cultivated; 20 acres pasture, 8 springs, 1 creek, fencing, 30 fruit trees 5 years old, 4-roorn house, barn 48x48, other build ings; county road. Price $40O0, with 5 cows, 2 horses, 24 chickens, 2 turkeys, buggy, wagon, cultivator, plow, 1 set of new heavy harness, harrow, cream sep arator and tools. $2000 cash. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bid. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. I SO acres, 100 acres level, 00 acres rolling, creek, ,40 acres in crop, bal. pasture and timber: dark loam soli; 11 room modern house, like new; 2 new barns, outbuildings of all kinds, 125 prune and other fruits and nuts, cows, horses, hogs, chickens, all kinds of im plements and tools to run a first-class farm ; 19 miles from Portland court house; paved road, 7 miles this side of Newberg; price $125 per acre; $18,750; $0000 cash, bal. 6 per cent, or will take Portland property as part payment; good dwelling or rooming bouse or apart ments. See It. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO., 165 4th st- PRUNES. PRUNES. PRUNES. FULL BEARING. CLOSE IN. ONLY $350 AN ACRE. Six miles from Vancouver, on hard road, in the best prune district; one 5 acre tract, and 11-acxe tract, all bear ing trees, in finer condition; owner must sell on account of sickness. These orchard tracts ought to pay for them selves in 2 years. See SAM HBWET at J. L. HARTMAN CO., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 232 ACRES. $80 PER ACRE. Located miles west of Nort Yam hill, on rock road. .145. acres untie cultivation, 100 acres bottom, level land, balance slightly rolling. 40 acres of oak and pine trees, fenced with woven wire. 3 springs and creek, family orchard. 40 acres in crop; 5-room fai$ house, good V-barn 48x60 with shed on side, new ho house and all other necessary outbuild ings; all but about 10 acres - of this land can be farmed when cleared. Price $18,500. terms. J. R. SHKKOK, 502 SpaldlngBldg. RAISE HOGS. CORN. ALFALFA . AND FRUIT. For sale, good, improved, Irrigated 20 and 40-acre traots in center of Yakima valley; government water right partly paid -up, close to good R. R. town; one third cash, balance easy terms. Also 440 acres river bottom soil and 700 sheep. Price $42,500, one-third cash, balance terras.' 0o per cent; located in the Yak ima valley close to good R. . It. town. Call or write W. L. Johnson, 317 East 41st st., Portland, Or. 80-ACRE HOG AND ALFALFA RANCH. 1 mile from California highway; 4 . miles from a live town of 3500 people; 00 acres of water right; 0O acres ready to be seeded in the spring for ajfalfa; 20 acres pasture.; good orchard; a good 3 -room, house, good barn and other out buildings; all good fences; can make $51)00 to $0000 per year profit from al falla alone. All for $5500; part terms. A big snap. No trouble to explain this oeap buy to you. RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 305 OAK ST. 1C0-ACRE FARM. $8000; near thriving railroad town; 60 acres fertile tillage, 00 additional acres heavy producing hay meadows, balance wire-fenced 20-cow pasture ; much fruit; relatively new 8-room house, 20-cow barn, granary, corn houses; owner must remove, hence sacrifices for quick sale, $sooo, easy terms. Details page 89 Strout's Farm Catalogue Farm Bargains 23 States;- -copy free. E. A. STROUT FARM AGENCY: 20S BK, Plymouth Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. GOOD FARMS ALL SIZES. Along with the many good buys around Estacada we have a 40-acre piece 2 miles from thin city and within Vs mile of a railroad; 30 acres are. cleared, with a good family orchard, 4-roora house, large barn, creek and well water ; this place lies almost level and is all fenced. Price $4o0o, with good terms. If you are in terested in prune or loganberry land, inquire of S. E. Wooster & Son., Esta cada. Or. RICH RIVER BOTTOM. IDEAL PUREBRED STOCK FARM. 500 acres on St. Paul-Salem road; 350 acres river bottom, under plow; loo acres upland, under plow; balance tim ber and pasture ; finest water, spring creek, mile river front; only fair buildings. There is not a finer piece of soil in valley; offered at $23 under value; onlv $13o per acre, terms. THE LAWRENCfci CO.. 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6915. 40-ACHE farm, well Improved, southeast of Gresham on main road ; 38 acres in cultivation, 2 acres big timber, 7-room house, large barn, chicken house, gran "ary, machine shed, well and creek, good - variety of fruit, walnuts, 2 acres ap ples, IV2 acres prunes, 3 acres oats and vetch, 7 acres rye and vetch, 6 acres clover, shade trees and shrubbery; very fine location; $VK'U0. Krlder & El king ton, Gresham, Or. Phone 17X. MAKE your home at Gresham. The fin est suburban home district near Port land. 35 minutes out on the paved high way, surrouTided by highly Improved farms; suburban home ; chicken, berry and garden ranches. We can show you some exceptionally good buys in this locality. KRIDER A ELKINGTON. . Gresham. Or. 31 AND a fraction acres, located 1 miles from Oregon City. On fine road; 27 acres under cultivation ; fine red-shot soil. This is in the Mt. Pleasant district. House, barn and outbuildings; family orchard, cow. disc, etc. . Close to city high school. $1500 cash, balance long time at 6'c. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. 27-ACRE FARM, ALL IN CULTIVATION. foUO. Good dark loam soil, fenced with woven wire, splendid water, family or chard; on gravel road, one mile to the school and electric station, south of Portland ; 6-room house, barn, other outbuildings. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN COMPANY, No. 7 Chamber "of Commerce bldg. CLOSE-IN FARM. 88 acres choice level land, 84 acres In cultivation, four acres pasture, six-room house and barn, outbuildings In good condition; fruit, berries, grapes; an ele gant home; 12 miles Portland; good road; price $t0u0, half cash, balance lone time at 6 per cent. H. M. GATEWOOD & CO., 165 4th st. FOR SALE The best 231-acre stock, grain or dairy ranch in Marion county at the price; 135 acres cultivated; 75 acre first-growth timber; ifc mile electric line; good buildinps; 2H .miles Wood burn, Or. Price $25,000; good"- term gC.eM- CRITTENDEN, Hubbard, Or. FOR SALE One of the best 40-acre farms In Clackamas county; this farm has ex tra good buildings and is all unrlar cul tivation; about 1 mile from Springwater; store, school, churches, etc. Would take BOme trade. Price $0000. CRITTENDEN & COURAND, Hubbard. Or. SO ACRES, milas of Buxton. Or., 12 acres under cultivation; 00 acres till able when cleared; 1,000,000 feet of saw timber; good 7-room house; good barn; family orchard. Crops and farm tools . go with place at $.1000; cash, bal. 6S4. J. R. HH KECK, .r02 Spalding bldg FOR SALE Choice 10 acres of the very best, level, weil-d rained land; 1 4 miles trom Hubbard; fair house, barn, chicken house, fruit, .etc. Would trade for good house in city; prfced at S2500, CR11TKNDEN & COURAND, i, Hubbard, Or. FOR SALE 00 acres choice timber, mile electric line;, nice level land and very best of soil; creek - crosses this; priced at $75 per acre for quick sale. CRITTENDEN 4k COURAND, Owners. Hubbard, Or. ONE acre chicken ranch, all fenced, mmil , house, family orchard, chicken houses for 200 chickens; good chance for young or old couple. Owner, 2190 Eugene t, Ta bor 8721. 6 -ACRE small farm, level, cleared, fenced, small house, near Willamlna, i:."0; $l"(o cash, terms.- - J. R, Sharp, feVj 3d st. 10-ACRE APPLE ORCHARD Trees 7 yrs. old; H mile from Dufur, Or.; warranty deed; ea"sy terms. Address J. K. bL, 2020 Smith bldg., Seattle, Wash. FREE FARM Uts. San Joaquin valley farm. Paul Bossier, Stockton, Cai. REAL ESTATE. GOOD WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARMS. 76 acres In Linn county. 2 miles from electric station, all cultivat- d and all fine dark loam soil, telephone, rural mall, ad cream routes, good house with hot and cold water, new tarn and other ' buildings; price $?VOO. Can put la stock and equipment. 70 acres in Polk county, near elec trie station, 150 acres cultivated, balance oak pasture, all of place is nearly level. creek through - place, farm buildings, well, good fences, price $85 per acre. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 013 Chamber of Commerce. - WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM. This 2 25 -acre farm Is in a prosperous t community, and is surrounded by fine farms. It has -165 acres under plow, the whole 225 acres is deep. rich, loamy bottom, land, practically level; 10 acres timber, 10 acres stump pasture; family orchard; all fenced with woven wire, boards and rail; 0 miles from railroad, i miio to, school; R. F. D. and tele phone. Has beautiful lake covering 2 acres. On good graveled road; 2 weils, 7-roora .house, good condition; Z. barns 56x00 and 40x50. machinery shed, straw barn. hog. chicken and smok , houses. Price $14,000. $7000 cash, balance easy at 6 per cent. This la an all-purpose larm and a good.one. - m A. G. BENDOTt. RITTER. LOWE & ?J., ; 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bidjrl ' ON PROSPECTIVE ROOSEVELT HIGH WAY. FRONTING ON THE OCEAN. Near harbor, 806-acre stocked and equipped ranch near the California line, no frost, no snow, flowers all the year; 128 high-grade sheep, 1H8 extra well bred Angora goats, chickens, team of horses, all necessary farm implements, new gasoline dragaw, some cultivation, some pasture, baiance timber, fine soil, hog-tight wire fences, plenty of water; 0- room house, big barn, woodshed, smokehouse, machine shed, family or chard, walnuts, berries of all kinds; fins hunting and fishing, plenty of oysters, f ih, deer and other game. Personal property worth over $4otf0, all for uOO. Exchange for clear city residence up to $5OO0. -- See Sam Hewey at J. ,L. " HARTMAN CO., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 40 ACRES, $4500. All under cultivation, one mile from Walker, 4 miles of Cottage Grove, ail fenced, 3hi acres of. mixed orchard, pears, apples, prunes, cherries and plums; 5 room house, barn 30x44. wood shed, all practically new, fine trout stream running through place, fed by springs with ystm for Irrigating, gar den, orchard, etc.; grade school mils and high school 1 mile : macadamized road on- two sides - of place; on S. P railroad, .17 miles south ot fcurene; the best of land, in fine condition.. Prica $4500, reasonable payment cash and balance good terms. J. R. 8 H RECK, 502Spalding Bldg. PUREBRED STOCK AND DAIRY FARM. CLOSING OUT ESTATE. 483 acres 150 acres rich bottom loam, 150' acres upland mold soil cultiva tion, 40 acres timber, 143 acrra pasture, easily cleared; finest buildings, steel stanchions for 60 head of cattle; fins residenca, running water and electric lights in all buildings; complete set of implements and machinery; fine spring , creek; an absolutely high-class farm and an -exceptional buy. $5.000;, one third cajfh, balance fl per cent. THE LAWRENCE CO.. 205 Corbett . Bldg. Main 6915. 71 ACRES, 65 acres "under cultivation, 12 acres in wiraat, 20 acres in oats. 10 acres in oats and vetch, balance pasture, 5 acres cedar and fir timber; new 8-room house, fine barn and outbuildings; ga rage and family orchard, creek ' and spring, 8 fine horses, 0 milch cows. 5 heifers comUig In, 1 bull, 2 brood sows, 1 boar, 2! chickens, 25 tons of hay. 20 tons straw, 20 sacks potatoes. All new wagons, buggy and farm implements. Price $11,500. This farm is 18 miles from Portland. MR. MILLERSHIP. Alder hoteL Main 5275. NEAR HILLSBORO. STOCKED AND QUIPPED. 02 acres, 38 acres under cultivation 12 acres brush pasture, creek runs through place, good 8-room house, barn, granary, tool shed, etc. Team of horses, 3 cows, some chickens, binder, mower, hay rake, wagons,- drill, cultivator and all small tools; 250 bushels oats, 15 tons hay, some feed. On good gravel road, 3, .miles 'rora Hillsboro. Price $12,000; one-Mialf cash RELIABLE INVESTMENT CO., 805 Oak Street. Broadway 4183. THREE MILES FROM NEWBERG. Hers la a well-equipped place on good auto, road, an hour's drive from Port land'; 32 acres, nearly all in cultivation: extra fin soli; 2 acres orchard; good buildings; 4 registered Jerseys, 3 horses, 1 brood sow, about 60 chickens, all farm Implements. Price $10,500, y cash re quired. Personally inspected. Photo at office of John Ferguson, Gerlinger bdg. 44 ACRES, $5500. Four miles south 0 Hilinboro. in ona of the good farming communities, in Washington county. 15 vacre under a good state of cultivation. 5 acres more about ready for the plow, all fenced, good - welL land smooth, on slope to east, red shot land, 40 bearing fruit trees, 4-roora house in fair condition, good barn 40x46. good chicken nous -and. woodshed; balance of land In good timber. Price $5500. on good terms. J. R. SHRECK.. 502 Spavlding Bldg. A CHOICE HOME. 62 acres in famous Tualatin valley, main road rims through farm: ten miles from courthouse, Portland ; 23 acres in cultivation, balance la pasture and tim ber; running water, 6-room bungalow, .large barn, outbuildings, windmill ; fruit "and berries; pries $250 per acre, $18,625. Will take Portland property for part payment and make good terms. R. M. GATEWOOD Ac CO., 165 4th St. MORTGAGE FORECLOSURE. DAIRY, BERRY AND TRUCK FARM. 42 acres, joining town of Clackamas, 11 miles from Portland; -paved road - right to door; 35 acres under plow, 7 acres timber, finest black soil; about 7 acres in young commercial orchard ; good buildings; fine water; a really fine acreage tract, close in, and a re markable buy $ll,00o; $5000 cash. THE LAWRENCES. CO., 205 Corbett Bldg. Main 6015. IMPROVED FARM, 20 MILES FROM PORTLAND, at $32.50 PER ACRE. 200 ACRES. 65 CULTIVATION. GOOD HOUSE AND BARN. RUNNING WATER. IOO ACRES, TIMBER -AND PASTURE. FAMILY ORCHARD. MAIL ROUTE. TELEPHONE, VA MILE FROM SCHOOL; BETTER INVESTIGATE. DARING & McRE YNOLDS. 214 AB INC.TON BLDG. 40 .ACRES, all in cultivation. acres bearing prunes, 20 acres bottom land. 6 room house, barn, outbuildings, team horses, 4 milch cows, 1 yearfing, 2 calves, 2 brood sows, ' small pigs, chickens, 12 tons hay, IliO bushels oats, all kinds . farm Implements; this place Is 13 miles from Portland on paved road ; $10,500, good terms. Mr. Mlllershlp, Aider hoteL Main 5275. FOR SALE One of the best improved 40-acre ranches In Tehama Co., Cal., on stato highway, at $18,500; a bargain. This land will sell for $1000 per acre in a few years; 15 acres In bearing almonds. B acres in prunes, 10 acres alfalfa, bal ance grain; ideal, healthy location, fins neighborhood, - all white people. Writs box 324, Proberta. Tehama Co., CaV FOR SALE 0 acres of the very best land, 27 acres in cultivation, balance easily cleared; on "hard-surface road, close to - electric line, 15 miles from Portland; 6 room bungalow 3 years old, garage, some orchard, running water; pries $250 an acre; can give good terms. C. E. Adams, 507 Chamber of Commerce bldg.. Mar hall 2575. STOCK and dairy farm near Chltwood; . ml. to Newport highway, near school and market; 108 acres, $0 in cultivation: 45 in pasture, rest in timber. Good buildings, fenced; 40 aheep. team, all Implements and farm at a bargain for $0500. terms. TITUS KURTICH ANO V. Chltwood, Or. 54 ACRES. 87500. All but 0 acres under cultlvation whlch 9 acres is in timber, with creek running through, fine soil, on 8. P. railroad, 7 miies from Salem, on rock road; fine berry land. Price $7500 one-half canh, balance good time. J. R. SHRECK. 502 Spalding Bldg. 640-ACRE grain ranch, 200 acres ready for , plow, balance excellent pasture. No bet ter land for wheat, stock or sheep rais ing. Wheat yields 50 bushels per acre At $30 ter acre, $6000 cash, balance to suit. N improvements, except fenced. Writs fur detail description, . D. Cor mier, L janon, Or. 60 ACRES, 34 miles of Forest Grove, Or spring water, on county road; old house and barn; some -clearing; a lot of good timber. Price $2500; $500. cash; balance on good time at 6.. J. R. BHRECK, 502 Spalding bldg. CHICKEN, FRUIT. GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland. $75 p $200 per acre, easy terms; best soli. Farms for sals, all sizes. McFarland. 603 Yeon bids. 10 ACRES good orchard, house, all out buildings. Bull Run water: located Just south of Lents. 6131 82d st. S. E. Thomas Allen. FOR SALE 450-acre Willamette valley farm. See owner, 48 1st st. BY owner. 44V a.. Improved ranch., near Hiilsboro. Tabor. 8324. 6329 82 d at. REAL ESTATE. BENTON COUNTY FARMS ARE THE MOST ATTRACTIVE IN THE STATE AND ARE NEAR OREGON AGRI CULTURAL. COLLECE. BIG AND LITTLE FARMS. 2 20-ACRE DAIRY AND GRAIN FARM. 220 acres in cultivation,"' all cholcs wheat land; 100 acres in pasture prac tically all f which can be plowed at once if desired. Half or mora of the pasture has been plowed. Soil is free working soil with a trifle of sand mixed through it, making It very easy to han dle. This place is improved with 8-room plastered house, dairy and stock barn that would cost $4000 or $5000 to build, has good family orchard, is near school, R. R. station and less than 10 miles to Eugene,. Pries $luo per acre; some terms. , - 2 00-A (3 RE RIVER BOTTOM DAIRT FARM. This place located about - 10 miles from Corvallis, has 125 acre cultivated, balance timber afrd pasture; this is real soil; has new barn 4xOO, concrete foundation, holds 75 tons of hay; hen liouse 0x40; 8-room house, woodshed, etc.; family orchard; place -is a snap at . $70 per acre. 180-ACRE DIVERSIFIED FARM. 170 acres under plow this year, balance oak and ash grove around the buildings; al second bottom land and drains fine; no white land. Place well fenced; good 7-room house, fine barn 30x00; 100-ton silo; garage, granary, hog and chicken houses', tank, engine windmill, water - piped to hou3 and buildings; on county road; community school Vi mile. the equal of any farm in ths valley regard less of price. Priced -at $135 per acre Including farm machinery, some stock, hay. teed, household furniture. 140 - acres in fail crop, 30 acres clover. ONE-MAN GRAIN FARM. 154 acres. miles from Corvallis, ISO acres of the very best quality land in . cultivation, 24 acres ash pasture land, has fair set of buildings; this place has very advantage to offer a farmer: fine soil, never-falling creek, fine building spot. In good neighborhood, adjoins paved road and near grade school and high school, only 3 Vfe miles to Oregon Agricultural college. Pries of this place la $135 per acrs. 150-ACRE DAIRY RANCH STOCKED. Located" on the justly famous Kiger Island, which Is the equal of any land In the valley. There is a good dairy barn, good house, all usual outbuildings : 00 acres cropped, balance pasture and tim ber; .6 miies from Corvallis; with the place go 25 good milch cows. 8 horses, wag'onp. harness, pigs, chickens-and too's and equipment: Income now about $700 per month. Price, including everything, is $20,000; one-half cash balance long time, 6 Interest. . FINE ONE-MAN FpVRM. 116 acres. 4H miles from Monmouth, 106 acres in cultivation 10 aores in oak grubs. This land lies slightly rolling and drains fine. This is ail rich soil and very " productive. Plsce has fair - improve ments and Is only half mile from paved highway. Price of this place Is $100 per acre. - &4-ACRE RIVER-BOTTOM FARM. This farm Is 14 miles from Corvallis, on main road r 75 acres high-class land in cultivation; 35 acres In potatoes, pro duced over $10,000 worth this year; this is the sandy loam soil you wftl like to handle; the improvements consist of big new barn, 35x60. holds 00 tons of hay; 80-ton concrete silo, good horse barn, machine sheds, hog house, hen house ', and other outbuildings: the house is of 5 rooms and rather old; this place Is ab solutely the best buy In a close-in place around here; prica $13,500. SPLENDID IMPROVED 80 ACRES. All In cultivation and has good 6-room plastered bungalow, fine large barn and outbuildings all practically new. Is about 2 miles from high school, church and rallrsad station. This is a fine place and worth $125 per acre. Can arrange terms. -. , COMBINED PRUNE AND DAIRY RANCH 75 acres only 4 miles from Corvallis. All choice second bottom land; 118 acres 1n young bearing prune orchard In -very good shape and has had the best of care; 4. acres of sweet cherries Lam berts and Royal Annes; 35 acres of cul tivated land of high qualify; 8 acres in . stumps and pasture. Place Is all well fenced, has very good farm House, fair barn, silo, , garare, tank, engine and wator system. This is a real money maker and will stand the closest inves tigation. Price Is $25,000, and can ar- range some terms. 60 ACRES FOR DAIRY FARM. This place) is located on main road only 4 miles from Corvallis, about one-haif cultivated, balance -in pasture that is easily cleared as the oak grubs are rot ten and most of them can b kicked out; . has 6-room house barn 40x00: also horse barn 2Sx40. two p-hlcken houses wind mill and tank, fa mily orchard. 2-acre oak grove; fine land; good improvements ami near best town in the Willamette valley. Price $0n00; one-third cash, bal ance 6 interest long time. OUR BEST 40-ACRE TRACT. 89 acres In cultivation; 1 acre in oak grove ; land Is all well drained and is good productive soil; place is well fenced; on gravel road, one mile to school; fine family orchard and berries; Improve ments consist of fine 7-room plastered bungalow, full concrete basement, press ure water system, fireplace, bath, toilet, hot and cold water and acetylene light ing system: barn 30x40; good chicken house 40x0 with concrete floor; hog house, smoke house and machine shed ; 15 acres seeded; price $8500; half cash, balance 6. ' PROSPECTIVE CHICKEN RANCH. 2.14 acres, located 5 miles from Inde pendence; all in cultivation; lies ,fine with enough roll to drain' well; woven wire fence; one mile to school and elec tric station: good 6-room house: barn 24x 20; 14 acres family orchard; this is on good gravsl road and a snap at $3500. Write" for our "booklet telling facts about Benton county and Ieaflot describ ing our personally inspected farms ; will be mailed to people who tell us the kind of farm they want. SOME REASONS WHY "YOU SHOULD BUY TN BENTON COUNTY. Because CORVALLIS, the county seat of Benton county, is by fnr the best . SCHOOL TOWN In the northwest. Because land is cheaper here than most sections of tn country and has not suf fered the effects of an unjustifiable BOOM. Because of our abundance of good pure water. Becauss the whols community Is In terested In your welfare If you are a Benton county farmer. Because we provide rood market roads tot our fstrmers. Because OUR FARMERS have avail able at FIRST hand the whole resources of the Oregon Agricultural college, which Is located at Corvallis and which assures your SUCCESS If you but follow their di rections. Because we have a CANNERY to use your produoe. KINNEY STOC1TWBLL, -Benton County's Leading Farm Salesman, CORVALLIS, OR., Homo of O. A. C ONLY HALF MILE FROM STATION. ;' 29 and a fraction acres, located 8 miles from Vancouver, Wash.; 20 acres under 1 cultivation, balance In pasture; good soil; no- gravel or rock; bearing orchard; 5-room cottage, barn 60x50, silo nearly full, of ensilage; other buildings. All rural conveniences. Price $6M0, with good matched team, 1 cow, 1 heifer com ing fresh, 3 yearlings. 100 chickens, wagon, mower, 2 cultivators, plow, har ness, cream separator, harrow, spring tooth; gas engine and feed; $3500 cash. Or will consider cottage or bungalow clear up to $2500 send some cash. Per sonally inspected. Photos at office. . JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger. Bldg. SUBSTANTIAL, INCOME ORCHARD PROPERTY Of 45 acres; 42 highly im proved 3.5 in 13. 14 and 15-year-old Spitxenberg, Newtown and Jonathan ap ple trees In high-class condition; 13.0o boxes past season: complete modern bungalow with automatic electric, com- . prep&ed-air water system connecting large, pure, property spring: large, mod ern, fully equipped packing building; complete ranch equipment. including tractor, electric lights. ' power and phone; high-class soil; located In White Salmon valley, lens than 2 miles to rail andi wa ter shipping point; grand view of Mt Hood. Price and terms upon applica tion. Address C. C. & R. W. Hutchlns, White Sa Imon. W ashi 11 g to n. " A GOOD FARM. - 22 acres. 145 acres in cultivation, baL timber nd pasture; running water, house,, barn, outbuilding ; woven-wire fence; Vx mile school, 3 miles good val ley town, 40 miles Portland; price $75 per aero; good trrmn. R, M. GATEWOOD & CO.. 165 tth at. heal Estate. For Cede Farm. DO .YOU W ANT .A JFARM? On the Highway, West Side. A fine piece of rich onion land, all ditched and tiled. Of thlt kind of land there is about 22 or 24 acres. There is enough upland for-buildings.- There is a good house, a barn, a garage, and other out buildings, including onion house. This i only a short distance qut of Port-land, and 1 mile from the West Side Electric R. R. This wonderiuily productive beaver dam land is worth usually $SO0 to $UMtO per acre. This place can be bought for $16,000, or practically $421 per acre. If interested in onions, sec. us. A fully equipped farm of 1164 acres. Too In cultivation, balance is good oak timber; 00 acres are In crop The land Is gently rolling, but there Is no waste land ; 10 acres are in clover. The buildings are in very good condition. There are two wells andji spring on the place; well fenced and cross fenced; 2 miles from town; has a R. K. ficroFr one side and a stop ping place, with 2 trains each way each day. The equipment consists of 5 horses, 5 cows, a brood sow and 6 shoats; plows, harrows, binder, mower, rake, 1 drill and 1 disc seeder, wagons, gasoline wood. saw on truck, feed chopper and grain cleaner, and all the small tools on the place; including- hay in the barn, oats and wheat. The equip ment is worth $40U0, the buildings and improvements $4000. This leaves the land about $56.50 aa acre. If you want a farm, be sure and look this up; it is about 16 miles irom Salem, in Polk county. Price $125 per acre. Including all equipment. An 80-acre place with 50 acres plow land and about 12 of this is rich, black soil. The land slopes up on a low hillside bench; the 12 acres Is level, or nearly so. The owner has prune trees bought to set out about 12 acres. The build ings are all new and were put up at a cost of about $5000. There is a good spring on the place and it is only out of town a distance of a miles 011 a good gravel road. This place can be bought for $12 -tMM and Is worth your while In vestigating, 240 extra good acres, well located and at the right price. All in cul tivation and part in cron. This place has fair buildings and fences; is mile from the West sUe Highway and 2 miies from the State Normal school at Mon mouth. The soil runs from black to chocolate and has no waste -land. It can b bought for $100 ,-pur acre, crops included.. Terms can be had. , SI'ERLINT, HANNA. 412 CORBETT BLDU. FARM INCOME. $800 PER : MONTH. " On account of other businese ' interests the owner of this highly Improved farm and dairy has authorized us to sell at m sacrifice h ptac Consists of 151 acres of fine river bottom soli. HO acres under cultivation and about 60 acres slashed and seeded to pas ture, the balance Umber. 7-room house with water system, lange af,n,. with Uo- and also other buildings. . T,he re 25 cows, registered, bull, 2 dozen chickens, 8 sowa, 2 wagons, horses, harrow, disc, a plows, mower and rake, about dO tons of hay, straw. 500 bushels of oats, - potatoes, and about 75 tons of silage, milk contract 45c per gallon, 2u acres seeded to oats, and vetch. Is located 4H miles from Corvallis. near school. Price complete, A,000. $73uo cash, bal ance 5 per cent, long time. H. a. dryer; v "The Acreage Man." 50e-9 Lewis Bldg. GOOD FARMS PRICED RIGHT . $4000. 40 acres, about 20 acres under eulti vtiiion, part or oaiance very easy to viatir .nu pun in timoer; ralr house and outbuildings, good well and very good soil; located on main county road, 1 -i miles from Manor. Wash., and about 12 miles from Vancouver; good terms 01 will .acoept good Portland property In trade. ' $11,000. 140' acres. 50 acres under cultivation, good family orchari of variety of fruit and berries, two small houses, almost new barn, new silo, cows, horses, pigt chickens, goats, blacksmith and carpen ter tools. , farm implements of every kind and description, hay, grain, seed, running creek through place with enough water power to run a flour and feed mill or electric motor for power and lighting purposes. Located between Woodland and Kalama, Wash.. 1 mile from railroad station. Pacific highway, steamer lauding, school and church with a beautiful view of Columbia river; will accept a few acres improved place in good location as part pnvment E. A. L1NOORE.V. Savon Land Co.. ar. N. W.,Bank bldg. Main 53SI. ' PRUNE ORCHARD. -'One of th bst farms In the best lo cation around Lebanon; 16 acres in full bearing pmne. 2 Hhomas dryers; 70 acrea in cultivation! 0-room house, air barn: 2 miles out. good graveled roads; R. F. D. and telephone; miik and cream route; $io per acre; $M)O0 cash. bal. 6 per cent. 20 acres just out of citv limits, good buildings; sll In cultivation; V mile to high school; nice young orchard aud a good buy at $7000, good terms. 141 acres, SO acres In' cultivation: wa tered by good well, spring and creek; plenty of fruit: good . improvement, in first-class shape; mile to school, 9 miles to Lebanon, "4 miie to store and postof flee: good grsveied road ; fine laying land and a snap at $ 14.1m Hi: $SOOO cash, 5 years on tal. at 6 per cent. We have farms of all kinds and we would be glad to show any of them if you will pay us a visit M. L. SOUTHARD & SON. Lebanon. Oregon. CREEK BOTTOM LAND. . 120 acres; located on good graveled road. 2S miles trom town. Douglas county, Oregon; 0 -acres can be culti vated ; 50 acrea under cultivation. 40 acres has a paid-up perpetual water right; 4u acres of pasture; good fences; orchard of assorted fruit; new 5-room log bungalow, with plumbing, 28x32; barn 30x60; machine shed and other buildings. One mite to school. Price $71 per acre, with 12 cows, some young stock, team, large and complete line of machinery, cream separator and feed. Personally Inspected. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bids;. PRUNE ORCHARD. J PRUNE ORCHARD. , PRUNB ORCHARD. IS acres In full-bearing trees. In fine condition; six-tunnel prune dryer worth $5000, and store house ; drilled weli, gas engine, lots of water; also trees bought to set out 10 acres more as soon as weather permits; 10 acres of splendid fir timber, balance of the 41 acres tn family orchard and garden; near good town; on hard road; fine prune district; 20 miles from Portland; K, BIQ MONEY-MAKER. Price SI.Vimmi. SEE SAM HEWEY at J. L. HARTMAN CO.. No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. ! WHITE SALMON FRUIT OR DAIRY RAMH, 42 Vj acres, close In. on fine highway; 17 acres thoroughly cleared, ready for strawberries, tree setting or alfalfa; 10 acre now In light bi uh. under goat fence and browsed 2 years, for pasture; fine bungalow Valued at $1600; beautiful outlook ; no Incum brance. Owner called east and must sell; $3000 takes It with $750 down, balance 5 years at 5 per cent; worth at least double price asked. Address C C. & R. W. Hutch ins. White Salmon, v asnington. ONLY $500 DOWN. 62 acres, located In Clackamas county, Oregon ; 30 miles from Portland ; good red-shot soil. All can be cultivated; good large orchard ; 5-room painted houMe with basement. Barn; lots of range. This place is near Sandy. - Price $30t0. -Personally lnspeujted. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. VALLEY FARM. 80 acres, 35 acres in cultivation, bal ance pasture and timber; rolling land, creek, springs; 5-room house, barn, out buildings; 19 mile Portland, 1 mile ' pavea highway, railway station 1 miles, 2Vi miles Sherwood: price $55i0; half cash. This Is an exceptionally food - buy; 50 minutes out of Portland. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO.. 165 H 4th st. SIXTY Mcra, part cleared; house and barn: mile from Clatskanie; will rent or sell. " J. H. Collins. Independence. Or. 40 ACRES Clackamas county. partly . cleared, rich soil, no rocks: price $2n0; easy terms. Morgan (owner). 214 1st. LOGOED-OFF lands. $10 acre up: running water, good soil, hi tillable: employment; easy terms. J. R. Sharps, 3d st. REAL K8TATE. For bale Fnrniii. THERE'S A MAN FOR EVERY PLACE. I want to find the men who 1 want these places. Is it you? -lGO-acre stock ranch in Wash ington, out of White Salmon, across from Hood River; $25 per acre. acres plow land ; good barn, fair house, needs a little fix ing; fine springs; on a mail road, every-day maii; $?00 to $1000 down, bal. 6 per cent. 153 acres, near Dallas; 2 miles from R. R. and sidin: about 2500 cords ot oak grub wood, downhill haul; wood Is worth $S "0 to $!. f. o. b. Portland ; 65 acres of plow land; good water; montly wavetj wire frne. good barn, .'t room ' house; $55 per acre. $1500 down. 600-acre stock ranch. 6 miles out of Condon; ordinary ranch build ings, good spring, untaxing, on the place; 175 ui-ree plow land, 10M acres are under fence. Prjce $15 per acre, net equity $7. .00. Will exchange for Wi:iadiette val ley land or city property bring ing income. Here's the home for you if vbu don't want a luiftu one: 30 acres, near Newberg. on the west side hi eh way and west sid elec-. trie; good higli school a blocks; 7 acres In 6-year-old prune trees, 12 or 15 acres of plow land, a few acres of timber; a very good house of 6 rooms, a garage, barn, chicken house and runway; water . f&ylein with engine. pump and pressure tank, water in the house. Price $30o per acre. Vs cash. . A prune orchard near New berg. 08 "acres altogether. 24 acres . prunes; good. al:nost new (J-tun-nel dryer, cook house and bunk -house, good fair residence, barn and granary, machine shed and all tools, including 3 horses. 1 Jersey ow. 1 heifer, 1 calf, chirk ens and pigs, wit h plenty of hay and grain to carry them through. Fully equipped, except housfhoM goods. $:i:0.S2 per acre. $10,000 down. It is cheap. SEE J. .i. MILLS. 412 Corbett bldg. 1 173 ACRES. STOCK RANCH. TO acres in cult., lots moge open land; some good timber; most ail tillable tand: '4 large barns, all other outhouses for a big place : 7-room frame house: 9 acres of " bearing prunes. 4 acres of apples. 10 cows, 6 calvep, 5 hogs. 4 horsvs, -.chickens, mower, rake, drill, disc, plows, cultivator, mam separator, hay and feed, waffon, hack, bugy, gas woodeaw, gns enirlne to pump the water for the house; 1 bull ; many other things. This place is 7 miles of Philomath. Or.. 15 mls of Corvallis. It is nn main road, all graveled but 1 milt. This joins the outrange, hundreds of acres logged -off land for Ftock range. Can't be beat for siock. There is a fine paying prune orchard on the place, no belter spring water iu the state than on this farm; price $MUM), $4500 down, balance 0 per cent. It" you want a complete place see this. Write us. We will tell you how to find it. E. P. ELLIOTT & SON. 7th and Main Sts.. Oregon City, Or. OWNER IS PREPARING PART OF THIS RANCH FOR HOpg. UmJAXHEIU RIES AND PRUNES. 100 acres very rich bottom land, all tiled, was in hops for 20 years; z0 acres more in cul ti vat Jon, good soil, balance open pasture and timber. A bout :iM til table when clen red. v. ov-n-w ire fencs, fine, creek, two springs and well; good barn, bouse, nw chicken and hog houses v- orchard and berries ; on gravel road near town. S. W. of Portland, fan make arrangements to Irricate the ber ries. 231 acres, price $80 an acre. See SAM HEWET,' at J. L. H A HTM N CO., No. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bids. LANE COUNTY RANCH. 60 acres. O1 miles from Eugene. Or., on Pacific highway; 55 ares under cul tivation, good frw? soil, familv orchard. 6-room house, barn 30x32. other out building!'; well price $125 per acre, with 3 horses. 2 cow. 2 heifers, chick ens. 2 wagons, 1 cultivator. 1 set har ness. 1 Iream separator. 2 harrows., t spring wagon, 1 No. 2 John Deere hav press, Rasoline engine. 1 circular wood saw. furniture. 85 tons hailed hay and tools;- $50mj cash.- or will consider a car up to $10K); time on the balance at 6 per .cent. John Ferguson. Uerlinger bldg. SPLENDID FARM LAND. N. . NEAR HILLS HO HO. 56 acres gently sloping land, over 50 acres in cultivation; only 2 mites from paved highway and carline, this side of H illsboro ; K-rnom house, large barn 100-ton silo: family fruit, all for $150 an acre: also will turn over )ea.-e on 00 acres adjoining if wanted: there ia gov ernment farm loan for half the priee. which gives an idea of the value. This Is in the best farming section, close to markets and milk condenser. D. McCHESNEY, 304 K Oak St. Bdwy. 200. DAIRY, HOG AND SHEEP RANCH. - 5 miles from Gaston, is lrt; acr-. nl fine land with good buildings, complete ly ecju'-ned lor onl? $70Mi: 50 acres in cultivation- and very productive; np arlv all tillable, living spring : 1 bearin prune tree, also family orchard; eood house, splendid barn and silo with water piped ; price includes 3 horses. 1 cow. 30 chickens. 4 hogs: lots of hay and oats, and complete, line of farm ma chinery; only 1 cas-h required. Per sonally inspected by Mr. ilaraters. John Ferguson, iier linger bldg. 10(H) ACRES. WHEAT FARM. IN FAMOUS UMATILLA COUNTY. 120O acres under cultivation. Too acres In wheat and ftOrt acres summer fallowed In HUSO. Eight-room plastered house. 2 big barns. 2 machinery shens, 3 big wells, always full, and 50. 1V10-gallon I concrete reservoir; located rt miles from 1 railway station. 1 mile from pchoo! and , on good road; worth from $75.0nn to I $SO.uuO: price $64.0uo.' terms $22.01111 cash, balance on time ; wil ; accent good property in trade up to $25.frtO; !onk this up, bov it and become independent. H. A. LINDGRKNV Savon Land Co.. t5 N. W. Pante bldg. SOUTH OF OREGON CITT. Near the Pacific highway Is a 72 acre farm. 10 of which is beaverdam. all In a high state of cultivation, ex cept a small tract of woods: 6-room house, with hot and cold water, good barn ; 1 H acres orchard ; price Includes 2 horses. 1 cow, 1 calf. 1 her. Moiine tractor.- and numerous farm implements: price $21.00. $3000 cash required ; per sonally Inspected. John Ferguson. Ger linger bldg. MTTDDED INT No! On a hard-surfaced road. 14 miles from Portland; 40 beautifully sit us ted acres, cleared ; 18 In wheat, 6 in clover; $175 th pcre. and well worth It: the house, barn, chicken, pig and sep arator house are good. It's a pleasure to 'show places of this type; $3000 cash, balance good terms. L. Corbln. COB A. MrKKNNA A CO., - . 82 Fourth St. Main 4522. NEAR OREGON CITT. 40 acres. Kcatd 5 mt!os oast. All can be cultivated. Over 20 acres .under cul ' tivatlon. balance pasture. Place fenced and cros-fenced with woven tiire; new 5-room house, barn, chicken house, hog house and ot her buildings. Creek on place. Orchard of al! kinds of fruit. Offored away below .value, $2500 cash, balance on easy terms. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. S2 ACRES. $ 500. NEAR EUGENE. Improved with good 2-story house, rath, toilet, good barn and prune drver; 10 acres ot" full-hearing prunes. 30 acres of onion land. This place ha never been offered for less than $50 an acre be fore. . The owner" mutt raise money at once. If he gets it from some other source, the price will b $5it an acre again. Now your opportunity. ACT. r. M. DOLLARHTOE, " st7-fl-9 LEWIS HLDG. 70-ACRE farm. 55 in cultivation; all build ings needed; stoctf. implements, crop; soil good, location r!os iu. Price $ 1 4, 000 ; some cash, bain nee terms. fil 2 ! Dekum bldg., Portland, Or. Marshall ! 753. j SOUTHERN IDAHO IRRIGATED FARMS. , Government project r cheap water; deep , soil: no a'kall. . Martin A Sou. Rupert. ' . Idaho. - FOR SALE 4.0-acre Willamette valley i farm, soil Ideal for loganberries. See I owner, 48 First su REAL ESTATE. For Bale WHITE COM PANT OF NEWBERG WILL SHOW YOU SOME GOOD BUYS. 2S acres, just in the right loca tion; good buildings; some timber for wood; $0500, and terms to suit. 20 acre, highly Improved, $7500; good terms. Highly improved prune farm, wrue us if in the market. ..J? acre m prunes; nlco soil; $o00. etEA0 homo on esy terms; only $b00 down. I-acre home, 4 -room house, small barn; $16O0. terms. 10-room pl.i,t.r.d house with J.'iouu and lot '- clo In: 100x200 ft.. hou.. barn, chick- '"h win :hS:ue"1 ",di uu0 .,3"? haVe a '""Se IiBt of farm, mall acreac homes and city property. Before I.uving" call we'y,orn.a?e" WHITE COMPANY 703 1.. FIRST ST NEWBERG. OIL 44 ACRE'S. Thii530" ba'an $500 a year. Jl If, acr ,n cu!tivatsn. Sev rl h8 ln KOOd timber, with TiT mh h"nJred cords of wood on 1 , .UJy. ' m1le to Hne. Ti! i to "tor a"d shipping point. wood ib?,tu'r ,than IIU0" H wood on the place; rt-room hone. large frame barn, all outhouses 1 tie place has a. line living stream of water on It. face a good gravel- 01 . ir,tlon-ThU ls ned by an ol.l widow lady, she has rented it out tor the past 7 years and the buildings are run down, need some S1? d? a iitt:e ing up and need to be polished a 11U! then ou have a piacw worth Ji'oo an acre: land all around It is worth not iess than $Jo0 todav. The road to the place will all be" paved uet spring; we sre going to build l4 nines of paved road ln Clakama r.liK-Lithu'ar- Pr!ce pf P-a.'o is Jt,K). There are about 2 :icre of the place that you mould not rarm. You can t beat the u.; and location. Fix It up and vou will have a fine home, on fint road and worth lots more monev; mot of the improvements you can do yourself. Possession at once.. E. P. KL1.TOTT A- SON. 7th and Main Sts., Oregon City, Or. NEAR RITXJEFIELD, WASHINGTON. 40 acres, located n Rood rocked road, J mile from Pacific highway; 30 acrea undr cultivation, all run h cultivated; family orchard; good fences; new 6-room bungalow, with 3 rooms plastered ; 3 rooms not plastered; barn 3x.l0, garage, chlckon houpe and wood idled; telephone and stock in locnl Co.; ; mile to school; 2 miles 10 Kood hiuh school. price $7500 with stock and equipment. 150 bushels . oata. 200 bushels potato?, 8 tons hay ; $U500 cash. Personally inspected. Photos at office. NeJsnn. with JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bids;. 144 ACRES, all very best of noil, free from rock and gravd; small living creok ; wo ac:e in cultivation, balance timber and pasture; fine orchard, '2 bounes, fine Uirpe barn; located on hard-surfaced road less than 2 miles out, less than i mile from store. -J". O., church and school. This In a very choice, productive farm, and cheap at $150 per acre. 6 J arrs, 4 in cult.; no hotter land in Oreguii; best of land, fine buildings, hot and cold water In housv; good or chard: well stocked and entilppcd; rfbout 10 miles out on good auto road ; only $10,000. Lots of olhvrs all sizes and prices. , TALLMADGE REALTY CO., 610 Henry - Hidg. 1500 CORDS OF WOOD. 40 acres, located on the Oregon Elec tric at Imnald, near Woodhurn; ail good land, when the timber is removed: small creek on lino of 40; price $4uo with $700 cash: or uiJI !! in 10-acre tracts of $1100 with SJoo cash: this is I mile from rocked road. A'so 7 acres, lo cated northeast of Oregon City, 1 4 acres can be cultivated. balance ls rouif h ; price $looo( $ 1 000 cash ; 1 000 cords of wood; ' mile from graveled road : 2 miles f rom river and paved road; '21? mile from Oregon City John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. 100 ACRES, SHERWOOD. Only 16 miles from Portland; a rer-fect-lying tract of the best o(l, $13.oo0, lot hides team, 6 cows, heifers, hogs, chickens, plenty feed and seed, all neces sary machinery; very good 8-ronm house; f irst-clHss 4Uxti0 barn. u,u;il outbuildings; on county road, milk n 11 d mail routes, school convenient, positively no rough or rocky land. This should sl at once. Investigate now. $5000 cash, balance D. McCHESNEY. 304 V Oak St. Bdwy. 266. CLOSE TO PORTLAND. -4 acres, located 4 mile from boat hniing, near La Center, Washington. Clarke county. Graveled road, a mile to school ; good logan berry land ; 15 acres under cultivation, 6 acres pasture: creek and well, house, barn, smui: or chard. Place well fenced. Price $30" K. tonus on $1.'100 for long time. Person ally inspected. This is only one hour's Url vc from i'ort land. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. PRUNE Some of your wastt ful xtravagtnce and buy this 1 o-m-re prune orchard a an investment; clo.se to Vancouver, Wash.: bvt riistrict: healthy bearing orchard: tf(iHy retail prh e of prunes la ; 41' i per acre ; r to this we have -O acres more at $.') pr acre. L. Corbm. COB A. MeKKNNA & CO.. 82 Fourth St. -Mam 4522. . KAST OF GRESHAM. 40 acres, all good land, no waste, rood soii ; place is well fenced with woven wire on the front and barb wire on the sides: i!0 acres under cultivation, balance in timber; price $1500. $2000 cash; small barn and house and well, also some ma chinery, plows, harrow, hack. 2 culti vators, racks, etc; close to school, store and good road. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. 75-ACRK stock farm near Portland. 150 acres In cultivation, loo acres pasture, balance fir aud cedar timber; excellent oil. 2 houses, large barn and other buildings, 1 00-ton silo; farm fully equipped with machinery, hors, cows, registered hogs and 150 goats, w'th sufficient feed for winter. 12 thousand cords Ktandlnc wood; will sell all or 1t Interest to ssVendable party who wlil tnke charge: or will exchange for smaller farm or city property; a rare opportuo itv. Call or write F. A. Knapp, 212 Boar' of Tra.ie Bldg. CLARKE COUNTY. WASHINGTON. SO acres, located 1 mUe from Ambov. Wash.; fiO acres can be cultivated. 26 acres under cultivation. 54 acres pasture; half 8're orchard ; good 7-room houe. barn 0000, chicken house, woodshed. hoKhoiijse; 1 mile from church and school; good graveled road; price $4750. $2250 cash. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. FOR SALE Fine 1 10-acre farm 19 miles from Portland, 05 acres under plow. 25 acres pasture, balance timber. - house, barn, running stream rocked road. u. nUle irom Pacific highway, $17,000. Also A5 acres 2 miles from Aurora, house, barn, orchard. 25 acres in culti vation, 27 acres river bottom, $00tK. 420 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. TUALATIN valley farm, fully stocked auid quipped: 175 acres, all level land, no waste land; two-thirds in cultivation. 30 acres brush pasture, 30 acres second growth timber; house, two good barns; bargain : terms. Room 207 Panama bldg. 3i-ACKE farm house, barn. 15 acres or chard, prunes, apples, pears, some tx r " 1-tew ; S acres in winter w heat; tino gar den and berry land : $3lKM cash w ill handle, rest easy terms. R. 1, box 12, Ncwbeig. .