THE- SUJilA OKKUOMAN, PORTLAND, DECEMBER 31, 1919. mil equal spoonfuls of many other baking powders Calumet Baking Powder has more than the ordinary leavening strength therefore you use less. It is by far the most economical baking powder. You pay about half the amount asked for high-priced brands. It goes twice as far as most other brands so you save when you buy it you save when you use it But the most important economy of CALUMET BAKING POWDER C MKMO POWOCK a is in its superior quality. Regardless of price, Calumet is the highest grade baking powder made. It is absolutely pure in the can in the baking. Leaves no harmful residue. Calumet, wherever placed, always gives satisfaction. It is the largest selling brana of baking powder in" the world and is made in the largest, cleanest, most up-to-date Baking Powder factory in existence. The millions of housewives who use Calumet secure better bakings at a more economical cost than those who do not use it. With all this evidence of superiority with all this proof of better bakings, why should you be satisfied to stand the exorbitant expense of over priced powders or the faults and failings of cheap, inferior brands. You shouldn't and you won't after one Calumet bake-day trial. Beware of This When you buy a pound can of Calumet, you get a full pound 16 ounces, no short weights. Some baking powders are now being put on the market in 12-ounce cans instead of pound cans. Be sure you get a pound when you want it. Remember Calumet is not made by the Trust not sold at Trust prices. Valuable 72-Page Cook Book Handsomely Illustrated in Colors Every housewife should have it. The most comprehensive Cook Book ever issued. Hundreds of selected recipes formulated by eminent Chefs and Domestic Scientists. 276 Home Helps that show how to save work, time, money how to have better things to eat at less cost. Send slip found in a can of Calumet and three 2-cent stamps to help cover expense of packing and mailing. No matter how many Cook Books you nave, you need this valuable volume of household aids. Calumet Baking Powder Co., 4100-4124 Fillmore St., Chicago, 111. MAKES MOST PALATABLE SWEETEST OF FOODS fOT MADE BY THE ALUME to two ssa Da v BAl it BAKING PC1 CHICAOO BEST BY TEST V J -rrirari '