The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 11, 1920, Section One, Page 2, Image 2

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Permanent Monthly Payments
Trebled by Measure.
Minimum of $30 Added to Regular
Allotments and Veterans
Profit largely.
WASHINGTON', Jan.. 10. How
monthly benefits paid under the war
risk insurance act have been increased
and the class of beneficiaries en
larged by the recently enacted Sweet
bill was explained ' today by its
author, .Representative Sweet of Iowa.
Converted insurance may now be
paid in a lump sum or in Installments
lor 36 months or more at the option of
the poltoy bolder, Mr. .Sweet said,
while the policies-may be made pay
able to any-of the following:
Parent.- .grandparent, step-parent,
parent through . adoption, husband,
wife, child, , grandchild, stepchild,
adopted child, brother, sister, half
sister, half-brother, brother through
adoption, : stepmother, uncle, aunt,
nephew, niece, - brother-in-law, is-ter-in-law;
any person who was In the
relation of a parent -to the insured
for one year before the insured's en
listment., the children of such person,
and parent through adoption of the
insured's wife, or husband.
Monthly Compensation Doubled,
"The monthly compensation paid
under the new law," said Mr. Sweet,
"is mpre- than double almost treble
that paid In the past. This increase,
which is permanent, will add $80,000,
000 a year to the amounts paid by the
government to the disabled ex-service'
men and their, families.
"By the retroactive provisions of the
law, -all payments .of compensation
will be increased to the new basis.
Payments .now are being made by the
war risk bureau to make up the dif
ference between the old rate of com
pensation and the new one. This is
an immediate and direct benefit to
241.822 veterans, among whom J14,
600.000 is being distributed. For In
stance, an unmarried soldier who has
been drawing t30 a month for the
last year will receive $600 at once,
the monthly compensation by the new
law being- increased by $50 in his
Mr.' Sweet also explained the perma
nent monthly increases provided for
all disabled ex-service men. For total
temporary disability the new compen
sation will be paid as follows:
To the unmarried veteran, $80 a
month, an increase from $30.
To the veteran with a wife, $90 a
month, an increase from $45.
To the veteran with a wife and
child, $95 a month, an increase from
To the veteran with a wife and two
or more children, $100 a month, an
increase from $65.
To the veteran who has no wife,
but one child, $90 a month, with $5
for each additional child, an increase
from $40.
To the veteran with dependent
parents, an extra allowance of $10 a
month for each is also granted.
- Disabilities to Be Hated.
"Of course all disabilities will not
come within the rating of total tem
porary," Mr. Sweet said, "and so the
new law provides that all disabilities
shall be rated by the . war risk
bureau. These other ratings are: Par
tial and temporary, total and perma
nent and partial and permanent, and
for each tUe monthly compensation
shall be a "percentage of the degree
of reduction in earning capacity re
sulting from this disability. The re
duction, in earning capacity must be
at least 10 per cent before oie can
receive any compensation.
"For total permanent disability the
compensation Is fixed at $100 a month.
The law specifically provides that the
loss of both feet or both handc.'or the
Night of both eyes, or the loss of one
foot and one hand, or one foot and one
eye, or one hand and on eye, or be
coming permanently bedridden shall
be deemed to be total permanent dis
ability. Then, too. double total dis
ability entitles one to $200 a month
as long as he lives. For instance,
this double payment is for the few
men who lost both eyes, one hand and
one. foot, or both eyes and both hands
or both eyes and both feet.
"The helplessly disabled are further
cared for under the new law by the
provisions directing the war risk
bureau to allow an addition $20 a
month to those eterans In need of an
"No penalty is imposed by the law
on those disabled men for their indi
vidual sirccess in overcoming the
handicap of a permanent Injury The
law directs that disability ratings
shall be based, as far as practicable
upon the average impairments of
earning capacity resulting from in
juries in civil occupations and not
upon the Impairment of earning ca
pacity in each Individual case. From
time to time the bureau is directed to
readju the schedule of ratings in ac
cordance with actual experience.
Medical Service la Extra.
"Besides, the money paid by the
government as compensation to the
war-disabled men, the law also pro
vides that ail Injured veterans shall
be furnished with reasonable envem-
ment medical and hospital service
and such supplies, including artificial
limbs, trusses and similar appliances
... risK Dureau may deter
mine. "This medical and hospital treat
ment will be given to Americans, who
may be living in foreign countries as
well as in the United States, and
Americans who fought In the armies
of the allies can receive the treat
ment at hospitals In this country.
"Twenty to thirty thousand Amer
icans were part of the (Canadian army
and of necessity the Canadian gov
ernment must look after these who
are maimed and cripples, no matter
where they may live. Many, of these
have returned to the United States
and can be treated In our own gov
ernment hospitals by the new law
authorizing the bureau to establish
reciprocal arrangements for the treat
ment of the veterans.- In turn, the
Americans who go to Canada can be
treated In the Canadian hospitals, or
supplied with artificial limbs arid ap
pliances. In either case, one govern
ment will call upon the other to be
reimbursed for services rendered and
for appliancs furnished.
Provisions or the new law liberaliz
ing the insurance provisions of the
original war risk act also were ex
' plained by Mr. Sweet, who enumerat
ed numerous benefits to the veterans
that will result from his bill.
"The original . law confined and
restricted the beneficiaries to a. very,
limited class," said Mr. Sweet, "but
the new law Increases this class and
also extends the definition of the
terms 'father, and 'mother to Include
persons who have stood In loco pa
rentis (place of parents) to a mem
ber of the military service for at
least one year.
"There are many cases where the
soldier or sailor haa designated an
aunt or . uncle or some one who has
been in the position of parrat to him
prior to entering- the wa. These
persons, under the original law. were
not within the permitted- class of
beneficiaries, and the Intention of the
soldier was thus defeated, and the
insurance would go to- the father.-if
living, who has never perhaps paid
any attention- to the boy. With the
new provisions of the Jaw,' if the sol
dier had designated his aunt, who In
reality has been a mother to him, she
will in fact become his beneficiary
and receive the insurance money.
These changes are made retroactive
to the date of "the passage of the
original -war risk insurance act.
"Then, too, the new law permits
converted , Insurance to be made as
signable; that is. a beneficiary can
make assignment of his interest to
another person, provided that the
latter is within the permitted class
of beneficiaries.
"Another change in the insurance
provisions provided that automatic
insurance Is provided for the first 120
days after a person's admission to tha
military service. This automatic in
surance, amounting to the payment of
$25 a month for 20 years, was under
the original law granted only for the
first six months of the life of the
original act. The extension, under
the. new law, will cost the govern
ment about $6,500,000. Incidentally,
the extenslon'grants the insurance to
all of the officers and crew of the
naval collier Cyclops, which disap
peared at sea In 1918 when bringing
a cargo of war ore from South. Amer
Insane Profit at Once.
"For the unfortunate ex-service
men confined in asylums, the new law
Clves the immediate benefits of the
insurance without waiting the ap
pointment of guardians. Money pay
able to such persons will b placed
in the treasury to their credits, and
may be disbursed to the chief execu
tive officer of the asylum' for the
maintenance and comfort of the in
mate. "Another change in the Insurance
provisions is that authorizing the in
surance to be paid to the ex-service
man's estate where no one of the per
mitted class of beneficiaries survives
the insured. x
"To dispose of the so-called 'in
ducted man' problem, provision Is
made that if. after induction by the
local draft board, but before accepted
and enrolled at camp for active serv
ice, the person dies or has become
disabled by Injury such as by a
train wreck en route to camp or by
disease not rue to willful misconduct,
that he shall receive compensation,
as increased by the new law. and fur
ther. If application was made for in
surance that it shall be deemed
Fresno Operators Xow Getting
$42.50, Ask $70.
FRESNO, Cal.. Jan. 10. Members
of the motion picture operators'
union of Fresno today presented a
new wage scale of $70 a week, ef
fective February 15. It was announced
this afternoon by officers of the
union. Motion picture theater own
era are to consider the demands next
The new scale is for eight hours
and a seven-day week, with $2.50 an
hour overtime. Tha-present scale is
$42.50 a week.
(Continued From First Tage.)
in England, the son said, and was a
physician and a musician. He had
devoted himself almost entirely to
research work for Borne time prior
to his disappearance, and was an In
veterate 'reader. He specialized in
chemical" and biological - research.
Shortly befrbre his disappearance,
Commander Brand said, his father
had suffered from a minor attack of
amnesia, but apparently had recov
ered. Mrs. Brand, who is still liv
ing in Worcester, was prostrated by
his disappearance.
The commander fears the news of
his father's condition and his return
after he had been thought dead, will
again prostrate his mother. "It
must be broken to her gently," h
The pliysician attending Dr. Brand
says it is possible for him to recover,
with proper treatment. "His trou
ble is functional and not organic,'
the physician said.
LEAVENWORTH, Kans., Jan. 10.
When notified that the man known
for three years as "Professor X" had
been identified as her husband.
John 1 Brand, Mrs. Brand, who is
visiting at the home of her daughter
at Fort Ieavenworth, was overjoyed
at the news.
Old San Francisco Leader
Restored to Citizenship.
Molalla PhonC; Company Elects.
MOLALLA, Or., Jan. 10. (Special.)
The annual meeting of the Home
Telephone company of Molalla was
held here today. O. D. Adams was
re-elected president and George Case
was elected secretary. Sara A. Cor
dell. J. L. Tubbs and L. A. Shaver
were elected to the board of direc
tors. Harry Hibbard will- be re
tained as local exchange operator.
S. & H. Green
Holman Fuel Co.
stamps Tor cash.
Main 353. 560-21.
Acfcea and Pains of Rheumatism
Sometimes Almost Unbearable
There are weather conditions that
make rheumatism worse. They are
not the same in the cases of all per
sons. Some victims of this disease
suffer more in dry warm weather
than in moist cold weather, but all
suffer more or less all the time.
The cause of rheumatism is an ex
cess of uric acid in the blood, affect
ing the muscles and Joints. Hence
the blood must have attention for
permanent results in the treatment of
this disease.
Hood's Sarsaparilla has given en
tire satisfaction in thousands of
cases. Do not fail to give It a trial.
If a laxative is needed, take Hood's
Fills they don't gripe. Adv.
Why is the Woodstock " becoming
so popular? Because it is a com
bination of the beat features of six
modern typewriter. Booklet free.
The Rebuilt Typewriter Co.
Distributors. -- - -S04
Oalc 5- Portland. Or.
Sentence of 14 Years Follows Brib
' ery' Conviction ATter . Attempt
- to. Overthrow Prosecutor.
SACRAMENTO. Cal., Jan. 10. Abra
ham Ruef, former political boss, con
victed in San Francisco of bribery,
was pardoned by Governor Stephens
tonight. ,
This automatically restores to Ruef
the rights of citizenship.
-"My action now in granting the
formal application of Abraham Ruef
for pardon is. in no way - predicated
upon any doubt as to -the justice of
his convictions," Governor Stephens
said. "I have been guided by the
manifest spirit of our modern penal
reformatory laws. I have carefully
considered the letters received from
Judges and other officers of the court.
from newspapers and bankers, from!
labor leaders and captains of indus
try, from lawyers and business men,
Protestant. Catholic and Jewish
clergy and from members of the legis
lature, all asking for Ruef's pardon.
"The information before me is that
his conduct in prison and on parole
has" been exemplary.
"The Judgment of the law has been
carried out, punishment has been ad
ministered, the example of a deter
rent maintained. Ii cases where the
record of the offender is exemplary,
executive clem-enoy ' has frequently
been extended." - -
SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 10. Abra
ham Ruef, former political leader of
San Francisco, was sentenced to 14
years' imprisonment in San Quentin
penitentiary in 1811 following his con
viction of bribery after a sensational
attempt to overthrow the dietrlct at
'torney He was paroled August 25,
1915, and hie sentence, reduced to
eight years and 10 months by . credits,
expired last Wednesday.
In another phase of matters as one
result of which Ruef was convicted,
Eugene Schmitx, then mayor of San
Francisco, in this city's notorioua
"graft trials," was convicted of ex
tortion. Both were prosecuted by
Francis J. Heney. Schmitx' conviction
was later nullified by the state ap
pellate court. In the course of the
trials. Prosecutor Heney was shot,
but recovered. -
Commenting tonight upon his par
don, Ruef said:
"Today I drew the first free brath
in 13 years. At last I am out of the
straitjacket. Now I can begin to
come back.
"I have many plans. My mind is
teeming with many large and serious
problems, but my plans necessarily
were more or less indefinite until my
citizenship was restored."
I Here's That "Vesta" i
E You've been waiting: for. See it tomorrow.
( Corload shipment arrived Friday. )
r 1 'Ajr
KH Yes! This Vesta Is lwo
o i r..! .
oeparaie ana isistinct
Ranges Built Together
Upon One Base!
' Including; Hot Water Coils; and
Gas Connections, installed in
your kitchen on the convenient
terms of
$20 Cash
$3 Week
No Interest
Vital Facts You Must Not
Overlook They're
Pleasing, Too!
Four-hole Polished Wood and
Coal Top.
Four-burner and Simmer Gas
, 18x18 -inch Wood, and Coal
Baking Oven.
18xlS-inch Gas Baking Oven.
Gas Fire Lighter (no more
Use Both Ovens and Both Tops at the Same Time if You '
Like -No Restrictions When You Have the Vesta.
All nickel trimmings are plain (no grease catching scrolls), white
enamel splashers on back and oven door, broiler underneath the gas
oven. Same burner heats (both) gas oven and broiler.
E If you are going to install a furnace, get a good one.
. , Before you buy any other Edwards would
like to tell you about this
Homer Pipeless
To have healthful heat there must be
at all times circulation. That's why
TTrluardc iq rprmnmpmiiiifr the HOMER
1 Thermo-Seal
Inner Lining
See the arrows In the illustration
showing how the cold air is "taken in".
and "comes out" ''warmed and steril-
Ized" after passing- between the firepot
E; and the Thermo-Seal Lining.
Homer Furnaces have been Installed
In nearly every section of the cits' per-
haps there's one in your neighborhood.
Phone- Main 1927.
Installed on Easy Terms
E - . . No Interest
a-'A-,.. j ;au',iv--M.i,v.v i
Hear Your Favorite Record on
Through the New Oval Horn !
si 1 '
J '
Kill I P IMeo-uet,
My! Oh, my! You didn't know
there was such a thing. Then,
there's the Ultona, too. Just you
se and hear them. Do it this
"Oh, isn't it pretty?" That's
what nearly everyone says. But
looks were not so much consid
ered when. Brunswick built it.
The all-wood oval horn, taper
ing into a perfectly round throat,
was added that fuller and better
"ROUND TONE" would be pro
duced. 0
The Ultona is an ' over-sized
Reproducer that plays any disc
record made. Both Uljjona and
Oval Horn are patented, making
them exclusive Brunswick features.
This Store Closes Every Evening in the Week at 6, Including; Saturday
This Store Closes Every Eve
ning of the Week at 6 Satur
days Included.
UiiiliiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiituiiiriniitiiiriittiiiiitirifiriiiiiitttitiitiri iirnirrtriiiff t mrrrrrr
Womerr Look!
Special Price, With Special Terms, Tata Week u
Kitchen Cabinets
$10 Cash$1 Week No Interest
The Sellers Kitchen Cabinet puts your kitchen
work on the same labor-savins efficiency basis that
modern office appliances put the office work of the
successful business man.
It lubricates the day's work; and makes it run
easier. ,
It provides a place for everything connected with
the ordinary end of your "liusiness" brinjrs order out
of chaos. It systematizes your work releases your time
for other occupations or pleasure works without
wage the year around.
sf: No.
1 Famous Automatic Lowering iriour Bin.
2 Automatic Base Shelf Extender in Lower
3 Ant-Proof Casters.
4 Oravity Door Catches.
5 Sanitary Poreeliron Work Table.
6 Dovetailed Joints and Rounded Corners.
7 Kalse Top in Base Dust Proof.
X All Oak.
9 Oil H:ind-Rubbed Finish. "Withstands Steam
in Kitchen.
10 Kull Roll Open Front.
11 Roller Bearinsrs for .Extension AVork Table.
12 Commodious Kitr-hen l.inen Drawer.
13 White lCnameled Interior upper section.
14 Sanitary lrfg Base Construction.
15 Glass Drawer l'ulls.
An Outfit You'll Be Proud Of!
Three Rooms Full Arranged in the
Fifth-St. iVindow Today.
Edwards Wants You to See It !
The illustrations are only to give you an idea of what to expect
the living and dining- roonjs are quite different from illustration:
there's rholrraeu beyond year expectation la the outfit that
belna- mentioned Decide on it. Gdwards will send it to your home
on the conveniently easy terms of
$45.00 Cash $6.00 Week No Interest
Sure thing, take out any single piece or pieces you don't like
they will be replaced with what you personally select. Here's
what is in the window:
Beautiful quarter-sawed oak library table with plank top and
magazine racks at each end supported by a broad underneath shelf.
Also three handsome oak rockers with genuine leather upholstered
seats. (Not ordinary oak rockers, these are real choice.) The four
pieces are displayed in tne window.
mmm w
Mia rS ir
a r.. iiffw ii Minn h-iii
An elegant 48-inch quarter-sawed flush-rim top table that opens
to six reet: quarter-sawed oaK ouriet wiui
six extra heavy and sturdily built chairs,
rubbed wax to match the living-room suite.
played. ,
onii plate mirror and
ajl finished in hand
Klght pieces as dis-
Hand-decorated "Blue Birds and Blossoms" white enamel suie
of five pieces; no two decorated alike; on one the blue birds are
flying; on the other, the blue birds are resting in the blossomed
branches or fluttering in the air. Yes -it's an exclusive Kdwards
design. The five pieces as illustrated
r JOJ.
Edwards Has Re
duced the Prices
on His Very Best
$27 h and $33.90
Appearance is identical with
illustration above. Body is
built entirely of heavy cast.
Two-lid top swings open to
take large knots and blocks.
Mica front door swings open,
giving fireplace effect.- Will
not smoke unless draft is cut
entirely off.
$19.75 and $22 SO
Exactly as pictured above.
Body is of polished blue steel
with an especially built
RIBBED cast fire pot. Grate
shaker is on the side, does not
Interfere with ash pan. and
bottom draft door. See these
heaters In the Fifth -street
window today.
Congoleum and Printed Linoleum
Per Sq. Yd. 69c, 90c, $1.35, $1.65
Inlaid Linoleums, four to fifteen yards length, per square yard. .. .91.75
Six Good Buys
You Want a High-Grade Rug Cheap
Early Selection Is Advised
He4iEE!4 PRG$IDK'T x1S Wll.TON VKLVCT (One only) 8S-i
SMITH'S xl3 WII.TOX VELVET RKiS (two only) 78..0
S A IM.-OlttVS CASHMERE Sx 1 1 WILTONS (three only) 7..V
KOI H AIX SEAMLESS W 1LTO.X S. K-'ix Hk (two only) SMS.OA
1.VN'3 SEAM LESS PERSIAN totlS! WILTON (one only) XI36.30
SHAH ABBA9 xl WILTO.V (one only) IS7-50
-a- "rz. ' ti i " i'i i ! ii
Rebuilt Wood and Coal Ranges
$35.00f $38.50, $45W and $4850
These are four and six-hole top ranges, that have been
exchanged as part payment on combination ranges or
furniture All have been thoroughly gone over and are in
first-class condition.
$V Weekly Pays IZI One You Select
Bridse-Beachi & Co.'s
Wood' and Coal and Combination
This wonderful line of ranges needs no Introduction to the majority of
people. If vou would like a High-Urade Range at a cut-down price
order this week.
Prices Include H ot-Water Coil & Connection
Six-Hole Polished Top Wood and Coal Range, with large 1 ee
oven and gray enameled body S XJ3
Iray Enameled Combination four lids, four gas burn- JOrC Oft
i and two separate ovens WtiUWUU
Six-Hole Polished Top Wood ana cjoai Kange. with large
oven and blue enameled body
Plain Black Combination four lids, four gaa burners tfj -l TJO
and two separate ovens OlOi
Nickel Trimmed Combination four lids, four gas burn- d -1 'TO
era and two separate ovens ' Z k I s