16 THE STHSTDAT OREGOXIAX. " POItTIiANTJ. JANUARY 4, 1920. PARIS TEMPS FINDS RES V T1S GOOD French Organ Says Opinion Is Enlightened. AMERICAN SENATE UPHELD Treaty Changes Held to Contain Wise Interpretations Well Worthy of Sanction. The following translation of an ar ticle in the Paris Temps of Decem ber 6 is a valuable contribution to the formation' of public Opinion' on the senate reservations to the treaty of Versailles, especially in view of the fact that the Temps Is frequently chosen by the French government as a means of communicating its views to the French people. The injunction to Germany to which It refers was a note from the supreme council of the peace conference de manding that Germany 8if?n the-pro-tocol providing that it carry out the armistice terms with which it has not yet complied and warning Germany that, in case of .failure to sign, the supreme council will be constrained to adopt measures of coercion of a military order. The Temps article reads: "VThy should the allies be obliged to send to Germany the injunction approved by the supreme council to day? First of all, this is because the treaty of Versailles has not yet been ratified by the United States. "The German military men and dip lomats think that the front of the allies is broken. This fact causes them to be bold, and It is necessary to bring them back to reason. "Why is it that no one seems to know how the league of nations can be made to function, how the pact which guarantees France against Ger man aggression can be put into effect, how Europe can obtain financial as sistance from America? Why is it, finally, that no one seem-; to know either how to repair the ravages of war or to maintain the stipulations of the peace? The reason is. first of all. because no one knows if the United States will ratify the treaty of Ver sailles. "American intervention was a pow erful contribution to victory. Will not American abstention at the pres ent time compromise the fruits of victory? "The danger lies here. Now let us seek for its underlying cause. Why Is the treaty of Versailles not yet ratified by the United States? No Objection to Preamble. 'The answer is as follows: Because of the reservations that the Amer ican senate has voted. But these re serves who in Paris has read them? "We are publishing a complete translation of them today. Do they destroy the bases of the treaty as people are saying? Rather than ac cept them, would it be better to get along without American ratification? Everybody can take the text In hand and form his own opinion. While waiting for this, let us express our own. "The 14 'reserve and interpreta tions' of the American senate are preceded by a preamble which di rectly interests the allied powers. The American ratification will not take effect, declares the senate, until three of the allied powers (England, France, Italy and Japan) have ac cepted by an exchange of notes the reserved and interpretations voted upon at Washington. This declara tion of the senate brings up a ques tion of form and a question of sub stance. "As a matter of form, can the allies accept the reserves and the interpre tations formulated by the United States? We don't see what could pre vent them. Yesterday the supreme council authorized the Jugo-Slav del egation to formulate a reservation, acceding to arrangements which are fixed to the treaty of Saint Germain. So there is a precedent. And if the precedent did not exist, then it would be necessary to invent one. No man of good sense would admit of any rea son to 'hesitate between a question of form and -the ratification of the United States. "But there is still af question of substance. Are the American reser vations and interpre tationaiconcelved in such mamier .that the allies should be unable to fln'd. them valid? This remains to be. eeen. "In the fJCgti article of the treaty of VersalUes'vfrhlch is also the first article of te- pact or covertiant estab lishing the league of nations it is stipulated that 'each member of the league, at two jjear notice, can withdraw from the league';, provided that up to this time, ftftljasi fulfilled all of Its internationanrbbligations, comprising those of tlfefpresent pact.' The American senate interprets this text in the following terms: The United plates will be the sole judge of whether Its International obligations and ail of the obligations imposed by the present pact have been fulfilled. "This interpretation is not contrary to the treaty. Furthermore, one may ask what is the force that will retain the United States In the league of na tions if, after two years' notice, they consider that they have the absolute right to withdraw? Action of Conirreas Necessary. "Article 10 of the treaty obliges the signatories, as adherents of the league of nations 'to maintain against out side aggression the territorial In tegrity and political independence of all the members of the league." Fur Don't Pamper Your Stomach Fear of Dyspepsia Robs the Entire System of Necessary Nutriment. Eat a Diversified Meal and With Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab lets You Will Avoid the Distress of Indigestion. Just because the stomach sours with gassiness, heartburn, water brash and such distresses after eat ing. Is not a good reason for depriv ing the system of nourishment. Instead of indigestible and innu tritlous bran and skim milk try the better plan of eating what you like and follow your meals with Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets. They digest food, they assist the stomach to secrete juices that keep the stomach sweet, active and with the alkaline effect. Just as when the stomach Is in per fect health. Nor is it necessary to discriminate. You may eat freely of onions, sausage, mince pie and baked beans, or other dishes, such as the average dyspeptic views with horror, and suffer no distress if you follow with Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets. There is thus no need to fear any kind of food at any time or -place, for with these tablets, you may pre vent those distresses that formerly made you pamper your stomach as if It were a tender infant. You can get Stuart'a Dyspepsia Tablets In any drug store at 50 cents a box. Adv. thermore, in case this matter should come up, there are other articles which necessitate armed intervention. The American senate declares that there shall be no question of armed intervention except in case congress, 'in virtue of the constitution, shall have the exclusive power to declare war, or authorize the employment of the military and naval forces of the United States.' This is perfectly evi dent: Article 7 of the American con stitution gives to congress the "ex clusive power to declare war" as well as the power 'to raise and maintain armies,' and to 'constitute and main tain a navy:' No treaty, no pact could constrain the United States to use their armed forces without the neces sary approbation of congress. "It is by ylrtue of an analogous idea that the senate, in its eleventh reserve, claims for the United States the right to decide whether or not there should' be a severance of rela tions, commercially or otherwise, with a country which might make war contrarlly to the pact of the league of nations. If the United States did not reserve this power of decision, it might be drawn into a war without giving congress oppor tunity to deliberate. "The third, seventh and ninth re serves do not call for any discussion on our part. They prescribe that the president shall consult congress be fore accepting a mandate for foreign territory, before engaging to pay any expenses for the league of nations, and before sending delegates to any commissions, committees or other or ganizations in which the United States should be represented. France Claims Same Right. "The fourth and fifth reserves are more important. The United States maintains that It has the exclusive right to decide what questions fall under their internal jurisdiction" and outside of all intervention on the part of the league of nations or of any foreign power. They declare themselves resolved to interpret in their own way their 'policy common ly known as the Monroe doctrine.' But are there any among the allied powers which might look for a quarrel with the United States on this point? It would not be France, and this is certain: France is firmly re solved, for her part, to decide for herself which are the questions that come exclusively within her internal jurisdiction. "Should there be any objection to the eighth reservation, from which it results that the restrictions upon commerce with Germany made by de mand of the commission on repara tions shall only be valid after being sanctioned by the American congress? Should the Americans be refused the right, proclaimed by the tenth re serve, to enlarge their armaments without the consent of the council of the league of nations "whenever the United States might be menaced or engaged in a war?" Article 8 of the pact is worded in such a way that no state belonging to the league of nations shall be forced to limit its armaments in the way indicated by the council. If a state accept this limitation, nevertheless, without its being obligatory, could this state be forbidden to transgress the limita tion whenever it might find Itself in peril? "In its 14th reservation, the Amer ican senate declares that the United States shall not consider .itself bound by the decisions of the league of na tions as long as one of the states be longing to the league shall have more than one vote because of the voice of dominions or of other countries which are allied to it politically. France would not be able to protest against this scruple, since she did not demand that Algeria and French protectorates should be represented in the league of nations by delegates whose voices would be added to her own. Shantung Rmenratlen Hsnnlem. "There remains finally, beside the 12th and 13th reservations, which do not appear to raise any difficulty, the famous reservation No. 6, which is relative to Shantung. The formula is a radical one, and. If China had signed the treaty of Versailles it would be necessary to avow that the far ori ental part of the treaty is overhrown! The United States refuse their consent to articles 156, 157 and 158 and reserve entire liberty of action on matters arising from any eventual controversy over the said articles between the republic of China and the empire of Japan. "But the articles in question apply to Chinese territory, and China has not signed. Practically, and even ac cording to the text, everything is still in suspense. The American dec laration does not change the existing situation In any respect. The rights of all parties rest Intact." Japan re mains in possession of the object in litigation. The American reserve does not overthrow anything, since nothing has been constructed. And is it for this that we should refuse the ratifi cation, of the United States, this rat ification upon which, perhaps, the entire peace depends? "It has been represented that the reservations of the United States were a disavowal of the work accomplished by the conference of Paris. It has been represented that the United States desired to signify in this man ner its Intention of taking no further interest in Europe nor in the peace. To this unwholesome legend It Is time to oppose the truth. . Reservations Are Very Wide. "Even if they should require that the pact of the league of nations be retouched in two or three places (they can be amended regularlv bv the force of article 26), the reserva tions of the United States do not con tain anything which authorizes the allies to reject a ratification offered under such conditions; they contain, on the contrary, certain very wise in terpretations which we will find It to our interest to sanction. Let French opinion, which has finally become en lightened, express Itself bodly." REIT TRIAL IS SET MERRILL WOOLGKOWEBS SAID TO HAVE ABUSED FLAG. Defendants Deny Charge That Plaintiff Was Beaten Because of "Treachery to Ireland." KLAMATH FALLS. Or., Jan. 3. (Special.) The trial on assault and battery charges against Dan Bres nan, D. J. C. Murphy and Dave Breen, Merrill wool growers, has been set by Justice Chapman for Monday. The trio are accused of an attack on John Denehy, another wool grower. Because of general feeling against them at Merrill, roused by the ac cusation that during the fight they profanely abused the American flag and government, a change of venue was secured to the local court. Defendants deny the disloyal lan guage attributed to them, or that they attacked Denehy because they con sidered bis recent application for citi zenship an act of "treachery to Ire land." They say Denehy's refusal of overtures from Bresnan to end a long-standing feud was coupled with a challenge to fight. When Denehy, alluding to his citizenship petition, declared, "I am fighting under the American flag," Bresnan, according to his version, replied, "To hell with you and the American flag," but as serts the remark was not made with disrespectful Intent toward the flag or government. S. & H. Green Holman Fuel Co. i Adv. stamps for cash. Main 353. 660-21. o4i Six . Monday to Saturday ' inclusive V Fountain Syringes 1 ' ' ' These syringes are made of a superior grade of Paca rubber which is processed and mould ed into seamless bags by America's greatest manufacturer of rubber goods. The bag holds two quarts and the tube is five feet long. There is a patent cut-off and the three attachments are made of vulcanized rubber. - i , , These regular $1.39 Fountain Syringes will be . 'sold from Monday to Saturday inclusive at 98c ' RCMiiuut CAFE EMPLOYES FHDLIC MIDXIGIIT PARTY IS GIVES BV. HAZELWOOD FOLK. ' Several Members of Staff Surprise Their Friends With Clever Per formances That Entertain. Varied entertainment featured the annual midnight party given by the employes of the Hazelwood company, under the auspices of the manage ment, at the Broadway Hazelwooq December 29. The show started at idnight and lasted three hours, with a bounteous luncheon provided by the management. Walter Jenkins, song leader, opened the programme with a solo, rendered in his usual style, after which he led the audience in a general sing. Fred p. Feringer provided piano accompan iment. Twelve Hazelwood employes pre sented a number of acts, which were keenly enjoyed by the audience of lployes and friends. Louis Dunlap gave a strong-man act; Gretchen Rad cliffe offered a rube song and dance, and Carl Halverson gave a demonstra tion of chine music and a saxophone solo. Milton McCIure made an im posing magician, and Clifford Lake as a colored comedian and Lillian Hendricks with a humorous recitation were applauded. Elmer Bashor and Alice Boone aroused enthusiasm with their mind reading act, and the Hawaiian danc ers, Nell Wiebke, Anne Johnston, Doris David and Maravine Copland, made a great hit. Michael Ferrandlno and his piano accordion selections closed the programme. Father Black Speaks Tonight. Rev. J. H. Black will speak on Palestine at Everymans ' club, 243 "California For a Child's Liver and Bowels Mother! Say "California," then you will get genuine "California Syrup of Figs." Full directions for babies and children of all ages who are constipated, bilious, feverish, tongue coated, or full of cold, are plainly printed on the bottle." Children love this delicious laxative. - Day Sale The"Comfort"Brand .Regular Price $1.30 . - ' Pa.. , Broadway and Washington You Can Save Your Hair See Prof. Austin now don't wait for baldness to overtake you take action while there is hair to save ar rest your hair troubles before they can become deeply seated this week tomorrow Prof. Austin presents this opportunity to you FREE if you have Dandruff! . Brittle Hair! Itching Scalp! Split Hair! Oily Hair! 1 Faded Hair! Falling Hair! Dry Hair! You are in need of immediate treatment. To delay may mean permanent baldness. Free Microscopic Examination of the Hair and Scalp of Men, Women and Children. . Hours 10 to 12, 2 to 4, Daily. - (Women Need Not Take Down Their Hair) Balcony, The Owl Drug Co., Broadway and Washington Couch street. This lecture will prove interesting from the fact that Father Black has traveled extensively in all of the European countries. A spe cial musical programme has also been arranged and will Include Mrs. Kath rine Covach Frederich, soprano solo ist, and Lou Frederich, basso soloist. Miss Florence Day will act as accom panist. The Everymans' club is under the auspices of the National Catholic War council and is co-operating with the government in the showing of army and navy films. Four special reels of these pictures will be shown tonight. EMPLOYES HAVE BANQUEt BIumauer-Frank Drug Company Employes Hold Convention. ' As a culmination of the ninth an nual convention of salesmen of the Blumauer-Frank Drug company, which was held recently in Portland, the 60 salesmen who were present from many points along the Pacific coast gathered at the Multnomah hotel for a banquet and programme. The din ner was described by those present as the most successful banquet at the end of the most successful year In the firm's history. H. J. Frank, president of the firm, was the first to respond to a toast, being called - upon extemporaneously by the toastmaster, O. J. Freeman, to tell "how it seems to be a father of a great big happy family." Several of the "children" of the commercial "family" spoke upon subjects suited to their individual relations with the house. A Masonic ring was presented to G. Herz as a token of appreciation of his 30 years' service with the firm. Health Officer Rumors Denied. Rumors "that David N. Roberg, state health officer, will be relieved of his position as secretary of the state board of health and state health of ficer are without grounds, according Syrup of Figs 99 1 HlMMIWAa Sts. to members of the state board of health who reside in Portland. The state board of health will hold its annual meeting In Salem on January 13, at which time officers will be elected to serve for the year. If any change in the office of state health officer is contemplated, it will be made at that time. Parish House Will Open. The parish house at Trinity church. Nineteenth and Couch streets, will be opened to neighborhood activities on Friday evening, December 9. by an en tertainment and dance given in honor of members of the American Legion and Canadian war veterans. Girls from the jiazelwood company will act in the capacity of hostesses. It is planned by Dr. A. A. Morrison to make-a wide use of the parish house for all community activities, social and educational. This entertainment and dance will mark the beginning of a series of such functions In which the programme will be under direc tion of the community service. Cycle Officers Get 209. Two hundred and nine arrests were made by officers of the motorcycle squad operating under police Ser geant Frank Ervin in December. Fines as a result amounted to $1801.50. The arrests were divided among "the officers as follows: Scott, 65; This Smile Says "I Hear Clearly" If you are hard of hearing you have embarrassing moments bo do your friends. Is it not worth while to see If all this embar- ; rsssment can be avoided? 3.10, OOO persons are now hearing; clearly by aid of the Acoustlcon. A New 'York physician says: "It In of if re at value to me. I should have been obliged to Rive up the fractlce of medicine Ions; ago If had not obtained this best of all devices for the aid of hear ing We Offer Yon the FAMOUS ACOl'STICOTr For 10 DayV FREE TRIAL No Iepoelt, No Expense Just write, saying "I am hard of hearing; and will try the Acoustlcon." Give It a fair trial amid familiar surroundings thus you can best tell what It will do for you. Remember, however that the Acoustlcon has patented features which cannot be duplicated. So no matter what your past experiences have been, send for your free trial today. niCTOO.KAPH PRODUCTS CORPORATION 207 Oregon Bldg., Portland. Or. Wiles. 46; Kelly. 26; Hamaker. 20; Skoglund. 16; Anderson, 14; Bert, 14 and Sergeant Ervin 9. POSLAM'S BALM ENDS ITCHING SOOTHES SKIN For eczema you must have an effi cient, competent remedy to see true results. Poslam is so good for skin troubles that you can make no mis take in trying It first and for all. Apply right on the places that burn, itch and harass; they will be paci fied, soothed, cooled. Poslam offers quality to each ounce that cannot be equalled by pounds of inefficiency. For every form of eruption on the skin, pimples, scalp-scale, rashes, burns, itching feet. Solt everywhere. For free sample write to Emergency Laboratories, 243 West 47th St.. New York Cltv. Poalam Soap, medicated with Pos lam. brightens, beautifies com plexions Adv. Your No One Remedy L Applicable to Every Hair and Scalp Trouble I base this statement on science and forty years' study and research work on conditions of the hair and scalp, says Prof. John H. Austin of Chicago, The particular trouble with which your hair and scalp is afflicted must, be known before it can be intelligently treated. For example, one person may require an astringent, another a healing ointment, another an antiseptic for an itching scalp (which is caused by vegetable parasites), and still another to relieve an excessive oily condition. Prof Austin says that using dandruff cures, tonics, mange cures, etc., without the proper advice, is like taking medicine without knowing what you are trying to cure. With the aid of a powerful microscope Prof. Austin is able to quickly determine the exact cause of the trouble, and will tell each one what is best to do in his or her particular case. During the past two years Prof. Austin has made over 10,000 free microscopic examinations of the hair and scalp of patrons and has on file hundreds of unsolicited testimonials. Free Microscopic Examination of Hair and Scaln Both men and women are invited to take advantage of a free examination "of the hair and scalp. Women need not take down their hair. Office hours, 10 to 12 cony, Uwl llrug Store, Broadway and Washington. Co-Lo Hair Restorer You can be sure of satisfactory re sults. Thousands of bottles have been sold during the past four years with universal success. A scientific process discovered by Prof. John H. Austin for developing the natural color of the hair in a similar manner to that of developing a photograph negative. Co-Lo Hair Restorer is absolutely harmless and will not injure either the hair or scalp; is not a dye; con tains no lead or sulphur; will not wash or rub off; has no sediment and is as clear as water a pleasing and simple remedy to apply. A6 for Black and All Dark of Brown. A7 Extra Strong, for Jet Black Hair Only. A8 For All Medium Brown Shades. A9 For All Very Light Brown, ' Drab and Auburn Shades. Co-Lo for sale at all Owl Drug Stores. PROFv JOHN TAOT? FLESH 1 V WlV BUILDER A preparation out hollowed or neck and shoulders with firm, healthy flesh, WAhn rlAustm IVOR th.cfcgo-U SLA and . removing wrinkles from the face and hands. It is not face powder, cream, cosmetic or bleach and it will not grow hair. It is a natur al beauty maker for removing tan, freckles, pimples, blaekheads, sunburn, roughness and skin imperfections. Special Sale Prof. Austin's IVOR Wrinkle Treatment A preparation that almost "works like magic" a few applications of Prof. Austin's Ivor Wrinkle Treatment and your friends will exclaim "Why, you .look years younger" for this wonderful prep aration really makes the wrinkles vanish. Made in accordance with French plastique formula a scientific beauty treatment for fine wrinkles and deep lines. It draws upthe sagging-muscles, it imparts new life to a skin that has lost its elasticity, and it brings back the look of youth $1.50. Ivor Wrinkle Treatment Balcony Owl Drug Store, OUR FREE CATALOG Tails How to Become a ChlropracticJ)octor "Write Tor It I tn. wuiiw jr O lliUOb VY.HJ.Ci.Jf XV11UVY11 bacteriologist, hair and scalp spe- ciaiist. science nas proved that. riiffprpnt. nilmpntct n-f trm Viaiv onrl scalp require different treatments. and 2 to 4. Private office, Bal Shades II. AUSTIN'S $1.00 that will assist in rounding' thin cheeks, plumping the Tomorrow Only $1.50 and Flesh Builder on Sale at Broadway and Washington. Hair. lp Restorer &e Future