to TTTE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTXATTO, JAXTJART 4, 1920. KEAL ESTATE. For SaleAcreage. THANK YOU for Just two minutes of your attention, forty acre. 40 minutes' out, on auto road, where" the land Is fertile and neighbors congenial; a farm you would be glad to show to your Uncle mhea he comes to visit you; it's a pay ing: one; has buildings of every neces sary kind; Is level, with plenty of good water; 1 call it Uie best r arming ais trict In the state; $175 per acre, and worth It, too; go with me to sc it; JH acres seeded to v. heat j 0 acres to clover. MR. CORBIN, COHJ A McKLANA A CO., Main 4512. 82 4th St. TTGARD BARGAIN. 8 acres, under high state of enrtlva- tlon; tiep, rich soil; elegant spring tipd to all bulldlng-a; fine iamlly or chard ; Dutch-Colonial house, with flue 4athroom and complete plumbing; house piped tor furnace. Heautiiuliy situated with a wonderful view, near the Pacific fcigliway, close to 1'orUand. This price, unheard of before, but owner must have quick action; only $12,500, $3000 cash find balance long time, KASEK A KAINET. S33-6 Gasco bldjg. Marshall S1S5, 10 MILES PROM PORTIAND COURT- EOUSK. 14 acres of good land, red shot soil: Seated close to paved road, on dirt road, H mile from electric deiot ; 12 acres under cultivation, 2 acres timber; n-eek, 2 acres cherries, 4 acres apples; some peaches; 67 room cottage, ml 11c house, store house, old barn. Price rHdOu, $1500 cash; personally inspected, 'hotoa at office John Ferguson, Uer linger bids. KTVH MILES COTJRTHOTJSEL OXB MTLH MULTNOMAH STATION. Ten acres, $2900; only $290 per acre; flie biggest snap near the city of a 10-acre tract; very rich soil, no waste at rough Und, just enough slope for good drainage; fenced on all sides; ever running spring creek ; only few blocks of paved Capital highway. KAS EH & liAI NET, Gbmco IU tig- MarsheM 815. AN IDEAL FLACK. A BAUGALN. acres, very highly lmjwoved, right t station of Oregon .Electric, near Tual atin; deep, rich soil, with some bottom land, good buildings, about an acre full bearing orchard, lots of berries. It you are looking for a place, don't fail to in ve-saigate at once. Cost the owner $6000; pries for Quick action only $420, terms. KASER A RAINEY. 823-6 Gasco ildg. Marshall 8128. ALL IN BEARING FRUIT. Two acres at the edge of the city, on rood macadamized road, this side of Buckley avenue, close to electric line; Spitzenberg and Winesap apples, cher ries, loganberries, raspberries, currants, gooseberries and rhubarb. Fruit trees in good shape. Price $1 675, with $575 cash. Personally Inspected. Photos at lfice. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg, GREAT PICK-UP FOR $1450. 1 1-8 acres. Pacific highway, near Os wego, over half in cultivation, rich land, beautiful oak grove, wonderful view of the river and mountains, very attractive surroundings; two or three more acres with It at same price if you want a larger place. This Is a very unusual bar gain, the kind you seldom find. KASER & EAINEY. P23-6 Gasco bidg. Marshall S125. . ACREAGE. Out at Oak Grove on Oregon City line we have a fine eight-room house and one acre of ground, house is five years old, cost over $3000 to build; nice bath end plumbing, hot-water tank and elec tric lights, metal water tank and tower, log cabin, woodshed, henhouse ; beautiful location ; some one is going to get one fine- buy here; price $3nM. WAKEFIELD. FRIES A CO.. fe5 Fourth Street. CHLOKKN RANCH. 7 acres. 1 hii miles east of Claclra xn,us; close to paved road; new 7-room "bungalow, semi-modern ; garage, well vith gas engine pump, 350-gallon tank, water in house and chicken lots, large fcrooder house, chicken house, large barn, lots of berries, borne fruit trees; $5500, very liberal terms. C. K. SCOTT REALTY CO. MAIN 3353. 51 7 -MO Chamber of Commerce bldg. acreage! We have 6 acres or lanrt on 724 St. fi. K., just outbide of city limits, all cleared and fenced, with some fruit, fine soil, land lies very nice; purchaser can build his own house and party will allow that fur first payment, balance on contract and mortgage at 7 per cent; price $30M. WAKEFIELD, FRIES A CO S5 Fourth Street. PRUNES. Ten acres bearing commercial orchard and In the best prune district in the northwest; price JM-i per acre. Also 10 acres ut $600 per acre; close to Van couver, Wash. MR. OORBIN. COB A. McKENXA & CO.. Main 4522. 82 4th St. fiuo ACRES, alfalfa ranch, located on R. R. at station, paying 10 per cent net on Hling price; your terms at 6 per cent Interest. 550 tons alfalfa hay for sale E. Oregon, $25,000 worth of city property to ex change for alfalfa or stock ranch. Address owner, N. E. Muffitt, Milwau kio. Or. TWO ACRES, improved with small or chard, good 5-room house, barn, chicken house, outbuildings, on improved county road, only few blocks beyond Multno mah Station; $4500. This is a dandy little home and must be seen to be ap preciated. For- particulars call at 404 Piatt Bldg.. 137 Park St. UO. 40, SO, 120 ACRES, near Eugene; splendid ' location for general farming, hogs, berries: some oak and fir timber can be sold for lumber or cordwood; $30 to $50 per acre, part cash ; graveled 'ounty roads to land; will show any time. Main 3072. S Ic F arland, 002 Yeon bldg. AT MEADOWBP.OOK on Greaham Elec tric, 4 , acres facing on Johnson creek, with private road to Powell-Valley road; , .nearly new 4-room house; some clear, rlenty firewood; $3000. Terms. Oregon nv. & Mtg. Co., 222 Chamber of Com merce bldg. 50H ACHES in southwestern Washington for sale to settlers only; easy terms, low price. $5 per acre and up. Liberty bonda accepted at par. Write fpr map showing location, terms, etc. WEYERHAUSER TIMBER COMPANY, Tacoma bldg., Tacoma, Wash. tACRES close to Gillis station, very best of poil, one-half cleared, balance fir and cedar; a snap for $1200, terms. Broad way it. mnf uregon biug. 4 ACRES, all cleared, at St. Louis sta tion, 011 Orepon Electric, $380. Inquire at G. J. Moisan, Gervais, Or- or phone Main flOfiS. i ACRES, Clackamas; excellent berry land; all in cultivation; 75 bearing fruit trees; $2100 if taken at once. Terms. 224 Oregon bldg,, 5th and Oak. ACRES at Ruby Junction. 2-room cot tBKe, one acre cleared, balance fir grove, $2150, terms. Broadway 1G5S. 201 Or- egon Ding. fcli OI Cfl close-in acreage;' sale or trade. Owner, phone Broadway 4G83. Fruit and Nut Lands. s'OR SAI.E A going commercial orchard, 40 acres of apples and pears, located In an approved district, fully equipped with buildings and necessary tools. This or chard Is scientifically carde for, free from disease and contains only the best varieties of apples and pears; trees from to 14 years old. Large creek, through the place. Flret-clat-a facilities for han dling and selling the fruit; price $50, 000. Inspection of this proparty can bs had by appointment with the owner. B 9, Oregon! an. SPLENDID MED FORD ORCHARD. Proceeds of 20 acres, about 1700 boxes, now in hands of shippers, will go to purchaser. Returns on what has been Isold show $1.83 to $3.33 not per box Owner away and must let it go. Price S854H). Take small unincumbered home In Portland as part of first payment. B. 8. COOK oOl Stock Exchange Bidg Homesteads, Relinquishments. B00.000.000 ACRES OF FREE LAND IX U. S. "The New Homeseeker," a 100 rage book describing millions of acres of vacant public homesteads, timber, mines and grazing lands. Contains town ship plats and illustrations; founded on historical facts; does not mislead. Read official" warnings, ELIMINATES CROOK ED LAND AGENTS. Tells whereabouts of government land In Ari zona, New Mexico. Nevada, California. Idaho, Oregon. Montana, Washington, Vtau and Old Mexico. Describes water mi and climatic condition, all th. principal U. S. land laws. A marvelous puDiication, just on me press. Mailed anywhere, $2. Address "Til hi HOME SEEKER," Dept. 3, Hd floor Grant bldg., Los Angeles. Cal. O. & C, RELINQUISHMENT. $200 buys this splendid 40-acro tract, 80 of which are nearly level, fine black soil, 2 miles from Wilhoit, 4 miles to 6cotts Mills, about 400,000 feet of tim ber. Iet tliis sink in. Fred W. German Co., '732 Chamber of Commerce. Open Sundays, $J0-ACHB claim in Montana, near town; about tillable; sell, or trada for auto, J 22 Oregonian REAL ESTATE. hor Sale -Farms, FARMS, FRUIT AND TIMBER. acres of strlctlv first-class land. all cleared and mostly In crops; a good xamuy orcnara; very fair Improvements; 2 wells, good spring, with heavy team and farm machinery; you can move right on; $1 2,000, one-half cash, balance five years at 0 per cent 120 acres, mostily in cultivation, some hops, family orchard, good improve ments, firat-clasa gray soil ; $200 per acre, one-half cash, balance five years o per cent. ISO-acra f)irv fa rm tnnrinni hOOBO. barn and chicken house; good water system, good family orchard; 12 milch cows, 2 heifers. 1 bull. 1 bull calf. 3 horses. 1 colt, 8 hogs, 1 boar, 150 chick ens, farm machinery. Farm fenced and urosa-zencea, wire; $17,500, sil.OOO casn, balance six years at 6 per cent. 34 acres, all in cultivation, partly In city limits of good college town; good 0-1 uojij no use. ana Darn; tnis is a uu-i-gain; $8000. $4500 cash, balance to run at 7 per cent. 40 acres, mostly In cultivation, good Improvements, good orchard; close in on goon road, $11,000. 820 acres, llo in cultivation. 100 In valuable timber, balance pasture: close to Pacific highway. For a quick sale $40 per acre. It' a a real bargain, 160 acres, 85 In cultivation. 80 In valuable timber, balance pasture; fair improvements; you can move right in; $tiO per acre, liberal terms. 59 acres timber. H miles from Salem. $5000, one-half cash, balance at 6 per con l, j on g 1 1 me. 87 acres, 17 acres prunes. 12 cleared. 8 pasture; no improvements. g22a per acre. $5000 caab balance ft years at 6 per cent. 240 acres. 80 bearing prunes. 10 cher ries and apples, 16 loganberries, 80 val uable, timber; 125 under cultivation, bal ance rough; good Improvements and dryer; $150 per acre. 16 acres, with small buildings: set to strawberries, logane and filberts; near Falem, In a thickly settled community; for $200 per acre; must sell soon. The above properties are all good buys; we sell small tracts of fruit land on the installment plan. Write and tell us what you want. Established since ltHO, JOHN H. SCOTT REALTY COL, 228 Oregon Bldg. Salem. Oregon. VALLEY FARMS, anee pasture and timber; rolHng land, creek, springs 5-room house, barn, out building; 10 miles Portland, 1 mile paved highway, railway station 1 miles, 24 miles Sherwood; price $5500; half cash. 80 acres, 85 acres In cultivation., bal This is an exceptionally good buy 50 minutes out of Portland. 81 acres choice land. 50 acres culti vated, balance timber; running water, fruit; 8-room house, barn, outbuildings; near good R. R, town; price $125 per acre; terms. 35 acres rood land, 25 acres culti vated ; small house, near good R. R. town. mile to store, school, garage, hall; $3500, terms. A snap. 46 acres. 25 acres cultivated, balance timber, running water; 8-room good house, harm outbuildings; a choice home; $0500, terms. 232 acres. 145 acres In crop, balance timber and pasture, running1 water ; house, barn, outbuildings ; wire fences, extra good land; near North Yamhill, Or., price $75 per acre, good terms. You cannot beat this. R. M. 6ATBWOOD Sc CO., 165 4th St. ONE-HALF MILE FROM STATION. 29 and a fraction acres, located eight miles from Vancouver, Wash. 20 acres under cultivation, balance in pasture; good soil, no gravel or rock, bearing or chard, 5-room cottage, barn 50x60, silo nearly full of ensilage, other buildings; county road and all rural conveniences; price $6500, with good matched team, 1 cow, 1 heifer coming fresh, 3 yearlings, 100 chickens, wagon, mower, 2 cultiva tors, plow, harness, cream separator, harrow, spring tooth, gas engine and feed; $3500 cash, or will consider cot tage or bungalow up to $2500, clear, and some cash. Personally inspected, ghoto at office. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerllnger Bldg. DAIRY AND WHEAT FARM. T am authorized to sell this highly-improved 320-acre farm, near Portland, good house, large dairy barn, water system, about 160 acres cultivated, 100 acres in fall wheat, close to school and only 25 miles from Portland, on fine road, price $30,000; $1Q.000 cash, balance to suit. Will sell personal property If wanted. H. A. DRYER, ."The Acreage Man. 608-8 Lewis Bldg. CREEK BOTTOM LAND. 1 20 acres, located on good graveled road, 2 miles from town, Douglas coun ty, Oregon; 90 acres can be cultivated. 50 acres under cultivation, 40 acres has a paid-up perpetual water right, 40 acres pasture, good fences, orchard of assorted fruits, new 5-room log bunga low, with plumbing, 28x32, barn 80x00, machine shed and other buildings; one mile to school; price $71 per acre, with 12 cows, some young stock, team, large and complete line of machinery, cream separator and feed. Personally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg., Portland. Or. . FOR 6ALE Farm 58 acres, by owner, 4 1-6 miles west of Portland, Or., on Barnes road, starting at the head of Washington st.; 45 acres In high state of cultivation, beJance slashed and burned, on rock county road, good drilled well with leader water system, concrete well house and new garage, small house, fair-sized barn. 2 prune dryers, granary and henhouse, 4 acres bearing prunes. 2 hk acres of assorted orchard apples, pears. Lambert cherries, English walnuts; orchard In fine shape; place lies level and good soil; price $400 per acre, $18,000 cash, balance time or might consider larger well Improved farm near a good town in exchange. Phone Main 9338. Fred Durig. R. F. D. No. 2, Portland Oregon. Box 52. 07 ACRES $6500. In Tualatin valley, 12 miles to Port land, on rock road; in the fine farming section of the valley; 5-room house, large barn, all fenced, 2 wells, 12 acres under cultivation, orchard and berries. About CO acres of old fir timber which will make enough cordwood to pay for place. This place is In the English walnut dis trict and land suitable for walnuts. Place owned by non-resident and wants to make a quick sale; he will accept $1000 cash and give good time on balance at 6 per cent. J, R. Bhreck. 502 Spalding bldg. Main 881. ON COLUMBIA HIGHWAY. 4T acres, located between Mosler and The Dalies; 15 acres of river bottom land, silt soil; 25 acres can be culti vated, 8 acres under cultivation ; boat landing on place. The new highway through place. Some timber. Price $1050 for all cash. Or will sell for small pay ment down at $1400 and terms on bal ance. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bid. HOP YARD. 83 acres, level land; 18 acres hops, T years; 2a acres more cleared; 40 acres pasture, running water; no buildings; mile to railway town, 20 miles to Port land, paved road; price $150 per acre, $12,525; $3500 cash balance 3 to 5 years, 6 per cent; will take good city property up to $5000 as part payment. R. M. GATE WOOD A CO., 165 4th St. GRESHAM 30 ACRES. $6000. EASY TERMS. 80 acre of dae p, rich, l oam soil on main auto road. East of Portland, close to electric station, school and stores; 5 room, plastered house, new dairy barn, family orchard, creek In pasture. A pick up at $6000. CLEVELAND-HENDERSON CO.. 212 Hallway Exch. bldg. Main 6752. FOR SALE 240 acres Polk county; good improvements; water piped to buildings; on mail and cream route; telephone in house; woven-wire fences; about 18 acres bearing prunea Jmmedlate possession. One-third crop goes with place. This Is a fine farm and, if not sold this month, will be taken off market. No trades. AO 68, Oregonlan. A GOOD FARM 232 acres. 145 acres in cultivation, al. timber and pasture, running water, house barn, outbuildings; woven-wire fence. ' mile school 8 miles crood vallev town, 40 miles Portland; price $75 per acre , nuuu innun. R.M- GATEWOOD A CO, 165 4thet. 80 ACRES, 5 miles of Buxton. Or.; 12 acres under cultivation, 60 acres tillable when cleared; 1 million feet of saw tim ber; good 7-room house, good barn, fam ily orchard; crops and farm tools go with place at $3000, half cash, balance at 8 per cent. J. R. SHRECK, 502 Spalding Bldg. FARMS FOR SALE. We are advertising some unusual prop osition in farm values in today's issue of this paper. Something which will in terest the keen investor For full par ticulars see the "NEW TODAY" column, McCRlLLIB-CI.EA VELAND CO., 40 ACRES rich soil, partly cleared, near city, abundant water. Price $204)0, pay ments like rent. Owner Main 6479. FRISTS FARM lists. San Joaquin valley farms. Paul Roesisr. Stockton, Cat REAL ESTATE. I-'or Sale Farms. YAMHILL COUNTY BARGAINS. 12 acres, all In cultivation; new 5-rra. house, barn, family orchard, on graveled road, all level and good land; 2 miles of good town, close to school, fine open country; price $l00t $000 cash. 8 ACRES, all In cultivation, en good road, 5-room house, in 900a shape; new barn, family orchard, all fenced with woven wir; close to school, 2 miles from McMtnnviile; price $2500, terms, t ACRES. 8 In cultivation, new hnn barn; family orchard, running water, 1 acre timber: aciod 5-room hnusa. nut. buildings; all kinds of berries; a snap. 80 ACRES. V, mile- of rxtTrnA ataHnn 35 acres in cultivation, 1 acres fam ily orchard, assorted fruits; house in fair s-hape, good barn; balance of land not in cultivation is growing timber, some piling; price $4500. $2500 cash, bal ance terms. See this and you will ouy n. 160 ACRES, 7 miles of good town; between 35 and 40 acres in cultivation, fair house, two fair barns, runninr wa ter: 2 miles of station- excellent stock or aairy rancn; water piped to the house, young orchard; 80 acres can be culti vated when cleared; a real good buy for $6500, terms. 68 ACRES, all good black loam soil, good road, close to school. 4 miles from town, fine open country ; R. F. D. and telephone; six-room house; orchard, all fenced with woven wire. No. 1 piece of land; price $135 per acre. 60 ACRES, good new dairy barn, or chard; 6-room house, elect rio lights in house and barn; adjoins town, on good graveled road, close to school ; No. 1 piece of land, all In cultivation, 28 acres Jn crop; with this place goes farming tools, silo full of ensilage, hay. some cat; a snap, $10,000, terms. J. C GILBERT. L O. C F. Bldg., McMinnvllle, Oregon. FOR SALE. 80 acres of land about 80 acres cleared and partly fenced and in grass. Has good 4-room bungalow, with shop and large woodshed attached ; also bearing apple orchard about 500 strawberry vines in bearing; also blackberry and logan and raspberries enough for family use, also 6 stands of bees. There are also 1 high-bred Jersey cow, two heifers coining fresh in spring; also 1 yearling heifer calf.' all good stock. It is located on good road and on survey for highway, 7 miles from R. R. station; 8 miles from town, two miles from P. O. : 24 from good school and can have telephone connection if de sired. T be owner, an elderly man. havin g recently lost his wife, desires to quit farming; $2000 takes the whole works. For further Information address L. B. Edwards, Minerva, Lane County, Oregon. GOOD STOCK AND GRAIN. RANCH. 4O0 acres of deeded land, lota of out side range; 260 acres cultivated, balance in pasture; some timber. Place watered by 11 springs and creek; 160 acres seed ad to wheat this fall ; good house and outbuildings; 12 miles from town. With place goes 12 head horses, 85 head cattle, 16 pure bred P. C. breed sows, about 50 tons alfalia and about 10 tons timothy; all machinery for working a place of this kind. All seed on hand for spring plant ing; also truck and 5-passenger car and some furniture in house. Price $40,000 ; Incumbrance $1 1.000, due in 5 years, at 6i per cent; $9000 cash and a second for balance. Might consider some trade. D 894, Oregonlan. 126-AORiI well-Improved farm," 75 acres unoer cultivation; 1 miles from station on hstacad& line, about 18 miles from heart of Portland; 30 acres in bearing apples, 20 acres of fine timber; all culti vated land in fine condition, orchard In best of condition and soil first class; -land smooth with gentle slope except that part that goes down to deep creek in the timber; fair old houpo and barn, both in good condition. This is a first class, well-kept farm; price $16,000, cash and terms to suit. Might consider some good city property in exchange for part of purchase price. J. R. SHRECK. 602 Spalding- Bldg, STOCK I ArfCH. 1800 acres, 500 acre in cultivation and irrigated; planted In alfalfa, timothy and clover; 50O acres under irrigating ditch and easily cleared, balance timber and pasture. 100 registered shorthorn cattle, 90 be ing cows and heifers; 800 highly bred grades, 250 being cows and heifers; 40 Perc heron grade horses, complete ranch equipment. For detailed description, price and terms address C. W. Gather, Board of Trade bldg., Portland, Or. THREE MILES FROM NEWBBRG. I Here Is a well-equipped place on good auto road, an hour's drive from Port land; 32 acres, nearly all in cultivation, extra line soil ; 2 acres orchard, good buildings, 4 registered Jerseys, 8 horses, 1 brood sow, about 60 chickens, all farm Implements ; price $10,500; cash re quired. Personally inspected. Photo at office of JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. A CHOICE HOME. 62 acres in famous Tualatin valley, main road runs through farm; ten miles from courthouse, Portland ; 23 acres In cultivation, balance in pasture and tim ber ; running water. 6-room bungalow, large barn, outbuildings, windmill ; fruit and berries; price $1250 per acre, $15,625. Will take Portland property for part payment and make good terma R, M. GATEWOOD A CO 165 4th st. 18 ACRES, 10 minutes' walk on hard. ievei roaa irom store, grange, sr. u., railroad ; trout stream, pig and chicken pens, buildings, about 6 acres cleared, except for a few stumps. Part of this is finest kind of onion land, balance red shot, no stones or rocks; work near by. Best bee country on coast. 29 miles from Portland, 8 miles from paved high way; $1800, half down, balance to suit. A. J. Starke, owner, Yacolt, Wash, FOR SALE One of the best improved 40-aore ranchea in Tehama Co.. Cal., on state highway, at $18,500; a bargain. This land will sell for $1000 per acre In a few years; 15 acres In bearing almonds. 5 acres in prunes, 10 acres alfalfa, bal ance grain; ideal, healthy location, fine neighborhood, all white people. Write box 824, Proberta, Tehama Co., Cal. CLOSE-IN DAIRY. PRICK ONLY $7000. Dandy small dairy, close in, en fine auto road, close to 8-cent ear fare; 4 room modern house, oement milk house, good barn, etc. This is the cheapest place around Portland R 10 LIABLE INVESTMENT CO, 805 Oak St. Broadway 4188, CLOSE-IN FARM. 88 acres choice level land, 84 acres rn cultivation, four acres pasture, six-room house and barn, outbuildings in good condition, fruit, berries, grapes, en ele gant home; 12 miles Portland, good road; price $&H0, half cash, balance long time at 6 pr cent. R. M. GATEWOOD & CO 365 4th St. 08 ACRES near Oregon City: a very fine going farm, equipped complete to begin earning big money right from the start. A big new dairy barn. All level end In cultivation; farm implements, carload of milk cows, hay, grain, everything goes for $200 an acre. NORD HAMPTON CO., 401 Stock Exoh. bldg. Main w4 105-ACRE Improved farm, 6-room honse, large barn, new silo, hog house, chicken house, fenced . and cross-fenced with woven wire; R. F. D. and telephone; Si mile to school, 8 miles to Jefferson family orchard ; Ideal stock end fruit ranch; $H500, terma For partlculara ad dress owner, George Feickert, R, SL Jef ferson, Or. 212-ACRE dairy and stock ranch, mostly bottom land, running streams; 60 acres under cultivation; fair building, tele phono, mail and cream route, school and church near, 20 cows and heifers, furni ture and "farm implements; $10,000 if buyer wishes half down, bal, easy terma AV 992, Oregonlan. 80 ACRES, 3 milee of Forest Grove, Or.' spring water, on county road; old house and barn, some clearing, a lot of good timber; price $25O0 $500 cash, balance on good time at 6 per cent. J. R. SHRECK. 502 Spalding Bldg. FOR RENT or sale nine acres, about five acres in fruit and berries, balance good gardening ground; good house, barn and outbuildings; mile front city limits. For particulars call owner, Bel. 2872. SO-AC RE ranch, 10 acres In alfalfa, 10 acres under cultivation, 10 acres in pas ture ; 8-room house, barn, ete. Price $4500 if taken at once. Thomas A. War- dock, real emm-o, aennawicK, wash 10 ACRES good orchard, house, all out buildings. Bull Run water; located Just south of Lents. E. Thomas Allen. CHICKEN. FRUIT, GARDEN RANCHES, near Portland, $75 to $200 per acre, easy terms; best soil. Farms for sale, ail sizes. McFarland. 602 Yeon bldg. 10-ACRJC fruit ranch near Spokane. Wash, good soil; 4 acres strawberries, 6 In or chard; house, barn and well. Call or address 436 Rodney ave., Portland, Or. SOUTHERN IDAHO IRRIGATED FARMS Government project ; cheap water; deep soil: no aJkali. Martin A Son, Rupert. Idaho. - LOGO ED -OFF lands, $10 sere up; running water, good soil, tillable; employment; easy terms. J. R. Sharpe. 83 3d st. FARMS Ten to five hundred acres, sale or trade. Write us your wants. The tie nor al Agency, Moaunnvtlle oa BEAL ESTATE. Far Kale Faring, PACIFIC AGENCY, INC.. 014-Cia S WETLAND BUILDING. MARSHALL S96Q. FRUIT RANCH 27-L $ 22,000 Here Is a money maker for the right party: 22 acres adjoin ing city limits of good valley town, 18 acres in fruit, large part yellow New tons, balance Spitzenbergs and Baldwins, 12 acres in full bearing; large 8 room modern residence, elec tric lights, and apple houses, with 70O0 box capacity, first -class orchard equipment; income last year was $ooo0. Will exchange for rentable farm property to the value of $10,000. Must be located be tween Portland and Eugene, In the valley, GENERAL FARM 9-7. $ 22.000 326 acres, located In central part of Benton county, 176 acres of bottom land in culti vation, balance is rolling in pasture and fine oak timber, good family orchard, fair 7 room house, large barn, gran ary, etc. ; this is one of the best farms in Benton county. . the best of land, well watered. On good county road and only one mile from town. Good terms given on this. ALBERTA FARM 19-4. $ 54.OOO 640 acres In Coronation dis trict, 480 acres In cultivation, balance pasture and hay; level, no atone or brush; 12 miles to town, school 1 mile, postoffice 8 miles; good build ings, all painted, five-room house, cement foundation, good barn, machine shed, granaries, garage, etc.; lota of water, lots of hay and water ad joining, subject to lease. This farm has raised 42 bushels of wheat and 100 bushels of oats and pays 20 per cent on in vestment. Will exchange for nice, modern furnished home In town with garden and fruit, up to $12,000. Must be clear and at cash valuation. DAIRY FARM 48-2. $ 25,000 320 acres, about 10 miles from Dallas, Or., 1 mile from good grade and high school, rural dally mall and telephone;' rock macadam road runs through farm, making It ac cessible the year around; about 125 acres in cultivation, balance slashed pasture, liv ing springs supply plenty of water. The land is fine for prunes or berries; fair 8 room house, large bam. wood shed, granary, etc. Located In a fine neighborhood. Terms. WHEAT RANCH 12-8, $ 26,000 A fine wheat ranch consisting of 320 acres, 1 miles from Goldendale.- Wash.. 240 acres under plow, SO acres of alfalfa, balance good pasture ; 7 -room house, large barn, good drilled well, windmill and gas engine, hog house and shed, good bear ing family orchard. Good terms. DAIRY FARM 20-4. $ 26,000 260 acres, 4 miles from rail road and normal school; ISO acres In cultivation, balance in pasture and timber. 2 sets of good buildings and 3 barns; an ideal dairy furm. Will exchange for small farm near Portland with good improvements up to $10,000. GENERAL FARM 21-14. $ 6,500 210 acres near Jefferson, 120 acres uhder cultivation. 70 acres pasture and 20- acres scattering timber. New. modern. 10-room house, barn 40x70, garage, poul try house, blacksmith shop, granary, etc Water piped to buildings; family orchard. -Full set of farm implements. STOCK OR BERRY RANCH 23-20, $ 80. OOO 40 acres about 80 'miles from Portland. 60 acres cleared, bal ance open pasture and timber. One bouse cos originally $7O00, modern furnace and plumbing, another cost $2000; modern, one tenant house, first-class barn. A dandy stock ranch. Terma GENERAL FARM 10-tt. $ 8.000 332 acres, a little over 20 miles from Portland, about 100 acres In high state of cultivation. One corner of this place Is In ths Sandy river. Modern 7-room house, concrete cellar. 10x12 garage, workshop, modern barn, 36x60. equipped with 82 steel stanchions, another barn, 40x60, milk house, implements shed, 20x44. granary with over head binsv equipped with line Shaft. All buildings electric lighted. Land is a sandy loam and cannot be excelled. Land adjoining this set to berries netted from $500 to $1000 this year. Good terms. GENERAL FARM 4-35. $ S9.70O 397 acres, right In the heart of the valley; 235 acres In cul tivation, some beaverdam land, all slopes to northwest. Good 10-room house, fair bam and good outbuildings. electric lights, pressure tank, house is all plumbed. This is an A! farm, GENERAL FARM 14-4. $ 4S.00O 247 aerea short distance from McMinnvllle: 200 acres tillable. 46 in pasture and timber. 90 acres of very rich creek bottom soil, good family orchard, two fair sets of buildings, fine spring, water piped to house and barn. This Is certainly a dandy place and must be seen to be appreciated. Fine terms with small amount down, or might trade for good Income property. CHOICE FARM 26-4. $ 45,500 TOO acres, short distance from CreswelL Or. 80O acres in cul tivation, but more can be used, most all . river bottom land and considerable of It la seeded to clover. 2 good sets of buildings, all kinds of good outbuildings, all fenced and cross-fenced, running water in the pasture. 19 aerea of prunes, prune drier, etc. The gross Income from this place last year was $10,000, and will be more this year. Good terms to the right party. DAIRY OR STOCK RANCH 1S-4. $ 47.8715 IS 9 acres. 150 aerea In culti vation, balance stumps and timber; 1 miles from good valley town, close to paved highways Large new, mod ern nine-room bungalow, with full basement, barn 60x70, granary and machine shed, tower water system, good 120 ton silo, another house 18x24. one and one-half stories, good family orchard. All good land and well located. Fully stocked and equipped. Good terms GENERAL FARM 19-18. $12T,60O 68T acres, located In Willam ette valley, about 35 miles from Portland; under cultivation; no gravel or rocks: about river bottomi; one 2-story house, 12 rooms, modern ; granary with driveway with capacity of 32.000 bushels; 1 house 1 story with 7 rooms. 1 house 1-story with 10 rooms; cattle feed barn, herse barn, another granary of 12.000 bushels ca pacity, former house 4-storv, tank holds 2500 gallons of water; hog house, two-etory workshop, carriage shed; feed shed and sheep shed. Com pletely stocked and equipped, consisting of tractor and plows. IO horses. T cows, 140 sheep. SO goats. 80 hogs, etc Good terms. STOCK RANCH $ 65, OOO "76 acres In Lane eonntrt 400 acres In cultivation: 475 acres In woods and pasture, being 160 ef second-growth fir timber suit able for tie timber. Small fam ily orchard; 8-room new modern house. 2 barns and all necessary outbuildings; all of place In fenced and cross-fenced; rural mail route; 1 miles from school; 8 miles from station. This Is a splendid stock ranch and a very sightly place. Good macadam read. Will exchange for income property. PACTFTC A fTENCT, TNC. 814-619 SWBTLAND BLDGs, Mar. 8980. BEAL ESTATE!. For Sale THOROUGHBRED STOCK FARM. S20 aches, situated 12 miles from Van couver. 4 miles from railroad station, between 80 and luO acres under high state of cultivation, balance pasture; all fenced and cross-fenced. principally woven wire; living water in pasture and fine pressure water system, at buildings; improvements consist of fine b-roora modern bungalow. modern plumbing, fireplace, f uruace ; full concrete base meut; would cost $10,000 to build today. Fine large barn, with milking sheds, steel stanchions, manure carrier, etc NEWBERG. OREGON. FARM. Here Is one of the most wonderful farms I have ever had the opportunity of offering for sale. It is owned by a ldy who can't look after it. so she has decided to sell it at once. This won't last long, don't delay. See It at once. lttt aerea, 4U under plow. It borders on the Willamette river, has a magnificent view, has a strictly modern 10-room house with 2 massive fireplaces, 2 toi lets. 2 hatha sun room, full basement, with furnace; all fenced with woven wire. 2 barns, silo, garage and tool house. Personal property: Carpenter tools, blacksmith tools. 8 wagons, buggy, cart, clipping machine, gas engine, cutter, grinder, cultivator, harrow, disc, 4 plows, mower, hay rake, tedder, hand culti vator, potato digger, power sprayer, hand sprayer, corn cutter. 1 roller, wood saw outfit, all small tools, pipe fitting tools, lawn mower. canning outfit, cream separator, 20 goats. 3 horses, 7 cows, 2 heifer calves. IOO chickens. 8 stands beea Just think, everything goes, also 10 tons hay. 1O0 bushels wheat, 100 bushetts oats, all for $16,000. Only $5u00 cash. The personal property alone is worth that. Don't fail to see this. Where can you beat it 7 A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE & CO., 201-8-5-7 Board of Trade bids;. WILLAMETTE VALLEY FARM NEAR HALS BY, OREGON. Here Is a fine farm and the owners of this place cannot look after it owing to the fact that they have business else where. 183 acres, all nearly level; 100 acres under plow, some tim ber, family orchard, berries. eTc. ; good soil, all fenced with woven and barb wire; 8 miles from railroad. mile 'to school, R. F. D. and telephone. Well watered with river and epringa Does not overfflow. Al graveled road, good well, good ti-room house, bam 54x64, silo 32x10. hog house, cream sepa rator, gasoline pump, aome grain on El ace and in barn; 12 cowi and stock ogs. Price for all is $16,600, $7500 cash, balance easy. This is a bargain. See it at once. Don't overlook our bar bargains. W have some 5O0 farms. A. G. BENDER, RITTER. LOWE 4k CO tOl-Jl-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. , FINE CLARKE CO., WASH FARM. 112 acres, 110 under plow, all nearly level: 2 acres timber; all fenced with woven and barb wire; family orchard and berries; 14 acres bearing prunes; all Al loam soil ; 2 miles from R. K. ; R, F. D. and telephone; 18 miles from Portland. Al road and well watered; 8 room plastered house, good condition, new silo, granary, dairy house, prune dryer, hog ' house, chicken house, milk house. Price $18,000. This is an Al farm and is bard to beat. It must be sold to settle an estate. See It and be convinced. We have many bargains. Come in and see us before buying. We can save you money. A. G. Bender. RITTER. LOWE or CO., 201-3-5-7 Board of Trade bldg. One of the finest cattle propositions In the west; see it and substantiate iny statement; 920 acres, nearly all level; 340 acres alfalfa. Irrigated ; 250 acres scatter ing timber; unlimited outrange, govern ment reserve leased for 300 head cattle goes; Al soil; 1 section fenced with 9 bar woven-wire fence, balance 3-wire; R. F. D. and telephone; 4 miles from rail road and good town of $1Q,000; gravel road; concrete reservoir and pond; good 5-room house, tool shed, cattle shed, bunk house. Personal property: 400 head cattle, consisting of 120 cows between 4 and 6 years old. 40 3-year-old heifers. 60 2-year-old heifers. 140 yearling helfra and steers. 8 mules, 10 horses. 1 regis tered Percheron stallion. Price for all, $87,500, some terms. A. G. BENDER, RITTER, LOWE & CO-201-8-5-7 Board ot Trade bldg. UP-TO-DATE EQUIPPED FARM. 140 acres. 80 acres under plow, 20 acres oak and ash timber: all lies almost level ; family orchard and all kinds ot berries; soil Al black loam, 4 ft. deep; all fenced with woven wire and boards; 1 miles from R. R.. school, etc; south of Albany: R. F. D., telephone, creek, good gravel road; right on Pacific high way, now being paved; 2 wells, good 8 roora house. 2 barns, 60x36 and 18x54; hog and chicken house. Personal prop erty: Drill, binder, harrow, disc, wagons, cultivators, mower, hay rake, sulky plow, cider mill, cream separator, all small tools, household goods, piano. dining room table and chairs, rockers, library table, couch, bed a dressers, range, heat er, linoleum, rugs, fruit jars and dishes; 80 Cotswold sheep. 8 owa, 4 horses, 2 sows. oO chickens, $1200 worth of wheat, oats and hay; 3 acres corn, potatoes and garden ; winter wood cut. Just think, all for $18,900; $SOO0 or so cash, baL easy. A. G. BENTER. RITTER. LOWS A CO 01-3-6-7 Board of Trade bids;. STOCK RANCH SNAP. Owner "is old man In poor health, must sell at once his fine stock ranch of 324 acres, located in Lane county, Or., only 5 miles from the railroad and on main county road, with 70 acres in cultivation, 175 acres fine saw timber, balance of land in pasture ; no rock, gravel or white land; all tillable and lies slightly rolling; family orchard; 5 room house, barn 40x60, other buildings; fine creek and several springs. This la your chance to get in right, as owner Is almost giving it away. His price is onlv $26.50 per acre. The timber is access ible and Is worth more than we are asking for the place. $5000 will handle, balance on easy terms. JOHN B. HOWARD, SI 8 Chamber of Commerces OWNER IS PREPARING PART OF THIS RANCH FOR HOPS, LOGAN BERRIES AND PRUNES. 100 acres very rich bottom land, all tiled, was in hope for 20 years, 50 acres more in cultivation; good soil, balance open pasture' and timber. About all till able, when cleared; woven wire fences; fine creek, two springs and well. Good barn. house, new chicken and hog houses. Orchard and berries. On gravel road near town, S. W. of Portland. Can make arrangements to Irrigate the ber ries; 231 acres. Price $80 an acre. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN CO T Chamber of Commerce Bldg. DAIRY. HOG AND SHEEP RANCH. 6 miles from Gaston. Is 108, serfs of fine land with good buildings, complete ly equipped, for only $7000; 50 acres in cultivation and very productive; nearly all tillable; living spring; 100 bearing prune trees; also family orchard; good house, spJendid barn and silo with water piped. Price Includes 3 horses. 1 cow. 80 chickens, 4 hogs; lots of hay and oats, and complete line of farm machin ery ; only cash required. Personally Inspected by Mr. Marstars. John Fer guson, Gerlinger bldg. 16 ACRES improved farm on the Oregon Electric R. R., mile from station ; all rich, black loam cultivated land, bearing orchard, good 6-room bungalow, barn and outbuildings, on the country road 26 miles from Portland. Price. In eluding form tools, $3500; $160O cash. Ralph Ackloy Land Co. 6 XT Corbett bldg. CLOSE TO PORTLAND. 24 aerea, located mile from boat landing, near La Center, Wash., Clarke county. Graveled road, mile to school, good loganberry land, 15 aerea under cultivation, 6 acres pasture, creek and well, boutfe, barn, small orchard, fencing. Price $300O, terms on $1300 for long time. Personally Inspected. This is only one hour's drive from Portland. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. , HIGHLY improved 20-acre farm, just a nice drive out; 6-room house, bathroom, well and gasoline pump, new garage, large frame barn. 4 acres Englisri wal nuts, with apple fillers; about 8 aeres young prunes, 10 acres best of . prune soil, ready for planting. Owner must retire from hard work and will sell for $7500, terms. WHITE & CO -Bast ef tb Depot, Newberg. or. 60 ACRES, ONLY $860! AH stocked and equipped with 16 head of stock, team, wagons and farming-implements, hogs, chickens, etc; only 7 m 1 1 eo from city limits. $300 aasa re quired. LUEDDEMANN COMPANY, 913 Chamber of Commerce. 22 ACRES fine bottom land. Ilea level, lota of good wood, 1 mile from Barlow; $100 per acre, or would trade for small place near Portland. NORD HAMPTON CO., Main 8245. 401 Stock E-xchange. FOR SALE by owner, 200 acres In Dee ehutee county, near Bend. Or., small house and barn, good water right for 25 acres; some cleared. Write A, C. Moore, 900 Bridge st Th Dalles Q KEAL ESTATst: For Hale -Farm. HERE ARE A FEW. WORTH WHILE. 6 00 -acre stock ranch, near Condon. Or.. 175 acres in cultivation, has the ordinary ranch buildings, has good epring water, fenced with two and three wires, in fact about 10o0 acres are under fence; this place is ex ceptionally good with water plenty for all stock; what have you got to trade for this either lu farm land in the Willamette valley or income property in town ; the price of this place is $15 per acre, with $1500 state money against it Prunes, an excellent pUtce. 6 miles out off Newberg, 24 acres in orchard, partly 14-year-old and iartly 7 y ear-old; all the rest of the 63 acres is in cultivation except about 4 acres; has a good nearly new 6 tunnel dryer, a 8-room house for pickers, equipped with stoves and cooking utensils, a water system, with pump and elevated tank fur nishing water for dryer, house end barn, 6-room house, good barn, granary, machine shed and chicken house; place Is equipped with every thing Including 8 horse, a cow, a heifer, 6 sheep, grain, hay and all necessary tools, wagon, etc ; this place fully equipped with all except household goods is $25,OO0. part cash and balance on time at 6 per cent. A small prune orchard of 86 aeres 2 miles from New berg, on the west side highway, also west side electric R. R.. has good build ings with pressure tank water sys tem, 7 acres of this place are In 6-year-old prunes, about 12 or 15 acres more is in cultivation, has a garage, barn and chicken house with runway, is 4eas than A mile from a good high school and only 27 miles out of Portland ; price $30O per acre, part cash and part time if desired. A ranch for a young' man or for any man who wants to get started in this one. 153 acres about 2 miles from R, R. and 4. miles from county seat of Polk county, 65 acres are plow land. 88 acres are pasture, part of which is scrub oak timber, estimated at 2500 cords which is worth $2 per cord net; there is a jrood barn on the place but the house is not in good repair; It Is nearly all fenced with woven wire fence, and ready to turn some goats Into, This place can be bought for $55 per acre with $15o down, SEE J. A, M ILLS, or write him at 204 Corbett bids-. RIVER BOTTOM LAND. 161 acres of fine river bottom soil, 60 acres under cultivation, bal ance timber and pasture; 7-room house with water system, large barn with silo; also other build ingli. Located on main county read 4 miles from Corvallis. on the Willamette river, near school. Personal property as follows: 25 cows, 1 registered bull. 3 horses, 8 sows, 2 dozen chickens. 2 wag ons, harrow, disc, 3 plows, mower and rake, 35 tons of hay, 20, tons of straw. 700 bushels of oats, po tatoes, 75 tons of silage, 20 acres seeded to oats and vetch. Price, complete, $20,000. Will take $10. 0OO cash, balance 5 per cent, long time H. A. DRYER, "The Acreage Man. 508-8 Lewis Bldg. IF YOU want a good dairy or truck farm of 180 acres, 13 miles from the center of Portland on gravel road, some timber, fair orchard, near school iu good com- munity; this must be Fold at once to settle estate. We are making a sacrifice of this place; $5000 will get Immediate possession; balance at 1 on long time payment. 640-acrs wheat ranch la a wheat coun try 3 miles of a good town, all in cul tivation, can use tractor on all place ; fair house, barn for 20 head horses, plen ty of water, well and equipment cost ing over $3000. You can get Immediate poseeeHion of this placo. If you want to buy a ranch, here is your opportunity to become independent. Price $40 per acre. 212 acres In Willamette valley, 130 acres under plow, fenced, near school, will sell or trade; a little cash or a house and lot and you may have a term of years to pay balance. BUSINESS SERVICE. 817-lb Henry bldg. $40,000 NET PROFIT THIS YEAR. CAN BUY RANCH FOR $0O.00O, TF.KMb Thls ranch is located on Pacific high way, near Medford in Rogue river val ley; all under irrigation. Gross income for this season over $00,000, operating expenses under $20.000 ; i0 acres in com mercial bearing orchard; 12 years old. standard varieties; apples and pears trees in fine condition; 10 acres alfalfa. 55 acres pasture and timber- Working equipment, tractor. plows, cultivator, spray outfit, smalt tools. 4 horses, cow, all go wfth the deal. Six-room house, barn, warehouse, full concrete basement for storage of fruit. See Itemized re port at our office with view of the orchard, Income over 66 2-3. Good rea son for selling. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN CO.. T Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 33 ACRES 1 miles from Oregon City car, on rock road, with 18 acres. in cul tivation. 2 more cleared ready to plow; some fine timber. 3 sprip?s and well. 12 acres now seeded to grain; 1 acres In family orchard. 1 acre Jn all kinds ot iiriH 11 fruit Including grapes ; 4-room house, 2 fine barns, blacksmith shop, fruit cellar; a number of chicken houses; team of horses; 2 cows. 2 heifers bred. 1 calf, 80 chickens; new farm wagon, buggy, harness, all faun Implements; 2 Incubators, 2 brooders, plenty of hay, kale and carrots for stock, grain for chickens. All goes for $0000; $2500 will handle and your own terms on the bal- nC"- JOHN 13. HOWARD. 818 Chamber of Commerce, LANE COUNTY RANCH. 6O acres. 6 miles from Eugene. Or. On Pacltic highway, 55 acres under cul tivation, good free soil, family orchard. 6-room house, barn 80x32, other out buildings, well; price $125 per aore, with 3 horses, 2 cows, 2 heifers, chickens, 2 wagons, 1 cultivator, 1 set harness, one cream separator. 2 harrows, 1 spring wag on, 1 No. 2 John Deere hay press, gaso line engine, circular wood saw, furni ture, 35 tons baled hay and tools; fftooo cash, or will consider a car up to $1000. time on the balance st 6 per cent. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinser Bidg. STOCKED AND EQUIPPED. 94 acres, 40 in cultivation, 2 acres ap ple orchard, 8 acres grain, balance tim ber and pasture; running water. 7-room house, barn, outbuildings, 2 good mares. 4 Jersey cows, 1 heifer, 25 chickens, 4 brood sows, cream separator, wagon, hack, harness, tools and implements of all kinds; half mile railway station, store church, school, sawmill; In Polk county. Or. Price $6O00, $4SMI cash, bal. 6 per cent, 10 years, or will consider small acreage close in for equity, or house and lot up to $3w0O. R. M. GATEWOOD A CO., 165 4th St 168 ACRW, 20 head of eattle, S horses. 30 sheep and goats, farm tools, good 6-room bouse, barn, hen house and sheep shed. Woven wire fences, on a good crushed rock road road. All good soil, has 50 acres cultivated. 60 of good Umber and balance pasture. Located in the Willamette valley. Price $8000. Ralph Ackley Land Cow 527 Cor bett bldg. A VERY ATTRACTIVE HOME. 84 acres, located 1 miles from Roch ester, Wash. Exceptionally fine soil, 25 acres under cultivation, 9 acres pasture, creek and well, 5-room attractive bun galow, barn 23x48, root house and chick en house and other buildings; price $3500, with 1 horse, 1 cow, 1 yearling. 1 calf, 24 chickens, spring wagons, bar ness and toots; $1500 cash. Photos at Office. JOHN FERGUSON. Gerlinger Bldg. 87-ACRE FARM, ALL IN CULTI VATION; $3500. Good dark loam soil. fenced w4th woven wire, splendid water, family or chard. On gravel road; one mile to school and eleotrlo station. South of Portland. 6-room house; barn, other out buildings. See Sam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN CO., 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. bO-ACRE ranch, good soil, one-half cleared, cleared, all fenced, fair buildlnrs. good well and spring, fine prune orchard; an ideal ranch, which must be sold. In quire Of K. S. Lapp, Oregon Hotel, . Wednesday. Thursday. Friday or Satur day. A 109-ACRE improved alfalfa ranch, all in alfalfa, six-room modern house, barns, etc Price $25,0O0, terms. This ranch in offered way below Its present value for a quick sale. Thoe. A. Warnoek, real estate, Kennewick, Wash. ARE you looking for a farm. I have two, 8 miles from Forest Grove, 100 and 158 aeres, rich land. Write owner, 901 Mon tana ave. Will make appointment. 30 years la Oregon can give you good advice. REAL ESTATE. 1 or Sale Farms. MONEY MAKING. Some men make their money in busi ness, some in stocks, some bv toilsome saving ot their daily wage. But we sub mit to you the unquestioned fact that more men have reached a comfortable competence through the ownership of laud than any other way. Busings re quires your sole attention, stocks nnn sleepless nights aud davs of worrv; land takes care of Itself and will take care of you. A good example of this sort of Investment ht found in the following lust ox farms: 605 ACRES. Choice firt-c-:ass stock and grain farm, about luO acres gently rolling, balance is of the very richest dark loam river bottom land, with the Tualatin river flowing through the center, divid ing the farm in equal parts; 250 acres under cultivation, 355 acres iu stump pasture, 34 miles from. Portland on good rock road, 4 miles off paved highwav, I miie to good graded school. 1 mile from railroad station: train tops at gat for wiilk and other freight; two sets oi build ings with water piped from spring, plenty of living water; one b-room house, hot and cold water, bath; one 4-room houfce, one large barn arranged for 2u head of cows and 6 horses, room for implements: one stock bam will hold 10 head, one baru with room for 20 head, one goat shed with room for 100 head, milk houe, hughouse, chicken house and stock corral; fenced and crow-fenced with $1 5iH) worth of Page woven wire. For quick sale this wonderful bargain Is offered for the extremely low price of $05 per acre; $15,000 cash, balance to suit purchaser at 6. 320 ACRES. 2 miles eat of Yamhill station on pood gravel road, 220 acres under culti vation, 100 acres timber and pasture, good woven wire fence, new 5-room bun galow; barn 52x70, gravity water system with water piped to house and barn, living spring creeks, on nuik and mail route, telephone, ciear tit ie, immediate possereion; price $24,000, "JmkM cash, bal ance to suit puruhajfur at o. 200 ACRES. 6 miles south of Dayton on Salem road, 120 acres under cultivation, 60 acres timber, fir and oak. 20 acres stumps and pasture; good family orchard and berriee. tin young walnut trees pro duced last year $50), woven wire fence, creek never dry, well 10o feet deep, tank, gas engine, water piped to house and barn; extra good 8-room house, full ce ment basement, 5 rooms and bath on firwt floor 4 rooms on second floor fin ished, and one larjtre store room unfin ished ; 2 barns, granary, chicken house. hoKhouse, seed and feed, 2 horses. 2 colts, wagon, binder, plow, rake, roller fanning mill, 2 brood sows, 17 fheep; all goes at $125 per acre, cao. balance long tame at 6'.. 140 ACRES. Of rich shot soil, 13 miles from Port land. IO ml lea from Hillsboro, 7 miles from Beaverton. 6 in 1 U-s from Sherwood, mile from school, 17 acres under cul tivation, bO acres of timber and brush, some saw timber, 10 acres of scatter ing tlnYber, balanced slashed, 60 fruit trees, 4-room house granary, barn, small outbuildings, good well and spring; a great buy at $00 per acre; $2000 cah, balance long time at 6(, 87 ACRES. ' 16 m4les from Portland. J4 ml.e off Columbia highway, mile from Trout dale, 4 mile to school, about 51 acres under cultivation, balance brush, 4-room houwe and barn, spring water piped to house and barn, creek never dry; a real bargain lor aoma one interested in land; close to Columbia highway. Price $10, UOO, $35o0 cash, balance easy terms. B0 ACRES. 4t miles from lalias, 1-j mile from school, 45 acres under cultivation, bal ance timber, brush and pasture; wire fence, spring and running water, lare barn la good condition; 1 acre of apples, 1 acre of prunes, ti walnut trees; price $4000, cash, balance eaby terms at tVo- M ITCH ELL A RIPPEY, 828-29 Henry bldg. Mala 25S4. A FARM St TP IT AS THIS SELDOM FOR SALE NOW. This for the man satisfied with noth ing but the best to be had in farm land. 157 acres, practically all in a high stat of cultivation and in tall crops, no bet ter land in the state, short dibtancs out In one of our bewt and most highly developed farming sections, an ideal farm in an loVal farming section, all fenced woven wire, large attractive resi dence, hot and cold water, bath. etc. ; fine large red barn, silo, numerous out buildings, splendid orchard. splendid road all the way. Personal. 6 fine young Jersey cows. 7 4 splendid horses. 5 registered sown. registered boar. 29 stock hogs. 50 sheep. aU har ness, vehicles, binder. driil. 2 gan plows, 4 harrows, cultivators, plows, hay bailer, tractor, automobile, w und saw silo cutter and filler, fanning mill, separator, hay. feed and much else, too numerous to mention. Step right in for S27 500. HARGROVE REALTY CO. 122 N. 6th St. Uroadway 4351. 81 -ACRE farm located east of Can by on a good macadamised road; has S5 a. cult., 30 a, pasture, 1 a, of bearing orchard, 6-room cot tage, barn 1 40x60 feet, and other outbldgs.. all nearly new; good fences, 4 horsea. 15 hogs, 8 sheep, 15 goats, 50 chickens, cow and heifer, farm Implements and tools, close to good school, church and stows. m. from H. R. sta. Will sell 80 a. for $12, OOO, $'J000 down; or will divide this land and sell the improved 41 aw including stock for $80u0, and take a house and lot up to $4u00 as part payment. This farm has a good location, very rich soil and will bear in vestigation. F. R. Jesse, 527 Cor bett bldg. Main 7141. IDEAL FARM HOME. 160 acres beautifully located over looking the Willamette river; boat lauding and warehouse on place; auto road to Portland ; first-class 8-room house, pressure water system, fine large barn and eiio. The soil would be haxd to improve on; about 130 under plow. (0 now in crop. A little Umber and snie fine level pasture. Priced right at $! an acre. This farm is about midway between Piwtland and Salem and has been personally inspected. I. ile Chesney, i04 Oak u Hdwy. Hu. ""ARB YOU LOOKING FOR A REAL 40 acres, 30 acres of bottom land, 4 acres up-iana, aouui " , -room house, barn 24x24. chicken house, spring water, very scenic view; 23 miles east of Portland, near Sandy road; about half cleared. This certaii.Iy is a bar gain farm buy. 1500 cords of wood, enough to more than pay for place; 9 miles east of Gresham; good graveled road nearly all the way. (ML Hood highway). Reduced from $4000 to $JouO; some terms. 315 North western Bank Bldg. YOU CAN BUY THIS GOOD 70-AORE FARM ON EASY TERMS. 40 aerea of splendid soil, no rock or gravel, in cultivation; about 20 acres more can be put in cultivation at small cost. Balance pasture and timber. Fine spring, water, piped into T-rnom house. Big barn, hog house, 'chicken nous, machine shed. Good family orchard. One mile to school, on county road; 4-mi-es to Portland. Price $50Om. take $1600 cash, balance to suit at 6,i. iSeo bam Hewey at J. L. HARTMAN CO., T Chamber of Commerce Bldg. NEAR RIDO KFIELD, WASHIVOTOV. 40 acres, :i0 aors tinder cultivation; all can be cultivated; fine soil, family orchard, good fences; new 6-room bun galow; barn 88x40. Karaite, chicken house and woodshed; telephone and stock in. local company: mile to m-hool. 2 ml!s to nigh school. Price 75oo with stock and equipment; 150 bushels oats, 20 bushels potatoes, 8 tons hay; $2oOO ash. John Ferguson, Gerlinger bldg. $5000 TIGARO ACREAGE .VWA. FINE FOR HERRI ES. POTATOES AND CHICKEN RANCH. 7 acres of rich new land, practically all cultivated, best of water; new 6 rocm house, barn and chicken house. 2 strawberry beds; ronvenlent to auto road and near Capital highway, not far from interurban station. It is an ideal home where you can make the money. Some terms. GEORGB E. ENGLEHART CO.. Main 7266. 624 Henry Bldg. SMALL DAIRY RANCH. 80 acres, located 2 miles from Scap poose; all seeded to clover. 4 acres cleared. 20 acres can be cultivated, small house, barn aud milk house; creek and string. This place will support 8 cows. Good soil. Price $lo00, $S00 down, Per aonally inspected. JOHN FERGUSON, Gerlinger Bldg. S MILES FROM GLADSTONE. 6O acres. 22 acres cuttiva ted. 6 acres In clover and wheat, balance io pasture and timber: about lOoO cords wood on place; good fences, good soli, family orchard, 4-room home, new barn, garage, chicken house, 3 cows, 1O0 chickens, team mares, harness, all farm imple ments, 2 incubators. 2 brooders, some furniture; also 12 bead sheep. This la a snap. $4500: terms Mr. MillershJp, Alder hotel. Main 527. - REAL ESTATE. For riale Karms. HEME ARE SO A! If OK THE BEST AND ARE WORTH LOOKING LP. 116H aerea fully equipped. 106 plow -land, ten acres timber, all fenced and cros-fenced. good build ings, house, burn, granary, chicken house, machine shed, good well and topring ou place. 2 miles from good town, R. R. line crosses one side of the place with flag station on place. 60 acres are seeded to crop, 10 acres is in clover, fruit enough for all iam lly needs, o horsea 5 cows, 1 2-year-old. 1 yearling, 1 call", binder, mow er, rake, eutky plow, walking piow. harrow 1 disk seeder 1 new hoe seeder, all small tools including ha v. oats, wheat, and kale for feed; the pri -e Is $125 per acre; this is one of the beat in the Willamette valley. A genuine beaverdam onlnn land proposition, not far out of Portland, 20 acres thoroughly tiled and ar ranged for Hub-irrigation, this is the real beaverdam soil, about 18 acres consists of land a little higher, where the buildiuirs are, house of 7 rooms, a barn oUx-lii. au onion dryer, chicken bouses, hog pens, etc.. in fact everything needed. It is situated 1 mile from the west side electrlo and Immediately ou the west ttide highway, $16.0oO buys It. one-hif cash; no better place of its kind, ia Oregon. . 440 acre in the Vakima valley. excellent stock ranch, has house, corrals and good well, fenced and roHS fenced, this place Is on the Aakima river aud 1 n.ile from town; it is stocked with about 700 sheep which go with the place; the price of this place is practic-ally 07 ?r acre including the 7m sheep, with 1-3 cash and the balance terms to suit at 0 per cent. 1P4 acres of good land In PoTlc county, near a Jl. R. station and a, good school ; excellent buildings. Rood water, land is rolling and leeL tfO aerea are in crop, oats aud veteh. 10 acres in clover, 10 acres timothy, family orchard and 10 acres in pep permint; this place is fully equipped with horses, cows and hogs. alto a Case tractor with plows; will tell the place, equipment and all. for $;iu.oou, and consider one-third in trade. WRITE TO OR FF.R SPERLING A HANXA. 204 CORBETT liLLKi.. PORTLAND. BEST FARM BITY NEAR 1I1LI.6BOHO. You mar not know that the pavement l? completed out that wav, but you de know, if posted on farm lands, that that section is unexcelled for productive soil and if you have tried recently, you know further, that It is difficult to find a good farm buy there, as very few of the farmers are disposed to sell at allt we are ofiering for sale for a short time one of the bust 00-acre tracts in Lhat whole section, no better land in the state and it also lies perfectly: all In cultivation, 7-ronra house, fine large barn and silo, splendid orchard : Jut 4 miles out; Kood road ; proceeds this year over $6000; price $ 12.uK. We are headquarters for firit-class, going farms. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. 6th at Broadway 43SL 40-ACRE STOCKED AND EOUTPPED RANCH WITH 14-ACKB PRUNE ORCHARD. ONLV $5000. Located in prune belt. Southwest of Portland; 1 miles from a good town. Other bearing fruit tree. such as apples, pears, plums. (juincs cherries, English w a 1 nuts, loganberries. blackberries, raspberries and straw berries. Goud 5 rooia houe, painted barn, chicken house other outbuildings. Springs und well; lutsture ; some timber ; &uud team of 111 a res, Jors-y cow, chickens; hay in burn: farm implements; 22 acres in cul tivation. Ideal combination dairy and fruit ranch; cash, balance at See Sam Hewev at J. L. HARTMAN CO.. 7 Chamber of Commerce Bldg. 60 ACRES river bottom farm for $.i00. This farm has 6-room house and ham, 4fx57 feet, wit h other outbuildings, good spring, water piSi to build in gs ; family orchard, ail fenced, on the main rock road with R. F. I. and milk route ; mile to school, church and si ore : laud is alt tillable ; 40 acres pasture and 20 acres culti vated. Here Is a chance to get a good place in the Willamette val ley for $;;Cij; $160 down, Ralph Ackley Land Co., 527 Corbett bldg. 60 ACRES AT DAMASCUS FOR $9000. Just 9 miles from city limits, rock road all the way. in la mo us farming section of Damascus. unexcelled for clover, spuds, timothy, grain, etc.. 60 acres, 45 cleared, living water, some nice timber, splendid, mellow soil. 6 roora house, red barn, outbuildings, or chard; price $150 per acre, 40 minutes from our office takes you to the farm. HARGROVE REALTY CO.. 122 N. tith St- Broadway 43SL 57H ACRES near Canny, beautifully lo cated Vj-mile to Pacific highway, 1 hour drive to Portland, every foot of the land Is first-class soil and will grow any kind of crop, has 24 a. cult.. 20 a, pas ture, balance brush with some good tim ber for wood. Land lies level and ia Just rolling enough for good drainage. ILui extra good 7-room bungalow, barn 4 ox HO. chicken house, hog house and other outbuildings. If you want a well lociited place, you can't beat this. Price $7500; $;i000 down. Will take house in city to about $o5u0 as part. F. R. Jesse, 527 Corbett bidg. " RICH. DEEP SO IL. Partly tmproved farms fan he bought within 12 miles of Aberdeen aud Hoquiam at $."0 to $100 an acre; easy terms ; in some Instances stock and crops are included. The demand for farm products is unlimited on Grays Harbor. We are soiling unimproved land at $20 to $40 per acre, ou following terms: Cash $10 and $10 per month at 6 per cent. Here Is your opportunity to buy a level tract of land free from rocks, near school and good roads. iOor further information write at once: Wah i n trtoiv St ate Colonisation Co Aher dewn. Wash. CNLY FIVE MILES FROM CITY LIMITS. ftfixt acres. 27 ares under cultivation, balance In shade tres; all can be culti vate ; good soil, located near Clacki in as. county road ;. good orchard and lots of berries; new 7-room bungalow with plumbing, sleeping porch, bam and other buildings. This U clcse to electric trans portation. Only 30 minute- out. 1 his attractive place Is clear. Will consider nie city property. Personally inspect ed. John Ferguson. Gerlinger bldg. CLOSE TO HILLSBORO ' A really fine farm of fX) acres only 3 miles from town on good road : no better producing ffirm in Oreson ; OO acree up land, 30 bottom, with creek on boundarv; acres in cultivation, fine stand cloer; fall grain all In; 5 acres timber; 10 pasture, nearly cleared; comfortable 6 room house. 2 barn, good orchard; $l" OOO ' You can't duplicate this for leas' than $1H.OOO. D. McChesney, 304 W Oak st- Hdwy. 260. rAlRY FARM ALMOST JOINING CITY OF PORTLAND. 60 acres well improved, with larwe burn equipped for dairying; fair house and outbuildings; 15 head of fine Hol atein cows, heavy milkers; good team ajid all kinds of machinery and tools. In good repair; plenty of good hay to feed through winter; come in and we will take you and show you what this ntace is making". P PTE WART BUCK. M5 Northwestern Bank Bldg. 0 MILES FROM PORTLAND. ON HAKD ROAD. 85 aerea, 8" aerea cultivated. 35 seres easily cleared, balance second -growth; good home, 2 barns and outbuildings; this la all Al soil, 70 acres la bottom land; road will be paved Una summer: good family orchard. Quick sale HH Pr acre and terma MlLlership, Main 5275. NEAR ORKOON CITY $S20O $1000 cash, balance 5 years at 6 per cent, buys this splendid level 40-acre tract, 10 of which are in cultivation, bal. tlmher and brush, all fenced, shack buildinga. good spring. 5 miles east of town, lust off Abernethy road; a very decided snap. Fred W. (irrman Co., 7.12 Chamber of Com m erce. Ope n P u nd ay s. FOK SALE 0 acres of the very best land. 27 acres in cultivation, balance easily cleared; on hard-surface road, elowe to electric line. 15 miles from Portland; 6 room bungalow ft years oh: parage, some orchard, running water: -ice $2.0 an acre; can give good term E. Ad roa, 5t7 Chamoer of Comnn hig., Mar shall 2575. BARGAINS IN FARM VXDS, berry tracts and ranches and city proe- ert v. Correspondence solicited. We cai fiud what you want. WHITE CO., T03H First St.. Newberg. Or. WANTED Housekeeping rooms where two children, age 4 and 7. will be taken rare of during day while mother works. Phone Monday. Broadway 2470.