THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND. DECEMBER 28, 1919. 1 ' ai l " I jrvzng uprop, wnowiuAccornpasii Victor- V .J .-.w.-.-.vv-..- We v exit r? STrs. Irving Stearns One of PortLand? Cnarming Matrons and Her Two Children. ton, who Is soon to become the bride j of Townsend Kurtz, who was an en- I sign in the navy during the war. Miss Programme. Those making up the Hogg formerly attended Washington Party were: Mr. and Mrs. W. r. B. T t II. i r T ii..,, I. . (Continued From Page 3.) The guests, which numbered 20, were asked to a buffet eupper and to come In an Krglish costume. Most of them wore Dickens attire, which, in the Are and candle light, made a very quaint effect. After supper old-time games were played until midnight, when cider, tarts and the other Christ mas goodies were served in the old HneliEh style. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Cobbs enter tained on Christmas day with a fam ily dinner, when 16 members were present. One of th large affairs to be given New Year's day will be the open house for which Dr. and Mrs. 'Wiley Jones will be hosts for the afternoon and evening. The Drama league will put on three one-act plays Tuesday evening at the Little theater. "Enter the Hero" will be depicted by Mrs. Hildreth Huma san Lupto'n, Mrs. A. Warren. Miss Louise Llttell and Stanton Bowlhy. "The. Little King' will be put on by me misses Marguerltte Ronins, Helen Green, Jeanette Nelson, Worth Cald well and Claire Wallace. The third one will be "Food." and the cast will be Miss Jean Wold, M. Karnopp and A. Purcell. Drama league members will be admitted by their membership cards. Miss Ellen Van Vllkenburg will ap pear at the Little theater on January 6. January 6 the Drama league will put on three more one-act plays, under the direction of Mrs. Dent Mow rey. On January 25 Hugh Walpole will be here under the auspices of the Drama league. Mrs. Oscar Menefee and daughter, Elizabeth, will leave soon for a six months' sojourn in Southern Cali fornia. Dr. and Mrs. Courtland L. Booth, well known socially in Portland and graduates of Oberlln university. Ober lin, O., have been regular attendants of the "Messiah" renditions given by the Portland Oratorio society. In. order to keep to Oberlln traditions, Dr. and Mrs. Booth have reserved for the Oberlln society of Portland 50 Beats in the main, body of the public Auditorium for the concert to be given Saturday night by the Portland Ora torio society and Alice Nielson. Pre ceding this concert will be a dinner by the Oberlln society at one of the leading hotels. For many years the great annual musical event at Ober lln university has been the public ren dition of "Messiah," with a chorus of 200 picked, trained voices. This school, with a conservatory of music second In size and reputation only to tne ew England conservatory. Bos ton, has made this annual "Messiah concert something to be remembered cy its students for all time. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Frank enter talned an Informal dinner party Sun day night at the Hotel Portland. Cov ers were placed for 15. Mr. and Mrs. Walter B. Honeyman will entertain with a dinner party vvea.nesaay mgnt at tne Motel Port land. Covers will be placed for 12. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clayberg of Avon, 111., announce the engagement or tneir sister, ieiue lomKlns Clay- berg, to vv nils Warren Ross of this cityl Mr. Ross, who is the son of the late General Leonard F. Ross of Lewistown, 111., has resided in Port land for a number of years and Is well known in social and business circles. The marriage will be sol emnized in the early spring and after a short sojourn in Florida and other southern states Mr. and Mrs. Ross will return to Portland, where they expect to reside permanently. An attractive social event of Jan nary 2 will be the greater O. A. C. dance at the Multnomah hotel. Prom inent visitors from out of town will be among those who will attend. The local committee has made Interesting '. plans for the event. The dance is one of a series being held In various parts or the state. carZ Cj-oVis; of SJiangnsi. CnzTia, a Recent Visitor in. and Oregon universities. Mr. Kurtz attended Oregon Agricultural college, m m m The Katherine Carroll Smith Con cert company, composed of Miss Smith, reader; Miss Blanch Deerlng. violinist and pianist, and Miss Ma belle Panthon, vocalist and accompa nist, is passing Christmas and the week-end with James Lindsey and mother at their home on East Salmon street. Christmas eve the neighbor hood children and grown-ups were treated to an hour's complimentary entertainment by Miss Smith and 1 company at the home of the Misses Erma and Nancy Eiler, Sunnyslde. where Miss Smith gave several char acter readings in costume, assisted by both Miss Deerlng and Miss Panthon. Miss Smith is a fine character reader from Wisconsin. Miss Deering is tal ented and accomplished on both the violin and piano, and Miss Panthon's soprano voice Is a delight to hear. The company also appeared In several complimentary numbers at a private party given by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kerr Friday evening at Turn halle. The Karrs and Mr. Lindsey and mother come from the same Wiscon sin town. Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Schwabe an nounced the engagement of their daughter Eleanor to Robert F. H. Wendeborn on Christmas eve. Miss Schwabe is a former student of Lin coln high school. Her father was formerly a member of the faculty at. Lincoln high school. Mr. Wendeborn recently returned from France, where he served in the signal corps of the American expeditionary forces. The large auditorium In the Pythian temple, formerly known as the Ma sonic temple, was well filled last Tuesday night, the event being the annual Christmas celebration of Ivan hoe lodge No. 1. The Christmas committee had ar ranged a beautifully lighted tree and there was an .abundance of Christmas fruits and candles for the children. Those on the committee were Ed O. Mayor, Fred D. Holm. Clinton W. Kern, Jesse A. Dunbar and Carl C Bultman. Past Grand Chancellor and Supreme Representative Frank Grant gave the address of welcome. Mr. and Mrs. Ben C. Ely were hosts at a delightful dinner party Saturday I night at the Hotel Portland. The table I was graced with Christmas greens. ! After the dinner the guests went to 1 the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. I Bliss in Irvington, where Miss Bliss j entertained with an informal musical I EVENTS OP THE WEEK. Miss Nellie Burcham entertained party of young friends at her home n KIrby street Friday evening In fit ilr. and Sirs. G. X. Host.' fit irving- i Dodson, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hunting ten. Mr. and Mrs. Phil S. Bates. Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Bliss. Mr. and Mrs. William Banschbach, Miss Dorothy Louise Bliss and F. Marton Stokes, e - Mr. and Mrs. Earl R. Weller enter tained Tuesday night with a dinner party at the Hotel Portland, followed by a box party at the Orpheum. Cov ers were placed for 18. the guests being the employes of Mr. Weller and their families. There were gifts ap propriate to the season for each one. mm A family reunion was held Christ mas night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Henwood at 830 Colonial avenue. Dinner was served to the following relatives: Mrs. Harriett L. Smith, Captain J. L Smith and Mrs. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mallett. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bushnell. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Breuer. Mr. and Mrs. John Baron, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eagle, Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Marshall. Mrs. Blaine Chatterton of Hammond Or.: Mrs. Helen Inskeep of Oakland. Cal.: Will lam Smith. Curnow J. Henwood and Richard Henwood. m m m The engagement of Mrs. Minnie La Flemme and Fred A. Zimmerman of Willamette was announced last week. The wedding will be held January 4. COMING EVENTS. Mr. and Mrs. Shlrek will be at home to their friends on New Year's day In celebration of their silver wedding. The B'nal B'rith club girls will hold a dancing party at the B'nal B'rith building next Thursday night. The dancing will start at 8:30. . The women's afternoon club of the Laurelhurst club will meet next Tues day at 2:15 at the clubhouse. Mrs. John Leigh ard Mrs. Harold N'cholas will be the hostesses. m m m The board of national guard offi cers will give a dancing party next Tuesday night, after quarterly mus ter and Inspection, to the men of the 3d Oregon Infantry. In honor of the ex-members of the regiment. Friends of the national guard have been In vited to attend. Basketball and an exhibition drill will be the features. The regular Rose City Dancing club party for next Thursday night has been postponed and will be held later In the season. The next regular party of the club will be held on Thursday night, January 16. ... Mrs. A. Randall, as chairman of the box social and dance to be given by Marguerite camp team Tuesday night at the East Side Business Men s club hall. Grand avenue and East AWer street, reports all arrangements are completed for the event. All mem bers, families and friends are wel come. m m ' The entertainment and dance planned by the Robert Emmet branch. Friends of Irish Freedom, which was twice postponed on account of weather con ditions, will be held on Thursday night, January 8, In Hlbernla hall. Miss Ignore Blaeslng has cards out for a large tea to be given Tuesday afternoon at the residence of her par ents on East Fifty-seventh street In honor of Miss Blanch Wilson. The woman's progressive club and the men's club of the Laurelhurst club will give a snowball dance next Tuesday night at the clubhouse. A coterie of Irvington girls, who are some of Portland's most popular maids, have formed a club to meet every two weeks at the home of different members. They will also be hostesses for dinner-dances, teas and bridge parties during the winter. They are Miss Theresla Albers. Miss Dorothy Cox. Miss Nina Dressell, Miss Louise Allehoff, Miss Mary Clancy. Miss Agnes Waschen. Miss Mary Alle hoff, Miss Margaret Casey and Miss Hermenia Albers. Miss Casey will entertain with an afternoon tea during the holidays. A gay dancing party will also be given on next Tuesday night at the Irving ton home of Miss Theresla and Her menia Albers. About 50 guests have been bidden. The second of the series of card parties being given by the ladles' auxiliary to Canadian war veterans will be held on January 7. It will be held In the clubrooms, sixth floor of the Worcester- building. The monthly meeting of the auxiliary will be held Tuesday, December P. M. In the clubrooms. :o. at Among the prize affairs to be l.eld during the holidays is the get together dance to be given by the Oregon club of the University of Washington Tuesday, December 30, at the Multnomah hotel. All college students are welcome, as it is i tended to make the college people of Portland acquainted. Charles Wiggins is president of the club and Eugene McCIung has charge of the dance. The rest of the committee are as follows: ders. Helen Holmes, Sophia Sheik. Marsh Davis. Harold Mann, Glenn Marian Jenkins, Kuth Jenkins, Marie Francis. Nelson Clark. Robert Dixon Edward Miller. Olin Lewis, Frank Buckler, Allan Dutcher, Marion Grebel. Luclle Jenkins. Elizabeth Wiggins. Marian Stephenson. Margaret Flauson. Margaret Johnson. Beatrice Rno. Marvel Purneur, Gladys Perry, Helen Catton. Alice Holman. The patrons and patronesses are Mr. and Mrs. George Baker. Mr. and Mrs. James B. Kerr. Simon Benson. Mr. and Mrs. C W. King. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Wiggins. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. .'enklns. m m m The social cIud of Friendship chap ter. Order of the Eastern Star, will give its postponed "five hundred" party tomorrow night at its hall at Forty-third and Sandy boulevard. The prizes will be a goose, a duck and a chicken. All Eastern Star, Masonic members and friends have been invited. Oh Bates Party, been Ganon, Ernst. December 30 Miss Annabelle will entertain with a Christmas The following guests have invited: The Misses Lonia Helen Virginia Vandewater. Helen Plttock. Lilian L.U- htrube. Frances Spauldine. Arltne Kennedy. Ann Wentworth, Jean Mulr, 1-Mith Marshall. Helen Winters. Helen Cady, Josephine Ulrlch. PhiUppa Sher man, Catherine Overbeck, Peggy Boyer, Frances Gotland. Clarabel La- mont and Bernice Anderson. The Alameda club will meet next Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Gage at the home of Mrs. Andrew J. Brown ing. S36 East Thirty-second street north. WEDDINGS. Crawford-Ball. Miss Doris Marie Ball of this city became the bride of Lieutenant Hil lary II. Crawford of Waynesvllle. N. C. December 14 at the Church of the Incarnation. Episcopal, In Atlanta. Ga. The service was read by Rev. I. H. Noe, pastor of the church and former chaplain of Fort McPherson, wherr- both the bride and bridegroom are stationed. i'.- ion th- ceremony Professor W. H. McLean, head of the Red Cross at t Concluded on PalTfi S. IMPORTERS . - ' .tlANUTACIURERS FURRIERS NE FURS FOR ALL OCCASIONS. N. M. UNGAR 141 BROADWAY, 340 ALDER ST. Southwest Corner of Broadway and Alder. S. WEISS The Ladies' Tailor Will Leave Town THE . LATTER PART OF JANUARY ON ACCOUNT OF HIS HEALTH, But Can Take About Five Orders Before He Leaves, Which Will Be Made at Special Prices 128 Vi Tenth St. New Year Greetings Books Friendship, Poetry, New Fiction, Birthday, Travel, Religion, Etc., Etc. If there Is someone you In advertently overlooked at Christmas It will be perfectly proper for you to send a New Year offering. As you know, many send their gift offerings at New Year time rather than at Christmas. You will find in our splendid book stock just the right book to suit. Book Dept. (Main Floor) Gill's New Year Cards Engraved, hand-colored, plain, postals, etc.. with greetings to eult any sentiment you may desire to express. Calendars Art and book calendars. No better gift than a calendar for New Year. Framed Mottoes for New Year So many like to send mottoes for New Year's, You will find any motto you are looking for In this stock. Attention, Boy Scouts ! We have a splendid calendar for the Boy Scouts we pur chased to sell at 75c. but will sell at 25c to close out. Get your copy early before they are all gone. Recommended to be In all Boy Scouts' room by post commanders. Second Floor Gift and Art Shop. The J. K. Gill Co. Booksellers, Stationers, Office Outfitters. Third and Alder Sts. i it m c fly 5B fA..- B What Are Your Plans for 1920? i ENEA TH the froth of the usual "New Year's Resolution" there are, in the hearts of every earnest man and woman, real thoughts and real plans for accomplishment during the coming year. IF you are one of these, who are thought fully mapping out their futures, then Westover Terraces will find instant ap peal. IT has this appeal because Westover offers more than a preferred residential site. There is beauty in its graceful terraces; its curving boulevards and splendid homes. There is inspiration every day renewed in its magnificent vista. ALL that nature has given in 10,000 miles of wonderland and all that man has built lies below you when you stand on Westover. See it. Live on it, and its surroundings will help you build bigger and better in 1920. Also for sale by any Realty Board member. 'A Happy New Year" Cutntwiand' Road Harold Jungck, Secretary International Realty Associates, Owners 1307 Yeon Building Phone Mar. 630; Residence, East 1999 WESTOVER. ERRACESl 'Portland's Best View Homesite' . V. '