- . f .-- .... -v.. 10 S 4LSO BACK PAGE OF THIS SECTION FOR MORE NEWS Extra! Boys' and Girls' Munsing Union Suits $1.95 " 1000 garments are included in this unusual January sale special. Extra fine mercerized lisle medium weight union suits of the nationally famous "Munsing" make. High neck, long sleeves, ankle length style in white only. Half open front for girls, full open front for boys. All sizes. Great values at $1.95. Meier A Frank's: Knit Underwear Shop, Main Floor. r i - L' - . A V-f- EstiblijKcJ S57 TriEr Q.UAL1TY' STOB OF PORTLAND FiftN Six.tll 'Morrisot! Alder Sta. IMA . . M . : Br . -a. mm-. ; January Apparel Sales Every single garment in the Fashion Salons has had its price cut to a lower figure coats, suits, dresses, skirts, all are included. Every garment is straight from our regular stocks. It is made just as well as though the full price were being asked. Splendid Suits at $20 Were $29.50 to $48.50 Odd one and two-of-a-kind suits made of fine wool materials. Usually plainly tailored and without fur so that they can be worn late in the spring. Majority silk lined. Navy, oxford, Algerian red and light colors. Broken sizes. Suits at $32.65 Were $55 to $62.50 Suits at $41.45 Were $65 to $98.50 Two wonderful groups of distinguished suits in black, brown, oxford, navy, tan, Copenhagen. Wool jersey, peach bloom, silver tone, duvet superior and velveteen. Many are richly trimmed with fur. Some plainly tailored without fur. Practically all sizes. Velveteen Dresses $24.38 to $86.25 Were $32.50 to $115 Rich-looking frocks for afternoon and informal evenings. Many with pretty lace collars. Black, blue and other colors. Only one or two of a kind. Tricotine Dresses $49.50 to $112.50 Were $55 to $150 Such frocks can be worn easily with furs throughout the en tire spring. In addition to the regular sizes there are a number of extra sizes in 44, 46 and 48. Serge Dresses $14.85 Were $19.50 to $25 Wool jersey as well as serge for everyday wear. Plain, em broidered and braid trimmed. Black, navy, brown, burgundy. Street Dresses $18.85 Were $29.50 to $32.50 French finish serge and trico tine in navy, black and other color's. Not all sizes in each style, but excellent variety. Every Winter Coat Is Reduced $140.00 to $185.00 Coats, Now $98.50 $95.00 to $9850 Coats, Now $68.50 $57.50 to $65u00 Coats, Now $39.50 And a great many other coats at lower and higher prices tan be had at proportionate savings. At $39.50 to $98.50 are bolivia, peachbloom, evora, duvetyn, velour, many with large collars and cuffs of squirrel, beaver, fox, wolf and nutria. Skirts Are Decidedly Less $18.50 to $20.00 Skirts, $11.85 $15.75 to $17.50 Skirts, $ 9.45 $12.50 Skirts $ 7.45 Tricotine, serge and tweeds in wanted styles and colors. Almost every woman needs an extra skirt some time or another and this is her opportunity. Many Reductions Not Advertised Meier & Frank's: Apparel Shop. Fourth Floor. . I Thirty-Inch Fur Sport The January Sales affect for the first time these fur coats best suited to Portland winters. Being only 30 inches long they are not bulky, they are not too hot, they are useful, they are extremely smart. An exceptional assortment. Only one of a kind. A plain sealine coat, was $145 $108.75 A plain sealine coat, was $175 $131.23 A sealine coat wiih natural gray squirrel collar and cuffs, was $298.50 $223.75 Coats Very Much Less A sealine coat, skunk collar and cuffs, was $350 .$262.50 A plain near-seal (seal dyed coney) coat, was $225. .$168.75 A Hudson seal coat (dyed muskrat) with taupe squirrel collar and cuffs, was $385 $288.75 A very full plain Hudson seal coat (dyed muskrat), was $550 $412.50 A plain marmot coat, was $150 $112.50 A marmot coat with border of same fur, was $185. .$138.75 Meier & Frank's: Fur Shop, Fourth Floor. Two Hats for the Price of One News Flashed From the Millinery Salons All holiday merchandise has been moved away and hats have come into their own once more. Decided reductions have been made to celebrate. This is the time when almost every woman feels she ought to have something new to freshen her spirits and there is nothing that adds such a spice to one's costume as a new hat. $12.50 to $18 hats reduced to $7.50 A splendid assortment. $7.50 to $12 hats at $4.50 Beaver, velour and hatters' plush, in ready-to-wear styles, excellent for motoring and general utility. $3.50 to $5.50 unt rimmed hats $1 Considerable variety of shapes. Mostly black. Think of getting a perfectly good-looking hat for $1. All other untrimmed hats reduced to half price, now $1.75 to $5; were $3.50 to $10. AH flowers, feathers and ornaments a quarter less. Meier & Frank's: Millinery Shop. Fourth Floor. Blouses Important January Sale Five very special groups offered tomorrow ; the values such as come only once or twice a year, ity perfectly fresh and ready to wear ; some may need pressing. A few of the styles are pictured. Major- $1.25 to $1.50 Waists 69c A clearaway of white voile waists. Sizes 36 to 46, but not in each style. So inexpensive that they will be bought by the half dozen and saved for spring. $4 to $5 Waists $2.45 Georgette crepe or silk crepe de chine, also voile or organdy. Sizes 36 to 44 in the lot, but not in each style. Flesh, white, gray, bisque, a few dark colors. $5.00 to $7.50 Blouses $3.95 Georgette crepe, satin, crepe de chine and taffeta in flesh, white, bisque, navy, black. High, low and round necks. A remarkable assortment. $12.50 to $16 Blouses at $7.45 Georgette crepe and satin in Cuba red, navy, white, flesh, taupe, black, brown. Wide variety of styles; plain or with embroidery. $9 to $75 Blouses, $6.75 to $56.25 This season's distinguished models in long and short blouses for street and elaborate dress occasions. White and dark colors, including black. Meier & Frank's: Blouse Shop, Fourth Floor. An old-fashioned sale with a new meaning, a new method and a i new merit. ki January Sales as of yore but with this important further appli .' ' cation TO BRING DOWN LIVING COSTS. t. A new merchandising method in their making: New conditions had to be met with old abundant quantities were lacking and old reliable qualities did not come unasked. But we were determined to maintain in the face of whatever dif ficulties the continuity of our programme so steadfastly followed during 1919 to bring down living costs. Laces, Georgette Crepe 89c $1.25 to $2 Grades Shadow and filet lace flounces 18 and 27 inches wide; net top laces 6 to 9 inches wide; allover shadow laces 18 and 36 inches wide; metal novelty laces 18 inches wide, and metal bandings 4 to 7 inches wide are included in this wonderful col lection for winter and spring sewing. In the lot are additional prizes of georgette crepe printed with floral pat terns on white grounds; for dresses and blouses; limited quantity. Our $2.25 to $2.75 Georgette $1.69 Just 400 yards of pretty 40-inch georgette crepe for blouses and danc ing frocks. White, flesM, black, navy, green, brown and pastel shades. Less than today's wholesale price. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. Corsets Samples and Odd Lines Reduced Now $1 to $5.95 Sizes 22 to 36 in the assortment, but not in each price group. Corsets of our standard makes in plain coutil or brocades, but sold down to a few of a kind, so we want to hurry them out to their future owners. American Lady corsets, special $1 and $1.95 Madame Irene corsets of extraordinary quality, special $3.95 Madame Lyra corsets, special $4.95 Frolaset front-lace corsets, $5.95 Melr Frank's: Corset SThop. Third Floor. A Warm Wave Is on the Way! Note These New Sweater Prices $13.95 for $15.00 to $24.00 Kinds $17.50 for $21.50 to $42.50 Kinds Popular styles which have sold down to three, four or five of a kind. At $13.95 are the splendid Swiss sweaters of brushed wool pictured, the youthful Co-Ed models for young folk and the good-looking Tuxedo and ruff-neck styles for sports wear. Blue, pink, purple, heather mixtures, oxford, gray and so on. In the $17.50 group are golf coats of brushed wool some times combined with silky angora. Effective mackinaw plaid coats are illustrated. Then there are the plain col ored coats with plaid mufflers, warm and picturesque, also all plain colors with Tuxedo collars. Variety of colors. Splendid for golf, motoring, hiking. Meier & Frank's: Sweater Shop. Third Floor. House Dresses Six Special Groups at $1.98, $3.98, $4.98, $5.95, $6.95 to $12.50 SAMPLES many less than today's wholesale cost Made of excellent -jaercale and gingham in checks, plaids and solid colors, trimmed with embroidery, braid and col ored piping. The $5.95 dresses in attractive voiles come in sizes 36 to 40. All the others are in sizes 16, 18, 20 years and will fit small women. Cover-All Aprons 98c, $1.49, $1.98 Splendid values among them for the housekeeper. Straight line and Billie Burke models in solid colors or in light and dark figured percales. Some are bound with white or contrasting colors. A few are of gingham. Not every size in each style, but sizes 36 to 44 in the lot. Extra Size Aprons $1.79 Sizes 46 to 52, in capacious coverall aprons of good quality, which large women will appreciate. Meier & Frank's: Third Floor. Sixth Street. Swinging Stand Frames $1.49 500 swinging stand picture frames in at tractive carver! effects. Beautifully fin ished in burnished antique gold. All are complete with glass and back. All sizes from cabinet to 8x10 inches. Wopderful values for the January sales at $1.49. Meier & Frank's: Picture Shop. Fifth Floor. Veilings 49c '-Almost every kind of veil any one can want. Plain and novelty meshes, fashionable scroll pat terns, popular chenille dotted shadow designs, filet meshes, French and aeroplane designs and becoming complexion veil ing. Plenty of black, taupe, brown, navy, purple. Meier & Frank's: Main Floor. Bringing Dqw S5.00 Bed Spreads $3 Three-quarter size crochet bedspreads, scalloped, with cut lJ 3tKUu rea opreaas jpt Hemmed crochet spreads of excellent quality. . ! " Meier & Frank's: Second Floor. W . Pillow Cases 35c Serviceable quality pillow cases in tne 4xo0-incn size Dozen special at $4. . i Meier ft Frank's: Second Floor. $2.00 Sheets $1.50 Good quality sheets. Size 72x90 inches. $2.50 Sheets $1.75 These are in the 81x90 size. Meier ft Frank's: Si cond Floor. 35c Nainsook 25c Excellent grade nainsook in the 36-inch width. Meier ft Frank's : Second Floor. I- 10-Yard Piece Longcloth $2 Fine soft-finished longdoth, yard wide. Meier & Frank's : Second Floor, j $2.00 Cotton Batts $1.50 2- lb. cotton batts in full comfort size. $3.00 Cotton Batts $2.50 3- lb. cotton batts in full comfort sire. Meier ft Frank's: Second Floor. J 50c Ginghams 39c 32-inch ginghams in plaids and stripes. Meier ft Frank's : Second Floor, f V 50c Shirtings 39c 32-inch woven madras shirtings in all striped patterns. Meier ft Frank's: Second Floor, i $4.00 Coatings $2.98 Dark colored coatings ranging from 50 to 54 inches wide. For womens' everyday garments and misses' school coats. Meier ft Frank's: Second Floor. Fur Remnants Half Price 75c to $23.75 were $1.50 to $47.50 a yard, one to twelve- ! inch fur trimmings including coney, nutria, skunk, opos- t sum. Eight and one-half inch Hudson seal (dyed musk- i rat) a third less. Limited quantity. No pieces will be cut. Meier ft Frank's: Main Floor. Ribbons! Ribbons! RIBBOti Ribbons J Price Hundreds of pieces to select from in this half-price I offering;. Fancy ribbons taken from regular stock of this season's I patterns. Beautiful jacquards, metallic embroidered effects, j; printed warps, etc Wonderful colors. 1 Wanted Housew Aluminum Boiler $1.47 t -quart Betty Bright alumi num double boiler for rice or milk. 2-quart size $1.79. Cup and Saucer Each 34 Regular 50c fancy decorated Nippon china cups and saucers specially priced for the January sales at each 34c. Aluminum Kettle I $3.39 4-quart "Lifetime" alumi-J num inset tea kettle. Size ojj inset is one quart. Cake Sets $2.69 f Regular $3.25-$S.50 fancjl decorated Nippon china cakeg plate and six individual platesf 900 Good Brooms at 54? Each Housewives do not need to be told how exceptional is this offering. A special purchase brings 900 of these good Po land-made brooms of genuine broom com (no filler) with fouf red seams, wire run-down finish, polished handle securely bound with wire. While any remain 54c.