THE SUNDAY OREGON! AN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 28, 1919. "MONSIEUR BEUCAIRE" MAKES HIT IN GOTHAM Marion Green Is Younger Than Late Mr. Mansfield but Portrays Role Almost as Well Star Cast Brought Intact From London, i 1 1 Mil 'I P niJWT ' I leading role, Vinton Freedley, the I hero, and Clayton White Is also a member of the "Miss Millions" cast. Clssle Sewell and a number of others had some good dancing numbers and the chorus girls were pretty and sane well. But It seemed odd to see a good-sized production in the tiny Punch and Judy! Probably another case of "Theater, theater; who's got a theater?" CHRISTMAS IS QUIET ONE Estacada Celebrates With Chil dren's Services In Churches. ESTACADA. Or., Iec. 27. Special) Christmas passed very quietly here. The Methodist and Christian churches had children's exercises Monday night. The merchants report a good trade for the week preceding. Tues day night the Masons and Eastern Star chapter held a Joint public In stallation of the newiy elected offi cers with a banquet following. The officers Installed are: Worshipful master. Thomas Watson ; se nior warden, K. D. Allen ; Junior warden, C. O. Norria; treasurer, C. S. Allen; secre tary. WH'ifam Dale: senior deacon, Theo dore Ahlbfcrg; Junior deacon, 8. E. "VVoos ter; senior steward, R. H. Keith; Junior steward, R. H. Carter; tustee, three years, R. H. Carter. The Star officers were: Worthy matron, Elisabeth Worn or; worthy patron. C. S. Allen; assistant matron, Ida N orris; secretary, Catherine Allen; treasurer. Elizabeth Sparks; chap lain. Susie Greenwood ; marshal, Alice Laury ; warder, Plena Drill, sentinel, Csarles Norris; escort, Mae Reed; assistant escort, Maude Sturgeon ; the Star points wers Cordelia Carter. Elizabeth Allen. Ruth Keith, Jennie Krieger and Mary Smith. The Eagle creek grange elected the following officers last week: Master, Millard Trullinger: overseer, P. Woodle; lecturer, Mrs. Mae Phillips; stew ard, J. P. Stelnman; chaplain. Mrs. Tount; treasurer, 21. H. Hoffmelster; gatekeeper, E. I. Trullinger; secretary, Mrs. Llnnle V. Gibson; Ceres, Mrs. Louise Douglas; Po mona, Mrs. Maggie Bates; Flora, Mrs. Mary Helple; lady assistant steward. Miss Myrtle Hoffmelster. THREE WOUNDS SURVIVED Syrian, Shot by Mexican. Bandits, Makes Remarkable Recovery. NOG ALES, ARIZ., Dec. 27. One of J the most remarkable cases handled by the local surgeons in recent years Is that of Pedro Jamlt, a Syrian mer chant of Tuxpan, Nayarit, Mexico. A bullet that had been lodged in Jaralt's back for several months was re moved recently at a hospital here. Jamlt was held up and robbed of I $1800 by bandits. He was shot I through the head, In the hip and In the stomach. The first two bullets came out, while the one that en tered the stomach was the one re moved by the surgeons. After being wounded. Jamlt was taken into the mountains by the ban dits. During the 16 days that he re mained there, he received no medical treatment, his wounds being washed with cold water by an ar;ed Mexican nurse. Through the aid of a Mexican woman, the Syrian escaped and made his way to the bordr. Last year Jamlt was lobbed of $5000 by bandits. TICKET OFFICE SALE OPENS TOMORROW r- HEILIG THEATER BROADWAY AT TAYLOR 1'HONE MAIN 1. NEW YEAR'S ATTRACTION THURSDAY, FRIDAY. AND SATURDAY RIGHTS II 1 1 I SPECIAL PRICE MATS. !l HI 1 0 NEW YEAR'S DAY AIVD SATURDAY. EVE'S Floor, $2; Balcony, 5 rows $1.50, 17 rows $1; Gallery, reserved 76c admission 60c. NEW YEAR'S DAY AND SATURDAY SPECIAL PRICE MATS Floor. $1.50; Balcony, 9 rows $1, IS rows 50c N BY ELIZABETH LONERGAN. EW YORK, Dec. 27. (Special.) "Monsieur Beaucalre" brought memories of Richard Mnasfield in his once-famous role. The oper etta came to the New Amsterdam via London, greatly changed from its original form yet improved by the extremely beautiful settings and won derful music. Gilbert Miller, well known on the coast, brought out "Monsieur Beau calre" In London, where it has been one of the biggest successes of the season. The music is some of the best that has been heard in a long time quite a relief after the so-called "operettas" that have been aiven from time to time (one or two are still on Broadway). Mr. Miller brought his original cast to America, practically intact so there was the smoothness and finish to the performance the opening night that is not usually found on premieres. Marlon Green is a younger "Beau calre" than the late Mr. Mansfield, "but his portrayal is nearly as good and the rest of the cast Is known only to those who are familiar with London theaters. "Tony" Kelly, whose "Three Paces East" is a treat in store for Portland folks this season, was the author of another drama. "The Phantom Le gion," which failed to score as heav ily as Mr. Kelly's first play. For one thing, the era of war plays la over and "The Phantom Legion" deals with a phase of spiritualism. The souls of three soldiers killed in battle oome back to comfort their foster mother at a time when she needs most their help and sympathy. The Punch and Judy, which was dark all last season, had its second production of the new year the other night. It was a new musical show. "Miss Millions," with the songs by Raymond Hubbell and the production staged by R. H. Bumslde of the Hip podrome (Mr. Hubbell was musical director until the present season when he branched out as a librettist). Valll Valll plays the leading part, that of a waitress in a tea shop. The nephew of a millionaire falls in love with her and his businesslike uncle stakes her to a fortune for a week or bo, believing that she will grow to like the money so much that she will throw down the youth when she finds that he has no money of his own with which to keep up these luxuries. Of course, because it is a play, she would rather be poor and happy than rich and loverless, and the uncle gives them his blessing and his large for tune. - . Valli Valll is an English actress 5? , v ARMY GETS SEIZED OPIUM Honolulu Revenue Collector Sends $41,600 Worth to Washington. HONOLULU. T. H.. Dec. 12. (By Mail.) Malcolm Franlklln, collector of the port of Honolulu, shipped 104 pounds of opium, valued at $41,600. to the army medical department at Washington, when the steamer Lur Une left for San Francisco on her last trip. The opium represent the total seiz ures here since April of this year, with the exception of 63 tins which were taken from the steamer Persia Maru last July and which later dis appeared from the seizure room in the custom house. CITY MAIL ORDERS RECEIVED NOW HEILIG Thursday, NEXT i Friday WEEK I and i Saturday, Jan.B9 SPECIAL PRICE 10 MAT. SAT. AUGUSTUS PITOU, Inc, Preaenta MAY ROBSON IN A MELODRAMATIC FARCE, "TISH" From Mary Roberta Illneburt's Storlea In the Saturday ETtuIng Post. j HOW TO SECURE TICKETS NOW BY MAIL I Russian Manuscript Photographed SEATTLE, Wash.. Dec. 27. Photo graphic reproductions of original Rus sian manuscripts, archives and notes regarding Alaska's early history have been obtained by the -University of Washington library. The reproduc- Address letters, make cnecics ana postorrice money orders payable to W. T ,gle. Mgr. nenig a neater, au DESIRED, Pantrle. Mar. HeillRT Theater. ADD lOTo WAR TAX TO PHU E 'nrKurs inclose seii-aaaressea stamped envelope to help insure safe return. EVE'S Floor. $2; Balcony. 6 rows fl.60, 17 rows $1; Gallery. 7 rows re served 75c admission 60c. SPECIAL SATURDAY MATINEE Floor $1.50; Balcony, 9 rows $1, 13 rows 60c. TODAY is the tomorrow that you looked for yesterday and Harry's here! STRAND II . "Vy i ' JaT If at lamnr'iaaar a ramping roaring, rollicking romance of the west with Harry Carey in a rugged virile part tlons are of papers of the explorers Bering, Muller and Skelikoff and rec ords from the government files at Fetrograd. . New Weather Stations Established. ANCHORAGE. Alaska, Nov. 14. (By mall.) Two new weather recording stations, one in the Kantlshna region and the other in the coal districts south of Nenana, have been estab lished recently, M. B. Summers, in charge of the aervlce In Alaska, re ported on hla return from a tour of inspection In the Interior. dena parents, instead of children, went to school here one night recent ly. Regular attendants were asked to remain away while "dad and moth er" learned how they were being AeuMFiet-mrr GBNTLeMANtt CHRISTIE COMEDY UNIVERSAL WEEKLY LITERARY DIGEST trained. Several hundred grown-ups were enrolled, assigned to classes and given brief Instruction In the same sort of class work the children perform. WEEK STARTING MONDAY, DEC. 29 Pasadena Parents Go to School. PASADENA. Cal.. Dec. 27. Pasa- .'I.- . PlITI IB I 1 11 ffl"rrataaaaaabMMaaaa-a W CSfeS ALCAZAR MUSICAL PLAYERS MABEL WILBER With the Charming who came to New York about 12 years ago and who has been very successful in musical comedy roles. She Is very attractive, has a pleasing personal ity and an unusually good yoice and h&s spent most of her time In the large cities of the east. Rapley Holmes, at one time with the Essanay (in the days of "Broncho Billy") and who created the role of the employer in "Nothing But the Truth," has a RECITAL Jane Burns Albert Hotel Multnomah Ball Room Saturday Evening JAN. 3 8.30 O'CLOCK. ASSISTING ARTISTS t I,nln Dahl Miller, Joseph P. Mulder. Don J. Zan, J. Hutchison and i.aura Pox. Tickets tl.60 and $1, plux war tax. on sale at Wiley B. Allen's and Sherman, Clay & Co.'s. Biggest. Best, Yet Least Expensive. IPP0DR0ML THREE TIMES DAILY! CHARLES (CHIC) SALE IMrEPiSOSATOR or UUL CIIMttTBK lutoi mm UK NAT NAZARRO Jr. astsTce rr ATLANTIC FLEET JAZZ BAND ' DAY WON- TUES DAY, I DAY, WEDNESDAY, TAG-DAY GIRLS, BERT AND MAYBELLE AJTO SIX LITTLE BEAUTIES. LOUIS BENNISON "HIGH POCKETS," His Latest, Greatest Picture. ELECTRO AND COMPANY The Dynarnio Enigma. BENNINGTON AND SCOTT Novelty Entertainers. BILL PRumr The Cowboy Minstrel. MISS BILLIE BOWMAN Descriptive Melodies. ADDED ATTRACTION WORLD'S FASTEST . SIX WHIRLWINDS ACROBATS FINEST VAUDEVILLE Vzr PHIL-ROY AND ARTHUR-ROY In "A OUnese Restaurant' CHARLES LBENSEE FLORENCE BAIRD UrsONGiFLAGE" DOLLY -NAT syncopations Clever "Exponent THE RICKARDS ' The Variety Mixture' KWOORAMStnglfDTOPrCS OTTOE DAY Assarted by t-OUrs.TKia. in "MORNING GLORY" mr aiucc ajarrsM Mat. Thurs. In the New Year's Joy Show "Oh Boy" Mat. Sat. Special Midnight Matinee WEDNESDAY NIGHT, 11:30 O'CLOCK The New Watch for the Opening Stock m t-w nsv I W Saaaa&jSB ANTAGE Haled Vaudeville Broadway at Alter. Matinee Daily. 3:30. Twice Nlhtly, T and . Popular Pi leu atoxea and Lorei lJ WEEK COMMENCING TOMORROW'S MATINEE The Famous Mid-Winter Circus X 9 INTERNATIONAL 9 THE NORYELLE BROTHERS Cyclonic Acrobats. Introducing "The Loving Birds." HARRY AND NANCY CAYANA JOHN T. RAY AND COMPANY In "The Free Exhibition." In "Check Your Hat." THE THREE CLOWNS "JACK-TO -NATURE GIRLS" Kings of the Sawdust Ring. Second Fox Sunshine Comedy. NEW YEAR S MIDNIGHT Ticket Now on Sal FROLICS AT 11:30 Price 81. P. M. EXTRA! See Yonraelf In the IovIr Pictures of "MAKING MOVIES." Taken Two Week Am. CONTINUOUS PERFORMANCE TODAY, COMMENCING 1:30 TfsSsfOivC. oses fVrf IVfDffSDAr Ma r Dec 3. OAKS HOW OPBIT. Largest and finest Bleating: rink In the northwest. Perfect ventll Ion. Health and exercise. Afternoon and evening Cars Flrat and Aider. CONCERT New Year s Eve Portland Symphony Orchestra CARL DENTON, Conductor Heilig Theater Prices: $1.50, $1.00, 75c and 50c First Seven Rows Gallery Reserved, 75c Mail Orders Now, Heilig Theater The a a a Famous BAKER Stock Company Extra Midnight Matinee New Year's Eve (Starts 11:30, immediately after regular evening performance.) New Year's Week Starting Sunday Matinee Dec 28 Positively the comedy hit of ttie season PLEASE GET MARRIED The most-talked-about farce in years. By direct arrangement with Oliver Morosco. Weekday Matinees Sun., Wed., Thurs., Sat. Coming: The Woman in Room 1 3 LYRIC MUSICAL COMEDY WMMMMMMMWW. KEATING A FLOOD, Matinee Daily at 2 Man a iters. Evenings at 7 and 9 Week Starting Sunday Matinee, Dec 28. Those Incomparable Laugh Provokers MIKE and IKE Ben Dillon IN Al Franks. T H E GLOBE TROTTERS A musical comedy of speed and perpetual laughter. It will start the new year right with pep, jingles and pretty girls. SPECIAL Midnight Matinee New Year's Eve Curtain at 11:15 P. M.