THE SUNDAY OREGONTAN, PORT! AND, DECEMBER 21. T910. " v"''S - . Snows Add Charm to Lake District of England. Edith I.Hnjon 'Writes of Country Xow Burled Uader Blanket of White Hills of Country Are Small in C omparison With Thoae of Oregon. BY EDITH LANTON. THE ENGLISH LAKE DISTRICT, Nov. 18. One cannot write for long about the English lake dis trict without quoting: Wordsworth, so I might as well begin and get it off my mind. Fair scenes for childhood's opening bloom, For sportive youth to stray In, For manhood to enjoy his strength. For age to wear away In. That alludes to here and I am doing the sportive age act, a mixture of "straying" and "wearing away." This country is now wjiite with mow; even the bracken fern, which hung red as the beard of "William Kufus is hidden from sight. The rhododendrons seem to bloom again with wraith-like flowers. It Is the melancholy, winding-sheet kind of snow, not the cheery, sparkling, Christmas-card sort. Although these hills are only molehills compared to the mountains of Oregon, today they remind me of the Olympics or the Cascades seen tnrough the wrong end of a pair of opera-glasses. They are all wearing snowcaps. The streams look black and angry, pushing their way between banks of snow. We walk down the steep, elippery hills with the air of cavalry officers, in spurs, clinking as we go, because we wear steel sharps buckled about our heels to give us foothold. From our gate to the village, is distinctly a "non-stop" route for foot passengers. We may start out of, the gate with dignity, but about two sec onds later arrive abruptly with our feet up against the first cottage in the village, about a quarter of a mile away, having lost our dignity en route. A few daring souls were to bogganing yesterday but some canny Inhabitant has sprinkled ashes on their track today. People living in this district should certainly be forgiven if they omit to sound their "h's" because climbing these hills uses up all the breath one has. , The poor mountain sheep must dread snowstorms. They are a kind called "Herdwicks," peculiar to the Westmoreland and Cumberland hills, are hardv and agile ("lish" is the local word) and can jump over gates and walls with exasperating ease. Their faces have quite an intelligent expression, not in the least sheepish, and Herdwick mutton has a gamy flavor much prized by the gourmand. There is a legend that the original ones swam ashore from a wrecked ship of the Spanish Armada in Queen Elizabeth's time, but most folks say they have been here since tync im memorial. This is a quiet place. It is like liv ing a page of "Cranford." But when 1 weafy and turn over the page the whole world will be my picture-book. The winter may be long, but after the winter comes the spring, and in the spring I hope to start on a trip around the world. Four months of "Cranford," then six months of everywhere. The English country is very sweet and friendly, even when covered up out of sight by snow. So many generations have loved this spot that it seems to have become loving as well as lovely. Thank God, the Huns never got their claws on it to rend its beauty. Even the snow falls gently and po litely and never seems to get excited and rush about like it does in a western blizzard. Time deals gently with us here. I am never sure whether today is last Tuesday or next Thursday. It is a quiet, uneventful life, not without a certain amount of well-padded ease and comfort. I refrain from eating off my knife now for fear of the dis approving eye of the smart parlor maid. e e Poor Pussyfoot Johnson! Everybody feels so sorry about the accident to, his eye that he has al most become popular. Pussyfoot Johnson, the motor show and "The Toung Visitors" seem to be the lead ing topics of conversation. Government prize bonds are spoken about with bated breath and not con sidered "quite nice," so I keep quiet about my intention of trying my luck with one as soon as they are put on the market. I hear that would-be pur chasers stood in queues at the motor enow begging to be allowed to buy a car, at least six buyers to every car. Hotels in London were packed and beds not to be had for love or money. Half the world, no tioubt. including Portland, is laughing at young Daisy Ashford's unintentional jokes in "The Toumg Visitors." It Is fanny to think that she is grown-up now and going to be married shortly. The great silence at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month was a fitting remembrance on armis tice day of our brave lads who died for us. It was solemnly observed by the whole British empire.. I am not quite sure that we did not copy the idea from America, as also the plan of planting memorial trees. Nlnty per cent of our demobilized men are already back In civilian oc cupations and we hope that the other 10 per cent will soon find Jobs. I had a letter a few days ago from the ex sailor who is now an electrician. He writes: "Well nurse, I am working like a nigger. I love my work and there is plenty of it. I have one am bltlon in life now and that is to open out in business on my own, and as soon as I have a little capital I shall do the same as Carnegie, try being my own boss." Commenting on my Journey In the spring, he says: "Well nurse, I should like to be coming with you on your world's tour, but seeing as that is im possible, I must wish you the best of luck and a pleasant voyage." I am glad to say that the cake which missed the American soldier in France reached him after all. It fol lowed him right to the TJ. S. A and was none the worse for it's long journey. In 1915 two friends of mine got up a game which became rather popular and was sold for the benefit of the V. A. D. hospitals. Now that the war is over we have given it to the "Lord Roberts' . Memorial Workshops for Disabled Soldiers and Sailors." I have just got this letter from the aecretary : "We are in receipt of your letter with one sample game of 'Square Pegs in Round Holes.' We accept your offer and are very grateful to yourself and friends for their great kindness in thinking of our works and passing the game over to us for the benefit of our disabled men," etc. I only hope it will make all the lionaires. I wonder what is to be come of the poor dear men so dis figured by wounds that they no long er look like anything human. In the naval hospital he had a stoker who was blown up in the pow der magazine on "H. M. S. Tiger" in the battle of Jutland. He was the only survivor and was terribly burned and his face terriby disfigured. He crawled to the sick bay and had his wounds dressed without one groan. (Some of the other "Tiger"' boys told Wie. When he was convalescent the fool girl he was engaged to said she couldn't marry him because he didn't "look the same." The nurses as sured him there were lots of other girls in the world, but he said she was the only one. he wanted. Poor chap! My modest soldier friend, "the V. BUNCH OF HOLIDAY SMILES WHeN YOVJ rt HAD A 5COe Of- OPP6R3 AmD fim ally Dee toe APTep RACKING roUR HEAD- '(SOR W66KS, To s2 lGr-1 A Tor4- Tract for, a new PtU AnS You nearuV Get NERVOU5 Prostration iSeTTlrt5 FITTED FOR NEW CLOTHEi. OHeoftGe Come. H ere ive Got. soe GooO- news Fo- 'You - LlKtS.TtrMS 'T ) C?t rVeTT s f " ! ' n ME TEtf' JCARe WHAT I wouldnt GnjC ( ( kvjouj but I well- 60M6 BODY ITVS MADE OF- ITVS A J ( rff-rr FeJOUT' To BE ( Tm e ' JoV r OUT OF or ylcxefvxJCAu vZff r" fusel oil- life. ' A PoiiON y s$ Ar-D IT'LL s- - " HjL i ew aal -: C." has been dragged Into trie lime light. His fellow wrokera of the Cor nish Clay pits have presented him with a purse of gold containing 180 pounds ($900) and his picture and the STRIKE DEPORTATION ARE DARLING'S IF. THE PRESIDENT'S TROUBLE 15 MENTAL AMD PHYSICAL COLLAPSE, WHAT DO THEY CALL THE AFFLICTION OF . THE OTHERS. INT TA(?RANOANh CLOURCOS FEEL - AtM D APTeq THe CONTRACT S SAFE lr THE MANAGER'S HamOS YpO G6T Ar ANFOL SCARe that the plsy may. PROVe A FLIVVER A ISO You'll Be out OF A JOB IN. A WCEK - And Then- on The opemimg night the HOUSE GOESNAilUD VaIITH JoY V eepDY IS ALWAYS TXKfiijg ThC ustek corsc - i MADE UP SEURAt GjALLOMS OF .STUFF FROM A RCCE IpT alvEM ME "BY Coortwev houck- AMO IT HAS. accounts of his gallant deeds have been In all the London papers. I prize the little verse he wrote In my autograph book. Britain will never go to the dogs while men such as Sergeant H. A. Curtis, V. C, are alive to fight for her. That 3,000.000 horsepower Is wasted In the SL Lawrence river, and that IM - and Ybu pot in wees OP RSHEAR3AL AMD EVeRVTHiN6 fiOES VUROtOG .'- And The CRiTiCS 5av The Play will run for YeahS - Oh-h-m BOY? aim T IT A GR-R-RR-RrXO AND GL0-R-R0US. RUTH ShEPLEYT fiuw ouR upe pceAseo II TMATScewe little .jfeY oof 'oP UF6 Nov- Jack Dom vajAmT To POT DAMPER orvi YO.LT Ri)T.-TAKe iV At) VICE And P0 Prinx That 4 the development necessary to effect deep waterway communication be tween the Great Lakes and the Atlantic ocean could be paid for out of the sale of hydroelectric power made possible WHY ALL THIS ABOUT TAKING THEIR ' OWN MEDICINE ? HUNG UP Traoe i womoer what paark s . Thinking aBOuT. hc stares at mc constantly, maybe he is thinking about iThat Ten SPot. I Borrowed ophim TRsDe - " I Dow T SE aJhY MARK LET HIS.vAJHiSKER3 GROw SO LOrJG. IT'S UNSANITARY. JTILL - s'Pose ,ITS 8CCAUJE MS liN'T So GOOD, Movier. OF Decide To .CONCENTRATE MimD on vuhat To 3rVE WIRE FOfl CHRISTMAS, ;m 4o seconds BECOMES PD Ik! Face' from EXERTION by the Improvement, has been as serted frequently. But it is of espe cial Interest that these statements' were affirmed by Sir Adam Beck, chairman of the Ontario Power com FOR YOU BY BRIGGS WOHoej what The Twjo brothers MARK-"SooO NtORNig TRADE. WELL You DON T HME TO SPEAK TO ME IF TRA06- ' IlL PRETeND I Don T ME AR HE MADE f LOT o Dough- why Should he WORRY ME ALL MY Life ASout That a ' TENJ)OLLAIis3 You don) t vnanti T6- WHM A"t You GoiimG Tc SLIP ME THftT. T6N SPOT .mark could let. Them srowj much Longer but. it vWOULD OWLV AG GRAVATE SROTrieR. Besides they WOULDN'T SHOIAl ON ,Tne..8o Q TRADE I THOUGHT mark woulO Go ,To A 8ARBSR amd Get that' HIS (trimmed i'd CouGh up that PASSIi5 a mam Through His .TThinK-S FOR TEr-J SECONDS' UUITHOUT, pesuCT .in 2.S seconds' BREAVCS OUT irJ Co lia per spi a ati o kjt IN AS SECOMSS MCARLY' 8UR5T5 fcM so 5eC0NDS 3EiASOrvi ALMOST rZ i ve swAy mission, at the deep waterways con ference recently held in Windsor. Sir Adam made the estimate also that 1400,000.000 to $500. 000.000 of coal will be conserved THEME FOR WEEK ANOTHER CASE'0FPER5ONAl"LIBER7Y0R PROHIBITION: think about MARK - ' KtsiOUJ TvwmiT S TE MATTER VMITM HIM HE S SORE Because have iONGES AfHiSlt"HS Well. I CAM T Bl riv For BeiM&eiMvi oos MARK.- " CONlSIDERIMG NHES A 8RoTri op mTmie rte'S eeeM a pretty . 3oo0 Pal at that. vvtVt had aaaajy APROP ToceTHeft" Si AnnJUAL 8 ft A iju CoMVCcSoA. INJ 3D- SECONDS IS ALMOST READY" Toi r AFTER; A FULL MiraOTe OF THOUGHT DECIBES TO GTfUE I F Al CHE C K. when the St. Lawrence Is made to da Its full duty. Such statements com ing from an unquestioned authority worth should give wonderful Impetus to th annually proposed international enterprise. 5 aaaar aaflaaaaiBaaKaBr t . T.