THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND. DECEMBER 28, 1919. LIFE SKETCHES BY ARTIST WHO SENSES SPIRIT OF THE DAY AMONG US MORTALS 1 rm i . u - i mm i i . . mmawmw- ik. bv something burning on a stove in the kitchen," is his explanation, but nobody believes him. At the left of the r pic I KgHMHK JETO r?WmY&-. . ''" Cne W 1 I ' Trank.the obliging'nremanuntingfor-a fire, and a JA'I MiiSM I fjj: uvi' I t l 11 I te mtin8' "lftf 8ide CaSC tere-shoul -k w M jjBU-'i iere oughto Waw, ta'a" panicWith a pair i y C jy'-ffy Grabb's type from wear- bag and little Man- ' " v-yT A V V--nV in pajamas, but there gold in her arms, she is iIv-Ovsfe'y)fc. -- X Jsn't- Mrs. Grabb ia hunting -a feaven of; safety accompanied "by r an empty traveling bag,' Mr. Lovely Is franfcly in a panic. With a pair of corsets, a laundry bag and little Mari gold in her arms, she is trying frantically to get an up elevator, ubere is some hazy plan in her mind of lumping off the tool. A Sad is the plight of Mr. Tulkey, "who stepped outside in the excitement - v ti.. . rr; Jnnr hi blown shut and he can't sret back. Mr. Tulkey has a towel and, a. -safety razor, but. you can't add 1 I I v 4