The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 28, 1919, Magazine Section, Page 4, Image 76

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THE house committee on Immigra
tion, is confronted with an im
portant task, due to the import
ance of preventing the entrance of
dangerous aliens. The members are:
Chairman Albert Johnson of Wash
ing, Isaac Siegel of New York, Will
lam N. Vaile of Colorado, John C.
Kleozka of Wisconsin, King Swope of
Kentucky, John C. Box of Texas, Ben
jamin F. Welty of Ohio, Riley J. Sa
bath of Illinois, John E. Baker of Cali
fornia. Lulu Alphea, a young Jersey cow,
owned by J. J. Van Kleck of Ashburn,
is credited with having broken all
records for a cow of any breed in but
ter production. The year's record was
13,669 pounds of milk, which pro
duced 1000 pounds of butter 100
pounds more than the weight of the
cow. The milk tested 5.85 per cent
Twelve young women, eeven of
them natives of Poland and all of
Polish, ancestry, recently ' departed
from New York - for service of one
year in work of the Young Women's
Christian association in Poland. De
troit, Pittsburg, Minneapolis, St.
Louis, Cleveland and Rochester are
among the cities represented by the
young women.
An airplane view of the United
States battleship New Mexico gives
a comprehensive view of everything
above decks. It was taken recently
while the flagship of the new Pacific
fleet was off the coast of California.
Judge John W. Killits of
Toledo became, a trolleyman for a
few min-jtes while he drove the first
of the trotley cars back into that
city, following the tieup of traffic.
The people of Toledo votd to revoke
the franchise of the company, which
retaliated by running, all of its cars
out of the city and beyond the border
of the state. City officials asked for
the restoration of service.
The mural decorations in the dome
of the capitol at Washington are to
be finished after a lapse of 30 years.
The frieze is regarded as the finest
in the world and was undertaken by
Brumidl, the famous Italian artist,
whose brush was stilled by death.
Charles Ayer Whipple will complete
the work, which is a portrayal of
American history. The sinking of the
Lusitania and the battle of Chateau
Thierry will be Included In the mod
ern scenes.
Peter Cooper Hewitt, scientist and
inventor, has developed an airplane
which he declares will rise straight
up Into the air without a preliminary
run and will land In a space 30 feet
square. Speed Is claimed for the
plane, and the ability -.o reverse di
rection while in flight without turn
ing around.
Harry Lauder, Scotch comedian, Is
a golf enthusiast and is reputed to
play- an excellent game. Recently
while in San Francisco he defeated
Chief of Police White in a match on
the Presidio links.
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