SectionOne Pages 1 to 20 92 Pages Eight Sections AOL. XXXIX XO. 2 Entered at Portland (Oregon Post off tee aw Spcond-riajs Matter. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 11, 1920 PRICE FIVE CENTS DEA HOLDS IN SENATE Leave It on Wilson's Doorstep, Suggestion. COMPROMISE EFFORTS GO ON Agreement Satisfactory to President Seems Impossible. EARLY ACTION EXPECTED Kotion Prevails That Pact With Reservations Should Be Accepted and Sent to White House. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Washington, Jan. 10. (Special.) Ratify the treaty and leave it on Mr. Wilson's doorstep. This expresses the purposes which republican reservation senators, also some democrats, have in mind. This is the result which they were trying to work out with continued confer ences today on their respective sides of the senate. Republican senators, headed by Senator McNary, conferred with Ma jority Leader Lodge this afternoon. The compromise-leaders on the demo cratic side were seeking to ascertain how many of their group had been frightened by the president's letter to the Jackson day banquet. Democrat! Xon-Commirtal. Democrats retained so non-commital en attitude that it was difficult to get a frank expression of their intentions. The chaos created by the Wilson-Bryan clash has not been cleared. No other subject appears to be considered worthy of discussion two days after the banquet. As to the movement to get a com promise on the treaty( it is difficult to see how, success can be attained if Mr. Wilson makes it plain before the senate acts what sort of reserva tions he will or will not accept. This fact stands out: He has 23 democratic senators who will vote according to his orders on practically any ques tion. If he tell3 them to vote against ratification with reservations to which he objects, the treaty is dead, because added to tnese 23 Wilson controlled votes there are 14 irreconcilable sen ators, including 13 republicans and one democrat, who will vote with them. It requires 64 votes to ratify. This leaves but 69. Compromise Idea Prevails. However, the notion seems to pre vail that the treaty can be ratified and that the wisest way out is to get together on compromise reservations, pass the document along to the White House and let the president take the responsibility of its fate. From the language of -the Wilson letter it does not seem possible that any agreement satisfactory to him can be reached. The unexpected as sault Of President Lowell of Harvard university on article 10 of the league covenant adds another complication to the attempts to compromise. Presi dent Lowell, prominent in the league to enforce peace, has been one of Mr. Wilson's mainstays. Now he comes along with the confession that this article might lead to "mischievous results." This means that there will be no weakening of the reservation on that article. If anything, Lowell's state ment, coupled with the Bryan posi tion, may call for strengthening the reservation. Mr. Wilson is understood slready to regard the present reserva tion as impossible of his sanction. The next few days are expected to tell what is to be done with the treaty so far as the senate is concerned. BOSTON, Jan. 10. Senator Lodge in a personal letter made public today by the M.-issachusetts joint committee for (Concluded on Pafte 6, Column 5.) RATIFICATION Vne lVi(SiHt T MVUl rt-VVQ, xby" Y OF T" MlTV ONE. HACfcTlOM SVHT Ctt, VHOW "E.VO V-iOX3. 1 fTTT? K f U r-, n 'l! &&A. ffiy?,,, OUGHT" MlLV W . " " . . ' Ssss s F" BRYAN OFFERS PLAN TO AGREE ON TREATY XEBRASKAX DEXIES "SPLIT" IX DEMOCRATIC RAXKS. Two Great Democrats "Agree in Purpose" as to Ratification, Declares Commoner. CHICAGO, Jan. 10. William J. Bryan advocated "tree and open dis cussion where concessions may be asked and given" in the United States senate, in an effort to reach a com promise on the peace treaty, in an address at the Iroquois club today. Then, "if no compromise can be reached, we must acquiesce for the present with the republican major ity." He proposed, in that case, enough democratic votes be withdrawn to permit the republicans a constitu tional two-thirds vote by which the treaty and league of nations covenant would be ratified with reservations, and allow "the people to pass judg ment" at the polls. Mr. Bryan very emphatically stated that there had been no "split" in the democratic party and that euch a con clusion should not be drawn from the address of himself and President Wil son at the Jackson day banquet. "The president and I differ in method and not in purpose," he said. "The president's letter read at Washington," continued Mr. Bryan, "contains words open to construction that indicate to me that compromise is possible. The president did well at Paris. He did more there than we could expect any man to do." Mr. Bryan said his plan of compro mise or the alternative of allowing the republican majority to record its will was "just the simple old Amer ican plan of majority rule." WILSON ENTRY SCOUTED Mr. Palmer Declares President Realizes Sentiment. PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 10. Attor-ney-General A. Mitchell Palmer was quoted tonight by newspaper inter viewers to the effect that persons in close touch with President Wilson are certain he will not seek re-election. "The president," Mr. Palmer was quoted as saying, "realises that there is a pertain sentiment throughout the country against a chief executive run ning for a third term, and, while he has not made any definite declaration that he will not be a candidate this jear, his personal friends knew he will not even consider it." POLICE REQUESTS DENIAL Seattle Chief Is Refused 7 5 Extra Men May Get 2 5 Permanent. - SEATTLE, Wash.. Jan. 10. The city council yesterday denied a request by Chief of Police Warren, approved by Mayor Fitzgerald, for 75 additional patrolmen to provide better police protection in outlying districts. An ordinance providing for the ad ditional men under provisional 90-day appointments was voted down, Coun cilman Haas declaring that emer gency men "picked up here and there" would In many cases prove unfit for the work. A new ordinance providing for 25 additional permanent men will be in troduced, it was said. INDIAN LAND FRAUD AIRED Enormous Amount Reported Paid for AVortJiIess Deeds. WASHINGTON, Jan. 10. Officials of the Indian bureau said today they had Information that more than 1 300, 000 and possibly as much as 1,000,000 had been paid by the public for worthless deeds to Indian lands. The lands, it was said, were sold by promoters who had no Valid title. SHOT KILLS TRAPPER Frank Hurt, Waldport, Found Dead by His Companion. NEWPORT, Or., aJn. 10. (Special.) Frank Hurt of Waldport was acci dentally shot and killed today while caring for his traps. His companion heard the shot and found the man's body in the creek. TREATY IS SIGNED WITH U.S. ABSENT State of Peace in Europe Formally Proclaimed. AMERICA'S STAND REGRETTED Clemenceau Tells Von Lers ner Prisoners Will Be Freed. GERMAN DELEGATE HAPPY Xation Will Do Utmost to Fulfill Obligations, He Says War Trials Only Thorny Problem. PARIS. Jan. 10. (By the Associated Press.) Ratifications of the treaty of Versailles were executed and peace between Germany. France, Great Brit ain and tin other allied and associated powers, with the exception of the United States, became effective at :16 a'clock this afternoon. The outstanding comment tonight on the ceremony was that it left the United States the only power which was actively at war with Germany not now on a peace basis. That was the note sounded by Baron Ifurt von Lersner, head of the Ger man peace delegation, In a state ment to the Associated Press, after the ceremony. Absence of u. S. Regretted. "I am naturally happy that peace has finally become effective," he said. "My great regret is thfct the United States is the only country with which Germany is still in a state of war. I hope, however, that this situation will soon bo changed. "Execution or the treaty of Ver sailles imposes upon Germany the heaviest sacrifices ever borne by a nation in modern timed! We lost In the west and in the east territories that belonged to Prussia for many centuries. We have assumed enor mous economic obligations. Never theless, I am glad that peace Is at last re-established, because it will give back to Germany her beloved sons still prisoners abroad." German to Do ttmot Asked as to the execution of the terms of the treaty, Baron von Lersner declared that Germany was ready and determined to do her utmost. He continued: "We have already, even without being obliged by the terms of the treaty, delivered a considerable quantity of products, including 2.500,000 tons of coal to France, and I can say that Germany will go to the utmost limit of possi bility in fulfilling all the obligations she has incurred. It will mean hard times for Germany, but with the re covery of our ardor of labor and pro duction, we hope to meet every emer gency. "The recovery of our economic prosperity is as much to the interest of the entente as it Is to us on account of the great economic difficulties that threaten all Europe. It is obvious, speaking chiefly of France, that her economic prosperity depends upon the economic recovery of Germany." Trade Talk Satisfactory. Baron von Lersner said he had had several very satisfactory conferences with Louie Locheur, French minister of reconstruction, regarding the re sumption of trade relations between Germany and France, and added that he hoped the European nations, work ing together, would solve the great economic problems. The most thorny remaining problem appeared to Von Lersner to be the question of the ex tradition of a considerable number of German officers, officials and sol diers to be tried for crimes alleged to have been committed during the war. "I do not want to give up all hope," (Concluded on Page 6. Column 1.) GLIMPSES OF PROFESSOR "X" NO LONGER IS UNKNOWN DR. JOHN Ii. BRAXD, WORCES TER, MASS., MISSIXG 3 YEARS. Description of Victim of Amnesia Found at La'mbertvillc, X. J., Is Recognized by Son. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 10. - The man referred to as "Professor X." suffering from toss of memory at Lambertville, N. J., was identified today as Dr. John L- Brand, by his son, JL,ieutenani-Jommanaer iinriea L. Brand. Dr. Brand's home is in Worcester, Mass. He has been miss ing three years. He was unable to recognize his son when the latter ap proached him and said: "Don't you know rne, father?" Dr. Brand was found destitute at Moore's station, three miles from Lambertville December 23. M. l a clothing, of good quality, was thread bare and his appearance dishevelled. Since that time he has sat in the home of the Rev. J. T. Bentley at Lambertville, amazing scientists with his profound knowledge and strug gling to find the "open sesame" to a blank memory. He has revealed an astonishing knowledge of the law, medicine, as tronomy, architecture and kindred subjects, yet apparently is anable to recall anything except indlstlrct recollections of his past life and events since the sinking of the Ti tanic. He is an accomplished mu sician and on several occasions has played the organ In St. Andrews Episcopal church, of which Dr. Bent ley is rector. "Professor X" was first thought to be a tramp and was confined In the jail at Lambertville, a little town along the Delaware river a few miles north of Trenton. His unusual qual ities soon became evident and. Dr. Bentley Invited him to live In the rectory. Dr. Bentley. an Englishman and graduate of Oxford, formed the opinion, based on conversations, that "Professor X" attended Oxford, grad uating about 1S85. and spent his early life in Mississippi. "He described Magdalene college so vividly," said Dr. Bentley, "that I was convinced he spent an extended period there. He appeared to have a dim recollection of Mississippi and intermittently recalled in a vaj,ue way a former association with Pro fessor Huxley, the great English scientist." In discussing himself, "Professor X" said recently: "Try as I will. I cannot recall any of my anteced ents. Sometimes I believe I could if I only dared concentrate my mind on the recollection. But any studied application seems to produce an un accountable mental storm that leaves me excited and nervous." Lieutenant - Commander Charles L. Brand, In charge of construction at the Philadelphia navy yard, had walked into the front parlor of the minister's home as "Professor X" was posing for hid photograph. Tall, erect and dressed in the uni form of a navy officer) commander Brand threw open the door and stood for a second. The little group of newspaper men, photographers and doctors turned toward him. He took a few halting steps into the room and with quivering voice and trem bling lip said: "Father, don't you recognize me? I am your son, Charles." The man, hunching back in his chair, stared with wide-open eyes. He was making a supreme mental ef fort. He became very pale and panted "from the attempt. After a tense moment, he whispered: "No." Then, rising from his chair, he walked to his son, putting his trembling hands on the epaulets of his son's uniform. He stared for some time directly into his son's eyes, but he could not remember. When he real ized he had failed to recall the past, the broken old man gave a deep sob and sank to the floor. He had col lapsed and was virtually carried to his bedroom. Commander Brand said he had read the account of "Professor X" in the newspapers and the description was so accurate he instantly recognized his father. Obtaining leave from the navy yard, he immediately went to .Lambertville, arriving shortly be fore noon. Dr. Brand was born and educated (Concluded on Face 2. Column 2.) SOME NEWS EVENTS i -v INDEX OF TODAY'S NEWS The Weather. YESTERDAY'S Maximum temperature, S3 degrees; minimum, 27 degree. TODAY'S Cloudy; southeasterly winds. Departments. Editorial. Section 3, page 8. Dramatics. Section 4, page 4. Moving picture news. Section 4, page 8. Real estate and building news. Section 4, page 8. Music Section 8, page 10. Churches. Section 5, page 2. Schools. Section 5, page 7. Books. Section 5, page 3. Automobile news. -Section 6. Women's Features. Society. Section 3. page 2. Women's activities. Section 3, page 6. Fashions. - Section 5. page 5. .Miss Tingle's column. Section 5, page 4. Auction bridge. Section 5, page 5. Special Features. Cardinal Mercier's series. Section, 5, page 4. Government railroad will open heart ot Alaska. Magazine section, page 1. Works ot art recreated with living models. Magazine section, page 2. High cost of living knocks out Turkish harem. Magazine section, page 3. World news by camera. Magazine section, page 4. Admiral Sims' own story. Magazine sec tion, page S. . v The American girl in England. Magazine section, page 6. Industrial conditions good, said locomotive manufacturer. Magazine section, page 7. Hill's cartoons. "Among Us Mortals." Mag azine section, page 8. Portlanf babies high scores in tests. Sec tion 3, page 6. Nations watch prohibition experiment in United States. Section 3, page 11. Franklin S. Akin recalls pioneer days. Sec tion 3. page 12. Sermon by Reverend J. H. Irvine. Section 5. Page 3. Oregon's waterways, by Addison Bennett. Section 5. page G. Public's interest vital in fixing car fares. Section S, page . Briggs and Darling cartoons. Section 5. page 8. Foreign. Treaty signed with U. S. absent. Section 1. page 1. Warfare in near east Increases. Section 1, page B: lomettlc. Victor Bergrer, Milwaukee socialist, barred j secona time irom taking seat In bouse. Section 1, page 1. Abraham Ruef. ex-political boss, paroled. Section 1. page 2. "Professor X" identified by son as Dr. John 1. Brand of Worcester, Mass. Section 1, page 1. All discord harmony not understood, says Bryan. Section 1. page 1. National. Sweet bill increases war risk benefits. Section 1, page 2. Charges of needless sacrifice of soldiers on armistice day denied by Pershing. Section 1. page 10. Anti-red activity stirs up radicals. Sec tion 1, page 3. Ratification idea holds in senate. Section 1, Page 1. Pacific Northwest. Chehalls reports business of "year just ended record-breaking one. Section 1. page 9. Further checks on accident fund are sug gested by committee, but charges made against commission are not sustained. Section 1, page 6. Oregon Agricultural college debaters score triumph in triangular contest. Sec tion 1, page 6. E. E. Drodie declines to run for secretary of state. Section 1, page 7. Idaho governor calls suffrage session. Sec tion 1, page 9. Sport. i Multnomah club Independent ticket in race for board of directors. Section 2, page 5. New Jersey may get Dempsey-Carpen-tier fight. Section 2. page 1. Morton-Karren go expected to give Port land fans good sport. Section 2, page 1. Breathing space helps all quints. Section 2, page 2. Hunt club stables Is being organized. Sec tion 2, page 2. - 1920 to be best of all years for American swimmers. Section 2. page 3. Track men return to bolster Oregon. Sec tion 2, page 3. East is no longer football bugaboo: Sec tion 2.. page 3. Aggies to launch campaign for intra mural sports. Section 2, page 4. League of boxing nations not favored in America. Section 2. page 4. "Bo" McMillan not likely to quit Centre college eleven to join middies. Section 2. page 5. ' Dempsey is against supernatural duo. Sec tion 2, page 5. Portland and Vicinity. New corporation to build hotel at Gear hart. Section 1, page 18. City council lines up in fight against tax limitation of 6 per cent. Section 1, page 17. Legion wins fight for Klamath rights. Section 1, page 18. Special legislative session to open with rush tomorrow. Section 1. page 1. Government asks why aliens wait. Sec tion 1, page 13. Capital punishment is Civic League lunch topic. Section 1, page 14. Shortage of funds up to people, says sec retary of Taxpayers' league. Section 1, page 16. Hotel men who do not aid in taking census may be prosecuted. Section 1. page 16. Mrs. Gertrudo. La bey's application for an nulment of' marriage denied. Section 1, page IK. Portland plans to test one-way traffic plan. Section 1, page 17. Portland men see partial victory in rate decision. Section 1. page 14. OBTAINED BY CARTOONIST PERRY BERGER SHUT OUT BY HOUSE Milwaukee Socialist Is Ousted Second Time. VOTE OF 328 TO 6 IS CAST Personal Hearing Is Denied in Brief Discussion. SHOUTS GREET SPEAKER "If He Is Traitor There Are 2 5. 000 Others in His District." Says Voigt. "There Are," Is Reply. WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. Victor Berger. Milwaukee socialist re-elected from the fifth Wisconsin congres sional district after the house had refused him membership "because he gave aid and comfort to the enemy," was barredfrom taking his seat again today by a vote of 328 to 6. The house acted in a little more than an hour after Berger presented himself to be sworn in. . Chairman Dallinger of the elections committee, which held Berger ineli gible the first time, presented a reso lution barring Berger and reviewed the reasons why Berger was excluded at the special session. Representa tives Mann, republican. Illinois: Voigt, republican, Wisconsin, and Sherwood, democrat. Ohio, supported Berger's right to a seat. "This Is a representative form of government," Mr. Mann said, "and this we must maintain inviolate if the people desire it." Bodenstad's Rig-lit Considered. ' Members of the house showed little interest in news from Mtlwaukee that the socialist executive committee had voted to renominate Berger. In presenting his rcsolutibn. Chair man Dallinger said Berger was in eligible to membership under provi sions of the constitution. Request for a hearing on Henry H. Bodenstad's right to the seat denied Berger has been' made before Chair man Dallinger. Bodenstad. repub lican, was defeated by. Berger by a majority of 4806 votes in' the special election. Chairman Dallinger said today that at the time of his first election Berger was only under indictment under the espionage act. but that he had been convicted before the second election took place. This, he added, would strengthen Bodenstad's case. Personal Hearing; Denied. A personal hearing was denied Berger and there was only brief dis cussion. Chairman Dallinger speaking for his resolution and Representative Mann urging that Berger be seated. Those voting to seat him were: Mann, Herreld. republican, Okla homa; Griffin, democrat. New York; Sherwood, democrat, Ohio; Sisson, democrat, Mississippi, and Voigt, re publican, .Wisconsin. Representative Sabath, democrat, voted present. Berger declared in a statement after the vote that the house action "was one of the worst attacks on rep resentative form of government ever witnessed in this country. "It is really a denial of the right of people to elect the citizen of their choice," he said. Representative Voigt, who was the only member to vote to seat Berger the first time, spoke in favor of seat ing him today. "I am more firmly convinced than ever," he said, "that Berger is entitled to a seat. If he is a traitor then there are 25,000 traitors in the fifth Wisconsin district." "There are," a score of members shouted. MILWAUKEE, Was.. Jan.- 10. The socialist committee. of the fifth Wis- (Concluded on Page 12. Column .) AGAIN U. S. ARMISTICE WITH GERMANY IS STILL ON STATE DEPARTMEXT SERVES XOTICE OX BERLIX. Amerfca's Agreement of Xov. 11, 191$, Unchanged by Pact Signed by Allies.- WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. Formal notice has been served on Germany by the United States In connection with the deposit at Paris today of ratifications putting into effect the treaty of Versailles, that conditions of the armistice still govern relations between the United States and Ger many. Announcement of this action was made tonight by the state department. Outlining the situation due to the fact that the United States had not ratified the treaty, it said: "It is the position of this govern ment that the armistice continues In full force and effect between the United States and Germany, and ac cordingly the provisions of the armis tice agreement of November 11, 1918, as well as the provisions of the ex tensions of that agreement, remain binding on these two nations. "Notice of this was given to the German government by the United States." The announcement showed that the deposit of ratifications and signing of the proces verbal -took place in Paris at 4:16 P. M.. and adds: "The moment at which the first proces verbal was completed marked the moment at which a status 'of peace was restored between Germany on the one hand and those of the allied and associated powers which have completed the necessary formal ities of ratification, of the treaty of Versailles on the other." CENSUS TO BE SPEEDY Few Enumerators Unable to Work and Reds Cause Xo Trouble. WASHINGTON.1 Jan. 10. Comple tion of the 1920 census In record breaking time was predicted tonight by Sam L. Rogers, director, who said that let than 100 of the 87.000 enum eration districts had reported inabil ity to start canvassing because of un favorable weather. Many reported hearty co-operation by the public. "The so-called "reds' have not given the census enumerators any diffi culty so far as the bureau is advised." ne saia. LAD ON STREET KILLED Boys Jump From Truck, Fire Shot at Pedestrian and Escape. LOS ANGELES. Cal.. Jan. 10. Juan Betacour, 13, was shot through the heart and killed today in the Vernon section here. According to witnesses, the Beta cour boy was walking along a street when a motor truck passed, from which two boys Jumped. One of them said, "there's one of the buncn now," and without further preliminary fired one shot. The two boys fled. They were not identified or apprehended. WEEK WILLBE RAINY Forecast Is Frequent Rains for Xorth Pacific Coast. WASHINGTON. Jan. 10. Weather predictions for the week beginning Monday are: Northern Rocky mountain and pla teau regions Frequent snows prob able, with temperatures below normal as a rule. Pacific states Frequent rains prob able over north portion and occasional rains over south portion; nearly nor mal temperatures. WAR LAW FOLLOWS RIOT Saragossa, Spain, Xow Under Con trol of Military. SARAGOSSA. Spain, Jan. 9. Mar tial law was proclaimed here today as the result of an attack this morning upon the artillery barracks by syn dicalists and soldiers. Thirteen of the 14 soldiers who took part in the raid have been ar rested and two of them, it is said, will be shot tomorrow. LEGISLATIVE RUSH BEG NST0M0RR0W Aim Is to Introduce Al Bills by Tuesday. CURB ON DALLYING SOUGHT Joint Caucus Proposed to Winnow Out Trivial Issues. FUND REQUESTS PILE UP Ratification of Suffrage Is Expect ed Fish and Game Mixup tt Get Attention. EXTRAORDINARY LEGISLAT IVE SESSION. Called by the governor to open tomorrow morning to con sider five matters. Will continue two or three weeks, unless majority of mem bers throw out all but essential measures. Organization of regular ses sion will be retained. Session will ratify woman suffrage amendment to federal constitution; will refer to the people an amendment restoring capital punishment; will refer enough measures to necessitate a special election In May. Main trouble expected over state fish and game commission legislation. The Oregon legislature will con vene in special session at Salem to morrow. Sentiment Is being developed to have all proposed bills Introduced not later than Tuesday. AU measures considered of first Importance already have been drafted and will be pre sented when the special session first assembles. This plan is calculated to give the members an idea of everything pro posed for consideration and will en able them to govern themselves ac cordingly and also determine the length of the session. Joint Cancan I'ropoaed. It is further suggested that a joint caucus of senate and house meet after all the measures have been presented and winnow out such bills as are not of sufficient importance to consume time. There will be objections raised to such a programme, naturally, but champions of the plan Insist that a member with a bill he believes meri torious should not be afraid of having it subjected to the acid test. Notwithstanding Governor Olcott gave his reasons for calling the spe cial session and Indicated the neces sity of action on several matters, many members are of the opinion that even the programme of legis lation suggested by the governor does not justify an extraordinary assem bling of the legislature and they are looking for some more potent motive which has not come to light. Coincident with the call of the gov ernor a crop of tentative legislation developed. This list of measures is increasing hourly and the bills are not, as a rule, having their origin with the lawmakers but with the people. Societies,, commissions, or ganizations and individuals are ask ing that advantage be taken of the special session to have some special statutes enacted. A mass of strictly local measures will be dumped into the bill hopper. Large Appropriations Asked. Already large sums of money are wanted and members of the ways and (Concluded on Pae 3, Column 1.)