The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 28, 1919, SECTION THREE, Page 3, Image 41

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AOs' j- vifdrx-rsri? JJ&it2x-&er ' SO;
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unusually interesting nnd
Mrs. Corbett read the Christmas
tory. which Is ever new. while chil
dren in costume Illustrated It in pan
tomime. This charming scene was
followed by a tree, with all the at
tendant fun and merrymaking.
Mrs. Lee Hoftman was hostess for
a family breakfast Christmas morn
ing, her usual custom at her apart
ment in Davis street.
Mrs. Helen Ladd Corbett also had
the members of her family for Christ
mas dinner.
Mrs. Peter Kerr was hostess for one
of the large family dinners.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric V. Hauser gath
ered their family together for a re
union, Mrs. Hauser and daughter ar
riving from St. Paul Just In time.
Dinner parties both large and small
were given In large numbers on
Christmas night by townspeople and
guests In the main dining-room and
grill of the Hotel Portland, each ' of
which were attractively decorated In
garlands of cedar, wreaths of holly
and Jars of growing poinsettlas. Those
reserving tables were: W. H. Ray
mond. Mrs. C. Meyers. C. A. Wolfgang,
Ben Trenkman, M. M. Massey. G. B.
Hegardt. S. B. Page. Mrs. A. Friedman,
P. Phena. Mrs. C. H. Burton. J. H.
Lowe, H. Hamstreet.. E. Young. Sam
Wise, S. Solomon, E. Ellis, C. C. Evans,
Jess KIngery, H. W. Hopkins, G. R.
Turnbull, J. K. Gill, R. R. Hinton. Mrs.
Allison King. J. W. Chase. H. W.
Stevens, W. T. Bradford, E. C. Will
lams, J. B. Dougherty, Mrs. Joseph
Goodman, C. H. Rutledge, A. Van
Roosendael. R D. Robinson. G. F. An
derson. T. J. Mullln, E. B. Huston.
J. L. O'Keefe. Mr. Gullison, Percy
Garrigus, F. Buchel. F. E. Stewart,
A. M. Jones, E. O. Grlswold, T. A.
Freeman, Ralph Catlln. George Love,
M. F. Spencer, Arthur Meyer, Miss
Dare, Mrs. H. W. Goode. Mrs. Tucker,
J. H. Bacharach, Mrs. M. Bradley, J.
Metgler. Dr. Klrby. C. H. DeFrles.
Mrs. M. Spurlln. Mrs. B. Carey, Mr.
Cooley. 51. O. Wllklns. H. O. Stokes,
Mr. Howe. R. G. Harrison, Mrs. Alex
ander C- Shaw. Miss Rosenthal, Mr.
White, E. D. Johnson. J. 1. Hurlbut.
Ok E. McGlll, Mrs. D. G. Davis. W. W.
Ferguson, Leo Peterson. G. W. Hall,
A. Dletz. H. G. Nolan, Dr: E. O. Smith,
A. G. Grady, G. Buck and C. R. Hunt.
Miss Frances Baker was a charming
hostess Saturday when she enter
tained with a luncheon at the Hotel
Portland in honor of Miss Margaret
Foster, who Is home from Mills col
lege for the holidays. Covers wart
placed for 14 at a table decorated In
Christmas greens. Following ths
luncheon the guests enjoyed a line
party, at the matinee. Those present
were: Misses Margaret Foster, Su
sanne Caswell, Agnes Black. Harrieth
Griffith. Janet Griffith. Eleanor Simp
son, Dora Henningaen. Edith Mar
shall, Evelyn Thatcher, Virginia
Thatcher. Helen West. Margaret Cook
and Mrs. Frank Baker.
"ne of the many Interesting social
affairs given In honor of Mrs. David
Lewis and Jordan Zan was a smart
supper dance Saturday of last week
beautiful. when Mrs. Fred Green entertained at
her residence in St. Clair street for
them. The house was lovely with
Christmas greens, holly and the sea
son's colors. Mrs. Green's fruets were:
Mr. and Mn. Thomas Honevman. Mr.
and Mn. Guy Webster Ta'.bot. Mr. and Mrs.
Edward Grelle, Mr. and Mrs. George Max
well. Mr. and Mrs. Hawley Hoffman. Mr.
and Mrs. Thomas Robertson. Mr. and Mrs.
David Taylor Honeyman. Dr. and Mrs.
Georg Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
L Warren, Mr. and Mrs. Cheater G. Mur
phy, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hlndman, Mr.
and Mrs. Edmund L. Devereaui, Mr. and
Mrs. Jack Browne, Dr. and Mrs. James, C.
Zan, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Green. Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Weaslnlrer. Mr. and Mrs. Vic
tor Johnson, Mrs. Grenvllle Vernon, Mrs
Mary T. Lombard, Mrs. Maxwell Blake,
Miss Margaret Dillingham, Mrs. David
Lewis, Jordan Zan, ElUe Bragg. M. Melll
and Haward Holland.
Mrs. J. A. and Eva Anderson, on
East Twelfth street North, enter
tained last Thursday with a delight
ful luncheon In honor of Mrs. Anna
Scott and daughter, Rubena. who left
for New York Saturday, stopping on
their way In Detroit. Mich., to spend
the holidays with a son.
Mrs. Anderson's guests Included:
Mrs. L. Carstenaen, Mrs. J. A. Taylor
Mrs. M. Prince. Mrs. John K Clark, Mrs
L. R. James. Mrs. N. O. Jansen. Mrs.
Augusta Wendt, Mrs. S. EJckstrom, Mrs
Charlea Stansell. Mrs. Bdward Petersen
Mrs. Charles Robinson, Mrs. Auutusta
Felch. Mrs. A. Person. Mrs. William
Sparks, Mrs. William Quadc. Mrs. 8. R
Arbuckle. Mrs. C. Palmqulst. Mrs. H. A
Oarvcr, Mrs. William Roswell, Mrs. C. A
Miss Alice Haw-man became the
bride of Theodore Peterson at the res
idence of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Hawman. 268 East Twenty
third street North, December 8, In the
presence of the family and intimate
friends. The service was read by Rev.
Mr. Iverson. There were no attend
ants. The wedding march was played
by Miss Mary West, niece of the bride.
Gerald Beesley gave a group of se
lections on the violin.
Mrs. Ottorlno Ronchl of San Fran
cisco, will arrive In Portland today
to be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. G.
Mack, for a few days. Mrs. Ronchl
Is the wife of a well known news
paper man of San Francisco.
Mrs. Julius Friendly has received
word of the marriage of her brother,
Edmond Herrseher of San Francisco,
and Miss Erma Goldschmldt, formerly
of San Francisco, but who has been
living In Zurich, Switzerland, with
her aunt, Mrs. I. R. Grlnbaum, also
a former resident of San Francisco.
The marriage took place In Zurich,
December 12. Mr. Herrseher is a well
known attorney In San Francisco and
has been business advisor to Mrs.
Orlnbaum, who has large sugar In
terests in Honolulu.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sharp were
hosts last night for a buffet supper
at their residence on Westover ter
race in honor of Mrs. Sharp's brother,
Charles K. Field of San Franclsoo,
editor of the Sunset magazine.
Those who were asked were class
mates and fraternity brothers of Mr.
Fields at Stanford. The list Included:
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Rockey, Dr. and Mrs.
Eugene Rockey, Mr. and Mrs. George Wli
lard Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Murphy,
Mr. and Mrs. John Noyee, Mr
John Raymond Holman,
Dr. and Mrs. Otis Wright, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Branch Riley, Mr. and Mrs. William
Roberson, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Jewett,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred 8. Morris, Miss Cornelia
Cook and Mrs. Henry K. Flels of San Fran
cisco. Mr. and Mrs. L, Abramson of 141
Twenty-third street, announced the
engagement of their daughter Gert
rude to Irving Wlederhorn of New
York City, the past week. The wed
ding will be an event in the early
The Women's Ad club of Portland
will have a dinner in the rose room
at the Benson hotel Tuesday night.
As this will be the last dinner of
the year all members have been
requested to be present and make
reservations by calling Broadway 25.
Miss Florence Prevost, president of
the club, will preside. Mayor Baker
will speak, as will A. G. Clark. Each
person will receive a gift, of an
article made in Oregon, from the tree
which will be one of the features of
the affair. Stuart McGulre will sing.
In honor of Mrs. William H. Patter
son and Miss Marjorle Forbls. who
will leave the first week in January
for China, Mrs. L. S. Martin and Mrs.
J. P. Mulder, were charming hostesses
for a reception yesterday afternoon
at the residence of Mrs. Martin, 766
Schuyler street.
Mrs. John Forbls. Mrs. C. P. Will
iams, Mrs. B. D. Stewart and Mrs.
G. Kenneth Murdoch, presided at the
handsomely-appointed tea table and
were assisted by Mrs. William Yerlan,
Mrs. A. H. Allen, Mrs. T. A. Mills.
Mrs. Maurice Barnes, Mrs. Owen
Marlon, Mrs. Jenny Bleker. Miss Mary
Long and Miss Ruth Standifer. About
200 maids and matrons called during
the afternoon.
. . -
The grown-ups as well as the kid
dles have been having a great deal
of pleasure at the Portland Art mu
seum, where they have their usual
Christmas room. On display In this
room are two lovely Florentine stu
dies, lent by Mrs. George Willett: a
group of Lulnl panels, one being the
"Adoration of the Magi ; two Flemish
paintings loaned by August Berg,
bearing the legend of St. Ursula
(1486), showing the Madonna and
child: a beautiful cardinal's crepe,
lent by Mrs. C. E. S. Wood, and a no
table madonna lent by Colonel E. H.
Hofer of Salem.
Tomorrow afternoon at 3 o'clock
Miss Henrlette Falling will tell the
Christmas story with pictures and
slides. All children who are Inter
ested will be welcome. The Christ
mas room will be open to the public
until after the New Year, except Mon
days and Wednesdays.
m m m
Many Portlanders are in California
for the Christmas holidays, among
them being Dr. and Mrs. John Forrest
Dickson, who are with Mrs. Dickson's
mother In Berkeley. Mrs. Margaret
Burrell BIddle and her daughter.
Miss Margaret Biddle. are also In Cal
ifornia, where they were Joined by
Martin Biddle. They will attend the
Oregon-Harvard game In Pasadena,
and later go to Berkeley, where Miss
Biddle will enter the University of
California. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Shev
Iln are in southern California until
after the New Year. Mr. and Mrs. P.
L Menefee are with Mrs. Menefee's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ghlrardelll, In
San Francisco. Mr. and Mrs. William
Heller Ehrman are with Mrs. Ehr
man's parents in San Francisco. The
Misses Marja Helen and Frances
Spaulding are In Santa Barbara for a
few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. John F.
Logan with John. Jr.. are also in Cali
fornia. They will spend the holiday
season In Los Angeles and San Diego,
returning to Portland shortly after
the New Year.
Society is looking forward to the
recital to be given by the pupils
of Miss Kathorlne Laidlaw. next Sat
urday afternoon at Lincoln high
school. Miss Laidlaw is one of Port
land's most talented girls and her
success as an artistic dancer is too
well known to need any further
Those whom MIsb Laidlaw will pre
sent Saturday afternoon are the
Misses Hanah Breyman. Marie Farrell.
Virginia and Evelyn Thatcher, Ellse
Bristol Elizabeth Talbot, Eleanor
Beckwlth. Annalle Hlrsch, Eleanor
Hlrscn, Caroline Levy. Josephine
Smith, Sally Marshall, Jane Fried
lander, Marcella and Norma Sears.
Phyllis Closbrook. Frances Kerr. Vir
ginia Zan, Helene Hlrsch, Phyllis
Bowles, Jane Boyer, Hanna Laidlaw,
Bernice Langton. Frances Caawsjl
and Ielphlne Koshland.
The marriage of Miss Elizabeth May
Jacobs, one of Portland's most charm
ing and, Interesting girls, to Dr. Will
iam Reginald Jackson of Kansas
City, Mo., was a smart social event
at the beautiful residence of her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. G. G.
Henry, in San Diego, Cal., Decem
ber 17.
The house was decorated with
French baskets of flowers with trail
ing green of emllax. The ceremony
was held In the . sunparlor before an
altar of palms, white chrysanthemums
and carnations. The bridal party
came down the stairs to the strains
of Lohengrin's wedding march.
Master Blllle Henry Jr.. a young
cousin of the bride, was ring bearer,
and little Miss Rosemary Evans was
flower girl. They were followed by
Miss Margaret Breedlove of Berkeley,
as maid of honor, who was dressed
in orchid satin and carried an arm
bouquet of pink roses. Then came
the bride on the arm of her uncle.
Albert E. Adams. The bride was a
regal in a gown of Ivory satin with
court train and full length veil, held
In place with a coronet of point
They were met at the altar by the
bridegroom and Fred Alvin Jacobs,
brother of the bride who acted as
best man. The Impressive ring cere
mony was read by Dr. Edwin Hollen
beck. A reception was held after the j
The young couple left for a motor
trip through northern California, re- ,
turning to pass Christmas at the ,
Henry home. Then they will go to i
Kansas City where they will make j
their home.
Dr. Jackson is a practicing physl- ,
clan in Kansas City. It was only a .
short time ago that he was dls- i
charged from the British army with !
the rank of captain. He went Into I
the war too early to gain admission
in the American army, serving seven i
months In Manchester, England, and
IB months with the British army in
Mrs. Jackson is a daughter of the
late Fred Jacobs, one of the best
known business men in Portland, and
Mrs. Jacobs, a popular matron In the
social world of this city.
One of the interesting weddings of
the past week was that of Miss Le-
nore Jicuregor or Astoria ana unanes
Harold Gray of Reed college, which
was an event of last Monday at the
residence of the bride's parents In
Astoria. .
Mr. and Mrs. Gray will make their
home at Reed college, where Mr.
Gray Is an instructor In English.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Church, the sis
ter and brother-in-law of the bride,
came from Boston to be present at
the wedding. Dr. and Mrs. P. L.
Campbell of Eugene were also guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Devereaux
were hosts In honor of-Mrs. David
Lewis and Jordan Zan when they en
tertained with a charming dinner,
followed by two tables of bridge, at
their residence in Sellwood last Mon
day night. Those who enjoyed this
affair were Mr. and Mrs. David Tay
lor Honeyman. Dr. and Mrs. George
Marshall, Mrs. Lewis and Jordan Zan.
cial.) Mr. and Mrs. Francis Langton
of Portland, who have been the holi
day guests of Mrs. Langon s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. M. A. Miller. In
San Fnnclsco, have been extensively
entertained during their visit. They
were honor guests at dinner parties
given by Mr. and Mrs. Frederick St.
Goar and other San Franciscans, and
Mrs. Lanrton was honored at a lunch
eon glv m by Mrs. Miller at the Wom
an's Athletlo club. Mr. and Mrs.
Langton entertained at a dinner dance
at the Fairmont hotel during the
week In honor of Miss Elizabeth
Schmieden and Miss Doris Schmieden
of Piedmont.
Miss Edna Shalr.wald. daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Shalnwald of
"Portland, was married to David Rob
inson of Washington. D. C. at the
Hotel Richelieu in San Francisco last
week. Only members of the families
and a few intimate friends were pres
ent. The bride and her parents have been
passing the winter In San Francisco.
Mr. Shalnwald Is a retired banker.
Mr. RobT.son Is In the United States
department of public health at Wash
ington, D. C, and came west a short
time ago on government business.
The young couplo left Immediately
after the ceremony for Washington,
where they will make their home.
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Ehrman
of Portland have been passing the
holidays at the Hotel St. Francis in
San Francisco.
Mrs. Thomas Scott Brooke has re
turned to Ran Francisco from a visit
to her former home In Portland and
Is with her mother. Mrs. Carter P.
Pomerqa-, at San Rafael.
Mr. and Mrs. William Alvord of
Portland, who have been passing the
holidays with Colonel and Mrs. Ben
jamin Alvord at Fort Mason. San
Francisco, have gone with their hosts
on a motor trip to southern Califor
nia. They will visit Santa Barbara
and Los Angeles, and may possibly
extend their trip to the Mexican bor
der. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hart and
Miss Sally Hart of Portland, who have
been visiting In San Francisco on a
California tour, were entertained at
Christmas at the Alvord home.
Roy M. Tucker, who started from
Rochester. N. Y.. to travel by motor
cycle over the Santa Fe trail, arrived
in San Francisco a few days ago on
his way to Portland, where he will
terminate his long trip.
Judge R. S. Bean of Portland has
been a recent visitor in San Francisco.
W. C. Waldron, Walter Geartn. Mr.
and Mrs. W. F. Dodson. and Mr. and
Mrs. E. L. Holllngshead of Portland
have teen visitors in San Francisco
Curing the past week.
A wedding which came as a com
plete surprise to their many friends
and which both Portland and Seattle
are Interested Is that of Mrs. Clarence
Booth La Monte and William Leonard
Eaton, both of Seattle, which took
place last night at the residence of the
bride's father. Henry Hahn, at 7
o'clock in the presence of the family
and close friends of Portland and Se
attle. The service was read by Bishop
Sumner. Following the ceremony a
wedding dinner was served, after
which Mr. and Mrs. Eaton left for an
extended' trip through California.
They will make their home in Seattle.
Nelson L. Clark, a student of the
University of Washington and son of
Captain and Mrs. Lee ML Clark of 747
East Couch street Is spending the
holidays with his parents. He is tak
ing an active Interest in the Oregon
club of the University of Washington,
which will give a student dance at
the Multnomah hotel on December 30.
Miss Mabel Ransom of this city be
came the bride of George Beach, a
former Portland architect, In San
Dlcgo. Cal.. last Tuesday. The bride
la a daughter of Mrs. E. Ransom and
a sister of Mrs. H. D. Penneland Ran
som. Mr. and Mrs. Beach will make
their home In southern California.
One of the Jolliest and most festive
Before-Stock -Taking Sale
Three days more before inventory reductions prices down to bedrock to clear
out stocks real "bargains" in every department awaiting your early choice.
rVssssV5 f JsPPssk
svfi liHHlsHfllsHlsssKinRn
Serge, Tricotine and Jersey
$23.50 Dresses at $17.65
$49.50 Dresses at $37.15
$72.50 Dresses at $54.35
All Suits V2 Price
Rather than carry these suits over we
offer them at less than cost.
$35 Suits $17.50 $65 Suits $32.50
$95 Suits $47.50
Serge, velour, tricotine, duvet de laine, silver
tone, chameleon cord, plumette.
Dress Reductions
All Silk Dresses Reduced
satin, cnarmeuse, georgette
and tricolette
$75.00 Dresses $50.00
$42.50 Dresses $28.35
$22.59 Dresses $15.00
Party Frocks Reduced
All Wool Dresses Reduced
3 Big Groups of
PAafc Specially
Oct Lb Reduced
$25, $35, $45
Silvertone and velour
High Grade COATS
Reduced 33x3 Per Cent
Scarfs . of almost any pelt at
prices you can af lord to pay. Re
ductions positively amazing.
All Furs Reduced 4
All Millinery Reduced
We have disregarded original prices entirely in marking
hats for stock clearing.
EVERY HIGH-GRADE HAT, formerly selling as
hgh as $25.00,
Reduced Price $7.50
Including all pattern hats and gold lace hats.
ALL UNTRIMMED HATS, formerly selling as
high as $15,
Reduced Price $3.00
CHILDREN'S HATS, formerly selling as high as
educed Price $ 1 .OO
Corduroy, velvet and felt in
black, brown, navy, sand
and rose. For 2 to 10 years.
$ 75.00 Coats.
$ 95.00 Coats.
$125.00 Coats.
Long Plush Coats
Specially Priced
$45.00 Plush Coats $33.75
$79.50 Plush Coats $59.65
$95.00 Plush Coats $71.25
All Blouses Reduced
Three Extra Special Groups
W fS7 M
Georgette, crepe de chine and net in
white, flesh and colors.
High Quality Blouses
T? t ii i 3 ,
models are
. included.
$19.50 Blouses
$29.50 Blouses
$32.50 Blouses
n!;niiiiti:iMiin!iiii!ininiiii:!uiM!niiiiinuKni!iininwiiuiiiiTi:in!tittiim.nini!inunniiiHui!HiMiiiniiii:iiit.nnininiTiniiiiii tiHiiiiiiitiirnitiitiiiMnuiMiMmirHtTHifiuninfi:iiiiiuiiiiitu)Uii;iiiiiH!MiiimtinnitnutuiiiTnmin
Christmas parties was last nlsht.
when Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Cobbs enter
tained 40 of their close friends with
an old-fashioned sheet and pillow
case party, at their residence on Mont
gomery drive. The guests were all
masked until supper time. Dancing
and feature dances were the diversion
of the evening. Those who enjoyed
this affair were Mr. and Mrs. Leroy
Fields. Mr. and Mrs. George Nevins.
Mr. and Mrs. Dorsey Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. Truett Hughs. Mr. and Mrs. Will
iam T. Belcher, Mr. and Mrs. C. B.
Baker, Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Belcher, Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Hugglns. Dr. and
Mrs. Sheldon, Mr. and Mrs. George
Durkee, Mr. and Mrs. i: C. Griffin.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert I. Donald. Mr.
and Mrs. Graham Glass, Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Williams, Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
O'Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Can
non, Mr. and Mrs. Everett Babcock,
Dr. and Mrs. Hicks Fenton, Mr. and
Mrs. George Gerllnger, Mr. and Mrs.
Louis Gerllnger and the hosts.
Miss Mary Frances Isom was
hostess for a real old-fashioned Eng
lish Chflstmas party Christmas night
at her residence on Overton street.
f Confirmed on I'm 4.)
ind Mr.
Clarence Sewsl!.
tiiiiiaiitmimifiiniiiijriiniNitiiiininiiiiiiniiiuiuiiJiiiimiiritrimiiiijiniiiititiiniiimmuuf tux iiiiiiniitiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiinitiiiiiiiiuiiitiiiiiiiiiiuniitiiiii;
Good Ways to Spend
Xmas Gift Money
Why not invest it in some bits of silken
lingerie you have been wanting ? We have
complete and delightful assortments of
Silken Underwear
Blouses, Hosiery
U mbrellas
Our prices are moderate and our styles
the very newest. Come here before you
spend your Christmas check.
Agents Lily of
France Corsets.
346 Washington Street
Morgan Bldg.
is exclusive
in style, but
not expensive
in price.
A New Blouse, Did You Say?
Then here's your opportunity. We are
offering a few dozen delicate-colored
georgette blouses (there are some in
suit shades, too) in smart novelty ef
fects at
'A Off
Just to make room for new spring stock
At this liberal discount you have a de
lightful and practical way to use your
Christmas gift money or bonus check.
The Shop of
Wouldn't you like to fresh
en your wardrobe with a
handsome blouse of the
better sort?
Pittock Block, West Park and Washington
Obviously, buying advantages are vastly in favor of imme
diate action, for prices are now at bottom and to wait longer
will find only the disappointment of depleted lines. Every
. winter garment and wrap at Peterson's is rounded up for this
absolute final clearance. We have considered neither cost nor
worth our sole endeavor is to promptly dispose of every item
bearing the tinge of winter.
Petersons Lovely
Dresses to Go
Trleotlnes.SergPB. Satins,
Velo UTS, Taffetas, Trl
colettes. Georgettes,
Vz Prici
Every Winter Coat
The $ 49.50 Coats at $24.75
The $ 59.50 Coats at S28.75
The $ 69.50 Coats at S34.75
The $ 79.50 Coats at $39.75
The $ 950 Coats at $49.25
The $129.50 Coats at $64.75
The $149.50 Coats at $74.75
Nearly all Coats are late arrivals.
Trimmed Hats at
None ars reserved. Every
hat In stock at tha
stunning: low pries of
$1.95. If you require an
other hat to finish the
season, for economy's
flake fret it now at
Until January 1st, Any Fur-Trimmed Suit in Stock for $39.50
No Exchanges, No Refunds, No Layaways During This Sale
374 Morrison at West Park
' "" ...inmimiiiiiiniiiii.. i.iMniiii.Mmruii.minimii.u.1 m ll"l"UlUVUIIlIUIIIimilllliiIIIIHII'ltlll,irilllHIII,HlIHI "