ltl THE SUNDAY OREGONIYX, PORTLAND. DECEMBER 2R. 1919. The Oregonian Annual Edition will be a complete, accurate compendium of valuable information on many subjects relat ing to the development of Oregon. Highway Construction, Commercial and Industrial Progress and Harbor Improvements. will be among the chief features, all replete with well-written stories, splendidly illus trated. In text and illustrations, this edition will be in keeping with the usual standard of The Oregonian annuals. Tourists and Prospective Homeseekers will find in this number just the information needed to enable them the better to under stand the state. Out New Year's Day rr-i JtUirmnu mm (Omniman. New "Year's Edition ' PAGES I TO 9. vol. bvin o. i.44o fcnT?:L-"-:.;'j3a FOR l LAND OREGON. THVRSDAY. JANUARY t. KO. PRICE TBI CENT AN ORFCiON HIC.HWAY AFHL JIIIIllltlMlllllllllltllllllllllllltllf lltlllllilllillllllllilf Iltllllillllllllllllllf lllllll lllllllliillllllllliiiiliiillltiltiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif innjt IIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIltlllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIf I II Ilf lllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllllf I SPECIAL CONTRIBUTORS TO THE I I OREGONIAN ANNUAL ARE: I Ben W. Olcott, governor of Oregon George L. Baker, mayor of Portland Hon. R. A. Booth, member state highway com mission W. J. Hofmann, president Pacific Northwest Tourist association L. J. Simpson, good roads enthusiast of North Bend I. N. Fleischner, member state fish and game commission A. G. Jackson, federal forest examiner H. H. Weatherspoon, state horticultural com missioner L. T. Reynolds, cherry expert A. C. Allen, expert on pear growing William E. Schimpff, cranberry grower H. S. Gile, president of a fruit juice company Robert C. Paulus, prune expert William A. Marshall, chairman state industrial accident commission Colonel Henry E. Dosch, secretary Oregon state board of horticulture J. A. Churchill, state superintendent of public instruction C. I. Lewis, Manager Oregon Growers' Co operative association J. D. Mickle, state dairy and food commissioner Will H. Bennett, state superintendent of banks W. H. Walton, editor Better Fruit A. M. Gray, filbert grower Percy A. Cupper, state engineer W. H. Crawford, manager Oregon land settle ment commission A. G. Clark, manager Associated Industries of Oregon David N. Roberg, state health officer H. B. Van Duzer, president Portland Chamber of Commerce S. A. Kozer, deputy secretary of state M. H. Houser, chairman Port of Portland com mission G. B. Hegardt, secretary, Portland Commission of Public Docks Major J. R. Slattery, corps of U. S. Engineers George J. Kelly, member, Portland Motorboat club W. E. Mahoney, of the Emergency Fleet cor poration W. J. Kinney, secretary, Vancouver, Wash., Commercial club Floyd A. Swan, member, Port of Vancouver C. B. McCullough, bridge engineer, state high way commission F. A. Elliott, state forester John C. Almack, member of faculty, University of Oregon S. Benson, chairman, state highway commission Lewis A. McArthur, secretary, Oregon geo graphic board Carl D. Shoemaker, state game warden R. W. Price, president, Oregon Hotel Men's association Hal M. White, manager, Portland public audi torium S. B. Vincent, Chamber of Commerce publicity bureau Frank Coffinberry, representing Travelers' Protective association Clarence B. Osborne, member of Oregon bu reau of mines and geology staff A. L. Barbur, commissioner of public works, Portland L. H. Whitney, assistant superintendent of Portland schools W. D. B. Dodson. executive secretary, Portland Chamber of Commerce Mark Woodruff, secretary, Imperial Shrine convention committee Edward L. Wells, weather forecaster H. H. Griffis, president, Portland Ministerial association Marion Kyle, member, Oregon Aero club Eric V. Hauser, capitalist and general booster Jesse A. Currey, rose expert R. E. Clanton, state master fish warden W. B. Follett, state commander, American Legion Dr. D. W. Mack, chief inspector, milk division, bureau of health, Portland Albert A. Aya, manager industrial department, Swift & Co. New Year's Oregonian ANNUAL NUMBER, JANUARY 1. 1920 Is the most interesting and complete edition ever published about 100 pages. You will want to send copies to your friends in the east. Order now for delivery on January 1st. Single copy 10c; postage, 7c in United States and possessions; foreign 14c. Fill out blank form and send to Oregonian Office, Sixth and Alder. NAME STREET TOWN STATE THE OREGONIAN, Portland, Oregon. Gentlemen: Enclosed find , for which mail The Oregonian's New Year's Annual to each of the above addresses. (Inclose 17c for each address in United States or Possessions, 24c for each foreign address.) (Duplicate blanks may be had by calling, telephoning or writing The Oregonian Circulation Dept.) niimiiMiimiMiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiimimiiimiiimiimiiHiM niiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiimmiiiiiimmmmiiiiiiiimmim